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- Southeastern Athletics to Offer Mobile Ticketing as Primary Option for 2020-21 - Southeastern Lions Athletics
- Narrow Wins In These Key States Powered Biden To The Presidency - WUWM
- Trump's bizarre 46-minute video claiming the election was stolen sends Twitter into a frenzy - Daily Mail
- タカラトミー、鬼滅の「リカちゃん」 - 日本経済新聞
- 岡本健一、5年前に一般女性と再婚していた 子供2人もうける - ORICON NEWS
- Sandpiper Increases Investment in Artis REIT to 10% - Canada NewsWire
- 岡本健一再婚していた 圭人に20歳以上離れた弟妹 - ニッカンスポーツ
- セクゾ・マリウス葉が緊急搬送! 年上メンバーからのイジリも原因か(東スポWeb) -
- UK authorizes Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for emergency use -
- S. Korea Passes BTS-Friendly Law for Mandatory Military Service - TMZ
- 伊野尾慧 マリウス葉の芸能活動休止に「ゆっくり待ちたい」 大学生活との両立「大変だったんじゃないか」 -
- 宇多田ヒカル×満島ひかり×佐藤健のNetflixドラマ「First Love 初恋」2022年配信決定 - 音楽ナタリー
- 眞子さまのご結婚、“小室圭さん不信”で「本当は許したくない」紀子さまの母心 - 週刊女性PRIME [シュージョプライム]
- アンジャ渡部建、今週末テレビ復帰か 3日19時から覚悟のフルボッコ会見 - サンケイスポーツ
Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:44 PM PST ![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – December 2, 2020 Contact: Kemmler Chapple, (985) 974-5466 / Southeastern Athletics Offers Mobile Ticketing as Primary Option for 2020-21 HAMMOND, La. – Southeastern Louisiana Athletics is implementing mobile ticketing as the primary source for securing tickets for the 2020-21 season, the SLU Athletics Ticket Office announced on Wednesday. Mobile ticketing is designed to offer Lion fans a safer and more convenient experience when attending Southeastern home events. All tickets will be available via e-mail or text message in a PDF format for fans to download on their phone or print at home. Tickets can also be downloaded to Apple Wallet. A Mobile Ticketing "How-To" Guide is available at Fans are encouraged to purchase tickets prior to game day to limit long lines and ensure safer entry to the facility. Current COVID-19 protocols limit seating to 25 percent of the facility's capacity. Face coverings and social distancing will be required. For further information, please contact the Southeastern Athletics Ticket Office at (985) 549-5466 or visit SOCIAL MEDIA For more information on Southeastern Athletics, follow @LionUpAthletics on Twitter, like /SLUathletics on Facebook and subscribe to the SLUathletics YouTube channel. Follow the Lion Athletics Association on Twitter at @LionAthAssoc or like /southeastern.laa on Facebook. CLEAR BAG POLICY Southeastern Athletics instituted a clear bag policy for all ticketed events, effective with the start of the 2018 football season. For more information on the clear bag policy, visit "Mobile" - Google News December 02, 2020 at 10:00AM Southeastern Athletics to Offer Mobile Ticketing as Primary Option for 2020-21 - Southeastern Lions Athletics "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Narrow Wins In These Key States Powered Biden To The Presidency - WUWM Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:08 PM PST In a contest with historic turnout, President-elect Joe Biden topped President Trump by nearly 7 million votes, and 74 votes in the Electoral College, but his victory really was stitched together with narrow margins in a handful of states. Trump's legal team has mounted dubious and so-far-unsuccessful efforts to overturn the results in six key states Biden won. All six of those states have now certified their results, providing an opportunity to look back at the final tallies. The graphic below shows the results in those six swing states, illustrating the especially close margins in Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin. The tight races in the trio of states had a big electoral impact. As NPR's Domenico Montanaro has put it, "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College." Of course, Trump is no stranger to narrow victories. He won the 2016 election thanks to just under 80,000 combined votes in three of those six key states. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit ![]() Loading... Top stories - Google News December 02, 2020 at 02:10AM Narrow Wins In These Key States Powered Biden To The Presidency - WUWM Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:08 PM PST 'Extremely strong pardon for sale': Trump's bizarre 46-minute address where he used charts to 'prove' the election was stolen sends Twitter into a frenzy with memes
