
De Blog Have Fun

De Blog Have Fun

京アニ放火受け フジテレビ「監察医朝顔」放送内容変更 - 産経ニュース

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 12:24 AM PDT

京アニ放火受け フジテレビ「監察医朝顔」放送内容変更 - 産経ニュース




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2019-07-21 05:37:00Z

宮迫さんと田村亮さんの会見での説明内容 事実関係と並べて整理 - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 12:52 PM PDT

宮迫さんと田村亮さんの会見での説明内容 事実関係と並べて整理 - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞



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2019-07-20 16:49:00Z

A feeling of community at annual Pittsfield event: 'West Side is the best side' - Berkshire Eagle

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 12:39 PM PDT

A feeling of community at annual Pittsfield event: 'West Side is the best side' - Berkshire Eagle

By Haven Orecchio-Egresitz, The Berkshire Eagle

PITTSFIELD — For a neighborhood to thrive, its residents need opportunities to come together as a community.

That's one of the goals of the annual Westside Community Day, a block party and barbecue hosted by the Christian Center and Civitan International on Saturday.

"The goal is to get the community together, to have a good time, forget about your troubles for the day," said Pat Masoero, financial director at the Christian Center. "What I love is that kids can be kids, I can be a kid. We can all get a cheeseburger together."

More than 100 people gathered at the center and nearby Tucker Park for games, food and giveaways. Neighbors and old friends toughed out the muggy heat to celebrate their vibrant, diverse community while also swapping solutions to ongoing safety concerns in parts of the city.

Christine Hamilton grew up in the house on Columbus Avenue that is now the Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity. About 20 years ago, Hamilton, now 51, moved into a Habitat home on Robbins Avenue, where her children grew up in the early 2000s.

At that time, her children could play outdoors all day and she'd know they would be safe.

"It's definitely changed," she said of the West Side. "Everybody spoke to everyone. Everyone took care of the kids. Everybody here just helped each other. There were all different cultures, all different food."

About five years ago, though, Hamilton noticed an uptick in drugs and violence in the neighborhood. Today, some people still are afraid to walk along Robbins Avenue.

"Neighborhood kids, they just didn't have anywhere to go," she said. "They weren't going to school. They started hanging out in groups."

These safety issues peaked in October, when 34-year-old William Catalano, was found with multiple injuries, including stab wounds, on Robbins Avenue, she said. Catalano later died.

Residents were so disturbed with the local barber's death that members of the community who hadn't previously been involved began to come together to fight back against violence by hosting neighborhood events and volunteering for organizations in the area, she said.

"It's starting to slowly come back to community," Hamilton said, adding that she now works with Working Cities and the Pittsfield Police Department's West Side Community Outreach Post.

When the substation first opened its doors this spring, few people were stopping by to visit or report issues. At first, Hamilton said, people were worried about who would see them coming and going from the center.

"It's definitely starting to pick up," she said of the substation. "People really want to take back their neighborhood. People are sick of the violence."

Gaylamar Artis said she is one of those people.

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Artis, of Second Street, comes to the West Side to be with her daughter and grandchildren who live on Francis Avenue.

"Things I see, I don't like," said Artis, originally from New York. "Drugs and violence, a whole lot."

Artis recently signed up to volunteer at the West Side Community Outreach Post because she believes that when people "see something, they need to say something."

"People need to step up," she said. "Don't be afraid."

Artis is most concerned for the safety of her grandchildren, who play outside in the neighborhood. She has alerted police to regular concerning activity near a local bodega.

"That's a shooting waiting to happen," she said of apparent criminal activity in the area. "They could be at the park and a shootout happens."

Regular free events like the barbecue, though, can be what changes a neighborhood, she said.

"There's not a lot to do for the kids in Pittsfield," said Artis' daughter, Camilia Fountain. "I think we should get together more."

Hamilton agrees. In fact, she is planning a block party at her house on Robbins Avenue, with the hope that her neighbors also will open their porches and homes to gatherings.

One of the best things about the West Side is that the residents are invested in the community and the well-being of their neighbors, said Betsy Sherman, who is serving as interim executive director of the Christian Center. Longtime director Ellen Merritt left the position in May.

