
De Blog Have Fun

De Blog Have Fun

Um, Tyga Is Trying to Get in on Kylie Jenner's "Rise and Shine" Meme -

Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

Um, Tyga Is Trying to Get in on Kylie Jenner's "Rise and Shine" Meme -

  • Kylie Jenner's ex-boyfriend Tyga posted a "Rise and Shine" meme to Instagram and everyone is reading into it.
  • Kylie and Tyga have been spotted together twice since her breakup with Travis Scott.

Look, we're all completely obsessed with Kylie Jenner's Rise and Shine meme. You love it, I love it, my mom loves it even though she doesn't understand it. It's a thing. And I fully welcome any and all memes, jokes, and Instagram captions using the words "rise and shine," or even better "hrrrise and shine." Except Tyga is out here trying to get in on the action, and fans think he's being petty AF.

Huh! This caption seems like a choice we should all definitely read into considering that Kylie was seen visiting Tyga's recording studio like two seconds after she and Travis Scott's breakup went public, with a source telling E!,"it wasn't an intentional jab at Travis, but she did hang out with Tyga for a bit."

Kylie hopped on Twitter seemingly denying this, but THEN she was seen hanging out with him AGAIN two nights later at a Los Angeles club. On top of that, Tyga (who clearly has no chill) hit Instagram a few days back to troll Travis Scott by blatantly wearing his Jordan 1s:

Unclear if Tyga's simply trying to get in on the LOLs or not-so-subtly imply that something's going on with him and Kylie, but fans in the comments are accusing him of being petty. Either way Kylie's been spending a lot of quality time with Travis as they co-parent their daughter Stormi so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

2019-10-18 10:20:00Z

Lady Gaga falls off Las Vegas concert stage - Fox News

Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

Lady Gaga falls off Las Vegas concert stage - Fox News

Lady Gaga startled her fans in Las Vegas on Thursday night by taking a tumble off the stage during her performance, according to videos posted on social media.

The "Pokerface" singer was seen in videos in the arms of a fan she had invited onstage.


Suddenly, the fan and Gaga slip off the edge of the stage, with Gaga landing on her back and the fan on top of her. Fans seated nearby rushed to help them.

"We legitimately thought she was dead," a fan posted on Reddit, according to the BBC.

According to social media posts, the star was soon back at her piano, performing another song – and seemingly not seriously hurt.

Gaga has had her share of physical issues over the years.

In 2017 she announced she was suffering from fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition that prompted her to cancel a leg of her concert tour.

In 2013, Gaga suffered a hip fracture that required her to get a replacement joint, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The star's current Las Vegas residency is scheduled to continue through May 16, according to the MGM Resorts website.


There was no immediate word on whether Gaga planned to cancel any shows because of Thursday's tumble.

2019-10-18 10:12:13Z

宮下草薙が語る「スペシャルアクターズ」|映画好きの宮下がクリエイター目線で熱弁!草薙は主人公に共感 - ナタリー

Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:44 AM PDT

宮下草薙が語る「スペシャルアクターズ」|映画好きの宮下がクリエイター目線で熱弁!草薙は主人公に共感 - ナタリー




取材・文 / 成田邦洋 撮影 / 後藤壮太郎




宮下兼史鷹 そうですね。1カ月に稼いだ給料を全部使ってDVDを買っているような時期もありました。実家には余裕で1000枚くらいあります。


宮下 17歳くらいから働き始めて、大好きなシュワちゃん(アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー)の映画を全部観ようと思って買い集めたんです。そこから映画好きがよく観る「ショーシャンクの空に」や、スタンリー・キューブリックの作品、最終的にはヤン・シュヴァンクマイエルとかマニアックなところに手を出したりしました。

