De Blog Have Fun |
- '초호화 프러포즈' 이필립♥박현선, 10일 결혼…중소기업 합병급? - SBS연예뉴스
- '내가죽던날' 김혜수 "이정은의 연기, 매순간 경이로웠다" - 조선일보
- 솔비 "최근 내 작품 920만원에 최고가 낙찰…해당 경매서 1위" - 뉴스1
- 「PlayStation 5(PS5)」のバラバラ分解映像を公式が公開 - GIGAZINE
- In the Midst of a Pandemic, Actress Katherine Castro Is Bringing ‘Somos Good News' to the Latinx Community - NBC Southern California
- Upcoming mobile app will feature Birmingham's historic industrial sites - Bham Now
- Wow: Teen phenom Camavinga scores audacious goal in 1st France start - ProSoccerTalk
- 2AM 정진운, 전역에 활짝 웃으며 들뜬 모습 “복귀가 뭐죠? 집에 가야지” - 세계일보
- マウス、GeForce RTX 3080/3090搭載パソコン - PC Watch
- Vice presidential debate: date, time, and how to watch the live stream - The Verge
- Scene for VP debate: Red, white and blue — and plexiglass - Carolinacoastonline
- 『ベストヒット歌謡祭』コロナ感染防止で今年の開催中止「苦渋の決断であるとご理解下さい」 - ORICON NEWS
- His TikTok went viral. So Ocean Spray gave him a truck - CNN
- Upcoming mobile app will feature Birmingham's historic industrial sites - Bham Now
- ‘유퀴즈’ 솔비 “작가 권지안으로 유재석 선배 만나, 인생 성공한 기분” 감격 [어저께TV] - 조선일보
- 이필립♥박현선, 1월 다이아 프러포즈→10월10일 결혼 - 뉴스1
- SIE、PlayStation 5の分解映像を公開--内部のパーツなどを解説(CNET Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース
- Beat Audio、「Emerald MKII」導体採用のUSBケーブル。約1万円 - AV Watch
- 박태준 아내 최수정, 알고보니 아이돌 센터 출신…화사와 '절친' - 머니투데이
- [SC리뷰] "우울증 극복"…'유퀴즈' 솔비, 루머-편견 이겨낸 작가 권지안 - 조선일보
- 稲垣吾郎、二階堂ふみに溺れ堕ちていく『ばるぼら』衝撃の本予告解禁 - ドワンゴジェイピーnews
- サムソナイト、Jacquard by Googleを搭載したバックパック2種類を発売 - TRAICY(トライシー)
- The PlayStation 5 looks like it’ll be taller and cooler than all of us - The Next Web
- Sandpiper releases strong critique of Artis REIT board | RENX - Real Estate News EXchange
- B’z松本孝弘「ただただぼうぜん」エディさん悼む - ニッカンスポーツ
'초호화 프러포즈' 이필립♥박현선, 10일 결혼…중소기업 합병급? - SBS연예뉴스 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT ![]() [SBS연예뉴스 | 김지혜 기자] 배우 출신 사업가 이필립과 쇼핑몰 대표이자 인플루언서인 박현선 커플이 오는 10일 백년가약을 맺는다. 7일 매일경제 스타투데이는 오는 10월 10일 이필립과 박현선이 서울의 한 호텔에서 결혼식을 올린다고 보도했다. 두 사람은 약 2년 간 진지한 만남을 이어왔다. 올 초에는 박현선이 자신의 SNS에 미국에서 이필립으로부터 받은 초호화 프러포즈를 공개하기도 했다. ![]() 당시 이필립에게 받은 물방울 크기의 다이아몬드 반지를 공개해 폭발적인 관심을 모았다. 하지만 큰 관심과 악플에 부담을 느낀 듯 게시물을 삭제했다. 이필립은 연예계의 대표적인 '엄친아'로 꼽힌다. 연매출 2,000억 원대의 IT 기업 STG 이수동 회장의 아들로 미국 보스턴 대학을 졸업한 후 조지워싱턴 대학교에서 석사 과정을 밟았다. 아버지의 뒤를 잇기 위해 경영 수업을 받던 이필립은 2005년 배우의 길을 선택해 한국 땅을 밟았다. 2007년 드라마 '태왕사신기'로 데뷔해 드라마 '남자이야기', '시크릿가든' 등에서 활약했다. 그러나 2012년 출연한 드라마 '신의'에서 눈 부상으로 하차한 후 배우 활동을 중단하고 사업가의 길을 걷기 시작했다. 현재 글로벌 코스메틱 기업을 운영하고 있다. ![]() 박현선은 세종대학교 무용과를 졸업한 후 쇼핑몰 사업가로 변신했다. 2017년부터 화장품 사업에도 진출해 연매출 100억 원을 달성했다. 팔로워 13만 여 명을 거느린 인플루언서이기도 하다. 2014년에는 KBS 2TV '슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다'에 가수 타블로 딸 하루의 발레학원 선생님으로 등장해 화제를 모으기도 했다. 두 사람이 사업가로 성공적인 행보를 보이고 있는 만큼 업계에서는 중소기업 합병급의 만남이라도 평가하기도 한다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( '초호화 프러포즈' 이필립♥박현선, 10일 결혼…중소기업 합병급? - SBS연예뉴스 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
'내가죽던날' 김혜수 "이정은의 연기, 매순간 경이로웠다" - 조선일보 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] '내가죽던날' 김혜수 "이정은의 연기, 매순간 경이로웠다" 조선일보 기사 및 더 읽기 ( '내가죽던날' 김혜수 "이정은의 연기, 매순간 경이로웠다" - 조선일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
솔비 "최근 내 작품 920만원에 최고가 낙찰…해당 경매서 1위" - 뉴스1 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT
방송인 솔비가 작가로 변신한 근황과 함께 자신의 수입을 밝혔다. 지난 7일 방송된 tvN '유 퀴즈 온 더 블록'에 출연한 솔비는 가수 솔비가 아닌 그림을 그리는 작가 권지안으로 출연했다. 이날 솔비는 "여러분들이 알고 계시는 가수 솔비이기도 하지만 작가이자 아티스트로도 활동하는 권지안이다"라며 자신을 소개했다. 이어 솔비는 "아틀리에에 정식으로 들어갔다. 그 아틀리에서 하는 온라인 경매 행사도 했다. 다행히 좋은 결과가 나왔다"라며 근황을 전했다. 실제로 해당 경매에서 솔비의 그림은 920만원 최고가를 얻어 낙찰가 1위를 달성하기도 했다. 이에 조세호는 "우리가 살 수 있는 게 몇 개 있느냐"라고 묻자, 솔비는 "너무 많다"라고 답했다. 이에 조세호가 "어디서 살 수 있나"라고 묻자 솔비는 "내 작업실에 있다. 혹시 방문 판매를 원하는 것이냐"라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.
이날 특히 MC 유재석은 솔비에게 "방송할 때 수입과 차이가 있냐"고 질문했다. 이에 솔비는 "지금도 벌고 있다. 쏠쏠하다"고 답했다. 솔비의 말에 유재석이 "작가님으로서의 수입이 더 낫냐. 방송 활동 외에 다른 걸 또 하냐"고 재차 묻자 솔비는 "빵집도 하고 있다. 가끔씩 '너는 뭘로 먹고 살아?'라는 질문을 받을 때 어떻게 일일이 다 설명을 해야할 지 모르겠다"며 "'내가 빵집을 오픈했는데 거기서 뭐 얼마를 벌고'라고 말을 해야하냐"라고 설명해 폭소를 안겼다. 솔비는 처음 그림을 시작한다고 했을 때 주변 반응에 대해 "아무도 믿어주지 않았다"며 "'방송 하던 거만 잘하면 되는데 왜 갑자기 미술가의 길을 가냐'고 묻고, 모임이나 이런 곳에 가면 미술 전공한 분들이 계시는데 면전에 대고 '그림 왜 그려요? 전공자들이 싫어해요', '본인이 잘 그린다고 생각하세요?' 라고 말을 하는 사람들도 있었다"고 그간의 서러움을 표했다.
이어 "그래서 더 해보고 싶었다. 더 세게 한번 들이받아 보고 싶었다"며 "그래서 더 음악 프로그램에서 하고 싶었다. '내가 잘 할 수 있는 무대에서 보여줄게'라고 생각했다"고 설명하며 2017년 한 음악 프로그램에서 보여준 바디페인팅을 이용한 퍼포먼스를 언급했다. 한편 솔비는 이날 조용필의 '이젠 그랬으면 좋겠네'를 열창하며 여전한 노래 실력을 자랑했다. 앞으로도 가수 활동도 이어갈 것이라는 솔비의 말에 신곡에 대한 기대감도 함께 높였다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 솔비 "최근 내 작품 920만원에 최고가 낙찰…해당 경매서 1위" - 뉴스1 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
「PlayStation 5(PS5)」のバラバラ分解映像を公式が公開 - GIGAZINE Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:21 PM PDT 「PlayStation 5(PS5)」のバラバラ分解映像を公式が公開 - GIGAZINE ![]()
ムービーの冒頭では「分解や改造をしないでください。火災や感電、けがの原因となります。分解/改造が行われた痕跡がある場合、修理/交換をお断りする場合があります。」という注意表記が表示されます。 ![]()
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![]() この記事のタイトルとURLをコピーする 2020-10-08 01:27:00Z | ||||||
Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:48 PM PDT Contact Us "Actress" - Google News October 07, 2020 at 06:10AM In the Midst of a Pandemic, Actress Katherine Castro Is Bringing 'Somos Good News' to the Latinx Community - NBC Southern California "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Upcoming mobile app will feature Birmingham's historic industrial sites - Bham Now Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:44 PM PDT ![]() If there's one thing to know about Birmingham, it's our industrial heritage. As an infant city, Birmingham made its first mark on history as the South's center for industry, with places like Ensley Works, U.S. Steel, Tannehill and the famous Sloss Furnaces. Now, a group of Birminghamians are working hard to create a mobile app that will make it easier than ever to learn about Birmimgham's industrial heritage. Meet the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail App![]() In an effort to make Birmingham's historic industrial sites more accessible to both local and out-of-state visitors, several local institutions have banded together to create the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail. Additionally, the Trail is accompanied by a mobile app, which offers users access to valuable insights, historic photos, music and oral interviews with people connected to each site.
The Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail is a collaborative effort between several local institutions, including:
According to Bettina Byrd-Giles, the team is planning to launch the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail app in February of 2021, using the TravelStorys app platform. How does the app work?![]() A few years ago, I visited a museum that equipped each attendee with an iPad and headphones. When you visited each exhibit, the iPad would offer relevant information, photos and more. The Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail app does the same thing—albeit on a much larger scale. Using geofencing, the app will pop up with interactive stories, music and historic photos when the user visits each site. And since the tour is self-guided (whether you're riding around in your car or biking), you can take the tour on your own time.
Emphasizing the Human Experience![]() When learning about the impact of these historic sites, it's easy to find the numbers—when it opened, how long it operated, how many people worked there, etc. However, it's not as easy to learn about the human element. While Birmingham's manufacturing and industrial sectors grew, the city attracted a variety of people seeking new opportunities. People came from all over the world—whether it be blacks and whites from rural Alabama or immigrants from overseas. So, the app includes many of these stories, linking the various sites together to create a broader picture.
Looking forward to the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail? Learn more by checking the project out on Facebook!"Mobile" - Google News October 07, 2020 at 04:08PM Upcoming mobile app will feature Birmingham's historic industrial sites - Bham Now "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Wow: Teen phenom Camavinga scores audacious goal in 1st France start - ProSoccerTalk Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:42 PM PDT The stage is not a problem for French teenager Eduardo Camavinga, as the Stade Rennais youngster had scored an audacious goal in his first start for the France national team. Camavinga, who doesn't turn 18 until Nov. 10, followed up a back post header and found himself with the ball back to the goal. [ MORE: Top free agents still available ] What he did doesn't even qualify as an overhead kick, just a ridiculous flick of his boot to send the ball sailing into the side netting on the other side of the box. Camavinga already has 49 senior appearances for Rennes with all of his two career goals and three assists coming Ligue 1 play. He's also played in four Europa League matches. A replacement for Paul Pogba following the Manchester United man's positive COVID-19 test last month, Camavinga played 27 minutes in France's September defeat of Croatia. Camavinga is on the Golden Boy shortlist, which will be culled to 20 this month. This goal might help insure his spot, even if he's known for running a midfield more than delivering offensive wizardry. Camavinga caught the attention of the soccer world with his role as a 16-year-old orchestrating a defeat of Paris Saint-Germain in August 2019.
"Goal" - Google News October 07, 2020 at 12:59PM Wow: Teen phenom Camavinga scores audacious goal in 1st France start - ProSoccerTalk "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
2AM 정진운, 전역에 활짝 웃으며 들뜬 모습 “복귀가 뭐죠? 집에 가야지” - 세계일보 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT ![]() 2AM 정진운(30∙사진)이 전역을 하며 들뜬 모습으로 소감을 밝혔다. 정진운은 지난 7일 자신의 인스타그램에 "집에 가야지. 복귀가 뭐죠?"라며 "2AM 다 나왔어요. 기다려줘서 감사드립니다. 코로나 조심하시고 만나는 그날까지 건강하세요"라는 글과 사진, 영상을 공개했다. 사진 속에서 정진운은 군복을 입고 한 손엔 꽃다발을 든 채 양 팔을 높이 들어 활짝 웃어 보이며 기쁨을 잔뜩 드러내고 있다. ![]() 영상을 통해서는 "충성! 병장 만기전역을 하게 된 2AM 막내 정진운이다. 오늘부로 말년 휴가 겸 미복귀 전역을 하게 됐다"라며 "얼른 나와서 일도 많이 하고 싶었고 팬분들도 보고 싶었다. 2AM 멤버들 중 마지막으로 제대했기 때문에 얼른 좋은 활동으로 인사드리고 싶다. 보고 싶다. 집에 가야지"라는 소감을 전했다. 정진운은 지난해 3월 현역으로 입대해 국방부 근무지원단 군악병 소속으로 활동하다 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확산으로 인해 미복귀 전역으로 병역 의무를 마쳤다. 한편 2008년 2AM 싱글 '이 노래'로 데뷔 후 가수로 활동하던 정진운은 tvN 드라마 '연애 말고 결혼'에서 연기에도 도전, 가능성을 인정받았다. 그룹 나인뮤지스 출신 경리와는 지난 2017년부터 공개 열애를 해오고 있다. 강소영 온라인 뉴스 기자 사진=정진운 인스타그램 [ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
マウス、GeForce RTX 3080/3090搭載パソコン - PC Watch Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT 株式会社マウスコンピューターは、GeForce RTX 3080/3090を搭載したゲーミングパソコン"G-Tune"シリーズ4モデルを10月8日より順次発売する。 8日に発売する「G-Tune XP-A」は、CPUにRyzen 9 3900XT、メモリ32GB、ストレージに1TB NVMe SSD+4TB HDD、ビデオカードにGeForce RTX 3090、OSにWindows 10 Homeを搭載し、税別価格は399,800円。 15日に発売する「G-Tune XP-Z」は、CPUにCore i7-10700K、メモリ32GB、ストレージに1TB NVMe SSD+4TB HDD、ビデオカードにGeForce RTX 3090、OSにWindows 10 Homeを搭載し、税別価格は419,800円。 同じく15日発売の「G-Tune EP-A」は、CPUにRyzen 7 3800XT、メモリ32GB、ストレージに1TB NVMe SSD+2TB HDD、ビデオカードにGeForce RTX 3080、OSにWindows 10 Homeを搭載し、税別価格は259,800円。 さらに「G-Tune XN-Z」は、CPUにCore i7-10700K、メモリ16GB、ストレージに512GB NVMe SSD+2TB HDD、ビデオカードにGeForce RTX 3080、OSにWindows 10 Homeを搭載し、税別価格は249,800円。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
