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- 講談社が仕掛ける「LIVEエンターテインメントビル」・Mixalive TOKYOの魅力と狙いに迫る - ニコニコニュース
- UEFA president sets Champions League deadline as coronavirus crisis continues - Goal
- Trump Organization Sees $1 Million Daily Losses Due To Coronavirus: Report - Newsweek
- Trump administration working on new mask recommendations - CBS 17
- Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Neymar prepares for Barcelona return -
- Trump says shortage of ventilators is possible - CNN
- Make a face mask or covering at home: How to find cloth, patterns, premade masks - CNET
- T-Mobile is giving away five Pixel 4 XL handsets; here is how to enter the sweepstakes - PhoneArena
- 韓国版「聖地巡礼」 動物園からカフェ、人気タレントの自宅まで - Newsweekjapan
- Actress-author Patricia Bosworth dies from coronavirus at 86 - ABC News
- Taiwan's coronavirus response is among the best globally - CNN
- Actress Patricia Bosworth dead at 86 due to coronavirus - Fox News
- FOCUS: Citizens mock Abe's plan to provide cloth face masks to fight virus - Kyodo News Plus
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- Pink is donating $1 million to fight pandemic after revealing she tested positive for coronavirus - CBS News
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講談社が仕掛ける「LIVEエンターテインメントビル」・Mixalive TOKYOの魅力と狙いに迫る - ニコニコニュース Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:41 PM PDT 東京・東池袋のサンシャイン60通りに、新たなエンタテインメントの拠点が誕生する。2019年夏までシネマコンプレックス「シネマサンシャイン池袋」が運営されていたビルの地下1階・2階と4階から9階が「Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)」に生まれ変わった。ミクサライブは6つの映画館スクリーンがあった巨大なスペースを、シアター、クラブ、ホール、スタジオ、カフェ、ストアとそれぞれ異なった業態にして最新カルチャーを届ける。 文 / 数土直志 ※取材は3月初頭に行われました。新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行を受け、2020年4月現在、施設のオープンは未定となっています。 ◆いまカルチャーシーンで、最もホットな池袋 アニメ、マンガ、ゲーム、コスプレ……日本を代表するポップカルチャー界隈で、いま大きな変動が起きている。カルチャーファンの流れが、東京・池袋に向かいだしている。 もともと池袋は、2000年代初頭にアニメやマンガ・ゲームが好きな女性ファンの街として一部で知られるようになった。女性に人気のアニメイト本店やコスプレ制作の材料調達に威力を発揮する手芸用品のユザワヤ、さらに女性向けグッズ・同人誌ショップ、執事喫茶といった店舗が東池袋を中心に数多く集まるようになった。若い女性が多いことから地域一帯が「乙女ロード」と呼ばれるようになったのは、2000年代半ば頃だ。 そして今、「女の子の街」からさらに大きな変化を見せる。客層の広がりが起きているのだ。地域のランドマークであった「シネマサンシャイン池袋」がスリーン数12の巨大シネコン「グランドシネマサンシャイン」として巨大なビルに移転、旧豊島公会堂・区民センター・分庁舎は再開発され商業とエンタメの巨大施設「Hareza(ハレザ)池袋」に生まれ変わった。アニメイト本店隣接の池袋保健所庁舎も新たにアニメイトに変わる予定だという。 女性向けから育ったポップカルチャーの街、そして劇場とライブの街、このふたつの流れをひとつにまとめたのが、Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)である。「LIVEエンターテインメントビル」を打ちだすことで、池袋らしいカルチャー発信の拠点として活躍が期待されている。 ミクサライブ東京は、「サンシャインシネマ池袋」のあったビルを活用している。サンシャイン60通りの真ん中と、場所の便利さは昔どおりだが、ビルの内部および外観の印象は大きく変わっている。ビルの正面に設置された池袋一の規模を持つ約88m×約47mの街頭ビジョンはミクサライブの象徴だ。 ミクサライブはいかにして誕生したのだろうか。プロジェクトを運営する講談社 ライツ・メディアビジネス局事業開発部長の松下卓也氏は、「シネマサンシャイン池袋」が「グランドシネマサンシャイン」として移転することが決まった2年半前に、オーナーの佐々木興業から話があったのがきっかけと説明する。もともとは講談社単独プロジェクトであったが、ネルケプランニングを最初にキングレコード、UUUM、テレビ東京、ブシロード、ムービックと次々に有力企業が集まった。 ところが松下氏は「正直言いますと、初めから池袋に絞ってビルを探したわけではありません。あくまで結果として池袋で最高の、エンタメの一等地を借りられることになりました」と説明する。また「豊島区さんとやりとりすることも多いのですが、区の協力もすごいです。皆さんが豊島区をエンタメの街として盛り上げていこうとの姿勢があって、すごく協力していただいている」と言う。偶然が重なり、結果としてベストな地・池袋が選ばれたわけだ。 ◆トータルな魅力を発揮する「雑誌のような施設」に ファンにとって気になるのは、ミクサライブでどういった体験ができるかだろう。 出版社の強みが活かされているのは、内装だけでない。地下2階にある「Hall Mixa(ホールミクサ)」は講談社が自ら企画をするスペースになる。実施される企画にも、書籍の著者の講演イベントなど、講談社ならではのものも多くなる。 プログラムについては「10代~30代の女性が主なターゲットですが、実は演目ありきです。各社のアイドルやアーティスト、舞台、まずはそこが重要です」と松下氏。 ホールミクサのほか、アーティスト、アイドルが姿を見せるキングレコードの「Club Mixa(クラブミクサ)」、ネルケプランニングの舞台が上演される「Theater Mixa(シアターミクサ)」。9階の「Live Cafe Mixa(ライブカフェミクサ)」はシダックスによるもので、コンテンツと映像、ライブ、そしてフードがまさに交錯するショー形式の新しいエンタテインメントを提供する。 「Studio Mixa(スタジオミクサ)」はテレビ東京が運営し、『あひるの空』展からスタート。「Store Mixa(ストアミクサ)」は、ブシロードのショップになる。一際高い天井が、ここも以前はシアターであったことを感じさせる。新しさとレトロが入り混じった独特の空間だ。 盛りだくさんの施設は、それぞれの役割を持っており、トータルとしてさらに魅力と効果を発揮する。ごった煮にも見えるが、全体をまとめる大きなコンセプトがあり、さらに各施設のコンセプトのベースに流れるものが共通する。 今後は「もともと海外、特に中国からのお客さんが多い場所なので、そうした方にも喜んでいただける演目を作りたい」といったインバウンド対応や「ホールミクサのこけら落としはVR演劇なんですよ。舞台の中にVRを混ぜ込んだものです」と最新テクノロジーとの融合も目指す。ミクサライブをスタジオと考えて、池袋からネットを通して国内外への発信も考えている。 ミクサライブは講談社、そして国内の様々なエンタテインメントの壮大な事件ともいえる。一体何が起きるのか分からない。そんなサプライズな場になって行きそうだ。 講談社が仕掛ける「LIVEエンターテインメントビル」・Mixalive TOKYOの魅力と狙いに迫るは、WHAT's IN? tokyoへ。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース April 04, 2020 at 08:03PM 講談社が仕掛ける「LIVEエンターテインメントビル」・Mixalive TOKYOの魅力と狙いに迫る - ニコニコニュース "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
UEFA president sets Champions League deadline as coronavirus crisis continues - Goal Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:31 PM PDT ![]() UEFA president Aleksander Ceferin confirmed August 3 as the latest possible date for the 2019-20 Champions League final. The coronavirus pandemic has led to a prolonged hiatus for sport in almost every country, with the European football system impacted on an unprecedented scale. Many of the top leagues have been suspended indefinitely and the pause forced UEFA to postpone Euro 2020 by 12 months, buying the club season a little more time. The target is still for the 2019-20 campaign to be concluded by the end of June, but many doubt that is realistic, giving rise to debates about what will happen if the pandemic fails to ease. Ceferin has at least attempted to offer clarity for the Champions League and Europa League campaigns, with cancellation seemingly on the cards if the competitions cannot be concluded by the start of August. The UEFA president also indicated potential alterations to the knockout stages are under consideration. "It must finish by August 3, both the Champions League and Europa League," Ceferin told German broadcaster ZDF. "It is an extraordinary situation we are in, so we are flexible on dates and kick-off times. If the crisis eases earlier, then we can start sooner. "We could play with the current system, or in one-off matches played on neutral turf. For now, it's just an option to play with a final eight or final four. "The only wrong decision we could make now would be to play in a way that puts the health and safety of players, fans and referees at risk. "However, if we are in secure conditions, then I don't see the problem." In a letter to clubs across Europe this week, UEFA stressed that domestic competitions shouldn't be abandoned just yet. "We are confident that football can restart in the months to come — with conditions that will be dictated by public authorities — and believe that any decision of abandoning domestic competitions is, at this stage, premature and not justified," UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin, ECA chairman Andrea Agnelli and EL president Lars-Christer Olsson stated in a letter sent to leagues, clubs and national associations. "A joint management of calendars is strictly required as the conclusion of the current season must be coordinated with the start of the new one, which may be partly impacted because of the overstretch. "Closely following the development of the current situation, the calendar working group will indicate as soon as possible, and ideally by mid-May, which of the plans can be enacted for the completion of the season without leaving anyone behind. "It is of paramount importance that even a disruptive event like this epidemic does not prevent our competitions from being decided on the field, in accordance with their rules and that all sporting titles are awarded on the basis of results." "Goal" - Google News April 04, 2020 at 03:56PM UEFA president sets Champions League deadline as coronavirus crisis continues - Goal "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump Organization Sees $1 Million Daily Losses Due To Coronavirus: Report - Newsweek Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:26 PM PDT Like countless other companies in the hotel industry, it seems the Trump Organization's hotels and resorts have also been hard-hit by the coronavirus outbreak. According to The Wall Street Journal, the pandemic has reportedly been costing Trump organization properties more than $1 million in lost revenue per day. Citing a hotel employee, the paper reported that on one day in March, the Trump organization's flagship Trump International Hotel in Washington had just 11 guests staying at a facility with 263 rooms. With President Donald Trump having claimed that more than half of the $440 million income he listed in his last financial disclosure had come from his golf resort properties, it is likely that the president will take a major hit himself. However, the losses have also had a serious impact on the hundreds of workers across the Trump organization's properties, with the Journal asserting that more than 500 staff had been laid off or furloughed at properties across New York, Washington, Las Vegas and Florida alone. In a statement provided to the Journal, Eric Trump, the president's son and executive vice president of the Trump Organization said: "Like virtually every other hospitality company, we are anxiously awaiting the day when our world-class properties can fully reopen their doors." "We have an unbelievably strong company and we continue to pray for the health and safety of all Americans," he added. Newsweek has contacted the Trump