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- GANG PARADEから本日付けでハルナ・バッ・チーン脱退 - ナタリー
- Democrats Unleash an Onslaught of Attacks, With Bloomberg the Main Target - The New York Times
- Coronavirus: 81% of cases are 'mild,' study says - Medical News Today
- Shootings in Germany leave at least 8 dead in Hanau - CNN
- 中田英寿×J-WAVEによるエンターテインメントレストラン「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」会場にて、番組公開生放送・ショーケースライブ開催!出演者第一弾発表:時事ドットコム - 時事通信
- MLS Preseason 2020: Elliot Collier nets another goal in 2-0 win for Chicago Fire FC over Toronto FC -
- Police: Men wanted for T-Mobile store armed robbery captured following I-26 car chase - Live 5 News WCSC
- 8 dead after shooting in German city of Hanau | ABC News Live Prime - ABC News
- Coronavirus: Largest study suggests elderly and sick are most at risk - BBC News - BBC News
- Coronavirus live updates: China reports 114 additional deaths and 394 new cases - CNBC
- ARエンタメENDROLLの経営戦略アドバイザーに元ソニー・ピクチャーズ エンタテインメント 瀬戸氏が就任 - PR TIMES
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- Esther Scott, ‘Boyz N the Hood’ Actress, Dies at 66 - The New York Times
- China's Xi Jinping, under fire from virus outbreak, could also face an 'economic crisis' - CNBC
- 中田英寿×J-WAVEによるエンターテインメントレストラン「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」会場にて、番組公開生放送・ショーケースライブ開催!出演者第一弾発表 - PR TIMES
- 東京地裁がユニバーサルエンターテインメントの請求を全面的に認め、岡田和生氏に約2,130万円の支払いを命じる - IAG Japan
- First Edition: February 18, 2020 - Kaiser Health News
- How DraftKings hopes to set itself apart as it launches Iowa's latest sports betting mobile app - Des Moines Register
- 'Boyz N The Hood' Actress Esther Scott Dead At 66 - Essence
- 8 Dead in Shooting in Central Germany - The New York Times
- Coronavirus: Rwanda's health minister fired for lying about testing kits - Africanews English
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- 松屋「シュクメルリ」の次は「カチャトーラ」? 一部店舗でひそかにテスト販売開始 - ねとらぼ
GANG PARADEから本日付けでハルナ・バッ・チーン脱退 - ナタリー Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:04 AM PST GANG PARADEから本日付けでハルナ・バッ・チーン脱退 - ナタリー オフィシャルサイトによるとハルナ本人から「本日付けで脱退したい」という連絡があり、事務所は今後の活動が困難であると判断。本日2月20日でグループを脱退することとなった。本日以降のイベントに関してはハルナを除く9人での出演となる。ハルナは2018年3月に行われたオーディション「WACK合同オーディション2018」に合格し、同年4月にGANG PARADEのメンバーとしてお披露目された。 GANG PARADEは2014年に元BiSのカミヤサキと元いずこねこのミズタマリにより結成されたプラニメが前身のグループで、所属はBiSH、BiS、豆柴の大群らが在籍する音楽事務所WACK。2016年6月にGANG PARADEに改名し、メンバーチェンジや体制変更を繰り返しながら2019年4月にシングル「ブランニューパレード」でメジャーデビューを果たした。今年4月からはホールツアー「GANG PARADE MY FIRST HALL TOUR」を開催予定で、5月22日に東京・中野サンプラザホールで行われるセミファイナルをもってグループ発起人であるカミヤが脱退することがアナウンスされている。 GANG PARADE MY FIRST HALL TOUR2020年4月12日(日)埼玉県 三郷市文化会館 2020-02-20 07:09:00Z |
Democrats Unleash an Onslaught of Attacks, With Bloomberg the Main Target - The New York Times Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:37 PM PST LAS VEGAS — The Democratic presidential candidates turned on one another in scorching and personal terms in a debate on Wednesday night, with two of the leading candidates, Senator Bernie Sanders and Michael R. Bloomberg, forced onto the defensive repeatedly throughout the evening. In his first appearance in a presidential debate, Mr. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, struggled from the start to address his past support for stop-and-frisk policing and the allegations he has faced over the years of crude and disrespectful behavior toward women. Time and again, Mr. Bloomberg had obvious difficulty countering criticism that could threaten him in a Democratic Party that counts women and African-Americans among its most important constituencies. Two candidates who have shied away from direct conflict in past debates, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., mounted something of a tag-team onslaught against Mr. Bloomberg, several times leaving him visibly irked and straining to respond. From the first seconds, when Mr. Sanders used the initial question to attack what he called Mr. Bloomberg's "outrageous" policing record, it was clear that this debate would be far more heated than any of the previous forums. The unrelenting attacks reflected the urgency of the moment, as Mr. Sanders gains strength and those hoping to slow his candidacy are increasingly crowded out by Mr. Bloomberg and his unprecedented spending spree. Ms. Warren landed the most stinging blows against Mr. Bloomberg throughout the debate, starting with an opening broadside that likened him to the figure most reviled among Democrats: President Trump. "I'd like to talk about who we're running against: a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians," Ms. Warren said. "And no, I'm not talking about Donald Trump. I'm talking about Mayor Bloomberg." ![]() It was not only Mr. Sanders and Mr. Bloomberg who were subjected to withering criticism: Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., also engaged in a bitter and lengthy colloquy about foreign policy and their qualifications for the presidency, culminating in a sharp exchange in which Ms. Klobuchar asked Mr. Buttigieg if he was calling her "dumb." There was little in the debate to suggest that Mr. Sanders, the national front-runner and the favorite to win Nevada's caucuses on Saturday, had been knocked off balance, and the pile-on against Mr. Bloomberg had the potential to work in Mr. Sanders's favor by keeping the focus of hostilities elsewhere. But Mr. Sanders, too, was pressed to address some of the persistent questions about his candidacy, including whether he would release a fuller version of his medical records and why his candidacy appears to inspire uniquely vitriolic behavior by some of his supporters on the internet. Mr. Sanders, Vermont's junior senator, insisted that nearly all of his online fans were good and decent people, but said he would "disown those people" who behave in deplorable ways. Nobody acted with more urgency than Ms. Warren, who finished a distant fourth in New Hampshire after doing little to stand out in the debate there. She repeatedly inserted herself into main currents of the conversation. The challenge for her, though, is that her newfound vigor came after tens of thousands of Nevadans had already cast their ballots in early voting. It was Ms. Warren who initiated the exchange that may have damaged Mr. Bloomberg the most when she repeatedly demanded to know whether he would be willing to release some of the former female employees at his news media organization from the nondisclosure agreements they had signed. He declined to do so, calling the agreements "consensual," and minimized the underlying complaints by suggesting that the women merely "didn't like a joke I told." After pressing Mr. Bloomberg and leaving him flustered, but unable to coax him into releasing the women she said he had "muzzled," Ms. Warren then broadened her attack. "We are not going to beat Donald Trump with a man who has who-knows-how-many nondisclosure agreements and the drip, drip, drip of stories of women saying they have been harassed and discriminated against," she said. Before Mr. Bloomberg could even try to defend himself, Mr. Biden, who has seen the former New York mayor claim some of his support, gladly stepped in. "All the mayor has to say is, You are released from the N.D.A., period," Mr. Biden said, his voice rising. In what became, for both of them, their most energetic debate in months, Mr. Biden and Ms. Warren teamed up to confront Mr. Bloomberg about his record on policing, challenging his expressions of contrition about his years of strong support for invasive searches that disproportionately targeted black and Hispanic men. The unlikely duo wielded the same combination of indignation and inquisition that framed their argument about sexual harassment. "It's not whether he apologized or not, it's the policy," Mr. Biden said, accusing Mr. Bloomberg of discounting concerns raised by the Obama administration. As in most of the tough exchanges of the night, Mr. Bloomberg defended himself only up to a point: He explained that he was focused on protecting New Yorkers' "right to live," and in the process embraced a policing strategy he later came to regret. Looking back on his time as mayor, Mr. Bloomberg said, "the one thing I'm really worried about, embarrassed about, was how it turned out with stop and