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- Trump intentionally downplayed Covid-19 despite knowing dangers, says new book - FRANCE 24 English
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Trump intentionally downplayed Covid-19 despite knowing dangers, says new book - FRANCE 24 English Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:08 AM PDT Issued on: President Donald Trump talked privately about the severity of the coronavirus threat even as he was telling the nation the virus was no worse than the seasonal flu and insisting the government had it totally under control, according to a new book by journalist Bob Woodward. Advertising "You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed," Trump said in a Feb. 7 call with Woodward. "And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus." "This is deadly stuff," the president repeated for emphasis. His comments were recorded by Woodward, and audio has been released. For the White House, the book serves as an unwelcome return to a focus on Trump's handling of the pandemic just as he is trying to project that the virus is under control and as he is eager to see a return to normal activity leading up to the Nov. 3 presidential election. Trump told Woodward on March 19 that he deliberately minimized the danger. "I wanted to always play it down," the president said. "I still like playing it down because I don't want to create a panic." Trump to Bob Woodward on Covid-19: 'I wanted to always play it down' Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said the book shows Trump "lied to the American people." He knowingly and willingly lied about the threat it posed to the country for months." "While a deadly disease ripped through our nation, he failed to do his job — on purpose. It was a life or death betrayal of the American people." "He had the information," Biden said during a campaign event in Michigan. "He knew how dangerous it was."
Trump addressed questions about downplaying the pandemic threat at the White House. "The fact is I'm a cheerleader for this country. I love our country and I don't want people to be frightened. I don't want to create panic, as you say," Trump told reporters. "Certainly, I'm not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy. We want to show confidence. We want to show strength." The Washington Post, where Woodward serves as associate editor, reported excerpts of the book, "Rage" on Wednesday, as did CNN. The book also covers race relations, diplomacy with North Korea and a range of other issues that have arisen during the past two years. The book is based in part on 18 interviews that Woodward conducted with Trump between December and July. "Trump never did seem willing to fully mobilize the federal government and continually seemed to push problems off on the states," Woodward writes of the pandemic. "There was no real management theory of the case or how to organize a massive enterprise to deal with one of the most complex emergencies the United States had ever faced." White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the president's words to the public were designed to express confidence and calm at a time of major challenges. "The president has never lied to the American public on Covid. The president was expressing calm, and his actions reflect that," McEnany said. She said Trump's actions reflect that he took Covid-19 seriously. She noted that the president put in place travel restrictions with China on Jan. 31 and said that some Democrats had criticized the move. McEnany said "the president never downplayed the virus." But Trump himself told Woodward that he was "playing it down because I don't want to create a panic." At times, Trump's public comments suggested he was less interested in keeping people calm than in having them ignore the reality of the coming storm. "I think the virus is going to be — it's going to be fine," Trump said on Feb. 10 — three days after telling Woodward privately it was "deadly stuff" and more dangerous than the seasonal flu. Trump aides and allies said at the time said Trump was aiming to prop up the economy with his rosy take on the virus throughout February, even as his administration took few concrete steps to prepare for the coming pandemic. Trump wanted to 'play down' Covid-19 despite knowing dangers, says new book "There is damning truth that President Trump lied and people died," said Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York. Schumer said that when he thinks about how many people in his state died, "It just makes me angry." He added: "How many people would be alive today if he just told Americans the truth?" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the president's comments to Woodward showed weakness and a disdain for science. "What he was actually saying is, 'I don't want anybody to think anything like this happened on my watch so I'm not going to call any more attention to it,'" Pelosi said on MSNBC. Woodward's book is his second on the Trump White House. The first, published in 2018, portrayed Trump in an unflattering light, and the president fumed at staff that he was not interviewed for it, according to former White House officials and Republicans close to the White House. They were not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations and discussed the matter on condition of anonymity. Trump was convinced that if he had talked to Woodward, it could have led to a more favorable depiction in the book, according to the officials. Trump had always held Woodward in high regard — he considered the journalist as the biggest star in the field — and told aides that he insisted on being interviewed if Woodward were to write again, the officials said. Several Republican senators at the Capitol declined to comment on the new book, telling reporters they hadn't yet read it, even when informed of key passages about the virus. "I just can't, can't comment on it," Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio. "Could we all have done things differently? Yes, including Congress. We were all a little slow to recognize the severity," Portman added. (AP) Top stories - Google News September 09, 2020 at 03:44PM Trump intentionally downplayed Covid-19 despite knowing dangers, says new book - FRANCE 24 English Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:08 AM PDT Donald Trump blasts Biden for also downplaying COVID in February, maintains that he didn't want to 'jump around and scare people' by revealing the virus was 'deadly stuff' and calls Bob Woodward's book a 'hit job'
Donald Trump has accused Joe Biden of not taking COVID-19 seriously in February, telling Fox News that he himself was determined to 'show calmness' and not be 'jumping up and down and scaring people'. Speaking to Sean Hannity on Wednesday night, by telephone from the White House, the president insisted that he had saved the country from the worst ravages of the coronavirus. He said Biden's team were publicly saying 'no problem'. 'If you look at the representatives of Joe Biden, you see what they were saying,' Trump said. 'They were saying 'no problem', 'this won't be a problem.' 'He didn't think it was going to be a problem until months later. He was way late.' ![]() Donald Trump spoke by phone to Sean Hannity on Fox News on Wednesday night ![]() The president said Biden, pictured on Wednesday, had downplayed the virus The president also mentioned Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House, touring San Francisco's Chintown in late February in an apparent bid to ease fears about the virus. 'Nobody wanted me to do the ban on China, and as you know, shortly thereafter, I instituted a ban on Europe, and that was even more controversial, and it was good, because I saw what was going on in Italy and in Spain and in France, and we did a ban there,' Trump said. 'And if we didn't do those bans, we would have had numbers that were much, much worse.' Trump has been accused in a new book by Bob Woodward of deliberately downplaying the threat of the virus, with devastating consequences. He told Hannity that that was part of a strategy to avoid panic. 'We've had flu years when we lost 70, 80, 90,000 people - people don't realize that,' he said. 'We could have lost 2 million, 2.5 million, if we did it a different way. 'But what I want to show is calmness. 'I'm the leader of the country. I don't want to be jumping up and down and scaring people. I don't want to scare people. I want people not to panic. And that's what I did.' ![]() Hannity played a clip of Biden saying that 'it was not time to panic about coronavirus' ![]() Sean Hannity spoke to Donald Trump on Wednesday night on Fox News The president's day was dominated by the fallout from the leaks of Woodward's book, Rage - a sequel to his first book on Trump, Fear, published in 2018. Asked by Hannity why he agreed to sit for 18 interviews with the famed Watergate reporter, Trump said he thought he'd 'give it a shot'. 