De Blog Have Fun |
- あの事故がなかったことになるよりは… 渡辺謙は「賛否を巻き起こしたい」 - BuzzFeed Japan
- White Man Allegedly Calls Adopted Black Daughter The N-Word In Viral Social Media Thread - News One
- From Game Jam Idea to Mobile Classic - Super Jump Magazine - Medium
- Offers of goodwill continue for N.S. teen allegedly attacked in viral video - CTV News
- Italy considering lockdown of Lombardy region in response to coronavirus outbreak - The Verge
- 14 Brands Giving Back on International Women's Day 2020: Shop Outdoor Voices, L’occitane, & More - Glamour
- More than 200 people test positive for coronavirus in the UK - CNN
- Why T-Mobile Stock Gained 13.9% Last Month - Motley Fool
- Italy Locks Down Much of the Country’s North - The New York Times
- 'This is democracy manifest': Mystery star of viral video found at last - The Age
- Actress and Activist Jane Fonda Backs Bernie Sanders, Calls Him the 'Climate Candidate' - Newsweek
- Coronavirus patient has a message for the public - CNN
- Italy to quarantine entire Lombardy region around Milan - Daily Sabah
- Speed News | Coronavirus Death Toll In China Reaches 3042 | March 6, 2020 - India Today
- Google and Adidas prep smart insoles that tie into 'FIFA Mobile' - Engadget
- CPAC attendee tested positive for coronavirus - CNN
- Jordan Ayew breaks personal record, fires Crystal Palace past Watford -
- Border tightens on virus nations: Italy, South Korea, Iran added to restricted list - Bahamas Tribune
- 「第十四回 声優アワード」主演男優賞は花江夏樹、主演女優賞に古賀葵(コメントあり) - ナタリー
- Justin Bieber Downsizes Stadium Tour Dates After Soft Ticket Sales - Variety
- SXSW Founders: No Coverage For Disease Cancellation In Our Event Insurance Policies - Deadline
- 「文豪ストレイドッグス」実写映画に橋本祥平・鳥越裕貴、舞台版新作も決定(コメントあり) - ナタリー
- 三重県で撮影された桜の写真が幻想的……! 満開の桜並木のリフレクションを捉えた一枚が話題に - ねとらぼ
- キャベツ枕、手作り目薬――「自然派ママ」炎上、「正義が悪を罰する構図」を小児科医が危惧するワケ - サイゾーウーマン
あの事故がなかったことになるよりは… 渡辺謙は「賛否を巻き起こしたい」 - BuzzFeed Japan Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:54 PM PST ![]() 東日本大震災から9年。このタイミングで封を切られる、1つの映画がある。 『Fukushima50(フクシマフィフティ)』。あの日、福島第一原子力発電所で極限の状態に追い詰められながら懸命に対応に当たった名もなき原発作業員たちの物語だ。 実話を基にしたフィクションの中に一人だけ実名で登場する人物が、吉田昌郎・福島第一原子力発電所所長(当時)だ。 吉田所長は2013年、58歳でこの世を去った。遺族の承諾を得て、本作の登場人物では唯一実名で登場する。 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 「賛否を巻き起こしたい」、原発事故の問題は未だ解決していない中で覚悟を胸に吉田所長を演じた男は語る。 渡辺謙、語られてこなかった「あの日」の物語を伝える重みを両肩に背負った男は震災から9年目に何を思うのか。 「僕にできることは所詮、エンターテインメント」2011年3月11日14時46分、渡辺はロサンゼルスから日本へと帰国する飛行機の中にいた。着陸予定だった成田空港では降りることができず、石川県の小松空港に降り立つ。 空港のロビーにあるテレビでは地震を伝えるニュースが流れていた。目に飛び込んできたのは津波が街を飲み込んでいく光景だった。 何かしなければ、その一心で震災1カ月後から被災地を回り始めた。それからも東北には足しげく通う。 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 2013年11月からは震災で甚大な被害を受けた地域の1つ、気仙沼に「K-port」というカフェを構えている。 「僕に莫大な資金力があれば別ですよ?でも、そんな資金力もない中で、僕の持つ力が最大限かつ持続的に届けられる方法は一体何かを考えた。その答えが、今の東北への関わり方です」 このスペースでは時折、ライブやトークショーを開催している。 「お金をたくさん送って、あとは自由にやっていただくという形もなくはないでしょう。でも、僕にできることは所詮、エンターテインメントなんですよ。箱を作って終わり、という関わり方では意味がない」 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed そこに住む人、そこに来る人が笑顔になってくれる空気を、また来たいと思ってもらえる場所を作りたい。 地元の人は「謙さん」と親しみを込めて呼ぶ。俳優・渡辺謙ではなく1人の人間として受け入れてくれる、その距離感が心地良い。 映画の撮影や舞台の稽古などで気仙沼に身を置くことのできる時間はほんの一握り。それでも毎日、気仙沼の店に直筆のメッセージをFAXで送る。 これは渡辺が自分に課したマイルールだ。 胸には常に迷いがあった黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 吉田所長の役をオファーされたのは今回が初めてではない。原発事故をテーマにした脚本も度々、提示されてきた。 こうしたオファーが届くたび、「ずっと躊躇していた」と渡辺は明かす。胸の内に常にあったのは、「見た人の心に届く作品になるのか」という迷いだった。 「この『Fukushima50』という映画は原発事故に関する映画ではあります。ですが、同時に非常に秀逸な人間ドラマでもある。これならばお客様にちゃんと提供できるエンターテイメントになると思ったんです」 そう出演を決めた経緯を語る。 「事故当時も吉田所長は非常に露出の多い方でしたし、原発事故を語る時に彼は切っても切り離すことができない存在でした。それは演じる僕にとってとても重たいもの…当然プレッシャーにもなりました」 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 実在の人物をどう描くか。彼らの奮闘をどう物語に昇華するか。時には台本にも意見した。 例えば、当初の脚本には、吉田所長の家族について触れるシーンが存在していたが、このシーンを削るよう渡辺は監督に求めた。 「僕は吉田所長が原発事故の現場で何を考え、何を悩み、何に苦しみ、何と戦ったのかを描くことだけに終始するべきではないかと考えた。その方が、他の登場人物たちが抱える苦悩がよりクリアに浮き立ってくるように思えたんですよ」 あの事故がなかったことになるよりは…黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 福島第一原発事故の爪痕は、今もあまりに大きい。依然として福島には帰還困難区域に指定されたエリアがある。生まれ故郷に帰ることのできない人や帰らないという苦渋の選択を下す人もいる。 事故による被害が完全に収束したわけではない中で、原発作業員側のストーリーを描くことに違和感を覚える人もいるはずだ。 震災から9年、このタイミングでこうしたストーリーをエンターテインメントに落とし込む裏にある思いを尋ねると、それまでの歯切れの良さが一転、断言口調の言葉が減った。 どこか迷いがあるように見える。言葉を探していたのだろうか。一瞬の間を置いて、渡辺はそっと切り出す。 「ポジティブすぎる言い方に聞こえてしまうかもしれません。でも、僕はこのタイミングで改めてあの時、福島で何が起きていたのかを伝え、賛否を巻き起こすことに意味がある、そう考えました」 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 「僕たちは原発そのものの是非を問うているわけではない」と前置きした上で、「この事故によって得たはずの教訓がなかったことになるくらいならば、賛否を巻き起こした方が良いと思うんです」とその理由を口にする。 「色々な課題にまだまだ直面されている方もいる。そうしたことを含めて、あったことや今あること、事実が消えていってしまうことが一番の問題だと思うんですよ」 あの日から東北に通い続けた男にしか見えない景色が、そこにはある。 フィクションだからこそ、届くものを黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 震災後、出演する映画を選ぶ際にも、3.11を意識せずにはいられなかった。 2011年3月11日以降、初めて出演した海外作品は2014年に公開されたハリウッド映画『GODZILLA ゴジラ』だ。3.11以降の現実に対してメッセージを投げかける、その思いを忘れた日はない。 「先人たちは『ゴジラ』を戦後、水爆実験が行われ、冷戦が始まり核の脅威にさらされる社会へのアンチテーゼとして作った。それをもう一度、21世紀にやってみせようという強い意志に僕は賛同して、出演を決めました」 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed それは、この『Fukushima50』でも同じだ。 「いまだに処理水の問題でさらなる風評被害が発生することが懸念されているように、あの事故は決して終わってはいない。終わっていないというより、まだ解決へ向けた入り口に差し掛かったばかり、と言った方が正確かもしれない」 だから渡辺は、あえて苦言を呈す。 「そんな中でね、東日本大震災という出来事が思い出のような形で語られすぎているような気が僕にはするんですよ」 「9年という年月が経過しても、僕らが検証しきれていないことがかなりある。いま起こっている実状を僕は知りたいと思うし、知らなければいけないとも思う」 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed 映画の撮影前、帰還困難区域も残る国道6号線沿いを見て回った。いたるところに放射線量を低減させるため除染を行った際に出た土が黒い袋に入れられ、並べられている。 そこに渡辺は伝えなくてはいけない現実を見た。言葉は徐々に熱を帯びる。 「汚染土や処理水をどう処理していくのか、といったことを本当は考えなくてはいけないのになかなか伝わらない」 「もちろん地元の人の中には、本当に伝えて欲しいのはそんなことじゃないんだという意見もあるでしょう。だけど、そこに実際にあるネガティブな現実を理解した上でしか、僕らは震災と原発事故という出来事を検証することはできないでしょう」 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed ただ単にさらけ出すだけではダメ。この重いテーマをより広く伝えるために、エンターテイメントが果たせる役割を探した。 「フィクションというフレームの中で、色々な人々の人生や思い、苦しみを描いて届けることで、初めてこの出来事の深さや怖さをしっかりと伝えられるんじゃないかな」 客観的な事実を伝える数字や情報だけでは届かない、その先へ。世界を股にかける男は今日も批判をその身に受けながら、あえて石を投げ込む。 黒羽政士 for BuzzFeed <渡辺謙> "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース March 07, 2020 at 05:50PM あの事故がなかったことになるよりは… 渡辺謙は「賛否を巻き起こしたい」 - BuzzFeed Japan "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
White Man Allegedly Calls Adopted Black Daughter The N-Word In Viral Social Media Thread - News One Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:54 PM PST A woman reportedly took to the social media platform, Reddit, to seek advice on how to handle a troubling situation within her family after alleging that her husband called their adopted Black daughter the N-word in a text message that she read on his phone while he was in another room. The woman, who is white, didn't identify herself, her husband or her child by name, but explained the situation in an attempt to figure out her course of action. MORE: Who Is Quaden Bayles? Bullied Disabled Indigenous Australian Dwarf's 'Hoax' Story Goes Viral "For background, my husband and I are both white, but we adopted our African American daughter 3 years ago when she was 2 years old due to fertility issues," she began. "After deciding to adopt, we both ended up feeling great about our decision to help a child in need rather than bring a new child into the world." The woman went on to describe her husband as "the most loving, caring father" she had ever seen. That was, until, she went through his phone and saw that her husband had called their daughter a "little ni**er." The woman said her husband's phone went off while he was in the shower, so she checked his lock screen to make sure it wasn't anything urgent. "Have her start calling you master. Lol," the alleged text said, according to the wife, who said she became angry because she thought her husband was giving a friend details about their sex life. She then unlocked the phone, as her thumbprint is registered on the device. "My husband had only sent one text to his friend that day, and it read, 'The little ni**er spilled juice everywhere today. I can't catch a break. I at least made her clean it up though.'" The woman later wrote, "I don't know what to do. The texts were obviously in a joking manner, so is the best thing to just let this slide and never mention it? Does this represent his character in any way?" She asked on the thread, "How should I go about bringing up this conversation?" The woman received an abundant amount of feedback. "I read your text messages, you called out daughter the 'n' word?" one person suggested. Another said, "Regardless of what you do with your husband your daughter is in an unsafe environment and growing up in a home where someone jokingly or not calls her the N word when he's mad is going to be brutal for her development." The person then questioned if the woman has any Black friends and if she would tell them about what her husband said. The person added, "As a woman, I'm sure you've been made to feel uncomfortable about certain things either in your workplace or in school just because of your gender – now think of living with that discomfort everyday and having it come from someone who is supposed to love and take care of you." The woman later shared in an alleged post that she had been "avoiding facing the truth because of all the implications involved." She continued, "That man has been in my life for the past 11 years. I couldn't imagine everything suddenly falling apart like this. Of course I didn't want to believe it. But the overwhelming amount of comments condemning him for what he has done has started to make me realize the true magnitude of all of this." The woman added that she will be taking her daughter to a hotel and will stay there until their first therapy session. SEE ALSO Dr. Lori S. White To Become DePauw University's First Black Woman President Actress Gabrielle Union To Release Children's Book NewsOne RadioOur staff has picked their favorite stations, take a listen..."viral" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 04:28PM White Man Allegedly Calls Adopted Black Daughter The N-Word In Viral Social Media Thread - News One "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
