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ネット激震の「邪悪」な主人公はこうして生まれた 『連ちゃんパパ』作者・ありま猛インタビュー - ねとらぼ

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:17 AM PDT

ネット激震の「邪悪」な主人公はこうして生まれた 『連ちゃんパパ』作者・ありま猛インタビュー - ねとらぼ



 『連ちゃんパパ』の主人公である日之本 進(ひのもと すすむ)は高校教師。しかし妻である雅子がパチンコで300万円の借金を作り、進と幼い息子の浩司を残して失踪してしまう。浩司とともに雅子を追う進は道中、旅費を稼ぐためにパチンコに手を出し、そのうま味を知ることに。当初は妻を探すために奮闘していた進だったものの、雅子が再び間男と姿を消してからは、半ばヤケ気味にパチンコにのめり込み、気がついたら借金取りの代行のような仕事を開始。息子の浩司もそっちのけで、さまざまな悪事に手を染めることになる。



ありま少年16歳、あだち充の兄に弟子入り! そしてデビューへ……


ありま 僕は昭和29年(1954年)生まれの鹿児島出身なんですが、もともと漫画家になりたかったんですよ。施設の出身なんですけど、当時の施設は15歳になったらところてん式に出されるってのが当たり前でした。だから僕らも次は自分の番だな、仕事しないとなって、小さい時から覚悟はできてたんですよね。


ありま そうですね。どうせ漫画家になるなら東京行かないとってことで、集団就職で車のボルトナットを作る工場に行ったんです。職場はどこでもよかったですから。取りあえずそこに2年くらい勤めました。で、当時の漫画雑誌は、柱(ページ左右端の、コマが描かれていない余白の部分)に作家さんの住所が書いてあったんですよ。


ありま すでに亡くなっていますが、その当時あだち勉さんっていう漫画家がいて、その人が僕が描きたい絵柄で住所も近かったんです。それで仕事の合間に描いた原稿を送りつけていたら、「遊びに来れば?」って言われて、真に受けて訪ねて行ったんです。16くらいの時です。で、このあだち勉さんっていうのは、あだち充さんのお兄さんなんですよ。

――え! あだち充先生って、あのあだち充先生ですか!

ありま そうです。最初は訪ねて行ってもなかなかノックできなくて、ウロウロして。やっとノックしたらガラって戸が開いて、勉先生だと思って「ありまです」って自己紹介したら「兄貴、お客さんだよ!」って言われて。それが充さんだったんですよ(笑)



ありま アシスタントというか、手伝いみたいな感じですね。勉さんとこに行って、「工場で仕事してます」って言ったら「そういうとこで働いて、事故って指がなくなったら漫画が描けなくなるだろ!」って言われたから、もうそれで「じゃあやめます!」って工場辞めちゃったんです(笑)。それで勉さんと充さんと僕の3人で、6畳の部屋で漫画描いてましたね。


ありま それで勉さんの仕事を手伝ってたんだけど、「お前なんか描いてるか?」って聞かれるんです。本当は何にも描いてないけど「描いてます!」って言っちゃって。毎回聞かれるたびに「ネームはできました!」「下書きもできました!」って適当に答えてたら「じゃあ来週には持ってこれるな!」って言われて、慌てて1週間で漫画描いたんです(笑)。それを見せたら勉さんが「おう、これ、ジャンプに見せたら少しはなんかもらえるんじゃない?」って言うから、それでジャンプ賞に出したんですよ。そしたらデビューできた。17歳の時です。


――早いですね! それ以降も勉さんのところで仕事をしていたんですか?

ありま それがですね、勉さんがばくちと女遊びを覚えて、仕事がだんだん滞るようになり、しまいには僕の仕事もなくなっていっちゃったんですよ。それで飲食店でアルバイトをやるようになったんです。そしたら勉さんが、たまたまそこに食べに来たんですよ。「何やってんだお前」っていうから、「いや、仕事ができて、呼ばれるのを待ってんですよ」って言ったら「まだやる気ある?」と聞かれて。「あります!」って答えたら、フジオ・プロに紹介してもらったんです。


ありま そうです。ところが、赤塚さんのアシスタントになる予定が、1週間後に来いって言われてる間に埋まっちゃったんですよ。それで『BARレモンハート』とか『ダメおやじ』の古谷三敏さんのところに来いってことになって。そこに9年くらいいました。途中でちょこちょこと読み切りを描いたことはありますけど、要するに独立前のアシスタント時代ですね。


ありま パチンコを最初にやったのはアシスタント時代ですね。勉さんは赤塚先生の第1チーフだったんですよ。赤塚先生の下に勉さんがいて、僕は横の古谷班で仕事してた。だから何かにつけ「おい、行くぞ!」って勉さんに引きずり回されてたんですよ。



ありま とにかく勉さんはめちゃくちゃな人で。『連ちゃんパパ』について「これ、作者の体験談なんじゃないか」っていう書き込みもありましたけど、正直、進のモデルは勉さんなんです(笑)

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2020-06-14 03:30:00Z

Maharashtra's coronavirus cases cross 1 lakh-mark, Mumbai has 55,451 cases - Dailyaddaa

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:08 AM PDT

Maharashtra: Coronavirus Cases Cross 1 lakh-mark, Mumbai Has 55,451 Cases

New Delhi: Maharashtra is the worst coronavirus hit the state in the country that has crossed one lakh mark after it reported 3,493 cases on Friday.

As per the government data, the death's count reached 3,717 with 127 new additions in the last 24 hours.

So far 47,796 people have been cured of the disease so far, whereas 1,7178 were discharged on Friday. There are 49,616 active cases in the state.

The recovery rate in Maharashtra is now 47.3 percent, whereas the coronavirus mortality rate is 3.7 percent.

There are 75,067 isolation beds available in 1,553 Institutional quarantine facilities said the government said, adding 28,200 have been occupied. So far 5,79,569 have been home-quarantine.

On May 31 Maharashtra has announced its "Mission Begin Again" plan that allowed outdoor activities from 5 am to 7 pm, and shops to reopen between 9 am and 5 pm while maintaining safety guidelines.

Also Read: Government Announces 50% Interest Cut On Delayed Filling Of GST Returns

However, the rising cases have caused concern and soon the rumors of a full lockdown one with all restriction excluding essential services appearing on social media

"The lockdown has not been reimposed. CM Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray has appealed to the people to refrain from crowding. He has earnestly requested them to follow the Govt's instructions and take necessary precautions to stay safe and take care," the Chief Minister's Office tweeted from its official handle.

