De Blog Have Fun |
- 1990年代を席巻したコミック『スプリガン』がNetflixでオリジナルアニメとして復活!ティザーアートが解禁 - Qetic
- 트로트가수 권도운 커밍아웃… “성소수자 인권 대변할 것” - 조선일보
- 짧은 치마·빨간 하이힐 간호사 복장…블랙핑크 MV 논란 / 연합뉴스 (Yonhapnews) - 연합뉴스 Yonhapnews
- Mick Fleetwood joins TikTok to recreate viral longboard and 'Dreams' video - CNN
- 乃木坂46中田花奈、ランジェリーカット公開「セクシーに撮っていただけた」 - マイナビニュース
- 트로트 가수 권도운, 동성애자 커밍아웃…“성소수자 인권 대변하고파” - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보
- 이효리가 이상순과의 결혼식 사진을 처음으로 공개했다 - 허프포스트코리아
- 블랙핑크 뮤비 간호사 복장 논란YG 특정의도 없었다 - 한국경제TV
- 松本人志が霜降り明星を絶賛「めちゃくちゃ才能あります!」 - livedoor
- 유재환 “아버지 폭력 트라우마로 벨소리 못 들어” - 조선일보
- 주병진 “결혼할 뻔한 순간 두 번 있었다” - 문화일보
- 新型iPhone、小型機種の名称は「iPhone 12 mini」か--ラベルのリーク画像が示唆 - CNET Japan
- Widodo defends Indonesia's COVID-19 record - Grenfell Record and Bland Advertiser
- Harry Redknapp backs former club Tottenham to WIN the Premier League title this season - Daily Mail
- Indian Actress Mishti Mukherjee, 27, Dies of Kidney Failure Related to Keto Diet - The Beet
- Man Utd agree €41m Amad Traore transfer from Atalanta -
- '신박한 정리' 유재환 “아버지 폭력 트라우마…벨 소리 공황장애” 고백 - 세계일보
- '아침마당' 정동환 근황 "1인극 '대심문관과 파우스트' 준비 중" - 한국일보
- [SC리뷰] `마이위에` 김미화X김한국 `30년 케미`…"예전에는 부부 이상으로 붙어다녔다" - 조선일보
- GPU内蔵Ryzen PRO 4000Gシリーズ搭載「Radiant VX2800B550AG」は9万円切りで将来的に長く使えてデスクトップPC入門にも! -
- 3サイズで確定かな? iPhone 12のガラスフィルムが小売店に入荷 - ギズモード・ジャパン
- Artis Named 2019 Heavy Hitter of the Year - Lenoir Rhyne College Athletics
- 乃木坂46中田花奈、初写真集よりセクシーなランジェリーカット公開(コメントあり) - ナタリー
1990年代を席巻したコミック『スプリガン』がNetflixでオリジナルアニメとして復活!ティザーアートが解禁 - Qetic Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT 1990年代を席巻したコミック『スプリガン』がNetflixでオリジナルアニメとして復活!ティザーアートが解禁 - Qetic 1990年代に連載され、一世を風靡したスーパー伝奇アクションコミック『スプリガン』(原作:たかしげ宙 x 作画:皆川亮二による)が、Netflixオリジナルアニメシリーズとして現代に甦り、ついにそのベールを脱ぐ! 主人公・御神苗優が銃を構え振り向くティザーアートが解禁された。 Netflixで『スプリガン』がオリジナルアニメとして復活!またこの度、ティザーアートの解禁に合わせて、監督を小林寛、シリーズ構成・脚本を瀬古浩司がつとめることに。さらにキャラクターデザインには半田修平と、日本を代表するクリエイターがメインスタッフとして集結している。2021年、御神苗優が全世界へその名を轟かす! 90年代に一斉を風靡した伝説的コミックを、2D作画と3DCGを駆使して鮮烈に映像化! 30年の時を超えて新生する、過激なアクションと古代ロマンに満ち溢れた王道冒険活劇を体感せよ! あらすじ INFORMATIONNetflixオリジナルアニメシリーズ『スプリガン』![]() 2021年 Netflixにて全世界独占配信 2020-10-06 02:56:00Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
트로트가수 권도운 커밍아웃… “성소수자 인권 대변할 것” - 조선일보 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
짧은 치마·빨간 하이힐 간호사 복장…블랙핑크 MV 논란 / 연합뉴스 (Yonhapnews) - 연합뉴스 Yonhapnews Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mick Fleetwood joins TikTok to recreate viral longboard and 'Dreams' video - CNN Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:47 PM PDT ![]() Last month, TikTok user Nathan Apodaca, known on social media as 420doggface208, posted a video of himself riding his longboard and drinking juice, with Fleetwood Mac's song "Dreams" as the backing track. Apodaca uploaded the post, which features him mouthing along to the song and is captioned "morning vibe," on September 25. It quickly went viral and now has 21.9 million plays on the video-sharing platform. Fleetwood then joined TikTok and uploaded his own version of the video on Sunday. "420doggface208 had it right," he wrote in the caption. "Dreams and Cranberry just hits different." The singer's first post on the platform had reached 2.9 million plays at the time of writing. While Fleetwood has yet to make another post, Apodaca has continued