De Blog Have Fun |
- 【速報】岡江久美子さん死去、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎 - TBS News
- Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response - CNN
- コロナ感染の石田純一、体調不良でインタビュー中止 坂上忍が心配「大事に至らないことを…」 - 東奥日報
- 岡江久美子さんが死去 新型コロナウイルスで - 日本経済新聞
- 山口智充とダウンタウン「本音でハシゴ酒」で共演、松本「ぐっさんや!」 - ナタリー
- 新型コロナ感染で入院の石田純一、今夜のテレビ出演中止 「体調不良」で -
- Quirky Apple ad takes a minimalist look at iPhone SE unboxing - Cult of Mac
- SE7EN、Dmostエンターテインメントと専属契約締結、韓国での活発な活動をスタート! -
- President Trump 'disagrees strongly' with Georgia's plan to reopen, says 'it's too soon' - NBC 15 WPMI
- Creator of maligned Virus Vanguard superheroes steps down from group he founded, addresses plagiarism claims - TODAYonline
- Happy birthday, Prince Louis: Check out new photos taken by mum, Kate - CNA
- Artist of "Virus Vanguard" comes forward to apologise for the characters and steps down from his position at BOD - The Online Citizen
- Netflix to raise US$1 billion to fund original content - CNA
- Donald Trump suspends all US immigration to fight 'invisible enemy' coronavirus - Irish Mirror
- 「約束のネバーランド」2期が2021年1月に放送延期、「富豪刑事」は7月に変更 - ナタリー
- FERRIER FILES: Being small, open and mobile makes all the difference - WZTV
- Indonesia bans annual holiday exodus to combat coronavirus spread - The Indian Express
- The US needs to perform millions of coronavirus tests per week, experts say - OrthoSpineNews
- 大長編ドラえもんシリーズ5作品を全編無料公開、第1弾は「のび太の魔界大冒険」 - ナタリー
- Actress Suzu Hirose breaks new ground with comedy role : The Asahi Shimbun - Asahi Shimbun
- Stuntmen 'fight' each other while stuck during quarantine in viral video - Fox News
- Coronavirus: The latest COVID-19 news in Victoria on Wednesday, April 22 (PM edition) | 7NEWS - 7NEWS Australia
- 大長編ドラえもんシリーズ5作品を全編無料公開、第1弾は「のび太の魔界大冒険」 - コミックナタリー
- Maitland Ward Sued By Actress, Videographer For More Than $270k - TMZ
- Julia Roberts, 52, leaves her face mask at home as the actress walks her dogs around Malibu - Daily Mail
【速報】岡江久美子さん死去、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎 - TBS News Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:21 AM PDT 【速報】岡江久美子さん死去、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎 - TBS News 23日 15時54分 0分11秒 【速報】岡江久美子さん死去、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎訃報です。女優の岡江久美子さん(63)が23日午前、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎のため亡くなったことが分かりました。63歳でした。 所属事務所によりますと、岡江さんは今月3日に発熱し、6日に容体が急変、都内の病院に緊急入院していたということです。検査の結果、新型コロナウイルスへの感染が判明していました。 その後、集中治療室で治療が続いていましたが、23日午前5時20分ごろ、入院先の病院で肺炎のため亡くなったということです。63歳でした。 岡江さんは東京都出身で、1975年、TBSのテレビ小説「お美津」で芸能界デビュー。数多くのドラマやテレビ番組に出演しました。 1996年からは、TBSの朝の情報番組「はなまるマーケット」で長年メインパーソナリティーを務め、その飾らない人柄で大勢の人に親しまれました。 夫で俳優の大和田獏さんと娘の美帆さんが、連名でコメントを出しています。 「今はただ残念で信じがたく、悔しくて悔しくて他は何も考えられない状態です。全力を尽くして治療にあたって頂いた医療関係者の皆様に,心から感謝いたします。ありがとうございました。皆さま、コロナウイルスは大変恐ろしいです。どうかくれぐれもお気をつけください」 女優の岡江久美子さんが、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎のため、23日午前亡くなりました。63歳でした。
2020-04-23 06:38:51Z |
Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response - CNN Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:57 PM PDT In Wednesday's most stunning development, a top administration official working on a vaccine claimed he was ousted after resisting efforts to push unproven drugs promoted by President Donald Trump and his conservative media cheerleaders as "game changer" treatments. That news was followed by a bewilderingly inconsistent White House briefing. Conflicting messages on when to reboot the economy, the need for testing and the possibility of a resurgence of the virus combined with Trump's effort to suppress facts that jar with his insistence that the end of a nightmare likely to last many more months is near. In another bizarre twist, Trump produced Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to walk back his remarks that the coronavirus challenge could be more difficult in the fall. Trump claimed that Redfield had been "totally misquoted" by the media. But under questioning from reporters, Redfield confirmed that he had in fact made the remarks that angered Trump. "I'm accurately quoted in The Washington Post," he conceded, as Trump countered that the headline was wrong. It accurately described Redfield warning that if a coronavirus resurgence came at the same time as the flu season, hospitals could be overwhelmed. The President also openly clashed with his top public health officials on the likelihood of the virus returning for another assault in the fall -- saying only "embers" of disease were likely that could be easily put out. The President did break with Georgia's Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, saying he "strongly disagrees" with aggressive plans to open businesses including hair salons on Friday as pro-Trump southern states look to ease stay-at-home orders. But his rebuke followed days of Trump all but goading southern conservative states to open up, even though many don't yet meet White House opening guidelines. And a source familiar with calls between Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and the Georgia governor said that both men expressed support and praise for Kemp's move to reopen businesses. Wednesday's show, orchestrated by Trump in his campaign style-briefing, is unlikely to ease fears amid Americans tiring of stay-at-home orders but wary of reemerging into normal life. It also exacerbated the consistent impression that the President's fast shifting