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Judy Director Explains Why Renee Zellweger Was The Right Actress To Play Garland - CinemaBlend

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:10 PM PDT

Biopics have always been a tried and true genre in filmmaking, one capable of plenty of awards and nominations. We saw this to great length with last year's Bohemian Rhapsody, which took home a ton of statues. The newest musical biopic to hit theaters is Rupert Goold's Judy, which arrived in theaters last week. The movie is a joyful and honest look at the infamous signer's later life, with Renee Zellweger playing Garland. And now Goold has explained why the Oscar-winning actress was the right choice for the part.

Judy Garland is an iconic American treasure, so finding the right actress to play the role was no doubt a challenge during Judy's inception. Renee Zellweger had previously taken a break from Hollywood, but the Chicago actress stepped into Judy Garland's skin, including a ton of vocal work for the musical numbers. Rupert Goold spoke to the processing of casting Zellweger, saying:

Having met Renee Zellweger for Judy at the Toronto International Film Festival, I can attest to the sentiment Rupert Goold is offering. The 50 year-old actress has an vulnerability, warmth, and softness to her. And she was able to bring that to her performance as Judy Garland.

Throughout Judy, the movie is certainly buoyed by the title character's charm and sense of hope. While the story is a dark one and the Garland struggles through her residency across the pond, she brings joy to everyone she meets. What's more, you see the mother who is just working to try and support her children.

Renee Zellweger is an acclaimed actress, who consistently got Oscar nominations at the height of her career. But following Bridget Jones' Baby in 2010, she took a break from the public eye. There were a few years of purposeful inactivity, before Zellweger came back with projects like Judy and her Netflix series What/If. And it looks like Rupert Goold's biopic might get her another set nominations this season.

Later in the same long interview with The New York Times, Renee Zellweger explained how breaking up her work schedule was beneficial, especially for a demanding shooting movie like Judy. As she explained it,

This makes a great deal of sense, and these feelings about fame and being a public persona are also at the heart of Judy's story. She gave so much to her fans, sometimes to the detriment of her well-being. The toxic side of the movie business affected Garland from an early age, and resulted in her substance and trust issues. Perhaps if she was able to take a break while still supporting herself, the legend's story might have turned out differently.

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October 28, 2019 at 02:07PM

Judy Director Explains Why Renee Zellweger Was The Right Actress To Play Garland - CinemaBlend
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~アデランス文化芸能部「スタジオAD」がエンターテインメントウィッグで協力~『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』が5度目の日本飛来!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:40 PM PDT


製作:東宝 公演期間:2019年11月5日(火)~2020年1月20日(月) 出演:山口祐一郎さん、神田沙也加さん、桜井玲香さん他

 毛髪・美容・健康のウェルネス産業の株式会社アデランス(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長 津村 佳宏)の文化芸能部門「スタジオAD」は、11月5日(火)から2020年1月20日(月)に帝国劇場(東京都千代田区)、御園座(愛知県名古屋市)、博多座(福岡県福岡市)、梅田芸術劇場(大阪府大阪市)において順次公演予定の東宝ミュージカル『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』(製作:東宝)に、ウィッグ製作技術協力として参加します。山口祐一郎さん、神田沙也加さん、桜井玲香さんなどのキャストに、ウィッグ製作をはじめとするヘアメイク全般のプランニングを担当します。

東宝ミュージカル『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』



■東宝ミュージカル『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』への技術協力について
 東宝ミュージカル『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』のヘアメイクプランニングは、アデランス「スタジオAD」の富岡克之が手がけます。大勢のキャストに合わせてトータル100点近いウィッグや付け毛を製作しました。物語冒頭に出てくる村人とヴァンパイア達の対比が見どころです。人間として生きていた時は華やかな上流階級や貴族であったであろう人々が永遠に死ねないヴァンパイアとして数百年生き続けている、くち果てた雰囲気を当社ならではの技術を生かし、いかに表現するかに重きを置いています。タイトル通りダンスシーンも多いので軽さや耐久性も加味したウィッグを製作しています。

<富岡克之 -Katsuyuki Tomioka- プロフィール>

スタジオAD ヘアメイク 富岡克之
 サロンワークを経て、2003年に株式会社アデランス(スタジオAD)入社。舞台における主なヘアメイクプラン作品に、『エリザベート』『ロミオ&ジュリエット』『1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち-』『レディ・ベス』『グレート・ギャツビー』(以上、小池修一郎演出)、『オン・ユア・フィート!』(上田一豪演出)、『グローリーディズ』(板垣恭一演出)、『フロスト×ニクソン』(鈴木勝秀演出)、『ULTRA PURE』(福島三郎演出)、『二都物語』(鵜山仁演出)、『シスター・アクト~天使にラブ・ソングを~』『ダンス・オブ・ヴァンパイア』『貴婦人の訪問』(以上、山田和也演出)、『ブロードウェイと銃弾』(福田雄一演出)などがあり、ミュージカルやストレートプレイなど分野を問わず手がける。映像作品においても、「スマグラー」、「この空の花」、「明日に架ける愛」、「ホンボシ」などの製作に参加。さまざまなジャンルで活躍している。

終わりなき欲望こそが神! VS 理性こそがこの世の希望!

『エリザベート』『モーツァルト!』『マリー・アントワネット』を手掛けたミヒャエル・クンツェ(脚本/歌詞)と、映画「ストリート・オブ・ファイヤー」のテーマ曲の作曲家ジム・スタインマンが音楽を担当する、ヴァンパイア・ミュージカルの傑作『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』は、2006年帝国劇場で日本初演を迎えました。荘重な序曲から一転して繰り広げられるコメディワールド、体中を駆け抜けるリズムと心に響く美しいメロディ、ミュージカル史に残る陶酔と熱狂のカオスが劇城を包み込む!

唯一無二のミュージカル体験 ― 『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』がいよいよ5度目の日本飛来!お見逃しなく!!

帝国劇城に集いし我らが その目撃者となる!



