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- 乃木坂46齋藤飛鳥、爽やか笑顔に胸キュン<TGC2020 S/S - モデルプレス
- 公演中止のL'Arc-en-Ciel「エアライブ」 hyde「一緒に打ち上げしましょう!」 - J-CASTニュース
- 欅坂46渡邉理佐、外ハネヘア&花柄ワンピで春感<TGC2020 S/S> - モデルプレス
- Who are the 11 PKR MPs who have been branded as “Malaysia's traitors”? - CILISOS.MY
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乃木坂46齋藤飛鳥、爽やか笑顔に胸キュン<TGC2020 S/S - モデルプレス Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:53 AM PST |
公演中止のL'Arc-en-Ciel「エアライブ」 hyde「一緒に打ち上げしましょう!」 - J-CASTニュース Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:23 AM PST 公演中止のL'Arc-en-Ciel「エアライブ」 hyde「一緒に打ち上げしましょう!」 - J-CASTニュース ロックバンド・L'Arc-en-Cielのボーカル・hydeさんがツイッター上で行った「エアライブ」が話題を呼んでいる。 L'Arc-en-Cielは2020年2月26日、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響で、8年ぶりの全国ツアー「ARENA TOUR MMXX」の一部公演の中止を発表した。対象となるのは2月28日・29日の横浜アリーナ公演と、3月4日・5日に東京・国立代々木競技場で行われる予定だったツアー最終公演だ。
「リハなう」以降ライブ写真をアップ発表のあった26日、一部のファンがツイッターで「#エアMMXXのタグをつけて盛り上げよう」と呼びかけた。 本来ならファンクラブ会員限定のライブが開催されるはずだった28日、ツイッターでは会場である横浜アリーナに向かっているなどの投稿がされ始め、10時40分ごろには「#エアMMXX」がトレンド入り。まるで実際にライブが開催されるかのような盛り上がりを見せていた。 そして16時半ごろ、hydeさんは「#エアMMXX」のタグを付け、自身のツイッターで「リハなう」と投稿。開始予定時刻の18時半には「Are you f ready LE-CIEL?!」と宣言し、21時20分ごろまでに過去のライブと思われる5枚の写真をアップした。 hydeさんは最終ツイートで、 「どうもありがとう!みんな最高☆ とファンに呼び掛けている。 tetsuyaはファンと交流一方、リーダーのtetsuyaさんは28日の17時台に「tetsuyaパトロールなう」「ヨコアリくん」と自身のツイッターで投稿。インスタグラムのストーリーでは横浜アリーナと思われる場所で、複数のファンと交流する様子をアップした。 メンバーによる思いがけない対応に、ツイッターでは、 「ラルク神対応すぎない?」 といった声が寄せられている。 2020-02-29 07:27:52Z |
欅坂46渡邉理佐、外ハネヘア&花柄ワンピで春感<TGC2020 S/S> - モデルプレス Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:03 AM PST 欅坂46渡邉理佐、外ハネヘア&花柄ワンピで春感<TGC2020 S/S> - モデルプレス 欅坂46の渡邉理佐が、29日に東京・国立代々木競技場第一体育館で開催された「第30回 マイナビ 東京ガールズコレクション 2020 SPRING/SUMMER」(以下:TGC)に出演した。 「earth music&ecology」ステージのトリを飾った渡邉。外ハネヘアにカチューシャを合わせ、白の花柄ワンピース×ベージュのマウンテンパーカー姿で春を感じさせるスタイリングに。TGCのステージを幾度となく踏んでいる渡邉は、時折微笑むなど、この日も堂々とランウェイした。 記念すべき30回目の「TGC」新型コロナウイルスの影響で"異例の無観客開催"記念すべき30回目のTGCは「I ◆ TGC」(※◆はハートマーク)をテーマに聖地・代々木で開催。モデルとして中条あやみ、マギー、藤田ニコルら、メインアーティストとして乃木坂46らが登場する。また今回は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による厚生労働省の発表を受け、異例の無観客開催とし、TGC公式LINEなどで生中継。それに合わせて内容を再構築し"リアル×ソーシャル連動型の生中継イベント"として昇華、リアルイベントでの歓声をSNSでの拡散に変える試みを展開していく。(modelpress編集部)【Not Sponsored 記事】 2020-02-29 06:31:21Z |
Who are the 11 PKR MPs who have been branded as “Malaysia's traitors”? - CILISOS.MY Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:07 PM PST Malaysia was thrown into a state of confusion and political instability this week, when Dr Mahathir Mohamad abruptly announced his resignation as Prime Minister on Monday, and subsequently got appointed as Interim Prime Minister. And now we don't have a government, even. And that all started with the now infamous Sheraton Move, which resulted in former Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali was fired from PKR, taking 10 other people with him. However, Azmin and co's exit from PKR seemed to be an expectation for a long time coming, given that he's been butting heads with PKR president Anwar Ibrahim for quite some time now. And the party infighting could've come to an end when Azmin and his pals finally bade their farewells. These 11 people have since been branded as "traitors" by some. But actually right, how many of these guys do you really know? We're guessing there are a few gaps in knowledge here, so without further ado… let's introduce you to Azmin's 11! 1. Baru Bian, the only MP CILISOS has traveled withBefore he was a politician, Baru was a lawyer. In 1990, he made partner in his own law firm, Messrs Anthony Ting, Baru Bian & Co. As someone from the Lun Bawang community, he was especially active in advocating for Native Customary Rights. While still practicing law, Baru participated in politics when he joined the now defunct-Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS), a party that advocated for Orang Asli rights. But his membership in PBDS didn't quite work out as later on, PBDS decided to enter an alliance with BN and one of the conditions for the party to join was to stop bringing up NCR issues in the state government. He later went on to become a part of the Sarawak National Party, also defunct now, but then decided to retire from politics after he lost three consecutive elections. But that didn't last long, as Baru came out of retirement after watching BN win GE12 and joined PKR, soon becoming PKR Sarawak chairman and tasting victory when he won a seat in the 2011 Sarawak state by-election. In 2016, CILISOS got the rare opportunity to travel with Baru Bian as he campaigned in Bakelalan. Here's a quote from his wife on that trip.
After GE14 that all changed though, he contested for the seat of Selangau against BN due to Orang Asli issues. After the GE14 upset, he was elected as the Works Minister, making history as the first from the Lun Bawang community to be appointed minister. Baru is known for having a somewhat thorny relationship with Anwar, having been noticeably absent two years in a row at the PKR Conference in Sarawak.
2. Zuraida Kamaruddin, rumoured to join BERSATU with Azmin in.. 2018?Zuraida Kamaruddin started her political career in PKR in 2008 when she won the Ampang seat. However, since then, she's been seen to align herself closely with Azmin. Unlike Azmin who started his political career at a very young age, Zuraida was apparently in the private sector before joining politics. She had roles in various companies like Chuo Senko Advertising, Petronas, and Shin-Etsu. She is also the founder and president of the Women's Institute Research Development and Advancement (WIRDA), an institute that provides counseling and protection to single mothers, youths, refugees, and Muslim converts. And according to some, she's always had the advantage on the grassroots level.
She would end up joining PKR around 2008 and ran for the Ampang MP seat in GE12 and won. Since then, she's retained the Ampang seat for the other two general elections. After PH won majority in GE14, she was elevated to the position of Housing and Local Government Minister. She was also the leader of the PH Women's Wing. Back in 2018, there were already rumours of Azmin moving to BERSATU with 18 other MPs including Zuraida, but she denied them. More recently though, she's been increasingly vocal in her support for Azmin to the point of saying she and Azmin were ready to be sacked from the party. And, um, well, guess they were good to be prepared because they were sacked this week. 3. Saifuddin Abdullah, the former moderate UMNO guy![]() Image from According to Saifuddin himself, he began his political career as youth activist in school by joining rallies and reading about idealism, where he apparently once staged a demonstration in high school. And then he went on to become a student affairs officer in the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), where he'd be responsible for scheduling student body elections and faculty elections.