positions are based more on hunches and his political requirements than a factual reading of the progression of the crisis that is far from abating. Top official said he was ousted over Trump-endorsed treatmentsThe drama involving Dr. Rick Bright, who led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, appeared to be the latest occasion when a senior official who contradicted Trump's pet causes paid with his job. Bright claimed he was transferred to another post because of his "insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address Covid-19 into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit." But a spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services said Bright himself sought out choloquine, one of the controversial treatment drugs. "As it relates to chloroquine, it was Dr. Bright who requested an Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for donations of chloroquine that Bayer and Sandoz recently made to the Strategic National Stockpile for use on Covid-19 patients. The EUA is what made the donated product available for use in combating Covid-19," said Caitlin Oakley, deputy assistant secretary at HHS. Trump, spent several weeks all but prescribing hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 patients, saying doctors had little to lose in using a drug not clinically trialed for the disease. A new study however suggests that the therapy might actually harm the prognosis of critically ill patients. The President insisted he had nothing to do with Bright's ouster. "I have never heard of him. I don't know who he is," Trump insisted. In staggeringly frank comments issued through his attorneys, Bright suggested that the leadership of the Health and Human Services Department was not committed to following science and wanted to fund drugs promoted by Trump's political allies. He also claimed the administration tried to broaden the use of hydroxychloroquine in an unsafe manner and may even have endangered lives by pushing the drug, which is typically used to treat lupus and other conditions. "Sidelining me in the middle of this pandemic and placing politics and cronyism ahead of science puts lives at risk and stunts national efforts to safely and effectively address this urgent public health crisis," Bright wrote."Rushing blindly towards unproven drugs can be disastrous and result in countless more deaths. Science, in service to the health and safety of the American people, must always trump politics." Bizarre scene as Redfield walks back his fall warningIn another episode in which Trump appeared to challenge established fact, the President claimed Redfield had been "totally misquoted" by the media. But under questioning from reporters, the CDC chief confirmed that he had in fact made the remarks that angered Trump. "I'm accurately quoted in The Washington Post," he said, before complaining about the headline on an article in which he warned if a coronavirus resurgence came at the same time as the flu season, hospitals could be overwhelmed. Redfield's appearance, which was awkward to watch as a public servant was openly pressured by a President, appeared to have been ordered because his remarks countered Trump's optimistic pledges that the pandemic is almost over. We "may not even have corona coming back" Trump said, countering most of the science of pandemics which suggest the disease will circulate until there is a vaccine or sufficient members of the public have been infected to provide herd immunity. Trump then asked Dr. Deborah Birx, a senior member of the coronavirus task force "Dr., wouldn't you say there's a good chance that Covid will not come back?" Birx replied: "We don't know." Trump insisted "we may have some embers, and we're going to put them out -- of corona." He refused to explain to reporters why he believed the disease would not come back in the fall. Trump undermines Georgia openingThe President had resisted pressure to rein in Georgia's Kemp, who appeared to respond to Trump's calls for a reopening before May 1 with an aggressive plan. But on Wednesday, he reversed course -- in public at least, although the sources familiar with the calls by the President and Pence appeared to indicate that the rebuke may have been more for public consumption than to slow opening. "I think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barber shops ... is too soon," Trump said, adding that he told Kemp however he had to make his own decisions. Trump's row back puts Kemp in a tough political position. But it does provide Trump with some cover if Georgia's plans to open its economy cause a spike in viral infections. Kemp appears to be pressing ahead with his plans, though public discomfort with his approach and the President's undercutting of his ally could dampen the extent of the opening. "We will continue with this approach to protect the lives -- and livelihoods -- of all Georgians," Kemp tweeted. "Just like the thousands of businesses currently operating throughout Georgia, I am confident that business owners who decide to reopen will adhere to Minimum Basic Operations, which prioritize the health and well-being of employees and customers." Fauci's emotional pleaWednesday's briefing was notable for the reappearance of Fauci for the first time this week. The veteran infectious disease specialist has not been afraid to bluntly adopt positions that imply strong