From Game Jam Idea to Mobile Classic - Super Jump Magazine - Medium Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PST ![]() Taking a closer look at Mini Metro and Mini MotorwaysMar 8 · 5 min read Game jams continue to be among the greatest events in the gaming community. They both inspire and teach players and designers to have fun and explore off-the-wall ideas in response to deliberately open-ended challenges. Some highly notable games have emerged as a result of these events, having started life as a game jam prototype. New Zealand-based Dinosaur Polo Club's popular Mini Metro and Mini Motorways were conceived in exactly this way. In fact, way back in a 2013 game jam hosted by the company Ludum Dare 26, twins Robert and Peter Curry submitted their entry called Mind the Gap. The theme for this particular jam was minimalism, and as such, they created an experience with a simple aesthetic akin to a subway map. ![]() The prototype itself may have been simple — as you'd expect for a game jam — but the Curry brothers decided to develop the game further. A little over a year later, they released Mini Metro for the PC (via their newly-formed studio, Dinosaur Polo Club). The game was later released for Linux and OS X. Developed in Unity, Mini Metro later saw release on iOS and Android (2016), Nintendo Switch (2018), and PlayStation 4 (2019). So what, exactly, is Mini Metro? Put simply, it's a puzzle-strategy-simulation game where you construct and manage metro transit networks to support a rapidly-growing metropolis. The core mechanic involves physically drawing transit lines between station nodes; you'll start by building a simple "drawing" only to watch it become more complex over time. Maintaining an efficient system that can sustain increased demand without collapsing is key. Mini Metro is refreshingly different from other strategy games, in the sense that it doesn't involve managing units on a map — instead it focuses on designing infrastructure and considering how units use them to travel from one place to another. ![]() ![]() It's a truly unique experience that I have continued to return to over the years. But I've always wondered how this idea could be applied to a transit system that is even more complex than a metro system. Enter Mini Motorways. As you might expect, Mini Motorways is something of a spiritual successor to Mini Metro. But instead of connecting train tracks between stations, you're building roads between houses and parking lots. Mini Motorways was released for the Apple Arcade service on September 19th, 2019. Although this new title is currently rated lower than its predecessor on the App Store (3.9 stars versus 4.9 for Mini Metro), let me be clear: Mini Motorways' gameplay is every bit as good as Mini Metro, if not better, depending on whether or not you're keen on the added complexity. ![]() Mini Motorways is absolutely still based on a minimalist aesthetic, but it is far less abstract than its predecessor. Here, you'll see depictions of objects and landscape that is more representative of their real-world counterparts. At the same time, Mini Motorways features a design that — while perhaps a little less clear than Mini Metro — is more capable of supporting a complex and dynamic building system. The ultra-simplistic dragging and drawing of lines has been discarded in favor of a Sims-like "build mode", which overlays the map with a grid that allows you to accurately lay down roads between buildings (it also gives the option to delete roads via a "trash mode"). As well as laying down roads with the optimal design, you'll need to consider several other useful tools: everything from traffic lights and bridges to overpass motorways (all of which can be placed and built per the player's choosing). ![]() The core loop of watching your initially-small road system expand into a massive, chaotic network linking more and more buildings makes for a great challenge for efficiency optimizers. The ability to physically see vehicles travelling from location to location is useful, too, because it enables you to easily visualize bottlenecks in your road network, and consider where it might make sense to place traffic lights or other useful components. Of course, Mini Motorways isn't perfect. There are, for example, a lack of secondary game modes and maps here, making this a less complete experience as compared to Mini Metro. I'd love to see things like a creative mode, challenge mode, or endless mode — even a greater number of cities. Additional accessibility settings would be great, too. I also found that, for me, the touch screen wasn't really the ideal input method — it led to less precision, which impacted the overall experience. Fortunately, Mini Motorways is still a new game and there's plenty of scope to expand the experience over time. I have no doubt that Dinosaur Polo Club will address these areas in future updates. For now though, I'll happily continue enjoying Mini Motorways. It's a satisfying — indeed, addictive — experience that I find myself repeatedly going back to. It's worth noting, too, that Mini Motorways will also be released later this year on Steam. ![]() "Mobile" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 09:13PM From Game Jam Idea to Mobile Classic - Super Jump Magazine - Medium "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Offers of goodwill continue for N.S. teen allegedly attacked in viral video - CTV News Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:54 PM PST ![]() SYDNEY RIVER, N.S -- Following the release of a viral video appearing to show a Cape Breton high school student being viciously attacked, a flow of positivity and goodwill is surrounding the teen. After the hard-to-watch video was seen by thousands, sever offers of help are pouring in. Personal trainer Cody MacNeil works at a gym in Sydney River, N.S., near Riverview High School, where the incident allegedly took place. He says he wants to offer 14-year-old Chase MacNeil, training – free of charge. "I really just wanted to go out of my way to do something to help this guy," says MacNeil. "Maybe some strength training tips, kickboxing, boxing – whatever he wants." Chase, the boy allegedly being attacked in the video, says he is physically okay; but adds he wouldn't feel as comfortable going back to school had it not been for the support he's received. "People are like, getting a bunch of cards for me for when I get back to school – or something like that," says Chase. "A lot of people are asking me if I'm okay." Chase's mother says she and her son are overwhelmed by how many people reached out to them with offers of self-defence training, personal trainers, karate and more. While Cody MacNeil isn't condoning solving violence with violence, he wants to give the teen tools to protect himself. "Nobody deserves to feel victimized by bullying," says MacNeil. "As unfortunate as it is; hopefully, something really positive comes out of this." The principal of Riverview High School says suspensions have been handed out, noting Cape Breton Regional Police is investigating. While Chase continues to recover at home, he hopes the incident can be a learning moment for others. "If they're getting bullied… tell their parents before it gets to that point," says Chase. "I'm hoping it doesn't happen to any other kids." Chase says he hopes to return to class later in March. Meanwhile, efforts are in the works both in the community and across the province to bring a positive outcome to a difficult situation. "viral" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 04:23PM Offers of goodwill continue for N.S. teen allegedly attacked in viral video - CTV News "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Italy considering lockdown of Lombardy region in response to coronavirus outbreak - The Verge Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:56 PM PST ![]() Italy's government is considering a lockdown of the northern Lombardy region and 11 neighboring provinces to stem the spread of the new coronavirus in the area, the Wall Street Journal reports. Some 10 million people live in the region, which includes Milan. The WSJ says a draft decree of the plan by the Italian Prime Minister's office, requires people living in Lombardy and 11 surrounding provinces to "absolutely avoid any movement into and out of the areas." Anyone violating the lockdown could be subject to a fine or jail time, and police and possibly the country's army could be brought in to enforce the terms. If the quarantine is approved, it would go into effect on Sunday, and last until April 3rd, according to the New York Times. The draft decree instructs people to