
De Blog Have Fun

De Blog Have Fun

EXILE橘ケンチが本日入籍「男としても人間としても成長して恩返しを」(コメントあり) - ナタリー

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 12:47 AM PDT

EXILE橘ケンチが本日入籍「男としても人間としても成長して恩返しを」(コメントあり) - ナタリー

橘ケンチEXILEEXILE THE SECOND)が本日10月1日に入籍したことを発表した。


橘は2007年に二代目 J Soul Brothersのメンバーに選ばれ、2009年3月にEXILEに加入。2011年からはEXILE THE SECONDとしても活動を開始した。アーティスト活動のほか映画や舞台などでも活躍。全国各地の日本酒の魅力を発信する活動にも力を入れており、9月には自身がプロデュースを務める「LDH kitchen IZAKAYA AOBADAI」を東京・中目黒にオープンした。

橘ケンチ コメント

EXILEEXILE THE SECOND、LDHを常日頃から応援していただきましてありがとうございます。



来年はLDH PERFECT YEARという大きな一年が待っています。万全の体制で臨み、期待していただいている皆様に最高のエンタテインメントをお届けしていくつもりです。


Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-01 07:00:00Z

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (AX.UN.TO) Shares Crawl 1.28% Higher - Cora Courier

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 05:12 AM PDT

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (AX.UN.TO) Shares Crawl 1.28% Higher - Cora Courier

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (AX.UN.TO) shares are showing positive momentum over the past week as the stock has clocked in with gains of 1.28%.  In taking a look at recent performance, we can see that shares have moved 3.00% over the past 4-weeks, 15.15% over the past half year and 5.57% over the past full year.

Many individual investors who trade stocks are looking for the next big breakout. It can be much more exciting to be able to tell glamorous stories of picking a winning stock before everybody else was aware. Of course, this is no easy task. There are so many stocks to choose from, and hunting for undervalued stocks may take lots of time that many investors do not have. Other investors will strictly trade the big established names with the hope that consistent growth will provide stable returns to the portfolio. Understanding risks involved with picking stocks can help the investor figure out what is best for them individually. It is typically considered wise to make sure that there is proper diversification in the stock portfolio. Finding that balance to achieve long lasting portfolio health is generally what most investors attempt to accomplish when trading equities.

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (AX.UN.TO) currently has a 14 day Williams %R of -22.69. In general, if the level goes above -20, the stock may be considered to be overbought. Alternately, if the indicator goes under -80, this may signal that the stock is oversold. The Williams Percent Range or Williams %R is a technical indicator that was developed to measure overbought and oversold market conditions. The Williams %R indicator helps show the relative situation of the current price close to the period being observed.

We can also take a look at the Average Directional Index or ADX of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (AX.UN.TO). The ADX is used to measure trend strength. ADX calculations are made based on the moving average price range expansion over a specified amount of time. ADX is charted as a line with values ranging from 0 to 100. The indicator is non-directional meaning that it gauges trend strength whether the stock price is trending higher or lower. The 14-day ADX presently sits at 30.66. In general, and ADX value from 0-25 would represent an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would indicate a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would indicate a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would signify an extremely strong trend. At the time of writing, Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (AX.UN.TO) has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of 174.55. Developed by Donald Lambert, the CCI is a versatile tool that may be used to help spot an emerging trend or provide warning of extreme conditions. CCI generally measures the current price relative to the average price level over a specific time period. CCI is relatively high when prices are much higher than average, and relatively low when prices are much lower than the average.

A commonly used tool among technical stock analysts is the moving average. Moving averages are considered to be lagging indicators that simply take the average price of a stock over a certain period of time. Moving averages can be very helpful for identifying peaks and troughs. They may also be used to assist the trader figure out proper support and resistance levels for the stock. Currently, the 200-day MA for Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Units (AX.UN.TO) is sitting at 11.18. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of stock price movements. The RSI was developed by J. Welles Wilder, and it oscillates between 0 and 100. Generally, the RSI is considered to be oversold when it falls below 30 and overbought when it heads above 70. RSI can be used to detect general trends as well as finding divergences and failure swings. The 14-day RSI is presently standing at 64.60, the 7-day is 67.06, and the 3-day is resting at 65.79.

