De Blog Have Fun |
- Mobile protected areas for biodiversity on the high seas - Science Magazine
- [CES2020]Vol.09 「次の10年のエンターテインメント・プラットフォーム」とは?〜モバイル向け動画配信サービスQuibiスタート直前 - PRONEWS
- On this day in 2006, Alex Ovechkin scored 'The Goal' - Russian Machine Never Breaks
- Deal Saves Residents at San Jose Mobile Home Park - NBC Bay Area
- King of Queens character actress Norma Michaels dies at 95 - Entertainment Weekly News
- Boy who broke down crying in viral video after beating cancer rings bell to mark end of chemo - FOX 35 Orlando
- Alex Ovechkin becomes second player in NHL history to score 30+ goals in each of his first 15 seasons - Russian Machine Never Breaks
- Trump says he doesn't know Parnas after being implicated in Ukraine scandal - The Times of Israel
- バンダイナムコエンターテインメント 家庭用ゲーム『次世代ワールドホビーフェア'20 Winter』出展タイトル発表!最新ゲームを試遊体験しよう!!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信
- Rangers stick it to Islanders again on Chris Kreider's last-minute goal - New York Post
- Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Man Utd offered Cavani transfer -
- Exclusive: Evelyn Yang reveals she was sexually assaulted by her OB-GYN while pregnant - CNN
- Dispatch: Crews on scene of mobile home fire in Henderson - 14 News WFIE Evansville
- FBI investigators visit Robert Hyde's home and office - CNN
- Democratic group plans mobile billboard targeting Collins on impeachment | TheHill - The Hill
- バンダイナムコエンターテインメント 家庭用ゲーム『次世代ワールドホビーフェア’20 Winter』出展タイトル発表!最新ゲームを試遊体験しよう!! - PR TIMES
- FBI visits home of Robert Hyde, Trump donor at center of Ukraine ambassador spy scandal - CNBC
- After the pomp of trade deal signing, China and US face tough reality - South China Morning Post
- Key Player In Ukraine Scandal Opens Up About Ukraine & Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - MSNBC
- Government to submit omnibus bill to House this week, Jokowi says - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post
- San Jose mobile home park will be razed for a 700-unit luxury housing development - The Mercury News
- I Am the Actress. I Speak For the Girls. - Bearing Drift
- Abu Dhabi crown prince and Tony Blair to oversee Indonesia's new capital development - News - GCR
- KOHH、今年で引退することを宣言 - ナタリー
- 欅坂46、初東京ドームライブ「不協和音」「角を曲がる」…ダイジェスト映像公開 - モデルプレス
Mobile protected areas for biodiversity on the high seas - Science Magazine Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:13 AM PST ![]() SummaryA new agreement is being negotiated under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to provide legally binding mechanisms to protect the marine environment and to conserve and ensure the sustainable use of marine biodiversity on the high seas (international waters in areas beyond national jurisdiction) (1). One of the suggested objectives in the current draft text is to "apply an approach that builds ecosystem resilience to the adverse effects of climate change" when applying area-based management tools (ABMTs), including marine protected areas (MPAs). Yet even though climate change is resulting in shifts in species' ranges (2) and in the behavior of the human users of mobile, commercially valuable species (3), protection of highly mobile species and the dynamic habitats on which they depend is not currently a focus of negotiations. With the final language to be determined as early as 2020 (1), we urge negotiators to include new dynamic management tools, including mobile MPAs (mMPAs), whose boundaries shift across space and time, that could help to safeguard marine life and build ecosystem resilience by protecting dynamic habitats as well as migratory marine species in a changing ocean. "Mobile" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 10:43AM Mobile protected areas for biodiversity on the high seas - Science Magazine "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
[CES2020]Vol.09 「次の10年のエンターテインメント・プラットフォーム」とは?〜モバイル向け動画配信サービスQuibiスタート直前 - PRONEWS Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:07 AM PST ![]() モバイル向けストリーミングサービス「Quibi」とは?生活を変えるテクノロジーのショーケースとして世界中から注目を集めるCES。今年は会場のあちこちで、「NEXT DECADE=次の10年」という言葉が繰り返し語られ、2020年代ならではの大きな潮流を生み出すべく、様々な領域において新しいコンセプトやサービスの発表が次々となされた。 エンターテインメントの領域でも、現地の来場者の中で大きく話題を集めたサービスがある。「Quibi」というモバイル向けのストリーミングサービスだ。2020年4月のローンチに向け、昨年後半から徐々に情報開示されてきたが、今回のCESでは、創業者のJeffrey Katzenberg氏とCEOのMeg Whitman氏の両氏が登壇した基調講演が行われ、これまで謎めいていたサービスの内容が明らかになった。 ![]() ![]() モバイル向けの動画配信サービスと聞くと、米国では「GO90」という先行サービスが思い出される。ベライゾンが2015年に鳴り物入りではじめたOTTサービスで、ティーンがスマートフォンを90°回転させ、横向きで動画を専念視聴することを期待したネーミングと、プレミアムコンテンツ獲得のための多額の調達費用が話題となったが、ユーザーに視聴習慣が根付かず、残念ながら2018年にサービス終了となった。このときに多数のコンテンツを「GO90」向けに提供していたAwesomenessTVのトップを務めていたのが、Jeffrey Katzenberg氏だ。 Katzenberg氏にとって、今回の「Quibi」は、モバイル向けストリーミングサービスの二度目の挑戦ともいえる。長らくハリウッドを中心に、コンテンツ制作に取り組んできたKatzenberg氏が、「Quibi」でタッグを組んだのが、Meg Whitman氏。eBayやHewlett-Packardの経営者として知られる。トップの2人の経歴から、「ハリウッドとシリコンバレーがタッグを組んだ」と言われる「Quibi」のサービスとは、いったいどのようなものなのだろうか。 彼らは「Quibi」を、「まったく新しいモバイル専用のストリーミングサービス」として位置付けている。過去のメディアの歴史において、ラジオの次にテレビがうまれる流れになった際、はじめはラジオのフォーマットを踏襲していたが、のちにテレビならではのコンテンツフォーマットが確立したことを引き合いに出し、従来の動画ストリーミングサービスは、テレビのフォーマットの延長線上に過ぎなかった。いまこそモバイルならではのフォーマットを生み出すべきで、その答えが「Quibi」なのだ、と語っている。 ちなみにQuibiとは、Quick Bites(軽食)の略であり、スマホ用のショートコンテンツの意である。提供されるコンテツは、当然短い尺のもになる。 「Quibi」のユニークな点は、「ターンスタイル」と呼ばれる、スマートフォンの縦と横の画角を自由に切り替えてコンテンツを楽しむことができる映像フォーマットにある。縦型を「ポートレートビデオ」、横型を「ランドスケープビデオ」とし、すべてのコンテンツが「ターンスタイル」に対応している。撮影用に、スマートフォンを3台コネクトさせた独自の機材を開発し、制作者が見せたい映像を縦でも横でも成立するように提供することができる。 ![]() 同じ内容の映像を縦でも横でも見れる、というのは、実はそれだけでは大した差別化ポイントにはならない。筆者が面白さを感じたのは、基調講演中のデモで、縦型にした際に「デバイスが電話/スマートフォンであること」を意識した映像演出が行われていた点だ。登場人物がFaceTimeで話している通話画面が、自分のスマートフォンで再生されていたら、まるで自分自身が話をしているかのような錯覚に陥るだろう。また、映像内で、登場人物がSNSをチェックする際は、アプリ画面がスマートフォンいっぱいに表示され、これまた自分のアカウントのように感じられるはずだ。 スマートフォンが単なる映像再生デバイスというだけでなく、様々なアプリケーションを内包しているからこそ、その機能をストーリーテリングにからめることによって、映像のもつリアリティが増し、オーディエンスはより一層、物語に没入することだろう。あたかも、自分のデバイスで起こっている事件かのように。そういう意味において、「Quibi」は、短尺の高クオリティの映像視聴のみならず、スマートフォンという装置をフルに活かしたエンタテインメント体験の提供を目指しているといえるだろう。 ゲームの世界では、10年ほど前に"Alternate Reality Game"という代替現実ゲームの概念が注目されたことがあった。ゲームの中に表示された電話番号に、現実世界で実際にかけると繋がり通話ができてしまう、などといった、オンライン/オフラインの世界にまたがってちりばめられたヒントがストーリーの進行につながる仕掛けが当時のユーザーの熱狂を集めた。「Quibi」をスマートフォンという装置を舞台にしたエンターテインメント体験と考えると、ミステリー、サスペンスと言ったジャンルのゲームのストーリーテリングの発想とは、非常に相性が良さそうだ。 ![]() 「Quibi」は作り込んだドラマ以外にも、ドキュメンタリー、ファッション、トラベル、スポーツ、ニュースなど、様々なコンテンツを用意しており、現時点で175タイトル、8500エピソードが用意されているという。グローバルでのローンチについては明らかにしていないが、日本の映像制作者たちもすでに「Quibi」でどんな企画がありえそうか、検討に入っているという話も聞こえてきている。2020年代ならではのエンターテインメント・プラットフォームとして育っていくかどうか、今春からの動きを注目していきたい。 txt:加藤薫(博報堂DYメディアパートナーズ) 構成:編集部◀Vol.08 [CES2020] Vol.10(近日公開)▶ "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース January 17, 2020 at 12:02AM [CES2020]Vol.09 「次の10年のエンターテインメント・プラットフォーム」とは?〜モバイル向け動画配信サービスQuibiスタート直前 - PRONEWS "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
On this day in 2006, Alex Ovechkin scored 'The Goal' - Russian Machine Never Breaks Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:53 PM PST ![]() On January 16th, 2006, Alex Ovechkin scored his most memorable goal to date. While falling and twirling around, Ovi took a "simply sensational" shot to beat Arizona Coyotes goaltender Brian Boucher. The goal also happened in front of one of the greatest players in NHL history, Wayne Gretzky, who was the Pheonix Coyotes coach at the time. VideoThursday, Brian Boucher, the goalie Ovi scored on, wished him "Happy anniversary."
