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- 小栗旬が2022年の大河ドラマ「鎌倉殿の13人」で主演、脚本は三谷幸喜 - ナタリー
- Caps overwhelm Ottawa with 6 straight goals -
- 22年NHK大河ドラマは北条義時主人公「鎌倉殿の13人」小栗旬が初主演、三谷幸喜氏が3回目脚本 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
- Why 5G Mobile Is Arriving With a Subplot of Espionage - Bloomberg
- Manchester City's Bernardo Silva scores ridiculous upper-90 goal in EFL Cup win vs. Manchester United - CBS Sports
- Iran state TV says Ukrainian airplane crashes near Tehran - - WISC-TV3
- Replay rules Alex Ovechkin just short of a goal, so he scores anyway -
- 松本潤、『東京の開会式は最高のエンターテインメントになる!』 | 東京2020オリンピック - NHK NEWS WEB
- Credo Mobile, ‘carrier with a conscience,’ to end direct activism campaigns - San Francisco Chronicle
- Esper says US isn't looking 'to start a war with Iran, but we are prepared to finish one' - CNN
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小栗旬が2022年の大河ドラマ「鎌倉殿の13人」で主演、脚本は三谷幸喜 - ナタリー Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:25 AM PST 小栗旬が2022年の大河ドラマ「鎌倉殿の13人」で主演、脚本は三谷幸喜 - ナタリー 2022年放送のNHK大河ドラマ第61作が「鎌倉殿の13人」に決定。 これは本日1月8日に東京・NHK放送センターで行われた制作・主演発表会見で明らかになったもの。三谷が大河ドラマを手がけるのは「新選組!」「真田丸」に続いて3回目となる。本作では小栗演じる北条義時が主人公に。鎌倉幕府を開いた源頼朝の正室・北条政子の弟で、第2代執権として幕府を率いた最高権力者だ。三谷曰く「政子が頼朝に嫁いだことで歴史の表舞台に出てきた人物」とのこと。ドラマは義時を含む頼朝の天下取りを支えた13人を中心に描くサバイバルエンタテインメントになるという。 映画ナタリーでは、三谷が出席した会見の模様も追ってレポートする。 2020-01-08 07:33:00Z |
Caps overwhelm Ottawa with 6 straight goals - Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:53 AM PST ![]() The Ottawa Senators found out on Tuesday that it doesn't matter if you take away a goal from Alex Ovechkin or score a bad goal on Ilya Samsonov. Both will make you pay. Check out a recap of the game here. Observations from the winImportant goals for Ovechkin With two goals, Alex Ovechkin reached 684 in his career tying him for 11th of all-time with Teemu Selanne. Obviously that's important on a macro-scale. On a micro-scale, Ovechkin had grown a bit cold of late with only four goals since the start of December. Two goals on Tuesday could potentially spark another run from him. Right when you begin to wonder if age is catching up to him, that's when he seems to rally. The funny part about it was that Ovechkin had a near goal taken away as his shot beat goalie Craig Anderson, but defenseman Dylan DeMelo got to the puck on the goal line just before it crossed over.
Ovechkin downplayed whether he felt more motivated to get that goal back afterward. "No, be honest with you, I thought it was in, but I was talking to our coaching staff and then I ask ref, they explain to me because of that camera view that you have to see the white and they didn't and you know, doesn't matter. You have to keep going and obviously, [Dmitry] Orlov makes a good play and I take a shot and it goes in." Ovechkin scored his first goal 18 seconds later. I'm sorry, but he was definitely motivated to get the goal back. Cool Sammy Ilya Samsonov admitted to cheating over on Artem Anisimov's goal. He leaned to his right anticipating Anisimov to pass and that gave Anisimov some room and he fired the shot near-side for the goal. Samsonov is still refining his skills, but one aspect that is not talked about enough is his mental strength. A bad goal like that one can sometimes lead to a bad game for a goalie, but nothing ever seems to rattle Samsonov. "There's been a couple hiccups where he's still ended up pulling his game together," Reirden said. "But that one today, he leaned on a bit. That's getting used to the skill level of this every night, that guys can beat you from there. It was a great shot as well. But that's the only one that beat him and that's the sign of real maturity for me with him and continuing to grow. He comes to the bench with every whistle and there's zero change in his demeanor whether we're ahead, behind. He's a pro. At an early age, it's pretty impressive." That goal to Anisimov came in the first period. He did not allow another goal the rest of the game. Discipline The Caps took only one minor penalty. That is a step in the right direction. Goal songs I love the individual goal songs. From the crowd singing "Country Road" for T.J. Oshie's goals to Radko Gudas's AC/DC, this should be a thing forever. Turning pointOshie opened up the flood gates in the second period. His goal got the Caps on the board and was the first of six straight the team would score.
Play of the gameIt took Ovechkin just 18 seconds after getting denied a goal on the goal line to get it back.
Stat of the gameOvechkin is now 11th all-time.