Community groups, including the Christian Center, which has a $300,000 annual budget, are working together to figure out how to expand programming in the area, especially for children.

This summer, the city brought back a parks program at Durant Park so that children from 6 to 13 have somewhere to spend the day, she said.

Many of the kids who end up getting in trouble are coming from homes where their parents are working long and hard to make ends meet, according to Hamilton.

What's unique about the West Side is that, even in tough times, most residents will greet you with a smile in the street, she said. One of the biggest misconceptions, she said, is that the West Side is the worst neighborhood in the city.

"West Side is the best side," she said. "This is the best side."

Haven Orecchio-Egresitz can be reached at, @HavenEagle on Twitter and 413-770-6977.

If you'd like to leave a comment (or a tip or a question) about this story with the editors, please email us. We also welcome letters to the editor for publication; you can do that by filling out our letters form and submitting it to the newsroom.

2019-07-20 18:51:00Z,580003

Keanu Reeves Surprises a Fan After Noticing a 'Breathtaking' Sign in Their Yard, & We're in Love - Yahoo Entertainment

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 11:23 AM PDT

Keanu Reeves Surprises a Fan After Noticing a 'Breathtaking' Sign in Their Yard, & We're in Love - Yahoo Entertainment

Click here to read the full article.

Internet boyfriend Keanu Reeves is up to it again — and by it, we clearly mean being so sweet and downright adorable that it's impossible not to swoon. His latest crush-worthy behavior? While on the way to the Bill and Ted Face the Music set, Reeves surprised a fan by leaving a note on their yard sign. And that's not all the thoughtful actor gave the unsuspecting Louisiana fan.

On Thursday, Bill and Ted Face the Music writer Ed Solomon took to Twitter to reveal an excellent adventure he recently shared with Reeves. The two were apparently on their way to set when they happened upon a yard sign that read "You're breathtaking." The sign served as a subtle shout-out to Reeves, who had the exact same thing shouted at him by a crowd member (YouTuber Peter Sark) during an E3 video game conference in June. Reeves' very Reeves-y response, of course, was to tell the crowd, "You're breathtaking. You're all breathtaking."

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Fast forward to Solomon and Reeves' carpool to set. "So yesterday this sign was out on a lawn on the way to set. Keanu jumped out of the car and did this," Solomon captioned his post, alluding to Reeves autographing the sign and leaving a sweet and oh-so-apropos note: "You're breathtaking!"

Thanks to the power of social media, the internet also got to hear the real happy ending of this hero's tale when the family who made the sign shared photos of Reeves' posing with them. "Wow! Yesterday was a dream come true! We knew @KeanuReevess_ was filming up the street so my son said we need to make a sign that says 'you're breathtaking' so we did!" the homeowner wrote, continuing, "A few cars stopped but then a car stopped and there he was!! He actually stopped! Oh my heavens!"

By now, Reeves' "Keanussance" is in full swing, thanks largely to little gestures like this. The 54-year-old actor's kindness has taken on a sort of folkloric quality, with fans and even fellow cast members sharing stories of the nicest things Reeves has done. From buying ice cream for the sole purpose of signing a receipt for the cashier to giving stranded plane passengers an impromptu tour of Bakersfield, California, this guy obviously has a heart of gold.

Or, in honor of his latest act of kindness, we'll just say Reeves really is the breathtaking one and leave it at that.

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2019-07-20 16:36:00Z

'Lion King' post $23M in previews, is 'off to a roaring start,' Disney says - Fox Business

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 11:22 AM PDT

'Lion King' post $23M in previews, is 'off to a roaring start,' Disney says - Fox Business

Fox Business

The star-studded "Lion King" is "off to a roaring start" after the film posted $23 million in Thursday previews, Disney announced.

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The film was previewed at the domestic box office and opened in more than 4,700 theaters Friday, the company said in a statement. Internationally, the flick posted $54.1 million in its debut in China.

The preview numbers were the highest since Disney-Marvel's "Avengers: Endgame," which pulled in a record $60 million in previews, according to Variety.


