
De Blog Have Fun

De Blog Have Fun

『DIVER』福士蒼汰、野村周平、安藤政信、浜野謙太、片瀬那奈が語る緊迫の撮影現場の裏側とは… - TV LIFE

Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:02 AM PDT

『DIVER』福士蒼汰、野村周平、安藤政信、浜野謙太、片瀬那奈が語る緊迫の撮影現場の裏側とは… - TV LIFE





















出演:福士蒼汰、野村周平、片瀬那奈、浜野謙太、正門良規(Aぇ! group/関西ジャニーズJr.)、中山義紘・正名僕蔵、安藤政信、りょう
原作:大沢俊太郎 「DIVER-組対潜入班-」(集英社)
プロデュース:萩原崇 (カンテレ)、大城哲也(ジニアス)


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2020-10-11 06:42:39Z

飯塚幸三被告の「無罪主張」に激論 松本人志「弁護団は『流石にちょっと』ってならなかったの?」...一方サンジャポでは - J-CASTニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:32 PM PDT

飯塚幸三被告の「無罪主張」に激論 松本人志「弁護団は『流石にちょっと』ってならなかったの?」...一方サンジャポでは - J-CASTニュース



  • 松本人志さん


  • 初公判後、松永真菜さん、莉子ちゃんの遺影とともに記者会見した遺族の松永拓也さん(左)と真菜さんの父・上原義教さん


  • 松本人志さん
  • 初公判後、松永真菜さん、莉子ちゃんの遺影とともに記者会見した遺族の松永拓也さん(左)と真菜さんの父・上原義教さん




   11日の「ワイドナショー」では、タレントで俳優の石原良純さんが「無罪主張というのは、まったく無罪というのはどういうことですか?」と疑問を述べた。出演していた犬塚浩弁護士は「この人(飯塚被告)の認識では、頭の中ではブレーキを踏んでいたのだと思う。問題は、本人がブレーキと思って踏んでいたのがアクセルだったのかブレーキだったのかということ」との見解を述べたが、良純さんはなおも「でも結果として人が亡くなられて、大勢の人がケガしているのに、無罪主張するんですか? そこが僕は分からない」と怪訝そうにこぼした。



   松本人志さんは番組で「ぼんやり痛ましい事件だな、くらいに思っていた人たちも、今回の本人の無罪主張で、国民の怒りが完全に1つになっちゃった感じがしますね」との印象を述べていた。また、「これ(無罪主張)は裁判でアドリブ的に本人が言ったんですか? 弁護団で相談した上で無罪主張することになったんですか?」と無罪を主張した経緯についての疑問を口にした。




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2020-10-11 04:13:50Z

小松菜奈・吉沢亮・欅坂46小林由依、バスケ&野球部姿解禁 北村匠海ら出演「さくら」 - モデルプレス

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:01 PM PDT

小松菜奈・吉沢亮・欅坂46小林由依、バスケ&野球部姿解禁 北村匠海ら出演「さくら」 - モデルプレス

(左から2番目)小松菜奈、(左から3番目)小林由依(C)西加奈子/⼩学館 (C)2020「さくら」製作委員会
(左から2番目)小松菜奈、(左から3番目)小林由依(C)西加奈子/⼩学館 (C)2020「さくら」製作委員会


吉沢亮(C)西加奈子/⼩学館 (C)2020「さくら」製作委員会
吉沢亮(C)西加奈子/⼩学館 (C)2020「さくら」製作委員会


小林由依(C)西加奈子/⼩学館 (C)2020「さくら」製作委員会
小林由依(C)西加奈子/⼩学館 (C)2020「さくら」製作委員会

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2020-10-11 04:00:00Z

방송 출연 덮죽집 유사 업체 등장에 뺏어가지 말라 호소 - 한국경제TV 연예뉴스

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:22 PM PDT

SBS `백종원의 골목식당`에 출연했던 포항 덮죽집 사장이 한 프랜차이즈 업체로부터 메뉴를 무단 도용당한 사실을 알리며 논란이 계속되고 있다.
포항 덮죽집 사장은 지난 9일 인스타그램을 통해 "저는 다른 지역에 덮죽집을 오픈하지 않았다. 뺏어가지 말아달라"라고 호소했다.
그는 "수개월의 제 고민이, 수개월의 제 노력이, 그리고 백종원 선생님의 칭찬이. 골목식당에 누가 되지 않길 바라며 보낸 3개월"이라며 "포항 골목식당 출연 덮죽집은 서울 강남 그 외 지역의 업체와 아무런 관계가 없다"고 못 박았다.

메뉴가 유사한 것으로 지목된 업체는 `덮죽덮죽`이다.
일부 매체의 보도에서는 `골목식당` 포항편을 언급, "외식업 전문 연구진이 참여한 `덮죽덮죽`이 수개월의 연구를 통해 자체적인 메뉴로 개발해 프랜차이즈 브랜드로 런칭했다"고 소개했다.
상호명부터 메뉴까지 유사한데다 일부 `골목` 키워드가 포함되기도 했지만 `덮죽덮죽`은 포항 덮죽집과는 무관한 것으로 확인되면서 논란이 일었다. 11일 배달의 민족 등 배달앱에는 `덮죽덮죽`의 대표메뉴가 일부 수정되었으며, 배달이 잠정 중단됐다.
앞서 포항 덮죽집은 지난 7월 `골목식당`에 출연해 죽을 덮밥 형태로 만든 `덮죽`을 개발했다. 특히 덮죽집 사장은 여러 권의 연구노트를 쓸 만큼 치열한 노력을 기울여 온 까닭에 많은 시청자들이 응원을 보내기도 했다.
하지만 음식 레시피는 저작권법 보호 대상이 아니어서 포항 덮죽집 사장이 손해를 주장할 경우 법적으로 이를 보전할 방법은 없다. 해당 레시피로 특허를 냈거나, 영업비밀로 관리해온 것도 아니기 때문에 대응할 마땅한 방법이 없는 것으로 알려졌다.
(사진=SBS·포항 덮죽집 SNS 캡처)

핀하기 페이스북 트위터 카카오스토리 블로그 링크 복사 링크 복사


인기 갤러리

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 방송 출연 덮죽집 유사 업체 등장에 뺏어가지 말라 호소 - 한국경제TV 연예뉴스 )

‘여신강림’ 초미녀 야옹이 작가, 전선욱 작가와 열애설 - 스타투데이 - 매일경제

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:22 PM PDT

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자]

인기 웹툰 '여신강림' 야옹이 작가(본명 김나영, 29)와 '프리드로우' 전선욱 작가(33)가 열애설에 휩싸였다.

최근 온라인 커뮤니티에는 네이버 인기 웹툰 '여신강림'의 야옹이 작가와 '프리드로우' 전선욱 작가가 열애 중이라는 글이 올라왔다.

글쓴이는 "요새 인스타그램 스토리 보니 연애 중인 분위기"라며 두 사람의 핑크빛 기류를 언급했다. 사진에는 야옹이 작가와 전선욱 작가의 SNS에 올라온 사진이 담겼다.

전선욱 작가는 야옹이 작가와 함께 드라이브를 하는 모습을 올렸고 야옹이 작가는 전선욱 작가의 뒷모습을 올렸다. 또 '프리드로우' 속 캐릭터로 보이는 사진을 전선욱 자가의 사진 위에 덧붙이며 "호이잇...보고 싶소..."라고 말하기도 했다.

