De Blog Have Fun |
- 吉沢亮「ドス黒」高校時代を告白|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース
- “くみっきー”舟山久美子が生放送で結婚発表、ハワイでの求婚に号泣 - ねとらぼ
- ‘A Little Late With Lilly Singh’ Review: YouTuber Goes Linear With A Fresh & Unapologetic Perspective - Deadline
- Andrew Yang Knows You May Disagree With Him About Shane Gillis - The New York Times
- Cops Can't Take Aaron Carter's Guns Unless He's Declared Mentally Unfit - TMZ
- 香取慎吾、Xマスケーキをデザイン「何十年も作ってきた経験が活かされた」 - MusicVoice
吉沢亮「ドス黒」高校時代を告白|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース Posted: 17 Sep 2019 05:08 AM PDT 吉沢亮「ドス黒」高校時代を告白|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2019-09-17 10:46:24Z |
“くみっきー”舟山久美子が生放送で結婚発表、ハワイでの求婚に号泣 - ねとらぼ Posted: 17 Sep 2019 04:08 AM PDT "くみっきー"舟山久美子が生放送で結婚発表、ハワイでの求婚に号泣 - ねとらぼ ![]() "くみっきー"ことモデルの舟山久美子さんが9月17日、日本テレビ系「ヒルナンデス!」に生出演し、一般男性との結婚を発表。その後SNSを更新しファンに報告するとともに、「優しくマシュマロのように包み込んでくれるお方」と伴侶を紹介しました。 この日の「ヒルナンデス!」では番組冒頭から、出演者の誰かが生放送で結婚発表を行うと明言。番組終盤、番組MCの渡部建さんにスタジオに呼び込まれた舟山さんは、前日の16日に婚姻届けを提出したことを報告。 夫は一般人の36歳で、通っているジムのトレーナーの紹介で知り合ったとのこと。1986年にチリで出版され、ベストセラーとなったエンリケ・バリオスの小説『アミ 小さな宇宙人』が好きだという共通項があることなどのエピソードが語られました。 さらに、出演者からの質問に答える形で、プロポーズのシチュエーションも説明。ハワイで「ありのままのクミが美しく、いとおしく思う」などと書かれた3枚ほどの手紙で求婚されたとして、これに舟山さんは号泣しながら「お願いします」と答えた当時の状況を振り返りました。 番組終了後、SNSを更新し、「出逢った瞬間から価値観が合い、恋人ですが親友のような心地よさ」「思いやりにあふれていて、優しくマシュ奈路のように包み込んでくれるお方」だとし、ブログでは夫に抱きつき満面の笑みを浮かべる写真も添え喜びをつづりました。 1991年生まれの舟山さんは、17歳のときに渋谷でスカウトされモデルデビュー。雑誌『Popteen』の専属モデルとして、2009年3月号から2010年7月号まで17カ月連続で表紙を飾るなど、"ギャルの神様"として10代の女性を中心に人気を博しました。2014年に「違う場所に挑戦しないと学べないことがすごくいっぱいあると思う」として『Popteen』を卒業してからは、テレビ出演や自身のブランドプロデュース業などを手掛けています。 同様の報告を行っているTwitterでは、事務所の後輩でグラビアアイドルの清水あいりさんやYouTuberのHIKAKINさんをはじめ、多くのタレントやファンからお祝いの言葉が贈られており、その多くにコメントを返しながら喜びをかみしめる舟山さんが確認できます。 Copyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2019-09-17 07:58:00Z |
Posted: 17 Sep 2019 04:07 AM PDT 'A Little Late With Lilly Singh' Review: YouTuber Goes Linear With A Fresh & Unapologetic Perspective - Deadline Lilly Singh made her transition from online to linear in the best way possible — by premiering the very first episode of her new NBC late-night show A Little Late with Lilly Singh on YouTube before it aired on television. Taking over the 1:35am timeslot, previously held by Last Call With Carson Daly, Lilly Singh not only brings her massive "Superwoman" audience from her YouTube following but also a fresh perspective that has been absent from the late-night space — and she immediately makes that known in her opening sketch. The show started with Singh entering a meeting of executives as they talk about what they are going to do for her new show. The room is filled with white men and Singh tries to share her ideas but they try to sculpt her into something she is not. They want her to wear bland suits and do political commentary. She says that is not her and that she wants to "share my perspective…especially being a woman and all." Related Story'The Titan Games' Renewed: Dwayne Johnson's Competition Series Gets Season 2 On NBCThe men immediately laugh and say "is your perspective not my perspective?" and continue to say "I'm not sure they people will relate to that!" Singh responds, "I'm not sure I related to 10 seasons of Friends!" And again, the men laugh as Singh says, "I just want to be myself!" Just then, someone's phone goes off with music to which inspires Singh to tell the men about her and what she wants. The sketch immediately turns into a twerk-worthy, trap-tastic music video with Singh rapping herself and what she wants to bring to the table. She starts off by spitting the rhymes: "Hello my name is Lilly and I ain't a white man/My skin has some color and it ain't a spray tan/I know you're only used to Jimmys up in the spotlight/but I'm gonna throw some melanin up in your late-night". From there, the lyrics start to catch