De Blog Have Fun |
- 横浜流星は「かわいいポンコツ」 菜々緒が珍行動に“キュン”「クールなイメージがあったので」 - ORICON NEWS
- The Walking Dead Season 10 Premiere Was Out of This World - Gizmodo
- Watch Alessia Cara impersonate Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, and more while singing 'Bad Guy' - Entertainment Weekly News
- WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Full results, horrible ending, new champions and reactions - CNET
- Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Denies Using Knife on Jen, Was Protecting Daughter - TMZ
- 乃木坂46レギュラー番組「乃木坂工事中」初のBD化!メンバー4人がオススメ回セレクト - ナタリー
- 石田ゆり子「同い年」福山雅治「エーってどっち?」 - 日刊スポーツ
- 『盾の勇者』も参戦!アニメ『異世界かるてっと』2期が始動 - 電撃オンライン
- 長女・藤井隆も続投、星野源「おげんさんといっしょ」第3弾は90分の生放送 - ナタリー
横浜流星は「かわいいポンコツ」 菜々緒が珍行動に“キュン”「クールなイメージがあったので」 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:12 AM PDT 横浜流星は「かわいいポンコツ」 菜々緒が珍行動に"キュン"「クールなイメージがあったので」 - ORICON NEWS ![]() 俳優の福士蒼汰、桐谷健太、横浜流星、女優の菜々緒が8日、都内で行われた11日スタートのTBS系連続ドラマ『4分間のマリーゴールド』(毎週金曜 後10:00)キャスト舞台あいさつに登場。お互いの印象を語る中、菜々緒は横浜のことを「流星君は意外となんか…、言い方悪いけどポンコツぽくて」と苦笑いしながら珍エピソードを展開した。 理由について菜々緒は「すごくかわいいポンコツ。リハーサルなどで一生懸命になりすぎて、自分のせりふをすごく言いたかったのか、ほかの人のせりふにどんどん被せてしまい…」と暴露。 さらに「全然出番がないのにテクテクと(カメラの前に)歩いて画面に映って…。そこで諦めればいいのに、なぜか後退りして戻るという…」と珍行動も明かし「結構、天然みたいなところがある。私はクールなイメージがあったので、『こんなに可愛らしい子』なんだとキュンキュンしました」と現場のムードメーカーだと伝えた。 横浜のキャラは現場全体に影響を及ぼしており「テスト中、撮影が止まったら最近みなさん、流星の方を見る」と桐谷も報告。ポンコツエピソードを連発された横浜は「そうですよね…」と一連の話を認めながら「餃子を作るシーンも、作ることに集中しすぎてせりふを忘れるという…。すみません。集中しすぎちゃっているところはわかっています。初めてしまうと集中しちゃうので、ダメだなっと思いつつも…」と反省していた。 同ドラマは、小学館の新人コミック大賞(青年部門)で大賞を受賞したキリエ氏による原作漫画を実写化したもの。福士演じる手を重ねた人の「死の運命」が視えてしまう特殊能力を持つ救急救命士・花巻みことと、菜々緒演じる命の期限が1年後に迫った義姉・沙羅との禁断の恋を描く切ないラブストーリー。 親の再婚を機に、沙羅と共にみことの義理の兄弟となった長男・廉を桐谷、末っ子・藍を横浜が演じ、主人公のみことだけ血はつながっていないが、父親が亡くなり母親も不在がちな花巻家で、助け合いながら4人は仲良く暮らす。 2019-10-08 06:30:36Z |
The Walking Dead Season 10 Premiere Was Out of This World - Gizmodo Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:44 AM PDT The Walking Dead Season 10 Premiere Was Out of This World - Gizmodo For the first time in a long time, The Walking Dead was good last year. To use an appropriate metaphor, it had become a saggy, bloated corpse, but new showrunner Angela Kang gave it new life—with more consistent characters, faster storytelling, and the ability to surprise audiences again. Last night's season 10 premiere wasn't quite on par with season nine, but it sure had one hell of a surprise. Because when I say the episode was out of this world? I mean it literally. The Walking Dead's season openers have always been at a bit of a disadvantage, because they have to do a lot of legwork, reestablishing where its many characters are, what they've got going on, and where their various relationships are currently, which usually doesn't leave a lot of time for actual plot development. "Lines We Cross" had the usual issues, but since the show began with a shot of outer space—and then a USSR-era satellite hurtling towards Earth—they weren't nearly so galling. When the episode came back to the survivors, the mind-boggling fun continued. It turns out the colonists have formed a (semi-legit) army since last season, and it's training day at Oceanside. The front line has spiked, Roman legion-esque shields to keep foes at bay, archers in the back to thin out the enemy's ranks as they approach, and sword- and spear-wielders to take out the zombies who manage to close in. Hell, the army has actual maneuvers to maximize protection while simultaneously attacking. It's a bit goofy, but it's wonderfully entertaining. Advertisement Besides, the army works, which we know because the training exercises involve Ezekiel and Jerry opening the holds of multiple crashed boats with an increasing number of zombies inside. When a couple dozen walkers burst out of the last boat unscheduled, the practice turns into an actual battle, and they hand the zombies their decaying asses with maximum efficiency. When it's over, Judith (who is a very capable member of the army herself, of course) reverts from tiny badass to her child mode to play with the other kids on the beach, where she discovers a zombie face has washed up onto the shore—a Whisperer's mask. It turns out there's been no conflict between the colonies with the Whisperers since the latter migrated south for the winter. If they are back, however, then the colonies are at risk, although the two groups are technically in a détente, since the