Twitter users were quick to take to social media to share memes mocking President Donald Trump for holding a placard during a bizarre 46-minute video which he posted to Facebook and called for the for the election to be 'overturned'. Trump spoke before cameras from the White House, with repeated and awkward cuts by editors and while holding up visual aids for the audience. 'Even what I'm saying now will be demeaned and disparaged,' he said as he laid out claim after claim, including several that have been put forward by his legal team and been debunked. Trump said it 'may be the most important speech I've ever made' – then got to work trying to make the case that the election was fraudulent, that the results should be overturned in multiple states where President-elect Joe Biden got more votes than he did, and urged the Supreme Court to intervene. But it wasn't Trump's claims that sent Twitter into a frenzy, it was his use of placards. Scroll down for video ![]() Twitter users were quick to take to social media to share memes mocking President Donald Trump for holding visual graphics during a bizarre 46-minute video that he posted on Facebook where he called for the election to be 'overturned' ![]() ![]() One person shared a meme that read: 'Extremely strong pardon for sale.' Those particular tweets were referring to reports that Trump has been in discussion with his advisers about pardons for his eldest children, Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr ![]() ![]() One person shared a meme that read: 'Extremely strong pardon for sale.' Another showed Trump holding a sign that read: 'Will work for pardons.' 'I will only give these to my kids and a few generous donors,' another meme showed with Trump holding a Monopoly 'Get our of Jail Free' card. Those particular tweets were referring to reports that Trump has been in discussion with his advisers about pardons for his eldest children, Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr. He is also said to have talked about pardons for his son-in-law and White House adviser, Jared Kushner, and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Other memes took aim at the fact that Trump has yet to concede to Biden. One tweet read, 'I concede' while another said: 'I lost.' Another placard reads: 'How many retweets for 4 more years?' ![]() Trump is also said to have talked about pardons for his son-in-law and White House adviser, Jared Kushner, and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() At one point, he held up a chart purporting to show a scheme to steal an election, but a spike in votes he pointed to has since been identified as Milwaukee County votes being counted once they came in. Biden performed well there, as have past Democratic candidates going back years. He made repeated claims of fraud, dead people voting, mysterious anomalies in voting machines, and alleged corruption in big cities with Democratic votes that went for Biden – despite his attorney general and a raft of judges not accepting claims of widespread fraud 'This election was rigged. Everyone knows it. I don't mind if I lose an election, but I want to lose an election fair and square. What I don't want to do is have it stolen from the American people,' Trump complained. There were five editing jumps in the first three minutes of the video alone, giving it an awkward pace despite being shot at the center of US government power. Biden approached 81 million votes Wednesday, and his lead is well beyond 6 million, while his electoral college win is shaping up to be 306 to 232. ![]() At one point, Trump held up a chart purporting to show a scheme to steal an election, but a spike in votes he pointed to has been identified as Milwaukee County votes being counted once they came in ![]() Trump said it was 'statistically