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和田アキ子 “アンちゃん”梅宮辰夫さんの訃報に「また電話番号消すのが辛いです」 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:31 AM PST

和田アキ子 "アンちゃん"梅宮辰夫さんの訃報に「また電話番号消すのが辛いです」 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

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2019-12-12 05:25:00Z

【品川プリンスホテル】エンターテインメントタウンとしての機能強化に向けメルセデス・ベンツとのコラボレーションを展開:時事ドットコム - 時事通信

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:05 AM PST


2019年12月12日(木)ホテルエリア内に「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」がオープン

品川プリンスホテル(所在地:東京都港区高輪4-10-30、総支配人:橋本哲充)は、メルセデス・ベンツのブランド情報発信拠点「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」が2019 年12 月12 日(木)より期間限定でオープンすることにより、コラボレーション商品やサービスの提供を展開いたします。

メルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージ

Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ
当ホテルは、日本の玄関口として発展し続ける品川の街を牽引するホテルとしての役割を担うべく、リニューアルや新サービス等を各所進めております。今回、品川駅からホテルに続くNタワーエントランス前に、「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」がオープンすることにより、ホテルを拠点にメルセデス・ベンツのレンタカーで近郊に出かける新しいステイスタイルやサービスをご提案し、新規需要を取り込んでまいります。

オープンを記念して、プレミアフロアにある東京の夜景を一望できるブロアバス付きの特別な客室をメルセデス・ベンツのコレクション商品でデコレーションしたコンセプトルームの他、当ホテル内のシンボルロード「いちょう坂」から新郎新婦がEクラス カブリオレに乗って登場するオープンエアのウエディングプランや、メルセデス・ベンツをイメージしてデザインしたウエディングドレスやタキシードを新たに販売いたします。


「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」コラボレーション企画
品川プリンスホテル メインタワー プレミアフロアの東京の景色を一望できるバスルームがある特別な1室をメルセデス・ベンツのオリジナルグッズでデコレーションした宿泊プラン。ベッドの上にはロゴ入りベアと車がリバーシブルになった ドールの他、メルセデス・ベンツのミニカーやキーカバーなどを展示したショーケースなど、メルセデス・ベンツの世界観をご堪能いただけます。ホテルステイの記念にロゴ入りのペアグラスをプレゼントいたします。
プラン名: Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay
客室: メインタワー プレミアフロア スーペリアダブルルーム(36F)
期間: 2020年1月18日(土)~9月30日(水)
料金: 1室(1室2名利用)¥60,000~
ご予約・お問合せ: TEL.03-3440-1111
Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ
Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ
Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ
品川プリンスホテルの屋外シンボルロード「いちょう坂」を新郎新婦のおふたりがオープンカー Eクラス カブリオレに乗って登場し、樹齢100年以上のいちょうの木の下でセレモニーをするウエディングプランやメルセデス・ベンツをイメージしたオリジナルのウエディングドレスやタキシードのレンタルやオーダーを新たに開始いたします。
プラン名: いちょうの木のウエディング
場所: いちょう坂
期間: 2020年1月18日(土)予約開始 ※2020年4月以降の挙式
料金: 2~50名さま ¥465,000~
内容: メルセデス・ベンツ「Eクラス カブリオレ」での登場、メルセデス・ベア2体、人前式、司会進行、

2.メルセデス・ベンツ「Eクラス カブリオレ」の前撮りプラン

料金: レンタルドレス¥490,000 オーダードレス(レンタル小物・靴付)¥590,000
   レンタルタキシード¥148,000~ オーダータキシード(レンタル小物・靴付)¥248,000~
メルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージ
メルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージ

3.Mercedes me クリスマスフォトスポット
「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」前に、クリスマス期間限定の特別なデコレーションをしたGクラスが登場します。夜にはイルミネーションが点灯し、品川プリンスホテルのフォトスポットとしてお楽しみいただけます。
場所: Nタワー前
期間: 2019年12月11日(水)~25日(水)
点灯時間: 10:00A.M.~12:00MID.
Mercedes me クリスマスフォトスポット
ホテル館内のレストランやエンターテインメント施設で「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」のグッズ購入時のレシートをご提示いただくと、ご利用料金が割引となるサービスを開始します。
内容: レストラン(10%引)、ボウリングセンター(貸靴無料※2ゲーム以上利用時)、マクセル アクアパーク品川(¥100引)、T・ジョイ PRINCE品川(飲食売店¥100引)

Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel

企業プレスリリース詳細へ (2019/12/12-16:05)

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"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
December 11, 2019 at 11:05PM

【品川プリンスホテル】エンターテインメントタウンとしての機能強化に向けメルセデス・ベンツとのコラボレーションを展開:時事ドットコム - 時事通信
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
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UK voters head to the polls as Brexit's destiny hangs in the balance - CNBC

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:48 PM PST

Polling Station sign is seen two days before General Elections in London, Great Britain on December 10, 2019.

NurPhoto | NurPhoto | Getty Images

Voters across the U.K. are heading to the polls Thursday for a general election that is likely to shape the country for decades to come.

The snap vote was called by the government led by Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister Boris Johnson because of a parliamentary impasse over the Brexit deal he had negotiated with the EU.

Johnson and his Conservative Party are aiming to win enough seats to give them a majority in the 650-seat parliament that will enable them to pass their Brexit deal, formally known as the "Withdrawal Agreement." The prime minister has repeatedly said a vote for his party means the ability to "get Brexit done."

It is estimated that any winning party must grab in excess of 320 seats for any sort of majority. A hung parliament, in which no one party holds an outright majority, cannot be ruled out given the margin for error in the last major voter poll before the actual vote.

That poll by YouGov/MRP on Tuesday showed the Tories could win 339 seats (22 more than they took in 2017) and a vote share of 43%.The poll also suggested that Labour are set to lose 31 seats — falling from 262 in 2017, to 231 — and take 34% of the vote.

Labour are pledging to give the public a second vote on Brexit, saying that it will secure a "sensible Brexit deal" that it will them put to another referendum against an option to remain. Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has drawn criticism for his failure to make a clear personal preference on Brexit.

Be wary of polls

The reputation of voter polls is on the line too with previous forecasts failing to predict the actual outcome of the 2016 EU referendum or a snap general election in 2017, in which then-Prime Minister Theresa May lost her majority in parliament.

But the MRP poll is one of few surveys that roughly predicted the result of the 2017 election, a result that made it ultimately impossible for May to get her Brexit deal passed by a majority in parliament.

Nonetheless, the poll noted that "like all predictions our model comes with some uncertainty, and the margin of error here could put the final number of Conservative seats from 311 to 367. This means that we absolutely cannot rule out the 2019 election producing a hung Parliament — nor can we rule out a larger Conservative majority."

Voting gets underway in the U.K. at 7:00 a.m. London time with polling stations open until 10:00 p.m., although some voters may have already cast their ballot in advance by post.

