De Blog Have Fun |
- The Queen does a great job handling 'her terrible breakaway grandson' - Sky News Australia
- 桶田敬太郎さん死去で再注目 「フォークダンスDE成子坂」お笑い評論家が分析 - J-CASTニュース
- 「映画ドラえもん のび太の新恐竜」公開延期が決定 - ナタリー
- 槙原敬之容疑者 全違法薬物で尿鑑定陰性 覚醒剤所持容疑 - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞
- 歌舞伎座・新橋演舞場・大阪松竹座・南座の公演を3月10日まで中止 - ナタリー
- Coronavirus Live Updates: Outbreak Has Reached at Least 44 Countries - The New York Times
- 「AnimeJapan 2020」開催中止 - ナタリー
- Colleen Cassidy’s second-period goal lifted Darien past Greenwich in FCIAC girls hockey tournament semifinals - Greenwich Time
- 【公演中止のお知らせ】「韓国エンターテインメントFLYING」 - 朝日新聞
- That Viral 'Shallow' Singer Who Stunned the Internet Has Blessed Us With a Full Performance - TIME
- Malaysia's economy could miss out on a much-needed boost because it has no government - CNBC
- Julia Moore’s final-minute goal rallies Santa Cruz past Homestead in D-II semifinals | CCS girls soccer - Santa Cruz Sentinel
- Victim Identified in Viral Video Filmed in San Francisco’s Bayview - NBC Bay Area
- Lori Loughlin's lawyers claim new evidence exonerates actress, fashion designer husband in admissions scandal - ABC News
- 'Old Man Steve,' 81, goes viral on TikTok with sweet and simple cooking videos - Fox News
- Globe braces for long battle against virus as cases spread - St. Albert Today
- CCL wrap: Stoppage-time GK goal saves Tigres; Henry’s Montreal grinds it out -
- Ovechkin 700-goal tribute video a real tear-jerker (watch) - 106.7 FM The Fan Radio Station
- Saudi Arabia launches women's football league - News - Khaleej Times
- Coronavirus live updates: US raises travel advisory for South Korea as cases cross 1,500 - CNBC
- Blind Man's Mobile Home Stolen in Venango County -
- Saudi Arabia Arms Its Vision 2030 With an Investment Ministry - Stratfor Worldview
- City eyes changes for Mobile Mardi Gras 2021 - NBC 15 WPMI
- Trump puts Mike Pence in charge of response to coronavirus, says US risk 'remains very low' - CNBC
- Viral ‘skull breaker challenge’ circulating on social media puts children in danger - WDIV ClickOnDetroit
The Queen does a great job handling 'her terrible breakaway grandson' - Sky News Australia Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:06 AM PST The Queen does a great job handling 'her terrible breakaway grandson' - Sky News Australia ![]() Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi says Meghan Markle has not only diminished Prince Harry but has "done enormous damage to one of the great institutions of the world". Queen Elizabeth has stripped Harry and Meghan of their formal royal titles which prevents them from exploiting the 'royal' brand. Sky News host James Morrow said he applauds "every move to strip them of their titles" because all they wanted to do was "to trade on the royal name". Mr Morrow told Sky News host Peta Credlin if the Prince is "just Harry … I really don't know what he brings to the table". "She has done a great job handling this terrible breakaway grandson," Mr Morrow said. Image: Associated Press 2020-02-27 08:38:10Z |
桶田敬太郎さん死去で再注目 「フォークダンスDE成子坂」お笑い評論家が分析 - J-CASTニュース Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:17 AM PST 桶田敬太郎さん死去で再注目 「フォークダンスDE成子坂」お笑い評論家が分析 - J-CASTニュース お笑いコンビ「フォークダンスDE成子坂」の元メンバー・桶田敬太郎さんが、2019年11月23日に亡くなっていたことが分かった。48歳だった。27日までに、本人が代表者を務めていた所属事務所の公式サイトで発表された。 桶田さんは1992年10月から99年9月にかけて放送されたバラエティー番組「ボキャブラ天国」シリーズ(フジテレビ系)などで活躍。その後、99年の大晦日にはコンビを解散し、その後は、「放送作家・構成作家といった裏方の立場で 自身の出身である『バラエティー』を中心に」活動していたという(本人の所属事務所の公式サイトから)。
キャッチフレーズは「戦慄の不協和音」桶田さんの訃報を受け、ネット上ではツイッター上やネット掲示板に桶田さんの死を悼む声が続々。その中でもツイッター上を見てみると、解散前のフォークダンスDE成子坂が出演していたボキャブラ天国に触れつつ、故人を偲ぶ声が多い。あるアカウントは当時の動画をアップしつつ桶田さんを偲んでいるが、その動画を見ると、桶田さんと村田さんが登場する直前のカットに、「戦慄の不協和音 フォークダンスDE成子坂」との紹介文があるのが分かる。 ボキャブラ天国放送当時、出演していたお笑い芸人たちに注目が集まっていたのは当然のことだが、それに加えて話題になっていたのが、お笑い芸人たちが登場する直前に画面に映し出される紹介文。フォークダンスDE成子坂の場合は前述の通り「戦慄の不協和音」だったが、同番組には他にも「邪悪なお兄さん」海砂利水魚(現くりぃむしちゅー)、「不発の核弾頭」爆笑問題、「電光石火の三重殺」ネプチューンといった、今やベテランとなった錚々たるメンバーが出演していたことを覚えている方は多いことだろう。 当時の放送では、フォークダンスDE成子坂はこれら3組と互角にしのぎを削る才覚を示し、放送の度に大きな話題になるなどしていた。しかし、同番組が終了したあたりから、フォークダンスDE成子坂は徐々に活躍の場が狭まり始め、99年末にはコンビを解散。その後、2006年には桶田さんとコンビを組んでいた村田渚さんがくも膜下出血で35歳で死去。それから12年後となる2018年には「ザ・発言X」(日本テレビ系)で、村田さんにスポットを当てつつフォークダンスDE成子坂を扱った特集が放送されるなどしていた。 ボキャ天終了は「関係ないと思います」多くの視聴者の記憶に残るフォークダンスDE成子坂。輝きを放ったのは今となっては遠い過去だが、視聴者に対して強烈なインパクトを残したことは今も忘れられていない。そこで、J-CASTニュース編集部は同コンビについての評価を、お笑い評論家のラリー遠田氏に聞いてみた。 まず、コンビ解散の時期がボキャブラ天国放送終了に近く、番組終了と共に活躍の場が狭まっていったように多くの視聴者からは見受けられたほか、番組終了がフォークダンスDE成子坂にはマイナスとなったようにも思える点について、ラリー遠田氏は、 「彼らにとってマイナスだったかどうかと言われたら、あまり関係ないと思います。 と、番組終了はあまり関係ないと説明した。 「自分の理想」へのこだわりラリー遠田氏に続けて、その解散理由について聞いてみると、 「解散までの経緯は、数年前に桶田さんが個人で始めたポッドキャスト(インターネットラジオ)番組の中で詳細に語られていました。そこで長い時間をかけて説明されていた解散理由を一言でまとめるのは難しいのですが、自分のやりたい笑いをどこまでも追求したいと思っていた桶田さんと、所属事務所や相方の村田さんとの間の溝が少しずつ広がっていき、解散に至ったのだと思います」 と、さまざまな要因があったのではとの考えを示した。 また、ネット上には 「おふたりがご健在であれば、今の爆問、くりぃむしちゅーと同じ立ち位置にいたでしょう。残念でなりません...」 と、フォークダンスDE成子坂には才能がありつつも、ボキャブラ天国に出演していた他のお笑い芸人のようには売れないまま解散してしまったことを嘆く声は多いがこの点については、 「桶田さんの中では、自分の理想とする笑いのようなものがあり、それに対するこだわりも人一倍強かったのだと思います。テレビという場でそれを実現できる機会を与えられなかった、または勝ち取れなかったということが、のちに売れっ子になる芸人との違いだったのだと思います」 と分析した。 (J-CASTニュース編集部 坂下朋永) 2020-02-27 08:41:00Z |
「映画ドラえもん のび太の新恐竜」公開延期が決定 - ナタリー Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:17 AM PST 「映画ドラえもん のび太の新恐竜」公開延期が決定 - ナタリー ![]() 3月6日に公開が予定されていた「 これは新型コロナウイルスによる感染症の拡大を受けて決定されたもの。今後の公開予定については、決まり次第公式サイトでアナウンスされる。 「のび太の新恐竜」は「映画ドラえもん」シリーズの40作目。のび太が双子の恐竜キューとミューに出会ったことから始まる物語で、シリーズ1作目「映画ドラえもん のび太の恐竜」とは異なる新しいオリジナルストーリーが展開される。 2020-02-27 10:18:00Z |
槙原敬之容疑者 全違法薬物で尿鑑定陰性 覚醒剤所持容疑 - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞 Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:46 AM PST 槙原敬之容疑者 全違法薬物で尿鑑定陰性 覚醒剤所持容疑 - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞 覚せい剤取締法違反(所持)容疑などで逮捕されたシンガー・ソングライターの槙原敬之(のりゆき)(本名・範之)容疑者(50)=東京都渋谷区=の尿鑑定の結果は陰性で、覚醒剤を含む違法薬物の成分が検出されなかったことが27日、捜査関係者への取材で判明した。 槙原容疑者は2018年3~4月、当時住んでいた港区のマンションで覚醒剤0・083グラムと指定薬物を含む危険ドラッグ「RUSH(ラッシュ)」の液体64・2ミリリットルを所持した容疑で2月13日に警視庁に逮捕された。現在の自宅から「RUSH」とみられる液体が押収されたことも既に明らかになっている。 槙原容疑者はこれまでの調べに大筋で容疑を認めた上で「(1999年の同法違反での逮捕後)しばらくやめていたが、いつの間にか始めた」「(18年以降は)しばらくやっていない」と供述したという。【金森崇之】 ◇相談窓口 全国精神保健福祉センター一覧 薬物依存症リハビリ施設「日本ダルク」 NPO法人全国薬物依存症者家族会連合会 2020-02-27 08:31:26Z |