On the 10-year anniversary of 'The Goal,' CSN Mid Atlantic aired a video during the first intermission of the Caps-Sabres game, where players and media who witnessed it recounted what the moment was like. "I didn't see the puck go in because I was on my back," Ovechkin said to The Washington Post's Isabelle Khurshudyan on the 10th anniversary of 'The Goal.' "I had to look if I didn't hit the boards or get injured, so I look up and I see [Boyd Gordon] and [Brendan Witt] came to me and start like, celebrate, so I have to go and see and look what happened, how I did it." "For that moment, it was just an unbelievable time," Ovechkin continued. "My dream was come true. I was playing in the NHL, I did kind of a special goal and Gretzky was there as well." Gretzky wasn't the only memorable name in attendance for 'The Goal.' An eight-year-old Auston Matthews of the Toronto Maple Leafs was at Glendale Arena when Ovechkin netted the historic tally. "I was there, yeah," Matthews told Sportsnet. "It was unbelievable. That was back when I think Gretzky was coaching. He was just looking up. He couldn't believe it. I think everybody up in the stands – nobody really cheered – they really couldn't get their heads wrapped around what just happened." "Goal" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 12:03PM On this day in 2006, Alex Ovechkin scored 'The Goal' - Russian Machine Never Breaks "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Deal Saves Residents at San Jose Mobile Home Park - NBC Bay Area Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:13 PM PST ![]() A long and often torturous ordeal for people living in a doomed San Jose mobile home park has come to a close. The Winchester Ranch Mobile Home Park was slated to close after property owners and developers struck a deal to build new housing, but a unique deal hammered out last summer and approved by the city council this week rescued the residents. The deal will allow for the development, but it includes a plan to pay the residents for their mobile homes. The deal also includes a future condo complex that the mobile home park residents can move in to. The residents will be able to live in two bedroom units at the same rent and stay there for the rest of their lives. "As we all know, with what's going on in San Jose, that is just a miracle," mobile home owner Mari Jo Pokriots said. The park group applauded San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Vice Mayor Chappie Jones and the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley for hammering out a deal but credited property owner Pulte Group for the unique compromise. "We made it very clear to the developer that we would not support any project that did not include an agreement with the residents so they could stay on-site for the rest of their lives," Jones said. The plan paves the way for almost 700 housing units and a new park. The demolition of the mobile homes and construction of the new homes will be done in phases over a few years starting this fall. Mobile home owner Mary Kuykendall pointed out San Jose has 58 other mobile home parks. She wants Winchester Ranch to be a blueprint. "It's a magnificent deal," she said. "It is beyond our hopes, but we stuck through it. We organized an alliance." "Mobile" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 07:06PM Deal Saves Residents at San Jose Mobile Home Park - NBC Bay Area "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
King of Queens character actress Norma Michaels dies at 95 - Entertainment Weekly News Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:11 PM PST Welcome! Meredith collects data to deliver the best content, services, and personalized digital ads. We partner with third party advertisers, who may use tracking technologies to collect information about your activity on sites and applications across devices, both on our sites and across the Internet. You always have the choice to experience our sites without personalized advertising based on your web browsing activity by visiting the DAA's Consumer Choice page, the NAI's website, and/or the EU online choices page, from each of your browsers or devices. To avoid personalized advertising based on your mobile app activity, you can install the DAA's AppChoices app here. You can find much more information about your privacy choices in our privacy policy. You can make a Data Subject Request at any time. Even if you choose not to have your activity tracked by third parties for advertising services, you will still see non-personalized ads on our site. By clicking continue below and using our sites or applications, you agree that we and our third party advertisers can:
this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. "Actress" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 06:06PM King of Queens character actress Norma Michaels dies at 95 - Entertainment Weekly News "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:52 PM PST ![]() Boy who broke down crying in viral video after beating cancer rings bell to mark end of chemoA 9-year-old Oklahoma boy whose video of him breaking down after beating cancer went viral is celebrating being cancer-free by ringing the hospital's bell. NORMAN, Okla. - Steven Cotter is officially cancer-free. You may remember the 9-year-old boy from Oklahoma after a video of him breaking down in tears during his last chemotherapy treatment went viral last year. Steven had just won a 3-year battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. On Jan. 14, Steven marked the official end to his treatment by ringing the hospital's bell in celebration of being free of cancer. Family, friends, and hospital staff gathered around to cheer Steven on -- and sing him a farewell song. "Oh, we love to see you every day, but now's the time we get to say: pack up your bags, get out the door. You don't get chemo anymore!" Steven's mother, Ashley Cotter, told FOX 35 that he was diagnosed with leukemia when he was just 6-years-old. In December, video of a very emotional Steven surrounded by dozens of empty pill containers as he took his very last one went viral. RELATED: WATCH: 9-year-old boy is cancer-free, breaks down in tears after his last chemo treatment Advertisement "You have never seen pure happiness till you've seen a 9 year old little boy cry the most happiest tears ever to be cancer free and take his last chemo treatment!!" Cotter wrote. "My baby took his last chemo crying with a smile on his face!!!! God blessed my family! Both my sons have a story to tell!!! Listen and you all will hear of them going further then the stars!!! ❤️🥰🙏🏽this is one of the most proud moments I've ever lived!!" "viral" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 10:26AM Boy who broke down crying in viral video after beating cancer rings bell to mark end of chemo - FOX 35 Orlando "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:23 PM PST ![]() Alex Ovechkin had a legendary game Thursday night against the New Jersey Devils. After taking a high stick to the face from Miles Wood that went undetected by officials, Ovi was quick to come back and he scored a hat trick. Sweet, sweet revenge. But Ovechkin's second goal of the night is the one that made some history. He is the second player in NHL history to score 30+ goals in each of his first 15 seasons. The only other player in NHL history? Former Capitals forward Mike Gartner. The only other NHL player that was kinda close to being a part of this exclusive crew was Jaromir Jagr. He also had 15 consecutive 30-goal seasons, but that streak started in his second season.
Here's the other history Ovechkin accomplished in the game.