草薙航基 映画館でバイトしてたんだよね。

宮下 そう。映画館でバイトをして、休日は1日中そこで映画を観ていました。


草薙 僕はずっとあんまり映画を観ていなくて、映画館もこないだ12年ぶりくらいに行って、宮下と「ミュウツーの逆襲 EVOLUTION」を観ました。宮下に「これ面白いよ」っていうのを教えてもらったり、DVDを借りたりして最近は観るようになりました。

宮下 草薙に最初に貸したのが「ホット・ファズ/俺たちスーパーポリスメン!」です。



宮下 Netflixで「ストレンジャー・シングス」を観ました。ただ、映画をDVDのようなメディアとして所有しておきたい、という欲求がすごくあって。ネットで観ちゃうと、観たものをさらに買わなきゃいけない。コレクター心理というか、「僕は持ってるぞ」というマウントを取りたいんです(笑)。


宮下 ジャンル問わず観てきましたけど、僕が一番好きなのはシュワちゃんの「ターミネーター2」です。王道のエンタテインメント映画がすごく好き。凝り固まったセンスを見せるものよりはアクションがいいです。

草薙 僕は「チャーリーとチョコレート工場」が一番好きです。あと福士蒼汰くんのことが一時期すごく好きだったので、少女マンガ原作の映画も、宮下に「とにかくカッコいいから観て!」って薦めていました。



宮下 観ました。そのとき、すでにめちゃめちゃ話題になっていたので、情報を入れないようにしてまっさらな気持ちで観て、「映画好きが好きになりそうな映画だな」と感じました。僕、映画を観るときに、ちょっと斜に構えた見方にはなるんですけど「自分が監督をやるんだとしたら、こんな映画を撮りたいな」というのがあって。「カメ止め」を観たときも「その手があったか!」と思って。



宮下 はい。クリエイター目線で。

草薙 どの目線で話してんだよ!(笑)

宮下 「こういう発想があったんだ」と。無名の役者さんを使って、予算も限られて大がかりなプロモーションができない中、発想ひとつで勝負している感じが、監督に対して「カッコいいな」と思いました。

草薙 僕はまわりの人間が全員観ていて、宮下も観ていたし、若手の芸人がみんなTwitterで面白かったと書いていたので、我慢できなくて観る前にネタバレを全部聞いちゃったんです(笑)。それでも、いざ観たときに、めちゃめちゃ面白くて、ドキドキしながら観ました。

Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-18 11:39:30Z

エビ中安本彩花、しばらく活動を休止 - ナタリー

Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:43 AM PDT

エビ中安本彩花、しばらく活動を休止 - ナタリー



安本はオフィシャルサイトを通じてコメントを発表。「10周年という大事な時期にみなさんをたくさん心配させてしまって本当にごめんなさい」と謝罪しながらも「これから私がエビ中として活動していく為の少しの休憩タイムだと思って前向きな気持ちで元気になることに専念します!! またステージでみなさんに会える日まで、わがままですが待っていてください」と今後を見据えた前向きなメッセージを送っている。なお復帰時期については様子を見たうえで追って報告される。

エビ中は現在開催中のツアーに続き、12月20、21日に千葉・幕張イベントホールにてワンマンライブ「私立恵比寿中学 バンドのみんなと大学芸会2019 エビ中のフルバッテリー・サラウンド」を開催。また12月31日には初のカウントダウン公演を行う。また明日10月19日には秋田・秋田県立体育館にてライブ企画「私立恵比寿中学秋田分校~5th Anniversary of our gakugeeeekai~」が行われる。


2019年10月22日(火・祝)大阪府 オリックス劇場
2019年10月25日(金)広島県 JMSアステールプラザ 大ホール
2019年10月27日(日)静岡県 富士市文化会館ロゼシアター 大ホール
2019年11月2日(土)福岡県 福岡市民会館 大ホール
2019年11月10日(日)宮城県 仙台銀行ホール イズミティ21
2019年11月11日(月)青森県 リンクモア平安閣市民ホール
2019年11月17日(日)鹿児島県 宝山ホール
2019年11月23日(土・祝)神奈川県 パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール
2019年11月24日(日)群馬県 桐生市市民文化会館 シルクホール
2019年12月8日(日)北海道 カナモトホール(札幌市民ホール)