Party leaders were on the campaign trail Wednesday for a last frenetic day on the campaign trail before the general election is held on Thursday. Both main parties have experienced mixed fortunes during the election race with question marks raised over their trustworthiness, attitudes to Jews and Muslims, and commitments to grand spending pledges.

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December 11, 2019 at 10:10PM

UK voters head to the polls as Brexit's destiny hangs in the balance - CNBC
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The Oldest Story We've Ever Found Shows Supernatural Figures on The Hunt - ScienceAlert

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:48 PM PST

Archaeologists working in Indonesia say they have discovered the earliest artwork that depicts a story. It is a tale told in red pigment on a cave wall. The scene, in the scientists' interpretation, shows supernatural people hunting wild animals.

People living on the island of Sulawesi drew this image of pigs and horned animals as long as 44,000 years ago, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. Surrounding the animals are people or human-like figures. This artwork predates the charcoal cave art in Europe by thousands of years.

Ancient Sulawesi people, like European cave painters, drew lots of wildlife. On the limestone walls, animals loom larger than the other characters, who are nearly as spindly as stick figures. In one section, those figures cluster in front of a buffalo. They appear to face off against the animal. Lines connect their small arms to the buffalo's chest.

"It's quite amazing. It's a narrative scene, and it's the first time we see that in the rock art," said study author Maxime Aubert, an archaeologist at Griffith University in Australia.

"Everything," he said, meaning narration and creative invention, "is there from the beginning."

file 20191206 38984 12n37d0A photo-stitched panorama of the scene at the Sulawesi cave in Indonesia. (Adam Brumm/Ratno Sardi/Adhi Agus Oktaviana)

The large horned animals scrawled on the walls are anoa, a species of water buffalo found only on Sulawesi. Anoa are about the size of large dogs, but what they lack in stature they make up for in aggressive tempers.

The characters in the scene appear to be hunting or, perhaps, wrangling one of the buffalo, Aubert said.

Study author Adam Brumm first saw the artwork as blurry photos in a messaging app. "I was just screaming with excitement when these images ended up in my phone," said Brumm, an archaeologist at Griffith University.

Modern civilization surrounds this ancient place. It's a 30-minute drive from the airport in the city of Makassar. The painted wall is part of a network of limestone caves on land that belongs to a mining company.

Dust from the dirt road that leads to the company's cement factory, Aubert said, frequently blows into the cave. The scientists worry pollution could harm the art.

Researchers have studied the caves, which contain nearly 250 locations with art, since the 1950s. (This scene escaped attention for so long, Aubert said, because it was in a raised alcove about 60 feet above ground level.)

In 2014, Aubert, Brumm and their colleagues announced that handprints in the caves were at least 40,000 years old, and pig art there was at least 35,000 years old.

Paleolithic artists in France and Spain, nearly 8,000 miles (12,900 kilometers) away from Sulawesi, drew animals in charcoal. The walls of Chauvet cave, in France, teem with horses, rhinos, reindeer and bison.

Most studies of European cave art use carbon in charcoal to determine dates. Chauvet's art has been dated to be about 30,000 years old, with more recent studies suggesting humans inhabited the caves 36,000 years ago.

Scientists are unable to use the same technique in Sulawesi, because the iron-based red pigment lacks organic matter. Instead, they measure a coating that forms over the artwork as water trickles across the cave walls. The sweat leaves behind mineral deposits, which condense into nodules nicknamed "cave popcorn". The researchers can detect decaying elements within these globs to establish the rock's age.

The scene, based on the dating of cave popcorn above some of the wild animals, was created roughly 35,000 to 43,900 years ago.

cow oldest story cave painting (Adam Brumm/Ratno Sardi)

"The science and results are totally credible," said Susan O'Connor, an expert in Southeast Asian archaeology at the Australian National University, who was not involved with this study. The story on the cavern walls shows "how people at the time conceived of their relationship with animals."

"If the dates from the article are correct," said Nicholas Conard, an archaeologist at the University of Tübingen in Germany who was not involved with the study, "the images would be some of the earliest figurative images known anywhere, and of great importance."

Exactly what is happening in the artwork is up for interpretation. Consider the thin red lines, for instance. "We cannot prove they are spears or ropes," Aubert said.

Or the figures' bizarre features. To Aubert they look like humans with animal traits. "The humans there, they are not fully human: One has a tail, then others may have some sort of bird head or something," he said.

"I think it's probably something that didn't really exist. Maybe it's part of a mythical creature. … We don't know. But it is one of the possibilities."

The oldest humanoid figures in European art weren't found on walls. A decade ago, Conard discovered the "Venus of Hohle Fels", a human figurine with exaggerated female anatomy, in southwest Germany.

The woman was carved from a 35,000-year-old mammoth tusk. Older still, dated to around 40,000 years ago, is the mammoth ivory "Lion Man" figurine, discovered by German archaeologists in 1939. The 2½-foot man has a human body topped with a cave lion's head.

Aubert and Brumm likened the Sulawesi figures to the cat-headed man. These painters, like the early ivory carvers in Europe, were storytellers with imaginations, they said. Their subject matter "has no place in reality," Brumm said. Either humans developed these elements of creative storytelling at the far corners of the planet around the same time, or storytelling is a trait developed by even older human ancestors.

"If these are mixed human-animal creatures, their small size is fascinating," Conard said. "As are their movements, that seem to be a kind of flying or jumping rather than the more grounded movements of humans or terrestrial mammals." He confessed he had "no idea what the lines mean."

But Paul Pettitt, an archaeologist at Durham University in the United Kingdom who was not a member of this research team, was skeptical of the interpretation. "Is it a scene? The 'humanoids' are depicted horizontally, and at a differing scale to the animals they are said to be hunting," Pettitt said.

"As for 'spears,' just look at them. They are long lines that just pass close to some humans," Pettitt said. "Hardly weapons held in the hand." He suggested it was also possible different artists added the figures to the wall later, citing European caves that were decorated in several phases.

Brumm said the style and weathering of the artwork was consistent in the animals and people. "We really don't know" what these artists were trying to say, the archaeologist said. To do so for certain would require "photorealistic depiction" in prehistoric art or barring that, he said, time-traveling anthropologists.

There will be plenty of time for debate. More pressing is the preservation of the cave's art. The study authors fear they have only a limited amount of time to observe the paintings.

"The surface of the cave is exfoliating like it's peeling off. And big chunks, every year, are disappearing, and we don't know exactly why," Aubert said.

A list of possible afflictions: climate change that altered the monsoon seasons, speeding up a destructive wet-dry cycle. Or it could be the influence of local pollution. Aubert is trying to raise funds to digitize the cave paintings using laser scanners.

"It could be one of the bitter ironies that we only just discovered the extreme antiquity of this rock art in the last few years," Brumm said, "and it could be gone within our lifetimes."

2019 © The Washington Post

This article was originally published by The Washington Post.

