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- 加藤浩次が岡村結婚裏話 交際の言葉なくプロポーズ - ニッカンスポーツ
- Switch用ソフト「Monster Jam Steel Titans」が10月29日に配信。巨大なモンスタートラックで大迫力のレースが楽しめる -
- TDR 年パス払い戻しへ 有効期限の延長なし - FNNプライムオンライン
- 何かが起こる気しかしない どうでしょう班の副音声収録を“のぞき見”するライビュイベントが開催決定 - ねとらぼ
- 아이린 ‘갑질’ 사과에도 추가 폭로 이어져… “레드벨벳 탈퇴” 촉구까지 - 조선일보
- 최철호, 폭행 사건 언급 "용서받지 못할 일"…사업 실패 후 일용직 삶 - 한국경제
- NASAの小惑星探査機オシリス・レックス、サンプル採取時の映像が公開 - sorae 宇宙へのポータルサイト
- Trump vs. Biden final presidential debate: date, time, and how to watch the live stream - The Verge
- LIVE: President Trump and Joe Biden square off in final presidential debate - Yahoo Finance
- Watch Live: President Trump and Joe Biden in Their Final Debate - Wall Street Journal
- Viral Video of John Wall Vs. Michael Beasley Showcases Wall's Progress - NBC4 Washington
- 부일영화상 최우수작품상 '벌새'…남녀주연상 이병헌·정유미 - 서울경제 - 서울경제신문
- ‘아침마당’ 이승신 “오븐 장갑 때문에 화재, 600만원 피해봤다” - 조선일보
- CTCテクノロジー株式会社(CTC教育サービス):今からはじめる Microsoft Azure > 第10回 仮想マシンの管理、設定、リモート接続(3) - 朝日新聞社
- 35周年「金曜ロードSHOW!」“テレビで観る映画”を守り続ける意味(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース
- ナイナイ岡村隆史さんが結婚…番組で「ストレートに発表させていただきます」 - 読売新聞
- From muted mics to topics chosen, here's what you need to know about the final Trump-Biden debate - WSPA 7News
- What To Watch For During The Final Presidential Debate l FiveThirtyEight - FiveThirtyEight
- 2-year-old immediately calms crying baby sister in viral video - GMA
- 'The best goal I have ever seen live!' - Gerrard lauds Roofe's 'world-class' Rangers strike against Standar... -
- 아이린, 스타일리스트 갑질 의혹에 ”어리석은 태도·경솔한 언행 죄송” - 조선일보
- 서예지, 레드카펫 달군 볼륨 드레스…블랙 코르셋 '관능미↑' - 머니투데이
- 박현선, '피앙세 양준혁' 100억 자산가 소문에 들은 대답 - 한국경제
- ナイナイ岡村隆史が50歳で結婚 矢部に促されラジオで発表 10年来の友人30代の一般女性 プロポーズは駐車場 - 中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ
- Suga samples 'diplomacy in pandemic' on maiden voyage - Nikkei Asian Review
加藤浩次が岡村結婚裏話 交際の言葉なくプロポーズ - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:42 PM PDT 加藤浩次が岡村結婚裏話 交際の言葉なくプロポーズ - ニッカンスポーツ お笑いコンビ、極楽とんぼの加藤浩次(51)が23日、MCを務める日本テレビ系「スッキリ」で、芸人仲間のナインティナイン岡村隆史(50)の結婚発表について喜びのコメントをした。 加藤は冒頭、「びっくりしましたね~」と笑顔。「おれもう、岡村は一生無理じゃないかなって思ってた」と続けた。加藤によると、水曜日(21日)に岡村から電話で「結婚したんや」と連絡を受けたといい、その時加藤は「うそつけオマエって」と応じたという。 加藤は「(岡村には)まったく女性がいたかげもないし。ただのお友達だったと。それがこの半年くらいでいろいろあって、『このチャンスを逃したらもうちょっと、結婚できへんと違うかなと思って思い切ってプロポーズした』と言ってた」と説明。 また「(岡村から)電話で聞いたのは、お付き合いもしてないでお友達として10年ぐらい一緒に遊んだりしている中で、『付き合ってください』の言葉もなく『結婚してください』って言ったらしい。岡村らしい。石橋をたたいてたたいて壊れて渡らないタイプですからね」と続けた。 加藤は「岡村は(恋愛話などが)絶対なかったの。一切なくて。何かあったんだろうな…。良い家庭築いてほしいなって。本当にうれしいです」と笑顔で祝福した。 加藤は岡村と、18年に終了したフジテレビ系「めちゃ×2イケてるッ!」で長年共演した。岡村は22日深夜放送のラジオ番組、ニッポン放送「ナインティナインのオールナイトニッポン」で、30代一般女性との結婚を発表した。 2020-10-23 01:56:06Z | ||||