 翻訳:迫 光
 翻訳/訳詞:竜 真知子

企業プレスリリース詳細へ (2019/10/29-13:55)

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"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
October 28, 2019 at 09:55PM

~アデランス文化芸能部「スタジオAD」がエンターテインメントウィッグで協力~『ダンス オブ ヴァンパイア』が5度目の日本飛来!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信
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Teenager’s Viral Video Shows How Your Mirror Image is Entirely Different From What Others See You - News18

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:44 PM PDT

A video that has gone viral on social media shows a teenager ranting about how other people see you is very different from what you see in the mirror.

Teenager's Viral Video Shows How Your Mirror Image is Entirely Different From What Others See You
A video that has gone viral on social media shows a teenager ranting about how other people see you is very different from what you see in the mirror.

A video that has gone viral on social media shows a teenager ranting about how other people see you is very different from what you see in the mirror. You must've wished you could see yourself from the perspective of those around you, at some point or the other. Unfortunately, it is nothing like you'd imagine.

In a video on TikTok, Ruby Blackman asks her followers why no one had ever told her that they see the "flipped" version of her face. When you switch on the selfie mode on your iPhone, have you ever noticed that your face appears to be flipped?

"I just found out something mortifying; that every single person that sees me every day sees this. It's just plain rude that nobody told me," Blackman says in the video. In the eighteen second long clip, she even demonstrates what she means when she says that other people see the flipped version of her face, which is clearly unacceptable to her.

In short, what you see in the mirror is nothing but a reflection and that may just not be how people see you in real life. In real life, the picture may be completely different. All you have to do is stare at a selfie camera, flip and capture your photo. That's what you really look like. It's amusing how so many people had no clue, going by the comments on her TikTok video or on Twitter.

Check out her tiktok video:

The video has also been shared multiple times on Twitter and Instagram:

But as one person said, it's just a perspective and pondering over this might lead to stress and body image issues:

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West Mobile family says their dog was stolen after storms - NBC 15 WPMI

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:28 PM PDT

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West Mobile family says their dog was stolen after storms  NBC 15 WPMI

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October 28, 2019 at 03:19PM

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Military dog injured while chasing Baghdadi during US raid praised as ‘wonderful’ by Donald Trump - The Sun

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:52 PM PDT

A WOUNDED hero dog was one of the few casualties from the U.S. special forces raid on the Syria compound of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The dog was described as slightly wounded after leaping into the fray on Saturday but is recovering and has been reunited with its handler.

 The military dog, whose name is being protected, has received praise for its role in taking out ISIS chief Baghdadi


The military dog, whose name is being protected, has received praise for its role in taking out ISIS chief Baghdadi
 Donald Trump said the dog was 'beautiful' and 'talented' during his remarks describing the Baghdadi raid


Donald Trump said the dog was 'beautiful' and 'talented' during his remarks describing the Baghdadi raidCredit: AP:Associated Press

President Donald Trump praised the dog in his remarks describing the battle that took place at Baghdadi's compound - but said he could not be named as his identity was being protected.

The dog "went into the tunnel" where Baghdadi killed himself with a suicide vest, Trump said.

"Our canine, as they call -- I call it a dog, a beautiful dog, a talented dog -- was injured and brought back," he said.

U.S. Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was tight-lipped about the identity of the dog when asked at a Pentagon news briefing on Monday.

"We're not releasing the name of the dog right now. The dog is still in theater," Milley said, using the term for military operations.

"The dog, the canine, the military working dog, performed a tremendous service, as they all do, in a variety of situations."

Milley expressed doubt that photos of the dog would be released any time soon but Trump later tweeted a snap.

"We have declassified a picture of the wonderful dog (name not declassified) that did such a GREAT JOB in capturing and killing the Leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi!," he said.

 The dog was wounded while chasing Baghdadi down the tunnel where he blew himself up


The dog was wounded while chasing Baghdadi down the tunnel where he blew himself upCredit: AP:Associated Press
 Rubble above the site of the tunnel where the ISIS leader is believed to have blown himself up


Rubble above the site of the tunnel where the ISIS leader is believed to have blown himself upCredit: AFP or licensors
 The remaining rubble of where his house stood is inspected after Baghdadi's death


The remaining rubble of where his house stood is inspected after Baghdadi's deathCredit: AP:Associated Press
 One of the structures hit by helicopter gunfire during the raid


One of the structures hit by helicopter gunfire during the raidCredit: EPA
 The moment the IS chief met his end by blowing himself up


The moment the IS chief met his end by blowing himself up
Trump says ISIS boss Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi blew himself up & 'died like a dog' after 'whimpering and crying' in raid

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October 28, 2019 at 03:02PM

Military dog injured while chasing Baghdadi during US raid praised as 'wonderful' by Donald Trump - The Sun
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US says it took two prisoners during al-Baghdadi raid - Al Jazeera English

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:27 PM PDT

US officials have announced that two adult males were taken captive during a raid in northwest Syria that led to the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) group.

Addressing reporters alongside US Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the individuals were now in "our custody and ... in a secure facility".


He did not provide any details on the captives' identities.

US President Donald Trump said on Sunday that al-Baghdadi had died during a military operation in the village of Barisha in Syria's Idlib province carried out by US special forces the previous evening.

Trump said the ISIL leader had killed himself and three of his children by detonating an explosive vest after running into a dead-end tunnel beneath his compound as US forces closed in on him. No US personnel were killed in the operation but one service dog was hurt by the explosion.

"The disposal of his [al-Baghdadi's] remains has been done and is complete and was handled appropriately," Milley told the briefing in the Pentagon, adding that Washington had no plans to release photos or videos of his death at this time.

A US official told Reuters news agency that al-Baghdadi had been given a burial at sea and afforded religious rites according to Islamic custom. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, did not disclose further details, including how or where the ritual was performed.

Citing unnamed Pentagon sources, AFP news agency also reported al-Baghdadi's body was disposed of at sea.