frisk." Ms. Warren jumped in to dissect that answer. "This isn't about how it turned out," she said. "This is about what it was designed to do, to begin with. It targeted communities of color." Top aides for Mr. Bloomberg acknowledged his lackluster performance, at least in the first hour of the two-hour forum, even as they boasted about how all of the attacks on him demonstrated the threat he poses. "It took him just 45 minutes in his first debate in 10 years to get his legs on the stage," Kevin Sheekey, Mr. Bloomberg's campaign manager, said in a statement after the debate. If Mr. Sanders appeared relatively unbruised Wednesday night, it was not clear that he did anything to put to rest the persistent reservations in the party about his prospects in a contest against Mr. Trump. He dismissed a moderator's question about polling that found Americans deeply wary of socialism as a political label, noting that the same polling found him leading Mr. Trump in a general election. Mr. Buttigieg and Mr. Bloomberg picked away at Mr. Sanders, with Mr. Bloomberg declaring that he would be a surefire loser in the general election and Mr. Buttigieg warning that it would be dangerous to nominate someone who "wants to burn the house down." After intraparty politesse prevailed in the first eight debates, when the harshest remarks onstage were usually reserved for Mr. Trump, the evident contempt some of these six candidates have for one another rang out like a jackpot in a slot machine on Wednesday. At no time was that more clear than when Ms. Klobuchar, who split the support of many moderate voters in New Hampshire with Mr. Buttigieg, was reminded by the former South Bend mayor that in a recent interview she had been unable to name the president of Mexico. "You're staking your candidacy on Washington experience," Mr. Buttigieg said, pointing out that all of the committees she serves on involve Mexico. "Are you trying to say I'm dumb — are you mocking me, Pete?" Ms. Klobuchar shot back, clearly stung. She then noted she had won all of her campaigns, while he had lost his sole statewide bid "by over 20 points." Later, Ms. Klobuchar said Mr. Buttigieg had simply "memorized a bunch of talking points" and had never been "in the arena." Both flashed sharp irritation, as Mr. Buttigieg criticized Ms. Klobuchar's support for certain Trump appointees and Ms. Klobuchar described his political accomplishments as minimal. "You don't have to be in Washington to matter," Mr. Buttigieg said, pointing to his tenure in the struggling city he sought to revive. At one point, Ms. Klobuchar answered Mr. Buttigieg with blunt sarcasm: "I wish everyone was as perfect as you, Pete," she said. Both were at risk of emerging from the debate weaker than they entered it, and at the end of the evening they had not clearly strengthened their claims to leadership of moderate forces in the Democratic coalition. Just as contentious were the exchanges between Mr. Bloomberg, the proud billionaire, and Mr. Sanders, the democratic socialist who has said billionaires should not exist. Mr. Sanders, who had a heart attack in the fall, answered a question about his personal health records by noting that Mr. Bloomberg has "two stents as well," prompting Mr. Bloomberg to say that his had been inserted two decades ago. And after Mr. Bloomberg said he made no apologies for his wealth because he had worked hard for his money, Mr. Sanders interjected: "Maybe your workers played some role in that as well." Mr. Bloomberg eventually confronted Mr. Sanders, saying it was "ridiculous" to suggest the country would "throw out capitalism." Turning even more personal, Mr. Bloomberg said, "What a wonderful country we have — the best known socialist in the country happens to be a millionaire with three houses." After listing his residences, Mr. Sanders turned back to Mr. Bloomberg and asked: "Which tax haven do you call home?" The sparring was hardly unanticipated. The rivalry between Mr. Sanders and Mr. Bloomberg has turned harshly personal this week, as their campaigns escalated a feud that both see as serving their political interests. On the morning of the debate, aides to Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Sanders were trading slashing criticism about the health of the two men, who are both 78 years old, and transparency about their medical histories. And in the days leading up to the debate, a number of the candidates denounced the personal attacks that Sanders supporters aimed at the female leaders of the influential union of Las Vegas's casino employees, the culinary workers' union, criticism that arose again at Wednesday's debate. If the other contenders are not able to slow Mr. Sanders in Nevada, he may gain enough momentum going into the Super Tuesday contests on March 3, when 15 states and territories will vote, to eventually claim the nomination. But if he falters here, it could throw the race open and create an opportunity for one or more of his rivals to assert themselves. Mr. Sanders's prominence in the race even drew a broadside from Ms. Warren, who has largely avoided tangling with him since entering the race. "His campaign relentlessly attacks everyone," she said, alluding to his supporters' scorn for those who do not support "Medicare for all." And then Ms. Warren made a reference to recent comments by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who said that Mr. Sanders might not be able to initially pass single-payer insurance. "His own advisers say, 'Eh, probably won't happen, anyways,'" she said. Mr. Sanders, though, did not return fire. And at the end of the evening, it was clear he had a larger goal in mind: claiming the Democratic nomination, even if he has accrued a plurality, but not a majority of delegates, by the end of the primary season. "I think that the will of the people should prevail, yes," he said. "The person who has the most votes should become the nominee." Top stories - Google News February 19, 2020 at 07:29PM Democrats Unleash an Onslaught of Attacks, With Bloomberg the Main Target - The New York Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Coronavirus: 81% of cases are 'mild,' study says - Medical News Today Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST |
Shootings in Germany leave at least 8 dead in Hanau - CNN Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST ![]() The shootings occurred in two locations on Wednesday evening. A large police operation is underway to find suspects, the police said. Police do not know who's behind the shootings and are asking the public for help. They didn't say if anyone was wounded. Hanau is about 16 miles east of Frankfurt. Top stories - Google News February 19, 2020 at 05:56PM Shootings in Germany leave at least 8 dead in Hanau - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:59 PM PST [J-WAVE(81.3FM)]
番組公開生放送のナビゲーターにシシド・カフカら J-WAVE『YEBISU BEER BEGINNINGS~FROM TAKANAWA GATEWAY』は、東京のダイナミズムを伝える30分プログラム。ナビゲーターは、当イベントのディレクターである中田英寿氏も出演中のJ-WAVE『VOICES FROM NIHONMONO』(毎週土曜 22:00~22:54 O.A.)ナビゲーターのレイチェル・チャン(月・火)、ミュージシャン・女優としてマルチに活躍するシシド・カフカ(水・木)が務めます。金曜日はJ-WAVEナビゲーターが週替わりで登場します。「Takanawa Gateway Fest」関連情報はもちろん、「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」出店レストランのシェフや蔵元、ミュージシャン、クリエイター、デザイナーなど、次世代の東京を担う人々をゲストに招き、"東京の今"をリアルタイムに発信していきます。
ショーケースライブ、初日を飾るのは 松室政哉 J-WAVEがオススメするアーティストによるショーケースライブ「FROM TOKYO TO THE WORLD!」では、J-WAVEが厳選するネクストブレイクアーティストの楽曲をレコメンドした「SONAR TRAX」に選出された、今観るべきアーティストのライブを平日22:00より連日お届けいたします。中田英寿氏ディレクションによる食事や日本酒に舌鼓を打ちながらお楽しみいただけます。また、3月23日(月)~26日(木)には、J-WAVE『SONAR MUSIC』(月~木 21:00~23:55 O.A.)と連動し、ライブの一部が生放送でオンエアされます。 今回発表するアーティストは以下の通り。追加アーティストは別途お知らせいたします。 3月19日(木)松室政哉 「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」とは 47都道府県全てを巡り、日本酒をはじめとした日本の文化を知り尽くし、世界に向けてその魅力を発信し続けている、元サッカー日本代表の中田英寿氏をディレクターとして迎え、東京と世界をつなぐ玄関口となる山手線新駅"高輪ゲートウェイ"駅前で開催する、JR東日本の「Takanawa Gateway Fest」内にオープンするエンターテインメントレストラン。過去4回にわたって開催された中田氏率いる世界最大級の"SAKE"イベント「CRAFT SAKE WEEK」(以下、CSW)とコラボレーションし、中田氏をはじめとした日本酒の専門家が全国の数百におよぶ日本酒から厳選した日本最高峰の日本酒を週替わりで愉しめます。また、日本酒にあわせて愉しむ料理にもこだわり、中田氏が太鼓判を押す、過去のCSWに参加した日本最高峰のレストランが国内外から揃います。通常では予約困難な人気レストランの特別メニューを提供します。ここでしか味わえないお料理を、厳選された日本酒と一流料理のペアリングでお愉しみいただけます。期間中、レストラン16店が週替わりで出店。選りすぐりの酒蔵も各週10蔵が出店する予定となっており、期間中、全国から約160蔵が参加いたします。 「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」にヱビス プレミアムカウンター 登場 130年にわたり日本のビールづくりを追求してきたヱビスならではの多様なラインナップをご用意。期間中、「ヱビスビール」だけでなく「ヱビス プレミアムエール」ほか数種のヱビスブランド商品をご用意します。提供するタンブラーの数百個に1個、鯛が2匹いる特別な「ラッキーヱビス」タンブラーが出現します。おいしさを実感するために開発された新タンブラーで、より深い「金のコク。」をお楽しみいただけます。 【イベント概要】