He became an active member of UMNO in 1986, contesting for the first time for the Temerloh seat in GE12 as an UMNO Supreme Council member – not only did he won, he was also immediately appointed as the Deputy Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister, going on to become the Deputy Higher Education Minister. During his tenure as an UMNO member, Saifuddin's been known to have more moderate views compared to his colleagues, occasionally criticizing his own party for being too conservative. And apparently, the 1MDB scandal was the final straw, and he left UMNO in 2015 to join PKR, immediately becoming the then-opposition's Chief Secretary. Things seemed to be smooth sailing, as he later became the PKR MP for Indera Mahkota and the Foreign Affairs Minister after GE14. He was also one of the MPs who signed a joint statement criticizing Anwar for not standing by Azmin during the sex scandal. 4. Kamarudin Jaffar, Anwar's buddy until Azmin's tape scandal![]() Image from Berita Harian It's believed that Kamarudin started his political career when he joined Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) under Anwar's leadership between 1974 and 1982, and struck a close friendship with him. And when Anwar himself joined UMNO in 1982, it seemed as though Kamarudin joined the party around this time as well. He rose through the ranks and ended up becoming the political secretary of then-Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghafar Baba from 1986 to 1991. For a time, he served as UMNO Youth exco and Kelantan chief, until he switched over to PAS in 1999. That worked out for awhile, as he became the Tumpat MP as a PAS member and has retained his seat since then. However, in 2015, PAS was rife with internal struggles, driving Kamarudin to leave PAS and join the party his close friend founded, PKR. But he didn't bring his voters with him though, as Tumpat stayed with PAS in GE14, while Kamarudin himself won in Bandar Tun Razak as a PKR member. Not only that, for the first time, he was appointed the Deputy Transport Minister. Despite his longstanding friendship with Anwar, it seemed to have come to an end when, like many others, Kamarudin signed a statement criticizing Anwar for calling for Azmin's resignation after Azmin's sex-tape scandal. 5. Mansor Othman, founder of PKR Penang![]() Image from mStar Mansor Othman is another MP who started his political career by becoming Anwar's political secretary while the latter was still Deputy Prime Minister in 1996. However, when Anwar was imprisoned in 1998, Mansor went to Penang and became one of the founders of the PKR branch in Penang. In the 2009 state by-election, he was chosen to run as a state assemblyman of Penang under PKR and won, becoming Penang's Chief Minister for the next five years. And then he went on to run for the parliamentary seat of Nibong Tebal in GE13, managing to wrestle the seat away from the BN contestant – he's been retaining the seat since then. Even though he started off with Anwar, he's been pretty loyal to Azmin since the beginning of the rift, from signing a statement to criticize Anwar to organizing meetings secretly with the former PKR vice-president. 6. Rashid Hasnon, new 'kid' on the block![]() Image from Semuanya BOLA Just like Zuraida, Rashid was in the private sector before he was a politician, working as an engineer in various companies and even establishing his own company in providing skills training and audit services once. He eventually entered politics by joining Gerakan Penang and becoming its chairman in 1999. However, he seemed to have moved on and founded the PKR branch in Penang alongside Mansor, holding the position of the party's national treasurer in 2001. But he only started contesting in GE13 over a state assemblyman seat in Penang and won, and later became a Deputy Chief Minister as well. During GE14, he relinquished the position and went on to contest for the Batu Pahat parliamentary seat, which he also won. When Anwar advised for Azmin to resign after it was alleged that he had sex with a PKR aide, Rashid was one of those who criticized Anwar for it. He also currently serves as a Deputy Speaker of Dewan Rakyat, alongside DAP's Nga Kor Ming. 7. Edmund Santhara Kumar, Malaysia's wealthiest MP![]() Image from FMT It probably comes to no surprise that Edmund's the "wealthiest MP", among others, as he was also in the private sector prior. He's the founder of Masterskill Education Group, which is said to be Malaysia's largest operator of non-governmental nursing institutions. He's apparently very much dedicated to improving the educational levels in Malaysia, due to his upbringing in the estates where his parents worked as rubber tappers.
It's believed that he entered politics when he stepped down from Masterskill and ran as an independent candidate in GE13 for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat, but unfortunately, he only gained 999 votes. It's unclear as to when he entered PKR, but it's probably while Anwar was in jail and Azmin still served as PKR leader. Under the PKR banner, Edmund contested in the Segamat constituency, and edged out the BN candidate who'd held on to the seat for 14 years. When Anwar's released from jail after GE14 and announced a new PKR leadership lineup, Edmund had seemingly performed so well that he's appointed deputy secretary-general under Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, who's in Team Anwar. It's already been said back in 2018 that Edmund's on Team Azmin, even before the feud. So now, as Azmin's been sacked from the party, Edmund had followed along. 8. Ali Biju, the giant-slayer from Sarawak![]() Image from The Star To be honest, not much can be found about Ali Biju, despite us wearing the virtual snorkels and doing a deep dive on Google – this writer even tried Yahoo and Bing, but no dice. What we do know is that he started making a name for himself as a politician when he contested against PDP deputy president Peter Nyarok and won the state assembly seat of Krian in 2011 under PKR, and has retained the seat since then. He did it again in the Saratok parliamentary seat in GE14, and is now an independent Saratok MP, given that he's quit PKR alongside 10 other MPs. When Anwar announced a new leadership lineup for PKR after his release from prison, Ali was named one of PKR vice-presidents. There was even a time when he's considered for a position in the Cabinet, but that didn't work out in the end. 9. Willie Mongin, the MP who insists people don't call him YB![]() Image from Malaymail Willie Mongin was – dun dun dun – in the private sector previously, specializing in IT. But his interest in politics started much earlier than that, as he was apparently an Anwar supporter and would often attend demonstrations and political ceramahs in KL, mingling with the likes of Tian Chua. He joined PKR in 2009 after being convinced by Sarawak PKR leaders. However, he only decided to be more politically active in 2011, when he resigned from the private sector to contest for the Bengoh state by-elections, subsequently losing. He lost two more times in Mambong, respectively in 2013 and 2016. It was only when he ran for the Puncak Borneo parliamentary seat in GE14 that he finally had a taste of victory. Even though he won, he'd insisted that people not call him Yang Berhormat.
Still, despite him having started out as an Anwar supporter, that soon went down the drain after Anwar called for Azmin's resignation for the sex scandal. Instead of just signing a statement, he even personally told Anwar that he shouldn't have sidelined Azmin like that. Speaking of which… 10. Azmin Ali, former Anwar loyalist, and Mahathir's 'anak angkat'Believe it or not, he got his start as a politician as Mahathir's "anak angkat", when Mahathir apparently handpicked him for the job as Anwar's Special Officer when he was still the Education Minister in 1987. From then on, Azmin and Anwar built a close bond as Azmin went on to become Anwar's private secretary. And when Mahathir threw Anwar into jail in 1998, Azmin went on to become one of the founders of PKR. In 1998, he gave an interview saying that he believed Tun M had 'changed', and that he was no longer on good terms with him.
During Anwar's incarceration, Azmin forged his own political path by becoming the state assemblyman of Hulu Kelang in 1999, and Gombak MP and Bukit Antarabangsa state assemblyman in 2008. And then in 2014, he was appointed as Selangor Chief Minister under controversial circumstances during the predecessor of the Sheraton Move, known as the Kajang Move (a somewhat failed attempt to install Anwar as Selangor MB over Khalid Ibrahim). He only reunited with Mahathir with Anwar's blessing 17 years later in 2015, but soon rose back to favour with Tun M to his most prominent position: Economic Affairs Minister.
Ironically, Azmin ended up in a sex scandal of his own. There were also rumors of him attempting to form a backdoor government with Mahathir to oust Anwar, but he'd denied it repeatedly, and arguably still does. 11? Jonathan Yasin, er… tbc![]() Image from FMT So what we could find about Jonathan is that he was already a PKR member when he first contested in Ranau and lost in GE12 – he also lost in GE13. It's only in GE14 that he finally won, barely edging out his competitor. And like others, the first indication of his allegiance to Azmin was when he signed the statement criticizing Anwar. But here's where it gets interesting. During the whole thing with Azmin's sacking from PKR, followed other MPs leaving with him, Jonathan was apparently included in the list of MPs leaving. Later on, he posted a Facebook post denying that he'd left PKR, a post that he'd deleted since. And then, PKR itself has confirmed that Jonathan's still in the party, but he'll be facing PKR's central disciplinary board soon. So, things are kinda confusing for Jonathan now. Now, they're mostly apparently in PPBM![]() This writer's had to rewrite this conclusion so many times she's basically twisted like this plot twist. GIF from tenor At the time of writing, it's been reported that Azmin and those who left with him have now joined PPBM – except for Jonathan Yasin – so they're now in the same party as Mahathir. This also makes Edmund Bersatu's first non-Bumi and non-Muslim member. After they'd been branded "traitors" after their departure, they'd claimed that their actions were meant to protect Mahathir from being undermined by PH. Azmin and co even turned the gun around on the now collapsing PH, claiming that those who'd been pressuring Mahathir to hand over the premiership to Anwar were the real traitors.