fire: "My writers' room look like a mini-United Nations/More than 50 percent women and people of all races/And that's not because I had to, it's because I could/This the new standard so take note Hollywood". Then at one point, she talks about her love life: "I'm about spice up your life/so if you want to be my lover/I put B in LGBT/I'll take Sansa and her brother". The introductory sketch/music video is the best way to debut what we could expect from Singh with her new talk show. She kicks the door down and immediately addresses all of the elephants in the room: being a woman, being a woman of color, her Indian heritage, her sexuality, diversity in Hollywood and how white named Jimmy rule late-night. It's nearly pitch-perfect and spills into her opening monologue. "I get it…I'm not your traditional talk show host," she said in regards to people seeing a woman of color host a late-night show. "The media has mentioned that I am a bisexual woman of color so much that I feel like should just change my name." Singh doesn't beat the fact that she's the first woman of color to host a late-night show into the ground. She doesn't constantly regurgitate jokes about the lack of inclusivity in Hollywood. In fact, she uses that as fuel for her show so that she can possibly pave the way for other hosts of color. Yes, she calls out Hollywood's treatment of the underrepresented throughout the first episode, but she's not hinging her show on that. It's funny, light, yet thoughtful…but at the same time, more people should be calling out Hollywood because if Singh doesn't do it, who will? With DJ Daniel providing the tunes and a set that reflects Singh's personality, the first episode of A Little Late is the perfect half-hour morsel of late-night goodness that's an ideal balance of sketch, bits, monologue and guest interview. During her premiere, Rainn Wilson made a surprise appearance to give her a "white noise machine" (it's not really what you think) and she welcomed fellow South Asian Mindy Kaling as her first interview (at one point they say this is the first time two Indians have been on TV together on late night). Singh comes in hot for her very first episode in the best way possible with jokes, light-hearted fun and authenticity. Being a trailblazing YouTube icon works in Singh's favor as she knows how to produce great bursts of content and connect with the audience in a short amount of time. A Little Late is thoughtful and crackles with millennial-driven energy without dousing you in emojis. And even though Singh doesn't aim to be political, her presence alone is hopefully changing the way we think of representation on TV. Listen to Lilly Singh's extended interview tomorrow on Deadline's New Hollywood Podcast. 2019-09-17 02:35:00Z |
Andrew Yang Knows You May Disagree With Him About Shane Gillis - The New York Times Posted: 17 Sep 2019 04:06 AM PDT Andrew Yang Knows You May Disagree With Him About Shane Gillis - The New York Times ![]() Shane Gillis, a 31-year-old stand-up comedian who was named last week to the "Saturday Night Live" cast, has mimicked caricatures of Chinese accents. He has called it a "hassle" to have to speak with a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. He has used a racial slur to refer to the entrepreneur Andrew Yang. And in response, Mr. Yang, who has emerged as one of just a handful of viable Asian-American candidates ever to seek a major party's nomination for president, has preached forgiveness. "Shane — I prefer comedy that makes people think and doesn't take cheap shots. But I'm happy to sit down and talk with you if you'd like," he said in a tweet over the weekend. "For the record, I do not think he should lose his job. We would benefit from being more forgiving rather than punitive. We are all human."
