De Blog Have Fun |
- 『ヒプマイ』オオサカ・ディビジョン10月30日デビュー。キャストは岩崎諒太さん、河西健吾さん、黒田崇矢さん! - 電撃オンライン
- Snow ManがTGCに降臨、「Party! Party! Party!」など3曲生披露しファン魅了|TGC 2019 A/W - 映画ランドNEWS
- 「ヒプノシスマイク」新たにオオサカ・ディビジョン誕生、10月にCDリリース - ナタリー
- 「ヒプマイ」オオサカ・ディビジョン誕生!キャストに岩崎諒太、河西健吾、黒田崇矢 - コミックナタリー
- Felicity Huffman pleads for no jail time in college admissions scandal - Fox News
- Kevin Hart's Ride Lacked Critical Safety Features, Car Experts Claim - TMZ
- Meghan Markle Pregnant With Baby No. 2 Soon? Why You Shouldn't Believe the Rumors - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
- Walter Mosley Exits ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Writers’ Room After N-Word Complaint - Variety
- 君のヒーローになる!!アニメ「ヒロアカ」第4期のキービジュアル解禁 - ナタリー
- 乃木坂46松村沙友理、カラコン&ふわふわニットで甘めガーリー<TGC2019A/W> - モデルプレス
『ヒプマイ』オオサカ・ディビジョン10月30日デビュー。キャストは岩崎諒太さん、河西健吾さん、黒田崇矢さん! - 電撃オンライン Posted: 07 Sep 2019 07:05 AM PDT 『ヒプマイ』オオサカ・ディビジョン10月30日デビュー。キャストは岩崎諒太さん、河西健吾さん、黒田崇矢さん! - 電撃オンライン 本日9月7日、大阪城ホールで開催された『ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle-』4thライブ"ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-4th LIVE@オオサカ《Welcome to our Hood》"で、新ディビジョンの情報が解禁されました! イケブクロ・ディビジョン、ヨコハマ・ディビジョン、シブヤ・ディビジョン、シンジュク・ディビジョンの4ディビジョンに加え、新たにオオサカ・ディビジョンの誕生が明らかとなりました。 オオサカ・ディビジョンのチーム名は「どついたれ本舗」。メンバーは白膠木 簓(読み:ぬるで ささら)、躑躅森盧笙(読み:つつじもり ろしょう)、天谷奴 零(読み:あまやど れい)の3名です。キャラクタービジュアルとキャストも合わせて発表に。キャストは白膠木 簓役が岩崎諒太さん、躑躅森盧笙役が河西健吾さん、天谷奴 零役が黒田崇矢さん。 また、オオサカ・ディビジョン「どついたれ本舗」のCDも、10月30日に発売されることが判明しました。 ついに新たな展開を迎える『ヒプノシスマイク』、明日のライブにも期待が高まります! オオサカ・ディビジョン商品情報どついたれ本舗「タイトル未定」 (C)King Record Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2019-09-07 13:38:00Z |
Snow ManがTGCに降臨、「Party! Party! Party!」など3曲生披露しファン魅了|TGC 2019 A/W - 映画ランドNEWS Posted: 07 Sep 2019 07:05 AM PDT Snow ManがTGCに降臨、「Party! Party! Party!」など3曲生披露しファン魅了|TGC 2019 A/W - 映画ランドNEWS ジャニーズJr.ユニット・Snow Manが、2019年9月7日(土)さいたまスーパーアリーナにて開催の「マイナビ presents 第29回 東京ガールズコレクション 2019 AUTUMN/WINTER」(以下、TGC 2019 AUTUMN/WINTER)に登場した。 「TGC 2019 A/W Snow Man SPECIAL COLLECTION」にて、メンバーの岩本照、目黒蓮、阿部亮平、宮舘涼太、佐久間大介、深澤辰哉、向井康二、渡辺翔太、ラウールがTGC 2019 A/Wオフィシャルソングとして使用されている楽曲「Party! Party! Party!」をはじめ、「A.D.D.I.C.T」「Make It Hot」の3曲を生披露し、観客のべ32,800名を魅了。会場を沸かせ、華々しくTGC 2019 A/Wのフィナーレを飾った。 セットリスト マイナビ presents 第29回 東京ガールズコレクション 2019 AUTUMN/WINTER 開催日:2019年9月7日(土) メインモデル:⻘島妃菜、朝比奈彩、アシュリー、阿部菜々実(ラストアイドル)、新木優子、アリアナさくら、アンジェラ芽衣、安藤ニコ、飯豊まりえ、池田エライザ、池田美優、石川恋、伊藤ニーナ、伊藤桃々、魚住光生、江野沢愛美、emma、愛花、大政絢、岡崎紗絵、岡本夏美、楓(E-girls/Happiness)、香川沙耶、加藤史帆(日向坂46)、加藤ナナ、茅島みずき、河北麻友子、ギャビー、桐谷美玲、久間田琳加、黑木麗奈、小坂菜緒(日向坂46)、小林サラ、小林由依(欅坂46)、小室安未、紺野彩夏、齋藤飛鳥(乃木坂46)、 相楽伊織、佐々木久美(日向坂46)、佐々木美玲(日向坂46)、佐藤エリ、佐藤晴美(E-girls/Flower)、汐谷友希、上⻄星来(東京パフォーマンスドール)、白石麻衣(乃木坂46)、新川優愛、鈴木愛理、髙橋ひかる、高本彩花(日向坂46)、滝澤エリカ、武田玲奈、田鍋梨々花、玉城ティナ、多屋来夢、チャン・ウォニョン(IZ*ONE)、鶴嶋乃愛、出口夏希、トラウデン直美、トリンドル玲奈、中条あやみ、永瀬莉子、菜波、成田愛純、Niki、生見愛瑠、ねお、橋爪愛、蜂谷晏海、土生瑞穂(欅坂46)、林田真尋、HARUNA MATSUI、坂東希(E-girls/Flower)、福士マリ、福士リナ、福原遥、藤井サチ、藤田ニコル、堀田茜、Maaaya、マギー、松井愛莉、松村沙友理(乃木坂46)、MARINA、宮野陽名、宮脇咲良(IZ*ONE)、三吉彩花、八木アリサ、山下美月(乃木坂46)、山本舞香、ゆきぽよ(木村有希)、横田真悠、吉木千沙都、吉田美月喜、渡辺梨加(欅坂46)、渡邉理佐(欅坂46)※50音順 ゲスト:アバンティーズ、新田真剣佑、EXIT、磯村勇斗、一ノ瀬ワタル、伊藤あさひ、伊藤健太郎、要潤、神尾楓珠、上条百里菜、川村壱馬(THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE)、北村匠海、木村沙織、さんこいち、鈴木仁、高橋文哉、中川大志、中川大輔、浜辺美波、バンダリ亜砂也、坂東龍汰、三宅亮輔、森崎ウィン、森田望智、山田杏奈、山田裕貴、夢屋まさる、よしあき&ミチ、吉川愛、吉野北人(THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE)、りんごちゃん ※50音順 メインアーティスト:IZ*ONE、Snow Man、TOMORROW X TOGETHER ※50音順 MC:田中みな実、トレンディエンジェル ※50音順 2019-09-07 13:07:16Z |
「ヒプノシスマイク」新たにオオサカ・ディビジョン誕生、10月にCDリリース - ナタリー Posted: 07 Sep 2019 06:05 AM PDT 「ヒプノシスマイク」新たにオオサカ・ディビジョン誕生、10月にCDリリース - ナタリー 男性声優によるラップソングプロジェクト「ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-」に新たにオオサカ・ディビジョンが誕生することが決定した。 これは本日9月7日に大阪・大阪城ホールで行われたライブイベント「ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-4th LIVE@オオサカ《Welcome to our Hood》」内で発表されたもの。イケブクロ・ディビジョン、ヨコハマ・ディビジョン、シブヤ・ディビジョン、シンジュク・ディビジョンに加えて新たに誕生するオオサカ・ディビジョンのチーム名は「どついたれ本舗」で、白膠木簓(読み:ぬるでささら)、躑躅森盧笙(読み:つつじもりろしょう)、天谷奴零(読み:あまやど れい)の3人からなる。白膠木役は岩崎諒太、躑躅森盧笙役は河西健吾、天谷奴役は黒田崇矢が担当。10月30日にはオオサカ・ディビジョンどついたれ本舗としてのCDが発売される。 2019-09-07 12:12:00Z |