Wow. Being a hockey fan during the era of Alex Ovechkin is pretty dang special. Full RMNB Coverage of Caps vs Devils Headline photo: NBC Sports Washington "Goal" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 08:04PM Alex Ovechkin becomes second player in NHL history to score 30+ goals in each of his first 15 seasons - Russian Machine Never Breaks "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump says he doesn't know Parnas after being implicated in Ukraine scandal - The Times of Israel Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:55 PM PST NEW YORK (AFP) — US President Donald Trump on Thursday denied knowing Lev Parnas, after the associate of his personal attorney said the US president was fully aware of efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden. In several stunning interviews just hours before Trump's impeachment trial opened, the Ukrainian-born businessman broke ranks from his close friend Rudy Giuliani to directly implicate Trump and a host of other Republican figures. Parnas's break from the White House marked a dramatic about-turn for a key player in the alleged campaign to dig dirt on Biden, a potential candidate to take on Trump in November's election. Parnas, charged in October with violating campaign finance laws, said Trump "knew exactly what was going on," regarding his and business partner Igor Fruman's efforts to influence the Ukrainian authorities. "He was aware of all my movements. I wouldn't do anything without the consent of Rudy Giuliani or the president," Parnas, an American citizen, told MSNBC Wednesday, his lawyer sitting by his side. The 47-year-old told CNN separately that the efforts were "all about" ensuring Trump won a second term as America's leader, and not about fighting corruption as the president has claimed. It was the first time he had publicly implicated the president. Parnas had previously been loyal to Giuliani who is reportedly the godfather to one of Parnas's children. Shortly after the historic impeachment trial of Trump began in the Senate with a solemn reading of the two charges against him, the 45th president hit back at Parnas. "I don't know him, I don't believe I've ever spoken to him," Trump told reporters. "I don't need the help of a man I haven't met before, other than perhaps taken a picture," he added. ![]() This undated image released by the House Judiciary Committee from documents provided by Lev Parnas to the committee in the impeachment probe against President Donald Trump, shows a photo of Lev Parnas with Trump in Florida. Parnas, a close associate of Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is claiming Trump was directly involved in the effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden. Trump on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020, repeated denials that he is acquainted with Parnas, despite numerous photos that have emerged of the two men together. (House Judiciary Committee via AP) Parnas's interview came after Democrats released documents this week that showed Giuliani worked with Parnas to pressure Kiev to investigate Biden. They also showed the two, working with Ukrainian officials, trying to force out the US ambassador to the country, Marie Yovanovitch, eventually removed by Trump. Parnas told MSNBC that Trump had lied by denying he knew him. "I mean, we're not friends," Parnas said of Trump. "But he knew exactly who we were. He knew exactly who I was especially because I interacted with him at a lot of events." Parnas said he was often with Giuliani four or five times a week and regularly overheard him talking on the phone with Trump. ![]() This undated image released by the House Judiciary Committee from documents provided by Lev Parnas to the committee in the impeachment probe against President Donald Trump, shows a photo of Lev Parnas with Rudy Giuliani. Parnas, a close associate of Trump's personal lawyer Giuliani is claiming Trump was directly involved in the effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden. Trump on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020, repeated denials that he is acquainted with Parnas, despite numerous photos that have emerged of the two men together.(House Judiciary Committee via AP) Mob hitHe added in the interviews, which included one with the New York Times, that a circle of Republican officials knew about the effort to apply pressure to Ukraine. Parnas implicated Attorney General William Barr and Californian lawmaker Devin Nunes, the highest-ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, as well as two others linked to the funding of Trump's re-election campaign. On Tuesday, Democrats released newly acquired files, including photos and text messages, that appear to provide evidence of a campaign to pressure Ukrainian officials. They also detailed the controversial removal of Yovanovitch, who served as the US ambassador to Ukraine for nearly three years before she was abruptly called back to the United States in May. ![]() Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch testifies before the House Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, November 15, 2019, during the second public impeachment hearing of US President Donald Trump's efforts to tie aid for Ukraine to investigations of his political opponents. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Messages exchanged between Parnas and Republican congressional candidate Robert Hyde suggest Hyde was communicating with people in Ukraine who were closely watching Yovanovitch's movements. Parnas said he doubted the surveillance took place but Ukraine said Thursday it had launched a probe into the alleged activities. The details that Parnas gave, if true, give weight to Trump critics who accuse the president of importing mafia-like methods into the White House. Former mafia prosecutor Mimi Rocah tweeted that it sounded like "a mob hit." Parnas has pleaded not guilty to federal charges which put him at risk of 20 years in prison and his lawyer has said he is ready to cooperate with investigators. He told the New York Times that his "biggest regret" was trusting Giuliani and Trump too much. "I thought I was being a patriot and helping the president," he said. Parnas and Fruman are accused of concealing the foreign origin of donations made in 2018, including one to Trump's re-election campaign. Parnas was arrested on October 9 when he was preparing to fly out of the United States on a one-way ticket. He was already in the crosshairs of congressional Democrats who wanted to interview him in relation to their investigation into Trump's controversial phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which sparked the impeachment. Top stories - Google News January 16, 2020 at 06:23PM Trump says he doesn't know Parnas after being implicated in Ukraine scandal - The Times of Israel Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
バンダイナムコエンターテインメント 家庭用ゲーム『次世代ワールドホビーフェア'20 Winter』出展タイトル発表!最新ゲームを試遊体験しよう!!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信 Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:37 PM PST [株式会社バンダイナムコエンターテインメント] 株式会社バンダイナムコエンターテインメントは、2020年1月19日(日)より開催される 「次世代ワールドホビーフェア'20 Winter」 に家庭用ゲーム4タイトルの試遊台出展をすることをお知らせいたします。 ★「バンダイナムコエンターテインメント 次世代WHF 特設サイトはこちら⇒ 1.『ニンジャボックス』 Nintendo Switch™『ニンジャボックス』の次世代オリジナルバージョンが遊べる! ※缶バッジは全10種のうち、ランダムに1種類が入っています。お取替えはできませんので、ご了承ください。 2.『釣りスピリッツ Nintendo Switchバージョン』 2019年12月9日配信の無料アップデートにて追加された、大会モード「初マグロつり大会」を4人一組で対戦! 見事1位になった方には「オリジナルサコッシュ」をプレゼント。 また、遊んでくれた方全員に「オリジナルミニハンドタオル」をプレゼント。 ※ノベルティはおひとり様1つ限りの配布となります。 数に限りがあり、無くなり次第終了となります。 3.『ドラえもん のび太の牧場物語』 『ドラえもん のび太の牧場物語』を試遊体験すると「オリジナルステッカー」をプレゼント。 ※ノベルティは数に限りがあり、無くなり次第終了となります。 4.『ディズニー ツムツム フェスティバル』 『ディズニー ツムツム フェスティバル』を試遊体験しよう。 「次世代ワールドホビーフェア'20 Winter」開催概要 ●名古屋大会 1月19日(日)ナゴヤドーム 1. ニンジャボックス 2. 釣りスピリッツ Nintendo Switchバージョン 3. ドラえもん のび太の牧場物語 4. ディズニー ツムツム フェスティバル ●注意表記掲載のお願い 著作権権利表記及び下記注意文は必ず表記いただきますようお願いいたします。 企業プレスリリース詳細へ (2020/01/17-12:05) "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース January 16, 2020 at 07:05PM バンダイナムコエンターテインメント 家庭用ゲーム『次世代ワールドホビーフェア'20 Winter』出展タイトル発表!最新ゲームを試遊体験しよう!!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Rangers stick it to Islanders again on Chris Kreider's last-minute goal - New York Post Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:23 PM PST ![]() This was never going to be a replay of Monday. The Rangers knew that, and they were prepared for it. And so it was with a fair bit of patience — and a fortunate penalty call late in the game — that the Blueshirts took their second straight victory over the Islanders, this one 3-2 Thursday night at the Coliseum. After old buddy Derick Brassard was called for a cross-check late in the third period, Chris Kreider scored a power-play goal with 24.6 seconds remaining in regulation, giving his team a 3-2 lead that held up. These two teams met for the first time this season Monday at the Garden, where the Rangers (23-19-4) were powered by a five-point night from Artemi Panarin in a 6-2 win over the Islanders (28-14-4). The Isles had a chance to immediately bounce back, and did just that with a 8-2 win over the awful Red Wings on Tuesday night. Thursday, the two teams went to the third period tied, 1-1. The Islanders got a great chance to take the lead early in the period when Tony DeAngelo took a bad interference penalty. But the Rangers got a couple of big blocked shots, goalie Alexandar Georgiev made a couple of big saves, and when DeAngelo was sprung from the box, he finished a 2-on-1 with a wrist shot over the near shoulder of Semyon Varlamov at 4:16 to give the Blueshirts a 2-1 lead. Panarin then drew a hook on Casey Cizikas, but the call also included an embellishment on Panarin, making it 4-on-4. That's when the Islanders' Anthony Beauvillier tossed one off the backboards. When he got the carom, he whiffed on a shot and the puck hit his skate and went through Geogeiv's legs to tie it, 2-2. It was all Islanders early on, as they played to the soundtrack of alternating chants from the rival fan bases. The Islanders held a 22-6 advantage in shots during the opening 20 minutes, and they also managed a 1-0 lead on a goal from Josh Bailey with 51 seconds left in the first. But the Rangers had a response in the second period, getting the better of the shot clock, 13-5, and a goal of their own from Mika Zibanejad at 12:46. The play had to be reviewed, as it was originally seemed that defenseman Ryan