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- 'Bullsh*t!' - Ziyech seethes over Ajax being denied Eredivisie title - Goal
- 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラがいまだからこそエンターテインメントを通して世界に伝えたい想い -
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'Bullsh*t!' - Ziyech seethes over Ajax being denied Eredivisie title - Goal Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:25 AM PDT ![]() Ajax star Hakim Ziyech has slammed the Dutch Football Federation's (KNVB) decision to not award his side the championship for the 2019-20 season, calling the move "bullsh*t." On Friday the Eredivisie confirmed that its season was over and no champion would be named, denying Ajax the title with Ziyech's side in first place on goal differential over AZ. After Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte ruled this week that all football matches are forbidden until September 1 due to the coronavirus crisis, the KNVB moved quickly to bring the Eredivisie and second-tier Eerste Divisie to an end. The KNVB also controversially ruled that there would be no promotion or relegation between the two divisions, a decision that could bring about legal challenges from several teams. FC Utrecht have already announced that they will take legal action after they were denied a Europa League berth for next season. Ziyech admitted that he was bothered by Ajax being denied the title. Though AZ defeated his side twice in the league season, Ziyech insisted that Ajax's advantage on goal difference should have earned them the championship. "Come on, what nonsense I have heard?" Ziyech told AD. "We are at the top anyway. All those stories that AZ deserved more because they defeated us twice. So the goal difference, as it always is, doesn't count now? Bullsh*t of course. How did PSV become champion in 2007? Exactly, on one goal. "That we are not official champions, well. Of course, I would also have preferred to have won the title on the field, but if you have to choose one club as champion, that is Ajax to me." The end of the Eredivisie season also meant the end of Ziyech's time with Ajax, with the Morocco international playmaker having agreed in February to join Chelsea at the end of the season. Ziyech was unhappy he was unable to sign off with a title but he looked back fondly on his time with the Dutch giants, which included a league title and a run to the Champions League semi-final last season. "That would have been my closing in style," Ziyech said. "As it is now, you do not want it to end. But over a longer period of time, I will cherish my best memories. "And then, of course, that brings up last season. The championship, but especially our journey in the Champions League, how we amazed the whole world with our game. It all fit. "That not only gives me a special feeling for all the players, but I think it will last forever. We left something at Ajax. And for me, it is now time for something new." "Goal" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 01:28PM 'Bullsh*t!' - Ziyech seethes over Ajax being denied Eredivisie title - Goal "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
東京スカパラダイスオーケストラがいまだからこそエンターテインメントを通して世界に伝えたい想い - Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:08 AM PDT 昨年(2019年)デビュー30周年を迎えた東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ。国境やジャンルを超えて、愛する音楽の力を世界中に届け続けてきた彼らが、演出家・野田秀樹と出会い、音楽、ダンス、演劇、伝統芸能、アートやその土地の文化が融合した前代未聞の文化混流パフォーマンス『東京キャラバン』の創作に参加。ブラジル、仙台、東京を旅して、届けてきた文化ムーブメントへの熱い想い、そして、いまだからこそ、エンターテインメントを通して世界に伝えたい想いを、メンバーを代表して谷中敦(B.sax)と沖祐市(Key)に語ってもらった。――本題に入る前に、一言だけ。3月20日の無観客ライブ生配信、最高にかっこよかった。 沖祐市:ありがとうございます。あれをやれるように、頑張ってくれたスタッフに感謝してます。 谷中敦:お客さんがいなかったけど、関係なかったかもね。やれることがうれしいという気持ちが、メンバーの中にすごくあった。もちろんお客さんがいて、そこに向かって行く時のエネルギーとは違うんだろうけど、カメラの向こうにお客さんを感じてたから。何万人とかでしょ? 沖:「今、何万人見てます」って、スタッフが教えてくれる。「4万人突破!」って言われて、「4万人のお客さん!」とか呼びかけて(笑)。 谷中:MCで言ってたね。 沖:こういうことができるのが、いまの時代、いいですよね。 ――ともかく、我々の願いは、(新型コロナウィルスが)早く収束して、自由に音楽を楽しめる環境になってほしいということです。 沖:世界中がこんなことになるとは、ね。 谷中:生まれて初めてのことだし、人類の歴史の中でもこんなこと初めてじゃない? 昔のペストとか、その時はどうだったかわからないけど、こんなに人類共通の敵が出てきたこともないんじゃないですか。温暖化と同じぐらい、新型コロナに対して全人類が団結すべきだと思う。 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/谷中敦 撮影=横井明彦 いろんな人間と会うことによって、自分が磨かれる。文化は移動することによって価値を増すと思うし、人間もそうだと思うんですね。東京キャラバン ロゴ 谷中:(『東京キャラバン』の資料を見ながら)この『東京キャラバン』のロゴ、かっこいいですね。手塚治虫っぽい感じもあるし。 ――ぽいですね。そういえば。 谷中:あ、松たか子さん。初めて共演できるんだ。 ――え、初めてでしたっけ。 谷中:そうなんですよ。僕、『東京キャラバン』に参加したくて、最初に松さんにメールで連絡をさせてもらったところから、野田秀樹さんにその話が渡って、それでスカパラでブラジルに行けることになったので。元々、松さんが繋げてくれたんだけど、ブラジルのときは松さんが参加できなかったから、「あー、松さんいないのか」と思ってたんだけど。いらっしゃらないのに繋げてもらったことが、逆にうれしかったし。それで今回、初めて共演させてもらえるのを楽しみにしてます。 ――5年越しの共演。 谷中:津村(禮次郎/能楽師)さんも参加してくださるんだね。 沖:再び一緒にできるの。うれしいね。 谷中:最初の『東京キャラバン』の駒沢公園でやっていたものを、映像だけ見させてもらいましたけど、かっこよかった。何て言うのか、全体がかっこいいんですよね。いろんな要素が入ってるんだけど、野田さんの美意識というか、しっかりアート性があるし、音楽もしっかりしてるし、でもお芝居らしくエンターテインメントで、お客さんを笑わせたりとか、飽きさせない工夫や、身近に感じさせる工夫があるわけじゃないですか。そのバランス感覚が素晴らしいと思います。尊敬します。僕と野田さんの接点は、松さんに誘われて『オイル』というお芝居を見せてもらったのが最初で、本当に素晴らしいと思って、いつか何かの形でご一緒させてもらえたらと思っていたので。実現できてうれしかったですね。 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/沖祐市 撮影=横井明彦 すごく苦しい時期ではあるけど、苦しいから文化や音楽は二の次になるか?というと、そうではなくて。衣食住以外に、絶対に必要なものだと思うんです。――『東京キャラバン』でスカパラは、メインの出演者でありつつ、サウンドトラックというか、ダンスやパフォーマンスの音楽もやってます。 