De Blog Have Fun |
- Biden calls for US mask mandate, says he hopes Trump ‘learned his lesson’ - South China Morning Post
- Fact check: This is not Bhagat Singh getting flogged in the viral image - India Today
- 「麒麟がくる」坂東玉三郎、陣内孝則、片岡鶴太郎も - ニッカンスポーツ
- 「麒麟がくる」坂東玉三郎がテレビドラマ&大河初出演「大変緊張」正親町天皇役 8・30放送再開 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
- Drake Makes Being Bad At Sports Look Fun in Music Video For ‘Laugh Now Cry Later’ - Vulture
- 【食用安全】美國麥當勞Burger King等連鎖快餐店被驗出食物包裝含致癌物PFAS - 香港經濟日報- TOPick - 健康- 食用安全 - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響によるギャラクシーエンターテインメントグループ第2四半期の調整後EBITDA はマイナス14億香港ドルへ - IAG Japan
- Giromagny. Fort en musique : Ophélie Gaillard en toute confidence - Est Républicain
- Scientists say the coronavirus is at least as deadly as the 1918 flu pandemic - CNBC
- Hurricanes No-Goal Confirmed After Coach's Challenge -
- 柏木由紀、14年間の歴代宣材写真を公開「年々美人に…」「歴史を感じるね」 -
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $1 Million to Expand Mobile Addiction Treatment Services -
- Trump calls Biden's coronavirus plan unscientific, rejects call for national mask mandate - CNBC
- Apple just kicked Fortnite off the App Store - The Verge
- Tyler Adams's Goal Sends RB Leipzig Into Champions League Semifinals - Sports Illustrated
- おぎやはぎ小木が腎細胞がん治療のため一時休養「まさか自分が」という有名な言葉を皆さまに(コメントあり) - ナタリー
- Staying hot to end the week -
- 渡辺明挑戦者(36)初の名人位獲得か? 豊島将之名人(30)カド番しのぐか? 名人戦第6局は相矢倉に(松本博文) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース
- Police report related to viral video of anti-mask meltdown at Tucson store uncovered - KVOA Tucson News
- Why Tyler Adams' goal for RB Leipzig was the most important by an American in Champions League history - CBS Sports
- パク・ジニョン「JYP時価総額1位はNiziUのお陰」…最終目標は?(朝鮮日報日本語版) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 渡辺明二冠、悲願の初名人なるか 豊島将之名人が踏ん張るか 第6局開始/将棋・名人戦七番勝負(ABEMA TIMES) - Yahoo!ニュース
- Trump administration health official says some call Putin's coronavirus vaccine 'Russian roulette' - CNBC
- Tyler Adams Vaults to Top of List of Most Significant Goals Scored By USMNT Abroad - Sports Illustrated
- 松村北斗&森七菜、W主演映画無事クランクアップ! 「これからも必死に」 - マイナビニュース
Biden calls for US mask mandate, says he hopes Trump ‘learned his lesson’ - South China Morning Post Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:08 AM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News August 13, 2020 at 02:52PM Biden calls for US mask mandate, says he hopes Trump 'learned his lesson' - South China Morning Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Fact check: This is not Bhagat Singh getting flogged in the viral image - India Today Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:47 AM PDT Ahead of India's 74th Independence Day, a message with a black and white image is being circulated on social media showing a man being flogged by another one in uniform claiming that this was freedom fighter, Bhagat Singh.
The archived version of the post is saved here With the help of the reverse image search, we found a tweet posted by Kim A. Wagner in 2018. According to the Twitter bio, he is the professor of Global and imperial history at the Queen Mary University of London. The user posted the viral image along with another image and wrote: "Here are two of the photographs of public floggings at Kasur, in Punjab, that were smuggled out of India and published by Benjamin Horniman in 1920 #AmritsarMassacre." We found the archive version of Benjamin Horniman's book named 'Amritsar and our duty to India'. On the 120th page, this viral photo appears with a caption, "Another picture of an India tied to a ladder at Kasur railway station being flogged". Bhagat Singh's name is not mentioned here. ![]()
The article gave details of the documents and pictures of British era repression and torture kept in the records of the National archives and now open to the public. The viral image also appears in the article with a caption that read "Flogging in the erstwhile Punjab, 1919". According to the book, "The jail notebook and other writings" by Bhagat Singh and annotated by Bhupender Hooja, in 1919 Bhagat Singh was only 12 and was studying in D.A.V school in Lahore. In April 1919, only days after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre that killed thousands of unarmed Indians by the British force, Bhagat Singh visited the place. There is no information about him being flogged or arrested by British soldiers in 1919 in the book. ![]()
Though we cannot ascertain the identity of the man who was seen getting flogged in the viral picture but it can be said that as per the historical evidence, it is certain that the man in the viral picture was not Bhagat Singh. INDIA TODAY FACT CHECK ![]() ClaimThis is a rare picture of Bhagat Singh being publicly flogged by the British.ConclusionThe man seen in the picture getting flogged was not freedom fighter Bhagat Singh. This picture was taken at Kasur railway station (now in Pakistan) around 1919. Singh was only 12 then and was studying at D.A.V school in Lahore. Bhagat Singh did not participate in the freedom movement before 1920. JHOOTH BOLE KAUVA KAATEThe number of crows determines the intensity of the lie.
![]() Want to send us something for verification? Please share it on our at 73 7000 7000 You can also send us an email at "viral" - Google News August 13, 2020 at 11:37PM Fact check: This is not Bhagat Singh getting flogged in the viral image - India Today "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「麒麟がくる」坂東玉三郎、陣内孝則、片岡鶴太郎も - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:32 AM PDT 「麒麟がくる」坂東玉三郎、陣内孝則、片岡鶴太郎も - ニッカンスポーツ 30日に放送再開するNHK大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」(日曜午後8時)の物語後半を彩る新キャストが14日、同局から発表された。 今作がテレビドラマ初出演となる歌舞伎役者、坂東玉三郎(70)陣内孝則(62)片岡鶴太郎(65)らが登場する。 今回新たに発表されたのは、ドラマの後半戦「京~伏魔殿編」の出演者。玉三郎は第106代天皇、正親町天皇として登場。上洛(じょうらく)した織田信長と絶妙な距離を保ちながら、没落した朝廷の存続を図る高貴で美しい帝を演じる。 玉三郎は「今回初めてNHK大河ドラマの『麒麟がくる』に出演させていただきます。大変恐れ多いことなのですが、お役は『正親町天皇』を演じさせていただきます。私は大河ドラマの映像の中に出演させていただくのは初めてなので大変緊張しております。出演者の皆様は映像に慣れている方々なので、その中で私がどんな役作りができるのかと言うことを今考えている最中でございます。一生懸命務めさせていただきます」。 堺の豪商にして当代随一の茶人、今井宗久演じる陣内は「初回の放送は一視聴者として観ておりました」とし、「『チクショウ!…俺も参加したかったなあ…。』というのが正直な感想でした。まさかその数日後に今井宗久の役でオファーがくるとは、うれしいかぎりです」。幕府の執務を取り仕切る摂津晴門を演じる片岡は、「今回は『麒麟がくる』の中でも、一番の悪役と聞いております。裏で画策する摂津晴門。この企てるたくらみの眼をご覧くださいませ」とそれぞれコメントした。 ほかに春風亭小朝、駿河太郎、小籔千豊、手塚とおる、井本彩花、金井浩人、一ノ瀬颯が出演する。 2020-08-14 06:33:24Z |
「麒麟がくる」坂東玉三郎がテレビドラマ&大河初出演「大変緊張」正親町天皇役 8・30放送再開 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:02 AM PDT 「麒麟がくる」坂東玉三郎がテレビドラマ&大河初出演「大変緊張」正親町天皇役 8・30放送再開 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex ![]() Photo By 提供写真 NHKは14日、今月30日に放送を再開する大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」(日曜後8・00)の後半戦「京~伏魔殿編」の新キャスト10人を発表。歌舞伎界当代きっての女形、歌舞伎俳優の坂東玉三郎(70)が第106代天皇・正親町(おおぎまち)天皇役を演じ、大河ドラマはもちろん、テレビドラマに初出演することになった。玉三郎は前日13日にクランクインし「大変緊張しております。一生懸命務めさせていただきます」とコメント。「どんな華麗な帝(みかど)が現れるのか」(制作統括の落合将チーフプロデューサー)、大いに注目される。 玉三郎演じる正親町天皇は上洛した織田信長(染谷将太)と絶妙な距離を保ちながら、没落した朝廷の存続を図る高貴で美しき帝。「今回初めてNHK大河ドラマの『麒麟がくる』に出演させていただきます。大変恐れ多いことなのですが、お役は正親町天皇を演じさせていただきます。私は大河ドラマの映像の中に出演させていただくのは初めてなので、大変緊張しております。出演者の皆様は映像に慣れている方々なので、その中で私がどんな役作りができるのかということを今考えている最中でございます。一生懸命務めさせていただきます」と意気込んでいる。 玉三郎は1957年に初舞台。2012年には歌舞伎界5人目の人間国宝に認定された。映画出演は監督・主演を務めた95年「天守物語」が最後。今回がテレビドラマ初出演となる。 落合CPは「後半戦の新たなキャストが決まりました!正親町天皇役に、これが初めてのテレビドラマ出演となる、歌舞伎界当代きっての女形、坂東玉三郎さんです。光秀や信長にとって雲の上の存在の美しき帝を、大河ドラマという初めてのステージで舞っていただく──どんな華麗な帝が現れるのか、今から楽しみでなりません」と期待している。 他に陣内孝則(62)が堺の豪商・今井宗久、片岡鶴太郎(65)が幕府政所頭人・摂津晴門、春風亭小朝(65)が天台座主(比叡山延暦寺住持)・覚恕法親王、駿河太郎(42)が戦国大名・筒井順慶、小籔千豊(46)が二条家当主・二条晴良、手塚とおる(58)が朝倉義景(ユースケ・サンタマリア)のいとこ・朝倉景鏡、井本彩花(16)が信長の妹・お市、金井浩人(28)が小谷城城主・浅井長政、一ノ瀬颯(23)が足利義輝(向井理)・義昭兄弟のいとこ・足利義栄を演じる。大河ドラマ初出演は玉三郎、小籔、手塚、井本、一ノ瀬。 新型コロナウイルスの影響により、撮影は4月1日から一時中止し、6月30日に約3カ月ぶりに再開。放送は6月7日の第21話をもって一時休止し、8月30日に約3カ月ぶりに再開する。 俳優の長谷川博己(43)が主演を務める大河ドラマ59作目。第29作「太平記」(1991年)を手掛けた名手・池端俊策氏(74)のオリジナル脚本で、智将・明智光秀を大河初の主役に据え、その謎めいた半生にスポットを照らす。物語は1540年代、まだ多くの英傑たちが「英傑以前」だった時代から始まり、それぞれの誕生を丹念に描く。 初回(1月19日)から第21話の期間平均は15・5%。昨年「いだてん~東京オリムピック噺(ばなし)~」の初回~第21話の期間平均9・8%と比べると、大幅5・7ポイント増。前半戦は"大河復権"と呼べる結果を残した。 続きを表示 2020-08-14 06:26:04Z |