Pulock had kept the puck from totally crossing the goal line with a miraculous diving stop. But the NHL had an overhead view that showed Zibanejad's whack of Pulock's first clearing attempt did cross, and so the game went to the third knotted at one. For more on the Rangers, listen to the latest episode of the "Up In The Blue Seats" podcast: "Goal" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 07:01PM Rangers stick it to Islanders again on Chris Kreider's last-minute goal - New York Post "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Man Utd offered Cavani transfer - Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:23 PM PST Tottenham are however holding out for even more Inter have increased their offer for Christian Eriksen to €12 million (£10m/$13m) plus bonuses after Giuseppe Marotta held talks with the Tottenham star's agent. The Serie A side have made the Danish midfielder a top target heading into the January transfer window and are close to wrapping up a deal. Sky Sport in Italy says Marotta met with Eriksen's agent in Milan and agreed personal terms over an €8m (£7m/$9m) salary, while they have also raised their bid with Spurs, who are holding out for €20m (£17m/$22m) for him. Getty Images "Goal" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 08:00PM Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Man Utd offered Cavani transfer - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Exclusive: Evelyn Yang reveals she was sexually assaulted by her OB-GYN while pregnant - CNN Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST A woman wrote that she had decided to press sexual assault charges against an investor in her company, because she had heard Yang talk on the campaign trail about how female entrepreneurs don't get enough support. "That was enough for her to make this life-altering move, and that was just so powerful. I remember reading that letter and others and saying, 'I feel you. I wish I could reach out to you and tell you I understand. I have my own story,'" Evelyn Yang told CNN. In fact, she says her own story of sexual assault was so secret that she never even shared it with most of her family, including her parents. But Evelyn Yang says the overwhelming response -- and gratitude from voters -- that she and her husband receive when they talk openly about their son Christopher's autism made her feel newly empowered. So she reached out to CNN to go public for the first time. "Something about being on the trail and meeting people and seeing the difference that we've been making already has moved me to share my own story about it, about sexual assault," she said. Like the multiple accusations of sexual assault against Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, Yang's story is one where she says justice was delayed and mostly denied, adding to the pain she and other victims experience even after reporting and sharing their stories. Yang wants to change this. "Everyone has their own MeToo story. It's far too prevalent," Yang added. "But not everyone can tell their story. Not everyone has the audience or platform to tell their story, and I actually feel like I'm in this very privileged position to be able to do that." 'I knew it was wrong. I knew I was being assaulted.'It was the beginning of 2012. Yang, pregnant with her first child, had found an obstetrician-gynecologist who had a good reputation and worked at the world-renowned medical facilities at Columbia University. His name was Dr. Robert Hadden. Initially, she says, she didn't see any red flags, but as the months progressed, Hadden started asking her inappropriate, unsolicited questions about sexual activity with her husband, which were unrelated to her health or the health of her unborn child. Looking back, she now believes he was prepping her for sexual abuse. "There was absolutely no premise for that line of questioning, and it seemed like he just wanted to hear about me talking about sex. What I kept sticking to was this: 'OK, so my doctor is pervy. I have a pervy doctor, but I'm going to focus on having a healthy baby,' and the idea of changing doctors was overwhelming for me." Going to the gynecologist is an experience that makes many women feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. Going when pregnant adds an entirely different level of anxiety, especially during a first pregnancy, when a woman may not know what to expect. Yang says Hadden took advantage of that. "The examinations became longer, more frequent, and I learned that they were unnecessary most of the time," she recalled, but she told herself, "I suppose I just need to trust him." Yang says Hadden violated that trust in an unthinkable way when she was seven months pregnant. "I was in the exam room, and I was dressed and ready to go. Then, at the last minute, he kind of made up an excuse. He said something about, 'I think you might need a C-section,' and he proceeded to grab me over to him and undress me and examine me internally, ungloved," she recalled. "I knew it was wrong. I knew I was being assaulted," she added. Like so many survivors of sexual assault, Yang said she had always thought she would run away in a situation like this. But that's not what happened. "I imagined myself as someone being, you know, like I would throw a chair at him and run out yelling bloody murder," Yang said. "I just kind of froze like a deer in headlights, just frozen. I knew it was happening. I could feel it," she added. "I remember trying to fix my eyes on a spot on the wall and just trying to avoid seeing his face as he was assaulting me, just waiting for it to be over." Hadden walked out of the room without washing his hands, Yang said. She left his practice and never returned. In legal filings, Hadden's attorney denied Yang's allegations. The attorney declined CNN's request for an interview. Yang repeatedly brings up how she blamed herself for a long time. "I thought there was something I did to invite this kind of behavior," she said. "I feel like I put up with some inappropriate behavior that I didn't know at the time was straight-up sexual abuse/sexual assault until much later, and I regret having put up with that," she added. Despite the trauma, and urgently having to find a new doctor to see her through the rest of her pregnancy, Yang didn't tell a soul what had happened to her, not even her husband. "I didn't tell Andrew or my family because I didn't want to upset them," she said. I thought, 'This happened to me. I can process this. I can deal with it. I can compartmentalize it.'" She also kept it from her husband because she was worried that he would think it was his fault, since he wasn't with her at the appointments with Hadden. At the time, he was traveling a lot for the nonprofit organization he had started. She says she never asked him to come to her doctor's visits. "I certainly didn't want Andrew blaming himself for not being able to go with me to these doctor's visits because honestly, if he was with me in the room, if anyone was with me in the room, this obviously wouldn't have happened," she said. 'I wasn't alone'Many months later, after her son Christopher had been born, a letter came in the mail telling her that Hadden had left his practice. "I got goosebumps and I thought to myself, what if this has something to do with what happened to me?" She googled Hadden and found a headline that said another woman alleged he had assaulted her and had reported it to police. "And at that moment, everything just stood still. It was this sense of relief of finally realizing that I wasn't alone in it," she said, adding that she had instantly stopped blaming herself for what had happened. "It wasn't something that I did. This was a serial predator and he just picked me as his prey," she said. Finally, she decided to tell her husband. "I needed to share it at that moment because it felt so big to me and I needed that support. And I told him, and he cried," Evelyn Yang said. He told her he remembered her coming home one day ranting about how men should never be allowed to be OB-GYNs. "He remembered that I had made this comment and he felt so bad. He felt guilty that he didn't make the connection or ask me more," she said. "He felt terrible for me, and I think that's what I was trying to prevent by not telling him in the first place." In a statement Thursday, Andrew Yang said his "heart breaks" when he thinks about it. "I'm extraordinarily proud of Evelyn for telling her story, and my heart breaks every time I think of what she had to experience. She is my best friend and the bravest woman I know," Andrew Yang said. "No one deserves to be harmed and treated the way she and countless other women have been. When victims of abuse come forward, they deserve our belief, support, and protection. I hope that Evelyn's story gives strength to those who have suffered and sends a clear message that our institutions must do more to protect and respond to women." Prosecuted by Manhattan DA's office involved in Epstein and Weinstein casesEvelyn Yang found a lawyer, who discovered that the Manhattan district attorney's office had an open case against Hadden. Several other women had come forward with similar stories of being assaulted by Hadden while he was their OB-GYN. "That was just life-changing. I mean, it felt like I wasn't alone, and it felt so good not to be alone in this," she said. The office of Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance is the same one that was lenient with Jeffrey Epstein over registering as a sex offender and had initially failed to prosecute Harvey Weinstein after allegations of sexual abuse. Weinstein is now being tried on charges of rape in New York City and has pleaded not guilty. Yang worked with an assistant district attorney, Laura Millendorf, whose office collected information from 18 female patients of Hadden's -- including Yang -- who accused him of assaulting them. Yang testified before a grand jury, which indicted Hadden on multiple felony sex charges. Millendorf, Yang said, assured her that they were building a strong case to put Hadden in jail. Then, she said, she stopped hearing from Millendorf and many months went by with no contact. In 2016, the Manhattan district attorney's office agreed to a plea deal with Hadden. He pleaded guilty to two of nine charges against him -- one count of forcible touching and one count of third-degree sexual abuse. As part