'He called,' Trump explained. 'I didn't participate in his last one, and he does hit jobs with everybody. He even did it on Obama. 'So, I figured you know let's just give it a little shot. I'll speak to him, wasn't a big deal.' The president said he was unlikely to read the book, insisting he'd be too busy. 'I don't know if the book is good or bad. I have no idea,' he said. 'Probably - almost definitely won't read it, because I don't have time to read it. 'But I gave it a little bit of a shot. Sounds like it's not going to be good.' ![]() Trump, pictured on Wednesday, told Hannity that he was unlikely to read Woodward's book Earlier on Wednesday, Trump admitted he downplayed the threat of the coronavirus in order not to cause panic after excerpts from the book were published. Woodward writes that Trump knew how deadly the pandemic could be even as he said it would go away. 'I'm a cheerleader for this country. I love this country. I don't want people to be frightened. I don't want to create panic,' he told reporters at the White House. 'Certainly I'm not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy. We want to show confidence. We want to show strength, we want to show strength as a nation. That's what I've done,' he added 'Leadership is about confidence. Confidence is confidence in our country,' he noted. In recorded interviews that were revealed Wednesday afternoon, Trump – who regularly speaks of his disdain for much of the 'fake news' media – spoke liberally with Woodward about his inner-thoughts on the virus and private conversations with Kim Jong-un – despite having called an earlier Woodward book a 'con on the public.' 'This is deadly stuff,' the president told the veteran reporter, who has interviewed U.S. presidents going back to Nixon. ![]() President Donald Trump admitted he downplayed the threat of the coronavirus in order not to cause panic Trump didn't deny the comments - he has previously blasted stories he doesn't like as 'fake news' - but offered an explanation instead. 'We don't want to instill panic. We don't want to jump up and down and start shouting that we have a problem that is a tremendous problem, scare everybody,' the president explained when asked about the discrepancy between the remarks he made to Woodward and the remarks he made in public at the time. And when asked by how the American people could trust what he says going forward, Trump said: 'It's a big part of trust. We have to have leadership, show leadership. The last thing you want to do is create a panic.' He said repeatedly his public statements in February downplaying the threat of the coronavirus, which has taken 200,000 American lives to date and counting, was to avoid causing chaos and confusion. 'We don't want to have to show panic. We're not going to show panic. That's what I did,' he said. And he called the book - the latest in a series of books painting his administration in a poor light 'another political hit job.' 'Whether it was Woodward or anybody else, you cannot show a sense of panic or you're going to have bigger problems,' the president said. The president shared his stark assessment with Woodward in recorded phone interviews in February, as the virus was spreading from China to other parts of the world. 'You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed,' Trump told him in a Feb. 7 call. 'And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.' Trump had been briefed on the virus in the Oval Office Jan. 28th, as Washington Post excerpts describe. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien warned him: 'This will be the biggest national security threat you face in your presidency,' according to Woodward. O'Brien's deputy, Matthew Pottinger, warned the threat was akin to the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed 50 million worldwide. Trump's head 'popped up,' at the 'jarring' warning. But in public it was an entirely different story. After the briefing he was he was telling the nation the virus is 'going to disappear' and would 'all work out fine.' Trump told the nation Jan. 30: 'We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully.' He told the nation Feb. 2: 'Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China.' Feb. 7 – the date of the Woodward call – is the same date Trump tweeted about China's president: 'Nothing is easy, but [Chinese President Xi Jinping] … will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone.' Trump continued: 'Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!' Trump then told Woodward in a March 19 interview explaining his comments: 'I wanted to always play it down.' 'I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic,' he said. ![]() Bob Woodward interviewed the president as the virus was raging ![]() Don't panic: This was the scene inside a makeshift morgue outside Wyckoff Hospital a in the Brooklyn borough of New York on April 4, 2020. ![]() Trump spoke to Woodward about his conversations with China's President Xi Jinping as the pandemic unfolded 18 INTERVIEWS WITH DONALD TRUMP - HOW 'BIGGEST STAR' WOODWARD GOT HIS SCOOP Woodward conducted 18 interviews with Trump between December and July, according to the Post. As in his prior work, he relies on anonymous sourcing and 'deep background' information. Trump was convinced that if he had talked to Woodward, it could have led to a more favorable depiction in the book, according to the officials. Trump had always held Woodward in high regard - he considered the journalist as the biggest star in the field - and told aides that he insisted on being interviewed if Woodward were to write again, the officials said. 'Trump never did seem willing to fully mobilize the federal government and continually seemed to push problems off on the states,' Woodward writes in the book, which follows exposes on the internal workings of administrations for decades. 'There was no real management theory of the case or how to organize a massive enterprise to deal with one of the most complex emergencies the United States had ever faced.' The nation's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, turned in a harsh review of Trump's actions in private – even as he tries to temper comments in public. Woodward quotes Fauci calling Trump 'rudderless' and saying his 'attention span is like a minus number.' 'His sole purpose is to get reelected,' Fauci told an associate, according to the book. 'IT'S NOT MY FAULT.' TRUMP'S FINAL WORDS TO WOODWARD - WHO HE'S NOW BLASTING FOR A 'HIT JOB' Trump, who has taken to calling COVID-19 the 'China virus' did not appear to share any more personal regrets with Woodward than he does in public. 'The virus has nothing to do with me. It's not my fault,' he told Woodward July 21. At the White House, where a scheduled briefing was delayed by an hour amid the release of excerpts, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany brushed aside repeated questions about how Trump could share grave warnings with Woodward while publicly saying the virus would go away. 'The president was expressing calm. The president was hopeful that we would be able to manage this and handle it in a way that we can make it go away as quickly as possible. The president rose to the occasion and did just that,' she said. She also referenced the financial markets. 'He took this seriously but he still expressed calm. Our food supply chains were at risk. We could not have mass runs on grocery stores. The markets - Also the economy was in play here. We didn't want there to be a huge crash and panic,' she said.
'DANGEROUS' AND DID PUTIN HAVE SOMETHING ON HIM? DEVASTATING VERDICTS OF MATTIS AND COATS Former Defense Secretary James Mattis once heard President Donald Trump disparaging top military brass, as he and other national security professionals had deep-seated concerns about the president, according to Bob Woodward's new book. Mattis heard Trump say in a meeting, 'my f***ing generals are a bunch of pussies,' because the military leaders cared more about alliances than trade deals, the book gave as the president's reasoning. Mattis, who quit the administration in December 2018 after Trump decided to pull U.S. troops out of Syria, talked to Woodward and called Trump 'dangerous,' 'unfit' and said he had 'no moral compass,' according to excerpts obtained by CNN. ![]() Former Defense Secretary James Mattis overheard the comment and also told Woodward he believed Trump was 'dangerous,' 'unfit' and said he had 'no moral compass' ![]() Former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats 'continued to harbor the secret belief, one that had grown rather than lessened, although unsupported by intelligence proof, that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin had something on Trump,' the book said He said he quit 'when I was basically directed to do something that I thought went beyond stupid to felony stupid.' Mattis also believed Trump's actions on the global stage gave adversaries a playbook on 'how to destroy America.' After he left the administration, he and Dan Coats, the former director of national intelligence, discussed whether they should take 'collective action' and come out publicly against Trump. Coats 'continued to harbor the secret belief, one that had grown rather than lessened, although unsupported by intelligence proof, that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin had something on Trump,' Woodward wrote. 