Drake Makes Being Bad At Sports Look Fun in Music Video For ‘Laugh Now Cry Later’ - Vulture Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:08 PM PDT ![]() Have you (also) been crying a lot lately? Well, Drake has a cure for Top stories - Google News August 13, 2020 at 10:06PM Drake Makes Being Bad At Sports Look Fun in Music Video For 'Laugh Now Cry Later' - Vulture Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
【食用安全】美國麥當勞Burger King等連鎖快餐店被驗出食物包裝含致癌物PFAS - 香港經濟日報- TOPick - 健康- 食用安全 - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:38 PM PDT ![]() ▲ 美國麥當勞、Burger King等連鎖快餐店被揭食物包裝含致癌物PFAS。 麥當勞、Burger King吸引不少人光顧。不過近日有美國環保組織的研究指出,麥當勞、Burger King、Wendy's等6間連鎖快餐店的食物包裝也含致癌物PFAS (全氟烷基、多氟烷基化學物質),PFAS可存留人體多年。多間連鎖快餐店已表示,正研究從包裝中去除部份或全部PFAS。中國麥當勞、漢堡王亦就事件於微博發聲明指,在中國使用的食品包裝材料中沒有添加PFAS,完全符合國家相關標準。 綜合CNN及Business Insider報道,美國環保組織Ecology Center、Mind the Store、Toxic-Free Future於8月6日發表最新研究報告。該研究測試美國麥當勞、Burger King、Wendy's、Sweetgreen、Cava、Freshii 這6間連鎖快餐店的38個食品包裝樣本,結果發現幾乎有一半樣本氟含量高於篩查水平,含有毒化學物質PFAS 。 被驗出含PFAS的食物包裝包括:麥當勞細薯條袋、麥當勞的巨無霸盒、麥當勞餅乾袋、Burger King華堡包裝紙、Burger King雞塊袋、Burger King餅乾袋、Wendy's餅乾袋、Freshii 碗、Cava兒童餐盤、Cava碗、Cava皮塔餅薯片袋、Cava三文治或迷你皮塔餅的包裝紙。 PFAS可存留人體多年 PFAS為化學物質,用於製作耐油脂和防水物料。過去10年的研究發現,PFAS與癌症、肝臟損傷、甲狀腺疾病、免疫功能紊亂、內分泌干擾及發育問題等相關。含PFAS的包裝被棄置後,也會破壞環境及影響人類健康。大部份人接觸PFAS是透過受污染食物或飲品。科學家發現,PFAS化學品永遠不會分解,會永久存留環境中,並很易進入人體,存留體內多年。 美國疾病控制及預防中心於2015年發表的一份報告指出,在97%美國人的血液中檢測到PFAS。 7月底,美國食品藥品監督管理局宣布,已與三大食品包裝生產商達成自願協議,將逐步淘汰PFAS。 Cava、Sweetgreen、Freshii宣布,計劃在未來幾個月從食品包裝中消除PFAS。 麥當勞表示,已從全球麥當勞食品包裝中淘汰PFAS。Burger King則表示,將與供應商合作,在FDA建議的三年內或可行情況下,從所有包裝中去除PFAS。Sweetgreen亦表示,正與供應商尋求解決方案。 因事件引起廣泛關注,麥當勞中國、漢堡王中國亦在微博發表聲明,強調在中國使用的食品包裝材料中沒有添加PFAS,完全符合國家相關標準,請民眾放心。 TOPick新聞編輯部製作電子書《食用安全手冊》,提供自家檢測報告,包括雞蛋、搓手液、兒童口罩等,更有牛奶、清潔用品等食安檢測報告【按此免費下載食用安全手冊】 實時追蹤香港新冠肺炎確診者住所/出現地點,立即下載經濟日報 訂閱TOPick Telegram,集合最新優惠及送禮情報 責任編輯:羅嘉欣 August 13, 2020 at 09:36PM 【食用安全】美國麥當勞Burger King等連鎖快餐店被驗出食物包裝含致癌物PFAS - 香港經濟日報- TOPick - 健康- 食用安全 - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick |
新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響によるギャラクシーエンターテインメントグループ第2四半期の調整後EBITDA はマイナス14億香港ドルへ - IAG Japan Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:34 PM PDT 2020年6月30日までの3カ月、ギャラクシーエンターテインメントグループ(GEG)の調整後EBITDAはマイナス13億7,000万香港ドル(約188億8,250万円)、2019年第2四半期の43億3,000 万香港ドルから91%減へと低下した。 コロナ禍において、今四半期中に厳しい入境制限が執行され、マカオのあらゆるゲーミング事業者が同じように大幅な減少を経験している。 2020年第2四半期および半期業績を木曜日に発表したGEGは、グループ全体のゲーミング粗収益(GGR)は4億8,500万香港ドルで、前年同期と比べて97%減少した。この中にはマステーブル部門GGRの1億3,800万香港ドルの98%減、VIP GGRの3億1,500万の96%減、電子ゲーミングGGRの3億2,000万の96%減も含んでいる。 GEG会長ルイ・チェ・ウー博士は「新型コロナウイルスへの対応で、中国本土、香港、マカオでは旅行制限やソーシャルディスタンスなどが必要となり、第2四半期および2020年上期の業績に大きな影響を及ぼしました。 これらの制限により、マカオへの訪問者数が大幅に減少し、当社の収益も減少しました。収益が最小となっていても、人件費は継続的に発生することから、GEG の当四半期の EBITDA がマイナス14億香港ドルでした。 一方、マカオ政府と中国広東省政府が、昨日付けで、珠海市民および珠海市在住カード所有者の個人訪問スキーム(IVS)と団体旅行を解禁し、旅行需要の喚起に取り組み始めたことを嬉しく思っています。 これらは重要かつ前向きな動きではありますが、市場がどれだけ早く回復するかについてコメントするのは時期尚早といえます。今後は、パンデミックによるさらなる逆風に向き合わねばならないと想定され、業績へ大きな影響となることでしょう。しかし、中長期的については、マカオ市場全体とGEGの業績の見通しについては楽観的です」と述べた。 全グループの業績を反映して旗艦施設であるギャラクシー・マカオのは前年同期比は前年同期の32億4,000万香港ドルの利益に対して、調整後EBITDAがマイナス11億7,700万香港ドル。ゲーミングの運が味方して1,200万香港ドルで四半期の調整後EBITDAを後押しした。 ギャラクシー・マカオのGGRは3億2,900万香港ドルの97.6%減で、のホテルの客室稼働率は4%。 同様に、スターワールド・マカオは調整後EBITDAがマイナス3億600万香港ドル、GGRが1億300万香港ドル。一方、マス分野のみのブロードウェイ・マカオの調整後 EBITDA はマイナス5,200万香港ドルでGGRが100万香港ドル。 シティ・クラブの調整後EBITDAは200万香港ドルで、前年同期比93%減少、全四半期比88%減少でGGRは5,200万香港ドル。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース August 12, 2020 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響によるギャラクシーエンターテインメントグループ第2四半期の調整後EBITDA はマイナス14億香港ドルへ - IAG Japan "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Giromagny. Fort en musique : Ophélie Gaillard en toute confidence - Est Républicain Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:13 PM PDT ![]() Un violoncelle en contre-jour sous une arcade voûtée du fort Dorsner : Alors que le soleil tape dehors et chauffe la cour centrale du fort Dorsner, Ophélie Gaillard attend tranquillement au frais que le public s'installe à l'intérieur. Vivaldi résonne, extrait de son dernier disque. « Écoutez ! C'est un moment fantastique », glisse Pascal Contet, organisateur et musicien, qui vient de jouer ses pièces et improvisations à l'accordéon pour enfants. « Les pierres du fort résonnent de leur passé, et les œuvres résonnent de leur propre passé ». Réponses au violoncelleOphélie Gaillard, en longue robe d'été, est ici chez elle : Pascal Contet est un ami. « Une heure avec… », en toute confiance, face à un public mélomane constitué aussi de musiciens professionnels, venus de la grande région. Pascal Contet pose ses questions. Ophélie Gaillard illustre ses réponses au violoncelle, donne des bribes de son parcours atypique. Elle fait entendre Bach, Vivaldi, Saint-Saëns, la 2e strophe de Dutilleux… ou une bourrée de l'enfance. Un instrument vieux de trois sièclesLe violoncelle chante, vibre, crie, gratte, résonne, vivant et souple. Il a trois siècles, vient de Vénétie, l'archet est de 1810, ses cordes sont « en boyau avec tungstène ». Ophélie Gaillard explique comment un instrument inspire, influence. Elle évoque ses multiples passions, pour le baroque, les musiques d'Amérique du sud, les collaborations contemporaines, les liens avec le hip-hop, « le phénoménal répertoire qui reste à écrire pour le violoncelle ». C'est un moment simple, sincère, détendu : une grande artiste en toute intimité sous les voûtes du fort. « Il faut revenir demain, vendredi, pour le concert des Cordes du vent », invite Pascal Contet. Le festival 2020, édition si particulière qui se joue masqué, sera alors pleinement lancé. August 13, 2020 at 08:03PM Giromagny. Fort en musique : Ophélie Gaillard en toute confidence - Est Républicain longue robe |
Scientists say the coronavirus is at least as deadly as the 1918 flu pandemic - CNBC Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT ![]() Members of the American Red Cross remove influenza victims in 1918. St. Louis Post-Dispatch | Tribune News Service via Getty Images The coronavirus is at least as deadly as the 1918 flu pandemic and the death toll could even be worse if world leaders and public health officials fail to adequately contain it, researchers warned in a study published Thursday in the medical journal JAMA Network Open. "What we want people to know is that this has 1918 potential," lead author Dr. Jeremy Faust said in an interview, adding that the outbreak in New York was at least 70% as bad as the one in 1918 when doctors didn't have ventilators or other advances to help save lives like they do today. "This is not something to just shrug off like the flu." Researchers compared excess deaths in New York City during the peak of the 1918 pandemic with those during the first few months of the Covid-19 outbreak. They used public data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct their analysis. The increase in deaths during the 1918 flu pandemic was higher overall, but comparable to that observed in the first two months of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City, the researchers found. But when taking into account improvements in hygiene, modern medicine and public health, the increase during the early coronavirus outbreak was "substantially greater" than during the peak of the 1918 pandemic, the researchers wrote. "If insufficiently treated, SARS-CoV-2 infection may have comparable or greater mortality than 1918 H1N1 influenza virus infection," Faust wrote in the paper. He's a physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital and an instructor at Harvard Medical School. The study's authors noted that their research had limitations. The researchers said it's unknown how many Covid-19 deaths have been prevented since the outbreak began because of modern improvements in health care that weren't available a century ago, such as supplemental oxygen and ventilators. The new study comes as the coronavirus continues to rapidly spread across the United States and worldwide. The virus has infected more than 20 million people worldwide and killed at least 749,700, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. has the worst outbreak in the world with more than 5 million infections and at least 166,000 deaths, Johns Hopkins data shows. The