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- 「シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版」公開延期を発表 - ナタリー
- ガガ自宅ライブ 地上波放送へ -
- ハライチ岩井、話題の『塩の魔人と醤油の魔人』の裏話暴露!渡辺直美「岩井さん凄い、考えてることが。けど…」 - COCONUTS
- Wuhan officials have revised the city's coronavirus death toll up by 50% - CNN
- U.S. retail sales hit record low as Trump looks ahead to reopening economy - CBS News
- G7 seeking WHO review and reform, White House says after virus talks - South China Morning Post
- US job losses mount as economic pain deepens worldwide - Dothan Eagle
- Wuhan Revises up Coronavirus Death Toll to 3869 From 2579 - Bloomberg Markets and Finance
- Trump Releases Plan to Reopen States, Says America Is on 'Next Front' Of War With Coronavirus - Newsweek
- T-Mobile offering $200 when you switch carriers and bring your phone - TmoNews
- Where's the puck? Kris Versteeg saw something -
- Trump gives governors options on how to reopen economy - KSAT San Antonio
- US funding freeze blows hole in WHO budget - Macau Business
- 「家政夫のミタゾノ」主題歌はHey! Say! JUMP新曲、松岡昌宏や伊野尾慧らがダンス - ナタリー
- J.J. Abrams is producing a Justice League Dark series for HBO Max - The Verge
- 'Ellen' crew furious over lack of communication, pay cut since cororonavirus outbreak - NBC News
- Former Duke, Duchess of Sussex deliver meals to charities in LA - ABC News
- Hey! Say! JUMPが『ミタゾノ』主題歌!三田園たちがキレッキレのダンス|TVLIFE web - テレビがもっと楽しくなる! - TV LIFE
- Controversial Decision by US Gov Could Lead to Mobile Blockchain Development - Cointelegraph
- Coronavirus update 16 April: Confirmed case numbers has passed two million worldwide | ABC News - ABC News (Australia)
- It's STILL up to the governors to reopen the US - CNN
- ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号の33日間を再現ドラマ化 加藤浩次が熱弁「政府のトップはズレていないか?」 - ORICON NEWS
- WHO, allies lament Trump cut to US funding as virus rages - Boston 25 News
- 「このタイミングで発見できたことはない」「奇跡的に着ぐるみ状態に」 トカゲの貴重な脱皮姿が撮影される - ITmedia ヘルスケア
- Indiana reports highest single-day COVID-19 case increase - WDRB
「シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版」公開延期を発表 - ナタリー Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:29 AM PDT 「シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版」公開延期を発表 - ナタリー ![]() 6月27日に公開予定だった「 これは新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受けて決められたもの。「エヴァンゲリオン」の公式サイトでは「世界中の皆様が、安心して映画を楽める日が来ることを願い、また、面白いアニメーション映画を世界中の皆様へお届けできるよう、制作に勤しんで参ります」とコメント。今後の公開予定に関しては、決定次第公式サイト、公式SNSにて伝えられる。なおグッズ付きムビチケカードは、延期後の公開でも使用できる。 2020-04-17 08:21:34Z |
Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:59 AM PDT ガガ自宅ライブ 地上波放送へ - 同イベントは、非営利団体のGlobal Citizenと世界保健機関(WHO)が、新型コロナウイルス感染症との闘いやCOVID-19連帯対応基金を支援するグローバル・ストリーミング・コンサートとして、現地時間18日(日本時間19日午前9時)に実施されるもの。レディー・ガガをはじめ、ポール・マッカートニー、エルトン・ジョン、テイラー・スウィフト、ビリー・アイリッシュ、スティーヴィー・ワンダーらそうそうたる顔ぶれが、それぞれ自宅でのパフォーマンスを世界に向けてライブ配信する。 フジテレビはこの歴史的な大型音楽イベント『One World: Together at Home』を動画配信サービスFOD、フジテレビNEXT ライブ・プレミアム(スカパー!/J:COM無料)で生配信・放送(19日 前9:00~11:00)。また、同日深夜にはフジテレビ関東ローカルで日本語字幕版(同・深1:30~3:40)を放送する。 ■『One World:Together at Home』(英語版) ■『One World:Together at Home』(日本語字幕版) ■『One World:Together at Home』出演アーティスト 2020-04-17 06:00:00Z |
ハライチ岩井、話題の『塩の魔人と醤油の魔人』の裏話暴露!渡辺直美「岩井さん凄い、考えてることが。けど…」 - COCONUTS Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:29 AM PDT ハライチ岩井、話題の『塩の魔人と醤油の魔人』の裏話暴露!渡辺直美「岩井さん凄い、考えてることが。けど…」 - COCONUTS 芸人ハライチさんがパーソナリティを務めるラジオ番組「ハライチのターン!」(TBSラジオほか)。4月16日の放送では、先日放送された「史上空前!!笑いの祭典 ザ・ドリームマッチ」(TBS系)で世間を騒がせた岩井勇気さんと渡辺直美さんのネタ作りの裏側について語り、話題となりました。
特に、岩井さんと渡辺さんが披露した「塩の魔人と醤油の魔人」がネットをかなり騒がせていたとのことで、岩井さんは「ネットで、トレンド1位、頂きまして」と嬉しそうにコメント。 これは、「塩の魔人」に扮した岩井さんと、「醤油の魔人」に扮した渡辺さんが、運ばれてくる料理にどちらをかけるかを歌い踊りながらコメントするという中毒性のあるネタだったのですが、岩井さんは「思い浮かんでる感じだったら、いけるでしょう(バズるでしょう)」と自信があったことを明かし、澤部さんを笑わせました。 ■話題の『塩の魔人と醤油の魔人』の裏話暴露!渡辺直美「岩井さん凄い、考えてることが。けど…」また、岩井さんと渡辺さんは、練習を2回ぐらいやった後に、本番を迎えたそう。 これを聞いた澤部佑さんは「ネタ作りの時かなぁ。(千鳥の)大悟さんと直美と飲み行った時あって」と振り返り「直美は直美で言ってたよ。『岩井さんすごい。考えてることが。けど、澤ちゃんは、よくあの人とずっとコンビを組めてるよね』って」と渡辺さんの本音を暴露し、周囲を笑わせます。 すると、岩井さんは「直美は、のっけからちょっと不安がってた。だって、俺の渡した台本読んでも意味わかんないんだから。あのネタって」と笑いながら渡辺さんに同情。 澤部さんが「あれを本で渡されてもね」と笑いながら相槌を入れると、岩井さんは「俺もあんまり説明したくないし、全部が完成した時って本番なの。メイクも音楽も見越して、全部頭で出来てるものを完成形としてたから。何かが欠けてたら面白くないの」と解説しました。 ■岩井勇気「曲作りとか大変だった」RAM RIDERに感謝続けて「曲作りとか大変だったんだよ?」と本音をこぼした岩井さん。 岩井さんが作った曲を、音楽家・RAM RIDERさんが編曲してくれたそうなのですが、岩井さんの注文は「EDMを入れた、ゴシック調のやつで」という少々抽象的で難易度が高いものだったそうです。 しかし、RAM RIDERさんは岩井さんの意図をしっかり汲み取ってくれたようで「こういう感じで説明して、やってくれる人だったから」と改めて感謝を表した岩井さん。 この時の様子について、岩井さんが「俺とRAM RIDERさんで、わーって話してる時、スタッフと直美は『何これ?』みたいな」と状況を語ると、澤部さんも「そうだろうね、確かに」と同意し、笑いを誘いました。 ■「塩の魔人と醤油の魔人」、サンリオからグッツ化なるか?そんな話をしていると、現在行われている「サンリオキャラクター大賞」について、サンリオのPR担当をしているという方から「一緒にPRして頂けないでしょうか?」という依頼のメールが。 昨年、この番組で「サンリオキャラクター大賞」を大きく取り上げたことを受けての依頼だったのですが、岩井さんは「ちゃんとスポンサーになってくれないと。誠意見せてくれないと」とあまり乗り気ではない様子。 番組ではお決まりの流れでしたが、岩井さんの尖っているコメントを受けた澤部さんは慌てて「岩井はいい奴なんですけど。今週は、ちょっと『ドリームマッチ』で調子に乗ってるみたいなんで」とフォロー。続けて「来年あたり、キャラクター大賞参戦するんじゃない?塩の魔人」と笑いながら提案します。 すると、岩井さんは「じゃあ条件出しましょう。スポンサーになってくれることと『塩の魔人と醤油の魔人』のキャラクター。弁当箱とノート」とまさかのグッツ化をお願いし、大爆笑の澤部さんから「ダメよ!」とツッコミを入れられ、更に大盛り上がりとなりました。 ■岩井勇気の提案に「グッズほしい」の声ネット上では、番組を聞いたリスナーから「岩井さんを通じて澤部さんのスゴさがわかった直美さん」「ドリームマッチの流れでいつも以上にとんがってる岩井w」「醤油の魔人と塩の魔人のグッズほしい~サンリオさ~ん」などの声が上がりました。 「ドリームマッチ」の一件もあり、いつも以上にキレキレの岩井さんはとても面白かったですね。サンリオとも、是非コラボしてほしいと思ったリスナーも多かったのではないでしょうか。 【番組情報】 2020-04-17 04:41:00Z |