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December 11, 2019 at 03:52PM

The Oldest Story We've Ever Found Shows Supernatural Figures on The Hunt - ScienceAlert
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Broward County deputy terminated for slamming teen's face in viral video - CNN

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:38 PM PST

An internal affairs review recommended Deputy Christopher Krickovich "be exonerated despite the video testimony and other evidence showing a clear violation of BSO's use-of-force policy," the Broward County Sheriff's Office said.
Sheriff Greg Tony rejected the recommendation and decided to terminate Krickovich, who had been suspended without pay, authorities said.
'"When my deputies do the right thing, I will always support them and have their back. But I will not stand idly by while anyone violates his or her sworn duty to protect," Tony said in a news release.
The cellphone video recording of the incident in Tamarac, near Fort Lauderdale on April 18 went viral and sparked outrage on social media.
It showed 15-year-old Delucca Rolle being body slammed and pepper-sprayed. The teenager's face was slammed into the pavement once he was on the ground.
Broward County deputies were also accused of filing bogus charges against the teen. Those charges were later dropped.
The State Attorney's Office declined to charge the teen, who faced charges including resisting arrest and trespassing after his arrest.
The union that represents Krickovich said Wednesday it "is disappointed that the Sheriff has once again violated the procedural due process" of the deputy, which resulted in his termination.
"Krickovich could not speak on his behalf at a pre disciplinary hearing and was not afforded a proper 'Loudermill hearing,'" Jeff Bell, the president of the Broward Sheriff's Office Deputies Association, said in a statement.
"Sheriff Tony forced Krickovich to choose between giving up his right to remain silent and not self-incriminate himself or speak at a hearing to save his job," Bell said.
Any statement at the hearing would be used against Krickovich in an upcoming criminal case, Bell said.
In a statement Wednesday, civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who represents the teenager's family, said the announcement of the firing "validates what we already knew: This young boy was the victim of a brutal and unjustifiable attack by Broward law enforcement officers who were sworn to protect him."
Two other deputies were investigated in the case.
Deputy Ralph Mackey received a written reprimand for not activating his body-worn camera. The results of the investigation into Sgt. Gregory LaCerra were not announced pending due process, according to Tony.
In July, LaCerra and Krickovich were charged by the Broward County State Attorney's office with misdemeanor battery, falsifying documents and conspiracy. Their cases are pending, and the next court hearing is scheduled for December 19, according to the Broward State Attorney's Office.
Bell said the union is confident LaCerra "will resolve his case with a not guilty verdict."
Deputy Mackey was accused of falsifying records and conspiracy. A jury found him not guilty in September, according to court records.
Bell said Mackey is now back to full duty.

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"viral" - Google News
December 11, 2019 at 06:46PM

Broward County deputy terminated for slamming teen's face in viral video - CNN
"viral" - Google News
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Japan News Update

【品川プリンスホテル】エンターテインメントタウンとしての機能強化に向けメルセデス・ベンツとのコラボレーションを展開 - PR TIMES

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

メルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージメルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージ

Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージMercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ

当ホテルは、日本の玄関口として発展し続ける品川の街を牽引するホテルとしての役割を担うべく、リニューアルや新サービス等を各所進めております。今回、品川駅からホテルに続くNタワーエントランス前に、「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」がオープンすることにより、ホテルを拠点にメルセデス・ベンツのレンタカーで近郊に出かける新しいステイスタイルやサービスをご提案し、新規需要を取り込んでまいります。

オープンを記念して、プレミアフロアにある東京の夜景を一望できるブロアバス付きの特別な客室をメルセデス・ベンツのコレクション商品でデコレーションしたコンセプトルームの他、当ホテル内のシンボルロード「いちょう坂」から新郎新婦がEクラス カブリオレに乗って登場するオープンエアのウエディングプランや、メルセデス・ベンツをイメージしてデザインしたウエディングドレスやタキシードを新たに販売いたします。


「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」コラボレーション企画

品川プリンスホテル メインタワー プレミアフロアの東京の景色を一望できるバスルームがある特別な1室をメルセデス・ベンツのオリジナルグッズでデコレーションした宿泊プラン。ベッドの上にはロゴ入りベアと車がリバーシブルになった ドールの他、メルセデス・ベンツのミニカーやキーカバーなどを展示したショーケースなど、メルセデス・ベンツの世界観をご堪能いただけます。ホテルステイの記念にロゴ入りのペアグラスをプレゼントいたします。
プラン名: Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay
客室: メインタワー プレミアフロア スーペリアダブルルーム(36F)
期間: 2020年1月18日(土)~9月30日(水)
料金: 1室(1室2名利用)¥60,000~
ご予約・お問合せ: TEL.03-3440-1111

Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージMercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ

Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージMercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ

Mercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージMercedes-Benz Collection Stay イメージ

品川プリンスホテルの屋外シンボルロード「いちょう坂」を新郎新婦のおふたりがオープンカー Eクラス カブリオレに乗って登場し、樹齢100年以上のいちょうの木の下でセレモニーをするウエディングプランやメルセデス・ベンツをイメージしたオリジナルのウエディングドレスやタキシードのレンタルやオーダーを新たに開始いたします。
プラン名: いちょうの木のウエディング
場所: いちょう坂
期間: 2020年1月18日(土)予約開始 ※2020年4月以降の挙式
料金: 2~50名さま ¥465,000~
内容: メルセデス・ベンツ「Eクラス カブリオレ」での登場、メルセデス・ベア2体、人前式、司会進行、

②メルセデス・ベンツ「Eクラス カブリオレ」の前撮りプラン

料金: レンタルドレス¥490,000 オーダードレス(レンタル小物・靴付)¥590,000
   レンタルタキシード¥148,000~ オーダータキシード(レンタル小物・靴付)¥248,000~

メルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージメルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージ

メルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージメルセデス・ベンツを使用したウエディングプラン イメージ


3.Mercedes me クリスマスフォトスポット
「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」前に、クリスマス期間限定の特別なデコレーションをしたGクラスが登場します。夜にはイルミネーションが点灯し、品川プリンスホテルのフォトスポットとしてお楽しみいただけます。
場所: Nタワー前 
期間: 2019年12月11日(水)~25日(水)
点灯時間: 10:00A.M.~12:00MID.

