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- 배슬기 “' 심리섭' 이메일로 영화 '접속'처럼 만나…3번 찼다”(아내의 맛) - 세계일보
- 마마무, 11월 3일 컴백 확정…1년 만 완전체 [공식] - 한국경제
- [코로나19발생현황]스타벅스 서울교대점 확진..낮 마스크vs밤 모임서 먹다가.. - 시사뉴스
- ゴジラがTVアニメ化へ 国内初 - Yahoo!ニュース
- Google、「G Suite」を「Google Workspace」にリブランド ツール同士の連携強化、新料金プランも - ITmedia
- 「1個1000円」をうたう家庭用センサーがファンディング開始、「ドアの開閉」「ポストの投函」などをスマホに通知 - INTERNET Watch
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- 1년 만에 컴백…마마무 내달 3일 미니앨범 '트래블'로 활동 재개 - 세계일보
- S・ヘイガー、M・アンソニー、オジー、キッスら、エドワード・ヴァン・ヘイレンを追悼 - BARKS
- Gurudwara Distributes Lassi To Devotees With This Intelligent Device. Watch Viral Video - NDTV Food
- 主演・宮野真守&主題歌・坂本真綾 『劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット-前編Wandering; Agateram』本予告映像 - oricon
- Ozil to be axed? Arteta facing big decision with Arsenal needing to chop two players from 25-man squad - Goal
- Kayleigh McEnany speaks out for the first time since testing positive for COVID-19 - Daily Mail
- SpaceX launches 60 more Starlink satellites Tuesday, breaks scrub streak - CNET
- 劇場版FGOの本予告公開、宮野真守「僕の中のベディヴィエールがうずいています」(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー
- 伝説ギタリスト エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンさん死去(2020年10月7日) - ANNnewsCH
- スマホのカメラでテレビ会議をしつつ、ノートPCで別作業ができるホルダー - ギズモード・ジャパン
- 大きく生まれ変わった「GoPro HERO9 Black」、Maxレンズに注目 - AV Watch
- <市川猿之助>フジ報道番組でスペシャルキャスターに コロナ禍生き抜く人々を取材(MANTANWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース
- Community Spotlight: Ars gratia artis - The Edwardsville Intelligencer
- <市川猿之助>フジ報道番組でスペシャルキャスターに コロナ禍生き抜く人々を取材(MANTANWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース
배슬기 “' 심리섭' 이메일로 영화 '접속'처럼 만나…3번 찼다”(아내의 맛) - 세계일보 Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:23 PM PDT ![]() 가수 겸 배우 배슬기(35‧사진 위 가운데)가 심리섭(33)과 결혼하게 된 계기와 연애 당시를 털어놨다. 지난 6일 방송된 TV조선 예능프로그램 '세상 어디에도 없는, 아내의 맛'(이하 '아내의 맛')에서는 배슬기가 출연해 결혼 후 신혼을 즐기는 일상을 공개했다. 이날 배슬기 심리섭 부부는 양가 어머니를 초대하며 첫 집들이를 하는 과정이 그러졌다. 배슬기는 식사를 하며 "엄마 덕분에 (심리섭을) 만났다"며 "처음에 엄마가 (심리섭의 유튜브) 영상을 보여줬다"고 언급했다. 이에 배슬기 어머니는 "청년이 개인 방송을 하는 모습이 반듯하더라"며 "그래서 슬기한테 공유를 해준 거다. 배울점이 있는 것 같아서"라고 했고, 배슬기는 "방송을 보고 저도 팬이 됐다. 영화 '접속'처럼 둘이 이메일로 연락했다"고 밝혔다. 연애 당시에 대해 배슬기는 "엄마가 혼자 살기 때문에 결혼 생각이 아예 없었다. 엄마를 평생 모시고 살려고 했다"며 "제가 망설이고 3번 넘게 찼었다"고 밝혀 놀라움을 자아냈다. 그러면서 "심리섭을 만났는데 대화를 하다 보니까 결혼 상대인가 그런 생각이 자꾸 들었다"고 말해 출연진들은 "운명이네"라고 감탄했다. 앞서 지난 8월 배슬기는 자필 편지로 "함께 대화하는 것만으로도 마음이 따뜻해지는 사람을 만나 그동안 쌓인 제 모든 삶의 긴장들이 평온해지기 시작한 것을 느꼈다"며 "앞으로 남은 인생은 이 사람과 함께 하고 싶다는 생각을 하게 됐다"고 결혼을 알렸다. 남편 심리섭은 자신의 유튜브 채널 '리섭TV'를 운영하며 유튜버로 활동하고 있으며, 두 사람은 사귄 지 두 달 만에 결혼에 골인했다. 강소영 온라인 뉴스 기자 사진=TV조선 '세상 어디에도 없는, 아내의 맛' 방송화면 캡처 [ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] 엔터테인먼트 |
마마무, 11월 3일 컴백 확정…1년 만 완전체 [공식] - 한국경제 Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:23 PM PDT 마마무, 11월 3일 새 미니앨범 '트래블' 발표 '믿듣맘무' 클라스 기대 ![]() 마마무 /사진=RBW 제공 소속사 RBW는 "마마무가 내달 3일 새 미니앨범 '트래블(Travel)'로 컴백한다. 마마무는 이번 컴백으로 올해 첫 피지컬 앨범이자 첫 완전체 출격을 하게 됐다. 오랜 시간 심혈을 기울여 준비해 마마무의 독보적인 색깔을 담아낸 만큼 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드린다"고 7일 밝혔다. 이로써 마마무는 지난해 11월 발표한 정규앨범 '리얼리티 인 블랙(reality in BLACK)' 이후 1년 만에 완전체 활동에 나선다. 마마무는 그간 데뷔곡 'Mr. 애매모호'를 시작으로 '피아노맨', '음오아예', '넌 is 뭔들', '데칼코마니', '나로 말할 것 같으면', '별이 빛나는 밤', '너나 해', '윈드 플라워', '고고베베', '힙' 등 수많은 히트곡을 탄생시키며, 명실상부 K팝 대표 걸그룹으로 자리매김했다. 이들은 뛰어난 보컬과 퍼포먼스 실력, 장르를 가리지 않는 폭넓은 소화력을 앞세워 '마마무가 장르', '믿듣맘무' 등의 수식어를 얻었다. 뿐만 아니라 마마무 멤버들은 4인 4색의 개성과 색깔을 담은 솔로 활동에서도 두각을 나타내며 '따로 또 같이' 행보의 대표주자로 우뚝 섰다. 그룹과 솔로 활동을 모두 성공으로 이끈 마마무가 이번 컴백으로 어떤 모습을 보여줄지 귀추가 주목된다. 김수영 한경닷컴 기자 ⓒ 한경닷컴, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 엔터테인먼트 |
[코로나19발생현황]스타벅스 서울교대점 확진..낮 마스크vs밤 모임서 먹다가.. - 시사뉴스 Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:23 PM PDT ![]() [종합] 코로나19 발생현황(서울시) 6일 오후 기준, 스타벅스 서울교대점서 확진자 3명 발생 [시사뉴스 홍정원 기자] 스타벅스 서울교대점에서 코로나19 확진자가 3명 발생했다. 6일 서울시 코로나19 발생현황에 따르면 스타벅스 서울교대점 직원 1명이 지난 4일 최초 확진 판정을 받은 후 이 지점 직장동료 1명, 확진자와 거주 공간이 같은 지인 1명이 5일 추가 양성 반응이 나왔다. 동료와 지인 등 확진자의 접촉자를 포함해 31명이 검사 받은 결과 최초 확진자를 제외하고 2명이 양성, 10명이 음성 반응이 나왔다. 나머지는 코로나19 검사 결과를 기다리는 중이다. 역학조사에서 스타벅스 최초 확진자와 직장동료는 근무하는 동안 마스크를 착용했으나 근무하지 않는 시간엔 다른 직원들과 저녁식사한 것으로 알려졌다. ![]() 확진 판정을 받은 최초 감염자의 지인은 지하 1층에 고시원 형식으로 지어진 거주 공간에서 최초 확진자와 함께 생활했다. 총 8명이 살고 있는 이곳에선 각자의 방에서 식사, 수면을 하고 주방, 화장실은 함께 사용했다. 박유미 서울시 시민건강국장은 "식당, 카페 등 다중이용시설 종사자는 마스크 착용, 환기, 소독 등 방역수칙을 준수해달라"며 "각종 모임, 회식은 자제 부탁드린다"고 당부했다. 앞서 정부는 이날 오전 음식물 섭취 시 마스크 착용과 사회적 거리두기 등 코로나19 방역수칙을 지키지 않을 경우 감염 위험이 3.9배까지 높아진다고 경고했다. 강도태 중앙재난안전대책본부(중대본) 1총괄조정관(보건복지부 2차관)은 오전 정부세종청사에서 열린 중대본 회의에서 이 같이 밝혔다. 강 1총괄조정관은 "해외에서 코로나19 환자 감염 요인을 분석한 결과 식사, 음용 등 마스크 착용과 사회적 거리두기가 어려운 경우에 감염 위험이 2.4배에서 3.9배까지 높아진다"고 말했다. ![]() 엔터테인먼트 |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:18 PM PDT ゴジラがTVアニメ化へ 国内初 - Yahoo!ニュース ![]() ゴジラのアニメ化を巡っては? 2017、18年に「GODZILLA 怪獣惑星」「GODZILLA 決戦機動増殖都市」「GODZILLA 星を喰う者」の3部作が劇場公開。今回の新シリーズは毎週放送のTVアニメで、映画とは違うオリジナルストーリー。 出典:クランクイン! 2020-10-07 02:38:25Z |
Google、「G Suite」を「Google Workspace」にリブランド ツール同士の連携強化、新料金プランも - ITmedia Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:14 PM PDT 米Googleは10月6日(現地時間)、法人向けオフィススイート「G Suite」の名称を「Google Workspace」に変更したと発表した。UI(ユーザーインタフェース)も刷新し、ツール同士の連携を強化した。料金体系も、従来の3プランから4プランに拡充した。 対応するアプリはG Suiteと同様、Gmail、Googleカレンダー、Googleドライブ、ドキュメント、スプレッドシート、スライド、Google Meetなど。ラインアップは変更しないが、Gmailの画面からMeetを起動し、Web会議ができる機能を搭載するなど、アプリを切り替える手間を解消した。 今後はチャットの画面上でドキュメントを共同編集できる機能や、スプレッドシートやスライドなどにWeb会議の画面を重ねて表示する「ピクチャーインピクチャー」機能などを順次追加し、UIの統合を進める。 各アプリのアイコンも刷新し、数週間以内に「新しい4色のアイコンに変える」としている。 料金プランは、これまで提供していたBasic、Business、Enterpriseの3プランを、Business Starter(680円/1人)、Buisness Standard(1360円/1人)、Business Plus(2040円/1人)、大規模ビジネス(個別料金)の4プランに組み替える。 新しく追加したBusiness Plusでは、Meetの同時接続数を250人まで増やす他、エンドポイントセキュリティを下位プランより強化する。大規模ビジネスではこれらに加え、Meetでの会議中にタイピング音などのノイズをキャンセルする機能を提供する。 G Suiteでは上位プランのGoogleドライブのストレージ容量を無制限としていたが、Google Workspaceではこれを廃止。Business Starterでは30GB、Buisness Standardでは2TB、Business Plusでは5TBを上限とし、大規模ビジネスでは「必要に応じて保存容量を増やせる」としている。 今後は数カ月以内に、個人向けにも新しいUIを提供する予定。 【編集履歴:2020年10月6日午後8時 各料金プランのGoogleドライブのストレージ容量について追記しました】 関連記事関連リンクからの記事と詳細 ビジネス |