of the deal, Hadden would lose his medical license and register as the lowest-level sex offender, but he would not go to jail. Yang said Millendorf had trouble hiding her disappointment. "She sounded apologetic. She told me that the deal was made above her head, that she was taken out of the negotiations because she was pushing for jail time," Yang said about Millendorf. "She sounded like she wasn't in favor of that outcome, but she tried to be positive and sell it to me as well. At least he's off the streets, he's not practicing anymore, he won't be able to do this anymore to anyone else," Yang added. Millendorf declined to comment, through a city spokesperson. In a statement to CNN, Vance said: "Dr. Hadden was a serial sexual predator who used access and power to take advantage of women in their most vulnerable states. We support all of his survivors, and applaud their strength and courage. Because a conviction is never a guaranteed outcome in a criminal trial, our primary concern was holding him accountable and making sure he could never do this again -- which is why we insisted on a felony conviction and permanent surrender of his medical license. While we stand by our legal analysis and resulting disposition of this difficult case, we regret that this resolution has caused survivors pain." Yang added she was also frustrated that she was not given a chance to speak directly to the judge when Hadden was sentenced. "I was just flat-out denied, other women flat-out denied. And that was very strategic. It was very strategic so that the judge wouldn't be influenced if there were dozens of women in court saying that this man had assaulted them to this degree, maybe the judge would have said, 'Why is he not getting any jail time? Why aren't you pursuing jail time?'" Women sue Columbia University for alleged cover-upHadden had lost his medical license, and Yang said Millendorf had told her she should feel good about her role in making that happen. But Hadden had pleaded guilty to assaulting only two women and Yang was not one of them. "They said that the punishment was the same regardless ... so it didn't matter," she said. "I thought, 'Well, it matters to me, for obvious reasons.'" It wasn't until after the #MeToo movement, and the Weinstein case came out, that the victims in this case realized that they had been betrayed twice, said Yang. "It's like getting slapped in the face and punched in the gut. The DA's office is meant to protect us, is meant to serve justice, and there was no justice here." Yang also blames Columbia University, which runs the medical facility where Hadden practiced and which she alleges protected him. Six weeks before Yang says she was assaulted in 2012, police went to Hadden's office and arrested him after a patient told police he had licked her vagina during an exam. Hadden's arrest was voided and he was allowed to return to work. The assault allegation, which led to his arrest, was included in the indictment against him two years later. "What happened to me should have never happened. He was arrested in his office," Yang said, and was back to work shortly thereafter. "I mean at the very least, the bare minimum would be to make sure that there's an aide all the time, and that's what's very painful is knowing that actually what happened to me could have been prevented." "Can you imagine the audacity of a man who continues to do this after being arrested? It's like he knew that he wouldn't face any repercussions. That he was protected. That he wouldn't be fired," Yang added. Yang and 31 other women are now suing Columbia University, its affiliates and Hadden, arguing that they "actively concealed, conspired, and enabled" Hadden's sexual exploitation, which the suit alleges occurred as early as 1992. Yang's civil suit details a litany of sexual assault allegations against Hadden including performing multiple unnecessary exams, forcing patients to strip naked, groping their breasts and bodies, digitally penetrating their vaginas and anuses, and "surreptitiously licking countless patients' vaginas." The suit claims that medical assistants who worked with Hadden knew of his sexual abuse but because of lack of training and a "hidden imbalance of power" they did not intervene, and that Columbia "kept the complaints secret to avoid negative publicity." In court papers, Hadden has denied the allegations except those in his prior guilty plea. Columbia and the hospital system have contested the suit on procedural grounds. In response to detailed questions about the allegations against Columbia, including why Hadden had been allowed to go back to work after his initial arrest, a university spokeswoman said the allegations against Hadden are "abhorrent" and they "deeply apologize to those whose trust was violated." Evelyn and Andrew Yang both hold degrees from Columbia, adding another layer of pain for the family. "It's a name-brand university behind this doctor, using their influence to protect themselves at the expense of the victims in the case," Evelyn Yang said. Why go public now?Yang fought in court for more than two years to keep her identity anonymous in connection with the legal action against Hadden. First, she said, because she is a private person, and second, because she hadn't told most of her family -- including her parents -- even as she sat down with CNN for the interview. She also says that Hadden's legal team fought against her being able to stay anonymous in order to try to intimidate her. But her time on the campaign trail, speaking to women, compelled her to come forward. "My experience with the sexual assault and all that happened afterwards is such a powerful and upsetting example of the truth that women are living with every day. And I just happen to be able to have a platform to talk about it," Yang said. She realizes that right now, with her husband's bid for president, she has a voice that could make a difference -- both for other survivors of Hadden and for women who have dealt with this more broadly. "I need to use that voice," she said. "I feel like it's something that's an obligation but also a privilege and a gift that I get to share my story now and also help other women." Getting to this point has been very draining and difficult for her. Like many survivors of sexual abuse and assault, she says that every time she talks about it she is transported back to what happened, and all the trauma that comes with it. "It's my high hope for this -- it's to empower myself and to empower other women," said Yang."This is very hard to come out with, but I hope it, and I have to believe, that it's worth it." Top stories - Google News January 16, 2020 at 05:49PM Exclusive: Evelyn Yang reveals she was sexually assaulted by her OB-GYN while pregnant - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Dispatch: Crews on scene of mobile home fire in Henderson - 14 News WFIE Evansville Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:13 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Dispatch: Crews on scene of mobile home fire in Henderson 14 News WFIE Evansville"Mobile" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 05:44PM Dispatch: Crews on scene of mobile home fire in Henderson - 14 News WFIE Evansville "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
FBI investigators visit Robert Hyde's home and office - CNN Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:55 PM PST The agents were seen by CNN and their presence was confirmed by a law enforcement official. They were at the home early Thursday morning in Weatogue, Connecticut, before going to Hyde's business in nearby Avon. Hyde runs both his landscaping company and his campaign headquarters from the office. The investigators did not answer questions as to Hyde's whereabouts or why they wanted to speak with him. No other details were provided. Text messages show Hyde was involved in efforts to surveil and remove former US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch from her post in Kiev. FBI and Manhattan federal prosecutors are examining the role Hyde played regarding Yovanovitch and his relationship to Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas, according to a law enforcement official. When asked Wednesday by Eric Bolling on CNN affiliate Sinclair's show "America This Week" whether he had eyes on Yovanovitch, Hyde replied, "Absolutely not." "You meet a bunch of these characters when you're out there in the fundraising at events and supporting candidates," Hyde said. "And you know, we just had some colorful texts, you know, had a few pops way back when." Hyde called Parnas' assertions that he had been involved in watching Yovanovitch "pretty heavy accusations," adding that "it was just colorful -- we were playing, I thought we were playing. I didn't know he was, I didn't know he was so serious." The chairman of the Connecticut Republican Party has called for Hyde to drop out of the race for the northwestern Connecticut House seat. "It's not helpful to the President. It's not helpful to other Republican candidates. And it provides an opportunity for Democrats to raise money. It allows the opposition to label all Republicans with these comments," J.R. Romano told CNN on Wednesday. This story has been updated with additional information on Hyde. Top stories - Google News January 16, 2020 at 09:51AM FBI investigators visit Robert Hyde's home and office - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Democratic group plans mobile billboard targeting Collins on impeachment | TheHill - The Hill Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST A Democratic super PAC plans to use a mobile billboard to target Sen. Susan Collins The Party Majority PAC is raising money to have the billboard stationed near the Senate office buildings in Washington, D.C., starting Tuesday, with the truck broadcasting remarks that Collins made during President Clinton's impeachment trial in 1999. "I think we'll have the funding for the truck in the next hour," Adam Parkhomenko, a Democratic strategist, told The Hill on Thursday afternoon. "Our plan is to have the truck running on Tuesday for as long as we can." ADVERTISEMENT Parkhomenko posted a video on Twitter of Collins calling for "more evidence" and "witnesses" during the Clinton trial, with the GOP senator saying it was needed to "get to the truth" and to answer the Senate's "duty to do impartial justice."
