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なぜNiziUは世界を興奮させるのか…日本のエンタメが「韓国に完敗」した理由(プレジデントオンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:34 AM PDT

■日本人は「未成熟」を応援する  2000年に入ってインターネットが普及すると、アニメや漫画を通して世界的に日本のサブカルチャーが注目されるようになった。とくにフランスやスペインなどのヨーロッパで、"kawaii"をキーワードとする原宿や渋谷のファッションが関心を集め、J-POP人気に火がつき、日本で大人気だったモーニング娘。(1997年~)が注目された。ところが、モーニング娘。はメンバーが入れ替わり、歌やダンスの実力をつけていくごとに、肝心の国内での人気を落としていく。  日本のファンは、アイドルに高いパフォーマンス力ではなく、「頃合いの下手さ」や「一生懸命」を求め、下手だけれどがんばっているといった「未成熟の一生懸命」を応援するのが、アイドルファンの伝統的なスタイルである。完璧なルックスや高い歌唱力はむしろアイドルには邪魔になる。愛らしく透明感のある外見のタレントが、「下手」をカバーしようと一生懸命になる姿に「萌える」。  初期のモーニング娘。がまさにそうだった。何の訓練も受けていない「普通の少女」たちが、「敏腕プロデューサー」の手で試練にあいながらもヒット曲を連発していく。そんな物語が注目を浴びた。 ■AKB48が国内市場を押さえたが…  ところが、モーニング娘。が高いパフォーマンス力を身につけるたびに、ライトなファンが脱落。そのあいだに「未成熟の一生懸命」をシステム化したようなAKB48が国内市場を席巻した。  日本市場でアイドルとして人気を博すためには、宿命的に「未成熟」を抱え込まなければならない。だが、国際市場では「未成熟」は求められず、AKBの国際戦略も一部を除いて失敗している。  モーニング娘。が開いた国際化の道は、むしろ少女時代などの韓国勢によって広げられていった。2012年以降の「嫌韓ブーム」からは、韓国勢は日本より東アジアや東南アジアを中心とした国際市場を広く目指すようになった。日本のアイドルのフォーマットを使いながら、韓国アイドルが国際市場で活躍できた裏には、韓国では「未成熟」ではなく、外見的な完成度や高いパフォーマンスを求める文化があるからだろう。また、日本のエンターテインメントが無意識的に国際的に受け入れられ、そのあと大して努力しなかったのに対して、韓国勢は国家を挙げて世界進出を後押しして、国際市場に必死でアクセスし続けた努力が結実した。

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"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
August 12, 2020 at 04:20PM

なぜNiziUは世界を興奮させるのか…日本のエンタメが「韓国に完敗」した理由(プレジデントオンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
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吉川愛ら、杉咲花ヒロイン朝ドラ「おちょやん」追加キャスト発表 - モデルプレス

Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:03 AM PDT

吉川愛ら、杉咲花ヒロイン朝ドラ「おちょやん」追加キャスト発表 - モデルプレス






今回発表されたのは、語り・黒衣役の桂吉弥、芝居茶屋「岡安」の娘・岡田みつえ役の東野絢香(初)、芝居茶屋「福富」の息子・富川福助役の井上拓哉、「岡安」先代の女将・岡田ハナ役の宮田圭子、喜劇の巨人・須賀廼家万太郎役の板尾創路、天海一平の父・初代 天海天海役の茂山宗彦、劇場の支配人・熊田役の西川忠志、カフェー「キネマ」の店主・宮元潔役の西村和彦、カフェー「キネマ」の女給・宇野真理役の吉川、カフェー「キネマ」の女給・若崎洋子役の阿部純子、山村千鳥一座の座員・薮内清子役の映美くらら、鶴亀撮影所の助監督・小暮真治役の若葉竜也(初)、鶴亀撮影所の所長・片金平八役の六角精児、鶴亀撮影所の守衛・守屋役の渋谷天外。※(初)は連続テレビ小説初出演







【天海一平の父・初代 天海天海:茂山宗彦】









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2020-08-13 05:45:13Z

OWV「TGC2020 A/W」初登場決定 JO1との共演に期待高まる - モデルプレス

Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:03 AM PDT

OWV「TGC2020 A/W」初登場決定 JO1との共演に期待高まる - モデルプレス

サバイバルオーディション番組「PRODUCE 101 JAPAN」の練習生4人からなる次世代ボーイズグループ・OWV(オウブ)が、9月5日にさいたまスーパーアリーナで開催される「第31回マイナビ 東京ガールズコレクション2020 AUTUMN/WINTER」(以下:TGC)に初出演することが決定した。


OWVはメインアーティストとして登場。同じく「PRODUCE 101 JAPAN」で誕生したグローバルボーイズグループ・JO1も同イベントにメインアーティストとして登場が決定しており、「PRODUCE 101 JAPAN」以来のメンバーの共演にファンの期待が高まっている。

OWVは9月30日にメジャーデビューシングル「UBA UBA」をリリース予定。デビュー前の出演となり、グループ初のパフォーマンスステージを披露する。


こんにちは、OWVです。僕たちOWVがTGC に出演させていただくことになりました!デビュー前にもかかわらず、このような大きなステージに立つ機会をいただき本当に感謝しています。そして、今回がOWVの初めてのパフォーマンスステージとなるので、気合いを⼊れて準備をしています!是非ひとりでも多くの方に僕たちのパフォーマンスを観て頂けたらうれしいです。皆さんにお会いできることをとても楽しみにしています。9月5日にお会いしましょう!

「TGC2020 A/W」安心・安全を最優先に開催



「TGC2020 A/W」テーマは?