impossible' that he didn't prevail. He said the 'greatest pollsters' couldn't understand what happened But Trump said it was 'statistically impossible' that he didn't prevail. He pointed to 'unexpected success all over the country and right here in Washington,' saying: 'It is statistically impossible that the person - me - that led the charge lost. The greatest pollsters, the real pollsters - not the ones that had us down 17 points in Wisconsin when we actually won, while the ones that had us down four or five points in Florida and we won by many points or had us even down in Texas, and we won by a lot - not those pollsters but real pollsters that are fair and honest, said "We can't understand a thing like this: it's never happened before you led the country to victory and you were the only one that was lost. It's not possible,' he said. Trump's loss came despite Republicans holding the Senate and turning back numerous Democrats who were leading in pre-election polls, and picking up multiple seats in an election that many predicted would be a 'blue wave'. Trump, though, called the election a 'total catastrophe' and said the results couldn't be trusted. He complained about 'machinery that was stopped during certain parts of the evening miraculously to open with more votes'. 'Many people in the media and even judges so far have refused to accept it. They know it's true. They know it's there. They know who won the election. But they refuse to say: you're right. Our country needs somebody to say you're right,' he said. He made claims of dead people voting, although several examples brought forth by his lawyers have gone bust. 'Millions of votes were cast illegally in the swing states alone,' he claimed. 'If that's the case, the results of the individual swing states must be overturned and overturned immediately,' Trump said. 'Some people say that's too far out. That's too harsh. Well does that mean we take a president and we've just elected a president, where the votes were fraudulent? No. It means you have to turn over the election.' 'What a disaster election this was. A total catastrophe,' he said. He said 'hopefully' the Supreme Court will 'see it' and 'do what's right for our country'. At one point, he appeared to connect his push to overturn election results to his personal legal situation. 'Now, I hear that these same people that failed to get me in Washington have sent every piece of information to New York so that they can try to get me there,' Trump said, in reference to prosecutors who have been investigating his company over possible allegations of insurance or tax fraud. Trump spoke a day after Attorney General Bill Barr said there was not enough evidence of fraud to overturn the results. 'Maybe you'll have a revote, but I don't think that's appropriate. When those votes are corrupt, when they're irregular, when they get caught, they're terminated, and I very easily win,' Trump said. Earlier Wednesday, former Trump national security advisor Mike Flynn blasted out an article that called on Trump to declare martial law and have the military oversee a revote. Trump released the video about an hour after Biden began an event in Wilmington where he held a roundtable with workers and small business owners struggling through the economic crisis. Top stories - Google News December 02, 2020 at 06:38PM Trump's bizarre 46-minute video claiming the election was stolen sends Twitter into a frenzy - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:59 PM PST タカラトミー、鬼滅の「リカちゃん」 - 日本経済新聞 ![]() タカラトミーは3日、人気アニメ「鬼滅の刃」のキャラクターをイメージした着せ替え人形「リカちゃん」を発売すると発表した。妹キャラの禰豆子にリカちゃんが扮(ふん)した。自社の定番商品と流行のキャラクターを組み合わせて、消費者の興味をかき立てる。 同社は「鬼滅の刃 竈門禰豆子×リカちゃん」と「鬼滅の刃 竈門炭治郎×はるとくん」を2021年5月に発売する。価格は各9000円(税抜き)で全国の玩具専門店やインターネットショップで販売する。 アニメのキャラクターの髪形や服装を模した。羽織や着物は着脱可能で、着せ替えて遊ぶことができる。通常のリカちゃんは対象年齢が3歳以上だが、今回の商品は衣服などの部品が通常より細かく対象年齢は15歳以上だ。 自社が保有する定番商品と流行のキャラクターの商品を組み合わせることで、双方のファンの興味をかき立てる。 2020-12-03 02:31:54Z |