organization for more information on the staff that have been laid off and furloughed. With many around the world following stay-at-home orders and with the U.S. closing its borders to China, Iran and many European countries, including Britain and Ireland, in addition to restricting non-essential travel at its borders with Canada and Mexico, hotels and resorts across the country have taken a major hit due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Citing an Oxford Economics study, the American Hotel & Lodging Association had previously warned last month that a 30 percent decline in hotel guest occupancy alone could result in the loss of nearly 4 million jobs, "with $180 billion of wages and a $300 billion hit to the GDP–crippling the hotel industry, the local communities they serve and the U.S. economy." "This unprecedented public health crisis has quickly become a catastrophic economic crisis as well," said Roger Dow, President and CEO, U.S. Travel Association in a statement shared by the AHLA on March 17. "The losses for the travel industry alone are projected to double the unemployment rate over the next two months and plunge the country into recession," Dow said. ![]() Last week, Chip Rogers, AHLA president and CEO, said "COVID-19 has been especially devastating for the hotel industry. Every day, more hotels are closing, and more employees are out of a job." "The harsh reality is that travel restrictions and mandated business closures remain in place. The outlook for the foreseeable future is zero revenue for most hotels. If a hotelier cannot make debt payments the business will go under and the jobs are lost,' Rogers said. For the Trump Organization, the current crisis also means that potentially losing out on the sale of the president's Washington hotel, which had been expected to sell for more than $320 million. The president had previously been optimistic that the U.S. would be able to re-open its economy by Easter this month. However, after the Trump administration was warned that more than two million Americans could die if social distancing guidelines were rolled back, Trump extended the country's current measures. Top stories - Google News April 03, 2020 at 03:46AM Trump Organization Sees $1 Million Daily Losses Due To Coronavirus: Report - Newsweek Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump administration working on new mask recommendations - CBS 17 Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:56 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News April 03, 2020 at 02:12AM Trump administration working on new mask recommendations - CBS 17 Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Neymar prepares for Barcelona return - Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:01 PM PDT ![]() The Football Association will make an announcement in "due course" regarding any financial implications of the coronavirus amid reports England coach Gareth Southgate has agreed to take a 30 per cent pay cut. The wages of football's top players and managers have become a hot topic as the enforced stoppage of activities around the world shows no sign of ending. So far several clubs and organisations have announced pay cuts, although their implementation has been piece-meal to date. Read the full story on Goal here! "Goal" - Google News April 04, 2020 at 04:02PM Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Neymar prepares for Barcelona return - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Trump says shortage of ventilators is possible - CNN Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:56 PM PDT ![]() When pressed by CNN's Jeremy Diamond at the White House coronavirus task force briefing as to whether there will be a shortage of ventilators in some cases, Trump said there "could be" as the country enters a critical phase in the fight against the pandemic. "Could be. I mean, it could be you have shortages, and it could also be that you have some that have way overestimated the number of ventilators they need," Trump said, referring to the number of ventilators states have to combat the virus. There are at least 305,820 cases of coronavirus in the United States and at least 8,291 American deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University's tally of cases in the United States. On Saturday, at least 27,867 new cases were reported, and at least 1,139 new deaths in the United States have been reported, according to the tally. Trump said without citing examples that he believes some states have asked for more ventilators than they will actually need. He then repeated the claim that the federal government has thousands of ventilators it can move to coronavirus hot spots if necessary. "We have a good amount ready to move. I mean, literally, like an army, they're ready to move to any hot spot," Trump said. Earlier on Saturday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo noted the lack of ventilators in the federal stockpile, saying that the state has ordered 17,000 ventilators, which was a significant amount more than the government has to give out. "On ventilators, remember we ordered 17,000 ventilators. To give you an idea of how many 17,000 is, the federal stockpile was about 10,000 ventilators for the nation. We ordered 17,000 just for the state of New York. And when we ordered the ventilators, we were paying for the ventilators," he said. "So, trust me, you know, the situation — the financial situation of the state — we were not looking to spend a penny that we didn't have to spend. And we placed that order for the ventilators and we were paying for that order. That order never came through, and this goes back to the China situation." He went on to clarify that New York had received some ventilators but not all of them. "We are still gathering equipment because we're not at the apex," Cuomo said. The President also added that they can move ventilators from places that won't be hit badly to those areas harder hit by the virus. "What we're doing is we have a very good plan to take from some areas, even though we have the 10 or almost the 10,000, we're also taking from areas that won't be as badly hit as today we think they will be. There will be some areas hit harder than we think." Trump said. Trump reiterated his belief that states should have been building their reserve of ventilators. "But a lot of hospitals, a lot of states had the chance of getting ventilators and they turned those ventilators down for -- so they could spend the money on something else, and in a way, I understand that because who thinks a thing like this? It's not a knock," Trump said. Vice President Mike Pence said that supplies, including ventilators, are being prioritized to coronavirus hot spots. "Our team at FEMA is doing a remarkable job working with governors, state health officials and local hospitals. Particularly focused on our priority areas. We'll prefer the New York metro area, which includes New Jersey and Connecticut. We're focused on the New Orleans metro area in Louisiana. We're focusing on Detroit, we're focusing on Chicago," Pence said. "These are the areas where we see the significant rise in cases. And we are surging supplies, specifically ventilators, but all personal protective equipment from FEMA to those areas," he said. Top stories - Google News April 04, 2020 at 07:12PM Trump says shortage of ventilators is possible - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Make a face mask or covering at home: How to find cloth, patterns, premade masks - CNET Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:56 PM PDT ![]() There are plenty of resources to help you make a face mask at home. SummerDance/iStock / Touchups by CNETFor the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website. Soon, homemade masks are bound to be everywhere you look. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new recommendations on Friday for individuals to voluntarily wear cloth face coverings in public, especially in crowded places where risk of person-to-person transmission of coronavirus is high. Before the revision in the CDC's official suggestion -- which said the general public did not need to wear face masks -- there's been a growing grassroots desire to make face masks at home out of common materials like cotton fabric, elastic and sometimes a filter material. If you're exploring making your own face mask for personal use, we'd like to provide some helpful resources and information before you begin. The main issue at hand is the severe shortage of N95 masks, which help protect medical professionals like doctors and nurses from acquiring the coronavirus. Surgical masks, which are not proven to effectively block out the tiniest particles that can transmit the respiratory virus, are also in short supply. Stores such as Amazon and Target have stopped selling N95 masks to the public in response to the shortage. Homemade masks come in a variety of patterns and styles, so you'll want to know the different options available to you -- and some hospitals recommend certain designs over others. We'll also explain the materials you need to make a mask, where to buy premade masks and where to donate extra masks you make. Remember that there's no strong evidence that homemade masks and face coverings can keep you from acquiring the coronavirus, but we do lay out some potential benefits below to wearing something on your face when you leave the house. It's important to remember that homemade and hand-sewn face masks should be used in combination with appropriate social distancing on walks and in stores, and that thorough hand-washing is still the most advocated medical advice for healthy people to avoid acquiring the virus. One hand-sewn face mask pattern. ButtonCounter.comFace mask vs. face covering: What's the difference?The CDC stresses the use of "face coverings" in its recommendation, not necessarily "face masks." So what's the difference? A face covering can be any cloth that covers the nose and mouth, including a scarf or bandana wrapped around the face. A face mask refers to a more specific shape that usually involves material that's more fitted to the nose, mouth and skull, as through the use of ear straps. It's possible that "face covering" is used to differentiate coverings from surgical and N95 respirator masks that are so critically low in hospitals in New York and the rest of the country. Here's what the CDC says: "Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure." How homemade face masks can helpHomemade face mask patterns were available online before the coronavirus pandemic began. Most of them are intended to block out large particles such as dust; air pollution from cars, factories or ash; and allergens such as pollen. Non-N95 face masks or coverings may not be able to block the smallest particles, but there are some benefits to wearing one, in addition to following other precautions:
Where can I buy face masks if I don't make my own?We recommend washing any face masks you buy to sterilize them before use. Where to find face mask patterns to make yourselfWhen you're searching for patterns, look for one that goes above the nose and under the chin for maximum coverage. It should ideally fit snugly around your face. Sites such as Joann, a fabric and craft store, and Pinterest have patterns you can make, with how-to guides included. Some patterns show a folded design. Others are shaped more like N95 or surgical masks. If you're volunteering to make face masks for a health care center or hospital that has requested them (more below), visit the hospital's website -- some point to patterns they prefer for you to use. You can drop off face masks to Joann. JoannMaterials you'll need to make a face mask at homeTo start a DIY face mask, you'll want these supplies on hand:
After you're finished making the mask, it doesn't hurt to sterilize it by throwing it in the washing machine or boiling it in water. Then let it air dry in an area with good airflow or that the sun hits, like in front of a window. What if I can't sew?If you don't know where to begin when it comes to sewing, there's a no-sew face mask option. Instead of sewing the fabric together, you can use fabric glue and an iron. The iron is used to fuse the fabric and glue together. You'll also need to use the iron to create pleats in the fabric for a thicker mask. If you don't have any of those materials, you can use a scarf and a couple of hair ties or rubber bands to quickly make a face covering -- again, this is intended for personal use. What to do if your ears get rawIf the elastic straps start to rub your ears painfully, you can make a headband with buttons. In this case, the elastic straps would go around the buttons, rather than your ears, making it potentially more comfortable to wear. You can also use an S ring hook to attach the straps -- take the straps and place them around each U of the ring. When you're ready to wear the mask, the S ring should be located on the back of your head. This can also help the mask fit better around your face since the ring would help pull the straps snug. Where you can donate the masks you makeIf you're looking to donate homemade face masks, there are multiple options, including Joann and hospitals and organizations on this list. You can also search the internet for local face mask donations near you. Make sure that you find out how these groups prefer to receive your face masks, and maintain social distancing and smart practices while you drop them off. To help you further cope with coronavirus in your area, here are the new CDC guidelines and everything to know about homemade face masks and coronavirus, which face masks can help protect you from coronavirus and how to help kill coronavirus in your home and car after you've gone outside. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives. Top stories - Google News April 04, 2020 at 06:17PM Make a face mask or covering at home: How to find cloth, patterns, premade masks - CNET Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
T-Mobile is giving away five Pixel 4 XL handsets; here is how to enter the sweepstakes - PhoneArena Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT How would you like to win a Google Pixel 4 XL? This upcoming week's T-Mobile Tuesdays reward program includes a sweepstakes that will result in five Grand Prize winners each receiving a free black Pixel 4 XL. Besides the phone, these winners will receive a check for $342 that can be used to pay the taxes due on the prize, or for any. The five prizes have a combined value of $5,705. T-Mobile is giving away five Google Pixel 4 XL unitsSo how can you enter the sweepstakes? First of all, you need to be a legal resident of one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. You also have to be 13 years of age or older. Note that you do not have to be a T-Mobile subscriber in order to enter. Now if you do happen to be one, you can submit your sweepstakes entry using the T-Mobile Tuesdays app starting at 5 a.m. ET on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, ending at 4:59 a.m. ET on Wednesday, April 8, 2020. T-Mobile subscribers can also submit an entry during the same time period by visiting the website. If you're not a T-Mobile subscriber, you can enter the sweepstakes from 5 am Tuesday to 4:59 am Wednesday by visiting the website. Only one entry is permitted per person. The Pixel 4 XL carries a 6.3-inch OLED panel with a 1440 x 3040 QHD+ resolution (delivering an aspect ratio of 19:9 and 534 pixels per inch). It does offer a 90Hz refresh rate for buttery smooth scrolling and enhanced video game animation. The device is powered by the Snapdragon 855 Mobile Platform paired with 6GB of memory and 64GB or 128GB of storage. On the back is a dual-camera set up with a 12.2MP primary camera and a 16MP telephoto camera. The rear-mounted fingerprint scanner has been replaced with the Face Unlock facial recognition system and the radar powered Motion Sense feature allows users to dismiss alarms and phone calls, skip songs and more with a wave of the hand. A 3700mAh battery keeps the lights on, and with the Android 11 beta program soon to kick off next month (the developer preview has had two releases), whoever wins the Pixel 4 XL will get it just in time to become part of the Android 11 beta program if they so desire. As we said, five units will be given away in the first T-Mobile sweepstakes of the Mike Sievert era. Good luck! Meanwhile, the usual weekly giveaways and discounts can be collected by T-Mobile subscribers using the T-Mobile Tuesdays app. These rewards include:
When describing the Pixel 4 XL, a couple of words might come to mind: disappointing and boring. But if you enter T-Mobile's sweepstakes and are one of the five winners, a new word will apply to the Pixel 4 XL: "free." "Mobile" - Google News April 04, 2020 at 06:09PM T-Mobile is giving away five Pixel 4 XL handsets; here is how to enter the sweepstakes - PhoneArena "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