Maharashtra will begin the trials for remdesivir, a drug that has been touted as a success in the battle against coronavirus. Maharashtra's COVID-19 task force that comprises doctors who look into clinical management and report to CM Uddhav Thackeray had suggested its use to save lives, said the sources.

India has reported over three lakh coronavirus cases. The cases rose 2,903 today to reach 3,00,438

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June 12, 2020 at 08:21AM

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K-pop Super Junior's Yesung reveals that he has dinner less than 5 times a year - CNA

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:04 AM PDT

K-pop Super Junior's Yesung reveals that he has dinner less than 5 times a year - CNA

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  1. K-pop Super Junior's Yesung reveals that he has dinner less than 5 times a year  CNA
  2. Watch: Super Junior-K.R.Y. Sing Each Other's Solo Songs, Talk About Working As A Unit, And More  soompi
  3. Super Junior's Yesung shocks everyone by revealing that he eats dinner less than 5 times a year  allkpop
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2020-06-14 02:06:49Z

"The King: Eternal Monarch" Finale Shows Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun Making A Fate-Defying Reunion - hellokpop

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:04 AM PDT

"The King: Eternal Monarch" Finale Shows Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun Making A Fate-Defying Reunion - hellokpop

The series finale of The King: Eternal Monarch left viewers basking in joy as its star-crossed lovers achieved their happy ending!

The King: Eternal Monarch, came to a close this week with fans bidding a bittersweet farewell to the beloved Lee Gon and Jung Tae Eul. While there were many loose ends to tie up, episode 16 was a satisfying conclusion to a whirlwind of a series.

The King: Eternal Monarch

The King: Eternal Monarch Episode Recaps: 1&23&4567&89&1011&1213, 14&15

Lee Gon & Lee Lim

After deciding to travel back to the night of the coup once more, Lee Gon faces Lee Lim yet again. This time, Lee Gon decides to kill Lee Lim rather than save himself. However, he is accompanied by Jo Yeong who refuses to leave his side–even at the King's orders to kill all of the traitors instead of saving him.

The King: Eternal Monarch

The night of the coup, Lee Gon and Jo Yeong pair up against Lee Lim and his men. Yeong successfully takes care of Lee Lim's henchmen, allowing Lee Gon to follow Lee Lim. Meanwhile, Yeong is able to save the child Lee Gon and stops his bleeding before Lady Noh and the rest of the palace security find him.

Lee Lim initially thinks his coup was successful, escaping the palace with both halves of the magical flute. However, Lee Gon surprises him in the bamboo forest. He reveals himself as the future King and finally beheads Lee Lim for his crimes.

Not only has Lee Gon achieved his revenge for all of Lee Lim's schemes, but by killing him, he has undone all of Lee Lim's actions in the Republic of Korea. This alters the fates of the rest of the characters: Lee Gon and Tae Eul never meet and the doppelgangers never cross into alternate worlds.

Lee Gon & Jung Tae Eul

After taking the other half of the flute from Kang Shin Jae at the end of last week's episodes, Tae Eul brings the present Lee Lim to the halfway world where time does not move. Here, she waits to see if Lee Gon successfully kills Lee Lim in the night of the coup. If nothing happens to the present Lee Lim, she plans to kill him herself.

Luckily, Lee Gon succeeds in killing the past Lee Lim, and the present Lee Lim ends up dying in the halfway world too. Since this reverses all Lee Lim's actions in the Republic, Tae Eul ends up back in her own world. All evidence of her meeting Lee Gon and their relationship disappeared.

However, just as Lee Gon promised her, he embarks on a mission to find Tae Eul. Possessing both halves of the magical flute, he opens the doors to every universe he can in order to find her. Along the way, he encounters Tae Eul in various parallel worlds. She is different in each one, possessing a different name and career than the woman he fell in love with. He continues searching for the universe where Tae Eul exists.

The King: Eternal Monarch

Finally, Lee Gon ends up in Tae Eul's universe. By some miracle, Tae Eul remembers their entire relationship. The two reunite with a kiss and Lee Gon finally confesses his love for her as he did in the dream she had previously.

Though the couple remains living in separate worlds with their own lives and responsibilities, the two decide their fate is with one another. They continue to meet in the bamboo forest and travel to one another's worlds to be together. However, with Lee Gon's magical flute, they are able to travel to different times. In this manner, the couple has fewer worries encountering the alternate versions of themselves.

The series ends by showing the seemingly doomed couple remaining together. They meet every weekend to see one another and live happily travelling across time and space. The drama heartwarmingly shows a glimpse into their future, showing the aged hands of Lee Gon and Tae Eul embracing tightly.

The series finale was a warm ending that showed the couple choosing each other as their fate. After the many difficulties they faced throughout the series run, the drama provided the happy ending viewers were hoping to see.

Jo Eun Seop & Jo Yeong

The fan-favorite duo, Jo Eun Seop and Jo Yeong also achieved their happy endings. Lee Gon visits Eun Seop in the Republic. While Eun Seop cannot remember Lee Gon, the King is happy to see Eun Seop happily working with the National Intelligence Service. Viewers also got to see Eun Seop cutely calling Na Ri, showing the couple successfully ended up together.

In the Kingdom of Corea, Yeong also lives happily. He continues working at Lee Gon's side, and his parents gave birth to twins just as Eun Seop's did. Moreover, the palace security footage reveals him endearingly holding hands with Seung Ah.

Koo Seo Ryeong & Luna

Following Lee Lim's death, the fates of Koo Seo Ryeong and Luna change drastically. The show reveals the two meeting as children when Luna tries to steal money from Seo Ryeong's mother. Kind to the core, Seo Ryeong's mother takes Luna in, giving her food and money.

The show flashes to the future and reveals Seo Ryeong ended up in jail due to tax fraud she committed as an assemblywoman. Luna visits her in jail and viewers see the two have become sisters. Luna now goes by Koo Seo Gyeong after being adopted by Seo Ryeong's mother. Additionally, she became a police officer in the Kingdom of Corea, as Tae Eul did in the Republic.

Kang Shin Jae & Kang Hyeon Min

Kang Shin Jae and Kang Hyeon Min also receive the happy endings they deserved. While travelling through time, Lee Gon saved child Shin Jae from a car accident. As a result, Shin Jae never ends up in a coma. In the present, Shin Jae becomes a wealthy CEO.