The GOP senator delivered the remarks in January 1999, when the Senate was debating whether to introduce new witnesses and evidence during Clinton's trial in the upper chamber. ADVERTISEMENT Collins, a potential swing vote in the Senate trial involving President Trump The senator suggested that House lawmakers "did an incomplete job" by only recently releasing the materials from Soviet-born businessman Lev Parnes. "I do think that, as I said, it's important that we have an up-or-down vote on the issue of subpoenaing witnesses and documents," Collins said. Parnas, a former associate of Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani Trump on Thursday denied having spoken with Parnas. If the Democratic super PAC's fundraiser is successful, a billboard truck will be stationed near the Senate offices blasting clips of Collins asking for witness testimonies against Clinton. The truck is part of Democrats' efforts to push the GOP to have witnesses for the Senate trial, demands that Republicans have so far rebuffed. In addition to the Clinton trial footage, Parkhomenko mentioned that he would like to show older footage, such as the confirmation of Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh "Mobile" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 02:36PM Democratic group plans mobile billboard targeting Collins on impeachment | TheHill - The Hill "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
バンダイナムコエンターテインメント 家庭用ゲーム『次世代ワールドホビーフェア’20 Winter』出展タイトル発表!最新ゲームを試遊体験しよう!! - PR TIMES Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:37 PM PST
試遊してくれた人には「スペシャル缶バッジ」1つとオリジナルスクイーズ「もなかの親戚トンカチまんじゅう」をプレゼント。 さらに、『ニンジャボックス』コーナーでさまざまな体験をすると、Nintendo Switch™ Liteなど豪華賞品が当たる「マジガチニンジャボッくじ」の抽選に参加可能に!ぜひゲットしよう! ★ゲームの最新情報はHPをチェック!⇒ ※缶バッジは全10種のうち、ランダムに1種類が入っています。お取替えはできませんので、ご了承ください。 ※ノベルティは数に限りがあり、無くなり次第終了となります。
★詳細はHPをチェック!⇒ ※ノベルティはおひとり様1つ限りの配布となります。 数に限りがあり、無くなり次第終了となります。 ※画像はイメージです。
★ゲームの最新情報はHPをチェック!⇒ ※ノベルティは数に限りがあり、無くなり次第終了となります。
●東京大会 1月25日(土)・26日(日) 幕張メッセ 展示ホール 9~11 ●福岡大会 2月 2日(日)福岡 ヤフオク!ドーム ●大阪大会 2月 9日(日)京セラドーム 大阪 ・時間 9:00~16:00(予定) ※15:45入場受付終了 ・入場料 無料 ・イベント公式サイト ➀ ニンジャボックス ② 釣りスピリッツ Nintendo Switchバージョン ③ ドラえもん のび太の牧場物語 ④ ディズニー ツムツム フェスティバル ●注意表記掲載のお願い 著作権権利表記及び下記注意文は必ず表記いただきますようお願いいたします。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース January 16, 2020 at 06:01PM バンダイナムコエンターテインメント 家庭用ゲーム『次世代ワールドホビーフェア'20 Winter』出展タイトル発表!最新ゲームを試遊体験しよう!! - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
FBI visits home of Robert Hyde, Trump donor at center of Ukraine ambassador spy scandal - CNBC Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:25 PM PST ![]() Robert Hyde with President Donald Trump. Source: Robert Hyde Campaign FBI agents on Thursday visited the Connecticut home and business of Robert Hyde, a Republican congressional candidate whose purported surveillance of the U.S. ambassador in Ukraine last year has become an issue in the impeachment of President Donald Trump. The visits came on the same day that Ukrainian officials said they had opened an investigation into Hyde's claims to Lev Parnas, a then-associate of Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani, that he was tracking the movements of American ambassador Marie Yovanovitch last year when she was still posted in Kyiv. Parnas and Giuliani last year were engaged in an effort to oust Yovanovitch as part of a broader push to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, the current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. The Senate on Thursday began its impeachment trial of Trump. The House of Representatives a month earlier impeached the president in connection with his withholding of congressionally appropriated military aid to Ukraine while he was pressuring that country's new president to announce a probe of Biden and his son Hunter, who served on the board of a Ukraine gas company. Trump has denied any wrongdoing. An FBI spokesman in New Haven confirmed the visits to Hyde's home in Simsbury, and to his business office in Avon on Thursday morning, after they were first reported by CNN. Hyde, who is seeking to win the GOP nomination to unseat incumbent Democratic Rep. Jahana Hayes in Connecticut's 5th District, began donating to Trump and to the Republican National Committee in September 2016. Hyde had worked for more than 16 years as a landscaper and in construction, according to his LinkedIn page, but in December 2018 became president of a Washington, D.C.-based government and public relations firm, Finley Hyde & Associates, according to that page. Messages for Hyde, 40, left by CNBC was not immediately returned. A senior law enforcement official told NBC News that the visits were not to conduct a court-authorized search but did not elaborate on the FBI's reason for the visits. A neighbor of Hyde told NBC that one FBI agent arrived at Hyde's residence before dawn and parked on the street in front of the home. The neighbor spoke to the FBI agent and said to the best of his knowledge, the agent did not enter Hyde's home. Hyde's communications with Parnas over the text messaging service WhatsApp were disclosed in a set of documents released Tuesday by House Democrats as part of the impeachment process. Parnas, who has been criminally charged with campaign finance violations, turned over those documents to the House. In a March 23 text message to Parnas, Hyde had written of Yovanovitch, "Wow. Can't believe Trumo [sic] hasn't fired this b----. I'll get right in that." "She [sic] under heavy protection outside Kiev," Hyde texted. He went on to describe Yovanovitch's location, her communications and her security level. "They are moving her tomorrow," Hyde wrote Parnas on May 25. Later that same day, Hyde texted: "She's talked to three people. Her phone is off. Computer is off." And then, "She's next to the embassy." Hyde has denied spying on Yovanovitch, saying his comments in text messages to Parnas about her alleged movements were made in jest and while he was drinking alcohol. Hyde, in a Sinclair Media interview that aired Wednesday, said, "I thought we were playing." "It's kind of unfortunate the left had to get their panties in a bunch," Hyde said. But House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., on Wednesday demanded documents from the State Department related to any possible threats that Hyde posed to Yovanovitch, who had been recalled from Kyiv in May. In a letter to Undersecretary of State Brian Bulatao, Engel wrote, "Mr. Hyde claimed in one message to have 'a person inside,' presumably in the U.S. embassy in Kyiv, who is 'willing to help if we/you would like a price.'" "The strong implication from these messages is that someone with detailed knowledge of the Ambassador's whereabouts and security protocols was providing that information in real time to Mr. Hyde," Engel wrote. "I cannot overstate the profound security risk that this poses to the U.S. mission and our interests in Ukraine." Parnas, in an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Wednesday, called Hyde a "weird" man whom he first met at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. Parnas said in the same interview that he did not believe that Hyde was actually surveilling. "I think he was either drunk or he was trying to make himself bigger than he was, so I didn't take it seriously," Parnas said. On May 16, 2019, Doral, Florida, police were dispatched to the president's golf resort in that city, Trump National Doral, where an officer met Hyde, "who explained to us that he was in fear for his life, was set up and that a hit man was out to get him," according to a police report obtained by CNBC. "Mr. Hyde spoke about emails he sent that may have placed his life in jeopardy," the officer wrote. "Mr. Hyde explained several times that he was paranoid that someone was out to get him." "While one scene, Mr. Hyde spoke about a variety of different names, contacts and provided information to why he felt his life was in danger," the report said. "While on the way to [REDACTED], Mr. Hyde continued to act paranoid telling us not to stop next to certain vehicles ... he explained that he was scared due to several painting workers and landscape workers trying to do harm to him because they weren't working." "Additionally, Mr. Hyde explained that his computer was being hacked by Secret Service," police said. "And then went on to further explain that the secret service was ... on the premises watching him." The Associated Press, citing Simsbury police records, has reported that Hyde had to turn over to authorities several rifles, shotguns and almost 400 rounds of ammunition because of a protective order. NBC News reported Wednesday night that although Hyde has claimed that he served in Iraq as a Marine, and that he was deployed to North Korea, "Records provided ... the Marine Corps show that Hyde served in the Marine Reserve for six years and won numerous medals, but they make no mention of deployments in Iraq or North Korea." Connecticut Republican Party Chairman J.R. Romano urged Hyde to end his congressional campaign. "His campaign is a distraction for the Democrats to raise money and falsely label all Republicans with his antics," Romano tweeted. Correction: NBC News reported Wednesday night on Robert Hyde's military records. An earlier version misstated the day. Top stories - Google News January 16, 2020 at 09:17AM FBI visits home of Robert Hyde, Trump donor at center of Ukraine ambassador spy scandal - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
