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Bhojpuri actress Anupama Pathak found dead at her Mumbai home - Economic Times

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:48 AM PDT

MUMBAI: Bhojpuri film actress Anupama Pathak allegedly died by suicide at her home in Mira Road area of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, police said on Friday.

Pathak, 40, was found hanging at her rented flat in Mhada Colony on Sunday, police said.

Hailing from Purnea district in Bihar, she had moved to Mumbai and worked in Bhojpuri films and TV shows.

A day before, she had shared in a Facebook video that she was cheated and was unable able to trust anyone. In the video, she spoke about trust issues and and not having friends who can be of help.

She ended her life when her husband was out for some work, police said. A suicide note was found at the spot.

A police official said she felt cheated as a friend did not return her two-wheeler and was also upset as she was out of money and work during the coronavirus-induced lockdown.

"Bye bye, Good night" was her last Facebook post, the official said.

TV actor Kushal Punjabi found dead in his house in Mumbai, suicide note recovered

Actor Kushal Punjabi, who appeared in films such as "Kaal" and "Lakshya" as well as the reality show "Fear Factor", was found hanging in his Bandra apartment in the early hours of Friday, police said. Punjabi, whose body was found by his parents around 2 am, left behind a suicide note in which he said nobody should be held responsible for his death, a police official said.

A case has been filed under section 306 of IPC, he said.

Pathak's death comes at a time the entertainment industry is reeling from the shock of the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who was found hanging at his apartment in suburban Bandra on June 14.

On June 9, Rajput's former manager Disha Salian jumped from a high-rise building. The month earlier, on May 15, TV actor Manmeet Grewal had hanged himself at his Mumbai home.

Television actor Samir Sharma, 44, best known for his roles in Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi and Left Right Left, was on Wednesday found dead at his home in suburban Malad where he lived alone.

Actor Sushant Singh Rajput dies by suicide at his Bandra home

Bollywood and TV actor Sushant Singh Rajput has reportedly committed suicide at his home in Mumbai. The actor was living alone during the lockdown

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Bhojpuri actress Anupama Pathak found dead at her Mumbai home - Economic Times
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米津玄師の巨大広告がNYの街角に登場、UTコラボアイテムをアメリカとカナダで発売 - ナタリー

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:33 AM PDT

米津玄師の巨大広告がNYの街角に登場、UTコラボアイテムをアメリカとカナダで発売 - ナタリー

米津玄師「STRAY SHEEP(初回限定おまもり盤)」

[CD+ボックス+キーホルダー ] 2020年8月5日発売 / Sony Music Records / SECL-2590~91

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2020-08-07 04:51:00Z

Concilier travail et allaitement, une gageure pour les mères au Sénégal - Le Monde

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:13 AM PDT
Une ramasseuse de sel donne le sein à son bébé à Ngaye-Ngaye, dans le nord du Sénégal, en 2007.

Ventre arrondi sous sa longue robe verte, Aïssatou, 24 ans, entre dans la salle de consultation gynécologique du poste de santé de Grand Médine, un quartier populaire de Dakar. Les vérifications de routine effectuées, Ramatoulaye Diouf Samb, la sage-femme principale, demande à la jeune mère si elle a entendu parler de l'allaitement maternel exclusif, sans eau, durant les six premiers mois du nourrisson. « Je l'ai pratiqué avec mon premier enfant car je l'emmenais sur mon lieu de travail. Il est maintenant en très bonne santé. J'espère pouvoir faire de même avec mon second, si mon employeur actuel me le permet », répond Aïssatou, qui travaille comme domestique.

Au Sénégal, où six enfants sur dix souffrent d'anémie et où un tiers des décès néonataux sont liés à une sous-alimentation, 99 % des femmes allaitent leurs bébés, mais seulement 42 % sans ajout d'eau, comme le recommande l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). Responsable de la division nutrition et alimentation du ministère de la santé, la docteure Maty Diagne Camara se bat pour changer les pratiques et rappelle combien « l'allaitement maternel exclusif assure un bon départ de croissance de l'enfant ».

Lire aussi Au Sénégal, le « damp », massage traditionnel des bébés, se professionnalise

Les bienfaits du lait maternel sont multiples pour la mère, qui expulse rapidement le placenta, jouit d'une contraception naturelle pendant six mois et voit se réduire les risques de cancer de l'utérus. Pour l'enfant, ce lait contient des nutriments faciles à digérer et l'aide à lutter contre les maladies infectieuses et respiratoires. Mais si ce discours passe bien, il se heurte aux modes de vie. « Avec l'avancée de l'emploi des femmes, la pratique de l'allaitement maternel exclusif a tendance à diminuer, surtout en milieu urbain », note Maty Diagne Camara.

L'eau fragilise le système intestinal

Dans son poste de santé de Grand Médine, vêtue de sa blouse rose à rayures et masque sur le nez, Ramatoulaye Diouf Samb tente de sensibiliser un maximum de mères. « J'ai eu un déclic en voyant une grand-mère donner de la bouillie à un bébé de 2 mois pendant que la maman était au travail », se souvient avec dépit la sage-femme, qui rappelle que donner de l'eau ou de la bouillie fragilise le système intestinal du nourrisson.

Elle propose aux femmes qui exercent une activité professionnelle d'emmener leur enfant sur leur lieu de travail, enroulé dans le dos. C'est la plupart du temps déjà une habitude pour celles qui travaillent dans l'informel ou dans les milieux ruraux. « Les ménagères et les petites commerçantes y sont d'ailleurs obligées, car elles n'ont souvent personne pour garder leur enfant », remarque Ramatoulaye Diouf Samb. En revanche, cette option est plus compliquée à mettre en œuvre quand les femmes ont un emploi formel.

Lire aussi A l'hôpital Roi-Baudoin de Guédiawaye, priorité aux nouveau-nés en détresse

Cécile Constantine Time, mère de quatre enfants, a réussi à emmener les deux derniers à son bureau pour les allaiter durant les six premiers mois. « J'ai demandé à mon employeur d'aménager un coin pour l'allaitement. Le bébé était soit dans son berceau, soit sur mon dos, même pendant les réunions avec les collègues », sourit-elle, la tête remplie de bons souvenirs. Si tout s'est bien passé côté employeur, c'est à la maison que les choses se sont compliquées : « Ma belle-mère a mal pris que j'emmène mes enfants au travail »… jusqu'à ce qu'elle constate d'elle-même que les bébés avaient une meilleure croissance, moins de diarrhées et de vomissements que les deux aînés, avec qui Cécile n'a pas pu pratiquer l'allaitement maternel exclusif.

La jeune femme regrette que la loi ne soit pas plus contraignante sur l'aménagement d'un espace dans l'entreprise ou la possibilité de venir au travail avec une nourrice. Selon le code du travail, les mères ont droit à huit semaines de congé maternité après l'accouchement. Celles qui allaitent peuvent aussi poser une heure de repos par jour, payée comme heure de travail effectif. « Les textes sont là, mais la difficulté vient de leur applicabilité », analyse l'anthropologue Sokhna Boye, autrice d'une thèse sur l'allaitement maternel au Sénégal.

Sensibiliser l'entourage des mères

Mère de trois enfants, Rhokaya Bâ a essayé de tous les allaiter exclusivement. « Mais c'était très difficile d'allier emploi et allaitement, car l'heure quotidienne pour tirer mon lait n'était pas suffisante », estime-t-elle. Face à cette contrainte de temps, ce sont sa belle-mère et d'autres femmes de sa famille qui étaient chargées de nourrir ses enfants, grâce aux biberons de lait maternel qu'elle laissait le matin dans le frigo. « A partir de leur 5e mois, j'ai su qu'ils avaient mangé de la bouillie et bu de l'eau quand je n'étais pas là », regrette, déçue, cette employée d'un centre d'appels.

Une situation qui n'étonne pas Sokhna Boye : « Les normes institutionnelles qui poussent à l'allaitement maternel exclusif ne correspondent pas, voire sont contradictoires avec les normes sociales et culturelles. Il est même mal vu de ne pas donner d'eau à son nourrisson, surtout quand il fait chaud », explique-t-elle.

L'enjeu n'est donc pas seulement de sensibiliser les mères, mais aussi les belles-mères, les tantes et toutes les femmes de l'entourage. « Ce sont elles qui gardent l'enfant quand la mère va travailler, elles doivent donc connaître et respecter les consignes pour donner le lait maternel tiré puis réchauffé après avoir été gardé au frais », détaille Ramatoulaye Diouf Samb. La sage-femme de Grand Médine s'appuie, elle, sur les marraines de quartier pour combattre les obstacles socioculturels. Une bataille de tous les jours, pas encore gagnée, mais en bonne voie.

Cette série a été réalisée en partenariat avec le Fonds français Muskoka.

Sommaire de la série « Donner le sein, sauver des vies »

Allaiter les bébés… geste salvateur. A l'heure où 5 millions d'enfants africains meurent chaque année avant leurs 5 ans, une campagne baptisée « Plus fort avec le lait maternel uniquement » se déroule tout au long de cette semaine mondiale de l'allaitement maternel, du 1er au 7 août. Pilotée conjointement par l'Unicef, l'OMS et Alive & Thrive (une initiative mondiale en faveur de la nutrition), cette campagne met en avant les vertus d'un allaitement à la demande, jour et nuit, sans complément d'eau ni d'autres liquides ou aliments, même dans les climats chauds et secs comme en Afrique de l'Ouest.