disagreement with the President's stances. "We have to proceed in a very careful, measured way," Fauci said, in registering apparent disapproval of a clutch of southern states that appear to be putting aside White House guidelines that call for states to record a 14-day decline in coronavirus infections before they think of limited openings. "I plead with the American public, with the governors, with the mayors, with the people with responsibility, although I know one has the need to leapfrog over things, don't do that," Fauci said. "Do it in a measured way. This is a successful formula. The problem is, if we don't do that, there is a likelihood that we'll have a rebound. And the one way not to reopen the economy is to have a rebound that we can't take care of," he added. Several southern states -- including Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Texas -- appear keen to heed the President's eagerness to open up the economy. That's even though the virus has not receded sufficiently to comply with White House guidelines in some cases. Yet other, harder hit states in the northeast, the Midwest and the West are far from reopening. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday he understood the political and economic pressure to reopen. But he warned that states must not make "stupid" decisions they might regret. Top stories - Google News April 22, 2020 at 09:33PM Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
コロナ感染の石田純一、体調不良でインタビュー中止 坂上忍が心配「大事に至らないことを…」 - 東奥日報 Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT コロナ感染の石田純一、体調不良でインタビュー中止 坂上忍が心配「大事に至らないことを…」 - 東奥日報 新型コロナウイルスに感染したことを公表した俳優の石田純一(66)が、きょう23日放送のフジテレビ系『直撃!シンソウ坂上』(毎週木曜 後9:00)への出演を体調不良によって見合わせることがわかった。坂上忍がMCを務める『バイキング』(月~金 前11:55)内で明らかになった。 【写真】入院中で鼻には酸素…夫・石田純一の様子を公開した東尾理子 実現すれば感染後のテレビ初インタビューとなり、石田がこれまで知られていなかった感染までの経緯や、どのような症状に襲われたのかなどを報告する予定となっていたが、この日の『バイキング』終盤で石田の出演中止が報告された。 坂上は「きょう『バイキング』終わって、すぐに電話でお話させていただく手はずになっていたんですけど、体調不良ということで中止になりました」とコメント。「具合が非常に心配なんですけど、大事に至らないことを願いたい」と呼びかけていた。 2020-04-23 06:01:00Z |
岡江久美子さんが死去 新型コロナウイルスで - 日本経済新聞 Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT 岡江久美子さんが死去 新型コロナウイルスで - 日本経済新聞 テレビの情報番組の司会などで活躍した俳優の岡江久美子さん(63)が、新型コロナウイルスの感染で死去したことが23日、分かった。所属事務所が明らかにした。 3日に発熱し、6日から治療のため入院していたという。 2020-04-23 06:32:43Z |
山口智充とダウンタウン「本音でハシゴ酒」で共演、松本「ぐっさんや!」 - ナタリー Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT 山口智充とダウンタウン「本音でハシゴ酒」で共演、松本「ぐっさんや!」 - ナタリー 明日4月24日(金)放送の「 最近は共演する機会が少ないダウンタウンと山口だが、以前は「リンカーン」(TBS系)にレギュラー出演していた間柄。ダウンタウン松本は「ぐっさんや!」と呼びかけ、山口も「ダウンタウンさんや!」と久しぶりの再会を喜ぶ。山口は芸人になる前にダウンタウンの前で松本のモノマネを披露したことがあり、モノマネのあとに浜田から受けたとある仕打ちが忘れられないと話して笑いを誘う。 そんな山口は最近、地上波の全国放送のレギュラー番組がゼロになったことが話題に。この件について聞かれると現在の率直な心境を語り、意外ともいえる山口の言葉に松本は「芸能界で一番怒り、悲しみの感情がない人」と評する。さらに「ダウンタウンと本気で語りたいことがある」という山口は、自身が考案したあるシステムについて力説。「人に迷惑をかけずにいい気分になれる」というそのシステムとは。 そのほかミュージシャンの ダウンタウンなうフジテレビ・関西テレビ系 2020年4月24日(金)21:55~22:52 2020-04-23 06:14:35Z |
新型コロナ感染で入院の石田純一、今夜のテレビ出演中止 「体調不良」で - Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:21 PM PDT 新型コロナ感染で入院の石田純一、今夜のテレビ出演中止 「体調不良」で - ![]() MCを務める俳優の坂上忍(52)がこの日午後、病室に電話をかけてインタビューし、感染までの経緯を伝える段取りだった。 しかし、状況は一転。坂上が同局「バイキング」(月〜金曜前11・55)の生放送中に「ちょっと体調不良ということで中止になりました」と伝えた。 同番組終了間際の午後1時43分、坂上は「今、入ってきた情報なんですけれども…僕、今日"バイキング"終わってすぐに石田純一さんとお話しさせて頂ける手はずになっていたんですが。お電話なんですけれどもね」と表情を曇らせながら中止を説明。 慌てた様子で「具合の方が非常に心配なんですけど…大事に至らないことを願いたいと思います」と回復を願った。 別のスタジオから安藤優子キャスター(61)が「石田さん心配ですね」と呼び掛けると、坂上も中止情報は「本当、今さっき入ってきたので…」と返すのが精いっぱい。 安藤キャスターは「一時アビガンで解熱されたということで症状は回復に向かっていらっしゃるということでしたので…」と、抗インフルエンザウイルス薬投与で快方に向かっていたと報じられた経緯を伝えながら、石田の体調を気遣った。 坂上は午後1時39分までは「僕が昨日"バイキング"で石田さんのニュースを扱わせて頂いた時に、その間に"シンソウ"のスタッフさんが石田さんに(病室からの出演)オファーをかけたら引き受けてくれたみたいで。だからもう、せっかくですから本当に、この後なんですけど、いろいろ、お話うかがいたいたいなと思ってます。是非ご覧ください」と笑顔で予告していた。 2020-04-23 04:56:00Z |
Quirky Apple ad takes a minimalist look at iPhone SE unboxing - Cult of Mac Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:57 PM PDT Quirky Apple ad takes a minimalist look at iPhone SE unboxing![]() Photo: Apple/TheApplePost Some people make a big production out of unboxing their new iPhone. What's supposedly an upcoming iPhone SE ad takes the opposite approach with Apple's just-released budget handset. Watch it now: This ad, supposedly called "Unboxing," simply lets the iPhone SE box drop open. The 8-second spot goes on to briefly mention some of the high points of the second-generation iPhone SE: the small design, A13 Bionic processor, studio-quality portraits, and a low price. Not an official iPhone SE ad. Yet.A video of this advertisement was allegedly leaked to TheApplePost. It's not yet been added to Apple's YouTube channel. This is the second short iPhone SE ad to leak out, and both have let sound play a significant role. While there's no narration, this latest one features the thud of the box hitting the tablet. Last Friday's ad included the whisper of the wrapper coming off the iOS device. More about Apple's latestFrom the outside, the 2020 iPhone SE is identical to the now-discontinued iPhone 8. There's a 4.7-inch screen, a Home button, Touch ID and a 12MP camera. But on the inside is the cutting-edge Apple A13 processor as in the iPhone 11 series. The refreshed iPhone SE starts at $399 with 64GB of storage, while 128GB and 256GB options are also available for $449 and $549, respectively. Available color options include black, white, and (PRODUCT)RED. Top stories - Google News April 22, 2020 at 06:06PM Quirky Apple ad takes a minimalist look at iPhone SE unboxing - Cult of Mac Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