전선욱 작가는 고양이를 토끼가 안고있는 모습의 그림을 올리며 "나도 보고 싶었다"고 말했고 이어 '여신강림' 속 캐릭터로 보이는 사진을 올렸다.

열애를 짐작케 하는 두 사람의 게시물들에 누리꾼들은 "능력자 커플이다", "두 사람 진짜 사귀나보다", "보기 좋다", "선남선녀들이 만나나?" 등의 반응을 보였다.

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( '여신강림' 초미녀 야옹이 작가, 전선욱 작가와 열애설 - 스타투데이 - 매일경제 )

Some 5G iPhone 12 buyers might need to switch to T-Mobile - PhoneArena

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT

With Apple set to introduce its first 5G iPhones this coming Tuesday, U.S. consumers might have to make a big time decision about switching carriers after purchasing one of the new models. That's because there are two different types of 5G signals. Sub-6GHz 5G is delivered over low and mid frequency bands, travels over long distances, and penetrates structures. The issue with Sub-6GHz is that it does not produce the blazing fast download data speeds that many consumers are looking forward to. Those speeds are available with the mmWave high-frequency bands. Unfortunately, mmWave airwaves do not travel long distances nor do they easily penetrate buildings.

Rural Americans might have to switch carriers to receive 5G service

According to New Street research, Verizon has the fastest 5G data speeds in the states thanks to its focus on mmWave signals. New Street estimates Verizon's average 5G data speed at 500Mbps. But thanks to mmWave's small footprint, Verizon's fastest 5G coverage in the states is available in only 36 cities (.5% of the country). T-Mobile can deliver 300Mbps 5G to about 33% of the U.S. with 50 to 60 Mbps speeds elsewhere. And the research firm says that AT&T can deliver 60Mbps 5G speeds nationwide.
We are in the early days of 5G in the states, and eventually all three major carriers will use some combination of low, mid-band, and high-band signals to give users the 5G experience that they have been hoping for. Thanks to the 2.5GHz mid-band spectrum it acquired in the Sprint transaction, many analysts see T-Mobile eventually becoming the 5G Speed King in the U.S. New Street's Jonathan Chapli says, "It will take years for AT&T and Verizon to close the network performance gap with T-Mobile. At least two years, and maybe 4. That is a long time, in wireless land.

At this point, we don't know for sure which iPhone 12 models, if any, will be compatible with mmWave 5G. Apple might limit mmWave support to the top-of-the-line iPhone 12 Pro Max. Those in rural areas of the U.S. who want 5G service could be forced to switch their account to T-Mobile. The aforementioned 2.5GHz spectrum T-Mobile picked up from Sprint is widely used by rural Americans and both AT&T and Verizon are not equipped to bring 5G to this area of the country.

Apple's"Hi, Speed" virtual event will be held this coming Tuesday October 13th starting at 1 pm EDT (10 am PDT). Four 5G iPhone 12 models are expected to be introduced including the 5.4-inch iPhone 12 mini, the 6.1-inch iPhone 12, the 6.1-inch iPhone 12 Pro, and the 6.7-inch iPhone 12 Pro Max. All four models will be powered by the 5nm A14 Bionic chipset and while the basic iPhone models will have 4GB of memory, the "Pro" models will feature 6GB of RAM. The "Pro" models will also have three cameras on the back along with the LiDAR Time-of-Flight depth sensor.

According to a tipster who posted the information on Weibo, the two iPhone models sporting a 6.1-inch screen, the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro, will be up for pre-orders on October 16th with a release date of October 23rd. The iPhone 12 mini, according to this tipster, will begin pre-orders on November 6th and launch on November 13th. And the iPhone 12 Pro Max will supposedly keep you waiting until November 13th before you can reserve a unit. The launch would then occur on November 20th.

It will be interesting to see whether U.S. consumers switch their wireless providers in order to align themselves with faster or more reliable 5G service. To reiterate, those who live in rural America might have to subscribe to T-Mobile in order to receive 5G service.

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"Mobile" - Google News
October 10, 2020 at 05:16PM

Some 5G iPhone 12 buyers might need to switch to T-Mobile - PhoneArena
"Mobile" - Google News
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松本人志、トレエン斎藤司負傷はスタッフの“甘え”と指摘 一方で「甘えてもらいたいのが芸人…」 - ORICON NEWS

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:31 PM PDT

松本人志、トレエン斎藤司負傷はスタッフの"甘え"と指摘 一方で「甘えてもらいたいのが芸人…」 - ORICON NEWS

 お笑いコンビ・ダウンタウン松本人志が、11日放送のフジテレビ系『ワイドナショー』(毎週日曜 前10:00)に出演。お笑いコンビ・トレンディエンジェル斎藤司が、8日に群馬県内で行われた同局の番組『でんじろうのTHE実験』のロケで全治3ヶ月の重症を負ったことに言及した。

 MCの東野幸治が事故の経緯などを説明すると、松本は「芸能人さんは何でも言われたことを一生懸命やってくれるでしょう? だからちょっとスタッフが甘えてるところもあるのかなと正直思うんですけど、甘えてもらいたい性でもあるのが芸人だから難しい」と本音を交えて語った。

 また昨年11月6日、日本テレビの昨年末の大みそか特番『ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで! 大晦日年越しスペシャル! 絶対に笑ってはいけない青春ハイスクール24時!』の収録に参加し、第三腰椎を骨折した佐野史郎の件に触れ、「俺がここで何か言って、「『あそこから何も学んでなかったんかい!』って言っても『お前の番組じゃ!』って言われるから…」と言葉をつまらせた。


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2020-10-11 02:05:23Z

松本人志、トレエン斎藤の収録中負傷は「スタッフの甘え」も「甘えてもらいたいのが芸人」 -

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

松本人志、トレエン斎藤の収録中負傷は「スタッフの甘え」も「甘えてもらいたいのが芸人」 -





10/11 10:34


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2020-10-11 01:34:00Z

ポケモンGO、ニャース尽くしのリサーチデイは10日22時まで。全20段階、ガラルのすがたもリワード - Engadget日本版

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT
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Pokemon GO

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秋がテーマのポケモンや「きのみ」のボーナス、そして「シキジカ」の登場をお楽しみに! - Pokémon GO

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The small-town takeout store worker who won over New Zealand -- and the world - CNN

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT

It wasn't so long ago that Jacinda Ardern was behind the counter, taking orders at the nautical-themed takeaway joint. Now, the 40-year-old New Zealand Prime Minister is one of the world's most recognizable leaders.
Throughout her three-year term, she's attracted headlines -- for being an unusually young Prime Minister, for giving birth while leading a country, for her empathetic handling of the Christchurch mosque attacks, and lately, for her swift, effective action against the coronavirus pandemic.
That's given her an outsized profile for the leader of a country of 5 million people. She's graced the covers of Vogue and Time magazine and hosted American TV personality Stephen Colbert at her suburban Auckland home. Last year, she topped a survey of most trustworthy politicians -- in Australia. And, as she heads into this year's New Zealand's election on October 17, polls put her as one of the country's most popular leaders ever.
The big question isn't whether she will win a second term for her party, which now seems all but certain, but if her party will make New Zealand history by becoming the first to secure a majority under the current political system.
But Ardern is not without her detractors. Her critics say she has done little in her first term to deliver the transformational government she promised three years ago. And some of her opponents are here in Morrinsville, where she grew up.