前回に引き続き、キービジュアルは蜷川実花氏が担当。今回のテーマは無観客開催となった第30回記念のテーマ「I ◆ TGC」(※◆はハートマーク)を踏襲し、しなやかに輝けるサステナブルな未来を創造し、新たなはじまりの一歩を力強く踏み出すという想いを込めて「I ◆ TGC ~NEXT DECADE~」となった。(modelpress編集部)

「第31回マイナビ 東京ガールズコレクション2020 AUTUMN/WINTER」開催概要

開催日時:2020年9月5日(土)開場11:00/開演13:30/終演 20:00(予定)

メインモデル:アリアナさくら、池田美優、石川恋、伊藤桃々、emma、愛花、岡本夏美、楓(E-girls/Happiness)、香川沙耶、加藤ナナ、香音、茅島みずき、久間田琳加、⼩室安未、紺野彩夏、佐藤晴美(E-girls)、重留真波、新川優愛、鈴木愛理、鈴木ゆうか、田鍋梨々花、鶴嶋乃愛、出⼝夏希、トラウデン直美、中条あやみ、永瀬莉子、菜波、Niki、⽣見愛瑠、ねお、坂東希(E-girls)、福原遥、藤井サチ、藤田ニコル、マギー、宮野陽名、三吉彩花、ゆきぽよ(木村有希) 他 ※50音順
ゲスト:近藤千尋、ティモンディ、古川優香、フワちゃん 他
MC:田中みな実、NON STYLE ※50 音順

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2020-08-13 05:32:55Z

Diboll Lumberjacks have a simple goal but a hard route to that goal - KLTV

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:42 PM PDT

"We are going to get after it up front," head coach Blake Morrison said. "We are going to play good defense. We are going to do what we need to do. We got some talented running backs, receivers and our offensive line could be bigger this year. If we get some people step up we could be a contender."

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"Goal" - Google News
August 12, 2020 at 08:19PM

Diboll Lumberjacks have a simple goal but a hard route to that goal - KLTV
"Goal" - Google News
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エンターテインメントロボティクス市場は、新しいイノベーション、テクノロジー、リサーチ2020〜2026で23.31%のCAGRでグローバルに上昇しています - ラベルオンライン

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:34 PM PDT

レポートは、「グローバルエンターテイメントロボット市場」の詳細な評価を提供します  。 これには、有効化テクノロジー、主要トレンド、市場の推進要因、課題、標準化、規制の展望、導入モデル、オペレーターのケーススタディ、機会、将来のロードマップ、バリューチェーン、エコシステムプレーヤーのプロファイル、および戦略が含まれます。レポートは、2020年から2026年までのエンターテインメントロボティクスへの投資に関するSWOT分析と予測も示しています。


エンターテインメントロボティクス市場2020 に関する最新の研究のサンプルPDFコピーを取得するには、ここをクリックしてください

グローバルエンターテインメントロボティクスに は市場分析レポートが含まれますトップ企業: イノベーションファースト、フィッシャーテクニック、レゴ、マイクロソフト、エレクトロメカニカ、エボリューションロボティクス、ホンダ、日立、トヨタ、エニーボット、KUKAは独自の企業プロファイル、成長フェーズ、市場開発の機会を持っています。このレポートは、業界イベント、インポート/エクスポートシナリオ、および市場シェアに関連する最新の業界の詳細を提供します。


このレポートは、タイプに基づいてグローバルエンターテイメントロボット市場を  分類し  ます。



アプリケーションに基づいて  、グローバルエンターテイメントロボット市場は次のように分類されます。







北米 (米国、カナダ、メキシコ)

ヨーロッパ (ドイツ、フランス、イギリス、ロシア、イタリア)

アジア太平洋 (中国、日本、韓国、インド、東南アジア)

南アメリカ (ブラジル、アルゼンチン、コロンビアなど)

中東およびアフリカ (サウジアラビア、UAE、エジプト、ナイジェリア、南アフリカ)











最後に、Entertainment Robotics Market Reportは、ビジネスを劇的に加速できる市場調査の信頼できる情報源です。レポートには、主要な地域、項目の値、利益、制限、生成、供給、要​​件、市場開発率、数値などの経済状況が表示されます。


Entertainment Robotics Market  Reportには、市場価値(100万米ドル)とボリューム(M Sqm)の見積もりが含まれています。トップダウンアプローチとボトムアップアプローチの両方を使用して、エンターテイメントロボット市場の市場規模と、市場全体のさまざまな他のサブ市場の規模を推定および検証します。


レポートのカスタマイズ:  このレポートは、最大3つの企業または国または40の分析時間までの追加データのニーズに応じてカスタマイズできます。




Marketintelligencedataは、ヘルスケア、情報通信技術(ICT)、技術とメディア、化学物質、材料、エネルギー、重工業などを含む業界の垂直市場のシンジケートな市場調査を  提供しますこれには、統計的予測、競合状況、詳細なセグメンテーション、主要な傾向、および戦略的推奨事項が含まれます。


Irfan Tamboli(セールスマネージャー)– マーケットインテリジェンスデータ

電話:+ 1704 266 3234

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"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
August 12, 2020 at 09:32PM

エンターテインメントロボティクス市場は、新しいイノベーション、テクノロジー、リサーチ2020〜2026で23.31%のCAGRでグローバルに上昇しています - ラベルオンライン
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
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Covid vaccine expert group discusses creation of digital infrastructure - Times of India

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

NEW DELHI: The expert group on vaccine administration on Wednesday discussed the creation of a digital infrastructure for inventory management and delivery mechanism of a Covid-19 vaccine once it becomes available. It also dwelled on the procurement mechanisms for a vaccine, including both indigenous and international, along with guiding principles for prioritisation of population groups.
The national expert group on vaccine administration for Covid-19 has sought inputs from the country's apex advisory body on immunisation — National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI). The panel also advised states not to chart separate pathways of procurement, the health ministry said.
While Russia on Tuesday claimed it has developed the world's first vaccine offering "sustainable immunity" against the infectious disease and several other promising vaccine candidates are in advanced stages of clinical trials, the committee sought inputs from the standing technical sub-committee of NTAGI.
More on Covid-19
The expert group has also discussed that India will leverage domestic vaccine manufacturing capacity and also engage with all international players for early delivery of vaccines not only in India but also in low and middle income countries.
Issues like financial resources required for procurement of the Covid-19 vaccine, various options of financing the same, strategy and follow-up action on all possible scenarios to ensure equitable and transparent delivery of the vaccine were also taken up during the meeting. Associated infrastructure for rollout of Covid-19 vaccination were also discussed, the ministry said.

