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- 「小説ドラゴンクエストV」の著者,久美沙織氏が,映画「DRAGON QUEST YOUR STORY」製作委員会を提訴 - 4Gamer
- Katy Perry and Others Must Pay $2.8 Million in Dispute Over ‘Dark Horse,’ Jury Says - The New York Times
- Meghan Markle Could Alarm Queen Elizabeth If This Starts to Happen - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
- Christopher Nolan Reportedly Surprises Hobbs & Shaw Audiences With First Trailer for His Next Movie Tenet - IGN
- Ariana Grande Teams With Social House on New Song “Boyfriend”: Listen - Pitchfork
- 新井浩文被告出演、草なぎ剛主演『台風家族』9月6日公開決定 再編集せず - マイナビニュース
- 京アニ 死者10人の身元公表|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース
- 名倉潤うつ病発症で休養 妻・渡辺満里奈“見守って”「家族で体調と向き合いながらゆっくり」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース
「小説ドラゴンクエストV」の著者,久美沙織氏が,映画「DRAGON QUEST YOUR STORY」製作委員会を提訴 - 4Gamer Posted: 02 Aug 2019 07:18 AM PDT 「小説ドラゴンクエストV」の著者,久美沙織氏が,映画「DRAGON QUEST YOUR STORY」製作委員会を提訴 - 4Gamer 「小説ドラゴンクエストV」の著者である久美沙織氏が,本日(2019年8月2日)公開の,映画「DRAGON QUEST YOUR STORY」製作委員会を提訴した。訴状は長野地方裁判所佐久支部に,本人訴訟として提出されている。 氏が創作した小説版主人公の名前「リュカ」を無断使用されたことと,リュカに対する呼びかけである「リュケイロム・エル・ケル・グランバニア」が改変されて使われていることが問題の焦点であるとのことだ。 訴状で望んでいるのは,謝罪および事後契約によるリュカ提供のクレジット追加であり,であり,「映画の上映中止やDVD等の製造禁止は請求しておりません。ご安心ください。」といった,ツイートの読み手を気にかけたと思われる一文も添えられている。 同氏のTwitterに記載されているURLから「提訴についてのお知らせテキスト」をダウンロードすることができる。 2019-08-02 13:00:31Z |
Posted: 02 Aug 2019 04:12 AM PDT Katy Perry and Others Must Pay $2.8 Million in Dispute Over 'Dark Horse,' Jury Says - The New York Times ![]() A federal jury in Los Angeles on Thursday decided that Katy Perry and others must pay $2.8 million in damages in a copyright dispute over her 2013 song "Dark Horse." The verdict came three days after the jury found that Ms. Perry, her record company and other collaborators were liable for copyright infringement because parts of "Dark Horse" resembled "Joyful Noise," a Christian rap song from 2008 by the artist Flame, whose real name is Marcus Gray. According to the verdict, Ms. Perry must pay $550,000, while her label, Capitol Records, owes nearly $1.3 million. Ms. Perry's five collaborators in writing the song were also ordered to pay, including the star producers Max Martin, who owes $253,000, and Dr. Luke, who owes $61,000 personally, while his company, Kasz Money Inc., owes $189,000. The jury found that 22.5 percent of the profits from "Dark Horse" — which held the No. 1 spot on Billboard's Hot 100 chart for four weeks in 2014 — were attributable to parts of "Joyful Noise." Michael A. Kahn, a lawyer for Mr. Gray, said in a statement: "Our clients filed this lawsuit five years ago seeking justice and fair compensation for the unauthorized taking of their valuable creation. It has been a long and arduous path to this day, but they are quite pleased to have received the justice they sought." A representative for Ms. Perry declined to comment, and her lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment. "Dark Horse" is the latest music copyright case to draw wide attention and has revived debate about what constitutes infringement. Lawyers for Ms. Perry argued that what little the two songs had in common were basic and generic musical elements — like a melodic pattern of a few repeated notes — that could not be protected by copyright. Four years ago, a jury found that Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams's song "Blurred Lines" copied Marvin Gaye's "Got to Give It Up"; Mr. Thicke and Mr. Williams were ultimately ordered to pay more than $5 million. Next month, a federal appeals court in San Francisco will consider whether Led Zeppelin's classic "Stairway to Heaven" copied a far less known song, "Taurus" by the band Spirit, in a case being closely watched in the music industry. 2019-08-02 01:42:51Z |
