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- 第44回講談社漫画賞のノミネート12作品決定、受賞作は5月12日に発表 - ナタリー
- Singapore suffers fourth coronavirus-related death - Thomson Reuters Foundation
- Freeport woman to appear on 'Jeopardy!' fulfilling lifelong goal - Press Herald
- Actress Jane Seymour paints with Dallas retiree, urges others to be generous with talents -
- ギャラクシー・エンターテインメント・グループ 2019年度決算発表「日本市場への投資も継続」 - IAG Japan
- Harvard community rallies to deal with COVID-19 crisis - Harvard Gazette
- Viral video shows orangutan washing hands - FOX 35 Orlando
- People left in shock after White House lists '100,000 to 240,000 coronavirus deaths' as 'goals' - indy100
- Mobile payments firms in India are now scrambling to make money - TechCrunch
- These Coronavirus Exposures Might Be the Most Dangerous - The New York Times
- アニメ「魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅」第2期「キムラック編」制作決定 - GIGAZINE
- 'Tiger King': Critic Calls Netflix Docuseries 'Cruel and Appalling' -- Here's Why Everyone's Watching It Anyway - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
- Colton Underwood lost his virginity while filming 'The Bachelor' - Page Six
- Prince Charles Breaks Silence About His Coronavirus Diagnosis in Moving New Video - Entertainment Tonight
- How Taylor Swift Is Helping a Small Nashville Record Store Survive - Rolling Stone
- See Samuel L. Jackson deliver a profane message about staying home during coronavirus - CNET
- 新『東ラブ』“カンチ”伊藤健太郎は赤名リカ派「何言われたって好き」 -
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- Elliot Stabler is back in a 'Law & Order: SVU' spin-off - CNN
第44回講談社漫画賞のノミネート12作品決定、受賞作は5月12日に発表 - ナタリー Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:11 AM PDT 第44回講談社漫画賞のノミネート12作品決定、受賞作は5月12日に発表 - ナタリー ![]() 第44回講談社漫画賞の最終候補作が発表された。 講談社漫画賞は、講談社が主催するマンガ賞。本年度は、少年部門に なお第43回は少年部門を春場ねぎ「五等分の花嫁」と大今良時「不滅のあなたへ」、少女部門を有賀リエ「パーフェクトワールド」、一般部門をよしながふみ「きのう何食べた?」が、それぞれ受賞した。 第44回講談社漫画賞最終候補作少年部門
少女部門総合部門2020-04-02 06:00:25Z |
Singapore suffers fourth coronavirus-related death - Thomson Reuters Foundation Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:26 PM PDT SINGAPORE, April 2 (Reuters) - Singapore suffered its fourth coronavirus-related death on Thursday, a day after the city-state reported a record number of new cases that took the island-state's total infections to 1000. The health ministry said the latest death was a 68-year-old Indonesian who had a history of diabetes and hypertension. Singapore's other deaths have also been elderly persons with underlying conditions. (Reporting by John Geddie; Editing by Tom Hogue) Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Top stories - Google News April 01, 2020 at 06:02PM Singapore suffers fourth coronavirus-related death - Thomson Reuters Foundation Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Freeport woman to appear on 'Jeopardy!' fulfilling lifelong goal - Press Herald Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:12 PM PDT ![]() Tiffany Eisenhauer of Freeport, seen with host Alex Trebek, will be on "Jeopardy!" Thursday. Photo courtesy of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. About once a decade, Tiffany Eisenhauer tries out for "Jeopardy!" She grew up watching the famed quiz show nightly with her family, and tried out the first time just a few years out of high school. She didn't make it, so about 10 years later, while in nursing school, she spent "every last penny" she had on a bus ticket from upstate New York to Boston for an audition. Again, no luck. Then, last year, the 45-year-old physician assistant from Freeport took the qualifying test online, and passed. She flew to Los Angeles for a taping in January and will finally get her chance to play the game on TV – instead of in front of one – Thursday. Locally, her "Jeopardy!" debut can be seen on Portland station WMTW at 7:30 p.m. "The game board is huge and being there on the set can be kind of intimidating," Eisenhauer said Wednesday. "I tried to just focus on the experience, I didn't want to waste it being too nervous. I'd tell myself, 'I'm just here to play the game,' and that would help me stay calm." Eisenhauer is prohibited from saying how she did on the show or what questions she answered. But she said she was struck by "the family atmosphere" of everyone who works on the show, including longtime host Alex Trebek. She said that Trebek, who is battling pancreatic cancer, obviously loves what he's doing and was open and friendly with crew, contestants and audience members. She said there was a sense of "poignancy" in how much crew members seemed to care for Trebek as he battles his illness and continues his grueling TV schedule. "They really all seemed to have an appreciation for one another," said Eisenhauer, who works at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston. Eisenhauer brought her own family to the filming, including her husband, son, nephew and her 83-year-old mother. Just before she left for her own filming, Eisenhauer watched fellow Mainer Dennis Coffey, an Old Orchard Beach bartender, win three games on "Jeopardy!" and take home more than $52,000 in January. She said seeing someone from Maine win was exciting, especially as she was about to get her own chance on the show. Eisenhauer participates in weekly trivia sessions at Pedro O'Hara's in Lewiston and had hoped to have a viewing party there. But she's been heartened by the support from friends and family on social media about her upcoming "Jeopardy!" appearance. "Maybe we'll just have a virtual viewing party, talking about it while we watch," said Eisenhauer. Comments are not available on this story. filed under: Related Stories Latest Articles "Goal" - Google News April 01, 2020 at 06:24PM Freeport woman to appear on 'Jeopardy!' fulfilling lifelong goal - Press Herald "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Actress Jane Seymour paints with Dallas retiree, urges others to be generous with talents - Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:58 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] Actress Jane Seymour paints with Dallas retiree, urges others to be generous with talents"Actress" - Google News April 01, 2020 at 08:02PM Actress Jane Seymour paints with Dallas retiree, urges others to be generous with talents - "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
ギャラクシー・エンターテインメント・グループ 2019年度決算発表「日本市場への投資も継続」 - IAG Japan Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:35 PM PDT ![]() ギャラクシー・エンターテインメント・グループは、2019度通期決算発表において、引き続きバランスシートが健全で、流動資産が523億香港ドル(約7,292.11億円)、ネットキャッシュは517億香港ドルを達成。2019年は2回の特別配当を実施し、2020年4月にも1株あたり0.45香港ドルの特別配当を実施する予定であることを明かした。 2019年通期では、純売上高は前年比6%減の519億香港ドル、調整後EBITDAは前年比2%減165億香港ドル、株主に帰属する当期純利益は前年比3%減の130億香港ドル。グループ全体の第4四半期では、純売上高は前年同比8%減の130億香港ドル、調整後EBITDAは前年同比6%減の41億香港ドルとなった。 GEGは「2019年のマカオ訪問客数は前年比10%増の3,940万人を記録し、GEGの客層もVIPからマスへシフトしている。ゲーミング部門でもマスは堅調で、マステーブルドロップと勝率がともに上昇したため、グループ全体の勝ち金も通期で前年比7%増の25億香港ドルに伸びた。ギャラクシー・マカオの5つのホテルは第4四半期のみ、スターワールド・マカオとブロードウェイ・マカオのホテルは通期・第4四半期とも、客室稼働率が事実上100%を記録。ノンゲーミング部門の好調につながり、前年比4%増の55億香港ドル増。グループ全体の収益を押し上げた」と説明した上で、「GEGの新規プロジェクトの目玉は、やはり日本におけるIR開発だ。GEGのプロジェクトは日本経済にとっても大きなインパクトとなる。今後も日本における開発チームの増強をはかりつつ、モンテカルロSBMや日本のパートナーとともに、世界最高のIRの実現を目指して取り組んでいく」と意気込みを述べた。 また、テッド・チャンCOOは「GEGはマカオ政府やBOCマカオ、地域の関係機関と連携しながら、地域社会がウイルスの被害から立ち直り地元経済が回復するため、さまざまな支援策を続けてきた。今後も、GEGは日本市場への投資を継続し、日本のみなさまと協業しながら地域コミュニティの活性化に尽力できたら幸い。コロナ感染拡大が続く中、日本政府が東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの延期を決めたことは難しくも賢明な判断だったと思う。改めて、2021年に開催される試合を、日本ならびに世界中のみなさまと心待ちにしている」と語った。