
De Blog Have Fun

De Blog Have Fun

クリープハイプ現体制10周年記念ツアーにキャリア最大規模の幕張メッセ公演 - ナタリー

Posted: 08 Sep 2019 06:38 AM PDT

クリープハイプ現体制10周年記念ツアーにキャリア最大規模の幕張メッセ公演 - ナタリー


このツアーは全10公演。2020年2月7日に北海道・Zepp Sapporoでスタートし、3月15日にクリープハイプ史上最大規模となる千葉・幕張メッセ国際展示場9~11ホールでセミファイナル、3月22日に大阪・大阪城ホールでファイナルを迎える。クリープハイプの有料会員サイト「太客倶楽部」では、9月27日12:00から10月8日23:59までチケットの先行予約を受け付ける。

ツアー開催の発表に併せて、10周年を記念したアーティストビジュアルも公開された。新ビジュアルには2009年のアーティスト写真を使用。尾崎世界観(Vo, G)と小説家・千早茜による共著「犬も食わない」の装丁を手がけたイラストレーター・雪下まゆがこの写真に傷や汚れを描き、時間の経過を表現したビジュアルとなっている。また12月には10周年を記念したクリープハイプの新作リリースが予定されている。

クリープハイプ 10周年記念ツアー

2020年2月7日(金)北海道 Zepp Sapporo
2020年2月15日(土)宮城県 チームスマイル・仙台PIT
2020年2月16日(日)宮城県 チームスマイル・仙台PIT
2020年2月27日(木)広島県 広島CLUB QUATTRO
2020年2月28日(金)広島県 広島CLUB QUATTRO
2020年3月1日(日)福岡県 Zepp Fukuoka
2020年3月6日(金)愛知県 Zepp Nagoya
2020年3月7日(土)愛知県 Zepp Nagoya
2020年3月15日(日)千葉県 幕張メッセ国際展示場9~11ホール
2020年3月22日(日)大阪府 大阪城ホール

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2019-09-08 13:00:00Z

BARBEE BOYSが29年ぶりに新作リリース - ナタリー

Posted: 08 Sep 2019 05:38 AM PDT

BARBEE BOYSが29年ぶりに新作リリース - ナタリー

BARBEE BOYSが12月18日に新作「PlanBee」をリリースする。

BARBEE BOYSの新作は1990年10月発売の「あいまいtension」以来29年2カ月ぶり。新作の収録曲などの詳細は後日アナウンスされる。

BARBEE BOYSは10月30日に東京・チームスマイル・豊洲PITで開催される対バンライブ「ライブナタリー Presents RESPECT! Vol.1」でOKAMOTO'Sと競演。2020年1月13日には東京・国立代々木競技場第一体育館で約10年ぶりとなるワンマンライブ「突然こんなところは嫌いかい?」を行う。

ライブナタリー Presents RESPECT! Vol.1

2019年10月30日(水)東京都 チームスマイル・豊洲PIT

BARBEE BOYS「突然こんなところは嫌いかい?」

2020年1月13日(月・祝)東京都 国立代々木競技場第一体育館

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2019-09-08 12:00:00Z

Talkin Music: Ron Artis II - KVNF Public Radio

Posted: 08 Sep 2019 03:57 AM PDT

Talkin Music: Ron Artis II - KVNF Public Radio

Soul singer, songwriter and guitarist 
Ron Artis II stopped by KVNF in Paonia, CO to talk about his new album "Love is Love" which is due out on Sept. 9th, 2019. Ron played a few unreleased tracks for our listeners and talked with KVNF's Kori Stanton about the evolution of his music and how on this record he was hearing strings and horns instead of the rock and roll sounds we heard on his previous album "Soul Street". Ron's band The Truth, his wife Yulia and their three little girls were also in the studio listening live.   

Special thanks to Jeff Reynolds for engineering this program. 

2019-09-07 17:44:46Z

'Hustlers' Movie Review: Jennifer Lopez's 'Training Day' for Constance Wu - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: 08 Sep 2019 03:49 AM PDT

'Hustlers' Movie Review: Jennifer Lopez's 'Training Day' for Constance Wu - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

In the '90s, we had dueling stripper movies Showgirls and Striptease. It says a lot that Showgirls is considered both the more accurate and the higher quality film. I don't mean to set such a low bar for Hustlers. It compares favorably to good movies too, and it's one of Jennifer Lopez's best. Hustlers succeeds because it's not aiming for titillation, and it helps there was a compelling true story behind it.

Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, Lili Reinhart and Keke Palmer in Hustlers
L-R: Lili Reinhart, Jennifer Lopez, Keke Palmer and Constance Wu in Hustlers | Barbar Nitke/STX Financing, LLC

Jennifer Lopez et al. play real 'Hustlers'

Hustlers is based on the Jessica Pressler article "The Hustlers at Scores" about strippers who ran a crime ring drugging men and stealing their money via high limit credit cards. The film says it is "inspired by a true story" so the events portrayed in the film may be heightened, but it still ends with text cards saying what happened to every character after the events of the film. 

Destiny (Constance Wu) works the joyless grind trying to drum up VIP dances in the club. Even when she has a good night, everyone takes a cut. Ramona (Jennifer Lopez) teaches Dorothy some acrobatic pole moves, and how to spot the Wall Street types with the most money to spend. 

Constance Wu in Hustlers | STX Financing, LLC

Hustlers has a Goodfellas/Wolf of Wall Street methodology, teaching the audience how strip clubs work, how Wall Street guys operate, and more once Ramona gets in deeper. It's sort of Destiny's Training Day although it lasts more than 24 hours. Jennifer Lopez has the Denzel Washington corrupt mentor role. 

Any industry can be made fascinating when you make it cinematic. Writer/director Lorene Scarafia doesn't coast on the glamorous world of dancers, moneymen, parties and shopping sprees. She highlights the ingenuity Ramona brings to her niche.

'Hustlers' crosses the line

When the economic crisis hit in 2008, the bubble burst for everyone. We don't often think of the underground businesses that dried up too. If everyone lost all their money, nobody can afford to go to a strip club either, and there are dancers who depended on that steady clientele. So Ramona finds her own customers.

Romona, Destiny, Mercedes (Keke Palmer) and Annabelle (Lili Reinhart) start fishing guys off the street, getting them drunk at a bar and then suggesting the strip club where they can charge VIP dances to their credit cards. Ramona also drugs the guys with Ketamine and MDMA. That's where I feel she crosses the line, and everyone may have their own lines.

Constance Wu, Frank Whaley and Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers | STX Financing, LLC

I don't have a problem with fishing guys off the street. Then it's their call if they want to go out with these strangers, but the movie shows many guys bail when Ramona pushes too hard. Once she brings drugs into it, she's no longer working the guys. She's just stealing. 

She targets Wall Street types, blaming them for stealing from people and putting others out of work, but that's like Death Wish where Paul Kersey goes after random muggers but not the actual ones who attacked his family. She's a financial vigilante.

Jennifer Lopez has fun being bad in 'Hustlers'

Like all great crime movies, Hustlers is fun even as the crime gets more serious. The film addresses the danger and morality of drugging people, regardless of the theft, with levity. Ramona and Destiny suffer too through their trial and error of cooking up the right roofie mix. Guys get more aggressive, which is the danger of leaving the safety of a club with bouncers.

Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu in Hustlers
Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu in Hustlers | Alison Cohen Rosa/STX Financing, LLC

The system of the con only grows more fascinating as Ramona talks down guys who call her after they see their credit card statement. What are they going to do, let their wives know how they charged so much money? The dancers have clever ways of learning personal information for passwords and security questions too, although I think most of the guys would be smart enough not to answer if they were sober.

The downfall of the 'Hustlers' is the most poignant

In most of these crime stories, the system is perfect and it's only the criminals' greed and hubris that bring them down. Henry Hill got high off his own product. The Casino gangsters made too much noise. They could've kept operating under the radar if they'd stopped picking fights. Ramona's scam was never sustainable.

With a scam like hers, each client could only be fleeced once. They're not going to keep coming back. Ramona's ultimately going to run out of clients, or potentially fleece everyone in New York until there's no one left. Every scenario in Hustlers is temporary, and then Ramona comes up with a new system to adjust. Jealousy and betrayal threaten her crew too, but this was never built to last even if everybody was completely humble and well-adjusted.