Al Jazeera's Kimberley Halkett, reporting from Washington, DC, meanwhile said the briefing had provided a "more substantive update" on the operation against the ISIL leader after Trump had done a "victory lap" over the 48-year-old's death.

Al-Baghdadi had long been a target for the US and regional security forces trying to eliminate ISIL even after the armed group was pushed out of the vast swathes of territory it once held across Iraq and Syria.

Esper, for his part, said al-Baghdadi's death had deprived ISIL of its "inspirational leader", but warned the security situation in Syria "remains complex".

He added that US troops were in position to retain control of key oil fields in Syria's northeast in a bid to deny ISIL access to them.

SOURCE: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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October 28, 2019 at 12:56PM

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Rancocas Valley's Carly Fordham uncovers the goal - Sports - Burlington County Times

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:22 PM PDT

Rancocas Valley went goalless in the first half of Monday's Central Jersey Group 4 semifinal, but once its senior captain found the mark, the Red Devils cruised into the championship game

TOMS RIVER — There's endless talk about the role of the captain.

Carly Fordham demonstrated it in full detail Monday: she points the way to victory, when a team can't find direction.

Fordham's goal, just 19 seconds into the second half, was the first of three Rancocas Valley scored in a 2:59 span, as the Red Devils field hockey team defeated Toms River North 4-1 in their Central Jersey Group 4 semifinal.

The Red Devils will host Lenape on Thursday in the championship game.

Rancocas Valley coach Diana Cermatori said she expressed some frustration with her team after it fell behind on Morgan Keller's first-half goal.

"We discussed the things that we've done to prepare for this," Cermatori said. "We went to the national tournament, we play top-20 teams consistently. Our division is really tough as well. We didn't put in all this work and play the tough opponents to come out and play in a way that wasn't our style of field hockey and didn't show our intensity."

It was clear pretty quickly that the message resonated with her team, and in particular, Fordham, who handled Kendall Roberts' redirection in front of the right post and calmly tucked in the tying goal.

"It came off the goalie's pads and I bobbled it, but I was able to get the stick down and just tap it in," she said. "I think we were all coming out with a fire underneath us, and I was just in the right place at the right time."

She showed a knack for that in the second half. Throughout the game, the Mariners' players reminded each other to push the ball up the right side of the field, and every time they went left, you could see why. Fordham was there to disrupt the offense in the midfield. Fordham was there to create offense for the Red Devils.

"She was a fire," Cermatori said. "As a senior captain, we expect to see that spark in her. She's the one who's going to bring up her teammates. She did such a nice job stepping in front of defenders, when the ball was coming, and anticipating where the pass was. She did a much better job with making possession passes, and just her speed, on the sideline was a game-changer in the second half."

One minute, 31 seconds after Fordham's goal, Kendall Roberts scored to put the Red Devils ahead, 2-1. One minute, 28 seconds after that, Olivia Greer scored and the Red Devils had security.

"I just felt like once I scored, everybody was like, yes, we can do this, we're back in the game," Fordham said.

Roberts, who added the fourth goal in the final minute, certainly agreed.

"I feel like once we scored one, the momentum was going," she said. "One wasn't enough. We had to get a little bit of a lead on them and then settle down and play our game. Hold them off."

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October 28, 2019 at 05:39PM

Rancocas Valley's Carly Fordham uncovers the goal - Sports - Burlington County Times
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Delivering structural transformation to Indonesia - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:22 PM PDT

Reforms cannot simply be "sent"; they have to be "delivered". That is what President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo envisions as he embarks on his second term. He will need this determination to achieve one of his biggest priorities this time around: structural reform. "We have to transform our dependence on natural resources into competitive and modern manufacturing and service capabilities," he explained. This is something that the government has championed for years, but using the President's own language, Indonesia's "structural reform" has only been sent. It has yet to be delivered. Today, 60 percent of our exports of merchandise still come from agriculture, minerals and metals. This reality is more jarring when we look at our neighbors. Vietnam's biggest exports are TV and radio transmitters, and electronic m...

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official stance of The Jakarta Post.

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Why Xi Jinping Can't Sell China's 'One Nation' Strategy - The National Interest Online

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:07 PM PDT

China's ability to outspend Taiwan in the competition for diplomatic allies should not be mistaken for clever statecraft. The Xi Jinping era has been disastrous for Chinese society, for China's foreign relations with much of the world, and particularly for cross-Strait relations.

Despite the incomparable importance of the Taiwan issue in Chinese politics, the man lauded by People's Republic of China (PRC) commentators as the apex product of the Chinese political system's meritocracy, whose "Xi Jinping Thought" is so rewarding and profound as to deserve mention in the Chinese constitution and frequent study by Chinese citizens, has merely continued the manifestly unsuccessful approach of his predecessors: use a big stick and a rotten carrot.

Beijing has increased its pressure on Taiwan to agree to a settlement of the cross-Strait issue acceptable to Beijing. China has severed the links between semi-official cross-Strait liaison offices. After a brief "diplomatic truce," Beijing is again working to lure away states that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, including the Solomon Islands and Kiribati in quick succession. At least two Taiwan nationals are evidently in detention in China for political crimes. China has reduced the flow of commerce benefitting Taiwan and stepped up military air and sea patrols intended to intimidate the island.

Beijing has done all of this to force the Taiwanese to want to be part of China. At the same time, however, Beijing has made the already unpopular prospect of political unification with the PRC even less attractive, most notably through the dramatic increase in political repression inside China since Xi became the paramount leader in 2012. 

Xi's excesses in his country's relations with the United States have also moved Washington to remove some of the self-imposed restrictions on U.S. engagement with Taiwan, resulting in a stronger U.S.-Taiwan relationship—the opposite of Beijing's desired outcome.

The main issue in cross-Strait relations for several decades has been managing the gradual "loss" of Taiwan by a Chinese Communist Party government that has unwisely defined the political reintegration of Taiwan as a test of the party's legitimacy to rule China. The problem is avoiding a decision by Beijing to use military force to prevent Taiwan from permanently closing off the possibility of unification. Yet Taiwanese nationalism, distinct from Chinese nationalism, is growing in Taiwan. Reflective of a long trend, nearly 60 percent of people in Taiwan now identify themselves as "Taiwanese," while less than 4 percent see themselves as "Chinese."