沖:僕らは、いろんなボーダーを取っ払ってやるのが好きなバンドなので。楽器を演奏しながら動くのがスタンダードなバンドなので、水を得た魚のように、すごく楽しかったですね。僕もちっちゃいキーボードを持って動いたりして、ダンスも一緒にやって、能とコラボレーションして。世界中のダンスと一緒になるのが、僕はダンサーじゃないけど、完全にその気になれるというか、一緒に入り込める感じが楽しかったです。 谷中:ブラジルのダンスって、何て言ったっけ? カポエイラとジョンゴ、すごく良かった。勉強になりました。カポエイラは、昔、ブラジルにいた黒人奴隷の人たちが、体を鍛えることが禁じられていたので、踊ってるように見せながら体を鍛えていた、そういう由来があるみたいで。ぎりぎりの知恵というか、そういうのを聞くと、胸が熱くなりますよね。ブラジルに行かなかったら、そんなことも知らなかったから。 ――あの年はブラジル、仙台、そして六本木の3公演。特に印象的だったことは? 谷中:仙台に行ったときに、和太鼓のAtoa.の高橋兄弟と出会ったんですけど、自分たちなりに和太鼓を表現していてとても印象に残りましたね。人柄も最高で。その出会いもあって、スカパラのツアーの仙台公演のときにゲスト出演してもらって一緒に「Paradise Has No Border」を演奏しました。 沖:野田さんって、すごい反骨精神あふれる方だという印象があって、自由であるためにたくさん努力をなさっている方だと、僕は勝手に思ってるんですけど。だからこそ、仙台の小学校に行っても、都会の真ん中の六本木に行っても、ブラジルに行っても、突然そこだけ夢の扉が開けるみたいな、野田さんの監修で演者が揃うだけで、夢の世界が実現していることがすごい魅力だと思いますね。僕らも安心して舞台に立てるし、夢の世界の住人の一人になれる感じがしてます。 ――通常の音楽フェスとはやはり違う。 沖:そうですね。野田さんの気迫を感じます。無理やりくっつけるわけでもないですけど、スカという音楽も、元々はジャマイカで、独立運動の気運だったり、反骨精神の中で生まれてきた音楽だったりするし。ジャマイカでは一度終わったけど、それが世界中に飛び火して、アメリカに行ったりイギリスに行ったり、日本に来て僕らと融合していまもやっているわけだから。僕らもスカの持つ反骨精神、自由でありたいという気持ちがあるし、それとリンクしてるんじゃないかな?と思います。 谷中:うん。そうだと思う。 沖:そして野田さんは楽しそうなんですよね、いつも。 谷中:ブラジルで、ペンキを入れた洗面器に裸足で入って、ペタペタって絵を描いていくパフォーマンスがあって。野田さんもそれをやる場面があったんですけど、洗面器が割れちゃって、野田さん、足を切っちゃったんですよ。で、血が出てるのに、むちゃすごい笑顔で(笑)。子供みたいに歩き回ってるのを見て、本当にびっくりしちゃった。 沖:子供みたいなんだよね。 谷中:ブラジルの出来事の中で、あのシーンは、俺の中ではけっこうクライマックスだった(笑)。それで、さらに覚醒したかのように、より楽しくなっちゃってる。すごい!と思った。 ――ノダイズムが、『東京キャラバン』のエネルギー源。 沖:圧倒的に、そうですね。野田さんだから安心してます。何やってもいいような気がしちゃうというか、そうさせてくれるというか。ダメなものがない。全部OK!って、全部楽しんでくれる、大きい感じがあるから。演出家って、そういうポジションなんでしょうね。誰よりも自分が一番楽しんでやる、それが大事なんだと思います。とにかく、野田さんの魅力に尽きますね。 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/沖祐市 撮影=横井明彦 ――能楽師の津村禮次郎さんとのコラボレーションも、相当に刺激的だったんじゃないですか。沖さん、能楽って、接点ありました? 沖:『東京キャラバン』が初めてでした。あんなに自由なものだとは全然知らなかった。僕も詳しいことはわからないけど、仕草の一つ一つには型があるんでしょうけど、それを自由に組み合わせてやってくれているんだと思うんですけどね。 スタッフ:津村さんは特別なんです。観世流緑泉会の重要無形文化財保持者で、すごい先生なんですけど、スカパラさんと同じで、魂が「Paradise Has No Border」の方なので。本当なら、能楽じゃない音で踊ることはないんですよ。でもインプロビゼーションのような形で踊ってくださって。 沖:ノリノリでしたね。 谷中:「スキャラバン」で踊ってもらったの、すごかったね。あんなにテンポが速い曲でやってもらうの、珍しいんじゃないですか。 沖:津村さんは本当にすごい技をお持ちなんですけど、子供みたいなというか、無邪気というか。そういう意味でも野田さんと一緒で、最初から打ち解けてくださってね。 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/谷中敦 撮影=横井明彦 谷中:うん。童心をお持ちなのにジェントルというのが、一番かっこいいじゃないですか。子供の頃を忘れないけど、ジェントルに、一流の男であろうとする。それと、イベントのキャッチフレーズの"旅する文化ムーブメント"という言葉で思い出したんですけど、文化って、旅することによって価値を増すんだと俺は思っていて。自分たちも世界各地で、「日本の東京から来たバンドだね」ということで面白がってもらったりとか、移動してきた人によって、地元の文化が素晴らしいんだということがわかることもあると思うんですね。 ――ですね。 谷中:自分たちが元々持っていた宝物に気づくのは、旅人が新しい視点を持って来てくれるからだと思うんですよ。文化が移動してくることによって、元々持っていたものが光り輝く部分もあるし、自分たちが持っていたものをほかの場所に移動させることで、珍しいと思ってもらうこともある。そこで価値が生まれて、もてはやされることで、さらに磨きがかけられる。そして移動している間に、いろいろなものと混ざって、物事は変わっていくわけじゃないですか。文化は移動することによって価値を増すと思うし、人間もそうだと思うんですね。 ――ああ。はい。 谷中:いろんな人間と会うことによって、自分が磨かれる。自分探しというのは、家の中で一人でやるものじゃないと思うんですよ。自己探求というと、限りなく自分の場所を掘っていくようなイメージですけど、そうではなくて、自己探求しようと思う人間ほど、外に出て行く必要がある。自分の存在がどういうものかを、ほかの場所に行くことで知っていくことなんだなと痛感しているんですね。スカパラはいろんな場所へ移動することによって、価値を増していると思うし、いろんな場所で演奏することによって、曲が力を得て、自分たちも演奏家として力を得ていく部分があるのかなと思ってます。 沖:うん。 谷中:たとえば、「海外で感じてきた風を日本で吹かせるよ」とか、「それをまた向こうに持って行きます」とか、MCでよく言ってるんですけど。その気持ちでずっといることが、自分たちにとってプラスだし、『東京キャラバ』ンの"旅する文化ムーブメント"という考え方はとてもいいなと思います。 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/谷中敦 撮影=横井明彦 ――この間のベスト盤の取材のときに、スカパラが海外に行くと、「いまスカを進歩させてるのはお前らだ」って、よく言われるって、そういう話題が出ましたよね。それってまさに"旅する文化ムーブメント"そのもので。 谷中:元々、ジャマイカで3年しか流行ってない音楽ですから。それをほかの国の人たちが面白がってるから、いまも続いてる。それを東京で30年やっているというのは、たぶんジャマイカで30年やるのとは意味が違うと思うんですよ。それは、ジャマイカから世界各地に移動したことで、スカという音楽が力をつけたということはあるかもしれない。スカ自体が、すごくノー・ボーダーだもんね。音楽性がね。 沖:そうそう。 谷中:ラテン圏では、スカが最終的な記号みたいになっている気がする。スカをベースにした人たちがいろんな種類の音楽をやることもあるけど、プエルトリコ出身のResidente(レジデンテ)や、チリ出身の Ana Tijoux (アナ・ティジュ)というラテン圏の友人ミュージシャンたちも自分たちなりにスカを取り入れて、多くの人にわかってもらいやすくしてる。ラテン圏の複雑なリズムを単純化するときに、スカはすごく素晴らしい記号として作用しているんじゃないかと思ったりしました。 ――ほんと、『東京キャラバン』のコンセプトにスカパラはぴったりですよね。 沖:北から南まで。 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/沖祐市 撮影=横井明彦 ――素晴らしい宴になりそうです。未定の部分も多いと思いますけど、スカパラとしての意気込みを聞かせてもらえれば。 沖:2016年に始まったものが、今後、どういう花が開くのか。世界の情勢が毎日変わっていく中で、さっき谷中も話しましたけど、こんなに世界が一つの気持ちになる時代になるとは、まさか予想してなかったんですけど、その中で……そこは野田さんが一番戦ってらっしゃるところだと思うけど、舞台に出て表現することを生業にしている人たちが、いますごく考えなきゃいけない場所に立たされているわけで。すごく苦しい時期ではあるけど、でも逆に、苦しいから文化や音楽は二の次になるか?というと、そうではなくて。そういうところで人と人とを繋げるのも、音楽やダンスの大事な表現だと思うので。衣食住以外に、そういうものは絶対に必要なものだと思うんですね。 谷中:本当にそう思う。 沖:そしてスカパラも、30周年を終えて、また次に向かうポイントに立ったところなので。いよいよもっと"やってやるぜ"という気持ちが湧いてきて、スリルを楽しむぐらいの気持ちでやっていきたいなと思ってます。じゃないと、生ぬるいことをやってると、それなりのものになっちゃうし、流されていっちゃうと思うから。谷中がよくMCで「戦うように楽しんでくれ」と言ってるけど、気持ちの中では戦うように、でも楽しみたいなと思うので、楽しむために何ができるか?を考えて、やろうと思います。 取材・文=宮本英夫 撮影=横井明彦 ※2020年5月23日(土)、24日(日)東京・代々木公園での開催を予定していた『東京キャラバン』は延期となりました。 