「1個1000円」をうたう家庭用センサーがファンディング開始、「ドアの開閉」「ポストの投函」などをスマホに通知 - INTERNET Watch Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:14 PM PDT アトムテック株式会社は6日、スマートセンサー「ATOM Sensor」シリーズのクラウドファンディング受付を開始した。同社のネットワークカメラ「ATOM Cam」と組み合わせて使う製品で、クラウドファンディングサイト「GREEN FUNDING」にて、All or Nothing方式で11月20日まで募集を受け付けている。 製品ラインナップは、ATOM Camと接続する受信機「ATOMドングル」、設置している場所の開閉を検知する「ATOM開閉センサー」、赤外線で設置箇所付近の動体検知や明暗の確認ができる「ATOMモーションセンサー」の3種類。 クラウドファンディングでの出品は、いずれも複数製品のセットで、最低価格が4050円(ATOMドングル1個、ATOM開閉センサー2個、ATOMモーションセンサー1個、限定300セット)。このほか、ATOM Camとのセット(6700円~)も用意されている。同社では、上記の最低価格の場合、ユニット1個あたりの価格がほぼ1000円になることから「1個1000円」をうたっている。 スマートフォンに専用アプリを入れることで、センサーの内容を好きなタイミングで確認できるほか、スマートフォンの通知機能で、ドアの開閉などをリアルタイムに確認することも可能。 具体的な利用例としては、冷蔵庫やエアコン、窓に開閉センサーを設置することで、使用(開閉)されているかの確認や、郵便ポストにモーションセンサーを設置することで郵便物の到着を通知することなどができる。 また、ATOM Camと連動することで、センサーと連動した録画ができるほか、複数のウェブサービスを連携し自動化できるアプリ「IFTTT」にも対応している。 サイズ(幅×奥行き×高さ)は、ATOMドングルが約24×28.5×約52mm、ATOM開閉センサーが約38×12.8×約38mm、ATOMモーションセンサーが約38×約24×約38mm。 各センサーは電池で動作(連続動作18か月)。個々のセンサーはATOMドングルと920MHz帯で通信(最大100m)する仕組みで、ネットとの通信はATOMドングルを介してATOM Camが行う。また、ATOMドングル1個あたり、最大100個のセンサーを接続できるとのこと。 同社ではセンサータイプの拡充を検討しており、今後、温湿度センサーや水没センサー、警告アラームなどを考えているという。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス |
[단독] 대법서 이겼는데도…유승준 비자발급 또 거부당했다 - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:25 PM PDT ![]() 2003년 약혼녀 부친상 조문을 위해 일시 입국했던 유승준씨의 모습. 정부는 유승준씨의 비자발급을 또 거부했다. 김성룡 기자 유승준 측 다시 행정소송 "한국땅 밟고 싶은 작은 소망" 정부 2차 비자발급 거부, 유승준은 또 소송2015년 LA총영사관의 비자발급 거부에 반발하면서 시작돼 2019년 대법 판결이 났던 유씨의 소송이 2라운드에 돌입한 셈이다. 유씨는 정부의 2차 비자발급 거부 이후 변호인단에 "이제 한국 입국을 포기하겠다"는 입장을 밝혔지만, 변호인들이 "끝을 봐야 하지 않겠냐"고 설득해 소를 제기했다고 한다. ![]() 지난해 9월 20일 열린 유승준 비자발급 거부취소 파기환송심에서 변론을 마친 유씨의 변호인 임상혁(왼쪽), 윤종수 변호사가 취재진의 질문에 답하고 있다. [연합뉴스] 유승준 입국금지 사건의 전말당시 재외동포법에 따르면 병역을 기피할 목적으로 대한민국 국적을 상실해 외국인이 된 경우에도 38세가 되면 안전보장 저해 등 특별한 사정이 없는 한 입국금지 대상이 될 수 없다. 유씨가 비자를 신청했을 당시의 나이가 38세였다. 하지만 LA총영사관은 2002년 법무부장관의 입국금지 결정을 근거로 비자발급을 거부했다. 유씨는 소를 제기했고 지난해 7월 대법원은 이 조치가 위법하다고 판결했다. ![]() 2002년 입국이 좌절됐던 유승준씨의 모습. [중앙포토] 유승준 손 들어줬던 대법원대법원은 또한 "출입국관리법상 금고형 이상의 범죄를 저지른 외국인도 5년간 입국을 제한할 뿐"이라며 "재외동포에 무기한의 입국금지조치는 법령에 근거가 없는 한 신중해야 한다"고 했다. 유씨에 대한 처분이 그의 잘못에 비해 과도하다며 "유씨의 위반 내용과 제재 사이에 비례의 원칙이 적용돼야 한다"는 이례적 입장도 밝혔다. 변호인과 정부의 입장정부 측은 "파기환송심에선 이 비례의 원칙 부분에 대해 별도의 판단을 하진 않았다"며 "재량권 불행사 부분을 검토해 법령에 따라 비자발급거부 처분을 다시 한 것"이란 입장이다. 하지만 유씨의 변호인단은 "다른 나라의 국적을 취득한 외국인을 병역기피로 보고 무기한 입국금지를 한 사례는 유승준씨가 유일하다"고 주장하고 있다. 정부의 이번 결정이 논란을 피해가긴 어려운 상황이다. ![]() 청와대가 지난해 9월 '유승준 입국 금지 청원'에 대해 "법원 판결 확정 후 판단하겠다"는 답변을 내놓았던 모습. [청와대 유튜브 캡처] 유승준 측 "유승준은 테러리스트 아냐"유씨의 변호인단은 "유씨는 20년 전 인기가 있었던 연예인에 불과할 뿐, 테러리스트도 재벌도 아니다"고 답답함을 전했다. 이어 "유씨는 지난 18년간 온갖 비난과 조롱을 당하면서도 과거의 선택을 후회하고 있다"며 "정말 유승준이 입국하면 대한민국의 안전보장과 질서유지 등 대한민국 이익을 해칠 우려가 있는지 정부에 되묻고 싶다"는 입장을 밝혔다. 박태인 기자 기사 및 더 읽기 ( [단독] 대법서 이겼는데도…유승준 비자발급 또 거부당했다 - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 |
1년 만에 컴백…마마무 내달 3일 미니앨범 '트래블'로 활동 재개 - 세계일보 Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:25 PM PDT ![]() 걸그룹 마마무가 오는 11월3일 컴백을 확정했다. 소속사 RBW는 7일 오전 "마마무가 내달 3일 새 미니앨범 '트래블(Travel)'로 전격 컴백한다"고 운을 뗐다. 이어 "마마무는 이번 컴백으로 올해 첫 피지컬 앨범이자 첫 완전체 출격을 하게 됐다. 오랜 시간 심혈을 기울여 준비해 마마무의 독보적인 색깔을 담아낸 만큼 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드린다"고 당부했다. 이로써 마마무는 지난해 11월 발표한 정규앨범 '리얼리티 인 블랙(reality in BLACK)' 이후 1년 만에 완전체 활동을 시작한다. 앞서 마마무는 그간 데뷔곡 'Mr. 애매모호'를 시작으로 '피아노맨', '음오아예', '넌 is 뭔들', '데칼코마니', '나로 말할 것 같으면', '별이 빛나는 밤' 등 수많은 히트곡을 탄생시켰다. 한편 마마무 소속 멤버 화사(본명 안혜진·사진 오른쪽에서 두 번째)는 배우 엄정화, 가수 이효리, 제시(〃 호현주) 등과 함께 MBC 예능 프로그램 '놀면 뭐하니?'의 '환불원정대'에 참여해 이들의 기에 지지 않고 '할 말은 하는' 막내로 활약하고 있다. 또한 MBC 예능 프로그램 '나 혼자 산다'의 디지털 스핀오프 '여자들의 은밀한 파티 - 여은파'에서는 모델 한혜진, 개그우먼 박나래와 함께 새로운 모습을 보여주고 있다. 김찬영 온라인 뉴스 기자 [ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] 엔터테인먼트 |
S・ヘイガー、M・アンソニー、オジー、キッスら、エドワード・ヴァン・ヘイレンを追悼 - BARKS Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:18 PM PDT S・ヘイガー、M・アンソニー、オジー、キッスら、エドワード・ヴァン・ヘイレンを追悼 - BARKS ![]() エドワード・ヴァン・ヘイレンの突然の訃報、早すぎる死に世界は衝撃を受け、大きな悲しみに包まれた。数多くのミュージシャンから沈痛な追悼の言葉が上がっている。 元バンド・メイトのサミー・ヘイガーは「胸が張り裂け言葉を失っている。ファミリーに愛を」、マイケル・アンソニーも「言葉が出ない…胸が張り裂けている。家族へ愛を」と、多くの人たちと同じ想いを綴った。 キッスのジーン・シモンズは「悲しみに打ちひしがれている。エディはギター・ゴッドというだけでなく真に美しいソウルの持ち主だった。安らかに、エディ!」、ポール・スタンレーは「オー、ノー! 言葉にならない。先駆者であり、常に音楽に全てを捧げていた。善き人。1976年Starwoodで初めて彼がプレイしているのを見たことを覚えてる。彼はエディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンだった。ものすごくショックで悲しい。ウルフィと家族にお悔やみを」と、その人柄と才能を称え、悲痛な想いを表明した。 オジー・オズボーン「エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンは俺が一緒に仕事をしてきた人たちの中で最もナイスな一人だった。俺らは多くの笑いを共にした。音楽、特にギターへの彼の影響は計り知れない。絶対的なレジェンドだった。エディ、向こうで会おう、友よ」 ギーザー・バトラー「2020年がこれ以上悪くなることはないだろうと考えていたそのとき、エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンが亡くなったと知った。凄くショックだ。僕が出会い一緒にツアーをした中で最もナイスで堅実な人たちの一人だった。真の紳士で真の天才。RIP。とても悲しい。彼の兄アレックス、彼の家族に思いを馳せる」 ジョー・エリオット(デフ・レパード)「1977年、シェフィールド・シティ・ホールでヴァン・ヘイレンがサバスを打ち砕くのを見た…エディはその大きな要因だった。一世代前にジミ・ヘンドリックスがそうしたようにギターの演奏を本質的に改革した…」「彼はこのシーンに登場したとき、間違いなく当時の現状を揺り動かした」 デイヴィッド・カヴァデール(ホワイトスネイク)「Omg…RIP、エドワード…君の家族、友人&ファンたちのことを想い祈る…なんて途方もない喪失…本当に驚異的なミュージシャンだった」 モトリー・クルーのヴィンス・ニール、ニッキー・シックス、ジャーニーのニール・ショーン、ビリー・アイドル、ジョーン・ジェット、フォリナーのミック・ジョーンズ、セバスチャン・バック、レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズのフリーら、数えきれないほど多くのミュージシャンが悲しみを口にしている。追悼の言葉は後を絶たない。 Ako Suzuki 2020-10-07 00:45:00Z |
Gurudwara Distributes Lassi To Devotees With This Intelligent Device. Watch Viral Video - NDTV Food Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:49 PM PDT ![]() Indians are known for their keen sense of 'jugaad' or making the most out of whatever resources are available to them. This skill is not just a one-day thing but something that people develop over a lifetime. The hacks that we innovate can often make the most Herculean of tasks simple and easy to perform. People of India are coming up with interesting solutions to everyday problems. A video of a volunteer distributing lassi to devotees at a Gurudwara with the help of an interesting contraption. Take a look at the viral video here:
(Also Read: This 24x7 Pakora Stall Outside Bangla Sahib Gurudwara Is Perfect For Late Night Cravings) The video was shared by Twitter user @AmitAgarwal and it was originally sourced from another user Vikram Kalra. "A unique way of serving lassi/butter milk in a Langarkhana of a Gurudwara. They have used the cycle handle and brakes to serve lassi," was the text mentioned with the video. It showed a long line of devotees sitting together to eat food from the Gurudwara's community kitchen, which also known as 'Langar'. While the devotees ate the food in their plates, a young volunteer poured in buttermilk (or lassi) into their empty katoris. The device he used to dispense was a steel drum attached to a cart with wheels. There was a tap attached to the drum which was operated with the help of two cycle brakes. As he moved from one person to the other, he used the brakes to pour in the lassi with minimal effort and keeping distance from the devotees too. The video went viral on Twitter garnering over 48k views and counting. Users poured in their reaction to the interesting contraption, and they loved the idea of maintaining distance and hygiene especially in these testing times of the Coronavirus pandemic.
(Also Read: Visiting the Golden Temple: Tales of Langar, Kada Prasad and More) What did you think of the video? Tell us in the comments below! "viral" - Google News October 06, 2020 at 12:58AM Gurudwara Distributes Lassi To Devotees With This Intelligent Device. Watch Viral Video - NDTV Food "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
主演・宮野真守&主題歌・坂本真綾 『劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット-前編Wandering; Agateram』本予告映像 - oricon Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:48 PM PDT 主演・宮野真守&主題歌・坂本真綾 『劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット-前編Wandering; Agateram』本予告映像 - oricon [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-10-06 23:00:03Z |
Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:44 PM PDT The Gunners boss will have to leave out two non-homegrown players when the club submits its final list to the Premier League Mikel Arteta is facing up to some major selection issues following the close of the summer transfer window, with two senior players set to be axed from Arsenal's 25-man Premier League squad. Premier League rules state that clubs have until October 20 to submit their 25-man squad list - which must feature a maximum of 17, and a minimum of eight, non-homegrown players. But Arsenal's addition of Thomas Partey from Atletico Madrid on Monday and, more importantly, the failure to find takers for players the club had been looking to move on, means that Arteta currently has 19 non-homegrown players in his squad. The transfer window is still open for Premier League clubs to do business with clubs in the Football League until October 16, but it's highly unlikely that any of the senior players at Arsenal would agree to drop down to the lower tiers of English football. So that means that Arteta will have to decide which two players to leave out of his 25-man squad for the first half of the season, which runs up to the close of the winter transfer window - when a new squad can be submitted. It's something the Arsenal boss admits has been troubling him during the early weeks of the campaign. "I'm really happy with all the boys and the way they're training," said the Spaniard. "But selection is getting more complicated and with this new rule of just having only 18 players in the squad makes it very difficult." Arsenal were hoping to move several players out of the club before Monday night's transfer deadline, but struggled to do so in what was a very difficult market to navigate. Matteo Guendouzi did leave, joining Hertha Berlin on loan, while Lucas Torreira also went out, completing a loan move to Atletico Madrid. But Sead Kolasinac saw a move to Bayer Leverkusen collapse, while Arsenal and Saint-Etienne ran out of time to finalise a season-long loan deal for William Saliba. Sokratis and Shkodran Mustafi were also free to leave, but Arsenal were unable to find takers for the two defenders - who are both now into the final year of their contracts in north London. With eight centre-backs in his squad, it could be that Arteta opts to leave at least one out of his 25-man Premier League squad. Pablo Mari, Calum Chambers and Mustafi have yet to play a game between them this season due to injury, although both Chambers and Mustafi are due to return to full training after the international break. Mesut Ozil - Arsenal's highest-earning player on £350,000 ($454,000) a week - has not featured at all since football's restart in June following the coronavirus-enforced suspension. Arteta has always stated that the playmaker could be brought back into the fold, but given his lack of game time he could also be a candidate to miss out - despite his near £20m ($26m)-a-year salary. Arsenal also have to submit their squad list for the group stages of the Europa League to UEFA by the end of today (October 6). UEFA rules state that a club's 'A list' can contain a maximum of 25 players - which must include two goalkeepers - and there must be a minimum of eight places for 'locally-trained players'. If a club submits a squad that features fewer than eight locally-trained players, then the maximum number of players on the 'A list' must be reduced accordingly. "Goal" - Google News October 06, 2020 at 03:55AM Ozil to be axed? Arteta facing big decision with Arsenal needing to chop two players from 25-man squad - Goal "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Kayleigh McEnany speaks out for the first time since testing positive for COVID-19 - Daily Mail Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:11 PM PDT 'I'm feeling great': Kayleigh McEnany speaks out for the first time since testing positive for COVID-19 and praises Trump for showing America that 'we will overcome' the virus