Hyeon Min, on the other hand, never travels to the Republic. He remains in the Kingdom and becomes a cop alongside Luna, aka Koo Seo Gyeong. The show teases a romance between the two, as they meet on Seo Gyeong's birthday and exchange playful banter.

The King: Eternal Monarch

In its entirety, the series finale for The King: Eternal Monarch sweetly parted with its ensemble. Providing satisfying, happy endings for all involved, the last moments of the show provided the perfect send-off for the beloved characters.

Image Source: SBS | HWA & DAM PICTURES | Netflix

Video Source: The Swoon Official YouTube Channel

2020-06-13 09:47:24Z

Disgraced actress Jacqueline Wong congratulates ex-boyfriend Kenneth Ma - CNA

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:04 AM PDT

Disgraced actress Jacqueline Wong congratulates ex-boyfriend Kenneth Ma - CNA

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  1. Disgraced actress Jacqueline Wong congratulates ex-boyfriend Kenneth Ma  CNA
  2. Kenneth Ma finds new love in TVB actress Roxanne Tong, Jacqueline Wong responds  AsiaOne
  3. Kenneth Ma Is Dating Roxanne Tong, The TVB Actress Who Replaced His Ex Jacqueline Wong In Forensic Heroes IV  TODAYonline
  4. View Full coverage on Google News

2020-06-14 01:03:00Z

Actress Salma Hayek joins the search effort to find missing solder vanished on Ford Hood army base - Daily Mail

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:48 AM PDT

'Vanessa, I believe you': Actress Salma Hayek supports search for 20-year-old Texas soldier who vanished from Ford Hood army base 'after sergeant sexually harassed her'

  • Mexican-American film actress Salma Hayek has pledged to post pictures of missing soldier Private First Class Vanessa Guillen, 20, on her Instagram 
  • Hayek hopes her support will increase the visibility on the case thanks to her 15-million people following her on Instagram
  • Actress said Guillen had told her mother that a sergeant on the base had been sexually harassing her but when others had reported him they were not believed
  • Guillen was reported missing on April 22nd and so far there has been no sighting
  • At first around 500 Army personnel searched the base for her 
  • Staff at the base claim searches are still being carried out but with fewer staff
  • Guillen's family say they would like an outside investigation to take place conducted by the FBI  

Salma Hayek has joined efforts to try and find a U.S. Army soldier who went missing while on a military base in Texas in April - with the actress claiming the woman had been sexually harassed by a sergeant.

Private First Class Vanessa Guillen, 20, was last spotted in the parking lot at Fort Hood where she is stationed.

It is almost two months since Guillen has been spotted. Her 'car keys, barracks room key, identification card and wallet' were found in the armory room where she had been working on the day she vanished. 

Mexican-American film actress Salma Hayek has pledged to post pictures of missing soldier Private First Class Vanessa Guillen, 20, on her Instagram page until she is found

Mexican-American film actress Salma Hayek has pledged to post pictures of missing soldier Private First Class Vanessa Guillen, 20, on her Instagram page until she is found

Hayek also provided some details as to what might have led to the soldier's disappearance

Hayek also provided some details as to what might have led to the soldier's disappearance 

Hayek is pledging to post a picture of the soldier every single day until she is finally found

Hayek is pledging to post a picture of the soldier every single day until she is finally found

Guillen was reported missing on April 22nd and so far there has been no sighting

Hayek, 53, has now decided to help in the search for Guillen by posting messages on her Instagram page which has 15 million followers. 

Hayek says she intends to post something daily until the soldier is found. 

'Bring back Vanessa… We won't stop until you come back,' she wrote earlier in the week. 

Hayek is pledging to 'put Vanessa's photo on my stories everyday until she is found.' 

She also revealed details as to what may have led to the soldiers disappearance.

'[Vanessa's mother] Gloria, claims that she had complained to her about a sergeant sexually harassing her. When her mother advised her to report him, Vanessa said other women had reported him and they were not believed. 

'Vanessa and Gloria, I believe you,' the actress declared.

So far, her family have held three rallies outside the Fort Hood Army base in order to generate some attention on the case and Hayek's input will also serve to boost the profile. 

Guillen, who is Hispanic, had been wearing a black T-shirt when she went missing.   

She is described as 5ft 2in tall, weighing 126lbs with black hair and brown eyes.   

At first around 500 Army personnel searched the base for her. Billboard were erected nearby

At first around 500 Army personnel searched the base for her. Billboard were erected nearby 

Community groups including immigrant rights organization FIEL in Houston and LULAC, a Latino civil rights organization, have also joined with the family in peaceful demonstrations.

Politicians are also getting involved in the search for her. 

'It's been nearly 50 days since #VanessaGuillen has been seen. My team is committed to the movement to #FindVanessa,' wrote State Sen. Carol Alvarado, D-Texas, on a Facebook post. 

Rep. Sylvia García, D-Texas, tweeted that her 'office is working directly with the family to #FindVanessa.' 

Vanessa Guillen's mother and sister hold photos and signs at vigils for their loved one

Vanessa Guillen's mother and sister hold photos and signs at vigils for their loved one

Communities across Texas, including Houston, have been rallying to show support for the family

Communities across Texas, including Houston, have been rallying to show support for the family

Other people concerned her welfare have continued to come together to support the family

Other people concerned her welfare have continued to come together to support the family

Hayek hopes her support will increase the visibility on this case with her 15-million people followers on Instagram and posted this image of the solider earlier in the week

Hayek hopes her support will increase the visibility on this case with her 15-million people followers on Instagram and posted this image of the solider earlier in the week 

Hayek noted that Guillen's mother claimed she had complained to her about a sergeant sexually harassing her but when other women had reported the abuse, they were not believed
Hayek noted that Guillen's mother claimed she had complained to her about a sergeant sexually harassing her but when other women had reported the abuse, they were not believed

Hayek noted that Guillen's mother claimed she had complained to her about a sergeant sexually harassing her but when other women had reported the abuse, they were not believed

The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command told the family that they launched an 'extensive' search in April. 

'The search continues both on and off Fort Hood by multiple military and civilian law enforcement agencies,' a statement by military officials notes. 

But the family are still unhappy at how things have been progressing and the information they are receiving.  

'This happened inside a federal building and we're still not getting answers,' said Mayra Guillen, Vanessa's older sister, at a press conference on Wednesday.  