'How else to explain the president's behavior? Coats could see no other explanation,' the famed Watergate journalist continued. Coats and his staff members had 'examined the intelligence as carefully as possible' and the DNI still had questions about Trump and Putin's relationship. ' 'Coats saw how extraordinary it was for the president's top intelligence official to harbor such deep suspicions about the president's relationship with Putin,' Woodward said. 'But he could not shake them.' CNN and then The Washington Post posted excerpts Wednesday, minutes before White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was due to brief the press - a briefing that was delayed. It will be difficult for the White House to refute sections of the book. Woodward taped his interviews with Trump, with some audio clips included on CNN's webpage. He also talked to a number of high-profile ex-officials on-the-record, like Mattis. The 'bunch of pussies' quote was documented in real time thanks to Mattis, who asked an aide to put it in an email to him. Trump criticized military officials in an interview with Woodward too. 'I wouldn't say they were stupid, because I would never say that about our military people,' Trump said. But he went on to complain about U.S. alliances with NATO and South Korea. 'But if they said that, they - whoever said that was stupid. It's a horrible bargain ... they make so much money. Costs us $10 billion. We're suckers,' Trump told the journalist. Trump has been under fire for nearly a week for comments he reportedly made about America war dead as documented in an explosive article in The Atlantic, calling them 'losers' and 'suckers.' He dug the hole deeper by then suggesting Monday that Pentagon brass send soldiers to war because they want to appease defense companies. Trump suggested that while soldiers are pleased with him, 'the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't, because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.' On Tuesday, the Army's most senior official rejected that notion - while also claiming that he wasn't responding directly to the president's comments. 'I can assure the American people that the senior leaders would only recommend sending our troops to combat when it's required for national security and a last resort,' Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville told Defense One. 'We take this very, very seriously how we make our recommendations.' McConville also pointed out that a number of top commanders have children who are serving in the military. WHY I KEPT THE TRUMP TAPES SECRET UNTIL NOW BY BOB WOODWARD Woodward, facing widespread criticism for only now revealing President Donald Trump's early concerns about the severity of the coronavirus, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he needed time to be sure that Trump's private comments from February were accurate. 'He tells me this, and I'm thinking, `Wow, that's interesting, but is it true?' Trump says things that don't check out, right?' Woodward told the AP during a telephone interview. Using a famous phrase from the Watergate era, when Woodward's reporting for the Post helped lead to President Richard Nixon's resignation, Woodward said his mission was to determine, 'What did he know and when did he know it?' On Twitter and elsewhere online, commentators accused Woodward of valuing book sales over public health. 'Nearly 200,000 Americans have died because neither Donald Trump nor Bob Woodward wanted to risk anything substantial to keep the country informed,' wrote Esquire's Charles P. Pierce. The issue of daily journalists presenting newsworthy information in books isn't new. The competition for attention is intense, and headlines help boost sales and guest shots for interviews. Reporter Michael S. Schmidt of The New York Times recently attracted attention for his book, 'Donald Trump v. The United States,' by reporting new details on an unannounced visit by Trump to Walter Reed military hospital in November 2019. Schmidt reported that Vice President Mike Pence was put on alert that he might have to briefly assume the powers of the presidency if the president had to undergo a procedure that required anesthesia. Pence later said he didn't recall being put on standby for the Reed visit, which the White House has said was part of the president´s routine annual physical. But Schmidt´s book renewed speculation about Trump's health. Political figures with book deals also have been chastised for holding back timely material. Former national security adviser John Bolton, whose scathing memoir 'The Room Where It Happened' came out in June, declined discussing Trump's actions towards Ukraine while the impeachment hearings were being held earlier this year. Woodward's book, which comes out next week, draws from 18 conversations with Trump between December and July. During his AP interview, Woodward said Trump called him 'out of the blue' in early February to 'unburden himself' about the virus, which then had few cases in the U.S. But Woodward said that only in May was he satisfied that Trump's comments were based on reliable information and that by then the virus had spread nationwide. 'If I had done the story at that time about what he knew in February, that's not telling us anything we didn't know,' Woodward said. At that point, he said, the issue was no longer one of public health but of politics. His priority became getting the story out before the election in November. 'That was the demarcation line for me,' he said. 'Had I decided that my book was coming out on Christmas, the end of this year, that would have been unthinkable.' Asked why he didn't share Trump's February remarks for a fellow Post reporter to pursue, Woodward said he had developed 'some pretty important sources' on his own. 'Could I have brought others in? Could they have done things I couldn't do?' he asked. 'I was on the trail, and I was (still) on the trail when it (the virus) exploded.' LOVE LETTERS TO 'BEYOND SMART' KIM, THE HAPPY UNCLE KILLER North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un gushed to President Trump in a private letter that meeting him was 'reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy film,' it was revealed Wednesday. Kim referred to Trump in letters as 'your excellency' – an exalted term usually favored by royalty,' according to Bob Woodward's new book, 'Rage,' which includes portions of what Kim wrote to Trump. Trump has referred to writings exchanged by the two men as 'love letters,' but has refused to disclose them, even while teasing their contents to the press. In one letter excerpted in the book, King refers after a summit to 'another historic meeting between myself and Your Excellency reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy film.' He called his Trump meetings a 'precious memory' and said it showed that the 'deep and special friendship between us will work as a magical force.' The two men met first in Singapore in 2018 after having traded bellicose rhetoric, then later met in Hanoi. In June 2019 the two men met when Trump walked from South Korea across the DMZ. 'I feel pleased to have formed good ties with such a powerful and preeminent statesman as Your Excellency,' Kim wrote Trump, in excerpts published in the Washington Post. Deploying flowery language, Kim – who holds hereditary rule in a regime that has relied on terror and featured famine – fondly recalled 'that moment of history when I firmly held Your Excellency's hand at the beautiful and sacred location as the whole world watched with great interest and hope to relive the honor of that day.' ![]() North Korean dictator King Jong-un refers in a letter to Trump to 'another historic meeting between myself and Your Excellency reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy film,' in a letter quoted by Bob Woodward in his book ![]() 'I feel pleased to have formed good ties with such a powerful and preeminent statesman as Your Excellency,' Kim wrote Trump ![]() Trump called the dictator ''beyond smart.' Here Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas, in Panmunjom, South Korea, June 30, 2019 ![]() He said Kim 'tells me everything' – including what the Post termed a 'graphic account' of having his uncle Jang Song Thaek (r) killed Trump name-checked Kim in a conversation with Woodward while dissing former President Barack Obama. 