韓国版「聖地巡礼」 動物園からカフェ、人気タレントの自宅まで - Newsweekjapan Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:41 PM PDT ![]() <新型コロナの引きこもり生活で観るアニメやドラマ、映画の舞台となった場所を訪れる日を楽しみに......> 新型コロナウイルスの世界的な感染拡大で、多くの都市で外出が制限され、「引きこもり」「巣ごもり」という外出自粛が続いているなか、多くの人びとがドラマや映画などのエンターテインメントで気分転換をしている。 そんな映画やドラマ、アニメーションの中に登場した場所に行ってみたいと思う人も少なくない。今はそういった場所を訪れることは難しいが、新型コロナの感染が終息した後、舞台となったところを訪れたいと考えている人もいるだろう。そ ういうロケ地めぐりなどを「聖地巡礼」という。日本でもアニメやドラマの舞台となった場所、ロケ地などが「聖地」となっているが、お隣の国、韓国でも聖地巡礼が盛んに行われている。グローバルに配給されている韓流コンテンツだけに、国内はもちろん海外からやってくる観光客も多いのが特徴だ。 ビビンパなどグルメで有名なあの街も日本でも有名なビビンパ発祥の地であり、「食」で有名な韓国南西部・全羅北道の全州市だが、最近別の分野で観光客を集め話題となっている。 1978年に開園された全州市内にある全州動物園は、以前は一般的によくある動物園だったが、2015年に園内を各動物たちにとってより自然の生息地に近い環境に整える「エコ動物園」としてリニューアル。それ以降、テレビや映画、ミュージックビデオのロケ地として人気を集めている。 特に今年に入ってから撮影が急増。3月19日に放送されたEBSドキュメンタリー『極限職業(극한직업)』は、様々なエコ動物園としての特徴を紹介しながら、特にトラの檻の改装工事過程を通し、どのようにしてスタッフ達が動物園を運営しているのかを紹介して話題となった。 TVだけでなく、映画界もロケ地として全州動物園に注目を寄せている。韓国映画『傷つけない(해치지 않아)』『Mr.Zoo 消えたVIP(미스터 주:사라진 VIP)』はともに全州動物園が舞台となっていて、偶然にも2作ともに同じ1月に韓国で全国公開されている。 上記以外にも、KBS 『Today全北』や、KBS『今夜キム・ジェドン』、全州放送『現場ストーリー』など様々な番組が撮影地としてこの動物園を選んでいるが、なぜここまで急速に人気を集めることとなったのか? メディア関係者に一番影響を与えたと言われるのが、K-POPアイドルのBTSが、昨年夏リリースした『Love Yourself』のミュージックビデオで、全州動物園内にあるメリーゴーランドを使ったからだという。まるで短編映画のようなストーリー仕立てになっているこのミュージックビデオで、主人公の一人の幼少時代の回想シーンとして登場しており、その後BTSファンの"ARMY"達が訪れるようになったようだ。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース April 04, 2020 at 07:01PM 韓国版「聖地巡礼」 動物園からカフェ、人気タレントの自宅まで - Newsweekjapan "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Actress-author Patricia Bosworth dies from coronavirus at 86 - ABC News Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:01 PM PDT ![]() Patricia Bosworth, an actress who once starred alongside Audrey Hepburn and later wrote biographies on several stars including Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift, has died due to the coronavirus2 min read LOS ANGELES -- Patricia Bosworth, an actress who once starred alongside Audrey Hepburn and later wrote biographies on several stars including Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift, has died due to the coronavirus. She was 86. Bosworth's stepdaughter, Fia Hatsav, told The New York Times that pneumonia brought on by the virus was the cause of death. Bosworth died on Thursday in New York. Bosworth played a nun opposite of Hepburn in the 1959 classic "The Nun's Story." Along with penning bios for Brando and Clift, she also wrote biographies on actress Jane Fonda and famed photographer Diane Arbus, who photographed Bosworth in a Greyhound bus advertisement. Her biography on Arbus served as the base for the 2006 film "Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus," which starred Nicole Kidman. Under the tutelage of Lee Strasberg, Bosworth studied acting at the Actors Studio alongside Marilyn Monroe, Paul Newman, Steve McQueen and Fonda. Bosworth worked on Broadway and starred in television shows including "Naked City" and "The Patty Duke." Bosworth turned her attention from acting to focus on a career in journalism as a successful editor and writer. She wrote for The New York Times and New York magazine, and was an editor for several publications including Screen Stars, McCall's and contributed to Vanity Fair. She wrote memoirs about her own life in 1998's "Anything Your Little Heart Desires: An American Family Story" and 2017's "The Men in My Life: A Memoir of Love and Art in 1950s Manhattan." "Actress" - Google News April 04, 2020 at 11:34AM Actress-author Patricia Bosworth dies from coronavirus at 86 - ABC News "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Taiwan's coronavirus response is among the best globally - CNN Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:26 PM PDT ![]() Australia and Taiwan have similar sized populations of about 24 million people, both are islands, allowing strict controls over who crosses their borders, and both have strong trade and transport links with mainland China. Ten weeks on from that date, however, Australia has almost 5,000 confirmed cases, while Taiwan has less than 400. The question is not what Australia did wrong -- 20 countries have more cases than Australia, and seven have more than 10 times as many -- but how Taiwan has kept the virus under control when other parts of the world have not. Hard learned lessonsDuring the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak of 2003, Taiwan was among the worst-hit territories, along with Hong Kong and southern China. More than 150,000 people were quarantined on the island -- 180 kilometers (110 miles) off China's southeastern coast -- and 181 people died. While SARS now pales in comparison to the current crisis, it sent shockwaves through much of Asia and cast a long shadow over how people responded to future outbreaks. This helped many parts of the region react faster to the current coronavirus outbreak and take the danger more seriously than in other parts of the world, both at a governmental and societal level, with border controls and the wearing of face masks quickly becoming routine as early as January in many areas. Taiwan has a world-class health care system, with universal coverage. As news of the coronavirus began to emerge from Wuhan in the run up to the Lunar New Year, officials at Taiwan's National Health Command Center (NHCC) -- set up in the wake of SARS -- moved quickly to respond to the potential threat, according to a recent report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). "Taiwan rapidly produced and implemented a list of at least 124 action items in the past five weeks to protect public health," report co-author Jason Wang, a Taiwanese doctor and associate professor of pediatrics at Stanford Medicine, said in a statement. "The policies and actions go beyond border control because they recognized that that wasn't enough." This was while other countries were still debating whether to take action. In a study conducted in January, Johns Hopkins University said Taiwan was one of the most at-risk areas outside of mainland China -- owing to its close proximity, ties and transport links. Among those early decisive measures was the decision to ban travel from many parts of China, stop cruise ships docking at the island's ports, and introduce strict punishments for anyone found breaching home quarantine orders. In addition, Taiwanese officials also moved to ramp up domestic face-mask production to ensure the local supply, rolled out island-wide testing for coronavirus -- including re-testing people who had previously unexplained pneumonia -- and announced new punishments for spreading disinformation about the virus. "Given the continual spread of Covid-19 around the world, understanding the action items that were implemented quickly in Taiwan, and the effectiveness of these actions in preventing a large-scale epidemic, may be instructive for other countries," Wang and his co-authors wrote. "Taiwan's government learned from its 2003 SARS experience and established a public health response mechanism for enabling rapid actions for the next crisis. Well-trained and experienced teams of officials were quick to recognize the crisis and activated emergency management structures to address the emerging outbreak." In particular, Taiwan's rapid and transparent response -- with medical officials holding daily briefings on the matter -- has been held up as an example of how democracies can still rein in epidemics, even as some were claiming only an autocratic government like China's could effectively control such a rapidly spreading virus. Taiwan also avoided the type of strict lockdowns that characterized the response in China and many other countries. Taiwan is in such a strong position now that, after weeks of banning the export of face masks in order to ensure the domestic supply, the government said Wednesday that it would donate 10 million masks to the United States, Italy, Spain and nine other European countries, as well as smaller nations who have diplomatic ties with the island. Pandemic politicsTaiwan's relative success in stymying the coronavirus outbreak has largely been overshadowed by the worsening crisis in Europe and the US, and the sense that, if any lessons were there to be learned, the moment has passed. While that may be true, why Western countries did not follow Taiwan's lead in January and February when they still had a chance remains unclear. One contributing potential factor many observers have pointed to is that Taiwan, unlike most every other governments, is not a member of the World Health Organization (WHO). Taiwan is claimed by China as part of its territory, and Beijing blocks Taiwan from participating in many international organizations unless it does so in a way that conforms to the "one China" principle -- which obfuscates the island's separation from mainland China -- such as calling itself "Chinese Taipei" in the Olympics. Taiwan did have observer status at the WHO until 2016. That changed, however, with the election of President Tsai Ing-wen, of the traditionally pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, which has been followed by Beijing massively ramping up pressure on Taipei, poaching its few remaining diplomatic allies and staging military shows of force. The WHO argues that Taiwan's exclusion from meetings of member states does not have an effect on the day-to-day sharing of health information and guidance, with experts and health workers still interacting with international colleagues through the organization. However, numerous observers, including Taiwanese officials, have claimed that it has had a negative effect both during the SARS epidemic and the current crisis. Natasha Kassam, an expert on China, Taiwan and diplomacy at Australia's Lowy Institute, said that early on in the coronavirus pandemic, a lack of direct and timely