Taiwan long ago became de-facto independent and clearly satisfies the criteria for statehood: territory, population, and a government that effectively administers them.  While much smaller entities enjoy unquestioned status as independent states, Taiwan is more populous than two-thirds of the world's countries and is among the world's top twenty-five economies. While the Republic of China state that now controls Taiwan previously ruled over mainland China, the CCP government has never ruled over Taiwan.

Based solely on reason and the modern political norm of self-determination, the people residing in Taiwan should decide whether or not their island is politically part of China and which government should rule it.

Unfortunately, because China is a large and consequential country, the CCP has been able to force the international community to accommodate the party's own domestic legitimacy issue. Having cultivated Chinese nationalism as a strategy of regime survival, Beijing has used that nationalism to practice extortion: the world must accept the "one China" principle, or else the hurt feelings of the mainland Chinese will create irresistible pressure on the Chinese government to go to war.

The "'92 Consensus"—shorthand for the idea that both Taipei and Beijing accept that there is one "China" even if they disagree over whether it is the PRC or the ROC that rightfully rules it—was a useful way of lowering cross-Strait tensions during the ROC presidency of Ma Ying-jeou from 2008 to 2016.  Ma represented the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party, KMT), which fundamentally sees Taiwan as part of China. This predictably changed when the Democratic Progress Party (DPP), which sees Taiwan as not part of China, gained the presidency and a majority in the ROC legislature in 2016.  New president Tsai Ying-wen refused to endorse the 1992 Consensus. Beijing retaliated by imposing the multifaceted policy of coercion against Taiwan that continues today.

Here we encounter the immovable and unbreakable boulder blocking the path to a permanent peace across the Taiwan Strait. The one thing that is politically impossible for any Taiwan president from the DPP to do is to support a description of the cross-Strait relationship which implies that Taiwan is a part of "China." But on the other side, the insistence that Taipei acknowledges that Taiwan is part of "China" is the one demand on which Beijing cannot compromise.  

That limits the utility of the 1992 Consensus to periods when Taiwan is under a KMT administration. Since recent years have established a pattern of regular changes between DPP and KMT ascendancy, periods of cross-Strait calm will at best be temporary.

Xi, however, has queered the pitch even further. In a speech in January about Taiwan, Xi said the 1992 Consensus should be operationalized by Taiwan accepting Beijing's "one country, two systems" formula. He invoked "one country, two systems" in a speech ostensibly aimed at a Taiwan audience, which demonstrated striking tone-deafness and lack of creativity on the part of Xi, or perhaps he simply had no regard for the sentiments in Taiwan in favor of pleasing fellow Chinese elites. "One country, two systems" has about the same appeal in Taiwan as "the Libya model" has in Pyongyang.

As if that wasn't enough, Xi went on to imply that what people in Taiwan already viewed as a terrible deal has gotten worse. Previous versions of "one country, two systems" explicated by Chinese leaders included promises that Beijing would allow Taiwan to keep its own armed forces and its accustomed political institutions. These were left out of Xi's list of promises.

Subsequent events in Hong Kong have, of course, demonstrated that China is not keeping its promises made to Hong Kong under the "one country, two systems" model.  The significance for Taiwan is that Beijing has so openly failed to refrain from molesting Hong Kong's system despite knowing that the world, including Taiwan, is watching closely. An important part of the Hong Kong fallout is a boost for the election prospects of DPP candidates in Taiwan's January 2020 polls, as the DPP feeds off of heavy-handed behavior by China. This compounds the lack of success of Xi's Taiwan policy.

China seems to recognize the immense disadvantages of resorting to "non-peaceful means" to force unification. But both Xi's approach to Taiwan and the unintended effects of some of his other policies are undercutting the possibility of better options.  Chinese planners are not likely to find a solution to this problem in their after-hours study of Xi Jinping Thought.  

Denny Roy is a senior fellow and supervisor of the POSCO Fellowship Program, Research Program at the East-West Center. Roy has written on Chinese foreign policy, the North Korea nuclear weapons crisis, China-Japan relations, and China-Taiwan relations.

Image: Reuters

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October 28, 2019 at 02:41PM

Why Xi Jinping Can't Sell China's 'One Nation' Strategy - The National Interest Online
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Stray Kids Member Woojin Is Leaving the K-Pop Group - Teen Vogue

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:43 PM PDT

Kim Woo Jin, better known by his stage name Woojin, is officially leaving K-pop group Stray Kids, citing "personal" reasons. The news comes barely a week before the band's planned comeback.

The group's management, JYP Entertainment, disclosed the unexpected news on October 28 with a small post on the band's social media and fan forum. "Woojin, who has been a member of Stray Kids, has left the team and terminated his contract due to personal circumstances. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused many fans," the company wrote.

Until today, Stray Kids, which debuted in early 2018 after its formation in 2017 though JYP and Mnet's reality show "Stray Kids," was made up of nine members: Woojin, Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. As noted by K-pop reporter Jeff Benjamin, Woojin's profile was swiftly removed from Stray Kids's official website.

In their announcement, JYP also disclosed that due to Woojin's departure, the group's upcoming mini-album, entitled Clé: LEVANTER, would release on December 9 instead of November 2, when it was originally intended to come out.

Though the exact reasons for Woojin's exit remain undisclosed, fans of the group — known as STAYs — started the hashtag #ThankYouWoojin shortly after the announcement to reminisce about past times and express their love and support for the vocalist.

"#ThankYouWoojin for literally being the reason that got me into stray kids. Thank you for sharing the world your beautiful voice. Thank you for being the reason for a lot of peoples smiles. Thank you for all your hard work, you really did well. Thank you," a STAY wrote on Twitter using the hashtag. "I hope stray kids and stay continue feeling like the family we are and support each other more than ever, Woojin we already miss you," another one added.