Then, about an hour after the announcement, Mr. Yang tweeted again, suggesting that Mr. Gillis had taken him up on his offer to talk things out. "Shane Gillis reached out," Mr. Yang said. "Looks like we will be sitting down together soon." A spokesman for Mr. Yang did not have any comment on Mr. Gillis's departure from the show on Monday night. Nonetheless, the dayslong ordeal with its swift and sudden turn has had the side effect of thrusting Mr. Yang, a long-shot candidate with a loyal following, into the spotlight and placing him at the center of a national conversation about, racism, outrage culture and absolution. For more than a year, Mr. Yang, 44, has built support from outside the political establishment by purposely staying above the political fray, posting videos of himself having fun playing basketball and preaching "humanity first" as a central tenet of his campaign. His response to Mr. Gillis over the weekend echoed those inviting approaches. As one of three remaining candidates in the race who do not have a background in politics, Mr. Yang has won fans by speaking off the cuff and peppering his stump speech with sometimes self-deprecating humor. Because he has made automation and concern over mass unemployment central themes of his candidacy, he has won the support of some young, white, male Trump voters while at the same time attracting progressives and a significant share of Asian-Americans — all groups he seeks to hold together under the apolitical campaign catch phrase "Not left, not right, but forward." But his handling of race has sometimes undermined that careful balancing act and raised the concerns among some who say he has been too willing to lean in to stereotypes about Asian-Americans to win support. His biggest applause line remains "The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math"; in front of a national television audience during the debate last week, he observed, "I am Asian, so I know a lot of doctors." In tweets, Mr. Yang also reiterated that he had been the target of racial epithets in the past. Asked about his jokes about liking math and knowing doctors, he has maintained that the Asian-American community is diverse, that his individual experience does not speak for everyone and that Americans are smart enough to see through the model minority myth, which overgeneralizes Asians as diligent and high-achieving. In an interview on Monday with The New York Times just hours before Mr. Gillis was dropped from "S.N.L.," Mr. Yang said he had not meant to compare his experience as an Asian-American to "the experience of growing up black in this country." He said he had intended only to make an "observation" about anti-Asian racism and the fact that it is not always taken seriously. Mr. Yang said he and his wife had sat down to watch Mr. Gillis's comedy routines for 30 minutes to an hour and had concluded that he was not "malignant or evil." He also said he had resisted sending a tweet containing an explicative that would have more forcefully expressed his anger at Mr. Gillis. "There's a complex set of reactions one has," Mr. Yang said. He said that someone had yelled a slur at him out a car window "just the other day" and added that he had talked to his wife about the experience. He said they had bemoaned the fact that such a slur could eventually be directed at one of their boys. Mr. Yang also denied that there were any politics at play. "This is both how I genuinely see this and what I think is best," he said. "I totally respect people who have different points of view." Danielle Seid, an assistant professor of English at Baruch College who studies film and television history, said Mr. Yang had definitely found himself "in a tough spot." He had been right to point out that anti-Asian racism has often not been treated seriously, she said, but he may not have done "a good job of parsing that with his tweets about the n-word." Mr. Yang's comments could have been read as an argument that "Asians have it worse" than other minority groups, when "it's pretty clear that, in terms of racist policies and practices and culture in the United States, so much of it is founded on anti-black racism," said, Ellen Wu, an associate professor of history at Indiana University. At a broader level, both Professor Seid and Professor Wu said Mr. Yang's high profile had made him something of a spokesman for the Asian-American community. As such, Professor Seid said she wished Mr. Yang had been "more forceful in condemning Mr. Gillis's 'jokes' and taken the opportunity to congratulate Bowen Yang," one of the show's writers who was also elevated to