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- Details About The MCU's Phase 5 Might Come Sooner Than You Think - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
- 映画『ハスラーズ』ジェニファー・ロペスがストリッパーに、NY舞台のクライム・エンターテインメント - Fashion Press
- HIGHLIGHTS: Philippines vs Cambodia – SEA Games 2019 men's volleyball - Rappler
- 女優の松本莉緒、第1子を妊娠「一緒にヨガが出来る事が楽しみ」 10・22にバースデー婚 - スポーツ報知
- Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Arsenal still after hesitant Allegri -
- PH Arnis team wins seven more gold medals - CNN Philippines
- Adorable 'Baby Yoda' gets turned into viral internet meme - CNN
- Suspected grenade blast near Indonesia's presidential palace hurts two - Reuters
- Suspected grenade blast near Indonesia's presidential palace hurts two - Reuters
- Blast at Indonesia's national monument park in central Jakarta: media - SaltWire Network
- Five-goal first period leads Sabres to 7-1 win over Devils - Yahoo Sports
- Blast near Indonesia's national monument in central Jakarta - Brisbane Times
- Woman survives 12 nights in Australian outback as search continues for two friends - The Telegraph
- Five-goal first period leads Sabres to 7-1 win over Devils - USA TODAY
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Details About The MCU's Phase 5 Might Come Sooner Than You Think - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:23 AM PST Marvel Studios has turned into the gold-standard for Hollywood superhero films. This last decade, they turned Iron Man and Captain America into household names outside of the comic books they originated from. They released 23 movies and connected all these massive comic figures to create the MCU and lead to the explosive decade conclusion of Avengers: Endgame. Going into Phase 4 of the MCU, there are a lot of things to be excited about. Black Widow, The Eternals, and Falcon and The Winter Soldier are set to debut in 2020, marking this new era post-Endgame. But none of these things have a lot of details attached to them, and with Black Widow coming out in June, it would make sense if some footage or content is released at CCXP in Brazil, coming up on Dec. 7. Marvel might even release some Phase 5 titles and info, too. ![]() What we already know about the MCU's upcoming plansBetween San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) in July and Disney's D23 Expo in August, Marvel has released a lot of titles and upcoming buzz surrounding the MCU. At SDCC, Feige dropped a ton of forthcoming titles, including Blade and the fact that Natalie Portman would be back in Thor: Love and Thunder as Mighty Thor. A lot of Disney+ news came out during those two presentations as well, including The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, WandaVision, and Hawkeye, and plans to start development on She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and Moon Knight. Feige will speak at CCXP and reveal more about the future of MarvelAccording to ScreenRant, Marvel president Kevin Feige is coming to CCXP in Brazil on Dec. 7. The Brazilian outlet, Omelete, reported that Feige would touch on "news about the future of the studio, including films such as Black Widow and The Eternals." Those are two of the films that Marvel has announced, but with Feige's hints about future X-Men and Fantastic Four movies, fans suspect that there's much more. There are currently MCU release dates without titles attachedOne of the driving factors fueling fans' suspicions about what Feige will reveal at CCXP involves the untitled Marvel films slated for 2023. A lot of people were sad to hear that Captain Marvel 2, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and Ant-Man 3 don't have release dates yet, but this convention might provide some more answers. As CNET reported, there are four Marvel movies set for a 2023 release date, but no titles are attached. All of the sequels mentioned above are highly anticipated, and it seems like Feige is itching to work on X-Men and Fantastic Four. Fans pointed out the Marvel panel at the Brazilian convention is twice as long as the ones in the past. And at those, Feige revealed all of those titles and projects already mentioned above. Reddit user u/Pomojema_SWNN wrote:
Does this mean that Black Widow footage and Phase 5 info could be released? It's certainly possible, otherwise a panel length that long wouldn't be needed. Whatever Feige has up his sleeve, it's a lot of Marvel content to look for on Dec. 7. Last year exclusive 'Captain Marvel' content was releasedAs a whole, CCXP is a convention to keep an eye on anyway. Marvel has released exclusive content there in the past, like last year. Captain Marvel footage, posters, and more were released in 2018 alongside Brie Larson making an appearance at the panel. On top of that, Spider-Man: Far From Home footage was shown, and so was a closer look at his new stealth suit. You never know what to expect with these cons, sometimes. But whatever is released Saturday is undoubtedly going to interest MCU fans everywhere. Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 10:47AM Details About The MCU's Phase 5 Might Come Sooner Than You Think - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
映画『ハスラーズ』ジェニファー・ロペスがストリッパーに、NY舞台のクライム・エンターテインメント - Fashion Press Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:20 AM PST 映画『ハスラーズ』が、2020年2月7日(金)にTOHOシネマズ 日比谷ほか全国ロードショー。 NYウォール街を震撼させた衝撃的な実話をもとに![]() 映画『ハスラーズ』は、2008年のリーマン・ショック後、困窮したニューヨークを舞台に、ウォール街を震撼させた驚愕の実話を描くクライム・エンターテインメント。米ニューヨーク・マガジンに掲載された、ジェシカ・プレスラーによる記事をもとに制作されたものだ。 主人公はストリップクラブのダンサーたち![]() 主要キャラクターとなるのは、ストリップクラブで働く"事情アリ"のダンサーたち。物語は、幼少の頃に母に捨てられ、祖母に育てられたデスティニーが、年老いた祖母を養うため、ストリップクラブで働きだすことから始まる。そこでトップダンサーとして活躍するラモーナと出会ったデスティニーは、姉妹のように親しい関係となり、いつしか2人で大金を稼ぐように。 リーマン・ショックを起こした金融マンへ復讐?!しかし2008年に突如訪れたリーマン・ショックによって、そんな彼女たちの贅沢な生活は一変。かつてない金融危機で、ストリップクラブで働くダンサーたちも大打撃を受ける。様々な事情で"お金が必要"な彼女たちに、ラモーナはとあることを提案。それは、金融危機を引き起こした張本人でありながら、豊かな生活を続けるウォール街の男たちから"金を騙し取る"という計画だったー。 キャストジェニファー・ロペス×コンスタンス・ウーがW主演作品を彩るダンサーたちには、セクシーで魅力たっぷりのキャストが集結。映画プロデューサーも務めた"奇跡の50歳"ジェニファー・ロペスと、映画『クレイジー・リッチ!』で主演を務めたコンスタンス・ウーをW主演に迎えたほか、デビューアルバムで全米1位を獲得した女性ラッパーのカーディ・B、同じく人気アーティストのリゾが映画初出演。またジュリア・スタイル、キキ・パーマー、リリ・ラインハートら、話題作品に出演する人気女優らの豪華な顔ぶれが揃う。 賞レースの行方は?なお映画『ハスラーズ』は、アメリカ本国公開時、映画『IT/イット THE END"それ"が見えたら、終わり。』を押さえ初日ランキング1位を獲得。映画賞レースにも予想を超える勢いでノミネートされており、アカデミー賞やゴールデングローブ賞も有力視されている。 詳細映画『ハスラーズ』 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース December 02, 2019 at 11:30PM 映画『ハスラーズ』ジェニファー・ロペスがストリッパーに、NY舞台のクライム・エンターテインメント - Fashion Press "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
