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「千と千尋の神隠し」歴代最高興収更新!再上映の8.8億加算で316.8億に - 映画.com

Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:08 AM PST

「千と千尋の神隠し」歴代最高興収更新!再上映の8.8億加算で316.8億に - 映画.com

2020年12月15日 15:48







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2020-12-15 06:48:19Z

Sharon Osbourne hat sich mit Coronavirus infiziert -

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:44 PM PST

Die 68-jährige Sharon Osbourne hat Corona. Das hatte die Britin vor Kurzem via Twitter bekanntgegeben. Auch ihr Ehemann Ozzy Osbourne wurde getestet. 

Foto-Serie mit 29 Bildern

Die britische Talkshow-Moderatorin Sharon Osbourne, Managerin und Ehefrau von Kultrocker Ozzy Osbourne, ist mit dem Coronavirus infiziert. Das gab sie am Montag auf Twitter bekannt. 

Ozzy Osbourne negativ getestet 

Dort schrieb sie, dass sie sich jetzt nach einem kurzen Krankenhausaufenthalt erhole. Außerdem werde sie sich nun getrennt von ihrem Ehemann aufhalten, bei dem der Test negativ ausgefallen sei.

Die Britin tritt in der US-Sendung "The Talk" auf, bei der jeden Werktag mehrere Moderatorinnen über aktuelle Themen diskutieren. Die Sendung pausiere gerade planmäßig, wie Osbourne in ihrem Tweet außerdem erklärte. 

Erst kürzlich hatte die US-Komikerin Ellen DeGeneres, Moderatorin der beliebten "The Ellen DeGeneres Show", ihre Corona-Infektion bekanntgegeben. Auch in Deutschland machten viele Promis ihre Corona-Infektion öffentlich. Zuletzt meldete sich etwa RTL-Moderatorin Sandra Kuhn via Instagram zu Wort. Sie und ihr Mann seien positiv getestet worden. "Uns geht es nicht gut", schrieb die 38-Jährige. Auch TV-Köchin Sarah Wiener oder Sängerin Patricia Kelly sind infiziert. 

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"Wussten es schon damals":BVB-Boss enthüllt Details zum Terzic-Deal - n-tv NACHRICHTEN

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:42 PM PST

Auf Lucien Favre folgt bei Borussia Dortmund Edin Terzic. Und das ist lange geplant, verrät Geschäftsführer Hans-Joachim Watzke. Schon bei Favres Verpflichtung im Juli 2018 gibt es einen Plan für den neuen Interimscoach. Schon allein deshalb will Watzke von den Gerüchten um Marco Rose nichts wissen.

Lucien Favre ist bei Borussia Dortmund Geschichte. Nach knapp zweieinhalb Jahren können sich die Fans des Fußball-Bundesligisten nun auf den "Anti-Favre" freuen, wie ntv-Reporter Uli Klose sagt. Edin Terzic ist der neue an der Seitenlinie der Schwarzgelben. Und das war offenbar schon länger geplant, wie Geschäftsführer Hans-Joachim Watzke jetzt erklärte: "Wir haben Edin Terzic damals zurückgeholt, damit wir für so einen Fall wie jetzt gerüstet sind. Wir wussten schon damals, dass Edin unser Mann ist, wenn es mal brennt, damit kein Vakuum entsteht", sagte Watzke bei "Bild Live".

Der heute 38-Jährige hat bereits eine lange Klub-Historie. Schon 2010 arbeitete er als Scout und wurde bis 2013 Jugendtrainer, ehe er über Besiktas Istanbul zu West Ham United zog. Seit Favres Amtsantritt am 1. Juli 2018 war auch Terzic zurück beim BVB. Der Klub-Chef dementierte Meldungen, wonach feststehe, dass Terzic nach der Saison von einem neuen Cheftrainer abgelöst werden solle. "Das ist dynamisch, es ist überhaupt nichts klar. Bis zum 30. Juni machen wir mit Edin Terzic weiter. Irgendwann in dieser Zeit schauen wir dann, was wir machen. Es ist noch keine Entscheidung gefallen", so der 61-Jährige.

"Dankbar für die Zeit"

Gerüchte, wonach Marco Rose von Borussia Mönchengladbach der Wunschkandidat der Dortmunder Verantwortlichen sei, hält Watzke für "grenzwertig", da "jetzt über Trainer geschrieben wird, die bei anderen Vereinen unter Vertrag stehen". Eine mögliche Ausstiegsklausel von Rose in Gladbach interessiere ihn "momentan überhaupt nicht", so Watzke. "Ich weiß nicht mal, ob es da irgendwelche Klauseln gibt." Keine Rolle spielt in den Dortmunder Überlegungen der Name Ottmar Hitzfeld. "Nein", antwortete Watzke in dem Gespräch auf die Frage, ob der Ex-Coach in einer neuen Rolle als Berater zur Borussia zurückkehre.

Die Trennung von Favre sei dem BVB "sehr schwergefallen", bekräftigte Watzke. "Er hat mit uns zwei Vize-Meisterschaften gewonnen. Es war eine überwiegend erfolgreiche Zeit. Wenn du aber das Gefühl hast, dass die Geschichte am Ende ist, musst du auch handeln." Die Entscheidungsträger hätten "einmütig" für den Trainerwechsel votiert, erläuterte der BVB-Boss. Dass sich Favre selbst enttäuscht über seine Beurlaubung zeigte, sei "ein Stück weit normal".

Selbst habe Watzke mit Favre noch nicht nach der Entlassung gesprochen. "Ich werde es ihm auch persönlich sagen, wenn ich die Gelegenheit habe - ich habe es gestern bei ihm versucht, aber ich denke, dass bei Lucien viel los war: Ich bin ihm sehr, sehr dankbar für die Zeit."

Hummels und Co. haben "keine Rolle gespielt"

Spekulationen, die Favre-kritischen Aussagen der Führungsspieler Marco Reus und Mats Hummels nach dem 1:5 gegen den VfB Stuttgart am Samstag hätten zur Entscheidung gegen den Schweizer beigetragen, trat Watzke entgegen. "Das hat keine Rolle gespielt. Ich kannte die Interviews gar nicht. Wir haben uns direkt nach dem Spiel zusammengesetzt, Michael Zorc (Sportdirektor), Sebastian Kehl (Leiter der Lizenzspielerabteilung, Anm. d. Red.) und ich." Dass Trainer inzwischen im Zwei- bis Dreijahres-Rhythmen entlassen würden, habe sich "leider eingebürgert", sagte Watzke, "sogar beim FC Bayern, trotz aller Erfolge. Das Geschäft ist intensiver geworden." Klar sei jedoch auch, dass jeder Klub davon träume, "über fünf oder sechs Jahre erfolgreich mit einem Trainer zusammenzuarbeiten".

Dieser Text ist zunächst bei den Kollegen von erschienen.

In die Partie bei Werder Bremen (20.30 Uhr im, die erste mit Terzic als neuer Chef, werde der BVB "nicht mit einer völlig neuen Herangehensweise gehen", kündigte Watzke an. "Dafür fehlt jetzt die Zeit. Ich erwarte von der Mannschaft, dass sie zeigt, dass sie bedingungslos will, dass sie alles reinschmeißt. Da muss jeder zehn Prozent über seine Leistungsbereitschaft gehen." Er sei allerdings "zuversichtlich, dass das klappt", so Watzke weiter.

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Peugeot Hybrid4 500KW: Erster Blick auf die Technik - Motor1 Deutschland

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:08 PM PST

Peugeot Sport und der Mobilitätspartner Total stellen die wichtigsten technischen Merkmale des Antriebsstrangs ihres Hypercar LMH - Peugeot Hybrid4 500KW – für die FIA World Endurance Championship (FIA WEC) vor. Die jeweiligen Teams haben ihre Erfahrung und ihr Fachwissen in den Bereichen Hybridisierung und Weltklasse-Motorsport gebündelt, um den Antriebsstrang des Peugeot Hybrid4 500KW gemäß den neuen FIA WEC-Vorschriften zu entwickeln.

Peugeot Sport hat seine Erfahrungen mit Langstreckenrennen (V12 und V8 Peugeot 908) und PSA Motorsport bei der FIA-Rallye-Weltmeisterschaft (vier Zylinder) genutzt, um einen neuen 2,6-Liter-Benzinmotor mit zwei Turboladern und 90 Grad-V6 zu entwickeln. Dieses 500 kW (680 PS) starke Kraftpaket, das sich hinter dem Fahrer befindet, bringt 165 kg auf die Waage und treibt die Hinterräder an.