岡本健一、5年前に一般女性と再婚していた 子供2人もうける - ORICON NEWS Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST 岡本健一、5年前に一般女性と再婚していた 子供2人もうける - ORICON NEWS ![]() 俳優の岡本健一(51)が、5年前に一般女性と再婚し、2人の子供をもうけていたことが3日、明らかになった。所属するジャニーズ事務所が、再婚の事実を認めた。 相手は40代の一般女性で、2人の間には現在4歳の息子と2歳の娘がいるという。前妻との間に生まれた人気グループ・Hey!Say!JUMPの岡本圭人(27)にとって、20歳以上離れたきょうだいとなる。 岡本健一は1969年5月21日生まれ、東京都出身。88年にロックバンド・男闘呼組としてデビュー、同年から2年連続で『NHK紅白歌合戦』に出場している。92年にモデルの女性と結婚し、2007年に離婚した。日本テレビ系『禁断の果実』、TBS系『不機嫌な果実』などのドラマに出演。また『ペール・ギュント』、『嵐が丘』、『ヘンリー六世』など、舞台に多数出演している。 2020-12-03 01:06:07Z |
Sandpiper Increases Investment in Artis REIT to 10% - Canada NewsWire Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST Sandpiper Increases Investment in Artis REIT to 10% - Canada NewsWire VANCOUVER, BC, Dec. 2, 2020 /CNW/ - Sandpiper Group ("Sandpiper") announced today that on December 2, 2020, it acquired, through Sandpiper Real Estate Fund 4 Limited Partnership (the "Fund"), an aggregate of 100,000 units ("Units") of Artis Real Estate Investment Trust ("Artis" or the "REIT") (TSX: AX.UN) in the open market through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange at an average price of $11.10 per Unit or $1,110,000 in the aggregate (the "Acquisition"). As a result of the Acquisition, Sandpiper owns and exercises control and direction over an aggregate of 13,612,584 Units, representing approximately 10.07% of the 135,221,252 Units issued and outstanding as reported in Artis' Monthly Cash Distribution Announcement dated November 16, 2020. Prior to the Acquisition, Sandpiper owned and exercised control and direction over 13,512,584 Units, representing approximately 9.99% of the issued and outstanding Units. The Units were acquired for investment purposes. Sandpiper believes that the Units of Artis are undervalued and represent an attractive investment opportunity. "Our increase in our ownership in Artis further confirms our long term commitment in this investment," said Samir Manji, CEO of Sandpiper. "We believe Artis has significant near term and longer term potential with an attractive, undervalued asset base. We look forward to working with the trustees and management at Artis to identify avenues and opportunities that will maximize value for all unitholders." Sandpiper and its affiliates may, from time to time, depending on market and other conditions, increase or decrease its beneficial ownership, control or direction over the securities of Artis through market transactions, private agreements, or otherwise. Artis's head office is located at Suite 600 – 220 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 0A5 Sandpiper's head office is located at Suite 1670, 200 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3L6. An early warning report will be filed by Sandpiper in accordance with applicable securities laws. For further information and to obtain a copy of the early warning report filed by Sandpiper, please contact Alyssa Barry, Vice President, Capital Markets and Communications, Sandpiper at (604) 558-4885. ABOUT SANDPIPER GROUP Sandpiper is a Vancouver-based private equity firm focused on investing in real estate through direct property investments and public securities. For more information about Sandpiper, visit SOURCE Sandpiper Group ![]() For further information: Alyssa Barry, Vice President, Capital Markets and Communications, Sandpiper Group, Phone: 604-558-4885, Email: [email protected] Related Links2020-12-02 21:30:00Z |
岡本健一再婚していた 圭人に20歳以上離れた弟妹 - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:59 PM PST 岡本健一再婚していた 圭人に20歳以上離れた弟妹 - ニッカンスポーツ ジャニーズ事務所所属の俳優岡本健一(51)が、15年に一般女性と再婚していたことが2日、明らかになった。 関係者によると、相手は知人を通じて知り合った40代の一般女性。2人の間には既に4歳の息子と2歳の娘がいるという。前妻との息子であるHey!Say!JUMP岡本圭人(27)にとっては、20歳以上離れた弟と妹が誕生していた形だ。 88年にロックバンド男闘呼組としてデビュー。同年から2年連続で「NHK紅白歌合戦」に出場した。92年にモデルの女性と結婚。翌93年に圭人が誕生した。07年に離婚した。近年は俳優として舞台やドラマなどで活躍しており、今年「第45回菊田一夫演劇賞」を受賞した。 2020-12-03 00:28:16Z |
セクゾ・マリウス葉が緊急搬送! 年上メンバーからのイジリも原因か(東スポWeb) - Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:59 PM PST セクゾ・マリウス葉が緊急搬送! 年上メンバーからのイジリも原因か(東スポWeb) - [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-12-03 00:20:00Z |
