
De Blog Have Fun

De Blog Have Fun

【イベントレポート】星野源、ドコモ発表会で大好きな細野晴臣をアピール「展覧会やってますし、映画も」(写真38枚) - ナタリー

Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:21 AM PDT

【イベントレポート】星野源、ドコモ発表会で大好きな細野晴臣をアピール「展覧会やってますし、映画も」(写真38枚) - ナタリー

星野源新田真剣佑浜辺美波長谷川博己が本日10月11日に東京・ベルサール汐留で行われたNTTドコモ「2019-2020冬春 新サービス・新商品発表会」に登壇した。


この日発表された新機種「Galaxy A20」の売りが「求めやすい価格なのに満足できる」であることから、登壇者はお互いの「〇〇なのに〇〇な一面」を紹介しあうことに。星野は長谷川について「スマートなのにめちゃくちゃマニア」と語り「映画への情熱がすごい。作品について本当に詳しいしですし、大好きというのが伝わってくるんです。熱いものを胸にたぎらせている印象です」と説明した。対する長谷川は、星野について「歌もスゴイ、なのに絵もスゴイ」とボードに書き込む。「これ、バカにしてるでしょ!(笑)」と笑う星野をよそに、長谷川は「あれは……ドラえもんですか?」と、星野がInstagramにアップした自筆のドラえもんのイラストを話題に挙げ「ああいうふうにはなかなか描けないですよね」と続けた。長谷川の話を聞いた星野は「唐突にドラえもんが描きたくなって。『うまく描けた』と思ってアップしたんですけど、誰にも伝わらなかった……」と苦笑いしつつ「褒め言葉として受け取ります。気が向いたら描いていきたいと思います」とコメントしていた。

またトーク中には、司会者が星野に向けて「ほそのさん」と間違って問いかける場面があった。すると星野は「今『ほそのさん』って言いましたよね? 僕の大好きな細野(晴臣)さん」と即座に反応。そして「細野さん、今年50周年なのでよろしくお願いします。今展覧会やっていますし、映画もありますから……」と流れるように細野の音楽活動50周年に際しての企画をアピールし、報道陣の笑いを誘った。最後に星野は「さらに便利になったサービスや新機種を手に入れて、触れていただいて。日常生活を快適にしてもらえたら」とPRしつつ「星プロの絆もさらに深まっていって、それが画面にも出ると思うのでお楽しみに」とファンにメッセージ。そして「これは個人的な話になっちゃうんですけど、まだハワイでの撮影が実現していないんです。ずっと前から『行きたい』と言ってるんですけど……(笑)。とにかく、いろんなアプローチで星プロを盛り上げていきたいと思います」と、南国ロケに思いをはせつつ意気込んでいた。

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2019-10-11 05:52:00Z

Hot Stocks Roundup: Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (OTC:ARESF) - Stock Trends on Market

Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:55 AM PDT

Hot Stocks Roundup: Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (OTC:ARESF) - Stock Trends on Market

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (ARESF)

ADX value stands at 15. Average directional index (ADX 14) is a technical indicator that quantifies the strength of a trend regardless of its direction or momentum. The values of ADX range from 0 to 100 and are also important for distinguishing between trends and non-trends. Many traders will use ADX readings above 25 to suggest that the trend's strength is strong enough for trend trading strategies. Conversely, when ADX is below 25, many will avoid trend trading strategies.

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (ARESF) stock price is trading at distance of 940.79% from the its 50-Day SMA. SMA 50 is an average stock price from the last 50 days calculated as an unweighted mean of the previous 50 stock closing prices. The current stock price is moving with difference of 873.94% to its 200-Day SMA. Simple moving average of 200 days for a stock is an unweighted moving average over the past 200 days.

Investors are searching for easily tradable or highly liquid stocks, here we screened Artis Real Estate Investment Trust stock with recent volume of 4700 shares. Particularly for day traders, high volume is crucial, as the higher the volume the more liquid the stock is. Looking around last three track record, it holds trading capacity of 2027 shares on average basis. If you own a stock that has extremely low daily volume, it may be difficult to get free of in a short time period. ARESF registered activity of relative volume at 2.32.

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (ARESF) is stock of Real Estate sector that received attractive attention from Investors and traders. It is going under observations and created a move of -10.00% at recent price at $9.35 in last Trading session. Artis Real Estate Investment Trust stock price identified moved of 966.00% from its 52-week maximum price level and marked a change of 645.00% from its 52-week minimum price level. These 52-week values data help to compare its recent price with high or low prices inside a one-year framework.

ARESF has a market cap of $1338471296. Market capitalization refers to the total dollar market value of a company's outstanding shares. The company holds Outstanding share with figure of 140992000 and noted 122656399 floating shares.

Beta factor detected at 0.472533. Beta measures stock's price volatility relative to the market. ARESF stock's RSI is standing at 50.77. RSI is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. The RSI oscillates between 0 and 100. Traditionally the RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30.