Whisperers claimed that they'll leave the others alone so long as no one crosses the infamous severed-head-lined boundary they set last season. Whether the Whisperers would have kept their word is obviously up for debate, but it's a moot point because the colonists cross over not once but three times in the episode. Advertisement The first is when the colonists recon their own side of the line to look for signs of Whisperers. When Michonne and a very angry Aaron ride out and spy zombies on a bridge just over the boundary line, he doesn't hesitate to cross the border to attack them, clearly hoping one of them is a Whisperer he can kill. Aaron hates that everyone is living in fear and wants to go on the offensive to wipe out the threat before the Whisperers kill more of their people. Michonne reminds him that job number one is keeping people safe, which means not foolishly provoking the Whisperers into a war. Advertisement It's the age-old conflict at the heart of The Walking Dead, and it's here that the episode first stumbles. The "Is offense the best defense?" question is so played-out on this show, especially since the last time it came up when Rick attacked Negan and the Saviors first, beginning a costly battle and two interminable seasons of TV. The show's characters should be as wary of provoking conflict as the audience is of the show's characters provoking conflict. Plus, angering the Whisperers is an even dumber idea than it was to mess with the Saviors, because, as Michonne reminds Aaron, they have the zombie equivalent of a nuclear bomb: that hoard of thousands of Walkers that they can (somehow) direct wherever they want. When another scouting group led by New Kids leader Yumiko finds a campsite with a zombie hide in colonist territory, it's more evidence the Whisperers are back. The still-upset Aaron wants a total lockdown of Alexandria, but Michonne worries that sending the colonies into a full panic might break them apart again, right when they need to stand together more than ever. She radios Gabriel in Alexandria to be on alert, and after notifying the town leaders, he orders the guards on the wall doubled and the gate closed at night. Advertisement But the other Alexandrians immediately know what these precautions mean, and the fear begins to set in. Negan, who's been leading a seemingly contented life as fruit-picker and garbage man (although still under guard), voluntarily returns to his prison cell. As he tells Gabriel, new fear can stoke old fears and, as former enemy number one, he wants to make sure no one starts thinking of him as a threat again. Advertisement Meanwhile, Carol, who's been spending most of her time since the season nine finale at sea catching fish, returns to Oceanside. A hopeful Ezekiel has been anxiously awaiting her return but Carol instantly blows him off to go on a joyride with Daryl. The two do a bit of hunting—mostly zombies, but they also kill a deer that unfortunately dies in Whisperer territory. Even though it's only a few yards in, Daryl tells her they can't grab it because it's off-limits, pissing off Carol to no end. But they quickly make-up when Daryl lets it slip that Carol is his best friend, prompting her to make merciless fun of him with an elaborate, wonderful proposal that they should make each other friendship bracelets. And then they see the fire in the sky. Advertisement Much like Game of Thrones' Red Comet, all these various story threads have ended with the characters seeing a bright ball of fire hurtling overhead, but only Eugene realizes the disaster that's about to occur, and radios Michonne immediately. The object, of course, is the satellite entering the atmosphere, and it causes a forest fire when it crashes. The forest, of course, is in the Whisperers' territory, but the fire that will spread over to Oceanside unless it's stopped. The colonists have no choice but cross the boundary and try to stop the massive conflagration in a world without a fire truck. To put it succinctly, it ain't easy—especially when the fire attracts dozens of zombies, giving everyone two deadly threats to face. Still, the scene provides the utter delight of seeing Daryl throw an axe to knock a flaming tree onto a group of zombies, and an even more entertainingly ridiculous moment where Carol slits a zombie's throat and uses its spurting