avoid moving within the quarantined areas other than for work obligations and emergencies. Italy has been hard-hit by the coronavirus outbreak, with 5,883 cases as of Saturday. The WSJ reports 233 people have died in Italy from COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. The country has already restricted public events, and ordered schools closed, but the decree would be the largest lockdown in Italy so far. Top stories - Google News March 07, 2020 at 02:37PM Italy considering lockdown of Lombardy region in response to coronavirus outbreak - The Verge Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:56 PM PST ![]() The weekend is best time to fall into a leisurely online shopping hole with little-to-no shame. But this Sunday isn't just any old Sunday. It's International Women's Day 2020—a day dedicated to celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women worldwide. International Women's Day was recognized for the first time in 1911—and now, over a century later, brands worldwide are using their platforms to give back to organizations that uplift the women who need it most. From the Malala Fund to the ACLU Women's Rights Project, the brands on this list are partnering with organizations making a major impact—and so can you, by simply supporting their efforts through a little retail therapy. Whether you're looking to fill out your beauty bag or upgrade your workout wardrobe, you're bound to find something worth shopping on this list. Discover all the best beauty, style, and home buys for International Women's Day, ahead. All products featured on Glamour are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Top stories - Google News March 06, 2020 at 03:30PM 14 Brands Giving Back on International Women's Day 2020: Shop Outdoor Voices, L'occitane, & More - Glamour Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
More than 200 people test positive for coronavirus in the UK - CNN Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:56 PM PST ![]() "21,460 people have been tested in the UK, of which 21,254 were confirmed negative and 206 were confirmed as positive," the UK Department of Health and Social Care said, adding that two coronavirus patients have died so far. The British government's confirmation came shortly after an update from the Scottish health authorities, who announced that they have identified five new cases of coronavirus over the last 24 hours, bringing the total in the region to 16. For the latest news on the coronavirus, go here. Top stories - Google News March 07, 2020 at 01:43PM More than 200 people test positive for coronavirus in the UK - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Why T-Mobile Stock Gained 13.9% Last Month - Motley Fool Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:32 PM PST What happenedShares of T-Mobile US (NASDAQ:TMUS) rose 13.9% in February, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. The North American cell network operator cleared the last major hurdle on the way to completing a merger with smaller rival Sprint (NYSE:S). So whatU.S. District Court Judge Victor Marrero ruled against a lawsuit filed by several state attorneys in a bid to stop the $28 billion merger. The suit argued that the deal would reduce competition and raise prices in the American telecom sector, but Marrero disagreed. The proposed deal "is not reasonably likely to substantially lessen competition" in the wireless markets, he said, arguing further that Sprint probably wouldn't last long as a fourth nationwide competitor without this merger, and that DISH Network (NASDAQ:DISH) should be able to become that fourth major competitor when Sprint and T-Mobile offload their prepaid wireless services to the satellite broadcasting veteran. ![]() Image source: Getty Images. Now whatThe court also noted T-Mobile's status as "a maverick that has spurred the two largest players in its industry to make numerous pro-consumer changes." The state attorneys worried that T-Mobile would raise prices or remove network features once the merger has been signed, but the company has a history of doing the exact opposite. "The proposed merger would allow the merged company to continue T-Mobile's undeniably successful business strategy for the foreseeable future," the judge wrote. The merger is now entering the home stretch, with only a couple of minor challenges left to settle. T-Mobile's investors embraced the ruling, and Sprint's shares more than doubled in February. T-Mobile is getting its hands on Sprint's valuable wireless spectrum licenses just in time to make the most of the 5G era and the related explosion of 5G-connected Internet of Things devices. "Mobile" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 04:07PM Why T-Mobile Stock Gained 13.9% Last Month - Motley Fool "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Italy Locks Down Much of the Country’s North - The New York Times Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:26 PM PST ![]() ROME — Italy's government early Sunday took the extraordinary step of locking down much of the country's north, restricting movement for about a quarter of the Italian population in regions that serve as the country's economic engine. The move represents the most sweeping effort outside China to stop the spread of the coronavirus and is tantamount to sacrificing the Italian economy in the short term to save it from the ravages of the virus in the long term. By taking such tough measures, Italy, which is suffering the worst outbreak in Europe, sent a signal that restrictive clampdowns at odds with some of the core values of Western democracies may be necessary to contain and defeat the virus. "We are facing an emergency," Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said in announcing the government decree in a news conference after 2 a.m. "A national emergency." He called the measures "very rigorous" but necessary to contain the contagion and ease the burden on Italy's strained health care system. He said there would now be an "obligation" to avoid any movement "in and out of the territory, and also within" the locked-down areas. Any such travel will require special permission for health or work reasons. "This is the moment of self-responsibility," he said. Questions immediately emerged about exactly how the new rules would be enforced, especially as local leaders in the north complained that they had been given little notice or say in the decision making. More generally, the wobbly Italian government, which has had difficulty passing basic laws, was attempting a crackdown of historic scope in a continent fiercely protective of its personal liberties and in a country with a tendency to interpret laws as suggestions or hurdles to circumvent. The coronavirus has already inflicted serious damage in Italy, one of the Continent's most fragile economies. It has led to the closure of all the country's schools and, by Saturday, it had infected the leader of one of the two parties in the governing coalition. The measures will turn stretches of Italy's wealthy north — including the economic and cultural capital of Milan and landmark tourist destinations such as Venice — into quarantined enclaves. Mr. Conte did not say how long the restrictions would last, but an earlier draft weighed by the government on Saturday night said the decree would be in force until at least April 3. The travel bans will prevent the free movement of roughly 16 million people. By Saturday, Italy had more than 5,800 cases of the virus, 233 of them fatal, with increases of almost 800 infections and 49 deaths from the day before. Only China has had more people die after contracting the virus. As the government met late into the night on Saturday, ministers insisted that the proposals were merely a draft. Confusion spread about whether officials would actually block travel or only recommend against it. As soon as the draft became public on Saturday evening, shocked regional and municipal leaders in the north argued that they were caught off-guard and that implementing the rules so suddenly would be impossible. Mr. Conte also announced early Sunday morning that the government would extend less restrictive measures previously imposed in the north, such as the closure of museums, movie theaters, discos and betting parlors, to the rest of the country. He said conferences of doctors and other medical professionals would be "absolutely" banned. "We cannot allow it," he said. Critics of the government argued that the late-night meeting reflected a lack of coordination with regional officials and insufficient communication with the Italian people, which had caused confusion amid the crisis. Mr. Conte said that the national government's regional partners had been consulted and that the authorities would need to approve special travel permissions in or out of the designated areas for family or work emergencies. He said the police would stop travelers to check on their reasons for leaving the locked-down areas. Funerals and cultural events are all banned under the measures. The decree requires that people keep a distance of at least one meter from each other at sporting events, bars, churches and supermarkets. People with fevers, even if they had