私立恵比寿中学秋田分校~5th Anniversary of our gakugeeeekai~

2019年10月19日(土)秋田県 秋田県立体育館
私立恵比寿中学 / いぎなり東北産 / 桜エビ~ず / 藤原美幸 / NAMAHAGE郷神楽 / 超神ネイガー / 明桜高校吹奏楽部 / ご当地キャラオールスターズ / 秋田県高校合同合唱団 / ジャミセリオン / キャミソウルブラザーズ / ブラボー中谷 / 関向良子(ABSアナウンサー)

私立恵比寿中学秋田分校 ~文化祭~

2019年10月20日(日)秋田県 ABS秋田放送新社屋 1階多目的ホール
さっきの女の子、/ 桜エビ~ず / いぎなり東北産

私立恵比寿中学 バンドのみんなと大学芸会2019 エビ中のフルバッテリー・サラウンド

2019年12月20日(金)千葉県 幕張イベントホール
2019年12月21日(土)千葉県 幕張イベントホール

私立恵比寿中学 カウントダウン学芸会(タイトル未定)


Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-18 09:20:00Z

ウィル・スミスが日本のYouTuberに警鐘 「人が望むものを作るのは危険」 - livedoor

Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:13 AM PDT

ウィル・スミスが日本のYouTuberに警鐘 「人が望むものを作るのは危険」 - livedoor

米俳優ウィル・スミスが来日し、18日に「YouTube Space Tokyo」で開催された『ジェミニマン』(10月25日公開)の公開記念トークセッションLIVEに出席した。40人のYouTuberを前に「コンニチハ、トーキョー!」と満面の笑みで登場したウィルは、ときにオーバーアクションも交えて熱く語りかけた。




また非常にフレームレート(動画処理能力)が高くクリアに見える同作で、ウィルは「メイクはつけられないんです。何か顔につけていたらカメラがそれを捉えてしまう。だから水をいっぱい飲んでお肌プルプルにしておくんだ」と傍にあった「JUST WATER」と書かれたボトルを「ほらね」というように顔の脇に持ってきて、茶目っ気たっぷりにおどけてみせて場内を爆笑させた。




(TechinsightJapan編集部 関原りあん)

Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-18 08:19:00Z

布団を入れると「ドラえもん」になる収納ケースが夢のアイテム 使えて楽しい大人のドラえもんアイテムが登場 - ねとらぼ

Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:43 AM PDT

布団を入れると「ドラえもん」になる収納ケースが夢のアイテム 使えて楽しい大人のドラえもんアイテムが登場 - ねとらぼ

Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-18 05:50:00Z

Hot Stock Of The Day ::Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units, (TSX:AX-UN) - Times Of New York

Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:12 AM PDT

Hot Stock Of The Day ::Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units, (TSX:AX-UN) - Times Of New York

Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span>

On Wednesday, October 16, 2019 , the Company Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units, Finance, exchange TSX, Gain, the shares rates from the previous trading day.

Notable Runner: Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units:

The market price will usually fluctuate throughout the trading day as investors buy and sell stocks. The Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (TSX : AX-UN) of sector Finance started at $12.35 and closed at $12.41 in the newest exchanging session having previous price $12.39 on marking the change of $0.02 with 0.16% (Gain) from the previous day.

Trading Price (High & Low):

The high trading price was $12.44 at which a stock traded throughout the route of the day and low trading price stayed $12.35.

Notable Technical Indicator to Watch:

Volume is an important technical indicator for investors, which gives the idea of the price action of a stock and whether he should buy or sell the security. The AX-UN exchanged hands with current Volume 118669, while precious's day the Volume 204027. If trading volume increases, prices usually move in the same direction.

