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- 『なつぞら』天陽くんが天国へ旅立つ 寄り添い続けたじゃがいも畑で迎えた最期|Real Sound|リアルサウンド 映画部 - リアルサウンド
- フランス書院のBL小説レーベル「プラチナ文庫」休刊 16年の歴史に幕 - ねとらぼ
- 銀魂が赤字修正入りラフ絵を広告に出すいつも通りの暴挙 「コラボアニメ頑張りすぎて、CM間に合いませんでした」 - ねとらぼ
- Did Kanye West Really Make Taylor Swift Famous? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
- R. Kelly's Alleged Sex Slaves Hustling to Raise Legal Funds for Him - TMZ
- Kevin Hart injured in Calabasas car crash, CHP says - KABC-TV
- 長山洋子、乳がん手術受けていた「無事に終了」 - 日刊スポーツ
- 滝川クリステル、小泉進次郎議員との挙式を報告 ウエディングドレス姿も公開(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース
『なつぞら』天陽くんが天国へ旅立つ 寄り添い続けたじゃがいも畑で迎えた最期|Real Sound|リアルサウンド 映画部 - リアルサウンド Posted: 03 Sep 2019 12:21 AM PDT 『なつぞら』天陽くんが天国へ旅立つ 寄り添い続けたじゃがいも畑で迎えた最期|Real Sound|リアルサウンド 映画部 - リアルサウンド 衝撃的な知らせは突然訪れた。『なつぞら』(NHK総合)第134話では、天陽(吉沢亮)が天国に旅立ったことが明かされた。 一度帰ってきた自宅から病院に戻る前に、家の畑を見に行った天陽。これまでの生涯の中で一緒に寄り添ってきた畑の土を手に取ると、彼はその温もりを肌で感じ取っているようだった。そして、周りの風景にぼんやりと目をやった天陽は、被っていた麦わら帽子を空高く投げ捨てた後、温かな土で覆われた畑の上にそのまま倒れ込んだのだった。山田天陽の最期である。 なつ(広瀬すず)は天陽が亡くなったことを、天陽の兄・陽平(犬飼貴丈)から職場で聞かされた。突然のことで衝撃を隠せないなつ。絵のこと、生きることに関して、なつは天陽から多大な影響を受けてきただけに、彼がこの世を去ったことは、きっとなつの心にぽっかりと大きな穴を開けた出来事だったのだろう。 現在、なつはアニメーションの仕事をしているわけであるが、絵で表現することの素晴らしさは子供の頃から、折に触れて天陽から見せられてきた。絵画作品とアニメーションとではもちろん違うところもあるが、「描く」という行為を通して観る者の心を動かし、何かを伝えられるという点では似通ったところがあるはずだ。 仕事が一段落すると、なつは夏休みを取ることができ、優(増田光桜)を連れて北海道に戻った。剛男(藤木直人)や富士子(松嶋菜々子)をはじめ、北海道の人々は相変わらず元気そうで、優を可愛がるみんなの姿は何とも微笑ましいものであった。みんなの「お帰り!」の声になつ自身も、心の底からほっとすることができた様子。 2019-09-03 03:14:47Z |
フランス書院のBL小説レーベル「プラチナ文庫」休刊 16年の歴史に幕 - ねとらぼ Posted: 03 Sep 2019 12:20 AM PDT フランス書院のBL小説レーベル「プラチナ文庫」休刊 16年の歴史に幕 - ねとらぼ フランス書院は9月3日、ボーイズラブ(BL)小説レーベル「プラチナ文庫」を2019年8月刊をもって休刊すると発表しました。既刊本と電子書籍での販売配信は継続します。 2003年3月に創刊したレーベル。突然の休刊の発表に、読者からは「お世話になりました」「悲しい」といった惜しむ声や、オススメの作品を紹介しあう声が上がっています。 同社のBL小説レーベルは「ラピス文庫」(1997年創刊)がありましたが、現在は既に終了。BLコミックスレーベルの「Canna(カンナ)」は引き続き展開されますが、同社の女性向け小説レーベルは、ティーンズラブレーベルの「ティアラ文庫」「オパール文庫」(およびその派生カテゴリー)のみとなります。 関連記事関連リンクCopyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2019-09-03 04:56:00Z |
銀魂が赤字修正入りラフ絵を広告に出すいつも通りの暴挙 「コラボアニメ頑張りすぎて、CM間に合いませんでした」 - ねとらぼ Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:18 AM PDT 銀魂が赤字修正入りラフ絵を広告に出すいつも通りの暴挙 「コラボアニメ頑張りすぎて、CM間に合いませんでした」 - ねとらぼ 2019-09-02 09:40:00Z |
Did Kanye West Really Make Taylor Swift Famous? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:38 AM PDT Did Kanye West Really Make Taylor Swift Famous? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet What a difference a decade makes. It's been 10 long years since Kanye West famously interrupted Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards. After Swift won the Video of the Year award for her hit song "You Belong With Me" West hopped on stage to express his disdain that the award didn't go to Beyonce for her "Single Ladies" video. This moment was so salient that is still being talked about today. Many people note this as the moment that Swift became a household name, but is there any truth to that? ![]() The 2009 MTV Music Video AwardsThough it's been years since this infamous moment happened, recent events have pushed this event to the forefront of fans' minds. Just last week, Swift nabbed the highest award for the 2019 VMA's once more for "You Need To Calm Down" which reminded fans of the 2009 VMA's. Furthermore, Swift herself managed to bring attention to the moment between herself and West with the release of her latest album, Lover. Lover diary entriesJust last week, Swift released her seventh studio album, Lover, which already receiving rave reviews and breaking records. On top of 18 new songs, Swift also included a bonus gift for fans who purchased the deluxe version of her album at Target. The deluxe editions (there are four, unique, versions) all include diary entries from various moments in Swift's life. One entry that captured fans' attention was an entry she made shortly after West's famous interruption. "Ahh… the things that can change in