歌舞伎座・新橋演舞場・大阪松竹座・南座の公演を3月10日まで中止 - ナタリー Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:46 AM PST 歌舞伎座・新橋演舞場・大阪松竹座・南座の公演を3月10日まで中止 - ナタリー ![]() 東京・歌舞伎座、新橋演舞場、大阪・大阪松竹座、京都・南座で行われる公演が、新型コロナウイルスの影響により、2月28日から3月10日までの間中止される。 該当する演目は、歌舞伎座「三月大歌舞伎」、新橋演舞場「八つ墓村」と「舟木一夫シアターコンサート」、大阪松竹座 「僕らAぇ! groupがbrakeしそうですねん?!」、南座「スーパー歌舞伎II(セカンド)『新版 オグリ』」。また東京・歌舞伎座ギャラリーで開催予定だったトークイベント「Kabuki Extra Talk」も併せて中止となった。各公演の払い戻しの詳細については、松竹が運営する歌舞伎の公式サイト・歌舞伎美人に掲載される。 2020-02-27 06:02:00Z |
Coronavirus Live Updates: Outbreak Has Reached at Least 44 Countries - The New York Times Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:44 AM PST Read updates in Chinese: 新冠病毒疫情最新消息汇总 Here's what you need to know:![]() The virus sweeps the globe, with cases in at least 44 countries.From the Austrian Alps to an island off the coast of Africa. From an evangelical church in South Korea to a holy Shiite city in Iran. Governments and health workers around the world scrambled to contain the rapidly spreading new coronavirus, as the number of new cases outside China for the first time exceeded those inside the country at the heart of the epidemic. More than 81,000 people have been infected with the virus that causes the respiratory disease Covid-19, and new cases have been documented in at least 44 countries and on every continent but Antarctica. So far, nearly 3,000 people have died, the vast majority of them in a single Chinese province, Hubei.
As fears spread to the United States, President Trump named Vice President Mike Pence his point person to coordinate the government's response, expressing confidence that the United States would prevent a widespread domestic outbreak. "We're very, very ready for this," Mr. Trump said. South Korea and U.S. call off joint military exercises.The fast-growing coronavirus outbreak touched South Korea's military alliance with the United States on Thursday, as the two countries announced that they would postpone their joint spring military exercise. The decision came as South Korea reported 334 new cases of the coronavirus on Thursday, bringing the total number to 1,595, the largest outbreak outside of China. Nearly 84 percent of the patients were from Daegu, a city in southeastern South Korea, and in nearby towns. On Wednesday, the United States military reported the first case of a soldier being infected. The soldier was stationed at a base near Daegu. Both South Korea and the United States said their annual spring combined training, originally scheduled to take place next month, would be postponed "until further notice." South Korea has placed itself on the highest possible alert to deal with the outbreak, suspending nonessential military training and placing more than 9,500 troops under quarantine. It has also barred most of its enlisted soldiers from taking leave. Australian prime minister warns of a "global pandemic."Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia, unwilling to wait for global health authorities to declare the coronavirus a pandemic, said on Thursday that the country is enacting an emergency response plan as if it were one. "We believe the risk of a global pandemic is very much upon us," he said. "And as a result, as a government we need to take the steps necessary to prepare for such a pandemic." The steps outlined on Thursday include extending a ban through March 7 on foreigners who have been to mainland China in the past 14 days. There have been 22 confirmed cases of the virus in Australia, with no deaths. Mr. Morrison said Australians should continue to attend mass gatherings, play on the street and eat at restaurants. "You can do all of these things because Australia has acted quickly, Australia has gotten ahead of it at this point of time," he said. "But to stay ahead of it, we need to now elevate our response to this next phase." Markets in Europe and Asia slump as spread worsensStocks fell in Europe and Asia on Thursday amid further signs of the coronavirus's spread around the world and after the United States tried to reassure the public that it is ready to deal with the problem. Stocks in Japan fell more than 2 percent, leading a broad drop in Asia, while markets in Europe opened sharply lower. Futures markets predicted Wall Street would open lower too, continuing a weeklong slump. Most of the region fell by less. The Kospi index in South Korea fell 1 percent, while stocks in Taiwan fell by 1.2 percent. Shares in Hong Kong were up 0.3 percent near the end of the Chinese territory's trading day. Shares in China bucked the trend, with Shanghai rising 0.1 percent. Regulators and government-controlled investors often step in to help the country's stock market in troubled times. Oil prices also fell, while the price of gold rose, signaling continued nervousness among global investors. The outbreak has taken a toll on global companies. On Thursday Anheuser-Busch InBev joined the chorus, as the brewer forecast a steep drop in quarterly profit. In Europe, London's FTSE 100 index, Germany's DAX and the CAC 40 index in Paris opened about 2 percent lower. Clinical trials are expanded for possible antiviral treatment.The drug maker Gilead Sciences is expanding its clinical trials of the antiviral drug remdesivir as a possible coronavirus treatment into several countries, mainly in Asia. Two new clinical trials starting in March will involve about 1,000 patients who are severely or moderately ill from the virus, to try to determine which patients would be helped most, Gilead said. The drug is experimental and has not been approved yet to treat any disease. It is already being tested in Wuhan, China, the center of the epidemic, and on patients who are being treated in Nebraska. "We are looking for ways we can help the world prepare as well as possible for what appears to be a pandemic at this point," Dr. Diana Brainard, Gilead's senior vice president for H.I.V. and emerging viruses, said in an interview. In the last month, Gilead's stock has risen 17 percent, to $74.70 at the close of markets Wednesday from $68.80 in late January. The Times begins a newsletter on the crisis.The Times is beginning a coronavirus newsletter, an informed guide to the outbreak with the latest developments from our reporting and expert advice about prevention and treatment. Every day at 6 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. in Hong Kong), we'll tell you exactly what you need to know about this far-reaching and fast-moving story. U.S. reports its first potential case of community transmission.A person in California who was not