Technical Analysis Of Moving Average (MA):

A Moving Average (MA) is an extensively indicator in technical analysis that facilitate smooth-out price action by filtering out the "Noise" from random short-term price fluctuations. It is a trend-following, or lagging, indicator because it is based on past prices. The following Moving Averages values of the company, Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units:

  • 05.00 Days Moving Average (MA): 12.53%
  • 20.00 Days Moving Average (MA) & Signals: 12.52% (Sell)
  • 50.00 Days Moving Average (MA) & Signals: 12.39% (Buy)

Weighted Alpha Of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units:

Weighted Alpha tells that how much a stock has risen or fallen over an one-year period with a higher weighting for recent price activity. The company's Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units, TSX have a Weighted Aplha 13.25. A positive weighted alpha indicates that the stock has risen over the past year. A negative indicates that the stock is down over that same time period.

Price Opinion Signals (Buy / Sell / Hold):

Buy Signals: An event or condition that aware a person to place a buy order for an investment. Buy signals can be either watched by analyzing chart patterns or calculated by exchanging systems.

Hold Signals: An analyst's recommendation to neither buy nor sell a security. A company with a hold recommendation usually is expected to execute with the market or at the same pace as comparable companies.

Sell Signals: A condition or measurable level at which an investor is alerted to sell a specified investment. Sell signals can be generated through a variety of methods.

They are also observed and utilized by different types of investors. The Current Price Signals & Last Month Prices Signals are hereunder:

  • Present Price Signals "Buy"
  • Previous Month Price Signals  "Buy"

Notable Trend Analysis of the Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units:

The Trend analysis of the Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units shows that the Company Hold the Trend Signal & having Trend Strength 0 with the Trend Direction of the Falling.  Trend Signals indicates that uses wave theory, market momentum and volatility in an attempt to find a general trend, while Trend Strength of the signal compared to its historical performance where max the strongest this signal has been is and minimum is the weakest. Trend Direction indicating whether the Buy or Sell signal is strengthening or weakening or whether a Hold signal is heading towards a buy or sell signal.

Market Cap:

Market Cap is determined by doubling a company's shares outstanding by the current market price of one share 1746896703.


Looking into the profitability ratios of AX-UN stock, an investor will find its ROE i.e; 2.4655%. A performance measure used to estimate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the ability of some different investments.

ROA% (Before Tax):

Return on assets (ROA) is a financial ratio that shows the percentage of profit a company earns in relation to its overall resources. The Company has ROA 1.0224%.

Moving Averages (Signal / Strength / Direction):

The MA is a moving average that places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points. Like all moving averages, this technical indicator is used to produce buy and sellsignals based on crossovers and divergences from the historical average. The 20-Dyas Moving average Signals was "Sell" with the Strength "Weak" of having direction "Strengthening". The 50-Dyas Moving average Signals was "Buy" with the Strength "Weak" of having direction "Weakening". Similarly, the 100-Dyas Moving average Signals was "Buy" with the Strength "Soft" of having direction "Weakening".

Growth Rates (Return / Revenue) & Beta factor:

The 01-Year Return of the company Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units 8.2%, while the revenue growth percent over a 5-years period is 2.05%.The difference between the current price and the settlement price from 1 year ago, expressed as percentage. The revenue growth percent over a 5 year period. The beta factor is 0.585661. A stock with a beta more than 1 means high volatile and less than 1 means low volatile.

Return on Equity (ROE) percent:

Return on equity (ROE) is a measure of financial performance calculated by dividing net income by shareholders' equity. Because shareholders' equity is equal to a company's assets minus its debt, ROE could be thought of as the return on net assets. The company Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units having 2.4655 percent.

EPS Indicators Of The Company AX-UN:

PE (TTM):  TTM stands for Trailing Twelve Months. It is being used to represent the performance of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units. The PE(ttm) of the Company recorded at 33.4865 percent.

Forward PE Ratio: A company with a higher forward P/E ratio than the industry or market average indicates an expectation the company is likely to experience a significant amount of growth. The forward P/E ratio of AX-UN, TSX recorded as 0 percent.