From time to time, even solid companies may experience some sort of setback. Just because a company encounters one negative event, it might not be appropriate to sell the stock. Often times, the stock may still be valuable on a fundamental level, and there may be plenty of room for resurgence. When bad news hits, the stock price may be greatly impacted. Sometimes there can be an overexaggeration which leads to erroneous selling. This can in turn provide buying opportunities to those in the know. Investors who do the homework and closely examine the underlying numbers may put themselves in a good position when situation like this arise. Investors that are looking for longer term value may find that a panic sell-off is the perfect chance to get into a stock that has just suffered a temporary setback. Paying attention to these occurrences can greatly help the investor spot potential buying opportunities in the equity market.

2019-09-30 08:53:45Z

Succession season 2, episode 8: 5 winners and 7 losers from “Dundee” -

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 04:30 AM PDT

Succession season 2, episode 8: 5 winners and 7 losers from "Dundee" -

In this week's Succession, "Dundee," the Roys travel to Scotland, where Logan Roy grew up birdwatching and pooping outside, a reportedly hardscrabble childhood.

Logan's being honored for 50 years of Waystar-Royco — by the town of Dundee itself, the family, the business, and, most of all by erstwhile PGM CEO Rhea Jarrell, who organized the whole affair (and whose affair with Logan is looking pretty damn real). But it's actually just another excuse for the whole gang to be in the same fancy and uncomfortable room, so that the chess pieces can go flying off the board once again.

(I will say that Succession's ability to yoke everyone together week after week is remarkable; if being a billionaire really means spending this much time with your parents, siblings, and kids, I'm surprised money is so popular.)

The big event is a full black-tie banquet that Logan wisely tries to flee, featuring a live performance by the Kendall and a not-actually-that-surprising announcement (more on all that later, obviously).

But that's not at all enough together time, because the banquet is preceded by a desperately uncomfortable private toast and field trips to both the totally normal house Logan and his brother Ewan (James Cromwell) were raised in ("If this place was in Brooklyn it'd be five mil, easy," Roman says) and the college that Logan is funding ("The Logan Roy School of Journalism?" Ewan asks, "What's next, the Jack the Ripper women's health clinic?"). So many opportunities for so many to ruin their standing in the family and boy, do they.

Vox critic at large Emily VanDerWerff and I (The Goods editor Meredith Haggerty) agree that this was a pretty fantastic episode, after last week's lower-key Kendall devastationfest, so let's dig right into the five winners and seven losers of "Dundee."

Winner: Shiv (looks like a loser)

Shiv and Rhea have a passive-aggressive face off.
This week's big winner and loser gather in one place, and they each probably would sort themselves into the wrong category.

Meredith: There are few better positions in the Successionverse better than "secretly poised to strike," and Shiv ends the episode literally crouched to pounce. No, she is not named CEO of Waystar-Royco — Logan has confirmed the position is going to his mistress Rhea (at least stepmom Marcia thinks so) — but she's also not about to be hideously roasted in the cruise scandal fallout. (Whistleblowers! In this economy!)

Rhea won the last battle — one Shiv didn't even know she was fighting — by suggesting that Shiv go for PGM CEO and then telling Logan about his daughter's disloyalty. But for someone who dealt with the Pierces for so long, Rhea doesn't seem to have a great handle on how to maneuver the ultra-family members she recently hung out to dry. She can't even look at the only Roy daughter ("Are you a person who can't look someone in the eye after you fucked them?" Shiv asks Rhea, quite directly).