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース April 01, 2020 at 05:21PM ギャラクシー・エンターテインメント・グループ 2019年度決算発表「日本市場への投資も継続」 - IAG Japan "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Harvard community rallies to deal with COVID-19 crisis - Harvard Gazette Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:56 PM PDT GAZETTE: Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker and the state's health care providers have made clear the urgent need for supplies. Harvard Schools, labs, and offices have already begun sending equipment and supplies to various locations, and there has also been a coordinated University-wide effort to support Massachusetts health care providers. The University collected thousands of pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which will be provided to state agencies that are in the position to equitably distribute the supplies to hospitals and health care providers that need it most. How was that coordination done? MARY CORRIGAN, associate director of laboratory programs for Harvard's Environmental Health and Safety Department: Working closely with leadership at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), and Harvard Medical School (HMS), Harvard's Environmental Health and Safety team has taken the lead on inventorying, collecting, and most recently delivering four trucks full of PPE to be distributed to the hospitals and health care workers. It has been incredibly meaningful to work across the University in support of local health care providers and first responders, including our affiliated teaching hospitals. Our research activities put us in a unique position to support hospitals with personal protective equipment, and working with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and Department of Public Health has allowed us to ensure a significant volume of supplies will be matched with the unique needs of health care institutions throughout the state. ![]() GAZETTE: In addition to donations of PPE and other critical items, how are faculty, staff, and students at HMS mobilizing to help? GEORGE Q. DALEY, Harvard Medical School dean: Our medical students mobilized rapidly and formed volunteer response teams to provide critical support and resources to our physicians and nurses on the front lines, as well as to patients and the general public. We are exploring whether fourth-year medical students who meet the requirements will have the option to graduate early so that, if they choose, they can quickly be deployed into hospitals where regular staff may soon be overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. On the clinical-care front, we have convened faculty across our affiliated hospitals to share best practices on topics ranging from critical- and intensive-care management to diagnostic testing, emergency response, and disaster management. We have assembled ICU directors and bioethicists to formulate consensus principles for Crisis Standards of Care. Behind the scenes, our Harvard Health Publications team launched the Coronavirus Resource Center to provide reliable answers and information about the disease, and it has quickly become one of the most-clicked websites after the CDC and WHO. We have launched two webinar series: "Clinical Management through COVID-19," geared specifically for clinicians and other health care professionals, and "Coping with Coronavirus," to help those feeling the emotional strain of this unprecedented crisis. While we have mothballed most of our research labs, we have approved emergency exemptions for the most immediate, high-priority COVID-19-related research that is likely to impact patient care within a year. Additionally, we have convened and are providing the administrative core for the Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness (MassCPR) — including over 100 local clinicians and scientists working in six priority areas — to respond to the current COVID-19 pandemic and better position us to address potential future outbreaks. Though we are now working mostly apart, the HMS community is coming together in new ways that are both profound and productive. I could not be prouder of those who have put mission over self, and I know we will emerge stronger as a result. ![]() GAZETTE: Can you give us some specific examples of how faculty members are working to share their research and expertise? ALAN GARBER, provost: Experts have deployed — virtually — across the country and around the world to provide essential research, information, advice, assistance, and public education on the coronavirus outbreak, including the public health implications and the public policy response. Among our faculty are experts in infectious diseases, immunology/epidemiology, global leadership, crisis management, and health care policy. They have much to contribute to our understanding of the pandemic and the means to control it. We're connecting them with local officials and community leaders. Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Broad Institute have each launched research initiatives focused on the coronavirus, including its cause, possible treatments, improved testing, and vaccine development. Faculty and staff from across the University are rising to the challenge and sharing their skills and expertise to help us all fight this pandemic. For example, the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering has nearly a dozen teams at work on coronavirus-related projects. Peng Yin, professor of systems biology at Harvard Medical School, and Wyss senior staff scientist Thomas Schaus are developing disposable, scalable tests for the virus in the form of lateral flow devices that can be used at home without any special training or equipment. George Church, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, and his lab are focused on leveraging the power of our own immune systems by engineering antibodies that bind to and attack the virus. A team at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, including Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, conducted mathematical modeling of outcomes of social-distancing interventions. They concluded that intermittent waves, rather than a one-time effort of social distancing, are a more promising strategy to control the epidemic. Robert Barro, Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, is studying lessons learned from the 1918 Spanish flu in order to better understand COVID-19's potential effects on mortality and economic activity. His findings suggest that the coronavirus could trigger an economic decline similar to that of 2008–2009. These are but a few examples of our researchers making vital contributions to our understanding of, and response to, the coronavirus. I'm incredibly grateful for the intellectual energy and dedication that the Harvard community is bringing to such urgent projects. ![]() GAZETTE: We've seen faculty and epidemiologists from across the T.H. Chan School of Public Health lending their expertise and leadership in several areas, including equity discussions, to highlighting how location and mobility data collected through apps and smartphones can play an important role in measuring the impact of social distancing efforts. In what other ways is the Chan community responding? MICHELLE WILLIAMS, Chan School dean: We're joining forces with Thrive Global, a behavior-change technology company founded by Arianna Huffington, and the CAA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of entertainment and sports agency Creative Artists Agency (CAA), to create an initiative to provide first responder health care workers with physical and psychological resources as they serve on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. #FirstRespondersFirst will provide support for this workforce, ranging from minimum-wage hourly workers in home-care settings to social workers, nurses, physicians, and beyond. The initiative provides essential supplies and equipment for protecting health care workers and their patients. Additionally, the collaborators provide evidence-based content via access to online workshops, virtual training, coaching, and content, all of which aim to help improve the physical and mental well-being of health care workers. We also continue to place an emphasis on mental-health support during this crisis. The School's Center for Work, Health, and Well-being has published a COVID-19 resource for employers and employees and will continue to update the resource as the pandemic evolves. In addition, we have launched a Wednesday mental health series, created by Professor Karestan Koenen, to offer strategies for managing stress when coping with the pandemic. Finally, we've launched efforts to get our students and alumni involved with the COVID-19 response. Gov. Baker's office requested the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) to work with local schools and programs of public health to assist local public health departments and staff in Massachusetts who are overwhelmed by the pandemic. Mobilizing students and alumni began on March 25 through a survey, and two days later more than 1,000 volunteers from the nine schools and programs making up the state's Academic Health Department (AHD) Collaborative had registered to help address immediate needs in Massachusetts. GAZETTE: Harvard's decision to send students home for the rest of the semester and ask many employees to work remotely has affected many small businesses in and around Harvard Square and in Allston. Is the University doing anything to help these businesses? MEREDITH WEENICK, vice president for campus services: We have reached out to all of our retail small business tenants and are working to address their individual concerns and needs. Depending on their individual circumstances, Harvard is offering different rent-relief options or minimum-sales guarantees. The University also lifted lease requirements for mandatory minimum operating hours immediately upon announcing that students would transition to online learning. We have provided access to health and safety best practices and no-cost supplemental cleaning services. We are also working to connect business owners with the state resources that will be available via various local resiliency funds and loan programs and will offer the same technical assistance when and if the federal government offers stimulus or relief packages. ![]() GAZETTE: Under normal circumstances, Harvard is deeply engaged with students and teachers in both the Cambridge Public Schools and Boston Public Schools. How has that work changed now that both of those school systems have canceled school for at least the next few weeks? MAILE TAKAHASHI, director of community programming: Our team has been in contact with the school administrations in both Cambridge and Boston and is actively working to identify ways in which the University can help support both school systems, and what resources they may need as they plan curricula for the rest of the school year. As students and teachers began shifting to online learning, Harvard is working to ensure families are connected to various online resources for teaching and learning, for academic content, and for social/emotional growth and health. At the start of remote school for example, Harvard printed approximately 20,000 copies of grade and curriculum-specific packets for distribution to local Boston Public Schools families. These packets included curriculum materials for students at every grade and subject level to take home. And there are so many ways the University is supporting K–12 learning across campus. The Harvard Graduate School of Education is sharing information with families and students, including strategies for caring for children whose schools are closed, and offering suggestions and resources for keeping kids motivated during the closures. The newly launched LabXchange is a free resource for remote and hybrid learning from Harvard. It offers high-quality digital content in the sciences that you can remix into customized learning narratives, as well as social features that empower and connect learners, educators, and researchers worldwide. And, as always, HarvardX is a great way to access free online classes on subjects ranging from calculus to cooking to classical music. In the coming days and weeks Harvard will continue to transition more resources and programing online and assess the need for new programming to help our community get through these uncertain times. GAZETTE: Is the same true of other public offerings from Harvard? Will that programming still be available? TAKAHASHI: Absolutely. Over the past few weeks departments and Schools across the University that routinely offer programs to the public have begun to transition those offerings to online formats so that everyone can enjoy them virtually. The Harvard Art Museums has made a virtual tour of some of the current works on display. Similarly, the Harvard Museums of Science and Culture are urging virtual visitors the explore and utilize online resources, including free lecture videos and several online exhibitions. Harvard is also working to showcase opportunities around public arts programming across the University, such as online arts talks and performances. The Office for the Arts at Harvard is offering a daily moment to "Pause for Art: Creative Moments for Art" on its website. It's a daily dose of artistic inspiration for anyone looking to find a moment of beauty, comfort, and connection. The Silkroad collective has created a virtual concert miniseries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the Harvard Ed Portal, we've transitioned many of the programs to online. In the first week of Gov. Baker's stay-at-home advisory, we've been able to offer nearly 12 workshops online as part of our workforce programming — which is now a critical bridge for the unemployed as they face isolation and a vastly different employment landscape. Beginning on April 1 we're offering weekly yoga classes, which anyone can join. As Harvard undergrads settle into their own online learning experiences this week, we've heard from many of our undergraduates and graduate students who serve as mentors to local Allston-Brighton youth at the Ed Portal that they will continue their mentoring, academic clubs, and other youth programming online. And we're currently working to connect our local small-business partners with guidance and resources and workshops. We will continue to develop programming as we hear more from our community. As more of these programs and offerings continue to move online, we urge everyone to stay connected to the Ed Portal via the weekly newsletter, and to check back on our website often to keep up with — and access — the latest programs. There's no shortage of offerings across the University, and we really hope people check in with their favorite museums, Schools, or departments and take advantage of one — or more — of these opportunities. ![]() GAZETTE: What type of work is coming out of the Harvard Innovation Lab, and how can it potentially help those on the front lines? MATT SEGNERI, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Executive Director at the Harvard Innovation Labs: Many startups in the Harvard Innovation Labs are creating products and services that have the potential to reduce the spread of the virus, improve patient care, and create community when in-person gatherings are not possible. We've also recently seen numerous examples of former ventures refocusing their efforts on inspiring initiatives related to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, in partnership with the commonwealth of Massachusetts, Buoy Health launched a free symptom checker for COVID-19, which is designed to help people understand whether they should seek care for the virus. The company has also begun socializing its epidemiological data around coronavirus symptom trends, including those that appeared prior to public COVID-19 case confirmation by state authorities. Nurse-1-1 launched a service that lets anyone in the U.S. text with a nurse for free. And Umbulizer is commencing manufacturing of its low-cost portable ventilator, helping to address ventilator shortages as well as the high cost associated with typical ventilators. They have recently raised funding from the Allston Venture Fund and are currently looking to close on additional funding to expand manufacturing, distribution, and service capabilities. Learn more about the company's clinical trial at More examples can be found at the Innovation Labs website. The Daily GazetteSign up for daily emails to get the latest Harvard news. Top stories - Google News April 01, 2020 at 03:50PM Harvard community rallies to deal with COVID-19 crisis - Harvard Gazette Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Viral video shows orangutan washing hands - FOX 35 Orlando Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT ![]() Viral video shows orangutan washing handsVideo of Sandra, an orangutan, went viral on the internet after she was recorded scrubbing away inside her home at the Center for Great Apes in Wauchula.. WAUCHULA, Fla. - It looks like even primates are getting the message about washing their hands. Sandra, an orangutan, went viral on the internet after video of her scrubbing away inside her home at the Center for Great Apes in Wauchula was posted online. Public health officials say handwashing is an important way to "stop the spread" of coronavirus. Patti Ragan, the center's director said for Sandra, it just came naturally. "They do wash things in water, they'll wash their food, they like to play in water," Ragan said. Ragan said orangutans, like 34 year old Sandra, are naturally curious primates. "I think some of it is they see the staff cleaning the environment around them," she said, "but I think a lot of it is them being interested in playing in water, and they do like washing. We sometimes give them baby shampoo, and they like to wash and make soap suds out of that." Ragan said great apes can catch the same diseases as humans, so they were practicing the same hygiene and social distancing at the center as everywhere