'I think he's highly overrated. And I don't think he's a great speaker,' Trump said of the noted orator. He said Kim thought Obama was 'an a******.' Trump shared with Woodward that he found Kim 'far beyond smart.' He said Kim 'tells me everything' – including what the Post termed a 'graphic account' of having his uncle killed. Kim's uncle, Jang Song-thaek, was reportedly executed by a firing squad of anti-aircraft guns. A defector told CNN he was forced to watch the murder of his colleagues and blood was poured on his face. HIS LEADERSHIP IS 'RUDDERLESS' AND HIS ATTENTION SPAN IS LIKE A MINUS NUMBER': DR. FAUCI'S MEDICAL REPORT Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci criticized President Donald Trump as 'rudderless' in dealing with the coronavirus, according to Bob Woodward's bombshell new book. The nation's top infectious disease expert made the comment to an associate, according to Woodward's book 'Rage.' Excerpts of the book came out Wednesday. Trump's 'attention span is like a minus number,' Woodward quotes Fauci as saying. 'His sole purpose is to get reelected,' according to the book, which reports Fauci told other players that Trump 'is on a separate channel' and wasn't focussed in meetings. Those searing comments, contained in Washington Post excerpts, came on a day Fauci said he is 'frustrated' by large political gatherings where many people aren't wearing masks – even as he once again sought to temper what might come off as public criticism of Trump. Fauci called on public officials to 'set an example' following a Trump rally in North Carolina attended by thousands of people. Fauci, who for months has tried to balance his desire to share public health warnings without drawing headlines that put him at odds with President Trump, was asked on 'CBS This Morning' if it was frustrating for him as an expert to see rallies with large contingents of unmasked people. 'The president continues to hold these massive rallies where people are not wearing masks including the president himself,' interviewer Gayle King asked Fauci. 'Well, yes, it is. I've said that often,' Fauci responded. 'That situation is we want to set an example. Because we know that when you do four or five typical kind of public health measures: mask, physical distance, avoiding crowds, making sure you do most things outdoors versus indoors,' he continued. 'Those are the kinds of things that turn around surges and also prevent us from getting surges. So I certainly would like to see universal wearing of masks,' he said. ![]() 'His sole purpose is to get reelected,' infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci is quoted as saying about Trump in a new book by Bob Woodward Fauci spoke as many states have reached a plateau in their coronavirus cases, but the nation has not yet experienced the steep downward slope some nations have achieved. The U.S. has experienced more than 190,000 deaths from COVID-19, with more than 6 million infections. Fauci spoke hours after Trump staged two campaign rallies, one in Jupiter, Florida and another in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Hundreds gathered for the outdoor event, where the Winston-Salem Journal reported red hats outnumbered masks 100-1. A bank of people seated immediately behind Trump did include many people wearing masks. Trump himself didn't wear one. BIDEN: HE 'KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY LIED'Democratic nominee Joe Biden tore into President Donald Trump for the revelations contained in Bob Woodward's forthcoming book: that he knew how serious COVID-19 was, while telling the American public something vastly different. 'He knew and purposely played it down,' an aghast Biden said Wednesday on a campaign trip to Michigan. 'Worse, he lied to the American people. He knowingly and willingly lied about the threat it posed to the country for months.' In the CNN excerpts of the book, which include audio of Woodward's conversations with the president, Trump tells the journalist on February 7 that COVID-19 'goes through the air' and is 'more deadly' than the flu. ![]() Democratic nominee Joe Biden went after President Donald Trump Wednesday for knowing just how dangerous the coronavirus was in February but downplaying it for months to the American people ![]() Biden held a campaign event in Michigan that was supposed to be about preventing the offhosring of jobs, but he dedicated the top of his speech to the startling revelations found in Bob Woodward's forthcoming book 'So this is deadly stuff,' Trump adds, passing along information he had gotten the day before from China's President Xi Jinping. A month and a half later, on March 19, Trump told Woodward he had been purposely downplaying the virus' seriousness. 'I wanted to always play it down,' Trump said. 'I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic.' Cut to September and many of Trump's own supporters don't appreciate the seriousness, as the president has held mass gatherings over the last few weeks where fans huddle together in close confines and don't wear masks. Biden, on the other hand, has showed an overabundance of caution while trying to spend more time out on the campaign trail after spending months Zooming into events from his Delaware basement. At Biden's Michigan event Wednesday, attendees' chairs had circles around them, and they were instructed not to leave that space. 'Please remain in your circles and keep your mask on for the duration of the event,' an overheard announcement said. During his speech, Biden said his mask was only off because he was able to properly social distance - and the event was held outside. ![]() The Woodward book has Trump saying in his own words that he downplayed the threat of the coronavirus because he didn't want to start a 'panic.' To this day, many Trump supporters don't take the pandemic seriously, as they gather tightly at his campaign events with many not wearing masks Biden began his speech, which he was reading from a teleprompter, to pause and explain to the press why he didn't initially answer a shouted question at the airport about the Woodward book. 'We found out just getting off the plane the press asked me a legitimate question that I did not have the background on because it occurred on the plane,' Biden said mid-sentence, and then went back and re-started the prepared remarks. It was clear, a minute later, that the speech had been updated, with Biden specifically addressing Woodward's reporting. 'On the day that we hit 190,000 dead in the United States because of COVID-19, we just learned from The Washington Post columnist Bob Woodward that the president of the United States has admitted, on tape, in February that he knew about COVID-19, that it passed through the air,' Biden said. 'He knew how deadly it was. It was much more deadly than the flu.' Biden then turned to Trump's comments about intentionally downplaying it. 'And while this deadly disease ripped through our nation he failed to do his job on purpose,' Biden said. 'It's a life and death betrayal of the American people.' Biden then mentioned some statistics, he claimed 54,000 lives could have been saved had Trump acted just two weeks earlier. 'He's unfit for this job as a consequence,' Biden said. 'How many schools aren't open right now? How many kids are starting the new school year the same way they ended the last one - at home. How many parents feel abandoned and overwhelmed?' Biden continued. He said he worried American healthcare workers are 'exhausted and pushed to their limits.' 'And how many families are missing loved ones at their dinner table tonight because of his failures?' Biden said. The former vice president called it 'beyond despicable.' 'It's a dereliction of duty. It's a disgrace,' Biden said. Earlier, the Trump campaign held a call with reporters saying that their aim Wednesday was to prove Biden was bad on China, with campaign adviser Steve Cortes trying to stick the former vice president with the nickname 'Beijing Biden.' Trump's handling of the coronavirus, which originated in China, was the biggest headline out of Woodward's book, which also featured juicy nuggets like Trump calling his military commanders a 'bunch of pussies.' Biden had planned to go to Michigan to talk about the continued off-shoring of jobs. 'It's fascinating to me that Joe Biden is trying to masquerade as an economic nationalist,' Cortes said on the earlier call, as Trump won in 2016 in places like Michigan for talking about bad jobs and trade policies. The Biden plan called for an 'offshoring tax penalty' on profits from products made abroad and then sold in the United States. At the event, attended by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Biden vowed to help American industry and properly label American made products. 'We found out on Trump's watch a company selling deployment bags to active duty troops being deployed, falsely claimed its product was made in America, when it fact it was really made mostly in China,' Biden said. 'Trump didn't do anything to respond.' 