Wuhan officials have revised the city's coronavirus death toll up by 50% - CNN Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:14 AM PDT ![]() Officials in Wuhan, where the virus was first reported late last year, on Friday added 1,290 coronavirus deaths to the city's toll. They also added 325 confirmed cases to the city tally. The total number of cases recorded in the city now stands at 50,333, with 3,869 deaths. The previous reported death toll for Wuhan was 2,579 -- so the revised figure marks a 50% increase in the number of deaths in the city from coronavirus. As of April 17, China's National Health Commission had reported 3,342 deaths nationally, before the revised Wuhan figures were published. Officials explained that the deaths had initially gone uncounted because in the early stages of the pandemic some people died at home, overwhelmed medics were focused on treating cases rather than reporting deaths and a delay in collecting figures from various government and private organizations. They added that the figures had been revised to show "accountability to history, to the people and the victims," as well as to ensure "open and transparent disclosure of information and data accuracy." This isn't the first time health authorities in China have changed numbers related to the pandemic. The way cases were counted was changed three times in January and February, leading to widespread confusion over the extent of the crisis in China. Experts have also previously raised the alarm over China's approach to measuring asymptomatic cases. Some patients who tested positive for the virus but did not show symptoms were not included in official tallies, making comparing China's figures to the rest of the world difficult. Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 11:46PM Wuhan officials have revised the city's coronavirus death toll up by 50% - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
U.S. retail sales hit record low as Trump looks ahead to reopening economy - CBS News Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:14 AM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 15, 2020 at 10:36AM U.S. retail sales hit record low as Trump looks ahead to reopening economy - CBS News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
G7 seeking WHO review and reform, White House says after virus talks - South China Morning Post Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:14 AM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 06:09PM G7 seeking WHO review and reform, White House says after virus talks - South China Morning Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
US job losses mount as economic pain deepens worldwide - Dothan Eagle Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:44 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 01:23PM US job losses mount as economic pain deepens worldwide - Dothan Eagle Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Wuhan Revises up Coronavirus Death Toll to 3869 From 2579 - Bloomberg Markets and Finance Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:44 PM PDT Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 09:50PM Wuhan Revises up Coronavirus Death Toll to 3869 From 2579 - Bloomberg Markets and Finance Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:44 PM PDT President Donald Trump released guidelines to states for rolling back quarantine measures in the United States amid the new coronavirus pandemic but said the situation in each state will dictate when and how it reopens. Trump's announcement, made during the White House Coronavirus Task Force's daily briefing, outlined when and how governors should reopen their state. The guidelines broke the reopening of the country to enable Americans to return to their jobs and engage in social gatherings into three phases based on outbreak conditions. "We are in the next front of our war which we are calling, 'Opening Up America Again,'" Trump said on Thursday. "As I have said for some time now, a national shutdown is not a sustainable longtime solution. To preserve the health of our citizens we must also preserve the health and functioning of our economy." Trump has been criticized for pushing to reopen businesses to save the economy at the expense of public health, but the president said on Thursday that the guidelines are based on "hard, verifiable data." Before moving onto "phased openings," the Trump administration said it provided a "gating criteria" for states or regions to satisfy within a 14-day period. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called the gating criteria a "hurtle" for reopening. Some regions, states and locations are already fulfilling some of the criteria, he said. Before moving onto the second and third phases, the gating criteria must once again be met, so he noted there are safeguards for each phase of the reopening. Before moving into any phase, according to the Opening Up America Again guidelines, the states must have a downward trajectory of both influenza-like illnesses and COVID-19-like syndromic cases and also should either be a downward trajectory of documented cases or positive tests as a percent of total tests. Phase 1 (States and regions that satisfy gating criteria):
Phase 2 (States and regions with no evidence of a rebound and that satisfy the gating criteria a second time):
Phase 3 (States and regions with no evidence of a rebound and that satisfy the gating criteria a third time):
A specific timeline wasn't issued for the reopening of states. Trump said governors will have the flexibility to determine that on their own. In the past, the president had said he hoped to open the country on Easter Sunday, April 12. His initial goal drew a rebuke from critics and health officials who warned him that to do so would place Americans' lives at risk because cases of COVID-19 continued to rise across the country. In response, Trump extended the social distancing guidelines through April 30. Thursday's announcement follows comments the president made during a Friday briefing from the Coronavirus Task Force, where he said: "I'm going to have to make a decision, and I only hope to God that it's the right decision," he told reporters at the time. "It's the biggest decision I've ever had to make. I have great authority if I want to use it. I would rather have the states use it. I have absolute authority to use it." ![]() Earlier in the week, Trump said the "fake news media" was working to create "confusion and conflict" with their reports that U.S. governors are responsible for lifting lockdowns in their respective states and do not need the authority of the president to do so. "Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect," Trump tweeted. "It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons." The president added that his administration is "working closely" with U.S. governors and that the announcement would be "made shortly." Trump maintains that the authority he refers comes from to the Tenth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, which says that any power not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution belongs to the states and the people. Although Trump hasn't wavered in his message that he has the power to reopen the government, on Thursday, he said governors will be "empowered" to tailor their approach to meet their state's circumstances. Those that want to remain closed may and those who want to reopen will have the freedom to do so. The Trump administration first announced federal guidelines for social distancing on March 16, prompting several states to pass down shelter-in-place orders that week. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, both Democrats, have frequently pushed back against calls from the president to eventually lift stay-at-home orders. On Thursday, Cuomo announced the state's social distancing protocols, including the closure of non-essential businesses, will remain in place until at least May 15. Last month, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards sparked a federal vs. state debate after saying the reason he didn't shut down Mardi Gras festivities in February was because "not one person" at the federal level, including the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, recommended canceling any events over coronavirus fears. Last Saturday, Colorado Republican Congressman Ken Buck echoed Trump's criticism of state-level authority, saying governors don't care if the federal government goes into more debt because it has offered aid to each state's separate coronavirus responses. More than 40 states have imposed statewide stay-at-home orders. Several other states, all of which have Republican governors, have either declined or ordered lockdowns in their largest metropolitan areas only. Reopening states won't be the end of the difficulty, Trump said, but he expressed confidence in the American people to rise to the occasion. "We know there will be hardships and challenges ahead," the president said. "...We will reclaim the magnificent destiny that we share and we will carry our nation to new heights of greatness and glory." Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 03:40PM Trump Releases Plan to Reopen States, Says America Is on 'Next Front' Of War With Coronavirus - Newsweek Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
T-Mobile offering $200 when you switch carriers and bring your phone - TmoNews Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:22 PM PDT T-Mobile recently rolled out a new promotion to entice customers of other carriers to make the switch. With this new deal, T-Mobile will give you $200 when you port your number to T-Mo and bring your phone or buy a new device at full retail price. The offer is available through or through T-Mo's virtual retail, which is chat or phone support. Customers who take advantage of this plan must port in their number from a non-T-Mobile, non-Metro provider. You'll need to activate a new account with at least one voice line on an Essentials, Magenta, or Magenta Plus plan. This deal isn't available on Unlimited 55+, Military, or First Responder plans. Once you've activated your account, you must sign up for T-Mobile ID and then submit a rebate for each line you've ported within 14 days of the transaction. To do this you'll need to point your web browser at T-Mobile's promotions site and enter the promo code 2020SWITCH1. There's a limit of 4 payouts per account. After your submission has been verified by T-Mobile, you'll get an SMS link to redeem your $200 Virtual Express Prepaid Mastercard Card. Since this offer doesn't require a trade-in and lets you bring your current phone, this could be a nice deal for someone who's been thinking about jumping ship to T-Mobile anyway. T-Mo doesn't say how long this promotion will be active, only that it'll be offered "for a limited time", so if you have been thinking about switching to T-Mobile you may want to make the move soon. Source: T-Mobile "Mobile" - Google News April 16, 2020 at 08:40PM T-Mobile offering $200 when you switch carriers and bring your phone - TmoNews "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Where's the puck? Kris Versteeg saw something - Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:06 PM PDT ![]() In honor of the 10-year anniversary of the 2010 Stanley Cup team, NBC Sports Chicago is re-airing each of the Blackhawks' 16 postseason wins from the run that ended a 49-year championship drought. You can join the conversation using #HawksRewind on social media. After knocking off the Flyers at the United Center in Game 5, the Blackhawks went to Philadelphia with a chance to end their 49-year Stanley Cup drought and that's exactly what they did with a 4-3 overtime victory. Here are three things we noticed in the win: 1. Stars show up when lights shine brightest In the biggest game of their lives, the Blackhawks' core group delivered in a significant way: — Patrick Kane had a three-point night, including the memorable overtime winner. What more could you ask for? 2. How close the Flyers came to taking the lead... Antti Niemi made some key saves during the Blackhawks' postseason run. But in hindsight, perhaps the biggest one of his career came with 1:28 left in regulation of Game 6 against Philadelphia. Flyers fans were going absolutely crazy after their team scored the game-tying goal with 3:59 left, and the Blackhawks were basically just trying to get to overtime to reset. But it almost didn't get there after Jeff Carter found himself wide open in the slot, only to be denied by Niemi, who desperately fought off the puck by lunging forward to take away the angle. If the Flyers score on that play to go up 4-3, who knows what would've happened? Which brings us to our final point... 