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has spoken out for the first time since testing positive for COVID-19 and praised President Donald Trump for showing Americans that the US will overcome the coronavirus. During an interview on Fox News' Hannity, McEnany, who announced her positive test results on Monday, said that she's 'feeling great' and 'having no symptoms' of the virus. 'You know I'm very blessed to have a mild case or really just an asymptomatic case. You know my heart goes out to all those who have been really affected by this and all those who have lost their lives,' McEnany said. She then said she was 'pleased to see that our commander-in-chief is doing well'. Trump left the Walter Reed hospital earlier on Monday and returned to the White House after spending three nights at the medical center. ![]() White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has spoken out for the first time since testing positive for COVID-19 and praised President Donald Trump for showing Americans that the US will overcome the coronavirus 'Watching him on that balcony just showing that we will overcome, America will overcome, just as he is overcoming this illness was a really nice moment for our country to see,' she told Sean Hannity. Her remarks come just a day after she briefed the press without wearing a face mask on Sunday even though one of her deputies had tested positive for the virus a few days earlier. Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt, both deputy press secretaries who report to McEnany, tested positive for COVID, according to CNN. Leavitt tested positive a few days ago and Gilmartin did within the last 24 hours, although the exact timing is unclear. Gilmartin is a cousin of McEnany's husband, Sean Gilmart. Both Gilmartin and Leavitt joined the press shop with McEnany. Gilmartin sits outside of McEnany spacious office in the upper part of the press shop where Leavitt sits in what's called 'lower press' - the office space right behind the podium in the White House press room. McEnany, 32, was at the White House on Friday and Sunday after Trump and senior adviser Hope Hicks, whom she'd had exposure to, tested positive for the virus. She wore a mask on Friday, when she stood on the South Lawn of the White House watching Trump board Marine One for his trip to Walter Reed Medical Center, and wore one she walked to media interviews on Sunday. She took it off, however, when she talked to the press on the White House driveway. But officials defended the press secretary, saying she is an 'essential' worker who was expected to be on the job and noted it can be hard to hear someone who is speaking outside with a mask on. ![]() Her remarks come just a day after she briefed the press without wearing a face mask on Sunday even though one of her deputies had tested positive for the virus a few days earlier. McEnany is seen on Sunday briefing the press ![]() McEnany is pictured Friday with her deputy Chad Gilmartin (to her right). Gilmartin and another deputy tested positive for COVID before McEnany ![]() White House deputy press secretary Karoline Leavitt tested positive for COVID a few days ago White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah noted she, McEnany and other senior staff in the administration were deemed 'essential' by the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Homeland Security. 'One thing I want to clear up: Senior White House staff are deemed Essential Personnel by CDC & DHS. This means they are expected to continue to work - while taking precautions - until a medical recommendation otherwise is given,' she wrote on Twitter. Farah, 31, was also at the White House on Sunday, when she spoke with reporters without wearing a face mask. Several White House correspondents noted on Twitter that McEnany briefed the media without a mask on Sunday. White House deputy chief of staff and senior communications adviser Ben Williamson pushed back, noting McEnany only answered two questions and spoke to the media for less than a minute while staying socially distanced. 'For those asking about this: @PressSec briefly removed her mask at the mic to answer questions, was there for two questions and only 58 seconds (would not constitute 'sustained contact' per the CDC), and was socially distanced from reporters in the area,' he wrote on Twitter. ![]() ![]() White House staff took to Twitter on Monday to defend McEnany ![]() McEnany wore a face mask on Sunday to walk to her interviews outside the White House but took it off to talk to reporters Deputy White House press secretary Brian Morgenstern noted it can be hard to hear someone speaking when they wear a mask. 'We'll wear a mask when we can't socially distance. When you're outside and you're standing back from everyone it may be easier to hear if we don't wear one,' he told Fox News on Monday in an interview from the South Lawn of the White House. He was not wearing a mask for the interview but told host Dana Perino he would put one on after he was finished speaking with her. He noted he wears a mask in the White House when he can't socially distance. But the logistics of the White House make socially distancing virtually impossible - a fact that has been noted time and again since the pandemic began. The hallways are cramped and small. Office space in the West Wing is at such a premium that staff assistants and junior staffers can share a desk. Senior staff usually have a spacious office but the lower tier staffers are packed in like sardines. McEnany has a spacious office as press secretary with Farah and Morgenstern in nice sized offices outside of hers. But