While Shiv seems to lose throughout the episode, she is actually making remarkable headway against Rhea: She seeds Marcia's distrust, conscripts her more skeptical, Jarrell-friendly brothers into a just-for-fun "dead aunt"-themed prank, and highlights to Logan that his no-fun new girlfriend doesn't drink. She's batting around her prey before she ultimately sets Rhea up for the kill. The fall hasn't come yet, when it does, Shiv will be the one Logan thinks "fucking get[s] it."

Emily: Look, you and I both know that if we ever met Shiv Roy, she would absolutely destroy us in a way that would be described as "sick" and "awesome" by bystanders, and I do wonder how much of my love for her character is defined by the fact that she would absolutely smother me in my sleep if she wanted my pillow.

But goodness, it's fun to watch her toy with her prey, as you put it. There's a looseness to Sarah Snook's performance in "Dundee" that plays directly against the fact that every other member of the Roy family seems to be more and more on #TeamRhea. Even Tom, beloved Tom, turns on her just a little bit. But it's fascinating to watch how Succession portrays her getting both sharper and stupider as she gets further into this particular corner. She's happy to take blowback for dooming Rhea (she tells Gerri she'll take the blame), so long as both she and Rhea are destroyed by this particular grenade.

In conclusion: Shiv Roy! We stan!

Shiv's hair update: Oh, we stan!

Loser: Rhea (thinks she's a winner)

Emily: Everything Rhea has apparently been working for lo these many weeks comes to fruition at the end of "Dundee," when she is named the new CEO of Waystar-Royco. She stands triumphantly at Logan's side. She's maybe possibly having sex with him. She's broken up his marriage! And she even reveals herself to be an excellent party planner, if easily manipulated by her maybe possibly future step-children.

Except that's just it — she's being manipulated by one maybe possibly future step-child in general: Shiv, who has pulled her dad's strings just so, meaning that Rhea is about to inherit a company where a major scandal will break in the press, and she'll be hammered. The only real consolation Rhea could take from this (once she finds out) is that it's maybe possibly mutually assured destruction. But that's just the thing: Shiv doesn't care. She only wants to salt the earth.

But it's not just Shiv, either. Rhea is tricked into bringing up Logan's sister Rose, whose death he apparently blames himself for. (There's lots of Logan lore hinted at in this episode!) Kendall, Roman, and Connor are nominally more interested in having Rhea around as their mom and boss (what a combo!), but they're not above taking the piss out of her either. It's not a great combination for a future leader who's about to have a scandal dropped in her lap.

What I love about this is that it takes Succession's default storytelling mode — the Roys destroy somebody out of petty spite — and makes it something we want to see happen. Rhea hasn't actually done anything wrong. She's maybe done something untoward, but she wants a job. The person who's really cheating the system here is Shiv, who knows more than she's telling, but because we know Shiv, we're happy to see her succeed.

So we leave Rhea on the verge of triumph and disaster, the surest loser who thinks she's a winner yet.

Meredith: I don't know what things are like in the Pierce household, but how Rhea Jarrell thought she was just going to swan into Roy manor and take what's is rightfully theirs so easily is beyond me. (I'm kidding, I know exactly what things are like in the Pierce household: educational lectures and secret drinking.)

Grabbing power at Waystar-Royco was just never going to be as easy as Rhea thought it was, and there's no worse sign for her that it happened as easily as it did. Sure, she's CEO for now, but that's a disposable position; she's not family (an only slightly less-disposable position).

The whistleblower scandal — an angry and guilty accountant from the cruise department is looking to spill secrets about the boats' tendency to uh, let's say, "offshore" their on-board crimes (i.e. dump offenders with foreign governments), and seems unwilling to stay silent no matter the price, having turned down $20 million — has been burbling at the sub-Logan level, and that's a level Rhea has no facility with. All that work (ew) to buy the car, and she has no idea what's under the hood. When she finds out, well, maybe that's when she'll start to drink.

Winner: Shiv making this face

Emily: This is the face of a true winner.

