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錦戸亮1stアルバムは全曲本人作、東京でのリリースイベントも決定 - ナタリー

Posted: 15 Oct 2019 01:05 AM PDT

錦戸亮1stアルバムは全曲本人作、東京でのリリースイベントも決定 - ナタリー


自主レーベル「NOMAD RECORDS」からリリースされる本作には、錦戸本人が作詞作曲とプロデュースを手がけた11曲を収録。「ノマド」「Point of Departure」といった収録曲のミュージックビデオやメイキング映像を収めたDVD付きの初回限定盤A、11月よりスタートする全国ツアーのドキュメンタリーDVDやライブフォトブック付きの初回限定盤B、ボーナストラックを追加収録した通常盤の3仕様で発売される。


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2019-10-15 07:00:00Z

中島裕翔『ベストジーニスト』V3で殿堂入り「感慨無量の思いです」 - ORICON NEWS

Posted: 15 Oct 2019 12:35 AM PDT

中島裕翔『ベストジーニスト』V3で殿堂入り「感慨無量の思いです」 - ORICON NEWS



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2019-10-15 06:09:19Z

「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2205」監督は安田賢司、来秋に上映!「2202」TV版の総集編も制作 - ナタリー

Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:02 AM PDT

「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2205」監督は安田賢司、来秋に上映!「2202」TV版の総集編も制作 - ナタリー

アニメ「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202」の続編、「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2205 新たなる旅立ち」が2020年秋に劇場上映される。そのメインスタッフが発表された。

「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2205 新たなる旅立ち」はアニメ「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」をリメイクした「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199」、「さらば宇宙戦艦ヤマト 愛の戦士たち」をモチーフに描かれた「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202 愛の戦士たち」に続く、シリーズ最新作。「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202」から3年後の世界を舞台にした、新しいヤマトの物語が展開される。新情報は本日10月14日に東京・Bunkamuraオーチャードホールで行われた「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202」のコンサートイベントにて、「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2205 新たなる旅立ち」のシリーズ構成と脚本を担当する福井晴敏から発表された。監督は「しゅごキャラ!」や「マクロスΔ」の安田賢司が担当し、脚本で岡秀樹が参加。キャラクター原案は結城信輝、メカデザインは玉盛順一朗、明貴美加、石津泰志、音楽は宮川彬良が手がける。

さらに「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202 愛の戦士たち」のTVシリーズ全26話を再構成した「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202 愛の戦士たち 総集篇(仮)」が制作されることも決定。2020年に劇場上映されると発表された。

なお11月1日より3カ月限定で、「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202 愛の戦士たち」のデジタルセル版を販売。限定のBlu-ray / DVDに、特典として付属していた福井による書き下ろしオーディオドラマが付く。

「宇宙戦艦ヤマト 2205 新たなる旅立ち」




「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202 愛の戦士たち 総集篇(仮)」



制作:studio MOTHER




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2019-10-14 12:00:00Z

Is Kate Middleton a Better Boss Than Meghan Markle? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:14 AM PDT

Is Kate Middleton a Better Boss Than Meghan Markle? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Kate Middleton has been quietly preparing for her new role as queen consort, working closely with Queen Elizabeth and taking on even more royal engagements than ever before. In addition to her extra workload, the Duchess of Cambridge is a full-time wife and mother, taking care of her three young children.

While a schedule that busy might make most normal people act out of stress, Duchess Kate has risen above that. According to a recent news report, Middleton is actually an exemplary boss, treating the royal staff with great kindness and dignity — a direct contrast to the reports of Meghan Markle's alleged treatment of the palace staff.

Kate Middleton treats the staff 'with respect'

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle attend church on Christmas Day.
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle | UK Press Pool/UK Press via Getty Images

For years, Middleton has been one of the public's favorite members of the royal family. They love the genuine, sweet way that she connects with people and the hands-on way that she parents her children. As it turns out, Middleton's fan club extends to the palace staff.

A new report features interviews with royal sources who claim Duchess Kate is an excellent boss and treats the staff with courtesy and respect, wanting "everyone's voices to be heard." The source says Middleton takes the time to listen to everyone's ideas, including those from the junior staff members. Furthermore, the report states the duchess doesn't get angry if someone makes a mistake, and has forged some close connections with staff members because of it.

The report draws some interesting comparisons between Middleton's treatment of the staff and the way that Markle, who lived in Kensington Palace for a time after her marriage to Prince Harry, reportedly did. According to their sources, Middleton actually had to intervene when the Duchess of Sussex got into spats with staff, claiming the way Duchess Meghan was speaking to them was "unacceptable."

The palace staff reportedly had problems with Meghan Markle

Although Markle has suffered from the negative press from the very beginning of her romance with Prince Harry, the reports reached a fever pitch after she moved into Kensington Palace. Rumors started swirling that the palace staff was having a hard time adjusting to Duchess Meghan's "demanding" ways and that they had given her the unflattering nickname of "Me-gain." Supposedly, Markle drew the ire of the staff due to her habit of sending work-related emails well before waking hours and being a "diva" with her demands.

Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that several hired hands quit in a very short period of time, leading the public and the media to believe the Duchess of Sussex was hard to work for. While some sources spoke out in Markle's defense, the damage had been done and people started referring to her as "Duchess Difficult."