'I'm not going to let that happen on my watch,' he continued, making the pitch to have a dedicated office at the White House so 'everybody is playing by the same 'Made in America' rules.' Read more: Top stories - Google News September 09, 2020 at 09:08PM Trump claims Biden also downplayed the virus and didn't want to 'jump up and down and scare people' - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:48 PM PDT ![]() "I wanted to believe it was so much bigger than me." Halle Berry has had a long and successful career, and made history in 2002 as the first Black woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress.Lee Daniels Entertainment/ Paul R. Giunta (Getty Images) She won for her role as Leticia in Monster's Ball (2001). In an interview with Variety about her new film Bruised — which she stars in and DIRECTED, thank you very much — Halle called her historic win "one of [her] biggest heartbreaks," because 18 years later, she's *still* the only Black woman to win Best Actress.Timothy A. Clary / Getty Images Since 2002, a number of Black women have won acting Oscars for their incredible performances — Jennifer Hudson, Mo'Nique, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Lupita Nyong'o, and most recently Regina King — but they were in the Supporting Actress category. Halle told the magazine, "The morning after, I thought, 'Wow, I was chosen to open a door.' And then, to have no one … I question, 'Was that an important moment, or was it just an important moment for me?' I wanted to believe it was so much bigger than me."View this video on YouTubeFive Black women have been nominated for Best Actress since 2002, and Halle herself believes that Ruth Negga's performance in Loving (2016) or Cynthia Erivo's in Harriet (2019) should have won the award. In the interview, she also discussed the obstacles she faced to get good roles after her win. "Just because I won an award doesn't mean that, magically, the next day, there was a place for me."20th Century Fox/ MGM "I thought, 'Oh, all these great scripts are going to come my way; these great directors are going to be banging on my door.' It didn't happen. It actually got a little harder. They call it the Oscar curse." Regarding Catwoman — probably her most infamous film — Halle said she took the leading role because "[it was] a great chance for a woman of color to be a superhero. Why wouldn't I try this?"Warner Bros. No matter how you feel about the film itself, you really can't argue with that logic. She knew the plot of the movie wasn't great and discussed it with the creative team, asking, "Why can't Catwoman save the world like Batman and Superman do? Why is she just saving women from a face cream that cracks their face off?"Warner Bros. You have to wonder what Catwoman might've looked like if Ryan Coogler (Black Panther) or Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman) had been in charge. In her new film Bruised, Halle plays Jackie Justice, a middle-aged mixed martial arts fighter who decides to get back in the ring.Lionsgate Halle is no stranger to intense action roles, as evidenced by her superhero roles and her performance as Sofia in John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum. Regarding the differences between acting and directing, she said that, "as an actor, I always show up and do my part, and I can only do what I can do. Being the director, I have a part in the totality of every department. I get to have a voice."Angela Weiss / Getty Images Personally, I can't wait to see Halle on screen again! And hopefully it won't take another 18 years for another BIPOC actor to win Best Actress.20th Century Fox Seriously. You can read the entire interview here.BuzzFeed DailyKeep up with the latest daily buzz with the BuzzFeed Daily newsletter! "Actress" - Google News September 09, 2020 at 05:52PM Halle Berry Called Her Historic Oscar Win A "Heartbreak" Because She's Still The Only Black Woman To Win Best Actress - BuzzFeed "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
チャ・テヒョン主演!5人のアウトローが力を合わせて難事件に立ち向かう痛快エンターテインメント!「 番外捜査(原題)」11 月 23 日 日本初放送決定! - PR TIMES Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:34 PM PDT © CJ ENM Co., Ltd, All Rights Reserved 【番組概要】この世には正攻法では解決できない事件が数多く存在する。社会を脅かす凶悪な連中に立ち向かう ため、刑事、番組プロデューサー、納棺師、バー経営者、私立探偵という立場も目的も違う5人がチームを組ん だ!「トラップ~最も残酷な愛~」「他人は地獄だ」に続く OCN ドラマチック・シネマ・プロジェクトの第三弾となる本作。 共同企画にマ・ドンソク率いる創作集団"TEAM GORILLA"が名を連ね、制作は「梨泰院クラス」の"CONTENT ZIUM"が務める。実績あるスタッフが犯罪捜査ものにコミカルなテイストを加えて仕上げた痛快作!破天荒な刑事 チン・ガンホを演じるのは本作が初の刑事役となるチャ・テヒョン。「猟奇的な彼女」などでも定評のあるコミカルな演技 が役柄とマッチし、作品の顔として申し分のない役割を果たす。真実と視聴率のためなら平然と危険を冒す調査報 道番組のプロデューサー、カン・ムヨンは注目の若手女優イ・ソンビンが務める。「偉大なショー」「元カレは天才詐欺 師~38 師機動隊~」とは違った、彼女の飾り気のない姿は必見。また様々な作品でその存在感を示してきたチョ ン・サンフン、ユン・ギョンホ、チ・スンヒョンら実力派キャストが顔をそろえ、Web ドラマ「恋愛プレイリスト」で頭角を現し た新星パク・ジョンウもチャ・テヒョンの相棒役として本作を盛り上げる。個性豊かな5人が繰り広げる痛快エンターテインメントをお見逃しなく! 【あらすじ】とある公園で起きた惨殺事件の捜査を始めた刑事チン・ガンホ(チャ・テヒョン)。一方、調査報道番組 プロデューサーのカン・ムヨン(イ・ソンビン)は自身の番組の打ち切りを阻止するため 13 年前未解決に終わった事 件の調査に乗り出す。行く先々で鉢合わせする2人は、2つの事件が同一犯によって起こされたものであることを知 り……。 【CS 放送 『Mnet』 放送情報 / 動画配信サービス 『Mnet Smart』 配信情報】 【Mnet チャンネル情報】 【Mnet Smart】 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース September 09, 2020 at 07:30PM チャ・テヒョン主演!5人のアウトローが力を合わせて難事件に立ち向かう痛快エンターテインメント!「 番外捜査(原題)」11 月 23 日 日本初放送決定! - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「鬼滅の刃」劇場版公開で、りぼんからUOMOまで集英社の雑誌20誌に付録 - ナタリー Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:17 PM PDT 「鬼滅の刃」劇場版公開で、りぼんからUOMOまで集英社の雑誌20誌に付録 - ナタリー 2020年9月10日 13:00 518 参加するのは週刊少年ジャンプ、週刊ヤングジャンプ、ココハナ、MORE、Seventeen、最強ジャンプ、りぼん、マーガレット、Marisol、LEE、グランドジャンプ、MEN'S NON-NO、週刊プレイボーイ、BAILA、別冊マーガレット、少年ジャンプGIGA、non‐no、MAQUIA、SPUR、UOMO。ポスター、ステッカー、クリアファイル、扇子、卓上カレンダー、巾着ポーチ、リサイクルコットンバッグなどバラエティ豊かなグッズが用意されている。詳細は記事末のリストにて確認を。 「劇場版『鬼滅の刃』無限列車編」は、2019年4月から9月にかけて放送されたTVアニメ「鬼滅の刃」の続編となる作品。TVアニメ最終話「新たなる任務」で炭治郎、禰豆子、善逸、伊之助が乗り込んだ無限列車を舞台に、物語が展開される。 この記事の画像(全21件) 「鬼滅の刃」付録リスト
※禰豆子の禰はネ(しめすへん)に爾、煉獄の煉は火(ひへん)に東が正式表記。 全文を表示 2020-09-10 04:00:00Z |
為用免費WiFi 家貧姐妹坐快餐店外上網做功課引關注 - 巴士的報 Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:38 PM PDT ![]() 家裡無錢裝WiFi 美國加州疫情嚴重,很多學校已改為網上教學,但有不少學生因為家中清貧無法支付WiFi網絡費用,而無辦法安坐家中上網課!最近就有網民拍到一對小姐妹因為家中沒錢安裝WiFi,而坐在一家快餐店門口,希望可以用到免費WiFi上網做功課。相片馬上引起外界強烈迴響,疫情下基層學生學習困境因而受到關注! 有一位女網民在Instagram發布了一張照片,照片中有兩位小女孩坐在快餐店Taco Bell門外的空地上,正認真的用手提電腦上網。當時有兩名快餐店員工走近關心她們,為何坐在這裏上網做功課。一問之下才得知兩位小妹妹是來自單親家庭,家裏只有媽媽一人工作賺錢,家中因為沒錢裝WiFi,故兩人經常要四圍找免費WiFi連接上網上課及做功課。 - 閱讀更多 - September 09, 2020 at 08:43PM 為用免費WiFi 家貧姐妹坐快餐店外上網做功課引關注 - 巴士的報 |
Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:48 PM PDT Rhea Chakraborty, 28, was arrested on Tuesday by India's Narcotics Control Bureau for allegedly buying cannabis for boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput, one of the biggest names in Bollywood, according to Mutha Ashok Jain, the deputy director of the Narcotics Control Bureau for southwest India. CNN has reached out to Chakraborty's lawyer for comment. Rajput, 34, was found dead in his flat in Mumbai in June in what police described as a suicide. Indian authorities have conducted an autopsy but have not made an official statement on the result. Mental health and suicide remains a taboo in India. Shortly after his death, Rajput's father KK Singh filed a police complaint in Bihar, the Indian state he lives in, accusing Chakraborty -- who is a lesser-known Bollywood star -- of stealing money from her boyfriend's bank account and abetting his suspected suicide. Authorities have not provided details on how she may have allegedly abetted Rajput's suicide. Chakraborty has denied those allegations. "It is really sad that it is 2020 and in India I am still having to pay this price today just because I'm in his life, I loved him and lived with him," she told CNN affiliate News 18 last month. According to a court document, Chakraborty and Rajput lived together, although a few days before Rajput's death, Chakraborty moved into her own Mumbai residence. In August, a case based on Rajput's father's allegations was transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation, a federal law enforcement agency, which told CNN Wednesday that it does not comment on active investigations. In total, authorities have arrested 10 people in relation to the case, including Chakraborty, according to the Narcotics Control Bureau's Jain. Chakraborty has been remanded for 14 days over a range of offenses including allegedly purchasing and consuming drugs, Jain said. The authorities did not recover any drugs from Chakraborty, who admitted buying drugs for her boyfriend, Rajput, according to Jain. Those offenses carry a possible penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 rupees ($1,360). Chakraborty has not yet been charged of a crime. Although authorities have arrested 10 people, they have not charged anyone with aiding Rajput's suicide. "The case is about drugs ... it is not our mandate to look into the suicide," Jain said. "The investigation is progressing and as we go along we will try to do some more work and look at the entire network." For months, Rajput's death and the ensuing fallout have been covered extensively in Indian media. Even as India's coronavirus outbreak has grown into the second-largest in the world, media headlines have been dominated by the twists and turns of Rajput's case. But the coverage has often become sensationalist, with unverified conspiracy theories and allegations given air time on nationwide newscasts. Chakraborty has borne the brunt of the media circus. In a tweet in July, Chakraborty begged the Union Home Minister Amit Shah to launch an investigation into the case. "I only want to understand what pressures prompted Sushant to take this step," she said. In a press release earlier this month, the CBI said it was conducting an investigation into Rajput's death in a "systematic and professional way." "Certain media reports attributed to CBI investigation are speculative and not based on facts," CBI said in the release. Rajput made his debut in Hindi cinema in 2013 in "Kai Po Che!," according to the film site IMDb. He was awarded best actor (male) at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne in 2017 for his movie "M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story," in which he played Indian cricket star Mahendra Singh Dhoni. "Actress" - Google News September 09, 2020 at 07:39PM Her Bollywood actor boyfriend's death prompted a media firestorm. Now, she's been arrested on alleged drug offenses - CNN "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