En collaboration avec le Fonds français Muskoka, Le Monde Afrique raconte dans une série de reportages, en Afrique de l'Ouest et en Afrique centrale, les freins au développement de cette pratique. Manque d'informations des mères burkinabées, difficultés à conjuguer travail et allaitement intégral à Dakar, crainte de voir ses seins s'affaisser pour certaines mamans camerounaises… Les raisons sont multiples.

Episode 1 L'allaitement maternel exclusif, une priorité de santé publique en Afrique
Episode 2 « C'est naturel, sûr et gratuit » : au Burkina, les nombreux bénéfices de la tétée
Episode 3 Concilier travail et allaitement, une gageure pour les mères au Sénégal

August 06, 2020 at 11:00PM

Concilier travail et allaitement, une gageure pour les mères au Sénégal - Le Monde
longue robe

VIDÉO. Explosion à Beyrouth : «Je me suis demandé si j’allais mourir» témoigne la mariée de la vidéo - Le Parisien

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:13 AM PDT

Radieuse dans sa longue robe blanche de mariée, Israa Seblani pose pour le vidéaste qui tourne autour d'elle… Quand l'explosion gigantesque du port de Beyrouth vient interrompre la scène et la plonger dans le chaos. « Il n'existe pas de mots pour décrire ce qu'il s'est passé », raconte-t-elle, au lendemain de la catastrophe. « J'ai été choqué, je me suis demandé : est-ce que je vais mourir ? »

Les images du shooting photo, tournées par Mahmoud Nakib, dévoilent l'ampleur de la détonation et donnent à voir des dégâts considérables dans les premiers instants qui ont suivi l'accident. « Je me préparais pour mon grand jour depuis deux semaines, confie Israa Seblani à Reuters, et j'étais si heureuse comme toutes les autres filles. Mais depuis l'explosion, la jeune mariée l'avoue : « Je suis tellement triste pour ce qui est arrivé à d'autres personnes, pour ce qui est arrivé au Liban ».

Des quartiers entiers de Beyrouth ont été détruits, le port est ravagé, au moins 137 personnes ont perdu la vie et des centaines sont toujours portées disparues. Médecin aux Etats-Unis, Israa Seblani est venue en aide aux blessés croisés sur sa route, avant de fuir la place Saifi au centre de Beyrouth pour se mettre en sécurité. Malgré son amour indéfectible pour le Liban, elle estime désormais qu'après la catastrophe « vivre là-bas n'est plus une option ».

August 06, 2020 at 07:16AM

VIDÉO. Explosion à Beyrouth : «Je me suis demandé si j'allais mourir» témoigne la mariée de la vidéo - Le Parisien
longue robe

コナンなど、名作アニメをまとめてYouTube配信「AnimeLog」 - AV Watch

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:03 AM PDT

コナンなど、名作アニメをまとめてYouTube配信「AnimeLog」 - AV Watch







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2020-08-07 04:30:12Z

Dario Sarmiento: Argentine wonderkid who has legends kneeling at his feet - Goal

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:42 PM PDT

Alejandro Sabella is an Estudiantes legend.

Before managing Argentina to the final of the 2014 World Cup, Sabella had been begged to stay at Estudiantes after delivering them what remains their only Copa Libertadores triumph of the last 50 years.

He also played in two championship winning teams for the La Plata outfit during the 1980s, and as such he is regarded as an idol at Estadio UNO.

Sabella kneels to no one at Estudiantes. And yet when the legendary coach approached the club's new teenage talent, Dario Sarmiento, for the first time, he felt obliged to bow in the youngster's presence.

"He came and asked me if I was Sarmiento, I said yes and he knelt down," the 17-year-old told ESPN. "He said I was going to be a star, but I need to be calm and live in the present.

"I was nervous, I couldn't believe it. I swear my legs were shaking, I didn't know what to say. I still get nervous when I tell the story and imagine that moment."

Sabella had previously exclaimed "Hallelujah!" when he first saw Sarmiento in action, with the winger's quick feet and confidence on the ball able to make a man who once coached Lionel Messi sit up and take notice.

And while Sabella is just getting to know the youngster, his ability has always been clear to those who have helped nurture his passion for the game.

Born just 30 kilometres outside La Plata in the town of Florencio Varela, Sarmiento was originally picked up by Independiente at the age of six, though it soon became apparent that the distance between his home and the training ground in Avallaneda was too far to regularly travel to and from.

It was at that time that Sarmiento's talent was spotted by neighbour Rodrigo Fuentes, who plied his own footballing trade in the fifth tier of Argentine football. Fuentes was able to convince Estudiantes to offer the youngster a trial, during which he impressed enough to be enrolled into their Pincha academy.

Sarmiento's rise through the youth ranks was meteoric, and at the age of 16 years, six months and six days he was handed his first-team debut by manager and former Barcelona defender Gabriel Milito.


05/10/19 día inolvidable ⚽❤.

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By coming off the bench against Huracan in October 2019 he became the second-youngest player to ever represent the Estudiantes first team, and five days later he showed excellent composure to lay on assist for team-mate Nahuel Estevez to score against Estudiantes de San Luis in the Argentine Cup.

He has since made sporadic appearances for the first team, with his importance to the senior squad highlighted after he was blocked from representing Argentina at last year's Under-17 World Cup due to the limited numbers Milito had available to him.

Off the pitch, Sarmiento has embraced the 'education first' philosophy that Estudiantes ingrain into their academy stars.

Check out the best teenage talents with NxGn :

Club president, former Manchester United and Chelsea midfielder Juan Sebastian Veron, has a belief that "he who does not study, does not play", and Sarmiento is one of a number of young players to have taken that message on board.

"Before I did not give importance to school, but now I realise that it is useful and that in the future it will serve me well," the youngster told the club's official website ahead of his senior debut. After the match a video of him being cheered back into the classroom by his friends appeared online.

On the pitch, Sarmiento favours his left foot, though he has been known to have been deployed on the right-hand side by Milito and encouraged to cut onto his stronger foot.

Dario Sarmiento NxGn GFX

Naturally given his nationality comparisons have been made to Messi, and while Sarmiento has a long way to go to reach those heights, he is certainly not lacking in confidence after pulling of a remarkable double-nutmeg against Deportivo Laferrere in his final outing before Covid-19 brought football to a halt in South America.

It remains to be seen when Sarmiento will next take to the field and where his future lies, but for now Sabella and the rest of the Estudiantes faithful just want to enjoy his development for themselves.

"He is a boy who plays very well, who gives me hope of a good future for him and for all of us who love the club so much," the legendary coach said of the teenager whom he would go onto kneel at the feet of.

Opposition defenders will likely be following that lead over the next decade or two.

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August 06, 2020 at 04:00AM

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Couple standing less than 600 meters from blast site survives Beirut explosion - CNN

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

The husband and wife now lay in a local hospital room, together, recovering from the glass and debris that tore through their apartment -- and them.
Lina needed three hours of surgery. Imad, whom Lina says was seriously injured and had to be transported down 11 flights of stairs on the back of a door, needed six hours in surgery.
The first explosion, as seen in Lina Alameh&#39;s video.
They are among the thousands across Beirut who were injured in the blast. Their apartment, which they purchased only two years ago, is now almost destroyed.
It all began with what Lina says sounded like fireworks.

The first explosion

They say the fire at the port started small. They watched it grow from their balcony on the 11th floor. Through satellite images, CNN has calculated their apartment was roughly 640 yards -- or 585 meters -- away from the center of the water-filled crater that was left by the explosion.
One moment, they were filming the bride in her wedding dress. Then came the explosion
At some point, they both began livestreaming video on their social media accounts.
"I told my husband there's something wrong," Lina told CNN on the phone from her hospital bed.
In her video, she is heard telling him to come inside; she remembers she felt like something bad was about to happen. Lina says Imad didn't answer her and says he looked like he was in shock by what was happening in front of them.
Then, a fireball with sparks is seen in the video. It was the first explosion, which occurred at 6:07 p.m. local time.
A large smoke cloud, which was occasionally filled with small, firework-like explosions, is seen, too. Those explosions, and the size of the flames, grow significantly as Lina's video progresses.

'All I remember is flying up in the air'

Thirty-three seconds after the first explosion, the massive second explosion happens. That explosion was at 6:08 p.m.
A screenshot from Lina&#39;s video showing the start of the second explosion, which leveled the port and caused widespread damage.
"All I remember is flying up in the air," Imad told CNN on the phone, from his hospital bed.
Both say they were knocked unconscious. When Lina woke up, she saw that her husband --still unconscious -- had been cut by glass all over his body and was bleeding profusely.
Lina Alameh in her hospital bed.
Lina says she had been thrown through a glass door, which broke her elbow, cut a tendon and injured her back. That's in addition to multiple cuts from the glass.
Imad was cut so severely, and in so many places, the majority of his body is bandaged. He told CNN it was easier to take a video of his injuries than to list them: he had wounds from head to feet, with severe cuts to his ankles and knees and a compound fracture of his right thigh.