「ヒプマイ」オオサカ・ディビジョン誕生!キャストに岩崎諒太、河西健吾、黒田崇矢 - コミックナタリー Posted: 07 Sep 2019 05:35 AM PDT 「ヒプマイ」オオサカ・ディビジョン誕生!キャストに岩崎諒太、河西健吾、黒田崇矢 - コミックナタリー 「ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle-」に新たなディビジョンとしてオオサカ・ディビジョンが誕生することが、本日9月7日に大阪・大阪城ホールで行われた「ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-4th LIVE」で発表された。 オオサカ・ディビジョンのチーム名はどついたれ本舗。メンバーは白膠木簓(ぬるでささら)、躑躅森盧笙(つつじもりろしょう)、天谷奴零(あまやどれい)の3人で、白膠木役を岩崎諒太、躑躅森役を 併せてどついたれ本舗メンバーのキャラクタービジュアルも公開された。なお「どついたれ本舗」のCDは10月30日にリリースされる。 2019-09-07 11:52:00Z |
Felicity Huffman pleads for no jail time in college admissions scandal - Fox News Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:49 AM PDT Felicity Huffman pleads for no jail time in college admissions scandal - Fox News Attornies for "Desperate Housewives" star Felicity Huffman pleaded with a Boston federal judge Friday to spare her jail time after she pleaded guilty in connection with the college admissions bribery scandal and instead give her probation, community service and a fine. In a three-page letter to U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani, Huffman wrote she has "a deep and abiding shame" for participating in a scheme in which she paid $15,000 to have a proctor correct her daughter's SAT exam answers in the hopes of getting her into an Ivy League college. Huffman said she was trying to give her daughter, whom she says has a diagnosed learning disability and struggles with math, an opportunity to become an actress. FELICITY HUFFMAN TALKS MOTHERHOOD AS EVA LONGORIA SAYS SHE COPED WITH COLLEGE SCANDAL 'WITH GRACE' "In my desperation to be a good mother, I talked myself into believing that all I was doing was giving my daughter a fair shot," Huffman wrote. "I see the irony in that statement now because what I have done is the opposite of fair. I have broken the law, deceived the educational community, betrayed my daughter, and failed my family." The 56-year-old Emmy Award winner pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud in May and is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 13. Huffman's lawyers believe that one year of probation, 250 hours of community service with an organization that works with at-risk youth in Los Angeles and a $20,000 fine is fair, asserting that similar cases "almost always" result in probation rather than jail time which is "exceptionally rare." U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling is pushing for one month of jail time, a year of probation after that and a $20,000 fine, a sentence he says takes into account the fact that Huffman has accepted responsibility for her actions. Lelling says Huffman knew the scheme was wrong and participated in it anyways. "Her efforts weren't driven by need or desperation, but by a sense of entitlement, or at least moral cluelessness, facilitated by wealth and insularity," his office wrote in its filing Friday. "Millions of parents send their kids to college every year. All of them care as much she does about their children's fortunes. But they don't buy fake SAT scores." Under federal sentencing guidelines, prosecutors could have sought up to six months of jail time. Meanwhile, Huffman's actor husband William H. Macy, who wasn't charged in the scheme, and her "Desperate Housewives" co-star Eva Longoria were among two dozen people who submitted letters to the court on her behalf. Macy detailed his family's struggles in the wake of the scandal, saying that his wife hasn't been able to find work since she was arrested six months ago and her