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映画「鬼滅の刃」、週末の興行収入が日本を除く全世界の興行収入を上回る New York Times報道 - ITmedia

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:09 AM PDT

映画「鬼滅の刃」、週末の興行収入が日本を除く全世界の興行収入を上回る New York Times報道 - ITmedia

 映画「劇場版 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編」が10月16日から18日までの3日間で記録した約46億円という興行収入は、同期間の日本を除く全世界の映画興行収入を超えている──米New York Timesが10月20日付で伝えた

映画「劇場版 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編」

 記事では劇場版 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編をファンと映画業界の両方が熱望していたと紹介。「この映画はすべての期待を上回り、オープニングウィークエンド(公開後最初の週末)の日本記録を2倍以上にした。日本でしか公開していないにも関わらず、他のすべての国(の興行収入)を合わせた数字よりも多い」という。


 東宝とアニプレックスの発表によると、公開から3日間で劇場版 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編を鑑賞した人は342万人。興行収入は初日が12億6872万円、2日めは17億172万円、3日目は16億5266万円だった。


 全米ボックスオフィスランキングによると、同じ期間の米国での興行収入1位はアクションスリラー「Honest Thief」で約370万ドル(約3億9000万円)だった。

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2020-10-22 06:02:00Z

afterコロナは「心の時代」に? 別所哲也×宮本亞門×小橋賢児が考える“これから”のエンタメ:紀伊民報AGARA - 紀伊民報

Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:34 PM PDT



「新しい時代のエンターテインメント」と題したこのトークセッションは、『J-WAVE INNOVATION WORLD FESTA 2020 supported by CHINTAI』内で行われたもの。J-WAVEらが主催する日本最大級のデジタル・クリエイティブフェスティバルで、5回目となる今年は、コニカミノルタプラネタリア TOKYO(東京・千代田区)をハブ会場として、10月17日、18日と2日間にわたり無観客でオンライン開催された。

 宮本氏は演出家として数々の作品を手がけ、現在は黒澤明監督の名画『生きる』のミュージカル公演の真っ最中。The Human Miracle代表を務める小橋氏は、EDM(エレクトロニック・ダンス・ミュージック)フェス『ULTRA JAPAN』や未来型花火エンターテインメント『STAR ISLAND』など、国内外で数々のイベントをプロデュースする。別所氏は、俳優として活動する傍ら、国際短編映画祭『ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル & アジア』を主催するなど、登壇した3人は三者三様にエンターテインメント業界の第一線で活躍し、また未来へとつなぐ役割を担っている。そんな彼らの会話には、業種を問わずビジネスパーソンにとって役立つヒントがあふれていた(※トークセッションから一部を抜すいしてレポート)。



【別所】 僕たち自身が生きている時代に、戦争とはまた違う形で、しかも一部の地域だけの災害ではなく、全世界共通でこういうことが起きるとは思ってもみませんでしたよね。

【宮本】 ミュージカル『ベスト・キッド』に参加してくれた俳優のニック・コルデロさんやファッションデザイナーの高田賢三さんがコロナで亡くなるなど、あまりにも生々しいことが身近でいろいろ起きたので、精神的にやられてしまいました。でも、本当にひどい話だと思う一方で、こんなに貴重な時期はないとも思っています。

 (コロナ禍って)価値観であるとか、仕事や家族の存在についてなど、自分自身と向き合うじゃないですか。そのなかで始めたのが「上を向いてプロジェクト」(医療従事者や生活を支えるために働く人々、未来に不安を抱える人々を応援する企画。坂本九さんの「上を向いて歩こう」をモチーフに、さまざまな表現方法でプロジェクトを展開)でした。第1弾では、著名人から一般の方まで、無償で集まってくれた約600人が歌う「上を向いて歩こう」を編集してYou Tubeに配信するということをやったんですが、全員が同じ思いで同じ方向を目指すことってすごく熱いことだなと改めて感じました。反響も非常に大きかったです。

【別所】 人の思いが先にあって、それが現象になって、それがひょっとしたらビジネスにもなっていく。それが本来のエンターテインメントの姿なのかもしれませんよね。

【小橋】 お2人がおっしゃる通りだと思います。今は人の思いよりもビジネスが先行しているというか、どこか利己的になってしまっているんじゃないかと思います。それはエンターテインメントをはじめ、いろんな分野においても言えること。今回のパンデミックは利己的から利他主義へ、"本来の人間の姿"に戻っていく1つのきっかけになるんじゃないかなと思っています。