crammed in a room outside their offices are four assistants. Meanwhile, other senior staff - who have been exposed to the president and/or Hicks at various points last week - have briefed reporters without wearing face coverings. White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, 61, briefed reporters on the White House driveway on Friday, also not wearing a mask. He said it was because he tested negative that morning. White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, 73, also briefed reporters later that day, taking off his mask to do so, saying he, too, had been tested. White House senior staff are tested daily with the Abbott test, a rapid results test for the coronavirus that has an accuracy rate of 50 per cent to 80 per cent. McEnany announced Monday she has tested positive for the COVID virus, adding to the ranks of President Trump's senior staff who have contracted the disease. She had been tested repeatedly since Trump and Hicks tested positive. She said she has no symptoms but will begin the quarantine process. ![]() Deputy White House press secretary Brian Morgenstern wears a face mask to speak to reporters in the White House drive way on Monday ![]() Alyssa Farah, White House Director of Strategic Communications, speaks to members of the media outside the West Wing of the White House on Sunday without wearing a face covering ![]() White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows talks to members of the media outside the White House on Friday and said he didn't wear face mask because he tested negative for COVID ![]() White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow also briefed reporters outside the White House on Friday and took off his mask to do so, saying he'd been tested for COVID 'After testing negatively consistently, including every day since Thursday, I tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday morning while experiencing no symptoms,' she said in a statement posted to Twitter. 'As an essential worker, I have worked diligently to provide needed information to the American People at this time. With my recent positive test, I will begin the quarantine process and continue working on behalf of the American people,' she noted. Associated Press reporter Zeke Miller, the president of the White House Correspondents' Association, wished McEnany the best and noted there were no additional cases among White House reporters. Three tested positive last week. 'We wish Kayleigh, the president and everyone else struggling with the virus a swift recovery. As of this moment we are not aware of additional cases among White House journalists, though we know some are awaiting test results,' he said in a statement. 'We strongly encourage our members to continue following CDC guidance on mask-wearing and distancing — especially when at the White House — and urge journalists to seek testing if they were potentially exposed,' he added. White House reporters wear masks during McEnany's briefings and Trump's press conference even when she and the president did not. McEnany was also at last Saturday's announcement of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, an event quickly becoming a ground zero for the White House after 15 people who were there tested positive for COVID. McEnany is the 13th. Leavitt and Gilmartin were also at that event. She note she does not believe she got the virus from a member of the media and reiterated she did not know about Hicks' positive test result when she held her press briefing at the White House on Thursday. 'No reporters, producers or members of the press are listed as close contacts by the White House Medical Unit. Moreover, I definitely had no knowledge of Hope Hicks' diagnosis prior to holding a White House press briefing on Thursday,' she said. Read more: Top stories - Google News October 05, 2020 at 09:08PM Kayleigh McEnany speaks out for the first time since testing positive for COVID-19 - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
SpaceX launches 60 more Starlink satellites Tuesday, breaks scrub streak - CNET Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:11 PM PDT ![]() A Falcon 9 blasts off on Aug. 30. SpaceXSpace fans have been starved for action lately, with three big missions repeatedly scrubbed and postponed over the past several weeks. But early on Tuesday, SpaceX finally ended the streak that became known as #Scrubtober (and previously known as #Scrubtember) with the launch and deployment of 60 new Starlink satellites via a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral. This Starlink mission was the Falcon 9 rocket booster's third flight overall. It sent astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken to orbit in May and then launched a South Korean satellite in July. So far, SpaceX has managed to launch and land the same rocket up to six times. The Falcon 9 first stage landed again on the droneship Of Course I Still Love You in the Atlantic about 8.5 minutes after launch Tuesday. SpaceX also reports that it caught at least one of the fairing halves that flew on two previous missions. The launch, originally scheduled for September, was postponed multiple times, including twice last week due to heavy clouds in one case and an aberrant ground sensor reading in another. Monday's scrub was yet again blamed on weather. Another SpaceX mission to launch a US Space Force GPS satellite has also been scrubbed multiple times, most recently on Friday. Meanwhile, United Launch Alliance has been trying to get one of its Delta IV Heavy rockets off the ground since August, but has been delayed at least six times. Musk expressed his clear frustration with the series of scrubs last week. "We will need to make a lot of improvements to have a chance of completing 48 launches next year!" Musk tweeted Friday.
