De Blog Have Fun |
- 鼻フェチ菅田将暉あぶない告白? - BIGLOBEニュース
- Artis zoo celebrates Pride by showcasing sexual diversity in nature - NL Times
- 『アルキメデスの大戦』菅田将暉、浜辺美波らが“変なところ”告白「“白ご飯と牛乳”の組み合わせが好き」 « 映画ランドNEWS - 映画ランドNEWS
- Kirstie Alley accuses Bette Midler of 'pure and real racism' after Trump tweet - AOL
- 'Moulin Rouge!' review: NYC's hottest nightclub is on Broadway - New York Post
- You can already watch The Boys on Amazon, hours before planned release - Entertainment Weekly News
Posted: 26 Jul 2019 05:31 AM PDT 鼻フェチ菅田将暉あぶない告白? - BIGLOBEニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2019-07-26 11:56:34Z |
Artis zoo celebrates Pride by showcasing sexual diversity in nature - NL Times Posted: 26 Jul 2019 05:30 AM PDT Artis zoo celebrates Pride by showcasing sexual diversity in nature - NL Times ![]() During Pride Amsterdam this coming week, Artis zoo will showcase how sexually diverse nature is with guided tours of bisexual penguins, fish that change sex, and male bird flocks that raise chicks together. The annual Pride Lecture will also focus on this. "Different sexual preferences, alternating couples, gender changes or the lack of gender: nothing is alien to the animal, plant and microbial kingdoms", Artis said in a press release. According to Artis, homosexual mating and breeding behavior has already been observed in over 1,500 species of birds and mammals, including elephants, gorillas, penguins, lions and vultures. Same sex couples raising young together is common in nature, especially among bird species, where same sex couples are known to drive male-female couples from their nest and hatch the eggs together. In some cases, this even increases the chance of the chicks' survival, according to the zoo. It's not only sexual preference that is very diverse in nature, gender is also very flexible in various species. Many bacteria and fungi have no gender at all, while other microbes have multiple genders at the same time. The single-cell Tetrahymena has seven different gender, with each gender being able to reproduce with any of the other six, but not with its own type. There are also species that can change their gender, such as the clown fish. This weekend and next weekend Artis will offer guided tours along the examples of sexually diverse animals in the zoo. On Thursday, August 1st, Artis biologist Charlotte Vermeulen and former lecturer in Gay and Gender Studies Gert Hekma will give the annual Pride Lecture. 2019-07-26 10:40:11Z |
『アルキメデスの大戦』菅田将暉、浜辺美波らが“変なところ”告白「“白ご飯と牛乳”の組み合わせが好き」 « 映画ランドNEWS - 映画ランドNEWS Posted: 26 Jul 2019 05:01 AM PDT 『アルキメデスの大戦』菅田将暉、浜辺美波らが"変なところ"告白「"白ご飯と牛乳"の組み合わせが好き」 « 映画ランドNEWS - 映画ランドNEWS 映画『アルキメデスの大戦』初日舞台挨拶が26日、都内・TOHOシネマズ日比谷にて行われ、キャストの菅田将暉、柄本佑、浜辺美波、舘ひろし、監督の山崎貴が登壇した。 『ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日』『STAND BY ME ドラえもん』などで知られる映画監督・山崎貴が、『永遠の0』以来再び第二次世界大戦を描く本作。巨額の国費を投じる"大和"建造費の見積もり額に矛盾を発見し、軍部の陰謀を暴こうと奮闘する天才数学者・櫂直を菅田将暉が演じるほか、軍人・山本五十六役に舘ひろし、櫂直に想いを寄せる造船会社の社長令嬢・尾崎鏡子を浜辺美波、共演に柄本佑、田中泯、橋爪功、國村隼、小林克也、小日向文世、笑福亭鶴瓶らが名を連ねる。 公開初日を迎え、さっそく"エゴサーチ"をしたという山崎監督。舘が「"エゴサーチ"って何?」と首をかしげると、菅田から「SNSで調べることです」と説明が。舘のお茶目な一面に会場が笑いに包まれる中、浜辺は「今日は日比谷をフラフラしていたんですが、映画館に向かう人たちが多くて、たくさん観ていただけてるようで嬉しいです!」と喜びをあらわにした。 印象的なシーンを聞かれた舘は、菅田扮する櫂直が数式を書き上げるシーンをあげ「本当に心に残りました。