a week. If you had told me that one of the biggest stars in music was going to jump on stage and announce that he thought I shouldn't have won on live television, I would've said, 'That stuff doesn't really happen in real life.' Well… apparently…. It does," Swift wrote candidly. FamousThough that moment appears to be particularly difficult for Swift to live through, West seemed to believe that it helped launch Swift's career and catapult her into superstardom. In fact, West proclaiming that he made Swift famous is actually the root of the infamous feud between himself, Swift, and West's wife, Kim Kardashian West. After West released his song "Famous", the trio went back and forth trading jabs. The feud between Swift and Kim Kardashian West"I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex Why? I made that bi*ch famous" is a lyric in West's song, "Famous". Swifties were outraged by the lyric and Swift was certainly among them. Swift's brother, Austin, was seen throwing out all of his Kanye West albums, while Swift herself took a different approach. After winning the 2015 GRAMMY Award for album of the year, Swift got on stage and gave a speech about not allowing anyone to take credit for your accomplishments. Seeing that the comment was clearly aimed at Kanye West, Kim Kardashian West took to her social media profiles to declare that Swift gave approval to the song prior to its release. Of course, we all know what happened next. Kim Kardashian West put her money where her mouth was and released footage of Kanye West asking Swift's opinion about the song. In the video, Swift maintained that the part of the lyrics she heard was "kind of a compliment" and that Kanye West was entitled to his opinion and perspective about everything that went down at the 2009 VMA's. When critics began to drag Swift and demanded she be canceled, she took to her Instagram page to take control of the narrative. Swift takes control of the narrative"Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me "that bi*ch" in his son? It doesn't exist because it never happened. You don't get to control someone's emotional response to being called "that bi*ch" in front of the entire world," Swift began. She then took it upon herself to defend herself further. "Being falsely painted as a liar when I was never given the full story or played any part of the song is character assassination. I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of, since 2009," the "The Man" singer wrote on Instagram. Did West make Swift famousBut with all the back and forth, is there any truth to West's claims? Did he, in fact, make Swift famous? The short answer is no. Swift had already created a space for herself in the mainstream music industry long before West interrupted her. After all, she did win the VMA on her own merits and off of the strength of her loyal followers. That said, Kanye West likely added some fuel to the fire because his egregious error was talked about for years and subsequently, so was Swift. Furthermore, his actions likely made some people who were unfamiliar with Swift and her work pay attention to her for the first time. So while West didn't make Swift's career with his rude interruption, he certainly didn't hurt it either. 2019-09-02 02:56:27Z |
R. Kelly's Alleged Sex Slaves Hustling to Raise Legal Funds for Him - TMZ Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:38 AM PDT R. Kelly's Alleged Sex Slaves Hustling to Raise Legal Funds for Him - TMZ ![]() Exclusive TMZ/GettyJoycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary have a master plan to help get R. Kelly the powerhouse defense team he says he needs ... but it's still a work in progress. Sources close to Kelly's girlfriends/alleged sex slaves tell TMZ ... they're joining forces to help Kelly scrounge up the funds to hire the attorney who got Michael Jackson acquitted in his child molestation