Khalil transported down 10 flights on a door

When she came to, Lina says the only thing she was thinking about was whether Imad was still alive.
She remembers that when she was finally able to wake him, he told her, "I'm dying."
Lina tried to drag him toward the door, but says she wasn't strong enough. Despite her own wounds, she says she began to move down 10 flights of stairs.
Imad Khalil in his hospital bed.
She says she felt so weak, she thought she would faint again. So, she made that journey scooting on her rear end the entire time.
On the street, she found a policeman who is a friend. He and others climbed the stairs and were able to bring Imad down using a door as a stretcher.
Once on the ground, they were able to flag down an ambulance.

Their building is in ruins

In video taken on Wednesday by Lina's sister, the view from their once-gleaming apartment has completely changed. The only thing left by the explosion is catastrophic destruction.
The remains of the port of Beirut, as seen from the apartment balcony.
Every window in their apartment has had the glass blown out. The kitchen and bedrooms are filled with debris and the doors have been blown off their hinges.
In their living room, debris litters the floor and a large blood stain is seen on the ground in front of their sofa.
The explosion was so powerful, that outside, the building façade of the entire port-facing side has been ripped clean off the building.

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August 06, 2020 at 09:38PM

Couple standing less than 600 meters from blast site survives Beirut explosion - CNN
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Trump issues executive orders banning U.S. transactions with WeChat and TikTok in 45 days - CNBC

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

A smartphone screen displays the app store view of the TikTok app in this arranged photograph in London, on Monday, Aug. 3, 2020.

Hollie Adams | Bloomberg | Getty Images

President Donald Trump on Thursday issued executive orders banning U.S. transactions with Chinese tech firms Tencent and ByteDance.

Tencent owns Chinese messaging app WeChat, and ByteDance is the Beijing-based parent company of the widely popular short-video-sharing app TikTok.

The ban will take effect in 45 days and may attract retaliation from Beijing

While the scope of the ban remains unclear, the executive orders said that after 45 days, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross "shall identify the transactions" that will be subjected to the ban. 

WeChat "automatically captures vast swaths of information from its users. This data collection threatens to allow the Chinese Communist Party access to Americans' personal and proprietary information," Trump said in the executive order banning the app, adding that the application also captures personal information of Chinese nationals visiting the U.S.

The order would basically ban the app in the United States as it would prohibit "any transaction that is related to WeChat by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, with Tencent Holdings Ltd." 

Tencent shares in Hong Kong tumbled almost 6.9% as of 11:38 a.m. HK/SIN on Friday. 

A similar order was issued for TikTok and its Beijing-based owner, ByteDance.

The popular app "may also be used for disinformation campaigns that benefit the Chinese Communist Party," Trump said in the executive order banning the video-sharing app. "The United States must take aggressive action against the owners of TikTok to protect our national security."

TikTok has consistently denied those allegations. It says that U.S. user data is stored in the country itself with a backup in Singapore, and that its data centers were located outside China, implying the information was not subjected to Chinese law. However, experts have pointed to existing legislation in China which could force local Chinese companies like ByteDance and others to hand over data to Beijing.

Microsoft is in talks with ByteDance to acquire TikTok's business in the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand within the next three weeks, ahead of a Sept. 15 deadline.

ByteDance and Tencent did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment. 

The moves came after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Trump administration wants to see "untrusted" Chinese apps like WeChat and TikTok removed from U.S. app stores. He detailed a new five-pronged "Clean Network" effort aimed at curbing potential national security risks and said because those apps have parent companies based in China, there was "significant threats to personal data of American citizens, not to mention tools for Chinese Communist Party content censorship." 

Pompeo also said the State Department would work with other government agencies to limit the ability of Chinese cloud service providers to collect, store and process data in the U.S. 

The latest moves represent another step in the deteriorating relations between the two countries. Recently, the U.S. closed the Chinese consulate in Houston, which prompted China to do the same for the U.S. consulate in Chengdu

— CNBC's Amanda Macias contributed to this report. 

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August 06, 2020 at 07:51PM

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Philippines now has the worst Covid-19 outbreak in Southeast Asia - The Indian Express

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

By: Bloomberg | Published: August 7, 2020 9:31:22 am
Philippines, Philippines covid outbreak, coronavirus in Philippines, Philippines news, Indian Express A police officer inspects motorists at a quarantine checkpoint on the first day of a reimposed lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19, on August 4, 2020 in Quezon city, Metro Manila, Philippines. (Photo via Bloomberg)

Despite imposing the longest, strictest lockdown in Southeast Asia, coronavirus cases in the Philippines have now surged to almost 120,000, eclipsing Indonesia to become the region's biggest outbreak.

The country re-imposed this week a second lockdown on its capital and nearby areas to curb infection spread, even as the economy suffered its deepest contraction on record, shrinking 16.5% in the second quarter from a year ago.

It's yet another example of how the premature easing of restrictions has given the virus an opening to come back even stronger, illustrated by the new waves of infection now sweeping countries in Asia and parts of Europe. In the Philippines, the virus's resurgence was fueled by testing gaffes and failures in quarantine protocol in the face of over 100,000 overseas workers arriving back home after losing their jobs in other countries.

After enduring a strict lockdown from mid-March to the end of May, the Philippines re-opened its capital although new cases were still growing by up to a thousand every day. As people returned to offices and families gathered again, infections surged 500% in over two months of easing before the government re-imposed a lockdown this week.

The Philippines reported 3,561 new infections on Thursday to take its total to 119,460, past Indonesia's 118,753. The rising number of cases is partly due to its heightened surveillance and increased testing, which is now the highest in Southeast Asia, the Department of Health said in a statement. The Philippines has tested 1.5% of its population compared to Indonesia's 0.34%, it said.

President Rodrigo Duterte's government loosened restrictions too soon, without ensuring that local officials could trace and treat infections, said Anthony Leachon, an internist at the Manila Doctors Hospital. Problems with hospitals' capacity to accept patients were also recognized too late, he said.

"When we realized it, the cases were too enormous for us to control and at a time when we are short on budget," said Leachon, a former adviser in the government's coronavirus task force.

A protracted battle against the virus will deal another blow to the Philippine economy. Record-high unemployment and a steep decline in money sent home by Filipinos as they've lost jobs abroad have weighed on private consumption, which drives roughly two-thirds of GDP. Fitch Solutions Inc. drastically cut its outlook for the Philippines on Friday as a second lockdown likely delays recovery. It sees a 9.1% contraction this year from the previous estimate of a 2% decline.

Workers' influx

The nation's virus containment efforts were complicated by a deluge of returning overseas workers who had become unemployed due to the pandemic, failures in testing and a lack of qualified health-care professionals.

Officials used rapid test kits, mostly manufactured in China, that promised to deliver results in minutes in an attempt to process the returning overseas workers quickly, but the kits delivered a high proportion of false negatives — allowing infected workers to return home to their families, unwittingly spreading the virus.

"The over-reliance on rapid testing, which we know can miss about a third of Covid-positive patients, may have let some asymptomatic carriers through," said Edsel Salvana, an infectious disease expert from the National Institutes of Health at the University of the Philippines Manila. "Though the 14-day quarantine was still in place for incoming travelers, enforcement was variable."

The Health Department will no longer use rapid test kits, and the new lockdown will give officials time to trace and treat all clusters of infections through house-to-house checks, said Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire on Wednesday. A University of the Philippines study based on government infection data estimated that tighter curbs could prevent up to 70,000 new cases.

But there's growing evidence from other countries fighting resurgences, like Australia, that second lockdowns are not delivering results due to people tired of social distancing and unable to endure the further economic hit. In the Philippines, the military and the police have been deployed at checkpoints to enforce movement restrictions.

Still, Duterte's government is projecting confidence about the outbreak, emphasizing that the health-care system will be now re-inforced by the thousands of nurses and doctors returning home who had previously held medical jobs overseas. The tendency for medical workers to go abroad due to poor conditions and bad pay at home had left the local hospital infrastructure quickly overwhelmed by the pandemic.

The government is seeking to immediately hire 10,000 additional health workers, including those who've just returned home, with improved benefits like hazard pay, free life insurance and lodging, Vergeire said.

"While cases are rising, we are confident they can be contained effectively and efficiently during this time," she said at a virtual briefing Wednesday, adding that the country now has more testing capacity, hospital beds and isolation facilities.

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August 06, 2020 at 09:01PM

Philippines now has the worst Covid-19 outbreak in Southeast Asia - The Indian Express
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'The last million is not that important' - Ex-Bayern president Hoeness confident Alaba will not be lured away -

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:42 PM PDT

Ex-Bayern Munich president Uli Hoeness says that David Alaba will not be lured away from the club, adding that "the last million is not that important" for a player that has found comfort with the Bundesliga giants.

Alaba has been linked with a move away from Bayern Munich in recent weeks as the defender has just 12 months left on his contract.