Initially, 500 soldiers helped to search the base on foot looking through training areas, barracks and outdoor areas right across the facility. 

The searches are still taking place but with far smaller groups now, according to the Army.

Guillen's family say that are not completely convinced that searches are really still taking place and would like an outside agency such as the FBI to take over the investigation. 

Staff at the base claim searches are still being carried out for Guuillen but with fewer staff

Staff at the base claim searches are still being carried out for Guuillen but with fewer staff

Fort Hood officials and Special Agents from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command are asking for the public's assistance in locating Pfc. Vanessa Guillen, 20

Fort Hood officials and Special Agents from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command are asking for the public's assistance in locating Pfc. Vanessa Guillen, 20

Anyone with information should contact Army CID Special Agents at 254-495-7767 or the Military Police Desk at (254) 287-4001

Anyone with information should contact Army CID Special Agents at 254-495-7767 or the Military Police Desk at (254) 287-4001

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"Actress" - Google News
June 14, 2020 at 12:37AM

Actress Salma Hayek joins the search effort to find missing solder vanished on Ford Hood army base - Daily Mail
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With over 11,000 COVID cases, tally in India rises to 308,993 - ZEE5 News

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:08 AM PDT

New Delhi [India], June 13 (ANI): India's COVID-19 tally on Saturday witnessed its highest-ever spike of 11,458 cases, according to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).
A total of 386 deaths have been reported due to the infection during the last 24 hours.
The total number of coronavirus cases in the country now stands at 3,08,993 including 1,45,779 active cases 1,54,330 cured/discharged/migrated and 8,884 deaths.
COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra continue to soar with the number reaching 101141. Tamil Nadu's coronavirus count stands at 40,698 while cases in Delhi reached 36,824 (ANI)

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June 12, 2020 at 09:55PM

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China reports highest number of new Covid-19 cases in two months - FRANCE 24 English

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:08 AM PDT

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China on Sunday reported 57 new confirmed Covid-19 cases for June 13, the highest since April 13, stoking fears of a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic as curbs are eased around the world.


China's National Health Commission said in a statement that 38 of the new confirmed cases were locally transmitted, with 36 of them in Beijing. This is the highest daily infection count for the Chinese capital since authorities started releasing data.

Beijing recorded a jump in new confirmed cases, up from six a day earlier, after it started doing mass-testing at the Xinfadi market in the city's southwestern Fengtai district.

The district has put itself on a "wartime" footing and the capital banned tourism and sports events on Saturday, sparking fears of a new wave of Covid-19.

Nineteen of the new confirmed cases were so-called imported cases involving travellers from overseas, with 17 of them arriving in Guangdong.

China also reported nine asymptomatic cases, one new suspected case and no new deaths from Covid-19 for June 13.

The total number of Covid-19 cases in mainland China now stands at 83,132, while the death toll remained unchanged at 4,634. China does not count asymptomatic patients, who are infected with the virus but do not display symptoms, as confirmed cases.

Chile's health minister resigns

 At least 429,000 people worldwide have died from the respiratory illness, nearly halfway through a year in which countless lives have already been upended as the pandemic ravages the global economy.

The total number of confirmed cases has doubled to 7.7 million in slightly over a month and the disease is now spreading most rapidly in Latin America, where it is threatening healthcare systems and sparking political turmoil.

Brazil now has the second-highest number of virus deaths after the United States, surpassing Britain's toll, and the Chilean health minister resigned on Saturday amid a furore over the country's true number of fatalities.


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June 13, 2020 at 11:35PM

China reports highest number of new Covid-19 cases in two months - FRANCE 24 English
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ぺこぱ、裏番組出演のため『サンジャポ』途中退席 太田光イジる「まさかのダブルブッキング?」 - ORICON NEWS

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:47 PM PDT

ぺこぱ、裏番組出演のため『サンジャポ』途中退席 太田光イジる「まさかのダブルブッキング?」 - ORICON NEWS

 お笑いコンビ・ぺこぱが14日放送のTBS系『サンデー・ジャポン』(毎週日曜 前10:00〜11:22)に出演。終盤にフジテレビ系『ミライ☆モンスター』(毎週日曜 前11:15〜11:45)に出演するため、番組を途中退席した。



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2020-06-14 02:31:01Z

Sancho moving to the Premier League would bring different opportunities - Southgate - Goal

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:42 PM PDT

England manager Gareth Southgate concedes Jadon Sancho returning to the Premier League would present "different opportunities" for the attacker. 

The Borussia Dortmund star has been strongly linked with interest from Chelsea and Manchester United but any transfer is expected to cost over €100 million ($112m)

Sancho's strong form in the Bundesliga has continued this season with the 20-year-old scoring 17 goals and contributing 17 assists from just 29 league appearances. 

Asked about Sancho's future, Southgate believes the attacker is in a good position to improve whatever he does, noting a return to England could be a beneficial challenge. 

"From a personal point of view, for England, whichever route opens up is positive," Southgate was quoted by Sky Sports

"He'll play at Dortmund, he is well looked after by the staff and they give the right messages. There isn't a downside for us if he stays with Dortmund but if we see him in the Premier League that brings different opportunities to see him in a different environment and how he adapts to that.

"The most important thing is that he keeps playing regularly, at his age that's key to him learning and improving.

"The key is he has to play football. The beauty of him playing at Dortmund is he has played regularly and he has played in a team expected to hit a certain level.

"Champions League football is another bonus and that need to be challenging Bayern Munich all the way.

"The Premier League would provide him with a different challenge, the depth of the league is a bit more intense - in terms of the quality."

Sancho has so far made 11 appearances for Southgate's England side, scoring twice and contributing four assists. 

Article continues below

Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson recently heaped praise upon the young star, stressing the sky's the limit with his skills and attitude. 

"A lot of people are speaking about him. He is a top player, a special player, that in training he has got something different and he's sharp and able to get past players with ease," Henderson told Rio Ferdinand's YouTube channel Five.

"Also he's got a good head on his shoulders, he loves football, wants to improve, listen and learn so if he just continues on that path the sky's the limit for him really."