After the pomp of trade deal signing, China and US face tough reality - South China Morning Post Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:25 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News January 16, 2020 at 06:00AM After the pomp of trade deal signing, China and US face tough reality - South China Morning Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Key Player In Ukraine Scandal Opens Up About Ukraine & Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - MSNBC Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:55 PM PST Top stories - Google News January 15, 2020 at 11:14PM Key Player In Ukraine Scandal Opens Up About Ukraine & Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - MSNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Government to submit omnibus bill to House this week, Jokowi says - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:25 PM PST ![]() President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo stated on Wednesday that his administration will submit an omnibus bill on job creation to the House of Representatives this week as the government strives to attract more investment. "This week, insya Allah [God willing], we will submit the omnibus bill to the House," he said during his opening remarks at an Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi) event in Jakarta on Wednesday. He said that by submitting the omnibus bill, the government proposed to lawmakers the revision of 74 laws. "If we revise the laws one by one, it would take 50 years to revise them all, so we are submitting the omnibus bill. If the House can work on it quickly, this would be a big leap for our services to the people, businesses and small and medium enterprises that can contribute significantly to economic growth," he said. If passed, the bill will amend more than a thousand articles in prevailing laws, including the Labor Law, which has been blamed for hampering investment into the country. The bill is expected to improve Indonesia's ease of doing business ranking, which in turn would attract more foreign investment and create more jobs. During an opening statement in a limited Cabinet meeting at the State Palace in Jakarta later on Wednesday, Jokowi said he expected the bill's deliberations to be completed within less than 100 business days. Coordinating Economic Minister Airlangga Hartarto told reporters after the meeting the bill would consist of 11 so-called clusters, namely license procurement simplification, investment requirements, labor, protection and empowerment of micro, small and medium enterprises, ease of doing business, research and innovation support, government administration, sanctions, land procurement, economic zones and government investment and projects. He said that, as of Wednesday afternoon, the government had identified 1,244 articles and 79 laws that would be revoked by the omnibus law. "The number of articles in the omnibus bill is still being determined but it will be different than that of the annulled articles," he said. (mfp) Marchio Irfan Gorbiano contributed to the story Top stories - Google News January 15, 2020 at 04:42PM Government to submit omnibus bill to House this week, Jokowi says - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
San Jose mobile home park will be razed for a 700-unit luxury housing development - The Mercury News Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:43 PM PST ![]() They spent hundreds of hours pouring over legal documents, entire campaign seasons lobbying for candidates who promised to back their cause, and more than seven years pursuing every avenue they could to hold their community together. For the 150 or so current or former residents of the Winchester Ranch Senior Mobile Home Park, the past seven years have been a constant state of stress, anxiety and uncertainty. At least 32 of the park's aging residents have passed away since word first spread in 2013 that the park could soon close. But this week, the community members are finally breathing a slight sigh of relief. Culminating years of continuous disputes and extensive negotiations, city leaders have approved a plan that will allow the residents of the senior mobile home park to stay on the property even though their homes will soon be razed to make room for nearly 700 new luxury housing units. "There were a lot of compromises and difficult conversations that needed to take place," Vice Mayor Chappie Jones, whose district includes the park, said in an interview after this week's council meeting. "People on both sides of the table had to be able to give and take. But they were willing to do it, and it's very heartening that everyone was able to come together." The council's decision gives the developer, Pulte Homes, the green light to begin construction, forcing San Jose's first mobile home park to shutter because of redevelopment plans. But it also offers park residents — most of whom are retired teachers and public workers in their 70s to 90s — the assurance that they will be able to live the rest of their lives in the same place they've grown accustomed to. Even so, the project's approval marks the latest example of how the Bay Area's skyrocketing rents and limited housing supply have threatened the viability of mobile home parks — one of the last bastions of affordable housing in the region. But unlike when the residents first heard about the park's potential closure, the council's final approval of the redevelopment proposal was met with a sense of celebration. "This is a win for all of us," said Mari Jo Pokriots, a retired educator who has lived in the park since it first opened in the late 70s. "Pulte Homes has given us the ability to remain here in San Jose and keep our community together, and that's the basic takeaway." The mobile home community, which is reserved for seniors residents who are 55 years of age or older, sits on a valuable plot of land within the Santana Row/Valley Fair Urban Village about a half-mile from the bustling, ever-expanding Santana Row and Westfield Valley Fair malls and adjacent to the Winchester Mystery House. When the park was built more than three decades ago, the idea for Santana Row had yet to be conceived. But as more businesses set up shop and developers' interest in the area grew, the value of the mobile home property — along with land values across the Bay Area — skyrocketed. After watching the property value grow exponentially, the Arioto family, which had owned the property in West San Jose for nearly 90 years, agreed to sell the mobile home park to Pulte Homes in 2015. Under the project plans, Pulte Homes will build a 2-acre public park and 687 units of housing — a seven-story apartment building with 367 units, 19 four-story condominium buildings and 11 rowhouses — on a 15.7-acre site in the heart of San Jose's retail district. ![]() The development — located at 555 South Winchester Blvd. — will require demolishing the 111 homes in the Winchester Ranch Mobile Home Park. But a landmark agreement reached in June 2019, gave the mobile home residents — represented by the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley — the opportunity to move into new, on-site condominiums at their same rental rates without the fear of facing rent increases of more than 3 percent a year. The developer has set aside 60 rental condominium units on the site that are clustered together so that the mobile home residents will be able to keep their community intact. Those who have sought other housing options — such as buying a home elsewhere or moving into an assisted living facility — were provided with a relocation package that included moving costs, a years-worth of rent subsidy and a fair payment for their mobile home. "Closing a mobile home park is something that you all should take seriously and scrutinize," Nadia Aziz, Directing Attorney of the Law Foundation Silicon Valley, told the council Tuesday. "But I think tonight, we should acknowledge that this is a success and a win for our community. "We are going to not only keep a community together, but we are building more housing." An exemplary