2019-10-17 11:26:00Z

Claressa Shields' brother charged in assault on Habazin's trainer - Detroit Free Press

Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:12 AM PDT

Claressa Shields' brother charged in assault on Habazin's trainer - Detroit Free Press

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FLINT — A prosecutor has filed an assault charge against the brother of boxer Claressa Shields in connection with an attack on the trainer for Ivana Habazin before the weigh-in for their fight.

Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton issued a statement Wednesday saying 28-year-old Artis J. Mack of Flint has been charged with one count of assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder in the Oct. 4 attack on 68-year-old James Ali Bashir.

Bashir was hospitalized after getting punched, falling and striking his head on the floor before the weigh-in. The Oct. 5 fight was cancelled.

Read more:

Claressa Shields fight canceled after opponent's trainer sucker punched at weigh-in

Mack's attorney, Frank Manley, issued a statement saying "a video shows inflammatory rhetoric leading up to the incident that may provide context to the alleged assault."

Shields said in a Facebook post after the altercation that "despite the videos that are out, the actions that took place against Coach Ali was not right. I do not stand for that and do not in any way justify what happened no matter what he said!"

2019-10-17 12:11:00Z

Jennifer Aniston Just Joined Instagram And Her Comment Game Is Already Off The Charts - BuzzFeed

Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:20 AM PDT

Jennifer Aniston Just Joined Instagram And Her Comment Game Is Already Off The Charts - BuzzFeed

Jennifer Aniston Just Joined Instagram And Her Comment Game Is Already Off The Charts back to top

2019-10-17 10:24:00Z

You Won't Believe How Many Trademarks Kylie Jenner Filed For and Why She Did - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:19 AM PDT

You Won't Believe How Many Trademarks Kylie Jenner Filed For and Why She Did - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

The Kardashian-Jenners have their hands in a bunch of companies, franchises, shows, and products. They're dabbling in everything from lifestyle websites to fragrances to Instagram endorsements.

But it's Kylie Jenner who is seemingly making the most effort to expand her brand. Over the past year or so, the Kylie Cosmetics mogul has been working on expanding her cosmetics empire, filing for an unbelievable amount of trademarks.

Kylie Jenner at an award show
Kylie Jenner at an award show | Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic

How many trademarks did Jenner file for?

As of writing, Jenner, 22, has filed for at least 16 trademarks.

The reality star started in May when she applied for the use of "Kylie Baby." TMZ reports that the line will include skincare products, blankets, accessories, and furniture.

The same month, she applied to trademark "Kylie Hair," a line that TMZ claims will sell shampoos, conditioners, oils, dyes, and more.

But Jenner didn't stop there. She went on to apply for trademarks on her name that will reportedly be used for a liquor line, as well as "restaurants, bars, and cocktail lounges."

She also applied to use her name for a nail line and lifestyle products, including "furniture, home accessories; kitchenware; cookware; dining ware; food and drink products." 

Why Jenner filed for so many trademarks

In September, Jenner did a wide-ranging interview with Playboy, where she explained the reason she filed for all those trademarks.

She told the publication that, though she doesn't have immediate plans to launch several brands, she wants to be prepared just in case.

"I haven't started on wine and bed linens, but I think you probably overheard us trademarking everything in different categories so that if I ever decide to come out with wine or bed linens, it'll be set up," Jenner explained.

"After we built Kylie Cosmetics, I feel like I found a passion in building from the ground up and creating businesses and new companies," she continued. "Now that I know the whole process really well, it comes easily to me and it's really fun and definitely a passion of mine."

"I can't wait to keep expanding and creating new things," Jenner added.

Jenner has launched one new line, though

Over three years after launching Kylie Cosmetics, Jenner released her skincare line, Kylie Skin, in 2019. It offers a moisturizer, eye cream, face wash, a (controversial) walnut face scrub, and more.