Manchester City are among the clubs reportedly eager to sign him, although new Bayern team-mate and former Man City star Leroy Sane has urged the Austrian to snub any offer to leave Bayern.

Chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge recently stated that he is confident that the club can keep hold of Alaba, who he dubbed "the black Beckenbauer". 

And Hoeness also says that he believes Alaba's future remains with Bayern, as he says that moving to any other club would be a step backwards for the defender.

"I can only say from my own experience that the last million is not that important," he told DAZN and Goal. "He gets a secure job here, a lot of fun, home, a lot of love from the fans and acceptance, which he would have to work for at another club.

"There is no club that is as familiar, cosy and pleasant as FC Bayern. For him it would perhaps be a step forward financially, but in all other areas it would be a step backwards.

"And according to my feeling, at least the clubs he would like to go to have never knocked, fortunately. And that's why I hope that he will stay."

Alaba has been with Bayern since 2008, joining after emerging as a youth player for Austria Wien.

Article continues below

The 28-year-old defender has made 382 appearances for the Bundesliga giants, winning nine league titles during his time in Munich.

Alaba was also a member of Bayern's 2012-13 Champions League-winning squad, and the German giants remain a favourite in this season's competition as well.

The Bundesliga champions are set to face Chelsea on Saturday in their return to the competition, having amassed a 3-0 lead in the first leg between the two sides.

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August 06, 2020 at 12:00PM

'The last million is not that important' - Ex-Bayern president Hoeness confident Alaba will not be lured away -
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Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)内の「Live Cafe Mixa」がオープン! 新感覚MANGAエンターテインメント「進撃の響宴 ~ACT.1~」チケット販売開始 - 時事通信

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:34 PM PDT


株式会社講談社が開発した、東京・池袋のLIVEエンターテインメント複合施設ビル「Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)」内9階の「Live Cafe Mixa」にて、9月4日(金)より新感覚MANGAエンターテインメント「進撃の響宴 ~ACT.1~」が開催されます。「Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)」は、新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大情勢を鑑みグランドオープンを延期しておりますが、本演目は9階「Live Cafe Mixa」のオープンとして新型コロナウイルス感染症対策を業界ガイドラインに基づいて施した上で上演いたします。

<Live Cafe Mixaとは>
漫画・アニメ・小説など様々な作品をテーマに、一定期間で趣向の変わる"五感で体験するライブカフェ"。 事業者はパートナー企業として参画いただくシダックス株式会社で、講談社が企画協力いたします。

Live Cafe Mixaのオープンイベントのテーマ作品は「進撃の巨人」(諫山 創 別冊少年マガジン連載)です。映像と音楽による演出の中で飲食を楽しめる、これまでにない「新感覚 MANGAエンターテインメント」として約80分間のショーレストランスタイルの演目となります。

タイトル:「進撃の響宴 ~ACT.1~」(しんげきのきょうえん ~あくと わん~)
開催期間:2020年9月4日(金)~11月1日(日) 59日間
開催場所:「Live Cafe Mixa」(「Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)」9F)
営業形態:約80分間 事前申し込み・入れ替え制のショーレストラン形態
営業時間:月・火・水・木・金 16:40~22:00(3公演) 土・日・祝日 10:40~22:00(6公演)

1. 提供メニュー:3つのコースから選択いただけます。
・Aコース 第50話『叫び』セット
Aコース 第50話『叫び』セット
・Bコース 第80話『名も無き兵士』セット
Bコース 第80話『名も無き兵士』セット
・Cコース 第69話『友人』セット

Cコース 第69話『友人』セット
さらに、20時40分上演の限定Dコース 『兵士の宴』セットをご用意。

Dコース 『兵士の宴』セット

・原作コマ アクリルスタンド エレン(全1種) 1,320円(税込)

・Tシャツ ※フリーサイズ(全1種) 4,400円(税込)

・クリアファイル(全1種) 440円(税込)

入場料金:チケット(事前申し込み) 全席6,875円(税込)
コース料理(フード・ドリンク・デザート各1品 もしくは フード・ドリンク・各種飲み放題)含む


施設名「Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)」は、ライブコンテンツをMIXする意味合いの造語で、LIVEエンターテインメントが混然一体となった新しい発信拠点が東京に登場する意味を込めています。




名  称:「Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)」
所 在 地:東京都豊島区東池袋1-14-3
交  通:JR山手線等「池袋駅」徒歩約4分

企業プレスリリース詳細へ (2020/08/07-11:46)

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August 06, 2020 at 07:46PM

Mixalive TOKYO(ミクサライブ東京)内の「Live Cafe Mixa」がオープン! 新感覚MANGAエンターテインメント「進撃の響宴 ~ACT.1~」チケット販売開始 - 時事通信
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えっ、渡辺二冠が驚きの振り飛車?飯島栄治七段が解説【第78期将棋名人戦第5局】 - 朝日新聞社

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:32 PM PDT

えっ、渡辺二冠が驚きの振り飛車?飯島栄治七段が解説【第78期将棋名人戦第5局】 - 朝日新聞社

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  1. えっ、渡辺二冠が驚きの振り飛車?飯島栄治七段が解説【第78期将棋名人戦第5局】  朝日新聞社
  2. 豊島名人の棒銀に渡辺挑戦者は飛車を転回 真夏の名人戦第5局は定跡形からはずれた力戦形に(松本博文) - Yahoo!ニュース  Yahoo!ニュース
  3. 渡辺二冠の逆転か、豊島名人突き放すか 王手かけ第5局  MSN エンターテイメント
  4. 2勝2敗のタイで迎えた名人戦 第5局始まる  毎日新聞
  5. いよいよ佳境、真夏の名人戦七番勝負 8月7日・8日に第5局 豊島将之名人- 渡辺明二冠戦(松本博文) - Yahoo!ニュース  Yahoo!ニュース
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2020-08-07 03:14:46Z

アニメ「半妖の夜叉姫」3人のヒロインを松本沙羅、小松未可子、田所あずさが演じる(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:32 PM PDT

アニメ「半妖の夜叉姫」3人のヒロインを松本沙羅、小松未可子、田所あずさが演じる(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー

















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2020-08-07 03:00:00Z

Trump signs order to ban TikTok in 45 days, takes action against WeChat - KIRO Seattle

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT

Thursday's order alleges that TikTok "automatically captures vast swaths of information from its users, including Internet and other network activity information such as location data and browsing and search histories. This data collection threatens to allow the Chinese Communist Party access to Americans' personal and proprietary information -- potentially allowing China to track the locations of Federal employees and contractors, build dossiers of personal information for blackmail, and conduct corporate espionage."

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August 06, 2020 at 06:53PM

Trump signs order to ban TikTok in 45 days, takes action against WeChat - KIRO Seattle
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Trump and RNC expected to raise $15 million in Hamptons fundraising swing - CNBC

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT

U.S. President Donald Trump pumps his fists at supporters gathered to greet him on the airport tarmac during his arrival at Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., August 6, 2020.

Joshua Roberts | Reuters

President Donald Trump's upcoming fundraising swing through the Hamptons is set to raise $15 million for his campaign and the Republican National Committee. 

The proceeds will be going to the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising operation between Trump's campaign, the RNC and a variety of state parties. A committee official confirmed the total and noted that in the wake of the coronavirius pandemic, all attendees must follow local guidelines if they want to take part. 

"For fundraisers with the President, the White House Medical Unit and U.S. Secret Service evaluate all attendees in order for them to gain access to the event," this official said. "All attendees must [test] negative for COVID-19 on the day of the event, complete a wellness questionnaire and pass a temperature screening." 

The state of New York only allows social gatherings of up to 50 people, while Gov. Andrew Cuomo has continued to call on people across the state to stay socially distant and wear masks. The Hamptons is a region of New York and home to some of the wealthiest business executives in the country.

The president plans to be featured at the two in-person gatherings on Saturday, including one that will be at the Hamptons home of his son, Donald Trump Jr., and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, who also is a top fundraiser for Trump Victory, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter who declined to be named as the locations are deemed private Trump Jr. reportedly bought the property in Bridgehampton, N.Y. for $4.4 million. 

Guilfoyle and Trump Jr., were also set to take part in a separate Trump Victory fundraising event on Thursday in the Hamptons, according to an invite reviewed by CNBC. 

For Trump's Saturday afternoon event, tickets start at $50,000 for guests take part in a photo op and watch the president's remark. A ticket for $100,000 gets an attendee a seat at a roundtable discussion with the president. The later event on Saturday will cost up to $500,000 per couple to gain entrance.

The development of the massive fundraising swing comes after Trump's campaign announced that it, combined with the RNC, outraised their opponents in July. Trump and the RNC brought in $165 million last month while Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, and the Democratic National Committee, raised $140 million. Trump and his team went into August with a slight cash-on-hand advantage over Biden of $300 million. 

Trump Victory officials said their recent fundraising success represents the enthusiastic support for the president. 

"I have been traveling around the country with President Trump over the last few weeks, and the level of enthusiasm is even higher than what I saw in 2016," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told CNBC in a statement. "Everyone is excited to contribute, and those resources are fueling our data-driven ground game and critical legal efforts to protect election integrity." 

