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- 白石麻衣、ソロ曲の作詞手掛ける 乃木坂46 25thシングル「しあわせの保護色」詳細発表 - モデルプレス
- Wolves can’t rally from early three-goal deficit against Iowa - Chicago Sun-Times
- 【インタビュー】映画『初恋』三池崇史監督 三池節全開の痛快エンターテインメントに窪田正孝ら豪華キャストが集結「『よくこの作品を選んでくれた』と感謝したい」 - テレビファン・ウェブ
- Perfume、26日東京ドーム公演中止 首相方針表明受け 新型コロナ感染拡大で - 毎日新聞
- Japan plays down criticism of coronavirus cruise ship handling - Yahoo News
- Outclassed: Lampard's Chelsea taught a harsh lesson by brilliant Bayern -
- China's health care system under pressure as coronavirus continues to spread - CNBC
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白石麻衣、ソロ曲の作詞手掛ける 乃木坂46 25thシングル「しあわせの保護色」詳細発表 - モデルプレス Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:13 AM PST 白石麻衣、ソロ曲の作詞手掛ける 乃木坂46 25thシングル「しあわせの保護色」詳細発表 - モデルプレス 乃木坂46の25thシングル「しあわせの保護色」(3月25日発売)の商品概要が、オフィシャルサイトにて発表。同曲での活動をもって卒業することを発表した白石麻衣のソロ曲などが収録される。 先日開催された「8th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE」DAY4で、ラストとなる200曲目として初披露された「しあわせの保護色」。あまりにも身近過ぎて、自分自身も気付けなかった保護色のような「しあわせ」と、心地よい温かみあるサウンドが、白石麻衣を筆頭に同シングルでグループを卒業するメンバーの背中を後押しする楽曲に仕上がった。 卒業の白石麻衣、ソロ曲の作詞手掛けるさらに、アップテンポで軽快なサウンドの「サヨナラ Stay withme」は各形態の共通C/Wとして収録。2期生・3期生・4期生の期別ごとに収録されるバラエティーにとんだC/W収録曲も各タイプで展開。そして、Type-Aには白石麻衣ソロ曲「じゃあね。」を収録。同楽曲の作詞を白石自身が手掛け、乃木坂46としてもメンバーが作詞を手掛けるのは初となる作品。様々な想い出や複雑な思いを胸に抱き、出逢った頃と同じ季節に別れを告げる、白石からのラストメッセージが込められている。(modelpress編集部) 乃木坂46 25thシングル「しあわせの保護色」(3月25日発売)概要【初回仕様限定(CD+Blu-ray)盤】<Type-A> M1:「しあわせの保護色」(25thシングル選抜メンバー) M2:「サヨナラ Stay with me」(秋元真夏・生田絵梨花、齋藤飛鳥、松村沙友理、久保史緒里、与田祐希、遠藤さくら、賀喜遥香) M3:「じゃあね。」(白石麻衣) M4:「しあわせの保護色」~off vocal ver.~ M5:「サヨナラ Stay with me」~off vocal ver.~ M6:「じゃあね。」~off vocal ver.~ 《映像特典》 ・「しあわせの保護色」Music Video ・「じゃあね。」Music Video その他、特典映像収録(詳細は追って発表) <Type-B> <Type-C> <Type-D> 【通常盤】 【Not Sponsored 記事】 2020-02-26 07:54:05Z |
Wolves can’t rally from early three-goal deficit against Iowa - Chicago Sun-Times Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:28 AM PST ![]() DES MOINES, Iowa — Veteran forward Luke Johnson scored three goals — all on the power play — to lead the Iowa Wild to a 5-2 victory over the Wolves on Tuesday night at Wells Fargo Arena. Forwards Gage Quinney and Tye McGinn scored for the Wolves (26-25-3-2), who couldn't finish the sweep of the four games on Iowa's home ice this season. The Wild (35-16-3-3) broke on top just 1:36 into the game as forward Mason Shaw pulled up at the top of the left circle and launched a wrister that found the top right corner. The Wild nudged the lead to 2-0 on the game's first power play. Johnson held the puck atop the left circle and sent a pass toward the slot that changed directions when it hit a Wolves defenseman's stick at 6:58 of the first. Johnson snapped home another power-play goal at 15:02 of the first to give the Wild a 3-0 advantage. Quinney, who earned his first NHL point Sunday when he assisted on a Patrick Brown goal for the Vegas Golden Knights, got the Wolves on the board at 5:44 of the second. Pirri whistled a pass from the left boards toward the crease and Quinney turned his skate to deflect the puck into the net. The officials initially ruled no goal — claiming Quinney kicked the puck past Kaapo Kahkonen — but they changed their decision after reviewing the replay. Shortly thereafter, defenseman Nic Hague drew a penalty from Iowa's Gabriel Dumont for a check to the head. Hague promptly set up forward Tye McGinn for a wrister between the circles for a power-play goal that cut the deficit to 3-2 at the 8:04 mark of the second. Iowa stemmed the Wolves' momentum when forward Dmitry Sokolov knocked home a Matt Bartkowski pass to the back door moments after a Wild power-play opportunity ended. Sokolov's goal made it 4-2 at 15:59 of the second. Johnson wrapped up his hat trick with eight seconds left in the second when Sam Anas found Johnson open in the left circle and he rifled it home. Anas, the AHL's assists leader with 45, earned an assist on each of Johnson's goals. Kahkonen (24-6-2) had 21 saves for the win while Oscar Dansk (18-11-2) made 31 saves. The Wolves travel to Manitoba for games Saturday and Sunday before returning to Allstate Arena on March 5. "Goal" - Google News February 25, 2020 at 08:30PM Wolves can't rally from early three-goal deficit against Iowa - Chicago Sun-Times "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
【インタビュー】映画『初恋』三池崇史監督 三池節全開の痛快エンターテインメントに窪田正孝ら豪華キャストが集結「『よくこの作品を選んでくれた』と感謝したい」 - テレビファン・ウェブ Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:21 AM PST 新宿・歌舞伎町。余命わずかと宣告され、当てもなくさまよっていたプロボクサーの葛城レオ(窪田正孝)は、ひょんなことから何者かに追われていたモニカ(小西桜子)を救う。だが、モニカを追っていた男は、やくざと手を組む悪徳刑事・大伴(大森南朋)だった。これをきっかけにアウトロー同士の抗争に巻き込まれたレオとモニカは、逃避行を繰り広げることに…。2月28日全国ロードショーとなる『初恋』は、窪田正孝、内野聖陽、大森南朋、染谷将太ら豪華キャストが顔をそろえた痛快エンターテインメントだ。メガホンを取ったのは、『悪の教典』(12)、『無限の住人』(17)、『ラプラスの魔女』(18)などの話題作を続々と手掛ける三池崇史。けれん味たっぷりの三池節全開となった本作誕生の舞台裏を聞いた。 -この映画が生まれた経緯を教えてください。かつての東映映画もそうですが、僕らの世代で言えば、"Vシネマ"というブランドがあって、ある程度約束事を守れば、自分たちの好きに作品を撮っていた時代がありました。多くの観客が求めているものを作るのも、もちろん大事なことです。ただ、そういう動きをしながらも、あの頃のように、撮りたいものを撮って発信していくことで、少しでも自分たちの居場所をキープしていくべきではないか。『孤狼の血』(18)などを手掛けてきた東映のプロデューサーの紀伊(宗之)さんの、そういう発想がきっかけです。それに対して、僕らの方から「じゃあ、こういう話ですね」と提案していったところから始まりました。 -脚本は、三池監督と脚本家の中村雅さんとの間で、どんなふうに作っていったのでしょうか。僕の方からは、"昔はあったのに今は見かけなくなってしまったもの"、歌舞伎町が舞台で、くだらないやつがいて…というざっくりとした投げかけだけです。あとは、中村が一気に書いてくれて。それが十分面白いものに仕上がっていたので、僕の方ではちょっと手を加えたぐらいです。 -本作は出演者も豪華ですね。「よくこの作品を選んでくれた」と感謝したいぐらいです。みんな他の仕事も抱えていて、スケジュールはいっぱいなはずですから。いくらぴったりな人でも、スケジュールが合わない場合、取れる方法は二つしかありません。その人に合わせてスケジュールを変更するか、もしくは、合う人の中から選ぶか。そんな状況の中で、みんながこの作品を選んでくれた。そういう意味では、「出会うべくして出会った人たち」という気がしています。 -なるほど。"キャスティング"と言うと、選んでいるように見えますが、実は選ばれているのは僕ら。そういう意味では、役者はお客さんで、監督はサービス業です。だから、現場では厳しい状況に追い込まれながらも、役者が楽しんでくれているかどうか。ただ、現場で1人ずつと話をしようとすると、それぞれ伝え方が異なってしまう。そこで、その場の空気に合わせて、一括して「こんなふうに」と伝える。