Meghan Markle Could Alarm Queen Elizabeth If This Starts to Happen - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Posted: 02 Aug 2019 04:11 AM PDT Meghan Markle Could Alarm Queen Elizabeth If This Starts to Happen - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Things have not been easy for Meghan Markle this past year. After marrying into the royal family in 2018, she has been subjected to living under a microscope with negative reports about her published on a daily basis. Even as a new mother, the Duchess of Sussex cannot catch a break. All of this constant criticism about one of their members probably do not make the royal family very happy. In fact, the palace could be paying close attention to Markle, and Queen Elizabeth might be alarmed if this one thing were to happen. Find out below what exactly it is. ![]() The royal family does not want another situation like Princess DianaThe 1980s and 1990s were a trying time for the royal family. Princess Diana married Prince Charles in 1981 and, for the next couple of decades, the family would be turned upside down. Princess Diana went against a lot of traditions established by the royals before her. She was known to be quite rebellious and did not do anything that she did not agree with. Princess Diana ignored the royal readiness lessons given to her, chose to raise her sons in her own way, and became friendly to staff members instead of closed off like other royals. Another thing that Princess Diana did differently was carved out a good relationship with the media. While she was in the middle of dealing with Prince Charles' affair, she reached her breaking point and decided to go to the press to air out every issue she having as a royal. The queen and other members of the royal family were no doubt embarrassed about what Princess Diana did. Reportedly, since Markle is struggling in the royal family as well, the last thing they want is for another drama like Princess Diana. "They don't want another Princess Diana-like situation where there's a perception that Meghan is on the verge of breaking down," a source told Best Life. Meghan Markle's recent behavior has "raised concern"Unfortunately, the palace has been on edge recently due to some things that Markle did. At the recent Lion King premiere, Markle showed that she might be fed up with the constant criticism about everything she does. When she was complimented about her marriage with Prince Harry, the Duchess of Sussex responded: "Thank you. They don't make it easy." Before the premiere, Markle was seen at Wimbledon, where she donned a rather casual outfit and had a big section of the audience cleared out just for her. Several people also reported that Markle's bodyguard stopped them from taking pictures of the match if Markle happened to be in the shot. The insider with Best Life shared: "Meghan's behavior in recent weeks has raised concern in the Palace. The Queen likely thought the Duchess had settled into royal life because she did so beautifully in those first months after the wedding, but she has a reason for concern given the events of these recent weeks." Can things get better for Meghan Markle?The future is very hard to predict, but there definitely are signs that life in the royal family could get better for Markle. For one thing, she already has the support of Queen Elizabeth. Royal insiders have shared that the queen is very happy with Markle, especially since the latter has a strong work ethic. Additionally, it's possible that much of Markle's struggle now stems from the fact that she is very different from other royals and people are not used to having someone like her around. However, time could change all that. She already has a supportive fan base that believes in what she stands for, so it's possible that over time much of the public and the media could grow to be more positive about her as well. 2019-08-02 08:41:19Z |
Posted: 02 Aug 2019 04:11 AM PDT Christopher Nolan Reportedly Surprises Hobbs & Shaw Audiences With First Trailer for His Next Movie Tenet - IGN Christopher Nolan has reportedly surprise debuted the first teaser trailer for his next film, Tenet, in theaters this week ahead of screenings of Hobbs & Shaw.As noted by Variety, the 40-second teaser has reportedly aired behind the newly released Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw today, August 1. The trailer is currently not available for viewing online, and it is unclear when, or if, the teaser will be posted outside of theaters. (UPDATE: Variety reporter Justin Kroll tweeted that he heard "Nolan loves the theatrical experience so much that we may