「Takanawa Gateway Fest」概要
企業プレスリリース詳細へ (2020/02/20-11:55) "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース February 19, 2020 at 06:55PM 中田英寿×J-WAVEによるエンターテインメントレストラン「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」会場にて、番組公開生放送・ショーケースライブ開催!出演者第一弾発表:時事ドットコム - 時事通信 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:57 PM PST ![]() Chicago Fire FC Chicago Fire FC got goals from Elliot Collier and Nick Slonina in a 2-0 preseason victory over Toronto FC on Wednesday. Collier continued his standout preseason with his first-half opener – the fourth straight exhibition match with a goal for the 24-year-old forward.
Slonina provided Chicago's second, controlling a deflection in front of goal and slotting home the finish past Toronto goalkeeper Alex Bono for the 18-year-old academy defender's first goal with the Fire's first team.
Neither side struck for a goal in the second half, allowing Chicago to see out the 2-0 final. It's the third victory of the 2020 preseason for the Fire, which moves to 3W-2L-0D in their exhibition matches with the result. The club will take the field for its final preseason match against the LA Galaxy at Dignity Sports Health Park on Saturday. Toronto are now also 3W-2L-0D through five matches ahead of their preseason finale in Los Angeles against the Colorado Rapids on Saturday. Goals
LineupsChicago Fire FC first-half XI: Kenneth Kronholm – Brandt Bronico, Nick Slonina, Francisco Calvo, Jeremiah Gutjahr – Mauricio Pineda Djordje Mihailovic, Fabian Herbers – Elliot Collier, Przemyslaw Frankowski, Robert Beric Chicago Fire second-half XI: Kenneth Kronholm (60' Bobby Shuttleworth) – Cristian Diaz, Johan Kappelhof, Wyatt Omsberg, Jeremiah Gutjahr (60' Jonathan Bornstein) – Micheal Azira, Alvaro Medran, Javier Casas – Allan Rodriguez, Jonathan Jimenez, Brian Gutierrez Toronto FC first-half XI: Alex Bono; Richie Laryea, Eriq Zavaleta, Chris Mavinga, Terique Mohammed, Jonathan Osorio, Noble Okello, Alejandro Pozuelo, Jayden Nelson, Griffin Dorsey, Ayo Akinola Toronto FC second-half XI: Alex Bono; Richie Laryea, Eriq Zavaleta, Rocco Romeo, Terique Mohammed, Adolfo Ovalle, Noble Okello, Ifunanyachi Achara, Jacob Shaffelburg, Griffin Dorsey, Ayo Akinola "Goal" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 04:51PM MLS Preseason 2020: Elliot Collier nets another goal in 2-0 win for Chicago Fire FC over Toronto FC - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:53 PM PST "Information received led detectives to believe the stolen iPhones, iPads, and other electronics were being transported in a vehicle travelling on I-26 west, towards Columbia," NCPD officials said."Once detectives were able to obtain near real-time information on the suspects location, the South Carolina Highway Patrol was contacted for assistance in conducting a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle, which was then stopped near mile marker 119 on I-26." "Mobile" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 09:36AM Police: Men wanted for T-Mobile store armed robbery captured following I-26 car chase - Live 5 News WCSC "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
8 dead after shooting in German city of Hanau | ABC News Live Prime - ABC News Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:37 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 19, 2020 at 04:50PM 8 dead after shooting in German city of Hanau | ABC News Live Prime - ABC News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Coronavirus: Largest study suggests elderly and sick are most at risk - BBC News - BBC News Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:37 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 19, 2020 at 02:20AM Coronavirus: Largest study suggests elderly and sick are most at risk - BBC News - BBC News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Coronavirus live updates: China reports 114 additional deaths and 394 new cases - CNBC Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:37 PM PST ![]() This is a live blog. Please check back for updates. All times below are in Beijing time. 10:07 am: China says there were 114 additional deaths and 394 new casesChina's National Health Commission reported an additional 114 deaths, and 394 new confirmed cases as of Feb. 19. That brings the total deaths in the mainland to 2,118 and the confirmed cases to 74,576 cases. The number of new cases was drastically lower than the 1,749 reported the day before. Hubei reported 349 new confirmed cases, after the removal of 279 cases with negative nucleic acid test results. On Wednesday, China released the "No. 6 trial" measures for virus prevention and control, which removed a classification for Hubei that allowed the province to include a "clinically diagnosed" category. — Weizhen Tan, Evelyn Cheng 9:40 am: China cuts a key lending rate to help boost economyChina's central bank cut the loan prime rate on Thursday in a widely-anticipated move that will help lower borrowing costs for businesses, and prop up the economy that is reeling from the virus outbreak. The LPR is the interest rate that banks charge their most creditworthy customers. In August last year, the People's Bank of China changed the way commercial lenders set interest rates for loans. — Joanna Tan 9:12 am: South Korea says another 31 new cases foundSouth Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed another 31 new cases, bringing the total number of people infected to 82. One case was identified in the capital of Seoul, the rest were in the city of Daegu and the Gyengbuk province, KCDC said. — Joanna Tan 8:30 am: Australians on board the Diamond Princess return home for quarantine, more passengers to disembarkMore than 150 Australians have disembarked the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship docked off Japan, and have arrived back in their country, according to Reuters. They will serve out a two-week quarantine. They arrived in Darwin on Thursday morning, according to the report. A second group of about 600 passengers — Japanese and other nationalities — are set to disembark the ship on Thursday as well, according to a separate Reuters report. The Diamond Princess has been docked at Yokohama near Tokyo since Feb. 3, with an initial 3,700 passengers, and more than 600 have since been found infected. — Weizhen Tan 7:58 am: Hubei reports an additional 108 deaths bringing total fatalities in province to 2,029Hubei's health authorities reported there were 108 additional fatalities on Feb. 19, bringing the total number of people who died in the province to 2,029. The Hubei Provincial Health Committee reported there were 349 new cases on Feb. 19 — down from 1,693 newly confirmed cases the day before. The commission stated that 349 was the final tally after deducting 279 cases from 10 Hubei cities. According to Reuters, the number of new cases reported daily is a net figure including such deductions. That means the number of new cases on Wednesday stood at 628, when the deductions were removed. The virus — believed to have first emerged from Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province — has killed more than 2,000 people so far. Less than 10 people outside the mainland have died from the virus. — Joanna Tan A Chinese woman slides steam buns down a ramp used to prevent touching and contact as the customer takes his order at a local take out on February 19, 2020 in Beijing, China. Kevin Frayer | Getty Images All times below are in Eastern time. 5:06 pm: Markets may face 'pretty serious reckoning' as coronavirus slows growthThe coronavirus may significantly weaken a global economy that was already in a precarious position, Yale University's Stephen Roach told CNBC. "If the global economy is as weak as I think it is in the first half of this year, that points to a pretty serious reckoning for frothy financial markets," the former Morgan Stanley Asia chairman said on "Closing Bell." Investors have been trying to make sense of what