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- Shannen Doherty Was Touched To See How Much the 'Riverdale' Cast Loved Luke Perry - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
- SixTONES&SnowMan、2020年“ジャニーズ史上初”2グループ同時CDデビュー決定 - ORICON NEWS
- 政治家の妻には3つのタイプ クリステルさんは?(19/08/08) - ANNnewsCH
- 滝川クリステル「結婚できるワンピース」ネット話題 - 社会 - 日刊スポーツ
- Value Comp For Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) Reaches Key 9 Mark - Stock Minute
- 「速水もこみちと平山あやが歩いてた」 10年前の「ヤフー知恵袋」、結婚発表で話題に(J-CASTニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 進次郎氏・滝クリさん婚姻届提出 関係者が市役所に(19/08/08) - ANNnewsCH
Posted: 08 Aug 2019 12:20 PM PDT Shannen Doherty Was Touched To See How Much the 'Riverdale' Cast Loved Luke Perry - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Luke Perry passed away earlier this year after suffering a stroke. He was currently starring as Fred Andrews on The CW's series Riverdale. Riverdale creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa prepared the season 4 premiere of Riverdale to pay tribute to Perry via his character. Shannen Doherty, Perry's Beverly Hills 90210 costar and love interest, will guest star on the episode, Aguirre-Sacasa announced at Comic-Con. ![]() Yesterday, Doherty was on a Television Critics Association panel for BH90210, the Fox reboot of Beverly Hills 90210. Although the season premiere of Riverdale is a surprise, Doherty spoke about joining the cast of Perry's last show to pay tribute to him. BH90210 airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on Fox and Riverdale returns Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW. The 'Riverdale' cast's love of Luke Perry was palpableWhen Shannen Doherty was asked to pay tribute to Luke Perry on Riverdale, she posted on Instagram how honored she felt. Once she met K.J. Apa, Lili Reinhart, Cole Sprouse, Camila Mendes, Skeet Ulrich, Madchen Amick and the rest of the Riverdale cast, she saw how much Luke Perry meant to them. "That cast loves him, loves, loves, loves him," Doherty said. "It was extremely hard in the sense of the emotions but I feel really proud and honored and extremely humbled that they asked me and that I got to be a part of it. Luke Perry's legacy lives on in the 'Riverdale' cast tooLuke Perry was a teen idol on a hot teen show in the '90s with Beverly Hills 90210. The cast of Riverdale is now where he was with all the fans on The CW. In the three and a half seasons he was on Riverdale, Luke Perry gave back to the new generation of actors. "What was really beautiful was how much Luke had spent time mentoring them, which is such a Luke thing," Doherty said. "He just was a mentor, caretaker." Luke Perry's family and colleagues helped Shannen Doherty on 'Riverdale'Everyone in Luke Perry's life collaborated to make the Riverdale season premiere a fitting tribute to him. Doherty felt supported by the Perry family and his partners. ![]() "I spoke to certain family members and they were behind it," Doherty said. "Luke's manager Steve was very supportive so I went into it knowing that I was being supported by everybody that really mattered to Luke and knowing that it was a show that he had been trying to get me on since day one. So it was like this really beautiful moment. It was cathartic in a lot of ways. Very, very hard and emotional." Shannen Doherty did 'BH90210' for Luke PerryAs we reported from the BH90210 panel, Doherty was not planning on appearing in BH90210 until Luke Perry passed away. After that tragic loss, she felt doing the show was the right way to honor him. "When Luke passed away, things drastically changed for me," Doherty said. "I felt like it was a great opportunity to sort of honor him, and then I am really glad I made that decision, because now I get to sit up here with a lot of people that I respect and that I love, and we went on this amazing journey together where we also got to really sort of heal through losing somebody who means the world to all of us." 2019-08-08 18:57:33Z |
SixTONES&SnowMan、2020年“ジャニーズ史上初”2グループ同時CDデビュー決定 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 08 Aug 2019 08:30 AM PDT SixTONES&SnowMan、2020年"ジャニーズ史上初"2グループ同時CDデビュー決定 - ORICON NEWS ![]() ジャニーズJr.の人気グループ・SixTONESとSnow Manが8日、2020年にCDデビューすることを、東京ドームで開催されたコンサート『ジャニーズJr.8・8祭〜東京ドームから始まる〜』にて発表した。2組同時のCDデビューはジャニーズ史上初で、ジャニー喜多川社長の逝去後、そして令和に改元後初のデビューでもある。デビュー自体は昨年5月23日のKing & Prince以来。なお、SixTONESはソニー・ミュージックレーベルズ、Snow Manはエイベックス・エンタテインメントからのCDデビューとなる。 ジャニーズJr.の人気グループが集結した一堂に会した本編MCの最後にSixTO... 2019-08-08 13:15:00Z |
政治家の妻には3つのタイプ クリステルさんは?(19/08/08) - ANNnewsCH Posted: 08 Aug 2019 06:45 AM PDT 政治家の妻には3つのタイプ クリステルさんは?(19/08/08) - ANNnewsCH 2019-08-08 11:38:11Z |