Mercedes me クリスマスフォトスポットMercedes me クリスマスフォトスポット

ホテル館内のレストランやエンターテインメント施設で「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」のグッズ購入時のレシートをご提示いただくと、ご利用料金が割引となるサービスを開始します。
内容: レストラン(10%引)、ボウリングセンター(貸靴無料※2ゲーム以上利用時)、マクセル アクアパーク品川(¥100引)、T・ジョイ PRINCE品川(飲食売店¥100引)
「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」概要
店舗名:「Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel」
場所:品川プリンスホテル Nタワー エントランス前
営業時間:平日1:00P.M.~10:00P.M. 土休日11:00A.M.~10:00P.M.
内容:メルセデス・ベンツ コレクション(雑貨)の販売、MB Rent(レンタカー8台)、車両展示、試乗等 

Mercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince HotelMercedes me @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel


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"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
December 11, 2019 at 07:31PM

【品川プリンスホテル】エンターテインメントタウンとしての機能強化に向けメルセデス・ベンツとのコラボレーションを展開 - PR TIMES
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Park Hang-seo leads Vietnam to first Southeast Asian Games gold in 60 years - ARIRANG NEWS

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:18 PM PST

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December 10, 2019 at 04:22PM

Park Hang-seo leads Vietnam to first Southeast Asian Games gold in 60 years - ARIRANG NEWS
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Highlights from actress Olivia Wilde's interview with Nancy Pelosi - Axios

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:01 PM PST

Nancy pelosi with her arms out
Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she believes Hollywood and the media helped Donald Trump become president "and that is really a sad thing," in a new interview with actress and director Olivia Wilde in the Hollywood Reporter.

The state of play: Pelosi is expected to bring a vote on impeachment to the House floor.


  • Pelosi called out the press in amplifying Trump: "I've said to many of my friends in the press, 'You're accomplices, whether you want to be or not,' [and they say,] 'If he's saying it, then it's news.' I don't think it's news, but it monopolizes the airwaves. So there is a lot of responsibility to go around in terms of the creation of whatever that is in the White House."
  • On women in leadership roles: "I would never — nor did I ever when I ran for speaker — ask anybody to vote for me because we should have a woman speaker. That is the worst thing I could say. Someone running for president has to show why they would be best — if they happen to be a woman, that is an enhancement, but people just want to know what your strength is, how you believe that you could do a better job than any other person."
  • Celebrity endorsements: "[W]hether it's Hollywood or sports or whatever it is, [celebrity endorsements] are valuable in that they attract to the idea that there is an election and that people should be involved."

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December 11, 2019 at 11:57AM

Highlights from actress Olivia Wilde's interview with Nancy Pelosi - Axios
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Video of Sears shoplifters running off with armloads of clothes goes viral - MarketWatch

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:38 PM PST

Those clothes were a steal — like too many other items this year.

A video of several shoplifters running out of a Sears SHLDQ, -4.65% store carrying armloads of garments has gone viral on Twitter TWTR, +2.38%. The 18-second clip posted Tuesday night shows what appears to be four or five people running out of a Sears store at the Hilltop Mall in Richmond, Calif., bearing piles of what look to be mostly shirts still on their hangers. One of the thieves drops his stolen goods when a man confronts him at the exit, and the two get into a shoving and punching match before the shoplifter gets away with the others.

Sears was not immediately available for comment on how much was stolen, or whether any of the suspects have been identified or apprehended. But the video soon went viral, getting more than 1.7 million views on Twitter and trending on Wednesday morning, as well as drawing 12,000 retweets — and tons of comments.

Many viewers couldn't resist making jokes about how "desperate" the thieves must have been to swipe clothes from the struggling retailer, which is being liquidated after suffering 11 straight years of declining sales. Some 96 Sears and Kmart stores are closing, and the going-out-of-business sales were slated to begin Dec. 2.

Related: Here are the 96 Sears and Kmart stores that are closing next

"If you stealing from Sears, you need it. Let them go," tweeted one commentator, drawing more than 3,000 likes.

But it's no laughing matter. Shoplifting persists as one of the most prevalent crimes in the country, with one in 11 Americans using the five-fingered discount, according to the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), in part because so few people take it seriously. This was highlighted when reality star turned prison reform advocate Kim Kardashian also made light of shoplifting during a Bustle interview earlier this year, when she admitted to stealing a $90 pair of Dior sunglasses with her sister Khloe when they were teenagers. "It was really funny," she said.

It's not so funny for the retailers, however, who lost $50.6 billion from shrinkage last year, according to the latest National Retail Security Survey from the National Retail Federation. (Shrink is defined as inventory losses from shoplifting, employee theft, vendor fraud and other unknown losses.) And more than two-thirds of retailers have seen an increase organized retail crime — or thefts by two or more people working together, as appeared to be the case in the viral Sears heist — according to a National Retail Federation survey released on Wednesday. Almost every retailer (97%) had been victims of organized retail crime in the past year, losing an average of $703,320 per $1 billion in sales. And Sears had better keep an eye out, since 20% of known shoplifters have hit three or more locations of the same retail chain.

Shoplifting hurts smaller stores the most. Each incident costs retailers with 500 or fewer locations $753.20 on average, which is more than double the $307.55 that chains with 500 or more stores lose per shoplifting incident. The NASP estimates that more than $35 million in goods is shoplifted every single day.

Read more: Hey Kim Kardashian — there's nothing 'really funny' about shoplifting

And even though high-tech advances have led to tighter security measures, few sticky-fingered consumers and dishonest employees are caught — and those who are nabbed often aren't punished. The National Retail Federation notes that only about 509 people were arrested for shoplifting last year, compared with 3,323 apprehended in 2015. And only about 370 shoplifters were prosecuted last year, compared with 1,935 in 2015. In short, if you steal something, the numbers suggest you'll probably get away with it.

But as the NASP notes in its tagline, shoplifting steals from everyone. That's because retailers often raise prices on their products to cover losses from theft. Plus, these missing sales cut into local and state sales tax revenue, which can lead to raising taxes. And communities lose jobs when businesses close over continual losses.

"Those four words, 'It's no big deal,' are the bane of our existence," Barbara C. Staib, the NASP's director of communications, previously told MarketWatch. "The collective impact, the frequency and magnitude of misdemeanor retail crime is costing our country, our retailers and our taxpayers a lot of money."

And 'tis the season for shoplifting, now that the Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa holidays are just a couple of weeks away — and with consumers expected to spend up to $730.7 billion. Busy shopping days can be busy shoplifting days. Police in Louisville, Ky., arrested 57 shoplifters and recovered $10,000 in stolen property during a five-day sting operation earlier this month.