channels to the WHO "resulted in inaccurate reporting of cases in Taiwan," with WHO officials apparently relying on Beijing for numbers from the island. "Taiwanese authorities have complained about the lack of access to WHO data and assistance," she said. That lack of information may have forced Taiwan to go it alone and make decisions early on independently of the WHO guidance and broader international consensus. Assistance goes in both directions, however, and in recent weeks, Taiwanese officials have repeatedly complained that their exclusion from the WHO is preventing the island playing its full part in the global response. "We want to help -- to send out our great doctors, our great researchers, our great nurses -- and to share our knowledge and experience with countries that need it," Vice President Chen Chien-jen, a Johns Hopkins-trained epidemiologist, told the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei this week. "We want to be a good global citizen and make our contribution, but right now we are unable to." Officials on the island have seized on an interview with WHO assistant director-general Bruce Aylward by Hong Kong public broadcaster RTHK last week, in which he appeared to dodge a question on Taiwan, blaming internet connection issues. In a statement, the WHO said that "the question of Taiwanese membership in WHO is up to WHO Member States, not WHO staff." Speaking to reporters Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, said that all sides clearly understand "that WHO members have to be sovereign states." "There have been no issues with Taiwan's participation in relevant WHO events and its obtaining information on public health emergencies, including this pandemic," she claimed, contradicting the island's own government. "We hope (the US and Taiwan) stop their attempt in engaging in political manipulation under the pretext of the pandemic." A spokesman for the WHO told CNN that "some people are confusing WHO's technical global public health mandate, with the mandate of countries to determine WHO's membership." "Every year, WHO and Taiwanese authorities and experts interact on vital public health and scientific issues, according to well-established arrangements. During the current Covid-19 pandemic, there are regular interactions as well," they said in an email. "The Taiwanese caseload is low relative to population. We continue to follow developments closely. WHO is taking lessons learned from all areas, including Taiwanese health authorities." Top stories - Google News April 04, 2020 at 06:42PM Taiwan's coronavirus response is among the best globally - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Actress Patricia Bosworth dead at 86 due to coronavirus - Fox News Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:31 PM PDT Get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox. Sign up here. Patricia Bosworth, an actress who once starred alongside Audrey Hepburn and later wrote biographies on several stars including Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift, has died from complications of the coronavirus. She was 86. Bosworth's stepdaughter Fia Hatsav told The New York Times that pneumonia brought on by the virus was the cause of death. Bosworth died on Thursday in New York. Bosworth played a nun opposite Hepburn in the 1959 classic "The Nun's Story." Along with penning bios for Brando and Clift, she also wrote biographies on actress Jane Fonda and famed photographer Diane Arbus, who photographed Bosworth in a Greyhound bus advertisement. CLICK HERE FOR FULL CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE ![]() This Nov. 1, 1978 file photo shows Patricia Bosworth in New York. Bosworth, an actress who once starred alongside Audrey Hepburn and later wrote biographies on several stars including Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift, has died, Thursday, April 2, 2020, due to the coronavirus. She was 86. (AP Photo/Marty Reichenthal) Her biography on Arbus served as the base for the 2006 film "Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus," which starred Nicole Kidman. Under the tutelage of Lee Strasberg, Bosworth studied acting at the Actors Studio alongside Marilyn Monroe, Paul Newman, Steve McQueen and Fonda. Bosworth worked on Broadway and starred in television shows including "Naked City" and "The Patty Duke." Bosworth turned her attention from acting to focus on a career in journalism as a successful editor and writer. She wrote for The New York Times and New York magazine, and was an editor for several publications including Screen Stars and McCall's, and she contributed to Vanity Fair. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP She wrote memoirs about her own life in 1998's "Anything Your Little Heart Desires: An American Family Story" and 2017's "The Men in My Life: A Memoir of Love and Art in 1950s Manhattan." The Associated Press contributed to this report. "Actress" - Google News April 04, 2020 at 12:11PM Actress Patricia Bosworth dead at 86 due to coronavirus - Fox News "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
FOCUS: Citizens mock Abe's plan to provide cloth face masks to fight virus - Kyodo News Plus Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:26 PM PDT Citizens have stepped up criticism against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for his plan to distribute two cloth face masks to each of the roughly 50 million households in Japan, as part of efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus. While many question the effectiveness of the initiative, some ridicule it as "Abenomask," meaning "Abe's mask" and a pun on Abenomics, his signature economic policy, and "a waste of taxpayer money." According to Kazunari Onishi, an associate professor specializing in public health at St. Luke's International University in Tokyo, the effectiveness of cloth masks is limited as they have wider gaps between fibers than masks made from non-woven fabric. Onishi said it would be naive to expect cloth masks to be able to absorb coronavirus particles, which are typically around 0.1 of a micron in size. But even non-woven or surgical masks do not completely stop viruses from entering via the gap between the mask and face. However, any kind of mask, even a cloth one, would provide some protection against viral infection and also keep the throat moist, he said. "With the current mask shortage, we have no choice but to wear (cloth masks) to prevent infection," Onishi said. The distribution, which will form part of the economic package that the government will compile next week, is an effort to alleviate the shortage of disposable masks amid the global pandemic of the pneumonia-causing virus. The government hopes to control the rapidly increasing demand for masks by providing cloth masks that can be washed and reused. "We want to relieve anxiety among citizens even just a little," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference Thursday, as he sought support for the initiative. But independent lawmaker Katsuya Okada, a former deputy prime minister of the now-defunct Democratic Party of Japan government, said to reporters, "Is this something the prime minister can say with confidence?" "The cloth looks pretty roughly-woven, so I have my doubts as to whether it is effective in preventing the spread of the virus," Okada said. Abe has pledged that 700 million masks will be made available in Japan every month. But many in the industry have distanced themselves from the guarantee, saying, "If every citizen uses one mask a day, we will need 900 million every week." Japan has a population of over 126 million. With 70 percent of the original demand for 100 million masks per week being supplied by China, domestic companies are struggling to meet demand even with their plants running around the clock. The state budget for the plan looks to reach into the tens of billions of yen, with each cloth mask costing 200 yen ($1.8). Also, the government plans to supply masks to around 12 million business offices across the country. Some took to Twitter to vent their dissatisfaction and frustration, saying, "It's a waste of time, money and labor," and "Is he making a fool of us citizens? Abenomask." "We don't need cloth masks. It is a stupid plan that only increases the labor and burden on postal workers," a 59-year-old freelance writer wrote in a message she sent to the prime minister's office via its official website. "Use (the money) instead to support those working in the dining and event industries and other struggling people who have to take time off," she said. Masayasu Kitagawa, a former governor of Mie Prefecture and professor emeritus at Waseda University, has also criticized the plan, saying its "cost-effectiveness is extremely low." "The government should do its best to supply masks and protective gear for medical professionals, as well as ventilators," Kitagawa said.