to upload videos of himself dancing, longboarding and sending inspirational messages to viewers. His post also boosted listener numbers for "Dreams," according to Billboard. The track saw US streams and digital download sales spike by 88.7% and 374%, respectively, for three-day period September 25-27, according to Nielsen Music/MRC Data. "viral" - Google News October 05, 2020 at 06:39AM Mick Fleetwood joins TikTok to recreate viral longboard and 'Dreams' video - CNN "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||
乃木坂46中田花奈、ランジェリーカット公開「セクシーに撮っていただけた」 - マイナビニュース Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:44 PM PDT 乃木坂46中田花奈、ランジェリーカット公開「セクシーに撮っていただけた」 - マイナビニュース ![]() アイドルグループ・乃木坂46の中田花奈の1st写真集『好きなことだけをしていたい』(10月13日発売/光文社)より、ランジェリーカットが公開された。 この写真集初となったランジェリー撮影の衣装は、「ランジェリーの女王」とも称されるパリ発のブランド、シャンタルトーマスのコルセット付きの黒いランジェリー。大胆なレース使いが小悪魔的なムードを漂わせている。シンプルなベッドルームに差し込む光を浴びて、フェティッシュな魅力に溢れた一枚となった。 中田は「ランジェリーはいくつか着ましたが、このカットが初の撮影です。もっと緊張するかと思いましたが、思いのほかリラックスして楽しく撮影することができました。この写真集の撮影打ち合わせのとき、コルセットを着たいとお願いしていたのですが、イメージ通りのものを用意してもらえました。出来上がった写真を見て、セクシーに撮っていただけたなと思いました(笑)」とコメントしている。 なお、予約数の好調を受けて、同写真集の発売前重版が決定した。 2020-10-06 01:34:04Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
트로트 가수 권도운, 동성애자 커밍아웃…“성소수자 인권 대변하고파” - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT ![]() 트로트 가수 권도운. 믿음엔터테인먼트=뉴스1 트로트 가수 권도운이 스스로 동성애자라고 커밍아웃했다. 6일 권도운은 소속사 믿음엔터테인먼트를 통해 "트로트 가수 최초로 게이로서 커밍아웃한다"며 "성소수자의 인권을 대변하고 연예계 커밍아웃의 지평을 열어 가는 역할을 하고 싶다"고 성 정체성을 공개한 이유를 밝혔다. 연예인이 스스로 게이라고 커밍아웃하는 사례는 홍석천 이후 20년 만이다. 권도운은 앞으로 성소수자의 목소리를 대변할 수 있는 역할을 하고 싶다고 말했다. 이날 권도운은 자신의 인스타그램에도 기사 캡처 사진을 올리고 "아침부터 기사가 쏟아져 놀랐다"며 "더 열심히 하겠다. 성원에 감사하다"고 전했다. 한편 권도운은 서강대학교 신문방송학과 1학년에 재학 중이던 지난 2009년 제2회 tbs 대학생 트로트 가요제에서 대상, 작사상, 작곡상 등 3관왕을 석권하며 가요계에 입문한 트로트 싱어송라이터이다. '한잔 더 내 스타일이야', '투나잇' 등의 곡을 발표했으며, 최근에는 '카사노바'로 활동 중이다. 또한 권도운은 매주 목요일 유튜브 채널 '나몰라패밀리핫쇼'에 고정 게스트로 출연하고 있다. 이지영 기자 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 트로트 가수 권도운, 동성애자 커밍아웃…"성소수자 인권 대변하고파" - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
이효리가 이상순과의 결혼식 사진을 처음으로 공개했다 - 허프포스트코리아 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT 이효리가 과거 활동 당시와 결혼식 모습을 보며 추억을 회상했다. 5일 오후 5시 공개된 카카오TV 오리지널 웹예능 '페이스아이디'에서는 이효리가 일상을 공개하는 모습이 그려졌다. 카카오TV 이날 이효리는 포토그래퍼 김태은에게 연락한 뒤, 이상순에게 "뭐하고 있냐, 오늘 태은언니네 집에서 자고 내일 일찍 내려가겠다"고 연락했다. 이어 포토그래퍼와 만난 이효리는 근황에 대해 "너무 바쁘고 너무 살 빠지고"라며 "킬로 수는 똑같은데, 요새 그래서 많이 먹으려고 노력 중이다"라고 밝혔다. 김태은씨 역시 "너무 살이 빠졌다"며 놀라워했다. 같이 밥을 먹던 김태은씨는 '사주에 상순씨덕에 산다는 얘기 있지 않았냐'고 물었고, 이효리는 "여러 기운이 좋다는 것"이라며 "(이상순은) 사주 전체에 돈이 떨어지지 않는 사주고, 나는 늘 먹여 살려야 하는 사주, 주변 다"라고 말했다. 이어 "그래도 내가 벌어 먹고 사는 게 좋다"며 웃었다. 카카오TV 또한 임신 준비 중이라는 이효리는 "한의원에 다녀왔다"며 "한의원에 간다고 다 생기는 건 아니지만 이러다 생기는 거 아니냐, 흐름이"라고 말했다. 또 이효리는 과거 김태은씨와 작업하던 시절을 떠올린 뒤, 옛날 사진들을 보며 "통통한 거 봐, 저때 스무 살이었을 것이다" "예뻐지려고 하는 노력이 보이는데 지금은 안 그렇다"고 회상했다. 이효리는 네이버 블로그를 운영하던 시절 글과 사진을 보며 추억에 젖었다. 이어 이상순과 2013년 9월 1일 결혼식 당시 영상을 최초로 공개하며 당시를 회상했다. 카카오TV 이효리는 혼인 서약 하는 모습을 본 뒤, "신부가 혼인 서약 후 맥주를 벌컥벌컥 마셨다"며 웃었다. 영상 속에서 이상순은 반지를 끼워주며 "24K, 순금이고 블랙 다이아로 맞췄다"고 했고, 이어 이효리가 노래를 부르는 모습, 결혼식 도중 두 사람이 자전거 타는 모습도 담겼다. 카카오TV 이효리는 영상을 보고, "이거 너무 추억이다. 다시는 못 올"이라고 말한 뒤, 포토그래퍼가 준다고 하자 "됐다, 집 컴퓨터에 다 있다"고 덧붙여 웃음을 자아냈다. 또한 반려견 순심이의 옛날 사진도 본 이효리는 이상순에게 연락해 '순심이 등 통통하고 넓은거 봐, 지금의 두 배'라고 말했다. 이어 이효리는 이상순과 '다시' 노래를 부르며 마무리했다. 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