3. The Jonathan Toews injury that nobody knew about If the Blackhawks were forced to play a Game 7 at home, they might not have had their captain for it. Wait, what? Yes, that's right. Toews was injured on the Flyers' game-tying goal in the third period after Scott Hartnell fell on his left knee, which Toews could be seen grabbing immediately but nobody realized it at the time. And the only reason Joel Quenneville didn't hold him out was to make sure the Flyers didn't get wind of it. Let's be real, Toews probably would have found a way to play in Game 7, but he sure wouldn't have been as effective. The injury turned out to be significant MCL sprain and lingered into the summer. Attention Dish and Sling customers! You have lost your Blackhawks games on NBC Sports Chicago. To switch providers, visit Click here to download the new MyTeams App by NBC Sports! Receive comprehensive coverage of your teams and stream the Blackhawks easily on your device. "Goal" - Google News April 16, 2020 at 04:44PM Where's the puck? Kris Versteeg saw something - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump gives governors options on how to reopen economy - KSAT San Antonio Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has given governors a road map for recovering from the economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic, laying out "a phased and deliberate approach" to restoring normal activity in places that have strong testing and are seeing a decrease in COVID-19 cases. "We're starting our life again," Trump said during his daily press briefing. "We're starting rejuvenation of our economy again." He added, "This is a gradual process." The new guidelines are aimed at easing restrictions in areas with low transmission of the coronavirus, while holding the line in harder-hit locations. They make clear that the return to normalcy will be a far longer process than Trump initially envisioned, with federal officials warning that some social distancing measures may need to remain in place through the end of the year to prevent a new outbreak. And they largely reinforce plans already in the works by governors, who have primary responsibility for public health in their states. "You're going to call your own shots," Trump told the governors Thursday afternoon in a conference call, according to an audio recording obtained by The Associated Press. "We're going to be standing alongside of you." Places with declining infections and strong testing would begin a three-phase gradual reopening of businesses and schools. In phase one, for instance, the plan recommends strict social distancing for all people in public. Gatherings larger than 10 people are to be avoided and nonessential travel is discouraged. In phase two, people are encouraged to maximize social distancing and limit gatherings to no more than 50 people unless precautionary measures are taken. Travel could resume. Phase three envisions a return to normalcy for most Americans, with a focus on identification and isolation of any new infections. Trump said recent trends in some states were so positive that they could almost immediately begin taking the steps laid out in phase one. "They will be able to go literally tomorrow," Trump said. The guidelines recommend that states pass checkpoints that look at new cases, testing and surveillance data over the prior 14 days before advancing from one phase to another. Governors of both parties made clear they will move at their own pace. Delaware Gov. John Carney, a Democrat, said the guidelines "seem to make sense." "We're days, maybe weeks away from the starting line and then you have to have 14 days of declining cases, of declining symptoms and hospital capacity that exists in case you have a rebound," he said. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice, a Trump ally, cautiously floated the idea of reopening parts of the state, but said testing capacity and contact tracing would need to be considerably ramped up before restrictions could be safely lifted. "All would be forgotten very quickly if we moved into a stage quicker than we should, and then we got into a situation where we had people dying like flies," Justice told reporters. At the earliest, the guidelines suggest, some parts of the country could see a resumption in normal commerce and social gatherings after a month of evaluating whether easing up on restrictions has led to a resurgence in virus cases. In other parts of the country, or if virus cases pick up, it could be substantially longer. In briefing governors on the plan, Trump said they were going to be responsible for deciding when it is safe to lift restrictions in their states. Just days before, he had drawn swift pushback for claiming he had absolute authority to determine how and when states reopen. "We have a very large number of states that want to get going and they're in very good shape," Trump said. "That's good with us, frankly." The guidelines also include general recommendations to businesses as they plan for potential reopenings, suggesting temperature-taking, rapid COVID-19 testing and widespread disinfection efforts in workplaces. Those most susceptible to the respiratory disease are advised to remain sheltered in place until their area enters the final phase — and even then are encouraged to take precautions to avoid close contact with other people. Governors, for their part, have been moving ahead with their own plans for how to safely revive normal activity. Seven Midwestern governors announced Thursday they will coordinate on reopening their economies. Similar pacts were announced earlier in the week in the West and Northeast. Two in three Americans expressed concerns that restrictions meant to slow the spread of the virus would be eased too quickly, according to a Pew Research Center survey released Thursday. More than 30,000 people in the United States have died from the virus. Trump on Thursday claimed the U.S. has "built the most advanced and robust testing anywhere in the world." But even people close to him warned more would be necessary. "We are struggling with testing at a large scale," South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham told ABC's "The View." "You really can't go back to work until we have more tests." Former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump's likely opponent in November's presidential election, said Thursday evening that Trump "kind of punted." "We're not going to be able to really make significant changes in the three phases the president's talking about until we're able to test much more broadly," Biden said on CNN. ___ Suderman reported from Richmond, Va. Associated Press writers Jill Colvin in Washington, Paul Weber in Austin, Texas, Anthony Izaguirre in Charleston, W.Va., Mike Stobbe in New York and Mike Catalini in Trenton, N.J., contributed to this report. Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 09:35PM Trump gives governors options on how to reopen economy - KSAT San Antonio Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
US funding freeze blows hole in WHO budget - Macau Business Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT The United States' funding freeze blows a major hole in the World Health Organization's budget as it attempts to steer the fightback against the coronavirus pandemic. Washington is the biggest single contributor to the United Nations' health agency. However, US President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he was putting the funding on hold, pending a 60- to 90-day review into the WHO's role in "severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus". Trump claimed the COVID-19 outbreak could have been contained "with very little death" if the WHO had accurately assessed the situation in China, where the virus broke out. Its epicentre is now the United States, where the death toll has climbed above 26,000, with more than 600,000 infections. Worldwide, the pandemic has killed more than 130,000 people and infected at least two million, according to an AFP tally. Trump said US taxpayers provided between $400 million and $500 million per year to the WHO, while "in contrast, China contributes roughly $40 million a year and even less". It added to last week's charge from Trump that the WHO was "very China centric" despite Washington's heavy funding. WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a press conference on Wednesday that he regretted Trump's decision. "WHO is reviewing the impact on our work of any withdrawal of US funding and will work with our partners to fill any financial gaps we face," he added. – The WHO budget –The WHO's finances are organised in two-year cycles. The WHO's budget for the 2018 and 2019 two-year bracket was $5.62 billion, of which $4.3 billion was in specified voluntary contributions, according to figures now updated until the fourth quarter of 2019. Looking at the specified voluntary contributions that have been fully distributed is one way of making comparisons between the contributions of donors to the WHO. In this sector, the United States is the biggest contributor with $553.1 million, or 14.67 percent of the total specified voluntary contributions that ended up being fully distributed. The money, which can often be highly earmarked for particular projects, is paid out throughout the year as projects and needs arise. The next biggest contributors are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (9.76 percent), the GAVI vaccines alliance (8.39 percent), Britain (7.79 percent) and Germany (5.68 percent). They are followed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (5.09 percent), the World Bank (3.42 percent), Rotary International (3.3 percent), the European Commission (3.3 percent) and Japan (2.73 percent). China's contribution of $7.9 million amounted to 0.21 percent of the total — behind Luxembourg (0.3 percent) and Pakistan (0.36 percent). – Assessed contributions –Assessed contributions are the dues countries pay to be a WHO member. They are calculated relative to the country's wealth and population and payable as of January 1. At $957 million in the last budget cycle, assessed contributions are the second-biggest tranche of the WHO's funding. The United States contributed $237 million, nearly 25 percent of the total. China contributed $76 million, or eight percent of the total. "China speaks extensively to African countries in particular, to position itself as a defender of a more equitable new world order," said Alice Ekman, the senior Asia analyst at the European Union Institute for Security Studies. "The WHO is only one multilateral structure among others; China's influence is significant within the UN system — and it's not just about its financial contribution," she told AFP. – Where the WHO's spending goes –Within the specified voluntary contributions sector in the 2018 and 2019 budget — before the coronavirus crisis — the WHO's biggest spending outlay was on polio eradication (26.51 percent). Next came increasing access to essential health and nutrition services (12.04 percent); vaccine-preventable diseases (8.89 percent); establishing effective coordination and operations support (6.1 percent), and preventing and controlling outbreaks (5.96 percent). In terms of regional distribution, it reached those projects via Africa, which received $1.32 billion; the eastern Mediterranean ($1.23 billion); the WHO headquarters ($591 million); southeast Asia and Europe ($223 million each); the western Pacific ($166 million) and the Americas ($24 million). – Impact of US freeze –Professor Guy Marks, president of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, urged Trump to reverse his "reckless decision". He said withdrawing funding would have consequences far beyond COVID-19 that could prove "catastrophic for WHO's other disease control programmes around the world". by Robin Millard Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 03:53AM US funding freeze blows hole in WHO budget - Macau Business Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「家政夫のミタゾノ」主題歌はHey! Say! JUMP新曲、松岡昌宏や伊野尾慧らがダンス - ナタリー Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:29 PM PDT 「家政夫のミタゾノ」主題歌はHey! Say! JUMP新曲、松岡昌宏や伊野尾慧らがダンス - ナタリー ![]() 「家政夫のミタゾノ」シリーズは、女装した家政夫の"ミタゾノさん"こと三田園薫が、派遣された家庭の内情をのぞき見し、そこに巣食う根深い汚れを落としていくヒューマンドラマ。ドラマのエンディングでは主題歌「Last Mermaid…」に合わせて、ミタゾノをはじめ、Hey! Say! JUMPの 2020-04-17 04:06:21Z |