Switch用ソフト「Monster Jam Steel Titans」が10月29日に配信。巨大なモンスタートラックで大迫力のレースが楽しめる - Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT THQ Nordic Japanは本日(2020年10月23日),Nintendo Switch用ソフト「 と発表した。価格は4860円(税込)で,CEROレーティングはA(全年齢対象)となっている。 本作は,巨大なタイヤを履き,1500馬力を超える船舶用エンジンを搭載したモンスタートラックが,スタジアムや屋外レース場を轟音とともに激走する など人気の高い25種類のトラックを収録しており,破壊の限りを尽くせる大迫力の"モンスターアクション"を楽しめる。バイサイクルやストッピー,ムーンウォークなどのパフォーマンスをキメることもできる。 大迫力!型破りなアメリカンモーターショー THQ Nordic Japan株式会社は、『Monster Jam Steel Titans(モンスタージャム スティールタイタンズ)』がNintendo Switchにて2020年10月29日(木)に発売決定したことをお知らせいたします。 また、ニンテンドーeショップにて情報を公開開始いたしました。 ◆ニンテンドーeショップ ■『Monster Jam Steel Titans(モンスタージャム スティールタイタンズ)』概要 【特長】 ◆大迫力のモンスターアクション ◆高難易度のド派手なパフォーマンス 【ゲーム名】Monster Jam Steel Titans(モンスタージャム スティールタイタンズ) ■PlayStation 4版も好評配信中です。 ■ 公式ツイッター ※Nintendo Switchは任天堂の商標です。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||
TDR 年パス払い戻しへ 有効期限の延長なし - FNNプライムオンライン Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:12 PM PDT TDR 年パス払い戻しへ 有効期限の延長なし - FNNプライムオンライン [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-10-23 01:43:43Z | ||||
何かが起こる気しかしない どうでしょう班の副音声収録を“のぞき見”するライビュイベントが開催決定 - ねとらぼ Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:42 PM PDT 何かが起こる気しかしない どうでしょう班の副音声収録を"のぞき見"するライビュイベントが開催決定 - ねとらぼ 「水曜どうでしょう」(HTB)の第30弾DVD&Blu-ray「ザ・ベスト(偶数)」が2021年2月17日に発売されることを記念して、鈴井貴之さん、大泉洋さん、藤村忠寿・嬉野雅道ディレクターによる同作の副音声収録現場を"のぞき見"するイベントが11月14日に開催されることになりました。絶対面白いやつじゃないですか。 イベントは、どうでしょう班の4人による副音声収録を十数台のカメラを使って撮影し、その映像を全国の映画館でライブ・ビューイング&ストリーミング配信してしまおうというもの。普段の収録では、お菓子を食べたり、コーヒーを飲んだり、藤村さんに至っては缶ビール片手になんてこともあるみたいですが、果たしてイベントではどんな姿を見せてくれるのか。 映画館でのライブ・ビューイングと配信のチケットはともに3500円(税込)。抽選による先行販売は10月31日正午から、一般販売は11月10日18時〜13日正午までとなっています。概要は番組公式サイト内の特設ページを、上映劇場やチケット販売に関する詳細はライブ・ビューイング・ジャパン特設サイトを確認のこと。 さらに、初の「ベスト盤」発売と副音声収録の様子を初公開という初めて尽くしの記念に、ベスト盤(偶数)に収録される「ファンが選んだ人気企画」上位ベスト10・偶数位の中からセレクトしたDVDジャケット・デザインのクリアファイル(5枚セット)が発売決定。11月14日にライブ・ビューイング会場で販売される他、全国のローソンLoppiやLoppiオススメでも予約が開始されます。価格は1650円(税込)。 関連記事関連リンクCopyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2020-10-23 01:00:00Z | ||||
아이린 ‘갑질’ 사과에도 추가 폭로 이어져… “레드벨벳 탈퇴” 촉구까지 - 조선일보 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||
최철호, 폭행 사건 언급 "용서받지 못할 일"…사업 실패 후 일용직 삶 - 한국경제 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT 최철호, 화물 하차 아르바이트 근황 "사업 실패 후 살아야하니까…" 과거 폭행 사건도 언급 "모든 일에는 대가 따른다" 배우 최철호 /사진=MBN 방송화면 캡처 지난 22일 밤 방송된 MBN '현장르포 특종세상'에서는 최철호가 사업 실패를 겪고 택배 물류센터에서 일용직으로 일하고 있는 모습이 전파를 탔다. 최철호는 5평 남짓의 원룸에서 룸메이트와 함께 생활하고 있었다. 택배 물류 하차 일로 그의 낮과 밤은 바뀌어 있었다. 밤샘 작업을 마친 후 귀가한 최철호는 편의점에서 사온 간편식들로 식사를 마쳤다. 최철호는 "일이 점점 줄면서 사업을 한번 했는데 코로나19 등 여러가지 이유로 빚을 내다 감당할 수 없는 수준이 됐다. 집도 정리했고 아내와 아이들은 처갓집에, 부모님은 요양원에 있다"며 "연극하는 후배가 아르바이트로 택배 하차를 하면 일당으로 받을 수 있다고 했다. 그래서 바로 하게 됐다"고 털어놨다. 이런 일을 하는 게 의외라는 말에 최철호는 "의외고 뭐고 살아야 하지 않느냐"고 답하기도 했다. 최철호는 가끔 교회 예배당을 찾아 기도를 하기도 했다. 그는 2010년에 있었던 동료 폭행 사건을 언급하며 "용서받지 못할 일이지만 참회한다고 할까. 그렇게 스스로 용서를 구하는 중이다"고 고백했다. 배우 최철호 /사진=MBN 방송화면 캡처 이후 최철호는 복귀해 드라마 '러브어게인', '대왕의 꿈', '앙큼한 돌싱녀', '조선총잡이', '왕의 얼굴', '사임당 빛의 일기', '설렘주의보' 등 다수의 작품에 출연했지만 일은 점점 줄었고, 사업 실패 등으로 생활고는 극심해졌다고. 그는 절박한 마음으로 '현장르포 특종세상'에 출연했다고 밝혔다. 최철호는 "앞으로의 앞날은 모르겠지만 내 본업이나 가정이 다 회복되길 바라는 마음으로 할 수 있는 책임은 다 해야 된다. 최선을 다해야 하고, 지금 이게 최선이라는 거다. 그리고 더 좋은 일이 있다면 또 최선을 다해야 할 것"이라며 "절박하다. 가식적이지 않은 모습을 보여주고 싶었다"고 고백했다. 김수영 한경닷컴 기자 ⓒ 한경닷컴, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 엔터테인먼트 | ||||