The South Korean company apologized to fans and asked them to send their support to Woojin as he sets off "on a new path." They also disclosed the band would carry on as an octet.

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Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: Talking About Mental Health Is Still Taboo in K-Pop, But Things Are Changing

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October 28, 2019 at 08:29AM

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Allen on Hoosiers’ newfound bowl eligibility: ‘That was never the goal’ -

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:22 PM PDT

The questions at Indiana are no longer about bowl eligibility. Instead, everyone wants to know how high the Hoosiers can go.

Two days after beating Nebraska for the first time in 60 years and winning a crucial sixth game to become bowl eligible in October for the first time since 1993, the Hoosiers celebrated by going back to work.

"We have not had a ton of conversations about bowl games and six wins. We just did not," coach Tom Allen said Monday during his weekly news conference. "I know the guys recognize, they knew when we won the game that we were bowl eligible, but that was never the goal — just to get to six. It is a great relief, in some ways, to get that out of the way."

It's a huge achievement for a team that came up one win short of making the postseason during each of Allen's first two seasons at the helm.

Now, though, Indiana's success is prompting some outsiders to rethink how they view the program.

For the first time since 1993, the Hoosiers (6-2, 3-2 Big Ten) have won three straight conference games in the same season. They've also won back-to-back league games on the road, too. They're tied with No. 14 Michigan for third in the Big Ten East, trailing only the two unbeaten teams — No. 3 Ohio State and No. 5 Penn State.

They even received four points in Top 25 balloting, moving a step closer to ditching the dubious title of longest poll absence among Power Five schools. Indiana's last appearance came in September 1994, when they crept in at No. 25.

A win Saturday over reeling Northwestern (1-6, 0-5) certainly couldn't hurt its case.

Winning one of their last four games would assure the Hoosiers of their first non-losing season since 2007. Winning two would produce their highest victory total since 1993.

Allen has publicly stated one of this season's goals was winning a bowl game, something Indiana last did in the 1991 Copper Bowl, and outsiders are wondering what bowl games might be in play with a couple of more wins. Allen wants his players focused on the next game.

"It's just 100%, full-bore focus on Northwestern," Allen said.

Allen acknowledged he is contemplating how to give some freshmen more playing time without burning a potential redshirt season. The biggest obstacle over the next month could be health.

Allen announced his son, linebacker Thomas Allen, will miss the rest of this season with what he described as a "very serious" shoulder injury. The younger Allen has been a key defensive player and is scheduled to have surgery next week.

Starting quarterback Michael Penix Jr. continues to deal with nagging injuries that have kept him out of three games this season. Backup Peyton Ramsey, who started the previous two years before losing the job in summer camp, is now 2-1 in place of Penix. Ramsey is 5-1 in the games he's played this season, and he finished Saturday's game despite taking a hard shot to the sternum.

So while Allen says Penix remains No. 1 on the depth chart, he's not ready to say who will start against the Wildcats.

"Mike's our starter, and Peyton's done a phenomenal job, but if Mike can't go, Peyton's going to go," Allen said. "And as we all know, Peyton's going to do a great job. I have absolute confidence in Peyton. We don't know exactly yet what this week will hold, who will be the starter, but whoever it is, we'll be ready."

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October 28, 2019 at 01:20PM

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Actress Rosario Dawson ‘saddened’ by ‘baseless’ lawsuit claiming she enabled transphobic harassment of family’ - New York Daily News

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:10 PM PDT

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October 28, 2019 at 04:41PM

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Delivering structural transformation to Indonesia - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:52 PM PDT

Reforms cannot simply be "sent"; they have to be "delivered". That is what President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo envisions as he embarks on his second term. He will need this determination to achieve one of his biggest priorities this time around: structural reform. "We have to transform our dependence on natural resources into competitive and modern manufacturing and service capabilities," he explained. This is something that the government has championed for years, but using the President's own language, Indonesia's "structural reform" has only been sent. It has yet to be delivered. Today, 60 percent of our exports of merchandise still come from agriculture, minerals and metals. This reality is more jarring when we look at our neighbors. Vietnam's biggest exports are TV and radio transmitters, and electronic m...

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official stance of The Jakarta Post.

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October 28, 2019 at 01:34AM

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JYP Announces StrayKids Member Woojin Departure from band - allkpop

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:37 PM PDT

On October 28th JYP Entertainment released a statement revealing That StrayKids member woojin has left the band and that their awaited mini albums released will be pushed back in light of this event

"Hello, this is JYP Entertainment.

Woojin, who has been with Stray Kids as a member until this time, has left the group due to personal circumstances and terminated his exclusive contract.

We express apologies for causing trouble to many fans with the sudden news.

As a result, Stray Kids' mini album "Clé : LEVANTER," which was scheduled for a November 25 release, will be delayed to December 9.

We once again express apologies to the fans who have waited for a long time.

We ask for much support for Woojin who will be going on a new path, and we also ask for the warm support of STAY for the eight Stray Kids members who will once again go on the road towards their dreams with their compass.

Thank you."

This news has saddned the hearts of stays around the world, for now the group has been said to continue as 8.

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October 27, 2019 at 08:00PM

JYP Announces StrayKids Member Woojin Departure from band - allkpop
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Commentary: When Jokowi has to defend his defense minister - Jakarta Post

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:12 PM PDT

Setting all conspiracy theories and political interests aside, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's appointment of Lt. Gen. (ret) Prabowo Subianto as defense minister cannot be separated from the fourth presidential election debate late last March. Prabowo, who was challenging Jokowi, highlighted the country's insignificant defense budget and weak defense capability, hence Indonesia's unpreparedness for offensives from outside.The debate on security and defense apparently impressed Jokowi so much that after his reelection he picked Prabowo for the post of defense minister. Such is Jokowi's faith in Prabowo's capability in matters of defense that the President simply said: "I believe I don't have to tell him about his job — he knows more than I do," when announcing Prabowo's appointment.A defense minister, as stipulated in Article 16 of Law No. 3/2002 on state defense,...