【別所】 確かに、僕も同じように感じます。20世紀の偉大なる先輩たちが作ったエンターテインメントであれ何であれ、それらが偉大すぎて。心の中では新しい何かを生み出さなきゃと感じていながらも、変えきれない状況のなかで今回、コロナと一緒に未来が先に来てしまったように思います。



【小橋】 少し話は変わるんですが、僕は最近、「SBNR層(スピリチュアル・バッド・ノット・レリジョン)」っていうものに関心を持っていまして。たとえば、SDGsや瞑想、ヨガなど、自然とか大切なこととかに関心を示す無宗派スピリチュアル層で、米国の18歳以下の83%がその層だと言われているんですけど、僕、これって次のうねりだと思っているんです。


【宮本】 僕、小橋くんと考えていることが本当に似ていて(笑)。まさにそういう精神こそが今必要だと思います。そして、今回のコロナをきっかけに、本当に何かが変わっていくんだと思います。


【別所】 僕は今、天動説から地動説に変わるくらい変化のときで、エンタメも大きく変わっていくと思っていて。そのなかで、クラウドファンディングなどを見ていてもそうですが、どうやら人々は完成物だけを見たいというより、その手前のプロセスを見たい傾向にあると感じます。一緒に制作したり、思いが一緒だったから応援するために投げ銭したり。そして、最後に出来上がった作品をゴールとしてみんなで分かち合うみたいな、これからはそういう感覚を大事にしないといけないのかなって。

【宮本】 うんうん、共感性というか本音を見聞きしたいんですよね。

【小橋】 エンタメから少し外れてしまうかもしれないんですけど、僕、今年の頭にインドネシアにある「ニヒ・スンバ」っていうホテルに行ったんです。バリ島から飛行機で約60分、そこから車で90分ぐらい離れた田舎にもかかわらず、米国の『Travel + Leisure』誌の「No. 1 Hotel in the World」(世界一のホテル)に2年連続で選ばれて、アップル社がそこで合宿したりしているんですね。


【別所】 僕も映画祭を運営するなかで感じていることがあって。お客さんは、あらかじめ用意されたプログラム(映画)を観ることよりも、その日、映画祭に行ったときに、何かわからない(突然提供される)映画を観ることにワクワクを感じているみたいなんですよ。行った先で何が体験できるか。それは、オンラインでもそうですけど、僕が大好きな出たとこ勝負というか(笑)。ただ、演劇だと緻密に準備しないといけないから難しいですよね。

【宮本】 そうなんだよね。そこのところ、コロナ禍ですごく思ったのは、"演出家・宮本亞門"って本当に消したいなと思いましたよ(笑)。つまり、そのガチッと固めたものが邪魔なんだよね。僕が言っちゃ変だけど、みんなが好きなことをやって出来上がったものこそが良いというふうに、判断基準が変わってくるかもしれないですよね。



【小橋】 僕はエンターテインメントの前に、世の中に1つ言いたいことがあって。世の中って一見すると不完全なこと、うまくいかないことがいっぱいあるじゃないですか。今回のコロナもそうだと思うんですよね。予定していたものが崩れて、でも不完全なんですけど僕らが住んでいる宇宙っていうのは完全なんですよね。これまで定義していたエンターテインメントは一旦おあずけですけど、僕は未来のエンターテインメントは明るいと思っています。

【宮本】 どんどん化学反応は起きていくべきで、「エンタメ×農業」「エンタメ×医療」みたいに、いろいろなことがかけ算でよくなってきた。縦割り社会ではなく並列に、いろんなものが混ざり合ったときに新しいものが生まれる時期に入ったので、僕はこれから面白くなるぞと思っています。

photo by アンザイミキ

60周年『ホームランバー』長寿の理由 ~ホームラン坊やの初代デザインは和田誠さん
コロナ後に「幸せ格差」が? 回避するには/幸福学研究・前野隆司氏インタビュー

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October 21, 2020 at 08:00PM

afterコロナは「心の時代」に? 別所哲也×宮本亞門×小橋賢児が考える"これから"のエンタメ:紀伊民報AGARA - 紀伊民報
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박정아명창, 유방암 4기로 '국악신동' 김태연과 눈물의 마지막 수업 - 비즈엔터

Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT

[비즈엔터 홍지훈 기자]

▲박정아명창과 김태연(사진=채널A '아이콘택트' 방송화면 캡처)
▲박정아명창과 김태연(사진=채널A '아이콘택트' 방송화면 캡처)

박정아명창과 '국악신동' 김태연의 '아이콘택트'가 펼쳐졌다.

21일 방송된 채널A '아이콘택트'에서는 '국악 신동'으로 불리는 김태연과 그 스승 박정아 명창이 출연해, 눈물 가득한 눈맞춤을 나눴다.