blood to put out part of the fire. Advertisement When it's over, all they can hope is that the Whisperers appreciate the Colonists taking care of the fire and not retaliate, since it would have destroyed a great deal of their area as well. Aaron, in a very awkward U-turn from his position at the beginning of the episode, hopes that their work actually "buy them some goodwill." Maybe it would have, except there's one final (and vastly unnecessary) trip to Whisperer-Land left to go. After they had discussed the idea of actually leaving the colonies behind to travel to New Mexico, a land in which they assume they wouldn't constantly be fighting people, Daryl takes Carol to the edge of the giant valley where Alpha showed them her immense zombie horde. The horde is gone, which I guess isn't bad intel to have, but it can't possibly be worth it the cost. Because as she's walking away, Carol looks down and sees Alpha, just as the leader of the Whisperers sees her—standing smack-dab in Whisperer territory. So now it's war for sure. Advertisement That's a dumb way to restart the conflict between the two groups. Because it requires two of the savviest characters on the show to make a dumb, inexplicable decision (they could have had the conversation anywhere), and the inconsistency in Aaron's character over the course of the episode isn't great either. Both of these problems run deeper than the traditional season premiere clunkiness because it's the same sort of plotting and writing issues that have dogged The Walking Dead since the beginning. For instance, it would have been so, so easy for Alpha—an established psychopath—to have seen the charred remains of the forest, realized the colonists had crossed over, and decided to punish them for breaking her rule, regardless of the good they did. Advertisement On the other hand, the high quality of the show's previous season has built up more than enough goodwill with me to keep me excited for the next episode, which is not a sentence I have typed in regards to The Walking Dead in years. More importantly, even with the character issues, this episode included: 1) a trained zombie-fighting army, 2) blood-based firefighting techniques, and 3) an orbiting Russian satellite falling to Earth. That's amazing. After all, the show has often been a story driven by dumb-dumbs. But it has rarely been this entertaining. After nine long years of watching his show, I know which one is more important to me. Advertisement Assorted Musings:
Advertisement For more, make sure you're following us on our Instagram @io9dotcom. Advertisement 2019-10-07 02:15:00Z |
Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:44 AM PDT Watch Alessia Cara impersonate Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, and more while singing 'Bad Guy' - Entertainment Weekly News ![]() this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. 2019-10-07 03:47:00Z |
WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Full results, horrible ending, new champions and reactions - CNET Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:43 AM PDT WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Full results, horrible ending, new champions and reactions - CNET ![]() It's fine. Everything is fine. WWEHell in a Cell 2019 kicked off with two great matches in Becky Lynch versus Sasha Banks and the tornado tag match pitting Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan against Luke Harper and Eric Rowan. Then the show went downhill. It could have been saved by an electric main event, but sadly that main event ended up being both the final and most painful nail in the coffin. I'm reluctant to call Hell in a Cell a bad show, since the two opening matches were so strong. But of all the wrestling events with two great matches on them, this is as bad as it gets. The show was laid out in a way that made most of it skippable, and the ending was fantastically stupid. So, y'know what? Yes, I'll say it. This was a bad show. The quick things you need to know: Lynch beat Banks to retain her title while Charlotte Flair beat Bayley to become 10x women's champ. And Seth Rollins versus The Fiend in a Hell in a Cell match, a bout specifically designed to yield a clear victor, ended in a no contest. Yep. Below you'll find full results and recaps, from the end of the show to the beginning.