When coming up with product ideas, she told Playboy, she usually consults Travis Scott. (She and Scott broke up a few weeks ago, according to an Oct. 1 report from TMZ. However, they allegedly plan on getting back together.)

She told Scott in the interview: "You have such a creative, out-of-the-box mind, so I love to come to you to get some advice on how to promote things, because you always have the craziest, coolest ideas."

With that in mind, we have a feeling that she'll have some really amazing launches whenever she does decide to kick off new brands. And we can't wait to see them.

2019-10-17 11:06:35Z

キンプリ「プリズムショー☆ベストテン」中間発表!1位は王位戴冠、2位は天然ガス - ナタリー

Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:41 AM PDT

キンプリ「プリズムショー☆ベストテン」中間発表!1位は王位戴冠、2位は天然ガス - ナタリー

アニメ「KING OF PRISM」のプリズムショーシーンを集めた劇場版「KING OF PRISM ALL STARS -プリズムショー☆ベストテン-」の、上映内容を決めるファン投票の中間結果が発表された。

2020年1月10日に公開される「KING OF PRISM ALL STARS -プリズムショー☆ベストテン-」は、これまで「KING OF PRISM」シリーズに登場したプリズムショーの中から、ファン投票によってベスト10に選ばれたショーを上映するもの。中間結果の1位には映画「KING OF PRISM -PRIDE the HERO-」より、速水ヒロがプリズムキングに輝いた際のショー「pride -KING OF PRISM ver.-」、2位には「KING OF PRISM -Shiny Seven Stars-」より、「天然ガスが出たー!」というセリフでも話題を集めた十王院カケルの「Orange Flamingo」、3位には同じく「KING OF PRISM -Shiny Seven Stars-」より、地元・静岡県の名産物や大きな海原を彷彿とさせる鷹梁ミナトの「Sailing!」がランクインした。

なお投票はCD「KING OF PRISM -Shiny Seven Stars- Song&Soundtrack」に封入されている投票券で、10月22日まで受付中。また「KING OF PRISM ALL STARS -プリズムショー☆ベストテン-」のリングライト付き前売券が、通販サイトのメイジャーにて10月17日より受注販売されることも決定している。

「KING OF PRISM ALL STARS -プリズムショー☆ベストテン-」中間発表

1位 pride -KING OF PRISM ver.- / 速水ヒロ
2位 Orange Flamingo / 十王院カケル
3位 Sailing! / 鷹梁ミナト
4位 ナナイロノチカイ! -Brilliant oath- / 一条シン・太刀花ユキノジョウ・香賀美タイガ・十王院カケル・鷹梁ミナト・西園寺レオ・涼野ユウ
5位 Shiny Stellar / 涼野ユウ
6位 Fly in the sky / 香賀美タイガ
7位 Twinkle☆Twinkle / 西園寺レオ
8位 プラトニックソード / 一条シン、シャイン
9位 FREEDOM -THUNDER STORM ver.- / 仁科カヅキ
10位 百花繚乱 / 太刀花ユキノジョウ

(c)T-ARTS / syn Sophia / エイベックス・ピクチャーズ / タツノコプロ / キングオブプリズムAS製作委員会

Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-17 09:45:00Z

KING OF PRISM:プリズムショーベスト10の中間結果発表 首位は速水ヒロ「pride」 カケルが2位、ミナトが3位に - MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)

Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:41 AM PDT

KING OF PRISM:プリズムショーベスト10の中間結果発表 首位は速水ヒロ「pride」 カケルが2位、ミナトが3位に - MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)

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  1. KING OF PRISM:プリズムショーベスト10の中間結果発表 首位は速水ヒロ「pride」 カケルが2位、ミナトが3位に  MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)
  2. キンプリ「プリズムショー☆ベストテン」中間発表!1位は王位戴冠、2位は天然ガス  ナタリー
  3. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

2019-10-17 09:04:47Z

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