SE7EN、Dmostエンターテインメントと専属契約締結、韓国での活発な活動をスタート! - Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:38 PM PDT ![]() 写真:Dmostエンターテインメント 歌手SE7EN(セブン)がDmostエンターテインメントと専属契約を結んだ。 今月17日、Dmostエンターテインメントは「歌手SE7ENと専属契約を締結しました」と公式発表した。 2003年に、「Just Listen」でデビューしたSE7ENは2000年代のK-POP界を盛り上げ、その後着実な音楽活動を続けアメリカや日本などに進出するなど、活動領域を広げてきた。 Dmostエンターテインメントは、「SE7ENを迎えたことでアルバム事業拡張の契機になるものと期待しています。今後、SE7ENが歌手としての力量を広げる、さらに多様な分野で活発な活動ができるように総力を尽くす予定です」と伝えている。 SE7EN本人も、「Dmostエンターテインメントで新たな出発ができて嬉しいです。これまで海外で主に活動してきましたが、これからは韓国での活動も活発に行う予定なので、今後多くの関心と応援をお願いします」と挨拶を伝えている。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース April 20, 2020 at 01:13AM SE7EN、Dmostエンターテインメントと専属契約締結、韓国での活発な活動をスタート! - "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:27 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 22, 2020 at 04:02PM President Trump 'disagrees strongly' with Georgia's plan to reopen, says 'it's too soon' - NBC 15 WPMI Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:20 PM PDT Creator of maligned Virus Vanguard superheroes steps down from group he founded, addresses plagiarism claims - TODAYonline [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-04-23 01:42:51Z |
Happy birthday, Prince Louis: Check out new photos taken by mum, Kate - CNA Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:20 PM PDT Happy birthday, Prince Louis: Check out new photos taken by mum, Kate - CNA [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-04-23 00:09:19Z |
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:20 PM PDT Artist of "Virus Vanguard" comes forward to apologise for the characters and steps down from his position at BOD - The Online Citizen Since the reveal of the Singapore Government's "Virus Vanguard", the concept and the mascots received backlash from the public. All the negative comments on the Virus Vanguard had prompted the Government to take down the mascots from the internet. On 20 April, acknowledged the negative feedback and they stated that they were "sorry if they offended anyone".
While the Virus Vanguard is a collaboration project with the Band of Doodlers (BOD) where the intend was to create a comic series to "convey different aspects of the Circuit Breaker measures". However, only decided to reveal and credit BOD after the online chaos, leading the illustrator to step forward to comment about the situation. What's more, many Liverpool Football Club (LFC) fans in Singapore complained about a character who endorses safe distancing, MAWA Man. They claimed "MAWA" stood for "Must Always Walk Alone", in reference to LFC's official anthem "You'll Never Walk Alone". MAWA Man also had a Liver bird designed on his chest, with a slash across the emblem. His belt buckle also featured a pitchfork that is similar to the one held by the devil in Manchester United's emblem. It seemed like the character was designed to mock LFC. ![]() LFC's fans were unhappy at how this character came off as offensive towards LFC, and many signed a petition to withdraw MAWA Man from this campaign. Mas Shafreen, the founder of BOD who created the characters, apologised that the characters were insensitive. He clarified that did not ask him to make the comment. In regards to the controversy surrounding MAWA Man, Mr Mas admitted that he is a Manchester United fan and he acknowledged that Liverpool had been doing well. He explained that MAWA Man was intended to spread the message that safe distancing would require everyone's effort, regardless of which team we support. Mr Mas apologised once again for the troubles he had caused, while he still hoped that local artists can be supported with creative projects. On the Facebook page of BOD, Mr Mas posted the same statement to apologise for offending the supporters of LFC. Positive comments for Mas ShafreenDespite the negative comments and feedback given about MAWA Man, many people showered Mr Mas with support and encouragement. Desh Boparai commented that Mr Mas should not have apologised. He understood that the backstory of a comic would always differ to its ending. Mr Desh felt that it was unfortunate that Mr Mas had to reveal the storyline before the comic could unfold on its own. Evelyn Ho thought it was not Mr Mas fault that his characters was criticised. She said that the people who hired him as the artist was responsible for approving the final work. Jeannette Anneliese Lim thought it was unnecessary for Mr Mas to be sorry. She emphasised that this problem stemmed from the "naysayers" who would only condemn others' hard work, implying that the people who were against the concept were being sensitive about this issue. Shiwei Tan acknowledged that BOD created this comic as a fun project amid the difficult times. She thought it was unfair that the client decided to "throw him under the bus" without crediting BOD in the first place. She also applauded that Mr Mas was courageous enough to step forward to address this issue. As an LFC supporter, Calvin Cheng commented that the concept of MAWA Man was pretty clever, and there was nothing to apologise for. Not forgetting to acknowledge Mr Mas's talents and hard work, Mr Cheng encouraged the artist to keep up the good work. Mas Shafreen steps down from his positionHowever, earlier today (22 April), BOD had announced that Mr Mas had stepped down from his position with immediate effect.