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/谷中敦、沖祐市 撮影=横井明彦 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ リリース情報"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース April 22, 2020 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラがいまだからこそエンターテインメントを通して世界に伝えたい想い - "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Prince Charles wishes Ramadan praising UK Muslims - The Siasat Daily Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:57 PM PDT ![]() LONDON: The Prince of Wales has wished Muslims in the United Kingdom and across the world a heartful Ramadan on Friday. In a pre-recorded video broadcast, Prince Charles, 71, said that he was left "utterly heartbroken" by the "tragic story" of the 13-year-old Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab who died after testing positive for the novel coronavirus. The message was shared in a virtual Iftar organised by the NAZ Legacy Foundation and Mosaic, an initiative founded by The Prince of Wales in 2007 and now part of The Prince's Trust. "In different circumstances, this would have been a joyous time of year mosques would be filling with life, families would be coming together to share food and prayers and many of them would be inviting their neighbors and friends, from all faiths and none, to join them," the heir to the British throne said. "I can only begin to imagine how desperately difficult and sad this must be for all of you who cherish this special month and everything it normally brings," he said. Frontline of COVID crisis"What has moved me greatly has been hearing all the brilliant work carried out by Muslim volunteers and local initiatives through mosques including working in partnership with temples, churches and other faith groups to support all members of all communities in such a difficult times." Prince Charles said: "Many British Muslims will spend this Ramadan on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis, working in our NHS or other key roles, most tragically I know that a number of highly experienced and invaluable doctors and nurses form the Muslim community have lost their lives due to this pernicious virus. To their families and colleagues, I can only convey my deepest possible sympathy, and to everyone on the frontline of whatever religions, I offer my profound admiration and heartfelt gratitude for all that they are doing for all of us." Muslims around the world began marking Ramadan under coronavirus lockdown on Friday with unprecedented bans on family gatherings and mass prayers, while a pushback in some countries has sparked fears of a surge in infections. Widespread rules have been imposed banning praying in mosques or meeting relatives and friends for large "iftar" meals at dusk — a centrepiece of the month-long fast. Get the latest updates in Hyderabad City News, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, Politics and Top Stories on WhatsApp & Telegram by subscribing to our channels. You can also download our app for Android and iOS. Top stories - Google News April 24, 2020 at 02:54PM Prince Charles wishes Ramadan praising UK Muslims - The Siasat Daily Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Donald Trump suggests injecting disinfectant to treat COVID-19 - Euronews Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:57 PM PDT ![]() Medical experts have hit out at US President Donald Trump after he floated the idea of injecting disinfectant into the body to fight COVID-19. Trump, already under fire for his coronavirus response, also appeared to suggest using ultraviolet (UV) light "inside the body". His comments, which came on the day the US death toll from COVID-19 passed 50,000 people, sparked a backlash online. Doctors and scientists were quick to discredit the suggestions and warned injecting disinfectant into people could be fatal. What was the context of Trump's comments?They came at his latest coronavirus press briefing after an official had presented preliminary research on the effects of heat humidity and sunlight. He said the research suggests the virus' life span is heavily reduced on surfaces when it is exposed to heat, humidity or UV light. He also said it concludes that bleach can kill the virus in five minutes and that 90 per cent alcohol solutions can do this in 30 seconds. This is how Trump responded. "So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," he said. "And I think you said that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said, suppose you brought the light inside the body, you can, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way." The US president then went on to address disinfectants. "Knocks it out in a minute," he said. "One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs." Trump was asked if it was dangerous to make people think they would be safe by going outside in the heat, considering that so many people have died in Florida. "I hope people enjoy the sun. And if it has an impact, that's great," Trump replied. "I'm here to present ideas because we want ideas to get rid of this thing. And if heat is good, and if sunlight is good, that's a great thing as far as I'm concerned," the president said. Donald Trump's other coronavirus claimsThroughout the crisis, Trump has tried to find solutions to stop the spread of the virus or treat patients. He has previously suggested using hydroxychloroquine as medication against COVID-19 based on preliminary results of two very limited studies in France and China. His scientific advisers later discredited the use of the medication. This was the first time, however, that he'd suggested hot weather could have an effect on the spread of the virus. "There's been a rumour that you know, a very nice rumour, that you go outside in the sun or you have heat and it does have an effect on other viruses". He