A prophetic yearbook in Morrinsville

Morrinsville is better known for producing milk than Prime Ministers. Driving into town, lush green paddocks dotted with dairy cows slowly give way to one-story weatherboard houses behind short wooden fences, which in turn become farming supply stores and tractor outlets.
On the main street, colorful cow sculptures grace the sidewalk -- a cow outside a pharmacy has a medicine bottle painted on its side, while another outside the veterans' association has a gun attached to its back. A shiny Holstein Friesian -- or "Morrinsville Mega Cow" as it's known -- looms over the main stretch, as tall as a two-story building.
Many of the town's 8,000 locals are dairy farmers, contributing to one of the country's biggest export industries. Historically, farmers tend to vote for the pro-business National Party -- and Morrinsville is no exception. It was in this National Party stronghold that Ardern -- who has gone on to become a darling of progressives around the world -- had her formative years.
Born in 1980 to Mormon parents, Ardern spent the first years of her life in Murupara, a small, economically depressed forestry town in New Zealand's Bay of Plenty. Ardern -- who declined to be interviewed for this story -- said in her maiden speech to parliament that her passion for social justice was sparked by what she saw in Murupara. Unemployment was widespread and some turned to suicide. The girl who babysat her and her sister "turned yellow from hepatitis," a virus more common in developing countries.
In the 1980s, Ardern's family moved 160 kilometers (100 miles) away to Morrinsville, where her grandfathers had dug drains and farmed. Ardern's father worked as the town's police officer and her mother as a cook at the local school. As a 14-year-old, Ardern landed after-school shifts at the Golden Kiwi fish and chip shop. "She was always a very good talker," said Morrinsville farmer John Walsh, as he waited one chilly Friday night for takeaways outside the shop, where he used to be served by the young Ardern.
It was her aptitude for speaking that scored Ardern her first political victory as a schoolgirl in the 1990s.
The Golden Kiwi, a takeaway joint in Morrinsville that Ardern worked at when she was a teenager.
Ardern when she was at Morrinsville College.
Ardern was the student representative for the board of trustees at Morrinsville College, a small high school with colorful murals and a large grassy field dedicated to rugby, New Zealand's national sport. In that role, she managed to convince the board to change the uniform rules so that girls could wear shorts -- "ghastly corduroy trousers," as Ardern's former social studies teacher Gregor Fountain remembers them -- not just skirts. "My recollection is that we were ahead of our times," said John Inger, who became principal of Morrinsville College while Ardern was at school, and who is still the principal more than two decades later. "No doubt in a very conservative rural community like ours that would have raised a few eyebrows."
Inger remembers the teenage Ardern as intelligent, articulate, cheerful, and persuasive, with a strong sense of social justice. She was a keen debater, a frequent speech competition winner, and a member of the school's Amnesty International group, which advocated for human rights. When pushed on whether there was anything she was bad at, Inger reluctantly points to her lack of sporting ability -- but even then, she gave it a go, he says.
Unlike many of her peers, she didn't drink, Inger says. She was well respected and "walked around with a big smile on her face all the time," he says. "She had no enemies that I'm aware of." Fountain agrees: "At school, she was popular but not like the total cool kid. There were cooler, trendier people."
When Ardern left high school, she graduated with the second-highest grades in her year. The real tell for what was to come was in her high school yearbook, where classmates voted on each others' likely futures.
In the Morrinsville College 1998 yearbook, there's a prophetic phrase written in Comic Sans: "Most likely to become Prime Minister ... Jacinda Ardern."

Political losses

Morrinsville isn't where national leaders are made. For that, Ardern needed to go to New Zealand's capital.
Home to less than 300,000 people, the windy city of Wellington sees itself as not only the country's political hub, but also its arts and culture capital. It's a liberal place where almost every cafe has a vegan option, and where public servants include their preferred pronouns on their email signatures.
Wellington was a far cry from Morrinsville, where it was unusual for teenagers to be interested in politics at all -- never mind being a center-left Labour Party supporter, according to Fountain. "In Morrinsville, it was totally countercultural," he said, of Ardern's decision to join the Labour Party at 18.
It was in Wellington that Ardern, after graduating from Waikato University with a degree in communication studies, began working in the office of Labour leader Helen Clark, the country's first-elected female Prime Minister.
Ardern began questioning the Mormon church's stance on LGBT people, she later told local media. At the time, Ardern was living in a flat with three gay friends, and increasingly felt that her beliefs contradicted with her religion. "I could never reconcile what I saw as discrimination in a religion that was otherwise very focused on tolerance and kindness," she told the New Zealand Herald in 2017.
Next, Ardern went to London -- a well-trodden move for university-educated New Zealanders in their 20s -- where she worked for the United Kingdom's Government Cabinet Office. Fountain, who became Ardern's friend after she left school, remembers meeting up with her while he was over there for a school trip. She took him to a spot where former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill watched films during World War II. "It was this lovely moment of student-turned-teacher," he says.
At 28, Ardern was ready to move into the political spotlight. She returned from the gray stone buildings of London to stand as a Labour candidate in the farming region of Waikato, which included Morrinsville.
But there was no hometown advantage. Waikato is so blue -- the color of the National Party -- that it hasn't elected a Labour Party representative in nearly 100 years.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ardern didn't win. But thanks to New Zealand's electoral system, which allocates 49 of its 120 seats based on the proportion of party vote, she got into parliament anyway, becoming the youngest sitting member.
The following election, in 2011, she stood in Auckland Central against the National Party's Nikki Kaye in a face-off that was chauvinistically termed the "battle of the babes." Both were young, ambitious women who appealed to youth voters. But Ardern lost by 700 votes -- or two percentage points. Once again, she got into parliament anyway.
Although she wasn't the elected lawmaker for Auckland Central, she became a well-known figure in the city. And not just for politics -- outside of Parliament, she dabbled in DJ-ing, including at a major summer festival on Auckland's waterfront alongside alternative music favorites.
In 2014, she lost to Kaye again -- this time by 600 votes.
Finally, in February 2017, she won a safe Labour seat -- a seat once held by former Prime Minister Clark -- in a byelection triggered by the resignation of Clark's successor.
It was only the start.

An unprecedented election

Two months before the September 2017 national election, New Zealand's Labour Party was in the doldrums. A slew of middle-aged male leaders -- four in less than a decade -- had failed to ignite enthusiasm in voters, and the party was heading toward its fourth crushing election defeat in a row.
Then, in a surprise move, then-Labour Party leader Andrew Little stood down after polls made it clear there was no way he could win. After years of telling media that she didn't want to be Prime Minister, Ardern was appointed in his place.
The whole thing happened so quickly that her partner Clarke Gayford, a music television host turned fishing show presenter, who had been out on the water in Australia, found out about her new role well after everyone else. "Have been underwater filming all day off Sunshine Coast, I miss anything?" he quipped in a tweet.
At 37, she was Labour's youngest-ever leader and in line to lead the country, if the party could hustle enough votes.
Weeks before the election, excitement grew among left-leaning voters who felt re-energized by Ardern's upbeat, fresh approach. Papers covered Ardern in glowing terms and, within three weeks of taking over, Labour's polling had soared by 15 percentage points. Local media coined a new term: "Jacindamania."
And when the election was held in September 2017, her party took home 37% of the vote -- well up on the 25% it had received the election before, but still less than National's 44%.
As neither major party had the 50% of votes needed to lead the country, both had to pair with minor parties. For a month, there was no victor. Then Winston Peters, the charismatic -- and often contrarian -- leader of the conservative New Zealand First Party, announced he would partner with Labour and the liberal Green Party.
Ardern found out alongside everyone else: She was going to be Prime Minister.
She was New Zealand's youngest leader in more than 150 years, and one of the youngest heads of state anywhere in the world.
Fountain remembers hearing the news and says his first thought was concern over how Ardern would wrangle her coalition partners and hold the government together.
That night, as he put his kids to bed, he heard his former student on the radio.
"I was like, oh my god, she is the Prime Minister," he said. "She just sounded like the Prime Minister."