"Die Architektur des Peugeot Hybrid4 500KW-Antriebsstrangs ist das Ergebnis eines sehr detaillierten Briefings, das von den neuen FIA WEC-Vorschriften geprägt wurde", erklärt François Coudrain, WEC Program Powertrain Director von Peugeot Sport. "Wir haben zunächst einen einzelnen Turbo in Betracht gezogen, aber das hätte uns daran gehindert, das Schwerpunktziel unseres Motors zu erreichen. Ein Twin-Turbo-V6-Block bietet die beste Kombination zwischen Technologie, Gewicht, Verpackung der Motorzubehörteile, Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung."

Das robotisierte sequentielle Siebengang-Getriebe (plus Rückwärtsgang) wird von am Lenkrad montierten Schaltwippen gesteuert. Ebenso wird das von Peugeot Sport entwickelte Brake-by-Wire-System elektronisch gesteuert. Der Fahrer ist in der Lage, den Grad der Motorbremsung, die vom Elektromotor bei der Verzögerung erzeugt wird, und die Kraft, die von den Bremsbelägen auf die Bremsscheiben ausgeübt wird, einzustellen. Damit erreicht er eine optimale Aufteilung zwischen elektrischer Rückgewinnung und hydraulischer Bremsung.

Ein optimales Energiemanagement, sowohl beim Beschleunigen als auch bei der Energierückgewinnung (durch die Vorschriften auf 200 kW begrenzt), wird folglich der Schlüssel zu Leistung und Effizienz des Fahrzeugs sein. Die von Peugeot Sport konzipierte 200-W-Motor-Generator-Einheit treibt die Vorderräder an.

Motor Peugeot Hybrid4 Hypercar Le Mans

"Die Motor-Generator-Einheit wird mit einem leichten, hocheffizienten Ein-Gang-Getriebe mit hohem Wirkungsgrad und einem Wechselrichter der neuesten Generation zur Übertragung der Batterieleistung auf den Motor ausgestattet sein", sagt François Coudrain. "Sie wird die Fähigkeit haben, die gesamte in der Batterie verfügbare Energie dank der Energiemanagementsystemstrategien des Antriebsstrangs sofort zu nutzen."

Coudrain weiter: "Die Erfahrung von PSA Motorsport in der WRC und der Formel E wird zur Entwicklung der Software beitragen, die für das Management der Computer- und Energiesysteme eingesetzt wird. Zu den Energiemanagementsystemstrategien des Antriebsstrangs zählen unter anderem die Rückgewinnung der Bremsenergie, die Leistung beim Beschleunigen, das Anti-Lag-System sowie ein reduzierter Kraftstoffverbrauch."

Die Hochleistungsbatterie mit hoher Dichte wurde gemeinsam von Peugeot Sport und SAFT, einer Tochtergesellschaft von Total, entwickelt. Als einer der Schlüssel zu hoher Leistung sollte die Hochleistungsbatterie perfekt integriert werden, sowohl physisch im Auto als auch im Energiemanagementprozess des Antriebsstrangs.

Auf der Grundlage einer von Peugeot Sport verfassten Spezifikation wählten die Ingenieure von SAFT den besten Zellentyp für die Batterie aus, der die Leistung der Energiedichte vorzieht und den Anforderungen des Langstreckenrennsports entspricht.

Motor Peugeot Hybrid4 Hypercar Le Mans

Die neue Batterie befindet sich in einem Karbongehäuse innerhalb der Monocoque-Bauweise des Fahrzeugs hinter dem Fahrer und unter dem Kraftstofftank. Sie wurde so konzipiert, dass sie Haltbarkeit mit konstanter Leistung bei Rennen mit einer Dauer von bis zu 24 Stunden und sogar darüber hinaus kombiniert. Total ist verantwortlich für die Homologation der Batterie, die in einer neuen Werkstatt am Standort Versailles-Satory von Peugeot Sport in der Nähe von Paris montiert wird.

Obwohl der Verbrennungsmotor 500 kW (680 PS) leistet und die Motor-Generator-Einheit eine Leistung von 200 kW (272 PS) hat, sehen die Vorschriften eine maximale Gesamtleistung von 500 kW beim Rennen vor. Um sich an die unterschiedlichen Situationen im Wettbewerb anzupassen, funktioniert der Antriebsstrang wie folgt:

Das Reglement verbietet den Einsatz von elektrischer Energie unter 120 km/h, sodass die Motor-Generator-Einheit erst bei Erreichen dieser Geschwindigkeit zugeschaltet wird. Das Fahrzeug muss allein durch die Kraft seines Verbrennungsmotors aus dem Stillstand gezogen werden.

Bei voller Leistung wird die Leistung des Bi-Turbo V6 auf 300 kW (408 PS) begrenzt und in Abhängigkeit von der Leistung der Motor-Generator-Einheit bei 200 kW, die vom Batteriestand abhängt, angepasst.

Wenn die Motor-Generator-Einheit zum Einsatz kommt, schaltet das Motormanagement automatisch auf Allradantrieb um und verändert dadurch sein Fahrverhalten, zum Beispiel durch Hochgeschwindigkeitskurven.

Wenn die Batterie leer ist, schaltet der Verbrennungsmotor auf 500 kW (680 PS) Leistung zurück und das Getriebe kehrt zum Hinterradantrieb zurück. Während der Rennen wird die Batterie vor dem Start mit Hilfe eines netzgekoppelten Plug-in-Hybrid-Ladegeräts vollständig aufgeladen. Auf der Rennstrecke arbeitet die Batterie völlig unabhängig und wird nur durch das System zur Rückgewinnung der kinetischen Bremsenergie aufgeladen.

Die folgenden Ausnahmen sind durch die Vorschriften abgedeckt:

Die Leistung des Verbrennungsmotors darf am Ende der Geraden bei leerer Batterie um drei Prozent auf 515 kW (700 PS) erhöht werden, sodass der Elektromotor als 15-kW-Lichtmaschine arbeitet. Diese Konfiguration wird von der Fahrzeugelektronik automatisch übernommen.

Es gibt die Möglichkeit, entweder mit dem Verbrennungsmotor oder dem Elektromotor oder mit beiden Motoren gleichzeitig in der Boxengasse zu fahren, wenn die Geschwindigkeit auf 60 km/h beschränkt ist.

Gemäß den Vorschriften wird das Hypercar Peugeot Hybrid4 500KW mit speziellen Sensoren ausgestattet, um die an allen vier Rädern gemessenen Leistungspegel in Echtzeit zu überwachen und an die FIA zu übermitteln. Damit wird die in der Leistungsbilanz (BoP) festgelegte maximale Leistung gewährleistet.

Bevor das Streckentestprogramm Ende 2021 beginnt, werden Peugeot Sport und Total ihre Entwicklungsarbeiten fortsetzen. Dabei wird der Antriebsstrang im Laufe der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2021 auf den Prüfstand gestellt und im Simulator getestet.

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Magnitude 3.2 earthquake strikes near Honaunau-Napoopoo, United States - VolcanoDiscovery

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:08 PM PST

See also: Monthly reports

Magnitude 3.2 earthquake strikes near Honaunau-Napoopoo, United States

Sun, 13 Dec 2020, 12:00

3.2 quake 13 Dec 1:40 am (GMT -10)

3.2 quake 13 Dec 1:40 am (GMT -10)

An earthquake of magnitude 3.2 occurred only 4 minutes ago 14 miles east of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii, United States, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported.
The quake hit at a very shallow depth of 0.2 mile beneath the epicenter near Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii County, Hawaii, USA, early morning on Sunday 13 December 2020 at 1:40 am local time. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.
Towns or cities near the epicenter where the quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Honaunau-Napoopoo (pop. 2,600) located 14 miles from the epicenter, Captain Cook (pop. 3,400) 17 miles away, Kealakekua (pop. 2,000) 17 miles away, Hōlualoa (pop. 8,500) 21 miles away, and Pāhala (pop. 1,400) 23 miles away. In Kailua-Kona (pop. 12,000, 25 miles away), Kalaoa (pop. 9,600, 27 miles away), and Hilo (pop. 43,300, 41 miles away), the quake was probably not felt.

If you felt it, report it through our site or app right now!

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Earthquake data:

I felt this quake

Date & time: Sun, 13 Dec 11:40 UTC
Magnitude: 3.1
Depth: 0.1 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude: 19.48317°N / 155.656°W
Primary data source: USGS

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Why Cyberpunk's File Size Is So Much Bigger On PS5 | Screen Rant - Screen Rant

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:08 PM PST

Now that Cyberpunk 2077 has officially released, players are finding all sorts of quirks (and problems) with the game. One of the biggest mysteries, though, might be why the file size of the game on PlayStation consoles is so much larger than on Xbox or PC. However, there may be a good reason why the PS5 and PS4 have a bigger download file size.