Musk is surely pleased to see the spell of Scrubtober broken. This is the 13th Starlink mission so far, and SpaceX is planning on dozens more as it grows its broadband mega-constellation. Top stories - Google News October 06, 2020 at 05:10PM SpaceX launches 60 more Starlink satellites Tuesday, breaks scrub streak - CNET Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
劇場版FGOの本予告公開、宮野真守「僕の中のベディヴィエールがうずいています」(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:48 PM PDT 劇場版FGOの本予告公開、宮野真守「僕の中のベディヴィエールがうずいています」(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー 2020年10月7日 8:00 348 「 映像では円卓の騎士たちの戦闘シーンをはじめ、多数の新規カットがお目見え。併せてべディヴィエール役・ また全国の上映劇場では、第4弾特典付き全国共通前売券を10月10日より販売する。前売券にはべディヴィエールを描いたメインビジュアルがデザインされており、特典として「フォルダ付きクリアポートレート」が用意された。詳細は作品の公式サイトで確認を。 「劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット-」は、スマートフォン向けRPG「Fate/Grand Order」のエピソード・第六特異点を題材にした劇場アニメーション。前後編に分けて制作され、前編は12月5日に公開される。 宮野真守(べディヴィエール役)コメント本予告が公開されまして、僕も見させていただきました。迫力の演出、素晴らしい映像美… この記事の画像・動画(全14件) 「劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット- 前編 Wandering; Agateram」2020年12月5日(土)公開 スタッフ原作:奈須きのこ/TYPE-MOON キャストベディヴィエール: ※島崎信長の崎はたつさきが正式表記。 全文を表示 タグ (c)TYPE-MOON / FGO6 ANIME PROJECT 2020-10-06 23:00:00Z |
伝説ギタリスト エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンさん死去(2020年10月7日) - ANNnewsCH Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:18 PM PDT 伝説ギタリスト エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンさん死去(2020年10月7日) - ANNnewsCH [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-10-06 22:49:57Z |
スマホのカメラでテレビ会議をしつつ、ノートPCで別作業ができるホルダー - ギズモード・ジャパン Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:14 PM PDT 会議をしながら資料作成や検索などが同時に行なえます。 テレワークのお供に、ノートPCのベゼル部分に取り付けて、スマートフォンを支えるホルダー「GH-SHA-BK」が便利そうです。これは縦でも横でも使え、 スマホは裏側に貼った付属のプレートシールを活用して、強力マグネットでくっつけるようになっています。 もうスマホを机で寝かさないこのホルダーを使えば、PC作業時に平置きしているスマホでマルチタスクが可能になりますね。たとえばメッセージアプリの起動や、常時開いておきたいSNSでの流れをチェックしたり、テレビ会議のためにインカメラ兼モニターとして使う、なんてことも可能。動画や音楽再生にもいいでしょうし、放置系のソーシャルゲームなんかも相性がいいかと思います。 ![]() ちなみに、マグネット固定用のプレートシールは2枚付属しているので、用途に応じてスマホ2台を付け替える、という使い方もできます。 発売は10月上旬で、価格はオープンとのことです。気になる方はGH STOREをチェックしておきましょう。 Source: グリーンハウス (1, 2, 3) via MdN DESIGN INTERACTIVE からの記事と詳細 ビジネス |
大きく生まれ変わった「GoPro HERO9 Black」、Maxレンズに注目 - AV Watch Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:14 PM PDT 進化は止まらずアクションカメラの草分け的存在のGoPro。初期の「小型で丈夫、そこそこ撮れて壊れるの前提」という時代を過ぎ、HERO7あたりからはありえないレベルの手ブレ補正をウリにして、すでに他者とは別の次元に向かっているように思う。類似品は相変わらず多数あるが、すでに機能的には敵ではない。ガチンコで勝負を挑んだ競合他社もあるが、人気や知名度の面も考えると、スポーツ撮影においてはもはや一人勝ちと言ってもいいだろう。 約1年前にHERO8 Blackをレビューしたが、HyperSmooth 2.0ですでに手ブレ補正も完成の域に達しており、もうこれ以上やることはないように思われた。 だが今年発売のHERO9 Blackでは、ボディ構造も新しくなり、また一歩進化の道を歩んでいる。すでに9月17日から販売を開始しており、公式サイトでの価格は54,000円(税込)。ただし1年間のGoProサブスクリプションサービスに登録すると、43,000円(税込)で購入できる。 ある意味記念すべき1桁台の終わり、HERO9の完成度をテストしてみよう。 やや大きくなったボディ今回のGoPro HERO9は、写真でパッと見た限りではHERO8と区別がつかないかもしれない。それだけデザインテイストが同じなのだが、サイズが一回り大きくなっている。HERO8が66.3×48.6×28.4mmだったのに対し、HERO9は71.0×55.0×33.6mmだ。昔のGoProは防水用ハウジングなどのアクセサリを流用するためにサイズを同じにしていたが、昨今は本体だけで防塵防滴機能を持つようになったため、サイズにこだわる必要がなくなったということであろう。 外見で一番の違いは、フロントのディスプレイがカラー液晶となり、自撮り用のモニターとして使えるようになったところだ。サイズとしては1.4型ということになるが、アスペクト比がほぼ正方形だ。したがって自分が写っているかのチェックはできるが、16:9での構図を確認するにはやはり背面ディスプレイを見る必要がある。 センサーは新規開発というが、画素数など細かい仕様が公開されていない。最大で5K(5,184×3,888)が撮影できることから、それ以上の画素数を持つことは間違いないだろう。静止画には解像度選択メニューがないが、動画は解像度によって撮影可能な画角やフレームレートが若干異なる。関係を一覧でまとめておく。 5K動画と静止画のレンズ画角については以下のようになっている。 なお画質に関わるパラメータとして、ビットレートの選択がある。ビットレートは「標準」が実測で約60Mbps、「高」が約100Mbps。ただし本体メニューからは設定できず、スマートフォン用のアプリから設定する必要がある。 背面液晶モニターは本体のサイズアップに伴って2.27インチと少し大きくなった。少し前のコンパクトデジカメの液晶モニターぐらいのサイズになったと思っていいだろう。これぐらいあれば、画角だけでなく中に何が写っているのかの確認ができる。 右側面には、バッテリースロットがある。蓋が堅くて開けにくいが、下部の引っ掛かりに爪をかけて下に引っ張り、ロックを外すスタイルだ。内部にはバッテリースロットとmisroSDカードスロット、USB-C端子がある。左側にも意味ありげな構造があるが、ここは水抜き用の穴で特に開けたりできるわけではない。 底部はおなじみの折りたたみ式フィンガーがあり、固定治具を装着できる。またスピーカーはこの折りたたみフィンガーの奥にある。 今回の目玉機能は、Maxレンズモジュラーだろう。レンズ前のカバーガラスを外してMaxレンズモジュラー(直販11,900円/税込)をセットすると、超広角映像となり、それをトリミングして収録することでZ軸方向のブレを360度補正できる。今は何を言ってるかわからないと思うが、後段でその効果をテストしてみよう。 もう一つ変わった点といえば、パッケージングだ。これまでGoProは、アクリルケースの中にカメラが収まるという、ディスプレイ兼用パッケージだったが、HERO9からはそれをやめてトラベルケースに入れての販売に変更された。