NASAの小惑星探査機オシリス・レックス、サンプル採取時の映像が公開 - sorae 宇宙へのポータルサイト Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT NASAは日本時間10月22日、前日に実施された小惑星探査機「OSIRIS-REx(オシリス・レックス)」による小惑星ベンヌからのサンプル採取時の映像を公開しました。映像には採取地点「ナイチンゲール」が間近に迫ってくる様子や、サンプル採取装置「TAGSAM」から噴射された窒素ガスや上昇時のスラスター噴射によって表面の物質が舞い上がっている様子が捉えられています。 この映像は、オシリス・レックスに搭載されているカメラのひとつ「SamCam」によって着陸前後の約5分間に撮影された82枚の画像から作成されました。映像は降下中に高度25mで撮影された画像から始まり、上昇してから約35秒が経った高度13mで撮影された画像で終わっています。 NASAによると、オシリス・レックスはナイチンゲールに設定された目標地点から1m以内の場所に秒速10cmで降下。TAGSAMの先端はベンヌの表面に約6秒間接触していたといいます。その後、オシリス・レックスは秒速40cmで上昇し、ベンヌの表面を離れました。TAGSAMの先端がベンヌの表面に接触した1秒後には表面の物質を舞い上げるための窒素ガスが噴射され、サンプルの多くは最初の3秒以内に採取されたとみられています。 オシリス・レックスのミッションでは、ベンヌの表面から少なくとも60グラムのサンプルを持ち帰ることが計画されています。今回の採取で十分な量のサンプルが得られたと判断された場合、現地時間10月30日にサンプルが回収カプセルに収納されます。もしも十分な量のサンプルが採取できなかったと判断された場合には、ベンヌの赤道付近にあるバックアップの採取地点「オスプレイ」における2回目の採取が2021年1月12日に試みられる予定です。 関連:NASAの小惑星探査機オシリス・レックスがサンプル採取を実施! Image Credit: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||
Trump vs. Biden final presidential debate: date, time, and how to watch the live stream - The Verge Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT On Thursday, October 22nd, at 9PM ET, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden will face off for the final debate of the 2020 presidential campaign. The debate will be held at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Following Trump's COVID-19 infection, the debate will be marked by a number of public health precautions. It will be held in person, but the candidates will be socially distanced and will not shake hands. The number of guests will be limited, and all guests will be required to wear masks. The second debate was originally scheduled to take place on October 15th but was reorganized after Trump's illness and ultimately canceled after he declined to participate in a virtual event. As a result, tonight's debate is the third officially scheduled event with the two candidates but is only the second to actually take place. How do I watch tonight's presidential debate?The debate will air on every major news network and be live-streamed online by a range of channels. On YouTube, you can find debate streams from C-Span, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, and PBS, among others. We've embedded the C-Span live stream at the top of this post. What time does tonight's presidential debate start?The debate is scheduled to start at 9PM ET and will run for approximately 90 minutes. Who is moderating the debate?Tonight's debate will be moderated by NBC's Kristen Welker, a rising star within the network. It's Welker's first time moderating a presidential debate, and she has been the subject of unrelenting public insults by the president in the days leading up to the event. "Obviously, I don't want to see my friend criticized in any way, but she's tough and she can take it," colleague Andrea Mitchell told The Washington Post, as part of an article on the unusual behavior. "I think it's inevitable and it comes with the territory. And I think she's ready for it." What topics will the debate cover?Welker has named the following six issues as the general topics for the debate, to be given roughly 15 minutes each.