As one of the most hotly anticipated titles of the year, Cyberpunk 2077 has been a disappointment to a lot of people. CD Projekt Red has even offered an apology and Cyberpunk refunds to unsatisfied players. And while the problems surrounding the game has gotten most of the attention, one mystery surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 is why the file size is so much bigger (almost double) on PlayStation consoles.

Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view.

Related: Cyberpunk's Many Problems Prove More Delays Were Needed

Users on social media were quick to point this out, and there was speculation it was due to the day one patch Cyberpunk 2077 got to fix some of the bugs reported in early reviews. Since then, though, it's become apparent that this isn't why, since Xbox and PC got those bug fixes too. There's some other explanation for why the PS5 has a bigger download size - and it's probably something that CD Projekt Red had announced before the game even released.

Is Cyberpunk 2077's PS5 Upgrade Causing The Huge File Size?

cyberpunk 2077 ps5 upgrade

There's been a lot of speculation over why the PlayStation 5 and PS4's download file sizes are much larger for Cyberpunk 2077, compared to the game on Xbox or PC. So far, CD Projekt Red has been quiet on an explanation, which means all kinds of theories are floating around. However, the one that seems most likely is the so-called "first step" PS5 upgrade, which CD Projekt Red had previously announced for Cyberpunk 2077.

The company had announced prior to the game's release that Cyberpunk 2077 would get a PS5 upgrade for free, and that it would come in two steps. The first step of this PS5 upgrade would come on launch day for PlayStation consoles, and it would make the PS4 version of the game run smoother and with faster loading times. The second step of upgrade would be the "true" PS5 upgrade, turning Cyberpunk 2077 into a more current-gen title. Xbox is also getting a similar free upgrade, but CD Projekt Red wasn't nearly as specific about how the upgrades would work on Microsoft's consoles. So, this could explain the larger file size for PlayStation consoles.

The first step of the PS5's free upgrade patch is most likely the cause for Cyberpunk 2077's file size being so much larger on PlayStation consoles. Since nothing has been officially explained by CD Projekt Red, though, this is simply guesswork. However, it makes the most sense.

Next: When Cyberpunk 2077's Bug Fixes & Patches Are Coming

cyberpunk 2077 best hack is one from the start
Cyberpunk 2077's Best Hack Is Already Unlocked At The Start
About The Author

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T-Mobile, Drone Racing League Announce Partnership -

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:44 PM PST

Bellevue-based T-Mobile and the New York City-based Drone Racing League (DRL) today announced a partnership to advance 5G-powered drone technology.

The multi-year deal includes an investment in DRL through the T-Mobile Ventures fund. This move makes T-Mobile the league's exclusive U.S. 5G wireless partner, according to a joint news release.

T-Mobile and DRL will innovate 5G racing drone technology to create the first integrated 5G racing drones, with the aim of building them into the sport. DRL's high-speed 5G racing drones, running on the carrier's 5G network, will enable the companies to stream DRL's 3D racing action to fans in real time. The 5G racing drones also will open up opportunities for new applications across a wide variety of industries, the release said.

"We invested in DRL to fuel innovation in two large and growing markets — drones and tech-powered sports — and we can't wait to supercharge both with T-Mobile 5G," Neville Ray, president of technology at T-Mobile, said in the release.

DRL features the world's top pilots flying custom racing drones through live and virtual locations around the globe to create a new playing field of high-speed racing with e-sports. In live events, pilots race standardized first-person view (FPV) drones at nearly 100 mph, wearing goggles that stream a live video feed from a camera on their drone, as they navigate complex, three-dimensional courses. Millions of next-generation sports fans watch DRL on premier sports networks globally, including NBC, NBCSN, Twitter, and Facebook, the release said.

DRL said it has launched four iterations of racing drones, a record-setting fastest-racing drone, and the first autonomous racing drone — all designed and hand-built with proprietary technology by its in-house team of drone engineers. Adding T-Mobile 5G will offer new opportunities to drive fan engagement, the release said. It added that DRL fans are 14 times more likely than the U.S. population to be considered "tech-savvy" and four times more likely to be interested in gaming.

T-Mobile Ventures, which invested in DRL, is a multi-year investment fund focused on early and emerging growth companies developing groundbreaking 5G products and services for the T-Mobile network. DRL will benefit from T-Mobile's network and engineering expertise, go-to-market infrastructure, and investment backing as the companies work together to develop the next big thing in 5G racing drones and sports technology, the release said.

As part of the partnership, DRL will feature T-Mobile in the 2021 DRL Allianz World Championship Season through advertising spots and branded course elements in the DRL SIM, the virtual platform hosting the elite competition. T-Mobile also will support the DRL Academy, the league's STEM program, creating educational programming around 5G and drones to inspire the next generation of technologists and digital athletes, the release added.

In a separate blog post today, John Saw, T-Mobile's executive vice president of advanced and emerging technologies, said reimagining sports entertainment is just one example of 5G's impact.

"From being the engine behind a new self-service economy, to industrial IoT, security monitoring, emergency response, and so much more, autonomous 5G drones will dramatically transform industry and commerce," Saw wrote.

T-Mobile has worked on drone development since 2015, integrating drones with the network to enable operations such as delivery services and infrastructure inspection, he said. The company aims to help safely integrate small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the national air space and fuel innovation, and bring new services and capabilities to businesses and consumers, he added.

"With T-Mobile 5G we are working to unlock advanced drone operations such as flight that goes well beyond line of sight," he said.

The company has made progress developing drones for emergency response, "basically putting mini cell sites on drones," Saw wrote. "… We see tremendous opportunity to enable both line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight connectivity using 5G drones in the future for search-and-rescue operations, as well to fly in temporary cellular connectivity."

One company, Unmanned Life, which recently graduated from the T-Mobile Accelerator, is developing autonomous drones to disinfect public places in the UK to help fight COVID-19 and also will deploy autonomous UAVs in the Oxford region to deliver medical supplies from pharmacies to COVID patients at home, Saw said.

In the retail space, on-demand drone and robotic delivery will greatly advance contactless shopping, he said, noting drones' many uses, including industrial IoT applications.

Autonomous drone swarms will unlock industrial IoT applications across numerous vertical industries, Saw wrote. He noted that coordinating the swarms in the sky and on the ground will require artificial intelligence and machine learning for the systems to work together, and cloud or edge computing to provide communication latency.

"With each device in a swarm having its own cameras and sensors feeding data into the system, this kind of complexity will rely on the type of high-bandwidth, low-latency 5G network that T-Mobile is building," he said.

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Honeywell Acquires Sine Group To Create A Mobile Platform For Honeywell Forge Offerings And To Enhance Connected Buildings Solutions - PRNewswire

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:44 PM PST

ATLANTA, Dec. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Honeywell (NYSE: HON) today announced that it has acquired Sine Group, an Adelaide, Australia-based technology and software as a service (SaaS) company that provides visitor management, workplace and supply chain solutions that are readily accessible with mobile devices. Sine's technologies will support a cloud-based mobile platform for Honeywell Forge, Honeywell's enterprise performance management offering, and Sine's software will augment Honeywell's Connected Buildings offerings with expanded safety, security and compliance capabilities.

Honeywell will also expand on Sine's features and solutions and make Sine's offerings available to more customers, globally.

"Sine's innovative and intuitive self-service software, combined with Honeywell Forge, will enable our customers to return to work and help keep their employees and customers safe," said Que Dallara, president and CEO, Honeywell Connected Enterprise. "We will leverage Sine's technological know-how and expertise to create a mobile extension of Honeywell Forge while also substantially enhancing our Connected Buildings offerings to enable even greater levels of safety and productivity for building occupants and their guests."

Sine's intuitive mobile application enables touchless check-in by mobile phone across a wide variety of industries including commercial real estate, pharma, education, industrial, logistics, construction and others. Sine's SaaS solution provides companies with capabilities to help improve safety, security, and compliance across their facilities for visitors, building occupants and workers. Sine has also built a suite of features to enable organizations to manage their COVID-19 return-to-workplace protocols, including pre-screening, thermal camera integrations, capacity management and contact tracing.

"The combination of Sine's visitor management software and Honeywell's enterprise performance management software is a powerful one for businesses globally," said Antony Ceravolo, founder and chief executive officer of Sine. "Sine's solutions will bolster Honeywell's capabilities to help organizations operate more efficiently and safely. Sine will benefit from Honeywell's global scale and buildings management expertise. Together, with an accelerated roadmap, we will deliver a deeper set of solutions globally, while continuing to grow our ecosystem of partners and third-party integrations."

Honeywell Forge is purpose-built on a native edge-to-cloud, data-driven architecture designed to accelerate digital transformation of operations. For industrial businesses, this enterprise performance management SaaS application provides capabilities for facility, plant, or warehouse managers to help make their operations smarter, leaner and more efficient.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed, and there is no change to Honeywell's 2020 financial guidance as a result of the acquisition.