The first baby

On January 19, 2018 -- less than two months after she was sworn in as Prime Minister -- Ardern posted on Instagram. That in itself wasn't unusual -- she had harnessed social media throughout her political campaign. But this particular image reverberated around the world.
"Clarke and I are really excited that in June our team will expand from two to three, and that we'll be joining the many parents out there who wear two hats," she captioned the photo of two large and one small fish hook -- a nod to her partner's passion for fishing.
In the lead up to the 2017 election, Ardern had been asked on one of New Zealand's biggest television channels about whether she planned to have a child. She told the broadcaster that it was fine to ask her that question as she had opened herself up to it, but she made it clear that other prospective employees shouldn't be put on the spot.
After Ardern revealed she was expecting a baby, her critics -- at least in New Zealand -- were silent. By and large, it quickly became an accepted reality in New Zealand that their leader was having a baby.
In part, that was thanks to the way she worked to normalize her pregnancy. Other women held down jobs while pregnant and balanced motherhood with their work -- so why couldn't she?
"I've always maintained that I'm pregnant not incapacitated," she told state-owned broadcaster 1 News. "The one disclaimer I would give is that it does remove your ability to put your shoes on."
In June, media kept wait outside one of Auckland's main hospitals. It was more like a royal birth than a political event. No other New Zealand leader had ever given birth in office. In fact, Ardern was only the second in the world to do so.
On June 21, 2018 -- still less than a year into her first term -- Ardern gave birth to Neve Te Aroha Ardern. Her first name, Neve, means "bright" or "snow" -- a nod to being born in the Southern Hemisphere winter. Her middle name -- which means "love" in New Zealand's Indigenous language, Māori -- is named for Mount Te Aroha that looms above Morrinsville's lush farmland.
A few months later, Ardern made history again. She became the first leader to bring her baby to the United Nations General Assembly. "I wish I could have captured the startled look on a Japanese delegation inside UN yesterday who walked into a meeting room in the middle of a nappy change," Gayford said as he tweeted a photo of their daughter's UN security pass featuring a rather unusual title: "New Zealand first baby."

Christchurch, White Island, coronavirus: A term of disasters

The first year of Ardern's leadership was a breeze compared with what was to come.
On March 15, 2019, a White supremacist killed 51 people in the first terrorist attack on New Zealand soil. As New Zealand -- a country where gun murders are infrequent -- reeled from the attack, Ardern responded in a way that once again catapulted her into international headlines.
Hours after the shooting, Ardern announced that gun laws would change. She called the gunman a terrorist and said she would deny him the notoriety he wanted by never mentioning his name. And, in striking images that went around the world, she wore a hijab as she mourned alongside the Muslim community.
"She certainly excels in times of crisis," said New Zealand political commentator Ben Thomas. "What was really needed was the expression of empathy ... her enormous wells of empathy are very genuine and she can project them probably more effectively than anyone on the world stage."
Later that year, she faced another crisis. An active volcanic island frequented by tourists erupted, killing 21. Once again, Ardern was quickly on the ground in Whakatāne, hugging first responders who had tried to rescue the people on White Island.
Then this year, like all other world leaders, Ardern has faced the coronavirus outbreak, the world's worst pandemic since the Spanish flu more than 100 years ago. And while other leaders faltered, Ardern won international recognition for shutting borders early and imposing a strict nationwide lockdown, even when the country had very few cases. That's meant that New Zealand has reported 25 coronavirus deaths, even as other parts of the world battle fresh waves of infections.
Under New Zealand's lockdown, Ardern appeared alongside the country's top health official in daily briefings broadcast on national television where she reiterated the importance of listening to medical experts. She had already been popular -- but during the coronavirus pandemic, with the whole country on lockdown, Ardern's daily televised updates became a ritual for many.
"She's seen variously as every voter's sister or best friend or mother or girlfriend," Thomas said.
That only added to her regular-woman appeal. Despite her international star power, Ardern continues to present herself as no different from anyone else. While in Auckland, she lives in a modest house with a back deck that was built by Gayford. On Instagram, sandwiched between numerous political posts, she shared a Neve artistic masterpiece, a homemade rabbit-shaped birthday cake, and a makeshift desk at her parents' house that no one would have guessed was a world leader's office.
"There's no public and private Jacinda, there's just Jacinda," says Fountain. "And she's always been like that. I just feel like it's genuine authenticity."
"It's very much New Zealand, you could be anywhere and anybody -- a neighbor -- could decide to stand for Parliament," said Ethel Riddle one afternoon in May, as she sat with her high-spirited Morrinsville knitting club. When Ardern had baby Neve, the Knitter Knatters made her a white waffle-knit blanket with the Morrinsville Mega Cow in the middle. "It's not a very major difference between them and us."
Just because her image might be cultivated doesn't make it inauthentic, said Thomas. "There's never been any suggestion that there's a secret, calculating Jacinda," he said.
But Ardern's personal popularity and exceptional response to the country's crises can only take her so far. And beyond those, some say Ardern's first term has been less successful.

Why some people won't vote for her

In a muddy paddock surrounded by mooing cows, lifelong Morrinsville farmer Lloyd Downing describes Ardern as "charismatic," "intelligent," and approachable." He knows her family -- he even went to her grandfather's funeral.
"I guess we'd have to be proud of her," he said.
But Downing -- like many others in Morrinsville -- won't be voting for her.
"She's a pretty special person, and she's very popular overseas," Downing says. "Her and her party we could probably wrap up (in a package) and send over there."
Lloyd Downing at his farm in Morrinsville, New Zealand.
Unlike in other countries, where politics has become increasingly polarized, Ardern's opponents have plenty of positive feedback. They admire how she has handled the three crises during her term -- the Christchurch massacre, the White Island volcano eruption, and the coronavirus pandemic. And they like her as a person.
"I look at the way she handles my mother, who is definitely not a Labour voter, and my mother thinks she walks on water," says Alison Dawson, the mother of Ardern's high school friend, Virginia Dawson.
But beyond that, some say her policies pose unnecessary economic risks.
Downing thinks Ardern and her party have attacked the rural community, creating strict environmental controls to clean up New Zealand's polluted waterways that make life harder for farmers. He also worries that Labour has no business expertise: "She's throwing money around like drunken sailors, there's money going everywhere."
Like other countries around the world, New Zealand has taken on more public debt this year to cope with the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. New Zealand's debt is forecast to rise from 19% of GDP in 2019 to 43% this financial year -- and as high as 55% of GDP in 2024. Labour says the debt is needed to cushion the economic downturn, but National has questioned how Labour plans to repay it.
Her detractors -- some of whom have labeled her "Taxcinda" due to what they see as her party's apparent proclivity for taxing -- argue that her party doesn't have the economic chops to handle the country's pessimistic post-Covid outlook.
"She's a very good Prime Minister, but I think the spending is just too much, it's going to send the country broke," said Morrinsville tennis coach Clem Apted.
The other key criticism of Ardern is that, beyond her successful handling of crises, she hasn't achieved her promise of leading a government of "transformation." In reality, says Thomas, her government has been defined by incremental changes -- and has actually failed in key areas.
One example is the government's flagship promise to build 100,000 high quality, affordable homes in 10 years -- to address homelessness and dampen the overheated property market that had priced out first home buyers. In September 2019, Ardern's government announced it would abandon the target, and by July 2020, the government said it had sold just 613 KiwiBuild homes, around 2% of its original goal.
"(Ardern's skill) matters during Covid, when you're trying to get people to buy into this idea of solidarity and caring for each other," said Thomas. "In terms of getting 100,000 houses built, it doesn't really matter whether you deliver 400 houses with kindness or with diffidence -- you've still totally failed to deliver."