Since I gave you that one earlier, here are some bonus nuggets on Samsonov.
Quote of the gameHeading into the second period, Tuesday's game felt well in hand with Washington up 3-1. But Friday's game in Carolina felt well in hand too and Carolina scored three goals in the third period to make it 4-3. Reirden did not want to see that happen again. "I didn't like the last time we were ahead by two goals in Carolina and we end up winning, but it wasn't the way we wanted to play. We talked about that going into the third, playing more to our identity throughout the game and then we score a few quick goals." Bonus quote: Hey, DeMelo. You think you made Ovechkin mad by stealing away that goal? "Him and the crowd, I guess, were pretty disappointed. I just saw it on the goal line and tried to get there as quick as I could and it was nice to keep him off the scoresheet for a little bit." Fan predictions
Two goals for Ovechkin.
John Carlson had two assists so he fell short. Those two assists, however, put him back on pace for 100 points.
This would have been entertaining, but I'm guessing Dowd's stick throwing days are over. Click here to download the MyTeams App by NBC Sports. Receive comprehensive coverage of your teams and stream Capitals and Wizards games easily from your device. MORE CAPITALS NEWS: "Goal" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 06:44PM Caps overwhelm Ottawa with 6 straight goals - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
22年NHK大河ドラマは北条義時主人公「鎌倉殿の13人」小栗旬が初主演、三谷幸喜氏が3回目脚本 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:25 AM PST 22年NHK大河ドラマは北条義時主人公「鎌倉殿の13人」小栗旬が初主演、三谷幸喜氏が3回目脚本 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex ![]() Photo By スポニチ NHKは8日、東京・渋谷の同局で会見を行い、2022年に放送される大河ドラマ第61作は、鎌倉幕府の第2代執権・北条義時を主人公とした「鎌倉殿の13人」、主演は俳優の小栗旬(37)、脚本はヒットメーカーの三谷幸喜氏(58)に決まったと発表した。小栗は大河初主演。三谷氏は2004年「新選組!」、16年「真田丸」に続く6年ぶり3回目の大河脚本に挑む。 登壇した三谷氏は「2度あることは3度ある、三谷幸喜です。カルロス・ゴーンの会見に先立つこと6時間。楽しんでいってください。新しい大河ドラマを作りたい。今までこんな大河ドラマ絶対なかったというものを作りたかった」とあいさつした。 小栗は大河には1995年「八代将軍吉宗」、96年「秀吉」、00年「葵 徳川三代」、05年「義経」、09年「天地人」、13年「八重の桜」、18年「西郷どん」に出演している。 小栗は同局を通じて「1年半にもわたり、1つのテーマ、1本のドラマに出演するという大河ドラマの経験は生涯一度は体験したい、体験しなければならない、僕にとって俳優としての大きな関門であり、夢であり、挑戦であり、恐れさえ覚える覚悟の要る仕事です。しかし2年後、40歳という節目の年に放送される大河ドラマを演れることに幸運と興奮と、大きな喜びを感じています。ましてや3度目の大河脚本となる三谷幸喜さんの練熟した筆先が、どんな義時像を描き出すのか。また僕自身、どうすれば皆さんの期待を裏切らない義時を演ずることができるのか…など、今から想像するだけでワクワク胸躍る思いです」とコメントした。 今年20年は主演の長谷川博己(42)が明智光秀を演じる「麒麟がくる」が今月19日スタート。来年21年は主演の吉沢亮(25)が渋沢栄一を演じる「青天を衝け」が放送される。 「真田丸」は戦国時代最後の名将・真田幸村(堺雅人)の生涯を描き、ブームに。普段時代劇を見ないデジタル世代を巻き込み、1年間インターネット上で反響を呼び続けた。 ナレーションを務めた有働由美子アナウンサー(50)が登場人物の死を淡々と読み上げる様を「ナレ死」と呼ぶなど、インターネット発の用語が多数生まれ、「Yahoo!検索大賞2016」のドラマ部門賞に輝いた。 全50話の期間平均(全話平均)も16・6%(ビデオリサーチ調べ、関東地区)と高視聴率。11年「江・姫たちの戦国」の17・7%以来5年ぶりに16%超えをマークした。午後6時からのBSプレミアムも"早丸"と親しまれ、人気。全50話の期間平均は4・7%で、BSとしては異例の数字となった。 三谷氏は「真田丸」脱稿後のインタビューで「僕は大河ドラマが本当に大好きで、大河を見て育った部分が凄くあります。まだまだ僕なりの大河への恩返しが足りていないような気がするので、機会があればやってみたいと思いますし、描きたい題材もあります」と3度目の登板に意欲。 「ただ、僕が脚本を書くことで、コントのような"お笑い大河"だと思って見ない方もいらっしゃいます。人間ドラマをきちんと描いている自信はありますし、俳優さんもスタッフさんも頑張って、こんなに良い作品を作っているのに、僕の名前があるから見ないとか、違うイメージを持たれてしまうという状況は本当に申し訳ないと思っています。なので、もし次回、大河ドラマをやる時があればペンネームで、違う名前でやらせていただきたいですね(笑)。無名で全くキャリアのない新人作家がもの凄くおもしろい大河を書いていたら、僕だと思ってください(笑)」と語っていた。 続きを表示 2020-01-08 07:03:00Z |
Why 5G Mobile Is Arriving With a Subplot of Espionage - Bloomberg Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:13 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Why 5G Mobile Is Arriving With a Subplot of Espionage Bloomberg"Mobile" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 09:01PM Why 5G Mobile Is Arriving With a Subplot of Espionage - Bloomberg "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:23 PM PST ![]() Manchester City made quick work of Manchester United on Tuesday in the EFL Cup semifinal first leg. City beat the Red Devils 3-1 at Old Trafford in a dominating performance. Pep Guardiola's team led 3-0 before it was even halftime and dominated possession all game. Manchester City out-shot United 15-5 to win at Old Trafford for the third straight time. Bernardo Silva, Riyad Mahrez and an Andreas Pereira own goal carried City to the win in the opening leg, putting the club on the brink of its third straight appearance in the final. City took down Chelsea in last year's final. Silva's goal 17 minutes in set the tone for the visitors as the former Monaco man made a great move atop the box before firing to the far top corner to beat David de Gea. Take a look at Silva's sixth goal of the season and first in the competition: That's a fantastic strike from one of the better goal-scoring midfielders in the world. He's averaged 11 goals er season over his first two campaigns at the Etihad and is well on his way to reaching double digits again this season. Of course, it's not the best bit of defending from United. Fred tried to close down but had no help. United will look to bounce back in the return leg on Jan. 29. The Red Devils beat City at home in the Premier League earlier this season. The winner will face Aston Villa or Leicester City in the final at Wembley Stadium on March 1. "Goal" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 02:47PM Manchester City's Bernardo Silva scores