U.S. recorded more than 1,500 deaths caused by Covid-19 on Wednesday, marking the deadliest day for the country since the end of May. A separate study published July 1 in JAMA Internal Medicine found the number of confirmed U.S. deaths due to the coronavirus is substantially lower than the true tally. Those researchers found that the excess number of deaths over normal levels also exceeded those attributed to Covid-19, leading them to conclude that many of those fatalities were likely caused by the coronavirus but not confirmed. State reporting discrepancies and a sharp increase in U.S. deaths amid a pandemic suggest the number of Covid-19 fatalities is undercounted, they said. The World Health Organization says there is no "silver bullet" for the virus and health-care workers will likely need an array of treatments to help patients fight the disease. Currently, many hospitals in the U.S. are using antiviral drug remdesvir, which has been shown to help shorten the recovery time of some hospitalized patients. There are also numerous vaccines in development with at least 26 already in human trials, according to the WHO. Public health officials and infectious disease experts have often compared Covid-19 to the 1918 flu, which is estimated to have killed 50 million people worldwide from 1918 through 1919, including 675,000 Americans, according to the CDC. More than 20 million people died in World War I, by comparison. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, has said the coronavirus is a "pandemic of historic proportions" and history books will likely compare it to 1918. He has mentioned the "extreme" range of symptoms people can experience after contracting the virus, including pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. PMIS is a rare inflammatory condition found in children with Covid-19 that's similar to Kawasaki syndrome and has caused neurological damage in some kids. "We learn things every week," he said July 13. The researchers of the new study said their findings may help officials contextualize the unusual magnitude of the Covid-19 pandemic and "lead to more prudent policies that may help decrease transmission." Top stories - Google News August 13, 2020 at 08:38AM Scientists say the coronavirus is at least as deadly as the 1918 flu pandemic - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Hurricanes No-Goal Confirmed After Coach's Challenge - Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:42 PM PDT ![]() The Coach's Challenge is proving to be quite a challenge for the Carolina Hurricanes' coaching staff this postseason. For the second time in two games, coach Rod Brind'Amour's club found themselves on the losing end of a challenge. Game 1 of their series against the Bruins saw a Boston goal stand after a waved-off hand pass. Brind'Amour's post-game comments on the situation cost him $25,000. In Game 2, Carolina had the potential go-ahead goal wiped out due to goaltender interference. Referee Wes McCauley immediately waved off the goal, gesturing to indicate that there was interference with Boston goaltender Tuukka Rask. The Canes challenged the call, feeling that the contact with the goaltender was the result of a Boston defender, and that the goal should count. While defenseman Torey Krug clearly pushed Carolina's Teuvo Teravainen into the goalie, the onus is on Teravainen to avoid or minimize contact. Even if the initial bump were to be permissible, Teravainen's elbow contacted Rask's head, further interfering with the goaltender's ability to play his position. From Rule 69: If an attacking player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by a defending player so as to cause him to come into contact with the goalkeeper, such contact will not be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. If an attacking player initiates contact with a goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. It's clear the NHL's Situation Room felt that Teravainen did not make the required reasonable effort. After a brief review, McCauley made the announcement. The call on the ice was confirmed. No goal Hurricanes. Carolina was able to successfully kill off the resulting delay of game penalty, en route to a 3-2 win. From the NHL:
"Goal" - Google News August 13, 2020 at 07:52PM Hurricanes No-Goal Confirmed After Coach's Challenge - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
柏木由紀、14年間の歴代宣材写真を公開「年々美人に…」「歴史を感じるね」 - Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:01 PM PDT 柏木由紀、14年間の歴代宣材写真を公開「年々美人に…」「歴史を感じるね」 - 柏木は同グループに3期生として加入し、2007年4月8日に公演デビュー。「14年間の歴代宣材写真がこちら」と、デビュー当時からの歴代宣材写真16枚を一挙公開した。髪型やメイクによってそれぞれ雰囲気が違い、本人も「3段目左の時期メイク濃いなぁ、、」と懐かしんでいる。 この投稿にファンからは「全部可愛い、ずっと可愛い」「年々美人になっていくゆきりんにビックリ!」「歴史を感じるね」「やはり、年代によって少しずつ違っているんですね!」「素敵な年齢の重ね方」「ゆきりんほんとに年取らないね」といった反響を呼んでいる。 2020-08-14 02:18:00Z |
Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $1 Million to Expand Mobile Addiction Treatment Services - Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT ![]() Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced $972,717 has been awarded to five addiction treatment service providers across New York State to enable them to purchase and operate mobile treatment vehicles. The goal of this initiative is to expand the availability and access to addiction treatment services in underserved regions of the state. Funding is being administered by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports and was awarded through the federal State Opioid Response Grant. "As we continue our efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 and safeguard public health, we must remain mindful of the ongoing opioid epidemic," Governor Cuomo said. "This impactful investment in addiction treatment services will help to ensure underserved communities have the necessary resources to expand New Yorkers' access to often live-saving services as we battle the deadly scourge of addiction." Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, Co-Chair of the State Heroin and Opioid Task Force said, "We are committed to investing in treatment services across the state to help individuals and families struggling with addiction. This funding to expand mobile treatment will help to ensure critical access to care and services needed in five regions of the state. We want to make sure people have access to the resources and services they need to lead healthy and safe lives, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and continue our efforts to combat the opioid epidemic in New York." Over the past several years, New York has greatly expanded its mobile treatment capability. In 2017, the State established the Centers of Treatment Innovation to serve high-need counties throughout the state. The COTIs are focused on establishing connections with people affected by addiction, who have not been connected to care previously or have been unable to sustain their recovery through traditional treatment approaches. COTI services, including mobile treatment, have helped engage more than 13,000 New Yorkers in treatment through non-traditional means, and has helped providers expand their outreach in previously underserved areas. OASAS Commissioner Arlene González-Sánchez said "Mobile treatment services have been a critical supplement to traditional services and have given thousands of New Yorkers a chance to connect to important, life-saving treatment. Addiction remains a public health crisis, and Governor Cuomo has been fully committed to establishing and expanding resources for addiction. This funding will further strengthen the nation-leading help that is in place throughout New York State for people affected by this disease." Providers in New York State utilize two types of mobile treatment vehicles:
Each provider receiving funding will deliver services throughout the listed region. Finger Lakes
Long Island
New York City
Southern Tier
Western NY