感動しました。おじさん俳優で全員拍手しましたもん」と明かす。柄本も「ほんとに毎回、一回一回新鮮に感動するのよ。菅田氏の"黒板芸"は、本当に見事でした!」とこぼすと、菅田は「"黒板芸"いうな(笑)俺そんな芸身につけてたんか(笑)」とツッコミ、笑いをさらった。 イベントでは、変わり者と呼ばれる主人公・櫂直にちなみ、「自分のここが変だ!」と思うところをキャスト陣が発表。菅田が「よく論争になるのが、"白ご飯と牛乳"の組み合わせがこの世で一番好きなこと」と明かすと、観客からは「えー!」とどよめきが。柄本が「それは変だ…口の中に米が入ってるところに牛乳を飲むわけじゃないよね?おはぎみたいな感覚なのかしら?」と聞くと、菅田は「それがいいのよ!おはぎのような甘みがある。ちょっと、えもたす(柄本)の食べ物の例えハマらないけど(笑)」と話す。 柄本・浜辺から共感が得られなかった菅田だが、舘の「僕はわかる」というコメントに、「嬉しい!!」と満面の笑み。舘は「英国のデザートにライスプディングっていうのがある。それはご飯に生クリームのようなもので、その感覚だと思う」とコメントした。 浜辺は「横で寝るよりも、座っている方がよく眠れる」と暴露。これまた会場がどよめく中、菅田・柄本から「寝返りは座ったままうつの?」「起きた時も座ったままなの?」と質問の嵐が。浜辺は「その方が眠りに落ちやすいんです。真似しちゃダメですよ(笑)」と話すと、柄本は「刀をここに(抱きかかえるように)したら侍のようだね」とツッコミがあり、会場は笑いに包まれていた。 一方、舘が「変わったところは全くない」と即答すると、菅田は「いろんなこだわりがあるイメージ。舘さんとの昼食は楽しい。いろんなものを出してくれる。(現場で)パンやザーサイ、お味噌汁を舘さんが出してくれるんですよ?」と舘の紳士な振る舞いを明かした。 さらに、菅田が「鼻フェチなんです。舘さんの鼻は僕からしたら完璧なんです!計りたい!」と告白すると、舘が一生懸命鼻を隠したりと、仲睦まじいやりとりに会場は歓声に包まれていた。 イベントの最後には、映画の船出を祝う"出港式"が行われ、キャスト陣が客席にテープを投げ込むなど、大盛り上がりのうちに幕を閉じた。 映画『アルキメデスの大戦』は全国東宝系にて公開中 (C)2019「アルキメデスの大戦」製作委員会 2019-07-26 11:25:06Z |
Kirstie Alley accuses Bette Midler of 'pure and real racism' after Trump tweet - AOL Posted: 26 Jul 2019 03:46 AM PDT Kirstie Alley accuses Bette Midler of 'pure and real racism' after Trump tweet - AOL In addition to her work on the stage and screen, Bette Midler has emerged as one of the most vocal Trump adversaries on Twitter, prompting the president to recently blast her as a "washed-up psycho." But one of Midler's latest tweets mocking Donald Trump has sparked backlash and accusations of racism. On Wednesday, the Beaches star posted a photo taken from a Trump 2020 rally and pointed out a group of black men in the crowd of supporters. Midler, apparently surprised to see people of color backing POTUS, wondered aloud if his campaign paid them to be "blackground." The pun fell flat with conservatives, who slammed Midler's joke as "condescending and racist." Trump supporters of color also took offense to her suggestion that black people would have to be bribed to take up the MAGA cause. Midler's joke also raised the ire of actress Kirstie Alley, who has backed Trump in the past. The Cheers and Look Who's Talking star called the tweet "racist" and "degrading" and accused Midler of demonstrating "pure and real racism." Some commenters have accused Trump supporters of showing faux-outrage. And despite predictions that Midler would swiftly delete the tweet to quash any controversy, it remains online. The star also fired back at one "uptight" critic over the matter. This isn't the first time Midler has been called out for a tweet about race. Last October, she apologized after sharing a John Lennon and Yoko Ono quote which included a racist slur. 2019-07-26 09:59:04Z |
'Moulin Rouge!' review: NYC's hottest nightclub is on Broadway - New York Post Posted: 26 Jul 2019 03:45 AM PDT 'Moulin Rouge!' review: NYC's hottest nightclub is on Broadway - New York Post ![]() Who needs ecstasy when we've got "Moulin Rouge!"