滝川クリステル「結婚できるワンピース」ネット話題 - 社会 - 日刊スポーツ Posted: 08 Aug 2019 06:00 AM PDT 滝川クリステル「結婚できるワンピース」ネット話題 - 社会 - 日刊スポーツ 自民党の小泉進次郎厚労部会長(38)とタレントの滝川クリステル(41)は8日、代理人を通じて、神奈川県横須賀市役所に婚姻届を提出した。2人はこの日も同市の進次郎氏の実家に滞在。横須賀で新婚生活をスタートした。滝川は今後も仕事を続ける意向で、地元を守る「政治家の妻」の印象を変えることになりそうだ。一方、滝川が結婚発表の際に着た「YOKO CHAN(ヨーコ・チャン)」の紅白の服に、問い合わせが殺到していることが分かった。 ◇ ◇ ◇ 滝川クリステルが着用したヨーコ・チャンのワンピースは、ネット上で「結婚できるワンピース」「おしゃれですてき」などとあっという間に注目を集め、オークションサイトなどで軒並み高騰している。 「滝川クリステルさんが結婚会見で着用」というタイトル付きでヤフオク!に出品されたタグ付きの未使用品は、5万9400円の定価に対し8日現在のところ8万8000円。入札終了時にはさらなる高騰が予想される。また、フリマアプリ「メルカリ」でも、白は軒並み完売。色違いの黒も、5万円台を中心に取引され、大人気となっている。 2019-08-08 10:11:00Z |
Value Comp For Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) Reaches Key 9 Mark - Stock Minute Posted: 08 Aug 2019 04:50 AM PDT Value Comp For Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) Reaches Key 9 Mark - Stock Minute Taking a look at valuation rankings for Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO), we see that the stock has a Value Composite score of 15. Developed by James O'Shaughnessy, the VC score uses five valuation ratios. These ratios are price to earnings, price to cash flow, EBITDA to EV, price to book value, and price to sales. The VC is displayed as a number between 1 and 100. In general, a company with a score closer to 0 would be seen as undervalued, and a score closer to 100 would indicate an overvalued company. Adding a sixth ratio, shareholder yield, we can view the Value Composite 2 score which is currently sitting at 9. Swapping out shareholder yield with buyback yield we get the value composite three score of 9. Amateur investors can sometimes become overwhelmed by the speed and volatility of the stock market. Often times, avoiding big mistakes early on can be the difference between staying in the game or being prematurely forced to the sidelines. One of the biggest mistakes that a new investor can make is not creating a realistic plan. A well-crafted plan will generally include risk tolerance, time horizon, and amount and frequency of investments. Having a clear plan for attaining goals can help the investor stay focused when the terrain gets rocky. Another common mistake for investors is buying high and selling low. Of course, everybody preaches the buy low sell high mantra, but it is much easier said than done. Getting caught up in the day to day market swings can lead the investor to do just the opposite and become a hot stock chaser instead of a disciplined decision maker. Watching some historical volatility numbers on shares of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO), we can see that the 24 month volatility stands at 16.7997, the 12 month volatility is presently 22.0025. The 6 month volatility is 16.7458, and the 3 month is spotted at 16.5972. Following volatility data can help measure how much the stock price has fluctuated over the specified time period. Although past volatility action may help project future stock volatility, it may also be vastly different when taking into account other factors that may be driving price action during the measured time period. After a recent scan, we can see that Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) has an Earnings Yield of 0.068994 and a five year earnings mark of 0.070277. Shareholder yield has the ability to show how much money the firm is giving back to shareholders via a few different avenues. Companies may issue new shares and buy back their own shares. This may occur at the same time. Investors may also use earnings yield to gauge a baseline rate of return. The Return on Invested Capital (aka ROIC) for Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) is 40.278689. The Return on Invested Capital is a ratio that determines whether a company is profitable or not. It tells investors how well a company is turning their capital into profits. The ROIC is calculated by dividing the net operating profit (or EBIT) by the employed capital. The employed capital is calculated by subrating current liabilities from total assets. Similarly, the Return on Invested Capital Quality ratio is a tool in evaluating the quality of a company's ROIC over the course of five years. The ROIC 5 year mark of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) is 0.062202. This is calculated by dividing the five year average ROIC by the Standard Deviation of the 5 year ROIC. The ROIC 5 year average is calculated using the five year average EBIT, five year average (net working capital and net fixed assets). Ratios The External Financing Ratio of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) is -0.038463. This factor was introduced by Richard Tortoriello, a senior quantitative analyist for S&P Capital IQ. He authored a book on quantitative analysis: Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha (2009, McGraw Hill). In this book, he identified the External Financing Ratio as a factor that is very good at predicting investment underperformance. Formula: External finance ratio=(Total Assets-Total Assets y-1-Cash Flow from Operations)Total Assets">External finance ratio=(Total Assets−Total Assets y-1−Cash Flow from Operations) divided by Total Assets