Since taking office, Governor Cuomo has instituted an aggressive, multi-pronged approach to addressing the opioid epidemic, and created a nation-leading continuum of addiction care with full prevention, treatment, and recovery services. To combat this epidemic, the Governor has worked to expand access to traditional services, including crisis services, inpatient, outpatient, and residential treatment programs, as well as medication assisted treatment, and mobile treatment and transportation services. In 2016, Governor Cuomo's Heroin Task Force recommended new, non-traditional services, including recovery centers, youth clubhouses, expanded peer services, and open access centers, which provide immediate assessments and referrals to care. These services have since been established in numerous communities around the state, and have helped people in need access care closer to where they live. The Governor has advanced legislative and regulatory reform to enable people to get treatment faster and at the same level of coverage as for medical or surgical care by eliminating many insurance restrictions, as well as legislation to reduce most opioid prescriptions from 30 days to seven days, and legislation to increase training and education for prescribers. Governor Cuomo has also taken action to combat patient brokering and fraudulent addiction treatment services. The Governor has also worked to increase training and availability of naloxone, resulting in more than 420,000 individuals in New York State being trained and equipped with the opioid overdose reversal medication. Through Governor Cuomo's actions, pharmacies around New York State are now able to provide naloxone without a prescription. New Yorkers struggling with an addiction, or whose loved ones are struggling, can find help and hope by calling the state's toll-free, 24-hour, 7-day-a-week HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY (1-877-846-7369) or by texting HOPENY (Short Code 467369). Available addiction treatment including crisis/detox, inpatient, community residence, or outpatient care can be found using the NYS OASAS Treatment Availability Dashboard at or through the NYS OASAS website. "Mobile" - Google News August 13, 2020 at 01:08PM Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $1 Million to Expand Mobile Addiction Treatment Services - "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump calls Biden's coronavirus plan unscientific, rejects call for national mask mandate - CNBC Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT ![]() President Donald Trump on Thursday rejected former Vice President Joe Biden's call for a national mask mandate to combat the coronavirus, accusing the Democratic candidate for president of politicizing the outbreak and of shunning science in combating the pandemic. "It's a shameful situation for anybody to try and score political points while we're working to save lives and defeat the pandemic," Trump said during a White House press briefing. Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, earlier on Thursday said every American should wear a mask when they're outside the home for the next three months. He said every governor should mandate their use. Trump, who resisted calls to wear masks for months, now endorses the idea, although he favors allowing governors to decide on whether to require them at the state level. "We have urged Americans to wear masks. We've been saying wear them when it's appropriate," Trump said. "Maybe they're great and maybe they're just good, maybe they're not so good. But frankly what do you have to lose? You have nothing to lose." Governors from both Democrat- and Republican-led states across the country have mandated the use of masks or have rolled back reopening plans as cases have resurged primarily in the Midwest and Sun Belt. However, Trump claimed that Biden "wants to shut down our economy and close our schools and grind society to a halt." Trump, who has repeatedly said lockdowns intended to prevent the further spread of the virus would inflict more harm than good, told reporters that Biden is "in favor of locking all Americans in their basements for months on end." "We'll defeat this virus, but not by hiding in our basements, he's got to come out of his basement. We'll defeat this virus through a common sense mitigation effort, shielding those at highest risk and unleashing America's medical and scientific genius." Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris, his newly announced pick for vice president, have ramped up their criticism of the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus in recent days. The pair held two briefings earlier Thursday, one on the coronavirus and the other on the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, and held a brief session with reporters. "This virus has impacted almost every country, but there's a reason it has hit America worse than any other advanced nation. It's because of Trump's failure to take it seriously from the start," Harris said in accepting her nomination on Wednesday. Top stories - Google News August 13, 2020 at 03:05PM Trump calls Biden's coronavirus plan unscientific, rejects call for national mask mandate - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Apple just kicked Fortnite off the App Store - The Verge Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT ![]() Apple has removed Epic Games' battle royale game Fortnite from the App Store after the developer on Thursday implemented its own in-app payment system that bypassed Apple's standard 30 percent fee The decision marks a significant escalation in the feud between Epic and one of the world's most dominant mobile software marketplaces. It also comes at an especially fraught time for Apple as the iPhone maker navigates antitrust concerns over its operation of the App Store and the rules it imposes on certain developers. Following the removal, Epic revealed a carefully calculated series of responses, including an antitrust lawsuit seeking to establish Apple's App Store as a monopoly and a protest video that aired on YouTube and within Fortnite itself mocking the iPhone maker's iconic "1984" ad and calling on gaming fans to #FreeFortnite by supporting its fight against Apple. Apple said in a statement to The Verge that it plans to work with Epic to "resolve these violations" but that it has no intention to create a "special arrangement" for the company. Here's the company's statement in full:
Epic implemented its own payment system in the Android version of Fortnite as well, leading Google to take similar action and remove the game from the Play Store. Android users, however, can still download Fortnite using Epic's own app launcher, which it distributes independently through any mobile web browser. "The open Android ecosystem lets developers distribute apps through multiple app stores. For game developers who choose to use the Play Store, we have consistent policies that are fair to developers and keep the store safe for users," a Google spokesperson tells The Verge. "While Fortnite remains available on Android, we can no longer make it available on Play because it violates our policies. However, we welcome the opportunity to continue our discussions with Epic and bring Fortnite back to Google Play." Epic's approach seems designed to provoke Apple (and to a much lesser extent Google) into a response, as the Fortnite studio explicitly laid out in its new iOS update how using Epic's in-app payment system would result in cheaper prices. For instance, 1,000 V-bucks, which is roughly equivalent to $10 in-game Fortnite currency, now costs just $7.99 if you use Epic direct payment instead of the standard Apple payment processing. Normally, that amount of currency costs $9.99. Epic says, in this case, customers keep the extra savings, not the company. That cast the new arrangement as a pro-consumer move instead of a greedy power play. As of right now, those who have already downloaded Fortnite on iOS are still able to access the game; only new downloads are disabled as a result of Apple pulling the game from the App Store. You can even still use Epic's in-app payment system, according to The Washington Post's Gene Park, who used both Apple and Epic payment systems to purchase v-bucks.