そうすると、役者同士の化学反応が起こってくるんです。 -その中でも、ヒロインのモニカ役の小西桜子さんは、オーディションで選んだ新人だそうですが。オーディションで選ぶ際、「この子ならできるんじゃないかな…?」という感触では駄目なんです。そうではなく、「この役をやるべくして生まれてきた人」を探している。具体的には、「入ってきた瞬間にホッとできる人」。そこに立っているだけでビジュアル的に説得力があって、あとは声を聞けばもうOK。今回の小西さんは、まさにそんな人でした。キャリアを聞いてみたら、「まだ新人で、映画もほぼ出演経験がない」ということだったけど、全く問題なかったです。 -主演の窪田正孝さんは、「ケータイ捜査官7」(08)以来、10年ぶりの三池監督作品の主演ですよね。「ケータイ捜査官7」以降も『十三人の刺客』(10)に出てもらったり、現場に遊びに来てくれたりしていましたが、役者としてしっかり生きている、なかなかいないタイプだと思います。でも、受ける印象は最初に会ったときと何も変わらない。いろんなことを感じたり経験したりしてきているはずなのに、彼の場合、中身はあの頃のままです。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース February 25, 2020 at 11:15PM 【インタビュー】映画『初恋』三池崇史監督 三池節全開の痛快エンターテインメントに窪田正孝ら豪華キャストが集結「『よくこの作品を選んでくれた』と感謝したい」 - テレビファン・ウェブ "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Perfume、26日東京ドーム公演中止 首相方針表明受け 新型コロナ感染拡大で - 毎日新聞 Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:13 AM PST Perfume、26日東京ドーム公演中止 首相方針表明受け 新型コロナ感染拡大で - 毎日新聞 人気グループ「Perfume」のコンサート主催者は26日、同日午後6時半から東京ドームで開演予定のコンサート「Perfume 8th Tour 2020 "P Cubed" in Dome」を中止すると発表した。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を踏まえた措置。 主催者は25日の公演は開催したものの、来場しない客には異例の払い戻し対応をすると発表していた。26日は安倍晋三首相が大規模イベントの中止、延期を要請する方針を表明したため、開場時間の午後4時半が迫る中、中止を決断したとみられる。 2020-02-26 06:03:10Z |
Japan plays down criticism of coronavirus cruise ship handling - Yahoo News Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:44 PM PST Passengers wearing masks leave cruise ship Diamond Princess at Daikoku Pier Cruise Terminal in Yokohama By Rocky Swift TOKYO (Reuters) - A panel of Japanese medical experts on Monday sought to play down deepening criticism of the government's handling of a coronavirus outbreak on a cruise ship while acknowledging mistakes were made. Confirmed cases on the British-registered Diamond Princess have reached 691 with three deaths since the ship docked at Yokohama port on Feb. 3. The United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries evacuated their citizens from the ship before the end of a two-week quarantine period and are now imposing new quarantine or travel restrictions on those passengers. Since the ship's quarantine ended on Feb. 19, passengers who have disembarked, most of them Japanese but including some foreigners, have been asked to stay at home and avoid public transport. One Japanese passenger has a confirmed infection, while new cases have sprung up among returned Australians, Britons, and Americans. "We could have done better, but that's common sense," Shigeru Omi, president of the Japan Community Healthcare Organization, and a government adviser on the crisis, said at a press briefing. "No operation is perfect." But that relatively forgiving assessment is in contrast to growing criticism of how Japan handled the quarantine, just months ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the quarantine had not been sufficient to halt contagion. Some critics have said that by attempting a quarantine on the ship, Japanese officials essentially turned the boat into a floating incubator for the coronavirus. Health Minister Katsunobu Kato will announce on Tuesday new measures to help contain small outbreaks across Japan, domestic broadcaster NHK reported. On Saturday, he apologized for allowing an infected woman to leave the Diamond Princess. The experts assembled on Monday, at a news conference for foreign media, did not accept assertions that the ship quarantine had been a failure. They pointed to preliminary data showing that cases among Diamond Princess passengers appeared to peak on Feb. 7 before tailing off, evidence they contend was proof that the isolation strategy worked. Cases among the crew continued to grow, however. Evaluation of what authorities could have done better would have to wait until the crisis has subsided, Omi said. "We are in the middle of a fight now," he said. (Reporting by Rocky Swift; Editing by Robert Birsel) Top stories - Google News February 24, 2020 at 01:42AM Japan plays down criticism of coronavirus cruise ship handling - Yahoo News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Outclassed: Lampard's Chelsea taught a harsh lesson by brilliant Bayern - Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:28 PM PST Chelsea fans tried to unfurl a banner commemorating their 2012 Champions League final win over Bayern Munich ahead of kick-off at Tuesday night's Champions League clash with the same side. However, as a video montage of that famous penalty shoout win at the Allianz Arena played on the big screens, the cloth got stuck and ruined the big reveal. It was an ominous sign of things to come on a calamitous night for the hosts. Everything may have gone right for Chelsea in Bavaria, but nothing went right in west London. Chelsea remain as ambitious as they were eight years ago but times have changed and the club are in a transition season under new manager Frank Lampard. It was the former midfielder who lifted the trophy in Bavaria and he could not have experienced more contrasting emotions here, as he watched his side given a footballing lesson by a rampant Bayern side. Indeed, Chelsea look to be already out of the Champions League after suffering a brutal beat-down, losing 3-0 in a depressingly one-sided first leg. The Blues fought gamely, somehow managing to reach half-time still on level terms. However, Bayern blew them away with two quick-fire goals shortly after the interval. Cesar Azpilicueta slipped trying to press, Andreas Christensen attempted to cover but, in doing so, broke the defensive line, which allowed Robert Lewandowski to cut the ball back cleverly for Serge Gnabry to open the scoring. The pair linked up again just three minutes later, with Lewandowski easily winning a duel with Azpilicueta before slipping in Gnabry, who