UK authorizes Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for emergency use - Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:08 PM PST ![]() LONDON (AP) — Britain became the first country in the world to authorize a rigorously tested COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday and could be dispensing shots within days — a historic step toward eventually ending the scourge that has killed more than 1.4 million people around the globe. In giving the go-ahead for emergency use of the vaccine developed by American drugmaker Pfizer and Germany's BioNTech, Britain vaulted past the United States by at least a week. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is not scheduled to consider the vaccine until Dec. 10. "This is a day to remember, frankly, in a year to forget," British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said. The announcement sets the stage for the biggest vaccination campaign in British history and came just ahead of what experts are warning will be a long, dark winter, with the coronavirus surging to epic levels in the U.S. and Europe and putting pressure on hospitals and businesses. Officials cautioned that several tough months still lie ahead even in Britain, given the monumental scale of the operation needed to vaccinate large swaths of the population. Because of the limited initial supply, the first shots will be reserved for those most in danger, namely nursing home patients, the elderly and health care workers. Britain's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency recommended the vaccine after clinical trials involving tens of thousands of volunteers showed it was 95% effective and turned up no serious side effects. The vaccine is still considered experimental while final testing is done. "This is an unprecedented piece of science," given that the vaccine was authorized less than a year after the virus was discovered, said David Harper, senior consulting fellow in global health at the Chatham House think tank. Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared that the "searchlights of science" had picked out the "invisible enemy," which has been blamed for close to 60,000 deaths in Britain. He said that in developing the vaccine, scientists had performed "biological jujitsu" by turning the virus on itself. Other countries aren't far behind: Regulators not only in the U.S. but in the European Union and Canada also are vetting the Pfizer vaccine along with a shot made by Moderna. British and Canadian regulators are also considering a vaccine made by AstraZeneca and Oxford University. Amid growing concern in the U.S. that Americans will greet vaccines with skepticism, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Britain's decision "should give Americans additional confidence in the quality of such a vaccine." The virus has killed more than 270,000 in the U.S. Hancock said Britain will begin receiving the first shipment of 800,000 doses from Belgium within days, and people will start getting the shots as soon as it arrives. Two doses three weeks apart are required. The country expects to receive millions of doses by the end of this year, Hancock said, though the exact number will depend on how fast it can be manufactured and checked for quality. BioNTech, which owns the vaccine, said it has so far signed deals to supply 570 million doses worldwide in 2021, with options to deliver 600 million more. It hopes to supply at least 1.3 billion in 2021. That is only a fraction of what will be needed as public health officials try to vaccinate much of the world's population. Experts have said several vaccines will be required to quickly end the pandemic that has infected more than 64 million people globally. In Britain, the first shots will go to nursing home patients and those who care for them, followed by everyone over 80 and health care workers. From there, the program will be expanded as the supply increases, with the vaccine offered roughly on the basis of age groups, starting with the oldest people. Amid the burst of optimism over the vaccine, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla warned governments against any immediate move to relax restrictions and reopen their