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August 12, 2020 at 08:16AM

Covid vaccine expert group discusses creation of digital infrastructure - Times of India
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麒麟・川島明、第2子男児誕生を生報告 お試しラジオで「ヌルっと発表させていただきました」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:57 PM PDT

麒麟・川島明、第2子男児誕生を生報告 お試しラジオで「ヌルっと発表させていただきました」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. 麒麟・川島明、第2子男児誕生を生報告 お試しラジオで「ヌルっと発表させていただきました」(オリコン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 麒麟川島「DAYS」生放送このあと、優しいラジオの中にちょっと変な毒も入れていけたら(コメントあり)  ナタリー
  3. 麒麟・川島明、第2子男児誕生を生報告 お試しラジオで「ヌルっと発表させていただきました」
  4. 麒麟の川島明 ラジオで第2子となる男児が誕生したことを生報告  livedoor
  5. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-08-13 04:17:50Z

内田理央、美脚あらわな“サーフィン”ショット「太ももがまぶしい」「めっちゃカッコええ」 - ORICON NEWS

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:27 PM PDT

内田理央、美脚あらわな"サーフィン"ショット「太ももがまぶしい」「めっちゃカッコええ」 - ORICON NEWS




 インスタグラムでは「生憎の悪天候で30分くらいしか海にいれず!初挑戦。内田は波に乗れるのか 是非ご覧ください〜!」と紹介し、ビーチでのオフショットを投稿。美脚あらわなウェットスーツ姿でサーフボードの上に立ち、"波乗り"ポーズをする1枚となっている。


YouTube公式チャンネル「ORICON NEWS」

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2020-08-13 03:12:47Z

Would you volunteer to get Covid-19? - Vox

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:08 PM PDT

Charlie Artis - The Suffolk News-Herald - Suffolk News-Herald

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:45 PM PDT

Charlie Artis - The Suffolk News-Herald - Suffolk News-Herald

Mr. Charlie Artis, of 512 Cedar St., departed this earthly life on Aug. 9, 2020. A graveside service will held at 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 14, 2020, at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery for the immediate family. You may send condolences to the family at

2020-08-13 02:59:37Z

Artis Senior Living of Princeton Junction director wins international award -

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:45 PM PDT

Artis Senior Living of Princeton Junction director wins international award -

Sara Thompson, director of Life Enrichment at Artis Senior Living on Princeton Junction, won an international award from the International Council of Dementia Professionals.PHOTO COURTESY OF ARTIS SENIOR LIVING


Sara Thompson, director of Life Enrichment at Artis Senior Living on Princeton Junction, won an international award from the International Council of Dementia Professionals.PHOTO COURTESY OF ARTIS SENIOR LIVING

PRINCETON – Often, people who require a memory care community may have had to give up their favorite past times due to safety concerns, or they could no longer manage those activities independently. Whether it be a love for music, reading, cooking, gardening or just being able to take a walk on their own, it can be a challenge to hold onto those pursuits when memory fails.

Since opening its doors in early 2017, Artis Senior Living has enabled many residents to rediscover what they love to do, according to a prepared statement.

Director of Life Enrichment Sara Thompson began as life enrichment assistance and within 6 months was promoted to director. She has spent 8 years in health care and is newly certified in Montessori Dementia Care.

In July, the International Council of Dementia Professionals launched a global competition for activity professionals. This competition was inspired by the dedication of activity professionals to overcome COVID isolation for seniors living with dementia. Thompson was chosen as the international winner. She, with the assistance of Artis residents, refurbished an antique tea cart to create the masterpiece that won, according to the statement.

Artis is accepting new residents and can offer a virtual tour. 

Artis has also joined in a partnership with infectious disease experts from Johns Hopkins Hospital and formed the Artis Safety Council.

Artis Senior Living of Princeton Junction is located at 861 Alexander Road, Princeton Junction. For more information, call 609-454-3360.

2020-08-12 16:09:00Z

「5分前にはルームに入室」「深々と頭を下げながら会議終了ボタン」はデマ 大炎上した“謎のテレワークマナー”は誰が広めたのか マナー本出版社も「驚いている」 - ねとらぼ

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:27 PM PDT

「5分前にはルームに入室」「深々と頭を下げながら会議終了ボタン」はデマ 大炎上した"謎のテレワークマナー"は誰が広めたのか マナー本出版社も「驚いている」 - ねとらぼ

 あさ出版から9月3日に発売される、書籍超基本 テレワークマナーの教科書を巡って、ネット上で怒りの声が噴出しています。同書に対する反応を見ると、「これはひどい」「うるせーばーか」「害悪」「こんな創作マナー出てくると思ったわ」など憤りをあらわにする人が大半。しかし調べてみると、拡散されていた"謎マナー"は、同書に書かれていたものではなかったことが分かりました。

テレワークマナー『超基本 テレワークマナーの教科書』(あさ出版)

 問題となっていた"謎マナー"は、「会議の開始の5分前にはルームに入りましょう」「終わるときは深々と頭を下げながら会議終了ボタンを押す」「お客様より先に退出してはいけません」といったもので、確かにこれだけ見ると思わず首をかしげたくなるようなものばかり。これまで複数のニュースサイトやまとめサイトが「謎のテレワークマナーが登場 講師『終わったら頭を下げて会議終了ボタンを押す。客より先に退出はNG』」といったタイトルで記事化しており、いずれも著者や出版社に対し批判的なコメントが多数ついています。