Vice presidential debate: date, time, and how to watch the live stream - The Verge Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT ![]() On Wednesday, October 7th, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Vice President Mike Pence will take the stage for the first and only vice presidential debate of the 2020 campaign. Held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, the event is the second in a series of four debates arranged by the Commission on Presidential Debates, and the first since President Donald Trump's alarming coronavirus diagnosis last week. Pence has repeatedly tested negative for COVID-19, even as a growing number of White House staffers close to the president have contracted the disease. Senior adviser Stephen Miller announced he had tested positive on Tuesday night, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie tested positive after his service as Trump's debate coach for the previous event. The debate will be carried by all major broadcast networks and will also be widely available on YouTube. NBC, ABC, Fox News, and C-Span are all carrying streams, with some of them beginning commentary in advance of the official start time. C-Span's stream is embedded at the top of this post, and will go live as soon as the event starts. The debate is scheduled to begin at 9PM ET and will run for approximately 90 minutes. The debate will be moderated by Susan Page of USA Today. Unlike Chris Wallace, who moderated the previous presidential debate, Page has not announced any planned topics for the debate, although they are likely to touch on the president's recent infection. Various aspects of the debate format have changed in the past week in light of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak among members of the president's team. The candidates will now stand 12 feet apart rather than the initially planned seven and will be separated by clear plexiglass barriers, a measure the Pence camp initially objected to. "If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it," Katie Miller, a Pence spokeswoman, told Politico. Top stories - Google News October 07, 2020 at 09:00AM Vice presidential debate: date, time, and how to watch the live stream - The Verge Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Scene for VP debate: Red, white and blue — and plexiglass - Carolinacoastonline Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] Scene for VP debate: Red, white and blue — and plexiglass CarolinacoastonlineView Full coverage on Google NewsTop stories - Google News October 07, 2020 at 12:41PM Scene for VP debate: Red, white and blue — and plexiglass - Carolinacoastonline Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
『ベストヒット歌謡祭』コロナ感染防止で今年の開催中止「苦渋の決断であるとご理解下さい」 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:51 PM PDT 『ベストヒット歌謡祭』コロナ感染防止で今年の開催中止「苦渋の決断であるとご理解下さい」 - ORICON NEWS ![]() 読売テレビは8日、新型コロナウイルスの感染防止の観点から、毎年恒例の音楽特番『ベストヒット歌謡祭』の今年度の開催は困難と判断し、中止することを発表した。 年末音楽特番唯一の関西発となる同番組は、毎年11月に大阪城ホールからの生放送で、その年に活躍したアーティストが多数出演し。司会は宮根誠司と橋本マナミが務めてきた。 同局は今年の開催に向けて「コロナウイルスの感染が続く中、視聴者のみなさま、観客の方々、出演者、スタッフの安全を第一に考え、開催の方法について様々なケースを想定して」最善策を模索し続けてきた。 しかし「安全性を十分確保できなくなる事態が予見されること、多くの出演者、スタッフの東阪をはじめとした長距離移動が感染リスクにさらされる可能性もあること等を考慮し今年度の開催は困難と判断し、休止する事に決定いたしました」と説明した。 来年以降の『ベストヒット歌謡祭』を「多くの方々と作り上げ、ご覧いただくための苦渋の決断であるとご理解下さい。コロナに打ち勝ち、再び関西の地からアーティストの歌声・パフォーマンスをみなさまにお届けすることができると信じています」とコメントした。 2020-10-08 00:23:02Z | ||||||
His TikTok went viral. So Ocean Spray gave him a truck - CNN Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT ![]() Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. All times are ET. Disclaimer. Morningstar: Copyright 2018 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2018. All rights reserved. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN. Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. All content of the Dow Jones branded indices Copyright S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2018 and/or its affiliates. © 2020 Cable News Network.A Warner Media Company.All Rights Reserved.CNN Sans ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network. "viral" - Google News October 07, 2020 at 12:19PM His TikTok went viral. So Ocean Spray gave him a truck - CNN "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Upcoming mobile app will feature Birmingham's historic industrial sites - Bham Now Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:44 PM PDT ![]() If there's one thing to know about Birmingham, it's our industrial heritage. As an infant city, Birmingham made its first mark on history as the South's center for industry, with places like Ensley Works, U.S. Steel, Tannehill and the famous Sloss Furnaces. Now, a group of Birminghamians are working hard to create a mobile app that will make it easier than ever to learn about Birmimgham's industrial heritage. Meet the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail App![]() In an effort to make Birmingham's historic industrial sites more accessible to both local and out-of-state visitors, several local institutions have banded together to create the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail. Additionally, the Trail is accompanied by a mobile app, which offers users access to valuable insights, historic photos, music and oral interviews with people connected to each site.
The Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail is a collaborative effort between several local institutions, including:
According to Bettina Byrd-Giles, the team is planning to launch the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail app in February of 2021, using the TravelStorys app platform. How does the app work?![]() A few years ago, I visited a museum that equipped each attendee with an iPad and headphones. When you visited each exhibit, the iPad would offer relevant information, photos and more. The Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail app does the same thing—albeit on a much larger scale. Using geofencing, the app will pop up with interactive stories, music and historic photos when the user visits each site. And since the tour is self-guided (whether you're riding around in your car or biking), you can take the tour on your own time.
Emphasizing the Human Experience![]() When learning about the impact of these historic sites, it's easy to find the numbers—when it opened, how long it operated, how many people worked there, etc. However, it's not as easy to learn about the human element. While Birmingham's manufacturing and industrial sectors grew, the city attracted a variety of people seeking new opportunities. People came from all over the world—whether it be blacks and whites from rural Alabama or immigrants from overseas. So, the app includes many of these stories, linking the various sites together to create a broader picture.
Looking forward to the Birmingham Industrial Heritage Trail? Learn more by checking the project out on Facebook!"Mobile" - Google News October 07, 2020 at 04:08PM Upcoming mobile app will feature Birmingham's historic industrial sites - Bham Now "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
‘유퀴즈’ 솔비 “작가 권지안으로 유재석 선배 만나, 인생 성공한 기분” 감격 [어저께TV] - 조선일보 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
이필립♥박현선, 1월 다이아 프러포즈→10월10일 결혼 - 뉴스1 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT
7일 한 매체의 보도에 따르면 이필립과 박현선은 10일 오후 서울 광장동의 한 호텔에서 결혼식을 올리고 부부의 연을 맺는다. 두 사람이 2년째 교제 중이라는 소식은 지난해 12월 초 외부에 공식적으로 알려졌다. 박현선은 자신의 사회관계망서비스에서 이필립을 '이천사'로 부르며 애정을 과시하기도 했다.
한편 이필립은 지난 2007년 MBC 드라마 '태왕사신기'로 화려하게 데뷔했으며 KBS 2TV '남자 이야기', SBS '시크릿 가든' 등에 출연하며 승승장구했다. 글로벌 IT기업 STG의 대표인 이수동 회장의 아들로로 유명한 그는 현재는 사업가로 변신, 화장품 회사를 운영 중이다. 이필립의 피앙세 박현선은 기업가 겸 발레리나로 과거 온 스타일 '하우 투 핏'(How to fit), 패션엔 '스타일 배틀로얄 톱 CEO 2'에 출연했으며, 현재 10만 명 이상의 팔로워를 보유한 인플루언서다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 이필립♥박현선, 1월 다이아 프러포즈→10월10일 결혼 - 뉴스1 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
SIE、PlayStation 5の分解映像を公開--内部のパーツなどを解説(CNET Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
Beat Audio、「Emerald MKII」導体採用のUSBケーブル。約1万円 - AV Watch Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT ミックスウェーブは、中国Beat Audioブランドのアダプターケーブル「Emerald MKII Digital Adapter Cable」を10月9日より発売する。価格はオープンプライスで、市場予想価格は10,000円前後。入力端子が「USB Type-C to USB Type-C」のモデルと、「Lightning to USB Type-C」の2種を用意する。 Beat Audioのハイクラス・アップグレードケーブル「Emerald MKII」を導体として8本使用したデジタルオーディオ用アダプターケーブル。銅ベースに複数の元素を加えた特別な合金を芯線とした銀メッキ銅合金導体を採用しており、ノイズを低減させ、DACやアンプなどへ正確にデータ伝送できるという。 スリーブには、低弾性かつ形状記憶がしにくく、非常に柔軟性があるという独自の絶縁スリーブを採用。DACやアンプなどへのデータ伝送が正確に行なえ、PCやスマートフォンに保存している音楽を高音質で楽しめるという。ケーブル長は全長約12.5cm。保証書を付属する。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
박태준 아내 최수정, 알고보니 아이돌 센터 출신…화사와 '절친' - 머니투데이 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT
박태준은 지난 7일 방송된 MBC 예능프로그램 '라디오스타'에 출연해 10년 연애한 최수정과 최근 혼인신고를 한 사실을 밝혔다. 이날 방송에서는 박태준 최수정 부부의 사진이 공개됐고, 방송 후 포털 사이트 실시간 검색어에는 '박태준 아내'와 '최수정' 등이 순위에 올랐다. 최수정은 1988년 생으로 지난 2010년 한중 합작 5인조 그룹 '롯데걸스'의 센터로 활동했다. 이후 여성 의류 쇼핑몰 CEO로 변신한 최수정은 2018년 웹드라마 '체크, 메이트'에 배우로 출연했다.