相葉雅紀がMC『ILOVEみんなのどうぶつ園』10・3スタート スタジオ収録なし&ロケ中心番組に - ORICON NEWS Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:46 PM PDT 相葉雅紀がMC『ILOVEみんなのどうぶつ園』10・3スタート スタジオ収録なし&ロケ中心番組に - ORICON NEWS ![]() 人気グループ・嵐の相葉雅紀がMCを務める日本テレビ系新番組『I LOVE みんなのどうぶつ園』(毎週土曜 後7:00)の初回放送が10月3日に決定した。初回は2時間スペシャルで送る。このほど行われた同局10月期改編説明会において内容詳細が発表された。 土曜午後7時に放送中のどうぶつバラエティー『天才!志村どうぶつ園』が16年半の歴史に幕。引き続き『I LOVE みんなのどうぶつ園』でもプロデューサーを務める笹部智大氏は「一緒に地球に暮らすどうぶつたちのことを子どもたちにも大好きになってほしいし大人たちにも優しい気持ちになってほしいという思いで新しい番組を立ち上げたい。志村園長の大切にしていた"動物のために、という想いを引き継ぐ」と方針を説明。 『志村どうぶつ園』ではスタジオを"志村どうぶつ園"としていたが、今回はロケを中心とした番組に。全国の動物園、水族館、野生動物のいる場所など動物がいるところを"みんなのどうぶつ園"として捉え、ゲストや相葉が毎週かけつける形式となる。相葉やゲストに加え、本気で動物が好きな人を番組ファミリーとして起用し、今後発表していく。 笹部プロデューサーは「コロナ禍で、子どもたちが全国に動物園に気軽に自由にいけない環境がおそらく続くなか、家族でテレビの前で安心して楽しんでいただけるどうぶつ番組にしたい」と展望した。 また、同局では10月期改編のポイントの1つとして土曜日における午後7時から10時までのゴールデン帯の改革を掲げ、午後8時からの『世界一受けたい授業』も一新。今、知りたいことをテンポよく、楽しんで学べる授業として、"子供と親が一緒に見たい"令和の教養バラエティとして生まれ変わる。 そして午後9時からの『嵐にしやがれ』は嵐の年内活動休止に伴い、年末をもって終了予定とする発表された。フィナーレに向けスペシャルな内容を準備中とのことで、来年1月以降の番組については未定としている。 2020-09-10 03:17:03Z |
Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT ![]() President Donald Trump announces opioid response grants to state governments in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, September 4, 2019. Erin Scott | Reuters President Donald Trump admitted that he wanted to publicly downplay the threat of the coronavirus even as his advisors warned him about the dangers of the disease, Bob Woodward wrote in his forthcoming book about the Trump administration, multiple outlets reported Wednesday. "I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward in mid-March, CNN reported. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic." CNN, which also published audio of Woodward's March 19 interview with the president, reported Woodward writing that Trump had been informed weeks before Covid-19 claimed its first lives in the U.S. that the virus was dangerous and highly contagious. Less than three weeks before that interview reportedly took place, Trump had assured that the virus would "disappear." "One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear," Trump said in public remarks on Feb. 28. But the president had already been told in late January by national security advisor Robert O'Brien that the coronavirus "will be the biggest national security threat you face in your presidency," Woodward wrote in the book, according to a separate report from The Washington Post. Despite a tape of the president saying he downplayed the coronavirus — and despite him saying on that tape that he still likes "playing it down" — White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said at a briefing later Wednesday that Trump "never downplayed the virus." Rather, McEnany claimed, the president "was expressing calm" and "embodied the American spirit" of unity in the face of the pandemic. "He has always taken it seriously," she insisted. Despite his frequent claims that the disease would simply "go away" or "disappear," Trump reportedly told Woodward in a Feb. 7 phone call that he understood the virus was "more deadly than even your strenuous flu." Yet later that same month, Trump said publicly that "when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done." The U.S. has now reported more infections and deaths from Covid-19 than any other country on the planet: More than 6.32 million cases and at least 189,600 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University. "Rage," Woodward's second book on Trump's presidency, is due out Sept. 15. The book is based in part on 18 interviews Woodward conducted with Trump between December and July, the Post reported. Like "Fear," Woodward's last tell-all on the Trump White House, much of the reporting in "Rage" was gathered from "deep background" interviews with unnamed sources. Trump and his surrogates have long decried the use of anonymous sources by journalists. Most recently, a slew of administration officials denounced reporting from The Atlantic — later matched by The Associated Press and Fox News — that while in office Trump referred to fallen U.S. service members as "suckers" and "losers." Top stories - Google News September 09, 2020 at 09:10AM Trump admitted downplaying coronavirus dangers in early days of pandemic, new Bob Woodward book says - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Tire shop owner says Mobile made him pay $11K for fire hydrant for city right-of-way - NBC 15 WPMI Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:44 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] Tire shop owner says Mobile made him pay $11K for fire hydrant for city right-of-way NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News September 09, 2020 at 05:13PM Tire shop owner says Mobile made him pay $11K for fire hydrant for city right-of-way - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Chelsea talks to sign goalkeeper Mendy confirmed by Rennes - Goal Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT ![]() The Blues are willing to go as high as €28 million (£25/$33m) as they look for competition for Kepa Arrizabalaga Rennes have confirmed they are in discussions with Chelsea over a move for goalkeeper Edouard Mendy. The Blues are pushing to add the Senegal international as they look to bring in competition for under-fire starter Kepa Arrizabalaga. Rennes president Nicolas Holveck confirmed the talks with Chelsea at a press conference on Wednesday, saying the 28-year-old had expressed his desire to move to Stamford Bridge. "Discussions have started with Chelsea for Edouard Mendy," Holveck said. "I can understand his desire, he told us. But for the moment, there is no agreement and for a transfer, we need an agreement of the three parties." Chelsea have previously tabled a bid to Rennes for €20 million (£18m/$24m), but have found the Ligue 1 side stubborn in their negotiations. The Blues are willing to push for any fee up to €28m (£25/$33m) including add-ons as they look to bring in another shot-stopper as soon as possible with their Premier League opener coming on Monday against Brighton. With Kepa's struggles last season seeing him eventually dropped in favour of Willy Caballero, Chelsea have been looking for a new shot-stopper and have also been linked with Lille's Mike Maignan. But Frank Lampard's side appear to have zeroed in on Mendy, who impressed last term with Rennes in his first season with the club after joining from Stade de Reims. Mendy helped his team to their first ever Champions League spot with a third-place finish in Ligue 1 last term, with Rennes keen to keep hold of their No.1 ahead of this season's European campaign. But it appears the allure of the Premier League will prove too strong for Mendy, who has a contract through 2023 with the Breton outfit. Mendy would be the latest addition of a big-spending summer for Chelsea, who have already shelled out more than £200 million on new signings as they chase a Premier League title. Kai Havertz, Ben Chilwell, Timo Werner, Hakim Ziyech, Malang Sarr and Thiago Silva have all been brought to Stamford Bridge in the current window as the Blues look to improve on last season's fourth-place finish. "Goal" - Google News September 09, 2020 at 08:48AM Chelsea talks to sign goalkeeper Mendy confirmed by Rennes - Goal "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
伊勢谷友介容疑者を送検 大麻所持の疑いで逮捕(2020年9月10日) - ANNnewsCH Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:16 PM PDT 伊勢谷友介容疑者を送検 大麻所持の疑いで逮捕(2020年9月10日) - ANNnewsCH [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-09-10 00:01:26Z |