Shiv screws over Rhea.
Cool and calculating, that's Shiv Roy!

Winner: Ewan

Emily: For starters: Ewan is clearly the big money behind the source for the cruise line story, right? Succession all but comes out and says this in the closing moments of "Dundee," but it's still delicious to see Ewan carrying this grudge against his brother as far as he has. It likely takes a Roy to defeat a Roy.

But Ewan is also the closest thing to a moral conscience the show has — albeit one who is using his vast resources to completely destroy another man as thoroughly as he can. He points out that Logan may be the single human being most responsible for destroying life on this planet, and y'know, he's not wrong?

I would hate Succession a lot more if it constantly pointed out to us how bad the Roys are for the world at large (as opposed to just each other). But it's worthwhile to hear every so often that they're really rotten people who are tearing the planet apart for no real reason beyond their own self-regard. That this is all placed in the mouth of a man whose motives make him suspect is all the more delicious. You can just imagine ATN laying into the biased and horrible Ewan Roy.

Loser: Greg?!

Ewan tries to get Greg to give up his job at Waystar.
Greg? Lose? Nah!

Emily: Wait. Greg? A loser? Did you know this could happen?!

Let's all remember for a moment that Greg is actually "Cousin" Greg (or maybe Gregory) and that he came by his position in the family via worming his way into their good graces. (There's a reason he and Tom — the only two real outsiders at the Roy core and the only two people who weren't born into the ruling class but, instead, a ruling class suburb — are such good pals.) And, thus, Ewan is his grandpa, who can disinherit Greg as easily as he likes. Greg stands to inherit $250 million! That's not "buying Pierce" money, but I mean, I could use $250 million.

Greg seems for a second like he might do what his grandfather wants and leave behind Logan Roy forever. But then Logan says some nice things to him in the bathroom, and it's clear Greg will be dragged ever deeper into this whole mess. You think Logan's going to give you $250 million in his will, Greg? Psh.

Of course, Greg being Greg, he'll probably try to play both sides with his cache of cruise ship documents, and we'll watch him bumble his way through that, in his secretly conniving but outwardly idiotic Greg way. He'll be a winner again soon enough!

Winner: Dundee

Meredith: Although folklore has it that Baby Logan "lived in an open sewer and was raised by rats," Dundee, Scotland seems like a pretty lovely place. It has a bandstand! And now it has birthplace bragging rights and a fancy new school, to boot.

Yes, Dundee University gets a whole bunch of money to teach Scottish youths how to aggregate clickbait ("10 reasons why you're never getting paid," Kendall jokes, in a gag that I for one found funny and not soul-crushing), and the whole town sees a surely bizarre influx of media leaders and their money (where are they all sleeping? Can that one nice hotel hold them all?). No final word yet on the name of the local airport.

I would have loved to learn a little more about the locals beyond the one protester — "Roy cunt" his sign read, which Tom explains is like calling someone your buddy in Scotland — but Dundee seems like a nice little town that will be just as well off for Logan Roy having left it as Logan Roy is.

Winner: Romance

Does Sands have good buzz? Depends on whom Connor's talking to.
Connor and Willa talk out her play's buzz and finances, which are both just horrible.

Meredith: I hope you are in the mood for love, because "Dundee" is as sexy (Kendall???) and romantic (Gerrman!!!) as Succession has ever been — especially considering, as Emily pointed out last week, it has never, ever been.

Kendall spots Jennifer, an actress in Willa's play, Sands, at pre-opening night (or whatever that nonsense is), and — reminding her that he owns a movie studio — embarks on what he calls "one of the all-time great psychosexual expeditions" ("We're like the Lewis and Clark of fucking," he tells Con). Um, what happened to Naomi Pierce, she of the expected dick pic? Jennifer's clearly not long for this world (ahem, see the next loser) but that makes three out of four Roy siblings somehow sexually involved with the cast and crew of Sands, so hopefully Willa will consider casting Gerri as a dune of some kind.