プラスチックの利用を削減するための取り組みである。ケース内部の型枠もリサイクル素材を使用している。 また進化した手ブレ補正GoProといえば、HERO7から導入された強力な電子手ブレ補正「HyperSmooth」で知られるところだが、HERO8でHyperSmooth2.0へと進化した。そしてHERO9ではさらにHyperSmooth3.0へと進化している。モードとしてはOFF・ON・Boostの3段階だ。 今回はカメラを手持ちしてランニングしてみた。OFFでおわかりの通り、いくら広角レンズとはいっても走ればそれなりにカメラはブレる。だがHyperSmooth3.0では、画角が10%ほど狭くなるものの、かなり補正されるのがわかる。ただし、補正範囲の限界が来て跳ね返るみたいな動きが感じられる。BoostをONにすると、さらに画角は狭くなるものの、補正範囲の跳ね返りもなくスムーズだ。 HyperSmooth 3.0モード比較 加えてMaxレンズモジュラーをつけて同様の撮影をしてみたが、補正力としてはBoostモードとほぼ同じ効果が得られた。メリットは、Boostモードよりも広角のままで、同様の補正力があるという点である。 補正力に関しては、車載撮影時にも大きな威力を発揮する。自転車のハンドルに本機を固定してBoostモードで撮影してみたところ、映像内でハンドルは動いているが、前方の風景のほうは動いていない。 5K/30pで撮影し、4K/30pで出力したサンプル 本来ならば、カメラが固定されているハンドルが画面内で動かず、風景のほうが動くはずである。それがまるでハンドルとは別のところにカメラを固定しているような映像になっている。パッと見るとなんでもない普通の撮影に見えるだろうが、裏で動いているテクノロジーはものすごく高度だ。 その一方で気になったのが、液晶画面の反応の悪さだ。画面操作しても反応が帰ってくるのがワンテンポ遅いため、2回タッチして変なことになったりするケースが散見された。 また○で囲まれたボタンはわかりやすいが、文字列をタッチする操作も多く、その文字列のどこがボタンになっているのかが分かりづらい。そういうややこしさもあって、本体操作メニューを減らしてスマホアプリ側に全部移行させた部分もあるのかもしれない。 カメラ正面にも液晶モニターがあるので、自撮りは本体だけで可能になった。本体による音声収録は多少フカレに弱いところもあるが、喋りの明瞭感は問題ない。 前方のモニターで自撮り撮影は簡単になった センサーが新しくなっているので、静止画撮影のほうも試してみよう。静止画撮影では出力モードとして、標準、HDR、SuperPhoto、RAWの4タイプが選択できる。現場はもう少し日向と日陰のコントラストが高かったが、標準状態でもかなりうまく処理できている。標準とSuperPhotoであまり違いがないところからしても、GoProのアルゴリズム的にはそれほどいじらなくてもうまく撮影できたシーンということだろう。RAWに関してはいくらでもいじることができるので、撮れ高としての評価はしないが、かなり色味をいじってもRAW撮影であれば十分なキャパシティがあるのは言うまでもない。 前回HERO8でもテストしたが、静止画には夜間撮影用のプリセットがある。今回も撮影してみたが、前回同様カメラをしっかりホールドすれば、かなりSN比のいい写真を撮ることができる。画角をリニアにすれば、かなり広角ながら湾曲の少ない撮影もできる。最近はなかなか夜の街を徘徊するのも憚れるところだが、よく写るお散歩カメラという用途もアリだろう。 どんなに回しても水平、Maxレンズモードでは今回オプションとして販売されているMaxレンズモジュラーを試してみよう。GoProのレンズカバー部は、以前から破損時の交換のために外せるようになっている。すごく堅いので、はずれないものと思っている方も多いようだが、HERO9では比較的外しやすく設計が変わったようだ。四角い部分を手で持って、どちらでもいいから回転させると、外すことができる。 カバーを外すと取り付けラッチが見えるので、この枠に合わせてMaxレンズモジュラーを当てて、90度回すと固定される。 GoPro背面液晶を上から下にスワイプして設定メニューを出し、右下のMaxレンズモードをONに、続いてその横にある「方向」をロックする。これでGoProをどう傾けても、必ず水平をキープする。 言葉で説明するより、動画を見ていただいたほうが早いだろう。カメラをどう動かしても、逆さまにひっくり返しても絶対水平で撮影できるので、カメラ自体のアクションもかなり自由度が高くなる。 まるでハチやチョウの視点で花の周りを飛び回ったり、放り投げて撮影することもできる。X軸とY軸方向に回転には対応できないが、Z軸方向の回転にはめっぽう強いので、あえてカメラをZ軸方向に回しながら放り投げると面白い絵が撮れるだろう。 Maxレンズモードで撮影 Maxモードでは画素数が2.7Kに落ちるが、これは5Kのセンサーの真ん中あたりを使って、360度の回転に対応させるからである。当然真ん中あたりを切り出すので画角が狭くなる。それをあらかじめMaxレンズモジュラーで、広角に引き伸ばしておくわけだ。かなりの力技であるが、これまで存在しなかった機能だ。 前回HERO8ではテストしていなかったスロー撮影にも触れておこう。本機は1080pモードでリニア以下の画角では240p撮影が可能だ。これを30p再生すれば、最大で8倍速スローが得られる。音声も収録されているので、通常再生からスローへの編集も可能だ。今回は1080pで8倍速スローのサンプルを掲載しておく。 1080pモードによる8倍速スロー 総論昨今のGoProはHyperSmoothの進化がウリになっているが、特にHERO9のウリはMaxレンズモードだろう。HERO9を買うならこれを使わないと意味がないと言っても過言ではあるまい。 スポーティーな撮影では、ある程度画面がバンクしたほうが迫力はあるが、それとは別文脈でどんなに回転させても必ず水平という機能を生かして、新しい撮影方法や表現手法が生まれそうだ。アクションツールから、クリエイティブツールへジャンプアップしたのが、HERO9の大きなポイントだ。 昨今のV-Loggerブームもあり、別途オプションを買わなくても前面ディスプレイで自撮りができるのも、大きなポイントである。スマホと組み合わせて、Live配信用のカメラとして利用することもできる。 しかし他社が次第に音声収録に力を入れてきているのに比べると、GoPro本体の集音機能はここのところあまり進化がない。それを補完するために外部マイクが付いた「メディアモジュラー」が別売されているので、合体して機能拡張できるという意味では、用途が広いカメラである。 ただ、メディアモジュラーはHERO8のときから存在するが、まだ一度も実機でテストできていないので、良し悪しの評価は差し控えたい。 いずれにしても、HERO9でGoProはもはやアクションカメラではなく、違うフェーズに突入したことは間違いなさそうだ。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス |
<市川猿之助>フジ報道番組でスペシャルキャスターに コロナ禍生き抜く人々を取材(MANTANWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT <市川猿之助>フジ報道番組でスペシャルキャスターに コロナ禍生き抜く人々を取材(MANTANWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース ![]() 俳優の堺雅人さん主演の連続ドラマ「半沢直樹」(TBS系)で、伊佐山泰二を演じて話題となった歌舞伎俳優の市川猿之助さんが、フジテレビの報道番組「Live News イット!」(月~金曜午後3時45分)のスペシャルキャスターを務めることが10月7日、明らかになった。コロナ禍を生き抜く人々を応援しようと、現場取材やスタジオでの生出演を通じて思いを伝えていく。 【写真特集】松丸亮吾&佐藤隆太もSPキャスターに 7日の放送でAIを取材 同時に、"謎解きクリエーター"として知られる松丸亮吾さん、俳優の佐藤隆太さんもスペシャルキャスターに起用されたことが発表された。松丸さんは10月7日の生放送で初出演し、今後は不定期で出演する。7日の放送では、松丸さんが今最も関心を持っているという、人工知能=AIを取材した。猿之助さんと佐藤さんは、今後出演予定となる。 「Live News イット!」は今秋、放送時間を3時間15分に拡大し、午後3時45分から第1部がスタート。加藤綾子キャスターとともに新たな"夕方の顔"として榎並大二郎アナウンサーが番組に新加入した。 2020-10-06 22:25:27Z |