exposed to anyone known to be infected with the coronavirus, and who had not traveled to countries where it is circulating, has tested positive for the infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday night. It may be the first instance of community transmission in the United States. "The case was detected through the U.S. public health system and picked up by astute clinicians," a C.D.C. statement said. It brought the number of cases in the United States to 60, including the 45 cases among Americans repatriated from Wuhan, China — the epicenter of the outbreak — and the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was overwhelmed by the virus after it docked in Japan. The new case, in which the source of infection is unknown, is cause for concern, experts said. "That would suggest there are other undetected cases out there, and we have already started some low-grade transmission," said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University. Chinese official says some lockdown measures went too far.Some of the lockdown tactics used to stop the spread of the virus in China went too far, a top Chinese security official said on Wednesday. Du Hangwei, the vice minister of public security, said at a news conference that some members of China's security forces had practiced "excessive enforcement, simplistic enforcement, and crude enforcement" of quarantines and other containment measures. It was a rare admission by a Chinese official of excessive force in response to the outbreak. China has implemented residential lockdowns of varying strictness on at least 760 million people, or more than half the country's population, according to a New York Times analysis of government announcements in provinces and major cities. Some episodes of seemingly overzealous enforcement have caused outrage. Videos of local officials in Henan tying up pedestrians who were not wearing face masks went viral on social media. In Chongqing, officials paraded four residents through the streets, shaming them for gathering to play mahjong at home. "The relentless management triggered people's panic and anxiety," Mr. Du said. Saudis halt religious visits to Mecca and Medina.Saudi Arabia on Wednesday temporarily barred Muslim pilgrims from entering the country to visit the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, as it tries to slow the spread of the coronavirus, a stark illustration of the fear the epidemic has stirred. The Saudi royal family derives much of its stature in the Islamic world from its status as guardians of the holy sites, and it very rarely closes them off. The Saudi response contrasts with that of Iran, which has kept its pilgrimage sites open, despite a significant coronavirus outbreak there, and evidence that people who visited Iran have spread the virus to many other countries. Each year, millions of Muslims make a pilgrimage to Mecca, or Umrah, which can take place at any time of year; the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are expected to make at least once, takes place in a specific part of the lunar year, which this year falls in midsummer. Many Muslims also visit the mosque in Medina that was established by the prophet Mohammed. The government is "suspending entry into the kingdom for the purpose of Umrah and visiting the Prophet's Mosque temporarily," the government-run Saudi Press Agency said. The Tokyo Olympics will go forward, planners say.With just under five months before the opening of the Summer Olympics in Tokyo on July 24, organizers in Japan and at the International Olympic Committee say they are confident the Games will go on. At a news briefing on Wednesday, Japan's chief cabinet secretary, Yoshihide Suga, said that preparations for the Games were proceeding "as planned," adding that the Olympic torch would begin its journey to Japan in March as scheduled. The I.O.C. has also declined to entertain the possibility that the Games might not take place as planned. But sporting events in Japan and elsewhere are already being canceled, as governments try to discourage large gatherings in major cities. In preparing for the Olympics, Japan had focused on the prevention of measles and rubella, sexually transmitted diseases and food poisoning. A new disease, like the coronavirus, was not central to its calculations. "I've never seen an Olympic organizing committee asked, 'Are you prepared for a global pandemic?'" said Terrence Burns, a veteran Olympics consultant. Reporting and research was contributed by Russell Goldman, Carlos Tejada, Choe Sang-Hun, Zoe Mou, Daniel Victor, Roni Caryn Rabin, Denise Grady, David Yaffe-Bellany, Ed Shanahan, Andrew Keh and Ben Dooley. Top stories - Google News February 27, 2020 at 12:27AM Coronavirus Live Updates: Outbreak Has Reached at Least 44 Countries - The New York Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:16 AM PST 「AnimeJapan 2020」開催中止 - ナタリー ![]() 3月21日から24日にかけて東京・東京ビッグサイトで開催される予定だったアニメイベント「AnimeJapan 2020」の開催中止が発表された。 開催中止は新型コロナウイルスによる感染症の拡大を受けて決定されたもの。チケットの払い戻しについては、すべての券種で対応するとされる。詳細は3月6日以降、公式サイトにて発表予定だ。なお同時に開催予定だった「ファミリーアニメフェスタ 2020」も合わせて開催中止となる。 2020-02-27 04:16:00Z |
Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:28 PM PST DARIEN — The 2019 FCIAC Girls Hockey Tournament semifinals saw Greenwich rally from a late, two-goal deficit on its way to defeating Darien in overtime, but the Blue Wave returned the favor when they met the Cardinals Wednesday night with another berth in the conference finals at stake. This time Darien held on to its slim, third-period lead, held off Greenwich and made it back to a game it has been successful in during previous seasons — the FCIAC final. A second-period goal from senior Colleen Cassidy and 29 saves from sophomore goalie Claire Haupt sparked second-seeded Darien to a dramatic 1-0 victory over third-seeded Greenwich at Darien Ice House. The win propelled Darien into the championship game of the FCIAC Tournament, where it will face top-seeded rival New Canaan on Saturday at 3:50 p.m. in Darien. Winners of five FCIAC titles, the Blue Wave last captured the conference crown in 2016. Wednesday night's matchup was the third meeting between the Cardinals and Blue Wave, with Darien emerging victorious twice. Darien skated to a 2-0 win over GHS on Dec. 11, before dropping a 3-1 decison last month.