Seth Rollins retains his championship in a no contestReally. It's not just internet wrestling nerds like me, or the crowd who paid money for a clean ending, who are mad. X-Pac, doing WWE's own Watch Along talk show, was flustered. The Fiend is unbeatable. After about 10 minutes of wrestling, Rollins hit about a dozen curb stomps and got only a one count. He hit Bray Wyatt in the face with a chair for another one count. He stacked a ladder, chairs and a tool box on Wyatt's face, then got a sledgehammer and smashed Wyatt with it. And the ref called for the bell, because Rollins had, I dunno, gone too far? The crowd booed. Wyatt killed Rollins after the match with the mandible claw, and hit Sister Abigail onto the concrete. WWE didn't want to beat The Fiend, but it didn't want to put the title on him either. So it resorted to a finish that made zero sense. The show ended with the crowd booing, chanting "AEW" (for WWE's new rival promotion) and "refund." Rating: 2 stars. The Fiend is still cool as hell, but here was a dumb finish that made no sense. Hell in a Cell matches have no rules, and several have included a sledgehammer. So the ref called the match off for literally no reason. Charlotte Flair is 10x Women's Champion.This show had a great start but it's been a slow hour-plus since the tornado tag. The crowd is deflated as Bayley versus Charlotte Flair begins. The match centered around the two women working over each others' legs. Crowd wasn't into it, until about a minute before the finish when they started loud dueling chants of "Let's go Charlotte" and "Let's go Bayley." Finish came moments later when, after Bayley was caught putting her feet on the ropes during a roll-up, Charlotte got her in a Figure Eight for the submission. Charlotte taunted Bayley on her way up the ramp. Bayley cried. Rating: 2 stars. After following so many no-heat matches, these women never really had a chance. It was just OK. Chad Gable beats Baron Corbin, is christened as Shorty GableBaron Corbin started the match off with a promo about Gable being short. My housemates walked in at this point and I had to explain why he was wearing a crown. It was a bad time to be a wrestling fan. After a long match that the crowd didn't care much about, Gable rolled up Corbin for a three count following Corbin trying to hit Gable with his sceptre. During the match, Corey Graves kept referring to Chad as "Shorty Gable." After the match, Greg Hamilton announced that "Shorty Gable" had won. Somewhere, Vince McMahon is laughing his ass off. Rating: 2 stars. It was fine. Crowd for the most part didn't care.
The O.C. vs. Braun Strowman and The Viking Raiders ends in DQBraun Strowman was The Viking Raiders' surprise tag team partner, so you know The O.C. had no chance. After a Raw-quality tag team match, the O.C. triple teamed Braun Strowman and the ref called a DQ. There wasn't much to this match. The Viking Raiders had beaten Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson twice on TV already, and WWE was prepping Strowman for an angle with boxing star Tyson Fury. So no one really expected the heavily-bearded team to lose. After the match the Viking Raiders hit stereo suicide dives on Gallows and Anderson. Styles worked over Strowman in the ring. He went for a phenomenal forearm but Strowman hit a huge punch while Styles was in midair. Styles did a great job afterwards selling that he was knocked out, stumbling up the ramp and asking the ref which city he was in. Rating: 2 stars. It was fine. Kabuki Warriors win the tag titlesAsuka is the best female wrestler on the roster, and among the best performers on the roster full stop. Kairi Sane is also fantastic. So the fact that these two have been so underused is criminal. Hopefully, this marked the beginning of a change. The two won the Women's Tag Team titles from Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss after Asuka spit green mist into Cross' face and caught her with a high kick. Like the last match, this was hurt by having no build-up on