블랙핑크 뮤비 간호사 복장 논란YG 특정의도 없었다 - 한국경제TV Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT 최근 `성적 대상화` 논란을 빚은 블랙핑크 뮤직비디오 속 간호사 복장에 대해 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트가 "왜곡된 시선이 쏟아지는 것에 우려를 표한다"는 입장을 밝혔다. Copyrightⓒ한국경제TV. All Rights Reserved. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 관련뉴스 인기 갤러리 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
松本人志が霜降り明星を絶賛「めちゃくちゃ才能あります!」 - livedoor Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:44 PM PDT 松本人志が霜降り明星を絶賛「めちゃくちゃ才能あります!」 - livedoor ![]() お笑いコンビ・ダウンタウンの松本人志が5日、自身のツイッターを更新。後輩のお笑いコンビ・霜降り明星を「めちゃくちゃ才能あります!」と絶賛した。<Twitterより>霜降り明星が感激した松本人志のツイートきっかけとなったのは、同日公開された「社会学者が解説お笑い第7世代が"卒・松本人志"できた理由」という記事。「最近人気の"お笑い第7世代"は、長年お笑いのピラミッドの頂点にいた松本人志の影響をあまり受け 2020-10-06 01:05:00Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
유재환 “아버지 폭력 트라우마로 벨소리 못 들어” - 조선일보 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
주병진 “결혼할 뻔한 순간 두 번 있었다” - 문화일보 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT '박원숙의 같이 삽시다' 7일 방송 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 주병진 "결혼할 뻔한 순간 두 번 있었다" - 문화일보 )MC 주병진이 '박원숙의 같이 삽시다'에 출연해 결혼할 뻔한 사연을 고백한다. 7일 오후 방송되는 KBS 2TV '박원숙의 같이 삽시다'에서는 지난주에 이어 주병진과 함께 럭셔리 요트 투어에 나선 자매들의 모습이 공개된다. 자매들은 식사 내내 주병진에게 연애, 결혼 관련해 폭풍 질문을 이어갔고 주병진은 누님들의 질문 공세에 "결혼할 뻔한 순간이 두 번 있다"고 고백했다. 주병진의 솔직한 고백에 누님들의 궁금증은 더욱 폭발했다. 주병진은 누님들의 궁금증에 답을 하면서도 의외의 결혼관을 고백해 누나들을 당황하게 했다고 한다. 럭셔리 요트를 즐긴 주병진과 자매들은 해변 캠핑장으로 향했다. 직접 만든 요리를 먹으며 깊은 속 이야기까지 나눴고 큰언니 박원숙은 혜은이·김영란 두 동생의 '돈벌이' 걱정을 하며 눈물을 쏟았다. '박원숙의 같이 삽시다'는 혼자 사는 중년 여자 스타들의 동거 생활을 통해 중장년 세대가 직면한 현실과 노후 고민에 대해 가감 없이 이야기하고, 서로의 상처와 고민을 함께 나누며 같이 살아가는 삶의 가치를 보여주는 프로그램이다. 7일 오후 10시40분에 방송된다. 뉴시스> 저작권자ⓒ '한국언론뉴스허브' 뉴시스통신사. 무단전재-재배포금지.> 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
新型iPhone、小型機種の名称は「iPhone 12 mini」か--ラベルのリーク画像が示唆 - CNET Japan Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT Appleが10月に4機種の新型「iPhone」を投入するとのうわさが以前から流れている。また9月には、最も小さいサイズの機種の名称が「iPhone 12 mini」になるらしいというリーク情報も浮上していた。 ![]() 提供:Angela Lang/CNET この名称に関する情報を流していたDuanRuiというTwitterユーザーがこのほど、Apple製の新型iPhone用ケースに貼られるものとみられる製品ラベルの画像をTwitterで共有。この画像に出ているラベルには「iPhone 12 mini」「iPhone 12/12 Pro」「iPhone 12 Pro Max」という名称が記されている。また、これらのラベルにはこれまでのものと同じAppleのフォントが使われているようで、「Designed by Apple in California」など、Appleのステッカーにお決まりの文言が記されている。
DuanRuiは過去に、発表前のApple製品の画像をオンラインで共有した実績の持ち主で、たとえば8月にはデザイン刷新、「Touch ID」指紋センサー、USB-Cポート等の詳細が記された「iPad Air」のユーザーマニュアルをリークしていた。DuanRuiはまた、Appleが9月のイベントで発表した新しいハードウェアについても、事前に正しく予測していた。 10月中旬の発表がうわさされているAppleの新型Phoneについては、iPhone 12 miniの画面サイズが5.4インチ、iPhone 12とiPhone 12 Proはともに6.1インチ、そしてiPhone 12 Pro Maxが6.7インチになるとされている。 この記事は海外CBS Interactive発の記事を朝日インタラクティブが日本向けに編集したものです。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||
Widodo defends Indonesia's COVID-19 record - Grenfell Record and Bland Advertiser Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:08 PM PDT ![]() Indonesian President Joko Widodo has defended his record on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, asking for no "polemics" amid criticism that he is putting the economy over public health. The COVID-19 caseload in the world's fourth-most populous country rose to 299,506. Its coronavirus-related death toll of 11,055 is among the highest in Asia. The government's handling of the pandemic