HIGHLIGHTS: Philippines vs Cambodia – SEA Games 2019 men's volleyball - Rappler Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:08 AM PST Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 06:00PM HIGHLIGHTS: Philippines vs Cambodia – SEA Games 2019 men's volleyball - Rappler Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
女優の松本莉緒、第1子を妊娠「一緒にヨガが出来る事が楽しみ」 10・22にバースデー婚 - スポーツ報知 Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:05 AM PST 女優の松本莉緒、第1子を妊娠「一緒にヨガが出来る事が楽しみ」 10・22にバースデー婚 - スポーツ報知 ![]() 女優でヨガインストラクターの松本莉緒(37)が3日、第1子を妊娠したことを発表した。 松本は自身のインスタグラムを更新し、「皆さまにご報告がございます 私事で恐縮ですが、この度、新しい命を授かり、来年に家族が増える予定です」と報告。白いニットを着て膨らんだおなかを触りやわらかい笑顔をみせる写真をアップした。 「今は、身体の変化もあり大事を取ってお仕事やレッスンを控えさせて頂く事も多く、皆さまには大変ご迷惑やご心配をおかけしております。母となる責任と不安が入り混じっている気持ちですが、我が子と一緒にヨガが出来る事がとても楽しみでもあります」と、ヨガについても触れた。 安産祈願で知られる東京・水天宮の「安産御神札」の写真も投稿した。戌の日で大安のこの日にお参りに訪れたようで、「2020年の出産に向け、家族共々頑張って参りますので、温かい目で見守って頂ければ幸いです」と記した。 松本は自身の誕生日である10月22日に、インスタで「皆さまにご報告がございます。本日、私事でございますが、1つ歳を重ねたと共に、かねてよりお付き合いしておりました方と入籍する事となりました」と結婚を報告。 「最愛の人と出会えた喜びと共に、私を産んで育ててくれた両親と、温かく迎えて下さった旦那さんのご家族に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。即位礼正殿の儀という光栄な日に、新たな1歩をスタートする事ができた事もとても嬉しく心から幸せです」と喜びをつづっていた。 松本は1995年の日本テレビ系「終らない夏」でドラマデビューし、「ガラスの仮面」「聖者の行進」などで人気となった。 2019-12-03 06:52:00Z |
Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Arsenal still after hesitant Allegri - Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:22 PM PST Alan Smith says Mikel Arteta would be his No.1 choice to succeed Unai Emery in the Arsenal hot seat, due to his strong "connection" with the club and "progressive" coaching style, according to Sky Sports. A number of high-profile managers have been linked with the vacant post at the Emirates Stadium, including Mauricio Pochettino, Carlo Ancelotti and Massimiliano Allegri, but several of the club's former players have also been touted as candidates, including Manchester City No.2 Arteta, who helped Pep Guardiola oversee back-to-back Premier League title since joining the club in 2016. The 37-year-old has the potential to become a "top manager" in the near future, according to Arsenal legend Smith, who would like to see a "bold" change made in the dugout with a view to long-term success. Read the full story right here on Goal! Getty Images "Goal" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 02:00PM Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Arsenal still after hesitant Allegri - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
PH Arnis team wins seven more gold medals - CNN Philippines Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:58 PM PST Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 04:38PM PH Arnis team wins seven more gold medals - CNN Philippines Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Adorable 'Baby Yoda' gets turned into viral internet meme - CNN Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:49 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Adorable 'Baby Yoda' gets turned into viral internet meme CNN"viral" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 07:02AM Adorable 'Baby Yoda' gets turned into viral internet meme - CNN "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Suspected grenade blast near Indonesia's presidential palace hurts two - Reuters Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:13 PM PST JAKARTA (Reuters) - An explosion of a suspected smoke grenade on Tuesday at a park near Indonesia's presidential palace in the heart of the capital injured at least two military personnel, Jakarta's police chief said. Armed police officers stand guard following a blast at National Monument (Monas) complex in Jakarta, Indonesia, December 3, 2019. REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan However, President Joko Widodo was not at the palace at the time, a presidential spokesman said. It was not immediately clear if the blast was the result of a sectarian attack, but Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, has suffered a resurgence in homegrown militancy in recent years. The explosion, at 7:15 a.m.(0015 GMT) on the north side of the park, was thought to have been caused by a smoke grenade, Jakarta police chief Gatot Eddy Pramono told a televised news conference. It injured two military personnel who were there for exercise, Jakarta military chief Eko Margiyono said, adding that they were taken to hospital and were conscious. "A smoke grenade was found and we're looking into why it was there," Margiyono said, in comments aimed at reassuring the public that described the incident "as not so extraordinary". Asked if the blast was the result of an attack, Pramono responded, "We haven't concluded so, because we're still investigating." Within three hours, authorities had reopened the park area where the blast took place, across the street from the headquarters of Indonesia's home ministry. Last month, six people were wounded after a 24-year-old university student blew himself up outside police headquarters in the Indonesian city of Medan. The attack was linked to the Islamic State-inspired Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), responsible for a series of attacks across the country. In October, a suspected Islamist stabbed and wounded former security minister Wiranto at a function to open a university building. Wiranto, who uses just one name, like many Indonesians, had to have surgery, but has since left hospital. Additional reporting by Gayatri Suroyo, Stanley Widianto, Tabita Diela, Fransiska Nangoy and Agustinus Beo Da Costa; Writing by Ed Davies; Editing by Clarence Fernandez Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 06:11PM Suspected grenade blast near Indonesia's presidential palace hurts two - Reuters Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Suspected grenade blast near Indonesia's presidential palace hurts two - Reuters Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:03 PM PST JAKARTA (Reuters) - An explosion of a suspected smoke grenade on Tuesday at a park near Indonesia's presidential palace in the heart of the capital injured at least two military personnel, Jakarta's police chief said. Armed police officers stand guard following a blast at National Monument (Monas) complex in Jakarta, Indonesia, December 3, 2019. REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan However, President Joko Widodo was not at the palace at the time, a presidential spokesman said. It was not immediately clear if the blast was the result of a sectarian attack, but Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, has suffered a resurgence in homegrown militancy in recent years. The explosion, at 7:15 a.m.