Mr Mas explained on his personal Facebook account, that he would take full responsibility for Virus Vanguard and that he hoped BOD would not be associated with it.
BOD accused of plagiarismApparently, Mr Mas posted a series of superheroes with a similar concept that was named "virus-battling superteam" about two weeks ago. According to Geek Culture, not only that the initial artwork and character designs were completely different from the final version revealed by, but some characters from Virus Vanguard looked extremely similar to artwork done by other artists. One of the five characters, Circuit Breaker, was accused of tracing from a Peni Parker fanart by Korean artist Steel Scarlet. Noting that the hero was different from the fanart, the mecha pilot, however, looked eerily similar as though it was traced. Netizens pointed out that her facial expression and body outlines looked exactly the same. ![]() As for the other character, Care-leh Dee, she was said to resemble X-Men's Ororo Munroe. The image of Ororo Munroe originated from DeviantArt under the account name CrimsonArtz. ![]() A netizen on Reddit pointed out that it was BOD's fault for committing art theft and "passed it off as their own work". Considering how Mr Mas had served as a civil servant, the netizen thought that the Government trusted him enough to do a good job, but it turned into a huge mess instead. Looking at Mr Mas's professional profile, it was stated that he was a former civil servant for seven years. He served at the Singaporean Prime Minister's Office as a Manager of Corporate Communications and International Relations from 2001 to 2008. Mr Mas then continued on as a Deputy Director of Content Development and Community Relations at the Public Utilities Board, Singapore's National Water Agency. ![]() 2020-04-22 12:00:00Z |
Netflix to raise US$1 billion to fund original content - CNA Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:20 PM PDT Netflix to raise US$1 billion to fund original content - CNA ![]() REUTERS: Netflix Inc said on Wednesday it plans to raise about US$1 billion in debt to beef up original content, a day after the streaming pioneer doubled its own projections for new customers as stuck-at-home users binged on movies and shows. Shares of the company were down 3per cent at US$420 in morning trade after it also forecast a weaker second half of the year when shelter-in-place orders are lifted. Netflix plans to use some of the cash to acquire content and for possible acquisitions, positioning itself as major U.S. studios halt productions and delay film releases due to the coronavirus-led lockdowns. Most programming for 2020, and much of 2021, has already been filmed and is being finished remotely in post-production, Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos said on Tuesday, adding that the company was working on over 200 such projects. As streaming video grows in the United States, the space has become more competitive with the debut of Walt Disney Co's Disney+ and other upcoming rivals. That threat has pushed Netflix, with about 183 million global subscribers, to aggressively expand its content and look overseas for growth. "Despite new services on the horizon from HBO and launches of services from Disney and Apple, we expect minimal long-term impact to Netflix subscriber addition and retention," Piper Sandler analysts wrote in a client note. Netflix launched several popular original shows in the first quarter, including action film "Spenser Confidential," documentary miniseries "Tiger King," dating show "Love is Blind" and Spanish drama "Money Heist." The current quarter slate includes the Chris Hemsworth starred action movie "Extraction," sitcom "#blackAF," comedy show "Space Force" and reality dating series "Too Hot to Handle." Netflix had a US$15 billion cash budget for content last year and BMO Capital Markets had estimated spending on content to top US$17 billion this year. The company, which usually funds its spending spree by sporadically tapping the debt market, is selling senior notes this time. Netflix, which has about US$15 billion in debt, last raised money in October 2019 through a US$2 billion offering of senior notes. (Reporting by Supantha Mukherjee and Ayanti Bera in Bengaluru; Editing by Saumyadeb Chakrabarty, Bernard Orr) 2020-04-22 13:16:39Z |
Donald Trump suspends all US immigration to fight 'invisible enemy' coronavirus - Irish Mirror Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT US President Donald Trump has said he will suspend all immigration into the United States temporarily through an executive order in response to the coronavirus outbreak and to protect American jobs. The move, which the Republican president announced on Twitter, effectively achieves one of Trump's long-term policy goals of curbing immigration, making use of the health and economic crisis that has swept the country as a result of the pandemic to do so. The decision drew swift condemnation from Democrats but Trump said he was taking the action to protect the US workforce. Millions of Americans are suffering unemployment after companies shed employees amid nationwide lockdowns to stop the contagion. ![]() "In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States," Trump said in a tweet late on Monday night. The White House declined to offer further details about the reasoning behind the decision, its timing, or its legal basis. Trump won the White House in 2016 in part on a promise to curb immigration by building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico. He and his advisers have spent the first three years of his tenure cracking down on both legal and illegal entries into the country. ![]() "You cut off immigration, you crater our nation's already weakened