Community Spotlight: Ars gratia artis - The Edwardsville Intelligencer Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:27 PM PDT Community Spotlight: Ars gratia artis - The Edwardsville Intelligencer ![]() Anyone who has had the fortunate experience to travel to Paris, France, and visited the Louvre Museum of Art, an exclamation of having viewed "The Mona Lisa" is most often followed by a remark of astonishment at how small the painting is. As a consequence of this work by Leonardo Da Vinci being recognized throughout the globe as one of the most accomplished paintings of the Western Hemisphere, most are amazed to find the size being small at 21 by 30 ¼ inches. To explain this sense of bewilderment, one has to understand that this symbol of great art of the High Renaissance, in the minds of most, has to be large, larger than life. Therefore, the surprise of seeing this in person, being smaller than life size, is an understandable and realistic reaction. Within this small rectangle, Da Vinci painted in a manner that speaks volumes to many, so much so, that the painting is given its own room inside this, the largest collection of art in the world. With this illustration in mind, a suggestion that not all impactful and powerful expressions have to be employed in large formats. Close to home, within the collection of the St. Louis Art Museum, one can gain the experience of big surprises in small packages. This museum has many fine examples of small works with exemplary levels of technical and compositional execution, to the end of significant, inviting, and meaningful expressions. Four are being singled out for the purpose of example. One, a bronze sculpture by Edgar Degas titled "Galloping Horse," which is only 12 ¼ inches in height, is a testament to the versatile brilliance of this artist. Renowned for his ballet paintings, Degas demonstrates his skill as a sculptor and his profound knowledge of a horse's anatomy and motions. Within sold bronze, he generates movements of power and grace of a horse in stride. From this museum's large collection of Chinese Art, two glazed porcelain figurines in "Taoist Figures," which stand to 9 ½ inches, are quite exceptional. These works from the Ming Dynasty, have remarkable details, accurate anatomical portrayals and descriptive facial expressions that belie their sizes. The Dutch Master painter, Rembrandt van Rijn, is also heralded as a master printmaker. In his etching "The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds," Rembrandt fills the 8 ½ x 10 ¼ inch print with such beautifully detailed and dramatic figures, animals and landscape elements, that one is compelled to scrutinize the print to gain a full measure of the visual experience. Meaningful, significant, profound, and comprehensive visual statements come in many forms, and as illustrated in many sizes. While the messages of large format two dimensional and three-dimensional artworks do command attention, the smaller works need not, and should not be overlooked. These "hush tones" to follow up on the sound/volume analogy, are also speaking intellectually, profoundly and expressively. These will be like true whispers that draw you into an intimate and meaningful dialogue. Artists who want to participate in a juried Small Work Art Show/Competition, hosted by the Wood River Museum and Visitor's Center, or those just wanting to view this show, call 618-477-3935 for dates and details. 2020-10-06 17:43:00Z |
<市川猿之助>フジ報道番組でスペシャルキャスターに コロナ禍生き抜く人々を取材(MANTANWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:17 PM PDT <市川猿之助>フジ報道番組でスペシャルキャスターに コロナ禍生き抜く人々を取材(MANTANWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース ![]() 俳優の堺雅人さん主演の連続ドラマ「半沢直樹」(TBS系)で、伊佐山泰二を演じて話題となった歌舞伎俳優の市川猿之助さんが、フジテレビの報道番組「Live News イット!」(月~金曜午後3時45分)のスペシャルキャスターを務めることが10月7日、明らかになった。コロナ禍を生き抜く人々を応援しようと、現場取材やスタジオでの生出演を通じて思いを伝えていく。 【写真特集】松丸亮吾&佐藤隆太もSPキャスターに 7日の放送でAIを取材 同時に、"謎解きクリエーター"として知られる松丸亮吾さん、俳優の佐藤隆太さんもスペシャルキャスターに起用されたことが発表された。松丸さんは10月7日の生放送で初出演し、今後は不定期で出演する。7日の放送では、松丸さんが今最も関心を持っているという、人工知能=AIを取材した。猿之助さんと佐藤さんは、今後出演予定となる。 「Live News イット!」は今秋、放送時間を3時間15分に拡大し、午後3時45分から第1部がスタート。加藤綾子キャスターとともに新たな"夕方の顔"として榎並大二郎アナウンサーが番組に新加入した。 2020-10-06 22:15:26Z |
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