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June 13, 2020 at 07:30PM

Sancho moving to the Premier League would bring different opportunities - Southgate - Goal
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Mobile community gathers to remember Michael Moore and others killed by law enforcement - NBC 15 WPMI

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:44 PM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Mobile community gathers to remember Michael Moore and others killed by law enforcement  NBC 15 WPMI

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June 13, 2020 at 08:53PM

Mobile community gathers to remember Michael Moore and others killed by law enforcement - NBC 15 WPMI
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Messi claims new La Liga record in Barca win - Goal

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:42 PM PDT

Lionel Messi set another La Liga record on Saturday as Barcelona made a winning return to the pitch. 

The leaders won 4-0 at Real Mallorca in their first match since the campaign was suspended in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Arturo Vidal opened the scoring after just two minutes before Messi set up Martin Braithwaite for his first Barca goal and then Jordi Alba to make the points safe.

Messi then added a fourth in second-half injury time to reach 20 La Liga goals for 2019-20.

The Argentina star is the only player to score 20 or more goals in Spain's top flight in 12 consecutive seasons.

Messi's strong performance against Mallorca also saw his league assist tally this season rise to 14, making him both the top scorer and top assist provider in La Liga this campaign. 

Ahead of Barcelona's return to action, club legend Rivaldo stressed Messi's workload must be managed carefully, though the 32-year-old did end up playing the full 90 minutes on Saturday. 

"Lionel Messi had some physical issues last week, so there's a lot of discussion about whether he play the whole game for Barcelona in their first game back against Mallorca on Saturday," Rivaldo told Betfair.

Article continues below

"Barca are two points head of Real Madrid at the top of the table so the title race is tight. If Barca can pull away, they could rest Messi in a few games.

"If the battle goes to the wire then he might have fewer chances to rest - perhaps only in games which Barca manage to dominate from the first-half - but it will be important for Quique Setien to manage his squad well, as it won't just be Messi that will reach the first game still looking to be 100 per cent fit, after all everyone has stopped and it's not easy to resume on the best form.

"As we know, Messi is always in contention for the 'Pichichi' top scorer award in La Liga and always making the difference in the team, so he wants to be on the pitch all the time and it's difficult for the manager to rotate him. He also fights for the Ballon d'Or every season and that's on his mind regularly, so you can't go to Messi and simply tell him 'take a rest'."

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June 13, 2020 at 04:38PM

Messi claims new La Liga record in Barca win - Goal
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Trump says police chokeholds sound 'innocent' and 'perfect,' but he is open to banning them - CNBC

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:08 PM PDT

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a roundtable discussion with members of the faith community, law enforcement and small business at Gateway Church Dallas Campus in Dallas, Texas, U.S., June 11, 2020.

Jonathan Ernst | Reuters

President Donald Trump downplayed the danger of police chokeholds on Friday even as he suggested he could support banning the practice during a nationwide outcry against brutality. 

In a Fox News interview, the president said that "the concept of chokeholds sounds so innocent and so perfect" in "one-on-one" struggles. He added that it becomes "a bit of a different story" if "it's two-on-one." 

"With that being said, it would be I think a very good thing that, generally speaking, it should be ended," Trump said. Asked at what level of government a ban should take place, he said that "in some cases" the law could come from local officials, but the U.S. government could make "very strong recommendations" about the practice. 

The killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old unarmed Black man who died after police knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes in Minneapolis last month, has sparked more than two weeks of demonstrations calling for officials to address police violence and systemic racism. Floyd's pleas of "I can't breathe" echoed the words of Eric Garner, a Black man killed in New York City when police held him in a banned chokehold in 2014. 

As local and state lawmakers start to prohibit the practice in response to Floyd's death, the federal government will also consider whether to bar chokeholds. Democrats included a ban in sweeping police reform legislation unveiled this week, though it is unclear now if Republicans will back the provision. 

Democrats' bill would make prohibiting chokeholds a condition for receiving federal police funding or grants. 

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has indicated he could support parts of the Democratic bill. It is unclear whether a developing Senate Republican police reform proposal will explicitly bar chokeholds. 

Cities around the country have either proposed or enacted chokehold bans in response to the recent protests. On Friday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill named after Garner that criminalizes the practice, part of a series of reform steps taken by the state government. 

Trump has so far not committed to major police reforms. On Thursday, he said his administration is finalizing an executive order to "encourage" police forces to adopt the most current use-of-force standards. 

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June 12, 2020 at 02:13PM

Trump says police chokeholds sound 'innocent' and 'perfect,' but he is open to banning them - CNBC
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Multiple shot near block party in Mobile's Maysville community - NBC 15 WPMI

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:44 PM PDT

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Multiple shot near block party in Mobile's Maysville community  NBC 15 WPMI

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June 13, 2020 at 07:14PM

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India records biggest single-day jump in coronavirus cases - Midwest Communication

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT


NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India reported its biggest single-day jump in coronavirus cases on Saturday, adding 11,458 confirmed infections and taking the its total count to more than 300,000, according to data from the federal health ministry.

India is the fourth-worst affected country in the world, having surpassed the United Kingdom on Friday, with cases steadily increasingly despite a nationwide lockdown that began in late March and has since been loosened.

Confirmed cases in the worst-hit western state of Maharashtra moved past the 100,000 mark, data showed on Saturday. The national capital New Delhi, where the health system has also been reeling, saw more than 2,000 new cases.

Despite the rising case load, the recovery rate of patients was improving, with more than 147,000 people having been cured, the federal government said on Friday.

India has 145,779 active cases, and has recorded 8,884 deaths.

(Reporting by Devjyot Ghoshal; Editing by Kim Coghill)

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June 12, 2020 at 11:28PM

India records biggest single-day jump in coronavirus cases - Midwest Communication
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Mobile Farmers Market returns for 2020 season - - Adirondack Almanack

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:44 PM PDT

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Mobile Farmers Market returns for 2020 season

The Mobile Farmers Market returns for the 2020 season with community-based stops in Franklin and Clinton counties.

A program of the Joint Council for Economic Opportunity JCEO and the North Country Health Heart Network, the mobile market provides access to fresh fruit and vegetables, baked goods, and a salad bar. The market debuted in 2018 and has since expanded its stops and offerings. In light of COVID-19, this year, the mobile market will be following strict social distancing and health guidelines.

Richard Lavigne, JCEO's food services director had the following to say about the Mobile Market: "It is perhaps more important now than ever to ensure that our communities have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, for those who are at higher risk for COVID-19 infection, bringing the market directly to their communities and helping to limit travel is essential."