the coronavirus means for businesses since late January. And yet, the market has only seen a few pullbacks in that stretch as the major U.S. stock indexes continue to set fresh highs. — Stankiewicz 4:23 pm: Goldman says market underestimating virus risk: 'Correction is looking much more probable'Goldman Sachs sounded the alarm to clients about a possible correction in the stock market, noting investors are underestimating how big of a risk the coronavirus really is. "We believe the greater risk is that the impact of the coronavirus on earnings may well be underestimated in current stock prices, suggesting that the risks of a correction are high," strategist Peter Oppenheimer wrote in a note. Oppenheimer thinks the market could be in trouble if earnings expectations aren't ratcheted down. "Equity markets are looking increasingly exposed to near-term downward surprises to earnings growth," said Oppenheimer. "While a sustained bear market does not look likely, a near-term correction is looking much more probable." — Imbert A worker at a factory in Nanjing sorting face masks being produced to satisfy increased demand during China's COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, in China's Jiangsu province. Stringer | AFP | Getty Images 2:41 pm: CDC issues travel guidelines for Hong Kong after second coronavirus-related deathThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines on Wednesday for American travelers to Hong Kong after the city reported its second death from the new coronavirus. Travelers to Hong Kong should avoid contact with sick people, the CDC said, and regularly wash their hands. It is the CDC's lowest-level travel warning, but it is the first coronavirus-related travel notice issued by the U.S. government for a territory beyond mainland China. — Feuer Read CNBC's coverage from the U.S. overnight: Fed sees risk to global growth, markets face 'pretty serious reckoning' — CNBC's Fred Imbert, Kevin Stankiewicz contributed to this report. Top stories - Google News February 19, 2020 at 04:13PM Coronavirus live updates: China reports 114 additional deaths and 394 new cases - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
ARエンタメENDROLLの経営戦略アドバイザーに元ソニー・ピクチャーズ エンタテインメント 瀬戸氏が就任 - PR TIMES Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:29 PM PST ■経営戦略アドバイザー就任の狙い ■瀬戸浩次郎氏コメント ■瀬戸浩次郎氏プロフィール 瀬戸浩次郎 bTANK合同会社 代表 大学卒業後に住友銀行(現:三井住友銀行)に入社し、ファンドマネージャー/アナリストとして株式運用に従事。その後、米国ソフトウエア会社、マクロメディア(現:アドビシステムズ)が始めたインターネット上のエンターテインメントサイトの日本法人、ショックウェーブ エンターテインメント株式会社代表取締役社長に就任。ビジネスモデルを、広告、ライセンス、コンテンツ課金などに拡大し、2期目で黒字化を達成。前職では米国ハリウッドスタジオの日本支社、株式会社ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント テレビジョンディストリビューション 日本代表 統括バイスプレジデントとしてオンデマンド配信サービス、放送局にコンテンツをライセンスする部門を統括し業容拡大を図ると共にサブスクビジネス業界の発展に貢献した。 ■会社概要
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース February 19, 2020 at 06:01PM ARエンタメENDROLLの経営戦略アドバイザーに元ソニー・ピクチャーズ エンタテインメント 瀬戸氏が就任 - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
DT CEO sees light at end of tunnel with T-Mobile/Sprint combo - FierceWireless Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:23 PM PST ![]() The CEO of T-Mobile's parent company Deutsche Telekom (DT) is ready to take on AT&T and Verizon in more ways than one now that the combination of T-Mobile US and Sprint has been approved by U.S. District Court Judge Victor Marrero. The $26.5 billion deal has not quite closed, but DT CEO Timotheus Höttges said during DT's earnings call on Wednesday that getting the deal done puts the company on an equal footing and in a position to ramp up its attacks on the competition in the U.S. DT is based in Bonn, Germany. "We see a light at the end of the tunnel … Our attempt is going to be the No. 1 in the U.S.," he said, adding that they're now working through the remaining steps of the transaction and hope to close with Sprint parent SoftBank in the second quarter 2020. Not surprisingly, he applauded Judge Marrero's decision, advising anyone who has enough time to "please have a read" of the 179 pages of the document. "I'm very impressed," said Höttges, who was called as one of the witnesses during the trial in December. But even without the merger, T-Mobile has been on solid footing. "For the first time in history, the U.S. team is ahead of AT&T and Verizon," he said, with T-Mobile's 600 MHz spectrum already deployed to reach almost 200 million households, which is ahead of the others in 5G. That's quite different from where DT and T-Mobile US started. Höttges reviewed the "unprecedented" turnaround that occurred in the U.S. over the past decade. DT started in 2011 with shrinking U.S. operations and plans to sell. Between 2010 and 2019, T-Mobile US, with heavy backing from DT, invested a total of about $54 billion, evolving the company into a "king maker asset" and raising T-Mobile US' market cap from around $11 billion in 2013 to around $82 billion most recently—more than a 7-fold increase. DT's stake is worth over $50 billion. In prepared remarks, he noted that AT&T has a market capitalization of $274 billion and Verizon's market cap is at $242 billion. The new T-Mobile would have a market cap of almost $120 billion at today's rate, a difference of almost $120 billion. "I see no reason why this [difference] cannot be reduced considerably," he said. He also called out the management team in the U.S. "We have Mike Sievert on board in the United States. Mike masterminded the Un-carrier strategy and is the ideal CEO to lead T-Mobile US into a new era," he said. "We all knew that a handover was imminent. But the question of when was particularly difficult in this case, because nobody embodies the T brand quite like John Legere, whom we have a great deal to thank for. But we also wanted everyone involved in the merger to know exactly what was going on in this respect." At the time Legere's departure was announced last year, some questioned the timing of it, happening before the start of the trial in Judge Marrero's courtroom. Legere explained during a conference call in November that with his contract ending in April, one argument at trial could be that T-Mobile's numerous promises (conditioned on deal approval) could fall by the wayside under potential new leadership that might not be committed to the strategy. They wanted all the chips on the table before the trial began. RELATED: NY AG won't pursue appeal in T-Mobile/Sprint decision Speaking on CNBC on Wednesday, Höttges declined to comment on whether DT would seek a different price given the value of Sprint has declined since the deal was consummated. Investment analysts have been waiting to hear what T-Mobile and the other players are going to do on that front. Höttges dodged that question and said it's the biggest transaction in the telco space in the last 10 years, and "we're going to build the best 5G network." "Mobile" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 02:50PM DT CEO sees light at end of tunnel with T-Mobile/Sprint combo - FierceWireless "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Simsbury’s one-two punch at goal; Possible road trip for FCIAC rivals - The Advocate Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:57 PM PST Back on opening night, after his Simsbury team had defeated defending state champion New Canaan 3-2, coach Paul Melanson was clear that he had faith in both of his goalies, who had split time in that game. "They're two great goalies and I trust both of them," Melanson said. "They're competing with each other but also supporting each other to be better." What could be a difficult situation for some teams has developed into a strength for the state's first-place team. Junior Tori LaCroix and sophomore Kaitlyn O'Brien have excelled for No. 1 Simsbury, helping the Trojans post six shutouts while allowing just 22 goals in 18 games. Simsbury (15-1-2) has allowed more than two goals just twice - first in a 3-1 loss to Darien and then in a 7-4 win over West Haven/SHA - and the Trojans' defense appears to be among the strongest in the state with the postseason approaching. The dynamic between the two goalies has helped. "It has been one of mutual respect," Melanson said. "And they are competing with each other in a positive way where each pushes themselves to improve each practice."