김태연은 9세의 나이에도 뛰어난 가창력을 지녀 '국악 신동'으로 불리고 있으며, 소리꾼 박정아 명창은 지금까지 김태연을 가르쳐 왔다. 하지만 박정아 명창은 현재 유방암 4기였다. 암 전이가 많이 돼 수술도 할 수 없는 상황이었다. 항암 치료로 목소리마저 제대로 나오지 않았다.

박정아 명창의 제자들은 그가 아픈 뒤 모두 떠났고 김태연만 곁에 남아있는 상황이었다. 이날 두 사람은 구성진 가락으로 판소리를 열창하고, 김태연은 "선생님 곁을 떠나지 않을 거예요"라고 다짐했다.

박정아 명창은 "더 좋은 곳으로 가서 더 훌륭한 스승님에게 공부했으면 좋겠다"라고 말했다. 하지만 김태연은 "선생님, 전 싫어요"라며 눈맞춤 방을 나갔다.

박정아 명창은 홀로 눈맞춤 방에 남아 눈물을 훔치며 "너무 마음이 아프다. 제 자식이라고 했는데 보내주고 싶은 사람이 누가 있겠느냐. 더 훌륭한 곳에 가서 배우길 바라는 마음이었다"라고 말했다.

저작권자 © 비즈엔터 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
※ 보도자료 및 기사제보

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 박정아명창, 유방암 4기로 '국악신동' 김태연과 눈물의 마지막 수업 - 비즈엔터 )

Viral Facebook image does not show a coronavirus testing patent was submitted in 2015 - Newswise

Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:47 PM PDT

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Viral Facebook image does not show a coronavirus testing patent was submitted in 2015  Newswise

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Viral Facebook image does not show a coronavirus testing patent was submitted in 2015 - Newswise
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探査機「オシリス・レックス」が小惑星ベンヌに着地した際の動画を公開…NASA : 注目動画 : 動画 - 読売新聞

Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT
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    Wall Street donors keep their distance from cash-strapped Trump in campaign's final days - CNBC

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    President Donald Trump returns to the White House after multiple campaign stops over the weekend on October 19, 2020 in Washington, DC.
    Samuel Corum | Getty Images

    Conservatives on Wall Street and in the broader finance community apparently no longer consider President Donald Trump a worthy investment.

    People in the securities and investment industry pumped $20 million into his 2016 run for president, with most going toward super PACs backing his candidacy, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. That total doesn't also include the millions of Wall Street contributions that went toward the president's inauguration after he defeated Hillary Clinton.

    This time, though, donors in the same industry have given just over $13 million to back Trump. It doesn't look like he'll make up the difference in the campaign's final stretch, either, according to GOP strategists. Meanwhile, many of the people who donated to his inaugural committee have disappeared from the fundraising scene.

    In some cases, records show that these GOP megadonors have put their money toward efforts to help Republican Senate or House candidates.

    Wall Street support for Trump backed off mainly due to his response to the coronavirus outbreak, despite the tax and regulation cuts during the president's tenure, according to Republican strategists who work with financial leaders. These strategists spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely.

    "Wall Street craves policy, predictability and strong government institutions. Trump has delivered the opposite. The Covid crisis gave Wall Streeters the excuse they needed to move," said a GOP advisor who works for a former Trump donor in the finance world. 

    This person pointed to Biden as the alternative many in the finance world were looking for. Biden and his joint fundraising committees took in more than $4 million from finance leaders in the third quarter. Biden has seen over $50 million from Wall Street leaders go toward his bid for the White House, including millions being donated to outside PACs. Financial firms have started telling clients there's a strong chance of a Democratic sweep next month.

    Another Republican strategist who actively works with people in finance said that the few donors who donated to back Trump early in the campaign don't plan to give again with just under two weeks left in the campaign. The strategist said his clients weren't happy with how the campaign spent its previously massive war chest. 

    Former Trump campaign chief Brad Parscale once boasted that the organization was a financial "Death Star." Entering October, it had just over $60 million in cash on hand, compared with Biden's nearly $180 million.

    These same financial leaders also believe that Trump is going to lose, making support for his campaign an unwise investment from their standpoint, according to this strategist.

    "Wall Street is watching the same polls as everyone else. They can see the direction the campaign is going and they are starting to alter their strategy," Trump donor Dan Eberhart told CNBC. "It's about risk management. If they can't beat Biden, they know they are going to have to join him."

    As of Wednesday there were no plans by the campaign to have financial leaders in New York host a fundraising event for Trump, according to a person familiar with the matter.

    Representatives from the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee did not return a request for comment.