It was initially unclear how updates to Fortnite will function — some users who have the game downloaded but have not opened it a while reported that update files are still; downloading normally — but Epic would have to get the game reinstated in the App Store to push substantial future changes to the iOS version. The company clarified in a FAQ posted to its website that the game would continue to function as normal up until the release of Chapter 2 - Season 4. Following that, "players accessing Fortnite will still be able to play the 13.40 version of Fortnite, but will not be able to access any new content or the new Battle Pass," the FAQ reads. Epic CEO Tim Sweeney has long complained that mobile app stores no longer justify the 30 percent cut they take from all developers, and he's called for substantial changes to how companies like Apple and Google conduct business with third-party developers. "It's time for change," Sweeney told The Verge in 2018. "Apple, Google, and Android manufacturers make vast, vast profits from the sale of their devices and do not in any way justify the 30 percent cut." Epic launched a game store on PC in which it takes only 12 percent of revenue as a way to try to encourage a similar change in competitor Valve's Steam marketplace. The debate is larger than just the 30 percent cut. Apple is facing heightened criticism these days over how it not only manages the App Store and its mandatory fees, but also for how it applies its guidelines in ways some developers and critics feel is unfair and may in fact be designed to benefit Apple over its competitors. For instance, Apple recently gave Amazon an exemption to the 30 percent fee when selling TV show and movie rentals through its Prime Video app, something the company says is only allowed for certain streaming video platforms. Additionally, court documents released during the Big Tech antitrust hearing last month revealed Apple cut a special deal with Amazon in 2016 to lower the fees it takes on Prime Video subscriptions from 30 percent down to 15 percent to get Amazon's app on the App Store. Meanwhile, four years later, Apple just laid out why it will never approve cloud gaming apps and game subscription services like Microsoft's xCloud and Xbox Game Pass as well as Google Stadia. Apple's justification for doing so — that it cannot individually review all of the games offered by cloud gaming platforms as it would standard iOS apps — provoked Sweeney to issue another harsh condemnation. "Apple has outlawed the metaverse," he wrote on Twitter. "The principle they state, taken literally, would rule out all cross-platform ecosystems and games with user created modes: not just XCloud, Stadia, and GeForce NOW, but also Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox."
Since Fortnite first arrived on mobile in 2018, the game has existed as a standard iOS app; Sweeney has openly said his company only did so because there is no other way to enter Apple's closed ecosystem. That means Apple has taken 30 percent of all in-app purchases of Fortnite currency used to purchase its battle pass subscription service and the cosmetic skins, emotes, and other digital goods that make the battle royale one of the most lucrative entertainment properties on the planet. Fortnite earned Epic $2.4 billion in 2018 and $1.8 billion in 2019, helped in large part by its popularity across platforms, as players can use the same account across iOS, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Epic previously bypassed Google's Play Store on Android by releasing Fortnite as a direct download through its own software launcher. But the studio eventually relented earlier this year after failing to appeal Google for an exemption of its similar 30 percent cut of all in-app purchases. "After 18 months of operating Fortnite on Android outside of the Google Play Store, we've come to a basic realization," reads Epic's statement. "Google puts software downloadable outside of Google Play at a disadvantage." Epic's statement at the time was transparent in its displeasure at how Google, and by extension Apple, treat third-party software that doesn't abide by its rules. Epic also later joined Match Group, the parent company of Tinder and other dating apps, in issuing statements of support for two ongoing antitrust investigations into Apple conducted by the European Union, launched only after Spotify and other app makers protested App Store policies they say unfairly punish Apple competitors. Update August 13th, 7:18PM ET: Added comment from Google regarding its removal of Fortnite from the Play Store. Top stories - Google News August 13, 2020 at 11:59AM Apple just kicked Fortnite off the App Store - The Verge Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Tyler Adams's Goal Sends RB Leipzig Into Champions League Semifinals - Sports Illustrated Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:42 PM PDT ![]() Tyler Adams didn't start RB Leipzig's Champions League quarterfinal vs. Atletico Madrid, but he had the final say. The 21-year-old American midfielder's deflected shot from 20 yards was the difference in a 2-1 win, sending Leipzig to the semifinals for the first time in its history with arguably the most important club goal ever scored by an American abroad. Adams had come on in the 72nd minute immediately after another rising star, Joao Felix, had come off the bench and delivered a game-tying penalty kick for Atletico Madrid. Dani Olmo had opened the scoring for Leipzig in the 51st minute. RB Leipzig started the game on the front foot, and it had the game's first chance, when defender Marcel Halstenberg had a ball fall to him inside the right of Atletico Madrid's box, only for him to overhit his left-footed volley. Atletico Madrid's first chance on goal also came off a set piece, with Stefan Savic looping a header on target, only for goalkeeper Peter Gulacsi to leap up, grab the ball and come down with it just in front of the goal line. Gulacsi was forced into another save moments later, with Renan Lodi and Yannick Carrasco combining down the left and the Belgian firing toward the near post in the 13th minute. The physical nature of the game manifested itself in the 37th minute, when Halstenberg and Savic clashed heads, leaving the Atletico Madrid defender worse for the wear and needing to have his head wrapped during a lengthy stoppage. Leipzig nearly scored off a corner kick in first-half stoppage time, but Dayot Upamecano's downward header bounced right into goalkeeper Jan Oblak's waiting arms. Leipzig had been the better of the two teams in terms of continuous build-up, and one of its moves finally paid off. Olmo was the beneficiary, glancing a header off Marcel Sabitzer's cross by Oblak to make it 1-0 in the 50th minute and cap a tremendous 18-pass sequence in which the ball matriculated from one side to the other leading to the goal. Felix came off the bench for Atletico Madrid in the 58th minute and provided the spark Simeone was hoping for soon after. In the 70th minute, he drew a penalty on a darting run into the box, getting taken down from behind by Lukas Klostermann. The 20-year-old impressively converted his spot kick with a powerful shot past a diving Gulacsi, who had guessed correctly but couldn't keep it out. RB Leipzig turned to Adams as a substitute in response, and he made an even greater impact. Adams found himself with space to shoot from 20 yards after Angelino's cutback cross, and it took a friendly deflection of Savic to give RB Leipzig the lead and a place in the semifinals. ********** Here were the lineups for both teams: RB Leipzig will play PSG in the semifinals next Tuesday, with the victor advancing to the Aug. 23 final. "Goal" - Google News August 13, 2020 at 03:12PM Tyler Adams's Goal Sends RB Leipzig Into Champions League Semifinals - Sports Illustrated "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