앞서 최수정은 지난해 7월 방송된 MBC 예능프로그램 '나혼자산다'에 출연해 화제를 모으기도 했다. 당시 최수정은 그룹 마마무의 절친으로 등장했다. 화사는 최수정에 대해 "연습생 시절부터 절친한 사이"라며 "마마무가 될 수도 있었다. 지금까지도 소중한 인연"이라고 소개했다. 한편 박태준과 최수정은 10년 간의 연애와 동거를 마치고 최근 부부의 연을 맺었다. 두 사람은 결혼식을 올리지 않고 혼인신고만 했다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 박태준 아내 최수정, 알고보니 아이돌 센터 출신…화사와 '절친' - 머니투데이 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
[SC리뷰] "우울증 극복"…'유퀴즈' 솔비, 루머-편견 이겨낸 작가 권지안 - 조선일보 Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
稲垣吾郎、二階堂ふみに溺れ堕ちていく『ばるぼら』衝撃の本予告解禁 - ドワンゴジェイピーnews Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:21 PM PDT 稲垣吾郎、二階堂ふみに溺れ堕ちていく『ばるぼら』衝撃の本予告解禁 - ドワンゴジェイピーnews 手塚治虫禁断の問題作を実写化した映画『ばるぼら』(11月20日(金)よりシネマート新宿、ユーロスペース ほか全国公開)の特典付きムビチケ前売り券が10月9日(金)より発売される。それに合わせて、本予告が解禁された。また、10月9日(金)より発売開始となるムビチケ前売り券の特典として、イギリス人デザイナーが手がけた非売品ポストカードがプレゼントされることが決定した。 手塚治虫が1970年代に「ビッグコミック」(小学館)に連載し、禁断の愛とミステリー、芸術とエロス、スキャンダル、オカルティズムなど、様々なタブーに挑戦した大人向け漫画『ばるぼら』。その独特な世界感から"映画化不可能"と言われていたが、手塚治虫生誕90周年を記念し、初映像化された。 監督は原作者・手塚治虫の実子でもある手塚眞、撮影監督はクリストファー・ドイルが務め、異常性欲に悩まされている耽美派小説家・美倉洋介を稲垣吾郎、芸術家のミューズであり自堕落な生活を送る謎の女・ばるぼらを二階堂ふみが演じる。日本映画界でも異彩を放つ二人が、甘美で退廃的な『ばるぼら』の異世界に全身全霊で臨んだ。 原作の第一話目と同じ美倉のプロローグで始まる本予告。新宿の隅で酒瓶とともに横たわる薄汚れた姿から一変、蠱惑的な瞳で美倉に口づけをする"ばるぼら"と彼女をミューズと信じ、彼女に溺れ、堕ちていく美倉の姿が印象的な予告編となっている。予告の中では美倉を誘惑するばるぼら、ナイフを握る美倉の衝撃的な映像や秘書の加奈子役を演じた石橋静河や美倉のライバル小説家・四谷役の渋川清彦、原作さながらの姿を見せるムネーモシュネー役の渡辺えりらの映像も初解禁されている。 映画『ばるぼら』は11月20日(金)より シネマート新宿、ユーロスペースほか全国公開。 【STORY】 ■『ばるぼら』 (C)2019『ばるぼら』製作委員会 2020-10-07 22:00:05Z | ||||||
サムソナイト、Jacquard by Googleを搭載したバックパック2種類を発売 - TRAICY(トライシー) Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT サムソナイトは、Jacquard by Googleを搭載したバックパックKonnect-i(コネクト-アイ)を、10月6日から発売した。 スマートフォンとBluetooth接続して使用するバックパック。左のショルダーストラップを上にスワイプ、 下にスワイプ、 ダブルタップもしくはカバーすることで、Jacquard by Googleを作動させることができる。オーディオの再生や一時停止、ライドシェアのアラート、位置の保存などにも対応する。ジェスチャーはアプリでカスタマイズできる。左のショルダーストラップに装着したタグのLEDライトが、設定したアラートに応じて点灯する機能も搭載されている。バッテリーはマイクロUSB経由で充電し、使用レベルに応じて10日から2週間程度持続する。 縦型にジッパーがデザインされたスリムバックパック、横型にデザインされたスタンダードバックパックの2つのモデルを展開する。素材は撥水性のポリエステル。マットシルバーのリフレクターによるトリミング仕上げも施した。最大15.6インチのノートパソコンを収納できるPCポケットやタブレットポケット、スマートスリーブも装備している。 スリムバックパックは、幅29.5センチ、高さ43センチ、奥行16.5センチ。容量約18リットル、重さ約1キロ。価格は24,000円(税別)。 スタンダードバックパックは、幅30.5センチ、高さ46センチ、奥行き18センチ。容量約20リットル、重さ約1.1キロ。価格は25,000円(税別)。 取扱い店舗は、サムソナイト・ブラックレーベル銀座店、サムソナイト・ブラックレーベル大阪店、サムソナイト有楽町マルイ店、サムソナイトららぽーとTOKYO-BAY店、サムソナイト公式サイト。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
The PlayStation 5 looks like it’ll be taller and cooler than all of us - The Next Web Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:08 PM PDT ![]() Sony today released a video showcasing the hardware of the PlayStation 5, as well as giving us our first real perspective on the console, and holy goodness it's a big one. Its height seems to primarily ensure it runs cool and silent, and it's also outfitted with some rather attractive internals. It's certainly a better look than we've gotten at the console thus far. The video shows the PS5 broken down piece-by-piece by Yasuhiro Ootori, the VP of the Mechanical Design Department. To start, this white tower of Orthanc-looking thing is over 15 inches tall when mounted on its vertical stand. That's several inches taller than the PS4 Pro when it's also vertical. It's a tall drink of water. However, this seems to be in service of keeping the console cool. Underneath the white siding is a 120mm x 45mm cooling fan that draws air in on both sides, and an exhaust port that spans almost the whole back of the console. It also has an enormous heatsink that, according to Ootori, can achieve the same performance as a vapor chamber, which is what the Xbox Series X has. The PS5 will also use liquid metal to cool the CPU, which Ootori says took two years of experimentation to get right. So yeah, this thing is designed to be cool and quiet. This comes just as reports suggest the Xbox Series X runs a little hot, which its probably a coincidence. We can't say until we see both consoles, but the video certainly seems tailor-made to assure viewers that the PS5 can remain cool. Masayasu Ito, head of hardware engineering and operation and Sony Interactive, said in a blog post that, as excited as the team was deliver next-gen performance, "we had to balance every aspect of the system, from focusing on reducing the noise level to enhancing the cooling capacity, more than ever before." One of the things shown in the video is an M2 bay where users who want more storage space can plug an off-the-shelf NVMe drive. It's fairly easy to access as well — all you have to do is take off the white covers and one metal plate, which is certainly less than I'd have to do for my PC. The PS5 also has a Wi-Fi 6 wireless