Guilford's Maddie Epke (20) in action during a girls ice hockey game against West Haven/Sacred Heart Academy at the Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport in January. Guilford's Maddie Epke (20) in action during a girls ice hockey game against West Haven/Sacred Heart Academy at the Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport in January. This isn't a situation with one goalie playing against the top powers and the other mopping up against the rest. During the past few games, LaCroix made 25 saves and pitched a 1-0 shutout against No. 3 Greenwich on Feb. 11, while O'Brien made 21 saves and blanked New Canaan in a scoreless tie on Monday. The defense in front of the goalies has played a large role in their success, with senior Mackenzie Lynch starring alongside a sophomore corps of Molly Walsh, Ashleigh Dumont, Anna Kahl, Piper Golden-Jarrell and Lucy Humphreys. Melanson hasn't decided who will start against different opponents for the postseason, but it's clear Simsbury is in good hands in either case. "It is a comfort knowing that if one isn't feeling well or having an off night, the other can step right in," Melanson said. ROAD-TRIPPING RIVALS The New Canaan vs. Darien ice hockey rivalry has provided many memorable moments over the years. Next winter, they may be taking a road trip together. According to New Canaan coach Rich Bulan, the Rams and Blue Wave are hoping to set up a weekend in Rhode Island with games against La Salle Academy and Barrington. The two teams rank at the top of Rhode Island's Div. I standings, La Salle (16-5 overall, 14-0 RI) at No. 1, and Barrington (14-3-1, 11-3) at No. 2. Bulan said Darien coach Jamie Tropsa came up with the idea and the teams will try to find a suitable weekend for the games. "We're trying to work something out - Jamie had a great suggestion and we all got on board — us and Darien going up there next year for a weekend," Bulan said. "Darien owes Barrington a game and I owe La Salle a game, so both teams could go there together on a Friday and play both teams on Friday and Saturday." Darien hosted Barrington on Jan. 26 and the teams played to a 3-3 tie, with Barrington rallying from a three-goal deficit. New Canaan shut out La Salle, 2-0, on Saturday at the Darien Ice House. With many girls ice hockey teams setting up more out-of-state games, a possible weekend series in Rhode Island could be another great showcase. "We've all gotten to the point, not only in boys hockey but with the girls too — it's so much better for our programs and ice hockey in the state to play these teams," Bulan said. "Playing those games against those teams makes my team so much better." ETB A-OK WITH CALDON For the second time in two weeks, the state featured a 60-save performance from one of the area's top goaltenders. Senior Caitlyn Caldon of the East Catholic/Glastonbury/South Windsor (ETB) co-op racked up 60 stops against 61 shots during a 1-1 tie with Greenwich at Hamill Rink on Saturday, a game which featured two teams bound for the state tournament. The lone goal Greenwich scored came after Caldon had been knocked down and her helmet came off. Lying on the ice, Caldon covered her face for protection as the Cardinals scored. A transfer, Caldon has been quite a find for ETB this season. She owns a .943 save percentage, a 1.63 goals against average, and has several impressive games against top teams, including 40 saves in a 3-1 loss to Darien, 35 saves in a 1-1 tie against Amity, and 20 saves in a 2-0 shutout of New Canaan. "She really has become quite a goaltender in her senior season," coach Frank Usseglio said. "She handles the puck better than any tender I have ever had before, high school or club. She is like a third defenseman at times." EPKE AT 100 Guilford sophomore Maddie Epke had the season's most spectacular offensive performance when she had five goals and two assists in a come-from-behind 7-6 overtime victory against West Haven/SHA at Webster Bank Arena on Jan. 24. Last Thursday, she added another career highlight when she reached the 100-point threshold during an 8-2 win over the Daniel Hand co-op at East Haven's Veterans Rink. Epke had a hat trick and one assist in the game, and has rapidly reached triple-digits in points, with two-plus years still to come. The milestone also came one day after she scored five times in an 8-4 victory against Hamden. One more note about Guilford: It's next game is a rematch of the dramatic win over West Haven/SHA, as the two teams will clash at 6:30 p.m., Friday, at Bennett Rink. david.stewart; @dstewartsports "Goal" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 04:41PM Simsbury's one-two punch at goal; Possible road trip for FCIAC rivals - The Advocate "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Esther Scott, ‘Boyz N the Hood’ Actress, Dies at 66 - The New York Times Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:42 PM PST ![]() Esther Scott, an actress who specialized in playing matriarchal roles in films and television shows — most notably in "Boyz N the Hood" and "Dreamgirls" — died on Friday at the U.C.L.A. Medical Center in Los Angeles. She was 66. Ms. Scott had a heart attack and was found unconscious in her Santa Monica, Calif., home on Feb. 11, said her sister Shaun Scott, who confirmed her death. Esther Scott made a career of being the familiar face of nurturing but sometimes strict characters in over 70 movies and many TV shows. In "Boyz N the Hood," the 1991 movie about the challenges young black men faced growing up in South Central Los Angeles, Ms. Scott played the grandmother of the protagonist's love interest. She chases the young man out of her granddaughter's bedroom while wielding a meat cleaver. In 2006's "Dreamgirls," Ms. Scott portrayed Curtis Taylor Jr.'s aunt Ethel. Mr. Taylor is a record executive played by Jamie Foxx, and his aunt watches over his children. Ms. Scott played an asylum nurse in "The Craft" (1996) and a judge in "Austin Powers: Goldmember" (2002). She also had roles in "Martin," "Sister, Sister" and "The Wayans Bros.," among other TV shows. Fans usually recognized her on the street but did not remember her name, her sister said. Shaun Scott remembers seeing her sister most excited for her role as Bridget Turner in "The Birth of a Nation," the 2016 movie about Nat Turner, a slave who led a rebellion in Virginia in 1831. Ms. Scott played Mr. Turner's paternal grandmother, who taught him how to read and write. "She was really looking forward to that particular role," Shaun Scott said. "I remember her being excited. She thought that the time was right to tell the story." Esther Scott was born on April 13, 1953, in Flushing, Queens. Soon after, the family moved to Brooklyn. Ms. Scott attended the Bronx High School of Science, where her sister said she caught the acting bug. "She