Top stories - Google News April 03, 2020 at 05:03AM FOCUS: Citizens mock Abe's plan to provide cloth face masks to fight virus - Kyodo News Plus Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
UPDATE 1-Indonesia coronavirus cases top 2,000 amid concerns over data - Reuters Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:56 PM PDT JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia said on Saturday that coronavirus cases had topped 2,000 and deaths risen to 191, but doubts have been raised over official figures by data showing a big jump in funerals last month in the capital Jakarta. A Red Cross personnel wearing a protective suit sprays disinfectant along a corridor in a densely populated neighbourhood area, amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Jakarta, Indonesia, April 4, 2020. REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan Health Ministry official Achmad Yurianto said there had been 106 new confirmed infections, taking the total number of cases in the Southeast Asian country to 2,092, with 10 new deaths. "We are still on high alert over infections that are taking place in the community that are caused by positive cases among people who are not showing symptoms," said Yurianto. Indonesia is relying mainly on social distancing policies to combat the virus since President Joko Widodo has opposed the harsh lockdown measures adopted in many neighbouring countries. The country reported its first case of the virus a month ago, but epidemiologists say a relatively low level of testing means the number of cases may be vastly under-reported. Indonesia has almost doubled tests in the past week but has conducted only 7,896 tests in a country of more than 260 million people. According to a Reuters review of statistics from Jakarta's Department of Parks and Cemeteries, there were nearly 4,400 funerals in the city in March, 40 percent higher than any month since at least January, 2018. The city has been at the epicentre of COVID-19 infections in Indonesia, accounting for 1,028 cases and around 90 deaths, according to central government data, or roughly half the country's total for both. Jakarta's governor, Anies Baswedan, and some public health experts suspect the number of infections and deaths in the city has been significantly under-reported due to the low rates of testing. "It is extremely disturbing," Baswedan told Reuters on Friday, referring to the funeral statistics. "I'm struggling to find another reason than unreported COVID-19 deaths." Officials at the health ministry and at the presidential office did not respond to requests for comment. In an interview on Thursday, before Baswedan had made his comments, Yurianto defended the reporting and testing system and said the central government based its data on lab results using the accurate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Reporting by Nilufar Rizki and Fransiska Nangoy; editing by Jane Wardell, Ed Davies and Christina Fincher Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Top stories - Google News April 04, 2020 at 04:41AM UPDATE 1-Indonesia coronavirus cases top 2,000 amid concerns over data - Reuters Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
藤森慎吾がドラマ初主演 「ネット興亡記」でチャラ男封印 - ドワンゴジェイピーnews Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:19 PM PDT 藤森慎吾がドラマ初主演 「ネット興亡記」でチャラ男封印 - ドワンゴジェイピーnews 動画配信サービス「Paravi(パラビ)」は、日経電子版で人気の連載企画「ネット興亡記」をドラマ化することを決定した。Paraviオリジナルドラマとして、4月29日(水・祝)より毎週水曜に1話ずつ、全5話を独占配信する。 1990年代、日本での本格的なインターネットの普及と共に次々と現れたIT起業家たち。ある者は時代の寵児となり、ある者は時代のはざまに消えていった。もの凄いスピードで激変を続けるインターネットの世界で、日本のIT起業家たちには知られざる挑戦と苦悩の歴史があった。そんなIT起業家たちの壮絶な物語を描いた「ネット興亡記」は、日経電子版の人気企画。度々、Twitterのトレンドに急上昇ワードとして登場するなど、ネット上のみならず、ビジネスパーソンを中心に熱烈なファンを獲得している。 2018年7月に一度連載を終了したが、その後も話題となり、外伝、完結編を含めると全52回の長期連載企画となった。今回は、その人気連載企画の中から厳選した回を連続ドラマ化する。 その連載企画の担当記者役として、オリエンタルラジオの藤森慎吾が決定。今回がドラマ初主演となる。最近では、バラエティだけでなく、ドラマ『ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~』(EX)や、『インハンド』(TBS)、そして映画『七つの会議』など、役者としても存在感を発揮し、その演技が話題になるなど注目を集めている。バラエティで見せる"チャラ男"を封印し、今回初めて演じる新聞記者を、藤森がどのように表現するのか期待が高まる。 このドラマでどんな起業家たちの興亡を追うのか。今後の続報にも注目だ。 【あらすじ】 産業革命以来の大変革を起こしたインターネット。日本でも、そんなインターネットに魅了された若き起業家たちが、ヤフーやLINE、メルカリなどを生み出した。しかし、これまでの道のりには、ネットバブルの崩壊やライブドア事件など数々の荒波と決して諦めない起業家たちの挑戦の物語があった。新聞記者の杉山(藤森慎吾)は、IT起業家たちは一体何を考え感じていたのか真実を知りたいと取材を始め、知られざる彼らの野望や苦悩を明らかにしていく。 <藤森慎吾 コメント> Q.このドラマのオファーが来た時の感想は? 主演です!というマネージャーの言葉からすぐさまドッキリ企画の何かだ、と思いました。現実にあって良かったです。ありがたい。本当に。。 Q.役作りについて 日経新聞の記者さんって聞いてお堅い感じなのだろうな~、と思っていましたが、実際にご本人にお会いした時とても柔和で笑顔が素敵な方だったので、あまりカッチリしなくてもいいのかなぁ~と思いました。でも、取材に関しては誰にも負けない情熱を持っている。そんな男を演じてみようと思いました。 Q.視聴者のみなさまへ見どころを教えてください スマホ、インターネット、当たり前にそれは存在しているけれど、それがどうやって日本に持ち込まれ、普及していったかはほとんどの人が知らない。決して当たり前ではなかった当時の男たちの壮絶な戦いを刮目せよ! <原作・杉本貴司記者 コメント> インターネット産業の創世記を彩る起業家たちの物語。そこには知られざる苦難や葛藤がありました。彼らはそれをどう乗り越えてきたのか。経営者は孤独ですが、彼らには必ず志をともにする仲間や先達がいました。あたかも幕末の志士たちが志をたたかわせて、新しい時代を目指したように。日経電子版「ネット興亡記」ではそんな物語を描いてきました。そして、主人公の杉山記者を演じる藤森慎吾さん。撮影現場ではバラエティー番組などで僕たちがよく知る「チャラ男」とはひと味違う藤森さんがいました。乞うご期待です! <鈴木宏昭チーフプロデューサー コメント> 「ネット興亡記」の魅力は、インターネット創世記に新しいビジネスに挑戦した起業家たちの物語を、人を視点に生き生きと描いていることです。思わず「へえ、知らなかった」というエピソードが散りばめられ、私たちが使っているヤフーやLINE、メルカリなどが登場した裏側に、開発にかけた熱い思いや起業家たちの意外な交流が存在していたことを知ることができます。今回のドラマ化では、起業家本人の証言も交えながら、記事とは違う新しい「ネット興亡記」をお届けします ■Paraviオリジナルドラマ「ネット興亡記」 配信日時:2020年4月29日(水・祝)スタート 毎週水曜配信 全5回 原作:「ネット興亡記」(杉本貴司/日本経済新聞社) 主演:藤森慎吾(オリエンタルラジオ) ©「ネット興亡記」製作委員会 2020-04-04 21:30:00Z |
味がしない-異常訴えた森三中の黒沢かずこが新型コロナ陽性、せきなどは改善も味覚戻らず - Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT 味がしない-異常訴えた森三中の黒沢かずこが新型コロナ陽性、せきなどは改善も味覚戻らず - 吉本興業は4日、森三中の黒沢かずこが新型コロナウイルスに感染し、3日に陽性反応が出たことを発表した。関係者によると、黒沢は3月21日昼頃、テレビ埼玉の番組収録中に発熱がみられ病院に行ったが、夜には平熱に戻ったという。医師の診断で2日間は自宅療養。25日に日本テレビでの収録で仕事復帰した。だが、翌26日にコロナウイルス陽性を公表した阪神・藤浪晋太郎投手(25)が「味覚・嗅覚の不全を訴えている」という報道を受け、黒沢自身も同様の症状があるため、以後の仕事をキャンセルしていた。 その後、複数の医療機関を受診。1日にCT検査で肺炎の診断を受け、PCR検査で3日夜に感染が判明した。黒沢は21日以降は平熱に戻っており、現在は肺炎、せきなどの症状は改善されたが、味覚不全は続いており、自宅で療養しているという。 25日に黒沢と仕事を共にしたメンバーの大島美幸(40)、村上知子(40)は濃厚接触者として、保健所の指導により自宅待機をしているが、現在のところ症状は出ていないという。黒沢は月曜レギュラーの日本テレビ系「ヒルナンデス!」(月~金曜・前11時55分)を3月23日、30日と2週連続で欠席し、心配の声が上がっていた。 吉本は「医療専門家、行政機関の指導のもと、黒沢の体調管理を徹底してまいるとともに、他の所属タレント、関係各位の皆様、社員への情報共有と健康観察などを通じて、感染拡大防止の措置をとってまいります」としている。 ◆黒沢 かずこ(くろさわ・かずこ)1978年10月17日、茨城・勝田市出身。41歳。NSC東京校4期生。98年に同期の大島美幸、村上知子と「森三中」結成。レギュラーに日テレ系「世界の果てまでイッテQ!」など。趣味は曲作り、ダンス、キャッチボール。血液型O。身長158センチ。 2020-04-04 21:07:43Z |
鈴木雅之「かぐや様」で再びアニソン歌唱、デュエット相手は鈴木愛理(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:48 PM PDT 鈴木雅之「かぐや様」で再びアニソン歌唱、デュエット相手は鈴木愛理(コメントあり) - ナタリー ![]() 4月11日(土)よりMBSほかでオンエアされるテレビアニメ「かぐや様は告らせたい?~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~」のオープニング主題歌を アニメの第1期「かぐや様は告らせたい~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~」で、オープニング主題歌「ラブ・ドラマティック feat. 伊原六花」を歌唱した鈴木。第2期のオープニング主題歌のタイトルは「DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. 新曲「DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. 鈴木愛理」について、鈴木雅之は「仲間と一緒に歌って踊ったり、恋の駆け引きを楽しめるナンバーです。アニメをご覧いただく皆さんの気持ちと、アニメの世界観がより彩るものになれば嬉しいです」とコメント。鈴木愛理は「今回、鈴木雅之さんと『DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. 鈴木愛理』として歌わせていただくと聞いた時は、夢かと思うほどの驚きと喜びでした。W鈴木と呼んでいただけるなんて、大変光栄なことで緊張しますが、精一杯盛り上げたいと思います!」と語っている。 なお「DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. 鈴木愛理」は、4月15日に鈴木雅之のシングルとしてリリースされ、同日発売のデビュー40周年記念アルバム「ALL TIME ROCK 'N' ROLL」にも収録される。
鈴木雅之 コメントアニソン界の大型新人・ 光栄なことに、第一期の「ラブ・ドラマティック」につづき、第二期のオープニングテーマを担当させていただくことになりました。 今作も、水野良樹( そして本間昭光氏の推薦で 仲間と一緒に歌って踊ったり、恋の駆け引きを楽しめるナンバーです。アニメをご覧いただく皆さんの気持ちと、アニメの世界観がより彩るものになれば嬉しいです。 2020年はシャネルズ(ラッツ&スター)からデビュー40周年と記念すべき年に、ニューシングル「DADDY ! DADDY ! DO !」のジャケットをかぐや様とコラボできました!今年の干支子(ねずみ)年にかけてイラストを描いてくださったアニメスタッフの皆様にも心より感謝いたします。 鈴木愛理 コメント今回、鈴木雅之さんと「DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. 鈴木愛理」として歌わせていただくと聞いた時は、夢かと思うほどの驚きと喜びでした。 W鈴木と呼んでいただけるなんて、大変光栄なことで緊張しますが、精一杯盛り上げたいと思います! 是非、振り付けも含めて楽しんでください!! 鈴木雅之「DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. 鈴木愛理」収録曲01. DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. 鈴木愛理 2020-04-04 15:03:20Z |