else. Advertisement "We are putting their safety first right now, during the coronavirus situation. All our staff now are wearing lots of personal protective equipment as far as keeping social distance even from the apes -- as far as interactions, hand-feeding, and so-forth for their protection." They say they're looking for financial support, and also accepting donations of things like toys and foods for the apes, in these tough times. If you'd like to help, you can follow this link to their website. "viral" - Google News April 01, 2020 at 05:53PM Viral video shows orangutan washing hands - FOX 35 Orlando "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:56 PM PDT ![]() During Tuesday's press briefing at the White House, Donald Trump's team painted a stark projection of what they seeing the end death toll 'goal' for the coronavirus pandemic. According to the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, in a worst-case scenario the country could be looking at 1.5 million to 240 million deaths, if there is no intervention whatsoever. However, if people follow the hygiene and self-isolation guidelines, then they believe that the death toll could peak between 100,000 and 240,000, which is still a remarkable number but significantly less than what could have happened if there were no precautions taken at all. While this new will be sobering to many who read it, there is an air of contention around the use of the word 'goals' in the presentation, as if anything close to these numbers will be deemed as a success. Surely something like 'projection' or 'forecast' would have been more suitable in the circumstances. There have been some Trump supporters who have attempted to defend the president's 'goals.' Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Bill and Hillary, also weighed into the issue, highlighting 'the multiple failures to test every suspected case.' The United States has more than 160,000 confirmed cases, at the time of writing, which have resulted in 2,860 deaths. Top stories - Google News April 01, 2020 at 05:09AM People left in shock after White House lists '100,000 to 240,000 coronavirus deaths' as 'goals' - indy100 Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Mobile payments firms in India are now scrambling to make money - TechCrunch Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT Vijay Shekhar Sharma, founder and chief executive of India's most valuable startup, Paytm, posed an existential question in a recent press conference. "What do you think of the commercial model for digital mobile payments. How do we make money?" Sharma asked Nandan Nilekani, one of the key architects of the Universal Payments Infrastructure that created a digital payments revolution in the country. It's the multi-billion-dollar question that scores of local startups and international giants have been scrambling to answer as many of them aggressively shift their focus to serving merchants and building lending products and other financial services . New Delhi's abrupt move to invalidate much of the paper bills in the cash-dominated nation in late 2016 sent hundreds of millions of people to cash machines for months to follow. For a handful of startups such as Paytm and MobiKwik, this cash crunch meant netting tens of millions of new users in a span of a few months. India then moved to work with a coalition of banks to develop the payments infrastructure that, unlike Paytm and MobiKwik's earlier system, did not act as an intermediary "mobile wallet" to serve as an intermediary between users and their banks, but facilitated direct transaction between two users' bank accounts. Silicon Valley companies quickly took notice. For years, Google and the likes have attempted to change the purchasing behavior of people in many Asian and African markets, where they have amassed hundreds of millions of users. In Pakistan, for instance, most people still run errands to neighborhood stores when they want to top up credit to make phone calls and access the internet. With China keeping its doors largely closed for foreign firms, India, where many American giants have already poured billions of dollars to find their next billion users, it was a no-brainer call. "Unlike China, we have given equal opportunities to both small and large domestic and foreign companies," said Dilip Asbe, chief executive of NPCI, the payments body behind UPI. And thus began the race to participate in the grand Indian experiment. Investors have followed suit as well. Indian fintech startups raised $2.74 billion last year, compared to 3.66 billion that their counterparts in China secured, according to research firm CBInsights. And that bet in a market with more than half a billion internet users has already started to pay off. "If you look at UPI as a platform, we have never seen growth of this kind before," Nikhil Kumar, who volunteered at a nonprofit organization to help develop the payments infrastructure, said in an interview. In October, just three years after its inception, UPI had amassed 100 million users and processed over a billion transactions. It has sustained its growth since, clocking 1.25 billion transactions in March — despite one of the nation's largest banks going through a meltdown last month. "It all comes down to the problem it is solving. If you look at the western markets, digital payments have largely been focused on a person sending money to a merchant. UPI does that, but it also enables peer-to-peer payments and across a wide-range of apps. It's interoperable," said Kumar, who is now working at a startup called Setu to develop APIs to help small businesses easily accept digital payments. ![]() Vice-president of Google's Next Billion Users Caesar Sengupta speaks during the launch of the Google "Tez" mobile app for digital payments in New Delhi on September 18, 2017 (Photo: Getty Images via AFP PHOTO / SAJJAD HUSSAIN) The Google Pay app has amassed over 67 million monthly active users. And the company has found the UPI pipeline so fascinating that it has recommended similar infrastructure to be built in the U.S. In August, the Federal Reserve proposed to develop a new inter-bank 24×7 real-time gross settlement service that would support faster payments in the country. In November, Google recommended (PDF) that the U.S. Federal Reserve implement a real-time payments platform such as UPI. "After just three years, the annual run rate of transactions flowing through UPI is about 19% of India's Gross Domestic Product, including 800 million monthly transactions valued at approximately $19 billion," wrote Mark Isakowitz, Google's vice president of Government Affairs and Public Policy. Paytm itself has amassed more than 150 million users who use it every year to make transactions. Overall, the platform has 300 million mobile wallet accounts and 55 million bank accounts, said Sharma. Search for a business modelBut despite on-boarding more than a hundred million users on their platform, payment firms are struggling to cut their losses — let alone turn a profit. At an event in Bangalore late last year, Sajith Sivanandan, managing director and business head of Google Pay and Next Billion User Initiatives, said current local rules have forced Google Pay to operate in India without a clear business model. Mobile payment firms never levied any fee to users as a strategy to expand their reach in the country. A recent directive from the government has now put an end to the cut they were receiving to facilitate UPI transactions between users and merchants. Google's Sivanandan urged the local payment bodies to "find ways for payment players to make money" to ensure every stakeholder had incentives to operate. Paytm, which has raised more than $3 billion to date, reported a loss of $549 million in the financial year ending in March 2019. The firm, backed by SoftBank and Alibaba, has expanded to several new businesses in recent years, including Paytm Mall, an e-commerce venture, social commerce, financial services arm Paytm Money and a movies and ticketing category. This year, Paytm has expanded to serve merchants, launching new gadgets such as a stand that displays QR check-out codes that comes with a calculator and a battery pack, a portable speaker that provides voice confirmations of transactions and a point-of-sale machine with built-in scanner and printer. In an interview with TechCrunch, Sharma said these devices are already garnering impressive demand from merchants. The company is offering these gadgets to them as part of a subscription service