daughter, now in college, has been taking a gap year. He also said Huffman's younger daughter, who is in high school is attending therapy. "Felicity's only interest now is figuring out how to make amends and help her daughters heal and move on," Macy wrote. In a two-page letter, Longoria praised her friendship with Huffman calling her a "gentle character" with a "kind heart." Longoria also said of Huffman: "She always leads with her heart and has always put others first." Huffman is among 51 people charged in a scheme in which prosecutors say wealthy parents paid an admissions consultant to bribe coaches and test administrators to help their children get into prestigious colleges. CLICK HERE FOR THE FOX NEWS APP Huffman's bribe is among the smaller ones. "Full House" star Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, are charged with paying $500,000 for their two daughters to get into elite universities. Both have pleaded not guilty to charges which include conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering and are facing maximum jail sentences of 40 years in prison. The Associated Press contributed to this report. 2019-09-07 03:07:51Z |
Kevin Hart's Ride Lacked Critical Safety Features, Car Experts Claim - TMZ Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:48 AM PDT Kevin Hart's Ride Lacked Critical Safety Features, Car Experts Claim - TMZ Exclusive TMZ.comKevin Hart was riding in a death trap in the form of a tricked out 1970 Plymouth Barracuda ... so say car experts, who believe his ride lacked key safety features that would've spared him horrendous injuries as a result of his car crash. Several owners of car customizing shops specializing in performance vehicles tell TMZ ... it's "highly unusual" for cars with 720 horsepower to be outfitted without a five-point harness and a roll cage. Joe Rogan commissioned Rad Rides by Troy to build his Hemi-powered 1970 Barracuda -- the same type of car Kevin had -- and folks in the shop tell us Joe's whip did indeed have a five-point harness and roll cage, and the shop's staff was shocked Kevin's was not similarly outfitted. We reached out to SpeedKore, the company that customized Kevin's Barracuda, to ask about the car's safety features or lack thereof ... but they had no comment. TMZ broke the story ... Kevin suffered 3 spinal fractures when his car crashed through a fence on Mulholland Highway in the Malibu Hills. He had serious back surgery where doctors fused 3 sections of his spine. He's now starring down months of rehab. Kevin's wreck shook Dr. Phil ... he showed us his classic, souped-up 1957 Chevy, which is equipped with lap belts but no safety harnesses, and he's now thinking about installing the harnesses and also plans to inquire about airbags. 2019-09-07 08:00:00Z |
Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:47 AM PDT Meghan Markle Pregnant With Baby No. 2 Soon? Why You Shouldn't Believe the Rumors - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Whenever someone announces they are expecting a new baby, the people close to them can hardly contain their excitement. Surely, it is an extremely joyous time when one of the royals announces to their family members that there is a little one on the way. When they finally go public with that announcement, royal fans go wild. This was exactly the case when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shared the great news that they were expecting their first baby. They were on an official tour when they made the announcement, and within just a few hours, they were already receiving baby gifts. From that point, millions of people had their eyes fixed on Duchess Meghan's growing bump, and we were on the edge of our seats just waiting for the