 しかし、話題となっている書籍『超基本 テレワークマナーの教科書』はまだ発売前。出版社サイトの紹介文にも「終わるときは深々と頭を下げながら会議終了ボタンを押す」といった内容は書かれておらず、これらの"謎マナー"が一体どこから出てきたのかは不明です。念のため出版社に問い合わせてみると、そのような内容は書籍内にも、紹介文にも入っておらず「弊社としても驚いている次第です」とのことでした。つまり、話題になっていた一連のニュースやまとめ記事は、いずれも"虚偽"ということになります。


 しかし、それなら一体「終わるときは深々と頭を下げながら〜」などの"謎マナー"はどこから出てきたのか……? 調べてみると、ある個人アカウントが"ネタツイート"のつもりで投稿した書き込みが、さも「本にそう書かれている」かのように誤解され広まったのがどうやら発端。さらに、そのツイートが匿名掲示板に転載されたり、ニュースサイトやまとめサイトなどで記事化されたりしていくうちに、ネタではなく「講師の発言」としてゆがめられていった――というのが今回の炎上騒動の真相のようです。






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2020-08-13 01:00:00Z

Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt diagnosed with lung cancer, reports Indian media - CNA

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:09 PM PDT

Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt diagnosed with lung cancer, reports Indian media - CNA

[unable to retrieve full-text content]
  1. Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt diagnosed with lung cancer, reports Indian media  CNA
  2. Exclusive! The sad details of how Sanjay Dutt learnt he has lung cancer  Times of India
  3. Sanjay Dutt diagnosed with Lung Cancer  NEWS9 live
  4. Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt diagnosed with cancer, reports Indian media  CNA
  5. Doctor won't comment, but hospital sources say Sanjay Dutt suffering from stage 4 lung cancer  Bangalore Mirror
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2020-08-13 01:09:23Z

Meghan Markle's Devastating Final Words as a Royal Have Been Revealed - Yahoo Singapore News

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:09 PM PDT

Meghan Markle's Devastating Final Words as a Royal Have Been Revealed - Yahoo Singapore News

From Good Housekeeping

Photo credit: Pool - Getty Images

Well, this is incredibly sad. According to newly published Sussex biography Finding Freedom, by royal authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, Meghan Markle's farewell to her Buckingham Palace staff was a deeply sorrowful one, with the Duchess of Sussex commenting on what could have been had things gone differently.

As earlier reported by Scobie, Meghan's final royal engagement was a private meeting with Association of Commonwealth Universities scholars, during which she spoke to students about their work on subjects including health, climate change, renewable energy, and sustainable travel. The Duchess used her last engagement to say goodbye to her staff, after the Commonwealth scholars departed. She hugged Scobie, he writes in Finding Freedom, and said, "It didn't have to be this way."

In March, Scobie revealed that Meghan cried as she bid farewell to her Buckingham Palace team, writing for Harper's Bazaar that "tears that the duchess had been bravely holding back [were] free to flow among familiar faces."

"The Duchess of Sussex emotionally [bid] much-loved aides farewell, with her flight 'home' to Canada leaving in a matter of hours," Scobie recounted, adding that Meghan would fly "back to Canada on the last commercial flight of the day, eager to be back in Vancouver Island by the morning before Archie wakes up."

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2020-08-12 14:32:00Z

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Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT

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The Latest: Virus reemerges in New Zealand after 102 days - MSN Money

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT

BEIJING — China's newly confirmed community transmitted cases of coronavirus fell into the single digits on Wednesday, while Hong Kong saw another 33 cases of infection.

People wearing face masks to protect against the coronavirus ride an escalator past a sign of a nail salon at a shopping and office complex in Beijing, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020. Mainland China and semi-autonomous Hong Kong saw declines in their recent outbreaks Tuesday. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein) © Provided by Associated Press People wearing face masks to protect against the coronavirus ride an escalator past a sign of a nail salon at a shopping and office complex in Beijing, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020. Mainland China and semi-autonomous Hong Kong saw declines in their recent outbreaks Tuesday. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

The National Health Commission said all nine new cases were found in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, whose capital Urumqi has been at the center of China's latest major outbreak. Another 25 cases were brought by Chinese travelers arriving from abroad.

A medical staff checks the temperature of a patient during lockdown due to the continuing spread of the coronavirus in Melbourne, Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020. Victoria state, Australia's coronavirus hot spot, announced on Monday that businesses will be closed and scaled down in a bid to curb the spread of the virus. (AP Photo/Andy Brownbill) © Provided by Associated Press A medical staff checks the temperature of a patient during lockdown due to the continuing spread of the coronavirus in Melbourne, Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020. Victoria state, Australia's coronavirus hot spot, announced on Monday that businesses will be closed and scaled down in a bid to curb the spread of the virus. (AP Photo/Andy Brownbill)

China has largely contained the local spread of the pandemic that is believed to have originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan late last year before spreading worldwide.

Empty outdoor seating for a restaurant and closed hotels are shown, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020, in Miami Beach, Florida's famed Ocean Drive on South Beach. Florida added 276 fatalities to its coronavirus death toll on Tuesday, a new state record. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee) © Provided by Associated Press Empty outdoor seating for a restaurant and closed hotels are shown, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020, in Miami Beach, Florida's famed Ocean Drive on South Beach. Florida added 276 fatalities to its coronavirus death toll on Tuesday, a new state record. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

The government has recorded 4,634 deaths from COVID-19 among 84,737 cases. Hong Kong, a densely populated semi-autonomous southern Chinese city, also recorded another six deaths to bring its total to 58 among 4,181 cases.

Authorities have ordered mask wearing in public settings, restrictions on indoor dining and other social distancing measures in a bid to stem its latest outbreak. Those measures appear to have been successful in bringing numbers down from the more than 100 new daily cases reported at the end of last month.



— Georgia schools quarantine 800 students

— Florida reports 5,800 virus cases, daily high 276 deaths

— Russia clears virus vaccine despite scientific skepticism

— Transit systems around the world are requiring riders to wear masks and encouraging people to socially distance. Experts say the coronavirus spreads through droplets when people talk or cough, so the best prevention is a mask and staying 6 feet apart.