economies. "The time that we will have to go back to normality is not far away," he said. "But it is definitely not now." Despite the speed with which they approved the vaccine, and the intense political pressure surrounding the worldwide race to solve the crisis, British regulators insisted "no corners have been cut" during the review process. The MHRA made its recommendation following a so-called rolling review that allowed it to assess information about the vaccine as it became available, starting back in October. "The safety of the public will always come first," said Dr. June Raine, chief executive of the agency. "And I emphasize again that this recommendation has only been given by the MHRA following the most rigorous scientific assessment of every piece of data." Getting that message to the public will be critical if any vaccination program is to be successful. Some people are worried about getting any vaccine, never mind a new one. "But I think once they understand and see everyone else having it without hesitation, I think you'll find that people will go and have it," Jacqueline Roubians, a 76-year-old retired nurse, said at Brixton Market in London. "People are dying of COVID, so you make that decision: Do you want to die or do you want the vaccine?" In addition to the huge logistical challenges of distributing the vaccines, the Pfizer-BioNTech one must be stored and shipped at ultra-cold temperatures of around minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit). Pfizer said that it has developed shipping containers that use dry ice and that GPS-enabled sensors will allow the company to track each shipment and ensure it stays cold. Every country has different rules for determining when an experimental vaccine is safe and effective enough to use. China and Russia have offered different vaccines to their citizens before they had gone through large-scale, late-stage testing. Hours after Britain's announcement, Russian President Vladimir Putin, not to be outdone, ordered the start of a large-scale COVID-19 vaccination campaign by late next week, with doctors and teachers to be first in line to receive the Sputnik V shot, whose name was inspired by the 1957 satellite that was one of Moscow's proudest technical achievements. The Russian vaccine won regulatory approval in August but has yet to complete advanced studies of its effectiveness and safety. Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said more than 100,000 people in Russia have been given the shots. Still to be determined is whether the Pfizer-BioNTech shots prevent people from spreading the virus when they have no symptoms. Another question is how long protection lasts. The vaccine also has been tested in only a small number of children, none younger than 12, and there's no information on its effects in pregnant women. ___ Neergaard reported from Alexandria, Virginia. Associated Press writers Frank Jordans in Berlin and Lawless, Pan Pylas and Jo Kearney in London contributed __ Follow AP's coverage at and ___ The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Top stories - Google News December 01, 2020 at 11:24PM UK authorizes Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for emergency use - Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
S. Korea Passes BTS-Friendly Law for Mandatory Military Service - TMZ Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:08 PM PST ![]() Breaking News BTS is so big, they just forced their government to give 'em a longer leash on when they'll have to drop everything and enlist in the military ... which is unprecedented. South Korea has long had a law called the Military Service Act -- which requires every able-bodied male in the country to serve at least 20 months before they turn 28 ... and K-Pop boy band members were no exception. On Tuesday, however, the parliament tweaked that -- allowing top K-Pop artists (who receive government accolades) a 2-year deferment, which they specifically did to appease the oldest BTS member, Kim Seok-jin, who turns 28 this week. S. Korea's justification for