newest royal to be born. Baby Archie Harrison is barely four months old, and we've only caught just a few glimpses of him so far. Even so, there is speculation that Markle will be pregnant with her second child very soon. But you shouldn't believe the rumors. Harry and Meghan's baby talk started earlyWith Markle's amazing personality and generosity, it was evident even before she and Prince Harry were married that she would make a spectacular mom. Prince Harry doesn't hesitate to hide his love for children, and he relates to them in a way that not just anyone can. Before the royal wedding in May 2018, CafeMom reported that Markle was already expecting her first baby. There were rumors that the bride-to-be was suffering from morning sickness, and reports that say she had shared the news with her closest friends. Obviously, the baby rumors turned out to be false, and it wasn't until a few months after getting married that we found out Duchess Meghan had a bun in the oven. Everyone tends to jump to conclusions about royal babiesMarkle is certainly not the only person in the public eye to be plagued by pregnancy rumors. Her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, as dealt with similar rumors herself on occasion. If the Duchess of Cambridge wears a loose-fitting dress or even unwittingly places a hand on her stomach for a split second, suddenly, the internet goes crazy with speculation of a fourth baby. Although Prince William and Duchess Kate already have three children, there is constantly chatter regarding another baby being on the way. According to International Business Times, there will always be speculation, and unless an official announcement is made, everyone should disregard the rumors. Will Harry and Meghan make a pregnancy announcement soon?The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have barely had time to get settled in as new parents to Baby Archie, and already there are rumors circulating that they are planning a second baby. According to Express, although the royal couple is extremely busy, they will soon be announcing that a second baby is on the way. In fact, a royal expert feels that Markle will be pregnant again within a year's time. Why shouldn't we believe the rumors? We all know that Duchess Meaghan and Prince Harry absolutely love kids. They have both expressed their joy about being parents to Archie, with Prince Harry describing his son as being "to die for." However, fans and the media shouldn't be rushing things and jumping to conclusions before anything is confirmed. Also, we need to keep in mind that Prince Harry has said in the past that he and Markle wouldn't have more than two children, and there is plenty of time to have a second one. Royal fans love when a new baby is on the way, as prior pregnancy rumors have more than proved, which is why there are always rumors going around. 2019-09-07 07:15:22Z |
Walter Mosley Exits ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Writers’ Room After N-Word Complaint - Variety Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:47 AM PDT Walter Mosley Exits 'Star Trek: Discovery' Writers' Room After N-Word Complaint - Variety Author Walter Mosley says he recently quit a television series on which he was writing after another writer complained about his use of the n-word in the writers' room. Mosley, who is African-American and Jewish, wrote in an op-ed for the New York Times that he had used the word while telling a story from his past. "I just told a story about a cop who explained to me, on the streets of Los Angeles, that he stopped all n—-rs in paddy neighborhoods and all paddies in n—-r neighborhoods, because they were usually up to no good," he wrote. "I was telling a true