The Mobile Market will accept SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and let consumers use farmers market vouchers. The mobile market will also include a Family Fun Challenge, which will be a series of activities that will encourage creativity and educate them on local food programs. To learn more about the challenge, visit the following link:

The schedule for the Mobile Market Bus #1, which will carry veggies, baked goods, and contain a salad bar is as follows:

  • Mondays: Saranac Lake Adult Center, 10 a.m. to noon, Tupper Lake Adult Center, 12:30 to 2 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: Waverly Town Offices, 10 a.m. to noon, Malone Court House, noon to 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: UVM Alice Center Nursing Home, 10 11:15 a.m., UVM Alice Hyde Hospital, 11:15 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Thursdays: Citizen Advocates, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Malone Court House, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Fridays: Malone Chamber of Commerce, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Malone Social Services, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The schedule for Mobile Market Bus #2 is:

  • Mondays: Churubusco/Summit Park, 10 a.m. to noon, Ellenburg Municipal Center, 12:15 2 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: Westville Center, 10 a.m. to noon, Fort Covington/Rainbow Park, noon to 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: Trails of Malone, 10 a.m. to noon, Owls Head, 12:30 to 2 p.m.
  • Thursdays: Catherine St. Housing, 10 11:15 a.m., Elm St. Housing, 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Sawyer St. Housing, 1 to 2 p.m.
  • Fridays: Lyon Mountain, 10 a.m. to noon, Brainardsville, 12:30 to 2 p.m.

Click here for more information.

To see a map of the markets, follow this link:

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June 13, 2020 at 02:22PM

Mobile Farmers Market returns for 2020 season - - Adirondack Almanack
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Messi claims new La Liga record in Barca win -

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:42 PM PDT

Lionel Messi set another La Liga record on Saturday as Barcelona made a winning return to the pitch. 

The leaders won 4-0 at Real Mallorca in their first match since the campaign was suspended in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Arturo Vidal opened the scoring after just two minutes before Messi set up Martin Braithwaite for his first Barca goal and then Jordi Alba to make the points safe.

Article continues below

Messi then added a fourth in second-half injury time to reach 20 La Liga goals for 2019-20.

The Argentina star is the only player to score 20 or more goals in Spain's top flight in 12 consecutive seasons.

Messi's strong performance against Mallorca also saw his league assist tally this season rise to 14, making him both the top scorer and top assist provider in La Liga this campaign. 

Ahead of Barcelona's return to action, club legend Rivaldo stressed Messi's workload must be managed carefully, though the 32-year-old did end up playing the full 90 minutes on Saturday. 

"Lionel Messi had some physical issues last week, so there's a lot of discussion about whether he play the whole game for Barcelona in their first game back against Mallorca on Saturday," Rivaldo told Betfair.

"Barca are two points head of Real Madrid at the top of the table so the title race is tight. If Barca can pull away, they could rest Messi in a few games.

"If the battle goes to the wire then he might have fewer chances to rest - perhaps only in games which Barca manage to dominate from the first-half - but it will be important for Quique Setien to manage his squad well, as it won't just be Messi that will reach the first game still looking to be 100 per cent fit, after all everyone has stopped and it's not easy to resume on the best form.

"As we know, Messi is always in contention for the 'Pichichi' top scorer award in La Liga and always making the difference in the team, so he wants to be on the pitch all the time and it's difficult for the manager to rotate him. He also fights for the Ballon d'Or every season and that's on his mind regularly, so you can't go to Messi and simply tell him 'take a rest'."

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June 13, 2020 at 04:22PM

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ぺこぱにあえて聞いてみた「あと3回出られるM-1。今年もやっぱり挑戦しますか?」 - 文春オンライン

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:16 PM PDT

ぺこぱにあえて聞いてみた「あと3回出られるM-1。今年もやっぱり挑戦しますか?」 - 文春オンライン


 最終決戦の「高齢化社会」のネタもウケたぺこぱ。3位に終わったものの、大会後は仕事が殺到、一気に"売れた"。そんな2人あえて聞いてみた。今年もM-1出ますか? (全4回最終回/#1#2#3へ)





松陰寺 僕らのネタは変化球なので、2球連続はさすがに通用しないかなと思ったんですけど、いい意味で裏切られましたね。


松陰寺 そうそう。「ファ、フィ、フ、フェ、フォ」の発音もちょっと多めにして。


松陰寺 もうどうせなら過剰なぐらい使っちゃえ、って。

最終決戦では「高齢化社会」のネタで勝負した ©M-1グランプリ事務局


シュウペイ そうですね。わかりましたね。


松陰寺 あれ、正直、1人ぐらい自分たちに入れてくれるかなと思ってたんですよ。


松陰寺 1本目も含めて、優勝はミルクボーイさんだろうなとは思っていたんです。でも、1人くらいいるかなと思っていたので、誰も出なかったか……と思って。


シュウペイ 僕も1票も入ってなかったのは悔しかったです。あそこまで来たら優勝したかったので。ぶっちゃけ、泣きそうでした。それぐらいくやしかったです、ほんとは。



シュウペイ くそ! と思ってました。


シュウペイ まあ、でも最高に楽しめたので。


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2020-06-14 02:00:00Z

「相方にもう少し言葉あるんじゃないか」松本人志 - ニッカンスポーツ

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:16 PM PDT

「相方にもう少し言葉あるんじゃないか」松本人志 - ニッカンスポーツ



松本は、渡部が発表した謝罪コメントに、相方の児嶋に関する言及がなかったことについて触れ「この人はピン芸人じゃないわけですから、これから事故処理をしなきゃいけないのは全部、相方なんです! まずは相方に謝ってほしい。嫁に申し訳ないと言うと世間に許してもらえる…という、そこまで考えてないかもしれんけど、奥さんより長い人生一緒にやってきたわけですから、相方にもう少し言葉あるんじゃないか」と話した。



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2020-06-14 01:43:53Z

Atlanta protesters block interstate, set fire to cars at fast-food restaurant where police killed black man - CNN