    A few finance industry leaders have indeed given to Trump over the past three months, including Joe Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade; Marc Rowan, co-founder of Apollo Global Management; and former hedge fund manager John Paulson. Each gave between $250,000 and $315,000 to the Trump Victory committee, a joint fundraising effort between Trump's campaign and the RNC.

    Rowan, according to NBC News, reached out to Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior advisor, in an attempt to relax rules on coronavirus relief money in a way that would benefit Apollo. Paulson hosted a fundraising event for Trump in the Hamptons in August.

    Other prominent Trump donors have scaled back their giving or, in some cases, gone completely quiet.

    Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman gave $3 million to the pro-Trump super PAC America First Action in January, but nothing toward efforts supporting the president since then. 

    Robert Mercer, former co-CEO of Renaissance Technologies, gave $15 million to the anti-Clinton super PAC Make America Number 1 in 2016. He gave $1 million to the president's inaugural committee and invested $15 million in controversial data outfit Cambridge Analytica, which worked with Trump's 2016 campaign.

    Mercer cut a $350,000 check in February to the Trump Victory committee. He started reducing his support two years ago after he and his daughter Rebekah came under public scrutiny for backing Trump the first time.

    Stephen Feinberg, co-founder of Cerberus Capital Management, gave over $1.4 million in 2016 to a pro-Trump super PAC titled Rebuilding America Now. This cycle he has given nothing to any pro-Trump related entity, records show.

    Steve Cohen, CEO of asset management firm Point72, contributed $1 million to Trump's inaugural committee after spending millions on a super PAC backing former presidential candidate and eventual Trump ally Chris Christie. Cohen has invested nothing in the presidential election this time.

    Henry Kravis, co-CEO of investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, gave over $300,000 to the Republican National Committee during the 2016 cycle. He gave $1 million to Trump's inaugural. He has given nothing to Trump or the RNC this cycle.

    Scott Bessent, founder of investment firm Key Square Group, gave $1 million to Trump's inaugural. He hasn't given anything to Trump groups in 2020.

    Veteran investor Paul Singer, who was initially against Trump in the early stages of the 2016 election, gave $1 million to his inaugural fund and another $1 million to pro-Trump super PAC Future 45. This time, he hasn't given anything to back Trump or the RNC.

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    4 ways to shoot better video on mobile - Creative Bloq

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    It might have seemed laughable a few years ago, but with each new generation of smartphones, it feels slightly more plausible that your smartphone might one day replace your DSLR. Filming with a phone still has its drawbacks, but with a few simple hacks, you can create a cinematic masterpiece with the camera without the need for much – if any – extra kit.

    Presenting at this year's Adobe Max 2020 conference, video editor and Adobe Premiere Pro Master Instructor Luisa Winters shared her top tips for shooting awesome videos on the go. All you need is a smartphone (you can't go wrong with one of the best camera phones) and a video editing app – Winters recommends Adobe Premiere Rush. 

    "I have owned several high-end cameras throughout my life," Winters says, "But nowadays I find myself shooting more on my phone. The main advantage is that you always have it with you."

    Here are some of the most common problems you might encounter while shooting on your phone, and Winters' top tips for overcoming them. 

    01. Shakiness 

    Being handheld devices, smartphones are prone to shooting unsteady footage. Of course, you can invest in a tripod or even a steadycam holder, but these aren't exactly going to fit in your pocket along with your phone.

    "The further away you hold your phone from your body," Winters says, the shakier it will be. "But if you hold it close to your core, it will be much steadier – effectively turning your body into a tripod." By the same logic, you should also try rotating your whole body instead of your arms for a much smoother pan.

    02. Poor audio quality

    While the video quality of many smartphones is nothing short of incredible these days, one area in which they all come up short is audio quality. "Truth be told," Winters says, "we all know that the microphone on your phone or tablet will be less than ideal." And here, her advice is simple: get an external mic.

    Luckily, there are lots of compact and affordable external mics available that can connect simply to your smartphone, and dramatically increase the audio quality. Check out some of the best deals below. 

    03. Bad lighting

    While you can find portable lighting rigs, let's be honest – you're unlikely to be carrying one around with your phone. But with a little creativity, you can create perfect lighting with the help of a few household items. "If you need a reflector, you can use anything that can reflect white, from a white towel to a piece of paper," Winters says.

    And with a little planning, you can make the sun's natural light work with you. Shooting at noon isn't a great idea, Winters suggests, because it can lead to harsh shadows on faces. Choosing to shoot earlier or later in the day can help to avoid this.