The company made a return on asset (ROA) of 3.51% and return on equity (ROE) of 2.93% in past twelve months period. Price to book ratio was 0.815241 while price to sales ratio of the stock was 3.011351. Analysts suggested consensus 2 rating after analysis.

2019-10-10 10:28:00Z

The Masked Singer Introduces the Last Four Contestants Before Unmasking and Booting One of Them - TooFab

Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:52 AM PDT

The Masked Singer Introduces the Last Four Contestants Before Unmasking and Booting One of Them - TooFab

It was the final phase of the first round of competition on "The Masked Singer," introducing us to the last batch of masked celebrities we had to try and identify.

And right away, we were treated to two seasoned professionals and two ... not. But the other two both gave us serious comedy vibes, cracking us up with their antics throughout their performances.

At the same time, these new celebs proved just as elusive as the first dozen we've met, though we're starting to feel like we have some good guesses on three of them.

As for the fourth, who also was the one eliminated on the night, we had absolutely no clue. And neither did TV's worst panel, so we don't feel quite as bad. Believe us, when they know and we don't, we feel awful!

Tonight, it was the weakest performer who got the boot, but we're going to make you power through the terrible (and occasionally good) guesses made by our illustrious panel of Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong and Nicole Scherzinger first. We do this because we love ... to torture you.


Flower may have been slow to hit the stage, but once she started to perform, she dominated it. Without much movement, like a Mariah Carey, she nevertheless had total control from top to bottom, as well as a very distinctive and raspy voice. Could this be the show's first legend?

Guesses: Based on the clue package, there were direct allusions to Mariah and Tina Turner, though the voice was definitely closer to the Tina school of thought. Nicole went to one of last year's favorite guesses, Patti LaBelle, which isn't a bad thought, either.

Jenny latched onto the word "empire" in the clue package and came up with Taraji P. Henson, but we're not sure she'd call herself a legend. She also said she's been in every field, from baking to clothing to crafts ... and always wears makeup (even to the grocery store), so there's a diva aspect as well.

Robin didn't seem to have a guess, instead throwing out modern singers with that kind of range, while Ken threw all his chips into the very wrong Bjork basket. The internet seemed to back the Patti theory, though we did see an interesting guess for Macy Grey, who has a similar rasp to what we heard.

Eagle was doing a very karaoke version of Meat Loaf, so clearly this wasn't a professional singer by any means. But he has a certain charm about him, and a natural sense of humor that comes through in body language. He's not ... good, per se, but he's entertaining.

Guesses: Robin had a great guess off the top with Howard Stern, as Eagle dropped lots of hints about doing interviews, listening to other people's stories and hanging out with rock stars. Also in the preview episode, he dropped a hint about 105.8 (Eagle's body temp) that could easily be a radio station.

Eagle also spoke about losing a parent recently and suffering a health scare. That put Robin into Pauly Shore, who recently lost his mother, while Jenny juggled Howard Stern and Adam Carrola (and later Jeff Goldblum). Ken Jeong, however, went with Craig Ferguson.

Winner: Flower


Penguin did not come across as a professional singer, and actually seemed nervous to be doing this at all. A diminutive presence, she was clearly out of her comfort zone, but she stayed in tune and had a pleasant quality and tone to her voice.

Guesses: Jenny came out with a strong guess after Penguin's package noted that she had been told she wasn't pretty, smart or funny enough with Kathy Griffin. After her performance, she said she didn't feel any judgment at all, which still fit.

She also had a hit list that included comedy club owners, casting directors, the press and herself and talked about her career being on ice, which happened to Kathy after her infamous Donald Trump beheading photo.

An earlier guess was Raven-Symone, which Robin resurfaced after Penguin grabbed Nick's butt, and that's another solid guess. The internet was all over the place, with guesses from Tonya Harding to Lindsay Lohan and Amy Schumer, and even some more support for Raven-Symone. Honestly, they're as lost as we are.

Fox has a theatricality about him that permeated every moment of that performance, like this was a Broadway stage. He has a polished and professional sounding voice, like this is something he's been doing for a long time.

Guesses: Our first guess, out of nowhere, was "Hamilton" breakout star Leslie Odom Jr. based on his body language and presence, and Jenny McCarthy threw his name out, too. Nicole went with Anthony Mackie, as the clue package mentioned on-air superhero persona.

Fox also had a clue about dabbling in different genres from Doogie to Doubtfire, which could be "Doogie" co-star Max Casella, who has a Broadway background and appeared in a "Big Momma" film, which has a "Mrs. Doubtfire"-like premise.