J.J. Abrams is producing a Justice League Dark series for HBO Max - The Verge Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:05 PM PDT J.J. Abrams is producing a Justice League Dark series for HBO Max - The Verge ![]() J.J. Abrams is taking on the popular comic book series Justice League Dark as a new producing project under his Bad Robot production label, adapting it into a series for WarnerMedia's upcoming streaming service, HBO Max. WarnerMedia hasn't announced any details about the project other than it will live exclusively on the streaming service. Justice League Dark is an ongoing comic book series that focuses on the more supernatural characters that appear within the DC Universe, including John Constantine (who was portrayed by Keanu Reeves in the 2005 live-action movie). It's also unclear who is working on the project, or if those discussions have started. Abrams will produce the show as a Bad Robot production, but he hasn't announced whether he'll contribute any writing to the series. The Shape of Water director Guillermo del Toro told ComicBook in 2019 that he co-wrote an entire script for a Justice League Dark movie for Warner Bros. years ago, but nothing ever came of it. While Kevin Feige is overseeing the Marvel Streaming Universe for Disney Plus, Abrams and Greg Berlanti seem to have big roles in shaping WarnerMedia's DC Universe on HBO Max. After years of creating the DC Arrowverse (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, Batwoman, etc) on The CW, Berlanti is now working on a number of projects for HBO Max. Those include an untitled Green Lantern series and an adaptation of DC Comics' Strange Adventures. Warner Bros. also has its DC Cinematic Universe: Wonder Woman, Justice League, Shazam, Aquaman, The Batman and the rest. It's unclear if Abrams' Bad Pictures company or Berlanti will contribute to the cinematic universe. Abrams is also working on two more series for HBO Max: one is a horror series inspired by Stephen King's The Shining. Called Overlook, the show will focus on the "untold, terrifying stories of the most famous haunted hotel in American fiction." The third, called Duster, is a completely original project that Abrams will co-write. Duster follows a getaway driver for a "growing crime syndicate" in the 1970s southwest. HBO Max will launch next month, although WarnerMedia hasn't announced a specific date at this time. It will cost $14.99 a month. 2020-04-16 22:28:07Z |
'Ellen' crew furious over lack of communication, pay cut since cororonavirus outbreak - NBC News Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:05 PM PDT 'Ellen' crew furious over lack of communication, pay cut since cororonavirus outbreak - NBC News ![]() LOS ANGELES - Crew members from Ellen DeGeneres' long-running daytime talk show are distressed and outraged over their treatment from top producers amid the coronavirus pandemic, numerous insiders affiliated with the series told Variety. The core stage crew for "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," consisting of more than 30 employees, received no written communication about the status of their working hours, pay or inquiries about their mental and physical health from producers for over a month, said two sources, both of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity. Higher-ups in production would occasionally answer phone calls but reveal little, added one of the sources. The crew was further incensed by the show's recent hire of an outside, non-union tech company to help DeGeneres tape remotely from her home in California. When production executives finally did weigh in, nearly all crew members were told last week to brace for a 60 percent reduction in pay, even as the show continues to air, according to sources close to the matter. Only four core crew members currently work on the remote version of the broadcast, added insiders, who find this treatment to be totally inconsistent with DeGeneres' daily message to her audiences: "be kind." A spokesperson for Warner Bros. Television, which distributes the show, told Variety, "Our executive producers and Telepictures are committed to taking care of our staff and crew and have made decisions first and foremost with them in mind." The studio reiterated the crew has been paid consistently, though at reduced hours. For more than two weeks, from late March through April 9, crew members — from lighting to camera operators to grips — were left in the dark about if and how much they would be paid. Phone calls to crew members from a production coordinator at Telepictures, the Warner Bros. unit that produces "Ellen," were sporadic and often lacking any information before and after the 14-day blackout. The lack of transparency continued as DeGeneres expanded her output from hosting four shows a week to five, shot over two days, said individuals with knowledge of the schedule. Radio silence from producers created anxiety among crew members who feared they would be furloughed and, in that case, would need to explore unemployment benefits. Let our news meet your inbox. The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings. A Warner Bros. spokesperson acknowledged that communication could have been better, but cited complications due to the chaos caused by COVID-19. On April 2, the majority of the crew members were shocked to discover that DeGeneres had a remote set erected at her residence where she was taping, a fact they learned via social media posts from colleagues in other departments, insiders said. Under normal circumstances, "Ellen" tapes four days a week. Studio episodes of the show were last shot the week of March 9. The crew was last paid in full for the