Darien reacts after it took a 1-0 lead against Greenwich in the FCIAC Tournament semifinals on Wednesday night, February 26, 2020, in Darien. Darien reacts after it took a 1-0 lead against Greenwich in the FCIAC Tournament semifinals on Wednesday night, February 26, 2020, in Darien. "We do a lot of things really, really well, but I think we have to figure out how to score more goals," Darien coach Jamie Tropsa said. "But other than that, I was very happy with our effort. We skated hard, we backchecked hard — we did a lot of little things really well tonight. To hold a team like that scoreless is impressive." Like Haupt, Greenwich senior Jessica Ware was also effective in goal, making 24 saves. The only time the puck snuck past Ware came during a scramble situation in front of the net. Positioned in front of the goal, after skating hard down the left wing, Cassidy got her stick on the puck off a rebound, just as Ware was attempting to gather the puck. A Cardinals defender fell to the ice in front of Ware and Cassidy pushed the puck inside the left post, with several players in front, making it 1-0 at the 8:03 mark of the second period. "It was a pretty hectic situation in front of the net," Cassidy said of her game-winning goal. "It was really all three of us, all the forwards, in front of the net, pushing, pushing, pushing, until the whistle was blowing. It was a collective effort by the whole team." Greenwich threatened to tally the equalizer in the third period, thanks going on a two power-plays. Senior forward Emma Wingrove tested Haupt from the left wing with 5:30 remaining in the third period, then had another chance at the 3:23 mark. Sydney Orszulak, a senior defender, also registered several shots on goal from the point, but Haupt held the Cards scoreless. "The defense played amazing," Haupt said. "I always think of it like I have to put my full trust in them. I know they always have my back through everything. They were great throughout the penalty killing and I couldn't have done it without them. They always cleared the puck out." The Cardinals held a 13-9 shots-on-goal advantage during a scoreless first period, with Wingrove, sophomore Lexi Danielson and senior Katie Piotrzkowski applying pressure in Darien's zone. Junior Catherine Martin, senior Cate Droogan and senior Carolyn Clark worked especially hard for Darien defensively to keep the game tied. "Our defense always cleared the puck out," Haupt said. "They did a really nice job. It was definitely really stressful for me at the end of the game, but I looked at it like I had already gotten through almost three periods, I just needed to get through a few more minutes." Said Orszulak: "Overall, we played pretty well, but we need to be more persistent with our little puck battles. We need to be first to the puck all the time, so we will have more opportunities to score." PLAYERS OF THE GAME Haupt was clutch in goal for the Blue Wave, who are peaking at the right time. "She covered the puck well and made some big saves," Tropsa said. "She did a lot of things really well." Cassidy seized the opportunity that came her way in front of the net, tallying the game's only goal. Senior forward Kit Arrix also ignited the victors throughout. TOUGH TO SCORE ON Greenwich has experienced trouble scoring against Darien the past two seasons. The Cardinals were shut out against Darien this past December and were blanked twice last season. "They are well coached and they play great defense," GHS coach Alex Lerchen said of Darien. "They make smart plays when they have to. Tonight, it kind of seemed like we were chasing the puck quite a bit. We were giving them too many opportunities for rushes by slapping the puck away." Added Orszulak: "For some reason, we don't get as many shots off agains them as we do other teams." QUOTABLE "We did our best and worked really hard," Piotrzkowski said. "We came out with a strong start and they worked hard as well. I think we just need to put away more goals. It could have gone either way and we have nothing to hang our heads about. They're an amazing opponent and it's always a good game when we play them." Said Cassidy: "There was a lot of drama and intensity out there. We have known some players on Greenwich for the longest time and once we get out there it becomes a different game. We really put in the hard work out there." NOT DONE YET The loss didn't end the Cardinals' season. They still have the state tournament to look forward to. "We are definitely going to take this game as motivation for the state tournament," Wingrove said. "We are hungry to win the state title and we are not going to get knocked out like we did today. It just didn't go our way today." FAMILIAR FOES IN FINALS The last time Darien and New Canaan met in the conference championship game was 2016, but the two squads have already faced each other twice this season, splitting the two matchups. "It's going to be a really exciting game against New Canaan," Cassidy said. "It is a familiar feeling playing them and we are just going to go out there, with momentum coming off a great win and have the same positive attitude as always." Added Tropsa: "It's going to be another battle with them too. Greenwich, New Canaan, Darien — it's good hockey." "Goal" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 09:30PM Colleen Cassidy's second-period goal lifted Darien past Greenwich in FCIAC girls hockey tournament semifinals - Greenwich Time "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
【公演中止のお知らせ】「韓国エンターテインメントFLYING」 - 朝日新聞 Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:19 PM PST ![]() ※ 配信会社から提供された企業や団体等のプレスリリースを原文のまま掲載しており、朝日新聞社が取材・執筆した記事ではありません。お問い合わせは、各情報配信元にお願いいたします。 画像 : 新型コロナウイルス感染症が世界規模で拡大している現状ですが、その感染拡大を防ぐため、当協会が招聘・主催を予定しておりました「韓国エンターテインメントFLYING」日本公演を中止させていただくことになりました。 【公演中止のお知らせ】「韓国エンターテインメントFLYING」|NEWS : "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース February 26, 2020 at 11:09PM 【公演中止のお知らせ】「韓国エンターテインメントFLYING」 - 朝日新聞 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
That Viral 'Shallow' Singer Who Stunned the Internet Has Blessed Us With a Full Performance - TIME Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:06 PM PST Charlotte Awbery blew the internet's collective mind earlier this month when she challenged Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga for the best version of "Shallow", the Oscar-winning song from their 2018 remake of A Star Is Born. Now, Awbery is back to defend her viral fame with a full performance. It all started with Awbery simply making her way through a subway tunnel when she suddenly had a microphone and camera shoved in her face. It was part of British comedian Kevin Freshwater's video series called "Finish the Lyric" where he walks up to random passerby and after he sings a few lines of a popular song, he challenges them to complete the verses. Awbery was understandably taken aback by her sudden appearance in the spotlight, but gamely played along. At first she tentatively sang the first few lines of Lady Gaga's verse, but soon belted out the chorus with astonishing results. Awbery's performance was so unexpected that after Freshwater shared the video on Facebook, it quickly went viral and Awbery rose to internet fame. On Wednesday, Awbery proved the video was no fluke. She appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and performed "Shallow" in its entirety. The performance earned Awbery a standing ovation from the audience, and cheers from Freshwater who was in the audience to watch. DeGeneres then gave the woman not only a bigger audience for her talent, but £10,000 (a little more than $10,000 ), and, naturally, a subway pass good for an entire year, just in case someone else is lurking with a microphone. "viral" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 11:04AM That Viral 'Shallow' Singer Who Stunned the Internet Has Blessed Us With a Full Performance - TIME "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Malaysia's economy could miss out on a much-needed boost because it has no government - CNBC Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:44 PM PST ![]() A man sets up a Malaysian flag outside his shop in Kuala Lumpur. Jimin Lai | AFP | Getty Images Malaysia's weak economy needs a boost as the new coronavirus outbreak threatens to slow it down even more — but it isn't clear it can get the support it needs given the latest political upheaval in the country. Mahathir Mohamad, a 94-year-old veteran politician, unexpectedly resigned as Malaysia's prime minister this week. Events that followed his resignation broke apart the coalition of parties that was governing the country. Such developments have come at a time when many of Malaysia's regional neighbors have announced, or are planning, stimulus packages worth billions of dollars to support their economies through the coronavirus outbreak. Singapore last week announced what some economists said is its largest government deficit yet to help businesses and households manage economic challenges from the coronavirus outbreak. Further afield, Hong Kong on Wednesday also announced spending that will lead to a record deficit, including cash handouts of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars ($1,283) to residents age 18 and above. Asian economies, including Malaysia, are among the most exposed to China, where a fast-spreading coronavirus disease and the government's effort to contain it have crippled manufacturing capacity, consumer spending and overseas travels. Some economists have questioned the Malaysian economy's ability to withstand the current slowdown if political uncertainties drag on. "When and how this political crisis will be resolved will be key to