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December 11, 2019 at 12:27PM

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美 少年、エンターテインメントの原点に触れた旅 心を揺さぶられる経験が原動力に - Real Sound

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

 連続ドキュメンタリー『RIDE ON TIME』(フジテレビ系)11月29日、12月6日と2週に渡って密着したのがジャニーズJr.のユニット、美 少年。メンバー6人のうち、5人は現役高校生という、まだ初々しいメンバー。彼らの奮闘ぶりを追った。


 美 少年だけにあるものを聞かれると、メンバー最年長の藤井直樹は「美 少年だけにあるもの……なんだろう?」と考え込んだ。那須雄登も同様に「分かんないよな」と返答。

 歌とダンスに加えて、楽器やアクロバット、タレントの個性的なキャラクターなど、他のユニットには武器がある中で、美 少年にはこれといった武器がないと悩むメンバー。美 少年は、上記二人に加えて、高身長の佐藤龍我、ムードメーカーの浮所飛貴、アクロバット練習中の金指一世、MCやソロなどを任されている岩﨑大昇の6人構成だ。

 ジャニーズJr.が多数出演する番組で、盛り上げ方やトーク術がある人、身体能力を発揮する人と、その人ならではの武器を披露する中で、ひときわ大人しく見えていた美 少年。その中で佐藤がレモンの丸かじりを披露したが、映像としては少し地味なシーンになっていた。番組MCのヒロミからは「これを他でやることがあったらもっと速くな」とツッコミ交じりのアドバイスを受けていた。

 彼らは歌にダンスという平均的なパフォーマンススキルはあっても、 "美 少年といえばコレ"という代表的な武器がないのだ。このところ、ジャニーズJr.のダンスレベルがあがり、嵐の二宮和也もJr.当時にこのレベルだったら受かってないと舌を巻いたほど。下積み時代ならではの悩みを抱える美 少年の姿に、歴代アイドルの過去とを重ねてどこか懐かしい気持ちにさせられた。

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December 11, 2019 at 02:08PM

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Plainfield Actress Makes Professional Debut In Chicago Theater - Plainfield, IL Patch

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:31 PM PST

PLAINFIELD, IL — In the holiday production of Eleanor's Very Merry Christmas Wish, now playing in Lincoln Park's Greenhouse Theater, Plainfiled North alum Sydney Swanson plays a six-year-old girl with big hopes for friends and the future. It's a fitting first professional gig for the young actress, considering she said she's wanted to act on the stage since she was almost six years old herself.

"I got into theater when I was around eight years old," Swanson said. "I had just switched schools and the school that I switched into was doing theater, which was something I had never experienced before. I watched their show the year that I transferred in, and I just knew at that point; I was like 'I have to do this!'"

Since that time first experiencing theater at St. Ann Catholic School in Lansing, Swanson has been in a number of community and amateur productions around the Chicagoland area. She got this first professional break after impressing the Eleanor playwright and producer, Denise McGowan Tracy, with her acting and singing chops.

"When Sydney walked in, she read for us and I just had this very good sense... that, 'yeah, I want to hear more from her,'" Tracy said. "Of course then we called her back with our script and with our songs, and she did it so beautifully that it was a completely unanimous decision by myself, the director and our musical director, as well as... the composer."

The show is, in Tracy's words, a story about holiday cheer and the fundamental human desire for connection. Prior to its screen adaption, Tracy first wrote the story as a children's book in 2015. It tells the story a young girl named Noelle, recently moved to Chicago with her mother. Noelle has not many friends but a Christmas wish to make more; her wish connects her with a magical rag doll called Eleanor who shares it.

Swanson plays the young Noelle, and being a decade and change removed from her character's age, she said she took to watching old home movies of herself to prepare for the role.

"It took a lot of soul-digging to kind of remember what [being six] felt like," Swanson said. "Bringing out my inner child was the probably the most difficult part of it, but that's what family videos are for."

Tracy said she hopes this is only the first of many years that Eleanor finds its way onto Chicago stages, with plans already underway for a 2020 production season. She added that the play is designed with families and children in mind, with special seating for little ones and an opportunity for them to meet Santa right there in the theater.

"We've already started our planning for 2020, and we've had some great discussions with some other venues and some other people... I hope you'll see Eleanor playing in many theaters beginning in 2020" Tracy said.

As for Swanson, she said Eleanor is just the beginning. She plans to continue pursuing her acting career in the new decade, with a special eye to live theater.

"I wouldn't be opposed to [screen acting], but theater is first and foremost my first love and I would love to continue just doing theater forever," she said.

Eleanor's Very Merry Christmas Wish is playing now through Dec. 29. Tickets for all individuals are a flat $29.50, except for a "family four pack" where a group of four can get tickets for $100 total. Tickets are available at the Greenhouse Theater box office. For more information about show times, upcoming events and the theater itself, please visit the show's box office website or call (773) 404-7336.

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December 11, 2019 at 12:15PM

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『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』涙の11人決定! センター豆原一成で『JO1』として羽ばたく 『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』メンバーお披露目 - oricon

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:29 AM PST

『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』涙の11人決定! センター豆原一成で『JO1』として羽ばたく 『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』メンバーお披露目 - oricon

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2019-12-11 14:00:02Z

Disney+ passes 22 million downloads on mobile devices, says app tracking company - CNBC

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:25 AM PST

Still from "The Mandalorian" series on Disney's streaming service Disney+.


It's been about four weeks since Disney launched its signature streaming service. Since then, the company reported the Disney+ service had 10 million signups through smart TVs, mobile devices and desktops after its first day.

Now, independent app-tracking company Apptopia reports Disney+ has been downloaded 22 million times to mobile devices since its launch, and the app has averaged 9.5 million daily active mobile users, ranking in the top spot in both Apple and Google's app stores.

Apptopia only measures mobile downloads and usage, and does not include usage on devices like smart TVs, Roku boxes, Apple TV or desktop web browsers.

Disney says it will not disclose its own numbers until its next quarterly report, and a spokesperson declined to comment on Apptopia's findings.

Apptopia says it measures mobile app downloads by connecting its data analytics tools to over 250,000 apps. It then combines that data with publicly available information to estimate the number of downloads.

Apptopia does not have information on how many of those downloads come from free trials. Disney offers Disney+ free for seven days. Verizon also offers a free year to wireless subscribers with unlimited data plans and new Fios TV customers. But a fair number of people are paying, as Apptopia says Disney has already brought in $20 million in revenue from the app. That's a combination of $5 per-month fees and annual commitments, and it doesn't include the cut Disney has to share with the app stores.

Apptopia says the strong start for Disney+ doesn't seem to be hurting mobile traffic to rival streaming apps. Downloads and streaming time for AT&T's HBO Now and Amazon Prime Video have been unaffected by the new launch. Netflix did see a brief dip in mobile traffic following the launch of Disney+, but then it resumed normal volume, according to the report.

Meanwhile, Google's annual search trends report, which was released on Wednesday, said Disney+ was the top trending search in 2019 in the U.S., another strong sign of consumer interest.

A number of other related apps have also benefited from Disney+. Apptopia reports that the discounted bundle that includes Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ for $12.99 per month has boosted new installs of those apps as well. Roku has also been boosted. Apptopia reports that "we believe Roku is seeing more engagement due to people watching a lot of Disney+."

Disney has only rolled out the Disney+ in four countries outside the U.S., and about 85% of Disney+ downloads and daily users are in the U.S., according to Apptopia. The app will roll out globally next year, starting with Western Europe in March, then Latin America and Eastern Europe in the fall.

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December 11, 2019 at 05:46AM

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Visa, MFS Africa Take Mobile Wallets Cross-Border -

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:25 AM PST

Since the rise of M-Pesa in 2007, mobile money wallets have become prevalent across Africa. And while that addition to the market has made many things possible for consumers in formerly cash-locked economies, there has been a persistent problem of limitations for users once they want to transact outside their home environment.  Because their mobile money wallets lack a virtual or physical network credential associated with them, in general they can not work with international use cases.