not yet been tested for the virus, are barred from leaving their homes, Mr. Conte said. Police officers and soldiers will be empowered to enforce containment measures. Churches could remain open, but Masses will be canceled. The government decree essentially shuts down much of the northern region of Lombardy, Italy's largest and most economically productive, which accounts for a fifth of Italy's G.D.P. Matteo Caroli, a professor of business management at Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome, said that if "the measures go beyond April, the situation will become systemic and the damage serious." Last week the government announced a huge support package of 7.5 billion euros, or about $8.5 billion, in addition to €900 million announced last week for families and business damaged by the virus. In the Navigli area of Milan, known for its bars and night life, people out drinking on Saturday night lamented "martial laws" while anxiously checking their phones for updates. "We are enjoying our last moments of freedom," said Lorenzo Cella, a 21-year-old computer programmer. Some worried that they would lose their jobs or romantic partners outside of Milan. Others were concerned that the entire economic engine of Italy would stall. Leaked reports of the draft late Saturday night infuriated Mr. Conte and prompted panic in Milan but also resistance and anger from mayors and regional presidents across the political spectrum in the northern areas. Attilio Fontana, the president of the Lombardy region and a prominent figure in the opposition right-wing League party, said the plan included decisive steps toward containing the virus but was also a "mess," according to the Italian news agency ANSA, because it created confusion about what citizens could and could not do. Luca Zaia, another League leader and the president of the Veneto region, which includes Venice and other cities marked for lockdown, said that the government had notified him about the potential ban only "at the last minute." Since the region was kept out of discussions to draft the order, he said, "it's literally impossible" for the region to enact it so quickly. The government order also locks down provinces in the Emilia Romagna region south of Lombardy. Stefano Bonaccini, the region's liberal president, implored Mr. Conte and the country's health minister, both nominal allies, for more time to come up with a more "coherent and shared" solution. Mayors in some of the cities marked for quarantine expressed deep ire over first hearing about the proposed order on television. "It's incredible," said Rasero Maurizio, the mayor of Asti in the northern region of Piedmont, who posted a livid video of himself in a white T-shirt from his home saying that he had just heard about the potential closing of his town on television. "No one told me." In addition to Asti, other towns and provinces including Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Venice, Padua, Treviso and Alessandria — all in the north — were set to be locked down. But there were clear signs that the virus was spreading southward. Earlier on Saturday, it touched the top of Italian politics as the leader of the governing coalition's Democratic Party said he was infected. "Well, it's arrived," Nicola Zingaretti, the leader of the Democratic Party and the president of the region of Lazio, said in a Facebook video posted Saturday. "I also have the coronavirus." The infection of Mr. Zingaretti, who is based in Rome, provided vivid proof that the virus was no longer a matter of northern exposure, and that the entire country was now grappling with a public health emergency. Mr. Zingaretti, the head of the country's largest center-left party and one of the two parties leading Italy, has daily contact with top politicians in the capital as well as his party's rank-and-file members. Already some members of Italy's Parliament who come from the locked down areas in the Lombardy region have been quarantined. But the infection of a highly prominent figure like Mr. Zingaretti, who felt feverish on Saturday, raised the prospect that more Italian politicians had been exposed. "Certainly a politician meets and hugs many people," said Giovanni Rezza, director of the infective illness department at the National Health Institute. "There is a risk of diffusion." Elected officials privately expressed concern that the country's Parliament, with many representatives from the north, could be a new theater of contagion. The vast majority of those who died in Italy after contracting the virus have been elderly and many had serious underlying conditions and were destabilized by the virus, according to health experts. Italy, which has one of the world's most aged populations, has already suffered enormously from the virus. On Sunday morning, Mr. Conte urged Italians to obey the rules in order to protect the "health of our grandparents." Some welcomed the new rules. "In China, they are more rigid," said Miriam Ben Cheikh Amor, a 26-year-old waitress. "Maybe we need some of that too." Mr. Conte hoped that spirit would spread, and said that now was the time to band together and obey the new rules, not to "try and be clever." But some in Milan remained skeptical. "It will never work in Italy," Paolo Imparato, a 26-year-old pizza maker said Saturday night when asked about the potential new ban on movement. "People will run away, they will go around." Emma Bubola contributed reporting in Milan and Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting in Rome. Top stories - Google News March 07, 2020 at 07:12PM Italy Locks Down Much of the Country's North - The New York Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
'This is democracy manifest': Mystery star of viral video found at last - The Age Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:24 PM PST But if you know your judo well, read on. A refresher: the video is an old news clip showing the arrest of a grey-haired gentleman, apparently outside a restaurant. As a crowd of police bundle the man into a waiting car, he declaims, in a stage-voice that would put Olivier to shame: "Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest!" More memorable phrases follow: "What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?" And most scandalously of all: "Get your hands off my penis!" No wonder the clip, first uploaded to YouTube 11 years ago, went viral. The identity of the man under arrest had long been a mystery. Some declared him to be Paul Charles Dozsa, a Hungarian émigré and chess player who racked up over 190 convictions for "dining and dashing" at restaurants across Australia. But Dozsa died in 2003. And now that story can be put to bed, because the real Mr Democracy Manifest has come forth. How he resurfaced is not clear. His first outing seems to be a video posted on popular Australian meme page Brown Cardigan last July. That clip shows an older man with a striking resemblance and an identical voice to the star of the beloved original. 'Succulent Chinese meals aren't cheap'Fast forward to last Friday, when the same older man exploded onto the internet. Australian punk band The Chats published a promotional video for their upcoming tour featuring the older gentleman and recreating the famous arrest. Then came a website, announcing that he had returned: "Jack is still with us. Jack will tell his story … his name is not Paul Charles Dozsa, he was not a chess grandmaster and he is most definitely still alive." These tantalising hints go no further. But the curious are invited to get in touch – for a price: "Would you like to book an interview with Mr Democracy Manifest himself? You can contact Jack's agent with your details and offer. Succulent Chinese meals aren't cheap." That's not the only attempt to monetise him: the website advertises a range of merchandise emblazoned with the famous quotes. One way or another, it didn't take long to get him in front of a camera for an interview. Sitting down with Sportsbet, he confirms he is the man in the clip and recounts the day of his arrest, when his tranquil lunch was rudely interrupted. "There's all TV cameras. Channel Seven, Channel Nine, whatever," he says. "They've surrounded the place and come arrested me." An archival news package then plays, from soon after the arrest. "When Cecil George Edwards was arrested in a town mall last Friday, the [Fortitude] Valley police thought they'd caught Queensland's most wanted," Reason reported. "Instead he was a petty criminal working under several aliases ... a conman with a flair for acting. "Only hours after his arrest, the watch house granted him bail, leaving the police red faced and empty handed." Mr Manifest gives a wry chuckle before explaining just why he deployed his famous bons mots: "I wanted them to think I was … a lunatic so they'd send me to a lunatic asylum so I could escape from there. Anyway I've done my time." As many questions as answers, perhaps. But one thing is clear: Mr Democracy Manifest/Jack/Cecil is back, and he's getting down to business. "I've started to do some paintings of that arrest. Painted by the hand of this victim of democracy," he says. "Hope I can get a quid out of it. Why starve?" Janek Drevikovsky is a journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald. Most Viewed in NationalLoading "viral" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 06:03PM 'This is democracy manifest': Mystery star of viral video found at last - The Age "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Actress and Activist Jane Fonda Backs Bernie Sanders, Calls Him the 'Climate Candidate' - Newsweek Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:58 PM PST Actress and activist Jane Fonda expressed her support for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in his run for president, citing his stances on climate change and calling him "the climate candidate." Fonda told USA Today that climate change is one of the most important issues to consider when electing a president, and she felt Sanders was the candidate who best represented the issue. "We have to get a climate president in office, and there's only one right now, and that's Bernie Sanders," the Grace and Frankie actress said. "So, I'm indirectly saying I believe you have to support the climate candidate." ![]() Sunshine Sachs, Fonda's press representatives, did not immediately respond to Newsweek's request for comment Saturday. Fonda began holding her "Fire-Drill Friday" protests in Los Angeles, after being arrested five times in Washington D.C., while trying to motivate politicians to address climate change. According to USA Today's report, Fonda's lawyer made a deal with a Washington, D.C. judge that if she doesn't get arrested for three months in Los Angeles, then she will not have to complete community service or return for a court date. "We are here today in Wilmington district 15 in the Los Angeles harbor area to confront the immense, destructive power of the fossil fuel industry," the actress told protesters on Friday. "Here in California, oil companies have been allowed to drill at will for 150 years, fueling the climate crisis and also, a health and environmental justice crisis from the production of their dirty product." Fonda was joined by her Grace and Frankie co-stars Lily Tomlin and Sam Waterson, who also starred with Fonda in the HBO series The Newsroom--as well as House of Cards' Diane Lane, Sideswiped's Rosanna Arquette, and Once Upon a Time's Lana Parilla. The actress thanked them all for being there. "There's a small bunch of white mean getting really rich, while they're destroying the health of the people like the people you heard from, and this is just the tip of the iceberg," she told the audience. "It's happening all across the country, and all across the world, and so, we have to say, 'No more fossil fuel.' Windmills are great, and solar panels are great, and Priuses are great, and we have to do all of that, but it's not going to matter if we don't stop the drilling and the fracking and the exporting and the refining of fossil fuels." "Actress" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 08:07AM Actress and Activist Jane Fonda Backs Bernie Sanders, Calls Him the 'Climate Candidate' - Newsweek "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Coronavirus patient has a message for the public - CNN Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:56 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News March 07, 2020 at 11:43AM Coronavirus patient has a message for the public - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Italy to quarantine entire Lombardy region around Milan - Daily Sabah Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PST ![]() The Italian government is planning to quarantine the entire Lombardy region around Milan to limit the spread of the coronavirus as well as areas around and including Venice and the northern cities of Parma and Rimini, Italian media reported Saturday. A draft of the government resolution obtained by Italy's Corriere Della Sera newspaper and other media said movement into and out of the regions would be severely restricted until April 3. Milan is the Italian financial capital and has a population of just under 1.4 million people. The entire Lombardy region is home to 10 million. The government decree also covers parts of the Veneto region around Venice as well as Emilia-Romagna's Parma and Rimini. Those three cities have a combine population of around 540,000 people. It was not immediately clear from either the decree or the media reports as to when the measure would go into effect. Corriere Della Sera said it was "imminent." Italy has emerged as a coronavirus hotspot since the disease first emerged in China late last year. More than 230 people have died in Italy with over 5,800 cases diagnosed. Top stories - Google News March 07, 2020 at 01:42PM Italy to quarantine entire Lombardy region around Milan - Daily Sabah Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Speed News | Coronavirus Death Toll In China Reaches 3042 | March 6, 2020 - India Today Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PST [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News March 06, 2020 at 04:39AM Speed News | Coronavirus Death Toll In China Reaches 3042 | March 6, 2020 - India Today Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Google and Adidas prep smart insoles that tie into 'FIFA Mobile' - Engadget Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PST Your swift-footedness in real life could soon translate to the games you play. The combination of an official teaser and a Footy Headlines leak has offered a peek at Adidas GMR insoles that use a Google Jacquard tracking tag to not only measure your kicks and ball control, but translate that performance to FIFA Mobile. Your skills, including in real-life challenges, promise to improve the Ultimate Team in your game. It's not certain how much the insoles will cost, but Adidas and Google have teased an announcement on March 10th. You can safely presume that both sides have high hopes for the insole. This will both help Adidas push its footwear to would-be Messis, while Google could make Jacquard more accessible to people who aren't concerned about smart jackets and backpacks. It could also be considered a joint health effort -- in theory, this makes sure that your FIFA Mobile game obsession translates to healthy behavior when you put your phone down. "Mobile" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 11:53AM Google and Adidas prep smart insoles that tie into 'FIFA Mobile' - Engadget "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
CPAC attendee tested positive for coronavirus - CNN Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PST ![]() President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials attended the conference, though the ACU says the attendee did not come into contact with the president or vice president, nor did they attend events in the main hall. The ACU said the Trump administration "is aware of the situation." The White House confirmed in a statement that it was aware of an individual testing positive for coronavirus after attending the CPAC conference. "At this time there is no indication that either President Trump or Vice President Pence met with or were in close proximity to the attendee. The President's physician and United States Secret Service have been working closely with White House Staff and various agencies to ensure every precaution is taken to keep the First Family and the entire White House Complex safe and healthy," according to the White House. The ACU noted that it has been in contact with the state of Maryland's health department and would follow guidance from health experts. "The exposure occurred previous to the conference. A New Jersey hospital tested the person, and CDC confirmed the positive result," the ACU said in a statement. "The individual is under the care of medical professionals in the state of New Jersey, and has been quarantined." "Our children, spouses, extended family, and friends attended CPAC. During this time, we need to remain calm, listen to our health care professionals, and support each other. We send this message in that spirit," the group said. Top stories - Google News March 07, 2020 at 03:42PM CPAC attendee tested positive for coronavirus - CNN Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Jordan Ayew breaks personal record, fires Crystal Palace past Watford - Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:40 PM PST ![]() Jordan Ayew scored the only goal of the game and set his personal best Premier League record as Crystal Palace defeated Watford 1-0 on Saturday to move up to ninth on the table. The Eagles, who have won their last three matches 1-0, move up to 39 points ahead of next weekend's away game at Bournemouth, and Jordan, who has now scored in back-to-back Premier League games, has been influential as the Londoners have ended a winless streak that had stretched back to Boxing Day. Ayew has now also scored nine Premier League goals for Crystal Palace, more than he did at either Aston Villa (seven) or Swansea (eight), and has taken his tally for the season to eight, which is more than he's netted in any of his previous campaigns. Saturday's defeat represented a reality check for a struggling Hornets side who shocked league leaders Liverpool 3-0 last weekend, ending their 44-game unbeaten and 18-game winning runs.