raced away from Christensen before doubling the visitors' advantage with a cool finish. Lewandowski got the goal his performance deserved in the 76th minute, after a brilliant break down the left flank from Alphonso Davies. At that point, some Chelsea fans began streaming out of the stadium. They knew there was no way back for their outclassed side. As Lampard admitted to BT Sport afterwards, "The performance was poor and sometimes you have to be brutally honest. They outclassed us in every department and it's quite sobering." Lampard had opted for the same 3-4-3 formation that saw his side overcome Tottenham at the weekend but Bayern are a far superior side. Passion and energy may have been enough to defeat their injury-hit London rivals but the Champions League requires different qualities. To compete with the likes of Bayern, you need class and composure. Chelsea had neither on the night. Ross Barkley struggled terribly in his first Champions League start, while the entire back three of Antonio Rudiger, Christensen and Azpilicueta looked out of their depth. Even Lampard himself may have erred in opting to abandon his core principles in favour of a long-ball game that did nothing other than ensure that Bayern bossed possession. Chelsea also lacked pace on the break despite Olivier Giroud's best efforts to hold up the ball and bring his support runners into the game. After falling 2-0 down, Lampard threw caution to the wind by matching Bayern's formation. Chelsea would concede again, meaning they will need another miracle in Munich to upset Bayern. It's not going to happen this time, though. Bayern belong in the last eight of this season's Champions League; Chelsea do not. The gulf in class was made painfully clear at Stamford Bridge and HansiFlick was perhaps right when he shot down an English journalist on the eve of the first leg when he asked if Bayern were seeking revenge for 2012: "It has absolutely no significance whatsoever." He was not wrong. This Chelsea side is nothing like the one that won the Champions League in such extraordinary circumstances eight years ago. They may have been underdogs in 2012 but they still had the likes of Petr Cech, Ashley Cole, John Terry, Lampard and Didier Drogba within their ranks. Munich was the end of a quest for European glory that had begun many years beforehand. Chelsea's current crop are only starting out on their journey and, as Tuesday night underlined, they will likely be taught many harsh lessons along the way. "Goal" - Google News February 25, 2020 at 03:46PM Outclassed: Lampard's Chelsea taught a harsh lesson by brilliant Bayern - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
China's health care system under pressure as coronavirus continues to spread - CNBC Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:44 PM PST ![]() Workers set up beds at an exhibition center that was converted into a hospital in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 4, 2020. STR | AFP via Getty Images As China tries to control the spread of the new coronavirus, Wuhan city — the epicenter of the disease — still faces a multitude of challenges. Late last week, while the rest of the country was trying to gradually resume work, Hubei province told businesses — including automakers like Nissan and Honda — not to begin operations until at least March 11. Wuhan, the province's capital city, accounts for 60% of mainland China's total confirmed cases and about 77% of the deaths. Even though local authorities have rushed to build new hospitals, first-hand reports still describe inadequate hospital beds and medical care. Boosting medical resources in WuhanChina has sent more than 30,000 medical staff to Hubei, among which roughly two-thirds were sent to Wuhan. Chinese health officials say that 10% of China's critical care medical staff are currently deployed in Wuhan to fight against the virus. Wuhan has also designated 46 hospitals to care for confirmed coronavirus cases, and is racing to re-purpose other locations into medical facilities. "These greatly relieved the stress, but because the number of confirmed cases is too large and keeps rising, demand can hardly get met in a short period of time," a doctor familiar with the situation in Wuhan said last week, according to a CNBC translation of the Mandarin-language remarks. The source asked not to be named, due to the sensitivity of the topic. To be clear, insufficient health care services have been an issue for China — even before the outbreak. At the end of 2018, Wuhan's health commission said the occupancy rate of hospital beds was already at 94%, and that the city's medical institutions had a total staff of 136,300. This year, however, the rapid increase in coronavirus patients into the tens of thousands is stretching the medical system further. As of Monday, more than 2,000 people have died in Wuhan of the virus, according to the national health commission. More than 10,000 patients have been discharged, while the current number of confirmed cases is more than 34,600. Challenges in getting hospital careAmid the sheer number of cases, many locals say it's difficult to get medical care. It took more than one week in early February for Ao Mulin, a Phoenix TV reporter, to get a hospital bed for his father who was sick with the new virus. Due to an extreme shortage of medical resources in the early days of the outbreak, Ao said his father could not find a bed at three separate hospitals in Wuhan. He was finally hospitalized on Feb. 3. His father is currently in a critical condition and relying on an artificial lung for his life, Ao said. Many coronavirus patients' families have turned to the public