ASEAN talks tackle pandemic, sea feud amid US-China rivalry - MSN Money Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Southeast Asia's top diplomats were holding their annual talks by video Wednesday to discuss the immense crisis wrought by the coronavirus pandemic and rising tensions in the South China Sea amid the escalating rivalry between Washington and Beijing. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations ministerial meetings, delayed by a month, were being held online due to continuing health risks posed by COVID-19. The 10-nation bloc's foreign ministers are to meet Asian and Western counterparts, including those from the U.S. and China, for talks later in the week, capped by an annual security forum. ![]() Load Error Vietnam is hosting the talks as this year's chairman of the diverse group. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc called for regional solidarity amid the headwinds in an austere opening ceremony attended by a few dozen diplomats in the capital, Hanoi. "The valuable fruits of our cooperation are being tested in an environment full of volatility and unprecedented challenges, especially the COVID-19 pandemic," Phuc said. "The regional geopolitical and geoeconomic landscape including the South China Sea are witnessing volatilities that endanger peace and stability," he said. The pandemic has delayed or canceled dozens of meetings and shut out the colorful ceremonies, group handshakes and photo-ops that have been the trademarks of ASEAN's annual gatherings. Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung told reporters earlier this week that the talks would continue to focus on a regional response to the pandemic and ways to help member states recover economically. The contagion has devastated the region's manufacturing, export, travel and tourism industries and sparked the worst economic recessions in decades across the region of 650 million people. Southeast Asian nations have been impacted by the pandemic differently, with hard-hit Philippines grappling with more than 240,000 confirmed COVID-19 infections, including nearly 4,000 deaths, and the tiny socialist state of Laos reporting just 22 cases. The Philippines and Indonesia each have more than double the infections reported by China, where the outbreak started late last year. A senior Southeast Asian diplomat said a key project is establishing a COVID-19 response fund to help ASEAN member states buy medical supplies and protective suits. The diplomat said Thailand has pledged to contribute $100,000 and ASEAN partners, including China, Japan and South Korea, were expected to announce contributions. A regional stockpile of medical supplies has also been approved, and a study to be financed by Japan will research the possibility of establishing an ASEAN center on public health emergencies, according to the diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak publicly. A long-thorny issue on the agenda is the territorial disputes in the South China Sea involving China, Taiwan and ASEAN members Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. In July, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that Washington regards virtually all of China's maritime claims in the disputed offshore region outside of its internationally recognized waters to be illegitimate. Although it remains neutral in territorial disputes, the Trump administration was in effect siding with the four ASEAN claimant states, along with Indonesia, which have all opposed China's claims to virtually the entire waterway. China then accused the U.S. of sowing discord in the strategic region and last month, its military reportedly test-fired two missiles in the South China Sea during exercises. China has pushed for the resumption of negotiations with ASEAN on a code of conduct aimed at preventing armed clashes in the disputed waters. But Hoang Thi Ha of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore said major differences between China and rival claimant states would stymie any breakthrough or an early agreement. "Given the recent developments both on the lawfare front and tensions at sea, I don't see much silver lining," she told The Associated Press. Pompeo and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, have confirmed their attendance at the ASEAN Regional Forum on Saturday, Asia's largest security forum, which will also be done by video. North Korea's foreign minister will skip the forum but its representative to ASEAN will participate, according to Vietnam's foreign ministry. ___ Associated Press journalists Jim Gomez in Manila, Philippines, and Kiko Rosario in Bangkok contributed to this report. Video: China's Xi says no country can be safe "alone" against Covid-19 (AFP) Top stories - Google News September 08, 2020 at 11:04PM ASEAN talks tackle pandemic, sea feud amid US-China rivalry - MSN Money Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT ![]() Pascal Soriot, chief executive officer of AstraZeneca. Simon Dawson | Bloomberg | Getty Images The participant who triggered a global shutdown of AstraZeneca's Phase 3 Covid-19 vaccine trials was a woman in the United Kingdom who experienced neurological symptoms consistent with a rare but serious spinal inflammatory disorder called transverse myelitis, the drug maker's chief executive, Pascal Soriot, said during a private conference call with investors on Wednesday morning. The woman's diagnosis has not been confirmed yet, but she is improving and will likely be discharged from the hospital as early as today, Soriot said. The board tasked with overseeing the data and safety components of the AstraZeneca clinical trials confirmed that the participant was injected with the company's Covid-19 vaccine and not a placebo, Soriot said on the conference call, which was set up by the investment bank J.P. Morgan. Soriot also confirmed that the clinical trial was halted once previously in July after a participant experienced neurological symptoms. Upon further examination, that participant was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, deemed to be unrelated to the Covid-19 vaccine treatment, he said. The new disclosures made by Soriot were heard by three investors participating on the call and were shared with STAT. An AstraZeneca spokesperson did not respond to an email request for further comment. Read more from STAT News: Covid-19 drugs and vaccines tracker Operation Warp Speed promised to do the impossible. How far has it come? One investor on the call said Soriot's comments were intended to reassure investors that the company was taking the possible vaccine safety event seriously, and to reverse any damage to the company's stock price. "A vaccine that nobody wants to take is not very useful," said Soriot. To date, AstraZeneca's public statements on the pause have been sparse with details. For instance, the company has not publicly confirmed that this is the second time its trials have been stopped to investigate health events among participants. On Wednesday, the company issued a statement, attributed to Soriot, saying AstraZeneca would be guided by a committee of independent experts in determining when to lift the hold on the trial "so that we can continue our work at the earliest opportunity to provide this vaccine broadly, equitably and at no profit during this pandemic." AstraZeneca's is the first Phase 3 Covid-19 vaccine trial known to have been put on hold. Such holds are not uncommon, and it's not clear yet how long AstraZeneca's will last. "To have a clinical hold, as has been placed on AstraZeneca as of yesterday, because of a single serious adverse event is not at all unprecedented," Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, told a Senate panel on Wednesday. "This certainly happens in any large-scale trial where you have tens of thousands of people invested in taking part, some of them may get ill and you always have to try to figure out: Is that because of the vaccine, or were they going to get that illness anyway?" AstraZeneca only began its Phase 3 trial in the U.S. in late August. The U.S. trial is currently taking place at 62 sites across the country, according to, a government registry, though some have not yet started enrolling participants. The Phase 3 trial in the U.S. aims to enroll about 30,000 participants at 80 sites across the country, according to a release last week from the National Institutes of Health. Phase 2/3 trials were previously started in the U.K., Brazil, and South Africa. The vaccine — known as AZD1222 — uses an adenovirus that carries a gene for one of the proteins in SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. The adenovirus is designed to induce the immune system to generate a protective response against SARS-2. The platform has not been used in an approved vaccine, but has been tested in experimental vaccines against other viruses, including the Ebola virus. Transverse myelitis is a serious condition involving inflammation of the spinal cord that can cause muscle weakness, paralysis, pain and bladder problems. In rare instances, vaccines have triggered cases of transverse myelitis; although it can also be caused by viral infections. Top stories - Google News September 09, 2020 at 09:18AM Covid-19 vaccine trial participant had serious neurological symptoms, but could be discharged today, AstraZeneca CEO says - CNBC Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Is the Bond girl a sexist relic? As actress Gemma Arterton says they're a cliche - Daily Mail Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT Is the Bond girl a sexist relic? As actress Gemma Arterton says they're a cliche and she'll never play one again