'Tiger King': Joe Exotic Went to Jail for More Than One Crime - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT 'Tiger King': Joe Exotic Went to Jail for More Than One Crime - Showbiz Cheat Sheet Netflix's documentary series, Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness, explores the life of big cat breeder and zookeeper, Joe Exotic. The true-crime series follows the bizarre events that led the 57-year-old to plan the murder-for-hire scheme that landed him in prison. But that wasn't the only crime he was convicted of. Here's a list of crimes that sent Joe Exotic to jail. ![]() Who is 'Tiger King'star Joe Exotic?Joseph Maldonado-Passage, aka Joe Exotic, is a big cat enthusiast who bred and kept hundreds of exotic animals at his G.W. Zoo in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. His collection included tigers, lions, ligers, bears, and monkeys. At the zoo, Maldonado-Passage would breed big cats and allow visitors to pet and take pictures with baby tigers and lions. This part of the business was lucrative for Maldonado-Passage, but it caught the ire of big cat activist, Carole Baskin. Baskin openly criticized Maldonado-Passage for breeding big cats, and she claimed that his petting business was endangering the animals. Her activism led to Maldonado-Passage losing business, so he retaliated by humiliating and threatening her on his online TV show. Their longtime feud resulted in Maldonado-Passage attempting to hire a hitman to kill Baskin. But he was already under federal investigation, and the hitman he tried to hire was an undercover federal agent. He was charged, tried and convicted on 19 different counts, and sentenced to 22 years in prison in January 2020. He was convicted of two counts of murder-for-hire![]() Maldonado-Passage was charged in convicted of trying to hire a hitman twice to kill Baskin. As documented in Tiger King, in November 2017, he gave Allen Glover $3,000 to travel from Oklahoma to Florida to murder Baskin. But Glover chickened out, took the money, and disappeared. Then, a month later, in December 2017, Maldonado-Passage approached an undercover federal agent posing as a hitman. He asked him to murder Baskin, but no money was exchanged. It wasn't until Glover came forward with his testimony that the federal government was able to prove Maldonado-Passage's intentions and crimes. Joe Exotic aka 'The Tiger King' was charged with eight counts of falsifying records![]() During his trial, prosecutors revealed evidence that proved Maldonado-Passage violated the Lacey Act on eight different occasions by falsifying records of his wildlife transactions. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, "Maldonado-Passage designated on delivery forms and Certificates of Veterinary Inspection that tigers, lions, and a baby lemur were being donated to the recipient or transported for exhibition only, when he knew they were being sold in interstate commerce." The 'Tiger King' star was convicted on nine counts of violating the Endangered Species Act![]() As much as he claimed to be an animal lover, Maldonado-Passage actually ended up harming some of his animals. He was convicted on nine counts of violating the Endangered Species Act from 2016 to 2018. According to the U.S Department of Justice, "the jury heard evidence that Maldonado-Passage personally shot and killed five tigers in October 2017, without a veterinarian present and in violation of the Endangered Species Act." Joe Exotic was convicted and sentenced on 19 countsMaldonado-Passage's sentencing reflected all 19 counts he was convicted of. The court sentence included 108 months for each of the two murder-for-hire counts totaling 216 months; 12 months for each of the Endangered Species Act violations to run concurrently; and 48 months for the Lacey Act violations to run concurrently. In total, Maldonado-Passage was sentenced to a total of 22 years in prison, with three years of supervised release when he gets out. 2020-04-04 18:16:14Z |
Justin Timberlake Pays Tribute to Bill Withers: ‘One of My Biggest Idols’ - Rolling Stone Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT Justin Timberlake Pays Tribute to Bill Withers: 'One of My Biggest Idols' - Rolling Stone ![]() Justin Timberlake paid tribute to Bill Withers, "one of my biggest idols," following the death of the legendary soul singer Friday at the age of 81. "You taught me so much about how to keep it simple and real. I felt such a kinship with you even before we met," Timberlake wrote on Instagram. "Your words and melodies… the chords that accompanied them… they reached into my soul and spoke to me so deeply. That's what your music did. It brought so many of us closer to you and to each other." Timberlake has long professed his love of Withers' music, and has previously admitted that his own hit "Can't Stop the Feeling" was inspired by Withers' classic "Lovely Day"; Timberlake played a medley of the two tracks at the 2017 Oscars. During Timberlake's lengthy hiatus between 2006's FutureSexLoveSounds and 2013's The 20/20 Experience, he spoke about the impact Withers and the documentary Still Bill had on his career. "I've never watched anything else that I felt was someone speaking not just to me but for me. He puts into words exactly how I feel about music," Timberlake told Playboy in 2011. The two singers also took part in an ASCAP onstage conversation in 2010, and in 2017, Timberlake appeared alongside Withers at a Songwriters Hall of Fame event, as Timberlake alludes to in his Instagram post. "And, to actually know you was truly something special. You shined a light that was so unique and warm," Timberlake continued. "I looked up to you the same way I looked up to my Poppa… and he was my favorite human in the world. You have always been one of the greatest and will forever be. I will miss your jokes and I will never forget your advice to me about music… 'How does it make you FEEL? That's the only question you have to answer.'" Read Timberlake's full remembrance below and see footage of Withers' Songwriters Hall of Fame conversation with Timberlake:
2020-04-04 13:56:49Z |
Roku Channel Adds Hundreds of Hours of Free HBO Shows, Movies and ‘Sesame Street’ Episodes - Variety Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT Roku Channel Adds Hundreds of Hours of Free HBO Shows, Movies and 'Sesame Street' Episodes - Variety ![]() Turns out the 500 hours of free HBO content that the premium cabler unlocked Friday is available on Roku devices in the U.S. — but on the streaming platform's Roku Channel, not on HBO's own apps for Roku. To find the free HBO programming, which includes full seasons of "Silicon Valley" (pictured above), "The Sopranos," and seven other original series, U.S. users can visit HBO on the Roku Channel on any Roku device, as well as the Roku mobile app and on the web at In addition, through HBO, Roku Channel is currently providing 20 episodes of "Sesame Street" from three recent seasons (2016-18) streaming for free through May 15. According to Roku, the HBO series and documentaries will be free to watch on Roku Channel through May 15. The Warner Bros. movies available through HBO will be free until April 30. Here's the full list of what's available from HBO on the Roku Channel: Full HBO Original Series 'Sesame Street' Warner Bros. Movies HBO Docuseries and Documentaries Popular on Variety2020-04-04 17:18:08Z |
Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT Pink is donating $1 million to fight pandemic after revealing she tested positive for coronavirus - CBS News ![]() Pink revealed on social media Friday night that her family has been quarantined for weeks after she tested positive for coronavirus. The superstar singer said she and her 3-year-old son Jameson were already self-isolating when they started showing symptoms several weeks ago. Her primary care physician "fortunately" had access to tests, she said, and she tested positive. After continuing to shelter at home for the last two weeks, Pink said they were re-tested and no longer have COVID-19. The 40-year-old slammed the government for failing to provide widespread access to testing as the virus spreads across the country. "It is an absolute travesty and failure of our government to not make testing more widely available," the three-time Grammy Award winner tweeted Friday night. "This illness is serious and real. People need to know that the illness affects the young and old, healthy and unhealthy, rich and poor, and we must make testing free and more widely accessible to protect our children, our families, our friends and our communities."