Visit to learn more.

About Honeywell:

Honeywell ( is a Fortune 100 technology company that delivers industry specific solutions that include aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings and industry; and performance materials globally. Our technologies help aircraft, buildings, manufacturing plants, supply chains, and workers become more connected to make our world smarter, safer, and more sustainable.  For more news and information on Honeywell, please visit

This release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address activities, events or developments that we or our management intends, expects, projects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based upon certain assumptions and assessments made by our management in light of their experience and their perception of historical trends, current economic and industry conditions, expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate. The forward-looking statements included in this release are also subject to a number of material risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to economic, competitive, governmental, and technological factors affecting our operations, markets, products, services and prices. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results, developments and business decisions may differ from those envisaged by such forward-looking statements. We identify the principal risks and uncertainties that affect our performance in our Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



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'We’re looking forward to his response' - Agnelli says Dybala has a Juventus contract offer -

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:42 PM PST

The president says the forward has a bumper new deal sitting in front of him and that the club see him as a future captain in Turin

Juventus president Andrea Agnelli has questioned Paulo Dybala's comments about his contract, saying the Argentina international has an offer in front of him and that the club are awaiting his response.

Dybala snapped a goalless Serie A run that stretched back to July 4 when netting in the 3-1 win over Genoa on Sunday.

Following the game, Dybala spoke to the media about his contractual situation and suggested the club had left him waiting.

"My agent was in Turin for a long time and was never called up by the club," Dybala told Sky Sport Italia after the game. "It disappoints me to hear talk of financial figures.

"It would be better if the truth could be told, because talking about those aspects in this period pits the fans against me, with all the love I have for Juventus." 

The forward's comments crossed Agnelli's radar, and he has suggested Dybala is in the wrong.

"I've heard the statements, it's part of my job," Agnelli told Tuttosport. "The good news is the goal [he scored]. Paulo had a difficult time after contracting Covid. I heard with great pleasure his love for Juventus. The love is reciprocated.

"We see him as the captain of the future.

"I know he has already received a proposal that would put him among the top 20 best-paid players in Europe. We're looking forward to his response."

Agnelli has fired a shot across Dybala's bows, urging him to let his football do the talking and prove himself worthy of a bumper new contract.

"The most important thing is to see his answer on the pitch," Agnelli said. "We all want him to be one of the top five players in Europe, he's still not among them and he is aware of it."

Having ended his goalscoring drought, Dybala has three further games - Atalanta (December 16), Parma (December 19) and Fiorentina (December 22) before Serie A closes down for the Christmas and New Year spell.

With Juventus trailing Serie A leaders AC Milan by four points, having Dybala finding form will come as a huge boost to coach Andrea Pirlo.

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December 14, 2020 at 10:26AM

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Romney on Barr resignation: 'Not surprised that he could no longer associate himself with the process that’s going on now' - CNBC

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:08 PM PST

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, told CNBC that he is "not surprised" upon hearing news of Attorney General William Barr's resignation from the Justice Department. 

"It was clear that being part of the [Trump] administration was a challenging responsibility for him, to say the least," Romney said. "I'm not surprised that he could no longer associate himself with the process that's going on now." 

President Donald Trump broke the news about Barr's resignation via Twitter, and said that he would be leaving the Justice Department before Christmas. It comes less than two weeks after the attorney general debunked the president's unfounded claims that the election was rigged, and said that the FBI had found zero evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Romney added that he is "concerned" about the "cause of democracy" not only in the United States, but also around the world, when it comes to the president's false voter fraud claims. 

"The biggest concern I have is that people here genuinely believe that somehow this election was stolen, and there's not evidence of that, and the president was saying it was stolen even before Election Day happened," said Romney during a pre-taped interview Monday evening on "The News with Shepard Smith." "What's going on now, I'm afraid, is terribly dispiriting to people all over the globe." 

Romney is also part of the bipartisan group of lawmakers who introduced the two-part $908 billion stimulus effort. Lawmakers are now splitting the original $908 billion bipartisan proposal into two bills, putting everything they agree on in one bill and everything they disagree on in another bill. Romney told host Shepard Smith that he thinks it has a chance of passing. 

"You're seeing actually a number of people come forward with support," Romney said. "We're hoping either in total or in pieces, this will get passed and help will get to people that need it very badly." 

In the potential compromise, states would get $160 billion in three installments over the next six months. The payments would be partly based on population and on how much money each state has actually lost. The bill would additionally raise the bar for suing businesses, however, that protection would only last the duration of the pandemic. 

Some of the widely agreed upon items, including $748 billion covering unemployment benefits, small businesses, vaccines and education, went into a separate bill. Neither House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., nor Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have agreed to bring the bipartisan compromise up for a vote, however, and Romney said he was not yet confident that either leader would.

"We have people that are going to lose their unemployment insurance the day after Christmas, and to keep that from happening is a high priority," Romney said. "We want help for people that also need mental help facilities, we need help for small businesses, desperately, and we got a lot of businesses just hanging on, so this is another round of PPP grants and loans to small businesses." 

Stimulus checks are not included in the bipartisan compromise. Romney noted that the people who need the money to pay rent and to eat, will get assistance. 

"Sending checks to people who don't need it doesn't strike us as high of priority as getting checks to people who are unemployed, and who can't pay the rent and are looking for food," said Romney.  

It has been 262 days since the last relief bill, and the nation has crossed another grim milestone. The coronavirus pandemic has now killed more than 300,000 people in the U.S. since February. More than 1 in 10 of the deaths have been reported since the beginning of December, and, over the course of the pandemic, the U.S. has been averaging about 1,000 deaths per day,  according to a CNBC analysis of Johns Hopkins data.

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December 14, 2020 at 05:28PM

Romney on Barr resignation: 'Not surprised that he could no longer associate himself with the process that's going on now' - CNBC
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'Unacceptable' to find out about Chinese coal ban through the media - Sky News Australia

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:08 PM PST

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham says it's acceptable to find out about Chinese government decisions via media outlets and not through proper diplomatic channels. The comments come after Chinese state media reported Australia has been excluded from a new policy in China that allows power plants in multiple countries to import their coal into China without clearance restrictions. "I can assure everyone that when the Australian government makes decisions that affect other governments, we work through the proper diplomatic channels to inform those governments and do so in a manner that is respectful and appropriate in terms of the nature of the dialogue that should exist between governments," Mr Birmingham said. "We would urge others to apply the same courtesies."

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Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:38 PM PST

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2020-12-15 01:45:00Z

Light magnitude 4.3 quake hits 93 km southwest of Tonala, Mexico in the morning - VolcanoDiscovery

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:08 PM PST

See also: Monthly reports

Light magnitude 4.3 quake hits 93 km southwest of Tonala, Mexico in the morning

Mon, 14 Dec 2020, 17:48

4.3 quake 14 Dec 11:23 am (GMT -6)

4.3 quake 14 Dec 11:23 am (GMT -6)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 occurred only 25 minutes ago 93 km southwest of Tonala, Mexico, Mexico's National Seismological Service (SSN) reported.
The quake hit at a moderately shallow depth of 37 km beneath the epicenter near Tonala, Tonalá, Chiapas, Mexico, in the morning on Monday 14 December 2020 at 11:23 am local time. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.
Our monitoring service identified a second report from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) which listed the quake at magnitude 4.3 as well.
Towns or cities near the epicenter where the quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Playa del Sol (pop. 69) located 74 km from the epicenter, Manuel Avila Camacho (Ponte Duro) (pop. 1,800) 79 km away, San Luqueño (pop. 1000) 81 km away, Paredon (pop. 6,100) 84 km away, Tonala (pop. 35,300) 93 km away, and Arriaga (pop. 24,400) 102 km away.
VolcanoDiscovery will automatically update magnitude and depth if these change and follow up if other significant news about the quake become available. If you're in the area, please send us your experience through our reporting mechanism, either online or via our mobile app. This will help us provide more first-hand updates to anyone around the globe who wants to know more about this quake.

If you felt it, report it through our site or app right now!

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Earthquake data:

I felt this quake

Date & time: Mon, 14 Dec 17:23 UTC
Magnitude: 4.3
Depth: 37.0 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude: 15.35°N / 94.15°W
Primary data source: SSN

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December 14, 2020 at 09:50AM

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Trump says AG Barr resigning, will leave before Christmas - WJXT News4JAX

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:08 PM PST

WASHINGTON – Attorney General William Barr, one of President Donald Trump's staunchest allies, is resigning amid lingering tension with the president over the president's baseless claims of election fraud and the investigation into President-elect Joe Biden's son.

Barr went Monday to the White House, where Trump said the attorney general submitted his letter of resignation. "As per letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family," Trump tweeted.