Speaking of! Gerri and Roman's business marriage proposal from their Argestes trip becomes a real marriage proposal this week, or at least "the equivalent," which is Roman offering to kidnap and force cohabitation. Or one of his other tumble of suggestions: "You kill me, you chop my dick off, something. I'm kidding — you eat me, I eat you, like they do in Germany." Like they do in Gerrmany indeed! Roman leaves Gerri (and me, honestly) to think about it, but it's the best deal a Roy has ever put on the table.

Loser: Jennifer

Emily: Before Jennifer meets Kendall Roy, things are looking up for her. Willa's play (Sands! A lot of the lines you heard were placeholders!) apparently has bad buzz (Connor insisted it had good buzz at one time, but I'm not so sure, bud), but she's got a significant role in it, and that's how you build an acting career. Pay your dues in the trenches, take the parts others might not want, and then build a reputation that helps you get the big roles.

Well, consider that plan mostly shot. Because she runs away to Dundee with Kendall, her other castmates get mad at her, and it's not hard to imagine she'll end up blacklisted by casting agents. Admittedly, I'm catastrophizing about the acting career of a character we might never see again, but Jennifer doesn't even get to keep dating Kendall, because he breaks up with her for saying "awesome" too much after meeting his dad. (Jennifer is me. I'm not ashamed of it!)

With that said, she's a winner in one regard: She accurately pegs Kendall as someone who talks about his dad a lot. Brutal.

Loser: Connor

Meredith: I have been waiting for Connor's triumphant return, because the truth is he is probably the Roy with the second best lines after Roman. But the "first pancake," as Shiv calls him, had a pretty tough week.

To start, there's Willa's money-losing play, which Con tactfully tells anyone who will listen is full of temporary dialogue. The production's titular sands (and what a title) cost $529 per bag, aren't even from the desert, and are seemingly full of mites ("I don't know about that or bear legal responsibility," Connor tells an itchy Greg, who sat too close). He can't keep the actors from running off to bone his siblings, or grab his dad's ear about the financial hit he's taking.

Plus, Shiv gets Connor good with that breakfast-themed burn, and seemingly no one in Scotland even mentions his presidential run. The man's a future world leader/Tony-winning producer! Where is the respect?

At least he doesn't try to rap.

Loser: Marcia

Marcia flies to Dundee with everybody else.
Logan broke something with Marcia. Good luck repairing it.

Emily: Logan might be fucking around with Rhea, but the real sin is that he didn't tell Marcia anything about stepping down from the CEO position. She doesn't care about the sexual aspect of her marriage nearly as much as the idea that she is the power behind the scenes.

"You broke something here," Marcia says, and then the two have what could be the quietest marriage-ending argument you'll ever hear. I'm sure it isn't truly over (please!), but look at the way Marcia hisses, "Oh, God forbid I miss the plaque! Your shiny, little crystal!" She might be a loser, but she knows exactly how to set everything on fire on her way out the door.

Winner: Roman

Meredith: Roman finds himself surprisingly well-off by the end of the family trip to Scotland: He's not playing a high-stakes game of Julius Caesar with his father's mistress like Shiv, or rapping like Kendall. If Rhea manages to ride out the coming storm, Roman is best-positioned to benefit, and if Shiv wins, he will have at least proved his ability to plant a cruel and terrible idea to hurt Rhea. Not useless!

Plus, he has a future career in improv — I really believed he was throwing his own shit at Shiv during the siblings' scuffle, and his recording for Logan's video hints at untapped talent as a drive time DJ ("What up, prick licks? It's DOCTOR Moron, I'm a ding dong doodle bug dipshit with a titmouse dick, and my dad hates all of you, fucky go bye bye") — and the love of Gerri (*wiggles fingers* think about it) to look forward to.