(0015 GMT) on the north side of the park, was thought to have been caused by a smoke grenade, Jakarta police chief Gatot Eddy Pramono told a televised news conference. It injured two military personnel who were there for exercise, Jakarta military chief Eko Margiyono said, adding that they were taken to hospital and were conscious. "A smoke grenade was found and we're looking into why it was there," Margiyono said, in comments aimed at reassuring the public that described the incident "as not so extraordinary". Asked if the blast was the result of an attack, Pramono responded, "We haven't concluded so, because we're still investigating." Within three hours, authorities had reopened the park area where the blast took place, across the street from the headquarters of Indonesia's home ministry. Last month, six people were wounded after a 24-year-old university student blew himself up outside police headquarters in the Indonesian city of Medan. The attack was linked to the Islamic State-inspired Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), responsible for a series of attacks across the country. In October, a suspected Islamist stabbed and wounded former security minister Wiranto at a function to open a university building. Wiranto, who uses just one name, like many Indonesians, had to have surgery, but has since left hospital. Additional reporting by Gayatri Suroyo, Stanley Widianto, Tabita Diela, Fransiska Nangoy and Agustinus Beo Da Costa; Writing by Ed Davies; Editing by Clarence Fernandez Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 06:11PM Suspected grenade blast near Indonesia's presidential palace hurts two - Reuters Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Blast at Indonesia's national monument park in central Jakarta: media - SaltWire Network Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:18 PM PST ![]() By Wilda Asmarini JAKARTA (Reuters) - An explosion of a suspected smoke grenade on Tuesday at a park near Indonesia's presidential palace in the heart of the capital injured at least two military personnel, Jakarta's police chief said. However, President Joko Widodo was not at the palace at the time, a presidential spokesman said. It was not immediately clear if the blast was the result of a sectarian attack, but Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, has suffered a resurgence in homegrown militancy in recent years. The explosion, at 7:15 a.m.(0015 GMT) on the north side of the park, was thought to have been caused by a smoke grenade, Jakarta police chief Gatot Eddy Pramono told a televised news conference. It injured two military personnel who were there for exercise, Jakarta military chief Eko Margiyono said, adding that they were taken to hospital and were conscious. "A smoke grenade was found and we're looking into why it was there," Margiyono said, in comments aimed at reassuring the public that described the incident "as not so extraordinary". Asked if the blast was the result of an attack, Pramono responded, "We haven't concluded so, because we're still investigating." Within three hours, authorities had reopened the park area where the blast took place, across the street from the headquarters of Indonesia's home ministry. Last month, six people were wounded after a 24-year-old university student blew himself up outside police headquarters in the Indonesian city of Medan. The attack was linked to the Islamic State-inspired Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), responsible for a series of attacks across the country. In October, a suspected Islamist stabbed and wounded former security minister Wiranto at a function to open a university building. Wiranto, who uses just one name, like many Indonesians, had to have surgery, but has since left hospital. (Additional reporting by Gayatri Suroyo, Stanley Widianto, Tabita Diela, Fransiska Nangoy and Agustinus Beo Da Costa; Writing by Ed Davies; Editing by Clarence Fernandez) Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 06:16PM Blast at Indonesia's national monument park in central Jakarta: media - SaltWire Network Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Five-goal first period leads Sabres to 7-1 win over Devils - Yahoo Sports Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:42 PM PST Buffalo Sabres forward Jack Eichel (9) celebrates his goal during the first period of an NHL hockey game against the New Jersey Devils, Monday, Dec. 2, 2019, in Buffalo, N.Y. (AP Photo/Jeffrey T. Barnes) BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- It was a day worth celebrating for the Buffalo Sabres. On the team's 50th birthday as a franchise, the Sabres scored five goals in the first period on their way to a 7-1 victory over the New Jersey Devils on Monday night. It was an offensive explosion that had been a long time in the works, according to coach Ralph Krueger. ''The last six games before this really had been games of good habits, and a lot of the offense that we were starting to create hadn't really functioned that well with goals,'' Krueger said. ''I thought we had a deserved first period, kind of like the fruit of the labor from the week before almost seemed to pay off. We were hot.'' Jack Eichel had one goal and two assists, Johan Larsson had three assists, and Conor Sheary snapped a 19-game goal drought by scoring twice. ''We talked about coming out hard and playing our game and I think we did,'' said forward Rasmus Asplund. ''But I think