since March has drawn criticism from some experts for prioritising economic over public health concerns. The health ministry has been taken to task for insufficient spending on the pandemic, insufficient protection for health workers and high prices for private coronavirus tests. "I can say that the COVID handling in Indonesia has not been bad, indeed it has been quite good," the president said in a statement on his official YouTube account, arguing the country's total cases and death toll are lower than countries with comparably large populations. The president, known by his popular name Jokowi, defended his decision not to impose province- or city-wide lockdowns in places where cases continue to surge because he said that would have hurt people's livelihood. "Prioritising health matters does not mean we are sacrificing the economy, because sacrificing the economy is equal to sacrificing the lives of tens of millions of people," Jokowi said. "Overcoming the pandemic is difficult, it requires hard work together, but I'm sure we can do it," he said. "The most important thing in this situation is we should not make polemics and there should be no commotion." Southeast Asia's biggest economy is set to enter its first recession since the 1998 Asian financial crisis due to the pandemic. But the government's worst-case forecast of a 1.7 per cent contraction in 2020 is better than many economies, officials say. The president also pledged to order his ministers to improve their response to the crisis and urged people to complain or provide suggestions to the government. Australian Associated Press Top stories - Google News October 03, 2020 at 08:21PM Widodo defends Indonesia's COVID-19 record - Grenfell Record and Bland Advertiser Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||
Harry Redknapp backs former club Tottenham to WIN the Premier League title this season - Daily Mail Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:08 PM PDT 'People are going to think I am crazy... but that is some squad they have got': Harry Redknapp backs former club Tottenham to WIN the Premier League title this season... but his son Jamie isn't convinced!
Harry Redknapp has backed his former club Tottenham to win the 2020-21 Premier League. Redknapp believes Tottenham's decision to sign Gareth Bale, Sergio Reguilon, Matt Doherty, Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg and Carlos Vinicius this summer has turned them into a major force to be reckoned with. As it stands, Spurs have picked up seven points from four games but hammered Manchester United 6-1 at Old Trafford at the weekend to prove their credentials. ![]() Harry Redknapp has backed his former club Tottenham to win the 2020-2021 Premier League Redknapp, who managed Tottenham from 2008 until 2012 and led them to a Champions League quarter final in 2011, believes it will be his former club that 'upsets' Liverpool and Manchester City this season. Speaking on Sky Sports, he said: 'If you ask me, honestly, I think they will make top four. I think they could even win the league this year. 'I know people are going to think I am crazy but I look at that squad. It looks like it is going to be an open year. Look what happened at the weekend. 