Trump has publicly expressed his anger about Barr's statement to The Associated Press earlier this month that the Justice Department had found no widespread election fraud that would change the outcome of the election. Trump has also been angry that the Justice Department did not publicly announce it was investigating Hunter Biden ahead of the election, despite department policy against such a pronouncement.

Barr in his resignation letter said he updated Trump Monday on the department's "review of voter fraud allegations in the 2020 election and how these allegations will continue to be pursued." He added that his last day on the job would be Dec. 23.

Trump said Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen, whom he labeled "an outstanding person," will become Acting Attorney General.

Trump spent much of the day watching the Electoral College tally and calling allies but broke away to meet with Barr. His tweet about Barr's exit was an unusually heartfelt response from a president who is notoriously cold to his departing staff and quick to name-call and deride them once they say they are leaving. The president has previously claimed he fired staffers who resigned to make himself appear more powerful.

Despite Trump's obvious disdain for those who publicly disagree with him, Barr had generally remained in the president's good graces and has been one of the president's most ardent allies. Before the election, he had repeatedly raised the notion that mail-in voting could be especially vulnerable to fraud during the coronavirus pandemic as Americans feared going to polls.

But Trump has a low tolerance for criticism, especially public criticism, from his allies and often fires back in kind.

Barr, who was serving in his second stint as attorney general, sought to paint himself as an independent leader who would not bow to political pressure. But Democrats have repeatedly accused Barr of acting more like the president's personal attorney than the attorney general, and Barr had proved to be a largely reliable Trump ally and defender of presidential power.

Before releasing special counsel Robert Mueller's full report on the Russia investigation last year, Barr framed the results in a manner favorable to Trump even though Mueller pointedly said he couldn't exonerate the president of obstruction of justice.

He also appointed as special counsel the U.S. attorney who is conducting a criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI's probe of the 2016 election that morphed into Mueller's investigation of possible Trump-Russia cooperation, following Trump's repeated calls to "investigate the investigators."

Barr also ordered Justice Department prosecutors to review the handling of the federal investigation into Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn and then sought to dismiss the criminal charges against Flynn, who had twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Trump later pardoned Flynn.

Barr's break from Trump over election fraud wasn't the first. Earlier this year, Barr told ABC News that the president's tweets about Justice Department cases "make it impossible for me to do my job" and tensions flared just a few months ago when the two were increasingly at odds over the pace of the Durham investigation.

Trump had been increasingly critical about a lack of arrests and Barr was privately telling people he was frustrated by Trump's public pronouncements about the case.

Trump was also said to blame Barr for comments from FBI Director Chris Wray on election fraud and mail-in voting that didn't jibe with the president's alarmist rhetoric.


Associated Press writers Colleen Long, Eric Tucker, Jonathan Lemire and Zeke Miller contributed to this report.

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December 14, 2020 at 02:57PM

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ローソンに「鬼滅の刃」恵方巻、日輪刀イメージの箸付き -京阪神エルマガジン社)

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:37 PM PST

ローソンに「鬼滅の刃」恵方巻、日輪刀イメージの箸付き -京阪神エルマガジン社)

「鬼滅の刃」恵方巻(1480円)※数量限定 (C)吾峠呼世晴/集英社・アニプレックス・ufotable



SNSでは「やると思ったーーー! 予約しよ」「伊之助が天かすなのかわいそう(笑)」「箸目当てで買う人絶対いるよね」などさまざまな声が上がっている。サイズは直径約5cm×長さ約13cm。価格は1本1480円。


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2020-12-14 23:56:57Z

World Earthquake Report for Sunday, 13 December 2020 - VolcanoDiscovery

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST

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See also: Monthly reports

World Earthquake Report for Sunday, 13 December 2020

Mon, 14 Dec 2020, 00:24

Worldwide earthquakes above magnitude 3 during the past 24 hours on 14 Dec 2020

Worldwide earthquakes above magnitude 3 during the past 24 hours on 14 Dec 2020

Summary: 5 quakes 5.0+, 18 quakes 4.0+, 118 quakes 3.0+, 216 quakes 2.0+ (357 total)
Magnitude 5+: 5 earthquakes
Magnitude 4+: 18 earthquakes
Magnitude 3+: 118 earthquakes
Magnitude 2+: 216 earthquakes
No quakes of magnitude 6 or higher
Total seismic energy estimate: 2.7 x 1013 joules (7.54 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 6486 tons of TNT or 0.4 atomic bombs!) learn more

10 largest earthquakes in the world (13 Dec 2020):

#1: 5.3 quake South Pacific Ocean, 674 km south of Suva, Central, Fiji, 13 Dec 7:25 pm (GMT +12)
#2: 5.2 quake Indian Ocean, 250 km south of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 13 Dec 3:39 pm (GMT +7)
#3: 5.2 quake South Pacific Ocean, 119 km east of Kokopo, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, 14 Dec 8:06 am (GMT +10)
#4: 5.1 quake Indian Ocean, French Southern Territories, 13 Dec 11:55 am (GMT +5)
#5: 5.1 quake South Pacific Ocean, 97 km southeast of Hihifo, Niuas, Tonga, 14 Dec 3:29 am (GMT +13)
#6: 4.9 quake 44 km north of Bereket, Balkan, Turkmenistan, 13 Dec 10:47 am (GMT +5)
#7: 4.9 quake South Pacific Ocean, 224 km southwest of Apia, Tuamasaga, Samoa, 14 Dec 3:44 am (GMT +13)
#8: 4.8 quake 3 km northeast of San Fernando, Ilocos, Philippines, 13 Dec 2:53 pm (GMT +8)
#9: 4.6 quake South Pacific Ocean, 734 km northeast of Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, 13 Dec 1:05 pm (GMT +13)
#10: 4.6 quake Bering Sea, 43 mi north of Atka, Alaska, USA, 13 Dec 9:06 am (GMT -10)

Earthquakes reported felt:

#1: 4.2 quake 13 km north of Salcedo, Hermanas Mirabal, Dominican Republic, 13 Dec 2:07 am (GMT -4) - 25 reports
#2: 3.5 quake 14 km east of Paraćin, Pomoravlje, Central Serbia, Serbia, 13 Dec 1:48 pm (GMT +1) - 8 reports
#3: 3.4 quake Tenares, 6.8 km northeast of Salsipuedes, Provincia de Hermanas Mirabal, Dominican Republic, 12 Dec 10:48 pm (GMT -4) - 8 reports
#4: 2.7 quake 5.3 mi north of Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA, 13 Dec 5:53 pm (GMT -6) - 6 reports
#5: 4.1 quake 9.5 km southwest of Rimus, Luna, Ilocos, Philippines, 13 Dec 2:53 pm (GMT +8) - 3 reports
#6: 5.2 quake Indian Ocean, 250 km south of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 13 Dec 3:39 pm (GMT +7) - 3 reports
#7: 4.2 quake Chechen Republic, 8.1 km north of Alkhan-Kala, Russia, 13 Dec 4:05 pm (GMT +3) - 2 reports
#8: 2.5 quake Departamento de San Carlos, 71 km south of San Martin, Mendoza, Argentina, 13 Dec 8:31 pm (GMT -3) - 2 reports
#9: 3.0 quake Macana Barrio, 4.1 km north of Santo Domingo, Peñuelas, Puerto Rico, 13 Dec 3:19 pm (GMT -4) - 2 reports
#10: 3.5 quake Provincia Espaillat, 8.1 km north of Salcedo (Hermanas Mirabal), Dominican Republic, 13 Dec 2:13 am (GMT -4) - 2 reports
#11: 4.6 quake South Pacific Ocean, 734 km northeast of Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, 13 Dec 1:05 pm (GMT +13) - 2 reports
#12: 3.3 quake 2.3 km north of Castellarano, Provincia di Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, 13 Dec 10:20 am (GMT +1) - 2 reports

Earthquake stats:

Number of quakes and energy released vs time

Number of quakes and energy vs time

Number of quakes and energy released vs magnitude

Number of quakes and energy vs magnitude

Magnitude of quakes and energy released vs time

Magnitude of quakes and energy vs time
Previous news

Sun, 13 Dec 2020, 23:50

World map showing volcanoes with shallow (less than 20 km) earthquakes within 20 km radius during the past 24 hours on 13 Dec 2020 Number in brackets indicate nr of quakes.