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October 27, 2019 at 10:24AM

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How to Set Goals (And Achieve Them) - SwimSwam

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:02 PM PDT

Courtesy: Morgan Stump

Goal setting can be incredibly empowering, however, can also be upsetting when you end up not reaching your goals. As an athlete, it was always pounded into my head that without a goal, you are living your life without purpose. In truth, my coaches were right. Every famous athlete, every successful doctor, every college graduate started out with a purpose in mind and set goals to achieve that purpose.

But what about those people who set goals and somehow always fall short? They have big dreams however are unable to reach them in some way shape or form. As a person who has fallen short multiple times, but has also has pulled through in other areas, I know what heartache and what reward it can bring. Below are 7 Ways to Set Achievable Goals and to Reach them.


The biggest mistake I see in athletes, college students, and even in everyday life, is that we as humans tend to dream big but fail to plan for those big dreams. For example, A small child when asked: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" May respond " I want to be a doctor". However, this child will not be able to complete that dream without first obtaining a high school degree, an undergraduate degree, and then a medical degree (or his/her Ph.D.) first. In order to be able to fulfill your goals, you want to have a plan and set miniature but obtainable goals over a period of time. For example, in weight loss, I want to be able to lose 5 pounds by the end of next month in order to reach my goal of losing 20 pounds by the end of the year. Setting these mini-goals along the way will help plan out your overall steps and will show you the progress that you are making over time. This is very important, as we as humans tend to want to quit if we are not seeing results. Having a plan and setting these miniature goals will help you stay on track and will reduce the risk of quitting your goal altogether.


In college athletics, I can always look at a team and determine if they are going to be successful or not. The reason being is that the athletes who listen to not only their goals but encourage others to share their goals with them, ultimately hold their teammates more accountable…making both them and their teammates more successful throughout the season. When you set a goal, encourage someone around you to listen to this goal and help you stay on track. This has been proven to create a better outcome for yourself because that friend/teammate/spouse can help you up when you fall and remind you of what you are trying to accomplish when you struggle to find the motivation. As well, this can help motivate and help better that friend/teammate/spouse in their goals as well. It's a Win-Win Scenario.


Teddy Roosevelt once stated in his Strenuous Life Speech, <em>"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."

With failure always comes a learning opportunity. If you fall short of a goal, don't quit! Take the lesson(s) you learned and use it to readjust your goals or readjust your final outcome. In swimming, I would always hear athletes talk about a bad meet and how they are scared that it will affect the seasons to come. My response? "A bad meet doesn't mean a bad swimmer. A bad swim doesn't mean that you are incapable of greatness, it just means that next time you race, you will be once step closer and one step wiser to achieving what you desire."

If you fail, it is not the end, there are always new beginnings for every let down/disappointing moments. In the wise words of Dory, "JUST KEEP SWIMMING!"


This one is particularly tough, especially when you are not achieving your goals and those around you are. We as humans are programmed to compare ourselves with other people. In the gym, we compare our bodies to the person standing next to us. When we compete it is a lot easier to get into our heads about how "they look more fit" or "they are faster/better than me" than it is to stay in your head and say "I got this. Today I am going to succeed." In turn, there are also days where we are by ourselves working hard for our goals and no one is there to compliment or give us validation that what we are doing is right. And it is on these days of the grind where our attitude and our commitment needs to outweigh those thoughts of negativity such as " I am too tired", " I don't feel well", "Well, I will just work on it tomorrow…", "I can't do this" and replace all these thoughts with "I am a badass and each step I take (even if I fail sometimes) is a step towards achieving greatness". Not only will this attitude reflect the type of person you are and what you strive to be, but it will also carry over to those around you who are trying to be successful.


It is one thing to have a goal and want to achieve it. It is another to let that goal dictate your happiness and your desire to continue. Be sure that whatever your goal is and whatever the steps to it may be, that you are taking time to appreciate the progress as well as to appreciate the hard work. I have seen many athletes think that they are never good enough even when they win a game/meet or they are going best times. The reason being is that they get so wrapped up into what their final goal is, that they refuse to look at how far they have come. This often leads to depression, anxiety, and leads to quitting due to the high amount of stress you are putting on yourself without providing any reward. So take a step back, see how far you've come and why you made this goal in the first place. You'll be amazed at what you've accomplished and often that realization of how far you have come will push you to finish whatever it is that you have your heart set on.


Once we set a goal, it is often found that we lose sight of everything else around us. A standard example of this is a week all college students dread, Finals week. During Finals week students are so focused on getting all their grades just right, passing their exams, making sure their GPA doesn't plummet…that they often tend to forget about some pretty important things such as.. sleep…hygiene… human kindness… the list goes on! Just like all those finals week zombies, we often tend to push out the things we as humans need most in order to achieve our goals. I encourage you to have an outlet, where you can escape and relax/enjoy yourself. This will not only benefit your well-being but will allow your body and mind some clarity before jumping back into your goals!


Don't take a single moment for granted. One day you won't be able to go to the gym. One day you won't be able to compete, or to sit in a library with a group of friends studying your brains out, or to go to that extravagant place across the country- so enjoy every minute of it! Not every day is promised, but I guarantee at the end of it all you're not going to remember the grueling workout sessions, you're not going to remember sitting in the library for hours- You will remember the good times spent with teammates, the laughs with friends, the people you've met, and the goals you achieved and that my friend, makes it all worth it.

And Remember, "Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss you will be amongst the stars."

About Morgan Stump

Morgan Stump is a student at the University of Arizona who had previously swam at Arizona State University. Her goals are to continue into a Master's of Nursing after finishing her degree in Psychological Sciences–focusing on the behavioral health of athletes in her undergraduate research.

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October 28, 2019 at 03:31PM

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'Mario Kart Tour' Scores Nintendo's Biggest First-Month Mobile Launch With 129M Downloads - Hollywood Reporter

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:23 PM PDT

The racing game was installed more than five times as much as any other mobile title from the company.