The film is on its way to posting $185 million in North America in its opening weekend, Variety reported. If it does, it will beat the "Incredibles 2" opening, which made $182.7 million in its opening weekend last year.

"It was the second biggest industry opening day ever in Brazil and the second biggest opening day for a Walt Disney Studios live-action film in France (in both cases, behind only 'Avengers: Endgame'), and the biggest opening day for a Disney-branded live-action film of all time in Australia and Korea," the company said in a statement Friday.


The live-action flick based on the 1994 animated film cast includes Donald Glover, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Beyoncé, Seth Rogen and James Earl Jones. The film was directed by Jon Favreau.

2019-07-20 12:39:53Z

Star Tracks: Saturday, July 20, 2019 -

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 11:22 AM PDT

Star Tracks: Saturday, July 20, 2019 -

Trading Spaces star Carter Oosterhouse enjoys the grand opening of Greensboro, North Carolina's first all-inclusive playground, built as a partnership between Oosterhouse and his nonprofit, Carter's Kids, and former NFL star Ricky Proehl's charity, The P.O.W.E.R. of Play, at Proehlific Park on Thursday.

2019-07-20 10:00:00Z

社長とパイプ持つ松本人志動く「会社と話しようと」 - 日刊スポーツ

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 09:52 AM PDT

社長とパイプ持つ松本人志動く「会社と話しようと」 - 日刊スポーツ



会見をうけ、吉本の先輩で、同事務所で強い影響力を持つとされるダウンタウン松本人志(55)が同日夜、ツイッターに「後輩芸人達は不安よな。松本 動きます」と記した。






「松本さん事務所作って、彼らを救ってください」 などの書き込みがみられた。


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2019-07-20 13:40:00Z

宮迫博之さん、吉本の契約解消理由を「納得はできません」 週刊誌報道を一部否定 - HuffPost Japan

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 06:36 AM PDT

宮迫博之さん、吉本の契約解消理由を「納得はできません」 週刊誌報道を一部否定 - HuffPost Japan






















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2019-07-20 11:03:31Z

宮迫博之、反社会勢力との「つながりはない」 金塊強奪犯との“ギャラ飲み”を否定 虚偽の報告は涙ながらに謝罪 - ITmedia

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 03:51 AM PDT

宮迫博之、反社会勢力との「つながりはない」 金塊強奪犯との"ギャラ飲み"を否定 虚偽の報告は涙ながらに謝罪 - ITmedia


宮迫博之 田村亮 闇営業 吉本興業 雨上がり決死隊 ロンドンブーツ1号2号吉本興業を介さず会見を開いた2人(画像はAbemaTVから) (C)AbemaTV








宮迫博之 田村亮 闇営業 吉本興業 雨上がり決死隊 ロンドンブーツ1号2号涙ながらに語った宮迫さん(画像はAbemaTVから) (C)AbemaTV

宮迫博之 田村亮 闇営業 吉本興業 雨上がり決死隊 ロンドンブーツ1号2号田村さん(画像はAbemaTVから) (C)AbemaTV

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2019-07-20 10:21:00Z

宮迫博之さんと田村亮さん「闇営業問題」で謝罪会見(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 03:51 AM PDT

宮迫博之さんと田村亮さん「闇営業問題」で謝罪会見(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

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2019-07-20 09:44:23Z

R. Kelly to Be Brought to New York in Cuffs to Face Arraignment on Federal Sex Crime Charges in That State - The Root

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 03:21 AM PDT

R. Kelly to Be Brought to New York in Cuffs to Face Arraignment on Federal Sex Crime Charges in That State - The Root

Photo: Scott Olson (Getty)

The screws are being tightened on embattled singer Robert "R." Kelly.

A federal judge has ordered that Kelly, currently being held without bail in isolation in a federal prison in Chicago, be transported to New York next month for arraignment on federal racketeering charges there that he recruited girls for sexual abuse, the Chicago Tribune reports.

As perhaps could be expected, conditions at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago's Loop are a far cry from the superstar lifestyle Kelly once led.