おぎやはぎ小木が腎細胞がん治療のため一時休養「まさか自分が」という有名な言葉を皆さまに(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:31 PM PDT おぎやはぎ小木が腎細胞がん治療のため一時休養「まさか自分が」という有名な言葉を皆さまに(コメントあり) - ナタリー ![]() 先日、頭痛の治療で入院していた小木。その際に検査を受けたところ初期の腎細胞がん(ステージ1)が見つかった。8月17日から入院して治療に専念する。仕事への復帰時期は9月頭が予定されているが、治療の経過を見ての判断になるとのこと。小木本人のコメントも同サイトに掲載されており、「びっくりしたことの発表」といった言い回しを用いながら休養を報告すると共に、「『まさか自分が』という有名な言葉を皆さまにお送りしたい」「『まさか自分が』となる前に、皆さまもゆっくり時間を取って検査をされることを強くお勧めします」とファンに呼びかけている。 小木は昨日8月13日深夜の「おぎやはぎのメガネびいき」(TBSラジオ)に出演して検査の様子や自身の一時休養を報告した。番組オフィシャルサイトのアフタートークにも登場し、本編では伝えきれなかった思いを伝えている。 2020-08-14 01:17:00Z |
Staying hot to end the week - Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News August 13, 2020 at 09:21AM Staying hot to end the week - Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
渡辺明挑戦者(36)初の名人位獲得か? 豊島将之名人(30)カド番しのぐか? 名人戦第6局は相矢倉に(松本博文) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:01 PM PDT 渡辺明挑戦者(36)初の名人位獲得か? 豊島将之名人(30)カド番しのぐか? 名人戦第6局は相矢倉に(松本博文) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース 8月14日。第78期名人戦七番勝負第6局▲渡辺明二冠(36歳)-△豊島将之名人(30歳)戦が始まりました。 対局がおこなわれるのは大阪・関西将棋会館5階、御上段(おんじょうだん)の間。関西会館で名人戦の番勝負がおこなわれるのは、史上初めてのことです。 豊島名人はグレー、渡辺挑戦者は白いマスクをつけての対局。コロナ禍に見舞われた今年、名人戦も大きな影響を受け、いくつもの新事例が現れています。 七番勝負の形式で8月に名人戦の対局がおこなわれたのは戦時中の1942年、第3期名人戦(木村義雄名人-神田辰之助八段)のみ。当時は3日制で、決着局となった第4局は8月22日に始まり、24日に終わりました。今期名人戦が最終第7局(8月27日・28日)までもつれこめば、その記録も更新することになります。 上座に座る豊島名人。背にしている床の間には、歴代4人の永世名人の書が掲げられています。 向かって右からは、次のように書かれています。 天法道 木村義雄(14世名人) 地法天 大山康晴(15世名人) 人法地 中原 誠(16世名人) 道法自然 谷川浩司(17世名人) これらは老子『道徳経』の一節からの言葉です。 永世名人の資格は名人位通算5期以上の棋士に与えられます。1935年に実力制名人戦が始まって以来、永世名人の資格を得たのは上記4人の他に、森内俊之九段(18世名人)、羽生善治九段(19世名人)の6人しかいません。 20世名人となるのは、はたして誰でしょうか。 本局の立会人を務めるのは17世名人資格者・谷川浩司九段。 「定刻になりました。第78期名人戦第6局。渡辺二冠の先手でお願いします」 谷川九段が開始の声をかけて、両対局者一礼。対局が始まりました。 渡辺挑戦者はしばし瞑想。カメラのシャッター音、電子音が鳴り響く中、初手に角道を開けました。 対して豊島名人は飛車筋の歩を伸ばします。 3手目、渡辺挑戦者は左の銀を上がりました。これは矢倉を志向する意思表示です。戦型は相矢倉となりました。名人戦では古くから指されてきた戦型の一つです。 30手目。豊島名人は矢倉城を構成している銀を四段目に上がります。これは急戦矢倉の構え。本局では銀を出る前に1筋端歩の突き合いがあるところなどに、豊島名人の工夫が表れているようです。 現在は渡辺挑戦者が31手目を考えているところ。時刻は10時を過ぎました。 名人戦1日目は昼食休憩をはさみ、18時に手番の側が「封じ手」をおこなって、指し掛けとなります。 7日・8日におこなわれた第6局は渡辺挑戦者が勝ちました。 渡辺挑戦者は名人位獲得まであと1勝と迫っています。1935年に実力制名人戦が施行されて以来、今年で85年。もし渡辺挑戦者が名人位を獲得すれば、史上15人目の実力制名人となります。 渡辺挑戦者の今年度成績は7勝6敗。 ![]() 渡辺挑戦者は藤井聡太新棋聖にタイトルを一つ渡して二冠となりましたが、もし名人位を獲得すれば三冠にも復帰します。 一方の豊島名人は今年度7勝8敗2持将棋。 ![]() 名人戦と並行しておこなわれている叡王戦七番勝負では永瀬拓矢叡王と歴史的死闘を演じているところです。 ハードスケジュールの中、名人戦、叡王戦ともに2勝3敗でカド番に追い込まれた豊島名人。ここから巻き返すことはできるでしょうか。 渡辺挑戦者、豊島名人の過去の対戦成績は、渡辺20勝、豊島13勝です。 ![]() 2020-08-14 01:01:41Z |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:47 PM PDT ![]() TUCSON (KVOA) - From being retweeted more than 46,000 times to getting a spot on Inside Edition, a video of a mask dispute at a local grocery store has put Tucson back into the national spotlight. On Monday, a video of a mask dispute at a Sprouts located at 3860 W. River Rd. near Orange Grove caught national attention after TMZ shared a report covering the exchange on its website. Originally shared by a Twitter user known as Fifty Shares of Whey, the video reportedly showed a man yell profanities inside the grocery store, expressing frustration over people using masks. The video has since been obtained by News 4 Tucson. It can be seen in its entirety below. DISCLAIMER: The video contained profanity and may not be suitable for all audiences. Since the initial video was posted on Twitter Monday, it has received more than 6.3 million views, 10,000 comments. According to a 10-page police report that outlined the altercation that occurred on Saturday, Marana Police Department, who were called by the employees, stopped the individual in the video not far from the store. The officer who conducted the stop wrote in his report that he "immediately got defensive, asking why I pulled him over and asked if he committed a crime." The officer then wrote "after some verbal de-escalation and education as to why ... he calmed down enough to where we could speak." According to the report, the driver admitted to being at Sprouts with his sons, who were also seen in the video. He said he was there buying groceries when an employee told him they needed to wear medical masks due to COVID-19. The individual said he told the employees that he did not need to wear a mask because he has an ADA medical condition that prevented him from doing so. The report also states the driver and his family were all saying they felt harassed and threatened by the group of pro-maskers and the staff from the business. The officer also wrote "I determined that the incident resulted from mutual provocation on both sides of the involved group." One customer shared his view of the situation. "I think if someone is asking somebody for a mask, put your mask on," customer Jose Lebron said. MPD said they are still investigating. "We've determined that we're looking at possible charges of disorderly conduct, assault and threats," Sgt. Jose Alvarez said. To view the police report of the incident, click here. "viral" - Google News August 13, 2020 at 05:37PM Police report related to viral video of anti-mask meltdown at Tucson store uncovered - KVOA Tucson News "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:42 PM PDT ![]() Watch Now: Tyler Adams goal is inspiration to young American players (1:02) Tyler Adams' 88th-minute goal -- off a deflection -- sent shock waves across Europe and North America. Partially because it sent RB Leipzig, a club that was founded 11 years ago, to the Champions League semifinals for the first time in club history. More importantly, Adams' first goal in a Leipzig uniform might have been the most important goal of his career and arguably the most important goal scored by an American in the grandest stage in Europe. Let's check the list of Americans who have scored in the Champions League knockout stage:
That's it. That's the list. Adams, 21, became the first American to score this late in the tournament. And to think, Adams didn't even win the Man of the Match Award. That honor went to Dayot Upamecano, who also played the game of his life and kept Atletico in check and also posed a threat on the flanks in the 2-1 win for Leipzig. Adams was just an unlikely hero at the end of a nervy match who came through as a late sub in the 72nd minute for Julian Nagelsmann, who at 33 is the youngest manager to reach a Champions League semi. Adams spoke to CBS Sports' Roger Gonzalez on Wednesday and explained why his side (sans Timo Werner, who's off to Chelsea) would benefit from a 90-minute one-off tie against an experienced Atletico squad led by Diego Simeone. He wasn't kidding. "These are teams that, when they have a bad day, maybe you get away with a goal but it is not often a team like Man City and Real Madrid have two bad games in a row. For us to be a young team with a fearless mentality, it is all or nothing, Adams said. "It's refreshing. Now we are ready to hit Champions League full swing. It's a new experience for us all. I'd say we are really prepared now." Here's what Adams said after the match on CBS All Access: To put his goal into further perspective, let's check the list of Americans who have scored in the Champions League (including qualifying and the European Cup era):