Ardern's legacy

In some ways, Ardern faced an uphill battle to bring in significant policy shifts. As coalition leader, she needed the support of not just Labour's more natural ally, the Green Party, but also the more conservative New Zealand First Party for any changes in the law -- and that was not always forthcoming.
After years of campaigning on a capital gains tax aimed at dampening the overheated housing market, Ardern announced last year that Labour would rule out introducing it under her leadership. At least part of the reason for the reversal appeared to be her coalition partner, Peters. "I could not get the support of New Zealand First," Ardern told state broadcaster Radio New Zealand.
Thomas said it was hard to say how much Peters had constrained Ardern during her first term. "There's certainly a mix in there of New Zealand First providing a real handbrake on some things and also being a convenient excuse on others."
This election, polls show Ardern's Labour Party is on track to increase its share of the vote -- and could even obtain more than 50%.
If that happens, it would be unprecedented. Since New Zealand's current political system was introduced in 1996, no party has ever won more than half of the votes -- they have always formed coalition governments with other parties. Ardern herself has played down the possibility of a record-breaking victory -- and has refused to rule out partnering with Peters in any future coalitions, despite the apparent difficulty he has caused her government.
If Ardern wins a majority, she's in a position to push through more transformational policies. For now, her legacy is likely to be limited to the deft handling of multiple crises, said political commentator Thomas.
Ardern's former teacher Fountain sees it differently. To him, Ardern's style of leadership -- her emphasis on kindness and wellbeing -- has already had an impact on New Zealand's society. "There's a small town warmth that she has really carried with her."
The question now is whether she can parlay her popularity into transforming New Zealand in other ways.

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Delta brings rain and storms to Alabama; brief tornado touchdown confirmed in Mobile County -

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:44 PM PDT

Delta has weakened to an area of low pressure as of Saturday night, but it's bringing the threat of rain and storms to Alabama as it moves by the state.

However, the threat of severe weather appeared to be winding down as of Saturday night, and a tornado watch has been canceled for the southeast corner of the state.

The center of Delta continued to move through Mississippi, but rain and storms stretched far to the east and into Alabama.

Alabama had been under two separate tornado watches today, but all Alabama counties have been dropped from them as of 7 p.m. Saturday.

The National Weather Service in Mobile issued several tornado warnings early this morning, including one for the Mobile area, which has long since expired. A waterspout was seen over Mobile Bay earlier this morning.

The weather service confirmed that a brief tornado touched down in southern Mobile County earlier today.

The tornado was an EF-0 with topi winds estimated at 70-75 mph. It touched down at 5:01 a.m. near Beverly Road south of St. Elmo, the weather service said, and was on the ground for less than a mile.

The tornado damaged some trees but caused no injuries. See the preliminary storm report here.

All of Alabama could get a least a half-inch of rain through Sunday night, with areas in north Alabama potentially getting 2 to 3 inches, according to the weather service:

The remnants of Delta are expected to move away from the state starting on Sunday, but rain could linger into the day. Rain chances are expected to decrease by Sunday night.

Delta satellite Saturday morning

Rain and storms from Delta spread over the South on Saturday morning.

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[콘리뷰] 방탄소년단, 눈물로 장식한 '맵 오브 더 소울 원'…"아미, 보라해" - 뉴스핌

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

[서울=뉴스핌] 이지은 기자 = "보라해!(방탄소년단이 팬클럽 아미들과 사랑해라는 의미로 쓰는 말)". 방탄소년단이 두 번째 언택트 공연도 아미와 함께 호흡했고, 멤버들은 끝내 눈물을 쏟았다.

방탄소년단이 지난 10일 플랫폼 위버스를 통해 온라인 콘서트 '방탄소년단 맵 오브 더 소울 원(BTS MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E)'을 개최했다. 이는 지난 6월 개최된 '방방콘' 이후 4개월 만의 공연이다.

[서울=뉴스핌] 이지은 기자 = 방탄소년단 콘서트 [사진='맵오브더소울 원' 캡처] 2020.10.10

이번 공연은 단 하나(ONE)뿐인 온라인 에디션(ONline Edition) 공연이라는 의미를 지니며, 방탄소년단은 단순한 온라인 공연을 넘어 오프라인 콘서트에 준하는 스케일을 준비했다.

이날 온라인 콘서트는 지난 2월 발매한 '맵 오브 더 소울:7'의 타이틀곡 '온(ON)'으로 강렬한 시작을 알렸다. 이어진 무대에서는 '온'에서 나와 큰 화제를 모은 마칭 밴드가 함께 무대를 꾸며 화려한 볼거리를 선사했다.

방탄소년단은 '노(N.O)' 무대를 통해 '온'의 댄서팀과 브레이크 댄스를 선보였고, '위 아 불렛프루프 Pt.2(We Are Bulletproof Pt.2)'에서는 마칭 밴드가 함께 무대를 꾸며 시선을 사로잡았다.

방탄소년단은 순식간에 3곡을 소화했고, 다음 무대는 RM의 솔로가 진행됐다. RM은 '페르소나(Persona)'를 통해 단상에 서서 파워풀한 래핑을 쏟아냈다. RM의 솔로곡이 끝난 후 무대에 모두 모인 멤버들은 '상남자'로 강렬함을 뽐냈다.

[서울=뉴스핌] 이지은 기자 = 방탄소년단 '맵 오브 더 소울 원' 공연 [사진='맵 오브 더 소울 원' 캡처] 2020.10.10

5곡이 끝난 후 방탄소년단은 온라인 콘서트를 보기 위해 모인 아미(팬클럽)에게 인사를 건넸다. 먼저 RM은 "정말 이 날이 오기를 기다렸다. 저희도 아미 여러분도 함께 이 무대를 즐겼으면 좋겠다"고 말했다.

이어 "이번 공연은 지난 1년간 준비했던 '맵 오브 더 소울' 투어가 취소된 후 언택트로 준비하게 됐는데, 투어의 연장선으로 '맵 오브 더 소울:7'의 곡들로 가득 채울 예정"이라고 귀띔했다.

멤버들의 개별 인사 후 시작된 곡은 '디오니소스(Dionysus)'였다. 방탄소년단은 격한 안무에도 흔들림 없는 가창력을 뽐내 감탄을 더했다. 화려한 무대 다음은 슈가가 솔로곡 '섀도우(Shadow)'로 바톤을 이어받았다.

블랙 의상을 입고 나타난 슈가는 단숨에 무대를 압도했고, 이어진 무대는 완전체의 '블랙 스완(Black Swan)'으로 꾸며졌다. 특히 '블랙 스완'의 마지막은 지민이 장식했다. 지민은 현대무용을 전공한 끼를 살려 맨발로 무대를 누비며 특유의 섬세한 춤선으로 '흑조'를 표현해 시선을 사로잡았다.