Malaysia's ability to navigate both domestic and external economic weakness," Trinh Nguyen, an economist from French investment bank Natixis, wrote in a Tuesday note. She added that "limited political space" to support the economy amid the virus outbreak means that Malaysia's growth could slow to 3.6% this year from 4.3% in 2019. Wellian Wiranto, an economist from Singapore's OCBC Bank, agreed that Malaysia's economy "will suffer more than it already has" if the political situation is not resolved soon. "The economy was already reeling from a slowdown even before the threat of global pandemic stares at us. Now, the outlook may dim further, with investment activities likely to be hit the most, if the uncertainty persists," he wrote in a Wednesday note. Next government likely to be weakMalaysia's latest political upheaval was sparked by Mahathir's sudden resignation on Monday, which set off events that broke apart the Pakatan Harapan ruling coalition that unexpectedly won the 2018 general elections. Mahathir was then appointed interim prime minister by the Malaysian king to oversee administrative matters in the country until a new premier and cabinet emerged. The 94-year-old also initially had the backing from all political factions to continue leading the country, but that has changed. While Mahathir still has support from some members of parliament, the different political factions have thrown up other names of whom they want as prime minister. None of the possible prime minister picks have the backing of 112 members of parliament — the simple majority needed to lead and form a government in Malaysia. Political analysts said the country is set to move into uncharted territory: To be governed by a weaker government with minority support in parliament or head into a snap election. Those are unprecedented situations for Malaysia but common in larger democracies, such as in Denmark and the U.K., said Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, a political science professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia. But even with a snap election, it isn't clear that any political factions have the upper hand to secure a decisive win to form a strong government, analysts said. So, regardless of who becomes Malaysia's next leader, that person faces an "uphill battle" to get the country back on track, said Tricia Yeoh, a fellow at think tank Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs. The new government "will be inheriting the problems in the economy," Yeoh told CNBC's Martin Soong in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. "Whatever solutions they come up with will also be difficult because ... they will be coming in as a relatively weak government," she added. Top stories - Google News February 26, 2020 at 10:20PM Malaysia's economy could miss out on a much-needed boost because it has no government - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:28 PM PST CUPERTINO — Santa Cruz High sophomore soccer talent Julia Moore may be small, but she packs a punch. Homestead learned that in the Central Coast Section Division II semifinals Wednesday, after Moore produced her second goal — the winning goal — in the 79th minute of a the Cardinals' 3-2 victory. And teammate Summer Laskey learned that, too, literally. Laskey was flattened by Moore as she leaped into her arms during the post-goal celebration. The Cardinals sprinted in to not only join the celebration, but to check to see if their teammates were injured. Laskey and the Cardinals are more than alive, they're in the final for a second straight year under coach Jay Gomez. The No. 3 seed Cardinals (15-3-5) — the runner-up to Aptos in the Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League — play in Saturday's championship against either No. 4 South San Francisco (15-3-2) or No. 1 Capuchino (14-3-4). The site and time haven't yet been announced by the CCS. "It's awesome," Moore said. "It's cool that we've come this far from where we left off. And now we're right back at it." Santa Cruz, in a final for the 10th time in school history, is seeking its sixth CCS title and first since 2010. "We've been talking about preparing for this moment, this friction, and the goal was fantastic," Gomez said. "That was fun to see. I'm happy for them." It's the second straight game the Cardinals pulled off late-game heroics to extend their season. They eliminated No. 6 Leland in 4-3 in overtime in Saturday's quarterfinals. And it's the second straight year the Cardinals narrowly ousted the Mustangs. Santa Cruz prevailed in a penalty-kick shootout in the 2019 quarterfinals after finishing regulation tied at 1-all. Mustangs coach John Luotto was on the far side of the pitch during the winning strike. As the play unfolded, he knew it wasn't looking good for his team. "I don't think I'm allowed to say the word," Luotto said of what went through his head, "something like, 'Oh shoot.' I've been watching the game for 60 years, you know. It's like, 'OK, this might not end well.' " Homestead jumped out to the lead in the 28th minute, when a clear attempt a shot from Ella Goodwin — which likely would've sailed wide left — was redirected into the net, past goalie Victoria Jones. Santa Cruz, which shined in the opening and closing 12 minutes of the first half, tied the score 1-all on blast from Moore in traffic from 30 yards out in the 30th minute. She has 12 goals this season. But any momentum gained was lost during halftime. Homestead controlled the attack early in the second half, taking the lead for a second time after Fabiola Zamora avoided a hand-ball violation while gathering a pass from Adele Basturk and sending a missile past Jones in the 45th minute. But it could've been more for the Mustangs. "I thought our girls played really well," Luotto said. "I was proud of them. Certainly most of the second half, they took it to Santa Cruz, a wonderful team, but they took it to them. Soccer can be a cruel game sometimes. The ball bounces in a funny way. And when you lose focus for a minute against good players and good teams, they'll make you pay. … You need to solve the final third, right?" Whether it was Santa Cruz getting used to Homestead's physical play, the refreshing breeze that kicked up on the 75-degree afternoon, or the pure desire to extend the season one more game, the Cardinals woke up. "It was hot out, but same conditions; they were playing what we were playing," Moore said. "It really took the whole team tonight. It wasn't just a couple of us. It took every single player. So that made a big difference." In their first real threat of the second half, the Cardinals drew a foul on the right side of the pitch, just outside of the box. Jasmine Nguyen took the free kick and sent it to the far past, where senior Jaden Moore headed it in to knot the score at 2-all. She was one happy player after tallying her eight goal of the year. Jaden missed last postseason with an ACL tear, so she was a bit animated after scoring the equalizer, her eighth goal of the year. "Her reaction, we can all tell how much it meant," Julia Moore said. "We knew we were still in this match. That was really cool to experience." Jaden Moore said she wants to head to college with a CCS championship medal. "This year, I really want to win CCS," she said. The Cardinals were steady on the attack the remainder of the way, giving up a few counter attacks and shots Jones pounced on. The goalie made five saves in the second half. Santa Cruz nearly scored goals in the 73rd and 77th minutes. Nguyen had her shot from 26 yards out hit the crossbar and, four minutes later, Mustangs goalie Taylor Ortiz stopped one-on-one attempt Laskey, which was set up by Jade Hays. Julie Moore didn't miss in the 79th. "I think it's about the journey and not the destination," Gomez said of his team's late-game production. "I think we're staying in the moment and continuing to fight and to claw and to grind." That didn't always happed in SCCAL play this season, he pointed out. He continued: "I think we're taking some good experience and putting it to good use here — at the best time." The ScoreSanta Cruz 3, Homestead 2 "Goal" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 08:33PM Julia Moore's final-minute goal rallies Santa Cruz past Homestead in D-II semifinals | CCS girls soccer - Santa Cruz Sentinel "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Victim Identified in Viral Video Filmed in San Francisco’s Bayview - NBC Bay Area Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:06 PM PST ![]() Police in San Francisco announced Wednesday they've identified a man seen in a widely shared viral video, who was the victim of a robbery in The video, released Sunday, shows an elderly Asian man being robbed of the recyclables he had collected at a San Francisco Housing Authority complex on Osceola Lane. During the alleged robbery, several bystanders appear to laugh at and taunt the victim, and at least one person can be heard saying, "I hate Asians." Police haven't revealed how old the victim is or his name, but said the case remains under investigation. Police also said a second video has surfaced of the robbery, showing the victim talking to two private security officers. Officers are in touch with the representatives of the security company that patrols the public housing in the area, according to police. Police haven't released any information about the suspects in the robbery. During Tuesday's San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting, supervisors denounced the robbery. Supervisor Gordon Mar called the robbery "shocking and racially-fueled." Board President Norman Yee said, "What I find most deplorable about this incident was the