Sun, 13 Dec 2020, 22:26

5.2 quake 14 Dec 8:06 am (GMT +10)
Papua New Guinea was shaken near Kokopo, Kokopo District, East New Britain Province, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 only 15 minutes ago, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) reported. ... read all

Sun, 13 Dec 2020, 19:27

4.6 quake 13 Dec 9:06 am (GMT -10)
An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 occurred in the morning on Sunday 13 December 2020 at 9:06 am local time near Atka, Aleutians West County, Alaska, USA, as reported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). ... read all

Sun, 13 Dec 2020, 19:26

Wonder which was the most powerful earthquake in the world on your birthday? Or during a given month or even a whole year? Find it out using our new earthquake search tool! ... read all

Sun, 13 Dec 2020, 18:00

3.3 quake 10 Km SE of Skwentna, Alaska, USA, 13 Dec 8:40 am (GMT -9)
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported a magnitude 3.3 quake in the United States near Skwentna, Matanuska-Susitna County, Alaska, only 5 minutes ago. The earthquake hit in the morning on Sunday 13 December 2020 at 8:40 am local time at an intermediate depth of 52 miles. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report. ... read all

The Google outage killed Android phones, showing how fragile tech ecosystems are - TechRadar

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST

Users of Google apps around the world were left in online limbo today (December 14) by a major outage that made the vast majority of the internet giant's apps and services unusable. Google Maps was lost, Gmail was returned to sender, and Google One was gOne (some services may still be affected, depending on where you are).

Perhaps the hardest-hit part of Google's online empire was its suite of Android apps. Google makes Android, the platform which many phone makers use, and it also makes lots of the apps that run on it, like Google Photos, Google News and more. 

Some phone makers use their own alternatives to these apps, but a few, like Motorola, Nokia, and Google itself, use 'stock' Android, which relies heavily on these apps. And when the outage hit, users of these phones found that key functions on their devices stopped working.

Stock Android phones weren't totally bricked, and they mostly worked fine – but since Google apps weren't working, some of the key functions were gone.

For example, stock Android uses Google Photos as the default gallery app, and while that service was down you couldn't view images stored on your phone, unless you'd downloaded an alternative or knew how to find them through your Files app (which many people likely won't).

Perhaps a bigger issue was the default Google Contacts app going down. We found we couldn't view contacts stored in the cloud. Sure, it's 2020, and lots of us use social media to keep in touch rather than traditional calling and texting, but the loss of Contacts meant that what are still essential features for many people were unavailable.

Those are some of the bigger apps that went down, but they weren't the only ones – Google News went down, so you couldn't swipe to the side of your home page to see the top stories; Gmail's outage made checking your emails impossible (if you use Google's email app, obviously); and Podcasts was down too.

It's worth noting that not all Google apps stopped working: we found searching worked just fine, and members of the TechRadar team reported the Google Pay still worked. But millions of people have been inconvenienced to varying degrees.

Angry emoji

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Avoiding the mistakes of the past

Many companies rely on the Google suite to function, and so productivity likely took a nosedive when the outage began. A huge swathe of the population (if stats are to be believed, around 72%) of the world uses Android, and though it's not clear how many of that percentage uses 'stock' Android, and so felt the full force of the outage, it's likely that many people found their phones were seriously hobbled for the duration of the event.

The Google outage is the latest wake-up call to remind us that big tech ecosystems are fragile things – and that if we rely on one tech giant to manage all our services and data, when it falls, we fall with it.

So what's the solution? We could demand that authorities do more to clamp down on the monopolistic practices of tech mega-corporations, but there's little prospect of that happening any time soon.

Perhaps this is just a reminder to mix and match your tech products and providers a bit. Maybe buy an Android phone and an Apple tablet, or vice versa; get an Amazon Alexa smart home hub, and use Microsoft software on your computer.

Embrace the strong points of different company's products and services, rather than giving into tech tribalism and becoming a 'fanboy' (for want of a better word) for, and reliant on, a single company. The deeper you're invested in any one ecosystem, the more you stand to lose if and when it fails.

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December 14, 2020 at 05:39AM

The Google outage killed Android phones, showing how fragile tech ecosystems are - TechRadar
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Indonesia arrests firebrand Islamist cleric over virus rule breaches - Yahoo News Australia

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST

A firebrand Indonesian Muslim cleric was arrested Sunday for allegedly breaching coronavirus restrictions after he held a series of sermons with tens of thousands of followers.

Rizieq Shihab's arrest came just days after Jakarta police shot dead six followers of his hardline Islamist group in a highway shootout.

Shihab will be detained for 20 days to prevent him from fleeing and destroying evidence, police said.

"Another reason for the detention is for him not to repeat the offence," National Police spokesman Argo Yuwono said Sunday.

If found guilty, he could face up to six years behind bars for breaching coronavirus rules.

Shihab was welcomed by tens of thousands of followers at Jakarta airport on his return from exile last month, in violation of a Covid-19 ban on gatherings.

As dozens who attended that gathering subsequently tested positive for the coronavirus, police summoned Shihab several times for questioning.

Indonesia has reported more than 600,000 coronavirus infections and over 18,500 deaths, with authorities imposing nationwide restrictions to curb the spread of the disease.

Despite those restrictions, Shihab held sermons, a celebration of the birthday of Islam's Prophet Mohammed, and his daughter's wedding -- all of which were attended by thousands of people.

The charismatic leader of the Islamic Defender Front (FPI), Shihab fled to Saudi Arabia shortly after police named him a suspect in a pornography case in 2017, and remained in exile for three years.

Since his return, he's called for a "moral revolution".

His FPI is notorious for targeting night clubs and other establishments it deems "immoral", and has also attacked minority Muslim sects it considers "deviant".

He was among the main figures behind mass rallies in 2016 against the then governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, over allegations that he insulted the Koran.

Basuki, who is Christian, was sentenced to two years in prison for blasphemy.


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Saudi female soccer players go for goal - Yahoo Sports

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:42 PM PST

Mariam Alangari is one step closer to achieving her dream of playing football professionally.

She plays for a newly-formed women's soccer team in Saudi Arabia, established after the government allowed the formation of an amateur women's league for the first time in November this year.


"Finally! I'm so happy that there is a chance to achieve my dream. I used to play abroad but now thank God I can play in my country, and if God is willing, I will get the chance to become a professional player."

It's a significant step for women in the deeply conservative Muslim kingdom.

…who were only allowed to attend football matches in stadiums for the first time in 2018.

The ''Eastern Flame'' team train in the city of Al Khobar, under the watchful eye of coach Maram Albutairi.


"In Eastern flames club, we have 52 players of various age groups, some above 17 years old, some below 17 years old, and some below 14 years old. We train them and develop their skills in different ways including overall fitness, neuromuscular compatibility, football skills, and more. Hopefully, we will help them become professional players."

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“トムジェリ”がついに実写の世界へ! 映画「トムとジェリー」日本オリジナル予告編解禁 - maidigitv

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

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2020-12-14 22:00:04Z

浜辺美波がギャルに変身、かまいたち山内「かわいすぎてずっと見てしまった」(コメントあり) - ナタリー

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

浜辺美波がギャルに変身、かまいたち山内「かわいすぎてずっと見てしまった」(コメントあり) - ナタリー






フジテレビ系 2020年12月29日(火)18:30~21:00
サンドウィッチマン / バイきんぐ / かまいたち / 3時のヒロイン福田
しずる / わらふぢなるお / 狩野英孝
ゲスト:パンサー尾形 / おばたのお兄さん / 3時のヒロインかなで / 3時のヒロインゆめっち / ゆきぽよ / アンタッチャブル柴田 / ジェシー(SixTONES) / 浜辺美波 / 堀田真由 / 松井玲奈 ほか




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2020-12-14 23:00:00Z

Quake info: Mag. 4.9 earthquake - Departamento de Choya, 63 km southwest of Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina, on Monday, 14 Dec 12:15 am (GMT -3) - VolcanoDiscovery

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:08 PM PST

Mag. 4.9 earthquake - Departamento de Choya, 63 km southwest of Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina, on Monday, 14 Dec 12:15 am (GMT -3)

Light magnitude 4.9 earthquake at 29 km depth

14 Dec 03:22 UTC: First to report: INPRES after 7 minutes.
14 Dec 03:42: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 10.0 to 28.0 km (from 6.2 to 17.4 mi). Epicenter location corrected by 18 km (11 mi) towards WSW.
14 Dec 03:46: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 28.0 to 29.0 km (from 17.4 to 18 mi).