what we really did good was when we scored a couple goals there, we just stayed with the game plan and kept going. Five in a period, it just shows what character we have.'' Asplund, Jeff Skinner, Victor Olofsson and Henri Jokiharju also scored for Buffalo, which improved to 13-10-5. Linus Ullmark made 44 saves. The celebratory mood began before the game when the team honored original owners Seymour H. Knox III and brother Northrup R. Knox, now deceased. Members of the Knox family, including Seymour's widow Jean, were honored with golden pucks before the game by current Sabres owners Terry and Kim Pegula. Buffalo was awarded an expansion team on Dec. 2, 1969. Eichel got Buffalo going with his 17th of the season 2:46 into the game. Skinner made it 2-0 two minutes later off a turnover in the Devils end. Larsson forced the turnover, and Skinner buried a wrist shot for his 11th goal. Sheary ended a 19-game goal drought on a one-timer 6:57 into the first, then added his fifth of the season with 3:19 remaining in the period on a poor effort from Devils goalie Louis Domingue. Domingue got a pad on Sheary's shot, sending the puck high into the air before it eventually fell behind him into the net. Asplund completed Buffalo's first-period flurry to make it 5-0 with 58 seconds left on his first NHL goal. One day before his 22nd birthday, Asplund scored on a long shot from the bottom of the left circle. ''It's a relief, of course,'' Asplund said. ''I think I've been playing really well the last couple games, I'm creating a lot of chances. I knew it was close and I got it.'' Domingue was pulled for New Jersey after allowing five goals on 15 shots. He was replaced by Mackenzie Blackwood, who made 15 saves. It was hardly the effort the Devils were looking for with a difficult four-game trip around the corner. Before that, they have a quick turnaround with a home game against Vegas on Tuesday. ''I'm running out of things to say as to why we're playing like that,'' forward Taylor Hall said. ''It's hard. It's a tough pill to swallow and it's everyone in here. It's too bad. We have the players in here to play a lot better than that. We've got to step it up.'' Nico Hischier got New Jersey on the board 8:10 into the second with a power-play goal, scoring from close range. New Jersey fell to 9-13-4 with the loss. ''First period was not close to being good enough in any area and obviously the scoreboard said it and it's unacceptable,'' Devils coach John Hynes said. ''We've got to figure out particularly, like, tonight what went on in the first period and why we came out like that.'' NOTES: No. 1 overall pick Jack Hughes remains out with a lower-body injury and did not travel to Buffalo. This was his second consecutive game missed. He's considered day to day. ... Sabres RW Kyle Okposo returned to practice Monday for the first time since being concussed Nov. 26. Okposo said he expects to return to the lineup during the team's upcoming trip. ... C John Hayden and D Mirco Mueller were scratched for New Jersey. ... LW Evan Rodrigues, C Curtis Lazar and C Jean-Sebastien Dea were scratched for Buffalo. UP NEXT: Devils: Return home to play the Vegas Golden Knights on Tuesday. Sabres: Begin a three-game West Coast road trip in Calgary on Thursday. --- More AP NHL: and "Goal" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 08:24PM Five-goal first period leads Sabres to 7-1 win over Devils - Yahoo Sports "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Blast near Indonesia's national monument in central Jakarta - Brisbane Times Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:28 PM PST Jakarta: An explosion near Indonesia's National Monument park has injured two soldiers, according to Indonesia's national police. The National Monument, commonly known as Monas, is near major government offices including the Presidential Palace and the Home Affairs ministry. Argo Yuwono, a national police spokesman, said the explosion took place just after 7am local time (11am AEDT). Jakarta police chief Gatot Eddy Pramono said two soldiers, Fajar Arisworo and Gunawan Yusuf, were were being treated in hospital for wounds to their hands and legs. Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 06:31PM Blast near Indonesia's national monument in central Jakarta - Brisbane Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Woman survives 12 nights in Australian outback as search continues for two friends - The Telegraph Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:43 PM PST Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 08:39AM Woman survives 12 nights in Australian outback as search continues for two friends - The Telegraph Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Five-goal first period leads Sabres to 7-1 win over Devils - USA TODAY Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:17 PM PST ![]() BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Jack Eichel had a goal and two assists, and the Buffalo Sabres used a five-goal first period to beat the New Jersey Devils 7-1 Monday night. Eichel scored 2:46 into the game, and Conor Sheary scored twice during the first 20 minutes. Jeff Skinner and Rasmus Asplund also connected in the first, and Victor Olofsson and Henri Jokiharju scored in the second. Linus Ullmark made 44 saves for the Sabres. Louis Domingue was pulled after allowing five goals on 15 shots. He was replaced by Mackenzie Blackwood, who made 15 saves. The Sabres blew out New Jersey while celebrating the 50th anniversary of the birth of the franchise. Buffalo was awarded an expansion team on Dec. 2, 1969. The team celebrated "Founders' Night" and honored original owners Seymour H. Knox III and brother Northrup R. Knox, now deceased. Members of the Knox family, including Seymour's widow Jean, were honored with golden pucks before the game by current Sabres owners Terry and Kim Pegula. Eichel got Buffalo going with his 17th of the season, and Skinner made it 2-0 two minutes later off a turnover in the Devils end. Johan Larsson forced the turnover, and Skinner buried a wrist shot for his 11th goal. Sheary ended a 19-game goal drought on a one-timer, then added his fifth of the season when Domingue got a pad