was just about in every play that they had, that I can recall," Shaun Scott said. "She might have been bitten by the bug even earlier than that." Ms. Scott moved to California and graduated from San Francisco State University, where she received a degree in theater arts, her sister said. After filming "Boyz N the Hood," many other matronly roles followed for Ms. Scott — but there was one she simply could not fill. "She tried to be motherly with me, but we bumped heads on that," Shaun Scott said, laughing. In addition to her sister Shaun, Esther Scott is survived by her mother, Sandra Grant. Another sister, Valerie J. Love, died in 2015. Over all, regardless of how small or large the role was, Ms. Scott was happy to do what she loved, her sister said. "She enjoyed all of her roles," Shaun Scott said. "She was excited about working." "Actress" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 05:33PM Esther Scott, 'Boyz N the Hood' Actress, Dies at 66 - The New York Times "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
China's Xi Jinping, under fire from virus outbreak, could also face an 'economic crisis' - CNBC Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST ![]() Chinese President Xi Jinping, inspects the novel coronavirus prevention and control work in Beijing on Feb. 10, 2020. Xinhua News Agency Already under heavy fire as the coronavirus outbreak shutters factories, disrupts supply chains and is set to shock China's already-slowing economy, Chinese President Xi Jinping, it seems, is also under pressure to still deliver the country's promised growth. In a speech delivered Feb. 3 and released over the weekend, Xi said: "Currently, we still have to deliver this year's economic and social targets." Last year, China's growth dropped to its slowest pace in nearly three decades. Xi, according to a translation of his remarks, said those tasks must still be "done well," with a message for provinces — other than those most severely affected by the outbreak — to keep a balancing act: Control the epidemic, but make sure they are fulfilling reform and development goals. The Chinese government could face an "economic crisis" if the outbreak doesn't abate, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) wrote in a note last Friday, before the Xi speech was published. Public frustration could "escalate dangerously" if the outbreak proves to be uncontrollable by the end of March, EIU wrote. It said the economic costs of China's shutdown as it seeks to contain the epidemic will be apparent at that point. "At that point, the central authorities will not have room to pin the blame on local officials, given that they will have been directing the crisis response for longer than two months," the EIU note said, adding it could be why Xi is now taking "more personal control" over the crisis. Earlier this month, over half of China extended shutdowns to contain the outbreak. Last year, those parts of China accounted for more than 80% of national GDP and 90% of exports. That disruption of the world's manufacturing hub has severely hit supply chains globally, with companies still dealing with the fallout. As China struggles to get back on its feet, with factories starting to reopen and workers trickling back, progress is slow. Returning workers need to follow quarantine orders, meaning factories are still operating at limited capacity. "Many smaller companies have stated that they will not be able to survive beyond the first quarter of the year in the current business climate," the EIU wrote. "Besides a health crisis, the authorities could face an economic crisis, with implications for incomes and jobs." A Macquarie economist, in a Monday note, said it is "surprising" that China would still insist on its original growth target of 6% for this year. "(Given) the Coronavirus, it's a bit surprising why policymakers don't want to revise down the target for this year. Maybe it's for the sake of expectation management; maybe they believe that the recovery this time would be as strong as the one after SARS," wrote Macquarie economist Larry Hu. "In any case, given Xi's speech, policymakers are likely to stick to the original target." As the outbreak unfolded, many analysts have downgraded China's growth for this year. In 2019, China's full-year GDP growth was 6.1%, down from 6.6% the year before. Before the virus hit, analysts had already predicted that growth for the world's second-largest economy would slow to below its 6% target. But earlier this month, they downgraded it further, with estimates ranging between 4.9% and 5.6%. Xi reportedly warned top officials earlier this month that efforts to contain the outbreak have gone too far and are damaging the economy, according to a Reuters report. Citing sources, the report said Xi told officials some of the shutdown measures have not been practical and have sown fear among the public, and discouraged them from imposing "more restrictive measures." In the last few weeks, China has rolled out more measures to support companies hurt by the crisis. That includes trotting out more funding as well as lenders supplying billions in credit. Its central bank also said lenders in the country will tolerate more bad loans. This week, it cut rates on medium-term loans. "At this stage, the most likely policy options are to cut rates and provide targeted easing to impacted companies and areas," said Hu. (The first chart has been revised to clarify the quarterly change in China's GDP growth rate.) Top stories - Google News February 18, 2020 at 07:11PM China's Xi Jinping, under fire from virus outbreak, could also face an 'economic crisis' - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
中田英寿×J-WAVEによるエンターテインメントレストラン「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」会場にて、番組公開生放送・ショーケースライブ開催!出演者第一弾発表 - PR TIMES Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:29 PM PST 株式会社J-WAVE(代表取締役社長:中岡壮生)は、JR山手線の新駅「高輪ゲートウェイ駅」の駅前特設会場にて開催される東日本旅客鉄道株式会社の「Takanawa Gateway Fest」内にて、3月19日(木)より期間限定のエンターテインメントレストラン「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」を開催いたします。 この度、「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」会場特設ステージにて、4月より平日12:30~13:00に当イベントのフラッグシップ番組となるJ-WAVE『YEBISU BEER BEGINNINGS~FROM TAKANAWA GATEWAY』公開生放送、平日22:00よりJ-WAVEがオススメするアーティストによるショーケースライブ「FROM TOKYO TO THE WORLD!」を開催することが決定いたしました。
放送局:J-WAVE(81.3FM) 番組名:YEBISU BEER BEGINNINGS~FROM TAKANAWA GATEWAY 放送日時:平日 12:30~13:00 ※初回放送は4月1日 放送形態:「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」会場より公開生放送 ナビゲーター:レイチェル・チャン(月・火)、シシド・カフカ(水・木)、J-WAVEナビゲーター(金)
今回発表するアーティストは以下の通り。追加アーティストは別途お知らせいたします。 3月19日(木)松室政哉
愛称は"リョクシャカ"。2012年結成。 2013年「閃光ライオット」準優勝。2018年11月に3rdミニアルバム『溢れた水の行方』をリリースし、ワンマンツアーは各地SOLD OUT。映画・ドラマ・アニメなど多くの主題歌を担当するなど躍進。2020年2月に2ndシングル「Shout Baby」をリリース。