not see this online till the end of the weekend.") ![]() Warner Bros. announced Nolan's next film for a July 2020 release date earlier this year, and Tenet began filming as of May of this year. This will be his first film since 2017's Dunkirk, which we praised in our review and said that "Dunkirk is a monumental, unconventional, and frequently stunning war movie." As for the movie Tenet's first teaser trailer premiered alongside, be sure to check out IGN's Hobbs and Shaw review, check out who the Hobbs and Shaw cast would like to see added to the Fast and Furious universe, and catch up on the story of Hobbs and Shaw so far before seeing the first Fast and Furious spinoff. 2019-08-02 00:33:45Z |
Ariana Grande Teams With Social House on New Song “Boyfriend”: Listen - Pitchfork Posted: 02 Aug 2019 04:10 AM PDT Ariana Grande Teams With Social House on New Song "Boyfriend": Listen - Pitchfork Ariana Grande has teamed up with Los Angeles-based pop duo Social House for a new track. It's called "Boyfriend" and it arrives with a new video. Watch Ari shoot an arrow through a woman's hand and lazers out of her bra in the vengeful rom-com visual below. "Boyfriend" follows Ariana Grande's 2019 collaborations with Victoria Monét ("MONOPOLY") and 2 Chainz ("7 rings (Remix)" and "Rule the World"). She released thank u, next in February. Social House, comprised of Pittsburgh natives Michael "Mikey" Foster and Charles "Scootie" Anderson, are readying the release of their debut EP Everything Changed…—out August 9 via School Boy/Republic. It's set to include the single "Haunt You." 2019-08-02 04:06:00Z |
新井浩文被告出演、草なぎ剛主演『台風家族』9月6日公開決定 再編集せず - マイナビニュース Posted: 02 Aug 2019 02:17 AM PDT 新井浩文被告出演、草なぎ剛主演『台風家族』9月6日公開決定 再編集せず - マイナビニュース 俳優の新井浩文被告が2月に逮捕・起訴されたことを受け、公開延期となっていた草なぎ剛主演の映画『台風家族』が、9月6日から26日までの3週間限定で公開されることが決定した。2日、キノフィルムズ代表取締役社長兼『台風家族』プロデューサーの武部由実子氏が書面を通じて発表した。 当初は6月公開を予定していたが、新井被告の逮捕・起訴で公開延期に。武部氏は「延期を発表するやいなや、業界関係者の方々、俳優を生業にされている方々、そして多くのお客様から、『いつか公開される日を待っています。必ず公開してください』という多数のお声を頂いて参りました。またその一方で『公開などすべきではない』という厳しいご意見も多数頂戴致しました」と延期発表時を振り返った。 そんな中、市井昌秀監督が夫婦で共著した原作小説となる『台風家族』が5月下旬に発売されたあたりから、より具体的な形で上映を望む声が集まってきたという。「それは、ツイッターから始まり、上映を希望する投稿や賛同の拡散が数えきれないほど起こり、イラストも書き添えられた手書きのハガキやお手紙が連日、何通も届くようになりました。どれもこれも、本作の上映を切に願うものであり、その全てに目を通させて頂きました。本当に有難く、胸が熱くなりました」とつづった。 そして、「これだけ多くの方々が『台風家族』の上映を希望されており、励みになればと、様々な形で想いをしたためてくださっている。この現実に、製作者である自分が何もアクションを起こさなくていいものなのか。仮に本作品が今回の事件を想起させるものであれば検討の余地もありませんが、そうでないならば公開するという判断もあり得るのではないか。このように自問自答した結果の決断として、様々なご意見やご批判があるのは承知のうえ『事件と作品は別』という観点から公開に踏み切ることに決めました」と公開を決断した思いを説明した。 また、「上映に際しては、本作のプロデューサーとして、スタッフとキャストが積み上げフィルムに焼き付けた"一瞬、一瞬という時間"を大切にしたい、そして、それは二度と取り戻せない時間でもある、という想いから、本編の再編集は行わず、そのまま上映をさせて頂く事に致しました」とし、「勿論、我々のこの決断については様々なご意見もあるかとは存じますが、公開までの約1カ月における映画の告知に際しては、細心の注意を払って参ります」と伝えた。 さらに、「今回の公開時期・期間につきましては、一部で報道されております新井氏の公判日程とは一切関係がなく決められたものであることを念のため付言させて頂きます」と補足。最後に「今回の我々の決断に対し、多数の劇場様より上映へのご協力を頂ける事となりました。本当に感謝しております。この場を借りて心より御礼を申し上げます。有難うございました」と感謝の言葉を記した。 『台風家族』は、ある一家の真夏の1日を描いた物語。主人公で鈴木家の長男を草なぎ、次男役を新井、長女役をMEGUMI、三男役を中村倫也が演じ、草なぎ演じる長男の妻役は尾野真千子が務めている。 (C)2019「台風家族」フィルムパートナーズ 2019-08-02 08:45:00Z |
京アニ 死者10人の身元公表|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース Posted: 02 Aug 2019 01:02 AM PDT 京アニ 死者10人の身元公表|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2019-08-02 06:07:09Z |
名倉潤うつ病発症で休養 妻・渡辺満里奈“見守って”「家族で体調と向き合いながらゆっくり」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 02 Aug 2019 12:31 AM PDT 名倉潤うつ病発症で休養 妻・渡辺満里奈"見守って"「家族で体調と向き合いながらゆっくり」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース
![]() タレントの渡辺満里奈(48)が2日、自身のインスタグラムやブログを更新。夫でお笑いトリオ・ネプチューンの名倉潤(50)が、きのう1日から約2ヶ月間、うつ病のリハビリのため休養することを発表したことを受け「家族で体調と向き合いながらゆっくり過ごしたいと思います」と思いをつづった。 渡辺は「この度、夫・名倉潤の休養に関しまして、皆さまにご心配をおかけしております。たくさんの励ましのお言葉、ありがとうございます」と感謝し「日頃より支えてくださっている関係者のみなさまには、大変なご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。そしてご理解を頂き、ありがとうございます」と伝えた。 続けて「皆さまのご理解が本人の心の安心となっております。心より感謝申し上げます」といい、名倉と子どもたちの写真も添え「まずはゆっくりと過ごすのが一番の養生ということですので、家族で体調と向き合いながらゆっくり過ごしたいと思います。見守っていただけますと幸いです」と呼びかけている。 名倉は、昨年6月に頚椎椎間板ヘルニアの手術を行い、10日間ほど休養した後に復帰。手術の経過は良好な一方で、手術の侵襲という普段の生活圏にはないストレスが要因でうつ病を発症し、一定期間の休養が必要という医師の診断により、再度休養することになった。 きのう1日に所属事務所を通じて「少しの間休養させて頂きます。体調を回復させて戻って参りますので、よろしくお願い致します」とコメントしている。
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