on his shot but let the puck fall into the net. Asplund completed Buffalo's first-period flurry with 58 seconds left on his first NHL goal. One day before his 22nd birthday, Asplund scored on a long shot from the bottom of the left circle. Nico Hischier got New Jersey on the board 8:10 into the second with a power-play goal, scoring from close range. NOTES: No. 1 overall pick Jack Hughes remains out with a lower-body injury and did not travel to Buffalo. This was his second consecutive game missed. He's considered day to day. ... Sabres RW Kyle Okposo returned to practice Monday for the first time since being concussed Nov. 26. Okposo said he expects to return to the lineup during the team's upcoming trip. ... C John Hayden and D Mirco Mueller were scratched for New Jersey. ... LW Evan Rodrigues, C Curtis Lazar and C Jean-Sebastien Dea were scratched for Buffalo. UP NEXT: Devils: Return home to play the Vegas Golden Knights on Tuesday. Sabres: Begin a three-game West Coast road trip in Calgary on Thursday. ___ More AP NHL: and "Goal" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 07:00PM Five-goal first period leads Sabres to 7-1 win over Devils - USA TODAY "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Reality Check: International drug smugglers kept in Mobile - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:09 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Reality Check: International drug smugglers kept in Mobile NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 05:29PM Reality Check: International drug smugglers kept in Mobile - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Second member of NT trio found alive - 9News Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:03 PM PST ![]() A second person has been found alive after being lost for two weeks in the Northern Territory outback and police are hopeful of finding a third person who remains missing. Claire Hockridge, 46, is the only person still missing after a pastoralist found Phu Tran, 40, in the Palmer Valley area south of Alice Springs on Tuesday morning. He managed to survive in searing temperatures after finding water and has been taken to hospital in Alice Springs to be treated for exposure. Tamra McBeath-Riley, 52, was rescued on Sunday afternoon after drinking from a cattle watering hole. Police Superintendent Pauline Vicary told reporters in Alice Springs on Tuesday the search would now target Ms Hockridge's last-known location. "The helicopters are up again, we are honing on the area and will hopefully locate her today," Ms Vicary said. Mr Tran told the pastoralist he had left Ms Hockridge behind two days ago to look for help until he found the station property or water and had walked along the fence line for that time, she said. He was found about 12 kilometres from where their ute was bogged. "He is in a good condition, slightly disorientated, the pastoralist said," Ms Vicary said. "The pastoralist has taken him back to the homestead and given him a feed. "She (Ms Hockridge) was still fine when he left, but we are obviously now focusing the search to identify her where she is, hopefully she's still in that condition. It is a fortnight since the group told family and friends they were going for a drive out of Alice Springs. Their car ended up bogged in sand in the bed of the Finke River on November 19. The trio stayed together for a number of days but finally decided to split up in a bid to get help. They left a note inside their car to indicate the direction they were heading. Ms McBeath-Riley was released from hospital on Monday after being treated for dehydration, exposure to poor quality water and being exposed to temperatures that nudged 40C in recent days. "We tried many times to try and get out, but just couldn't get out, so ventured forth to try and find some shelter and some water," she said. "During the day it's just really hot so we dug ourselves under the car during the day into the sand." For one desperate week the trio stayed together, gathering the dirty water, boiling it when they could and using a shirt to strain out the sediment. After leaving their car where it became bogged , the three drank from a cattle watering hole and ate biscuits and beef noodles before splitting up. © AAP 2019 Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 04:27PM Second member of NT trio found alive - 9News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
China implements mandatory face scans for mobile phone users, report says - CNET Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:49 PM PST ![]() Registering a phone number in China just got very personal. James Martin/CNETChinese telecom operators are now reportedly required to scan the faces of people registering new phones. The mandatory "portrait matching," which officially began Sunday, means customers have to record themselves turning their head and blinking if they want to register for a new phone number. The mandate is part of China's plan to tighten cyberspace controls and crack down on fraud. A notice about the change from the country's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology went out in September, according to a Sunday report from AFP. The notice, obtained by AFP, said that telecom operators should use "artificial intelligence and other technical means" to verify a person's identity when they get a new number. In addition, the notice said the ministry will continue to "increase supervision and inspection." China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile, the country's three largest carriers, are state-owned. It's not known at this time how the law will apply to existing accounts, according to Reuters. Facial recognition has been gaining momentum in China. The country is home to Megvii and SenseTime, two of the world's leading facial recognition companies. Supermarkets, subway systems and airports already use facial recognition technology. Alibaba, an online e-commerce company, lets people pay with their face in some locations, according to Reuters. By 2020, China plans to give all of its 1.4 billion citizens a personal score, based on behavior, using facial recognition, artificial intelligence, smart glasses and other technologies to monitor and rate its citizens -- a plan that's raised numerous privacy concerns among US officials. The Chinese Embassy didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. "Mobile" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 01:33PM China implements mandatory face scans for mobile phone users, report says - CNET "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