Ken continued his not streak by guessing Tyrese Gibson, before switching to Jamie Foxx after Fox spoke, but that's a little too on the nose. The internet, on the other hand, was feeling a very Wayne Brady vibe, which is another solid guess. Wayne appeared with Neil Patrick Harrison on "How I Met Your Mother" and Robin Williams dropped by "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

Winner: Fox

SMACKDOWN : Eagle vs Penguin

Eagle laid down some smacktalk, but Penguin came back with a full-blown karate kick. Both were giving off a strong comedic vibe by this point, but we were definitely feeling Penguin more as an overall entertainer ... plus, her voice was stronger, if still not strong enough to win this show.

Winner: Look, this one was virtually a no-brainer. Penguin has the sweetest personality and she's a little spitfire to boot. Plus, as the stronger singer and bigger personality -- surprisingly -- she was a lock to win this round, sending Eagle to the unmasking.



Before the final unmasking, it was time for the final guesses. Jenny settled on Adam Carrola, while Robin argued himself into Howard Stern, which was our final guess as well (even though we think Howard is too tall).. Ken doubled down on Craig Ferguson, while Nicole switched it up after the Smackdown to go with Jeff Foxworthy.

But guess what, we were all wrong and way off, as it was Dr. Drew Pinsky from "Lovelines." Who knew he had a singer's desire inside of him? Oh, and it was again close to home for Ken, as he used to fill in for Dr. Drew on his show, while Jenny was close with her guess, as he's part of Adam Carolla's network of shows.

"The Masked Singer" airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.

Got a story or a tip for us? Email TooFab editors at

View Photos Getty Beyonce and Jay-Z Among Stars Who Stepped Out to Celebrate Tyler Perry Studios Opening

2019-10-10 06:11:00Z

Mindy Kaling says Emmys 'dismissed me as a junior woman of colour' - BBC News

Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:52 AM PDT

Mindy Kaling says Emmys 'dismissed me as a junior woman of colour' - BBC News

Mindy KalingImage copyright Reuters

Actress and writer Mindy Kaling has accused the Emmy Awards of trying to cut her from The Office's nominations because she is a woman of colour.

Kaling starred in the US version of the show as well as serving as an executive producer, director and writer.

But she said the Television Academy, which oversees the Emmys, attempted to strip her of a producer's credit.

"I *was* singled out," she said. "The most junior person, and woman of colour. Easiest to dismiss."

Kaling played Kelly in the sitcom, and wrote and directed a number of episodes. She also found success with The Mindy Project, and recently starred in and wrote Late Night with Dame Emma Thompson, and wrote the Four Weddings and a Funeral TV reboot.

Her dispute with the Television Academy dates back a decade, when the organisation was trying to cut the number of producers credited on the Emmy nomination for each show.

The 40-year-old told Elle magazine the Academy forced her to go through a "humiliating" process to prove her contribution.

"They made me, not any of the other producers, fill out a whole form and write an essay about all my contributions as a writer and a producer," she said. "I had to get letters from all the other male, white producers saying that I had contributed, when my actual record stood for itself."

'No-one was singled out'

The TV Academy denied the process was personal and said "every performer producer and writer producer was asked to justify their producer credits".

An Academy spokesman told the Los Angeles Times: "No one person was singled out."

Kaling then took to Twitter to say their response "doesn't make any sense".

"There were other Office writer-performer-producers who were NOT cut from the list. Just me," she wrote.

"I worked so hard and it was humiliating. I had written so many episodes, put in so much time in the editing room, just to have the Academy discard it because they couldn't fathom I was capable of doing it all. Thankfully I was rescued by my friends, the other producers."

Kaling was listed in the nominations as a producer in the outstanding comedy series category in 2007 and 2008, and as a co-executive producer from 2009-11.

She noted the incident happened around 10 years ago and "maybe it wouldn't happen now" - however "it happened to me". Kaling has also asked the Academy to apologise.

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2019-10-10 10:00:15Z

こんな指原莉乃、見たことない フジ「輪舞曲」で心理状態が丸裸に - 産経ニュース

Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:19 AM PDT

こんな指原莉乃、見たことない フジ「輪舞曲」で心理状態が丸裸に - 産経ニュース




 そんな指原が見られる完全オリジナルのカードゲーム番組「人間性暴露ゲーム 輪舞曲~RONDO~」(11日深夜1・45、フジテレビ・関東ローカル)。




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2019-10-10 07:39:00Z

佐藤仁美&細貝圭が結婚、2人の誕生日に婚姻届提出(コメントあり) - ナタリー

Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:18 AM PDT

佐藤仁美&細貝圭が結婚、2人の誕生日に婚姻届提出(コメントあり) - ナタリー


細貝と佐藤は、2017年に「History Of Pops 70's」で共演。交際前から飲み仲間だった2人は、2018年に本格的に交際を開始し、互いの誕生日である本日10月10日に東京都内の役所へ婚姻届を提出した。


なお細貝は、10月25日に開幕する「舞台版『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Chapter1―犯罪係数―』」に出演。佐藤は2020年に上演される「七転抜刀!戸塚宿」に出演予定だ。

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2019-10-10 06:30:00Z

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