    04. Horizontal or vertical? 

    "Isn't that the question of the decade?" Winters laughs. While many filmmakers might scoff at portrait, there's no denying its place in the world of social media. Indeed, for some outlets, vertical can be preferable, whereas horizontal works for others.

    "A thin waterfall could work better in vertical, while a sunset at the beach works better in horizontal," says Winters. "You know which one you need. But the problem is when you need both."

    This is where Adobe Premiere Rush comes in. Whether you shoot in portrait or landscape, the app can export a single video in both formats – and you can choose how each version is cropped. This way, your cinematic masterpiece is ready for both YouTube and TikTok. For more mobile shooting tips from Adobe MAX 2020, check out these 5 easy ways to shake up your social media videos

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    『鬼滅の刃』と“ビックリマンチョコ”がコラボした“鬼滅の刃マンチョコ”が11月3日に発売! ビックリマンイラストレーター描き下ろしのシールは全24種 - ファミ通.com

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    『鬼滅の刃』と"ビックリマンチョコ"がコラボした"鬼滅の刃マンチョコ"が11月3日に発売! ビックリマンイラストレーター描き下ろしのシールは全24種 - ファミ通.com





     株式会社ロッテは11月3日(火)に、劇場版が大ヒット公開中の人気コンテンツ「鬼滅の刃」と「ビックリマンチョコ」が初コラボした新製品『鬼滅の刃マンチョコ』を発売いたします。ビックリマンイラストレーター描き下ろしによる「鬼滅の刃」キャラクターの景品シールは全24種。鬼滅の刃ファン/ビックリマンファンを楽しませることができるエンターテイメント菓子です! シークレットシールにはビックリマンキャラと「鬼滅の刃」キャラが共存したシールも誕生!

    『鬼滅の刃』と『ビックリマンチョコ』がコラボ! 11月3日より全国で発売
    『鬼滅の刃』と『ビックリマンチョコ』がコラボ! 11月3日より全国で発売


    1. 劇場版が大ヒット公開中の人気コンテンツ「鬼滅の刃」と「ビックリマンチョコ」の初コラボが実現しました。
    2. 人気の「鬼滅の刃」キャラクターをビックリマンイラストレーターが描き下ろした景品シールは全24種です。
    3. サクサク食感の食べやすいウエハースチョコで
    『鬼滅の刃』と『ビックリマンチョコ』がコラボ! 11月3日より全国で発売
    『鬼滅の刃』と『ビックリマンチョコ』がコラボ! 11月3日より全国で発売
    『鬼滅の刃』と『ビックリマンチョコ』がコラボ! 11月3日より全国で発売


    • 商品名:鬼滅の刃マンチョコ
    • 発売日:2020年11月3日(火)
    • 発売地区:全国(コンビニエンスストア・駅売店先行)
    • 内容量:1枚入
    • 価格:オープン価格(想定小売価格100円(税抜))

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    魅力度最下位で栃木知事、調査会社に直談判「ものいう権利がある」 - 読売新聞

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    魅力度最下位で栃木知事、調査会社に直談判「ものいう権利がある」 - 読売新聞




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    2020-10-21 22:37:00Z

    아이린 '갑질 스타' 불똥 논란..15년차 에디터 폭로글+과거 SNS 칭찬 삭제[전문] - 조선일보

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

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    1. 아이린 '갑질 스타' 불똥 논란..15년차 에디터 폭로글+과거 SNS 칭찬 삭제[전문]  조선일보
    2. 15년차 스타일리스트가 폭로한 '연예계 갑질'..."왜 이런 굴욕을 당한걸까" - 강소현 기자  톱스타뉴스
    3. 15년차 스타일리스트, 갑질 폭로...해시태그에 아이린·슬기 '주목'[전문] - 스타투데이  매일경제
    4. "지옥 같은 20분"…연예계 '갑질' 폭로한 15년 경력 스타일리스트  디스패치
    5. 에디터 갑질 폭로에 갑자기 불똥 튄 여자 아이돌 멤버  위키트리 WIKITREE
    6. Google 뉴스에서 전체 콘텐츠 보기
    기사 및 더 읽기 ( 아이린 '갑질 스타' 불똥 논란..15년차 에디터 폭로글+과거 SNS 칭찬 삭제[전문] - 조선일보 )

    ‘TV는 사랑을 싣고’ 양치승, “父 밥상 엎고 월급 갖다주지 않아 셋방살이” 아픈 가정사 고백 - 스타투데이 - 매일경제

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    [매일경제 스타투데이 허은경 객원기자]

    'TV는 사랑을 싣고' 스타 트레이너 양치승이 안타까운 과거를 고백했다.