Update Mon, 14 Dec 2020, 03:27

Magnitude 4.9 earthquake strikes near Santiago del Estero, Argentina
4.9 quake 14 Dec 12:15 am (GMT -3)

4.9 quake 14 Dec 12:15 am (GMT -3)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.9 occurred only 12 minutes ago 48 km southwest of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, INPRES reported.
The quake hit at a shallow depth of 10 km beneath the epicenter near Santiago del Estero, Departamento de Capital, Argentina, after midnight on Monday 14 December 2020 at 12:15 am local time. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.
Based on the preliminary seismic data, the quake should not have caused any significant damage, but was probably felt by many people as light vibration in the area of the epicenter.
Weak shaking might have been felt in Santiago del Estero (pop. 354,700) located 48 km from the epicenter, Beltran (pop. 5,300) 59 km away, Clodomira (pop. 9,000) 75 km away, Termas de Rio Hondo (pop. 27,800) 78 km away, and Los Altos (pop. 6,400) 94 km away.
Other towns or cities near the epicenter where the quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Suncho Corral (pop. 6,100) located 112 km from the epicenter.
VolcanoDiscovery will automatically update magnitude and depth if these change and follow up if other significant news about the quake become available. If you're in the area, please send us your experience through our reporting mechanism, either online or via our mobile app. This will help us provide more first-hand updates to anyone around the globe who wants to know more about this quake.

If you were or still are in this area during the quake help others with your feedback and file a quick report here.

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Earthquake data:

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Date & time: 14 Dec 2020 03:15:28 UTC -
Local time at epicenter: Monday, 14 Dec 12:15 am (GMT -3)
Magnitude: 4.9
Depth: 29.0 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude: 28.179°S / 64.736°W (Departamento de Choya, Santiago del Estero, Argentina)
Nearby towns and cities:
63 km (39 mi) SW of Santiago del Estero (pop: 354,700) See nearby quakes!
76 km (47 mi) E of Los Altos (Santa Rosa, Catamarca) (pop: 6,420) [quakes]
77 km (48 mi) WSW of Beltran (Robles) (pop: 5,320) [quakes]
77 km (48 mi) S of Termas de Rio Hondo (Río Hondo) (pop: 27,800) [quakes]
90 km (56 mi) SW of Clodomira (La Banda) (pop: 9,040) [quakes]
91 km (56 mi) SE of Graneros (Tucuman) (pop: 5,260) [quakes]
95 km (59 mi) ESE of La Cocha (Tucuman) (pop: 7,070) [quakes]
108 km (67 mi) ENE of San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca (pop: 188,800) [quakes]
158 km (98 mi) SSE of Tucuman (pop: 781,000) [quakes]
364 km (226 mi) N of Cordoba (pop: 1,428,200) [quakes]
Weather at epicenter at time of quake:
Few Clouds 17.7°C (64 F), humidity: 41%, wind: 2 m/s (3 kts) from ENE
Primary data source: INPRES
Estimated released energy: 1.4 x 1012 joules (392 megawatt hours, equivalent to 338 tons of TNT) More info

[smaller] [bigger]

If you felt this quake (or if you were near the epicenter), please share your experience and submit a short "I felt it" report! Other users would love to hear about it!
Also if you did NOT feel the quake although you were in the area, please report it! Your contribution is valuable also to earthquake science and earthquake hazard analysis and mitigation efforts. You can use your device location or the map to indicate where you were during the earthquake. Thank you!

Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies

Info: The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.


User reports for this quake (8)

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Santiago del estero / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / 10-15 s : Nos despertó el temblor. La sensación era como que venía un tren a alta velocidad y con mucho peso por eso ruido que emanaba,el sonido parecía como truenos. Empezó a temblar el lugar y nos levantamos asustados. Empezó leve, se intensificó y luego de unos segundos, pasó. Causó mucho miedo.

126.5 km SSW of epicenter [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / very short (reported through our app)

El Bañado, Valle Viejo, CATAMARCA, Argentina (100.6 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / 2-5 s : Se me movió la computadora, tambaleó

543.3 km SE of epicenter [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / horizontal (sideways) swinging

Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero. / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / vibration and rolling / 2-5 s

Yerba buena / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / very short

Santiago del estero capital / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / 2-5 s : Todos los integrantes de mi familia sintiero. Este suceso

Frías santiago del Estero / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 10-15 s : Muy asustada , movimiento tembloroso,ventanas que vibraban.... Un espanto!!!!

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Earlier earthquakes in the same area since 1900

Mag. 4.9 earthquake - Departamento de Choya, 63 km southwest of Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina, on Monday, 14 Dec 12:15 am (GMT -3)

Map of earlier quakes

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December 13, 2020 at 07:15PM

Quake info: Mag. 4.9 earthquake - Departamento de Choya, 63 km southwest of Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina, on Monday, 14 Dec 12:15 am (GMT -3) - VolcanoDiscovery
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Explainer: What hardline Islamic cleric Rizieq Shihab's return means for Indonesian politics - WHTC News

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:08 PM PST

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian police arrested firebrand Islamic cleric Rizieq Shihab on Saturday on suspicion of violating coronavirus protocols after the staging of several mass gatherings since his return from self-exile in Saudi Arabia last month.

The arrest comes after six of his bodyguards were shot dead by police last week and raises further concerns about a boiling over of tensions between authorities and Islamist groups in the world's biggest Muslim majority nation.


As head of the hardline Islamic Defender's Front (FPI), Rizieq has for years cut a controversial figure in Indonesian politics.

He was jailed in 2008 for inciting violence and left Indonesia in 2017 after facing charges of pornography, and insulting state ideology. Those charges have since been dropped.

Formed in 1998, in the tumultuous months after president Suharto stood down, the FPI initially had close links to security forces and became notorious for raiding bars and brothels, as well as violence against minorities, and preventing a Lady Gaga concert. It has also been involved in humanitarian work after natural disasters.

But moving from the fringes it has increased its political sway and in 2016 Rizieq was a key figure in a mass movement against Jakarta's former Christian governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, or Ahok, who was jailed for insulting Islam.

The huge 2016 rallies raised concern about a threat to Indonesia's pluralist tradition and its secular state. President Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, also viewed them as among the biggest threats to his government.

In the weeks since his return, Rizieq has declared plans for a "moral revolution".


After twice ignoring police summonses, Rizieq turned himself in and was arrested.

He was charged with obstruction of law enforcement, incitement of criminal acts and violation of the quarantine law. He could face a maximum six years in prison if convicted.

The charges relate to mass events including the tens of thousands of people who showed up to greet Rizieq at the airport and his daughter's well-attended wedding.


Police say they were tailing a convoy of Rizieq supporters after hearing the FPI was preparing to mobilise. Police say they acted in self-defence when they shot the six supporters dead after firearms were pointed at them.

The FPI has described the incident as an "extrajudicial killing" and said Rizieq and his entourage were unarmed and travelling to a dawn prayer when attacked by unknown assailants.

Amnesty International Indonesia and Indonesia Police Watch have called for an independent investigation, and Indonesia's human rights commission has since opened a probe.


With nearly 90% of the population Muslim, Islam has always been important in Indonesian politics. Every president has been Muslim and the 2016 rallies saw Islam take on an increasingly prominent political role.

In a move seen as an attempt to appeal to Islamic voters, Jokowi chose cleric, Ma'ruf Amin, as his vice presidential running mate in 2019 and after the election appointed his poll opponent, Prabowo Subianto, who had backing from Islamist groups, as defence minister.


Political analysts say given an opposition vacuum, the pandemic and the first recession in 22 years, Rizieq could harness frustrations with the government and pose a threat.

The 55-year-old has already met with several key opposition figures and there is a sense that he could be a kingmaker in the 2024 election.

More immediately, the police clash has seen the FPI hail the dead as 'martyrs' and call for demonstrations.

According to sources and analysts the government grossly underestimated Rizieq's continued appeal and quickly understood it needed to carefully calibrate its response to Rizieq.

Despite a more vocal backlash from pluralists and moderate Islamic groups toward Rizieq this year, the fatal clash is unlikely to have met the careful approach the administration had been aiming for.

(Writing by Kate Lamb; Editing by Ed Davies)

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Building machines that better understand human goals - MIT News

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:42 PM PST

In a classic experiment on human social intelligence by psychologists Felix Warneken and Michael Tomasello, an 18-month old toddler watches a man carry a stack of books towards an unopened cabinet. When the man reaches the cabinet, he clumsily bangs the books against the door of the cabinet several times, then makes a puzzled noise. 

Something remarkable happens next: the toddler offers to help. Having inferred the man's goal, the toddler walks up to the cabinet and opens its doors, allowing the man to place his books inside. But how is the toddler, with such limited life experience, able to make this inference? 

Recently, computer scientists have redirected this question toward computers: How can machines do the same? 

The critical component to engineering this type of understanding is arguably what makes us most human: our mistakes. Just as the toddler could infer the man's goal merely from his failure, machines that infer our goals need to account for our mistaken actions and plans. 

In the quest to capture this social intelligence in machines, researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences created an algorithm capable of inferring goals and plans, even when those plans might fail. 

This type of research could eventually be used to improve a range of assistive technologies, collaborative or caretaking robots, and digital assistants like Siri and Alexa. 