economy," former Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro said in a tweet. "What a dumb move." The development comes as the U.S. death toll from the virus topped 42,000 on Monday, according to a Reuters tally. The U.S. economy has come to a near standstill because of the pandemic; more than 22 million people applied for unemployment benefits in the last month. "It makes sense to protect opportunities for our workforce while this pandemic plays out," said Thomas Homan, Trump's former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. "It's really not about immigration. It's about the pandemic and keeping our country safer while protecting opportunities for unemployed Americans." The United States has the world's largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases, with more than 780,000 infections, up 27,000 on Monday. But the president has made a point of saying the peak had passed and has been encouraging U.S. states to reopen their economies. The United States in mid-March suspended all routine visa services, both immigrant and non-immigrant, in most countries worldwide due to the coronavirus outbreak in a move that has potentially impacted hundreds of thousands of people. U.S. missions have continued to provide emergency visa services as resources allowed and a senior State Department official in late March said U.S. was ready work with people who were already identified as being eligible for various types of visas, including one for medical professionals. The administration recently announced an easing of rules to allow in more agricultural workers on temporary H2A visas to help farmers with their crops. It comes as thousands of Americans are taking up their guns in protest over the lockdown – sparking fears of an all-out war. Protestors are defying state governors' stay-at-home orders and demanding to be let out. Far-right extremists, religious fundamentalists and armed militia are infiltrating the demonstrations, a Mirror investigation has found. Top stories - Google News April 22, 2020 at 02:11PM Donald Trump suspends all US immigration to fight 'invisible enemy' coronavirus - Irish Mirror Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「約束のネバーランド」2期が2021年1月に放送延期、「富豪刑事」は7月に変更 - ナタリー Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:51 PM PDT 「約束のネバーランド」2期が2021年1月に放送延期、「富豪刑事」は7月に変更 - ナタリー フジテレビ深夜のアニメ枠「ノイタミナ」の番組編成が、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響を受けて変更された。 すでに放送延期が発表されていた「富豪刑事 Balance:UNLIMITED」は、7月16日より第1話からオンエアされることが明らかに。また同枠にて7月より再放送予定だった「約束のネバーランド」第1期は10月より放送され、10月に放送開始とされていた「約束のネバーランド」第2期は2021年1月にフジテレビほかにて放送される。 (c)筒井康隆・新潮社/伊藤智彦・神戸財閥 (c)白井カイウ・出水ぽすか/集英社・約束のネバーランド製作委員会 2020-04-23 04:08:07Z |
FERRIER FILES: Being small, open and mobile makes all the difference - WZTV Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] FERRIER FILES: Being small, open and mobile makes all the difference WZTV"Mobile" - Google News April 22, 2020 at 08:26PM FERRIER FILES: Being small, open and mobile makes all the difference - WZTV "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Indonesia bans annual holiday exodus to combat coronavirus spread - The Indian Express Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:57 PM PDT By: Bloomberg | Published: April 21, 2020 12:38:49 pm ![]() Coronavirus (COVID-19): Indonesia banned an annual ritual of citizens traveling in large numbers to their hometowns and villages ahead of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the world's largest Muslim-majority country. President Joko Widodo, who announced the ban at a cabinet meeting in Jakarta on Tuesday, said the prohibition was based on an assessment that about 24% of people who usually undertake the holiday travel were planning trips irrespective of the virus outbreak. The government has begun distribution of food kits and rolled out other social assistance programs this week to help the jobless and poor in cities, he said. Infections in Indonesia have quadrupled this month alone with officials saying the pandemic may peak only toward end of May in a country of 270 million people. The virus has infected nearly 7,000 people and claimed almost 600 lives, the third-highest fatalities in Asia after China and India, even with the enforcement of some social distancing rules for more than a month. The lack of progress in containing the virus in Indonesia is in contrast to phased easing of lockdown measures being contemplated by other major countries to minimize the economic shock from the pandemic. Jokowi, as Widodo is commonly known, has rejected calls for a complete lockdown, citing the impact on jobs and businesses. But the president on Monday called for a review of the lenient social distancing rules and ordered an urgent expansion of testing and aggressive containment measures. Healthcare experts had called for a ban on the exodus, known as mudik, as it could spread the virus to more areas from the Greater Jakarta region, the nation's epicenter of the outbreak. Roughly one out of every eight Indonesians head home ahead of Eid, the Muslim festival marking the end of Ramadan. An estimated 19.5 million people traveled to their hometowns from big cities like Jakarta during last year's Eid, official data show. Don't miss these articles on Coronavirus from the Explained section: ‣ How coronavirus attacks, step by step ‣ Mask or no mask? Why the guidance has been shifting ‣ Besides a face cover, should I wear gloves when I go outdoors? ‣ How the Agra, Bhilwara and Pathanamthitta Covid-19 containment models differ ‣ Can coronavirus damage your brain? 📣 The Indian Express is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@indianexpress) and stay updated with the latest headlines For all the latest World News, download Indian Express App. Top stories - Google News April 21, 2020 at 12:15AM Indonesia bans annual holiday exodus to combat coronavirus spread - The Indian Express Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