Nintendo's Mario Kart Tour has swerved past the competition to land the Japanese game company the most first-month downloads of any mobile title it has released thus far, analytics firm SensorTower reported Monday.

Mario Kart Tour racked up 129.3 million installs worldwide in its first 30 days of release, generating $37.4 million in player spending since its Sept. 25 launch. The debut is the second-best of any mobile title in history in terms of downloads, behind only Niantic's Pokemon Go in 2016 (163 million downloads).

The sixth mobile title from Nintendo, Mario Kart Tour significantly outperformed its predecessors in total installs. The company's closest performer over its first 30 days was Super Mario Run, which debuted to 21.8 million downloads in 2016. However, in terms of revenue, Mario Kart Tour trails Fire Emblem Heroes' launch in 2017, which generated $67.6 million. Still, Mario Kart Tour is the second-best revenue grosser over its first 30 days in Nintendo's mobile roster. 

The title hit the track fast, speeding to over 90 million installs in its first week. Since then, Mario Kart Tour has introduced a number of new content features, including various racers, tracks and in-game events. 

Earlier this month, another new mobile game also made a massive debut as Activision's Call of Duty Mobile bowed to 100 million installs in its first week of release. The game, which bowed Oct. 1, has not reached the 30-day period for which its first month's performance can be tracked.

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October 28, 2019 at 02:32PM

'Mario Kart Tour' Scores Nintendo's Biggest First-Month Mobile Launch With 129M Downloads - Hollywood Reporter
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Trump shares image of hero dog injured in Baghdadi raid - CNN International

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:17 PM PDT

President Donald Trump said that a dog, part of the US operation that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi over the weekend, was injured while chasing Baghdadi down a dead-end tunnel.
Trump declassified a photo of the dog on Monday afternoon, tweeting, "We have declassified a picture of the wonderful dog (name not declassified) that did such a GREAT JOB in capturing and killing the Leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi!"
The dog is believed to have been sent down the tunnel after it was feared that Baghdadi was wearing a suicide vest. Baghdadi was indeed wearing a suicide vest and detonated it in the tunnel, killing himself and three children.
The President said that the tunnel collapsed during the explosion. He also appeared to refer to more than one dog on the scene of the chase, saying Sunday morning that Baghdadi "reached the end of the tunnel, as our dogs chased him down."
The dog, part of the Army Delta force, which executed the raid, was believed to have been injured from an electrocution and is recovering, a US defense official said.
The President called the dog "beautiful" and "talented," but so far its name and handler remain a mystery. Additionally, a description of the breed has not been released.
"It's a Delta operation, we can't tell you the name of the dog," one defense official told CNN.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley also declined to name the K-9, saying that the dog is still "in theater" and returned to duty with its handler "so we are not going to release just yet photos or names of dogs or anything else."
"We're not releasing the name of the dog right now. The dog is still in theater. The dog, the K-9, the military working dog, performed a tremendous service as they all do in a variety of situations," he said at a Pentagon news conference Monday.
The US military typically relies on German shepherds and Belgian Malinois.
This isn't the first time American armed forces have relied on a dog for backup in operations targeting terrorists. In 2011, a dog named Cairo took part in the raid that led to Osama bin Laden's death. Cairo secured the area around the bin Laden compound while Navy SEALs went in.
CNN's Barbara Starr and Jamie Crawford contributed to this report.

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October 28, 2019 at 01:49PM

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Kim Kardashian Reportedly "Has Concerns" About Kanye West Going on Tour for 'Jesus Is King' -

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:58 AM PDT

Kim Kardashian Reportedly "Has Concerns" About Kanye West Going on Tour for 'Jesus Is King' -

  • Kanye West is reportedly gearing up to tour for his album Jesus Is King.
  • Sources say Kim Kardashian has "concerns" about Kanye doing an intense tour with no breaks and wants him to focus on his mental health.

In case you hadn't noticed the entire internet flip out, Kanye West just dropped his anticipated new album Jesus Is King. And now he's gearing up for a full-blown tour that he's reportedly super pumped about.

"Kanye can't wait to tour," a source tells People. "He is excited about his new music. He is putting together a tour schedule right now. He wants to start the tour as soon as possible."

As the outlet notes, Kanye canceled his Saint Pablo tour in 2016, and was later hospitalized for exhaustion. But the source says "He is in [a] much better place mentally than he was during his last tour."

As for how Kim Kardashian feels about Kanye's tour plans, apparently she has some reservations.

"Kim supports a tour, but still has concerns," the source explains. "She doesn't want him to go crazy and do an intense tour with no breaks. She wants him to focus on his wellbeing and mental health too."

Kanye has always been extremely candid about his mental health, and Kim spoke about his bipolar diagnosis during an interview with Vogue back in May, saying "It is an emotional process, for sure. Right now everything is really calm. But we can definitely feel episodes coming, and we know how to handle them."

She also told the magazine that "being on medication is not really an option, because it just changes who he is," and that "traveling a lot does set it off, so he doesn't travel as much as he used to."

2019-10-28 10:32:00Z

Dave Chappelle Accepts Mark Twain Prize For American Humor - NPR

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:57 AM PDT

Dave Chappelle Accepts Mark Twain Prize For American Humor - NPR

Dave Chappelle accepts the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. PBS will air a television special of the ceremony in January. Tracey Salazar/Courtesy of the Kennedy Center hide caption

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Tracey Salazar/Courtesy of the Kennedy Center

Dave Chappelle accepts the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. PBS will air a television special of the ceremony in January.

Tracey Salazar/Courtesy of the Kennedy Center

Dave Chappelle grew up near Washington, D.C. So when he received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor on Sunday night at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, it was a family affair.

Chappelle's wife and kids were there. A selection of his favorite musicians — people like yasiin bey, Common, Erykah Badu, Q-Tip, Frederic Yonnet and John Legend — performed throughout the evening. And his fellow comedians talked about him like he was kin.

