
A molecular understanding of alphavirus entry and antibody protection -


Alphaviruses are arthropod-transmitted RNA viruses that cause epidemics of human infection and disease on a global scale. These viruses are classified as either arthritogenic or encephalitic based on their genetic relatedness and the clinical syndromes they cause. Although there are currently no approved therapeutics or vaccines against alphaviruses, passive transfer of monoclonal antibodies confers protection in animal models. This Review highlights recent advances in our understanding of the host factors required for alphavirus entry, the mechanisms of action by which protective antibodies inhibit different steps in the alphavirus infection cycle and candidate alphavirus vaccines currently under clinical evaluation that focus on humoral immunity. A comprehensive understanding of alphavirus entry and antibody-mediated protection may inform the development of new classes of countermeasures for these emerging viruses.

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Fig. 1: Alphavirus structure and entry mechanisms.
Fig. 2: Neutralizing and non-neutralizing monoclonal antibody epitopes on the alphavirus p62–E1 heterotrimer.


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The authors thank J. Fox for insightful discussions and comments. Research in the authors’ laboratories was supported by US NIH grants R01 AI143673, U19 AI142790, R01 AI164653, R01 AI141436 and R01 AI127513 (to M.S.D.), and T32 AI172293 (to A.S.K.). A.S.K. acknowledges support from Open Philanthropy and the Life Sciences Research Foundation.

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A.S.K. and M.S.D. contributed equally to all aspects of the article.

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Correspondence to Michael S. Diamond.

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M.S.D. is a consultant for Inbios, Vir Biotechnology, Senda Biosciences, Moderna, and Immunome. The Diamond laboratory has received unrelated funding support in sponsored research agreements from Vir Biotechnology, Moderna, Immunome and Emergent BioSolutions. A.S.K. declares no competing interests.

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Kim, A.S., Diamond, M.S. A molecular understanding of alphavirus entry and antibody protection. Nat Rev Microbiol (2022).

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