神奈川県出身。2012年5月、高校のマンドリンクラブで出会ったメンバーで結成。心に響く歌詞、即興的で中毒性の高いライブ演出が注目を浴びている。2018年にリリースした楽曲「覚えてないや」はインディーズながらMUSIC VIDEOが100万回再生突破。2020年3月4日には2ndEP「WONDER by WONDER」をリリース。3月29日(日)には4度目となるワンマンライブをShibuya WWWで開催が決定しておりチケットは既にSOLD OUT。
2015年結成。長野県伊那市発、平均年齢20歳。メンバーの3名が日米ハーフというユニークな構成の5人組バンド。洋楽をルーツに感じさせるサウンドにメインストリームのメロディが融合した、新世代が鳴らすグローバルポップ。1st Mini AlbumがApple Musicの今最も注目すべき新人アーティスト作品に選出され、来日アーティストのOAに抜擢。楽曲が「テラスハウス」のBGMに起用されるなど注目を集めている。2020年1月、1st Full Album 『Capture it』でメジャーデビュー。
アメリカ・ロサンゼルス生まれ日本・京都在住。2018年3月にアメリカ・テキサス州オースティンで行われた大型フェス「SXSW 2018」に弱冠19歳で出演。同年、8月8日にテイチクエンタテインメントより4曲入りE.P『at ONE』でメジャー・デビュー。2019年1月23日には2nd E.P『at TWO』をリリースし「Free! Free! Free!」がサブスクリプションで支持をされ、多くのプレイリストで共有される。待望のファーストフルアルバム『MATOUSIC』(よみ:マトージック)が、2020年3月18日に発売。
阪府出身の自然と旅を愛するシンガーソングライター。京都のお寺や神社でギターで洋楽のカヴァーを弾き語りしている動画をYouTubeで配信しそのスモーキーかつ優しい歌声で話題を集めた。2020.2.26には 1st Full album「BLUE・S・LOWLY」をリリースする。また、2020.3.21には単独公演『COME COME ONE MAN vol.3』を神田明神ホールにて開催する。
【イベント概要】 日時:2020年3月19日(木)~7月中旬 場所:高輪ゲートウェイ駅前特設会場 Takanawa Gateway FestホールC 参加蔵数:各週10蔵 約160蔵 ※参加の酒蔵は後日発表します。 レストラン数:16店舗 座席数:約180席 主催:株式会社J-WAVE 共催:株式会社サニーサイドアップ 特別協力:東日本旅客鉄道株式会社 特別協賛:サッポロビール株式会社 企画:株式会社JAPAN CRAFT SAKE COMPANY 協賛:エイブリック株式会社 協力:SHORT SHORTS FILM FESTIVAL & ASIA ウェブサイト: 株式会社JAPAN CRAFT SAKE COMPANY: 「CRAFT SAKE WEEK」概要 「Takanawa Gateway Fest」概要 Web URL: "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース February 19, 2020 at 05:00PM 中田英寿×J-WAVEによるエンターテインメントレストラン「J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE」会場にて、番組公開生放送・ショーケースライブ開催!出演者第一弾発表 - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
東京地裁がユニバーサルエンターテインメントの請求を全面的に認め、岡田和生氏に約2,130万円の支払いを命じる - IAG Japan Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:29 PM PST ![]() 東京地方裁判所は、日本の「カジノ王」、岡田和生氏に対して、同氏が創業し、以前会長を務めていた株式会社ユニバーサルエンターテインメントに2,129万3,712円の損害賠償を支払うよう命じる判決を下した。 岡田氏に対して上記金額に対する平成29年12月29日から支払い済みまで年5分の割合と訴訟費用の支払いも求めるこの判決が下されたのは、岡田氏が同社に対して3件の不正行為を行なっていたことが判明したユニバーサルの社内調査を受けて最初に訴訟が提起されてから2年以上が経過してからのこととなる。 ユニバーサルは当時、「岡田氏が行なった3件の不正行為に関して、同氏の当社取締役としての任務懈怠により当社が被った損害の一部について、損害賠償請求を行うもの」と述べていた。 問題の3件の不正行為は、(1)2015年に岡田氏の関与の下、個人的な用途の資金に充てるために無利子・無担保でユニバーサルの子会社であるTiger Resort Asia Limited (以下、TRA)から第三者に1億3,500万香港ドルの貸し付けを行なったこと、(2)TRAから無許可で名宛人無記名の1,600万香港ドルの小切手を振り出したこと、(3)個人的な利益を図る目的で、韓国の統合型リゾートプロジェクトの土地購入の事業主体を、TRAの子会社であるUE韓国から自身が100%所有するOkada Holdings Korea co.、ltd(以下、OHL韓国)に変更したことだった。Okada HDはその後、OHL韓国が韓国の土地を購入するための頭金を捻出するために、UE韓国の預金を担保として提供させて8,000万米ドル(約88億4,662万円)を借り入れ、さらにその利息および手数料に相当する17万3,562.23米ドルを経営コンサルタント料の名目でUE韓国に請求した。 TRAは、今でも創業者の名前を冠するフィリピンの統合型リゾート「オカダ・マニラ」を運営するタイガーリゾートレジャーアンドエンターテインメントインクの過半数株主。 今週東京地裁の判決の詳細を発表したユニバーサルは、「本判決は、本件不正行為が岡田氏の指示の下に行われたものであることを認定した上で、岡田氏に、当社の取締役としての善管注意義務違反ないし忠実義務違反があったと認めた」と述べた。 岡田氏は、別居中の妻である幸子氏と息子の知裕氏が反対派に回った2017年6月の株主投票の後で、ユニバーサルの会長を解任され取締役の座を追われていた。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース February 19, 2020 at 05:13PM 東京地裁がユニバーサルエンターテインメントの請求を全面的に認め、岡田和生氏に約2,130万円の支払いを命じる - IAG Japan "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
First Edition: February 18, 2020 - Kaiser Health News Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:07 PM PST ![]() Top stories - Google News February 18, 2020 at 03:31AM First Edition: February 18, 2020 - Kaiser Health News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:53 PM PST ![]() If you can't be the first, be the best. And be innovative in your options. That's just part of the message DraftKings hopes it's sending with its mobile betting app, which launched in Iowa on Wednesday through the company's three Wild Rose Casino sportsbook properties in the state. The daily fantasy sports giant opened brick-and-mortar sportsbooks at casino locations in Jefferson, Clinton and Emmetsburg in October. Now, the mobile version follows, allowing the casinos to be the 11th, 12th and 13th in Iowa to also extend their reach to customers' phones and desktops. On the one hand, there's an inherent disadvantage for DraftKings: Several other casinos and sports providers have been in the market for as many as five-plus months — most notably William Hill, which is affiliated with Prairie Meadows in Altoona and three other well-positioned properties. So there's the muscle-memory, use-the-product-you-know factor. There's also the part of the Iowa law passed in 2019 that mandates that anyone wanting to use a mobile wagering app must first set foot in the casino administering the app before its activation. That proviso remains in place until Jan. 1, 2021. So the other hurdle is convincing some of the most ardent bettors to make the one-time pilgrimage for these potential options. No matter, says DraftKings co-founder and North American President Matt Kalish, who is excited to see the company enter its sixth state for mobile wagering. "It never hurts to have multiple options. … We are all for more competition, and we feel we have the best product in the market," Kalish said by phone. "We want to compete for a decent-sized share of the pie." NEW TO SPORTS BETTING? Here's how to get started in Iowa Most modern sportsbooks present the breadth and depth of sports and games to bettors. The next step is beefing up the incentives and the in-game options. Kalish said he believes the DraftKings app will stand out in offerings of props and promotions. Many games from the recently completed NFL season, for example, had more than 100 proposition permutations available, he said — individual yardage totals, quarter-by-quarter scores and point spreads, the nature of the first points scored and so on. Then there's the enticement to enter the market. Beyond in-season promotions, DraftKings is offering up to $1,000 in betting credits for new account holders. The amount of the newbie's first wager will be matched for a future bet, up to $500. Another $500 can be earned with an initial deposit of $2,500 into a new account (a 20% bonus rate). Players will then accrue those additional credits at a rate of $1 for every $25 wagered. For the more casual player, DraftKings allows bets as low as 10 cents. Kalish said one of the biggest eye-openers he's noticed as more and more states open the door to sports wagering is the new engagement fans have when taking in a game. "The groundswell continues to build. We've noticed leagues, sports teams, media companies rally behind legal and regulated sports gambling to participate in some way," Kalish said. "On the consumer side, the demand is tremendous, and we've seen the same thing as each new market goes live. "The demand is exceeding expectations … there's just an ability to participate, to make watching events more interesting on a regular basis." The fantasy sports arm of the company remains the revenue king, Kalish said, and DraftKings never banked on sports betting ballooning the way it is. That said, there are no complaints about how their business is developing before their eyes. The learning curve of sports wagering is "simple to understand," he said, "and that has an appeal for customers we're already serving and a new audience of fans in the U.S. It's certainly a welcome evolution for our business to help us grow." Side bets