mobilizing effortResidents first heard that the property owners were looking to sell the park through happenstance in March of 2013, and they quickly began mobilizing. Within a couple of weeks of hearing the news, the residents founded the Winchester Ranch Senior Homeowners Association, explored the viability of buying the park themselves, created videos to inform the public of their situation and spoke with any elected official that would lend them their ears. "We looked up cases across the state until frankly, we knew more about it than the city," said Kent Greathouse, 81, a former president of the Winchester Ranch Senior Homeowners Association. "Then we politicized the whole thing because we understood that's how decisions like these are made." By the end of 2013, the homeowners association had enlisted the help of the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley which ultimately brokered the displacement deal between the residents and the developer that went above and beyond city and state requirements. Due to the residents' lobbying efforts, the city council in 2016 put a moratorium on mobile home park conversions until it could update a conversion ordinance that had been on the books since 1986 but had never been used. The ordinance made it much more cumbersome for property owners to redevelop their mobile home parks, required that council approve mobile home park closures and strengthened tenant protections, including establishing relocation benefit packages and giving residents a fair price for their homes. Vice Mayor Jones said Tuesday that the advocacy efforts launched by the Winchester Ranch residents were unlike anything he had seen during his time on the council — and that the residents could "write a textbook" on how to advocate for themselves. Although the residents are happy to have passed a major hurdle, they are now focused on what comes next — securing transitional housing promised by the developer during the construction phase, obtaining a fair appraisal for their mobile home from the developer and deciding what kind of unit they will move into once the project is complete. The news about Winchester mobile home park comes just a week after more than 1,600 residents of Westwinds of North San Jose — the largest mobile home park in the city and fourth-largest in the state — received notices that they could be displaced by August 2022. There is no indication at this time that the owners of Westwinds are looking to redevelop the property, but the city is taking preemptive measures to rezone the land to a mobile home park designation and trying to figure out more details surrounding the eviction notices. Winchester residents say they feel for the other 30,000 residents living in the 59 mobile home parks scattered across San Jose, including Westwinds, who could eventually lose their homes to redevelopment as well. "I know it sounds silly, but I pray for them," said Brian Darby, a special education teacher in Santa Clara who has lived in the Winchester Ranch Mobile Home Park for more than 25 years. "I feel their grief because it's very scary. You don't know if you're going to be on the street or not, and no one should have to go through that." Pulte Homes plans to begin construction on the nearly 700-unit Winchester Ranch housing development later this year with hopes to complete the project by the end of 2024. Mobile home park residents wishing to stay on the property will be provided with transitional housing on or off-site during the construction phase. Those who opt to move elsewhere will be provided with a relocation package that includes a year-long subsidy to bridge the difference between their current rent and the rent at their new residence. ![]() "Mobile" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 06:00AM San Jose mobile home park will be razed for a 700-unit luxury housing development - The Mercury News "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
I Am the Actress. I Speak For the Girls. - Bearing Drift Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:41 PM PST In a faraway place that glitters and glows Safely ensconced behind a tall wall But what is an Actress? What does she do? And on certain nights when the winter wind blows The flashbulbs all pop as they call out her name. The theater is filled with more stars than the sky The crowds are all faceless in front of her eyes. "Oh my! What a surprise, She doesn't need notes or script on this night, I speak for the girls, cause I'm smarter than most I wouldn't be here if I were a mom Then from the front row came a very small sound. "You say a baby's a burden. A baby's a choice. Up on to the stage the little girl climbed. "We're not all the same, and we have our own views. "The old patriarchy has clearly gotten to you," Having it all is just a damn lie! What do you know? You are just a small girl." The music did swell as the band started to play, She looked at the people all clapping and cheering, I have a body and it started quite small. "We've cut to commercial," a loud voice did boom. If we all tried just a bit harder, she knew that we could The camera panned past the girl's empty chair "Actress" - Google News January 16, 2020 at 06:58AM I Am the Actress. I Speak For the Girls. - Bearing Drift "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Abu Dhabi crown prince and Tony Blair to oversee Indonesia's new capital development - News - GCR Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST The crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has agreed to lead a committee overseeing the construction of Indonesia's planned new capital city in the rainforests of East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo, an Indonesian government minister said yesterday.Former British prime minister Tony Blair and the billionaire founder of Japanese holding company SoftBank, Masayoshi Son, will also sit on the committee, the minister said. "We expected their presence would provide a confidence boost for prospective investors in the new capital," said Indonesian Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, in a statement reported by the Associated Press. The crown prince, who is also Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates' Armed Forces, said it would be "an honour to play a role in the development of the largest Muslim-majority country", according to the statement. Indonesian President Joko Widodo held talks with Sheikh Mohammed during a two-day trip to Abu Dhabi that ended on Monday. Those talks resulted in deals worth $23bn including a new petrochemical plant and a floating solar farm. The Indonesian government began studying Kalimantan as the location for a new capital in March last year. Jakarta, the country's existing capital, faces numerous challenges including overcrowding, congestion and subsidence, thanks to the fact it is built on a swamp. A recent study warned that a quarter of the city could be under water by 2025, partly as a result of unregulated groundwater extraction. The new city slated for sparsely populated East Kalimantan province is estimated to cost $34bn, according to the Associated Press, with much of the finance expected to come from private sector investment. Photograph: Indonesian President Joko Widodo met with Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed at the Qasr Al Watan Palace in Abu Dhabi (From the Twitter feed of President Joko Widodo) Further reading: Top stories - Google News January 15, 2020 at 05:27AM Abu Dhabi crown prince and Tony Blair to oversee Indonesia's new capital development - News - GCR Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:53 AM PST KOHH、今年で引退することを宣言 - ナタリー ![]() これは本日1月16日に東京・LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(渋谷公会堂)で開催されたワンマンライブ「KOHH Live in Concert」で発表されたもの。KOHHは引退を宣言したあと「次のアルバムに入ってる曲を披露させてもらってもいいですか」と告げると、祖母への思いをつづった手紙を静かに朗読した。 2020-01-16 12:15:00Z |
欅坂46、初東京ドームライブ「不協和音」「角を曲がる」…ダイジェスト映像公開 - モデルプレス Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:23 AM PST 欅坂46、初東京ドームライブ「不協和音」「角を曲がる」…ダイジェスト映像公開 - モデルプレス 29日発売のDVD/Blu-ray「欅坂46 LIVE at 東京ドーム ~ARENA TOUR 2019 FINAL~」のダイジェスト映像が公開された。 昨年9月18日、19日にグループとして初の東京ドームでライブを開催。8月から始まった「夏の全国アリーナツアー2019」の全公演完売を受け、追加公演として2日間で10万人を動員した。 噴水を使ったセンターステージや、気球や自転車を使った東京ドームならではの演出で会場中が歓喜の渦に巻き込まれた事は記憶に新しい。 本作品では地鳴りのような歓声が響き、長く披露されてこなかった4thシングル「不協和音」や2日目のダブルアンコールで初披露された平手友梨奈ソロ曲「角を曲がる」の模様も余すことなく収録。 「欅坂46 LIVE at 東京ドーム ~ARENA TOUR 2019 FINAL~」の見所をギュッと凝縮したダイジェスト映像は、アイドルの枠に捕らわれない欅坂46を感じてもらえるに違いない。(modelpress編集部)収録内容・DVD初回生産限定盤/2枚組、三方背仕様、ポストカードセット封入(6枚組※全46種のうち6枚1セット封入)・DVD通常盤 ・Blu-ray初回生産限定盤/2枚組、三方背仕様、ポストカードセット封入(6枚組※全46種のうち6枚1セット封入) ※初回生産限定盤に封入されるポストカードのサイズ・絵柄は共通 【DISC1】※DVD/Blu-ray共通 【DISC2】※初回生産限定盤のみ ・Making of LIVE at 東京ドーム 【Not Sponsored 記事】 2020-01-16 12:00:00Z |
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