Kids give their opinion on whether they should go back to school in-person or online. They join parents, teachers, public health experts and President Donald Trump, who have weighed in on the topic.

A nurse takes a sample from an army officer for a COVID-19 test at a Public Health Ministry post where drivers wait their turn in a line of cars in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz) © Provided by Associated Press A nurse takes a sample from an army officer for a COVID-19 test at a Public Health Ministry post where drivers wait their turn in a line of cars in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)


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FILE - In this July 9, 2020 file photo, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt speaks during a news conference in Oklahoma City. Stitt, the first governor in the nation to test positive for the coronavirus, says he has donated plasma to help other virus patients recover. Stitt said in a statement Tuesday, Aug. 11th that he made the donation recently at an Oklahoma Blood Institute center in Enid. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File) © Provided by Associated Press FILE - In this July 9, 2020 file photo, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt speaks during a news conference in Oklahoma City. Stitt, the first governor in the nation to test positive for the coronavirus, says he has donated plasma to help other virus patients recover. Stitt said in a statement Tuesday, Aug. 11th that he made the donation recently at an Oklahoma Blood Institute center in Enid. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)



SYDNEY, Australia — The Australian state of Victoria on Wednesday reported a record 21 virus deaths and 410 new cases from an outbreak in the city of Melbourne which has prompted authorities to impose a strict lockdown.

FILE - In this June 4, 2019, file photo, Minnesota Vikings chief operating officer Kevin Warren talks to reporters after being named Big Ten Conference Commissioner during a news conference in Rosemont, Ill. After the Power Five conference commissioners met Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020, to discuss mounting concern about whether a college football season can be played in a pandemic, players took to social media to urge leaders to let them play.(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File) © Provided by Associated Press FILE - In this June 4, 2019, file photo, Minnesota Vikings chief operating officer Kevin Warren talks to reporters after being named Big Ten Conference Commissioner during a news conference in Rosemont, Ill. After the Power Five conference commissioners met Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020, to discuss mounting concern about whether a college football season can be played in a pandemic, players took to social media to urge leaders to let them play.(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File)

State Premier Daniel Andrews said 16 of the deaths were linked to aged-care facilities.

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announces the launch of a workforce training program for workers impacted by COVID-19, during his coronavirus press briefing, in Jackson, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2020. The ReSkill Mississippi Initiative is designed to help the economic issues brought on by the pandemic, by providing Mississippians who lost their jobs the opportunity to go through skills training at Mississippi community colleges. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis) © Provided by Associated Press Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announces the launch of a workforce training program for workers impacted by COVID-19, during his coronavirus press briefing, in Jackson, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2020. The ReSkill Mississippi Initiative is designed to help the economic issues brought on by the pandemic, by providing Mississippians who lost their jobs the opportunity to go through skills training at Mississippi community colleges. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

The number of new cases in Victoria is down from the peak, giving authorities some hope the outbreak is waning.

Wearing a mask to curb the spread of the new coronavirus, Martha Gonzalez Reyes, 76, sells roses outside Metro Hidalgo in central Mexico City, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. After four months at home, Gonzalez returned to selling on August 1, but said business hasn't fully rebounded. "People have less money to spend, and they don't want to go out and get infected," said Gonzalez. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell) © Provided by Associated Press Wearing a mask to curb the spread of the new coronavirus, Martha Gonzalez Reyes, 76, sells roses outside Metro Hidalgo in central Mexico City, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. After four months at home, Gonzalez returned to selling on August 1, but said business hasn't fully rebounded. "People have less money to spend, and they don't want to go out and get infected," said Gonzalez. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

Meanwhile, three Melbourne vloggers were each fined more than $1,000 after posting a video to Chinese social media showing them breaching nighttime curfew rules for a McDonald's run, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported.

FILE - In this July 31, 2020, file photo, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar speaks during a roundtable discussion with President Donald Trump on the coronavirus outbreak and storm preparedness at Pelican Golf Club in Belleair, Fla. When Azar arrives in Taiwan he'll find a society that has managed to contain COVID-19 by doing things the U.S. has fumbled, such as having a national plan and citizens willing to wear masks. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File) © Provided by Associated Press FILE - In this July 31, 2020, file photo, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar speaks during a roundtable discussion with President Donald Trump on the coronavirus outbreak and storm preparedness at Pelican Golf Club in Belleair, Fla. When Azar arrives in Taiwan he'll find a society that has managed to contain COVID-19 by doing things the U.S. has fumbled, such as having a national plan and citizens willing to wear masks. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

The five-minute video, since deleted, showed the international students walking through alleys, dodging police officers and dancing inside a McDonald's restaurant at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, the ABC said. Victoria police confirmed each of the students was fined 1,652 Australian dollars ($1,178).


SEOUL, South Korea -- South Korea has reported 54 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 as health authorities scramble to stem transmissions amid increased social and leisure activities.

The figures announced by South Korea' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wednesday brought the national caseload to 14,714 infections, including 305 deaths.

Women wearing face masks to help protect against the coronavirus walks by an advertising board displaying an American flag and Statue of Liberty on a street in Beijing, Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020. China's biggest recent outbreak of coronavirus has grown slightly. Hundreds people have developed COVID-19 in the far northwestern region of Xinjiang, with more than dozens of new cases reported Thursday in its capital and largest city, Urumqi. (AP Photo/Andy Wong) © Provided by Associated Press Women wearing face masks to help protect against the coronavirus walks by an advertising board displaying an American flag and Statue of Liberty on a street in Beijing, Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020. China's biggest recent outbreak of coronavirus has grown slightly. Hundreds people have developed COVID-19 in the far northwestern region of Xinjiang, with more than dozens of new cases reported Thursday in its capital and largest city, Urumqi. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

The KCDC says 35 of the new cases were local transmissions, all but three of them reported from the densely populated Seoul metropolitan area, which has been at the center of a virus resurgence since late May.