While these MPs have found a new home, our country's still in the middle of a political upheaval. Mahathir's recently proposed for a unity government, as in the government won't be made out of parties, but just of individuals doing their jobs, but it's not exactly a popular option for some. He actually also announced a special Parliament sitting on the 2nd of March, 2020 to determine our future la, but the Dewan Rakyat Speaker Mohamad Ariff Yusof quickly shut it down, saying that Mahathir's announcement didn't follow protocol. So much like the careers of these 11 politicians, the state of the nation is still very much up in the air at the moment. This article was written by Nicole Ng, and then manically edited by Chak Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 02:38AM Who are the 11 PKR MPs who have been branded as "Malaysia's traitors"? - CILISOS.MY Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
S. Korea: Neighbourhoods quiet in virus epicentre Daegu | AFP - AFP News Agency Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:07 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 02:24PM S. Korea: Neighbourhoods quiet in virus epicentre Daegu | AFP - AFP News Agency Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Diamond Princess cruise ship Briton dies from coronavirus | ITV News - ITV News Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:07 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 11:06AM Diamond Princess cruise ship Briton dies from coronavirus | ITV News - ITV News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Girard's Late Goal Lifts Avalanche Over Hurricanes 3-2 - The New York Times Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST ![]() RALEIGH, N.C. — Samuel Girard scored a tie-breaking goal with 2:37 left in the third period and Tyson Jost scored twice as the Colorado Avalanche extended their winning streak to five games with a 3-2 win over the Carolina Hurricanes on Friday night. Girard took a cross-ice pass from Gabriel Landeskog and lifted a shot high into the net to break a 2-2 tie. The Avalanche won after allowing Carolina to rally from a 2-0 deficit. Pavel Francouz stopped 45 shots and won his fifth consecutive start. Jost broke a 36-game scoring drought with his sixth and seventh goals of the season as Colorado won its seventh consecutive road game, matching the longest road winning streak in franchise history. Carolina got two goals from Teuvo Teravainen in the third period to tie the score, but fell for the second straight game to a top team from the Western Conference. The Hurricanes, who are in a tight competition for a playoff spot in the Eastern Conference, lost 4-1 at home to the Dallas Stars on Tuesday. Goalie Anton Forsberg, who was recalled from Charlotte of the American Hockey League after Petr Mrazek and James Reimer were injured Saturday in Toronto, made 29 saves for the Hurricanes. Jost, a fourth-line winger who was the No. 10 pick overall in the 2016 NHL draft by the Avalanche, capitalized on an opportunity in the first period that arose when Carolina defenseman Jake Gardiner stumbled and lost the puck at the Hurricanes' blue line. After taking possession of the loose puck, Jost skated in on a 2-on-1 break and fired a shot high into the net behind Forsberg. Jost scored again in the second period when the Hurricanes struggled to clear the puck out of their own zone. Defenseman Cale Makar corralled the puck inside the blue line and passed to Jost in front of the net, where he redirected the puck between Forsberg's legs and into the goal. Makar, who entered the game ranked second among NHL first-year players in points, holds franchise rookie defenseman records with 46 points, 12 goals and 34 assists. After Francouz frustrated the Hurricanes for more than two periods, Teravainen finally broke through 5:54 into the third on a bad bounce off one of Francouz's own players. Teravainen shot from a bad-angle, but the puck deflected off defenseman Ian Cole's stick and into the net as he jostled for position with Svechnikov 5:54 into the third. Teravainen struck again shortly afterward, tying the score at 2-all. A pass from Jaccob Slavin sent Teravainen in on a breakaway, and he shot the puck between Francouz's legs and into the net. Francouz continued his recent stellar play in goal. Francouz had stopped 94.1% of the shots he faced over the previous four games with a 1.46 goals-against average, and he made it a difficult night for the Hurricanes' shooters. Francouz's best stop came in the first period when he used his glove to deny Nino Niederreiter after a cross-ice pass. Francouz also benefited from some fortunate breaks as Jordan Martinook and Andrei Svechnikov had shots go off the post in the first period, and Sebastian Aho rattled another shot off the post during a third-period power play. NOTES: Colorado's penalty-killing unit remained rock solid as Carolina failed to score on all three of its opportunities with the man advantage. The Avalanche were 3 for 3 against the Hurricanes' power play, stretching their streak to 15 straight penalties killed. ... Aho assisted on both of Teravainen's goals to stretch his point streak to 14 games, the third-longest in franchise history and the longest since the move from Hartford to Carolina. UP NEXT Avalanche: Travel to Nashville on Saturday for the second of three road games in four days. Hurricanes: Visit Montreal on Saturday to begin a string of six consecutive road games. ___ "Goal" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 07:44PM Girard's Late Goal Lifts Avalanche Over Hurricanes 3-2 - The New York Times "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Dundalk Midfielder Scores Goal of the Season Contender Against Shamrock Rovers - Pundit Arena Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST On Friday night at Tallaght Stadium, Jordan Flores scored one of the best goals you'll see this season. The Dundalk midfielder equalised for Dundalk with a strike that Paul Scholes or Zinedine Zidane would have been proud of, scoring a jaw-dropping volley from the edge of the penalty area.
Rovers hosted Dundalk in a top of the table clash at Tallaght Stadium, and the contest lived up to the billing at the sold-out venue. Both two sides played out an entertaining first-half in what was a great advert for domestic football in Ireland. The home side capitalised on a period of sustained pressure and took the lead through Dylan Watts after 20 minutes.
However, Dundalk were level two minutes later thanks to a wondergoal from Flores. Michael Duffy took a corner on the right for the Lilywhites and floated his kick just past the penalty spot. Dundalk players ran towards the front post, dragging their opponents with them, leaving Flores in space. The English midfielder ran from the edge of the box before stretching to connect sweetly with a left-foot strike that flew past Alan Mannus in the Rovers goal. Flores' arched his whole body to reach the ball, which was above shoulder-height, and hit an unstoppable shot, displaying incredible technique to arrow the ball into the net. Both of Flores' feet appeared to be off the ground when he made contact. The move was straight from the training ground, but the strike was out of this world. You can watch the goal here:
Flores has a knack for scoring spectacular goals.