"As Joe Biden remains locked up in his basement, President Donald J. Trump continues to receive unprecedented support across America," Guilfoyle added. "We outraised Joe Biden last month, and we will do it again. Don Jr. and I are thrilled to be hosting President Trump in New York this week."

Public polling shows Biden ahead of Trump by just more than 6 points, according to a Real Clear Politics polling average. 

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August 06, 2020 at 03:15PM

Trump and RNC expected to raise $15 million in Hamptons fundraising swing - CNBC
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‘The Photo Does Not Look Good’: Georgia School’s Crowded Halls Go Viral - The New York Times

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:47 PM PDT

The widely circulated photo from North Paulding High School in Dallas, Ga., showed students crowded into a packed hallway on their first day back to classes since the coronavirus outbreak shuttered school buildings across the country in the spring. Few were wearing masks, and there was little sign of social distancing. Then on Day 2, there was another.

The photos, which were shared on social media and cited in news reports, have quickly come to symbolize a chaotic first week back in U.S. classrooms. Schools in states where students have returned, including Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee and Indiana, have had to initiate quarantines and in some cases shut down classrooms and entire schools temporarily after positive cases emerged.

A 15-year-old student at North Paulding, Hannah Watters, was suspended for five days for posting images of the crowded hallways on Twitter, according to her mother, Lynne Watters, who said she filed a grievance with the school on Thursday morning.

"I expressed my concerns and disagreement with that punishment," Ms. Watters said in a text message.

She said North Paulding's principal, Gabe Carmona, told her he would be in contact with her by the end of the day on Friday. Mr. Carmona could not immediately be reached for comment.

The superintendent of the Paulding County School District, Brian Otott, defended his system's reopening plan, saying in a letter to the community after the hallway photos circulated that the scenes were taken out of context. Students only remained in the hallways briefly while switching classes, he wrote, and the school was following recommendations issued by the Georgia Department of Education.

But he acknowledged, "There is no question that the photo does not look good."

Masks are not required at the school, Mr. Otott said, though the administration strongly encourages them for students and staff members.

"Wearing a mask is a personal choice, and there is no practical way to enforce a mandate to wear them," he wrote, adding that more than 2,000 students attend the high school.

The school district did not respond to requests for comment on Thursday.

The district's guidelines say staff members will do their best to require students to maintain social distancing, but note that it would "not be possible to enforce social distancing in classrooms or on school buses unless it is a class or a bus with fewer students."

A spokesman for the Georgia Department of Public Health's northwest district, which includes Paulding County, said the agency offers advice about best practices for controlling the spread of the virus, but choices about what to do in schools are ultimately up to local officials.

"Each school system makes its own decisions," said the spokesman, Logan Boss, adding that the department does not monitor schools to see if they are complying with its recommendations.

The high school opened for the school year on Monday even though there had already been reports of a coronavirus outbreak among members of the football team. Mr. Boss said he was not aware of students or staff members testing positive at North Paulding High, but he added, "There's widespread community transmission in Paulding County."

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August 06, 2020 at 12:09PM

'The Photo Does Not Look Good': Georgia School's Crowded Halls Go Viral - The New York Times
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PUBG Mobile now runs at 90fps in the US, but it’s exclusive to OnePlus for a month - The Verge

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:44 PM PDT

If you wanted to play PUBG Mobile at a frame rate higher than 60fps, it was a bit tricky. You either needed to live in China or download the Chinese version of PUBG Mobile (well, it's actually called Game for Peace), plus you needed a phone with a 90Hz or 120Hz refresh rate. Now, Tencent Games is finally adding support for 90fps in the US and other countries, but you'll need to wait a month unless you have some specific OnePlus phones.

Specifically, if you own a OnePlus 8, OnePlus 8 Pro, OnePlus 7T, or OnePlus 7 Pro you can now run the game at a smooth 90 frames per second.

After the timed exclusivity deal expires on September 7th, Tencent said that any PUBG Mobile player with any smartphone that supports a higher frame rate can enable 90fps as an option. Meaning Android phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S20, the newly announced Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, the Google Pixel 4 and 4 XL, Asus ROG Phone II, and the Razer Phone 2 should have access. Don't expect any iPhone to run the game at 90fps because iPhone screens are still stuck at 60Hz, but the 120Hz iPad Pro could support the feature.

OnePlus announced a similar partnership with Epic Games in May, allowing its phones from the 8 series to run Fortnite at 90fps. However, enabling a higher frame rate on Fortnite for either the OnePlus 8 or OnePlus 8 Pro will lower the default graphical settings to "Low," as noted by GameSpot. Tencent has not said whether a 90fps in PUBG Mobile will reduce the graphical fidelity, though another factor might be what type of processing power each phone contains — the Samsung Galaxy S20 has the same Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chip as the OnePlus 8, while the forthcoming Galaxy Note 20 Ultra has a slightly faster Snapdragon 865 Plus processor.

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August 06, 2020 at 06:01PM

PUBG Mobile now runs at 90fps in the US, but it's exclusive to OnePlus for a month - The Verge
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'Kai is an intelligent boy' - Chelsea target Havertz can handle pressure, says Leverkusen manager Bosz - Goal

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:42 PM PDT

Bayer Leverkusen manager Peter Bosz says that Kai Havertz is an "intelligent boy" that can handle pressure in the wake of ongoing links to Chelsea.

The midfielder has been earmarked as a Chelsea target and has been widely tipped to leave Leverkusen this summer as the Blues prepare a €76 million (£70m/$87m) offer for the midfield star.

Chelsea have already signed Hakim Ziyech and Havertz's international team-mate Timo Werner this summer, and the addition of the 21-year-old would only add to what has been a big-spending window at Stamford Bridge following last summer's transfer ban.

Havertz had also been linked with the likes of Bayern Munich in recent weeks, but Uli Hoeness has confirmed that the Bundesliga champions have pulled out of the race to sign the Leverkusen star.

Regardless, the German club has insisted that there are no plans to sell Havertz in the short term as the team remains focused on their Europa League campaign with the midfielder fully involved.

Ahead of the continuation of that campaign against Rangers on Thursday, Bosz insisted that Havertz is not feeling the pressure that comes with being linked to a big-money move.

"We are watching all this closely," Bosz told DAZN and Goal. "Of 20 interview requests 18 want to speak with Kai. Then we must make sure he doesn't go 18 times.

"He is an exceptional player, but even exceptional players can have a bad day. If we lose, he is always the first to be criticized, even if he didn't play that badly.

"I often talk to him and explain how I saw his game. Then there are games like the one against Hertha Berlin, when the fans whistled at his substitution. I told him that maybe he learned the most in that game, where he was really not good.

"But Kai is an intelligent boy overall and knows how the world works."

Article continues below

Havertz joined Bayer Leverkusen as a youth player in 2010, making his first-team debut in 2016.

The midfielder has gone on to make 148 appearances for the club, scoring 45 goals in all competitions with 37 of those goals coming over the last two seasons.

Internationally, Havertz has earned seven caps for Germany, scoring his first international goal last October in a friendly against Argentina.

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August 06, 2020 at 10:52AM

'Kai is an intelligent boy' - Chelsea target Havertz can handle pressure, says Leverkusen manager Bosz - Goal
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豊島名人の棒銀に渡辺挑戦者は飛車を転回 真夏の名人戦第5局は定跡形からはずれた力戦形に(松本博文) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:32 PM PDT

豊島名人の棒銀に渡辺挑戦者は飛車を転回 真夏の名人戦第5局は定跡形からはずれた力戦形に(松本博文) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース





















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2020-08-07 01:52:03Z

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Releases Second Quarter Results and Provides Business Update on the Impact of COVID-19 - Canada NewsWire

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:29 PM PDT

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Releases Second Quarter Results and Provides Business Update on the Impact of COVID-19 - Canada NewsWire

WINNIPEG, MB, Aug. 6, 2020 /CNW/ - Today Artis Real Estate Investment Trust ("Artis" or the "REIT") issued its financial results and achievements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2020, and provided an update on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new initiatives announced on November 1, 2018 (the "New Initiatives").  The second quarter press release should be read in conjunction with the REIT's consolidated financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the period ended June 30, 2020.  All amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted.


Financial and Operational

  • Reported FFO per unit of $0.36 for the second quarter of 2020, unchanged from the second quarter of 2019 and increased $0.03 or 9.1% compared to the first quarter of 2020.
  • Reported AFFO per unit of $0.27 for the second quarter of 2020, unchanged from the second quarter of 2019 and increased $0.03 or 12.5% compared to the first quarter of 2020.
  • Reported a conservative AFFO payout ratio of 51.9% for the second quarter of 2020, unchanged from the second quarter of 2019.
  • Same Property NOI decreased 2.0% period-over-period for the second quarter of 2020. 
  • Same Property NOI, excluding bad debt expense, increased 1.2% period-over-period for the second quarter of 2020, representing the eighth consecutive quarter of Same Property NOI growth.
  • Reported portfolio occupancy of 90.6% (92.9% including commitments) at June 30, 2020, compared to 90.7% at March 31, 2020.
  • Weighted-average rental rate on renewals that commenced during the second quarter of 2020 decreased 3.3%.  Excluding one large industrial renewal where the tenant exercised a fixed-rate option to renew their lease, the weighted-average rental rate on renewals that commenced during the second quarter of 2020 increased 5.4%.

