
De Blog Have Fun

De Blog Have Fun

アニメ文化「損失計り知れない」 - BIGLOBEニュース

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 07:10 AM PDT

アニメ文化「損失計り知れない」 - BIGLOBEニュース

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  1. アニメ文化「損失計り知れない」  BIGLOBEニュース
  2. 京アニ火災 広がる衝撃、アニメ文化「損失は計り知れない」  産経ニュース
  3. 京都アニメーションは「日本のアニメを変えた」業界に広がる衝撃  livedoor
  4. 京アニ火災 広がる衝撃、アニメ文化「損失は計り知れない」(2019年7月18日)|BIGLOBEニュース  BIGLOBEニュース
  5. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

2019-07-18 13:36:16Z

25人の死亡を確認 京都のアニメ会社放火 - KyodoNews

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 05:09 AM PDT

25人の死亡を確認 京都のアニメ会社放火 - KyodoNews

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2019-07-18 11:14:20Z

火災の京都アニメーション建物で消防隊員らの活動続く 京都・伏見区 - 朝日新聞社

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 03:54 AM PDT

火災の京都アニメーション建物で消防隊員らの活動続く 京都・伏見区 - 朝日新聞社

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2019-07-18 10:28:02Z

ボードゲーム「GUNDAM THE GAME」の第2弾「哀・戦士編」が12月5日に発売。ジャブローやオデッサを舞台にした協力型ダイスゲーム - 4Gamer

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 03:54 AM PDT

ボードゲーム「GUNDAM THE GAME」の第2弾「哀・戦士編」が12月5日に発売。ジャブローやオデッサを舞台にした協力型ダイスゲーム - 4Gamer

画像(002)ボードゲーム「GUNDAM THE GAME」の第2弾「哀・戦士編」が12月5日に発売。ジャブローやオデッサを舞台にした協力型ダイスゲーム
 アークライトは,テレビアニメ「機動戦士ガンダム」を題材とした新作ボードゲーム「GUNDAM THE GAME -機動戦士ガンダム:哀・戦士編-」を,2019年12月5日に発売すると発表した。価格は5600円(税別)だ。

 本作は,2019年3月に発売された「GUNDAM THE GAME 機動戦士ガンダム:ガンダム大地に立つ」に続く,ガンダムボードゲームの第2弾。テレビアニメの第12話「ジオンの脅威」から第30話「小さな防衛線」までをモチーフに,ジャブローやオデッサを舞台にしたシナリオが楽しめる。

GUNDAM THE GAME -機動戦士ガンダム:哀・戦士編-


画像(003)ボードゲーム「GUNDAM THE GAME」の第2弾「哀・戦士編」が12月5日に発売。ジャブローやオデッサを舞台にした協力型ダイスゲーム


ゲームデザイン :(株)アークライト
(c) 創通・サンライズ



商品名:GUNDAM THE GAME - 機動戦士ガンダム:哀・戦士編 -
画像(008)ボードゲーム「GUNDAM THE GAME」の第2弾「哀・戦士編」が12月5日に発売。ジャブローやオデッサを舞台にした協力型ダイスゲーム

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2019-07-18 10:05:04Z

Kylie Jenner and Sofia Richie Continue Their Bikini-Clad Vacation in Matching Styles - Entertainment Tonight

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 03:19 AM PDT

Kylie Jenner and Sofia Richie Continue Their Bikini-Clad Vacation in Matching Styles - Entertainment Tonight

Kylie Jenner and Sofia Richie Continue Their Bikini-Clad Vacation in Matching Styles | Entertainment Tonight

2019-07-18 00:25:28Z

An Iowa official and Tupac stan was fired. He says it wasn’t because of the ‘thug life’ cookies. - The Washington Post

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 03:19 AM PDT

An Iowa official and Tupac stan was fired. He says it wasn't because of the 'thug life' cookies. - The Washington Post

Left: Jerry Foxhoven in 2013. (Charlie Litchfield/Des Moines Register/AP). Right: Tupac Shakur in 1996. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

Jerry Foxhoven had some wisdom to impart.

Then the director of Iowa's Department of Human Services, Foxhoven was dispensing some career advice to one of his agency's 4,300 employees.

"Yes, let's talk," he wrote in an email. "I can certainly relate, as I have made plenty of career changes from time to time and haven't regretted any of them."

Or, he added, in the words of his favorite rapper-poet-philosopher: "We gotta make a change . . . It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes."

It wasn't the first time he quoted Tupac Shakur to his staff — and it was far from the only time, a proclivity some have speculated eventually led to his ouster.

The ex-government official and self-described "66-year-old white guy" has reportedly been a devotee of the lyrical luminary since the '90s. He hosted "Tupac Fridays" and turned the office into a listening lounge. On his birthday, staffers gifted him baked goods decorated with the rapper's likeness and the names of his biggest hits.