'I am telling you, that is some squad they have got. They have got cover in every position. It is a really powerful squad. If anyone is going to upset the big two…' ![]() He says their signings, such as Gareth Bale, could put Liverpool and Man City under pressure ![]() Redknapp says Tottenham's frontline of Bale, Harry Kane and Son Heung-min will be 'scary' 'Go through that team. Have a look at that squad. Go through that forward line. Son Heung-min. Harry Kane. Gareth Bale. 'Look at the strength in depth. They are full of midfield players. Defensively, they have two right backs and two left backs. They could be scary. I think Tottenham are a danger to anyone in that division this year. Lump on, whatever price they ask. 'If anyone else is going to do it, it could be Spurs.' Bale is yet to make his return to the Tottenham Hotspur stadium, but when he is fit it is likely that Jose Mourinho will use the Welsh man centrally as the No 10 behind the striker or on the right-wing parallel to Son. Should Mourinho divert from his usual 4-2-3-1 formation, fans may also see Bale play up alongside Kane. ![]() Although pundit Jamie Redknapp says he 'can't back up' his dad's opinion 'on this one' However, Jamie Redknapp is less convinced about the mouth-watering partnership in the making. He told his dad on Sky Sports: 'I can't back you up on this one. 'If Bale, Son and Kane hit it off - Bale's not silly. He's come back and put his reputation on the line. 'He knows what he's capable of, and if they can get him back to the level he was at when dad had him, we've got one of the greats back in the Premier League.' Spurs finished sixth last season, 22 points off second-placed Manchester City and 40 points behind champions Liverpool. As it stands, they currently sit sixth in the table for the 2020-21 campaign. Read more: ![]() Top stories - Google News October 05, 2020 at 04:43PM Harry Redknapp backs former club Tottenham to WIN the Premier League title this season - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Actress Mishti Mukherjee, 27, Dies of Kidney Failure Related to Keto Diet - The Beet Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:48 PM PDT ![]() Indian actress Mishti Mukherjee died of kidney failure at the age of 27, due to complications related to her keto diet, according to a statement from her family. Mishti as she was known, suffered kidney failure related to her strict keto diet, Friday evening, according to a statement that confirmed the death of the actress, who starred in many movies and music videos. Her kidneys failed after the actress reported suffering severe pain. The keto diet is causing controversy in the medical community because of the way dieters lower their carb intake and overload their protein and fat intake, which can put a strain on the kidneys and cause the renal system to get overwhelmed. The actress's family released an official statement that stated, "Actress Mishti Mukherjee who marked her brilliance in many films and music videos with her ace acting is no more. Due to the keto diet, her kidney failed in Bangalore and she breathed her last on Friday night, the actress suffered a lot of pain. Unforgettable and unfortunate loss. May her soul rest in peace. She is survived by her parents and brother."