ridiculous upper-90 goal in EFL Cup win vs. Manchester United - CBS Sports "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Iran state TV says Ukrainian airplane crashes near Tehran - - WISC-TV3 Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:07 PM PST TEHRAN, Iran — A Ukrainian airplane carrying 180 passengers and crew crashed Wednesday near an airport in the capital, Tehran, state TV reported. There was no immediate word on casualties. The plane had taken off from Imam Khomeini International Airport, the report said. The crash is suspected to have been caused by mechanical issues, it added, without elaborating. An investigation team was at the site of the crash in southwestern outskirts of Tehran, civil aviation spokesman Reza Jafarzadeh said. The crash came hours after Iran launched a ballistic missile attack targeting two bases in Iraq housing U.S. forces in retaliation for the killing of Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani. COPYRIGHT 2020 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY NOT BE PUBLISHED, BROADCAST, REWRITTEN OR REDISTRIBUTED. Top stories - Google News January 07, 2020 at 08:01PM Iran state TV says Ukrainian airplane crashes near Tehran - - WISC-TV3 Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Replay rules Alex Ovechkin just short of a goal, so he scores anyway - Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:23 PM PST ![]() Just a few days removed from one of the greatest comebacks in franchise history, the Capitals (29-9-5) will look to stay in the win column as they host the Ottawa Senators (16-21-5). Tune in to NBC Sports Washington for all the action. Pregame coverage begins at 6 p.m. with Caps FaceOff Live followed by Caps Pregame Live at 6:30 p.m. bringing you up to the 7 p.m. puck drop. Stick with NBC Sports Washington after the game for postgame coverage with Caps Postgame Live, D.C. Sports Live and Caps Overtime Live. Here is what you need to know for Tuesday's game. Finally healthy?The Caps have been dealing with a flu bug going around the locker room, but it finally looks like they are on the mend with no absences at morning skate and no game-time decisions. Here are the lines from the morning skate: Alex Ovechkin - Nicklas Backstrom - Tom Wilson Michal Kempny - John Carlson The only remaining injury is Christian Djoos who did not take part in the morning skate. He remains day-to-day with an upper-body injury. Between the pipesIlya Samsonov will get the start. He was brilliant in Carolina on Friday, but Holtby got the start Sunday against the San Jose Sharks. Now with the team playing a back-to-back (Caps play in Philadelphia on Wednesday), Samsonov will get the first start with Braden Holtby likely starting Wednesday. No pushoversWashington played the Senators three times last season in three largely non-competitive wins, outscoring Ottawa 14-4. The closest game was a 3-2 victory on the road, but the Caps took a 3-0 lead and largely coasted from there for the win. Let's be clear, Ottawa is still not very good, but Washington should expect a far more competitive team than the one they toyed with last season. Under head coach D.J. Smith, the Senators are far outplaying expectations and are a much more difficult team to play against. Having said that, however, most of their success this season has been at home. The Senators are 11-7-2 in Ottawa this season and 5-14-3 on the road. Dominant DuclairOvechkin is among the top goal-scorers in the league with 24 goals, but not too far behind him sits Anthony Duclair with 21. The 24-year-old Duclair has already had a bit of a journeyman's career having played for five different NHL teams, but he may have finally found a home in Ottawa given the dominant season he is having. He missed the Senators' last game on Saturday with an undisclosed injury, but there are reports that he may be available for Tuesday. A special advantageThere is no excuse for the Caps to give up a power play goal in this game. Zero. None. Washington still takes too many penalties and it cost them on Sunday as Evander Kane scored twice on the man advantage. Despite the tough game, the Caps still rank third on the penalty kill at 83.3-percent. On Tuesday, they will play against the worst power play in the league. Literally, the worst. The Senators rank dead last in the NHL scoring at only 11.4-percent. Washington needs to stay out of the box, but if the penalty parade begins again, the penalty kill needs to be able to keep Ottawa from taking advantage. Click here to download the MyTeams App by NBC Sports. Receive comprehensive coverage of your teams and stream Capitals and Wizards games easily from your device. MORE CAPITALS NEWS: "Goal" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 05:53PM Replay rules Alex Ovechkin just short of a goal, so he scores anyway - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