bending the rules ... BTS brings so much cultural and economic prosperity to the country -- especially now that they've broken through with international audiences -- it'd be a shame to rip a key member away when he's about to be in the prime of his musical career. Mind you, K-Pop singers will NOT be completely exempt from serving -- they'll have to put down the mic and pick up a gun by at least 30 under this rule change ... but the fact S. Korea bent over backward for their biggest boy band is astounding. Strangely, the nation does allow certain exemptions to their conscription policy -- Korean Olympic athletes who get medals, and Korean musicians who get awards don't have to serve at all, so long as they're internationally recognized as such. Sounds like all you have to do there to get off the hook is bring in a little prestige (and dough) ... and you're set! Top stories - Google News December 01, 2020 at 08:42AM S. Korea Passes BTS-Friendly Law for Mandatory Military Service - TMZ Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
伊野尾慧 マリウス葉の芸能活動休止に「ゆっくり待ちたい」 大学生活との両立「大変だったんじゃないか」 - Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST 伊野尾慧 マリウス葉の芸能活動休止に「ゆっくり待ちたい」 大学生活との両立「大変だったんじゃないか」 - ![]() 今回の発表に「本当に心配です」と伊野尾。18年から上智大で勉学にも励んでいるマリウスについて、自身も明大理工学部建築学科出身で大学生活と芸能活動を両立した経験から「やっぱり大学は専門分野だったり、自分のやりたい授業だったり、突き詰めると本当に終わりがないことですし、アイドルのお仕事もなかなか終わりがない部分もあるので、本当に大変だったんじゃないかなと思います」と気遣い。続けて「今はゆっくり待ちたいなと思います」と呼びかけた。 ジャニーズ事務所は2日、「仕事と学業の両立を含む社会生活において心身のバランスを崩してしまう結果につながった」として、マリウスの一定期間の芸能活動休止を発表。具体的な病名は公表されていない。同グループでは松島聡(23)が2018年秋に「パニック障害」と診断され、同年11月から活動を休止。今年8月に1年9カ月ぶりに芸能活動を再開していた。 2020-12-02 22:41:00Z |
宇多田ヒカル×満島ひかり×佐藤健のNetflixドラマ「First Love 初恋」2022年配信決定 - 音楽ナタリー Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST 宇多田ヒカル×満島ひかり×佐藤健のNetflixドラマ「First Love 初恋」2022年配信決定 - 音楽ナタリー ![]() このページは株式会社ナターシャの音楽ナタリー編集部が作成・配信しています。 宇多田ヒカル / 満島ひかり / 佐藤健 の最新情報はリンク先をご覧ください。 音楽ナタリーでは国内アーティストを中心とした最新音楽ニュースを毎日配信!メジャーからインディーズまでリリース情報、ライブレポート、番組情報、コラムなど幅広い情報をお届けします。 2020-12-02 23:00:00Z |
眞子さまのご結婚、“小室圭さん不信”で「本当は許したくない」紀子さまの母心 - 週刊女性PRIME [シュージョプライム] Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:58 PM PST 眞子さまのご結婚、"小室圭さん不信"で「本当は許したくない」紀子さまの母心 - 週刊女性PRIME [シュージョプライム] ![]() 「結婚と婚約は違いますから」 11月30日に55歳を迎えられるにあたっての記者会見で、秋篠宮さまは眞子さまのご結婚に関してお答えに。 「結婚は憲法上で保障されている権利であり、個人の意思で成立するものですが、婚約は家同士の話になる。秋篠宮さまは、婚約はさせられないというお気持ちだということです」(皇室ジャーナリスト) 殿下が抱かれる小室家への不信感はそうとうに強い。 親戚関係と認めない「内容はわからないのですが、秋篠宮さまは、最近になって小室さんと連絡をとったそうなのですが、実は眞子さま経由だったそう。直接、彼と連絡を取らないほど、嫌悪感を抱かれています。 もし今後、眞子さまと婚約を経ずに結婚した場合、殿下は小室さんと"親戚関係"と認めていないことになり、元皇族の配偶者も参加する皇室関連の行事に参加することは許されないでしょう」(秋篠宮家関係者) 先日の会見で殿下は"結婚を認める"とも発言されたが、眞子さまの温度感とは、かなりかけ離れているご様子。 「眞子さまはもともと、芯のお強い方ですが、特に今回のご結婚に関しては、そうとう頑固な姿勢でいらっしゃいます。 結婚を急いで"両親が認めたら何とかなる"というお考えのようですが、秋篠宮ご夫妻は"そういうことではない"というお気持ちです。 いくら説得しようとしても、突っ走ってしまう眞子さまなので、秋篠宮さまもひとまず"認める"とおっしゃったのだと思います」(同・前) 2020-12-02 20:10:00Z |
アンジャ渡部建、今週末テレビ復帰か 3日19時から覚悟のフルボッコ会見 - サンケイスポーツ Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:28 PM PST アンジャ渡部建、今週末テレビ復帰か 3日19時から覚悟のフルボッコ会見 - サンケイスポーツ 不倫発覚から約半年。ついに会見を開く渡部は何を語るか… =2018年撮影【拡大】 多目的トイレなどを使った不倫騒動で6月から活動自粛中のお笑いコンビ、アンジャッシュの渡部建(48)が3日に東京都内で会見を開くことが2日、所属事務所から発表された。一連の騒動について1人で釈明する予定で、妻の女優、佐々木希(32)や相方の児嶋一哉(48)への思いのほか、現在の胸中をどう語るのか注目される。会見後の今週末にはテレビ復帰するとの情報もある。 週刊文春による不倫報道の発覚以来、176日ぶり。愛妻以外の女性と公衆トイレで快楽を求めた渦中の渡部が、ようやく公の場に登場する。 2日夕、所属事務所が文書で「渡部建につきまして、本人より一連の報道についてご説明させていただく場を12月3日(木)に設けさせていただきます」とメディア各社に報告。会見は3日午後7時のスタートで、「囲み取材形式で実施いたします」としている。 少なくとも3人以上の女性と関係があったと報道された渡部。不貞行為の場所の1つとして、東京・六本木ヒルズの多目的トイレを使用したことが分かっている。その点が特に公序良俗に反するとして、芸人仲間からも厳しい批判を浴び、不倫の発覚した6月10日から活動自粛に入っていた。 会見には1人で臨み、冒頭で家族や相方、仕事先に対し謝罪。その上で多目的トイレを使った経緯や一連の不倫を巡る複数の女性への思い、自粛期間中の生活や今後の芸能活動について語るとみられる。10本近いテレビレギュラーや3本のCM降板で生じた数億円ともいわれる違約金についても言及するか注目されるが、報道陣から集中砲火を浴びるのは必至だ。 会見を決意したのは、テレビ番組を仕事復帰の第一弾に決めたことが大きい。関係者と話し合った結果、放送の前に深く反省していることを広く世間に知ってもらうことが先決と判断。共演者に余計な心配や迷惑をかけず、必要以上に視聴者を不快にさせないためには、会見が最善の道と考えたという。 復帰番組は当初、収録済みとされる大みそかの日本テレビ系「ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで!」の特番と報じられたが、複数の関係者によると、世間の批判が高まり、周囲も本人も「いきなりお笑いのバラエティーはどうか」と逡巡。その結果、一両日中に収録し、今週末に放送される民放の情報番組で改めて釈明して仕事復帰するとみられている。 2020-12-02 20:04:00Z |
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