Have the rules changed since the first debate?The first debate was widely criticized as unruly and unpleasant, driven in large part by persistent interruptions by Trump. In response, debate organizers will now give candidates two minutes of uninterrupted time to address each of the major topics, during which time their opponent's microphone will be silenced. The opponent will be able to respond at the close of those questions, and crosstalk will be allowed after the opening statement has been completed. Top stories - Google News October 22, 2020 at 09:00AM Trump vs. Biden final presidential debate: date, time, and how to watch the live stream - The Verge Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
LIVE: President Trump and Joe Biden square off in final presidential debate - Yahoo Finance Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News October 22, 2020 at 02:30PM LIVE: President Trump and Joe Biden square off in final presidential debate - Yahoo Finance Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
Watch Live: President Trump and Joe Biden in Their Final Debate - Wall Street Journal Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News October 22, 2020 at 05:54PM Watch Live: President Trump and Joe Biden in Their Final Debate - Wall Street Journal Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
Viral Video of John Wall Vs. Michael Beasley Showcases Wall's Progress - NBC4 Washington Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT Viral video of John Wall showcases huge strides in his game originally appeared on NBC Sports Washington John Wall looks great. Period. Thursday morning, professional basketball skills trainer, Stanley Remy posted a video of the five-time all-star hooping at "Remy Runs - Miami," which featured a heated matchup with DMV native, Michael Beasley. (Warning: This video contains NSFW language) Trash-talking aside, Wall looks to be in phenomenal shape, but most importantly his jump shot mechanics have improved significantly. No more speculation. His release is quicker and he's shooting on the way up, not down. Both of which were significant issues in year's past. Will the extended offseason tweaks Wall has made translate to improved perimeter efficiency in the 2021-22 season? That still remains to be seen. However, Wall confidently pulling up and knocking down contested jump shots in a competitive scrimmage is certainly a good sign. In 2018-19 Wall shot 30.2 percent from 3-point range -- the lowest percentage since his 2014-15 season. Back in August, NBC Sports Washington learned that John Wall weighed 210 pounds with hopes of carrying that body size into the season. Fast forward to late October and Wall is still as lean as advertised. Wall's career has been heavily predicated on his ability to use his blazing speed to zip past defenders on the way to making highlight plays. After tearing his Achilles, Wall's burst and first step were immediately assumed to diminish. However, when looking at the clips of Beasley playing "in-your-face" defense on Wall, Wall had no trouble maintaining his dribble and turning the corner on the 6-foot-10, 230 pound small forward. Mind you, Beasley is a forward, the true tests will come when Wall is tasked with beating smaller/quicker pro-level guards off the dribble. Offseason workout/scrimmage videos are always hard to gauge because professionals always seem to look better in exhibition settings. However, Wizards fans, seeing a healthy, happy, and competitive Wall prior to the start of next season is cause for celebration. Enjoy this. "viral" - Google News October 22, 2020 at 03:53PM Viral Video of John Wall Vs. Michael Beasley Showcases Wall's Progress - NBC4 Washington "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