SEA Games: Farmer's son cops pencak silat gold for PH - Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:48 PM PST ![]() Filipino athlete Edmar Tacuel wins gold in the tunggal male competition of pencak silat at the 30th SEA Games in Subic, Zambales. Inquirer/Grig c. Montegrande SUBIC BAY FREEPORT—Edmar Tacuel ruled the men's seni tunggal event at the start of pencak silat in the 30th Southeast Asian Games Monday at the Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center. Tacuel, a prized find from Tubongan, Iloilo, got the nod of the judges to compile 470 points in his first stint in the 11-nation biennial meet. ADVERTISEMENT Muhammad Iqbal Bin Abdul Rahman of Singapore pocketed the silver medal with 461 points and Dino Bima Sulistianto of Indonesia placed third with 460 points. "This is the happiest day of my life. I thank my family, coaches, teammates and the government (Philippine Sports Commission) for helping me achieve my dream," said an emotional Tacuel, a son of a farmer and sixth among a brood of seven children. FEATURED STORIES Tacuel used to compete in arnis before a friend asked him to try his luck at pencak silat. He got a spot in the national team in April and joined the squad in a pair of training camps in Singapore and Thailand. Read Next LATEST STORIES MOST READ Subscribe to INQUIRER PLUS to get access to The Philippine Daily Inquirer & other 70+ titles, share up to 5 gadgets, listen to the news, download as early as 4am & share articles on social media. Call 896 6000. For feedback, complaints, or inquiries, contact us.Top stories - Google News December 01, 2019 at 09:38PM SEA Games: Farmer's son cops pencak silat gold for PH - Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Samsung starts Android 10 update at a record pace: Only three months late - Ars Technica Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:18 PM PST ![]()
Samsung is starting the slow and arduous process of updating its flagship smartphone to the latest version of Android: Android 10. This is just the beginning of the Android 10 rollout for Samsung, which, according to tracking from SamMobile, starts with Exynos-powered Galaxy S10s in European and Asian countries, including Germany, South Korea, the UK, India, Poland, and Spain. Android 10 came out on September 3, and with the first devices landing the update on November 28, Samsung took 86 days to begin to roll out stable builds of Android 10 across its user base. Samsung still has a long way to go to release Android 10 to everyone with a Galaxy S10, though. Devices in Europe, Africa, and most of Asia ship with a Samsung Exynos SoC, while devices in North America, South America, and China ship with a Qualcomm Snapdragon SoC. So far, only the Exynos units have gotten the update.If Samsung follows last year's update timing, it will need another 40 days before its devices in the US get the update, which requires both a Qualcomm build of Samsung's software along with approval and "validation" meddling from US carriers. Samsung's direct "unlocked" customers get the worst end of the update stick and typically get the update last. In 2018, unlocked customers had to wait 55 days after the first rollout to get the update. For the record, Samsung's roadmap lists "January" as the Android 10 update timeframe for the Galaxy S10, but that does not specify SoC or carrier concerns. Samsung is actually improving compared to last year. The company took 141 days to first ship the 2018 Android update (Android 9 Pie) to its 2018 flagship, the Galaxy S9. Samsung taking three months to ship an OS update in 2019 might not sound impressive, but for Samsung, it's a big improvement. With recent core OS changes like Project Treble, Google has been making Android easier to update, and it seems like these improvements are even helping Samsung along. Samsung is still the worst major vendor when it comes to Android updates. Google offers day-one updates for the Pixel line, and others like OnePlus now follow close behind with updates that are just a few weeks late. Even if Samsung completes its Android 10 rollout in the next month—which would be a huge improvement—that's still far behind the competition. The whole ecosystem is slowly improving, with Google even putting out a blog post that credits Project Treble with improving update speed. In July 2018, just before Android 9 Pie launched, only 8.9% of the devices were on the previous version, Android 8 Oreo. This year, when Android 10 launched, 22.6% of the ecosystem had made it to the previous version, Android 9 Pie.Samsung likes to style itself as a competitor to Apple, but the company doesn't even attempt to compete with Apple's iPhone support package, which has day-one OS updates and a whopping five years of major OS updates. Samsung takes three to six months to ship an OS update and only does so for two years. Apple's superior support means its phones have a much higher resale value than any Android device, including Samsung's flagships. Samsung can skin Android to add new user-level features and changes, but it typically does not (or cannot) add new system-level APIs, security improvements, or core system changes. For that, it needs Google and major Android updates, and this year Android 10 brings a new gesture navigation system, even more modularization and easier updates with Project Mainline, new notification-panel features like smart replies and focus mode, and new emojis. There are tons of privacy and security changes, like scoped storage, which limits what apps have access to your other app data, more fine-grained privacy controls, and further hardening of the media stack against malicious files. Listing image by Ron Amadeo Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 03:00PM Samsung starts Android 10 