松本潤、『東京の開会式は最高のエンターテインメントになる!』 | 東京2020オリンピック - NHK NEWS WEB Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:33 PM PST 松本潤さん、実はオリンピックやパラリンピックの開会式が大・大・大好き。大人数でのダンス、音楽、映像、花火、さまざまな演出をこらしていて、最高のエンターテイメントだと言うんです。いったい東京大会は、どんな趣向で私たちを楽しませてくれるんでしょう?今回の2020スタジアムでは、この夏を見すえた入門編として、過去の大会の名場面を、松潤スペシャルセレクションとして一挙蔵出し、大公開します。そして、スタジオには2020大会の"顔"、マスコットキャラクターのミライトワとソメイティの2人も遊びに来てくれました。 ![]() "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース January 07, 2020 at 07:03PM 松本潤、『東京の開会式は最高のエンターテインメントになる!』 | 東京2020オリンピック - NHK NEWS WEB "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:13 PM PST ![]() Credo Action, an online activism network affiliated with wireless company Credo Mobile, shut down Tuesday, and several employees were let go, including a vice president who oversaw the company's campaigns. The organization and Credo Mobile are arms of Working Assets, a decades-old San Francisco company known for funneling a portion of customers' phone, utility and credit card bills to progressive causes they designate. Besides the donations, the company has long organized customers around political campaigns, initiatives which became formalized as Credo Action in recent years. Reached by phone, Heidi Hess, Credo's vice president of politics who oversaw Credo Action, said she was no longer employed by the company and directed questions to Credo CEO Ray Morris. On Twitter, a list of a half-dozen former employees circulated, with co-workers encouraging people to hire them.
"A note is being sent to members now to let them know that we remain deeply committed to advancing our shared progressive values, however beginning today we will no longer be engaging in direct activism campaigns," Morris said in an email. The closure was announced on Credo Action's website and in an email to Credo customers. Credo says it has donated over $88 million to progressive nonprofits over the years. Morris said its business operations won't change and it will continue to provide its telecom, credit card and energy services. "We believe our philanthropy is the best possible way to advance our values, through the impressive and experienced groups and causes to whom we donate each month," Morris said, citing customer-directed donations to Planned Parenthood, Rainforest Action Network, Doctors Without Borders and Amnesty International, among others. Chase DiFeliciantonio is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @ChaseDiFelice "Mobile" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 05:30PM Credo Mobile, 'carrier with a conscience,' to end direct activism campaigns - San Francisco Chronicle "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Esper says US isn't looking 'to start a war with Iran, but we are prepared to finish one' - CNN Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:07 PM PST "We are not looking to start a war with Iran, but we are prepared to finish one," Esper said during an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour. Hours after Esper spoke to CNN, Iran launched more than a dozen missiles at two Iraqi bases that hold US troops. Earlier Tuesday, CNN had reported that US forces and air-defense missile batteries across the Middle East were placed on high alert overnight Monday to possibly shoot down Iranian drones as intelligence mounted about a threat of an imminent attack against US targets. The alert reflects the heightened tensions between the US and Iran in the wake of last week's US drone strike that killed a top Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani. US officials have claimed the strike against the general was carried out to prevent an "imminent" attack in the region that would have put American lives at risk, but have so far declined to provide evidence. In a statement late Tuesday, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, an elite wing of the Iranian military, said the missile attacks were "hard revenge" for the killing of Soleimani. Caught red-handed?Esper insisted Tuesday that the US had evidence to justify last week's attack that killed Soleimani in Iraq. "I can assure you it's more than razor thin, it's persuasive," he said when asked about the underlying intelligence. "The fact of the matter is Soleimani was caught red handed ... one terrorist leader, of a terrorist organization meeting with another terrorist leader to synchronize and plan additional attacks on American diplomats, forces or facilities. I think we took the right action to remove these players from the battlefield," he added. When asked if he regretted presenting President Donald Trump with the extreme option of killing Soleimani, Esper stood by the decision. "It was time to take the terrorist leader of a terrorist organization off the battlefield," he said. Earlier Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declined to present direct evidence on imminent threats against the US in the region, saying at a press briefing at the State Department that he had answered such questions during TV interviews earlier this week. "There's been much made about this question of intelligence and imminence," Pompeo told reporters. "Any time a president makes a decision of this magnitude, there are multiple pieces of information that come before us." He added that senior officials presented Trump with the threats "in broad detail." "If you're looking for imminence, you need look no further than the days that