부일영화상 최우수작품상 '벌새'…남녀주연상 이병헌·정유미 - 서울경제 - 서울경제신문 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT 제29회 부일영화상 최우수작품상의 영예는 김보라 감독의 영화 '벌새'에게 돌아갔다. 22일 오후 부산 벡스코에서 제29회 부일영화상 시상식이 개최됐다. 이날 시상식은 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확산 방지를 위해 무관중으로 진행됐다. 최우수작품상을 수상한 '벌새'는 제23회 부산국제영화제 NETPEC(아시아영화진흥기구)상을 비롯해 KNN 관객상 수상 등 전 세계 영화제에서 60관왕 이상을 차지한 성장 영화다. 김보라 감독은 이날 "세상에 보내는 편지 같은 마음으로 만들었는데 너무 큰 화답으로 돌아와서 기적 같다"며 "모든 기적을 만들어준 배우들과 관객들께 감사드린다"고 수상소감을 전했다. 최우수감독상은 '유열의 음악앨범'을 만든 정지우 감독에게 돌아갔다. 남우주연상에는 '남산의 부장들'에서 중앙정보부장 김규평 역을 맡은 이병헌이 받았다. 이병헌은 "'남산의 부장들'을 촬영하면서 연기를 놀랍도록 잘하는 배우들이 많다는 생각을 했다. 놀라움을 금치 못한 순간들이 있었다. 이 영화의 누가 받아도 이상하지 않을 거다. 배우들과 호흡, 시너지가 이런 상을 받을 수 있게끔 해준 것 같다"고 말했다. 여우주연상에는 '82년생 김지영'에서 김지영 역할을 한 정유미가 수상의 영예를 안았다. 정유미는 다른 일정으로 인해 이날 시상식에 참석하지 못했다. 남우조연상은 '남산의 부장들' 이희준, 여우조연상은 '반도'의 이레에게 돌아갔다. ◆ 제29회 부일영화상 수상자(작) ▲최우수 작품상='벌새' ▲최우수 감독상='유열의 음악앨범' 정지우 ▲남우주연상='남산의 부장들' 이병헌▲여우주연상='82년생 김지영' 정유미 ▲남우조연상='남산의 부장들' 이희준 ▲여우조연상='반도' 이레 ▲신인감독상='작은 빛' 조민재 ▲신인남자연기상='호흡' 김대건 ▲신인여자연기상='찬실이는 복도 많지' 강말금 ▲각본상='벌새' 김보라 ▲촬영상='다만 악에서 구하소서' 홍경표 ▲음악상='유열의 음악앨범' 연리목 ▲미술/기술상='다만 악에서 구하소서' 이건문 ▲유현목 영화예술상=김일권 ▲남자인기스타상='반도' 강동원 ▲여자인기스타상='양자물리학' 서예지 /이혜리기자 < 저작권자 ⓒ 서울경제, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 > 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 부일영화상 최우수작품상 '벌새'…남녀주연상 이병헌·정유미 - 서울경제 - 서울경제신문 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||
‘아침마당’ 이승신 “오븐 장갑 때문에 화재, 600만원 피해봤다” - 조선일보 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] '아침마당' 이승신 "오븐 장갑 때문에 화재, 600만원 피해봤다" 조선일보 기사 및 더 읽기 ( '아침마당' 이승신 "오븐 장갑 때문에 화재, 600만원 피해봤다" - 조선일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||
CTCテクノロジー株式会社(CTC教育サービス):今からはじめる Microsoft Azure > 第10回 仮想マシンの管理、設定、リモート接続(3) - 朝日新聞社 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT ※ 配信会社から提供された企業や団体等のプレスリリースを原文のまま掲載しており、朝日新聞社が取材・執筆した記事ではありません。お問い合わせは、各情報配信元にお願いいたします。 CTC教育サービスはコラム「今からはじめる Microsoft Azure > 第10回 仮想マシンの管理、設定、リモート接続(3)」を公開しました。 1. はじめに みなさん、こんにちは。株式会社シオラボの小澤です。前回のコラムでは、仮想マシンを作成した後に新たにディスクを追加する方法について説明しました。Azureポータルでのディスクの追加操作以外に、仮想マシンにSSHでログインしてからの、マウントコマンドの発行が必要になるところが注意点でしたね。 さて、今回は、仮想マシン作成後に発生しがちな変更として、仮想マシンのIPアドレスを固定する方法と、サブネットマスクを設定する方法について解説しましょう。 2. 仮想マシンのIPアドレスを固定する 仮想マシンを作成すると、パブリックIPアドレスとプライベートIPアドレスが自動で割り当てられます。割り当てられたパブリックIPアドレスは、仮想マシンを停止して「割り当て解除」状態にすることで開放され、次回起動時には、ほぼ別のIPアドレスに変更されてしまいます。仮想マシン上にWebサービスを構築して提供しているような場合は、パブリックIPアドレスが変更されるたびに、DNSへドメインとパブリックIPアドレスの紐付けを登録し直す必要が出てきます。また、アクセスログなども多くの場合はIPアドレスが記録されます。このように、IPアドレスが途中で変更されてしまうと、現実的な運用に支障が出る場合もありますので、IPアドレスの固定化をおこなった方がいい場合もあります。 (1)パブリックIPアドレスの固定化 Azureの仮想マシンで、パブリックIPアドレスの固定は次のようにおこないます。 まず、Azureの管理ポータル(を開き、仮想マシンを選択し、「ネットワーク」のところにあるパブリックIPアドレスのリンクを押します。 この続きは以下をご覧ください からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||
35周年「金曜ロードSHOW!」“テレビで観る映画”を守り続ける意味(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:12 PM PDT 35周年「金曜ロードSHOW!」"テレビで観る映画"を守り続ける意味(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース ■観るつもりなかった映画作品との"偶然の出会い"アラフォー以上の世代とって『金曜ロードショー』と言えば、水野晴郎さんの名解説でも親しまれた映画番組。「私もその世代です(笑)」という北條氏が同番組のプロデューサーに就任した2017年は、各局が地上波での映画番組をなくした年だった。 「ちょうどテレビ朝日さんの『日曜洋画劇場』が終わり、『金曜ロードSHOW!』が最後の民放ゴールデンタイムの映画番組になった年でした。(映画番組の枠の減少は)やはり配信をはじめとするメディアの多様化が大きいでしょうね。テレビにおいても映画は録画やタイムシフト視聴されやすいコンテンツで、リアルタイム視聴の苦戦がさらに浮き彫りになった時期でした」 テレビ番組の時間に合わせて生活するのではなく、観たいものを自分の都合のいい時に観る。メディアの多様化は、視聴者に利便性をもたらすと同時に、映画番組をテレビで観るというひとつの文化の灯を脅かす存在になった。だが、北條氏は「テレビで観る映画」にはもっと別の価値があるという。 「『配信』というのは基本的に自分から情報を取りに行くわけで、つまりコアな映画ファンだと思うんです。観たい作品を自分の意志で観る。劇場に映画を観に足を運ぶのと同じです。一方でテレビはもっとライトと言いますか、わざわざ観ようと思わなかった映画との偶然の出会いを提供できるのが『テレビで観る映画』の価値ではないかと考えているところです」 映画館に気軽にアクセスできない層、特に子どもにとって、「テレビで観る映画」は貴重な機会。人生で初めて観た映画作品が『金曜ロードショー』だったという人や、これをきっかけに映画ファンになったという人など、「映画の原体験」として、『金曜ロードショー』が果たす役割は、昔も今も非常に大きい。 2020-10-22 23:40:00Z | ||||