But that might be changing, as today (Dec. 11) Visa has announced a partnership with pan-African FinTech leader MFS Africa that is designed for bridging the gap between the rapidly growing mobile money ecosystem in Africa and the world of online digital payments by distributing Visa payment credentials via the MFS Africa digital payments hub. That hub connects around 180 million mobile wallets across the continent, and going forward, the new partnership between the entities will allow mobile wallet users on the platform to generate an instant Visa virtual card with a 16-digit number and link it to their mobile money accounts to use for remittances and eCommerce transactions.

"In the past few years, we have been relentlessly focused on creating new digital pathways between mobile money users in Africa. Having reached significant scale, we are now turning our focus to connecting our network to the wider world, to unleash the wealth of opportunity that trade with Africa presents to the global economy," said Dare Okoudjou, founder and CEO of MFS Africa. "We have found in Visa an invaluable partner to support us in the next stage of our expansion. The reach of the Visa network is unparalleled, and we look forward to working with Visa to realize our vision of a world in which no one is limited in what they can achieve when it comes to payments."

The partnership will also include an integration of MFS Africa into Visa Direct, the card network's real-time push payments, to provide mobile money users a fast, convenient and secure way to send and receive money and remittances directly from/into their mobile money wallets via eligible card credentials.  That addition comes as, according to the World Bank, remittances to sub-Saharan Africa are set to increase by over 5.6 percent between 2019 and 2020, reaching $51 billion.  But as popular as the region is for remittances, it is also expensive to send them, with an average cost of 9.3 percent.

"Africa is adopting a mobile-led, digital payments ecosystem, and with Visa looking to accelerate the distribution of payment credentials and expand the acceptance space for digital payments, this partnership is an important one," said Jack Forestell, executive vice president and chief product officer at Visa. "MFS Africa will help us enable digital payment use cases at scale through their aggregation model."


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Our data and analytics team has developed a number of creative methodologies and frameworks that measure and benchmark the innovation that's reshaping the payments and commerce ecosystem. In the December 2019 Mobile Card App Adoption Study, PYMNTS surveyed 2,000 U.S. consumers for a reveal of the four most compelling features apps must have to engage users and drive greater adoption.

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「アナ雪2」ステマ騒動、ディズニー声明後に漫画家らが初めての謝罪 「『PR表記必要ない』との説明受けた」 - ねとらぼ

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

「アナ雪2」ステマ騒動、ディズニー声明後に漫画家らが初めての謝罪 「『PR表記必要ない』との説明受けた」 - ねとらぼ











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2019-12-11 13:10:00Z

ヒプノシスマイク、イケブクロ・ディビジョンの山田一郎ソロ曲トレーラーが解禁!NONA REEVES西寺郷太が作曲 - Qetic

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:29 AM PST

ヒプノシスマイク、イケブクロ・ディビジョンの山田一郎ソロ曲トレーラーが解禁!NONA REEVES西寺郷太が作曲 - Qetic

12月25日(水)に発売するヒプノシスマイクイケブクロ・ディビジョンBuster Bros!!!のCD「Buster Bros!!! -Before The 2nd D.R.B-」に収録される山田一郎のソロ曲「Break the wall」のトレーラーが解禁された。

NONA REEVESボーカリスト西寺郷太が作曲!

同楽曲は、山田一郎らしい力強いメッセージが印象的な楽曲に仕上がっており、作詞を好良瓶太郎、作曲をNONA REEVESのボーカリストでソングライターの西寺郷太が手がけ、編曲は西寺郷太とともにキーボーディスト/アレンジャーの冨田謙が担当している。

さらに演奏にはNONA REEVESの奥田健介・小松シゲルのほか、キーボードに冨田謙、ベースにSANABAGUN.大林亮三が参加。本日以降、山田二郎、山田三郎の楽曲も順次解禁を予定しているのでお楽しみに! また、法人別オリジナル特典の画像も解禁になったので合わせてチェックしよう!

ヒプノシスマイク、イケブクロ・ディビジョンの山田一郎ソロ曲トレーラーが解禁!NONA REEVES西寺郷太が作曲 art191211_hypnosismic_1

ヒプノシスマイク「Break the wall」/ 山田一郎 Trailer


Buster Bros!!! -Before The 2nd D.R.B-

ヒプノシスマイク、イケブクロ・ディビジョンの山田一郎ソロ曲トレーラーが解禁!NONA REEVES西寺郷太が作曲 art191211_hypnosismic_2

Buster Bros!!!

M1.「Break the wall」山田一郎(CV.木村昴)
作詞:好良瓶太郎 作曲:西寺郷太 編曲:西寺郷太・冨田 謙
M4. Drama Track(仮)

ヒプノシスマイク、イケブクロ・ディビジョンの山田一郎ソロ曲トレーラーが解禁!NONA REEVES西寺郷太が作曲 art191211_hypnosismic_3

4作連動購入特典『SIX SHOTS COMPLETE BOX』対象法人、絵柄
・ゲーマーズ:SIX SHOTS COMPLETE BOX Buster Bros!!! ver.
・タワーレコード:SIX SHOTS COMPLETE BOX麻天狼ver.
・TSUTAYA RECORDS (※一部店舗除く、オンラインショッピングはご予約分のみ対象):SIX SHOTS COMPLETE BOX Bad Ass Temple ver.
・楽天ブックス:SIX SHOTS COMPLETE BOXどついたれ本舗ver.



ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle- 5th LIVE@サイタマ《SIX SHOTS TO THE DOME》


出演:木村 昴、石谷春貴、天﨑滉平、浅沼晋太郎、駒田 航、神尾晋一郎、白井悠介、斉藤壮馬、野津山幸宏、速水 奨、木島隆一、伊東健人、岩崎諒太、河西健吾、黒田崇矢、葉山翔太、榊原優希、竹内栄治

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2019-12-11 13:00:00Z

GSMA: Mobile Technologies Enabling Huge Carbon Reductions in Response to Climate Emergency - Business Wire

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:55 AM PST

MADRID--()--The use of mobile technology enabled a global reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions of around 2,135 million tonnes CO2e last year, according to a new study commissioned by the GSMA – a quantity approximate to the total emissions emitted yearly by Russia1. The emissions savings were almost ten times greater than the global carbon footprint of the mobile industry itself2.

The new GSMA report, produced in collaboration with the Carbon Trust, an independent sustainability specialist, is being presented at the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) held in Madrid this month. It found that the majority of avoided emissions made possible by mobile technologies were the result of significant reductions in energy and fuel consumption. In 2018, mobile technologies such as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled a 1.44 billion MWh reduction in energy and saved 521 billion litres of fuel, globally.