Senegal forward Ismaila Sarr was the star of that show with a brace, but 28-year old Ayew impressed on Saturday with his 28th-minute strike from the edge of the penalty area settling matters. The strike was his 24th career English top flight goal, and earliest goal he's ever scored, with all but one coming after the break.
The former Aston Villa man played for the whole 90 minutes and had a total of three shots, while also winning three of five dribbles and eight of 16 total duels. He was also booked in added time for arguing with referee Anthony Taylor. "Goal" - Google News March 07, 2020 at 10:00AM Jordan Ayew breaks personal record, fires Crystal Palace past Watford - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:26 PM PST South Korean army soldiers spray disinfectant as a precaution against the coronavirus at a park in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has implemented new border control and quarantine measures for people travelling to the Bahamas from Italy, South Korea and Iran. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) • Airline boss voices concern for flights operating overseas • Embassy officials suggest China 'back to normal' end-April By KHRISNA RUSSELL Tribune Chief Reporter THE government has implemented new border control and quarantine measures for people travelling to the country from Italy, South Korea and Iran – where there is a prevalence of novel coronavirus cases, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced yesterday. As a result and with immediate effect, any non-Bahamian resident who has visited any of the three countries in the last 20 days will be denied entry to The Bahamas, a statement from the ministry said. However, Bahamian citizens and residents coming from Italy, South Korea and Iran will be subject to quarantine for a maximum of 14 days. This new restriction means that a travel ban and quarantine measures are now being applied to four jurisdictions, including China. It is also part of the government's enhanced effort to address the public health threat that COVID-19 poses. Non-residents currently en route to The Bahamas from these jurisdictions will be subjected to the same protocol for returning citizens and residents, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted. When contacted for comment, Tourism Minister Dionisio D'Aguilar said yesterday he understood the reasoning behind the newly imposed restrictions, adding given the circumstances and visitor numbers from these destinations he was not overly concerned about a fall off in tourism performance. Visitors from Italy, South Korea and Iran accounted for less than one percent of tourist arrivals in 2019, he said. The World Health Organisation has indicated that the virus, COVID-19, has now spread to more than 75 countries. At least 47 of these countries have 10 cases or less, with some reporting their first cases. "Significantly, however, there is a prevalence of cases emerging in a few selected countries," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' statement said. "According to the director-general's March 4, 2020 briefing, almost 90 percent of those cases are from three countries: Iran, South Korea and Italy. "The data is compelling and out of an abundance of caution, the government of The Bahamas has decided to implement border control and quarantine measures for persons coming from those countries. "Effective immediately any non-resident who has visited South Korea, Iran or Italy in the last 20 days will be denied entry into The Bahamas. These countries will be added to China, for which, we implemented such measures on January 30, 2020. "As such, Bahamian citizens and residents returning from all four jurisdictions will now be subjected to quarantine measures for a maximum of 14 days. Non-residents currently en route to The Bahamas from these jurisdictions will be subjected to the same protocol for returning citizens and residents." While there were no reported or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in The Bahamas up to press time, officials said the government is taking extra precautions to protect the safety and health of residents and visitors. Speaking of the new measures, Mr D'Aguilar said: "Those were the three countries other than China that were having substantial incidents of the virus because the feeling was that there was evidence that there was a failure to control the virus in those countries because the cases are exponential. "Very few of our visitors come from those three countries. As it relates to China, South Korea and Iran we are assuming that most come by air and not by sea." In 2019 there were 13,611 visitor arrivals from Italy by air. As it concerns China, 3,679 people visited while 564 came from South Korea last year. Iran's visitor numbers were small and considered negligible, the minister told The Tribune yesterday. Iran had 591 new positive cases recorded since Wednesday, with 739 people recovered from the virus and released from hospital, international media reports said up to press time yesterday. All of Iran's 31 provinces have been hit with the virus, that country's health ministry announced Thursday. The capital Tehran has the highest number at 1,523, while the city of Qom, the reported epicentre of Iran's epidemic, had 386 confirmed cases. In Italy, the death toll from COVID-19 has exceeded 100 and there are more than 3,000 confirmed cases of the illness. South Korea has had more than 5,000 confirmed case of COVID-19 and more than 30 deaths. Top stories - Google News March 06, 2020 at 05:13AM Border tightens on virus nations: Italy, South Korea, Iran added to restricted list - Bahamas Tribune Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「第十四回 声優アワード」主演男優賞は花江夏樹、主演女優賞に古賀葵(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:16 AM PST 「第十四回 声優アワード」主演男優賞は花江夏樹、主演女優賞に古賀葵(コメントあり) - ナタリー 「第十四回 声優アワード」各賞の受賞者が、本日3月7日に発表された。 