that helps it establish a steady flow of revenue. The firm's Money arm, which offers lending, insurance and investing services, has amassed over 3 million users. The head of Paytm Money, Pravin Jadhav, resigned from the company this week, a person familiar with the matter said. A Paytm spokeswoman declined to comment. (Indian news outlet Entrackr first reported the development.) Flipkart's PhonePe, another major player in India's payments market, today serves more than 175 million users, and over 8 million merchants. Its app serves as a platform for other businesses to reach users, explained Rahul Chari, co-founder and CTO of the firm, in an interview with TechCrunch. The company is currently not taking a cut for the real estate on its app, he added. But these startups' expansion into new categories means that they now have to face off even more rivals, and spend more money to gain a foothold. In the social commerce category, for instance, Paytm is competing with Naspers-backed Meesho and a handful of new entrants; and heavily-backed OkCredit and KhataBook today lead the bookkeeping market. BharatPe, which raised $75 million two months ago, is digitizing mom and pop stores and granting them working capital. And PineLabs, which has already become a unicorn, and MSwipe have flooded the market with their point-of-sale machines. ![]() A vendor holds an Mswipe terminal, operated by M-Swipe Technologies Pvt Ltd., in an arranged photograph at a roadside stall in Bengaluru, India, on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2017. (Photographer: Dhiraj Singh/Bloomberg via Getty Images) "They have no choice. Payment is the gateway to businesses such as e-commerce and lending that you can monetize. In Paytm's case, their earlier bet was Paytm Mall," said Jayanth Kolla, founder and chief analyst at research firm Convergence Catalyst. But Paytm Mall has struggled to compete with giants Amazon India and Walmart's Flipkart. Last year, Mall pivoted to offline-to-online and online-to-offline models, wherein orders placed by customers are serviced from local stores. The company also secured about $160 million from eBay last year. An executive who previously worked at Paytm Mall said the venture has struggled to grow because its goal-post has constantly shifted over the years. It has recently started to focus on selling fastags, a system that allows vehicle owners to swiftly pay toll fees. At least two more executives at the firm are on their way out, a person familiar with the matter said. Kolla said the current dynamics of India's mobile payments market, where more than 100 firms are chasing the same set of audience, is reminiscent of the telecom market in the country from more than a decade ago. "When there were just four to five players in the telecom market, the prospect of them becoming profitable was much higher. They were scaling like crazy. They grew with the lowest ARPU in the world (at about $2) and were still profitable. "But the moment that number grew to more than a dozen overnight, and the new players started offering more affordable plans to subscribers, that's when profitability started to become elusive," he said. To top that off, the arrival of Reliance Jio, a telecom operator run by India's richest man, in 2016 in the country with the cheapest tariff plans in the world, upended the market once again, forcing several players to leave the market, or declare bankruptcies, or consolidate. India's mobile payments market is now heading to a similar path, said Kolla. If there were not enough players fighting for a slice of India's mobile payments market that Credit Suisse estimate could reach $1 trillion by 2023, WhatsApp, the most popular app in the country with more that 400 million users, is set to roll out its mobile payments service in the country in a couple of months. At the aforementioned press conference, Nilekani advised Sharma and other players to focus on financial services such as lending. Unfortunately, the coronavirus outbreak that promoted New Delhi to order a three-week lockdown last month is likely going to impact the ability of millions of people to use such services. "India has more than 100 million microfinance accounts, serviced in cash every week by gig-economy workers, who hawk vegetables on street corners or embroider saris sold in malls, among other things. Three out of four workers make a living by working casually for others or at their family firms and farms. Prolonged shutdowns will impair their ability to repay loans of 2.1 trillion rupees ($28.5 billion), putting the world's largest microfinance industry at risk," wrote Bloomberg columnist Andy Mukherjee. "Mobile" - Google News April 01, 2020 at 04:42PM Mobile payments firms in India are now scrambling to make money - TechCrunch "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
These Coronavirus Exposures Might Be the Most Dangerous - The New York Times Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:27 PM PDT ![]() Li Wenliang, the doctor in China who raised early awareness of the new coronavirus, died of the virus in February at 34. His death was shocking not only because of his role in publicizing the developing epidemic but also — given that young people do not have a high risk of dying from Covid-19 — because of his age. Is it possible that Dr. Li died because as a doctor who spent a lot of time around severely ill Covid-19 patients, he was infected with such a high dose? After all, though he was one of the first young health care workers to die after being exposed up close and frequently to the virus, he was unfortunately not the last. The importance of viral dose is being overlooked in discussions of the coronavirus. As with any other poison, viruses are usually more dangerous in larger amounts. Small initial exposures tend to lead to mild or asymptomatic infections, while larger doses can be lethal. From a policy perspective, we need to consider that not all exposures to the coronavirus may be the same. Stepping into an office building that once had someone with the coronavirus in it is not as dangerous as sitting next to that infected person for an hourlong train commute. This may seem obvious, but many people are not making this distinction. We need to focus more on preventing high-dose infection. Both small and large amounts of virus can replicate within our cells and cause severe disease in vulnerable individuals such as the immunocompromised. In healthy people, however, immune systems respond as soon as they sense a virus growing inside. Recovery depends on which wins the race: viral spread or immune activation. Virus experts know that viral dose affects illness severity. In the lab, mice receiving a low dose of virus clear it and recover, while the same virus at a higher dose kills them. Dose sensitivity has been observed for every common acute viral infection that has been studied in lab animals, including coronaviruses. Humans also exhibit sensitivity to viral dose. Volunteers have allowed themselves to be exposed to low or high doses of relatively benign viruses causing colds or diarrhea. Those receiving the low doses have rarely developed visible signs of infection, while high doses have typically led to infections and more severe symptoms. It would be unethical to experimentally manipulate viral dose in humans for a pathogen as serious as the coronavirus, but there is evidence that dose also matters for the human coronavirus. During the 2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong, for instance, one patient infected many others living in the same complex of apartment buildings, resulting in 19 dead. The spread of infection is thought to have been caused by airborne viral particles that were blown throughout the complex from the initial patient's apartment unit. As a result of greater viral exposure, neighbors who lived in the same building were not only more frequently infected but also more likely to die. By contrast, more distant neighbors, even when infected, suffered less. Low-dose infections can even engender immunity, protecting against high-dose exposures in the future. Before the invention of vaccines, doctors often intentionally infected healthy individuals with fluid from smallpox pustules. The resulting low-dose infections were unpleasant but generally survivable, and they prevented worse incidents of disease when those individuals were later exposed to smallpox in uncontrolled amounts. Despite the evidence for the importance of viral dose, many of the epidemiological models being used to