"The mobile ecosystem enabled savings of enough electricity and gas last year to power more than 70 million houses for an entire year in the US. Additionally, fuel for all 32.5 million registered cars in the UK to drive for 19 years was saved," said Mats Granryd, Director General of the GSMA. "Today's study underlines how mobile and smart technologies are powering sustainable economic growth while enabling the avoidance of emissions across multiple industry sectors. These technologies will be crucial to the world reaching its Net Zero targets."

"Climate change requires a collective effort across governments, businesses and civil society if we are going to succeed in limiting global temperature increases to within 1.5 degrees," said Tom Delay, CEO of the Carbon Trust. "This analysis shows the positive role that mobile technology is playing in the evolution of other sectors and is a great example of what is possible."

The Carbon Trust examined 14 markets around the world3 to form a representative sample of the 'enablement effect' of the mobile sector's ability to reduce emissions. The results indicate an even split between the enablement effect of M2M/IoT technologies, and those enabled through behaviour changes from the personal use of smartphones.

The majority of avoided emissions from M2M technologies are primarily in buildings, transport, manufacturing and the energy sector – sectors that make up a large portion of global GHG emissions. For example, savings in buildings are a result of technologies that improve energy efficiency such as building management systems and smart meters. In the transport sector, the use of telematics can improve route optimisation and vehicle fuel efficiency.

Meanwhile, personal smartphone usage is enabling emissions reductions due to encouraging behaviours such as reduced travel, increased use of public transport, remote home heating control and online shopping.

The report provides a high-level analysis of six categories of enabling mechanisms, along with case studies. The biggest category of avoided emissions is 'Smart living, working and health' (39 per cent of total avoided emissions in 2018), followed by 'Smart transport and cities' (30 per cent), 'Smart manufacturing' (11 per cent), 'Smart buildings' (10 per cent), 'Smart energy' (7 per cent), and 'Smart agriculture' (3 per cent).

'The Enablement Effect: The impact of mobile communications technologies on carbon emission reductions' is produced by the GSMA and the Carbon Trust. The report provides a breakdown of the results and the assumptions used in the calculations, including a full methodology.

Click here to download

Mobilising the industry on climate action
Many of the world's largest mobile operator groups have agreed to start disclosing their climate impacts as part of a major new GSMA-led initiative to develop a mobile industry climate action roadmap in line with the Paris Agreement4. The disclosures form the first phase of an industry-wide, climate action roadmap.

The GSMA is working with participating operators and partnering with the international community, climate experts and third-party organisations to advance industry progress, establish best practices, and support disclosure and target setting. The work forms part of the industry's journey to support the delivery of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG #13 on Climate Action. Please visit to find out more.


About the GSMA
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators and nearly 400 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces the industry-leading MWC events held annually in Barcelona, Los Angeles and Shanghai, as well as the Mobile 360 Series of regional conferences.

For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website at Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA.


1 OECD, Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
2 Global annual emissions by the mobile sector is calculated at approximately 220 million tonnes CO2e
3 Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, UK and US

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Watch: Viral Video Shows Similarities Between Tamil And Korean Languages - News18

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:38 AM PST

There are often similarities between languages which are based on the same script, but did you know there is a similarity between Tamil and Korean?

Watch: Viral Video Shows Similarities Between Tamil And Korean Languages
There are often similarities between languages which are based on the same script, but did you know there is a similarity between Tamil and Korean?

There are often similarities between languages which are based on the same script, but did you know there is a similarity between Tamil and Korean? Yes, these two languages are spoken in two different countries but still they share a lot of similar words and some of them have same meaning. Recently, a YouTube video by Bahador Alast that has gone viral introduces some of the words that are same in both Tamil as well as Korean.

The 11-minute-18-second viral video shows Ellen (a Korean speaker) and Visha (a Tamil speaker) along with Alast. The two speakers have used a host of words and sentences to prove that there is a similarity between the two languages.

The video shows both the speakers picking up a chit turn by turn and say it loud. The words happen to have exactly the same meaning as well as pronunciation in Tamil as in Korean.

The video also explains that the word "I" is pronounced as "na" in Korean while in Tamil language, it is pronounced as "nan".

In both Tamil and Korean languages, the word father is pronounced as "appa". The English word "day" is pronounced as "nal" in both Tamil and Korean languages.

The video showing quite a number of similarities between Tamil and Korean languages has been viewed over 3 lakh 87 thousand times. People have reacted to the viral video expressing their thoughts.

A user wrote, "This makes goosebumps to me all the time when I see similarities in Korean and Tamil..."

Another user wrote, "This is so interesting! Tamil and korean? Who would've guessed."

Some of the other comments read:

"Even the word for 'come' is same in Tamil and Korean that is 'wa' or 'va'."

"I'm in shock... I had no idea those languages had something in common."

"Never in my wildest of dreams would have imagined the similarities between Tamil & Korean."

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December 11, 2019 at 02:00AM

Watch: Viral Video Shows Similarities Between Tamil And Korean Languages - News18
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『PRODUCE101JAPAN』JO1、デビューメンバー11人が決定 初代センターは最年少17歳の豆原一成 - ORICON NEWS

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:29 AM PST

『PRODUCE101JAPAN』JO1、デビューメンバー11人が決定 初代センターは最年少17歳の豆原一成 - ORICON NEWS

 視聴者がボーイズ/ガールズグループのデビューメンバーを投票で決める韓国の音楽専門チャンネルMnetの人気オーディション番組『PRODUCE 101』の日本版『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』特番が11日にTBSで生放送。デビューする最終メンバー11人が決定した。


 日本版プデュとも呼ばれる『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』は、約6000人の応募者の中から書類・実技の選考を経て101人が合格。デビュー候補生の101人は"練習生"として歌やダンスなどを披露し、さまざまなミッションに挑戦。し烈な競争を勝ち抜いた11人が、2020年にボーイズグループとしてデビューすることが確約されている。すべての過程は、"国民プロデューサー"と呼ばれる視聴者による国民投票で行われる。


 この日の放送ではデビューグループ名が発表され、「『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』で一緒に夢を掴んだ11人が1つになって世界の世界の頂点を目指すという意味」から『JO1』に決まった。その後、課題曲の「YOUNG」と「Grand Master」を2グループに分かれて披露し、見守った国民プロデューサーを沸かせた。ここで投票が締め切られ、練習生は運命の時を待った。















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2019-12-11 11:03:26Z

アナ雪2ステマ、日本ディズニーが重ねて謝罪。他の「類似の案件」にも言及 #Frozen2 - Engadget 日本版

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:28 AM PST

アナ雪2ステマ、日本ディズニーが重ねて謝罪。他の「類似の案件」にも言及 #Frozen2 - Engadget 日本版




しかし消費者を欺く点に問題があるステマの場合、契約に基づき仕事として請け負った側、自覚の有無を問わず欺瞞的広告を自分の名前で実行した側の社会的責任の有無まで日本ディズニーが専断できるわけはありません。そのうえで「クリエーターの皆様に責任はございません」とわざわざ述べる意味は、PR表記をしなかったこと、事後にあたかも個人のミスであったかのように揃って謝罪した / させたことも含めディズニー側の指示でしたとの言い換えではないかと想像しますが、責任の所在は一方的に決定できるわりに根拠となる説明責任はスルーなのでよく分かりません。