A keto diet is a high-fat, high protein, low-carb diet designed to put the body into ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel. The ideal keto diet should consist of about 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and only 5 percent of carbs. Instead of burning carb the body must switch over to burn fat, which occurs in about 3 to 4 days of beginning to follow the keto plan. Studies have linked the keto diet to adverse effects on the body, especially if followed strictly and for an extensive period of time since it can put a lot of stress on your kidneys and may lead to kidney stones. The amount of protein a person eats can lead to overwhelming the kidneys and anyone already suffering from chronic kidney disease or related ailment can suffer side effects. Consuming a diet high in animal protein, especially red meat, may lead to a higher risk of forming kidney stones, the research has shown. "It may also worsen the kidney functioning of those who already have kidney diseases. The theory is that higher intake of animal food products can make your urine more acidic i.e. increase level of excretion of calcium from your urine," said Dr. Salil Jain, Director of Nephrology and Renal Transplant, Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurugram.
"It surely has the potential risk of other health problems as the user is on high proteins and fats intake," she explained "A person with ideal or lesser body weight is generally not suggested to go for it. It is not suggested to continue for more than 45 days in one go as the body starves for other nutrients as well as high protein puts pressure on the kidney without other related precautions," she noted. Kidneys and Liver Can Be Damaged by Too Many Ketones in the BloodWhile kidney stones are one possible side effect there are other more dire outcomes, the studies have shown. Doctors have warned that while keto works well for obese patients it can cause more severe issues for thinner patients who stay on it too long, since when the body stores up too many ketones—the acids produced as a byproduct of burning fat—the blood can become too acidic, which can damage the liver, kidneys, and brain. Left untreated, it can be fatal, according to medical experts. Dieters should drink plenty of water to reduce the stress on the kidneys while on a keto diet. The Beet quoted Dr. Andrew Freeman, cardiologist, who has studied ketogenic diets and heart disease, who said: It's not the diet itself, but what most people eat when they are doing it, such as red meat, processed meat (like bacon) and high-fat foods that can cause fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease and other related health problems associated with eating a diet high in red meat. Most people have trouble staying on such a strict low-carb diet, and end up gaining all the weight back. The healthier choice, according to Dr. Freeman, is a low-fat diet that is rich in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and low in processed foods. "Actress" - Google News October 05, 2020 at 03:16PM Indian Actress Mishti Mukherjee, 27, Dies of Kidney Failure Related to Keto Diet - The Beet "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||