then turned to Deborah Birx, one of his advisers on the pandemic, and asked for confirmation on this "Deborah, have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light relative to certain viruses, but relative to this virus?" Looking uncomfortable, she replied: "Not as a treatment. I mean certainly fever, it is a good thing when you have a fever, it helps your body respond." And this isn't the first time experts working with the president have denied his claims publicly. Dr Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recently contradicted the president saying he was "convinced" that the virus would come back in the autumn just after Trump had claimed the virus "may not come back at all". And the contradictions go both ways. Dr Fauci told Time magazine this week that the United States was "not in a situation where we can say we are exactly where we want to be with regard to testing." And when asked about the doctor's comments during Thursday's press conference Trump said/ "We're very advanced in testing. Other countries are calling us to find out what are we doing." "I think we're doing a great job on testing," he added. "I don't agree if he said that." 'Pinning your hopes on summer is a pipe dream'Many scientists and health experts have made clear that there is no evidence that warmer weather or higher humidity can help stop the spread of the virus. Global health expert Alanna Shaikh told Euronews on Tuesday that the fact the virus had spread to Singapore put that theory into question. "We've seen plenty of outbreaks in places that are already warm," she added. "So I think pinning your hopes on summer is a little bit of a pipe dream." Dr Fiachra Humphries, an immunologist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, said that COVID-19 is a "much more transmissible virus than other seasonal ones and a lot of studies have shown that this virus can survive on surfaces a lot longer. So it's probably less susceptible to things like heat". Top stories - Google News April 24, 2020 at 08:44AM Donald Trump suggests injecting disinfectant to treat COVID-19 - Euronews Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
田村亮が淳の文化放送番組生出演「去年ウソついた」 - 日刊スポーツ Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:59 PM PDT 田村亮が淳の文化放送番組生出演「去年ウソついた」 - 日刊スポーツ ロンドンブーツ1号2号の田村亮(48)が25日、相方の田村淳(46)がパーソナリティーを務める文化放送のニュース番組「ロンドンブーツ1号2号田村淳のNews CLUB」(土曜午後1時)に、ゲストで生出演した。 亮が19年6月に発覚した闇営業問題で所属の吉本興業から謹慎処分を受けた末、退所して以降、2人そろっての生放送の出演は初めて。同番組にコンビで出演するのも初めて。 亮はこの日、政治家や専門家を招くコーナー「今週のすごい人」を改題した「今週のすごいうそをついた人」のコーナーに登場。「よろしくお願いします。来ました。何回か、聴いたことありますけど」とあいさつした。コーナー名の変更は前回18日の番組中に淳が提案したもので、淳は「すごい人じゃないからね。今までのすごい人に申し訳ないから。一緒にしちゃまずいでしょ。俺は事務所社長として変更した」と笑いながら説明。亮は「ウソをついたのは今週じゃない。去年です。改心してないと思われるから…去年です」と苦笑した。 亮は吉本興業退所後の19年12月、淳が設立し、社長を務める株式会社LONDONBOOTSの所属タレントとなり、1月のライブで復帰。7日にはテレビ朝日系「ロンドンハーツ」で地上波復帰を果たした。淳はそのことを踏まえ、前回18日の放送で「きれい事にしたくない。社長としてはムチを打ちたい。亮さんに聞きたいことを募集します」。そして「亮さんが『2度とうそをつかない』って言っているんですけど、そんなうそってありますか(笑い)。それがうそだよね。俺なんて、死ぬまでにあと100個くらいうそをついてやろうと思っている」と語っていた。 2020-04-25 05:08:49Z | |
China sends team to advise on North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, sources say - South China Morning Post Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:57 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 24, 2020 at 10:31PM China sends team to advise on North Korea's Kim Jong-un, sources say - South China Morning Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:57 PM PDT ![]() President Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back his dangerous and unfounded speculation about whether injecting disinfectants can help to treat Covid-19. Experts, health officials and Reckitt Benckiser, the maker of Lysol, a household disinfectant brand, urged Americans not to attempt to inject or consume the cleaning product after the president raised the idea at a White House press briefing on Thursday night. "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen," Trump said Friday. He added that it was a "very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside." At the Thursday press briefing, Trump said: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute. One minute." "Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets inside the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that," he said. The White House said earlier Friday that Trump had "repeatedly said" Americans should consult their doctors about coronavirus treatment and accused journalists of taking the president's comments out of context. Trump, who is facing reelection this year and is eager to get the economy back on its feet, has pointed to a range of potential treatments and cures for the coronavirus despite insufficient evidence. For weeks, the president has pointed to hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, anti-malarial drugs, as potential saviors, even as his administration's top health agencies have not endorsed either to treat the new virus. The medical dispute has already apparently had political consequences: An official who was recently removed from his post overseeing the federal agency that is rushing to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus said in a statement this week that he was ousted after pushing back on the two drugs. In the statement, Rick Bright said that he "limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit." Chloroquine gained attention as a potential treatment following two small studies that appeared to show promise last month. On Friday, however, the findings of a new chloroquine study were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that raised more doubts about the drug. The study had to be halted after nearly two dozen of the 81 Covid-19 patients being tracked died after receiving daily doses of the drug Trump has called a potential "game changer." Top stories - Google News April 24, 2020 at 12:59PM Trump tries to walk back speculation about injecting disinfectants to fight coronavirus, claims he was being sarcastic - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Kanye West officially now a billionaire: Forbes - Yahoo Singapore News Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:29 PM PDT Kanye West officially now a billionaire: Forbes - Yahoo Singapore News ![]() ![]() Kanye West, seen in New York in November 2019, is worth some $1.3 billion according to Forbes Rapper Kanye West is now a billionaire thanks largely to the basketball shoes bearing his name that he developed with Adidas, Forbes magazine said Friday. The rough figure of the wealth of Kim Kardashian's hubby is $1.3 billion, the magazine said in announcing the musician is now on its list of people worth at least $1 billion. The 42-year-old, Chicago-born rapper's Yeezy footwear often sells for more than $200 a pair in the United States and elsewhere. West was associated with Nike for years but broke away in 2013, lending his name to Adidas as they launched their first shoe together in 2015. Forbes said that for years West has been pressing the magazine to be listed as one of its mega-rich but that it declined, for lack of proof. The magazine said tongue in cheek that for years it had applied what it called the Trump rule to West: "take whatever the future president insisted he was worth, divide by three, and start honing from there." Much of the rest of West's wealth comes from real estate he owns, the magazine said. West is the second American rapper to make the Forbes list after Jay-Z, who made the cut last year. 2020-04-25 01:04:52Z | |
中居正広 10万円給付“寄付”の動きに疑問「使ってもらうためのものでしょ?」 - Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:29 PM PDT 中居正広 10万円給付"寄付"の動きに疑問「使ってもらうためのものでしょ?」 - ![]() タレントの中居正広(47)が25日、テレビ朝日系「中居正広のニュースな会」(土曜正午)に出演。政府が新型コロナウイルスの緊急経済対策として実施する全国民向けの一律10万円給付で"寄付"の動きがあることに疑問を投げかけた。 10万円をもらうかという問いに、とジャーナリストの岸田雪子氏(50)は「とりあえず、もらって、どういう形で寄付とかができるのかというを探したい」と見解を示した。 これを受け、中居は「なんでみんな寄付するの?使ってもらうためのものでしょ?」と首をひねった。 04/25 13:43 スポニチアネックス 2020-04-25 04:43:00Z | |
How To Make Black Sugar Bubble Tea - The Straits Times Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:29 PM PDT How To Make Black Sugar Bubble Tea - The Straits Times ![]() Do you miss drinking your favourite bubble tea during this circuit breaker period? With a few simple ingredients such as tapioca starch, black sugar and water - and plenty of elbow grease - you can make your own boba (tapioca pearls) from scratch. Hed Chef Hedy Khoo shows you how you can whip up a cup of Black Sugar Bubble Tea at home. Go to for more recipes. ST VIDEO: HEDY KHOO The Straits Times, the English flagship daily of SPH, has been serving readers for more than a century. Launched on July 15, 1845, its comprehensive coverage of world news, East Asian news, Southeast Asian news, home news, sports news, financial news and lifestyle updates makes The Straits Times the most-read newspaper in Singapore. 2020-04-24 14:38:03Z | |
Gucci raises more than S$10m from COVID-19 relief crowdfunding campaigns - CNA Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:29 PM PDT Gucci raises more than S$10m from COVID-19 relief crowdfunding campaigns - CNA [unable to retrieve full-text content]Gucci raises more than S$10m from COVID-19 relief crowdfunding campaigns CNA 2020-04-24 22:59:01Z | |
嵐、リモート紙芝居『三びきのこぶた』披露! メンバーの熱演に反響 - マイナビニュース Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT 嵐、リモート紙芝居『三びきのこぶた』披露! メンバーの熱演に反響 - マイナビニュース アイドルグループ・嵐が25日、グループの公式YouTubeを更新。5人がリモートで紙芝居『三びきのこぶた』を披露する動画を公開した(以下、配役など一部ネタバレを含みます)。 櫻井翔は「おうちにずっといるお子さんのみんなに楽しんでもらいたいというのと同時に、子供たちが聞いている間にお父さんお母さんにも時間ができたらと思い、紙芝居をお届けしようと思います」とメッセージ。松本潤が「みんなで見てもらってもうれしいしね」と補足した。 動画の冒頭では、5人が話し合いしている様子も公開。ナレーションは櫻井が担当することになり、そのほかの配役はあみだくじで決め、大ぶた役は二宮和也、中ぶた役は大野智、ちいぶた役は相葉雅紀、おおかみ役とおかあさん役は松本に決定した。 そして、拍子木を鳴らしてスタートさせるが、櫻井が最初の1文を間違えてしまい、二宮が「ちょっとごめんなさい。こればっかりは」とツッコんで、やり直すことに。それぞれ役になりきって熱演し、特に松本は表情もつけて迫力あるおおかみを演じた。 終了後、松本の演技にメンバーからも「おおかみすごかった」「主役はおおかみだよ』という声が。そして、「楽しかった」と5人も新たな挑戦を楽しんだようで、「次回『そんごくう だいかつやく』近日配信」と次回予告もアナウンスされた。 リモート紙芝居に、SNS上では「最高に面白かった」「嵐紙芝居楽しかった」「腹抱えて笑ったわwww」「笑いすぎてお腹痛い爆笑爆笑」「リモート紙芝居最高~」「潤くんのおおかみノリノリで爆笑した」「松本潤さん最高です爆笑」「潤くんのオオカミ最高だし、相葉ちゃんのちいぶたがかわいい」などと反響を呼んでいる。 2020-04-25 03:04:36Z | |