Loser: The WTF Are We Gonna Do Committee

Meredith: If there was ever a club you don't want to be a member of, it's this one. Succession could have an entirely separate Upstairs/Downstairs-style spinoff about what happens on the non-Roy tier of Waystar-Royco — about the semi-normal millionaires working to listen in to our conversations, cover up ocean crimes, and fill our brains with evil crap — but it would be even more punishing than this program about the miserable megarich idly ruining our lives.

It's a tough gig! Gerri formally commands Team People Who Actually Maybe Do Shit (Ger, Frank, VP of cruise comms Hugo, PR-lead Karolina, ATN network head Syd, and — technically unemployed but present — Shiv) in the face of the whistleblower threat, but by mid-gala, things look bleak. The guy doesn't seem to like money? No one in the club can relate. The situation is "spiraling," the people who do things have no idea what to do, and their savior — Shiv, who agrees to take the blame for putting off telling Rhea — is perhaps not the most trustworthy accomplice. Likely one or more of them will be picked off before the season is through. My money's on Hugo.

Loser: Hip-hop as a musical form

Emily: The only time I thought Kendall and Jennifer might be made for each other was when she seemed to be weirdly into the rap that Kendall performs for his dad, which is truly the most embarrassing thing to ever have happened on Succession, and that's saying something. ("This might be the end of the company," Roman says. "We might get sucked into a black hole of embarrassment that we never get out of.")

Earlier in the episode, Rhea told Kendall that he was the true future of Waystar, and since he's sort of the protagonist of this show, she's probably right. But did you see how many people were filming him performing? There's no way he's going to recover from this.

Now when I say L, you say O-G! L! [deafening silence] L! [puts microphone in Logan's face to deafening silence]

2019-09-30 02:00:00Z

All the Details on Hailey & Justin Bieber's Intimate Rehearsal Dinner - E! NEWS

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 04:30 AM PDT

All the Details on Hailey & Justin Bieber's Intimate Rehearsal Dinner - E! NEWS

Hailey and Justin Bieber are going all out for their latest wedding celebrations.

The celebrity couple is making up for lost time by throwing yet another wedding ceremony, after getting hitched in a courthouse ceremony around this time last year. And this time they are doing it the traditional way. 

On Sunday night, Hailey, Justin and their close friends and family members gathered at the Montage in Palmetto Bluffs in South Carolina to eat, drink and be merry, all in the name of love. The pair's famous pals included, Joan Smalls, Kendall Jenner, Kenny Hamilton, Kyle Massey, Laura and Carl Lentz, Karla Welch, Justine Skye, and of course, Scooter Braun.

"Guests arrived by boat to the rehearsal dinner on the Palmetto property. There were several water taxis that took guests over around 6:30 p.m.," a source tells E! News of their glitzy festivities. "The dinner was on the edge of the water and was outdoors. There were many string lights hanging and lit candles. Everyone was seated at long tables and the dècor was very chic and white."

The insider added, "There were waiters standing greeting guests with champagne as they arrived."

According to the source, the celebrity power couple arrived together after most of their guests had settled into the party. "Everyone cheered for them and they looked really happy to see everyone," the source dished. "Hailey and Justin both could not stop smiling."

The supermodel was in total bridal mode and donned a "short white dress" for the special occasion, according to the insider.

As a separate source previously told E! News, this is the "first time" that the two stars have been able to get all their friends and family together in one place. "They've never had everyone together in one place so they are excited about that," our insider shared. "They are looking forward to having friends and family get to know each other throughout the weekend. They have several different events planned and hope that people will have a great time."

There's no doubt that there will be plenty of amusing activities—especially since Kendall was at the rehearsal dinner. Fans might recall the reality TV star and model planned Hailey's rowdy bachelorette party, which, according to a source, included "fun sex toys, phallic straws, water bottles, candy necklaces, lingerie and a veil for Hailey to wear."

"When Hailey saw everything she was dying laughing and got a big kick out of it all. It was the classic bachelorette party with all the fun props and silly toys. Hailey wasn't shy and got right to it playing with everything and posing for photos," the source shared. 