antenna and three SuperSpeed USB ports, two Type-A and one Type-C. I'm also a bit in love with the stand. It comes with the console and can be screwed into the bottom for vertical orientation. Should you wish to lay this horizontal, however, it can also be clipped to the side of the white covers, which are curved, to help the console lay flat. The best part is the screw can be hidden inside the stand, and its hole covered up with an included black plug. Sure, it has no bearing on how the console runs, but I enjoy the attention to aesthetic purity here. Of course, a console can look any type of way… that's not to say it'll be better or worse than its competition. Also, Sony can make to console look as appealing as they wish in order to sell it. We'll have to wait and see how to the two are next to each other. But still, I'm not displeased by what I've seen today, and the console certainly looks like it has the guts to justify its rather ostentatious appearance. Top stories - Google News October 07, 2020 at 02:37PM The PlayStation 5 looks like it'll be taller and cooler than all of us - The Next Web Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Sandpiper releases strong critique of Artis REIT board | RENX - Real Estate News EXchange Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:29 PM PDT Sandpiper releases strong critique of Artis REIT board | RENX - Real Estate News EXchange
In a release that comprises almost 3,000 words, Vancouver-based Sandpiper and its CEO Samir Manji allege a pattern of action by Artis's board of trustees which has not always been in the best interests of Artis unitholders. It also reiterates Sandpiper opposes Artis' (AX-UN-T) plan to spin off its retail properties into Artis Retail REIT, which would include up to 40 assets in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba with a value of $779 million (as of Q2 2020). In return, Sandpiper pledges to increase dividends (cut in half in late 2018 and currently $0.045 per month per unit), reduce operating costs and compensation, and "eliminate extensive familial transactions" with companies related to the Martens family. "This is a referendum on the future direction of the REIT," Manji says in the release. Sandpiper and Artis REITSandpiper is known as an activist investor which has shaken up the boards and operations of several other entities in which it held significant positions (including Granite REIT and Agellan Commercial REIT). It has launched to host its full presentation. Sandpiper controls about five per cent of Artis' shares, having built the investment since 2017. The company was successful in placing one of its own nominees, Lauren Zucker, onto the seven-member board in 2018. "This is about a long-standing history of poor capital allocation, extensive transactions with entities connected to the CEO's family, an ineffective and overpaid CEO, and an entrenched board that has failed to successfully govern, manage, and maximize value for all unitholders," Manji says in the release, issued early Wednesday. Last week, Sandpiper requested a special meeting of Artis' unitholders and presented a slate of five independent nominees to the board of trustees – Manji, Heather-Anne Irwin, Mike Shaikh, Aida Tammer and Lis Wigmore. It seeks to replace existing board members Martens, chair Edward Warkentin, Bruce Jack, Victor Thielmann and Wayne Townsend. Other than Jack, who has been a trustee for three years, all have been board members since the REIT's 2004 inception. None of the claims have been proven, and Artis has yet to make any significant response, other than acknowledging receipt of the requisition for a special meeting. "The Board is reviewing and considering the requisition with its professional advisors. It will respond appropriately in due course," says a statement from Artis. "In the meantime, there is no need for unitholders of the REIT to take any action." No one from Artis was immediately available for comment when contacted by RENX. Sandpiper's claimsSpecifically, Sandpiper lays out a series of claims to support its position, including a statement taken from Artis' 2019 annual information form: "There can be no guarantee that the Trustees and Officers of Artis, in acting in a capacity other than as a Trustee or Officer of Artis, will act in the best interests of Artis in connection with such other real estate activities," the form states. Combined with the "familial transactions" involving companies connected to Martens' family, Sandpiper calls this "troubling." Other complaints include: * Artis is trading at a 45 per cent discount to management's