a featured performer's position. Kevin Xu, a co-host of the Model MAJORITY Podcast and a former Obama White House staff member, said he had wanted Mr. Gillis to lose his job "because he is racist and not funny." But he defended Mr. Yang's handling of the situation. Given that Mr. Yang is a candidate for president, Mr. Xu said he believed it was appropriate for him to "take the high road." "This is the best way he could have handled something like this," Mr. Xu said. "I think over all he's doing a pretty good job owning up to his minority status while still doing what he needs to do to run for president." "I don't think that, for someone like him — just like Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or any other historical candidate trying to break any sort of ceiling — they can do this perfectly," Mr. Xu added. "It's a very, very high-wire act. It's very hard." Related stories 2019-09-17 10:15:00Z |
Cops Can't Take Aaron Carter's Guns Unless He's Declared Mentally Unfit - TMZ Posted: 17 Sep 2019 04:06 AM PDT Cops Can't Take Aaron Carter's Guns Unless He's Declared Mentally Unfit - TMZ ![]() Exclusive TMZ.comAaron Carter's arsenal isn't going to be taken from him ... at least not yet, but that could change if authorities decide he's mentally unfit to own firearms. Carter has been erratic lately ... friends and family have been so worried they've called police to do welfare checks. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... until a court, board, commission, judge or other lawful authority determines Aaron suffers from a mental illness or condition that causes him to be a danger to himself or others, he can keep his guns. If this were to happen, we're told Carter would possibly be asked to voluntarily hand over his weapons first, but then if he failed to comply ... ATF could seize his collection. That said, the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. tells TMZ the Dept. is investigating the entire matter and dealing with Aaron's family members who have expressed concern and even alarm. Aaron spoke with TMZ Monday, telling us cops responded to a call Monday night and showed up at his home with the intent of taking him away on a 5150 psychiatric hold. The singer says he warned deputies he had loaded weapons scattered around his home, but he also convinced them and a mental evaluator he was not a danger to himself or others. He also claims he doesn't know who sent the authorities to his house, but one thing he's clear about -- he's not going to give up his guns because he says he fears for his safety. Aaron's been adamant with us recently that he's mentally stable, despite going on "The Doctors" and rattling off that he's been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. When he spoke to us Monday, he refuted that and claimed he's passed all the mental health checks to own a gun. So, for now ... he remains locked and loaded. 2019-09-17 08:00:00Z |
香取慎吾、Xマスケーキをデザイン「何十年も作ってきた経験が活かされた」 - MusicVoice Posted: 17 Sep 2019 02:07 AM PDT 香取慎吾、Xマスケーキをデザイン「何十年も作ってきた経験が活かされた」 - MusicVoice 香取慎吾が17日、都内でおこなわれた『ファミリーマート ファミクリをヨヤクリ! クリスマスイベント』に出席。自身がデザインしたケーキを紹介した。 ファミリーマートのCMでイメージキャラクターを務める香取慎吾は、同社が展開するクリスマスキャンペーンのイメージキャラクターを務める。同社では『ファミクリをヨヤクリ!』をテーマに、クリスマス商品の予約を受け付ける。今回のイベントはそれを盛り上げようとおこなわれた。 この日は、"慎吾サンタ"ならぬサンタクロースの姿で登場した香取。特大ケーキボックスから勢いよく現れると、報道陣に向けて両手を広げポーズを決める。「いつまでもこういう格好でいられたらと子供の頃に思っていたことができて良かったです」と照れ笑いをみせた。 今年は、香取がデザインしたクリスマスケーキが数量限定で発売される。商品名は「SHINGO to クリスマス!いちごとプリンのおいし~い!ショートケーキ」。ケーキの味やデコレーションだけでなく、ケーキボックスのデザインも手掛けた。 ケーキは一般的に、縦に層が出来ているが、香取が考案したのは中層に横の層を入れたもの。「プリン、いちごのムースと、先端から一口ずつ食べていくと味が変化していくことを真剣に考えました」と語った。 また、企画会議を振り返り「クリスマスケーキを作るとは思わなく、打ち合わせを何度も何度もやって、何十年もスイーツを作ってきた経験が活かされて、まわりが『いいですね!』と。大人の人たちの社交的な『素敵ですね!』とほめられて作りました」と笑み。 ケーキだけでなく、ケーキに立てる飾りも考えた。「『飾りも作れませんか?』と言ってみたら作れるということなので、2つ作りました。細かいところまで決めさせてもらえるとは思ってもいなかった。飾りも50種類から選んで、自分でデザインできないかと言ってやって。食べ終わった後もそういう楽しみが残せるように」との思いを明かした。 完成したケーキを試食して「美味しかった。飾りも自分が思った通りに出来て。味ももちろん、見た目もクリスマスを楽しんでいただけるものになっていて。クリスマスは1年のうちハッピーで幸せな時。それが自分が作ったケーキを、皆さんの家族や恋人などに食べてもらえるのは嬉しい」と喜んだ。 「試食なのにいくつ食べたかはわかりません!」とも語った香取。この日も試食することになったが、ほんの数分で、用意された6分の1カットほどに切ったケーキを平らげた。「プリンからイチゴのムースにいくときに半分半分のところがある。そこも味わえる」と満足な表情を見せた。 香取はケーキボックスのデザインも手掛けた。「絵をかくときは時間かからないけど、ボックスなので面がいっぱいあって12時間ぐらいかかって」と苦労したというが「開いたときの内側も全部違う絵を描きました。箱を開けた時にも違う絵が見られたらと。底は色を入れていないので、塗り絵ができる。お時間があるときに塗り絵もしてクリスマスを楽しでもらったら」と細部まで"楽しみ"にこだわったようだ。 そのデザイン画には黒兎という普段香取が書くキャラクターも書いた。全体的に手書き感が溢れるデザインになっているが「クレヨンとかいろんな画材を使って書いたけど、ボックスに直接書いたような仕上がりになっています」と自信たっぷり。 改めて香取は「一足早いと思うかもしれませんが、今年のクリスマスをハッピーにするには今からです。楽しいクリスマスを一緒に過ごしましょう」と呼びかけた。 なお、同社におけるクリスマス商品の予約は9月 21日から開始する。 2019-09-17 07:41:00Z |
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