update at a record pace: Only three months late - Ars Technica Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Get a Samsung Galaxy and a pair of headphones in this awesome Cyber Monday bundle - Mashable Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:33 PM PST Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. ![]() Image: mashable photo composite TL;DR: Get a Samsung Galaxy S10 or Galaxy Note 10+ bundled with a pair of AKGN700NC headphones with this Cyber Monday deal — and save $550.95 on either one. It's time to turn you into a bundle shopper. Sure, discounts are nice, but when you get extra goodies with that already discounted purchase, there's simply nothing better. Here's an especially awesome bundle: You can get a Samsung Galaxy S10 or Galaxy Note 10+ smartphone bundled with a pair of AKGN700NC headphones with this Cyber Monday deal — you'll save $550.95 on either one on Amazon. Both Samsung phones are great for the Android crowd — high-quality cameras, vivid touchscreen displays, a long battery life, and high-speed-performance processors ensure that you can't go wrong, no matter the option you pick. It'll mostly come down to if you want the smaller S10, or the larger Note 10+. Whichever choice you make, you'll also get the included pair of foldable AKG headphones — with adaptive noise-canceling technology and an ergonomic, comfortable fit, you won't be upset with your purchase. Grab either a Samsung Galaxy S10 or Galaxy Note 10+ smartphone with a pair of AKGN700NC headphones with this Cyber Monday deal on Amazon — you'll save $550.95 on either bundle. ![]() ![]() Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 01:02PM Get a Samsung Galaxy and a pair of headphones in this awesome Cyber Monday bundle - Mashable Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Must-See Goal: Porto’s Ze Luis - Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:22 PM PST ![]() The Portuguese first division is filled with some terrific attacking talent, and one of the league's stars put on an incredible athletic display on Monday evening. FC Porto forward Ze Luis, who joined the club after four seasons at Spartak Moscow, latched onto a curling cross into the box, chested the ball into the air, and in one smooth motion, fired a strike into the far corner. Assuming FIFA sees this, it should be on next year's Puskas award shortlist. Watch the goal below. Porto defeated Pacos de Ferreira, 2-0. It wasn't a massive shock, especially with Cristiano Ronaldo not in attendance, but Lionel Messi picked up his sixth Ballon d'Or award from France Football on Monday evening. Even if not a surprise, it's still incredibly impressive. It's Messi's first Ballon d'Or since 2015 and at age 32, he's looking as strong, quick, and incredible as ever. For a player on the wrong side of 30 to take his game back to a superstar level is incredible, and it had folks thinking nostalgic. [ VIDEO: Premier League highlights ] Here's a sample of some of the reaction to Messi's win on social media: GENEVA — Paris Saint-Germain president Nasser al-Khelaifi was questioned again by Swiss federal prosecutors on Monday, and will seek to have a two-year investigation into allegations he bribed a FIFA official dismissed. The office of Switzerland's attorney general said Al-Khelaifi, former FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke, and a businessman who has not been identified presented themselves for questioning in the Swiss capital. Final examination hearings were held ahead of decisions on "whether the proceedings are abandoned or a summary penalty order is issued or an indictment is filed," the prosecution office said. Criminal proceedings were opened against the three men in March 2017 and unsealed later that year before they were questioned for a first time in Bern. In his role as chairman of Qatari broadcaster beIN Sports, Al-Khelaifi is alleged to have arranged for Valcke to use a luxury villa in Italy linked to sealing broadcast rights deal for the 2026 and 2030 World Cups. "Valcke is believed to have accepted undue advantages from his two co-suspects," prosecutors said on Monday. "In particular, the co-suspect Al-Khelaifi allegedly gave Valcke the sole rent-free use of a property." BeIN Sports renewed its Middle East and North African rights for those tournaments. It bought the 2018 and 2022 rights soon after FIFA picked Qatar as the 2022 tournament host exactly nine years ago on Monday. "The principal allegation against Mr. Al-Khelaifi … has no single basis in law or fact," beIN said in a statement on Monday. "For this reason a motion to dismiss proceedings will be filed by Mr. Al-Khelaifi's lawyers this week." BeIN said the price it paid for the 2026-2030 games – reportedly close to 500 million euros ($550 million), a record for the Middle East rights – showed that no favorable deal was struck. Al-Khelaifi and Valcke have repeatedly denied wrongdoing, and Swiss prosecutors said they enjoy the presumption of innocence. Since the criminal proceedings were opened, the PSG president was elected oto represent European soccer clubs on the executive committee of UEFA. It meets on Wednesday in Nyon, Switzerland. On Monday, Swiss prosecutors declined to predict a timeline for their work, which it called "dynamic processes, which are not influenced by the (Swiss attorney general's office) alone." In a separate investigation, French prosecutors have implicated Al-Khelaifi in "active corruption" linked to payments allegedly helping Doha win hosting rights for the athletics world championships. He has denied wrongdoing. Lionel Messi is back on top. For the sixth time, the hosts at France Football's end-of-year awards ceremonies read out Messi's name as the winner of the Ballon d'Or. The 2019 award is Messi's first since 2015. Since the the award was won by Cristiano Ronaldo twice and Luka Modric last year after guiding Croatia to the 2018 World Cup final. So far this season, Messi has scored 14 goals to go with eight assists for Barcelona in all competitions. Last season however, Messi returned to his dominance, leading La Liga with 36 goals and scoring a total of 48 between the league and the UEFA Champions League. He also had 16 