anti-Asian sentiment that was spewed and the fact that there were was a group of bystanders that did nothing to help him. In these dark times, we cannot stand by idly and tolerate this behavior." Supervisor Shamann Walton, whose supervisorial district includes the Bayview, said he's working closely with Bayview Police Station Captain Troy Dangerfield on the case. Anyone with information about the robbery is being asked to call police's anonymous tip line at 415-575-4444 or to text a tip to TIP411 with SFPD at the beginning of the message. "viral" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 07:28PM Victim Identified in Viral Video Filmed in San Francisco's Bayview - NBC Bay Area "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:14 PM PST The actress was wrapped up in the "Varsity Blues" college admissions scandal.Lori Loughlin's lawyers seized on the news Wednesday that "Varsity Blues" mastermind Rick Singer once complained that the FBI was making him lie to bolster the government's case, according to a new court document, proclaiming that it showed the actress was innocent of bribery charges. In iPhone notes taken by Singer -- who pleaded guilty to racketeering and fraud in connection with the college admission scandal last year -- and shared between Singer and his defense attorney before he decided to cooperate with federal authorities, he claims the FBI wanted him "to tell a fib." Singer relates a discussion with FBI agents to his lawyer, saying, "Loud and abrasive call with agents. They continue to ask me to tell a fib and not restate what I told my clients as to where there (sic) money was going -- to the program not the coach and that it was a donation and they want it to be a payment." Loughlin's lawyers pointed to the new evidence that emerged Wednesday to say their client, and her fashion designer husband, are innocent of the charges filed against them in the "Varsity Blues" scandal. Sean M. Berkowitz, the lawyer for the "Full House" actress and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, asked to postpone the setting of a trial date until ongoing evidence disputes can be decided, according to the Wednesday filing. "This afternoon, less than 24 hours before the status conference at which the Court intended to set trial dates in this mater, the Government for the very first time produced in discovery Brady information that is not only exculpatory, but exonerating for the Defendants the Government has charged with bribery," Berkowitz wrote in the filing. "That discovery consists of Rick Singer's written notes contemporaneously memorializing his discussions with FBI investigators about recorded phone calls that they directed him to make to his clients in order to induce inculpatory statements to be used against those clients in subsequent criminal prosecutions." "Singer's notes indicate that FBI agents yelled at him and instructed him to lie by saying that he told his clients who participated in the alleged 'side door' scheme that their payments were bribes, rather than legitimate donations that went to the schools," Berkowitz wrote in the filing. Loughlin's defense has centered on the fact that she says she thought she was making proper donations to the University of Southern California instead of a bribe. The message was set aside for review by a government taint team because it was initially flagged as subject to attorney-client privilege. When the taint team recently determined it was not privileged, the U.S. Attorney's Office released it to defense attorneys, according to a source familiar with the case. While the message was disclosed to all defendants, the source said it applies only to one, unknown defendant. Prosecutors believe the new information won't make a difference, according to a source, who said the notes were Singer's interpretation of his interaction with the FBI -- what the source called "a con man's interpretation." Loughlin and Giannulli have been charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud, as well as conspiracy to commit money laundering. They have pleaded not guilty. According to the indictment, Loughlin and Giannulli allegedly paid $500,000 in bribes to Singer in exchange for having their daughters, Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose Giannulli, designated as recruits for USC's crew team even though neither had ever participated in the sport. Michelle Janavs, whose family developed Hot Pockets before selling the company, was sentenced Tuesday to five months in prison for her role in the college admissions scandal. ABC News' Bill Hutchinson contributed to this report. "Actress" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 07:22PM Lori Loughlin's lawyers claim new evidence exonerates actress, fashion designer husband in admissions scandal - ABC News "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
'Old Man Steve,' 81, goes viral on TikTok with sweet and simple cooking videos - Fox News Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:06 PM PST Now that's wholesome. An 81-year-old-turned-TikTok's-collective-grandpa is going viral for his simple cooking videos and short comedy clips. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTER ![]() Stephen Austin of Fort Worth, Texas, has won over viewers on TikTok with his sweet and simple cooking videos. (Kennedy News) Stephen Austin of Fort Worth, Texas, has won over viewers on the video-sharing platform with his cooking videos, which show him making pancakes, sandwiches and cereal, among other simple dishes. Along with his culinary videos, the octogenarian also uploads silly shorts of him playing other characters. Austin's page, titled Old Man Steve, has pulled in more than 582,000 followers and 5.1 million likes. Most of his videos average hundreds of thousands of views, but a particularly popular video of him giving a lesson on how to bake frozen biscuits has so far amassed 8.5 million views. WOMAN DROPS 112 POUNDS, WINS BEAUTY PAGEANT AFTER FIANCÉ DUMPED HER FOR BEING TOO FAT The retiree, who has started calling his snippets "Cooking with Steve," is pleased so many people like his content, saying it makes him feel "loved." CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP "As I have no children or grandkids, this has been such a joy to me and it makes me feel not so alone and loved," he said, Daily Mail reported. "Most of the comments say they love me and I'm the best thing on TikTok. I feel very blessed," he added, noting many of the comments he receives on the platform are from fans asking him "to be their grandpa." Austin acknowledges the young audience on TikTok, stating most people who use the app "dance around or do some sort of physical stuff," which he can't do. So he's happy he was able to carve out a niche with his "Cooking with Steve" clips. ![]() Previously, Stephen Austin had used Vine, a social media service which has since been discontinued, as well as a YouTube page. He teaches himself how to use each new application on his iPhone. (Kennedy News) FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE FOX LIFESTYLE NEWS "Since I don't really cook, I just do simple stuff, like toasting some bread and simple fare, I never could have imagined having this many followers," he said. "[But] people seem to like it." The entertainer, whose grandfather used to be in vaudeville, has kept up with social media trends. Previously he used Vine, a social media service which has since been discontinued, and a YouTube page. He says he teaches himself how to use each new application on his iPhone. "I'm self-taught as far as doing my video work on the camera and lighting and such and understanding how to do TikTok. If I don't understand something, I Google it or see if a video on YouTube has a subject on it," he said. "viral" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 11:28AM 'Old Man Steve,' 81, goes viral on TikTok with sweet and simple cooking videos - Fox News "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Globe braces for long battle against virus as cases spread - St. Albert Today Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:44 PM PST |
CCL wrap: Stoppage-time GK goal saves Tigres; Henry’s Montreal grinds it out - Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:28 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] CCL wrap: Stoppage-time GK goal saves Tigres; Henry's Montreal grinds it out"Goal" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 07:15PM CCL wrap: Stoppage-time GK goal saves Tigres; Henry's Montreal grinds it out - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Ovechkin 700-goal tribute video a real tear-jerker (watch) - 106.7 FM The Fan Radio Station Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:28 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Ovechkin 700-goal tribute video a real tear-jerker (watch) 106.7 FM The Fan Radio Station"Goal" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 11:34AM Ovechkin 700-goal tribute video a real tear-jerker (watch) - 106.7 FM The Fan Radio Station "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Saudi Arabia launches women's football league - News - Khaleej Times Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST ![]() Saudi sports authorities have launched a women's football league, the latest extravaganza in the kingdom. The first season of the SR500,000 ($133,000) league for women over 17 will be staged in the cities of Jeddah, Riyadh and Dammam, the government-run Saudi Sports for All Federation said on Tuesday, February 25. "The launch of the (league) bolsters women's participation in sports at the community level and will generate increased recognition for women's sports achievements," the federation said. The country is now seeking to boost women's participation in sports. Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, Saudi Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence has introduced a series of reforms including allowing concerts, reopening cinemas, and lifting a prohibition on women driving as part of a modernisation drive. Top stories - Google News February 25, 2020 at 11:31AM Saudi Arabia launches women's football league - News - Khaleej Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Coronavirus live updates: US raises travel advisory for South Korea as cases cross 1,500 - CNBC Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST ![]() This is a live blog. Please check back for updates. All times below are in Beijing time. 10:06 am: JetBlue scraps change and cancellation fees because of coronavirus in a US firstJetBlue Airways in a surprise move Wednesday became the first U.S. carrier to cut its change and cancellation fees for travelers concerned about the coronavirus. The budget carrier's unusual measure, which could pressure other airlines to follow suit, comes during steep drop in airline stocks as investors fret over the spread of the virus. — Leslie Josephs 9:51 am: US raises travel alert level for South KoreaThe U.S. State Department raised its travel advisory for South Korea, from level 2 to level 3, which means "reconsider travel." It cited the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea. That comes days after the U.S. CDC also raised its alert level for travel to South Korea, which means "avoid non-essential travel," as there's widespread community transmission. Infections in South Korea have been surging in the past week. As of Thursday morning, it reported a jump of 334 cases. (see 9:05am update) 9:30 am: CDC confirms first possible 'community spread' coronavirus case in US9:25 am: China reports 433 more casesChina's National Health Commission said there were 433 new confirmed cases and 29 additional deaths as of Feb. 26. Of the new cases, 409 were in Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak. 26 of the 29 deaths were in Hubei. That brings the country's total to 78,497 cases, and 2,744 deaths. 9:16 am: US and South Korea to postpone drills indefinitelyThe U.S. and South Korea have postponed joint military drills until further notice, according to Reuters, citing defense officials in Seoul. The decision comes as the outbreak continues to spread in South Korea. (see 9:05 am update). On Wednesday, the U.S. military said a soldier based in South Korea has been infected — the first American service member to test positive for the new coronavirus. 9:05 am: South Korea reports 334 more casesSouth Korea confirmed a surge of 334 more cases on Thursday morning, bringing the country's total to 1,595, according to its Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There were a total of 12 deaths as of Thursday morning, but no new fatalities. More than half of coronavirus cases in the country have been traced back to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Daegu, the country's fourth-largest city. 8:58 am: US colleges cancel study abroad programsIn the face of a global health emergency, thousands of U.S. college students studying abroad are scrambling. As the coronavirus spreads through northern Italy, some schools, including Syracuse University and New York University, announced they were closing their campuses in Florence immediately. All Seton Hall University spring study abroad trips are also cancelled, according to a tweet by the university. Italy is second only to the U.K. as the most popular destination to study abroad, according to data from the Institute of International Education, which has tracked the flow of international students since 1919. However, in recent years, China has also become a popular destination for American students, it said. 8:18 am: Japan dives more than 1% as US markets continue to slideJapan markets slid for the third day this week, as Wall Street also continued tumbling as virus fears continue to grow. The Nikkei 225 fell 1.31% in early trade, while the Topix declined 1.27%. Dow futures traded fell 170 points and indicated a loss of nearly 200 points at Thursday's open. 7:46 am: IMF, World Bank considering scaling back meetings or holding them remotelyThe International Monetary Fund and the World Bank could hold their April Spring Meetings remotely or even scale them back amid the growing coronavirus outbreak, Reuters reported, citing sources. The Spring Meetings are scheduled for April 17 to 19, and 10,000 government officials and other delegates globally are set to gather in Washington D.C. All times below are in Eastern time. 7:20 pm: Trump says schools should prepare pandemic plans 'just in case'President Donald Trump said schools should start preparing their pandemic plans as a precaution in case the COVID-19 outbreak that's rapidly spreading through Asia, Europe and the Middle East takes hold in the U.S. "Every aspect of our society should be prepared. I don't think it's going to come to that," Trump said. "I think schools should be preparing, get ready just in case. The words are just in case. We don't think we're going to be there. We don't think we're going to be anywhere close." Watch the press conference here. —Kopecki 6:50 pm: Trump says coronavirus risk to the American people 'remains very low'President Donald Trump addressed the nation on the coronavirus outbreak, saying the risk to the American public "remains very low." Trump said Vice President Mike Pence will be heading up the U.S. response to any outbreak in the country. Trump announced the news conference in a tweet Wednesday morning, shortly after returning from a state visit to India where he downplayed the threat of the virus to the U.S. "We're really down to probably 10″ cases, Trump told reporters there. The CDC has confirmed 60 cases in the U.S., 45 of which are patients who were repatriated from Wuhan, China or the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was quarantined off the coast of Japan and are excluded from its official count. Watch the press conference here. —Breuninger 5:47 pm: Germany says it can't trace cases and is heading for an epidemicGermany is at the beginning of a coronavirus epidemic after new cases sprung up that can no longer be traced to the virus's original source in China, Health Minister Jens Spahn said. A total of five new cases of coronavirus in the west and south of Germany — taking the country's total to around 20 — meant the disease appeared to be moving to a new phase, Spahn told a news conference, urging health authorities and employers to review their pandemic planning. 4:40 pm: Booking Holdings warns coronavirus will hit Q1 revenueOnline travel giant Booking Holdings said the outbreak of coronavirus will damp travel demand and drive down sales in the first quarter. The company, which operates, airfare-search site and others said its revenue could fall by as much as 9% on the year in the first quarter. It expects travel bookings to drop by 10% to 15%. "The coronavirus has had a significant and negative impact across our business during the 1st quarter. It is not possible to predict where, and to what degree, outbreaks of the coronavirus will disrupt travel patterns," the company said in an earnings filing. The company said its forecast included wider ranges than usual because of the "high level of uncertainty in forecasting the coronavirus and its associated impact on the company and the travel industry generally." —Josephs 12:15 pm: CDC confirms 59 US casesThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed 59 cases in the U.S., a majority of which came from passengers repatriated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was quarantined off the coast of Japan. The CDC updated its case count on its website late Tuesday. The data shows that 42 of the cases are attributed to the cruise ship, three patients were infected in Wuhan and later evacuated to the U.S. and the rest were largely infected while traveling overseas. Just two cases were contracted through person-to-person contact in the U.S., the CDC said. —Kopecki Read CNBC's coverage from the U.S. overnight: U.S. confirms new case, Germany says its at the beginning of an epidemic — CNBC's Dawn Kopecki, Berkeley Lovelace Jr. and William Feuer contributed to this report. Top stories - Google News February 26, 2020 at 04:11PM Coronavirus live updates: US raises travel advisory for South Korea as cases cross 1,500 - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Blind Man's Mobile Home Stolen in Venango County - Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:17 PM PST ![]() James Harley says his mobile home on Georgetown Road was stolen in December. He's still hoping police can make an arrest and find his property. It's an unusual case. Harley purchased the mobile home 6 years ago from the owner of a bait shop next door. He owned the trailer, but the land where it sat still belonged to the owner of the bait shop. Last fall, the owner told Harley to move his mobile home out. She had plans to build a huge three stall garage on that site. Harley had trouble arranging for the move. In fact, he moved into a temporary home while making the arrangements to move his trailer. However, one day in December the mobile home was suddenly gone. Polk Borough Police are treating the case as a theft. Chief Ed Sharp says he interviewed neighbors who said an unknown crew spent three days preparing for the removal. He says a PennDOT permit is required for such a move but one was not obtained. The new garage has been built where Harley's home once stood. Chief Sharp says when he interviewed the bait shop owner, she told him she has no idea who hauled that home away. "Mobile" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 02:02PM Blind Man's Mobile Home Stolen in Venango County - "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Saudi Arabia Arms Its Vision 2030 With an Investment Ministry - Stratfor Worldview Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:44 PM PST Snapshots Feb 25, 2020 | 22:07 GMT Riyadh's new office will be led by former Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih, who may push back on the kingdom's expensive megaprojects like he did with the Saudi Aramco IPO.... TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE Preview Some FREE Worldview Articles Below:Connected ContentRegions & Countries Copyright © Stratfor Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved. Top stories - Google News February 25, 2020 at 02:07PM Saudi Arabia Arms Its Vision 2030 With an Investment Ministry - Stratfor Worldview Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