Detained demonstrators sit in the bed pf a police pick-up truck during a protest against the postponement of the upcoming presidential election in El Alto, Bolivia, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. Citing the ongoing new coronavirus pandemic, the nation's highest electoral authority delayed presidential elections from Sept. 6 to Oct. 18, the third time the vote has been delayed. (AP Photo/Juan Karita) © Provided by Associated Press Detained demonstrators sit in the bed pf a police pick-up truck during a protest against the postponement of the upcoming presidential election in El Alto, Bolivia, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. Citing the ongoing new coronavirus pandemic, the nation's highest electoral authority delayed presidential elections from Sept. 6 to Oct. 18, the third time the vote has been delayed. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)

The other 19 cases were linked to international arrivals. Health authorities have said imported cases are less threatening as they mandate tests and enforce two-week quarantines on all people arriving from abroad.

Paul Adamus, 7, climbs the stairs of a bus before the fist day of school on Monday, Aug. 3, 2020, in Dallas, Ga. Adamus is among tens of thousands of students in Georgia and across the nation who were set to resume in-person school Monday for the first time since March. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson) © Provided by Associated Press Paul Adamus, 7, climbs the stairs of a bus before the fist day of school on Monday, Aug. 3, 2020, in Dallas, Ga. Adamus is among tens of thousands of students in Georgia and across the nation who were set to resume in-person school Monday for the first time since March. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)


MEXICO CITY — Mexico reported a near-record 926 newly confirmed COVID-19 deaths Tuesday, bringing the country's accumulated total to 53,929.

The Health Department reported 6,686 new coronavirus infections, bringing the country's total confirmed cases so far to 492,522.

At that rate Mexico will reach a half million confirmed cases soon, but given the extremely low rate of testing — less than 1.1 million tests in a country of almost 130 million inhabitants — the number would like be a vast undercount. For the most part, only people with considerable symptoms are tested in Mexico.

Pedestrians and cars pass in front of the Palace of Fine Arts amidst the "new normal" of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, in central Mexico City, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell) © Provided by Associated Press Pedestrians and cars pass in front of the Palace of Fine Arts amidst the "new normal" of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, in central Mexico City, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)


RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has won another legal victory defending his COVID-19 executive orders, this time when a judge rejected Lt. Gov. Dan Forest's demand that they be blocked by declaring his lawsuit as unlikely to succeed.

Judge Jim Gale rejected Forest's request for a preliminary injunction on Tuesday.

The Republican lieutenant governor sued Cooper last month, alleging the Democrat's orders limiting business activities and mass gatherings and mandating face coverings were unlawful because he failed to first get support from the Council of State. The 10-member council includes both of them, Attorney General Josh Stein and other statewide elected officials.

Cooper's state attorneys argued that the governor acted properly under portions of the Emergency Management Act that don't require the concurrence of the council.

Cooper and Forest are running for governor this fall.

Forest said in a news release that since the judge ruled "Cooper has 100% of the power during a declared emergency," then the governor also "has 100% of the responsibility" for the results, including permanent business closings.

Cooper has said Forest's legal actions, if successful, could worsen case and hospitalization numbers that have recently stabilized or improved.

"Gov. Cooper has taken decisive action with health and safety measures to save lives," spokesperson Dory MacMillan wrote in an email.


PHILADELPHIA -- Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley said he plans to tell a visiting group from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that long delays in getting coronavirus test results have been "very problematic" and to press them for a strategic approach to deploying a vaccine once it is available.

A clown joins a protest outside the Fine Arts Palace to demand financial aid amid the economic slowdown brought by partial lockdowns to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Mexico City, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020. The National Artistic Resistance (RAN) organization is asking the government for artists to be included in rescue budgets and given social support. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte) © Provided by Associated Press A clown joins a protest outside the Fine Arts Palace to demand financial aid amid the economic slowdown brought by partial lockdowns to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Mexico City, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020. The National Artistic Resistance (RAN) organization is asking the government for artists to be included in rescue budgets and given social support. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

Long waits across the country for the results of coronavirus tests renders them virtually useless in helping to contain the spread of the virus, public health officials say.

The group is doing a site visit in Philadelphia through Thursday, part of a tour of a handful of cities around the country, Farley said.

Farley said he views the visit as a way to show what the city has been doing in terms of prevention, contact tracing and social distancing efforts.


JACKSON, MISS. - Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said college football is "essential" Tuesday, a day after President Donald Trump tweeted in support of colleges moving forward with the football season as planned amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"What do opponents of football think, these kids will end up in a bubble without it? You can get COVID anywhere," Reeves tweeted Tuesday afternoon. "There are forces who want to cancel everything to avoid risk at all societal costs. It's foolish. We have to balance risk & costs."

Two of college football's five power conferences, Big Ten and Pac-12, announced Tuesday that teams won't play football this fall because of concerns about COVID-19. Reeves lamented that decision, saying that in Mississippi, officials have been working with big football schools like Mississippi State and the University of Mississippi to design a season that does not compromise the safety of players or fans.

"I personally believe that we can play college football, I don't think you can do it in a stadium with a hundred thousand people in it - that certainly doesn't make sense," he said at a press conference.

President Trump has adamantly said that he supports football seasons going forward as planned. On Monday, he tweeted, "Play College Football."

Reeves said many of these players have been practicing for months over the summer and have built careers on football. Some have college scholarships riding on athletics.

"There is risk in all of life. There are things we can do to manage it without destroying society," he said.


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis wants college football to be played in Florida this fall despite the coronavirus outbreak.

Speaking Tuesday at Florida State's practice facility, DeSantis said the sport can be played safely. The players are tested weekly and are told not to socialize with outsiders.

He said if the season is canceled, the players won't have that discipline and will be more likely to catch the virus. His push came shortly after the state announced 277 more deaths from the virus. That is a one-day record, but likely includes deaths from the weekend and earlier and is not a pure 24-hour total.