It's not a lengthy list, which makes this moment incredibly special if you are a fan of the U.S. men's national team. Our CBS Sports HQ colleague Beasley sits at the top of the mountain for now. And Beasley, who has been to the semifinal before as a member of PSV Eindhoven in 2005, warned us about Leipzig during the pre-match build-up: Still, it's safe to say no other goal on that list comes with higher stakes than Adams' deflected shot with two minutes to spare on Thursday. The only goal that comes close to mind is from Clint Dempsey during his Europa League heyday with Fulham. Leipzig are the first German side other than Bayern Munich (who play on Friday against Barcelona) or Borussia Dortmund to reach the Champions League semis since Schalke in 2010-11. The club was founded in 2009 (with the help of energy drink giants Red Bull, of course), promoted to the fourth division in 2010 and by 2016, it was promoted to Bundesliga. In their maiden Bundelisga season, Leipzig finished second behind Bayern. "It feels like a historic moment for Americans in club football and on this elite stage of the Champions League," Kate Abdo said on the Champions League Today post-match show on CBS All Access. Jamie Carragher called it "inspiring," Adams' rise from upstate New York to Lisbon in the semis. Adams went from joining the New York Red Bulls training academy at the age of 11 back in 2011 before making his pro debut for New York Red Bulls II of the United Soccer League in April of 2015 at the age of 16. The following year he joined the senior team in Major League Soccer at the age of 17 before signing with Leipzig at the age of 20 in 2019. He's made 16 appearances for Leipzig this season, and while the team hasn't lost a game he's played in since the restart in June, they've won just one out of the six matches he's started. You have to figure the playing time will come if he continues to have a knack for scoring in big games. "Goal" - Google News August 13, 2020 at 06:24PM Why Tyler Adams' goal for RB Leipzig was the most important by an American in Champions League history - CBS Sports "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
パク・ジニョン「JYP時価総額1位はNiziUのお陰」…最終目標は?(朝鮮日報日本語版) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:34 PM PDT ![]() 【Pickcon】パク・ジニョンがNiziUの影響力に言及した。 12日に放送されたMBC『ラジオスター』にはパク・ジニョンが出演し、最近ロンチングしたガールズグループNiziUについて語った。 ■実業家としても成功した韓国スター! パク・ジニョンは何位? JYPエンターテインメントは最近、時価総額で1位になるにとどまらずSMエンターテインメント、YGエンターテインメントを追い抜いた。これについてパク・ジニョンは「実際には怖さが先に立った。ゆっくり、慎重に成長すればいいだろうと思っていたけど、あまりにも急激に成長したように思う。ビッグヒットもあるし、SMのような大手プロダクションもあるが、現在はうちが1位」としつつ、「世界的なプロダクションになろうと思ったら、日本、メキシコなど外国の歌手を発掘し続けないといけない」と強調した。 続いてパク・ジニョンは「NiziUのお陰で時価総額が上がった」とし、「10年前に会社で、韓国人だけでロンチングしてから、外国人が混じったグループ、最後には外国人だけで結成した歌手をロンチングするという計画を立てた」と説明した。 また、JポップのガールズグループであるNiziUの公開後、Kポップの技術が流出するのではないかという懸念についても所信を伝えたパク・ジニョン。「韓国の会社は韓国人だけで結成したグループをやれ、韓国人50%以上のグループをやれとおっしゃるが、それではうちが世界的な会社になるには限界が生じる」とし、「韓国の3大プロダクションの時価総額を全て合わせても米国の音楽会社1つ分にもならない。海外の人材を発掘しなければならない」と付け加えた。 NiziUはJYPとソニー・ミュージックがメンバーの選抜からトレーニング、企画、制作、マネジメントまで全ての過程を共同で進めた超大型グローバルオーディション「Nizi Project」を通して誕生したガールズグループだ。 イ・ウジョン記者 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース August 13, 2020 at 12:46AM パク・ジニョン「JYP時価総額1位はNiziUのお陰」…最終目標は?(朝鮮日報日本語版) - Yahoo!ニュース "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
渡辺明二冠、悲願の初名人なるか 豊島将之名人が踏ん張るか 第6局開始/将棋・名人戦七番勝負(ABEMA TIMES) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:31 PM PDT 渡辺明二冠、悲願の初名人なるか 豊島将之名人が踏ん張るか 第6局開始/将棋・名人戦七番勝負(ABEMA TIMES) - Yahoo!ニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-08-14 00:08:50Z |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:08 PM PDT ![]() Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health Patrick McDermott | Washington Nationals | Getty Images The top official at the National Institutes of Health on Thursday said that the coronavirus vaccine Russia said it has approved skipped "fundamental parts" of the approval process. "I think virtually every vaccine expert in the world looking at this has been quite concerned whether this was a wise decision. Some have called this Russian roulette," Dr. Francis Collins, director of the NIH, said during a conference call with reporters. NIH is part of the federal government's program, called Operation Warp Speed, designed to accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of vaccines and treatments to fight the coronavirus. Scientists and health officials across the globe have questioned the safety and efficacy of Russia's vaccine, which President Vladimir Putin claimed "works quite effectively." Putin said Tuesday that Russian health authorities approved what would be the first coronavirus vaccine and said that one of his daughters has already taken it. "Although I know that it works quite effectively, it forms a stable immunity and, I repeat, has passed all the necessary checks," Putin said. On the call Thursday, Collins said Russia conducted only a phase one clinical trial of its vaccine, administering it to around 100 people, and decided "that was good enough." Medical experts have warned, however, that it's unknown whether a vaccine would work and what the potential side effects would be without a large-scale phase three clinical trial. "If that was the standard, we would have been declared success several months ago because we had that experience of successful phase one trials," Collins said. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told National Geographic in an interview that he "seriously doubts" Russia has proven its vaccine is safe and effective. "Having a vaccine ... and proving that a vaccine is safe and effective are two different things. We have half a dozen or more vaccines, so if we wanted to take the chance of hurting a lot of people or giving them something that doesn't work, we could start doing this, you know, next week if we wanted to," Fauci said during a National Geographic panel moderated by ABC News Correspondent Deborah Roberts that aired on Thursday. The World Health Organization said it's in contact with Russian regulatory authorities to conduct a rigorous review of the country's vaccine before recommending it to other nations for procurement. Top stories - Google News August 13, 2020 at 01:49PM Trump administration health official says some call Putin's coronavirus vaccine 'Russian roulette' - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:42 PM PDT ![]() Adams sent RB Leipzig to the Champions League semis and raced to the top of a short list of contenders. Tyler Adams doesn't score often. But when he does, it's usually significant. Before Thursday, the 21-year-old midfielder had scored just seven times since turning pro at 16 with New York Red Bulls II. But one of those was an equalizer for the Red Bulls' senior side in a Concacaf Champions League quarterfinal. Two others came in a 3-3 draw against rival D.C. United. And then there was the game-winner in the U.S. national team's 1-0 friendly win over Mexico in September 2018. But none of them were as big as Thursday's goal in Lisbon, Portugal. In fact, a pretty airtight case could be made that no goal ever scored by a U.S. international in club competition was as seismic as Adams's deflected