방탄소년단의 단체무대 후에는 유닛 무대가 꾸며졌다. 래퍼 라인 슈가‧RM‧제이홉은 '욱(UGH!)'으로, 보컬 라인 진‧지민‧정국‧뷔는 '00:00(Zero O'Clock)'으로 정반대 콘셉트의 무대를 선사했다.

[서울=뉴스핌] 이지은 기자 = 방탄소년단 '맵 오브 더 소울 원' 공연 [사진='맵 오브 더 소울 원' 캡처] 2020.10.10

유닛 곡이 끝난 후에는 RM 이후 다른 멤버들의 솔로 무대가 펼쳐졌다. 정국은 '시차', 지민은 '필터(Filter)', 진은 '문(Moon)', 뷔는 '이너 차일드(Inner Child)', 제이홉은 '에고(Ego)'로 다채로운 세트 리스트로 보고, 듣는 재미를 완성시켰다.

'맵 오브 더 소울' 앨범 투어의 연장선으로 이번 공연이 준비된 만큼, 공연 후반부도 해당 앨범 곡들로 가득 채워졌다. 후반부는 '작은 것들을 위한 시(Boy Wiht Luv)'로 분위기를 더욱 가열시켰다.

방탄소년단은 "이렇게 분위기 좋을 때, 이런 말 할 때마다 마음이 무겁다. 공연이 얼마 남지 않았다. 많이 아쉬운데, 아미 목소리도 한 번 더 듣고 싶다"라고 말하며 호응을 유도했다. RM은 "이번 공연에는 7년간 저희가 활동하면서 진솔한 이야기를 많이 녹이려고 했다. 7년간 응원해주셔서 진심으로 감사하다"며 감사 인사를 전했다.

지민은 "더 넓은 세상에서 노래할 수 있게 해준 곡, 저희 존재가 대중적으로 알려진 곡, 저희가 꿈을 가지고 세상에 나온 곡을 선보이려고 한다"고 말하며 'DNA'로 무대를 이어갔다.

끝으로 방탄소년단은 지난 2015년 발매된 '화양연화 pt.1'의 수록곡 '쩔어'로 이번 공연의 마지막을 장식했다. 이어진 앙코르 무대에서는 '노 모어 드림(No More Dream)' '버터플라이(Butterfly)' '런(RUN)', 그리고 빌보드 '핫 100' 6주째 최상위권을 이어온 '다이너마이트(Dynamite)'로 열기를 이끌었다.

[서울=뉴스핌] 이지은 기자 = 방탄소년단 '맵 오브 더 소울 원' 공연 [사진='맵 오브 더 소울 원' 캡처] 2020.10.10

슈가는 "아미를 위한 곡을 들려드리고 싶었다. 특별하지 않은 것을 특별하게 만들어준 여러분 목소리에 응답하고 싶었다. 어려분과 저희가 함께 만들어낸 앙코르 무대라고 할 수 있다"고 말했다.

제이홉은 "코로나 상황이 얼른 종식돼 얼굴을 직접 볼 수 있었으면 좋겠다. 이 공연도 밀리고 밀려서, 온라인으로 바뀌었다. 더 좋게 보여드릴 수 있는 부분이 뭔지 고민도 많이 하면서 열심히 준비했다. 조금이나마 웃을 수 있고, 작은 기쁨이 된다면 너무 만족한다. 더 좋은 모습, 멋진 모습 보여드릴 거라고 약속드리고 싶다. 아미와 전 세계 팬 분들에게 감사하다고 말씀드리고 싶다"고 덧붙였다.

특히 지민은 "코로나가 터지면서 멤버들이랑 즐겁게 공연하고 싶었다. 또 여러분들과 즐겁게 시간을 나누는 게 제일 하고 싶었던 일 중 하나였다. '런' 무대 때 멤버들과 무대에서 뛰어 노는데 울컥하더라. 이렇게 함께 해주셔서 너무 감사하다"며 눈물을 쏟았다.

이어 진은 "콘서트 하는 기분이 생각보다 안 들어서 마음이 아팠는데, 앙코르 무대 때 무대 위로 아미 얼굴이 보이니까 옛날 생각이 들고, 함께 있다는 생각이 들었다. 50%의 재미를 느낀 것 같다. 100%의 재미를 되찾기 전까지 BTS는 아미와 함께 할 것"이라고 덧붙였다.

[서울=뉴스핌] 이지은 기자 = 방탄소년단 '맵 오브 더 소울 원' 공연 [사진='맵 오브 더 소울 원' 캡처] 2020.10.10

뷔는 "코로나19로 인해 정말 많이 힘들었다. '온' 활동 때만 해도 코로나가 금방 끝날 줄 알았는데 아니더라. 콘서트도 같이 호흡하고 뛰어놀라고 준비했던 건데, 그게 안 되니까 속상하다. 제가 아미를 많이 사랑하는 것 같다. 진짜 빨리 코로나가 끝나고 좋은 추억 만들어갔으면 좋겠다"며 진심을 내비쳤다. 

또 슈가는 "하루 빨리 여러분과 함께 스타디움에서 뛰어 노는 날이 왔으면 좋겠다"고 덧붙였다.

끝으로 방탄소년단은 '너, 나 우리'가 하나가 되고자 하는 마음을 담은 '위 아 불렛프루프:디 이터널(We are Bulletproof: The Eternal)'로 이번 '맵 오브 더 소울 원'의 공연 대단원의 막을 내렸다. 이들은 마지막으로 방탄소년단의 특유 인사인 "보라해!"를 외치며 아미들을 향한 사랑을 드러냈다.

한편 방탄소년단의 '맵 오브 더 소울 원' 공연은 내일(11일)까지 진행된다.

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( [콘리뷰] 방탄소년단, 눈물로 장식한 '맵 오브 더 소울 원'…"아미, 보라해" - 뉴스핌 )

마이데일리 - 마이데일리

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

[마이데일리 = 이예은 기자] 가수 겸 배우 엄정화가 눈물을 보였다.

10일 오후 방송된 MBC 예능 프로그램 '놀면 뭐하니?'에서는 신곡 'Don't touch me'를 녹음하는 환불원정대 엄정화, 이효리, 제시, 화사의 모습이 그려졌다.

이날 엄정화는 유달리 녹음을 앞두고 불안해하는 모습을 보였다. 자신에게 주어진 신곡 파트 음역대에 불안감을 느낀 것. 이에 지미유(유재석)은 자신이 알고 지내는 노영주 보컬 코치를 소개했다.

엄정화는 "아직도 목소리가 마비 돼 있다"며 "(갑상샘암을) 수술하고 왼쪽 성대가 신경이 마비됐다. 성대가 붙지 않고 벌어져 있으니까 공기가 샌다. 정신병 걸릴 것 같았다. 인생이 끝이라고 생각했다"라고 말하며 눈물을 보였다.

이어 "노래가 참 어려운 것 같다. 어떤 부분에서 팍 막혀버리면 패닉이 온다. 파솔라 구간이 되게 안 나온다. 평상시에 제일 좋아하는 음역대인데 그게 안 되니까 너무 힘들었다. '파가 지나간다' 이런 생각이 든다. 내 목소리를 듣기 싫으니까 목소리가 작아지고 순해진다"고 고백했다.

노영주는 "그런 생각을 하시면 안 된다"고 말한 뒤 목풀기에 나섰다. 엄정화는 그의 레슨을 잘 따라가면서도 "지금 듣기 싫죠"라며 어색해했다. 그러자 노영주는 "성대가 잘 따라온다. 소리가 쩌렁쩌렁 잘 난다"면서 연신 자신감을 끌어올렸다. 이전과 달리 고음이 잘 뻗어나가자 엄정화는 그때서야 웃음을 보였다.