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT

The protesters surrounded the Wendy's where 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks was shot and then made their way to nearby Interstate 75/85, bringing the major thoroughfare to a standstill.
The Wendy's where Brooks lost his life was in flames Saturday night, and a crowd also set fire to automobiles near the fast-food restaurant. Earlier in the day, police used tear gas and a flash bang to try to clear the crowd there.
The chaos came after Atlanta's police chief stepped down and the mayor called for the officer who shot Brooks to be fired.
Brooks was shot in the Wendy's parking lot Friday night after he scuffled with officers and ran away with one of their stun guns, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Rayshard Brooks, 27, was shot and killed by an Atlanta police officer Friday night.
The incident began with a call to police at 10:33 p.m. Friday about a man sleeping in a parked vehicle in the restaurant's drive-thru lane, causing other customers to drive around it, the GBI said in a statement.
Police gave Brooks a field sobriety test, which he failed, the GBI said. He resisted arrest and struggled with officers, the GBI said.
GBI Director Vic Reynolds said Saturday that his department obtained surveillance video of the incident from Wendy's and reviewed video that witnesses posted on social media.
CNN obtained two videos of the incident, including surveillance video from Wendy's released by the GBI. The other video was provided by an eyewitness who CNN is not naming because they requested anonymity due to privacy concerns.
Former Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields.
The video from the eyewitness begins in the middle of the struggle between Brooks and two police officers. In the video, an officer is heard telling Brooks to "stop fighting" and "hands off the taser."
The eyewitness told CNN that by the time they arrived on the scene, Brooks' car was parked in a parking spot.
"The fight started when they tried to make an arrest ... after that he took a taser and took off," the witness said.
As the scuffle broke up, the video shows Brooks beginning to run from the officers and he is seen holding what appears to be a stun gun in his right hand. It appears one of the officers fires their stun gun at Brooks three times as he runs away.
Witnesses told GBI investigators that Brooks had one of the officer's stun guns.
Shortly after Brooks and one of the officers run by the car of the eyewitness taking the video, a second officer runs by, following Brooks.
Three shots are then heard out of frame.
Atlanta mayor trying to strike 'tough balance' between criticizing police and supporting well-intentioned ones amid protests
The Wendy's surveillance video doesn't show the scuffle, but shows Brooks running away from where police cars are parked. In that video, Brooks appears to point the stun gun at the Atlanta officer.
"At that point the Atlanta officer reaches down and retrieves his weapon from his holster, discharges it, strikes Mr. Brooks there on the parking lot and he goes down," Reynolds, the GBI director, said in a press conference on Saturday.
The eyewitness is heard saying in additional video obtained by CNN that Brooks was still breathing as he lay on the ground.
Brooks was taken to a hospital, where he died, the statement said. One officer was treated for an injury and released, the GBI said.

Mayor criticizes officer

At a news conference Saturday, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms criticized the officer who shot Brooks, saying, "There is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do."
"I do not believe this was a justified use of deadly force," Bottoms said
Bottoms said it was APD Chief Erika Shields' decision to step aside and she will remain with the city in an undetermined role.
In a statement, Shields said she's stepping down "out of a deep and abiding love for this City and this department."
Interim Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant
"APD has my full support, and Mayor Bottoms has my support on the future direction of this department. I have faith in the Mayor, and it is time for the city to move forward and build trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve," Shields said.
Rodney Bryant, the current head of the city's corrections department, will serve as the city's interim police chief.

Protesters block Atlanta's interstate

Brooks' killing comes during global protests and discussion of racism and police use of force following the death of George Floyd last month in custody in Minneapolis. Atlanta has seen frequent protests, including some that turned violent.
Protestors block University Avenue near the Wendy's restaurant in Atlanta on Saturday, June 13, 2020, where Rayshard Brooks, a 27-year-old black man, was shot and killed by Atlanta police Friday evening during a struggle in the restaurant's parking lot.
Six Atlanta police officers are facing charges of using excessive force related to the arrest of two college students at a protest late last month.
The officers were filmed in downtown Atlanta breaking windows of a vehicle, yanking a woman out of the car and using a stun gun on a man. The two victims were later identified as college students at Spelman and Morehouse, both historically black universities in Atlanta. They were on their way home from picking up food when they got caught in traffic downtown caused by a protest of police violence against black citizens.
Protesters returned to the streets Saturday night, gathering in the area around the Wendy's where Brooks was killed.
Protesters gather near scene of Rayshard Brooks' death.
As protesters began to vandalize the Wendy's where Brooks was killed, Atlanta police used tear gas on the crowd. A flash bang was heard as police worked to clear people from the area. CNN's Natasha Chen and two photographers were harassed outside the Wendy's building where Brooks was killed. A CNN camera was broken.
Around 9:30 p.m., protesters headed toward I-75/85, a busy interstate nearby. Police and protesters were at a standoff as officers tried clear the road. Protesters and police blocked the interstate, impacting traffic for miles.
Windows at the Wendy's were smashed and smoke could be seen coming from the building.

'I thought Atlanta was higher than that'

At the Wendy's in southeast Atlanta, Decatur Redd, who said he is a relative of Brooks, spoke with reporters and a crowd of people.
"I don't know how to do this because I never knew that I was going to have to do this," Redd said. "I've watched this on the internet, from the whole George Floyd situation to us coming together like we're doing and this whole thing landed on my doorstep with my little cousin.
Decatur Redd, a cousin of Rayshard Brooks, speaks to the media in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 13.
"I thought Atlanta was higher than that. I thought Atlanta was bigger than that," Redd said.
"We've been watching this happen for so many years, with young black boys around the country just dying in vain," Redd said. "I just don't want that to continue and keep happening like that."
Attorneys L. Chris Stewart and Justin Miller are representing Brooks' family. They said he was a father of three daughters and a stepson.
Rayshard Brooks pictured with his three daughters and their mother.
Stewart said Brooks' family is heartbroken over his death and he had a "ton of brothers and sisters that love him more than life."
Brooks spent time with one of his daughters Friday, taking her to get her nails done for her birthday, Stewart said, adding he was planning to take her skating Saturday and she was waiting for him to pick her up.
The girl doesn't yet understand what happened to her father, Stewart told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "She thought he was going to show up at any moment."
Stewart said witnesses to the shooting he talked to described Brooks as having a calm conversation with the officers before they tried to arrest him. "He wasn't doing anything violent or crazy," Stewart said.
Police have argued in the past that a stun gun is not a deadly weapon, so there was no reason to use deadly force against Brooks, who was running away, Stewart said.
"I have cases where officers used tasers on victims and they argue with us in court that tasers aren't deadly," Stewart said. "You cannot have it both ways."
Stewart pointed out that police had Brooks' ID and his address, asserting they could have easily tracked him down.
Stewart also said the surveillance video shows officers waited 2 minutes and 16 seconds to begin providing aid to Brooks.
Stewart called for more police training and an emphasis on community policing, with officers living in the area where they work.
"Police officers are the only job in this country where they can take your life, liberty and freedom," Stewart said. "It's the most powerful job in the country."
Former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams called for restricting the use of deadly force in a post on Twitter.
"The killing of #RayshardBrooks in Atlanta last night demands we severely restrict the use of deadly force. Yes, investigations must be called for - but so too should accountability," Abrams wrote. "Sleeping in a drive-thru must not end in death."