Danny Lawhon works across the Register's sports department, from editing, social media and sports wagering to bowls, brackets and data dives. Reach him at or follow @DannyLawhon on Twitter. "Mobile" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 11:50AM How DraftKings hopes to set itself apart as it launches Iowa's latest sports betting mobile app - Des Moines Register "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
'Boyz N The Hood' Actress Esther Scott Dead At 66 - Essence Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST ![]() Actress Esther Scott has died at the age of 66. Her family told TMZ that the actress suffered a heart attack while at home in Santa Monica, California, where she was found unconscious and rushed to the hospital. Scott passed away just a few days later. The actress was surrounded by family and friends at the time of her death. Scott appeared in projects such as Boyz N The Hood, Birth of a Nation, 90210, The Steve Harvey Show, and Sister, Sister. Her sister Shaun told TMZ, "She loved what she did. She would get stopped on the street often and people would recognize her—but they didn't know her name." "Hopefully, now people will remember her name, her work and the contributions she gave to the entertainment industry," she added. Many on social media remembered Scott, including Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. She took to Twitter, writing: "Although my heart is heavy—my thoughts and prayers are with the families of Ja'Net Dubois & Esther Scott. These phenomenal women were actresses, songstresses, and trailblazers in their own right. May they both Rest In Peace."
Our thoughts and prayers are with Scott's family and friends. "Actress" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 08:14AM 'Boyz N The Hood' Actress Esther Scott Dead At 66 - Essence "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
8 Dead in Shooting in Central Germany - The New York Times Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST ![]() BERLIN — Eight people were killed and several others injured after shootings at multiple locations Wednesday night in the central German city of Hanau, east of Frankfurt, the police said. The authorities said they were hunting for multiple suspects, who remain at large. The local public broadcaster, Hessischer Rundfunk, reported the suspects opened fire at a hookah bar in the center of the city, killing three people, then drove to a hookah bar in another neighborhood, where they opened fire, killing five. In addition to those killed, several people were injured at each of the locations, the broadcaster said. The police said the suspects fled the scene in "a dark car," and that the authorities were searching for them with a large-scale response, including helicopters. The police had no immediate information on a motive for the shooting and were asking residents for any tips. Video and images from Hanau showed darkened city streets cordoned off with red-and-white tape while police officers gathered in the background. Several ambulances, their emergency lights flashing, lined the streets. Top stories - Google News February 19, 2020 at 03:29PM 8 Dead in Shooting in Central Germany - The New York Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Coronavirus: Rwanda's health minister fired for lying about testing kits - Africanews English Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News February 18, 2020 at 11:16PM Coronavirus: Rwanda's health minister fired for lying about testing kits - Africanews English Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
A Subway Star Is Born: Hear Woman's Viral Rendition of "Shallow" - E! NEWS Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:27 PM PST ![]() We're far from the shallow now! A woman named Charlotte Awbery is going viral for her gorgeous rendition of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's Oscar-winning song "Shallow," from A Star Is Born. Just days ago, video creator Kevin Freshwater to took Facebook to share a segment of "Finish the Lyrics." In the video, Kevin can be seen asking various people to finish the lyrics of popular songs. At around the two-minute mark, Kevin approaches Charlotte in a subway station, asking her to complete the lyrics to "Shallow." After Charlotte shows off her powerful vocals, Kevin tells her she's "brilliant" and asks if she's a singer. "Yeah," she replies, thanking him for the compliments. Since going viral, fans have been leaving Charlotte supportive messages on her Instagram page. "Your shallow cover was incredible!" one fan wrote. "Please do the whole song!" While another commenter told Charlotte, "I saw a video of you singing Shallow! Love your voice." According to her social media, Charlotte is a singer-songwriter who shows off her vocals in cover videos online. It was just last week that Charlotte posted a video of herself singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Watch the video above to take another look at Charlotte's stunning "Shallow" rendition! We're still waiting to see Gaga's response to this amazing cover. And for more information about the song "Shallow," see what the songwriters shared with E! News in this interview! Watch E! News weekday mornings at 7 a.m.! "viral" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 12:45PM A Subway Star Is Born: Hear Woman's Viral Rendition of "Shallow" - E! NEWS "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Office evacuated after envelope with ‘unknown liquid’ sent to IRS in Mobile - WBRC Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:23 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content] Office evacuated after envelope with 'unknown liquid' sent to IRS in Mobile WBRC"Mobile" - Google News February 19, 2020 at 01:40PM Office evacuated after envelope with 'unknown liquid' sent to IRS in Mobile - WBRC "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
松屋「シュクメルリ」の次は「カチャトーラ」? 一部店舗でひそかにテスト販売開始 - ねとらぼ Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:21 AM PST 松屋「シュクメルリ」の次は「カチャトーラ」? 一部店舗でひそかにテスト販売開始 - ねとらぼ 牛丼チェーン「松屋」の一部店舗で、2月18日から新メニュー「カチャトーラ定食」のテスト販売が開始されていたことが分かりました。公式Twitterによれば、前回「シュクメルリ鍋」が好評だった「松屋世界紀行」シリーズの第2弾とのこと。ところでカチャトーラって何……? カチャトーラとは、イタリア料理の1つで、日本語に訳すなら「鶏とトマトの猟師風煮込み」といったところ。前回のシュクメルリ鍋はジョージア料理でしたが、どうやら今度の「世界紀行」はイタリア料理となるようです。ちなみに公式Twitterではあくまで名前を伏せていますが、ユルユルなモザイクのせいで「カチャトーラ定食」という文字がほぼ丸見えに……。 ![]() 取り扱い店舗は公式サイトから確認できますが、テスト販売ということでやはり今回も対象店舗はかなり少なめ。身近な店舗で販売していたらラッキー、くらいで見ておいた方がよさそうです。テスト終了時期についても不明ですが、前回のシュクメルリ鍋膳はわずか数日で販売終了(その後正式全国展開が決定)してしまっており、もしも見かけたら早めに捕獲しておいた方がいいかもしれません。 関連記事関連リンクCopyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2020-02-19 11:03:00Z |
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