for help, with some even turning to social media. "Pneumonia patients ask for help" became a "super topic" on China's Twitter-like Weibo platform, with more than 3 billion views since the topic was initiated on Feb. 5. The intensity of the situation has resulted in hospitals and quarantine centers accepting more and more fever patients, while new demand continues to emerge, with non-coronavirus patients asking for help. Ke Huibing, a 41-year-old professor from a well-known University at Wuhan, died of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma on Feb 19, according to state media. The same university lost five professors in about two weeks, the report said. "If it weren't for the epidemic, he should have had surgery right after the Lunar New Year (Jan. 24), but this unexpected outbreak disrupted his treatment," Ke's sister said in a Chinese-language post on Weibo translated by CNBC. She called for attention on non-pneumonia patients who had other critical conditions that needed urgent medical care. Wuhan is trying to keep up. On Feb. 6, the city issued a call for more medical staff. This past weekend, state media reported that seven cruise ships are arriving to house the workers. The city has also imposed stricter measures than many other parts of China to keep people at home. Hospitals a concern outside WuhanWith an estimated roughly 800 million in home isolation, "the Chinese government has done something very unique, which most other governments could not do," Jeffrey Shaman, professor at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, said in an email to CNBC. His research includes infectious disease transmission. "It has slowed the outbreak," Shaman said. But in his view, that only buys time for vaccine and therapeutic development. "At present, a big concern will be outbreaks in hospitals, which will be very hard to control in China, as elsewhere." Last week, Chinese media reported clusters of coronavirus cases at three Beijing hospitals, which raised concerns about the virus spreading further. The capital city officially reported one new confirmed case on Monday, and none over the weekend. On Sunday, Chinese President Xi Jinping said controlling the virus in Hubei province and Wuhan is the national priority, followed by preventing the spread of the disease in Beijing. — CNBC's Evelyn Cheng contributed to this report. Top stories - Google News February 25, 2020 at 05:37PM China's health care system under pressure as coronavirus continues to spread - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
新ライブエンターテインメントプロジェクトのメインキャスト採用オーディション開催! プロジェクトの中心となる「バーチャルタレント」のアクターとして活躍! - PR TIMES Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:25 PM PST 本日公開した特設サイト(にて、2020年2月26日(水)15時00分~3月15日(日)23時59分の期間、オーディションへの参加者を募集しております。募集要項をご確認のうえ、ぜひご応募ください。多数の方のご応募をお待ちしております。 コロプラでは"Entertainment in Real Life"をミッションとして掲げ、スマートフォン向けアプリの拡充に引き続き注力するとともに、人々の生活のほぼ全てである「日常」をより楽しく、より素晴らしくするエンターテインメントを提供してまいります。 ●バーチャルタレント/VTuberとは 【募集対象】 【応募期間/応募方法】 【審査方法】 ※審査結果と次回審査の日時・会場・詳細等のご案内は、審査を通過された方にのみご連絡いたします。 【最終審査通過特典】 【その他注意事項】 【お問い合わせ先】 【株式会社コロプラ 会社概要】 ©COLOPL, Inc. "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース February 25, 2020 at 10:02PM 新ライブエンターテインメントプロジェクトのメインキャスト採用オーディション開催! プロジェクトの中心となる「バーチャルタレント」のアクターとして活躍! - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Blackhawks score: Hawks collapse after Duncan Keith scores 100th goal - Chicago Sun-Times Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:28 PM PST ![]() ST. LOUIS — In December, the Blackhawks led the Blues 3-0 early in the third period at Enterprise Center. They lost 4-3 in regulation. On Tuesday, the Hawks led the Blues 3-1 in the second period and 5-4 midway through the third but again crumbled en route to a 6-5 regulation loss. The good news: The Hawks have been competitive against the defending Stanley Cup champions. The bad news: Their mental fortitude only can endure so many gut punches, even with the playoffs already out of reach. ''It's about us,'' said coach Jeremy Colliton, who was as visibly exasperated as he has been all season. ''We turned pucks over. It's a 3-2 game, we turn the puck over. We turn the puck over on the second goal, when we're up 3-1 and in control of the game, playing well. Turned the puck over on the fourth goal. ''I don't know how you expect to win when you make those types of mental mistakes.'' The Hawks did produce two silver linings, the first being the 31st-ranked power play's 3-for-4 outing — its best performance of the season — and the second being defenseman Duncan Keith's 100th career goal. Keith became the fourth Hawks defenseman and, fittingly, the 100th in NHL history to reach the milestone. He has seven points in the Hawks' last four games. But he, too, was focused only on the Hawks' horrific play in their own zone. ''[In] the 'D' zone, when we have pucks, we've got to make sure we get them out,'' he said. ''The Blues . . . hang on to pucks, [make] little 10-foot passes on the tape and it's out. And they're supporting one another; they know where one another's going to be. ''That's something we could look at. It's been a work in progress for us.'' Lehner tweets about talks Plenty of speculation has swirled in the lead-up to — and in the aftermath of — the Hawks' trade Monday of goalie Robin Lehner about what his contract demands might be when he becomes an unrestricted free agent this summer. Lehner provided some insight Tuesday, tweeting that he ''was willing to do short term'' but that ''money was never discussed.'' Asked about those comments, Hawks general manager Stan Bowman said — just as he did Monday — that he didn't want to talk about the negotiations with