Per the Tribune:

His lawyer, Steven Greenberg, said Kelly has no access to television, is allowed only five minutes on the telephone each day and must meet with his legal team in a cramped room with only a small table.


News of Kelly's pending transport by U.S. Marshals Service to New York comes days after another judge ordered Kelly held without bond on federal charges he faces in Chicago of sex crimes involving children. Prosecutors argued that Kelly posed an "extreme danger" to the community.

"We're talking seventh- and eighth-grade girls," Assistant U.S. Attorney Angel Krull said at that hearing Tuesday, according to the Tribune. "And it didn't happen once or twice. He sexually abused them hundreds of times before they turned 18."


As the Tribune notes:

In all, Kelly was accused in the two federal indictments of abusing a dozen victims going back to the 1990s, and prosecutors believe there are "many more," Krull said.

"The investigation is far from over," she said.

Also on Friday, a former Kelly employee, Milton "June" Brown, pleaded not guilty and was released on his own recognizance pending trial to charges of conspiring with Kelly and ex-Kelly manager Derrel McDavid to receive child pornography, according to the Tribune.


Prosecutors also charged Brown helped to fix Kelly's 2008 child pornography trial in which he was acquitted.

Kelly and McDavid previously pleaded not guilty to the same charges.

Kelly also faces multiple Illinois state charges that he sexually assaulted or abused four women, three of whom were underage when the alleged attacks occurred.


Kelly has maintained his innocence of all charges.

2019-07-20 01:55:00Z

Game of Thrones panel addresses fan backlash at San Diego Comic-Con - CNET

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 03:21 AM PDT

Game of Thrones panel addresses fan backlash at San Diego Comic-Con - CNET


The cast of Game of Thrones at SDCC.

Erin Carson/CNET

When Game of Thrones ended its eighth season in May, not everyone was happy with how things turned out. In fact, internet unrest even manifest itself in a petition to redo the entire final season. At San Diego Comic-Con on Friday members of the cast talked about the backlash during a panel in Hall H.

"It's going to piss you off no matter what because it's the end," said Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who played Jaime Lannister. He also noted that over the course of the show, plenty of other events made fans swear off the show, from Ned Stark's fate to the Red Wedding.

Along those lines, Conleth Hill, who played Varys, said he didn't think the backlash was as drastic as what it seemed.

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Other panelists included John Bradley (Samwell Tarly), Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm), Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) and Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran Stark).

The Game of Thrones panel comes just a few days after the show garnered 32 Emmy nominations, including nods for best drama series, best lead actor, lead actress, supporting actor and supporting actress.

Overall, Coster-Waldau said however fans felt was fine.

"At the end of the day, it's absolutely fine -- if you hated the ending, if you loved it, that's great," he said. "Just don't call people names."

Originally published July 19, 6:33 p.m. PT. 

2019-07-20 01:33:00Z

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見11 もうファン裏切りたくない(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 02:51 AM PDT

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見11 もうファン裏切りたくない(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

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2019-07-20 09:21:26Z

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見10 週刊誌に法的手段は?(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 02:35 AM PDT

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見10 週刊誌に法的手段は?(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

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2019-07-20 08:47:31Z

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見8 嗚咽と沈黙・・・吉本への思い(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 01:50 AM PDT

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見8 嗚咽と沈黙・・・吉本への思い(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

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2019-07-20 08:13:07Z

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見7 淳「解散と思ってないよ」(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 01:50 AM PDT

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見7 淳「解散と思ってないよ」(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

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2019-07-20 08:02:53Z

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見4 いま引退は考えられない(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 12:34 AM PDT

宮迫×ロンブー亮会見4 いま引退は考えられない(19/07/20) - ANNnewsCH

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2019-07-20 07:09:03Z

宮迫博之、芸能界引退は否定 亮と謝罪会見を再三要求も吉本が拒否(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 12:34 AM PDT

宮迫博之、芸能界引退は否定 亮と謝罪会見を再三要求も吉本が拒否(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース


【写真】深々と頭を下げ謝罪する宮迫博之、田村亮 亮は号泣も…








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2019-07-20 06:39:00Z

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