斎藤工が選ぶ「いま自宅で見るべき映画5本」 : 映画ニュース - 映画.com Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT 斎藤工が選ぶ「いま自宅で見るべき映画5本」 : 映画ニュース - 映画.com 2020年4月25日 11:00 ![]() (C)2011 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. [映画.com ニュース] 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け多くの映画館が休業となり、公開延期作品の発表が相次いでいる。感染拡大防止のため、映画ファンの鑑賞機会が著しく減少しているなか、最前線で活躍する映画人たちが「いま自宅で見るべき映画5本」を映画.comに薦めてくれた。今回は、いまや日本映画界に欠かすことが出来ない存在となった俳優で監督の斎藤工が、こだわり抜いた5本を紹介する。 ■「コンテイジョン」(スティーブン・ソダ―バーグ監督)+キャストによるYouTube動画( かつてこの作品を観た直後 ■「隣の影」(ハーフシュテイン・グンナル・シーグルズソン監督) ![]() 2017 (C) Netop Filmes. Profile Pictures. Madants 世界的に在宅ベースになり ■「まぼろしの市街戦」(フィリップ・ド・ブロカ監督) ![]() (C)1966 - Indivision Philippe de Broca 今の状況と無理矢理重ねるわけでは無いが ■「ストーカー(1979)」(アンドレイ・タルコフスキー監督) 今こそタルコフスキーを味わうタイミングな気がする ![]() (C)2010 Water n Tree Pictures & Next Entertainment World Inc. All Rights Reserved. 孤独と言うか孤立に近い状況下の方は多いと思われます (映画.com速報) 2020-04-25 03:02:39Z | |
Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:29 PM PDT 嵐 YouTubeで紙芝居を披露 - 嵐が25日、公式YouTubeチャンネルに登場し、リモート紙芝居「三びきのこぶた」を披露した。 メンバーは分割された画面に姿を見せ、櫻井翔(38)が「今日は嵐によるリモート紙芝居をお届けしたいと思います」とあいさつ。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大により在宅で過ごす子どもたちや、その親世代に向けた嵐にとって初の試みで「子どもたちがこれを聞いてる時間にお父さんお母さんに時間ができたら、そしてお子さんのみんなにも楽しんでもらいたい」と話した。 物語は児童文学「三びきのこぶた」で、櫻井がナレーション、二宮和也(36)が「大ぶた」、大野智(39)が「中ぶた」、相葉雅紀(37)が「ちいぶた」、松本潤(36)が「おおかみ」と「おかあさん」を担当。それぞれの熱のこもった演技に、笑いをこらえ切れないメンバーの様子もうつされた。 紙芝居を終えた二宮は「思い出しました。『三びきのこぶた』ってこういう話だった」と感慨深げ。櫻井は「楽しんでいただけたのかな」と笑顔を見せた。松本は演じたおおかみの声色で「ちゃんと親の言うこと聞けよ~!バイバイ!」と手を振った。 次回は「そんごくうだいかつやく」を披露することも告知。動画は近日公開されるという。 2020-04-25 02:31:00Z | |
Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Chelsea launch Mertens bid - Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:25 PM PDT ![]() Rangers coach Steven Gerrard should sign Australian striker Lyndon Dykes, according to Scottish full back Alan Hutton. Dykes has been impressive for Livingston this season, scoring nine goals and creating eight assists in 25 appearances. Hutton believes that the 24-year-old would be the perfect signing for Rangers. "I think he'd be a great addition, to be honest. I've watched him a number of times and wow, has he given Celtic and Rangers problems throughout the season," Hutton told Football Insider. "He's constantly a thorn in their side, he's big, he's powerful, he can hold the ball up, he can turn, he's got pace, he can finish – I think he's a well rounded player to be honest. "When you're showing that ability week in, week out, for a lesser team – no disrespect to Livingston – it shows great ability. "If you've got Morelos and someone like him, can you imagine them two playing together?" "Goal" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 06:50PM Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Chelsea launch Mertens bid - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Quarantined Stuntmen Go Viral With Epic Fight Video — Now Get Them an Oscar Category - IndieWire Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:03 PM PDT ![]() Behold one of the coolest pieces of original content to emerge from the quarantine era. France's Campus Univers Cascades, a school that specializes in training stunt workers for film and television, rallied together dozens of stuntmen and stuntwomen to show off their best work for a video that seamlessly edits together their skills into a single fight scene. The ingenious two-and-a-half minute video has gone viral with nearly 10 million views and counting on social media, plus it's made big fans out directors like Edgar Wright. As if blockbuster action films like "Mad Max: Fury Road" and "Mission: Impossible — Fallout" weren't enough proof, the viral video below proves what an artistic craft stunt work is in film and television. The ingenuity on display in each action beat makes yet another strong case that stunt performers deserve to be recognized at the Academy Awards. Actors such as Helen Mirren have been vocal in the past about making stunt performers eligible for Oscars, as have filmmakers such as Christopher McQuarrie. Not long after the Academy floated the idea of introducing an Oscar for Best Popular Film, McQuarrie said he detested the decision and argued that the Academy should honor stunt performers instead. McQuarrie has directed various "Mission: Impossible" films and made a great point that honoring stunt performers would allow the Academy to recognize blockbuster films that often get shut out of the more competitive categories. The only major awards ceremony that recognizes stunt workers is the Screen Actors Guild Awards. Popular on IndieWire"[Stunts] are an art, that's a skill, that's a craft," McQuarrie said. "Those are people risking their lives and doing things that are absolutely and utterly truly amazing and are so much a part of an experience like that. You go look at 'Hell or High Water.' 'Lone Survivor.' The stunts in that movie were absolutely incredible. In terms of a new category, I think you need to do that." Stunt coordinator Jake Gill has been lobbying for years to get the Academy to create a Best Stunt Coordination award. Gill revealed in August 2019 that many stunt performers were considering boycotting the Oscars over the Academy's refusal to recognize their craft. Perhaps Oscar voters should watch the viral video below, which is just more proof that stunt work is a singular art.
Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. "viral" - Google News April 23, 2020 at 09:51AM Quarantined Stuntmen Go Viral With Epic Fight Video — Now Get Them an Oscar Category - IndieWire "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Oklahoma woman getting attention from viral Tiktok video - KOKI FOX 23 Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:36 PM PDT ![]() She was trying to clip her dogs nails one night and tried putting peanut butter on the ground to distract him but then he saw his feet. She thought if she put it on her head then he wouldn't see his feet. She didn't want it in her hair so went with saran wrap. "viral" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 07:31PM Oklahoma woman getting attention from viral Tiktok video - KOKI FOX 23 "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] Bill Gates discusses coronavirus pandemic, viral conspiracy theory involving himself and 5G WYFF Greenville"viral" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 02:52PM Bill Gates discusses coronavirus pandemic, viral conspiracy theory involving himself and 5G - WYFF Greenville "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
バンダイナムコエンターテインメント,外出を自粛している人に向けて「PAC-MAN Championship Edition2」の無料配信を開始 - Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT バンダイナムコエンターテインメントは2020年4月24日,期間限定で「PAC-MAN CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2」(PC / PS4 / Xbox One)の無料配信を開始した。期間は5月10日までで,終了時間は各プラットフォームによって異なる。Steam,PlayStation Store,Xbox LIVEからのダウンロードが可能だ。
バンダイナムコエンターテインメントによれば,これは,新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止のため自宅で過ごしている人々に,安全で楽しい時間を過ごしてもらうための施策とのこと。「アソビきれない毎日を。」を企業理念に掲げる同社として,世界中の人に笑顔にあふれた毎日を過ごし続けてほしいとプレスリリースで述べられている。 2016年にリリースされた「PAC-MAN CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2」は,「パックマン」の基本操作はそのままに,ゴーストトレインが4本に増え,3D化によるさまざまな新ルールや演出が盛り込まれたアクションゲームだ。1人でコツコツと遊べる「アドベンチャーモード」も搭載されている。
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース April 24, 2020 at 07:39PM バンダイナムコエンターテインメント,外出を自粛している人に向けて「PAC-MAN Championship Edition2」の無料配信を開始 - "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
斎藤工が選ぶ「いま自宅で見るべき映画5本」 : 映画ニュース - 映画.com Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:29 PM PDT 斎藤工が選ぶ「いま自宅で見るべき映画5本」 : 映画ニュース - 映画.com 2020年4月25日 11:00 ![]() (C)2011 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. [映画.com ニュース] 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け多くの映画館が休業となり、公開延期作品の発表が相次いでいる。感染拡大防止のため、映画ファンの鑑賞機会が著しく減少しているなか、最前線で活躍する映画人たちが「いま自宅で見るべき映画5本」を映画.comに薦めてくれた。今回は、いまや日本映画界に欠かすことが出来ない存在となった俳優で監督の斎藤工が、こだわり抜いた5本を紹介する。 ■「コンテイジョン」(スティーブン・ソダ―バーグ監督)+キャストによるYouTube動画( かつてこの作品を観た直後 ■「隣の影」(ハーフシュテイン・グンナル・シーグルズソン監督) ![]() 2017 (C) Netop Filmes. Profile Pictures. Madants 世界的に在宅ベースになり ■「まぼろしの市街戦」(フィリップ・ド・ブロカ監督) ![]() (C)1966 - Indivision Philippe de Broca 今の状況と無理矢理重ねるわけでは無いが ■「ストーカー(1979)」(アンドレイ・タルコフスキー監督) 今こそタルコフスキーを味わうタイミングな気がする ![]() (C)2010 Water n Tree Pictures & Next Entertainment World Inc. All Rights Reserved. 孤独と言うか孤立に近い状況下の方は多いと思われます (映画.com速報) 2020-04-25 02:00:50Z | |
China sent team including medical experts to advise on North Korea's Kim, sources say - CNBC Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT ![]() North Korean leader Kim Jong Un takes part in a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in this image released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on April 11, 2020. KCNA | via Reuters China has dispatched a team to North Korea including medical experts to advise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to three people familiar with the situation. The trip by the Chinese doctors and officials comes amid conflicting reports about the health of the North Korean leader. Reuters was unable to immediately determine what the trip by the Chinese team signaled in terms of Kim's health. A delegation led by a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party's International Liaison Department left Beijing for North Korea on Thursday, two of the people said. The department is the main Chinese body dealing with neighbouring North Korea. The sources declined to be identified given the sensitivity of the matter. The Liaison Department could not be reached by Reuters for comment late on Friday. China's foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment late on Friday. Daily NK, a Seoul-based website, reported earlier this week that Kim was recovering after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure on April 12. It cited one unnamed source in North Korea. South Korean government officials and a Chinese official with the Liaison Department challenged subsequent reports suggesting that Kim was in grave danger after surgery. South Korean officials said they had detected no signs of unusual activity in North Korea. On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump also downplayed earlier reports that Kim was gravely ill. "I think the report was incorrect," Trump told reporters, but he declined to say if he had been in touch with North Korean officials. On Friday, a South Korean source told Reuters their intelligence was that Kim was alive and would likely make an appearance soon. The person said he did not have any comment on Kim's current condition or any Chinese involvement. An official familiar with U.S. intelligence said that Kim was known to have health problems but they had no reason to conclude he was seriously ill or unable eventually to reappear in public. A U.S. State department spokeswoman had no comment. U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, when asked about Kim's health on Fox News after Trump spoke said, "I don't have anything I can share with you tonight, but the American people should know we're watching the situation very keenly." North Korea is one of the world's most isolated and secretive countries, and the health of its leaders is treated as a matter of state security. Reuters has not been able to independently confirm any details on Kim's whereabouts or condition. North Korea's state media last reported on Kim's whereabouts when he presided over a meeting on April 11. State media did not report that he was in attendance at an event to mark the birthday of his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, on April 15, an important anniversary in North Korea. Kim, believed to be 36, has disappeared from coverage in North Korean state media before. In 2014, he vanished for more than a month and North Korean state TV later showed him walking with a limp. Speculation about his health has been fanned by his heavy smoking, apparent weight gain since taking power and family history of cardiovascular problems. When Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong Il, suffered a stroke in 2008, South Korean media reported at the time that Chinese doctors were involved in his treatment along with French physicians. Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping made the first state visit in 14 years by a Chinese leader to North Korea, an impoverished state that depends on Beijing for economic and diplomatic support. China is North Korea's chief ally and the economic lifeline for a country hard-hit by U.N. sanctions, and has a keen interest in the stability of the country with which it shares a long, porous border. Kim is a third-generation hereditary leader who came to power after his father Kim Jong Il died in 2011 from a heart attack. He has visited China four times since 2018. Trump held unprecedented summits with Kim in 2018 and 2019 as part of a bid to persuade him to give up North Korea's nuclear arsenal. Top stories - Google News April 24, 2020 at 03:51PM China sent team including medical experts to advise on North Korea's Kim, sources say - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:04 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] Bill Gates discusses coronavirus pandemic, viral conspiracy theory involving himself and 5G WMUR Manchester"viral" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 02:52PM Bill Gates discusses coronavirus pandemic, viral conspiracy theory involving himself and 5G - WMUR Manchester "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