DeSantis' football push happened hours before the Big 10 became the first major conference to postpone its season to the spring, something the smaller Mid-American and the Mountain West conferences already had done. The Pac-12 also postponed its season, but the South's two primary conferences, the Southeastern and Atlantic Coast, are planning to play.


SAN DIEGO -- California's second-largest school district announced stricter reopening guidelines than the state, and officials say it will be months before students can return to campus.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that the San Diego Unified School District will not reopen until there are fewer than seven community outbreaks over a week-long period. That requirement is on top of the California state measure that requires counties have a case rate of 100 or fewer cases per 100,000 people for two weeks before allowing public or private schools to reopen.

San Diego County had 105 cases per 100,000 people Tuesday and 24 community outbreaks over the week-long period.


MIAMI — The Pan American Health Organization has expressed reservations over reports that institutions in the region were negotiating to manufacture and distribute a new COVID-19 vaccine announced by Russia that has yet to go through standard, extensive safety and efficacy trials.

The organization's deputy director, Jarbas Barbosa, said in an online news conference Tuesday from Washington that any vaccine should be carefully evaluated to ensure the product is safe and effective.

In Brazil, Parana state's government said it is negotiating with the Russian Embassy to participate in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine, and will be holding a technical meeting Wednesday with Russia's ambassador.

Nicaragua earlier announced plans to produce a Russian vaccine and on Monday, Vice President Rosario Murillo, wife of President Daniel Ortega, again said the country was in contact with Russian institutions to produce and even export a COVID-19 vaccine.

Barbosa said the vaccine has not yet gone through all the steps needed so that it could be recommended by the World Health Organization or the Pan American Health Organization. He said global health officials were talking with Russian officials to review their data and clinical trials.

"Only after that review, having access in a transparent way to those data and all the information, are we going to take a position," he said.


CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has issued an executive order requiring masks to be worn at scheduled gatherings of more than 100 people.

Sununu, a Republican, had resisted calls to mandate the use of face coverings to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. With Tuesday's order, all six New England states have some kind of mask mandate.

In general, they are far more restrictive than New Hampshire and require masks to be worn in public when social distancing isn't possible.

The order will be tested later this month at the annual Laconia Motorcycle Week, which typically attracts thousands of people to the state. Sununu recently formed a task force on ensuring safety at the event, which is set for Aug. 22-30.


OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, the first governor in the nation to test positive for the coronavirus, says he has donated plasma to help other virus patients recover.

Stitt says he made the donation recently at an Oklahoma Blood Institute center in Enid. Convalescent plasma is being researched as a potential treatment for the virus. Tulsa County Commissioner Karen Keith was infected with the virus and she says she's donated plasma.

Oklahoma has reported 44,728 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 618 deaths.


ROSEMONT, Ill. — The Big Ten Conference won't be playing football this fall because of concerns about COVID-19.

Conference officials made the announcement Tuesday. The conference includes historic programs such as Ohio State, Michigan, Nebraska and Penn State.

Six days ago, it released a revised conference-only schedule that it hoped would help navigate a fall season with potential COVID-19 disruptions.


JUNEAU, Alaska — A crew member on an Alaska state ferry has tested positive for the coronavirus, which caused a cancellation of the service in Southeast Alaska.

The Alaska Marine Highway System says the planned run of the ferry M/V LeConte in Lynn Canal near Juneau was canceled Sunday after the diagnosis was obtained. The ferry system says the crew member recently returned home after a two-week rotation on the LeConte.

The remainder of the LeConte's crew was not cleared to travel until the early Sunday, leading to the decision to postpone the sailing to Haines and Skagway until Wednesday.


IOWA CITY, Iowa — Three of the eight drive-through coronavirus testing sites in Iowa were damaged from Monday's windstorm and are temporarily closed.

Gov. Kim Reynolds says the closure of the sites in Cedar Rapids, Marshalltown and Davenport has temporarily reduced access to testing in those areas, just as students and educators prepare to return to public schools.

Reynolds says six elderly coronavirus patients from a central Iowa nursing home were evacuated during the storm.

She says the state hoped to reopen the Test Iowa sites quickly, and those needing tests could also seek out other options. The governor says she doesn't believe test samples were destroyed during the storm.

Iowa has more than 49,200 confirmed coronavirus cases and 939 deaths.


ATLANTA — A Georgia school district has quarantined more than 800 students because of possible exposure to the coronavirus since it resumed in-person teaching last week.

Data updated Tuesday by the Cherokee County School District outside Atlanta also show it has quarantined 42 staff members since the start of the year on Aug. 3. The district serves more than 42,000 students.

A district spokeswoman says the district anticipated the possibility of positive tests among students and staff and put a system in place to quickly contact trace and mandate quarantines. Other Atlanta-area school districts scrapped in-person learning amid a spike in cases of COVID-19 in Georgia.


DOVER, Del. — Delaware officials are using $40 million in federal coronavirus relief funds to help people struggling to make their rent or mortgage payments because of the pandemic.

Officials announced Monday that they are reopening the Delaware Housing Assistance Program, which provides financial assistance for renters affected by COVID-19. The program was initially launched in March but halted in April following an overwhelming number of applications.

Under the revised program, up to $5,000 will be available for those with a maximum household income post-pandemic at or below 60 percent of the area median. Applications must now be submitted by landlords or property owners on behalf of tenants, and payments will be made directly to the property owners.

The Delaware State Housing Authority also is providing emergency assistance of up to $5,000 to homeowners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through the Delaware Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program, which was established several years ago. Funding for the housing assistance is being split equally between the state and New Castle County using Coronavirus Relief Funds received from the federal government.