led up to the strike that was taken against Soleimani," Pompeo said, referring to the death of an American contractor in Iraq in late December. He said the action against Soleimani "fit perfectly within our strategy" for countering Iran. National security adviser Robert O'Brien also said Tuesday the US had intelligence leading to the Soleimani killing that American diplomats, facilities and military personnel were at risk of attack. "He was plotting to kill, to attack American facilities and diplomats, soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines (who) were located at those facilities, correct," O'Brien said during a gaggle with reporters at the White House. Refusing an illegal orderWhen asked repeatedly if he -- as the top civilian in the Department of Defense -- would refuse to follow orders from the President to strike Iranian cultural heritage sites if such an order was given, Esper insisted that the United States would "follow the laws of armed conflict" if it came to a shooting war with Iran. Esper gave the same answer on Monday when he was pressed by reporters, ultimately acknowledging that striking cultural sites is not in line with the laws of armed conflict. The comments came one day after Trump reiterated his threat to target Iranian cultural sites in a conversation with reporters aboard Air Force One. "They're allowed to kill our people, they're allowed to torture and maim our people, they're allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people, and we're not allowed to touch their cultural sites? It doesn't work that way," Trump said, according to a pool report. The threats have been met with criticism because it is against international law to target cultural rather than military sites, and the US military's policy has long been to avoid striking areas of cultural importance. This story has been updated. Top stories - Google News January 07, 2020 at 06:09PM Esper says US isn't looking 'to start a war with Iran, but we are prepared to finish one' - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:07 PM PST TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Sule menerangkan jika kematian mantan istrinya tersebut terbilang janggal karena meninggal secara mendadak dan tubuhnya membiru. Kejanggalan kematian Lina pun semakin hari kian terungkap, terlebih lagi hasil visum dari rumah sakit akan membongkar kebenarannya. Meski masih dalam suasana berkabung, kejanggalan tak dapat dipungkiri dari kematian mantan istri Sule, Lina Jubaedah. Sementara itu, suami Lina, Tedy Pardiyana merasa dirinya selama ini menjadi kambing hitam dengan segala tudingan yang memojokkan dirinya. Merasa dirinya terpojokkan, Tedy Pardiyana pun akhirnya membongkar penyebab dirinya diperlakukan demikian. ![]() • POPULER Sule Sesali Perceraiannya dengan Lina, Ayah Rizky Febian: Saya Salah Gak Bisa Menjaga Dia • POPULER Sebut Tanggal Nikah & Kelahiran Bayinya, Teddy Buktikan Lina Tidak Hamil di Luar Nikah Menurut Teddy, penyebab utama dirinya dihujani tudingan miring yakni karena permasalahan dengan mertua atau orangtua Lina. ![]() Ia bahkan tak segan memaparkan adanya perselisihan terkait pembagian uang yang jumlahnya cukup besar. Berikut sejumlah kejanggalan kematian mantan istri Sule, Lina. 1. Teddy Halangi Komunikasi Lina dengan Mantan Suami, Sule Heran Komedian Sule, dibuat heran dengan sikap suami Lina, Teddy yang dirasa menghalang-halangi komunikasi dirinya dengan Lina. HALAMAN SELANJUTNYA ==============================> Top stories - Google News January 07, 2020 at 04:13PM 4 Hal Ganjil Meninggalnya Lina, Teddy Jadi Sorotan dan Tanda Lebam-lebam di Jasad Mantan Istri Sule - Tribunnews Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Hundreds of Residents at San Jose Mobile Home Park Receive Eviction Warnings - NBC Bay Area Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:13 PM PST ![]() More than 700 people living in a San Jose mobile home park have received eviction warnings. Tenants at Westwinds Mobile Home Park were told they may have to leave by August 2022. Many people who live at the mobile home park off N. 1st Street said if they are forced to move, they will have to leave the Bay Area because they simply can't afford to stay. Heidi Von Salza said when she received a letter warning her she may have to move out, she panicked. "Where would I go that I could afford to be somewhere in the valley?" she questioned. "So, in essence, I'd have to move out of the area. I'm close to retirement, within a year or two. So it's very scary." She also fears she would lose most of the equity in her home and said moving her mobile home to another park would cost her more than $40,000. MHC Operating manages the park and claims the owners of the property, the Nicholson Family Partnership, demanded that the property be returned with no residents when the lease expires in August 2022. In a statement, Bruce Nicholson said the well-being of tenants and stability of the park is a top priority. "MHC has been unwilling to collaborate to find a long-term solution for the tenants, taking the unfortunate position that it has no obligation whatsoever to its tenants or