TV. There was little crowd reaction and it wasn't helped by Asuka and Sane inexplicably being heels now. Rating: 2 stars. No build-up, and the Kabuki Warriors being villains with no explanation meant the crowd didn't have much interest. Hopefully Asuka and Sane, two great performers, can bring meaning to these titles. Randy Orton RKO's Ali into oblivionHell in a Cell only had four matches announced as of Saturday, and two of those matches had already gone on. So we had some time to fill, and Randy Orton versus Ali isn't a bad way to fill it. On paper, at least. This was a good match in a technical sense. Ali's offense is crisp, and he played his underdog role well. Orton is Orton, meaning he's not particularly exciting to watch but he does feel like a star. But, since this had no build-up on TV at all, the crowd didn't care for most of the contest. Orton suplexed Ali onto an announcer's table early in the match, giving Ali a gnarly scrape on his abdomen for the rest of the bout. The only real moment of note was Ali's creative counter of an RKO, which saw him hit something of a handstand to stop his head from hitting the mat. It would only be a few moments later that Orton would hit an RKO for real, though. Orton was putting a concerted effort into nodding at the fallen Ali, and pounding his chest in admiration. So the idea here was probably to make Ali look good by doing so well against Orton. Rating: 2.5 stars. Good wrestling, dead crowd. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns beat Erick Rowan and Luke HarperThese guys beat the crap out of each other. This match was contested under tornado tag rules, which means no tagging in or out and, well, no rules at all. The match started with a big blitz, with suicide dives and superman punches, but Harper and Rowan got control and slowed the pace down. There was a long period of heat, of Harper and Rowan slowly beating down both Bryan and Reigns, to reset the crowd. Then the two good guys made their comeback. This was another terrific match. The second half was loaded with creative spots. The best part came when the two big men tried to double powerbomb Bryan through the announce tables, but Bryan countered with a hurricanrana, sending Harper to the floor. Reigns then followed up with a huge spear to Rowan, flattening him through another announce table. Reigns and Bryan got the pin after a Superman punch, running knee and spear combo on Harper. Then the two hugged it out after the match, which was wholesome. Rating: 4 stars. Bryan, Reigns and Harper are all fantastic performers. How could it be bad?
Becky Lynch defeats Sasha BanksThis was a great match, and by far the best of Becky Lynch's reign as champion. The crowd started lukewarm -- perhaps a bad omen for the rest of the card -- but the two women got them well and truly invested in the match. And, despite the bevy of weapons used throughout, it wasn't cheap. This was a match that methodically built, at a steady-but-not-boring pace, to the climax, which saw Lynch tap out Banks with her "disarmer" armbar. The Hell in a Cell Match began with a lot of brawling on the outside of the ring, which led to chairs, a table and even a ladder being brought out from under the ring. All of those weapons would end up being put to use. Lots of great spots, mostly involving Banks' meteora, a move which sees her jump off the top rope (or any high platform) and descend knees-first onto her opponent's shoulders. Banks hit a meteora from the apron onto Lynch into a standing ladder. She hit the meteora from the top rope onto Lynch through a chair. And later, through a table. Banks was in many ways the hero of this match, with a lot of sharp offense and great selling too. The crowd ended very hot for this. Banks set up a bunch of chairs in the ring and ascended the ropes, only for Lynch to throw a chair at her, hit an exploder suplex from the second rope into more chains, and then lock in the disarmer. Rating: 4 stars. Great match. #AndStill WWEPreshow ResultsOnly one match on this preshow, and it's one you've seen multiple times over the past few weeks if you watch Raw. Natalya defeats Lacey Evans: Evans tapped out to the sharpshooter. 2019-10-07 02:43:00Z |