ナイナイ岡村隆史さんが結婚…番組で「ストレートに発表させていただきます」 - 読売新聞 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:12 PM PDT ナイナイ岡村隆史さんが結婚…番組で「ストレートに発表させていただきます」 - 読売新聞 お笑いコンビ「ナインティナイン」の岡村隆史さん(50)が23日、自身がパーソナリティーを務めるニッポン放送のラジオ番組「ナインティナインのオールナイトニッポン」で結婚したことを明らかにした。番組で岡村さんは「ストレートに発表させていただきます。結婚しました」と語った。 2020-10-23 00:13:00Z | ||||
Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News October 22, 2020 at 05:33AM From muted mics to topics chosen, here's what you need to know about the final Trump-Biden debate - WSPA 7News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
What To Watch For During The Final Presidential Debate l FiveThirtyEight - FiveThirtyEight Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News October 22, 2020 at 04:25PM What To Watch For During The Final Presidential Debate l FiveThirtyEight - FiveThirtyEight Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
2-year-old immediately calms crying baby sister in viral video - GMA Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:47 PM PDT "viral" - Google News October 22, 2020 at 01:26PM 2-year-old immediately calms crying baby sister in viral video - GMA "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:42 PM PDT The Blues coach described the English forward's stunning effort from inside his own half as a "moment of genius" after seeing his side win in Belgium Rangers boss Steven Gerrard has lauded Kemar Roofe for his "world-class" strike against Standard Liege, insisting "it is the best goal I have ever seen live". The Scottish Premier League leaders opened their latest Europa League campaign with a 2-0 victory in torrential rain at Stade Maurice Dufrasne on Thursday night. James Tavernier put Rangers in front from the penalty spot 19 minutes in, but the hosts were unlucky not to equalise before the break as Jackson Muleka saw two headers bounce off the woodwork. Gerrard's men upped their game in the second period though, with Alfredo Morelos denied from close range on two occasions and Scott Arfield squandering a good opening from the edge of the box. Conditions worsened as the clock began to run down with water standing on the pitch, but Rangers were able to make sure of the three points in spectacular fashion in stoppage time. Roofe picked up the ball just outside Rangers' box before shaking off three defenders and letting fly from inside his own half, and the ball nestled into the back of the net past the flailing Liege goalkeeper to spark wild celebrations on the away bench. Former Liverpool midfielder Gerrard, who scored plenty of memorable goals during his own playing career, told a post-match press conference of the 27-year-old's spectacular effort: "The goal was a moment of genius - a world-class moment. I have been playing football professionally since 1998 and it is the best goal I have ever seen live with my own eyes. "He collects the ball 15 yards outside our box, he is strong for two challenges, he holds the player off with the third challenge and then he actually takes the player on in the worst conditions I've seen. "And then, to have the vision, the power and the class to score from 55 yards - I don't think I've seen a better goal and I don't think I will see a better goal."