One can only hope that there will be just as much photos taken at Monday's wedding ceremony!

Don't miss E! News every weeknight at 7, only on E!

2019-09-30 03:01:00Z

Why Ruby Rose Looked Up to Xena: Warrior Princess as a Kid - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 04:29 AM PDT

Why Ruby Rose Looked Up to Xena: Warrior Princess as a Kid - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Ruby Rose is about to be a hero to little kids watching her as Batwoman on The CW. Even more than an empowering hero, Rose gets to play an openly gay heroine, the sort of role model she didn't get to see on television. As a kid, Rose appreciated what was available, which included Lucy Lawless as Xena: Warrior Princess.

Ruby Rose
Ruby Rose | | Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

After the Television Critics Association for Batwoman this summer, Rose spoke with reporters further about being a role model, and the role models she had growing up. Batwoman premieres Sunday, October 6 at 8 p.m. on The CW right before Supergirl, and we'll have more with Rose and the stars of Batwoman this week on Showbiz Cheat Sheet.

Why Xena: Warrior Princess was Ruby Rose's hero

Sure, Xena kicked butt but that wasn't really why Ruby Rose loved her. As a young gay woman, there were many fan theories about Xena's relationship with Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor).

Lucy Lawless as Xena | Richard Robinson/AFP/Getty Images

"The closest I had was Xena: Warrior Princess," Rose said. "You just had to assume that there was something with Gabrielle. It was up to the imagination but I was convinced and that definitely was probably the only thing I had on television that represented how I felt and kind of empowered me. I don't think anything else until probably The L Word which was a different show entirely."

'Batwoman' can be someone's 'Xena' in 2019

Ruby Rose wishes there had been a character like she plays on Batwoman when she was little. Kate Kane (Rose) is openly gay and heroic enough to save Gotham City.

Ruby Rose in Batwoman
Ruby Rose and Camrus Johnson in Batwoman | Kimberley French/The CW

"It's telling a story that I wish was on television when I was a kid," Rose said. "I believe there are going to be people that this changes their life."

And if Batwoman is not for you, that's okay. 

"I think there's definitely someone for everyone in the show, but if you don't find yourself in this show, that's probably because there's plenty of shows for you already out there," Rose said.

We still need more representation on television 

The landscape of television is far more diverse than it was when Ruby Rose was watching Xena, but it's still predominantly heteronormative. Batwoman adds one more show to shift the balance.

Ruby Rose as Kate Kane
Ruby Rose as Kate Kane in Batwoman | Elizabeth Morris/The CW

"It's more about representation and diversity and acknowledging that there are more than just one kind of person who exists in the world that then gets displayed on television or media or film," Rose said. "I think that's why GLAAD is such a fantastic organization because they have been monitoring like we don't have representation in these areas and we need it."

Ruby Rose has input into 'Batwoman'

Showrunner Caroline Dries and producer Sarah Schechter are listening to Ruby Rose's input on Kate Kane and Batwoman. Rose has confidence in them too.

Ruby Rose as Batwoman
Ruby Rose as Batwoman | Kimberley French/The CW

"If I ever felt like there was something that I was seeing in the script or not seeing in the script or wanted more of or wanted less of, especially when it comes to Kate specifically, I think things have changed, writing have made adjustments. I've asked Caroline if we can do it a different way. We are collaborative in that way but as far as the show as a whole, of course if I felt like there was something I wanted to say, obviously I would but so far they're doing an excellent job so I don't feel like I need to put an extra cook in the kitchen."

Ruby Rose to the Television Critics Association, 8/4/19

2019-09-30 05:00:01Z

Mama June's Family Still Pushing to Get Her Help After Disturbing Court Video - TMZ

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 04:29 AM PDT

Mama June's Family Still Pushing to Get Her Help After Disturbing Court Video - TMZ

2019-09-30 08:00:00Z

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