Constance Wu and Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers | STX Financing, LLC

I see relevant parallels between Ramona's scam and the scam against which she was fighting. The economic crisis happened because Wall Street's investments schemes and the subprime mortgage industry were not sustainable. Likewise, Ramona's retaliation was not sustainable. She could only make a quick buck before the bubble burst for her too. 

The female gaze of 'Hustlers'

Hustlers is a sexy movie. There are beautiful women who trained hard to perform acrobatic dance moves. The fact that a woman directed it makes Hustlers unique to 99% of all the other stripper movies ever made (although Katt Shea is also in the 1% for Stripped to Kill). I'm probably not qualified to definitively articulate the differences, but I definitely noticed a female eye on the ladies.

Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu in Hustlers
Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu in Hustlers | STX Financing, LLC

Scafaria's strip club scenes are about the movement, the beauty of the women, not seeing the naked parts. The most glamorous shot in the movie is Ramona taking a smoke break on the roof shrouded in fur. Scafaria films the women entering every room in slow motion. It honestly makes me feel better about admiring them. I can feel secure I'm not taking part in exploiting Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, Keke Palmer or Lili Reinhart while watching Hustlers.

Where's Cardi B in 'Hustlers'

A word of caution to Cardi B fans. She's all over the trailers, and that consists of most of her screen time. She and Lizzo are very much cameos in Hustlers. They're good accents to the film, but Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, Keke Palmer and Lili Reinhart are the stars. 

If you are a fan of any of these women, or of women in general, or of people doing interesting things, Hustlers is a compelling crime story. Even if you do your homework and read about how the story ended, it's still worth the ride.

2019-09-08 06:05:13Z

「ヒプマイ」さらにナゴヤ・ディビジョン誕生!全キャスト出演の2DAYSライブも決定 - ナタリー

Posted: 08 Sep 2019 03:07 AM PDT

「ヒプマイ」さらにナゴヤ・ディビジョン誕生!全キャスト出演の2DAYSライブも決定 - ナタリー

「ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle-」に新たなディビジョンとしてナゴヤ・ディビジョンが誕生することが、本日9月8日に大阪・大阪城ホールで行われた「ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-4th LIVE」で発表された。

ナゴヤ・ディビジョンのチーム名はBad Ass Temple。メンバーは葉山翔太演じる波羅夷空却(はらいくうこう)、榊原優希演じる四十物十四(あいものじゅうし)、竹内栄治演じる天国獄(あまぐにひとや)の3人で、併せてキャラクタービジュアルも公開された。

また5thライブが2020年3月28日と29日の2日間にわたり、埼玉・メットライフドームで開催されることも明らかに。イケブクロ・ディビジョン、ヨコハマ・ディビジョン、シブヤ・ディビジョン、シンジュク・ディビジョンに加え、昨日発表されたオオサカ・ディビジョン、そしてナゴヤ・ディビジョンの6ディビジョンの全キャストが出演する。ライブの最速先行申込シリアルナンバーは、10月30日発売のどついたれ本舗のCD、11月27日発売のBad Ass TempleのCDに封入される。

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2019-09-08 09:33:00Z

クジラ「入れない……」 空を泳ぐクジラを作るはずがクジラを入れ忘れて“タダの空”になったレジン作品が話題に - ねとらぼ

Posted: 08 Sep 2019 01:07 AM PDT

クジラ「入れない……」 空を泳ぐクジラを作るはずがクジラを入れ忘れて"タダの空"になったレジン作品が話題に - ねとらぼ


クジラ レジン空を泳げなかったクジラさん


 2枚目の画像では何とか空に飛び込もうとするクジラの姿が写し出されており、この様子を見たTwitterユーザーからは「くじら『はいれない…』」「空(から)と空(そら)をかけてるんですね」「笑いました 爆笑です わざと別パーツにしたのかと思ってよくよく読んだら...違ったww」「くじらが空に入ろうとしてる」などのコメントが寄せられているほか、「『物語』を付けてやれば良いのですよ」と作品をイメージしたストーリーの創作を行う人の姿も。ツイートには6万3000件もの"いいね"が寄せられており、災い転じて福となすの状態となっています。

クジラ レジンクジラ「入れない……」



クジラ レジン

クジラ レジン

クジラ レジン

クジラ レジン



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2019-09-08 06:35:00Z

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