assists between both leagues. Also honored on Monday evening was the winners of the Best Young Player and the Best Goalkeeper, a new award. The goalkeeping award, named after the Soviet great Lev Yashin, went to Liverpool's Alisson Becker. The Brazilian goalkeeper backstopped Liverpool in his first season in England to second place in the Premier League and the 2019 UEFA Champions League title. He's recorded 21 clean sheets in 45 Premier League appearances so far. Matthijs de Ligt, the former Ajax star who led his team to back to back Champions League semifinals, was named the Best Young Player by France Football. Now with Juventus, de Ligt is part of a superstar generation of young Dutch players who are looking to take their nation far at the 2020 Euros and beyond. De Ligt, at just 20-years old, still has many of his best years ahead of him. The top ten in the final 2019 Ballon d'Or is as follows: 10. Riyad Mahrez, Man City 9. Bernardo Silva, Man City 8. Robert Lewandowski, Bayern Munich 7. Alisson Becker, Liverpool 6. Kylian Mbappe, PSG 5. Mohamed Salah, Liverpool 4. Sadie Mane, Liverpool 3. Cristiano Ronaldo, Juventus 2. Virgil Van Dijk, Liverpool 1. Lionel Messi, Barcelona Megan Rapinoe topped off an iconic calendar year with France Football's biggest prize, the Women's Ballon d'Or award. Rapinoe scored six goals to go with three assists as she led the U.S. Women's National Team to another FIFA Women's World Cup title. She scored the decisive goals against France in the quarterfinals and the Netherlands in the final, but it was her place as the heart and soul of the USWNT that led her and the national team to win. The 34-year-old absorbed all the pressure on her and her team and still produced on both sides of the ball. Rapinoe had nine goals and seven assists across the calendar year for the USWNT. In addition to winning the World Cup, she won the Golden Ball and the FIFA award for the best women's soccer player of the year. She's also in the running and is now surely the front runner for the 2019 U.S. Soccer Female Player of the Year. England right back Lucy Bronze and Rapinoe's USWNT teammate Alex Morgan finished in second and third place, respectively. "Goal" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 04:45PM Must-See Goal: Porto's Ze Luis - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:13 PM PST Top stories - Google News December 02, 2019 at 12:57AM Indonesia vs. Singapore - November 28, 2019 | Men's Football | Game Highlights | 2019 SEA Games - ABS-CBN Sports Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Samsung Suddenly Exposes Radical New Galaxy Smartphone [Updated] - Forbes Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST |
Lil Bub, the Internet's Cutest Viral Cat, Has Died At Age 8 - E! NEWS Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST ![]() Today is a sad day for the internet. Lil Bub has passed away. On Sunday, the adorable Internet-famous cat, known for her web series Lil Bub's Big Show died at the age of 8. Her owner Mike Bridavsky shared the devastating news with fans on Monday, penning an emotional tribute on the fan-favorite feline's official social media pages. Sharing a side-by-side picture of himself and Bub from their first meeting in 2011 and their final photo on December 2019, Bridavsky detailed Bub's health issues and her final moments. "On the morning of Sunday, December 1st 2019 we lost the purest, kindest and most magical living force on our planet," he wrote. "BUB was cheerful and full of love laying in our bed with us Saturday night, but unexpectedly passed away peacefully in her sleep. I have always been fully transparent about BUB's health, and it was no secret that she was battling a persistent and aggressive bone infection. Even knowing this, we weren't expecting her to pass so soon or so abruptly without warning." Lil Bub, who is a polydactyl cat born with several genetic abnormalities including feline dwarfism, rose to Internet fame in 2011. At the time, Bridavsky shared pictures of his adorable new cat on Tumblr and people everywhere fell in love with her big eyes, rolling tongue and tiny stature. Since then, Bub and her owner went on to publish a book, host their own web series and even record music. But, according to Bridavsky, her legacy will be the strides she made in spreading awareness for other special needs cats and homeless animals through her partnership with ASPCA. "But most importantly, BUB has made a huge difference in the world of animal welfare, and in the lives of millions of people worldwide," Bridavsky continued. "She has literally saved thousands of lives (both pets and humans), she started the first national fund for special needs pets, she was the subject of groundbreaking genetic and biological research, she's helped raise over $700,000 for animals in need, and has spread a message of determination, positivity, and perseverance to people all over the world. And even though my heart is absolutely crushed by her graceful departure from planet Earth, I know that her sprit, magic, and overwhelming energy are still with us, reminding us every day to be better." "Dearest BUB, I will never forget your generosity, your limitless supply of love, or your uncanny ability to bring so much magic and joy to the world," he concluded. "I am forever honored and humbled that you chose me as your caretaker. Please visit all of us in our dreams often. GOOD JOB BUB." E! News returns weekday mornings at the beginning of 2020! "viral" - Google News December 02, 2019 at 11:03AM Lil Bub, the Internet's Cutest Viral Cat, Has Died At Age 8 - E! NEWS "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
声優・井上真樹夫さん死去、81歳 「ルパン三世」二代目・石川五ェ門役(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:32 AM PST 声優・井上真樹夫さん死去、81歳 「ルパン三世」二代目・石川五ェ門役(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース
![]() アニメ「ルパン三世」の石川五ェ門役(二代目)で知られる声優・井上真樹夫(いのうえ・まきお)さんが11月29日、持病の狭心症悪化のため81歳で亡くなった。2日、所属事務所の青二プロダクションが伝えた。 井上さんは『宇宙海賊キャプテン・ハーロック』のハーロック役、『巨人の星』の花形満役、『銀河英雄伝説』のアンスバッハ役など多くの名作アニメで活躍した。 「ルパン三世」シリーズでは、初代の大塚周夫さんから役を引き継ぎ、1977年放送のTVアニメ第2シリーズから2010年放送の『ルパン三世 the Last Job』まで、長年にわたり石川五ェ門を演じた。現在、五ェ門役は浪川大輔が務めている。
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