inform policy during this pandemic ignore it. This is a mistake. People should take particular care against high-dose exposures, which are most likely to occur in close in-person interactions — such as coffee meetings, crowded bars and quiet time in a room with Grandma — and from touching our faces after getting substantial amounts of virus on our hands. In-person interactions are more dangerous in enclosed spaces and at short distances, with dose escalating with exposure time. For transient interactions that violate the rule of maintaining six feet between you and others, such as paying a cashier at the grocery store, keep them brief — aim for "within six feet, only six seconds." Because dose matters, medical personnel face an extreme risk, since they deal with the sickest, highest-viral-load patients. We must prioritize protective gear for them. For everyone else, the importance of social distancing, mask-wearing and good hygiene is only greater, since these practices not only decrease infectious spread but also tend to decrease dose and thus the lethalness of infections that do occur. While preventing viral spread is a societal good, avoiding high-dose infections is a personal imperative, even for young healthy people. At the same time, we need to avoid a panicked overreaction to low-dose exposures. Clothing and food packaging that have been exposed to someone with the virus seem to present a low risk. Healthy people who are together in the grocery store or workplace experience a tolerable risk — so long as they take precautions like wearing surgical masks and spacing themselves out. A complete lockdown of society is the most effective way to stop spread of the virus, but it is costly both economically and psychologically. When society eventually reopens, risk-reduction measures like maintaining personal space and practicing proper hand-washing will be essential to reducing high-dose infections. High-risk sites for high-dose exposure, like stadiums and convention venues, should remain shuttered. Risky but essential services like public transportation should be allowed to operate — but people must follow safety measures such as wearing masks, maintaining physical spacing and never commuting with a fever. Now is the time to stay home. But hopefully this time will be brief. When we do begin to leave our homes again, let's do it wisely, in light of the importance of viral dose. Joshua D. Rabinowitz is a professor of chemistry and genomics at Princeton, where Caroline R. Bartman is a research fellow. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We'd like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And here's our email: Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. "viral" - Google News April 01, 2020 at 03:34PM These Coronavirus Exposures Might Be the Most Dangerous - The New York Times "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
アニメ「魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅」第2期「キムラック編」制作決定 - GIGAZINE Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT アニメ「魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅」第2期「キムラック編」制作決定 - GIGAZINE ![]()
TVアニメ「魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅」公式サイト ![]()
2期『魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅 キムラック編』制作決定CM - YouTube なお、アニメ第1期のBru-lay&DVD BOX2巻組が2020年4月2日(木)・5月8日(金)に発売予定。BOX 1には第1話~第7話を、BOX 2には第8話~第13話とテレビ未放送の第14話を収録し、価格はBru-lay BOXが税別1万9000円、DVD BOXが税別1万5000円。 テレビ未放送の第14話「天人の遺産」は以下のようなお話。 アザリーは、チャイルドマンが何をしようとしていたかを突き止めるべく、バルトアンデルスの剣と「世界書」を携え、キムラックへ出発していた。一方、アザリーとの決着をつけるために、一人でキムラックへ向かおうとするオーフェンだったが、クリーオウ、マジクとともにキムラックへ向かうことになり、レティシャ邸を後にする。果たして、オーフェンたちの旅の行く末は……?
![]() この記事のタイトルとURLをコピーする ・関連記事 「魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅」作者・秋田禎信インタビュー、シリーズ25周年の新作アニメや執筆にまつわるエピソードを根掘り葉掘り聞き出してみた - GIGAZINE シリーズ生誕25周年の完全新作アニメ「魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅」スペシャルPV第2弾公開、追加キャスト&スタッフ解禁 - GIGAZINE ・関連コンテンツ 2020-04-01 19:25:25Z |
Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT 'Tiger King': Critic Calls Netflix Docuseries 'Cruel and Appalling' -- Here's Why Everyone's Watching It Anyway - Showbiz Cheat Sheet With most of the country stuck at home with nothing to do during the coronavirus pandemic, it was only a matter of time before some show on Netflix exploded in popularity. But a true-crime documentary about an eccentric zoo owner in prison for masterminding a murder-for-hire plot wasn't what we had in mind. Netflix's Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness is the most-watched show on television right now. Everyone is talking about the bizarre, train wreck of a story that seems ready-made for creating memes. However, some critics of Tiger King aren't so enamored by the filmmakers' approach to some very dark topics. ![]() 'Tiger King' is so outlandish that viewers find it funnyIt's easy to dismiss the wild, wacky world of Joe Exotic as pure parody. His over-the-top personality plus the entire cast of oddball characters, including Doc Antle with his harem of women, employees missing limbs, and Carole Baskin's cool cats and kittens, makes the whole thing so extreme. As many fans are saying, if Tiger King was fiction, no one would believe it could happen in real life. You can't make this stuff up. However, the consequences for Joe Exotic's actions are all too real. As we learn at the beginning of the series, he's currently serving hard time after being found guilty of hiring a hitman to kill his rival plus other wildlife abuse crimes. And even though his life has been made a parody, that's a real man behind bars. The crimes featured on the show are no jokeThere's no denying that Joe Exotic has good intentions, at least some of the time. His penchant for hiring other "misfits" such as himself, including people recently released from prison and those who have no other job prospects, make him one of the more endearing characters in the docuseries. But those altruistic tendencies aren't enough to counteract his major character flaws. As Wired writer Kate Knibbs said, Tiger King is a "brutal and sickening" binge that turns truly appalling concepts into entertainment. "For all of the kooky moments, the story's central contours are plainly awful—at its sordid core, it's about the abuse of both animals and humans, not a quirky romp about whimsical big-cat fanatics," she says. Fans are convinced Joe Exotic was framed for his crimes — but was he?The hashtag #freejoeexotic was trending on Twitter for a while and fans everywhere are questioning if he's truly guilty of hiring someone to murder Carole Baskin or if he was framed by his former business partner, Jeff Lowe. But like so many true crime documentaries before it, Tiger King creators are the ones who are guilty of clever editing and leaving out pertinent details to the story that would make Joe Exotic look guily. Telling the whole truth doesn't always make for compelling television. It's hard to know the aim of the documentary besides just being shocking for the sake of viewership. Multiple participants, including Doc Antle and Carole Baskin, have publicly slammed their portrayals in the film. Supposedly Joe Exotic is thrilled he's finally famous from behind bars The real reason everyone is obsessed with 'Tiger King'The release of Tiger King just so happened to coincide with the coronavirus pandemic that's making people around the world simultaneously terrified and bored. This combination provided the perfect breeding ground for Tiger King to flourish — for one thing, the drama on the show so removed from the norm that it took viewers' minds off their real problems. On one hand the documentary filmmakers intentionally tried to portray the subjects in a particular way "playing up their oddness rather than their depravity," as Knibbs observed. But on the other, we were all just so desperate for a distraction that we couldn't rip ourselves away. Even if it's objectively terrible. 2020-04-01 17:59:29Z |