하지만 벅차오르는 마음을 숨기지 못했고 결국 다시 주저앉아 눈물을 쏟았다. 감정을 추스른 엄정화는 "좀 부끄럽다. 제가 너무 방법을 안 찾아봤다. 목소리 안 나온 것에만 집중하면서 못한다고만 생각했다. 그게 너무 부끄럽다. 더 연습할 수 있다"라고 말한 뒤 용기를 내 뭉클함을 자아냈다.

[사진 = MBC 방송화면]

이예은 기자
- ⓒ마이데일리( 무단전재&재배포 금지 -

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ボウケンブルー三上真史、「仮面ライダーセイバー」で水の剣士役「ブルーの血が騒ぐ」 - ナタリー

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:01 PM PDT

ボウケンブルー三上真史、「仮面ライダーセイバー」で水の剣士役「ブルーの血が騒ぐ」 - ナタリー


「轟轟戦隊ボウケンジャー」の最上蒼太 / ボウケンブルー役で知られる三上真史が、10月18日放送の「仮面ライダーセイバー」第7話に出演する。




三上が演じるのは、世界の均衡を守る組織"ソードオブロゴス"に所属していた先代の水の剣士・長嶺謙信。山口貴也扮する現・水の剣士、新堂倫太郎 / 仮面ライダーブレイズの師匠だが、15年前に本の魔人ズオスに倒され命を落としたキャラクターだ。第7話では倫太郎の回想シーンに登場する。



三上真史 コメント




(c)2020 石森プロ・テレビ朝日・ADK EM・東映

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2020-10-11 00:30:00Z

Uganda banks, MTN, Airtel hacked by mobile money fraudsters - Quartz Africa

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:44 PM PDT

A major hack that compromised Uganda's mobile money network has plunged the country's telecoms and banking sectors into crisis.

The Oct. 3 hack was a result of a security breach on a consumer finance aggregator, Pegasus Technologies, which mainly affected bank to mobile wallet transfers, according to an Oct. 8 statement by MTN Uganda, the country's largest mobile phone company. Kampala-based Pegasus Technologies  provides financial and billing solutions for various companies including all the affected entities.

At least $3.2 million is estimated to have been stolen in this latest incident with some reports quoting a much higher figure. The hackers used around 2,000 mobile SIM cards to gain access to the mobile money payment system, according to local papers. They then instructed the banks to transfer millions of dollars to telecommunication companies who then paid out mobile money to these different SIM cards across the country.

MTN Uganda and Airtel Uganda, suspended mobile money service transactions between their networks, indefinitely, following what they termed as an "unprecedented technical challenges" in a joint statement signed by their respective chief executive officers. The services are yet to be restored.

More than $20 billion worth of transactions was channeled through the mobile money system in 2019, according to Bank of Uganda, the country's central bank. MTN alone has over 11 million subscribers and an 80% market share of mobile money transactions in the East African country.

According to MTN Uganda, only transactions via Stanbic Bank Uganda, MTN to Airtel and Sendwave, a cross-border payments service operating in six African countries including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, and Liberia are affected.

On Oct. 6, MTN Uganda upgraded its system according to a statement issued to customers. During the period, data, voice and mobile money services were interrupted. All the affected telecoms and banks have assured customers that their account balances and other information was not affected in the breach.

Stanbic Bank Uganda, the largest commercial bank in the country by assets, and Bank of Africa Uganda have suspended transactions between the banks and the mobile phone companies.


At least two suspects have been arrested by the police according to various sources. The two are linked to Pegasus Technologies. The company is yet to make any comment about the incident. Police have allowed the affected companies to carry out an audit of their accounts, which will inform the investigation of what actually happened and how much money was stolen.

A breach of the fast-growing mobile money system will be a blow to efforts to drive up financial inclusion in Uganda and other countries in the region. A majority of Ugandans have no formal bank account and rely on mobile money for its convenience. In some rural areas it is the only feasible option. Mobile money payments are used in agriculture, energy, health and education, among other sectors.

The Uganda Police Annual Crime and Road Safety Report of 2019 showed more than 41 billion Ugandan Shillings ($11m) was lost to criminals through cyber crimes including swapping SIM cards and hacking digital financial accounts last year.

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Uganda banks, MTN, Airtel hacked by mobile money fraudsters - Quartz Africa
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「テレビ千鳥」日曜22時台の初回は「丸い石を探したいんじゃ!!」(お笑いナタリー) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:31 PM PDT

「テレビ千鳥」日曜22時台の初回は「丸い石を探したいんじゃ!!」(お笑いナタリー) - Yahoo!ニュース

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  1. 「テレビ千鳥」日曜22時台の初回は「丸い石を探したいんじゃ!!」(お笑いナタリー)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 『テレビ千鳥』日曜夜10時台初回は"丸い石探し"ノブ「初めて弱気になってるわ…」  TV LIFE
  3. 千鳥にインタビュー!YouTubeをやらない理由は「『テレビ千鳥』で…」【連載PERSON vol.14】  テレビドガッチ
  4. 「テレビ千鳥」日曜22時台の初回は「丸い石を探したいんじゃ!!」  ナタリー
  5. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-10-10 22:00:04Z

'서정희 딸' 서동주, '김수현닮은' 남친과 열애 후 물오른 미모 [★SHOT!] - 조선일보

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT

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'서정희 딸' 서동주, '김수현닮은' 남친과 열애 후 물오른 미모 [★SHOT!]  조선일보 기사 및 더 읽기 ( '서정희 딸' 서동주, '김수현닮은' 남친과 열애 후 물오른 미모 [★SHOT!] - 조선일보 )

「佳子さま」YouTubeご出演で炎上の理由 秋篠宮家への批判も(デイリー新潮) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:01 PM PDT

「佳子さま」YouTubeご出演で炎上の理由 秋篠宮家への批判も(デイリー新潮) - Yahoo!ニュース

 ユーチューブで、佳子さまが手話を交えて語られた。 「困難を乗り越えて開催される今年の大会が、皆様にとって素敵な思い出になるとともに本大会のすばらしい舞台がインターネットを通じて多くの人に楽しまれますことを願い、開会式に寄せる言葉といたします」  9月27日、鳥取で開かれた「第7回全国高校生手話パフォーマンス甲子園」の開会式である。宮内庁担当記者が次のように語る。 「佳子さまは例年、この大会にご出席されてきました。今年はコロナでオンライン開催となったため、佳子さまの収録映像が会場で流された。それがユーチューブでライブ配信されたわけです。ちなみに、コメント欄は書き込み無効で、大会後、公式チャンネルでは見られなくなりました」  ともあれ、動画配信サイトに皇室の方がお出ましになるのはこれが初めてで、 「佳子さまお一人でのご公務は、2月に国立新美術館でのハンガリー美術展へお出ましになって以来7カ月ぶりでした。祭祀への参列や宮内庁などの職員へのご会釈以外、さまざまな省庁や協会からの説明などはオンラインで行われています」  で、この久しぶりのご公務が波紋を呼んでいるのだ。先の宮内庁担当記者曰く、 「宮邸から大会をご覧になった佳子さまのご様子も含め、新聞テレビ各社は大会関連のニュースを報じました。すると、ネットに、佳子さまや秋篠宮家を悪しざまに言う書き込みが止まらなくなったのです」