Lehner. Bowman on defensive Although Bowman didn't get into the Lehner negotiations, he did offer more insight into the seemingly poor returns the Hawks got for Lehner and defenseman Erik Gustafsson in their deadline trades. ''Your goal, when you're in that position and you're talking to teams, is you want to get the best deal you can,'' he said. ''We didn't turn down better deals where there were first-round picks involved. The deals happen when the two sides can match. . . . Trust me, we did as much as we could and got the best deal we could." Bowman said a few other notable things, too. He said the Hawks are looking at forward Max Shalunov — a 27-year-old star in the Kontinental Hockey League in Russia, whose NHL rights they own — as well as ''some free-agent players'' to import from Europe for next season. He also said the Hawks will have a ''proven NHL goalie . . . next year'' but didn't commit to it being Corey Crawford, who is a pending unrestricted free agent. "Goal" - Google News February 25, 2020 at 07:39PM Blackhawks score: Hawks collapse after Duncan Keith scores 100th goal - Chicago Sun-Times "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Mahathir can return as Malaysia’s leader, without a deal with Anwar - South China Morning Post Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 25, 2020 at 06:18AM Mahathir can return as Malaysia's leader, without a deal with Anwar - South China Morning Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Jakub Vrana turns on the jets to score career-high 25th goal - Russian Machine Never Breaks Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST ![]() You guys, Jakub Vrana turned on the jets to score… 😎… on the Jets! V's insanely fast breakaway goal gave him his 25th tally of the season – a new career-high. VideoLook at our young Czech child. Vrana skated a loose puck out of the Capitals defensive zone, split the Jets' D, and beat Jets goaltender Laurent Brossoit on his forehand. He was skating approximately 9,000,000 MPH. It was a big goal and an even bigger celebration. The goal gave the Caps a 2-0 lead early in the first period.
In the crowd, NBC Sports Washington cameras captured this dad and son celebrating and I hope this is me one day.
Vrana scored 24 goals and 47 points in a breakout season last year. V now has 25 goals and 51 points this year. He's still got nearly 20 more games to add to that total and maybe hit 30 goals for the first time in his career. Full RMNB Coverage of Caps vs Jets "Goal" - Google News February 25, 2020 at 06:16PM Jakub Vrana turns on the jets to score career-high 25th goal - Russian Machine Never Breaks "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Thousands caught in floods in Indonesia's sinking capital - Laredo Morning Times Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:44 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 24, 2020 at 09:49PM Thousands caught in floods in Indonesia's sinking capital - Laredo Morning Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST ![]() This is a live blog. Please check back for updates. All times below are in Beijing time. 9:07 am: South Korea reported a jump of 169 new cases, 1 additional deathSouth Korea reported a jump of 169 new cases, bringing the country's total to 1,146 infected, according to the country's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday morning. It reported one additional death, bringing the total number of fatalities to 11. Of the new cases, 134 were from Daegu, the country's fourth-largest city. So far, more than half of coronavirus cases in the country have been traced back to Daegu's Shincheonji Church of Jesus, where the government is set to conduct testing on around an estimated 215,000 people. The U.S. CDC this week raised its alert level for travel to South Korea, citing the outbreak there. 8:45 am: Iran now has the highest coronavirus death toll outside of China, threatening the wider Middle EastIran's health ministry on Tuesday confirmed 15 deaths from the coronavirus, the most fatalities of any country outside of China, where the deadly illness originated. Iran also said there are 95 current cases. The majority of Iran's cases have been linked to Qom, a major religious destination for Shiite pilgrims 85 miles south of Tehran, Iranian's health ministry spokesman said on state television Tuesday. The virus's rapid spread in Iran signals a greater risk to the wider region. And Iran's links to the rest of the Middle East through travel by religious pilgrims and workers — as well as its dire economic situation — make it particularly ill-prepared to handle the intensifying outbreak, regional experts say. — Natasha Turak 8:15 am: Asia stocks tumbleAsia stocks fell in early trading, as Wall Street saw another rout overnight. Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 1.07% in early trade after dropping more than 3% on Tuesday. The Topix index also saw a 1.07% decline. South Korea's Kospi tumbled 1.79% while the Kosdaq dropped 1.62%. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 was down 1.74%. — Eustance Huang 8:00 am: Royal Caribbean cancels 30 cruisesCruise operator Royal Caribbean says it has cancelled 30 cruises in Southeast Asia due to the outbreak, Reuters reported. It has also modified several itineraries in the region and estimated the cancellations would lead to an impact of 90 cents per share in 2020, according to the report. 