    21일 방송된 KBS-2 예능 'TV는 사랑을 싣고'에서는 MC 김원희, 현주엽과 함께 떠나는 의뢰인 양치승 관장의 어린 시절 추억 여행이 펼쳐진 모습이 그려졌다.

    이날 양치승은 과거 자신이 영화배우 강철민으로 활동할 수 있도록 연기학원에서 만난 박태길 형을 찾으려고 사연을 의뢰했다.

    특히 양치승은 힘들게 자랐다고 가정사를 고백해 이목을 끌었다.

    그는 철도청 공무원이었던 아버지가 당시 밥상을 엎고 월급을 갖다 주지 않아 힘들게 6명의 가족이 셋방살이한 아픈 과거를 밝혔다. 이어 "셋방살이하면 정문으로 들어오지 말고 쪽문으로 들어가라고 했다"면서 누나가 정문으로 들어갔다고 맞았다는 안타까운 이야기를 전했다. 이후 어머니가 빚을 내서 방 3개 있는 집을 샀다고 털어놨다.

    그런가하면 양치승은 어린 시절 살던 집과 구조가 비슷한 옛날식 주택을 찾아가서 보고 "진짜 옛날 그대로인 것 같다"면서 반가워하는 김원희와 달리 씁쓸한 표정을 지으며 옛 기억을 떠올렸다.

    한편, 양치승은 어린 시절 집안을 등한시 한 아버지와 일하느라 바쁜 어머니 때문에 생일 파티는 엄두조차 못냈고 친구들을 초대하지 못해 홀로 수돗가에서 울었던 사연과 입학식, 졸업식 같은 특별한 날조차 부모님과 함께하지 못한 일들을 고백해 더욱 안타깝게 자아냈다. 그는 자신이 엇나가면 힘든 어머니가 더 힘들어질까 봐 스스로 마음을 다잡았다고 밝혔다.

    이에 양치승의 어머니 이화자 여사가 깜짝 출연해서 40여 년 전 어린 양치승의 두 발이 꽁꽁 얼어붙고, 집주인에게 뺨을 맞았던 누나의 충격적인 사건을 생생하게 증언해 MC들의 마음을 아프게 했다. 이로 인해 어머니가 무리하게 집을 장만하고 이후 빚을 갚으려고 아침부터 새벽 2시까지 18시간 동안 쉬지 않고 일을 해야 했다고 털어놔 안타까움을 샀다.

    [ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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    기사 및 더 읽기 ( 'TV는 사랑을 싣고' 양치승, "父 밥상 엎고 월급 갖다주지 않아 셋방살이" 아픈 가정사 고백 - 스타투데이 - 매일경제 )

    "좋은 글귀를 올렸을 뿐인데"...오현경 SNS 글 눈물로 해명 - SBS연예뉴스

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    [SBS 연예뉴스 l 강경윤 기자] 배우 오현경이 자신의 SNS에 적었다가 오해를 부른 글 내용에 대해서 눈물을 흘리며 해명했다.

    지난 21일 방송된 MBN '우리 다시 사랑할 수 있을까3'에서 탁재훈과 오현경이 함께 출연했다.

    이날 손님으로 출연한 임형준은 탁재훈에게 "오현경과 비즈니스 커플이라는 이야기를 들었다. 그런데 형은 비즈니스 못하지 않냐"라고 물었고, 탁재훈은 쑥쓰러움을 감추지 못했다.

    이날 오현경은 딸 채령양이 손수 만든 초콜릿을 탁재훈에게 선물해 훈훈함을 더했다. 하지만 오현경은 탁재훈의 짓궂은 말에 토라지는 모습을 보이기도 했다.

    오현경은 "놀리면 삐진다. 약간 눈물 난다. 아까도 오빠가 화내서 울었다."고 말해 놀라움을 줬다.

    앞서 오현경은 지난달 24일 소셜미디어에 "알면서도 참 힘든 감정...사랑...저는 이번 생은 일을 사랑하고 제 지인들을 사랑하고 가족과 제 딸을 사랑하는 것만으로도 바쁘다. 제 자신도 사랑 많이 해주려고 한다."면서 "사랑아 미안. 사랑의 감정은 다음 생애에 예쁘고 듬직한 모습으로 완벽한 사랑으로 다시 와주겠니? 이번생은 안 되겠다."는 글을 적어 궁금증을 남겼다.

    탁재훈은 "이승 저승 한 거 사과하라."고 짓궂게 놀리자, 오현경은 "그냥 좋은 글귀를 올렸을 뿐이다. 요즘 감수성이 예민해져서 그런 글을 보면 눈물이 난다. 탁재훈 오빠의 노래를 듣고도 울었다"며 눈물을 흘렸다.