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Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT

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August 12, 2020 at 04:15PM

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伊藤健太郎は『絶対キスが上手い』!?得意の早業にTOKIO松岡も「女性たちキュンキュンしてる」と絶賛 - COCONUTS

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:27 PM PDT

伊藤健太郎は『絶対キスが上手い』!?得意の早業にTOKIO松岡も「女性たちキュンキュンしてる」と絶賛 - COCONUTS

8月12日放送の「TOKIOカケル」(フジテレビ系)では、伊藤健太郎さんとKing & Princeの永瀬廉さんがゲストとして登場。伊藤さんが憧れの木村拓哉さんについて語る場面が話題を集めました。












国分さんから「怖いでしょ? この番組」と話を振られた伊藤さんは、「怖いっすね、俺、始まって3分くらいで感じましたよ」と語り、番組の洗礼を痛感することに。








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2020-08-13 00:20:00Z

Justine God: le style modulable (Liège) - l'

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:13 PM PDT

August 12, 2020 at 10:27AM

Justine God: le style modulable (Liège) - l'
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Eugénie Le Sommer mariée : cérémonie en Bretagne, aux sons des binious - Pure People

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:13 PM PDT

Eugénie Le Sommer avait convié l'une de ses coéquipières de Lyon à son mariage, la Norvégienne Ada Hegerberg. Celle qui a reçu le Ballon d'or féminin 2018 a publié des vidéos de la cérémonie, grâce auxquelles on découvre que les mariés sont sortis sous les binious de l'église. Un folklore parfaitement de circonstance, qui a apporté un charme en plus au mariage d'Eugénie Le Sommer et Florian Dariel.

Le mois d'août est décidément un mois très heureux pour l'attaquante de l'Olympique lyonnais. Elle et son club ont une nouvelle fois remporté la Coupe de France, permettant à Eugénie Le Sommer de soulever son 25e trophée. La carrière de la Bretonne n'a pas toujours été faite de victoires. Elle a connu des désillusions et des déceptions comme le 28 juin 2019, lorsque l'équipe de France avait été éliminée par les Etats-Unis en quarts de finale de la Coupe du monde féminine de football. Présents dans les gradins du Parc des princes, Florian l'avait alors consolée. Ensemble depuis plus de dix ans, c'est ensemble qu'ils continueront de traverser les hauts et les bas.

August 11, 2020

Eugénie Le Sommer mariée : cérémonie en Bretagne, aux sons des binious - Pure People
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Not as humid Wednesday -

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:08 PM PDT

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Covid-19 vaccine may not be as effective on obese people, experts say - KTLA 5

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:08 PM PDT

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Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Wenger rejected Barcelona offer -

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:42 PM PDT

The Gunners legend was wanted at Camp Nou

Former Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger turned down a recent approach to coach Barcelona, reports Le10 Sport

The La Liga giants are exploring their managerial options for next season and discussed giving the job to Wenger, who ultimately declined the chance after some initial talks. 

Along with Barca, the Frenchman has reportedly received several other offers to return to management.  

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Bintan Lagoon Resort to close down as Bintan tourism struggles amid Covid-19 outbreak - The Straits Times

Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

SINGAPORE - After 26 years, the popular getaway Bintan Lagoon Resort is bidding visitors a final goodbye, a victim of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has wreaked havoc on global travel and tourism.

Mr Buralimar, head of the Bintan Tourism Office, said declining visitor numbers and tourism receipts were behind the demise of the 450-room, five-star resort.

A July 31 report filed with the Bintan Regency Manpower Office showed that 500 employees of the resort have been laid off.

The resort is about a 60-minute ferry ride from Singapore, in Lagoi on Bintan Island, which is part of Indonesia's Riau archipelago.

While the resort is shuttering for the last time, Mr Buralimar told The Straits Times on Wednesday (Aug 12) that the rest of the resorts and hotels in the Lagoi area remain in operation serving domestic tourists.

There are about 10 such establishments, largely in the north of the island.

Mr Buralimar, who goes by a single name, said: "There are no plans to rehire or redeploy the 500 workers who were laid off.

"For now, the rest of the hotels cater to domestic tourists from Indonesia.

"Perhaps, Bintan Lagoon Resort was suffering from having too many employees."

The island boasts golf courses, nature trails and entertainment outlets, many connected to the different resorts.

International events like the Bintan Ironman, Bintan Triathlon and Tour de Bintan have been postponed this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tour de Bintan, a cycling event, usually sees more than 1,500 international participants and twice the number of visitors to the island, said Mr Buralimar.

From Bandar Bentan Telani ferry terminal, visitors to the island take a short drive to their hotels, after clearing security checkpoints.

However, the ferry terminal, accustomed to a large inflow of tourists, has gone silent due to travel restrictions to Indonesia.

The Jakarta Post reported last month that the pandemic has wiped out close to US$6 billion ($8.2 billion) of Indonesia's tourism revenue so far this year, while more than 95 per cent of workers in the tourism sector have been furloughed without pay.

Mr Buralimar said Singaporeans make up more than 50 per cent of visitors to the islands of Bintan and Batam, followed by Malaysians and Chinese tourists.

Without visitors, Bintan's tourism industry has taken a beating.

"To date, roughly 14,000 employees (in the tourism industry) have been told to stop work as hotels scale down on manpower," added Mr Buralimar. "We are helping some of those retrenched with rice and other food items. About 8,000 of them have received the one-time help."

While the outlook may seem dire, he is hopeful that tourists would return to the island soon.

He said the authorities take safety and health protocols for Covid-19 as top priorities.

"Our resorts in Lagoi are isolated from the general population in Bintan," said Mr Buralimar.

"By following international health measures and guidelines, the likelihood of infection is low. These resorts also have their own ferry terminals, separate from the ones used by the general population."

Still, the authorities in Bintan are not rushing to open its resorts to international visitors as it awaits the result of discussions between the Singapore and Indonesian governments.

"Our position is the same as Singapore - we consult our government agencies and depend on their findings," said Mr Buralimar.

"If there's a lesson here, we need each other. Our livelihoods are all tied."

The Straits Times has reached out to Bintan Lagoon Resort for comments.

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Bintan Lagoon Resort to close down as Bintan tourism struggles amid Covid-19 outbreak - The Straits Times
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