7:45 am: Japanese stocks set to tumble againMarkets in Japan were set to tumble at the open again as Wall Street saw another plunge overnight on virus fears. The Nikkei 225 had closed down more than 3% on Tuesday. Australian shares dropped around 1.8% in early trade. All times below are in Eastern time. 4:40 pm: Dow loses more than 800 points as stocks plunge for a second dayThe stock rout continued as diving bond yields raised more concern that the global economy is slowing significantly because of the spreading coronavirus. The 10-year Treasury yield hit a record low as the Dow Jones Industrial Average added to Monday's 1,000-point drop. Comments from health officials warning of a possible outbreak in the U.S. also spooked investors, causing a turnaround in stocks which had opened the day higher. The Dow dropped 879.44 points, or 3.1%, to 27,081.36 after being up more than 180 points at one point shortly after the open. The slid 3% to 3,128.21 while the fell 2.8% to 8,965.61. Monday's session was the market's worst in two years. The S&P 500 posted back-to-back declines of at least 3% for the first time since November 2008 during the financial crisis, according to Bespoke Investment Group. 3:52 pm: US health officials say human trials on coronavirus vaccine to start in 6 weeksHuman trials testing a potential vaccine for the COVID-19 coronavirus are expected to begin in six weeks, U.S. health officials announced Tuesday. "We are on time at least and maybe even a little bit better," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, told reporters at a press conference. "Hopefully, no further glitches." The White House reportedly asked Congress on Monday for $1.25 billion in additional funding to bolster its coronavirus response, including money to develop a vaccine and therapeutics to treat the virus. The National Institutes of Health has been working with biotech company to develop a vaccine using the current strain of the coronavirus. —Lovelace 3:49 pm: US health officials say coronavirus will likely cause a global pandemicThe coronavirus outbreak that's shuttered commerce across China will likely become a global pandemic, a top U.S. health official said, adding that it's just a matter of time before the outbreak starts spreading in the U.S. "Current global circumstances suggest it's likely this virus will cause a pandemic," Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told reporters at a news briefing. "It's not so much a question of if this will happen any more, but rather more a question of when this will happen and how many people in this country will become infected and how many of those will develop severe or more complicated disease," she added. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar added: "We can't hermetically seal off the United States." Azar confirmed four new cases of the virus from repatriated cruise ship passengers, bringing the total in the U.S. to 57. Read CNBC's coverage from the U.S. overnight: CDC outlines pandemic planning as fears send stocks plunging for second day — CNBC's Eustance Huang, Berkeley Lovelace Jr. and William Feuer contributed to this report. Top stories - Google News February 25, 2020 at 04:06PM Coronavirus live updates: South Korea's cases surpass 1,000 as it reports jump of 169 infections - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
JakartaIndonesiaFloodsYT - VOA News Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 25, 2020 at 01:37PM JakartaIndonesiaFloodsYT - VOA News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Alex Ovechkin honored at 700 goal ceremony, then scores No. 701 - Washington Times Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST ![]() The Washington Capitals celebrated Alex Ovechkin reaching 700 career goals in a ceremony before Tuesday's game against the Winnipeg Jets, which included a video montage of Wayne Gretzky and the other living members of the 700 goals club congratulating the Russian. Ovechkin was just the eighth player to score 700 NHL goals, and trails only Gretzky, Gordie Howe, Jaromir Jagr, Brett Hull, Marcel Dionne, Phil Esposito and Mike Gartner. He hit the milestone Saturday with a third-period goal on the road against the New Jersey Devils. "Congratulations on joining the 700 club," Gretzky said. "You've had an outstanding career. You've scored 700 goals, you've won a Stanley Cup and you've meant a lot to the game of hockey not only in Washington but throughout North America and in Russia, of course. "I'll be there saying the same thing when you get to 800. Good luck." Gretzky has said he believes Ovechkin has a good shot at breaking his all-time goals record of 894. The first part of the video tribute played at Capital One Arena began with hockey commentators calling Ovechkin the greatest goal scorer of all time, as replays were shown of his 100th goal, 200th and so on up the list. NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly was on hand and presented Ovechkin with a Tiffany crystal. Capitals majority owner Ted Leonsis and team president Dick Patrick gifted Ovechkin a commemorative Hublot watch with a Russian flag-colored wristband and the number 700 at the top of the clock face.
Fans at the game received rally towels in the shape of Ovechkin's jersey. Ovechkin was joined on the ice by his wife Nastya Shubskaya and their 1-year-old son, Sergei. The captain held his son in his arms as he watched NHL legends, as well as Howe's son Mark, take turns congratulating him. "I've been told that there are more guys that have walked on the face of the moon that have scored 700 goals, and you've made it look easy so far in your career," Gartner, a former Capital, said. "If I would be Wayne Gretzky I would be shaking right now because I think you're gonna beat him," Jagr said. Ovechkin got one step closer to doing so Tuesday. Almost two minutes into the game, he parked in front of Winnipeg's net and scored No. 701.