Then, on June 14, he sent what would be his final all-staff email celebrating the man who sometimes went by the moniker "Makaveli." Father's Day was coming up, Foxhoven noted, and so were two important anniversaries: his own two-year as department director and Shakur's birthday.

"I hope you all enjoy the day as well — and take the time to enjoy one of his songs," Foxhoven wrote. "'Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are 2 steps ahead.'"

The very next workday, Foxhoven was forced to resign.

The timing of the email and Foxhoven's departure — along with the breadth of his fandom — was first reported by the Associated Press, which received more than 350 pages of emails that included the words "Tupac" or "2Pac" in response to the outlet's public records request.

But in interviews with other news organizations, Foxhoven has expressed doubt that it was his love of Shakur that prompted Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) to ask for his resignation.

"I think it's a coincidence," Foxhoven told the New York Times, adding that Reynolds had requested a meeting with him days before his June 14 email.

"I always try to assume the best of everybody, and I can't imagine that [the governor] would base her decision on the Tupac incident," he told NPR. "If this is the reason, I'm really disappointed."

Reynolds's spokesman Pat Garrett directed The Washington Post to a statement he provided the AP, wherein he attributed Foxhoven's dismissal to "a lot of factors." But he did not answer questions about Foxhoven's Shakur fixation and whether that played a role.

Foxhoven did not respond to repeated interview requests.

One message hinted that someone at the department had complained to lawmakers about the frequent quotations, and in another exchange, Foxhoven acknowledged that not everyone enjoyed them.

"I love your 2pac messages . . . and the fact that you still send them (despite the haters) makes me appreciate them even more," one employee wrote him.

"I agree totally. I am going to hang in there on him — despite all of the naysayers," Foxhoven responded.

According to NPR reporter Tim Mak, who diligently documented the contents of the email dump on his Twitter page, the positive responses far outnumbered the negative reactions.

"Oh my gosh!!! I ABSOLUTELY love it!!" another staffer wrote.

"Thanx for sharing that :)" said another.

Foxhoven told Mak that he often uses his love of rap to "reach out to our staff, tell them that I'm human, have a little levity." On the 22nd anniversary of Shakur's death in a Las Vegas drive-by shooting, Foxhoven admitted to a staff member that he "might seem a little down."

He said he began listening to Shakur's music nearly 30 years ago, when the rapper was still alive. He's a West Coast guy, he said, referring to a famous cross-country beef between rappers from the east and west coasts, and his second favorite artist is Snoop Dogg.

The longtime Drake University professor took over the $7 billion agency as it navigated multiple scandals and dealt with low morale. Reynolds, who appointed and praised Foxhoven in June 2017, told him last month that she decided to "go in a different direction," AP reported.

It's unclear what, if any, farewell message Foxhoven sent to his team. But, if he had a chance, he might've chosen the final bar from one of Shakur's seminal songs:

"And it's crazy, it seems it'll never let up. But please, you gotta keep ya head up."

Read more:

ASAP Rocky was arrested after a fight in Sweden. Now members of Congress say it's a human rights issue.

Of course Lil Nas X has a new 'Old Town Road' remix with an Area 51-theme video. Why would he not?

2019-07-18 02:33:07Z

『ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』特典付前売券第2弾が発売決定!「ガンダム40周年プロジェクト」の記念イラストを使用したポストカード全4種! - 電撃ホビーウェブ

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 02:24 AM PDT

『ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』特典付前売券第2弾が発売決定!「ガンダム40周年プロジェクト」の記念イラストを使用したポストカード全4種! - 電撃ホビーウェブ

2020年に全国公開の『機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』の特典付前売券第2弾が、2019年7月26日(金)に発売決定! 第1弾と同じく、『機動戦士ガンダムNT』が上映された全国90館にて販売されます。

特典は「機動戦士ガンダム40周年プロジェクト」の記念イラストを使用したポストカード全4種。『機動戦士ガンダム』と『機動戦士ガンダムUC』、『機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ』と『機動戦士ガンダム00』、『新機動戦記ガンダムW』と『機動戦士Zガンダム』、『ガンダム Gのレコンギスタ』と『機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN』のそれぞれがコラボレーションしています。なお、数量限定でランダム配布となります。


『機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』特典付前売券第2弾

  • 【全国共通】ムビチケ一般:1,800円
  • 2019年7月26日(金)発売予定
  • 前売り特典:ポストカード(全4種、ランダム配布)
  • 販売場所:『機動戦士ガンダムNT』が上映された全国90館




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2019-07-18 08:00:01Z

7人が死亡 16人が心肺停止 京都アニメ会社火災(19/07/18) - ANNnewsCH

Posted: 18 Jul 2019 02:24 AM PDT

7人が死亡 16人が心肺停止 京都アニメ会社火災(19/07/18) - ANNnewsCH

Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-07-18 08:10:10Z

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