When Mobile re-opens: bringing back out of town visitors - FOX10 News Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:18 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] When Mobile re-opens: bringing back out of town visitors FOX10 News"Mobile" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 03:03PM When Mobile re-opens: bringing back out of town visitors - FOX10 News "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Former T-Mobile CEO John Legere leaves board weeks earlier than expected - CNET Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:18 PM PDT ![]() T-Mobile's John Legere, right, handed the CEO reins to Mike Sievert, left, on April 1. Sarah Tew/CNETFormer T-Mobile CEO John Legere has departed the carrier's board of directors more than a month earlier than planned, "to pursue other options." Legere notified the board Friday that he's resigning effective immediately, according to an SEC filing. After stepping down as T-Mobile CEO on April 1, Legere had been slated to serve as a member of the board until June 4. "Legere noted that he was not resigning because of any disagreement with management or the board on any matter," T-Mobile said in the filing. Legere said in his notice to the company that he remains "T-Mobile's #1 fan." "It has been a privilege and honor to have led T-Mobile as CEO for the past seven and a half years and served on the board of directors," he said. Legere called it "truly the end of an era" in a tweet Friday afternoon. He stepped down as CEO after T-Mobile's $26.5 billion merger with Sprint went through. Mike Sievert took over as head of T-Mobile a month early because Legere had previously planned to step aside on May 1. s "Mobile" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 03:22PM Former T-Mobile CEO John Legere leaves board weeks earlier than expected - CNET "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |
Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:12 PM PDT AP Photo / Alex Brandon Dr. Deborah Birx listening to President Donald Trump on Thursday. The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, become a member and sign up for our newsletter, Outbreak Today. A clip of Dr. Deborah Birx went viral Thursday, showing the White House coronavirus response coordinator looking pained as she listened to President Donald Trump wonder if sunlight exposure and injecting the human body with disinfectants could be used to combat COVID-19. Trump made the remarks — which are not backed by science and have been decried as wildly dangerous by medical professionals and even disinfectant manufacturers — at a press conference Thursday. The president attempted to walk back his comments on Friday, saying he was being sarcastic when he made the claims. "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen," he said Friday. In fact, video of the press conference clearly showed Trump asking Birx, a renowned virus expert with decades of government experience, to investigate if some of the treatments were feasible. Mandel Ngan / Getty Images On Thursday evening, following a presentation by William Bryan, the undersecretary for science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security, about the effect of solar light, bleach, and isopropyl alcohol on the coronavirus, Trump suggested scientists should study if these methods could be used on humans. "So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, 'supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way,' and I think you said you're going to test that too. It sounds interesting." Birx, sitting on the sidelines, reacted with visible discomfort as the president touted these unscientific theories. Video footage showed her staring at the president before inhaling deeply and staring at the ground.
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute," Trump also said. "And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning — because, you see, it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that— You're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me. "But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that's — that's pretty powerful," Trump said. Later in the press conference, Trump sparred with a reporter who asked if his comments about heat and humidity could be considered dangerous and lead people to believe going outside is safe. "Here we go. The new — the new headline is: 'Trump Asks People to Go Outside. That's Dangerous.' Here we go. Same old group," he said. "You ready? I hope people enjoy the sun. And if it has an impact, that's great," he said. Trump then asked Birx to "speak to the medical doctors to see if there's any way that you can apply light and heat to cure" and if she'd ever heard of "the heat and the light, relative to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus?" The visibly uncomfortable doctor said she'd never heard of it "as a treatment." "When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But not as— I've not seen heat," she said. "I think it's a great thing to look at," Trump told her.
This particular interaction was incorrect in the White House's first transcript of the press conference, which said that Birx had told the president that light and heat "was a treatment." The administration released a second transcript with her actual response.
On Friday, Trump said he wasn't being serious when he suggested that disinfectant injections could cure COVID-19. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany also said the media had taken Trump out of context. "President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday's briefing," she said in a Friday statement. The American Chemistry Council says bleach and disinfectants should never be ingested or injected into the body. "Chlorine bleach is critical to combating the spread of COVID-19 as it effectively disinfects surfaces that inactivate the virus SARS-CoV-2," the industry group said in a statement. "However, chlorine bleach should never be administered inside the body under any circumstances." Despite the president's protestations that he didn't mean what he'd said, Birx's reaction from Thursday's press conference was the subject of several memes and viral tweets.
"viral" - Google News April 24, 2020 at 10:33AM Deborah Birx Went Viral For Her Reaction To Trump Talking About Treating Coronavirus With Disinfectant And Light - BuzzFeed News "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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