Balance Sheet and Liquidity

  • Reported NAV per unit of $15.40 at June 30, 2020, compared to $15.56 at December 31, 2019.
  • Reported unencumbered assets of $2.0 billion at June 30, 2020, compared to $2.0 billion at December 31, 2019.
  • Reported total long-term debt and credit facilities to GBV of 52.5% at June 30, 2020, compared to 52.3% at December 31, 2019.
  • Reported total long-term debt and credit facilities to EBITDA of 9.5 at June 30, 2020, compared to 8.8 at December 31, 2019.
  • Increased EBITDA interest coverage ratio to 3.48 times for the second quarter of 2020, compared to 3.00 times for the second quarter of 2019.

Capital Structure

  • Utilized the normal course issuer bid ("NCIB") to purchase 1,531,142 common units at a weighted-average price of $8.39 and 60,782 preferred units at a weighted-average price $16.56.
  • Entered into interest rate swap agreements for the non-revolving credit facility maturing February 4, 2022, in the aggregate amount of $200.0 million, effectively fixing the interest rate at 2.22%.

(1) Inclusive of properties held under joint venture arrangements.


Health and Safety of Stakeholders

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Artis is working diligently to maintain a safe environment for its tenants, employees, customers and visitors to its properties.

Artis' first priority and intention is to keep its buildings safe and open unless ordered closed by government authority. The REIT has made appropriate contingency plans to maintain building supplies and necessary manpower for operations.

In accordance with current recommendations, Artis has increased common area cleaning in all properties.  The REIT has instructed cleaning contractors to maintain a full complement of staff.  The surplus manpower is being used to intensify cleaning and sanitizing in high-traffic areas.

High-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, handles, railings and elevator buttons are being regularly cleaned throughout the day.  Building cleaners are monitoring soap dispensers to ensure continued availability of these products.

Artis has had no service reductions and is currently fully staffed with building operations personnel (and are over-staffed with cleaning personnel).  If this needs to change, the REIT will immediately notify all tenants.  Artis has asked non-building operations personnel to work remotely for additional social distancing.

In an effort to minimize risk related to COVID-19 throughout its buildings, Artis has also imposed protocols for its employees and contractors, as directed by local or federal government guidelines and recommendations, and is encouraging tenants to do the same, namely:

  • Encouraging compliance with handwashing and other hygiene recommendations;
  • Requiring individuals who have travelled between provinces, states or internationally to follow local government regulations regarding isolation periods;
  • Directing individuals who experience any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19 to refrain from visiting Artis' buildings and to self-isolate.

Artis will continue to closely monitor this situation and will adjust its approach as recommended by public health agencies.

Tenant Support Program and Rent Collection

As a diversified REIT, Artis' portfolio comprises office, retail and industrial properties which, at June 30, 2020, were 90.6% leased (92.9% including commitments on vacant space) to high-quality tenants across Canada and the U.S. with a weighted-average remaining lease term of 5.5 years.  Artis expects that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to have the largest impact on its retail segment, which represented 17.2% of Q2-20 Proportionate Share Property NOI.  At June 30, 2020, the REIT's retail portfolio was 89.7% leased (90.0% including commitments on vacant space) with a weighted-average remaining lease term of 4.2 years.  Overall, Artis is confident that the quality of its retail properties, strong tenant base and limited exposure to this asset class will mitigate the impact on its overall business. 

Rent Collection

Rent collection has been a key focus for Artis and its stakeholders during this time.  As at July 31, 2020, Artis has collected 96.8% of rent charges excluding deferred rent and 93.1% of rent charges including deferred rent for the three months ended June 30, 2020. 

With respect to Artis' retail portfolio, as at July 31, 2020, Artis has collected approximately 88.8% of rent charges, excluding deferred rent, for the three months ended June 30, 2020.  The REIT continues to work diligently with its tenants as government restrictions related to the pandemic are eased. 

As at July 31, 2020, Artis has collected 93.3% of July rent charges, excluding deferred rent and 91.8% of July rent charges, including deferred rent.

Rent Deferrals

Due to government-mandated closure of non-essential businesses, a number of tenants have had to limit operations or temporarily close their businesses.  In an effort to support tenants through this difficult time, qualifying tenants who are in need of assistance have been given the option to defer a portion of their rent, with an agreement to repay the amount at a specified later date.  As at June 30, 2020, we have granted rent deferrals in the amount of $4.1 million to our tenants ($4.2 million on a Proportionate Share basis).

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

The REIT anticipates that the majority of rent deferrals and rents receivable will be collected, however, there are certain tenants that may not be able to pay their outstanding rent.  As at June 30, 2020, Artis has recorded an allowance for doubtful accounts in the amount of $3.0 million ($3.1 million on a Proportionate Share basis).

Leasing Update

The COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing requirements have changed the landscape of the commercial leasing market. To adapt to this new environment, many of Artis' vacancies can now be toured virtually by prospective tenants.

Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, Artis continues to have an active pipeline of renewals and new leases, including the recent renewal of a 130,000 square foot tenant occupying an entire building in the Greater Phoenix Area, Arizona, for an approximately eight-year term, and securing a new 12-year lease with a 134,000 square foot tenant at Tower Business Center, a new industrial development in the Greater Denver Area, Colorado.

Subsequent to June 30, 2020, Artis completed construction of Park 8Ninety IV, a 100,000 square foot build-to-suit development for a multi-national tenant.  This lease commenced in July 2020.  Artis has a 95% interest in this joint venture arrangement.

Conservative Distribution Payout Ratio

For the second quarter of 2020, Artis' AFFO payout ratio was 51.9%, which is among the most conservative of real estate investment trusts in Canada.

Unit Purchases Under Normal Course Issuer Bid

During the second quarter, Artis purchased 1,531,142 common units at a weighted-average price of $8.39 and 60,782 preferred units at a weighted-average price of $16.56 under its NCIB, which were made in accordance with the terms of an automatic purchase plan.  On May 7, 2020, the REIT temporarily suspended unit purchases under the NCIB.  The REIT will continue to monitor the trading price of Artis' units as it compares to NAV, as well as its liquidity in determining whether to resume unit purchases under the NCIB.

Financial Position and Liquidity

Since November 2018, the REIT has been focused on several new initiatives, one of which has been to strengthen Artis' balance sheet. Artis' current liquidity includes cash on hand and undrawn credit facilities.  There are no credit facilities or debentures maturing prior to 2021.

Artis' current liquidity sufficiently meets working capital requirements, obligations and capital commitments related to ongoing development projects and distribution payments to unitholders.  The REIT will continue to monitor this rapidly evolving situation closely and to prudently manage its capital resources.


Due to uncertainty with respect to the duration and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not possible to reliably estimate the future impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial results and operations.  For more information on risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic, please refer to the Risks and Uncertainties section of the Q2-20 MD&A.

Overall, Artis' first priority is to maintain a safe environment for its tenants, employees and the community.  During this unprecedented and uncertain time, Artis is committed to minimizing the impact on its business and, as a diversified REIT, Artis confident that it is well-positioned to handle the economic challenges that may lie ahead.


Selected Financial Information

Three months ended
June 30,

Six months ended
June 30,

$000's, except per unit amounts



% Change



% Change














Net operating income









Net income (loss)









Total comprehensive (loss) income









Distributions per common unit







FFO (1)













FFO per unit (1)








FFO payout ratio (1)












AFFO (1)













AFFO per unit (1)








AFFO payout ratio (1)












(1) Represents a non-GAAP measure.  Refer to the Notice with Respect to non-GAAP Measures.

Same Property NOI (1)






Same Property NOI change











(1) Represents a non-GAAP measure.  Refer to the Notice with Respect to non-GAAP Measures. 

The REIT reported a decline in period-over-period Same Property NOI of 2.0% for the second quarter of 2020, primarily due to bad debt provisions related to the collectability of rents receivable from certain tenants affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Excluding bad debt expense, Same Property NOI increased 1.2% for the second quarter of 2020, representing the eighth consecutive quarter of Same Property NOI growth.

Occupancy and Leasing

Occupancy at June 30, 2020, was 90.6% (92.9% including commitments) compared to 90.7% (92.7% including commitments) at March 31, 2020, excluding properties held for redevelopment and new development projects. Weighted-average rental rate on renewals that commenced during the second quarter of 2020 decreased 3.3%. Excluding one large industrial renewal where the tenant exercised a fixed-rate option to renew their lease, the weighted-average rental rate on renewals that commenced during the second quarter of 2020 increased 5.4%.