to us when the land leases expire," the statement read. MHC is now suing the Nicholson Family Partnership, but that is little comfort to Jim Canova, who's lived at the mobile home park for more than 30 years. "It would really break my heart to see this community go away," he said. San Jose City Councilmember Lan Diep said he is working to try to have the city implement a zoning change so the property could only be used as a mobile home park. "Mobile" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 04:55PM Hundreds of Residents at San Jose Mobile Home Park Receive Eviction Warnings - NBC Bay Area "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Airport authority, Mobile city councilman dispute Frontier's reason for leaving - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:43 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Airport authority, Mobile city councilman dispute Frontier's reason for leaving NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 02:17PM Airport authority, Mobile city councilman dispute Frontier's reason for leaving - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:39 PM PST ![]() No other details were immediately available. An attorney for the student, Nicholas Sandmann, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Sandmann only tweeted, "Yes, we settled with CNN." The news was first reported by WXIX-TV. The local outlet said a settlement figure was not made public at a court hearing in Covington, Kentucky. The settlement will allow CNN to avoid a lengthy and potentially unpredictable trial. Sandmann sought $275 million in damages in the lawsuit he filed against CNN last March. Sandmann, a student at Covington Catholic High School, became a national news story when he was in Washington on January 18, 2019, for the annual March for Life rally. In a video that gained national attention, Sandmann was in an encounter with Omaha tribe elder Nathan Phillips, who was beating a hand-held drum and singing at the Indigenous Peoples March at the Lincoln Memorial on the same day. Another video that surfaced days later provided additional context for the encounter, but the first video had gone viral, touching off widespread controversy as photos of the teenager and the red Make America Great Again hat he was wearing spread across social media. In the second video, a group of black men who identified as members of the Black Hebrew Israelites were seen taunting the students from Covington Catholic High School with disparaging language and shouting racist slurs at participants in the Indigenous Peoples Rally and other passersby. Sandmann at the time strongly denied accusations against him, saying he had been trying to "defuse the situation" by "remaining motionless and calm." Major news outlets, including the Washington Post, the Associated Press and CNN, covered the aftermath of the incident. Sandmann also filed lawsuits against NBC Universal and The Washington Post. In July, a federal judge in Kentucky dismissed the lawsuit against The Washington Post. Part of that lawsuit, however, was later reinstated in October. "viral" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 03:06PM CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:34 PM PST ![]() "Orange Is the New Black" star Yael Stone is renouncing her U.S. green card to return to her native Australia in order to fight climate change. The 34-year-old actress took to Instagram recently to announce how she plans to change her lifestyle in response to the recent massive outbreak of wildfires in Australia. In the first of two videos, Stone slammed Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison for doing "absolutely nothing" to support relief efforts. CHRIS HEMSWORTH DONATES $1M TO AUSTRALIA WILDFIRE RELIEF EFFORTS "I'm sitting in a dark room, wondering what the h-ll is happening. Our country is on fire," she said in the video. "We've lost 14.5 million hectares and our prime minister has done absolutely nothing. Cold, calculated nothing. We don't have leaders, we have cowards. The leaders we have are the people around us, and that's what we have to become." Stone continued: "We have to step up because this is war, this is a climate war, and for the first time, our enemy is not wearing a uniform that we'll be able to recognize. Our enemy is our own behavior." The actress then calls for "corporate-wide, government-wide, systematic changes" to take place in order to combat climate change before telling viewers, "It's time to act." In the second video, Stone says that she's realized it's no longer logical for her to live in two separate countries, constantly flying between the two continents and creating carbon emissions harmful to the environment. SINGER PINK DONATES $500G TO HELP FIGHT AUSTRALIA WILDFIRES "From the very privileged position of having been granted a green card for the USA I have decided it's environmentally unjust to pursue a life across two continents," wrote Stone in the caption. "... This is my way of kicking off real 2020 change in my life. I'm aware it comes from a position of extreme privilege. Skin in the game." Additionally, she explained