strike in the 88th minute of RB Leipzig's 2-1 defeat of Atlético Madrid. The victory lifted RBL, which was founded just 11 years ago, into the UEFA Champions League semifinals for the first time. And it lifted Adams into the small pantheon of American men who've made their mark on the scoresheet at the club game's highest level. No U.S. player had ever scored in the Champions League quarterfinal or later. And Adams could become just the second to play in the semis when RB Leipzig meets Paris Saint-Germain at Benfica's Estádio da Luz on Aug. 18. Recently retired winger DaMarcus Beasley appeared for PSV Eindhoven in the 2005 final four against AC Milan, losing on away goals. (Jovan Kirovski also played for Borussia Dortmund in the 1997 Intercontinental Cup/Club World Cup final). "We're really really excited. We know that Paris is obviously a great team," Adams said following Thursday's triumph. "Now it's about recovering in the right way, getting our mentality right and preparing a game plan. But we're confident in our abilities, like you saw today, so we're going to bring what we're capable of." Leipzig was the better team through much of Thursday's quarterfinal, but Atleti has vast experience at this stage of European competition and leveled the score at 1-1 with a João Félix penalty in the 71st minute. Adams entered the match as a substitute a minute later. It marked just his second Champions League appearance. "It's so exciting for me, I think, to come in and play in a Champions League game," he said. "You know for the first six months, when we started the Champions League campaign, I was injured. So it's a good feeling to get out there, obviously fully fit, and show what I'm capable of." Adams was a regular for Leipzig down the stretch of the restarted Bundesliga season as the club finished third, thus qualifying for the 2020-21 Champions League. Then came a three-week break, and finally Adams's chance to contribute in this season's competition. Leipzig had eased past Tottenham Hotspur in the home-and-away round of 16, but Thursday's quarterfinal would be just one game. And as extra time approached, the quarterfinal turned. RBL's Marcel Sabitzer hit a stunning, curling, one-time pass from the center circle that split four Atleti defenders and freed left back Angeliño in the left channel. Instead of crossing it toward the two Leipzig players running into the penalty area, the Spaniard smartly cut it back into an open space near the penalty arc. Adams was there and alone. He took a touch, then ripped a shot that was headed toward the left post when it deflected off defender Stefan Savic. Atleti goalkeeper Jan Oblak had no chance. "It's a deflection, but it counts the same as a regular one so i'll take it," Adams said. "For the first 70 minutes, it was a close game. So when I came on, obviously I wanted to bring energy and help the team in any way possible. Getting your first goal [for Leipzig] is a little bit unexpected for me. I'm not a typical goal scorer, but I'm happy I could help the team." Help the team, and make history. Adams's goal may be the biggest by an American abroad, but it's not the only important one. Here are a few of the more notable entries on that limited list: John Harkes (Sheffield Wednesday vs. Derby County, 1990) An American scored England's goal of the season, and it came off the foot of one of U.S. soccer's true European pioneers. That's how you make an impression. Harkes also scored for Wednesday in a losing effort in the 1993 Football League Cup final. DaMarcus Beasley (PSV Eindhoven vs. Rosenborg, 2004) There may not have been a PSV run to the Champions League semis if not for Beasley's goal in the fourth game of the group stage against Rosenborg. His 10th-minute finish, which required him to settle a long pass then round the Rosenborg goalkeeper, lifted PSV to a 1-0 win and the three points it needed to finish second–by a point–in its group (1:38 in the clip above). Jay DeMerit (Watford vs. Leeds United, 2006) DeMerit's incredible rags to riches story was punctuated in the 25th minute of the Football League Championship promotion final against Leeds, as he headed home the opening (and winning) goal from close range. Watford won, 3-0, and DeMerit was bound for the Premier League. Maurice Edu (Rangers vs. Celtic, 2010) The midfielder settled a critical Old Firm matchup in the final minute of stoppage time as he latched onto a rebound and lifted Rangers to a critical 1-0 win. There was pandemonium at Ibrox, and Rangers was on its way to a second straight league title. Clint Dempsey (Fulham vs. Juventus, 2010) Fulham may have been a Premier League team from London, but it was a minnow compared to mighty Juventus. The disparity was evident for much of their 2009-10 UEFA Europa League round-of-16 series, which Juve led, 4-1 on aggregate, after two minutes of the second leg at Craven Cottage. Then Bobby Zamora scored for Fulham and Zoltán Gera scored twice, setting the stage for Dempsey to score the most scintillating Yanks abroad goal, even if it's no longer the most important. His audacious chip toward the far post set Fulham on a path toward the final and will always be a massive part of Deuce's legend. Christian Pulisic (Borussia Dortmund vs. Benfica, 2017) Dortmund wound up winning the Champions League round-of-16 series against Benfica, 4-1, on aggregate, but it was Pulisic's deft chip in the 59th minute of the second leg that broke a deadlock. The goal did more than send BVB on its way—it confirmed the 18-year-old Pulisic as a rising star. Christian Pulisic (Chelsea vs. Arsenal, 2020) Pulisic became the first American man to score in the FA Cup final, one of soccer's grandest stages, on Aug. 1. Chelsea would end up losing, but the moment when Pulisic gave the Blues an early lead with a slick dribble and finish certainly stands out among goals scored by U.S. players abroad. "Goal" - Google News August 13, 2020 at 04:18PM Tyler Adams Vaults to Top of List of Most Significant Goals Scored By USMNT Abroad - Sports Illustrated "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
松村北斗&森七菜、W主演映画無事クランクアップ! 「これからも必死に」 - マイナビニュース Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT 松村北斗&森七菜、W主演映画無事クランクアップ! 「これからも必死に」 - マイナビニュース ![]() アイドルグループ・SixTONESの松村北斗と、女優の森七菜が、W主演を務める映画『ライアー×ライアー』(2021年公開)のクランクアップを迎えたことが14日、明らかになった。 同作は金田一蓮十郎による同名コミックの実写化作。潔癖症の地味系女子大生・湊(森)は、両親の再婚で義理の弟になった同い年でイケメンの透(松村)と同居しているが、透の女癖の悪さが原因で長らく迷惑をこうむってきた。ある日、友人の頼みで友達の高校時代の制服を着てギャルメイクで街に出た湊は、偶然にも透と遭遇してしまい、とっさに別人の"女子高生・みな"と名乗ると、それを信じた透はJK姿の湊"みな"に一目惚れし、猛アプローチをかけてくる。 7月11日にクランクインし、松村は8月2日夜、森は3日夜に都内近郊にてクランクアップ。約3週間に及ぶ撮影は、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のために感染対策班を設置し、個人衛生の徹底、本番時以外はフェイスシールドを着用するなど、これまでにない状況での撮影となった。大変な状況の中でも明るく現場を盛り上げた2人は、クランクアップの瞬間、安堵と達成感の混じった笑顔で、それぞれの想いを語り、スタッフ一同からの温かい拍手に包まれる。 また、一足先に撮影を終え、森のクランクアップに立ち会えなかった松村が急遽ビデオ通話によるリモートで激励。最後には、指をクロスさせ「嘘(ヒミツがあること)」を表現した"ライアーポーズ"で写真撮影を行った。 松村北斗 コメントなによりも、座長だと言われて現場にいることがなかったものですから、初日を迎える数週間から一か月近く本当に怖くて。未熟だった部分を、監督を筆頭に変えていただいて、新しいものをいただけた毎日でした。3週間の中で自分のお芝居やものの考え方がすごく変わって、昨日と今日は考え方が違うなぁとか、しょっちゅう感じていました。振り返ってやっと、日々皆さん一人一人に相当お世話になりっぱなしだなと。松村北斗という者がまた一つなるべき形になったなと思います。本当にこの作品の撮影が大好きでした。初号ももちろん楽しみにしていますし、作品が完成したとき、公開されたときも楽しみです。またどこかでそれぞれとお会い出来たらなと思いながら、これからも必死に芸能活動をやっていきたいと思うことが出来ました。3週間、短かったですが、こんな僕を本当にありがとうございました!
(C) 2021『ライアー×ライアー』製作委員会 (C)金田一蓮十郎/講談社 2020-08-13 21:00:00Z |
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