Artis' portfolio has a stable lease expiry profile with 48.3% of gross leasable area expiring in 2024 or later and 59.0% of the remaining 2020 expiries renewed or committed to new leases at June 30, 2020.  Weighted-average in-place rents for the entire portfolio are $12.68 per square foot and are estimated to be 0.9% below market rents.  Information about Artis' lease expiry profile is as follows:





& later

Expiring square footage











Committed percentage











In-place rents











Comparison of market to in-place rents












Balance Sheet Highlights and Metrics

The REIT's balance sheet highlights and metrics, on a Proportionate Share basis, are as follows:

June 30,

December 31,



Fair value of investment properties





Fair value of unencumbered assets



NAV per unit (1)



Secured mortgages and loans to GBV (1)





Total long-term debt and credit facilities to GBV (1)





Total long-term debt and credit facilities to EBITDA (1)



EBITDA interest coverage ratio (1)



Unencumbered assets to unsecured debt



(1) Represents a non-GAAP measure.  Refer to the Notice with Respect to non-GAAP Measures.

Information regarding the REIT's mortgage financing, on a Proportionate Share basis, is as follows:

June 30,

December 31,



Weighted-average effective interest rate





Weighted-average term to maturity (in years)



Unhedged variable rate mortgage debt as a percentage of total debt





Liquidity and Capital Resources

At June 30, 2020, Artis had $28.8 million of cash on hand and $172.0 million available on its revolving term credit facilities.  Liquidity and capital resources may be impacted by financing activities, portfolio acquisition, disposition and development activities, debt repayments and unit purchases under the NCIB occurring subsequent to June 30, 2020.


In November 2018, Artis announced several new initiatives that are focused on improving its growth profile, strengthening the balance sheet and ensuring the REIT is best positioned for long-term and sustainable growth.  These initiatives included revising the REIT's distribution, immediately and continually purchasing units under the NCIB, optimizing the portfolio by narrowing the focus to key assets in fewer markets, and pursuing high-yield, accretive development projects in target markets that will improve the value and quality of the REIT's portfolio.  Artis expects that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to have an impact on the execution of the New Initiatives, as financial markets have been disrupted and the property transaction market has slowed considerably.  Ongoing and future development projects may be delayed for the unknown duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

NCIB Activity and Preferred Unit Redemption

During the second quarter of 2020, the REIT purchased 1,531,142 common units at a weighted-average price of $8.39 and 60,782 preferred units at a weighted-average price of $16.56 under the NCIB.  From November 1, 2018, when Artis announced its intention to purchase units under the NCIB until June 30, 2020, the REIT has purchased 18,274,170 common units at a weighted-average price of $10.50 and 387,030 preferred units at a weighted-average price of $19.87.  The total aggregate market prices of common units and preferred units purchased under the NCIB from November 1, 2018, to June 30, 2020, were $191.9 million and $7.7 million, respectively. 

On July 31, 2019, Artis completed the redemption of its outstanding Series G preferred units for an aggregate face value of $78.5 million.

Property Dispositions

Artis' intention is to sell between $800.0 million to $1.0 billion of non-core assets.  At June 30, 2020, Artis has sold 26 properties and three parcels of development land, including 14 office (six Calgary office properties) and 12 retail properties, for a total sale price of $743.4 million, which compares well to the IFRS value of $730.0 million.

At June 30, 2020, the REIT had three office properties, one retail property and two parcels of development land, on a Proportionate Share basis, classified as held for sale, representing a total fair value of $136.4 million

New Developments

Since the New Initiatives were announced, the REIT has completed five new industrial development projects located in key target markets in the U.S. and one retail development project in Winnipeg, Manitoba, adding 1.6 million square feet to the portfolio.  Additionally, the REIT currently has two new development projects in process in Winnipeg, Manitoba and the fourth phase of an industrial development project in process in the Greater Houston Area, Texas.

Subsequent to June 30, 2020, Artis completed construction of Park 8Ninety IV, a 100,000 square foot build-to-suit development for a multi-national tenant. Artis has a 95% interest in this joint venture arrangement.

The REIT will continue to provide updates on the New Initiatives as progress is made.


Interested parties are invited to participate in a conference call with management on Friday, August 7, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. CT (1:00 p.m. ET). In order to participate, please dial 1.416.764.8688 or 1.888.390.0546. You will be required to identify yourself and the organization on whose behalf you are participating.

Alternatively, you may access the simultaneous webcast by following the link from our website at during or after the conference call and webcast. Prior to the webcast, you may follow the link to confirm you have the right software and system requirements.

If you cannot participate on Friday, August 7, 2020, a replay of the conference call will be available by dialing 1.416.764.8677 or 1.888.390.0541 and entering passcode 643804#.  The replay will be available until Monday, September 7, 2020. The webcast will be archived 24 hours after the end of the conference call and will be accessible for 90 days.


In addition to reported IFRS measures, the following non-GAAP measures are commonly used by Canadian real estate investment trusts as an indicator of financial performance: Proportionate Share, Property NOI, Same Property NOI, FFO, AFFO, FFO and AFFO Payout Ratios, NAV per Unit, Debt to GBV, EBITDA Interest Coverage Ratio and Debt to EBITDA.  "GAAP" means the generally accepted accounting principles described by the CPA Canada Handbook - Accounting, which are applicable as at the date on which any calculation using GAAP is to be made.  Artis applies IFRS, which is the section of GAAP applicable to publicly accountable enterprises.  These non-GAAP measures are not defined under IFRS and are not intended to represent operating profits for the period, or from a property, nor should any of these measures be viewed as an alternative to net income, cash flow from operations or other measures of financial performance calculated in accordance with IFRS.  Readers should be further cautioned that these non-GAAP measures as calculated by Artis may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. These non-GAAP measures are defined in the Q2-20 MD&A.


This press release contains forward-looking statements.  For this purpose, any statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements.  Particularly, statements regarding the REIT's future operating results, performance and achievements, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of Artis' new initiatives, are forward-looking statements.  Without limiting the foregoing, the words "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "estimates", "projects", and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

Artis is subject to significant risks and uncertainties which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the REIT to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements.  Such risk factors include, but are not limited to, risks related to risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic, implementation of Artis' new initiatives, risks associated with real property ownership, debt financing, foreign currency, credit and tenant concentration, lease rollover, availability of cash flow, general uninsured losses, future property acquisitions and dispositions, environmental matters, tax related matters, changes in legislation and changes in the tax treatment of trusts, cyber security, new or (re)developments, unitholder liability, potential conflicts of interest, potential dilution and reliance on key personnel.  Artis cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with any forward-looking statements and Artis assumes no obligation to update or revise such forward-looking statements to reflect actual events or new circumstances.  All forward-looking statements contained in this press release are qualified by this cautionary statement.


Artis is a diversified Canadian real estate investment trust investing in office, retail and industrial properties.  Since 2004, Artis has executed an aggressive but disciplined growth strategy, building a portfolio of commercial properties in select markets in Canada and the United States.  As of June 30, 2020, Artis' commercial property comprises approximately 23.8 million square feet of leasable area.

During the three months ended June 30, 2020, Proportionate Share Property NOI by asset class, was approximately 47.5% office, 17.2% retail and 35.3% industrial.  Proportionate Share Property NOI by geographical region, was approximately 2.6% in British Columbia, 15.8% in Alberta, 6.7% in Saskatchewan, 11.7% in Manitoba, 10.6% in Ontario, 11.0% in Arizona, 22.5% in Minnesota, 10.9% in Wisconsin and 8.2% in U.S. - Other.

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

600 - 220 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 0A5
T 204.947.1250  F 204.947.0453
AX.UN on the TSX

SOURCE Artis Real Estate Investment Trust

For further information: Mr. Armin Martens, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jim Green, Chief Financial Officer or Ms. Heather Nikkel, Vice-President - Investor Relations of the REIT at 204.947.1250.

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2020-08-06 21:08:00Z

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2020-08-07 01:20:00Z

Research explores the impacts of mobile phones for Maasai women - Science Daily

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:44 PM PDT

Mobile phones have the power to change the lives of women living in remote communities by reducing barriers to information and increasing access to local economies. However, the introduction of new technologies can hamper efforts to empower women by increasing disparities in power dynamics.

Associate Professor Timothy Baird of the College of Natural Resources and Environment and Kelly Summers, who earned a master's degree in geography from Virginia Tech in 2019, led a National Science Foundation-funded study examining the impact that mobile phones are having in Maasai communities in Tanzania. Their findings, published in the Journal of Rural Studies, reveal crucial insights into the ways that technology impacts social dynamics in a distinct community in Africa.

A nomadic people adapt to a changing world

The Maasai are an ethnic group of approximately 2 million people, living primarily in Kenya and Tanzania. As one of a number of indigenous groups in Africa to practice pastoralism, which involves the rearing of livestock, the Maasai have traditionally been nomadic, traversing the continent's Great Rift Valley to find grazing land for their animals.

This way of life, which has sustained Maasai for centuries, is evolving rapidly with the widespread expansion of western society and the ideas and technologies that come with it.

"Maasai are moving into a world some might call 'modern,'" noted Baird, a faculty member in the Department of Geography who has been researching Maasai communities since 2005. "Already there are aspects of our own 'western' lives that are evident in their lives. For example, several developments in Maasai society, from the growth of formal education to the spread of organized religion, have led to changes in the traditional structures that shape Maasai lives. From my vantage, mobile phones have been a kind of steroid for accelerating those changes."