Man Utd agree €41m Amad Traore transfer from Atalanta - Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:42 PM PDT ![]() One of the most promising young attackers in world football will link up with his new club in January Manchester United have confirmed the signing of 18-year-old winger Amad Diallo Traore for a deal rising to €41 million (£37m/$48m). The right-sided attacker is expected to join the club in January and the deal is subject to a medical, personal terms and work permit. However, an agreement has been reached with Atalanta over a fee which is believed to be €21m with €20m in add ons. The Ivorian, who is said to prefer the name 'Diallo', has made just three substitute appearances in Serie A but club chiefs believe he has great potential and think he is one of the most exciting young players in Italy. It is understood he has been on United's radar since 2016 and has been continually recommended by scouts ever since. Despite his age, he is expected to go straight into the first-team squad when he finally arrives at the club in January. Traore is the first of what is expected to be two teenage attacking signings on transfer deadline day. Highly rated Uruguayan winger Facundo Pellistri is another to have undergone a medical at the club's training ground on Monday ahead of completing a transfer. It is understood a deal could be around £10m ($12m) and the winger comes under the recommendation of former Manchester United forward Diego Forlan who managed the winger during his spell at Penarol. The likes of Real Madrid, Juventus, Lyon and Atletico Madrid have also shown interest in the Uruguayan, who is regarded as one of the brightest young talents in South America. With United's pursuit of Jadon Sancho and efforts to secure a loan deal for Barcelona winger Ousmane Dembele not coming to fruition, it is likely that these teenage wingers will be the only additions in that position, with time running out to bring in anyone else. The club did announce their second signing of the summer with Alex Telles agreeing a four year deal from Porto and Edinson Cavani is expected to be confirmed after completing a medical on Monday. Meanwhile, Chris Smalling has left the club on a permanent deal to go back to Roma where he enjoyed a successful season on loan in the last campaign. "Goal" - Google News October 05, 2020 at 01:53PM Man Utd agree €41m Amad Traore transfer from Atalanta - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||
'신박한 정리' 유재환 “아버지 폭력 트라우마…벨 소리 공황장애” 고백 - 세계일보 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT 가수 겸 작곡가 유재환이 아버지에 대한 트라우마를 고백했다. 지난 5일 방송된 tvN 예능프로그램 '신박한 정리'에서는 작곡가 유재환이 스타 의뢰인으로 출연해 어머니와 사는 집 정리를 의뢰했다. 유재환은 "어머니와 둘이 살고 있다. 어머니가 암 선고를 받으시고 7년이 지났다"며 "암 선고를 받으신 후 치료에 매진 하셨다. 그때부터 지금까지 집에 계셨다. 무겁지만 진심으로 도움을 요청하고 싶어서 부탁드렸다"고 의뢰 이유를 밝혔다. 유재환은 집안 정리 중 앨범을 발견하고 이내 아버지 이야기를 꺼냈다. 유재환은 "방송에서 처음 얘기하는 거다. 아버지란 존재가 나에게 트라우마였다"면서 "(아버지로부터) 폭력적인 행위들을 겪어서 굉장히 괴로웠다"고 고백했다. 이어 "처음 공황장애라는 단어를 알고 나서, 내 인생에 언제가 심장이 두근두근했을까 생각해봤다. 아버지가 일을 하고 들어오셔서 벨을 누를 때였다. '드디어 왔다'는 생각에 심장이 두근두근했었다"라고 설명했다. 그러면서 유재환은 "전 지금까지도 벨소리를 못 듣는다. 여기 집 안 벨소리도 다 줄여놨다. 저도 엄마도 벨소리를 못 듣는다"라고 밝혔다. 유재환은 "제가 웃고 있으니까 밝게 잘 자란 줄 아는데, 사람들이란게 가슴 뚜껑 열어보면 안 끓는 냄비가 없다더라. 저마다 다들 사정들이 있으니까"라며 씁쓸한 마음을 드러냈다. 박나래는 "그런 거 있으면 솔직하게 털어놓는 게 더 낫다. 묵은 짐 비우듯 나쁜 기억도 털어내라"고 위로를 건넸다. 한윤종 기자 [ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
'아침마당' 정동환 근황 "1인극 '대심문관과 파우스트' 준비 중" - 한국일보 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT ![]() '아침마당' 정동환이 출연했다.KBS 방송 캡처 배우 정동환이 50년 연기 인생을 밝혔다. 6일 오전 방송된 KBS1 '아침마당'에서는 정동환이 출연했다. 이날 방송에서 정동환은 "배우 데뷔 50년이 넘었다"며 "1965년도에 학생연극경연대회에서 최우수상을 받으면서 시작했다. 그런데 1965년은 학생 때였다. 일반 관객을 받아서 정식으로 데뷔한 게 1969년이라 1969년 데뷔했다고 하는 거다"고 말했다. 근황을 묻는 질문에 정동환은 1인 4역, 1인극 '대심문관과 파우스트'를 준비 중이라고 밝혔다. 그는 "배우가 홀로 몸을 견뎌내야 하는 연극"이라며 "누군가가 연극의 최후 지점은 '배우의 연기와 관객의 머리가 만나는 것'이라고 이야기했다. 그것만 있으면 다른 것은 다 필요 없다고 생각한다. 우리의 연극이 그것을 지향하는 것이고, 영화나 다른 매체에서는 소화할 수 없는 연극만의 마법이라고 생각한다"고 덧붙였다. 진주희 기자 한국일보 뉴스 네이버 채널 구독하기 ![]() 세상을 보는 균형, 한국일보 Copyright © Hankookilbo 기사 및 더 읽기 ( '아침마당' 정동환 근황 "1인극 '대심문관과 파우스트' 준비 중" - 한국일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