    또 오현경은 "얼마 전에 오빠 인스타그램에 '멍 하나'가 있더라. 그 노래를 듣는데 나도 모르게 일만 바라보며 사는, 멍 하나가 딱 있는데. 난 뭘 해도 멍은 시간이 지나면 없어져야 하는데 없어지지 않는 거다"라며 눈물을 흘렸다. 이어 "요즘 여러가지가 좀 그랬던 것 같은데 열심히 살아도 지워질 수 없는 멍이 계속 생긴다"라고 고백했다. 이에 탁재훈은 오현경의 말에 공감하며 위로했다.

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    기사 및 더 읽기 ( "좋은 글귀를 올렸을 뿐인데"...오현경 SNS 글 눈물로 해명 - SBS연예뉴스 )

    直感的操作を可能にする。Windows 10専用の無線タッチパッド - GIZMODO JAPAN

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT


    Windows 10搭載の高品質ノートPCなどにある、タッチパッドだけが独立したような「高精度ワイヤレスタッチパッド TTP-BT01」。マウスも併用でき、ソフト不要でペアリングするだけで直感的な操作が行なえ、作業効率が向上すること請け合いです。

    【✨新製品プレスリリース✨】 直感的な操作を可能にするWindows10専用タッチパッド「高精度ワイヤレスタッチパッド...

    Posted by 株式会社ミヨシ on Monday, October 19, 2020


    使える機能は、タップによるマウスの左クリック、2本指のスライドで行なうスクロール、つまむ動きの拡大/縮小、 4 本指でアクション センターを開く、など基本的な「Windows 10のタッチパッド ジェスチャ」で、仮想デスクトップ切り替えも、音楽プレイヤーなどの操作も行なえます。


    Image: ミヨシ



    Bluetooth5.0を使っているので省電力な上、接続が途切れにくいという利点があり、使用時間は最大で100時間ほどと長寿命。もっと大きなタッチパッドが欲しかった! という人や、マウスで腱鞘炎になった人などにもよさそうです。

    Source: facebook、ミヨシ(1, 2) via PC Watch
    Reference: Microsoft

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    Adobe Photoshopが新しいAI機能を発表、好きな時間の空に変更するスカイリプレースメントなど搭載 - TechCrunch Japan

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    TechCrunch ist Teil von Verizon Media. Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten.

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    Viral Video Highlights Emotional Impact of Wildfires on Firefighter Families - CBS San Francisco

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    NOVATO (CBS SF) — All the fires across California this year has put a strain on firefighters and their families across the state.

    The impact of firefighting work on families was captured in a video of Eliana Padron, 10, that her mom recorded recently. In the video, the young lady has no idea her firefighter father is about to walk through the front door. She squeals with excited joy when he steps into the room.

    Before that moment, San Jose Firefighter Josh Padron has been deployed for more than a month. While the video of their touching reunion is special, it is not unique. Thousands of firefighters have been deployed for weeks. They sometimes work beyond cell coverage. Families never know for sure when their loved ones will return.

    "You're going to leave your family to fend for themselves for at least 14 days, because we'll go anywhere from Southern California, up to the Plumas National Forest," Novato Fire Battalion Chief Jeffrey Whittet said. "We've been to Sonoma, Napa, really all over the place."

    Even though firefighters watch out for each other's families, the strain and sometimes fear is constant back home.

    "The added stress not knowing if they are in harm's way. What are they doing? Where are they because they haven't called me in a day or two," Chief Whittet said. "That all adds to the stress of the moment but, it also sweetens that reunion!"

    Firefighter Padron says, "The whole month and a half I was gone quite a bit, and it impacted my family uh, a lot"

    There's nothing more special than being welcomed home by your family, knowing you are safe. For example, after Pardron surprised his daughter Eliana, she exclaimed "I was so happy but, my heart just dropped cause I was so excited to see him!!"

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    October 21, 2020 at 04:27PM

    Viral Video Highlights Emotional Impact of Wildfires on Firefighter Families - CBS San Francisco
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    A Real mess: Miserable Madrid suffer Shakhtar shocker - Goal

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    For the second time in a week Zinedine Zidane's side were deservedly beaten and must now buck up their ideas ahead of Saturday's Clasico

    Some wrote off Real Madrid's shock home defeat at the hands of promoted side Cadiz on Saturday as the result of the distraction of the huge matches to follow.

    But Los Blancos have nowhere to hide now after being well beaten by Shakhtar Donetsk as their Champions League season got going on Wednesday.