week of March 16, when the Warner Bros. lot was shut down as a precaution to prevent the spread of coronavirus, according to the studio. The following week of March 23 was a planned spring break hiatus. "When returning from break, the crew was paid the week of March 30th despite having no firm plans for production to resume," the spokesperson said. Pay reduced to 8 hours from 10 hours per work day for the week of the 30th, insiders said. As of April 10, crew was told to expect a reduced compensation of two, 8-hour work days per week. In the hours following Variety's Wednesday request for comment on the reduced pay and lack of communication, word began circulating among crew that they would be restored to their full four-day work weeks. An individual close to Warner Bros. disputed that timeline, saying the crew is paid in arrears and the final hour count had not yet been finalized. Adding insult to injury, sources said that while most of the crew was left out of work with reduced pay, the remote production has hired Key Code Media, a Burbank-based audiovisual house, to help produce technical elements of the show while crew members with the same skills sit idle. Each of DeGeneres' crew is affiliated with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees union. One local IATSE rep spoke with "Ellen" producers about the crew's concerns the week of April 7, sources said, and reported back that their understanding was that union members would continue to be paid. The union rep advised the crew to "watch closely," one person familiar with the exchange said. An IATSE spokesperson did not immediately comment on the matter. The studio said the third-party hire was cleared with union reps. "Due to social distancing requirements, technical changes in the way the show is produced had to be made to comply with city ordinances and public health protocols," said a WB spokesperson, adding that no crew member lost a job in the hiring of Key Code. On her April 7 return to the air, DeGeneres told viewers she "wanted to start doing my new show as soon as possible." The host specifically said it was for "my staff and crew. I love them, I miss them, the best thing I can do to support them is to keep the show on the air." More upsetting for many crew members is a lack of personal outreach from show leadership to check on longtime employees amid the public health crisis, said sources. The stage crew operates separately from DeGeneres' senior producers, writers and assistants, who occupy her offices in Building 19 on the Burbank Warner lot. Many of the key crew, however, have been with DeGeneres since the taping of the talk show's pilot, which rolled 17 years ago. Confounded, the "Ellen" crew sought information from colleagues on similar shows, many of whom had opposite experiences from theirs, said sources. "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" stage hands were paid from host Kimmel's own pocket during initial COVID-19 shutdowns, two insiders familiar with that set told Variety, and since returning to the air network ABC is paying their full rates. "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee," and Showtime's "Desus & Mero" have also all had transparent communication and are paying full rates, sources said. Spokespersons for those individual shows declined to comment on the matter. "Ellen" is in a different category in TV terms as a daytime franchise in first-run syndication, meaning it is sold by Warner Bros. to TV stations on a market by market basis. "The creative, delivery, economics, hours, taping times, staff structures, etc. are completely different for a daily talk show," said Warner Bros. DeGeneres is one of the highest-paid stars on television, earning more than $50 million per year from her Telepictures deal. Her total net worth is a reported $330 million. 2020-04-17 01:20:16Z |
Former Duke, Duchess of Sussex deliver meals to charities in LA - ABC News Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:05 PM PDT Former Duke, Duchess of Sussex deliver meals to charities in LA - ABC News [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-04-17 02:30:36Z |
Hey! Say! JUMPが『ミタゾノ』主題歌!三田園たちがキレッキレのダンス|TVLIFE web - テレビがもっと楽しくなる! - TV LIFE Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:58 PM PDT Hey! Say! JUMPが『ミタゾノ』主題歌!三田園たちがキレッキレのダンス|TVLIFE web - テレビがもっと楽しくなる! - TV LIFE Hey! Say! JUMPが、4月24日スタートの『家政夫のミタゾノ』(テレビ朝日系(金)後11・15ほか)の主題歌を担当する。 主演の松岡昌宏演じる女装した家政夫・三田園薫が派遣先の家庭の内情をのぞき見し、そこに巣食う"根深い汚れ"までもスッキリと落としていく痛快ヒューマンドラマの第4弾。主題歌は"三田園"がHey! Say! JUMPのために特別に書き下ろした「Last Mermaid…」。人魚姫をモチーフに、震えるほど切ない恋物語を歌ったラブソングとなっている。 ドラマのエンディングではこの曲に合わせ、レギュラーキャストがダンス。メンバーの中心にして最後方でひときわ目を引く三田園は、おなじみの白ブラウス&黒スカート姿で髪を振り乱しながらキレのある動きを連発し、華麗なジャンプやターンも披露。Hey! Say! JUMP・伊野尾慧演じる村田光はアイドル志望の家政夫という設定にちなみ"アイドル見習い風"のステップを踏んでいる。 その他、飯豊まりえ、平田敦子、しゅはまはるみ、余貴美子も参加。グループショット。ソロショット、3人ずつに分かれてのショットとさまざまな角度からも楽しめる。 ©テレビ朝日 2020-04-17 04:00:36Z |
Controversial Decision by US Gov Could Lead to Mobile Blockchain Development - Cointelegraph Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:22 PM PDT ![]() On April 16, Ajit Pai, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, issued a draft order approving the usage of L-Band radio frequencies for 5G and IoT. ControversyPreviously, three leaders of Congressional defense committees signed a letter urging president Trump to prevent the commission from issuing the approval. The controversy arises from the fact that the adjacent bands are used for the Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) which provide essential functionality for the modern military. Chairman Pai assured in his draft order that the approval will not jeopardise proper functioning of the GPS, while making:
New opportunities for blockchainThe mobile-first trend has not escaped the blockchain industry. There are several blockchain projects focused on such devices, like Hyperledger Iroha, Celo, IOTA (MIOTA), and Nodle Network. Nodle's blockchain architect, Eliott Teissonniere, explained to Cointelegraph how this decision could help this industry grow:
Kadan Stadelmann, CTO of Komodo multi-chain platform, told Cointelegrpah:
Although the latest development may not have an immediate impact on the blockchain industry, it may eventually impact the community's long-term development goals. "Mobile" - Google News April 16, 2020 at 02:00PM Controversial Decision by US Gov Could Lead to Mobile Blockchain Development - Cointelegraph "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:14 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 15, 2020 at 09:48PM Coronavirus update 16 April: Confirmed case numbers has passed two million worldwide | ABC News - ABC News (Australia) Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
It's STILL up to the governors to reopen the US - CNN Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:14 PM PDT ![]() "You are going to call your own shots," Trump said Thursday, a person familiar with the conversation told CNN. "I've gotten to know almost all of you, most of you I've known and some very well. You are all very capable people, I think in all cases, very capable people. And you're going to be calling your shots." Despite what Trump has previously claimed about "absolute authority," it's not up to the President to decide when and how the country reopens. CNN fact checker Daniel Dale put it best: "There is no legislation that explicitly gives the President the power to override states' public health measures. In addition, Trump said last week that he prefers, because of the Constitution, to let governors make their own decisions on coronavirus restrictions." It's the governors and mayors who have ultimate say. After all, they were the ones who instituted the shutdowns in the first place. Despite business leaders saying more widespread coronavirus testing is the ultimate key to reigniting the country's economy, Trump is also punting testing responsibilities to the states. "We want the states to administer these tests, for the most part," Trump said Wednesday. "We want them to do it. We're not going to be running a parking lot in Arkansas." These new Trump guidelines are similar to the social distancing guidelines announced in March and extended in April -- while not mandatory, they carry the weight of the federal government and the presidency. Already, we're seeing local leaders operate on their own timelines, beyond what the Trump administration has advised. Wisconsin, New York, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles have all pushed back open dates to at least May 15 -- beyond Trump's May 1 goal. But the difference between Trump's guidelines and the governors' is already causing friction. Michigan's Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (a potential Biden VP pick) saw protests in her state after tightening stay-at-home restrictions amid a worsening outbreak. The Point: Trump's new guidelines are exactly that. Guidelines. Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 04:33PM It's STILL up to the governors to reopen the US - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号の33日間を再現ドラマ化 加藤浩次が熱弁「政府のトップはズレていないか?」 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:58 PM PDT ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号の33日間を再現ドラマ化 加藤浩次が熱弁「政府のトップはズレていないか?」 - ORICON NEWS ![]() お笑いコンビ・極楽とんぼの加藤浩次がMCを務めるフジテレビ系『追跡ドキュメントバラエティ シンジジツ』が19日に放送(後8:00)。新型コロナウイルスで日本の対応が世界から注目された、豪華客船ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号の知られざる新事実に迫る。 今回は乗船者、クルー、そして政府関係者、医療関係者らが明かす新証言を元に、政府、厚労省や神奈川県などの行政、自衛隊、医療関係者の対応を中心に、崩れ去った政府の楽観論、翻弄され続けた対応、それでも懸命に命を救おうとした人たちなど下船までの悪夢の33日間を再現ドラマ化。 VTRを見た加藤は「政府のトップはどこかズレていないか? 対応に熱がこもっていない。失敗したなら失敗を認めて、申し訳なかった、今後こうするからみんなでこのウイルスとの闘いを乗り越えよう、と、なぜ熱い思いで国民に語れないのか?」と熱弁。 ゲストの伊集院光、アンミカ、トラウデン直美も、今回初めて明らかになるクルーズ船への政府、行政の対応の舞台裏に驚きを隠せない。伊集院は「この船で起きたことは、今の日本で起きていることと同じではないか? 政府の対応含めて、クルーズ船で起きたことをしっかりと検証して、今に生かす必要がある。それを今、我々は出来ているのか?我々も最初は心のどこかで楽観視していたのではないか?」と語った。 収録を終えて、加藤は「あの時、クルーズ船の内部で何が起こっていたか、政府、行政がどう動いていたかを知ることは、日本人にとってとても大切なことです。僕も今回、初めて知ったことがたくさんあり、驚きました。しっかり見ていただいて、一緒に考えてほしいと思います。これから続く新型コロナウイルスとの闘いを、みんなで乗り越えていきましょう」と呼びかけている。 2020-04-17 03:00:25Z |
WHO, allies lament Trump cut to US funding as virus rages - Boston 25 News Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:44 PM PDT ![]() Political fault lines emerged in the U.S., with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, saying the "dangerous, illegal" decision to halt funding "will be swiftly challenged." Sen. Lindsay Graham, a Republican ally of Trump, insisted that "we cannot afford China apologists running the WHO." Top stories - Google News April 15, 2020 at 12:27PM WHO, allies lament Trump cut to US funding as virus rages - Boston 25 News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「このタイミングで発見できたことはない」「奇跡的に着ぐるみ状態に」 トカゲの貴重な脱皮姿が撮影される - ITmedia ヘルスケア Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:28 PM PDT 「このタイミングで発見できたことはない」「奇跡的に着ぐるみ状態に」 トカゲの貴重な脱皮姿が撮影される - ITmedia ヘルスケア トカゲが脱皮する様子がTwitterに投稿され、その貴重な姿が「これはすごい」「着ぐるみみたい」と多くの人を驚かせています。 りっちょ(@o00olou3uly)さんが紹介してくれたのはニシアフリカトカゲモドキの脱皮の様子。白っぽい部分が脱皮した皮で、お顔をだしているのがトカゲさん本体です。 脱ぎかけの皮は、当たり前ですがサイズぴったり! 首のあたりにクシュクシュと寄っている様子が、着ぐるみみたいです。クリクリの瞳やちょこんとした手もたまらない愛らしさ。りっちょさんが「かわいすぎてつらい」と思ってしまう気持ちもよく分かります。 リプライ欄には「ニシアフ飼い8年目ですがこのタイミングで発見できたことは無いです…」「これはすごい」などの驚きの声のほか、「天使」「かわいくてニヤニヤしてしまいました」といった書き込みが。「食べられているのかと思った」という人もいましたが、自分の皮を脱いでいる途中なので安心してください。いくつか見かけたのが「この状態のフィギュアが欲しい」という声。フィギュア職人さん、呼ばれてますよー! ちなみに普段、飼い主さんは「爬虫類の脱皮中は触らない」と決めているそうです。今回紹介した子はマイペースで気にしないタイプの子であること、とても珍しいケースであったことから、傷つけないように細心の注意を払い、手の上で撮影後すぐに飼育ケースに戻したとのこと。現在、トカゲさんの脱皮はきれいに完了しており、とても元気だそうです。よかった! 画像提供:りっちょ(@o00olou3uly)さん 関連記事関連リンクCopyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2020-04-16 23:30:00Z |
Indiana reports highest single-day COVID-19 case increase - WDRB Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:44 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 16, 2020 at 09:00AM Indiana reports highest single-day COVID-19 case increase - WDRB Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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