District attorney investigating

The GBI is investigating at the request of the APD. Once completed, the case will be turned over to prosecutors for review.
Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard issued a statement Saturday afternoon.
"My office has already launched an intense, independent investigation of the incident," Howard said. "Members of the Fulton County District Attorney's Office were on scene shortly after the shooting, and we have been in investigative sessions ever since to identify all of the facts and circumstances surrounding this incident."
CNN affiliate WSB reports this is the 48th police shooting the GBI has investigated in 2020.

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June 13, 2020 at 07:57PM

Atlanta protesters block interstate, set fire to cars at fast-food restaurant where police killed black man - CNN
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Beijing closes food market and goes into 'wartime emergency mode' after more COVID-19 cases - Sky News Australia

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT

A district of Beijing is in a "wartime emergency" with tourism banned in the Chinese capital after a spike in coronavirus cases centred around a food market has sparked fears of a fresh outbreak. The move comes amid mounting concern over a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eleven neighbourhoods around the wholesale market in the city's southwestern Fengtai district have gone into lockdown, where an official said it was in "wartime emergency mode". The cluster was detected after throat swabs from 45 people, out of 517 tested at the district's Xinfadi market, proved positive for coronavirus, although none of them showed symptoms of COVID-19, according to the authorities. Officials have said more than 10,000 people at the market will be tested, and the premises disinfected. Image: Getty

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June 13, 2020 at 07:56PM

Beijing closes food market and goes into 'wartime emergency mode' after more COVID-19 cases - Sky News Australia
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Music on the Move, mobile concert series - 1011now

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:44 PM PDT

LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) - The Lied's MUSIC ON THE MOVE is a mobile summer concert series bringing the music to you on a bicycle-powered stage. We'll be in a new Lincoln neighborhood each Saturday from 6:30-8:30pm, traveling the streets and inviting you to dance on your balcony, porch, or front yard while local artists perform live. It all kicks off Saturday, June 13th in the East Campus neighborhood, featuring live music with musician Orion Walsh. Visit for a list of artists and to see when we'll be cruising by your house!

MUSIC ON THE MOVE is presented by the Lied Center for Performing Arts and Red Rebel Media as part of our commitment to continue providing arts and entertainment to the community, even when we can't gather. Through Music on the Move, Lied Live Online, and our online arts education programs, we're finding innovative new ways to serve Nebraska.

Artist and neighborhood schedule:

All concerts are 6:30-8:30pm

June 13, 2020- Orion Walsh

East Campus (Starting at 35th & Holdredge St.)

June 20, 2020- Angie Kriz & PolkaToons

Eastridge (Starting at Eastridge Dr. & O St.)

June 27, 2020- Big Red Brass Quartet

Williamsburg (Starting at 38th St. & Pine Lake Rd.)

July 4, 2020- No Show

July 11, 2020- Mike Semrad of The Bottle Tops

Northern Lights (Starting at 80th & Holdredge St.)

July 18, 2020- Edem Soul Music

Near South (Starting at 20th & D St.)

July 25, 2020- Myles Jasnowski & Jack Rodenburg

Indian Village (Starting at 18th & Van Dorn St)

About the Lied Center for Performing Arts

The Lied Center is Nebraska's Home for the Arts. Located at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Lied presents the world's most iconic artists and major regional, national and international performances that entertain and inspire audiences. We offer something for everyone, including the best of Broadway, symphony orchestras, dance, music, theater and family programs. Artists at the Lied have ranged from Itzhak Perlman and Wynton Marsalis to the American Ballet Theatre and St. Louis Symphony. The Lied also is committed to educational outreach: Nearly 100% of visiting artists work with students in the days leading up to their performance. Visit us at

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June 13, 2020 at 06:30PM

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松本人志、不倫渡部のフォロー「俺が4人いないと」 - ニッカンスポーツ

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT

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2020-06-14 01:23:20Z

Maharashtra Coronavirus cases cross 1 lakh mark, Mumbai alone records 55,000 cases - OpIndia

Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:08 PM PDT

The coronavirus pandemic has shown no signs of a slowdown in Maharashtra as the total coronavirus cases in the state has now crossed the 1 lakh mark on Friday as the total tally stood at 1,01,141 after 3,493 fresh cases were reported.

According to the reports, with a total of over 1 lakh cases and 3,717 deaths, Maharashtra contributes one-third of the total cases in India. The capital city of the state – Mumbai alone accounts 52,667 cases and 2,044 deaths. The coronavirus cases in Dharavi, Asia's largest slum located in Mumbai, crossed 2,000-mark.

Out of these total cases 47,793 patients have recovered till date, however, active cases are at 49,616.

The Maharashtra Police have also reported 129 new coronavirus cases taking the total number of positive cases to 3,388. So far, 36 policemen have died due to the deadly virus disease, while 1,945 Maharashtra policemen have recovered from the pandemic.

The total Coronavirus cases in the country has also crossed the 3 lakh mark. According to latest health ministry data, 3,08,993 persons have tested positive for Coronavirus so far. Among them, 1,54,330 people have recovered and 8,884 succumbed to the infection.

Maharashtra Minister tests positive

Meanwhile, Maharashtra Social Justice Minister Dhananjay Munde has tested positive for coronavirus. However, his condition is stable as he is asymptomatic.

He is the third minister in Maharashtra to contract the virus. Jitendra Awhad of the NCP and senior Congress leader Ashok Chavan had earlier tested positive earlier and both recovered from the infection.

Earlier this week, Munde had attended a state cabinet meeting and had also taken part in the NCP's foundation day event two days ago in Mumbai.

Public Health Minister Rajesh Tope has added that social distancing was observed on both the occasions and if anyone develops symptoms, the person will be tested as per the Indian Council of Medical Research's guidelines.

The Minister also added that Munde's private staff including the cook, drivers and personal assistant contracted coronavirus before him.

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