story as I remembered it." He said that after that day, he received a phone call from the studio's HR department. "A pleasant-sounding young man said, 'Mr. Mosley, it has been reported that you used the N-word in the writers' room.' I replied, 'I am the N-word in the writers' room.'" The HR rep informed Mosley that someone in the room had stated that his use of the word had made them uncomfortable, though he was not formally reprimanded. "[The] H.R. representative called to inform me that such language was unacceptable to my employers," he continued. "I couldn't use that word in common parlance, even to express an experience I lived through." Mosley went on to say that he decided to resign from the show following the call. "There I was, a black man in America who shares with millions of others the history of racism," he wrote. "And more often than not, treated as subhuman. If addressed at all that history had to be rendered in words my employers regarded as acceptable." Though Mosley did not specify which show it was, Variety has confirmed that it was "Star Trek: Discovery," which is produced by CBS Television Studios. "We have the greatest admiration for Mr. Mosley's writing talents and were excited to have him join 'Star Trek: Discovery,'" the studio said in a statement. "While we cannot comment on the specifics of confidential employee matters, we are committed to supporting a workplace where employees feel free to express concerns and where they feel comfortable performing their best work. We wish Mr. Mosley much continued success." Mosley is a celebrated novelist, most notably writing the Easy Rawlins mystery series. As a television writer, he currently works on the FX drama series "Snowfall." "Discovery" has had issues behind the scenes even before it made it to air. Original series showrunner Bryan Fuller departed the show just months before its premiere following multiple delays in launching the series. After that, Alex Kurtzman took over as showrunner midway though production on Season 2 after rumors of abusive behavior from co-showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg toward the show's writing staff were reported. The Hollywood Reporter first broke the news Mosley had left "Discovery." Popular on Variety2019-09-07 00:54:00Z |
君のヒーローになる!!アニメ「ヒロアカ」第4期のキービジュアル解禁 - ナタリー Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:34 AM PDT 君のヒーローになる!!アニメ「ヒロアカ」第4期のキービジュアル解禁 - ナタリー 第4期で描かれるのは主人公・緑谷出久がプロヒーローのもとでインターン活動に挑む「ヒーローインターン編」。キービジュアルには、出久と雄英ビッグ3の1人・通形ミリオを中心に、インターン編のメインキャラクターがお目見え。出久とミリオが手を伸ばす先にいるのは、第4期のキーパーソンとなる謎の少女・壊理。壊理の背後には、指定敵〈ヴィラン〉団体「死穢八斎會」の若頭であるオーバーホールの姿が描かれた。インターン編のテーマとなる言葉「君のヒーローになる!!」もあしらわれている。 TVアニメ「僕のヒーローアカデミア」第4期は10月12日に放送スタート。なお12月20日には劇場版最新作「 TVアニメ「僕のヒーローアカデミア」第4期2019年10月12日(土)より、毎週土曜17:30~読売テレビ・日本テレビ系で放送 スタッフ原作: キャスト緑谷出久:山下大輝 2019-09-07 09:00:00Z |
乃木坂46松村沙友理、カラコン&ふわふわニットで甘めガーリー<TGC2019A/W> - モデルプレス Posted: 07 Sep 2019 02:04 AM PDT 乃木坂46松村沙友理、カラコン&ふわふわニットで甘めガーリー<TGC2019A/W> - モデルプレス 乃木坂46の松村沙友理が、7日にさいたまスーパーアリーナ(埼玉)で開催された「マイナビ presents 第29回 東京ガールズコレクション 2019 AUTUMN/WINTER」(以下:TGC)に出演した。 TGC初出展となる韓国ブランド「17kg」ステージのトップバッターで、ふわふわの白ニット×ピンクのスカートという王道なガーリースタイルで登場した松村。カラーコンタクトを装着し、甘めなヘアメイクで、ゆるやかにランウェイ。両手を頬に寄せ、得意のあざと可愛い"プク顔"をして見せると、会場は大歓声だった。 令和最初のTGC テーマは"レイワガールズレボリューション"令和最初のTGCを盛り上げるメインモデルには、大政絢、桐谷美玲、松井愛莉、三吉彩花ら人気モデルが集結。さらに、IZ*ONEのメンバーチャン・ウォニョン、宮脇咲良のランウェイデビューも決定した。また、ゲストとして映画『HELLO WORLD』(9月20日公開)から北村匠海・浜辺美波、NHK連続テレビ小説『なつぞら』出演中の中川大志、元バレーボール界のエース・木村沙織、圧倒的な人気を誇る動画クリエーター・アバンティーズが登場。話題作への出演が続く伊藤健太郎、Netflixオリジナルシリーズ『全裸監督』での体当たり演技が絶賛されている女優・森田望智がTGCにて初ランウェイ。ステージにスパイスを添えるパフォーマーには、世界を代表するダンスコンテスト『WORLD OF DANCE』で日本人初の二連覇を飾ったFabulous Sistersが登場する。(modelpress編集部) 【Not Sponsored 記事】 2019-09-07 07:12:03Z |
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