Colton Underwood lost his virginity while filming 'The Bachelor' - Page Six Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT Colton Underwood lost his virginity while filming 'The Bachelor' - Page Six ![]() The country's most famous virgin, Colton Underwood, popped his cherry with current girlfriend Cassie Randolph who he met filming season 23 of "The Bachelor." In "The First Time," Underwood's newly released memoir, the 28-year-old writes of inviting Randolph, 24, up to a fantasy suite while they were being filmed in Mallorca, Spain. When the couple realized they were finally alone and not being recorded Underwood writes that he pulled Randolph close and asked what she wanted to do. She replied, "What do you want to do?" The next chapter entitled "What Happened in the Fantasy Suite" is just four terse words: "None of your business." Indeed, keeping mum about the details seems to be Underwood's m.o. as elsewhere in the book he notes, "No one talks about their sex life unless they don't have one." But the ex-NFL wannabe does note that the shower in the suite was all glass and adjacent to the bed — not that that mattered — "There was no doubt we were going to end up naked in front of each other," he writes. Underwood adds that, when producers knocked on their door the following morning at 9:00 a.m to shoot an interview, they didn't answer the door as they "weren't ready." The reality star appeared on "Good Morning America" via video conference on March 31st to declare that he is feeling "so much better" since testing positive for coronavirus. "It was definitely a little bit of a scary time but I'm back to what I would consider normal," he added. 2020-04-01 17:34:26Z |
Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT Prince Charles Breaks Silence About His Coronavirus Diagnosis in Moving New Video - Entertainment Tonight ![]() 2020-04-01 15:22:46Z |
How Taylor Swift Is Helping a Small Nashville Record Store Survive - Rolling Stone Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT How Taylor Swift Is Helping a Small Nashville Record Store Survive - Rolling Stone ![]() Like most small businesses that have had to shut down or alter their operations during the coronavirus pandemic, record stores have been forced to completely change the way they operate. Over the past two weeks, Nashville retailer Grimey's New & Preloved Music, for example, has had to send its employees home after the city's mayor issued a stay-at-home order. This week, though, they got a life preserver from Taylor Swift, who is supplying the store with money for each employee and three months' worth of health care. A source close to the situation confirmed the news to Rolling Stone. "We were very surprised, and I would have to say amazed, that Taylor Swift reached out to us through her publicist to offer some relief during the COVID-19 pandemic," Grimey's co-owner Doyle Davis tells Rolling Stone. "I didn't even know we were on her radar, but she really stepped up to help after the recent tornadoes that struck Nashville and middle Tennessee, and now she's trying to help a beloved small business in her city. "Taylor generously offered some direct relief to my staff and to cover three months of our health care costs for our group-insurance plan," he continues. "It's a huge deal to us, and now I have some peace of mind as we apply for [Small Business Association] loans to pay rent, vendors, and other expenses. This assistance from Ms. Swift helps give us a real shot at coming back on the other side of this." "It's incredibly heartening and totally surreal that Taylor Swift has offered to help us out in such a significant way," Grimey's buyer Will Orman adds. "With so much uncertainty about what lies ahead, we're deeply grateful to be able to look forward to returning to the store and continuing to share music and connect with our community, thanks to Taylor's generous support." In the weeks since the CDC updated its guidelines for the coronavirus — recommending social distancing and copious hand-washing — record stores across the country have radically adopted their modus operandi. Where selling music over the internet seemed anathema to many stores, retailers have embraced the internet as a means to sell physical CDs, LPs, and cassettes. In addition to mailing products, some stores have also offered curbside pickup for customers in allowable areas. The pivot to web has been especially fruitful for some stores. Davis reports that a customer who lives down the street from the store purchased two collectible records Grimey's had previously displayed on its walls and subsequently listed on Discogs after the pandemic. "Maybe he wanted to help out," he says. "But people are really wanting to show their support. It's gratifying to see all the online sales." The store is currently in the midst of repopulating its website with albums for sale. The site also has a section for store merch like T-shirts and gift certificates. Grimey's, which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, was selected for Rolling Stone's list of the 10 Best Record Stores in America in 2018. "With its friendly and knowledgeable clerks and a 'we can get it!' work ethic, Grimey's record shop has been filling Nashville music fans' orders for nearly 20 years," we wrote. "In the process, it's landed on the must list for anyone visiting Music City, where a Grimey's T-shirt is just as coveted as a rare colored-vinyl pressing." Swift's generosity during the coronavirus pandemic has extended well beyond record stores. Twenty of her fans have reported that the pop star has donated $3,000 each to their calls for financial support in the past few weeks. According to NME, photographer Holly Tuner had made a Tumblr post asking for help, and Swift wrote, "Holly, you've always been there for me. I want to be there for you right now." Similarly, Swift reached out to another fan in need, writing, "I saw your post and would love to gift you $3,000 to help with the stress of what's going on right now." Swift, who has donated to Feeding America and the World Health Organization and requested her fans support those organizations, has encouraged her fans to respect the CDC guidelines and stay home. "I'm seeing lots of get-togethers and hangs and parties still happening," she wrote on Instagram earlier this month. "This is the time to cancel plans, actually truly isolate as much as you can, and don't assume that because you don't feel sick that you aren't possibly passing something on to someone elderly or vulnerable to this. It's a really scary time, but we need to make sacrifices right now." 2020-04-01 14:46:42Z |
See Samuel L. Jackson deliver a profane message about staying home during coronavirus - CNET Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT See Samuel L. Jackson deliver a profane message about staying home during coronavirus - CNET For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website. Samuel L. Jackson appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday with a rather poetic request of viewers: "Stay the fuck at home." The Avengers actor delivered a new spin on the humorous children's book Go the Fuck to Sleep (both versions written by Adam Mansbach), which he narrated, modifying it into a profane public service announcement about the coronavirus. Rhyming, he asked people to help flatten the curve by not going out. "Now technically I'm not a doctor, but most motherfuckers listen when I read a poem, so here I am, Sam fucking Jackson, imploring you: keep your ass at home," he read in between bleeps. Jackson and Kimmel, who has been doing his show from his home, like many other late night talk show hosts, also discussed Netflix documentary series The Tiger King. The Tiger King is a seven-episode doc about an eccentric big cat zoo owner named Joe Exotic. "I thought I'd met all kinds of people in my travels, but that subset I have not run into," Jackson said. 2020-04-01 18:55:24Z |
新『東ラブ』“カンチ”伊藤健太郎は赤名リカ派「何言われたって好き」 - Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT 新『東ラブ』"カンチ"伊藤健太郎は赤名リカ派「何言われたって好き」 - 一方、清原は「リカは考えがはっきりしているので、最初わかんなくても後々理解できちゃう。感情が100%で表面に出ている時は、振り回されるけど良いなと思います。さとみはちょっと暗い…?(笑)」とブレないリカに一票。二人に選ばれなかったさとみ役を演じた石井が少しへこむと、伊藤は「あくまで役だからね(笑)」とフォローを入れ、場を和ませていた。 1991年にフジテレビでドラマ化され、"カンチ"こと永尾完治と赤名リカのせつないラブストーリーが当時社会現象となった90年代恋愛ドラマの金字塔が、現代を舞台に29年ぶりに復活。前作を観たかという質問には、伊藤以外全員「見ていない」と答えた。 石橋は「伝説的なインパクトのある作品だと思うので見てしまうと演技に影響が出ると思ったので、原作の漫画だけ読みました」と話し、石井もこれに同意。一方、一人だけ「見た」と答えた伊藤は「僕も(演技が)引っ張られやすいので、とてもラフな気持ちで見ました」といい、「ファッション一つにしろ、時代背景にしろ全部違ったけどリンクしている部分もあるので、演じていてすごく楽しめました」と一視聴者として作品を堪能したことを明かした。 伊藤は「前作のファンの方もいると思いますが、フラットな感情で見てくれるとすごくうれしいです。今なかなか外に出れない中でも、僕ら4人の恋愛模様を見てドキドキしたりワクワクしてもらえたらと思うので、ぜひ楽しみにしてください」と自宅での視聴をオススメし、石橋も「大変な時期ですが、4人のいろんな言動に一緒に振り回されてハラハラドキドキして、涙したり怒ったり喜んだりしてほしいです。オリジナルと比べて見てもらっても良いですし、時代も変わって東京の街並みも変わっているので今の若者が感じることもまた違うので、本作で新しい発見をしてもらいたいと思います。特に同世代の方々にぜひ見てほしいです」と呼びかける。 清原は「僕自身、撮影をすごく楽しめました。演技は心が忙しくて大変でしたが、映像としてみたときにやってよかったなと本当に思いました。ぜひ見ていただて気持ちを豊かにしてもらえたらと思います」とアピール。石井は「次はどんな風に表現されてるんだろうとすごくワクワクしながら見れると思います。4者4様の恋愛観が映像の中に詰まっていると思うので、いろんな感情になりながら楽しんでいただけたらと思います」とコメントを寄せた。 2020-04-01 13:47:00Z |