Asked to assess Rangers' latest performance, the 40-year-old manager responded: "I think it is a very important victory to start the group in a positive way. We have beaten a good team tonight and I think we deserved the victory. "We were good defensively in the first-half besides one moment from a cross with the header off the crossbar, but in possession, we needed to improve and we needed to be better. "I think in the second half, we were outstanding for 20 minutes and then the game changed with the weather - it was very unpredictable and it was difficult for both teams. "But we managed the game extremely well and we take three important points away." Gerrard added on how his players dealt with the extreme weather in Belgium: "It is in your mind the officials might delay and take the teams off - I am happy he decided to play on obviously, but the conditions for both teams and every player were really unpredictable. "Everything was very difficult - the rain was incredible. I think in the last 20-25 minutes it was about which team wanted the victory the most. We had one scary moment at the very end - thankfully, Standard never scored as it might have changed the game. "But from the second half tonight, I was very proud of my team as we were much better and we deserved the victory. "We had two or three other really good chances to score, and I think that is important for the next time we play Liege we know we are capable of creating big chances which is good for the confidence and belief for the next game." "Goal" - Google News October 22, 2020 at 03:31PM 'The best goal I have ever seen live!' - Gerrard lauds Roofe's 'world-class' Rangers strike against Standar... - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
아이린, 스타일리스트 갑질 의혹에 ”어리석은 태도·경솔한 언행 죄송” - 조선일보 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||
서예지, 레드카펫 달군 볼륨 드레스…블랙 코르셋 '관능미↑' - 머니투데이 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT
지난 22일 서예지는 부산 해운대구 우동 벡스코 오디토리움에서 진행된 '2020 부일영화상' 레드카펫 행사에 참석했다. 이날 서예지는 독특한 코르셋 형태의 톱이 돋보이는 실크 드레스를 착용하고 우아함을 자아냈다. 코르셋으로 볼륨감을 강조한 서예지는 풍성한 스커트 자락에 장식된 슬릿 사이로 아찔한 각선미를 드러내 눈길을 끌었다. 잔머리 없이 깔끔한 올림 머리를 연출한 서예지는 화려한 다이아몬드 주얼리를 매치해 포인트를 더했다. 한편 서예지는 이날 영화 '양자물리학'으로 인기스타상 트로피를 받았다. 서예지는 최근 tvN 드라마 '사이코지만 괜찮아'에서도 독특한 캐릭터 연기로 호평을 받았다. 엔터테인먼트 | ||||
박현선, '피앙세 양준혁' 100억 자산가 소문에 들은 대답 - 한국경제 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT "있어 보이는 게 나으니 100억 있다 하라고 해" 박현선/사진=SBS플러스 '언니한텐 말해도 돼' 22일 오후 방송된 SBS플러스 '언니한텐 말해도 돼'에서는 결혼을 앞둔 양준혁·박현선 커플이 게스트로 출연했다. 두 사람은 19살 나이차를 뛰어넘고 올해 12월에 백년가약을 맺을 예정이다. 이날 사연의 주인공으로 나선 박현선은 양준혁의 짠돌이 기질에 대해 토로했다. 박현선은 "재산 보고 결혼했다"는 루머에 대해 "나도 몰랐는데 오빠가 100억 자산가라는 이야기가 많더라. 어느 날 오빠에게 100억 있냐고 물어본 적 있다. 없어 보이는 것보다는 있어 보이는 게 나으니 어디 가면 100억 있다고 하라고 하더라"고 여유롭게 받아쳤다. 그러면서 "'오빠가 죽으면 (그 돈) 다 네 건데'라고 하더라"고 농담을 해 웃음을 자아냈다. 박현선은 "평소 오빠를 보면 어디에 돈을 쓰는지 모르겠다. 어디에 돈을 제일 많이 쓰냐고 물어보니 첫 번째는 먹는 것이고 다른 것은 없다고 하더라"며 "데이트로는 평소 가락시장에 많이 간다. 아끼려고 그러는 게 아니라 음식을 정말 많이 시킨다. 내 생일날에는 랍스터를 먹자고 약속했지만 좋은 레스트랑이 아니라 가락시장에서 쪄서 먹었다"고 털어놨다. 박현선은 양준혁에게 받은 선물로 "조르고 졸라서 LED 꽃 한 송이를 받았다. 시들지 않으니까"라며 "다른 선물도 해주긴 했는데 내가 꽃과 손편지를 좋아한다. 그것만 해주면 바랄 게 없다고 했더니 '왜 어려운 것만 좋아하느냐'고 하더라. 일단은 내가 좋아하는 모습을 보여줘야 해주는 사람도 또 해주고 싶어질 테니까 너무 행복한 모습을 보여줬다"고 덧붙였다. 김정호 한경닷컴 객원기자 ⓒ 한경닷컴, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 엔터테인먼트 | ||||
ナイナイ岡村隆史が50歳で結婚 矢部に促されラジオで発表 10年来の友人30代の一般女性 プロポーズは駐車場 - 中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:12 PM PDT ナイナイ岡村隆史が50歳で結婚 矢部に促されラジオで発表 10年来の友人30代の一般女性 プロポーズは駐車場 - 中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ お笑いコンビ「ナインティナイン」の岡村隆史(50)が、22日深夜に生放送されたニッポン放送「ナインティナインのオールナイトニッポン」(木曜深夜1時)で、今月10日に結婚したと発表した。関係者によると、お相手は30代の一般女性だという。 番組中盤、相方・矢部浩之(49)に促されると、岡村は「ストレートに発表させていただきます。結婚しました」と報告。「僕としてはリスナーに一番に発表したいという思いがあった」と生放送で発表した理由を説明した。 お相手の女性は10年来の友人だったが、この半年間で急接近したようだ。岡村は4月に同番組で、コロナ禍で女性の収入が減り「美人さんがお嬢(風俗嬢)やります」などと発言し、SNSで「女性蔑視だ」とバッシングを受けた。「半年くらい本当に支えてもらった。ラジオで失言し、しかってもらった」と感謝。何婚かと問われると「支えられ婚」と自ら命名した。 プロポーズの言葉は「普通すぎて申し訳ないが『結婚してください』だった」。車で駐車場に止まった瞬間に「こんな所でごめんなさい。結婚してください」と言ったところ、女性は「こんな所で? 今?」と戸惑った反応を見せたという。交際期間を聞かれると「『お付き合いしてください』という言葉をかけていない」と明かした。終始、緊張気味に話す岡村だったが、妻の一番好きな手料理を「いろいろ作ってくれるが、厚焼き卵」と紹介し、のろける場面もあった。 関連キーワード 2020-10-22 22:21:50Z | ||||