その年度に最も印象に残った声優や作品を対象として、業績を称える「声優アワード」。主演男優賞は「鬼滅の刃」で竈門炭治郎役を演じた 助演男優賞は「ダンベル何キロ持てる?」の街雄鳴造役など演じた 歌唱賞を受賞したのはメディアミックス作品「BanG Dream!(バンドリ!)」発のバンド・Roselia。パーソナリティ賞は「The BAY☆LINE」「 外国映画・ドラマ賞は このほか既報の通り「長年にわたり外画も含め多くのジャンルに貢献した声優」に贈られる功労賞は、「鉄人28号」の敷島博士役などを務める 花江夏樹(主演男優賞)コメントこの度は主演男優賞という名誉ある賞を頂戴し、喜びと感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです 声優として事務所に所属してから10年が経ちました。 僕はこの仕事が大好きで、毎日が楽しくて仕方がないです 古賀葵(主演女優賞)コメントまずは、私に関わって下さった全ての方々に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 石川界人(助演男優賞)コメントこの度、助演男優賞を受賞させて頂きました、プロ・フィットの石川界人です。 いつも支えてくださっているファンの皆様、様々な作品でお世話になった皆様、事務所の皆様、関わらせて頂いた全ての皆様に心より感謝いたします。 多くの方々に支えて頂いていることを心に刻みつつ、作品をご覧になってくださった方の心に響くお芝居ができる役者を目指して、これからも誠心誠意の努力をして参ります。 本当にありがとうございました。 古川慎(助演男優賞)コメントこの度、助演男優賞を頂きました古川慎です。 今日に至るまで、様々な作品で沢山のキャラクターの声を担当させて頂きました。 人としても演者としても、僕はまだまだ未熟です。 これからも精進を重ね、お芝居や表現で皆様に御返しできるよう頑張ります。 本当にありがとうございます。 種崎敦美(助演女優賞)コメント受賞の連絡をいただいた瞬間はあまりピンときていませんでしたが、少し時間が経って浮かんできたのは、仕事も、何もなかった頃に自分を信じて役を任せてくださった方々と家族の顔でした。 正解も不正解もないある意味とても不確かな仕事なのかもしれませんが、そんな中このようなちゃんと形あるものをいただけるのはとても有難いことです。 この度は、改めて「今」に感謝する機会をいただき本当にありがとうございました。 大塚剛央(新人男優賞)コメントこのたびは名誉ある賞を頂けて、大変光栄です。何よりもまず、この道を選び進むことを許してくれた家族に、ありがとうと伝えたいです。 梶原岳人(新人男優賞)コメント新人男優賞という賞をいただけたこと、大変嬉しく思っております。 醍醐虎汰朗(新人男優賞)コメントこのような賞をいただくのは初めての経験なので、あまり実感はわかないのですが、素直に今うれしい気持ちでいっぱいです。本当にありがとうございます。 福原かつみ(新人男優賞)コメントこの度第14回声優アワード新人男優賞を受賞させていただきました、福原かつみです。 矢野奨吾(新人男優賞)コメントこの度は、新人賞を受賞させていただけたことを、大変嬉しく、光栄に存じます。 受賞の話を聞いた時、新人と呼べる年齢ではないこともあって、自分でいいのだろうかという思いでしたし、賞とは無縁だと思っていました。 僕は、本当に出会いに恵まれています。 最後に、どんな時も変わらず応援し続けてくれた家族に、この場をお借りして伝えさせてください。 この度は、本当にありがとうございました。 朝日奈丸佳(新人女優賞)コメントデビューしてから今日まで、本当にたくさんの人に、作品に、支えられて生きてきました。 岡咲美保(新人女優賞)コメントこの度新人女優賞という名誉ある賞を賜り、嬉しい気持ちで胸が一杯です。 島袋美由利(新人女優賞)コメントまさか自分が新人賞をいただける日が来るとは夢にも思っておらず、今だに驚きと賞の重みに震えております。 鈴代紗弓(新人女優賞)コメントこの度新人女優賞させていただきました、鈴代紗弓と申します。 ファイルーズあい(新人女優賞)コメントこのような誉れ高い賞を賜り、大変光栄に思います。 森七菜(新人女優賞)コメント私は「天気の子」が初めての声だけのお芝居だったので、賞をいただけたと聞いてびっくりしましたし、すごくうれしかったです。 Roselia(歌唱賞)相羽あいなコメントRoseliaボーカル、湊友希那役の 森久保祥太郎(パーソナリティ賞)コメント声優という職業に出会えてなければ、ラジオの喋り手という職業にも出会えていなかったと思います。 山寺宏一(外国映画・ドラマ賞)コメントありがとうございます! 吹き替えは非常に難しい仕事だと思います。 だからこそ、やりがいがあります! 日本の吹き替え文化を支えて来た先輩達の中には、オリジナルをも超え「吹き替えだからこそ面白い!」と言わせる演技をされる方もいらっしゃいます。 田中敦子(外国映画・ドラマ賞)コメントこの度は輝かしい賞を頂戴し光栄に存じます。 酒井広大(ゲーム賞)コメントゲーム『A3!』にて、佐久間咲也の声を担当しております、酒井広大と申します。 「鬼滅の刃」(シナジー賞)アニプレックス高橋祐馬プロデューサーコメントアニメ『鬼滅の刃』は、二人の役者がお互いの芝居を研磨して生まれた作品だと感じています。 水島裕(富山敬賞)コメント「富山敬賞」を頂戴し、本当に感激しています。 深見梨加(高橋和枝賞)コメントこの度は、大尊敬する高橋和枝様のお名前を冠した賞をいただき、誠に恐縮するとともに、とても感激しております。 賞には無縁の人生と思っておりましたが、兎にも角にも長く続けてきたことで、少しばかり皆様に認めていただけたのかなと、今後への勇気をいただきました。 全ては私の人生に関わってくださった、たくさんの皆様のお陰と、感謝しております。 この大好きな"声優"というお仕事を、出来るだけ長く、なるべく一線に近いところで、今後も続けられるよう精進させていただきますので、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 声優業界の益々の発展を祈って! 愛の天罰! 落とさせていただきます▽(▽はハートマーク) 宮野真守(インフルエンサー賞)コメントこの度は、第14回声優アワード、インフルエンサー賞に選んでいただき、誠にありがとうございます。 沢山の作品・キャラクターと出会い、演じ、それをみなさまが愛してくださっているからこそ、今の僕があると思います。 この度は本当にありがとうございました。 神谷浩史(MVS)コメント2年連続の受賞と聞き驚いております。 矢田稔(功労賞)コメントこの度は「功労賞」にお選び下さり誠に有り難うございます。 高坂真琴(功労賞)コメント高坂真琴です。 バケラッタ!! ぴえろ40周年(特別賞)ぴえろ本間道幸代表取締役、社員一同コメントこの度は、スタジオぴえろ40周年に対し特別賞をいただき誠にありがとうございます。 鈴木拡樹(特別賞)コメント私にとってアニメ・舞台、両方に携わった『どろろ』は特別な作品です。 2020-03-07 13:22:46Z |
Justin Bieber Downsizes Stadium Tour Dates After Soft Ticket Sales - Variety Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:26 AM PST Justin Bieber Downsizes Stadium Tour Dates After Soft Ticket Sales - Variety ![]() While the music world's attention was focused on South by Southwest's cancellation due to concerns over coronavirus on Friday, eight dates on Justin Bieber's 45-date stadium tour in support of his new album "Changes" were scaled down to arena appearances. There was no official announcement from Bieber's social media accounts, although eight arenas posted notices on Twitter telling fans that the show has been moved to their venue from a nearby stadium due to "unforeseen circumstances." The changes have been reflected in the tour dates section of Bieber's website. A source close to the tour describes it as "a hard decision" based on softer markets in select cities where tickets went on sale just days before the coronavirus hit. The ambitious tour was announced on Christmas Eve and follows Bieber's first album in nearly five years and his first tour in nearly three. Slow ticket sales are unlikely to improve, it was concluded and reinforced at the end of a week that has seen two major music festivals cancelled due to concerns over coronavirus. And while perception as a result of weak sales was a concern, ultimately, the business decision was made to instead fill an arena in the same city and not take on the financial burden of a stadium. Bieber's latest album "Changes," while opening at No. 1, has not had the commercial or critical success of his previous effort, 2015's "Purpose," though hits with Ed Sheeran ("I Don't Care") and Luis Fonsi ("Despacito feat. Daddy Yankee), as well as a 10-part documentary series, has maintained a near-constant presence for the singer — and a positive one at that. The affected dates and their new venues are listed below: June 5 Glendale, AZ Gila River Arena June 27 Houston Toyota Center (formerly July 2) June 28 Dallas American Airlines Center (formerly June 27) July 11 Nashville Bridgestone Arena Aug. 8 Columbus, OH Schottenstein Center Aug. 14 Indianapolis Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse Aug. 21 Washington, DC Capitol One Arena Aug. 30 Detroit Little Caesars Arena (formerly Aug. 29) 2020-03-07 03:07:24Z |