For a population that herds livestock across wide stretches of wild savanna, mobile phones are a boon to their economy and life. But few studies have investigated how this new technology is impacting the lives of women in Maasai communities, which are traditionally patriarchal. In family units where men exert significant control, often over multiple wives, it is important to understand how phones have impacted gender dynamics.

"As a man, it's difficult -- and really not appropriate -- for me to have meetings with individual women or groups of women," Baird explained. "Maasai men may be quite uncomfortable with such a setup, and Maasai women may have no experience engaging with a man who is not a relative. So I needed help."

Enter Kelly Summers, who received bachelor's degrees in natural resources conservation and in forestry from Virginia Tech in 2014.

"While I was serving as an agriculture Extension agent with the Peace Corps in Tanzania, I read an article about Tim's research and reached out to him about doing graduate work in Tanzania," said Summers, who is currently working as an environmental protection specialist for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "Because I had experience interacting with women while living in and traveling to remote communities in Tanzania, it was a good fit."

Summers, working with collaborators, including Maria Elisa Christie, director of women and gender in international development for Virginia Tech's Center for International Research, Education, and Development, was able to conduct interviews with Maasai women, trying to puzzle out the difficult question of what women's empowerment might look like in a cultural context bounded by traditions but also stimulated by an expanding world.

"I don't want to paint a monolithic picture of a whole group of people," Summers said. "All of the women I spoke with had multiple identities within their communities: some women owned businesses, and some took on the work of tending to livestock. They were mothers and wives. Some were teachers and some were active in churches. There are a range of identities, and phones impact those identities for better or worse, or both."

Understanding the contexts of empowerment

To understand how a new technology like mobile phones could potentially support women's empowerment, it was important for researchers to understand what empowerment would look like within the specific contexts of Maasai life.

"To unpack this idea of empowerment, we had to characterize our terms and then look for examples of those characterizations," Baird said. "We had to ask: what are the aspects of your social world, what are the physical materials, and what are your own personal assets that allow you to make decisions and then act on those decisions. From that, we could develop more targeted questions about issues that embody empowerment and the factors that promote or obstruct it."

For Maasai women, the barriers to using mobile phones to gain empowerment vary: from access to reliable electricity to technological fluency and literacy, to having the financial resources to pay for data, their ability to use phones is shaped by a broad array of issues that are themselves in a state of radical flux. The study results show that some concerns are unique to Maasai communities, while others seem universal.

"One observation we made was that Maasai women are very much addicted to their phones," Summers explained. "If they can't get a charge or they can't purchase minutes, the feeling they have is very similar to our own anxiety when our phones lose power. We all want to communicate, we all want to be in a community, and phones are becoming a major tool to do that among Maasai women. Those who don't have access to a phone very much feel that they're missing out."

To work around some of the challenges pertaining to access, Maasai women have found cooperative solutions. Baird and Summers cite the important role that informal village community banks play in allowing women to develop business relationships with other women outside their family units, increasing the women's economic autonomy.

While mobile phones are a positive motivator in seeking these burgeoning opportunities, the authors stressed that mobile phones can also reinforce inequalities. For Maasai women, who typically have multiple roles within family and community structures, mobile phones can simultaneously empower an individual in one role while disempowering her in another.

"The same power dynamics that already existed are now playing out with phones," Baird said. "We found that men, the traditional gatekeepers in this society, are the ones who often control women's phones. They can use them as a reward or a punishment, a carrot or a stick."

Summers added that one of their findings is that Maasai men and women used phones differently: "Men will use their phones to talk to people outside their immediate social circle, but women will primarily talk to people they already know: mothers and sisters and other people in their family unit. They are rarely using their phones to reach out to new people."

While mobile phones can be used in ways that empower women, the researchers stress that it is more realistic to view this technology as a new arena where tensions between traditional cultural norms and the growing aspirations to engage in a broadly interconnected world continue to play out. Future efforts aimed at using mobile technologies to advance women's empowerment need to better understand what empowerment would look like within the specific contexts of a distinct culture, and what consequences -- positive and negative -- are risked when new technologies take root.

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"Mobile" - Google News
August 06, 2020 at 02:09PM

Research explores the impacts of mobile phones for Maasai women - Science Daily
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Actress Geena Davis Lists Longtime L.A. Home for $6 Million - Mansion Global

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:48 PM PDT

Academy Award-winning actress Geena Davis is ready to part with her longtime Mediterranean-style Los Angeles residence, listing it Tuesday for $5.99 million.

The celebrity ownership of the villa is laid out unabashedly in the listing for the home, which also details that the "stately" and "elegant" property "will captivate from the moment you enter."

David Offer of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties has the listing. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Tucked away on a quiet cul-de-sac in the city's posh Pacific Palisades neighborhood, the five-bedroom home spans 5,146 square feet. Its Mediterranean vibe extends further than just the charming exterior with its vine-laden facade and red-tile roof. Inside are clean lines, wooden floors, terracotta floors, high ceilings, French doors and antique Italian tiles, according to the listing.

The formal dining room and family room both open up to the landscaped, terraced backyard, as does the living room, of which the focal point is a colossal face sculpture culminating in a quirky statement fireplace.

There is also a recently remodeled kitchen, a bar, a safe room, and a vaulted main bedroom suite complete with a sitting area, a fireplace and a private covered terrace.

The "Thelma and Louise" star, 64, has owned the home for more than a decade. She snapped up the spread in 2007 using a trust to shield her identity for the $4.19 million purchase, records with PropertyShark show.

In 1989, Ms. Davis won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in

"The Accidental Tourist," and her filmography includes "A League of Their Own" and "Beetlejuice."

In 2004, she launched the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, and in 2019, she received the Academy Awards' Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for her work in gender equality in Hollywood. A representative for Ms. Davis did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Variety first reported the listing.

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  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-08-07 00:13:25Z

How judges responded to warnings about ammonium nitrate stored at the Beirut port - CNN

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

The information adds to a growing body of evidence, including emails and public court documents, that officials had been notified about a shipment of thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate -- described by one Russian analyst as a "floating bomb" -- that is linked to Tuesday's catastrophic explosion in the seaside capital.
A Russian ship&#39;s cargo of dangerous ammonium nitrate was stranded in Beirut port for years
After the explosion, Lebanon's Prime Minister Hassan Diab said it was "unacceptable" that a shipment of an estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate was stored in a warehouse for six years. However, documents obtained by CNN show that members of the Lebanese government and judiciary were apprised of vast quantities of the dangerous material being stored there -- and may have failed to safeguard it.
In 2013, a Russian-owned vessel, MV Rhosus, was detained in Beirut with a cargo of 2,750 metric tons of ammonium nitrate, which is used in industrial agriculture and mining. The cargo was said to be destined for Mozambique, but the ship stopped in Beirut due to financial difficulties.
Baroudi & Associates, who represented the Russian vessel's crew, published a statement on Wednesday saying they sent letters in July 2014 to officials at Beirut Port and the Ministry of Transportation "warning of the dangers of the materials carried on the ship."
They state that they also received a letter that month "from the General Director of Land and Sea Transportation informing us that he sent official letters to the Justice Ministry asking them to do what's necessary for the ship to avoid its sinking and expose the port to the danger of its load."
"He also told us that he sent a letter to the naval authorities to do what's needed to repair the ship and avoid its sinking," the statement wrote.
CNN has reached out to Lebanese Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Transportation and Beirut Port for comment but has received no response.
Despite warnings, the cargo remained at the port.

Repeated warnings

Customs authorities issued repeated notices to a judge about the dangerous cargo, according to documents seen by CNN. But the judge, who cannot be named for legal reasons, responded multiple times saying that the ship and its cargo might not be within the court's jurisdiction, the documents show.
In four handwritten responses written in 2016 and 2017, the judge and their successor responded to letters from Lebanese customs officials saying that they needed "to discuss to what extent the jurisdiction of the court" covered this matter.
Baroudi & Associates have also said that the intended destination of the potentially explosive cargo was Mozambique and that it was being shipped "per the order of International Bank of Mozambique for Fabrica De Explosives" when it was detained in Beirut.
The International Bank of Mozambique and Fábrica de Explosivos de Moçambique -- a commercial mining company in Mozambique -- did not respond to a request for comment.
A Russian ship&#39;s cargo of dangerous ammonium nitrate was stranded in Beirut port for years
But the director of Beira Port in Mozambique, António Libombo, has denied knowledge of the Russian vessel, according to local Portuguese news outlet Lusa. "Usually, before we receive a ship, we are notified. In this case, we never receive any notification of a ship coming to Beira port with those characteristics and cargo," Libombo reportedly told Lusa.
The Mozambican Ministry of Transport and Communications also reportedly told Lusa that they were not informed about the Russian vessel.
The possibility that the blast could have been prevented has already ignited accusations of government negligence, rooted in long-held frustration at Lebanon's political class.
The blast, which killed more than 100 people and wounded thousands, came as Lebanon was already seeing rising unemployment, soaring prices and a currency in free fall. For many, the tragedy is further proof of government ineptitude and corruption.

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How judges responded to warnings about ammonium nitrate stored at the Beirut port - CNN
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