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2019-12-11 10:15:00Z

景井ひな、本格始動後わずか9ヶ月でTikTokフォロワー数が100万人突破!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:35 AM PST



株式会社ホリプロデジタルエンターテインメント(東京都目黒区、代表取締役:吉田正通 以下、「ホリプロデジタルエンターテインメント」)の所属タレントである「景井ひな」が、モバイル向けショートムービープラットフォーム『TikTok(ティックトック)』のフォロワー数が100万人を突破したことをお知らせいたします。



また、11月27日に東京国際フォーラムでComexposium Japan株式会社が開催した『ad:tech tokyo 2019(アドテック東京2019)』の「スマホネイティブ世代の生態とは? 1800万人市場の欲求スイッチは体験と本質。」をテーマにスピーカーとして登壇いたしました。



・ABCテレビ「#部活ONE!放送部(12/3, 12/10, 12/17 放送)」


企業プレスリリース詳細へ (2019/12/11-18:25)

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"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
December 11, 2019 at 01:25AM

景井ひな、本格始動後わずか9ヶ月でTikTokフォロワー数が100万人突破!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信
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King Gnu「RADIO GNU」が一夜限りの復活、新アルバム「CEREMONY」を特集 - ナタリー

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:28 AM PST

King Gnu「RADIO GNU」が一夜限りの復活、新アルバム「CEREMONY」を特集 - ナタリー

2018年4月から2019年3月までInterFM897で放送されていたKing Gnuのレギュラー番組「RADIO GNU」が復活。12月16日(月)23:00~23:30に「RADIO GNU~CEREMONY SPECIAL~」として放送される。

InterFM897とスペースシャワーTVのコラボ企画となる今回の番組では、1月15日にリリースされるニューアルバム「CEREMONY」を特集。またスペースシャワーTVでは12月22日(日)20:00より放送の特番「V.I.P. -King Gnu-」内で「RADIO GNU」の映像がオンエアされる。番組内にはKing Gnuと縁のあるアーティストをはじめ、さまざまなゲストが登場するのでお楽しみに。



スペースシャワーTV「V.I.P. -King Gnu-」


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2019-12-11 09:00:00Z

KALEIDOSKOP: 9 Pernikahan Artis Terheboh Sepanjang Tahun 2019, Syahrini hingga Cut Meyriska - Tribunnews

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:17 AM PST

KALEIDOSKOP: 9 Pernikahan Artis Terheboh Sepanjang Tahun 2019, Syahrini hingga Cut Meyriska - Tribunnews

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Tahun 2019 menjadi momen yang membahagiakan bagi sebagian orang, tak terkecuali para selebriti.

Tak sedikit selebriti yang mengakhiri masa lajangnya pada tahun ini.

Bukan selebriti namanya jika pernikahan mereka tak luput dari sorotan.

Bahkan, pernikahan mereka bisa dibilang sangat ditunggu-tunggu publik.

Terkadang pula pernikahan para selebriti diwarnai sensasi dan kontroversi yang menghebohkan.

Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, berikut pernikahan selebriti paling ditunggu-tunggu tahun ini:

1. Syahrini dan Reino Barack

Kabar pernikahan Syahrini dan Reino Barack nampaknya yang paling ditunggu-tunggu publik di awal tahun 2019.

Bagaimana tidak, Reino yang sempat menjalin hubungan dengan Luna Maya akhirnya memutuskan untuk meminang Syahrini.

Pernikahan Syahrini dan Reino Barack membuat warganet penasaran lantaran mereka tak secara gamblang menyebutkan tanggal pernikahan keduanya.

BACA SELENGKAPNYA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2019-12-11 09:28:30Z

Photos: Vietnam fans come out on streets to celebrate SEA Games 2019 win - FOX Sports Asia

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:48 AM PST

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December 10, 2019 at 09:42PM

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Oliver: Reader's best-laid plans for yearly goal go awry - Northwest Herald

Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:41 AM PST

With the year winding down, many of us take time to reflect on whether we met some of the goals we set for ourselves.

Of course, sometimes we have to face up to not meeting them. Perhaps life handed us a few challenges, or maybe our goals weren't as realistic as we imagined.

Perhaps there's a bit of both going on in one goal I didn't reach this year.

The past couple of years, I've been on a good personal reading schedule. The year I discovered OverDrive and e-books from my local library, I went on a bit of a tear. I managed to finish 40 books.

I'll admit that's not a lot compared with some of my more bookish friends, but it was good for me. After all, I read, write and proofread for a living.

Last year, as a result of my mother's death in April, I hit a snag in my ability to sit down and read for pleasure. Still, I managed to hit my goal of 25 books.

With that in mind, I thought a good goal for 2019 would be 25 books again. If I hit that early in the year, I could always adjust the goal upward.

Little did I know what 2019 would hold. With a couple of weeks left, I'll be happy if I hit 20.

One would think that sitting in all those doctors' offices after my breast cancer diagnosis would have given me plenty of time to plow through books.

I would have thought that, too, but I decided to bring friends with me to each appointment, so I spent the time distracting myself with laughter and small talk instead.

However, among the books I did finish this year were some I can definitely recommend. I'll start with the nonfiction, since I tend to gravitate toward those.

"Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country" by Pam Houston was a riveting account of the author's love affair with her 120-acre homestead in the Colorado Rockies. She finds redemption and hope as she learns to take care of the land. It also includes a firsthand account of what those wildfires out West are like.

I also found a lot to ponder in "Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive" by Stephanie Land. This unflinching look at trying to make it as a single mother was inspiring. Land does not shy away from relating some of the bad choices she made, which I appreciated.

Fellow word nerds might get a chuckle or two from "Dreyer's English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style" by Benjamin Dreyer. For a copy editor, this one didn't cover a lot of new ground. However, it presented the information in a compelling way.

In fiction, "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles reminded me of all the Russian literature I read when I was in college. I'll admit it took me awhile, but it was worth it.

"The Boy Who Knew Too Much" by Jeffrey Westhoff is excellent. Although it's technically for young adults, this spy tale is fast-paced and fun. Longtime readers might remember Jeff as this newspaper's former movie critic.

Other gems: "Evvie Drake Starts Over" by Linda Holmes combines romance and baseball, "Little Fires Everywhere" by Celeste Ng tells the story of an arson in flashback, "Daisy Jones & the Six" by Taylor Jenkins Reid relates the story of a fictional band not unlike Fleetwood Mac and "Small Great Things" by Jodi Picoult raises interesting questions about racism.

Who knows what books will spark my interest in 2020? Only time will tell.

But first I need to set a more reachable goal.

• Joan Oliver is a former Northwest Herald assistant news editor. She has been associated with the Northwest Herald since 1990. She can be reached at

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