SXSW Founders: No Coverage For Disease Cancellation In Our Event Insurance Policies - Deadline Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:26 AM PST SXSW Founders: No Coverage For Disease Cancellation In Our Event Insurance Policies - Deadline The news is increasingly bleak for the founders of the South by Southwest conference, which was canceled today for the first time in its 34-year history. Two founders of the event, which was set for March 13-22 in Austin, Texas, told The Austin Chronicle that the organization lacks insurance coverage for disease outbreaks. The festival was cancelled by city and county officials late Friday afternoon because of health concerns from the coronavirus outbreak. SXSW co-founder Nick Barbaro – also the publisher of the Chronicle – said the its cancellation insurance does not cover a disease outbreak or the city declaring a "local state of disaster." His comment was backed-up by SXSW co-founder and Managing Director Roland Swenson, who said, "We have a lot of insurance (terrorism, injury, property destruction, weather). However, bacterial infections, communicable diseases, viruses and pandemics are not covered." Earlier reports indicated the possibilty that SXSW, which as recently as a day ago declared the show would go on, was waiting for the city to step in. The reports indicated that insurance would then be applied in a force majeure situation that would cover some of the losses. The losses to the conference producers will ripple through the Austin economy. Many restaurants and bars rely on the spring event to survive, as 100,000 or more people descend on the town for the film/music/tech conference, pumping more than $350 million into the local economy. 2020-03-07 03:23:29Z |
「文豪ストレイドッグス」実写映画に橋本祥平・鳥越裕貴、舞台版新作も決定(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:46 AM PST 「文豪ストレイドッグス」実写映画に橋本祥平・鳥越裕貴、舞台版新作も決定(コメントあり) - ナタリー ![]() 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス」実写映画版のタイトルが「映画 文豪ストレイドッグス BEAST」に決定。併せて 映画では「文豪ストレイドッグス」の外伝小説「文豪ストレイドッグス BEAST」(角川ビーンズ文庫)を原作とした物語が展開。原作では「もし芥川龍之介が武装探偵社に入社していたら?」「もし中島敦がポートマフィアに所属していたら?」という"if"の世界の出来事が描かれている。 芥川龍之介役の橋本は「さまざまなメディアミックスを通して『文豪ストレイドッグス』の魅力を、面白さを、改めてたくさんの方にお届けできたらなと思います。映画ならではの『文豪ストレイドッグス』を皆様に!」、中島敦役の鳥越は「同じキャラクターではありますが組織が逆転するというシチュエーションに自分自身ものすごくワクワクしています。そして、なんといっても橋本祥平が主演。いつも支えてもらっていた分、恩返し出来ればなと思います」とそれぞれコメントした。 併せて舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 序―はしがき― 探偵社設立秘話・太宰治の入社試験」が2020年に、舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス DEAD APPLE」が2021年に上演されることが明らかになった。 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 序―はしがき―」は、これまでの舞台シリーズと異なるプロジェクト。角川ビーンズ文庫から刊行されている「文豪ストレイドッグス」小説版より、「探偵社設立秘話」と「太宰治の入社試験」をベースにした物語が展開される。また舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス DEAD APPLE」では、2018年に公開された劇場版アニメ「文豪ストレイドッグス DEAD APPLE」をもとにしたストーリーが上演される予定だ。詳細は続報を待とう。 (c)映画「文豪ストレイドッグス BEAST」製作委員会 (c)舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス」製作委員会 2020-03-07 12:06:17Z |
三重県で撮影された桜の写真が幻想的……! 満開の桜並木のリフレクションを捉えた一枚が話題に - ねとらぼ Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:16 AM PST 三重県で撮影された桜の写真が幻想的……! 満開の桜並木のリフレクションを捉えた一枚が話題に - ねとらぼ 三重県松阪市の「笠松河津桜ロード」にて撮影された桜の写真が美しい……。 農業水路沿いに約300本の「河津桜(カワヅザクラ)」が並ぶ、松阪市笠松町の「笠松河津桜ロード」。写真では、見頃のピークを迎えた鮮やかなピンク色の桜と、青い空と白い雲、加えてそれら桜と空を映し出す"鏡のようになった水面"を捉えており、幻想的な印象を抱かせます。一瞬、絵画かと思ってしまうほどきれいな景色……! 投稿したのは、三重県在住の写真家・ふがまるちゃん(@fugaemon)さん。当日は風が強かったそうですが、数分だけピタッと止んだ瞬間があり、今回の桜並木のリフレクション写真が撮れたとのこと。また全体的に鮮やかな色合いが美しいですが、加工については、
とのこと。ちなみにカメラ機材は、ソニーのデジタル一眼カメラ「α7R IV」でレンズは「SEL24F14GM」を使用。 他の桜に比べて開花時期が早い河津桜を堪能できる写真は、投稿者がオープンした三重県の風景写真を無料でダウンロードできるサイト「三重フォトギャラリー」にて大きな画像で見ることができます。同サイトでは三重県のステキなスポットを他にもいろいろ見ることができるので、気になる方はチェックしてみるといいでしょう。 画像提供:@fugaemonさん 関連記事関連リンクCopyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2020-03-07 08:00:00Z |
キャベツ枕、手作り目薬――「自然派ママ」炎上、「正義が悪を罰する構図」を小児科医が危惧するワケ - サイゾーウーマン Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:46 AM PST キャベツ枕、手作り目薬――「自然派ママ」炎上、「正義が悪を罰する構図」を小児科医が危惧するワケ - サイゾーウーマン ![]() ここ最近、SNS上で「自然派育児」をめぐる炎上が後を絶たない。子どもが発熱した際、キャベツの葉で頭を包むと毒素が排出されて熱が下がるという「キャベツ枕」、防腐剤の悪影響を避けるために煮沸消毒した容器、水、塩を用いて作るという「手作り目薬」など、いわゆる「自然派ママ」が発信する情報に関し、ネット上で「医学的根拠がない」「危険性が高い」と指摘されるケースが増えているのだ。 "トンデモ情報"の拡散を食い止められたという点で、炎上は功を奏したと見ることもできるが、そもそもなぜこうした炎上が増えているのだろうか。今回、「パパ小児科医(ぱぱしょー)」の名前で、育児情報サイト「ぱぱしょー.com」を運営し、Twitterやインスタグラムでも情報発信を行っている三重県伊賀市小田町「ゆめこどもクリニック伊賀」院長で小児科医の加納友環先生に話をお聞きした。 「山口新生児ビタミンK欠乏性出血症死亡事故」の衝撃「2児の父親である小児科医」として、日々ネット上で育児情報を発信している加納先生。医師としては、やはりネット上で間違った医療情報を目にすると、「歯がゆい気持ちになる」そうだ。 「例えば、ガン患者さんが化学療法を拒否して、『この水を飲めばガンが治る!』といった触れ込みの民間療法などにハマッていく様子を見ると、どうにか標準治療に目を向けてくれないかと思うものです」 小児科分野においては、過去に、助産師が新生児に独自の治療を施したことにより、死亡事故につながってしまったケースもあるという。 「最も有名なのは、2009年の『山口新生児ビタミンK欠乏性出血症死亡事故』。標準的な予防を行っていれば防げた事故だっただけに、衝撃を受けました」 新生児は、血液の凝固因子を生成するために必要な「ビタミンK」が欠乏傾向にあり、出血性疾患(脳出血や消化管出血)を防ぐ目的として、ビタミンKを摂取させなければいけない。しかし、この事件では、助産師が「ホメオパシー(自然治癒力に働きかける治療法)」に基づき、ビタミンKの代わりに「レメディ」と呼ばれる薬(砂糖玉)を与え、それが新生児の硬膜下血腫につながり、死亡に至ったとされており、当時大きな波紋を呼んだのだ。 「実際に、日々の診察の中でも、偏った自然派育児を実践するお母さんに出会い、歯がゆさを覚えることがあります。例えば、ワクチンを接種しないことで感染を広げてしまうケース、抗生剤投与を拒否して重症の肺炎となり入院となるケース、ほかにもアトピー性皮膚炎で、標準治療をすれば改善が見込めるはずなのに断られてしまうケースなどです。そもそも治療を拒否される方は医療現場から足が遠のくものなので、『数』としては少ないほうですが、実際にはもっといると思います」 ![]() 小児科診療ガイドライン〈第4版〉 ─最新の診療指針─ 2020-03-07 07:00:00Z |
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