Related"Goal" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 01:02PM Dundalk Midfielder Scores Goal of the Season Contender Against Shamrock Rovers - Pundit Arena "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
TIMELINE-A week of political crisis in Malaysia - Thomson Reuters Foundation Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:07 PM PST KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Malaysia was plunged into a week of political crisis following the unexpected resignation of 94-year-old Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister on Monday. His move fractured a coalition with old rival Anwar Ibrahim, 72, that had scored a surprise election victory in 2018. The volatile relationship between Anwar and Mahathir helped trigger the current crisis after Mahathir resisted pressure to set a date for a promised transfer of power to Anwar. FEB 23 Politicians from the coalition hold talks at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur on a possible new alliance with some members of the ousted main opposition United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) and other groups, according to sources. That night, Anwar says some colleagues from the coalition are trying to bring down the government and form a new one to deny him the premiership. Mahathir had been angry that he came under pressure from pro-Anwar ministers at a meeting of the coalition on Feb. 21 to set a clear timeline for a handover, according to political sources. FEB 24 Mahathir resigns. Sources said he was upset by accusations that he was now willing to work with the same group that he defeated in the last general election amid allegations of corruption. The king re-appoints him as interim leader until a successor is named. Cabinet dissolved. The resignation brings down the Pakatan Harapan coalition. Mahathir's party pulls out of it. FEB 25 The palace says the king, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, will meet all the 222 elected members of parliament before deciding on the next step. Mahathir proposes to lead a unity government, inviting lawmakers from across rival political parties to join. But the alliance defeated by Mahathir's coalition in 2018 calls for elections and rejects his idea of a grand coalition. FEB 26 In his first comments since the resignation, Mahathir apologises for the political turmoil his decision brought. The veteran leader says he would return as full-time premier if he had the support of parliament and that he wanted to form a government that is not aligned with any political party. Anwar opposes a "backdoor government". Three parties in the former ruling coalition nominate him as their candidate for prime minister, setting the stage for a potential showdown between the old political rivals. FEB 27 Mahathir meets the king and later tells a news conference that king's decision is to call a special session of parliament on March 2 to see who has majority support to become prime minister. Mahathir says there will be snap elections if nobody gets majority support. Doubts are immediately raised about Mahathir's comments and the constitutionality of the process he described. The Anwar-led group says the call for a parliamentary session to elect a new prime minister is a challenge to the rights and powers of the monarch. The palace does not comment. FEB 28 The Speaker in Parliament rejects Mahathir's request for a special session on March 2 without a decree from king. After the king meets all lawmakers, the palace says the monarch does not have confidence that any parliamentarian has majority support to form a new government. The palace says there will be no special parliamentary sitting but it will continue to engage with political leaders to see if any one can muster the majority to be prime minister. Mahathir's Bersatu party nominates former home minister Muhyiddin Yassin as its prime ministerial candidate. UMNO and Islamist party PAS vow to back him. (Compiled by A. Ananthalakshmi Editing by Frances Kerry) Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 04:17AM TIMELINE-A week of political crisis in Malaysia - Thomson Reuters Foundation Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
New Zealand reports first virus patient; case linked to Iran - The Edwardsville Intelligencer Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:07 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 27, 2020 at 10:19PM New Zealand reports first virus patient; case linked to Iran - The Edwardsville Intelligencer Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Timeline: A Week of Political Crisis in Malaysia - The New York Times Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST ![]() KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia was plunged into a week of political crisis following the unexpected resignation of 94-year-old Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister on Monday. His move fractured a coalition with old rival Anwar Ibrahim, 72, that had scored a surprise election victory in 2018. The volatile relationship between Anwar and Mahathir helped trigger the current crisis after Mahathir resisted pressure to set a date for a promised transfer of power to Anwar. FEB 23 Politicians from the coalition hold talks at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur on a possible new alliance with some members of the ousted main opposition United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) and other groups, according to sources. That night, Anwar says some colleagues from the coalition are trying to bring down the government and form a new one to deny him the premiership. Mahathir had been angry that he came under pressure from pro-Anwar ministers at a meeting of the coalition on Feb. 21 to set a clear timeline for a handover, according to political sources. FEB 24 Mahathir resigns. Sources said he was upset by accusations that he was now willing to work with the same group that he defeated in the last general election amid allegations of corruption. The king re-appoints him as interim leader until a successor is named. Cabinet dissolved. The resignation brings down the Pakatan Harapan coalition. Mahathir's party pulls out of it. FEB 25 The palace says the king, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, will meet all the 222 elected members of parliament before deciding on the next step. Mahathir proposes to lead a unity government, inviting lawmakers from across rival political parties to join. But the alliance defeated by Mahathir's coalition in 2018 calls for elections and rejects his idea of a grand coalition. FEB 26 In his first comments since the resignation, Mahathir apologizes for the political turmoil his decision brought. The veteran leader says he would return as full-time premier if he had the support of parliament and that he wanted to form a government that is not aligned with any political party. Anwar opposes a "backdoor government". Three parties in the former ruling coalition nominate him as their candidate for prime minister, setting the stage for a potential showdown between the old political rivals. FEB 27 Mahathir meets the king and later tells a news conference that king's decision is to call a special session of parliament on March 2 to see who has majority support to become prime minister. Mahathir says there will be snap elections if nobody gets majority support. Doubts are immediately raised about Mahathir's comments and the constitutionality of the process he described. The Anwar-led group says the call for a parliamentary session to elect a new prime minister is a challenge to the rights and powers of the monarch. The palace does not comment. FEB 28 The Speaker in Parliament rejects Mahathir's request for a special session on March 2 without a decree from king. After the king meets all lawmakers, the palace says the monarch does not have confidence that any parliamentarian has majority support to form a new government. The palace says there will be no special parliamentary sitting but it will continue to engage with political leaders to see if any one can muster the majority to be prime minister. Mahathir's Bersatu party nominates former home minister Muhyiddin Yassin as its prime ministerial candidate. UMNO and Islamist party PAS vow to back him. (Compiled by A. Ananthalakshmi; Editing by Frances Kerry) Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 04:35AM Timeline: A Week of Political Crisis in Malaysia - The New York Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
How Coronavirus Could Impact the Global Supply Chain by Mid-March - Harvard Business Review Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST Executive SummaryThe impact of the new coronavirus epidemic on worldwide manufacturing operations will soar by mid-March. That's when supplies from China will dry up. The effect of this crisis will by much larger than that of the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic because many more industries are dependent on China for parts and materials and companies have increased outsourcing and their use of lean production. ![]() Reports on how the Covid-19 outbreak is affecting supply chains and disrupting manufacturing operations around the world are increasing daily. But the worst is yet to come. We predict that the peak of the impact of Covid-19 on global supply chains will occur in mid-March, forcing thousands of companies to throttle down or temporarily shut assembly and manufacturing plants in the U.S. and Europe. The most vulnerable companies are those which rely heavily or solely on factories in China for parts and materials. The activity of Chinese manufacturing plants has fallen in the past month and is expected to remain depressed for months. Many analyses compare the current epidemic with the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic, which created just a blip in the global financial markets. This comparison is dangerous because the relative importance of China in the worldwide economic ecosystem has increased tremendously in the past 18 years: China has more than doubled its share of trade with the rest of the world between the SARS epidemic and today, and many more industries are now heavily dependent on China. The SARS epidemic started in the Guangdong province in 2002 and led to 8,000 cases in 2003. During that year, the GDP of China represented 4.31% of the world GDP. By contrast, the number of detected cases of Covid-19 has already passed 80,000 and China represents about 16% of the world GDP, an almost four-fold increase. Equally important, mounting pressure to reduce supply chain costs motivated companies to pursue strategies such as lean manufacturing, offshoring, and outsourcing. Such cost-cutting measures mean that when there is a supply-chain disruption, manufacturing will stop quickly because of a lack of parts. The vast majority of global companies have no idea of what their risk exposure to what is going on in Asia actually is; that's because few, if any, have complete knowledge of the locations of all the companies that provide parts to their direct suppliers. Given the current efforts by the Chinese government to quarantine almost one half of its population and the negative impact that's having on transportation and manufacturing activities in the country, we can safely conclude that the impact of Covid-19 on Chinese manufacturing is at least an order of magnitude larger than that of SARS. As a result of events such as