that she'll be pursuing environmentalism work. "I'm going to be here in Australia, doing the work I can to make a difference here, because the time is now," Stone said in the video. "Like I said, this is war, and we've got 10 years, so let's make these sacrifices, let's make these changes, let's put some skin in the game and say 'Yeah, I care and this is what I'm going to do about it.'" She concluded: "This is just the beginning for me." CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The actress, who played Lorna Morello in "OITNB," has won two Screen Actors Guild Awards for her work on the show. "Actress" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 04:14PM Australian actress Yael Stone giving up green card to fight climate change in home country - Fox News "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
'The Bachelor' Fans Noticed Hannah Ann Looks Like This Former Disney Actress - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:34 PM PST The new season of The Bachelor has premiered and fans shared their first impressions of the cast. One of the cast members that got a lot of attention was Hannah Ann. That's because she wasn't afraid to steal a lot of time with Peter Weber. Fans realized that the model looks like a former Disney actress. Find out who they believe is her famous doppelganger and more reactions to the episode. Hannah Ann had a strong start on 'The Bachelor'![]() Hannah Ann is the first woman to get a rose from Weber. She is from Knoxville, Tennessee and works as a model. "I started to model when I was 16 years old," she said on the show. "I grew up in such a small town. Modeling really gave me the opportunity to travel and to be around different people." The model impressed the pilot with a gift. "Since I'm from east Tennessee, me and my dad painted you a picture of the Smoky Mountains," she told Weber as she gave him the painting. "I was really nervous to give it to you because this is like very personal." He said he loved it and they kissed. Weber later picked up the first impression rose then pulled her aside saying the painting was touching and he loves that she's close to her family. Not everyone is rooting for herHannah Ann looks like she has the strongest chance of winning right now, but not everyone is rooting for her. Some former stars tweeted their opinion on their time together. "Hannah Ann seems like a lot. Like I have two first names a lot. #TheBachelor," Nick Viall, star of season 21 of The Bachelor, tweeted. Diggy Moreland from season 13 of The Bachelorette tweeted, "Did Hannah Ann just refer to herself in the 3rd person??? I'm gonna need people 1 & 2 to tell her to not do that again. Ever. #TheBachelor." The model also rubbed some of the other contestants the wrong way too. That's because she took more time with Weber after they already had a good connection. The fact that she pulled him aside for a third time led some fans comparing her to Luke P. from last season of The Bachelorette. He would make big moves of stealing more time with Hannah Brown by even interrupting her interviews. They think she looks like Danielle CampbellFans noticed that the model looks like Danielle Campbell. The actress starred in the Disney movie, StarStruck. More recently she has appeared in the shows Famous in Love, The Originals, Runaways, and Tell Me a Story. "Watching the bachelor premiere and the whole time I could not figure out who Hannah Ann reminded me of… long story short she's literally Danielle Campbell," one fan tweeted. Another fan tweeted, "When you're a few hours late to #TheBachelor and everyone has already pointed out how much Hannah Ann looks like Danielle Campbell." That's not the only comparison that has been made. Others think Hannah Ann also looks like Jenna Dewan, who starred in the movie, Step Up. It looks like fans think she looks like multiple celebrities. Time will tell if they will continue to be freaked out by her stealing time with Weber or root for her. "Actress" - Google News January 07, 2020 at 02:01PM 'The Bachelor' Fans Noticed Hannah Ann Looks Like This Former Disney Actress - Showbiz Cheat Sheet "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Gretzky knows McDavid goal in Oilers win against Maple Leafs is great one - Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST ![]() TORONTO -- Wayne Gretzky was in awe. Gretzky, the leading scorer in NHL history, was in a private box with Connor McDavid's family at Scotiabank Arena on Monday when the Edmonton Oilers center scored a goal that had the capacity crowd of 19,507 standing to applaud. Including The Great One. "He brought me out of my seat," Gretzky told after the Oilers' 6-4 victory against the Toronto Maple Leafs. "I've told him before that he does that to me. And he did that tonight. "It was one of those special moments by a special player." Video: EDM@TOR: McDavid pots jaw-dropping goal Gretzky provided plenty of magical moments during his 22-season Hall of Fame career, scoring 2,857 points (894 goals, 1,963 assists) and winning the Hart Trophy as the NHL's Most Valuable Player nine times. As such, it takes a lot to impress Gretzky. "Connor