Robert Novy-Marx, a professor at the University of Rochester, discovered that gross profitability – a quality factor – has as much power predicting stock returns as traditional value metrics. He found that while other quality measures had some predictive power, especially on small caps and in conjunction with value measures, gross profitability generates significant excess returns as a stand alone strategy, especially on large cap stocks. Stock Market followers may also be following some quality ratios for Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO). Robert Novy-Marx, a professor at the university of Rochester, discovered that gross profitability – a quality factor – has as much power predicting stock returns as traditional value metrics. He found that while other quality measures had some predictive power, especially on small caps and in conjunction with value measures, gross profitability generates significant excess returns as a stand alone strategy, especially on large cap stocks.The Gross profitability for (AX.UN.TO) is 0.057288. Net Debt to Market Cap This ratio gives a sense of how much debt a company has relative to its market value. Companies with high debt levels compared to their peers can be volatile. We calculate it as follows: Net Debt to Market Cap=(Total Debt-Cash and ST Investments)Market Cap">Net Debt to Market Cap=(Total Debt−Cash and ST Investments) divided by Market Cap
The Price Index is a ratio that indicates the return of a share price over a past period. The price index of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) for last month was 1.025795. This is calculated by taking the current share price and dividing by the share price one month ago. If the ratio is greater than 1, then that means there has been an increase in price over the month. If the ratio is less than 1, then we can determine that there has been a decrease in price. Similarly, investors look up the share price over 12 month periods. The Price Index 12m for Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (AX.UN.TO) is 0.994607. Looking at stock market performance over the last few months, new investors may be worried that they might have missed out on some fantastic opportunities. With so much information and data available, they may not even know where to begin when getting into the stock investing arena. Everybody has to start somewhere, and becoming knowledgeable about the basics may help provide the perfect springboard from which to launch. Starting with the basics may help the investor understand the bigger picture which can then be filtered down into specifics. Because there is no magic formula to achieving success in the stock market, investors may have to explore many different strategies before choosing one to run with. 2019-08-08 06:47:11Z |
「速水もこみちと平山あやが歩いてた」 10年前の「ヤフー知恵袋」、結婚発表で話題に(J-CASTニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 08 Aug 2019 01:59 AM PDT 「速水もこみちと平山あやが歩いてた」 10年前の「ヤフー知恵袋」、結婚発表で話題に(J-CASTニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース
![]() 2019年8月8日に発表された、俳優の速水もこみちさん(34)とタレントの平山あやさん(35)の結婚。ネット上では早くも「もこみちロス」「オリーブオイルショック」など、速水さんの結婚を嘆く女性ファンの叫びがこだましているが、そんな中、質問サイト「ヤフー知恵袋」のとある書き込みがネット上で注目を集めている。 ■「二人で歩いているのをみたのですが...」 当該書き込みがなされたのは09年1月25日。その内容は、 「さきほど速水もこみちさんと平山あやさんが二人で歩いているのをみたのですが...二人ってドラマで共演したとか共通点ありませんが(多分)付き合ってるのですか?」 と、速水さんと平山さんが一緒にいるところを目撃したと報告するものだ。同サイトではユーザーが質問し、別のユーザーが答える形式となっているが、その回答の中で「ベストアンサー」に選ばれた回答を見ると、「以前、菅野美穂のドラマ『働きマン』で共演してたけど‥」と、質問者の前提が間違っているとの指摘がなされているほか、別の回答者は「それ、本当ならスクープですよ」と書き込んでいる。 ベストアンサーに選ばれた回答者が指摘していたドラマ「働きマン」(日本テレビ系)だが、07年10月期に女優の菅野美穂さん主演で放送されていた。同作には共演者として速水さんと平山さんが確かに出演しており、菅野さん演じる主人公の後輩編集者を演じていた。 10年前から交際していた!? 書き込みがなされたのは10年前だが、速水さんと平山さんの結婚を予言するかのような書き込みには、ツイッター上で驚きが拡散中だ。あるアカウントは、 「ヤフー知恵袋の平山あやとは10年前に一緒に歩いてたってのはデートなのかな?めっちゃ一途やん。だからもこみちの女の噂なかったのかな。すげえな」 と目撃証言があった09年から交際していたのではないかと驚くツイートを行っている。また、別のアカウントは、 「ツイッターに、ヤフー知恵袋で2009年に目撃情報が有ったっていうの見て、そんなに長い付き合いだったの?って驚いてる」 と、証言が本当ならば、長い交際期間を経ての結婚になるということに、やはり、驚きのツイート。このほか、まとめサイトでは、「ヤフー知恵袋」の書き込みについてまとめる動きも見られる。 平日のお昼を賑わせた速水さんと平山さんの結婚だが、その伏線ははるか昔から張られていたとしたら......と考えてしまうのは、ファンとしては無理からぬ行動なのかもしれない。 (J-CASTニュース編集部 坂下朋永)
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