trial -- Tom Mesereau. We're told the ladies have a couple potential projects in the works that could land them a big payday -- including a book deal -- and their plan is to put that money toward the Mesereau fund ... along with Kelly's general defense fund. Our sources say Joycelyn and Azriel have just hired reps who are reaching out to media outlets to score some paid interviews. None are scheduled yet ... but we're told there's some interest. The bad news -- our sources say Kelly's GFs haven't had any luck acquiring big-time talent management for their more ambitious goal of launching Hollywood careers. Welcome to the club. Unfortunately for Kelly and his gals, it seems he'll need a fortune just to land Mesereau, and that doesn't include the full cost of defense in his multiple sex crimes cases. As we told you, his New York federal case will require forensic experts, experts in sex trafficking, P.I.'s and on and on. That alone will easily cost a million bucks to defend ... and he's got cases in 3 other jurisdictions -- Illinois State, Illinois Federal and Minnesota State. Joycelyn and Azriel -- along with Kelly's anonymous friends -- have their work cut out for them. 2019-09-02 08:00:00Z |
Kevin Hart injured in Calabasas car crash, CHP says - KABC-TV Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:38 AM PDT Kevin Hart injured in Calabasas car crash, CHP says - KABC-TV ![]() CALABASAS, Calif. -- Comedian Kevin Hart was injured in an early morning vehicle crash Sunday in the hills just south of Calabasas, officials say. The crash happened around 12:45 a.m. in the area of Mulholland Highway and Cold Canyon Road, according to the California Highway Patrol. Hart was a passenger in his own classic 1970 Plymouth Barracuda when the driver lost control turning from Cold Canyon onto Mulholland. The Barracuda veered off the road and rolled down the embankment, according to the CHP report. Two people were initially trapped in the rollover. Hart suffered major back injuries and was brought to Northridge hospital, the CHP said. The driver of the vehicle was also hospitalized. The other passenger complained of pain but did not go to a hospital. An update on Hart's condition was not immediately available, but it does not appear the injuries were life-threatening. The cause of the crash is under investigation, but the CHP says there's no indication drugs or alcohol were involved. Copyright © 2019 KABC-TV. All Rights Reserved. 2019-09-02 08:31:57Z |
長山洋子、乳がん手術受けていた「無事に終了」 - 日刊スポーツ Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:47 AM PDT 長山洋子、乳がん手術受けていた「無事に終了」 - 日刊スポーツ 演歌歌手長山洋子(51)が2日、公式ホームページなどで乳がんの手術を行っていたことを発表した。 長山は「皆さまにご報告があります。私、長山洋子は今夏、乳がんと診断され、手術を受けて無事に終了致しました。初期段階ではありましたが、早急な対処が望ましいと言う医師からの説明を受けて手術に踏み切り、現在術後の経過をみているところです」と報告した。所属事務所によると、人間ドックを受診した際に精密検査が必要と診断されたといい、乳がんであることが判明。先月30日に都内の病院で手術を行ったという。今月いっぱいは療養し、10月以降は体調をみながら復帰を検討していくという。 長山は「ファンの皆さま、そして関係者の皆さま、ご迷惑、ご心配をおかけして誠に申し訳ございません。コンサートを楽しみにしてくださっていた皆さま、突然のご報告となってしまい、本当にごめんなさい。少しのお休みを頂いて、またステージに立った時には、今まで以上に元気に、力強く、津軽三味線を"ベベベェーン"と、弾かせていただきます」。 出演予定だったイベントは、細川たかし(69)らが代役を務めるといい「また、事務所の社長はじめ、スタッフの皆さま、病院に付き添ってくれた友人、家族、そして細川たかしさん、香西かおりさん、藤あや子さん、今回の私の事で全面的にサポート下さったすべての方々へ心から感謝申し上げます」とつづった。 長山は先月25日に都内で行われた「日本ベスト・カー・フレンド賞」授賞式に出席し、愛車について笑顔で語るなど、元気な姿を見せていた。 2019-09-02 06:58:00Z |
滝川クリステル、小泉進次郎議員との挙式を報告 ウエディングドレス姿も公開(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:17 AM PDT 滝川クリステル、小泉進次郎議員との挙式を報告 ウエディングドレス姿も公開(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース
![]() 自民党の小泉進次郎衆院議員(38)と8月8日に結婚し、第1子を妊娠中のフリーアナウンサーでタレントの滝川クリステル(41)が2日、自身のインスタグラムを更新。無事に挙式を終えたことを報告し、ウエディングドレス姿を披露した。 滝川は「先日、無事に身内での結婚式を終えました 新郎新婦に間違われた姉と弟(笑)」とつづり、純白のウエディングドレス姿で弟と並んだ写真を投稿。「いつも当たり前のようにそばにいてくれている存在がどれだけ心強い存在なのか、うまく本人にはいつも伝えられないけれど、これからもよろしくお願いします、弟さん」と家族に呼びかけ、ハッシュタグには「よく見るとやっぱり似てる」とつづっていた。 フォロワーからは「花嫁姿、とってもステキです」「綺麗」「旦那さんとのツーショット見たいです」などのコメントが寄せられている。
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