? That's the effect of the fabulous new musical that opened Thursday night on Broadway: raucous sensory overload. From its sexy sword swallowers to the newly pumped-up pop songbook and from-the-loins dancing, the show's as subtle as Liberace's toy poodle: a glitter bomb on Broadway. The high begins the instant you walk into the theater, which set designer Derek McLane turned into the sort of uber-cool, members-only nightclub that keeps rejecting my application. Bathed in red light, four sultry, crystal-bedecked performers start singing "Lady Marmalade," which cancan kicks off the story of a penniless American writer in Paris and his dangerous fling with a cabaret star. Just don't show up looking for a Madame Tussauds' wax replica of Baz Luhrmann's 2001 film. Songs such as "El Tango de Roxanne," "Come What May," "Your Song" and "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" are still here, but they're joined by about 70 party crashers: Walk the Moon's "Shut Up and Dance" and Sia's "Chandelier" among them. Those energetic new numbers boldly propel the show into the present, and bring giggles every time one is cleverly introduced. The evil Duke of Monroth (Tam Mutu) introduces himself by crooning "Sympathy for the Devil," and there's a pulse-pounding group dance to "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga. And, by God, it works! The finest show of its kind since "Mamma Mia!," "Moulin Rouge!" is a reminder that jukebox musicals aren't required to be soulless behemoth tourist traps. They can be — gasp! — creative. That said, the story is about a tourist who feels trapped: It's 1899, and Christian (Aaron Tveit), a songwriter, ditches Lima, Ohio, for Paris, only to find love at the Moulin Rouge, a decadent nightclub that caters to men's wildest fantasies. The hopeless romantic is there to persuade Satine (Karen Olivo) to perform his new show, but, in a farcical mix-up, she mistakes him for the powerful Duke of Monroth. Still, the two fall madly in love, because falling in love with Tveit ain't hard.But love is a battlefield, and Christian is at war with the Duke, a sadistic snob who agrees to subsidize the struggling nightclub if owner Harold Zidler (Danny Burstein) forks over his "Sparkling Diamond," Satine. She, in turn, must decide between duty and cutie. Director Alex Timbers' smartest move is not trying to replicate Luhrmann's quick-cut sense of humor, which would crash and burn onstage. Instead, he focuses on grandiose emotions, sensuality and the storybook sensation of first love, for which Tveit's puppy-dog innocence is ideal. A lyric like "Tonight . . . we are young. So, let's set the world on fire, we will burn brighter than the sun!" isn't exactly "Send in the Clowns." But Tveit sings it with such earnestness that it comes off as meaningful poetry. He's well matched with Olivo's regal Satine, who's more practical and empowered than Nicole Kidman's incarnation. That Mutu's Duke is not only filthy rich but hot makes the fight for Satine's heart much more compelling. Just what Broadway needed: A "Rouge" awakening.
2019-07-26 02:00:00Z |
You can already watch The Boys on Amazon, hours before planned release - Entertainment Weekly News Posted: 26 Jul 2019 03:45 AM PDT You can already watch The Boys on Amazon, hours before planned release - Entertainment Weekly News ![]() this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. 2019-07-26 01:48:00Z |
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