the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic, the March 2010 Iceland's volcano eruption, Japan's earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, and the flood in Thailand in August 2011, companies increased the amount of inventory they keep on hand. But they still usually carry only 15 to 30 days' worth of inventory. It is possible that the Chinese New Year week-long vacation motivated some companies to increase their inventory coverage by another week. So, for most companies, the inventory coverage they have will allow them to match their supplies with demand, with no additional supply, for between two to five weeks, depending on the company's supply chain strategy. If the supply of components is disrupted longer, manufacturing will have to stop. Supply lead times will also have an impact. Shipping by sea to either the U.S. or Europe takes, on average, 30 days. This implies that if Chinese plants stopped manufacturing prior to the beginning of the Chinese holiday on January 25, the last of their shipments will be arriving the last week of February. All this suggests that there will be a spike in the temporary closures of assembly and manufacturing facilities in mid-March. Some manufacturers have already had to throttle back production in their plants outside of China, and the list gets longer by the day. For example, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV announced on February 14 that "it is temporarily halting production at a car factory in Serbia because it can't get parts from China." Similarly, Hyundai said that it "decided to suspend its production lines from operating at its plants in Korea … due to disruptions in the supply of parts resulting from the coronavirus outbreak in China." These two examples are consistent with our analysis: Because lead times from China to these countries are significantly shorter than 30 days, the disruption occurs earlier. The challenge is also significant in the high-tech industry. Indeed, on February 17, Apple announced it expected its quarterly earnings to be lower than previously expected. The company refers to two challenges, a constrained global supply of iPhones and significant drop in demand in Chinese markets. Other industries are also being hit by this double whammy. One global consumer-packaged-goods manufacturer told us that its sales in China this month are 50% lower than in February 2019. Consider also products such as bridal gowns, many of which are produced in China and sold all over the world. According to this report, the current shutdown of Chinese manufacturing facilities specializing in these products will lead to a significant supply shortage for the upcoming summer wedding season. The widening coronavirus epidemic is already affecting ports. Allard Castelein, the CEO of Rotterdam harbor said, "The effect of the coronavirus is already visible. The number of departures from Chinese ports has decreased by 20% these days." Activity at the French port of Le Havre is also slowing and could drop by 30% within two months. And the anticipated impact on U.S. ports is starting to be factored into financial analyses. In summary, we believe we should brace for a major effect on manufacturing worldwide. It will begin to hit full force in two to three weeks and could last for months. Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 01:58PM How Coronavirus Could Impact the Global Supply Chain by Mid-March - Harvard Business Review Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Girard’s late goal lifts Avalanche over Hurricanes - The Denver Post Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:27 PM PST ![]() RALEIGH, N.C. — Samuel Girard scored a tie-breaking goal with 2:37 left in the third period and Tyson Jost scored twice as the Colorado Avalanche extended its winning streak to five games with a 3-2 win over the Carolina Hurricanes on Friday night. Girard took a cross-ice pass from Gabriel Landeskog and lifted a shot high into the net to break a 2-2 tie. The Avalanche won after allowing Carolina to rally from a 2-0 deficit. Pavel Francouz stopped 45 shots and won his fifth consecutive start. Jost broke a 36-game scoring drought with his sixth and seventh goals of the season as Colorado won its seventh consecutive road game, matching the longest road winning streak in franchise history. "I look at games like that and I've got mixed feelings, because it's not perfect and it's certainly not pretty," said Avalanche coach Jared Bednar, who celebrated his 48th birthday with a win. "But we're finding a way to get results against desperate opponents, and there's something to be said about that, sticking with it and being able to come up big at certain points in the game." Carolina got two goals from Teuvo Teravainen in the third period to tie the score, but fell for the second straight game to a top team from the Western Conference. The Hurricanes, who are in a tight competition for a playoff spot in the Eastern Conference, lost 4-1 at home to the Dallas Stars on Tuesday. Goalie Anton Forsberg, who was recalled from Charlotte of the American Hockey League after Petr Mrazek and James Reimer were injured Saturday in Toronto, made 29 saves for the Hurricanes on a night when coach Rod Brind'Amour was pleased with the effort, if not the final score after Girard got loose on the back side of the defense for the game winner. "I thought it was great," Brind'Amour said. "Other than the result and the last gaffe that we had at the end, I thought it was a great game. We were playing a great team." Jost, a fourth-line winger who was the No. 10 pick overall in the 2016 NHL draft by the Avalanche, capitalized on an opportunity in the first period that arose when Carolina defenseman Jake Gardiner stumbled and lost the puck at the Hurricanes' blue line. After taking possession of the loose puck, Jost skated in on a 2-on-1 break and fired a shot high into the net behind Forsberg. Jost scored again in the second period when the Hurricanes struggled to clear the puck out of their own zone. Defenseman Cale Makar corralled the puck inside the blue line and passed to Jost in front of the net, where he redirected the puck between Forsberg's legs and into the goal. Makar, who entered the game ranked second among NHL first-year players in points, holds franchise rookie defenseman records with 46 points, 12 goals and 34 assists. "I liked our start," Bednar said. "I thought we were skating, we were on pucks, and the entire first period we were buzzing. I thought that things shifted to their favor, at one point they had a 19-1 shot run and they were winning the races, winning the battles, and we were getting some good goaltending." After Francouz frustrated the Hurricanes for more than two periods, Teravainen finally broke through 5:54 into the third on a bad bounce off one of Francouz's own players. Teravainen shot from a bad-angle, but the puck deflected off defenseman Ian Cole's stick and into the net as he jostled for position with Svechnikov. Teravainen struck again shortly afterward, tying the score at 2-all. A pass from Jaccob Slavin sent Teravainen in on a breakaway, and he shot the puck between Francouz's legs and into the net. "We were down a couple goals, so we had to keep shooting the pucks and be around the net," Teravainen said. "That's what we did. We got a couple goals and got it back. And it's just tough to lose that way." Francouz continued his recent stellar play in goal. Francouz had stopped 94.1% of the shots he faced over the previous four games with a 1.46 goals-against average, and he made it a difficult night for the Hurricanes' shooters. Francouz's best stop came in the first period when he used his glove to deny Nino Niederreiter after a cross-ice pass. Francouz also benefited from some fortunate breaks as Jordan Martinook and Andrei Svechnikov had shots go off the post in the first period, and Sebastian Aho rattled another shot off the post during a third-period power play. "Their first goal was pretty lucky," Francouz said, "but to be honest I feel like they deserved such a goal because we were pretty lucky before that. That's how it is in this game." NOTES: Colorado's penalty-killing unit remained rock solid as Carolina failed to score on all three of its opportunities with the man advantage. The Avalanche were 3 for 3 against the Hurricanes' power play, stretching their streak to 15 straight penalties killed. … Aho assisted on both of Teravainen's goals to stretch his point streak to 14 games, the third-longest in franchise history and the longest since the move from Hartford to Carolina. UP NEXT Avalanche: Travel to Nashville on Saturday for the second of three road games in four days. Hurricanes: Visit Montreal on Saturday to begin a string of six consecutive road games. "Goal" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 07:07PM Girard's late goal lifts Avalanche over Hurricanes - The Denver Post "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
China reports 433 new COVID-19 cases, France announces 2nd death - ARIRANG NEWS Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:07 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 27, 2020 at 12:51AM China reports 433 new COVID-19 cases, France announces 2nd death - ARIRANG NEWS Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
No Parliament sitting to pick Malaysian PM | THE BIG STORY | The Straits Times - The Straits Times Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:37 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 02:44AM No Parliament sitting to pick Malaysian PM | THE BIG STORY | The Straits Times - The Straits Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
T-Mobile not commenting on reports of layoffs in prepaid unit - FierceWireless Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:35 PM PST ![]() T-Mobile is not commenting on reports that the company has laid off a number of employees in the Metro by T-Mobile prepaid business. The layoffs were first reported by Light Reading, which cited three people familiar with the company. That prompted the Communications Workers of America (CWA) to issue a statement on Friday reminding everyone that one of the big reasons it opposed the merger of T-Mobile and Sprint was the loss of jobs. A CWA analysis found the merger would result in the loss of up to 30,000 jobs. "T-Mobile is so eager to pad its executives' bank accounts that they couldn't even wait until the merger has gone through to start firing people," said CWA President Chris Shelton in a statement. "Since this deal was first announced, we've been sounding the alarm that the merger means tens of thousands of job cuts are coming. Sure enough, here they are. If the merger passes the final hurdles, we can expect thousands more. That's why these workers need a voice at the table to protect their jobs and wages." CWA's 2018 analysis showed MetroPCS with 9,869 full-service retail locations and Boost with 5,576 locations. MetroPCS and Boost retail stores are often located very close to one another in similar geographies around the country, and virtually all of the locations are operated by independent authorized retailers. (Dealers have been using banners at stores to indicate MetroPCS is now Metro by T-Mobile since there's been a rebranding underway.) Initially when the T-Mobile/Sprint deal was proposed, there was concern that redundancy between the prepaid brands would automatically mean the elimination of stores. When it was decided that Boost will go to Dish, that concern was eliminated, but