 たとえばヤフーニュースのコメント欄には、 〈大学卒業してお仕事してなくて毎日何をされているのですか?〉 〈国民は秋篠宮家に税金で贅沢させるため働いているのではありません〉  といったネガティブなものから、 〈手話に、アヒル口はいらない〉 〈キャバ嬢の間違いだろ〉 〈お姉さんをどうにかしてくれませんか〉 〈将来の天皇ご一家になるとか、本当にやめてください〉  そんな中傷めいたコメントも多い。むろん単なるネットの書き込みではあるが、かつては写真集が出されるほど人気だった佳子さまに対して、なぜこんなに風当たりが強いのか。しかもその怒りは秋篠宮家全体の非難へとつながっていく。 「たしかに世間には、佳子さまのことを進学も就職もなさらない"高等遊民"と批判的に見る人もいる。でも、この書き込みは酷い」  先の記者がそう言えば、皇室ジャーナリストの神田秀一氏は、 「佳子さまは公務以外お仕事などをされていませんからね。眞子さまと小室圭さんとの結婚問題も未解決のまま。悠仁さまのご教育をどうするか。秋篠宮家は難題を抱えています。そんな状況下でも、コロナで国民との接触機会が絶たれているいま、なにか新しい取り組みをしなくてはいけません。いくら宮内庁が前例主義といっても、このままでは皇室がなにをしているか分からない。だから、佳子さまが、ビデオメッセージという形で初めての試みをされたのでしょう」  しかしその結果が批判コメントで炎上の嵐とは……。ますます宮内庁はSNS活用に及び腰になるのか。 「週刊新潮」2020年10月8日号 掲載


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2020-10-10 21:30:09Z

総額“1500万円”のブルガリジュエリーが輝く『共演NG』ポスタービジュアル解禁(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:30 PM PDT

総額"1500万円"のブルガリジュエリーが輝く『共演NG』ポスタービジュアル解禁(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

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  1. 総額"1500万円"のブルガリジュエリーが輝く『共演NG』ポスタービジュアル解禁(オリコン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 『共演NG』贅沢なオープニング、鈴木京香は総額1500万円のジュエリー身に着けダンス
  3. テレ東の本気!? 鈴木京香、1500万円のジュエリー身につけ中井貴一とダンス  マイナビニュース
  4. 中井貴一主演「共演NG」ポスタービジュアル完成!2人を取り巻く赤いテープの意味は?  ザテレビジョン
  5. 総額"1500万円"のブルガリのジュエリーが輝く、テレ東本気のポスタービジュアルが解禁!さらにParaviオリジナルストーリーも配信決定/共演NG | テレ東からのお知らせ  テレビ東京
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-10-10 19:32:58Z

総額“1500万円”のブルガリジュエリーが輝く『共演NG』ポスタービジュアル解禁(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:00 PM PDT

総額"1500万円"のブルガリジュエリーが輝く『共演NG』ポスタービジュアル解禁(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

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  1. 総額"1500万円"のブルガリジュエリーが輝く『共演NG』ポスタービジュアル解禁(オリコン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 中井貴一主演「共演NG」ポスタービジュアル完成!2人を取り巻く赤いテープの意味は?  ザテレビジョン
  3. 総額"1500万円"のブルガリのジュエリーが輝く、テレ東本気のポスタービジュアルが解禁!さらにParaviオリジナルストーリーも配信決定/共演NG | テレ東からのお知らせ  テレビ東京
  4. 総額"1500万円"のブルガリジュエリーが輝く『共演NG』ポスタービジュアル解禁
  5. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-10-10 19:32:49Z

NiziU、デビューシングル付属DVD収録内容&ソロジャケット公開(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:00 PM PDT

NiziU、デビューシングル付属DVD収録内容&ソロジャケット公開(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

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  1. NiziU、デビューシングル付属DVD収録内容&ソロジャケット公開(オリコン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. NiziUデビューシングルのソロジャケット3種公開、オンラインサイン会開催決定  ナタリー
  3. NiziU デビューシングル収録内容新情報、FC限定ソロジャケットも追加公開
  4. NiziU「Step and a step」メンバーソロジャケット公開  MusicVoice
  5. NiziU、デビューシングル付属DVDにMV別バージョンやビジュアル撮影の裏側収録  ナタリー
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-10-10 19:32:48Z

新作アニメ『体操ザムライ』OPは「上海ハニー」で話題 浪川大輔、小野賢章、梶裕貴がカバー(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT

新作アニメ『体操ザムライ』OPは「上海ハニー」で話題 浪川大輔、小野賢章、梶裕貴がカバー(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

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  1. 新作アニメ『体操ザムライ』OPは「上海ハニー」で話題 浪川大輔、小野賢章、梶裕貴がカバー(オリコン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. TVアニメ『体操ザムライ』オープニング・ムービー  MAPPA CHANNEL
  3. 注目アニメ紹介:「体操ザムライ」 29歳の体操選手の最後の戦い MAPPA制作本格スポーツアニメ  MANTANWEB
  4. 注目アニメ紹介:「体操ザムライ」 29歳の体操選手の最後の戦い MAPPA制作本格スポーツアニメ - MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)  MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)
  5. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-10-10 19:32:47Z

天野明が約8年ぶり週刊連載をジャンプ+でスタート、訳あり探偵描くミステリー - ナタリー

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

天野明が約8年ぶり週刊連載をジャンプ+でスタート、訳あり探偵描くミステリー - ナタリー

このページは株式会社ナターシャのコミックナタリー編集部が作成・配信しています。 天野明 の最新情報はリンク先をご覧ください。


Let's block ads! (Why?)

2020-10-10 15:00:00Z

ピスタチオ小澤慎一朗、女優・吉川莉早との結婚発表 昨年舞台で共演「楽しくて穏やかな家庭を」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT

ピスタチオ小澤慎一朗、女優・吉川莉早との結婚発表 昨年舞台で共演「楽しくて穏やかな家庭を」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. ピスタチオ小澤慎一朗、女優・吉川莉早との結婚発表 昨年舞台で共演「楽しくて穏やかな家庭を」(オリコン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 「ピスタチオ」小澤慎一朗が結婚 お相手は女優の吉川莉早「楽しくて穏やかな家庭を」  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
  3. ピスタチオ小澤慎一朗、女優・吉川莉早との結婚発表 昨年舞台で共演「楽しくて穏やかな家庭を」  ORICON NEWS
  4. ピスタチオ小澤、女優の吉川莉早と結婚「たくさんの方々と、なにより奥さんを笑顔に」  サンケイスポーツ
  5. ピスタチオ小澤慎一朗と女優の吉川莉早が結婚 コンビ相方・伊地知大樹が保証人に|ニフティニュース  ニフティニュース
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-10-10 14:44:37Z

高橋ひかる、芸能界5年「いろいろあった」 20歳に向け女優業に注力 - ニフティニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:29 AM PDT

高橋ひかる、芸能界5年「いろいろあった」 20歳に向け女優業に注力 - ニフティニュース

女優の高橋ひかる(19 ※高ははしごだか)が10日、都内でファースト写真集『WATERFALL』(東京ニュース通信社)の発売記念イベントを開催した。


 撮影は2019年7月にインドネシア・バリ島で行われた。初のバリ島ロケには「スーパーワクワクでした!」と振り返り、2018年のカレンダー発売イベントでファンと触れ合って以来のイベントに「この日を待ち焦がれていました! とてもうれしいです!」と満面の笑みを見せた。



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2020-10-10 10:49:00Z

Bagikan Berita Ini

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