Suga samples 'diplomacy in pandemic' on maiden voyage - Nikkei Asian Review Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:08 PM PDT JAKARTA -- To say Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's first diplomatic trip to Vietnam and Indonesia was unusual would be an understatement. There were the customary photo opportunities, mapped-out agendas and planned announcements -- and of course his 40-minute morning walks -- but this was 2020, a year where nothing is really ordinary. Suga, who became prime minister last month, took a PCR, or polymerase chain reaction, test and an antigen test both before leaving Japan on Sunday and upon his return Wednesday. He also flew with less aides than is customary, granting a request by his hosts to keep his entourage at a minimum, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry. Vietnam, his first stop, had been able to relatively contain the virus, with the country of 95 million people recording about 1,100 cases as of Tuesday, according to a Johns Hopkins University tally. Indonesia, meanwhile, has seen coronavirus cases top 370,000, the most in Southeast Asia. Suga and his aides were exempt from taking PCR tests when they entered Vietnam according to diplomatic protocols, but they were not allowed to leave their Vietnam hotel except for a meeting with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and wreath-laying ceremony. In Indonesia, they were limited to a summit meeting and news conference. During a summit with Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday, the two leaders wore masks and spoke through a plexiglass board set up as a precaution. Most Indonesian participants, except for the president, wore both masks and face shields. The traveling press corps also went through irregular procedures. They were asked to take PCR tests in Japan a few days before departure and were allowed to enter Vietnam after showing negative results. Even then, reporting was substantially restricted in the country. After arriving in Vietnam on Sunday, the reporters went directly to the hotel from the airport by chartered bus. But the bus did not stop at the front entrance of the hotel. Instead it stopped at the rear entrance, where Japanese Embassy staff wearing white protective suits welcomed the journalists, then ushered them to the staff elevator. After taking PCR tests again at the hotel, they were told to stay inside their rooms until they were notified of the negative test results the next morning. They were also asked not to eat at hotel restaurants or leave the hotel even after they tested negative. But they were given bento boxes to eat in their rooms. Usually, reporters traveling with the prime minister are allowed to do some sightseeing in foreign cities, but this time, there was no such privilege. Reporting on events with the prime minister was also restricted. While Suga gave a speech at Vietnam-Japan University in Hanoi on Monday, reporters were told to watch the address on video at Suga's hotel. The joint press conference after the summit with Widodo on Tuesday was a pool camera coverage. The reporters were also asked to watch the live coverage at the hotel. Top stories - Google News October 21, 2020 at 09:06AM Suga samples 'diplomacy in pandemic' on maiden voyage - Nikkei Asian Review Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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