The US needs to perform millions of coronavirus tests per week, experts say - OrthoSpineNews Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:27 PM PDT April 21, 2020 / By Arman Azad, CNN (CNN) – The United States will have to be able to perform millions of coronavirus tests each week before restrictions can be safely lifted, economists and public health experts say in two different plans for reopening society. The two reports differ in their recommendations for just how much testing is needed. One calls for 3 to 30 million tests a week, while the other says the country will need to be doing 20 million tests a day to get a handle on the pandemic. Both proposals, though, cast doubt on the country's readiness to relax social distancing measures, which some states are already beginning to do. So far, the US has only performed about 4 million coronavirus tests, and governors have reported continued shortages of the materials needed to run tests, from chemical reagents to swabs. Top stories - Google News April 21, 2020 at 01:57PM The US needs to perform millions of coronavirus tests per week, experts say - OrthoSpineNews Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
大長編ドラえもんシリーズ5作品を全編無料公開、第1弾は「のび太の魔界大冒険」 - ナタリー Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT 大長編ドラえもんシリーズ5作品を全編無料公開、第1弾は「のび太の魔界大冒険」 - ナタリー これは「ドラえもんチャンネル」と月刊コロコロコミック(小学館)の共同企画により展開されるもの。5作品は本日4月23日より順次公開され、各作品とも期間中、全編無料で楽しむことができる。本日公開された第1弾「大長編ドラえもん のび太の魔界大冒険」は5月14日10時まで配信。第2弾は5月14日に更新される予定だ。 ほかにも同サイトでは5月初旬までの期間、「ドラえもん」を中心とした藤子F作品を無料公開中。月、水、金曜日に1話ずつ無料公開されている。 2020-04-23 02:20:59Z |
Actress Suzu Hirose breaks new ground with comedy role : The Asahi Shimbun - Asahi Shimbun Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:17 PM PDT ![]() With her black hair, big eyes and refined on-screen presence, 21-year-old actress Suzu Hirose comes across as the picture of innocence. That somewhat belies the fact that she is highly accomplished for one so young, given the professionalism she has brought to her roles on TV and in movies. Taking on her first comedy role in "Not Quite Dead Yet," Hirose plays a college student and vocalist of a death metal band who despises her father, new territory for the actress whose "innocent" image brought her stardom. "I felt like venting my emotions and feeling high," Hirose said, the tips of her hair still tinged with pink dye from the role. The film starts when Nanase (Hirose) learns that her father (played by Shinichi Tsutsumi), the president of a pharmaceutical company, has ingested a drug that makes him appear to be "dead for two days." Nanase tries to save her father with the help of his secretary (Ryo Yoshizawa) as a rival company conspires to cremate his body. From the outset, Hirose portrays a new persona as she rebelliously rolls her eyes. "People say that's a new me, but I think Nanase is closer to who I am," Hirose said. "I, too, tend to say things in a very straightforward and cutting way. I have a strong will." Talking about her first comedy role, Hirose said with a smile: "It was difficult to keep up with the pace and timing, but I felt like it was something I couldn't learn from practice. I keenly felt that I didn't have the talent (for this type of role), so I don't want people to pay too much attention to my acting because it's kind of awkward." In a brilliant touch, one scene has Nanase giving a professional wrestler a well-aimed kick. Hirose said she had learned kick boxing because she wanted to do her own action stunts. "My efforts paid off. It was fun," she said. Last year, Hirose starred in "Natsuzora," an "asadora" morning drama series aired by Japan Broadcasting Corp. (NHK) with Yoshizawa, playing the protagonist who dives into the world of animation. While filming scenes for "Natsuzora," Hirose had to work on "Not Quite Dead Yet." The experience of playing two characters that are so different from each other had a comical side for her, she said. "It was embarrassing because Yoshizawa saw me cursing, like 'Damn you, dad!' for the movie, and then I played the 'asadora' heroine with a pure heart," the actress said. In 2019, Hirose made her debut on stage in Noda Map "Q": A Night at the Kabuki, a play by leading playwright and theater director Hideki Noda. It made her realize that walking the boards requires an entirely different approach to acting in television dramas and movies. While Hirose continues to tackle big projects, she seems to have set her sights on nailing down the essence of acting in its simplest form. Speaking of her previous roles, many of which required practice to get into character, a cheer dancer, for example, Hirose said: "When my role requires me to use my body, I end up feeling satisfied and rewarded just for it. I want to take a different approach, walking onto the set casually and doing a story about a family." "Not Quite Dead Yet" is now showing across Japan. "Actress" - Google News April 22, 2020 at 03:00PM Actress Suzu Hirose breaks new ground with comedy role : The Asahi Shimbun - Asahi Shimbun "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Stuntmen 'fight' each other while stuck during quarantine in viral video - Fox News Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT ![]() Get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox. Sign up here. A group of professional stuntmen "clashed" with one another while stuck in quarantine in a viral video that has gotten millions of views. The students and instructors of the Campus Univers Cascades, a European training center that specializes in stunt techniques for film and television, released a video of stuntmen "fighting" each other with the help of creative editing. They punched, kicked, air-kicked, head-butted right into the camera, cutting to someone else taking a tumble, oftentimes falling over furniture. One was seen falling down the stairs. NY COMEDIAN GOES VIRAL WITH EXPLETIVE-LACED RANT DEMANDING 'REAL' VIRUS RELIEF PLAN FROM GOVERNMENT Many of them used props to hit their opponents, including a banana, toilet paper, a laptop, a pillow, a shirt, a mop, a frying pan, and a dog. One even used his daughter as a weapon by picking her up from a playset and swinging her into the camera like a baseball bat. Another stuntman, who was wearing a face mask, was halted so that he can sanitize himself with hand sanitizer before throwing a major sucker punch. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE The video, which was shared across social media, has collectively gotten over 5 million views since it was first uploaded on Sunday. "viral" - Google News April 22, 2020 at 06:56PM Stuntmen 'fight' each other while stuck during quarantine in viral video - Fox News "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 22, 2020 at 01:47AM Coronavirus: The latest COVID-19 news in Victoria on Wednesday, April 22 (PM edition) | 7NEWS - 7NEWS Australia Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
大長編ドラえもんシリーズ5作品を全編無料公開、第1弾は「のび太の魔界大冒険」 - コミックナタリー Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:20 PM PDT 大長編ドラえもんシリーズ5作品を全編無料公開、第1弾は「のび太の魔界大冒険」 - コミックナタリー これは「ドラえもんチャンネル」と月刊コロコロコミック(小学館)の共同企画により展開されるもの。5作品は本日4月23日より順次公開され、各作品とも期間中、全編無料で楽しむことができる。本日公開された第1弾「大長編ドラえもん のび太の魔界大冒険」は5月14日10時まで配信。第2弾は5月14日に更新される予定だ。 ほかにも同サイトでは5月初旬までの期間、「ドラえもん」を中心とした藤子F作品を無料公開中。月、水、金曜日に1話ずつ無料公開されている。 2020-04-23 01:44:00Z |
Maitland Ward Sued By Actress, Videographer For More Than $270k - TMZ Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:17 PM PDT ![]() Exclusive 5:01 PM PT -- Maitland tells TMZ ... "The fact that these long time friends have gotten together after so many months to sue me is complete slander and immoral. There are zero contracts and agreements that have any info pertaining to this completely made up story." She says the lawsuit is "a joke and warning to all porn stars to be careful who you shoot with on the outside." Maitland Ward's encounter with an actress is coming back to bite her in the butt ... because she's being sued over the filming of those steamy scenes. A reality TV and adult entertainment actress, along with a videographer/editor, are suing the former "Boy Meets World" actress turned porn star claiming she screwed them out of more than $270,000 they claim they rightfully earned. According to docs, obtained by TMZ, the actress and videographer claim they started working together in July 2017, and all went fine and dandy. So good, in fact, Maitland allegedly started hooking up with the actress off-screen. But, according to the lawsuit, that relationship went south ... and so did a deal they say they cut with Maitland around September 2018 that was supposed to land them a hefty payday. In docs, the actress and videographer claim Ward and her lawyer got a hold of the money they were all supposed to split, but instead of getting paid they got strung along with bad checks and broken promises. The actress and videographer are now suing for the money they claim they're owed -- $180K for the actress and $90K for the videographer -- plus other damages. We've reached out to Maitland, so far no word back. Originally Published -- 4:42 PM PT "Actress" - Google News April 22, 2020 at 05:03PM Maitland Ward Sued By Actress, Videographer For More Than $270k - TMZ "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:17 PM PDT Julia Roberts, 52, leaves her face mask at home as the actress walks her dogs around MalibuThe California Department of Public Health has stated there 'may be a benefit' to using facial coverings while out in public amid the coronavirus pandemic. But Julia Roberts opted to take her chances on Wednesday, going mask-free while walking her dogs around Malibu. The 52-year-old actress wore a pair of dark overalls for the outing. ![]() Risky business: Julia Roberts opted to take her chances on Wednesday, going mask-free while walking her dogs around Malibu The Oscar winning thespian's wavy blonde tresses were worn loose and cascaded across her shoulders for the Spring stroll. On her feet she opted for a pair of sneakers. Julia shielded her eyes against the Californian glare with a pair of aviator shades and carried both her dog's leashes, as well as poop bags. ![]() Trademark locks: The Oscar winning thespian's wavy blonde tresses were worn loose and cascaded across her shoulders for the Spring stroll As the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic has grown, Roberts has chosen to use her personal Instagram as a means of communicating the importance of quarantining. In mid-March, the famous leading lady shared a makeup-free selfie as part of a celeb-only challenge that forced participants to list the reasons they 'stay home for.' In the post seen by her 8.5million followers, Roberts wrote: '#IStayHomeFor My Family, For Small Businesses, For all the health care workers fighting around the world, For my amazing 95 year old neighbor.' She continued: 'I stay home to be part of the solution. Everyone, stay home. It is the right thing to do.' ![]() Playing it safe: In mid-March, the famous leading lady shared a makeup-free selfie as part of a celeb-only challenge that forced participants to list the reasons they 'stay home for'
Read more: "Actress" - Google News April 22, 2020 at 04:47PM Julia Roberts, 52, leaves her face mask at home as the actress walks her dogs around Malibu - Daily Mail "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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