江頭、新型コロナ感染拡大防止に熱い訴え「大切な人の命を守る、そう思って行動して!」 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT 江頭、新型コロナ感染拡大防止に熱い訴え「大切な人の命を守る、そう思って行動して!」 - ORICON NEWS ![]() お笑い芸人・江頭2:50が1日、YouTube公式チャンネル『エガちゃんねる』で新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止に向けた声かけを行った。「きょうは真面目な話がある。毎日ニュースでやっているけど、新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大している。あまり不安を煽るのはよくないけど、感染拡大を止めるためには、お前ら一人ひとりの行動にかかっているんだ」と訴えた。 江頭は続けて「もう、他人事じゃないぜ」ときょう1日時点での国内の感染者数を報告すると「これって検査した人の数じゃん。実際はもっといるんだよ。8割は症状が出ないと言われるけど、うつすんだよ。広がるんだよ」と指摘。「ヨーロッパでもアメリカでも一気に増えたじゃないか。自分だけじゃなくて、自分の大切な人がコロナにかかったと想像してみてくれ」と呼びかけた。 さらに「お前のお父さんが、お母さん、おじいちゃんが、おばあちゃんが人工呼吸器をつけなければいけなくなったことを想像してみてくれ。お前らの大切な人がいなくなったことを想像してみてくれ。残された人たちの悲しみを想像してみてくれ。大切な人の命を守る、そう思って行動してみてくれ!」と語りかけ、「オレだって遊びに行きたいぜ、でも今は我慢だ。みんなでこの危機を乗り越えようぜ。StayHome、お家で過ごそう」と話していた。 ★YouTube公式チャンネル「ORICON NEWS」2020-04-01 12:40:57Z |
加藤茶「大好きな志村よ」志村けんさんに弔辞 - シネマトゥデイ Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:09 AM PDT 加藤茶「大好きな志村よ」志村けんさんに弔辞 - シネマトゥデイ ![]() 1日、3月29日に新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎のため70歳で亡くなった、志村けんさんを追悼する特別番組がフジテレビ系で生放送され、ゲスト出演したザ・ドリフターズの加藤茶が弔辞を述べた。 「志村けんさん追悼特別番組 46年間笑いをありがとう」と題した番組では、同じくザ・ドリフターズの仲本工事と高木ブーに、研ナオコ、いしのようこも出演。「ドリフ大爆笑」「志村けんのだいじょうぶだぁ」「志村けんのバカ殿様」などの名作コントが流され、爆笑と共に志村さんの笑いを振り返った。 番組の最後に加藤は「志村、ひどすぎるぞお前、一番若いお前が、俺たち差し置いて天国に行っちゃうなんてなぁ」と切り出すと「まだ俺たちと一緒にやらなきゃならないことが、たくさんあっただろう。それを勝手に一人で行っちゃうなんて、おめぇはバカだよ。天国の長さん(いかりや長介さん)も、まさかお前が最初に来るなんて、思ってなかっただろうなぁ。びっくりしたと思うよ」と語る。 さらに「長さんの次は、高木ブーだと思ってたもんな」と笑いを誘った加藤。「でも、久しぶりに二人っきりで、いろんな話ができるから、長さんも喜ぶんじゃねぇかな。ま、いずれそう遠くないうちに、俺たちもそっちに行くと思うから。それまで、長さんと酒でも酌み交わしながら、ドリフの新しいネタでも考えといてくれよ。5人がそっちに全員集合したら、そっちのお客さんを大爆笑させようぜ。約束だぞ。じゃ、それまでゆっくりと休んでくれ。大好きな志村よ」と締めくくった。 加藤の言葉に、仲本は「全く同じ気持ち」とコメント。また高木は「志村は死なないの。ずっと生きてる」と思いを語っていた。(編集部・入倉功一) 2020-04-01 12:29:00Z |
加藤茶が弔辞「志村…ひどすぎるぞ1番若いお前が」 - 日刊スポーツ Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT 加藤茶が弔辞「志村…ひどすぎるぞ1番若いお前が」 - 日刊スポーツ 加藤茶(77)が1日、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎で亡くなった志村けんさん(本名・志村康徳=しむら・やすのり、享年70)の追悼特別番組としてフジテレビ系で生放送された「志村けんさん追悼特別番組 46年間笑いをありがとう」に出演した。加藤は番組の最後で志村さんへの弔辞を読み「5人がそっちに全員集合したら、そっちのお客さんを大爆笑させようぜ。約束だぞ」と声を大にした。 「弔辞 志村…ひどすぎるぞ、お前。1番、若いお前が、俺たちを差し置いて、天国に行っちゃうなんてなぁ。まだ、俺たちと一緒にやらなきゃならないことが、たくさんあっただろう。それを勝手に、1人で先に行っちゃうなんて。お前はバカだよ。天国の長さん(いかりや長介さん)も、まさか、お前が最初に来るなんて、思ってなかっただろうな。びっくりしたと思うよ。長さんの次は、高木ブーだと思っていたもんな。でも、久しぶりに2人っきりで、いろいろな話が出来るから、長さんも喜ぶんじゃないかな? まぁ、いずれ、そう遠くないうちに、俺たちもそっちに行くと思うから、それまで長さんと酒でも酌み交わしながら、ドリフの新しいネタでも考えていてくれよ。5人がそっちに全員集合したら、そっちのお客さんを大爆笑させようぜ。約束だぞ。じゃ、それまでゆっくり休んでくれ。大好きな志村へ。令和2年4月1日、ザ・ドリフターズ加藤茶」 番組では「ドリフ大爆笑」「志村けんのバカ殿様」「志村けんのだいじょうぶだぁ」などで披露した、志村さんの名コントの数々を紹介。「バカ殿」「変なおじさん」「ひとみ婆さん」「いいよなおじさん」など名物キャラクターも登場した。また志村さんの死後、ショックでコメントできなくなった、柄本明(71)と繰り広げた芸者コントなども放送した。加藤、仲本工事(78)高木ブー(87)の3人は時に口を大きく開けて爆笑するなど、後輩の志村さんのコントを堪能した。 4月1日は、志村さんが「ボーヤ」と呼ばれた見習いから、荒井注さんの脱退を受けて正メンバーに昇格した日だった。加藤は「ものすごい、面白いっすね。こんなに笑って良いんですかね。何をやっても志村はツッコンでくれるので安心してボケられる。大体、真ん中に来て自分がズラすところを狙ってくる」と、志村さんの並外れたツッコミをたたえた。 仲本は「面白いね。何とも言えない。やっぱりすごいね。リズムが速いし1つ、1つアクションが着いている。必ず、アクションがあって、音楽が続く…ああいうところがアイデアだよね」と、あらためて絶賛した。 2020-04-01 12:28:20Z |
伊藤健太郎&清原翔、リカとさとみどっち派?令和版「東京ラブストーリー」無観客で制作発表 - Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:08 AM PDT 伊藤健太郎&清原翔、リカとさとみどっち派?令和版「東京ラブストーリー」無観客で制作発表 - 【モデルプレス=2020/04/01】フジテレビが運営する動画配信サービス「FOD」とAmazon Prime Videoにて、4月29日0時より配信開始するドラマ『東京ラブストーリー』(毎週水曜日0時最新話配信)の制作発表会を、出演者の伊藤健太郎、石橋静河、清原翔、石井杏奈が登壇し1日、フジテレビにて開催した。 (写真 : 石井杏奈、伊藤健太郎、石橋静河、清原翔(C)) ◆「東京ラブストーリー」29年ぶりドラマ化 『東京ラブストーリー』といえば、柴門ふみ原作の漫画で1991年にフジテレビでドラマ化。"カンチ"こと永尾完治と赤名リカのせつないラブストーリーが当時社会現象となり、その後も語り継がれる90年代恋愛ドラマの金字塔ともいえる不朽の名作ドラマ。今回は、29年ぶりに現代版となって新たなキャストを迎えてよみがえる。 新型コロナウィルスの影響で観客や取材陣を招待せずに無観客で行われた本作の制作発表会では、主演の伊藤(永尾完治役)、石橋(赤名リカ役)、清原(三上健一役)、石井(関口さとみ役)が登壇し、撮影の思い出や作品の見どころについてトークショーを行なった。 冒頭、「前作が放送されている当時は生まれてもいなかった」と語った伊藤は、「そんな僕らでも知っている作品だったので、令和版の主人公として出演させてもらえることは素直に嬉しかった」と率直な気持ちを伝え、他共演者とともにオファーを受けた時の喜びを伝えた。 ◆伊藤健太郎ら4人、前作のドラマは観た? 「オファーを受けた後に前作のテレビドラマを見ましたか?」という質問に対して、伊藤以外全員「見ていない」と回答。その理由として石橋は、「伝説的なインパクトのある作品だと思うので見てしまうと演技に影響が出ると思ったので、原作の漫画だけ読みました」と話し、石井もそれに頷いていた。 一方、一人だけ「見た」と答えた伊藤は「僕も(演技が)引っ張られやすいので、とてもラフな気持ちで見ました」とし、「ファッション一つにしろ、時代背景にしろ全部違ったけどリンクしている部分もあるので演じていてすごく楽しめました」とコメント。それに対して石橋は「時代も違って、今生きている若者感情と当時の若者の感情はやはり少し違うと思うので、あえて前作は見ずに自由に演じたかった」と考えを述べた。 ◆清原翔「僕はまだまだ恋愛ができていない」 台本を読んだ印象について清原は、「人の恋愛を学ばせてもらいました。僕はまだまだ恋愛ができていないなと。主役の完治に対しては共感を持つ部分もありましたが、僕が演じた三上は共感できない部分が多かったので少し抵抗がありました。というのも、おおっぴらに女性が好きな部分をさらけ出せるのは、リスペクトする部分もありますが僕にはできないですね」と話し、伊藤の「(普段の清原くんの)まんまでしょ?」というツッコミに対して「まんまだったら問題ないよ」と切り返し、笑いを誘っていた。 対する石井は、「(自分が演じたさとみの気持ちが)わかるなと思いながら台本を読んでいました。女性だったら恋した時に同じ気持ちになるんじゃないかな」と台本を読んだ時の共感を述べた。 また、夏に収録を終えて半年ぶりに集ったという4人に撮影で印象に残ったシーンについて尋ねると、伊藤は「三上の家から見える景色です。30数階の部屋のバルコニーからの景色を4人で見るシーンがあるんですがそれが印象に残っています。東京ラブストーリーって感じがしました」と振り返った。 ◆伊藤健太郎、王道ラブストーリーに初挑戦 今回王道の恋愛作品が初めてだと答えた伊藤は、「本当に大変に感じました。他のジャンルももちろん大変さはありますが、体力的な部分ではなく精神的な部分、喜んだり悲しんだり怒ったりの感情の起伏が大変でした。さっき喜んでいたと思ったら次は泣かなきゃいけないとか、めくるめくシーンを撮影しないといけない難しさは恋愛モノならではだと感じました」と回答。 他の出演もそれに強く共感。また、特に感情の豊かな女性である石橋が演じた赤名リカという役柄について石井は「すごく好きです。私が男だったらリカみたいな女性に振り回されたいと思う」と答えた。 ◆伊藤健太郎&清原翔、リカとさとみどっち派? リカとさとみ、どちらに惹かれたか聞かれると、伊藤も清原もリカと回答。清原の意見として「僕はリカです。リカは考えがはっきりしているので、最初わかんなくても後々理解できちゃう。感情が100%で表面に出ている時は、振り回されるけど良いなと思います。さとみはちょっと暗い…?(笑)」と答え、リカのはっきりしてブレない人間性について好意を示した。 また伊藤は、「側から見たら、完治はなんであんなに振り回されてるんだろう?と思うかもしれませんが、振り回されたって何言われたって好きなんですよ。えっ?て思うこともそれ含めて性格が好き」とわかりやすく人間味のあるリカの性格を評した。2人に選ばれなかったさとみ役を演じた石井が少しへこむと、伊藤は「あくまで役だからね(笑)」とフォローを入れ、場を和ませていた。 ◆石橋静河&石井杏奈、完治と三上どっち派? この質問に石橋は完治と回答し、「三上は本当にひどい男なんですけど、最終的には憎めない。でもそこまで付き合うのが本当に大変だと思う」と述べた。一方石井は、「結果、三上くんを選ぶと思う。確かにさとみを演じて、三上くんに対して苦しかったり辛かったり感じた部分も多かったんですけど、半年経った今三上くんのことが気になってます。私振り回されたいのかもしれない(笑)。更生させたい。独り占めしたい、という気持ちになってしまいます」とコメント。 それに対して伊藤が「それね。気をつけた方が良いよ(笑)」とツッコミを入れ、会場の笑いを誘った。清原は「(演じただけで)三上ではないけど嬉しいです(笑)」と密かに感情を滲ませた。 ◆香港のトップフォトグラファー・Wing Shya撮影のビジュアル公開 また、メインビジュアルも解禁。今回撮影したのは、ウォン・カーウァイ監督作品『花様年華』『ブエノスアイレス』等のビジュアルを担当した香港のトップフォトグラファー・Wing Shya(ウィン・シャ)。メインビジュアル以外にも、Wing Shyaによる完治、リカ、三上、さとみのイメージを存分に引き出したキャラクタービジュアルとなっている。(modelpress編集部) ◆キャストコメント 伊藤「前作のファンの方もいると思いますが、フラットな感情で見てくれるとすごく嬉しいです。今なかなか外に出れない中でも、僕ら4人の恋愛模様を見てドキドキしたりワクワクしてもらえたらと思うので、是非楽しみにして下さい」 石橋「大変な時期ですが、4人のいろんな言動に一緒に振り回されてハラハラドキドキして、涙したり怒ったり喜んだりして欲しいです。オリジナルと比べてみてもらっても良いですし、時代も変わって東京の街並みも変わっているので今の若者が感じることもまた違うので本作で新しい発見をしてもらいたいと思います。特に同世代の方々に是非見て欲しいです」 清原「僕自身、撮影をすごく楽しめました。演技は心が忙しくて大変でしたが、映像としてみたときにやってよかったなと本当に思いました。是非見ていただいて気持ちを豊かにしてもらえたらと思います」 石井「次はどんな風に表現されてるんだろうとすごくワクワクしながら見れると思います。4者4様の恋愛観が映像の中に詰まっていると思うので、いろんな感情になりながら楽しんでいただけたらと思います」 【Not Sponsored 記事】 2020-04-01 12:26:18Z |
高木ブー「志村は死なないの。ずっと生きている」 - 日刊スポーツ Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:08 AM PDT 高木ブー「志村は死なないの。ずっと生きている」 - 日刊スポーツ ザ・ドリフターズの高木ブー(87)が、1日午後7時からフジテレビ系で生放送された、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎で亡くなった志村けんさん(本名・志村康徳=しむら・やすのり、享年70)の追悼特別番組「志村けんさん追悼特別番組 46年間笑いをありがとう」に生出演した。 高木は番組の最後に「志村は死なないの」と言い、ザ・ドリフターズのメンバーの、心の中で志村さんは生き続けると強調した。 高木は、番組の最後で加藤茶(77)が弔辞を読み上げるのを静かに聞いていた。加藤が「5人がそっちに全員集合したら、そっちのお客さんを大爆笑させようぜ。約束だぞ」と、リーダーのいかりや長介さんを含む全員で天国で再会し、再結成を誓う言葉を口にし、仲本工事(78)が「全く同じですね、はい」と続いた後、しばし沈黙。加藤に促されても、しばし、言葉を出せなかった。そして、声を絞り出した。 高木 もう、決めたの。決めました。46年…ドリフターズとして志村と僕らは一緒にやってきた人間。普通の、一般の方と違うの、僕らは…ね。だから、志村は死なないの。ずっと生きている。 番組の中で、フジテレビの西山喜久恵が、志村さんがいかりやさんに叱られていたと口にすると、高木は「私がチョンボしたのを、志村が怒られた。長さんが本当に怒ったのと、怒っていなかったのがある。志村が悪いんじゃなく、僕が悪い」と、自分が怒られていたと語った。 2020-04-01 12:25:28Z |
研ナオコ、志村さんとの“笑撃”コント放送に「全部あいつが悪い」 - Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:38 AM PDT 研ナオコ、志村さんとの"笑撃"コント放送に「全部あいつが悪い」 - 傑作コントの数々に、SNS上でも「志村さんおもろい!」「追悼番組なのに笑っちゃう」といった声が続々。ゲスト陣は冒頭で「音楽が暗い」と指摘するなど、湿っぽい空気ではなく、明るく送り出そうというムードとなっていたが、コントの映像でもワイプ上で大笑いしていた。 志村さんとの"笑撃コント"が数々放映された研は「すみません、全部あいつが悪いんですよ」と笑顔。志村さんとの息ピッタリな様子が印象的だったが「(志村さんは)自分が映ってないから(カメラの外で)変な顔するんですよ。その残像があって、しゃべられなくなるの、すごくズルいの、あいつ。すぐ笑かそうと思って、何となく雰囲気を出すんですよね。あれに乗っちゃうんです」とうれしそうに語った。 この言葉を受けて、加藤は「台本にないことをやりたがるんですよ。本番でやっちゃうから笑っちゃうよね。ゲストのみなさんもすごいわ。あんなメイクする。おっかねーよ」と研をはじめとした豪華ゲスト陣の体を張った芸を絶賛。研は「自由にしていいって言うから」と笑わせていた。 番組の司会は同局の三宅正治アナ、西山喜久恵アナが担当。「志村けんさんのドリフターズからバカ殿様、だいじょうぶだぁまで永久不滅の名作コントを一挙放送! 変なおじさん、ひとみ婆さん、いいよなおじさんなど数々の名物キャラも登場! 志村さんとゆかりのあるゲストとともに振り返ります」となっている。 きのう31日には、同局のレギュラー番組『志村でナイト』(深1:55)が放送。イザワオフィス、『志村でナイト』制作スタッフ一同によるテロップで「志村けんは、令和2年3月29日午後11時10分、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎のため、満70歳で亡くなりました。闘病中、皆様から数多くの応援や励ましの言葉を頂戴(ちょうだい)しており、大変感謝しております。たくさん笑って、志村けんを偲んでいただけますと幸いです」と流れた。 2020-04-01 11:20:00Z |
'Tiger King': Where Are Joe Exotic, Caroline Baskin and Everyone Else Now - Entertainment Tonight Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT 'Tiger King': Where Are Joe Exotic, Caroline Baskin and Everyone Else Now - Entertainment Tonight ![]() 2020-04-01 10:57:27Z |
Elliot Stabler is back in a 'Law & Order: SVU' spin-off - CNN Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT Elliot Stabler is back in a 'Law & Order: SVU' spin-off - CNN [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-04-01 07:44:42Z |
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