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Denies Using Knife on Jen, Was Protecting Daughter - TMZ Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:43 AM PDT Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Denies Using Knife on Jen, Was Protecting Daughter - TMZ ![]() Exclusive TMZ CompositeRonnie Ortiz-Magro denies ever wielding a knife against his baby mama, Jen Harley, in their latest alleged domestic violence incident ... and insists he was only out to protect their daughter. Sources familiar with the matter tell TMZ ... Ronnie is adamant he NEVER picked up or threatened Jen with a knife during their latest domestic disturbance in L.A. ... which required the cops to come out, break down a door and tase him in the end. FOX 11 We're told Ronnie only confronted Jen because he was afraid she was trying to take their daughter away from their Airbnb rental home ... which surveillance footage from a neighbor's house seems to support, on the surface anyway. TMZ broke the story ... Jen looked pretty terrified as she sidled up to the neighbor's home with 1-year-old Ariana in hand, attempting to open the trunk of the neighbor's car. The neighbor says they saw Jen trying to drop Ariana over a fence, before we're told Ronnie showed up and snatched back the kid ... allegedly striking Jen as well. Things got worse from there as cops showed up breached the front door to reach Ronnie, who was holed up with Ariana and refused to come out. He eventually had to be subdued by taser, and was arrested on kidnapping charges. He was released from custody a short time later. This, of course, is just the most recent dust-up between the volatile pair. There's the ashtray-throwing saga, the ransacking tale ... and then the notorious car-dragging episode. None of that is lost on those closest to them either, BTW. Our sources say both Ron and Jen's friends continue to urge them to split for good, if for nothing else other than Ariana's safety. 2019-10-07 08:00:00Z |
乃木坂46レギュラー番組「乃木坂工事中」初のBD化!メンバー4人がオススメ回セレクト - ナタリー Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:38 AM PDT 乃木坂46レギュラー番組「乃木坂工事中」初のBD化!メンバー4人がオススメ回セレクト - ナタリー ![]() テレビ東京系で放送中の 前身番組「乃木坂って、どこ?」のDVD第3弾以来、本シリーズの映像作品がリリースされるのは約3年ぶりのこと。2015年4月に番組が現在のタイトルにリニューアルされて以降は初の映像化となる。発売されるBlu-rayは「秋元工事中」「白石工事中」「高山工事中」「松村工事中」の4タイトル。秋元真夏、白石麻衣、高山一実、松村沙友理の4人が特に記憶に残っている、ファンにオススメしたい放送回をセレクトした。映像は未公開シーンや新撮のトークを含めて再編集され、放送当時の思い出話などメンバーによる副音声も収録される。 「乃木坂工事中」Blu-ray 収録内容秋元工事中秋元オススメ中1:♯002「狩野英孝のリアクション塾」 白石工事中白石オススメ中1:♯110「胃袋とハートを鷲掴み 乃木坂46手作りお弁当GP 前半戦」 高山工事中高山オススメ中1:♯061「乃木坂46 地元ツーリスト 高山の地元でロケして来ました!」 松村工事中松村オススメ中1:♯111「胃袋とハートを鷲掴み 乃木坂46手作りお弁当GP 後半戦」 ※未公開映像&新撮トーク収録&<副音声>本人コメンタリー収録 2019-10-07 10:02:00Z |
石田ゆり子「同い年」福山雅治「エーってどっち?」 - 日刊スポーツ Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:37 AM PDT 石田ゆり子「同い年」福山雅治「エーってどっち?」 - 日刊スポーツ 福山雅治(50)の主演映画「マチネの終わりに」(西谷弘監督、11月1日公開)の完成披露試写会が7日、都内で行われた。 福山は「自分で出ていて自分で感動するって、どういうヤツだと思われそうですが、本当にそういう作品になりました。試写を見た原作の平野(啓一郎)さんにも『自分で書いておいて…』と言いながら泣いていただきましたから」と笑顔を見せた。 相手役の石田ゆり子(50)が「こう見えて(福山と)同い年なんです」と切り出すと、会場からは「エーッ」と疑問符が付きそうな反応。福山は「エーってどっちのエー」と思わず苦笑していた。 映画は東京、ニューヨーク、パリを舞台に、音楽家とジャーナリストの男女の運命の6年間を描いている。 伊勢谷友介(43)桜井ユキ(32)木南晴夏(34)板谷由夏(44)古谷一行(75)ら主な出演者も勢ぞろいした。 2019-10-07 10:00:00Z |
『盾の勇者』も参戦!アニメ『異世界かるてっと』2期が始動 - 電撃オンライン Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:07 AM PDT 『盾の勇者』も参戦!アニメ『異世界かるてっと』2期が始動 - 電撃オンライン TVアニメ『異世界かるてっと』の2期(『異世界かるてっと2』)が2020年1月より放送されます。それに伴い、PVが公開されました。 本情報は、10月5日に開催された『ようこそ異世界!』ファン感謝イベントで公開されたもの。公開されたPVでは、1期の4作品に加えて、『盾の勇者の成り上がり』メンバーがゲスト参戦することも明かされています。
『異世界かるてっと2』作品情報スタッフ情報(敬称) キャスト情報(敬称略) 2019-10-07 09:00:00Z |
長女・藤井隆も続投、星野源「おげんさんといっしょ」第3弾は90分の生放送 - ナタリー Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:07 AM PDT 長女・藤井隆も続投、星野源「おげんさんといっしょ」第3弾は90分の生放送 - ナタリー ![]() 「おげんさんといっしょ」は おげんさんといっしょNHK総合 2019年10月14日(月・祝)22:00~23:30 2019-10-07 06:04:00Z |
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