[SC리뷰] `마이위에` 김미화X김한국 `30년 케미`…"예전에는 부부 이상으로 붙어다녔다" - 조선일보 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||||||||||||||||
GPU内蔵Ryzen PRO 4000Gシリーズ搭載「Radiant VX2800B550AG」は9万円切りで将来的に長く使えてデスクトップPC入門にも! - Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT 8コア/16スレッドの実力は本物! 2020年10月06日 09時00分更新 前回は主にスペックや内部についてチェックした。コスパモデルといえども内部の組み立てクオリティーは 試用したのは
GPU内蔵とは思えないほどのCPU性能! | ||||||||||||||||||||
3サイズで確定かな? iPhone 12のガラスフィルムが小売店に入荷 - ギズモード・ジャパン Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT ![]() 6.7、6.1、5.4! そろそろ発表かもよ? と囁かれているiPhone 12(仮称)。今年のiPhoneは4モデルで3サイズ展開されるなんて噂がありますけど、それを肯定する証拠が出てきました。 米国の小売店には、iPhone 12用とされるスクリーン保護ガラスとケースが入荷しているみたい。
保護ガラスのサイズは6.7インチ、6.1インチ、5.4インチの3種が確認できます。 iPhone 12用とするケースはこれまでも販売されていましたが(ハンズオンはこちら)、アクセサリメーカーとして歴史も長いZAGG社の商品が小売店へ入荷! …となると、やはりそういうことなのでしょう。 さて、みんなはどのサイズのiPhone狙う? 僕は毎年一番デカイのを買ってたんですが、6.7インチってちょっと巨大過ぎる気がしましてね…。どうしよう…。 Source: Twitter via 気になる、記になる… からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||
Artis Named 2019 Heavy Hitter of the Year - Lenoir Rhyne College Athletics Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:26 PM PDT Artis Named 2019 Heavy Hitter of the Year - Lenoir Rhyne College Athletics ![]() ![]() Football HICKORY, N.C. – John Moretz, owner of Southside Power and Fitness and Sponsor of the Championship Series, has announced that Jaquan Artis has been named the 2019 Ronnie Lott Heavy Hitter of the Year Award. Ronnie Lott's Heavy Hitter of the Year honors LR Football's best in character and performance. The award was established in 2002 by LR alumni John '72 and Marilyn '73 Moretz and is sponsored by Southside Power & Fitness in honor of Pro Football Hall of Fame Inductee Ronnie Lott. The Ronnie Lott Heavy Hitters Club was modeled on the Lott IMPACT Trophy which honors Division I college football's best in character and performance. Ronnie Lott was a two-time All-American for USC and is a College Football Hall of Fame Inductee. He went on to win four Super Bowl rings with the San Francisco 49ers and made 10 trips to the Pro Bowl. Lott also garnered a spot in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. In addition to a yearly Heavy Hitter of the Year award, LR Football gives out a Heavy Hitter of the Week award after each game throughout the season. Each week, Southside Power & Fitness awards $500 to Habitat for Humanity. Since its inception, over $120,000 has been raised for Habitat for Humanity. Artis was the National Defensive Player of the Year and was the only defensive player to be a finalist for the Harlon Hill Award. He finished the season with 82 total tacks, 23 tackles for loss and 14.5 sacks. Artis concluded his career as the all-time leader in sacks at Lenoir-Rhyne with 29. PREVIOUS HEAVY HITTER OF THE YEAR WINNERS 2002- Jameil Surratt 2020-10-05 16:15:34Z | ||||||||||||||||||||
乃木坂46中田花奈、初写真集よりセクシーなランジェリーカット公開(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT 乃木坂46中田花奈、初写真集よりセクシーなランジェリーカット公開(コメントあり) - ナタリー ![]() このページは株式会社ナターシャの音楽ナタリー編集部が作成・配信しています。 乃木坂46 / 中田花奈 の最新情報はリンク先をご覧ください。 音楽ナタリーでは国内アーティストを中心とした最新音楽ニュースを毎日配信!メジャーからインディーズまでリリース情報、ライブレポート、番組情報、コラムなど幅広い情報をお届けします。 2020-10-05 22:00:00Z |
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