"Dave, you have always been a mentor," Tiffany Haddish said from the stage. "You've been my mentor, my big brother. Every time I step on stage — every time — I think of you, because I've always want[ed] to make you proud. 'Cause you the greatest."

Haddish joined Sarah Silverman, Neal Brennan, Morgan Freeman, Lorne Michaels, Bradley Cooper, Aziz Ansari, Jon Stewart and the Saturday Night Live cast members Kenan Thompson, Michael Che and Colin Jost onstage to pay tribute to their friend and hero.

Silverman expressed a common sentiment: "His critical thinking is his art," she said from the stage. But she also cracked a few jokes about her friend.

"Dave, can you believe this? You're getting the freaking Mark Twain Prize," she said from the stage. "You deserve it. It's the right thing. It's actually perfect that you're getting the Mark Twain Prize because you both love using the N-word in your masterpieces."

Though he was already well-known as a stand-up comedian, Chappelle's career took off in the early 2000s with Chappelle's Show on Comedy Central. The show obliterated boundaries. In the first episode, Chappelle played Clayton Bigsby, a white supremacist who was blind — and thus didn't know he was black.

"That was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life," SNL's Kenan Thompson said on the red carpet. Thompson also reflected a bit on Chappelle's style as a comedian: "Whatever your fears might be, he wants to clear the air and dig down and find out what's really funny about different situations. And that's the ultimate job of a comedian, and he's great at it."

Chappelle famously walked away from Comedy Central midway through the show's third season. Jon Stewart was also working at Comedy Central at the time, hosting The Daily Show. Onstage, Stewart called Chappelle's Show a "cultural phenomenon" that Comedy Central "would do anything to keep going."

"And they offered Dave $50 million to just give us ... one more," Stewart said. "But Dave, at that moment, was conflicted because of the difficulty of how the show was to do, because he wondered about its impact on the audience that he meant it for. And he wondered if the creative process wasn't right for it. And he walked away.

"And it was that moment that I remember thinking: 'Comedy Central has $50 million?' "

Chappelle eventually went back to doing stand-up, weaving his often raunchy jokes with serious reflections on social issues. He has taken on the #MeToo movement and cancel culture.

Chappelle took some heat recently when he said he didn't believe Michael Jackson's accusers, and when he made jokes about transgender people. You'd be hard-pressed to find a group that Chappelle has not joked about.

"If you're in a group that I made fun of, then just know that I probably would only make fun of you if I see myself in you," he said in his most recent stand-up special, Sticks & Stones.

Before receiving the Mark Twain award, Chappelle told NPR that stand-up is his "favorite mode of expression" and that he calls it "an American phenomenon."

"It's the best part of the First Amendment to me that I'm able to express myself this way and make a viable living doing it," he said. "And it's not necessarily an easy living but it's ... worth everything that I've been through — especially to get a night like tonight, and have people just recognize it's not an easy thing to do. And it's humbling to get an award."

From the stage, he expressed joy at seeing so many friends from different parts of his life, and at being a part of the comedy community. "I want you to know it [the award] belongs to all of us," he said.

Chappelle had special praise for three people: the comedian Tony Woods, a major early influence; the director Stan Lathan, who masterminded his five recent Netflix specials; and his mother, who encouraged him to be a griot of his time.

"But early in my career, if you remember, Mom, you used to sit in the club with me," he said. "She'd do a full day of work. You'd be back there falling asleep, just waiting for me to go on. She would watch my show every night. Do you know how long that car ride is home?"

He paused briefly for applause and then offered this detail: "How many of you have ever heard your mother say: 'P***y jokes were a little too much tonight, son'?"

A television special of the ceremony for the Mark Twain Prize will air on PBS stations starting Jan. 7.

Patrick Jarenwattananon adapted this story for the Web.

2019-10-28 09:04:00Z

【最後の手記】がん闘病中の八千草薫さんは「ちょっとだけ無理をして生きたい」と語っていた - 文春オンライン

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:15 AM PDT

【最後の手記】がん闘病中の八千草薫さんは「ちょっとだけ無理をして生きたい」と語っていた - 文春オンライン


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八千草薫さん ©文藝春秋






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2019-10-28 09:57:00Z

京都市と吉本興業、“4ツイート100万円”で宣伝 広告表記なしで「ステマ」批判相次ぐ - ITmedia

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:15 AM PDT

京都市と吉本興業、"4ツイート100万円"で宣伝 広告表記なしで「ステマ」批判相次ぐ - ITmedia



 同市は2018年に開催した「京都国際映画祭」の広報活動などを吉本興業に委託。同年9月3日から10月14日にかけて、コンビの芸人がそれぞれのTwitterアカウントで「今日から京都市営地下鉄各駅に京都市と京都国際映画祭のコラボポスターが掲示されています!」「大好きな京都の町並み!! 京都を愛する人なら誰でも、京都市を応援できるんやって! 詳しくはここから!」など、映画祭や市の取り組みに対する宣伝や、ふるさと納税を促すツイートを投稿していた。


 京都市はITmedia NEWS編集部の取材に対し、一連の報道が事実であることを認めながらも、「明確な広告表示は行わなかったが、事実を優良誤認させるものではない。今は(広告であると)表記した方が良かったと思うが、問題はないと考えている」と答えた。








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2019-10-28 09:37:00Z

櫻井翔「新たな時代の華やかさをお届けできたら」、紅白司会“チームUSA”が意気込み語る - ナタリー

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:45 AM PDT

櫻井翔「新たな時代の華やかさをお届けできたら」、紅白司会"チームUSA"が意気込み語る - ナタリー








Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-28 07:20:00Z

女優の八千草薫さん死去 88歳 - NHK NEWS WEB

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:44 AM PDT

女優の八千草薫さん死去 88歳 - NHK NEWS WEB









Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-28 07:17:00Z

女優の八千草薫さん死去 88歳 - NHK NEWS WEB

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:14 AM PDT

女優の八千草薫さん死去 88歳 - NHK NEWS WEB









Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-28 06:26:00Z

Bagikan Berita Ini

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