    Two second half strikes by Luka Modric and Vinicius Junior made this look like a close encounte,r but that is too kind to Zinedine Zidane's Spanish champions, who lost 3-2 at home against rampant Ukranian visitors who were missing 13 players, including seven first-team regulars, due to a series of positive Covid-19 tests.

    Madrid started the season in underwhelming form but getting results. Now they just look underwhelming.

    With the Clasico to come on Saturday, Zidane's problems are stacking up. It is early, but this has shades of the 2018-19 disasterclass served up by Julen Lopetegui and Santiago Solari.

    The Spanish champions look as if they are not up for the fight far too often, like they have something better to be doing.

    There were no excuses for the lamentable first half against Cadiz which saw Madrid go in 1-0 down at the break after being shredded time and time again by the unfancied visitors.

    "If they were two or three goals up at the break, there would be nothing we could say," admitted Zidane post-match. That is just what happened here.

    Madrid were equally as bad and Shakhtar - a far more dangerous side than the Andalusian minnows - made it count to lead 3-0 at the break at the Alfredo di Stefano training ground stadium.

    It is the first time Madrid have let in three goals in a first half at home in the Champions League since February 2000, against Bayern Munich. Vinicius was not yet born.

    Brazilian winger Tete ran amok, finishing coolly after a strong run from Viktor Korniyenko in the 29th minute. They were value for the lead, and doubled it four minutes later when Raphael Varane put through his own net.

    Thibaut Courtois parried Tete's effort and Varane, anxious to stop Dentinho, flicked the ball into the goal. He was picking up where he left off in Europe after his horror show against Manchester City which saw Madrid eliminated in the last 16 of the reprised competition this summer.

    And to round off the Blancos' misery, Tete teed up Solomon with a fine backheel before his team-mate deceived Courtois with a well-taken finish.

    Zidane had words at half-time and Madrid showed some spirit in the second half, but Shakhtar had chances too for a third and a fourth, though they wasted them.

    Modric's sensational strike from distance gave the hosts hope, with Vinicius continuing his recent goalscoring form by netting a second almost as soon as he had replaced the disappointing Luka Jovic.

    The third almost came in the final stages when Fede Valverde's shot crept in, but Vincius was correctly ruled to be offside as he obstructed goalkeeper Anatoliy Trubin's view.

    The Clasico is next, and this was supposed to be Madrid's easiest group game. Inter and Borussia Monchengladbach await in the coming weeks.

    Ferland Mendy Real Madrid 2020-21

    It is hard to know what is most worrying for Madrid as they have various ills, but the attitude, or lack of it, in the first half was certainly the most aggravating for their supporters, because it was a carbon copy of what happened against Cadiz.

    That day Zidane rotated and left out Casemiro. Many pointed to his absence as the reason they were so weak, because Toni Kroos could not shield the defence, leaving Sergio Ramos and Varane badly exposed.

    Casemiro, however, started here along with Valverde, who also brings energy, and yet they were thoroughly dismantled in midfield.

    Ramos' absence through injury was telling in that Madrid have six defeats in the last seven Champions League games that he has missed, including the Ajax debacle at Santiago Bernabeu in 2019 - but he was present at the weekend and they still suffered.

    It seems nobody is unaffected by this malaise. Even Modric, usually so reliable, was AWOL until his bolt from the blue.

    Madrid cannot keep relying on magic like that. They need a formula which works and the truth is, right now, Zidane is staring at an empty whiteboard.

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    October 21, 2020 at 12:21PM

    A Real mess: Miserable Madrid suffer Shakhtar shocker - Goal
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    米版はやぶさが小惑星着陸 岩石採取か - 中日新聞

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT


    • 小惑星ベンヌへの着陸に挑む米探査機オシリス・レックスのイメージ=NASA提供 
    • オシリス・レックスが着陸した小惑星ベンヌ








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    The Artis Way: Going Above and Beyond for Your Loved Ones - WCPO

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    The Artis Way: Going Above and Beyond for Your Loved Ones - WCPO

    When you hear the term memory care, what goes through your mind? You may think of sad seniors, sitting around watching TV all day, but that's not what happens at Artis Senior Living. We talked about how senior life is fun and safe at their two Cincinnati locations.

    2020-10-21 19:45:00Z

    「鬼滅の刃」一部話数を明日からカンテレで毎週金曜のゴールデン帯に放送 - コミックナタリー

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    「鬼滅の刃」一部話数を明日からカンテレで毎週金曜のゴールデン帯に放送 - コミックナタリー

    アニメ「鬼滅の刃」特集 花江夏樹×鬼頭明里×下野紘×松岡禎丞 座談会




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    2020-10-21 21:00:00Z

    Bagikan Berita Ini

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