dealers still have not heard directly from Dish or T-Mobile that they're going to retain all or a large percentage of the stores, according to Adam Wolf, president of the National Wireless Independent Dealers Association (NWIDA). While executives have promised they wouldn't fire Sprint employees, they didn't address the dealers, who are not direct employees, he noted. NWIDA posted a notice on Wednesday saying a fairly large number of Metro by T-Mobile inside staff were let go by T-Mobile. "Apparently, all departments that 'ran reports' including departments and positions like analysts and administrative assistants, as well as other staff, in finance, operations, training and business development were told that T-Mobile would use the corporate departments to provide those services to Metro. They were deemed redundant and have been released," NWIDA stated. T-Mobile's combination with Sprint received the green light from Judge Victor Marrero on February 11. New York Attorney General Letitia James, who led the state AGs along with California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, announced on February 16 that her office would not appeal the decision. The prepaid market was one of the concerns that the other states cited when they announced their antitrust suit in an attempt to block the combination. In fact, their suit asserted that the merger would be particularly harmful to prepaid subscribers. For many people with lower incomes who can't pass a credit check, their best option is buying wireless service on a prepaid basis, and that serves as their primary means of communications. T-Mobile acquired Metro PCS in 2013 and the integration within the company was held up as a poster child for what T-Mobile could do with Sprint. Last year, long time Metro PCS executive Tom Keys stepped down and the role of EVP of Retail Sales Jon Freier was expanded to lead Metro by T-Mobile sales. In January, Freier outlined staff changes that affected Metro. RELATED: It's up to Dish to make Boost great again: Adderton Boost founder Peter Adderton has been an active advocate for keeping the Boost stores in tact and fighting on behalf of the dealers. He posted on Twitter on Thursday that he's heard up to 20% of Metro by T-Mobile dealers could be closed, and there's a meeting in March to decide their fate. "Mobile" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 02:42PM T-Mobile not commenting on reports of layoffs in prepaid unit - FierceWireless "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
New Zealand moving into next phase with first positive Covid-19 coronavirus case, expert says - RNZ Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST The confirmation of the first case of the Covid-19 coronavirus in the country means New Zealand is moving into the next phase of the pandemic response, an Otago University professor says. Yesterday, testing confirmed New Zealand's first case of the Covid-19 coronavirus - a person in their 60s, a citizen who had recently travelled back from Iran. Professor Michael Baker said New Zealand was now moving into the containment or "stamp it out" phase. Steps like contact tracing, and quarantining and observation of those people who contact with the person who tested positive were next - and underway, he said. Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said the risk of widespread infection was low at this point. Three of the patient's family members were in isolation, and others on the flight would be contacted, he said. "The people who the public health service will be contacting are the people who were in the same row as this individual or the two rows ahead or behind." He said they would be required to self-isolate for 14 days and that self-isolation would be under regular communication with the public health units. Read more about the Covid-19 coronavirus: Baker said emerging research showed that transmission in confined environments was limited. "For example, we actually did research in 2009 with influenza, which was behaving very similarly ... and we found the only transmission on [a flight into New Zealand] was within two rows of the affected person. And other people found the same thing. So this is evidence based public health." The two negative tests for the coronavirus before the third positive test showed the importance of clinical judgment, he said. "They're obviously very alert clinicians to this sort of possibility and they looked at the whole picture and they did more extensive testing. "We hope that other clinicians - when they see cases [when a] result doesn't fit the clinical picture - will persist. And I think that's real credit to them". ![]() Photo: RNZ/Philippa Tolley Baker said a bigger problem than someone with the coronavirus returning a negative result was someone who had it but showed very few symptoms. "So they don't even see a doctor but they are infectious. And we know that the majority of people who are infected with this virus will have very mild symptoms. So that is a big problem in terms of containment." For those concerned about the positive result, Baker said: "For the moment, it's really just business as usual across New Zealand. We're not looking at community transmission at all, as I think, has been pointed out. "And that situation could well continue for weeks ahead. But at a certain point, it's going to become increasingly difficult to prevent widespread transmission in New Zealand as it is across the whole globe. "Hopefully, we can delay that as long as possible. And we have to use this time for maximum preparation. And there are a whole lot of things that we can do and New Zealand is very fortunate to have the resources to have a very highly coordinated public health system and excellent health services." Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 10:02AM New Zealand moving into next phase with first positive Covid-19 coronavirus case, expert says - RNZ Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Malaysian King rejects Mahathir's bid to convene parliament to vote on next PM - CNA Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 06:49AM Malaysian King rejects Mahathir's bid to convene parliament to vote on next PM - CNA Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Car bursts into flames just after leaving Mobile lot - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:35 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Car bursts into flames just after leaving Mobile lot NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 03:24PM Car bursts into flames just after leaving Mobile lot - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Weber snaps goal record in win over UMass Lowell - Bryant University Bulldogs Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:27 PM PST Posted: Feb 28, 2020 LOWELL, Mass. – Sophomore Alexa Weber (Sout Windsor, Conn.) led the Bryant University women's lacrosse team to victory over UMass Lowell as she broke the all-time single-game goal record with nine to help the Bulldogs take down the Riverhawks, 16-10, on Friday evening. Weber surpassed both Jess Demeo '19 and Allison Faiola '10 on the all-time list. The sophomore's career-game also places her second with Shaun Leddy '07 and Faiola with 10 points in a single game. GAME INFORMATION COACH ROCHE'S COMMENTS "Alexa Weber was the spark we needed out there today. She really stepped it up for our team," said head coach Brianna Roche. "I'm proud of her accomplishment today and look forward to her continued development. We still have some things to work on as a team in terms of execution, but we will get back to work next week in preparation for our spring break trip." HOW IT HAPPENED
UP NEXT: Longwood "Goal" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 03:42PM Weber snaps goal record in win over UMass Lowell - Bryant University Bulldogs "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Viral TikTok shows Jeff Bezos' net worth in rice — and it's a mountain - New York Post Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:17 PM PST ![]() From rags to rices. A TikTok user created a shocking video that illustrates Amazon boss Jeff Bezos' wealth using grains of rice. Humphrey Yang, a personal finance guru with 244,900 followers on the video-sharing platform, set out to show exactly how rich the richest man in the world is compared to others. By Yang's estimations, one grain of rice represented $100,000, so he first counted out 10,000 grains to show what $1 billion looked like. Then, the quick-cut clip shows Yang buying a scale and heading to Costco to buy huge bags of the white stuff so he could represent Bezos' fortune. According to the analogy, Bezos is worth a small mountain of rice, equaling $122 billion. The shockingly big pile of rice weighs 58 pounds, Yang said, prompting one Twitter user to write: "My jaw dropped. Thank you for this visual perspective!" "Eat the rich!" exclaimed many users, appalled by the food experiment's implications. The TikTok has over 79,000 likes and thousands of comments The video comes in the wake of Bezos losing some serious rice: Stock market dives caused by the coronavirus panic saw the world's 10 richest people lose a collective $30 billion. Bezos is projected to have lost $4.8 billion of his riches from the drop, after he settled the most costly divorce in history last summer to the tune of $38 billion. He still has plenty of coin, though. Yang demonstrated the scope of the tech giant's wealth by burying an Apple keyboard in the rice mountain. Bezos' new Beverly HiIls mansion, sold to him by fellow monopoly man David Geffen, was bought for $165 million, or a small handful of Yang's rice. One Twitter user quipped: "Jeff if you see this can I have a grain." "viral" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 04:33PM Viral TikTok shows Jeff Bezos' net worth in rice — and it's a mountain - New York Post "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:09 PM PST Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba has endorsed Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and was in South Carolina on Friday campaigning for the senator ahead of that state's primary, a city spokeswoman confirmed. ![]() Meanwhile, actress Sela Ward, a Meridian native, said she had endorsed Mike Bloomberg for president and would serve as Bloomberg state campaign co-chair with her husband, former U.S. Senate candidate Howard Sherman. Lumumba hinted last week to the Clarion Ledger that he likely would endorse Sanders, but would not confirm it. On Friday a BuzzFeed News story said the mayor's choice was official after he held a recent "people's caucus" where a group of Jackson residents voted to back Sanders. "Sen. Sanders rose to the top," Lumumba told BuzzFeed of the caucus, where he said representatives for Sanders, Joe Biden, Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren also gave a pitch. "On a personal level, Sen. Sanders rises to the top for me because he has demonstrated the most consistency, and I think that his policies and what he has prioritized in his campaign speaks to the issues that we're most concerned with in Mississippi." ![]() As leader of the largest Mississippi city whose residents are mostly Democrats, Lumumba's endorsement could give a big boost to Sanders in the March 10 primary, which falls a week after Super Tuesday. Sanders will also hope the progressive mayor's backing gives him last-minute help courting African American voters in South Carolina. Sanders has taken