stated NAV, which Sandpiper claims are due to poor decisions by the board; * Martens' compensation package pays him an average of more than $3 million annually, while the REIT's unit price has declined by 41 per cent since the REIT was internalized in 2012. Sandpiper also says Martens received a $6.6 million lump sum payment in 2019 under an agreement signed when Marwest Management was internalized' * Trustees Warkentin, Thielmann, and Townsend collectively own 0.09 per cent of Artis. After 16 years as chair, Warkentin owns 0.03 per cent of the outstanding REIT units while earning $2.3 million in trustee fees since inception – and has taken 95 per cent of this in cash rather than units. "With marginal skin in the game, the trustees are only nominally affected by Artis' unit price performance with no incentive to close the value gap," Sandpiper says. Artis stock traded above $17 back in 2012, but in recent years was trading in the $12 to $13 range through 2019 and early 2020. Since the pandemic, like many other REIT stocks it has been negatively affected, trading mainly in the $8 to $8.50 range in recent months. It was just above $8.60 in noon trading on the TSX. Firm Capital also opposes retail spinoffArtis is also seeing opposition to spinning off the retail assets from an equity holder and preferred shareholder. Firm Capital Private Equity Realty Management Corp., in a separate Oct. 1 release, identified a series of concerns. It claims the new structure would benefit only common shareholders and cites potential conflicts of interest among other issues. Firm sought both an independent committee to represent preferred shareholders and independent legal counsel, but Artis rejected the proposal, according to the statement. Firm also expressed concerns about removing $235 million in equity from Artis REIT, and that Artis REIT would continue to be the guarantor of mortgages on the properties within Artis Retail REIT. It considers this "a level of increased risk for Artis REIT . . ." "In light of the fact that the Preferred Unitholders are being asked to vote on a transaction that has: (i) nothing being provided to them in the form of consideration; (ii) losing approximately $235 million in the form of eroded equity; (iii) seeing a restructured Artis REIT having no retail real estate that produced income to protect Preferred Unitholders distributions; and (iv) the increased risk from the mortgage guarantees as outlined above, we cannot see how the Board of Trustees can recommend this transaction as being in the best interests of Preferred Unitholders," the release states. It also calls for common equity holders to oppose the plan, noting Artis should continue its current path selling off the retail assets one-by-one. "The creation of a small capitalization 100% Western Canada Retail REIT will not trade properly in the markets and will become its own problem for Unitholder's (sic) as the Unit price will plummet once listed," the release states. "Artis REIT has clearly stated the reason for this transaction is that the retail assets, being in Western Canada are a valuation issue to Artis, so management feels the answer is to toss those assets into a stand alone REIT to 'house' the bad assets, which in our opinion is completely illogical." In a conference call for analysts following its announcement of the spinoff, Martens said management believes the retail REIT can stand on its own and prosper. "We're in good markets, good neighbourhoods, there are good fundamentals to support these properties," Martens said at the time. "The cash flow is positive and it is designed to be successful, the balance sheet will be just fine and improving, the payout ratio will be low and it will be a cash-flow positive REIT. "It will not be a REIT that is under stress looking for capital." 2020-10-07 17:03:09Z | ||||||
B’z松本孝弘「ただただぼうぜん」エディさん悼む - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:51 PM PDT B'z松本孝弘「ただただぼうぜん」エディさん悼む - ニッカンスポーツ B'z松本孝弘(59)が7日、米人気ロックバンド「ヴァン・ヘイレン」のギタリストとして活躍し、6日に咽頭がんのため亡くなっていたことが分かったエディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンさん(享年65)についてコメントを発表した。 松本もエディさんの影響を受けた1人で、音楽誌などで対談した経験がある。松本は「突然の訃報にただただぼうぜんとしています。最後にお会いしたのは5年前の秋でした。ギタリストのみならず、世界中のファンの方々がそうであるように、僕も彼の素晴らしいギタープレイ、楽曲に感動し、多くの事を学ばせていただきました。彼の作品達はこれからも永遠に響き、人々に大きな感動を与え続けるのだと思います。ご冥福を心よりお祈りします」と悼んだ。 エディさんは、ヴァン・ヘイレンの一員として「ジャンプ」「悪魔のハイウェイ」などヒット曲を多く生み出した。さらにソロとしても、マイケル・ジャクソンさんのヒット曲「今夜はビート・イット」(83年)に参加。エレキギターの弦を右手でたたきつけて音を鳴らす「ライトハンド奏法」など"神業テクニック"で知られ、多くのミュージシャンにも影響を与えた。バンドは92年にグラミー賞を受賞。07年にはロックの殿堂入りも果たした。 2020-10-07 15:29:13Z |
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