The singer said she is donating $1 million to help battle coronavirus, to be split between two different causes. $500,000 will be donated to the City of Los Angeles Mayor's Emergency COVID-19 Crisis Fund. $500,000 will also be donated to the Temple University Hospital Emergency Fund in Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania native said the donation honors her mother, Judy Moore, who worked in the hospital's Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplant Center for 18 years. "THANK YOU to all of our healthcare professionals and everyone in the world who are working so hard to protect our loved ones," she said. "You are our heroes!" The singer joins a growing list of notable public figures who have announced positive coronavirus diagnoses, including Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Idris Elba, Prince Charles, Kevin Durant, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Chris Cuomo, Senator Rand Paul and many others. As of Saturday, Johns Hopkins University has confirmed over 1.1 million people globally have tested positive for COVID-19, and over 60,000 have died from the virus. The U.S. has the highest number of diagnoses in the world, with over 278,000 positive cases and more than 7,000 deaths. Pink ended her tweets with a plea to the public to continue self-isolating. "These next two weeks are crucial: please stay home. Please. Stay. Home." 2020-04-04 16:06:44Z |
中居正広、のんびりできずボヤキ「『だいじょうぶなかい』にすれば良かった」 - Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:48 AM PDT 中居正広、のんびりできずボヤキ「『だいじょうぶなかい』にすれば良かった」 - 番組の冒頭、中居は「わたくし、代表取締役社長に就任しました。日本には420万人くらいの社長さんがいるので、その中の1人です」と報告。独立については「全然実感ないなあ。本当にヤバいんです。会社というか、オフィスみたいなのも決まってないし、オフィスができたら机とか買わないといけないし、電話もFAXも引かないといけない…」とやることの多さに自身でも驚きの様子だった。 スタッフもこれから集めるといい「まずは経理さんだよねえ。あとはデスクですよね。まだ見つかってないから誰かやってくれないかな。信用できる人がいい。俺、誰も信用してないから」と悩みを打ち明けていた。 中居は、今年2月21日に都内で記者会見を行い、所属していたジャニーズ事務所から3月いっぱいで退所することを発表。しばらくの間はジャニーズ事務所のマネージャーを窓口にしているそうで、「社員も誰もいない。マネージャーさんもいない。基本は1人で出て、どこの傘下に入ることもまったくない。全く1人です」と完全独立したことを明かしていた。 2020-04-04 14:34:00Z |
さんま「志村どうぶつ園」出演オファー断り後悔 - 日刊スポーツ Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:48 AM PDT さんま「志村どうぶつ園」出演オファー断り後悔 - 日刊スポーツ 明石家さんま(64)が4日に放送されたMBSラジオ「ヤングタウン土曜日」(土曜午後10時)に出演し、3月29日に新型コロナウイルス肺炎のため70歳で亡くなった志村けんさんを悼んだ。 さんまは「実は2月の後半に『志村どうぶつ園』のゲストに来ていただけないかとディレクターからオファーがあった」と明かした。番組の設定はさんまが動物だというものだったが、さんまは「志村さんの番組やから絶対OKするけど、スケジュールがダメだった」と振り返った。 「そこに行っとけば本当によかったと。志村さんとあんまり会えないんでね」と共演できなかったことを残念がった。 さらに「ドリフターズという横綱がいて、我々(ひょうきん族)は横綱がいるから、小結あたりでチョロチョロ変化のある相撲を取りながら頑張った。ドリフがいるからひょうきん族があった」とも話した。 「ひょうきん族がドリフを(視聴率で)抜いたって記事が出たんですけど、スタッフは喜んでなかった。横綱に胸を借りようとしてたのが、いつのまにか勝ってしまったのを誰も喜んでなかった」と当時を振り返った。 最後にさんまは「ご冥福をお祈りしたいと思います」と志村さんを追悼した。 2020-04-04 14:29:14Z |
さんま 志村さんの訃報直後から大量メッセージ…「手を洗え」「うがいしろ」 - Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:18 AM PDT さんま 志村さんの訃報直後から大量メッセージ…「手を洗え」「うがいしろ」 - 明石家さんま (C)デイリースポーツ 明石家さんま(64)が4日、MBSラジオ「ヤングタウン土曜日」(後10・00)でパーソナリティーを務め、志村けんさんが新型コロナウイルスに感染して亡くなった直後から、心配した周囲からLINEとメールで「手洗いを」と注意を促すメッセージが大量に届くことを明かした。 さんまは番組の冒頭付近で志村さんの訃報に触れ、「志村さんはお笑いの先輩」と、しのんだ。続けて「亡くなられた直後から『うがいしろ』『手を洗え』って届く。今も続いてる」と心配した友人知人からメッセージが届くことを語った。中には「熱いお湯を飲め」というのもあったという。 さんまは「自分の身を守るためにも、人にうつさないためにも最低限のことはやっています」と手をアルコール消毒することなど、コロナ対策をとっていると明かした。 さんまはまた、ザ・ドリフターズを「横綱」と敬意を表し、「志村さんのご冥福をお祈りいたします」と悼んだ。 2020-04-04 13:39:00Z |
明石家さんま、“土8戦争”でしのぎ削った志村さん追悼 幻の『志村どうぶつ園』出演プラン明かす - Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:48 AM PDT 明石家さんま、"土8戦争"でしのぎ削った志村さん追悼 幻の『志村どうぶつ園』出演プラン明かす - 番組冒頭で、さんまは「コロナのこと言わなくて済むだろうと思ったら、まだまだ長引く感じで…」と話しながら、志村さんの訃報に触れ「かなりのLINEとメールで。志村さんは、お笑いの中の仲間、先輩なんですけど『さんまさんは大丈夫か』と(連絡がきた)」とコメント。「自分でも気をつけて、テレビで言われていることは最低限やろうとしているんやけど…」と語った。 続けて「2月の後半に『志村どうぶつ園』のゲストに来ていただけないでしょうかっていうオファーがスタッフからあって、それも変なんですけど、オレを動物だという設定で…」と幻のプランがあったと告白。「志村さんの番組やから、絶対OKするけど、スケジュールが合わんかった。そこに行っておけばよかった」と残念がった。 "土8戦争"時代の思い出も振り返り「横綱がいるから、オレらが小結でチョロチョロできたわけで。『ドリフ』がいるから『ひょうきん族』があった」と敬意の念。「一度抜いたっていう記事が出たんですけど、スタッフは喜んでなかったんですよ。横綱にずっと胸を借り続けようと思っていたのが、勝ってしまって、誰も喜んでなかった。その胸を貸していただいていた人なんで、残念で。ご冥福をお祈りしたいと思います」と呼びかけていた。 志村さんが『8時だョ!全員集合』で活躍する中、さんまはビートたけしらとともに『オレたちひょうきん族』に出演。両者の人気はすさまじく、放送時間を取って通称「土8戦争」と呼ばれるほど、しのぎを削ってきた。 同時間帯はその後も芸人にとって、憧れの時間帯のひとつとなっており、ナインティナイン岡村隆史は、2日深夜放送のニッポン放送『岡村隆史のオールナイトニッポン』(毎週木曜 深1:00)で「土8戦争って呼ばれる『全員集合』があり、『ひょうきん族』があり、この2つが教科書になって。土曜8時に我々がお笑い番組(『めちゃイケ』)をやれた。この時代のすごい番組を見て育って勉強してっていうのがあったからこそです」と語っていた。 2020-04-04 13:12:00Z |
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