an early lead in the Democratic primary, winning in both Nevada and New Hampshire. Bloomberg — a late-comer to the race who has yet to appear on a ballot — has invested substantial resources in Mississippi. He's hired more than 20 staffers, far more than any other candidate, and is organizing about 200 volunteers. He has also purchased TV, radio and newspaper ads in the state. The former New York mayor lined up nearly two dozen Mississippi endorsements in recent weeks, including state representatives, the mayors of Tupelo and Meridian, several Hinds County supervisors and others. His most prominent Mississippi endorsement is Ward, who has won Emmy and Golden Globe awards, and is best known for her television work in "Sisters," "Once and Again" and "CSI: NY" as well as the feature films, "The Fugitive" and "Gone Girl." More: Bloomberg in Mississippi: Touts criminal justice reform, talks 'Stop and Frisk' "I hope you cherished women of Mississippi will join hands with me in supporting Mike," Ward said in a statement. "This is a critical moment in our nation's path. We must use our voice so that together we can dictate who we need in the White House, who will empower and protect us and our beloved children." Ward added she believes Bloomberg is an effective leader having lived in New York City. When Bloomberg took office, she said, "he began his mission of guiding New York City to a new and brighter future. He was so popular he was elected for three consecutive terms." Lumumba said several candidates courted him. They included Bloomberg, who visited Jackson in 2018 to announce a $1 million grant related to healthy food and art. The billionaire returned last year after launching his campaign to discuss criminal justice reform. ![]() "There's a theory that regardless of whether (Bloomberg) wins or not, he can still help out your city," Lumumba said of his endorsement thought process. But he said there were some "negatives" surrounding Bloomberg that worried him. Bloomberg has especially faced criticism in recent days for his "stop and frisk" policy as mayor of New York, where police officers would question or temporarily detain someone, often black or Latino men. Lumumba also strongly considered Warren. "Elizabeth has made inroads with different people — she works with my sister closely, she did her town hall here (at Jackson State University last year), and has been talking with me ever since." More: Sen. Elizabeth Warren visits Mississippi Then there was Sanders, who had come to Jackson for an economic justice town hall with the mayor in spring 2018. "Bernie endorsed me, Bernie wrote a check to me, Bernie came for the economic justice piece. They reach out a lot," Lumumba said. One candidate Lumumba quickly ruled out was Biden, who he said he was "not convinced by at all," despite the former vice president being a "nice guy." After Lumumba and three other prominent Southern mayors released an agenda outlining what they wanted to see from presidential candidates, Biden invited the group to Atlanta to talk. Sanders learned of the meeting, and also came to Atlanta, requesting Lumumba and the mayor of Birmingham, Randall Woodfin, meet with him separately, Lumumba said. The mayor said late last week he had lost sleep over his decision but was "finally at peace" with his endorsement — which turned out to be Sanders. "When I told the other (candidates) I wasn't going to do it," Lumumba said, "I felt like I was breaking up with a girlfriend — 'It's not you, it's me.'" Contact Luke Ramseth at 601-961-7050 or Follow @lramseth on Twitter. "Actress" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 11:00AM Primary: Jackson mayor endorses Sanders for president. Actress Sela Ward backs Bloomberg - Clarion Ledger "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
British man dies from coronavirus - Sky News Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:07 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 02:06PM British man dies from coronavirus - Sky News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Coronavirus: Live Coverage and Updates - The New York Times Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:07 PM PST Here's what you need to know:
Read updates in Chinese: 新冠病毒疫情最新消息New case in California raises prospect of local, person-to-person spread.A second person in Northern California has been infected with the coronavirus without having any known risk factors, such as travel to China or exposure to somebody known to be infected. The findings hints that the coronavirus may already circulating locally in California, passing from person to person. Earlier this week, a person who had no known risk factors tested positive for the virus in Solano County, between San Francisco and Sacramento. The new infection is in Santa Clara County, south of San Francisco, which includes the city of San Jose; it was confirmed by Dr. Sara Cody, the county's public health director. Hundreds of Americans who were potentially exposed to the virus in Asia have been quarantined at military bases in California, including Travis Air Force Base in Solano County. A whistle-blower complaint made public on Thursday alleged that federal health officials were sent into quarantine areas at the bases without proper training or protective gear, and then were allowed to roam around, on and off the bases. ![]() Fears take hold that a global pandemic is inevitable.From eastern Asia, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas and Africa, a steady stream of new cases on Friday fueled fears that the new coronavirus epidemic may be turning into a global pandemic, with some health officials saying it may be inevitable. In South Korea, Italy and Iran — the countries with the biggest outbreaks outside China — the governments reported more than 3,500 infections on Friday, about twice as many as two days earlier. South Korean officials were rushing to test thousands of members of a church at the center of that country's outbreak. Africa has long been a source of concern, and a case in Nigeria raised fears that more infections might lurk there undetected. In Europe, caseloads soared as Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Wales and Northern Ireland reported their first confirmed infections. About 84,000 people in at least 56 countries have been infected, and about 2,900 have died. Unnerved by the rapid spread of the virus and the growing threat it poses to economies, financial markets around the world continued their slide on Friday, with U.S. stocks recording their worst week since the 2008 financial crisis. Even as countries prepared for the likelihood of significant outbreaks, early missteps raised troubling questions about how nations — even those with robust health care systems — will handle a flood of cases. A whistle-blower complaint in the United States outlined how federal health care workers had interacted with quarantined Americans without proper training or safety equipment. Trump could use a 1950 law to step up production of supplies, administration says.President Trump could use a Korean War-era law to require manufacturers to speed up production of emergency supplies needed to fight the new coronavirus, Alex M. Azar II, the health and human services secretary said on Friday. The Defense Production Act, enacted in 1950, allows the president to exert control over parts of the civilian economy when it is necessary for national defense — forcing industries to step up production, reallocating basic resources and imposing price controls. Mr. Azar, at a White House press briefing, said there was no need to invoke the law so far, but it could be used, for instance, to help stockpile face masks and other supplies. "I don't have any procurements I need it for now, but if I need it, we'll use it," Mr. Azar told reporters. President Harry Truman made extensive use of the law during the Korean War, and it has been invoked occasionally in the decades since then. Markets slide as the virus spreads across the globe.Stocks tumbled for a seventh consecutive day on Friday, recording the market's worst week since the 2008 financial crisis. The S&P 500 index fell about 0.8 percent, and the Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 1 percent. The S&P index lost more than 11 percent in the week, and almost 13 percent since its peak on Feb. 19. The sell-off was fueled mostly by worry that measures to contain the coronavirus would hamper corporate profits and economic growth, and fears that the outbreak could get worse. The selling has in a matter of days dragged stock benchmarks around the world into a correction — a drop of 10 percent or more that is taken as a measure of extreme pessimism. In Europe, the Britain's FTSE 100 fell more than 3 percent and the Dax in Germany fell more than 4 percent. In Asia, the Nikkei 225 in Japan closed down 3.7 percent, the KOSPI in South Korea dropped 3.3 percent and the Shanghai Composite in China dropped 3.7 percent W.H.O. raises its risk assessment to the highest level.The World Health Organization on Friday raised its assessment of the global coronavirus risk from "high" to "very high," the most serious assessment in its new four-stage alert system. "This is a reality check for every government on the planet," said Dr. Michael J. Ryan, deputy director of W.H.O.'s health emergency program. "Wake up. Get ready. This virus may be on its way." The assessment addresses the risks of both uncontrolled spread of the virus and the resulting impacts. United States health officials have given similarly alarming assessments, though President Trump has played down the threat. The W.H.O. does not officially use the word "pandemic," often defined as the worldwide spread of a new disease, but many health experts say the coronavirus epidemic is one, or soon will be. In a new report, the organization praised the aggressive quarantine approach used by China, where the epidemic began and the majority of cases have occurred. After initially downplaying the outbreak in the city of Wuhan, the government closed off entire cities, shut down transportation networks and schools, and isolated many people who might have been exposed. "China's bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic," the report said, noting that new, confirmed infections had fallen from more than 2,000 per day to a few hundred. China's strategy "has averted or at least delayed hundreds of thousands" of cases, and "played a significant role in protecting the global community." Mick Mulvaney criticizes the media for coverage of the virus.Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, on Friday blamed the media for exaggerating the seriousness of coronavirus because "they think this will bring down the president, that's what this is all about." Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of conservative activists, Mr. Mulvaney played down concerns about the virus that is spreading around the globe and panicking investors. Mr. Mulvaney said the administration took "extraordinary steps four or five weeks ago," to prevent the spread of the virus when it declared a rare public health emergency and barred entry by most foreign citizens who had recently visited China. "Why didn't you hear about it?" Mr. Mulvaney said of travel restrictions that were widely covered in the news media. "What was still going on four or five weeks ago? Impeachment, that's all the press wanted to talk about." The news media has been covering the global spread of coronavirus since early January. How bad will it get? Here are six important factors.As the coronavirus spreads, early research is drawing a clearer picture of how the pathogen behaves and the key factors that will determine how it can be contained. Here are the considerations: The virus spreads easily, making it hard to contain. The fatality rate may be more than 1 percent, much higher than the flu. The incubation period is between two and 14 days, allowing the illness to go undetected. And the virus has spread rapidly because it started in a transportation hub. In terms of response, the World Health Organization has praised China's efforts, but critics fear a pandemic. A few drugs are being tested in clinical trials, but a vaccine is still at least year away. U.S. State Department warns against travel to Italy.The State Department on Friday issued an advisory telling Americans to "reconsider travel" to Italy because of the coronavirus. The department set the new advisory at Level 3. The highest alert, Level 4, is reserved for the most perilous situations. "Many cases of COVID-19 have been associated with travel to or from mainland China or close contact with a travel-related case, but sustained community spread has been reported in Italy," the department said in its alert. "Sustained community spread means that people have been infected with the virus, but how or where they became infected is not known, and the spread is ongoing." Italy reported more than 800 infections on Friday — 531 of them in Lombardy, which includes the city of Milan. Eighty-five patients in Lombardy are in intensive care. U.S. Pacific Fleet takes steps to limit sailors' exposure.The U.S. Navy on Friday ordered all ships that have made stops in the Pacific, about 30 to 40 vessels holding several thousand sailors and Marines, to self-quarantine at sea for 14 days and said that all sailors who had traveled to high-risk areas should be closely monitored. "At this time, there are no indications that any U.S. Navy personnel have contracted coronavirus," the Navy said in a statement. "The health and welfare of our sailors, civilians and their families is paramount, and our efforts are directed at detection and, if required, prevention of the spread of this illness." "Operational impact is minimal, if at all," said a senior Navy officer with experience in the Pacific. "Most deployed ships in 7th Fleet already stay out to sea for that long, if not longer, and there is no better place for a ship operationally than at sea. I would expect some schedule impact to ships that do have port visits within two weeks, but no cancellations." The American military has already confirmed one coronavirus case: A 23-year-old soldier based near Daegu, South Korea, has tested positive for the virus, the military said on Wednesday. He has been quarantined in his off-base residence, the military said. South Korea is experiencing the largest coronavirus outbreak outside China. The United States and South Korea have also postponed their joint military drills. Unofficial death count in Iran is far higher than the government's tally.The official count of cases in Iran, the center of the Middle East's coronavirus spread, continued to rise at an alarming rate, from 139 on Wednesday to 245 on Thursday to 388 on Friday, with 34 deaths. And that, an independent count claimed, was a gross underestimate. BBC Persia reported that it had asked Iranian hospitals one by one, and found 210 fatalities, suggesting that there were several thousand infections either undetected or unacknowledged. The authorities in Iran denied the report, but the health minister warned of a "pretty difficult week" ahead. The conflicting information punctuated the mixed messages and confusion that have been emanating from Iran since it disclosed its first coronavirus deaths a little over a week ago. Senior government officials and clerics have played down the outbreak and predicted it would soon be under control. But the authorities have closed schools and canceled Friday Prayers in major cities, and several other countries have reported coronavirus cases in people who had recently been to Iran. And at least seven government officials have been infected, including a member of the president's cabinet. Mexico reports its first cases, which are linked to Italy.Two men in Mexico who had recently visited Italy have tested positive for the coronavirus, Mexican officials said on Friday, confirming the first known cases in the nation. The discovery makes Mexico the second country in Latin America, after Brazil, to confirm the presence of the virus. One of the patients, a 35-year-old man, was being treated at a hospital in Mexico City, the authorities said. The other, a 41-year-old man from the state of Hidalgo, was being kept in isolation in a hotel in the state of Sinaloa, in northwestern Mexico, officials said. Both men had direct contact with an infected man in Italy and with each other during a conference this month in Bergamo, Italy, they said. In addition to the two infected people in Mexico, two other men who had been in direct contact with those patients are under observation, the deputy health minister for prevention and health promotion, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, said at a news conference. New infections jump in Europe.Italy, with the worst outbreak in Europe, continued to pose problems for the rest of the continent on Friday. Cases in 14 other countries can be traced back to Italy, the W.H.O. said, including the first infections in Northern Ireland and Wales, diagnosed on Friday. Nations that only had a handful of cases at the start of the week reported dozens on Friday. Germany had nearly 60 cases by Friday afternoon, the government said — twice as many as a day earlier. France reported 57 infections on Friday, more than triple the number it had counted on Wednesday. "A new stage of the epidemic has been reached and we are now moving on to stage two," said Olivier Véran, the health minister. In Italy, officials extended the quarantine of ten towns in the Lombardy region by a week and warned that hospitals in the area were stretched to their limits. All non-emergency surgery and routine medical exams have been postponed in the "Red Zone" encompassing the quarantined towns, but if the caseload continues to rise at the same rate, hospitals "will go into grave crisis," the Lombardy government said in a statement. Italy reported more than 800 infections on Friday — 531 of them in Lombardy, which includes the city of Milan. Eighty-five patients in Lombardy are in intensive care. Nurses and doctors are getting ill, protective supplies are in short supply and treatment for other serious conditions may be compromised, officials said. Switzerland reported nine new cases, bringing its total to 15, and said it was banning all gatherings of more than 1,000 people until March 15. The Geneva International Motor Show, an important annual automotive trade event, was among the gatherings that were abruptly canceled. England reported two additional cases on Friday, both contracted in Iran, bringing the total in Britain to 19, health officials said. Three countries in Eastern Europe — Belarus, Estonia and Lithuania — reported their first cases, all apparently linked to travel to either Iran or Italy. Nigeria records the first infection in sub-Saharan Africa.Nigeria on Friday confirmed its first case of coronavirus, raising fears of how an outbreak could wreak havoc in Africa's most populous nation and across the continent. The case, confirmed by the Nigerian Health Ministry, is the first known infection in sub-Saharan Africa. The ministry said the patient was an Italian citizen who had returned to Lagos, the country's largest city, from Milan on Tuesday. The Nigerian government said in a statement that the patient was stable, did not have "serious symptoms" and was being treated at the Infectious Disease Hospital in Yaba, a suburb of Lagos. Despite the steady number of flights and the growing relationship between China and African countries, the only previously confirmed infections on the continent had been in Egypt and Algeria. Dr. Osagie Ehanire, Nigeria's minister of health, said in a statement that the country had been shoring up its preparedness since the virus started spreading in China and that it would respond with all available resources. Africa has very few confirmed cases, but experts have already expressed concerns about how the continent would cope with a wide-scale outbreak. The Africa Centers for Disease Control and the W.H.O. have worked with African nations to improve surveillance and testing. Currently, 26 laboratories on the continent are able to test for the coronavirus, up from two in early February. Dr. Ngozi Erondu, an associate fellow in the Global Health Program at Chatham House, an international research group in London, said it would be crucial to enhance scrutiny of all travelers, especially those coming from countries with documented outbreaks. "Staff at points of entry must realize that Covid-19 has no ethnicity or nationality, so personal biases must be checked," she said, using the name of the disease caused by the coronavirus. Reporting and research was contributed by Eric Schmitt, Rick Rojas, Marc Santora, Megan Specia, Katie Thomas, Russell Goldman, Melissa Eddy, Aurelien Breeden, Elian Peltier, Andrew Higgins, Abdi Latif Dahir, Jack Ewing, Choe Sang-Hun, Keith Bradsher, Alexandra Stevenson, Elaine Yu, Tiffany May, Karen Zraick, Wang Yiwei, Andrew Das, Jamal Jordan, Heather Casey, Joseph Goldstein, Jesse McKinley, Ian Austen, Kirk Semple, Richard Pérez-Peña, Josh Keller, Rick Gladstone, Farnaz Fassihi, Knvul Sheikh, Elisabetta Povoledo, Noah Weiland and Constant Méheut. Top stories - Google News February 28, 2020 at 05:05PM Coronavirus: Live Coverage and Updates - The New York Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Flores in the running for Puskas Award with wonder-goal - Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:57 PM PST ![]() His team may have been on the wrong end of a five-goal thriller, but Jordan Flores grabbed the attention of the world with his wonder-strike in Dundalk's 3-2 defeat to Shamrock Rovers. The midfielder not only scored what's likely to be the goal of the season in the SSE Airtricity Division, but put himself in the running for the FIFA Puskas award with his equaliser for Dundalk in Tallaght. With his side trailing 1-0 midway through the first half, Flores produced a moment of magic, running onto a cross from a corner and somehow getting his foot up over his head to volley and unstoppable shot past Alan Mannus in the Rovers goal.
Flores not only became the number one trending topic on twitter in Ireland but attracted attention from all over the world, with the video already breaking through 1,000,000 views. The official FIFA account tweeted the stunning strike, asking whether the goal is "a potential candidate for the #Puskas Award?" Meanwhile Spanish sports daily AS claimed that "The 2020 Puskas Award has just been 'won' by Dundalk's Jordan Flores." The Puskas award is given to the scorer of the best goal each year at FIFA's 'The Best' award ceremony. Ireland's Stephanie Roche the runner-up for the 2014 FIFA Puskas Award after her strike for Peamount United. "Goal" - Google News February 28, 2020 at 03:03PM Flores in the running for Puskas Award with wonder-goal - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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