"Goal" - Google News February 25, 2020 at 04:42PM Alex Ovechkin honored at 700 goal ceremony, then scores No. 701 - Washington Times "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST Service on wheels bring fresh start, dignity to homeless in Volusia CountyVOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. – A Volusia County couple's mission started with their vision to help the homeless community offering them a fresh start. The Glass family packed up the truck Tuesday after a long day serving the homeless community in Daytona Beach. Elgia Glass says he beat cancer in 2014, and God spoke to him -- telling him to create mobile showers for the homeless. "Sometimes you go to the convenience store and see a homeless man holding a child and people say they stink. People talk about them. Why not help them," said Elgia. Eligia and Elizabeth Glass family operated God's Bathhouse out of a donated truck. In 2014, he searched for a truck or RV that could fit a couple of bathrooms inside. He found a listing for a work truck online and paid the owner $500. Elgia said the owner was a retired plumber and after a couple of days, he returned the money and offered to help renovate the truck. With some help from family, friends and community members, God's Bathhouse came to life. An ordinary work truck was converted to a working bathroom with two showers, two toilets and sinks. It's run by a generator and water tanks. God's Bathhouse sets up shop in communities across Volusia County five days a week. "Everyone out there is not a dead-beat," Elgia Glass said. "Some are just comfortable living in that environment, but really it touches our heart when there are people out there due to bad circumstances like divorce or losing a job. They're out there struggling to make ends meet." Elgia says the mobile bathroom facility has given hundreds of homeless people some dignity. They also provide essentials like soap, toothbrushes, combs and shaving products. Each visitor receives fresh, new clothing to change in to. Elgia Glass cleans and sanitizes each shower after it's used. The Glass family says they don't have much. While they receive assistance from the community, some of the funding comes out of pocket. "We're just doing God's will. You have to have a compassion for people to do this. It's not a job for us, but we look forward to it every day when we can get up and bless people. Love them unconditionally," said Elizabeth Glass. In 2019 there were a reported 745 homeless residents in Volusia County, according to the Volusia-Flagler County Coalition for the Homeless. The couple is hoping to roll out more mobile facilities like God's Bathhouse with the community's help. The Glass family hopes they can get volunteers and sponsors to help donate funds to get more bathhouse trucks on the street. "To see the smile on their face," Elgia Glass said. "To see them leave here with dignity, some get a job and come back and thank us. It's a good feeling." Copyright 2020 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved. About the Author:"Mobile" - Google News February 25, 2020 at 03:46PM God's Bathhouse offers mobile showers, clean clothes and essentials for people in need - WKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Confusion in Wuhan as move to ease coronavirus lockdown is reversed - South China Morning Post Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:44 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 24, 2020 at 04:04AM Confusion in Wuhan as move to ease coronavirus lockdown is reversed - South China Morning Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
aiko、本日発売のニューシングル「青空」含む全414曲のサブスク配信スタート(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:41 AM PST aiko、本日発売のニューシングル「青空」含む全414曲のサブスク配信スタート(コメントあり) - ナタリー 配信がスタートしたのは、1998年発表のメジャーデビュー曲「あした」や「花火」「カブトムシ」「ボーイフレンド」「キラキラ」「KissHug」「もっと」「ストロー」といった代表曲から本日2月26日にリリースされたニューシングル「青空」までのシングル39作品、オリジナルアルバム13作品、ベストアルバム3作品、ミュージックビデオ49作品。aikoは全楽曲の配信開始に際して「私は、デビューをしていなかったらきっと大阪から出ることもなかったと思います。当時の私はいつでもどこでも色んな人に自分の音楽を聴いてもらえているなんて、考えもしなかったです。これからまた、皆さんに聴いていただける機会がたくさん増えたらいいな、と思っています。よろしくお願いします」とコメントしている。 aikoのYouTubeチャンネル「aikoOfficial」ではこれまでのMVをフルサイズで公開中。 2020-02-25 15:00:00Z |
ジャニーズ、グループ主催公演の延期と休演を発表 新型コロナウイルス感染状況など鑑み - ORICON NEWS Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST ジャニーズ、グループ主催公演の延期と休演を発表 新型コロナウイルス感染状況など鑑み - ORICON NEWS ![]() ジャニーズ事務所は25日、新型コロナウイルス感染の拡大や状況、政府および関係機関などの方針に鑑み、グループ主催公演について2月27日から3月9日までの公演を延期および休演することを発表した(2020年2月25日現在)。 サイトでは延期・休演に伴い「大変なご迷惑とご心配をおかけいたしますこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます」と伝え「2月22日時点のご案内では開催するという方針をお知らせしておりましたが、この数日間での感染拡大の状況と政府より発表されました方針から、約2週間、公演の開催を見送ることといたしました」と説明。 「公演を心待ちにしてくださっていた皆様には大変心苦しい限りではございますが、何卒ご理解賜れますと幸いでございます」と呼びかけ「3月10日以降の公演につきましても政府や関係機関等の発表に注視しながら、ご案内申し上げます」とした。 続けて「新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大し続けている今、何より最優先すべきことは、感染の拡大を食い止め、日常の生活を取り戻すことにあると考えております。そして、そのためには、自分たちにできることから行動することが大切であるとの考えからジャニーズグループとしましては、ファンの皆様とタレントおよびスタッフー人一人が率先して予防対策に取り組むことで状況改善のお役に立てますよう、努めてまいりたいと思います」と宣言した。 なお、今回の情報は2月25日現在の案内で「状況は日ごとに変化しておりますので公演の開催についてなど、変更がございましたら随時ジャニーズネットにてお知らせいたします」とメッセージしている。 ■具体的な対象公演・イベントは下記の通り 対象公演 【NEWS:宮城セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ】 【ARASHI EXHIBITION"JOURNEY"嵐を旅する展覧会:大阪文化館・天保山】 【舞台「○○な人の末路」:東京グローブ座】 2020-02-25 13:18:55Z |
Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:24 AM PST Bonhams Los Angeles is Auctioning the Estate of Diahann Carroll, Including Sculptures by Artis Lane and Ed Dwight - Culture Type
Later that year, in September 1968, Carroll's groundbreaking sitcom "Julia" debuted. Starring in the title role, she made history playing a widowed nurse raising a young son. "Julia" was the first American television series with a professional black woman at the center of the narrative. A pioneering and glamorous actress and singer, Carroll died Oct. 4, 2019, at her home in West Hollywood Calif. The cause was complications from breast cancer. She was 84. In the wake of her passing, Bonhams is auctioning the Estate of Diahann Carroll. The March 10, 2020, sale features 155 lots, including the Berlin letter, a leather-bound working script for the pilot episode of "Julia," other memorabilia related her many acting roles, art, furniture, jewelry, clothing, and a Steinway baby grand piano. An essay by Tanya Dukes opens the sale catalog and reflects on the life and work of Carroll with insights from her daughter Suzanne Kay. A photograph of Carroll's glass-walled living room with panoramic views of the Hollywood Hills is also featured in the catalog. Nearly all the furniture in the room, books and sculptures on the coffee table, and art on the wall are included in the sale. A line portrait of Carroll by Joe Eula, a fashion illustrator who worked with Halston hangs between floor-to-ceiling windows. Head of a Man (n.d.), a bronze sculpture by Artis Lane can be seen in the room, displayed on the coffeetable beside an unattributed bronze sculpture of a female torso (which also resembles the artist's work). Lane's undated portrait of Kay as a child is offered in the auction, too.