Kate Middleton has had more experience with the royal family's staff

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The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the @Natural_History_Museum, visited the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity to hear how it is championing and helping to protect UK wildlife. The Angela Marmont Centre (AMC) is a unique scientific hub located in the Natural History Museum, and is dedicated to the study of the UK's natural world. The AMC helps public visitors identify their finds, provides vital training in wildlife identification, and leads research and citizen science projects that are helping to transform our understanding of over 80,000 species of wildlife known to exist in the UK today. With populations of many UK species declining, and a significant proportion threatened with local extinction, the AMC brings together a host of individuals and organisations all dedicated to building understanding of the UK's wildlife, so that it can be better protected for future generations. AMC staff work with colleagues from across the Natural History Museum to carry out a range of scientific research to study how and why the UK's wildlife is changing. This ranges from applying ground-breaking scientific techniques, including analysis of environmental DNA through to detecting and identify the miniscule insects and microorganisms that play an important role in healthy environments. At the AMC today The Duchess viewed some of the Museum's specimens and saw DNA sequencing live in action.

A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on

Whether or not Markle truly has burned bridges with the staff at Kensington Palace, the fact is that comparing Middleton and Markle's approach to hired help might not be entirely fair. After all, Middleton has grown up surrounded by British rules and traditions, which includes the presence of household help much more than American homes do. Middleton has also been in the royal family for years and has grown quite close to many of the family members and staff. 

Markle is still a relative newcomer to the ways of the royal family and might just have gone through a harsh learning curve. She has also spent many years of her life in the direct, bustling world of Hollywood, where early morning emails and strict daily agendas were likely the norms for her. If there's any merit to the reports, she might just need a little bit more time to adjust.

2019-10-14 08:44:03Z

K-pop star Sulli found dead aged 25 - BBC News

Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:14 AM PDT

K-pop star Sulli found dead aged 25 - BBC News

Sulli pictured in February 2019Image copyright Getty Images

The K-pop star Sulli has died aged 25.

Police told the BBC the singer's manager found her dead at her home near Seoul, South Korea.

They say they are investigating the cause of her death and are working on the ‎assumption that she may have taken her own life.‎

The star, who had more than five million followers on Instagram, was a former member of the band f(x) until she left in 2015 to focus on her acting career.

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption ‎Sulli appeared on a number of TV programmes to describe the online abuse she faced as a celebrity.‎

Some believe the artist, whose real name is Choi Jin-ri, suspended her K-pop work after struggling with the abuse she got online.

She was a "free spirit" according to music journalist Taylor Glasby.

"She was one of the idols who decided to live her life in the way she wanted to and that didn't always sit well with the general public," she tells Radio 1 Newsbeat.

In South Korea, pop stars are called idols.

"For idols, everything is about appearance, everything is quite monitored and she just didn't [monitor her content]. She was herself".

"She clapped back and she wouldn't take people's narrow-mindedness".

Image copyright Han Myung-Gu
Image caption Sulli released her first solo song this year

Taylor says Sulli's former band f(x) changed K-pop.

"They were one of the girl groups that didn't fit in, they did their own thing. Their music was more hard-hitting. It was innovative and complex, and it helped cement an entire sub-genre within K-pop - girl crush.

"When she left, her legacy became being outspoken. It became taking control of her own image. I admired her spirit to do so despite the constant negativity that was directed at her by some less open minded citizens."‎

Sulli's former f(x) bandmate, Amber Liu, has posted her shock at what's happened.

Sulli was known for being controversial. She unashamedly told her fans that they had a choice about ‎how to display their bodies. ‎

She was involved in the so-called "no bra" scandal where she showed her nipples on a number of ‎occasions.

The first pictures appeared on her Instagram account in May 2016 and she faced a huge ‎amount of abuse on social media.

Last month her breasts were shown by accident during a live ‎Instagram stream - which again caused controversy in conservative South Korea.

Sulli was good friends with K-pop star Jonghyun, who took his own life aged 27.

The artist paid tribute at his funeral in 2017.

2019-10-14 09:35:53Z

Tekashi 6ix9ine Won't Get Play on HOT 97, Unless ... - TMZ

Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:14 AM PDT

Tekashi 6ix9ine Won't Get Play on HOT 97, Unless ... - TMZ

2019-10-14 08:00:00Z

福田彩乃 ディズニー初の1人3役吹き替えに得意顔 次は「100役」希望 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:02 AM PDT

福田彩乃 ディズニー初の1人3役吹き替えに得意顔 次は「100役」希望 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

Photo By スポニチ



 福田は3つの妖精を声で演じ分けており、「3人分を私がやっていたのは分かりましたか? 1人3役はディズニーでは初めてだそうです」と得意げな表情。"初の3役"については本来MCが紹介する段取りだったが、「それを伝えたくて」とフライングとなってしまい苦笑い。






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2019-10-14 09:05:00Z

韓国女性グループf(x)元メンバーのソルリ 遺体で見つかる=韓国(聯合ニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:02 AM PDT

韓国女性グループf(x)元メンバーのソルリ 遺体で見つかる=韓国(聯合ニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース




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