"This ability to account for mistakes could be crucial for building machines that robustly infer and act in our interests," says Tan Zhi-Xuan, PhD student in MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the lead author on a new paper about the research. "Otherwise, AI systems might wrongly infer that, since we failed to achieve our higher-order goals, those goals weren't desired after all. We've seen what happens when algorithms feed on our reflexive and unplanned usage of social media, leading us down paths of dependency and polarization. Ideally, the algorithms of the future will recognize our mistakes, bad habits, and irrationalities and help us avoid, rather than reinforce, them." 

To create their model the team used Gen, a new AI programming platform recently developed at MIT, to combine symbolic AI planning with Bayesian inference. Bayesian inference provides an optimal way to combine uncertain beliefs with new data, and is widely used for financial risk evaluation, diagnostic testing, and election forecasting. 

The team's model performed 20 to 150 times faster than an existing baseline method called Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning (BIRL), which learns an agent's objectives, values, or rewards by observing its behavior, and attempts to compute full policies or plans in advance. The new model was accurate 75 percent of the time in inferring goals. 

"AI is in the process of abandoning the 'standard model' where a fixed, known objective is given to the machine," says Stuart Russell, the Smith-Zadeh Professor of Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. "Instead, the machine knows that it doesn't know what we want, which means that research on how to infer goals and preferences from human behavior becomes a central topic in AI. This paper takes that goal seriously; in particular, it is a step towards modeling — and hence inverting — the actual process by which humans generate behavior from goals and preferences."

How it works 

While there's been considerable work on inferring the goals and desires of agents, much of this work has assumed that agents act optimally to achieve their goals. 

However, the team was particularly inspired by a common way of human planning that's largely sub-optimal: not to plan everything out in advance, but rather to form only partial plans, execute them, and then plan again from there. While this can lead to mistakes from not thinking enough "ahead of time," it also reduces the cognitive load. 

For example, imagine you're watching your friend prepare food, and you would like to help by figuring out what they're cooking. You guess the next few steps your friend might take: maybe preheating the oven, then making dough for an apple pie. You then "keep" only the partial plans that remain consistent with what your friend actually does, and then you repeat the process by planning ahead just a few steps from there. 

Once you've seen your friend make the dough, you can restrict the possibilities only to baked goods, and guess that they might slice apples next, or get some pecans for a pie mix. Eventually, you'll have eliminated all the plans for dishes that your friend couldn't possibly be making, keeping only the possible plans (i.e., pie recipes). Once you're sure enough which dish it is, you can offer to help.

The team's inference algorithm, called "Sequential Inverse Plan Search (SIPS)", follows this sequence to infer an agent's goals, as it only makes partial plans at each step, and cuts unlikely plans early on. Since the model only plans a few steps ahead each time, it also accounts for the possibility that the agent — your friend — might be doing the same. This includes the possibility of mistakes due to limited planning, such as not realizing you might need two hands free before opening the refrigerator. By detecting these potential failures in advance, the team hopes the model could be used by machines to better offer assistance.

"One of our early insights was that if you want to infer someone's goals, you don't need to think further ahead than they do. We realized this could be used not just to speed up goal inference, but also to infer intended goals from actions that are too shortsighted to succeed, leading us to shift from scaling up algorithms to exploring ways to resolve more fundamental limitations of current AI systems," says Vikash Mansinghka, a principal research scientist at MIT and one of Tan Zhi-Xuan's co-advisors, along with Joshua Tenenbaum, MIT professor in brain and cognitive sciences. "This is part of our larger moonshot — to reverse-engineer 18-month-old human common sense." 

The work builds conceptually on earlier cognitive models from Tenenbaum's group, showing how simpler inferences that children and even 10-month-old infants make about others' goals can be modeled quantitatively as a form of Bayesian inverse planning.

While to date the researchers have explored inference only in relatively small planning problems over fixed sets of goals, through future work they plan to explore richer hierarchies of human goals and plans. By encoding or learning these hierarchies, machines might be able to infer a much wider variety of goals, as well as the deeper purposes they serve.

"Though this work represents only a small initial step, my hope is that this research will lay some of the philosophical and conceptual groundwork necessary to build machines that truly understand human goals, plans and values," says Xuan. "This basic approach of modeling humans as imperfect reasoners feels very promising. It now allows us to infer when plans are mistaken, and perhaps it will eventually allow us to infer when people hold mistaken beliefs, assumptions, and guiding principles as well."

Zhi-Xuan, Mansinghka, and Tenenbaum wrote the paper alongside EECS graduate student Jordyn Mann and PhD student Tom Silver. They virtually presented their work last week at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020).

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Quebec to begin inoculating against COVID-19 as first vaccines arrive -

Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:08 PM PST

MONTREAL — It was declared a "historic" day in Quebec as the first COVID-19 vaccines were given Monday to residents of two long-term care homes in the province.

Gloria Lallouz, a resident of Montreal's Maimonides Geriatric Centre, said she felt "fabulous" after receiving the first Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination in the city.

The stakes, the 78-year-old said, couldn't be higher.

"It's my life," Lallouz told reporters outside the long-term care home, which received the first batches of the vaccine Monday morning. "It gives me the opportunity to see my family, to see my friends." She added that she is eager for others to follow suit.

"We're not going to be able to live properly until everybody gets a vaccination," Lallouz said.

Provincial health officials began administering the vaccine to residents and staff at Maimonides and the Saint-Antoine residence in Quebec City after receiving a shipment Sunday night. The remaining doses from the first shipment will go to health-care workers from other facilities.

Gisele Levesque, an 89-year-old living in the Saint-Antoine care home, was the first Quebecer to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, Premier Francois Legault announced on Twitter. Quebec deputy premier Genevieve Guilbault later told reporters that Levesque's 11:25 a.m. vaccination also made her the first person in Canada to get the shot.

"It gives us hope, concrete hope," Guilbault said about the vaccine rollout.

The Quebec City health authority said it received 3,000 doses of the vaccine Monday morning and that 220 Saint-Antoine residents and 400 staff will be the first vaccinated. In Montreal, the health authority expected to receive 1,950 initial doses.

"This is the first ray of light that we foresee after a very long period of darkness, and if we want to make the most of that hope, we have to remain very, very, very careful," Guilbault said.

That was echoed by Quebec Health Minister Christian Dube, who urged continued caution despite what he said was "a big, historic day for Quebec."

"You know, they say that it's a big marathon that we've been doing for nine months. We're starting to see … the light at the end of the tunnel," he said during a news conference outside Maimonides.

Speaking alongside Dube, federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu said she was emotional seeing the first people get vaccinated. "I see this as the first step forward into the light," Hajdu said.

The first vaccines were distributed as Quebec reported 1,620 new COVID-19 cases Monday and 25 more deaths linked to the novel coronavirus. The province has reported a total of 165,535 infections and 7,533 deaths since the pandemic began.

Quebec is expected to announce new COVID-related restrictions this week. In an interview on Montreal radio station 98.5 FM Monday, Legault said the holiday period presents an opportunity to get the pandemic under control.

But, he said, his government won't go as far in closing the province as it did during the first wave in the spring.

"Construction is closed for two weeks during the holiday break," Legault said. "Schools are closed for two weeks; a lot of businesses are closed for at least one week. Do we need to close shops for a certain time? It's there we are looking at.

For the families and loved ones of those set to be inoculated, the vaccine brought a much-needed sense of relief after months of anxiety.

Kitra Cahana, whose 67-year-old father Rabbi Ronnie Cahana is quadriplegic and has lived at Maimonides since 2012, said she wasn't sure whether her father would receive the vaccine on Monday or Tuesday. But she said the family was "so thrilled" to see the vaccinations begin.

Kitra said a recent COVID-19 outbreak at Maimonides had been extremely stressful. "It really felt like the building was on fire, and my father was in the middle of it, and there was no way to rescue him," she said in an interview. "To hear that he's going to get vaccinated, it really feels like a little bit of light in the darkness."

That feeling was shared by Brenda Sachin, whose mother, Mildred, is also a resident at Maimonides. Sachin said she was happy the facility was among the first places to get the vaccine. But she said she will worry about residents during the 21-day period between when they receive the first and second doses of the vaccine.

She also said she had concerns some staff members would not get vaccinated. "I know there's some that absolutely will, but there's always going to be people that won't get vaccinated," Sachin said. "The quicker everybody gets vaccinated, the more relaxed we will all be."

Health-care workers in Quebec can choose whether or not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Dube said Monday it was too early to say how many would opt out, adding that he wasn't overly concerned.

"We've always said that we wanted to work on a voluntary basis with our employees. I would let a few hours go by and then I think we'll see how things will evolve," Dube said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 14, 2020.

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours and Jacob Serebrin, The Canadian Press

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