Los Angeles-based Lane, 93, focuses primarily on sculpture. She also paints portraits and makes prints. The Canadian-born artist attended Cranbrook Academy of Art, just outside Detroit, and over the course of her career, she's depicted many prominent and historic figures. Her bust of Rosa Parks is in the collection of the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery. Lane's bust of Sojourner Truth was unveiled by First Lady Michelle Obama in 2009 and is now on permanent display in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. The work is the first sculpture in the Capitol building to pay tribute to an African American woman. Presenting 60 years of work, "A Woman's Journey: The Life and Work of Artis Lane," the first retrospective of the artist, was on view at the California African American Museum in Los Angeles (Sept. 27, 2007-March 2, 2008). More recently, the N'Namdi Center for Contemporary Art in Detroit showcased Lane's work in a solo exhibition in 2017. She's made busts of Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, President Barack Obama, Mrs. Obama, and Qunicy Jones. Lane has also painted portraits of Dillard University President Samuel D. Cook (1975-1997), Oprah Winfrey, and Carroll. BORN IN THE BRONX, Carroll grew up in Harlem and went on to star in films and sing on Broadway. She made her film debut in a supporting role in "Carmen Jones" (1954), which starred Dorothy Dandridge and Harry Belafonte. Carroll also appeared in "Porgy and Bess" (1959) starring Dandridge and Sidney Poitier. Then in 1962, she made theater history. For her role in the Broadway musical "No Strings," Carroll won the Tony Award for best actress. She was the first African American woman to ever receive the award.
After playing the leading in "Julia" for three seasons (1968-71), Carroll took on the title role in the film "Claudine." Starring opposite James Earl Jones, she received an Oscar nomination for Best Actress for her performance. Carroll continued to work throughout the years. On television, she was featured on "Dynasty" (1984-87), "A Different World" (1989-93), and "Soul Food' (2003-04). Shonda Rhimes later wrote a role for her on "Grey's Anatomy" (2006-07). She was also cast in the 1997 film "Eve's Bayou." Carroll is interviewed in "They've Gotta Have Us" (2018), a three-part documentary released on Netflix earlier this month. In the film's first episode, Carroll reflects on her relationship with Sidney Poitier, his 1964 Best Actor Oscar for "Lillies of the Field" (when he became the first African American to win an Academy Award), and her role in "Claudine." At the conclusion of the Bonhams catalog essay, Kay said her mother wasn't shy about assessing her influence and was confident about her legacy. According to Kay, Carroll said: "Let's face it—I am historic." CT VIEW MORE The Estate of Diahann Carroll e-catalog FIND MORE about Artis Lane on her website BOOKSHELF
2020-02-25 05:24:59Z |
中居正広の話術は「小泉進次郎並み」でもなぜか納得、メディアを操る手練手管(週刊女性PRIME) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:10 AM PST 中居正広の話術は「小泉進次郎並み」でもなぜか納得、メディアを操る手練手管(週刊女性PRIME) - Yahoo!ニュース
![]() 週末の情報番組などの報道を経て、ひととおりできった感のある元SMAP中居正広(47)のジャニーズ事務所退所会見。 【写真】ジャニーズに残った木村拓哉、空港で静香と仏頂面ツーショット あらためて確認してわかったことは、質問をガッチリ受け止めているふうで微妙にかわした中居の"手練手管"と、深掘りしきれなかった取材陣の"技量の差"、だ。 「取材陣が最初から舞い上がっていましたね。ただでさえ、大きな会見の場合、メディアはテンション上がりぎみで臨むクセがあるのですが、そこをまず中居が上手く、くすぐった」と芸能記者。 中居の話術にハマるメディア 開始時間の15分前に突如、何の前触れもなく会見場に現れた中居に、カメラマンは慌てふためいた。大いにブレる映像をオンエアするテレビ番組があったように、身構える前に登場することで、さらに会場のテンションを上げ、自分との垣根をなくした。手には「フラッシュの点滅にご注意ください」という、テレビ画面のテロップに流れる決まり文句を書いたボード。おかしい。中居のうまさだ。 会見は、無制限に質問を受ける、というウェルカムのスタイル。そのことによって取材陣にすべて質問を吐き出させ、きちんと満足させる狙い。16時からスタートした会見だったが、番組収録が18時に設定されていたため、吉本興業の岡本昭彦社長の釈明会見のように、5時間越えになることは最初から想定されていなかった。にもかかわらず、無制限で質問を受けるスタイルを打ち出すことは、好感を呼ぶ。 質問に対し中居は、正面から答えたり、うまくかわしたり、一般論にすり替えたり、微妙なテクニックを駆使した。 「中居はうまいなぁ、と思ったのは、『新しい地図』と共演する可能性と、SMAP再結成、YouTubeで発信することについて触れたところ。中居は『1%から99%』の間と可能性について触れていますが、単なる一般論でしょ。0%、100%と言い切らなければ、そういうしかない。中居の発言を受けてメディアは、『SMAP再結成もある』と喜び勇んで報じた。確かに見出しとしては見え映えがいいんでしょうが、中居の術中にはまっている感じですよね」(情報番組デスク)
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