City eyes changes for Mobile Mardi Gras 2021 - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:17 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] City eyes changes for Mobile Mardi Gras 2021 NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 03:43PM City eyes changes for Mobile Mardi Gras 2021 - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump puts Mike Pence in charge of response to coronavirus, says US risk 'remains very low' - CNBC Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST ![]() Vice President Mike Pence will be put in charge of the U.S. response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday in an address from the White House. Trump, speaking without prepared remarks in a rare appearance at the briefing room podium, maintained that the risk to the U.S. from the virus "remains very low," amid global fears that a pandemic could be imminent. The spread of the disease in the U.S. isn't "inevitable," Trump said, though he noted that it's possible that "it could get fairly substantially worse." A day earlier, federal health officials said the spread of the virus was "inevitable." But the U.S. is ready for "anything," Trump said, including an outbreak "of larger proportions." Trump said he would be putting Pence, who has "a certain talent for this," in charge of the response. The president claimed that his veep's experience with health care policy as governor of Indiana made him a good fit for the role. Pence will be in charge of coordinating the medical and other professionals working to keep the virus at bay in the U.S., Trump said. Trump announced the news conference in a tweet Wednesday morning, shortly after returning from a state visit to India where he downplayed the threat of the virus to the U.S. "We're really down to probably 10" cases, Trump told reporters there. The president also sowed some confusion in India, when he said "we're very close to a vaccine" — a claim that the White House said was made in reference to the Ebola virus, not the coronavirus. Around noon Wednesday, the CDC had confirmed 60 coronavirus cases in the U.S., a majority of which came from passengers repatriated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was quarantined off the coast of Japan. The agency also confirmed the first possible "community spread" of the coronavirus in the U.S., found in a patient in California. The CDC doesn't know exactly how the patient contracted the virus. From its epicenter in Wuhan in China's Hubei province, the virus has spread to nearly every corner of the globe, killing more than 2,700 people and infecting tens of thousands more. Hours before the presser was scheduled to begin, Politico reported that the White House was considering appointing a coronavirus czar. The White House denied the report, and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said that he didn't anticipate a czar being appointed. "Mike's not a czar," Trump said when asked about his decision to put Pence in charge of the response to the coronavirus. "This isn't a czar ... I have very talented people. I want to use them on this." Azar told reporters in the briefing room that he is still the chairman of the coronavirus task force. He said he is "delighted" to have Pence "helping" him on the plan. Trump has rarely appeared in the James S. Brady Briefing Room, where White House press secretaries have traditionally fielded questions from the press. The last official press briefing, however, was nearly a year ago during the tenure of former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The current press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, has never held an official press briefing. The Trump administration has taken numerous steps in response to the virus, such as declaring a public health emergency and imposing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines. And White House officials, along with Trump himself, have worked to ease fears of a pandemic that have rattled governments and investors around the world. Azar testified before Congress on Wednesday that the administration's response to the coronavirus "has been the smoothest interagency process I've experienced in my 20 years of dealing with public health emergencies." A day earlier, National Economic Director Larry Kudlow told CNBC that "We have contained this. I won't say [it's] airtight, but it's pretty close to airtight." Kudlow's comments contrasted with a CDC official who said that "Current global circumstances suggest it's likely this virus will cause a pandemic." The administration's comments have failed to calm markets in recent trading sessions, however. Stocks plunged Monday and Tuesday in the largest two-day sell-off in years. After initially clawing back some ground on Wednesday, the Dow Jones industrial average once again fell into the red to end the trading session. Trump was angered by the CDC's briefing Tuesday, CNBC reported. Democratic leaders and presidential candidates have criticized the Trump administration's response to the outbreak. On Monday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., slammed the Trump administration's $2.5 billion coronavirus budget request as "too little too late." Schumer said Wednesday that $8.5 billion was needed to fight the outbreak in the U.S. Trump shot back at his critics during the news conference at the White House on Wednesday night. "If they want to give us more money, we'll take more money," he said. Top stories - Google News February 26, 2020 at 03:43PM Trump puts Mike Pence in charge of response to coronavirus, says US risk 'remains very low' - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:36 PM PST Expert says social media challenge is dangerous for childrenDETROIT – Kathleen DeJesus had no idea when she got hurt that she was an unknowing participant in the latest social media challenge. "I was thinking -- I feel like I was going to die," DeJesus said. DeJesus, 13, of Massachusetts, was rushed from her middle school to the hospital after an incident in her gym class. "I was paralyzed," she said. "I felt I had a concussion. I was numb. I couldn't feel my legs, my foot, my hands, nothing." The challenge she found herself a part of is called the "skull breaker challenge," and it's circulating on social media platforms such as Tik Tok. In the challenge, three people jump, except the two on the outside don't actually jump, instead they try to kick the legs out from under the middle person. "It's very frightening," said Dr. Lasonia Barlow, clinical psychologist at the Detroit Medical Center. "I'm surprised it's not more injuries as a result of it." Barlow said parents need to talk to their children about what they see online. "It is better to have those conversations, because if they haven't seen it, chances are, they have friends that have told them about such things as the skull breaking challenge or any type of risky behavior," Barlow said. She said children should know risky behavior is something that can potentially cause them to be harmed or injured. She recommends letting children know the consequences of their actions if they attempt this challenge or other challenges. Barlow said children and teenagers should get hard guidance and parents need to explain the behavior is not appropriate and set boundaries for them. She said that's important because adolescents can be impulsive. They want to be included with their peers, and their brains are still developing. "The brain development is a big problem because they can't contemplate whether something is dangerous or not. Or, rather something is risky or not. So, they don't know," Barlow said. When it comes to the consequences of the skull breaker challenge, Dr. Frank McGeorge said the consequences can be dire. "The injuries could be very minor or they could be major and the problem is kids see things online and they just the stunt but what they don't see is their friend going to the emergency department and spending three days in the ICU because they have a cracked skull," McGeorge said. "I just feel like it needs to stop because it's getting out of hand," DeJesus said. Barlow said social media can definitely be a catalyst for these challenges or risky behavior, which is why it's so important to talk to kids about what's appropriate and what is not appropriate. Copyright 2020 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved. About the Authors:"viral" - Google News February 26, 2020 at 03:02PM Viral 'skull breaker challenge' circulating on social media puts children in danger - WDIV ClickOnDetroit "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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