did that," he said. "And it's not the first time." Gretzky, vice chairman of Oilers Entertainment Group, was beside Connor's father, Brian, when they saw McDavid cross the Toronto blue line midway through the third period. The Oilers were leading 5-3 and McDavid, with three assists earlier in the game, wanted to provide one of those special moments. Mission accomplished. As he approached Morgan Rielly, McDavid zigged at the very moment the Maple Leafs defenseman thought he would zag. With the crowd gasping in admiration at the move, McDavid put a couple more on Toronto goalie Michael Hutchinson before putting the puck into the net. "I just tried to make a play. That was it," an understated McDavid said of the goal, which gave Edmonton a 6-3 lead at 11:26 of the third. What a play it was. Just ask the Maple Leafs. "I can't give you an idea of what that's like," Rielly said when asked about going against McDavid in that situation. "It's tough." Hutchinson agreed. "He's very shifty and changes speeds really well," Hutchinson said. "When he's coming in with that much speed, I was expecting him to be on top of me before I knew it but then he was able to hesitate a bit and got me to back in a little deep. "He's one of those players you have to battle and get a piece of it and unfortunately on that play I wasn't able to get my glove on it." Video: EDM@TOR: Nurse goes top shelf with wrist shot McDavid grew up 45 miles north of Scotiabank Arena in Newmarket, Ontario. He and his father used to go to Maple Leafs games in this same building when Connor was a kid. It's admittedly a special place for him, but he'd never really had success there as an NHL player. Until now. In three previous games with the Oilers, McDavid had managed two points, both assists. He busted out in Game No. 4 in Toronto, adding three assists to his highlight-reel goal. "It's definitely special," McDavid said. "It's a building our team has struggled in. Personally, I've struggled in it, so it was definitely fun to come in here and get a big win. "Everyone wants to play well in their hometown, I had lots of friends and family in the building so it was fun to get one. It feels good. We haven't had a win in here since I've been a part of the Oilers. Definitely fun to get one." Watching McDavid's exploits from the Oilers managerial box was Edmonton general manager Ken Holland, who continues to be amazed by the play of the young forward. Holland was the general manager of the Detroit Red Wings from 1997-2019. During that time, he oversaw eventual Hall of Famers like Steve Yzerman, Nicklas Lidstrom and Sergei Fedorov. In his mind, McDavid is different. "I've never had a talent like this who is so young," Holland said. "He's only 22. He's only getting better. "Here's the thing: Our goal is to make the playoffs this year. Once you get in, anything can happen. I look at history and that's what it shows. "We have a window of opportunity with Connor and Leon Draisaitl. We have a plan and we'll try to add depth around them in the offseason. But when you have talents like that, all you need to do is get into the playoffs and, well, who knows." As McDavid was holding his post-game scrum inside the Edmonton locker room, another Oilers Hall of Famer, Paul Coffey, was explaining why he wasn't surprised that the kid could pull of a play like that. He might have been the only person in the building who wasn't. "That's why he's one of the best, if not the best player in the League," Coffey told "You expect that every single night. I do anyway -- because he can do it right? It's when he doesn't do it, it's like, what happened? "That's why he's great." The Great One agrees. "Goal" - Google News January 06, 2020 at 09:47PM Gretzky knows McDavid goal in Oilers win against Maple Leafs is great one - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
YOSHIKIが奏でる情熱的な“スーモマーチ”(BARKS) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:23 AM PST YOSHIKIが奏でる情熱的な"スーモマーチ"(BARKS) - Yahoo!ニュース
![]() YOSHIKIが不動産・住宅サイト『SUUMO』の新テレビCMに出演する。 CMでは、雲間からひと筋の光が差す荘厳な雰囲気の古代神殿跡でYOSHIKIがピアノを演奏。奏でるのは『SUUMO』のCMでお馴染みの"スーモマーチ"だ。力強く情熱的に鍵盤を叩きつつも、「なんで僕、この曲弾いているんだろう...?」と疑問を抱くYOSHIKI。そこへ『SUUMO』のキャラクター・スーモが登場し、YOSHKIは「あ...引っ越したいからだ...」という答えにたどり着く、というストーリーになっている。 YOSHIKIはCMの撮影現場のピアノで、何度もメロディを確認したそう。さらに全ての撮影シーンにおいて手の動かし方や体の向き、目線なども細かくチェックし、監督から「OK」が出た後も「少し顔が上向きすぎるね」などと気になった部分を伝え撮り直しのお願いをするなど、高いプロ意識を見せていたという。最後に簡易編集されたCM映像を見たYOSHIKIは、「うん。かっこいいね」と手応えを感じていたそうだ。 撮影後にはインタビューも行われ、「ピアノのフレーズが少し難しかったのですが、弾けて良かったです」と少しほっとした様子で感想を述べたYOSHIKI。"スーモマーチ"については「すごく美しく心にささるメロディで、弾いていて入り込めました」と、気持ちを込めて演奏できたことを明かした。また、CMの注目ポイントは「YOSHIKIとスーモの共演によるどこにもない二人の世界観を見てほしい」とのこと。このコメントには「ねっ?」と自身が抱えたスーモのぬいぐるみに問いかけ、「うん」と言わんばかりにコクリとスーモを頷かせるお茶目なやりとりも。 ちなみにYOSHIKIが住まい選びの際に重視するポイントは、「ピアノを弾ける場所」「防音」だそうだ。世界中を飛び回り多忙を極めるYOSHIKIだが、「僕にとって家は本当の自分に帰れる場所。もはや身体の一部というか。 仮に1ヵ月に1週間しか家にいられなかったとしても、その1週間が本当に大切なんです」と、自宅がいかに重要な場所であるかも語られた。 そんなYOSHIKIの2020年の抱負は「今まで積み重ねてきた努力が実る一年にしたい。実らせなければいけない。僕はこれまで世界に挑戦してきましたが、 2020年は夢を一つずつ叶えていきたい。その始まりの年になると良いと思います」とのこと。また、新成人や受験などを控える若者たちへ「夢は見るものではなく叶えるもの。僕も頑張る のでぜひ皆さんも頑張ってほしい」と熱いエールも送られた。 CMは、1月9日よりオンエアスタート。 オンエア情報
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