![]() Madeline Smith who starred as Miss Caruso in the Bond film Live And Let Die (pictured), says Bond girls have been trailblazers NO BY MADELINE SMITH, BOND GIRL IN LIVE AND LET DIE Let's keep things in perspective. When woke women decry Bond girls as sexist anachronisms, they are forgetting the context in which the films were made. I've never regretted playing Italian secret agent Miss Caruso in the 1973 Bond film Live And Let Die. The part was so sketchy that she was originally known merely as Beautiful Woman. Objectified? You may think that if you look at the film from the po-faced perspective of 21st-century feminism, but it is, in essence, a cartoon. It was created not to be scrutinised by the politically correct, but with the laudable aim of entertaining families. I featured in a scene worthy of a Whitehall farce in which Bond — played by that most gentlemanly of actors, Roger Moore (pictured with me) — unzips my dress with a magic watch. The dress was a preposterous creation, with a padded bra that enhanced my bust, and the ridiculous zip wouldn't unfasten. So three people, two of them men, disappeared under my frock to yank it down. Did I worry about the indignity? Of course not! I still laugh about it. But I would guard against trivialising all Bond girls and portraying them as the vacuous creations of sexist male writers. The redoubtable Honor Blackman, who played Pussy Galore (yes, I know the name is a ghastly double entendre, but let's remember this is comedy) was hardly a shrinking violet. Her character was skilled in martial arts and led an all-female aviation group. She was not a cipher, any more than Diana Rigg's Bond girl was. Far from being stereotypes entrenched in an era of casual sexism, the Bond girls have been trailblazers. Moonraker's Dr Holly Goodhead, played by Lois Chiles way back in 1979, was a NASA aerospace engineer long before it became fashionable to urge women to study science. Bond girls like me have been trailblazers 'A woman?' Bond asks in surprise when he meets her. 'Your powers of observation do you credit,' she replies with glorious sarcasm. Neither should we overlook the fact that Monica Bellucci was 50 when she played the first Bond girl who was older than the male protagonist. Another quiet triumph for older actresses. Now, of course, we have been promised that Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who co-wrote the new Bond, No Time To Die, will bring us a cast of strong, exciting women. I have no doubt that she will. I just hope that, with all the clamouring to appease the politically correct, she has not forgotten that what audiences need most right now is the escapism and glamour of 007 and his bevy of unashamedly sexy sidekicks. YES ![]() Tanya Gold (pictured) argues Bond has become a parody BY TANYA GOLD, JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR Bond girls are less a sexist relic than a sexist joke. The clue is in their collective noun. They are defined by who beds them. Gemma Arterton, who played Strawberry Fields — because you want to lie down in her? — in Quantum Of Solace recently said she wouldn't take the part now as she had no backstory. That's true. Bond girls live and die to have sex with the spy, often literally. So many La Perla-clad bodies become corpses. It's an occupational hazard. When I think of Bond girls, I see cleavage and hear women shouting, 'James!' — a bit like cross mothers of teenage boys. There have been gauche attempts at modernisation, but they seem pointless — the script doesn't want the modernisation to succeed. Yes, Bond had a female M in Judi Dench, but she died in his arms. He had a clever girlfriend in Eva Green's Vesper Lynd, but she drowned in a palazzo. My husband says Bond would have been faithful to Tracy, played by Diana Rigg, whom he married — but I doubt it. She gets killed, of course. It's easy to be faithful to a memory. The older I get, the less I care about being asked to believe that the babe in the shorts is actually the world's top nuclear physicist Dr Christmas Jones, played by Denise Richards. Or that Barbara Bach, who starred as Russian agent Triple X (geddit?), would throw the Motherland over for a tryst with 007. The world has moved on — but Bond can't Bond began as a masculine fantasy, but he has, through overuse, become parody. The world has moved on, but Bond can't. In the real 21st century his jaw would be broken by the first woman he tries to pun into bed. Every character in the Bond films is a relic: the women; the villains (too often foreign, like Enid Blyton baddies). But no one more so than Bond himself. He is a poster boy for broken mid-20th-century masculinity. He can't form relationships, so he acts out his trauma, caused by being orphaned, through sex addiction. Imagine him in a studio flat in Neasden, rather than a luxe hotel in Barbados, and he's less interesting. So don't let Bond and his fembots vex you. Rather, remember this: there is a female Bond already. Her name is Lisbeth Salander: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. To his credit, current Bond Daniel Craig knows this. He starred as her sidekick — her Bond girl — in the film adaptation of Stieg Larsson's book, trussed up by a serial killer until she saves his life. Was he trying to make a point? "Actress" - Google News September 09, 2020 at 02:50PM Is the Bond girl a sexist relic? As actress Gemma Arterton says they're a cliche - Daily Mail "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
伊勢谷容疑者、回し飲みパーティーか 元マトリ分析 - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT 伊勢谷容疑者、回し飲みパーティーか 元マトリ分析 - ニッカンスポーツ 大麻取締法違反容疑(所持)で8日に逮捕された、伊勢谷友介容疑者(44)が9日「大麻は自分が吸うために持っていたものです」と容疑を認めた。 警視庁組織犯罪対策5課によると「日本で法に触れることは理解しています」とも供述。元厚生労働省麻薬取締官の高濱良次氏は、同容疑者が長期間、大麻を吸引した上、仲間と"回し飲み"していた可能性も示唆した。 ◇ ◇ ◇ 組対5課は今年に入って伊勢谷容疑者が大麻を所持しているとの情報を得て、内偵捜査を続け、8日の現行犯逮捕につなげた。 高濱氏は、伊勢谷容疑者のリビングの机の引き出しから見つかった乾燥大麻4袋(計約20・3グラム、末端価格12万円相当)について「芸能人や著名人は購入の際、顔が割れるのを恐れ、まとめ買いする」と指摘。40回分の使用量に相当する大麻に加え、吸引に使ったとみられるタバコの巻き紙が500枚も見つかったこと、灰皿に燃えかすが残っていたことを踏まえ「営利目的ではなく使用のための所持だろう。常習性はあると考えられる」と分析した。 大麻を吸う場合(1)パイプに詰める(2)たばこの先を約3分の1、くりぬいて大麻を詰めるケースが多いが、伊勢谷容疑者の自宅からは、巻き紙と厚紙の吸い口3つも押収された。高濱氏は「巻き紙に大麻を巻き、大麻たばこにする『ジョイント』という方法。1本吸うケースは少なく、大麻パーティーを開き"回し飲み"して雰囲気を楽しむのが通例。仲間や女性、何人かで吸った可能性はある」と指摘した。 高濱氏は、伊勢谷容疑者が共同脚本も務め、大麻を買いに行きトラブルに巻き込まれる少年を描いた03年の初監督映画「カクト」に着目。「製作過程で知識がつき、関心を持って使い出した可能性はある」と指摘。12年2月に「大麻で人生崩壊するのは難しいと思うけどな。それならお酒の方が簡単だ」とツイートしたことについても「大麻を使っていないと出ない、普通の人間はしない発想。長期間、大麻にまみれていた可能性もある」と語った。 伊勢谷容疑者は会社「REBIRTH PROJECT」をベースに社会貢献活動を行っていたが、同社では14年に産業用大麻「ヘンプ」の食事会も開催していた。高濱氏は「大麻解禁論者の可能性もあるが、規範意識、順法精神が低かったのでは? 社会貢献活動、高校設立など常識のある"表の顔"と、大麻を吸引することに悪いという感覚もない"裏の顔"があったのでは?」と分析した。 2020-09-09 21:42:17Z |
鈴木保奈美、柴咲コウが目覚めるのを25年間信じ見守り続けた母親役に - ドワンゴジェイピーnews Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT 鈴木保奈美、柴咲コウが目覚めるのを25年間信じ見守り続けた母親役に - ドワンゴジェイピーnews 2020年10月スタートの日本テレビ系10月期土曜ドラマが『35歳の少女』。『家政婦のミタ』『同期のサクラ』の制作チームが集結。『〇〇妻』以来、5年ぶりに柴咲コウと脚本家・遊川和彦がタッグを組む、この秋の新たなオリジナルドラマだ。 1995年、不慮の事故により10歳で突然、長い眠りにつき、2020年に25年ぶりに目覚めた"35歳の少女"、今村望美。待ち受けていたのは、変わり果てた世界と自分だった。現実に戸惑いながらも前を向いて生きる少女の"時をこえた"成長物語だ。この現代版"眠り姫"ともいえる本ドラマ。主人公・望美役を柴咲コウ、望美の初恋の相手・広瀬結人役は坂口健太郎、望美の妹・時岡愛美は橋本愛、望美の父・今村進次役には田中哲司、進次の再婚相手・今村加奈役に富田靖子、その引きこもりの連れ子・今村達也役に竜星涼が発表済み。 今回、望美の母親・時岡多恵役に、鈴木保奈美が決定した。望美の事故後25年間、娘の意識が戻ることを信じ見守り続けた母親という、物語の軸となる役どころ。心は10歳のまま目覚めた35歳の娘。母と娘の関係はどのような変化を遂げるのか…!? 鈴木が遊川和彦脚本作品へ出演するのは今回が初。また、柴咲とも今回が初共演となる。鈴木は「大好きなドラマがいくつもある、遊川作品。お話をいただいたときは本当にうれしかったのです。が、観ると演るとは大違い。大変です。自分を鍛え直す場を与えられたことに感謝して、まっさらな気持ちで挑みます」とコメント。「バラバラになってしまった家族がどう向き合い、どう再生していくのか。フィナーレを迎える頃、役の上でも、キャスト、スタッフの皆さんとも、戦友のようになっていられたらいいな、と思います」と期待を込める。 <鈴木保奈美 コメント> 大好きなドラマがいくつもある、遊川作品。お話をいただいたときは本当にうれしかったのです。が、観ると演るとは大違い。大変です。自分を鍛え直す場を与えられたことに感謝して、まっさらな気持ちで挑みます。柴咲さんと共演させていただくのは初めてです。望美ちゃんは、こりゃまた大変な難役です。けれど疑いようもなく、柴咲さんは見事に演じ切られることでしょう。彼女のその過程を一番近くで見ることができるなんて、なんという幸せ。バラバラになってしまった家族がどう向き合い、どう再生していくのか。フィナーレを迎える頃、役の上でも、キャスト、スタッフの皆さんとも、戦友のようになっていられたらいいな、と思います。 <日本テレビ情報・制作局:大平太プロデューサー コメント> 25年間、愛する娘の生還を信じ、看病し続けた母親。保奈美さんにお願いするのは、信念の人・多恵です。25年前、僕は、まだドラマのAD(アシスタントディレクター)として、撮影現場で、叱られてばかりいました。一方、保奈美さんは、人気ドラマの主演女優として、テレビの中でキラキラ輝く憧れの方。初めてご一緒できるのは、とても光栄なことです。ただ、多恵は、これまでの僕が持っていた保奈美さんのイメージとは違います。四半世紀の間、自分だけを信じ、たった1人で闘っているうちに、笑顔も、人に頼る心も無くした鉄のような女性。多恵が、もう一度、家族に囲まれて最高の笑顔を見せるシーンを、保奈美さんと一緒に作れる日を楽しみにしています。 ■日本テレビ『35歳の少女』 2020年10月期土曜ドラマ 10月10日スタート 毎週土曜 22 : 00 ~ 22 : 54 (C)日本テレビ ▼過去の記事はこちら 2020-09-09 20:00:06Z |
西麻布のクラブで女性を次々と…“大麻逮捕”伊勢谷友介は20年前からマークされていた - 文春オンライン Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT 西麻布のクラブで女性を次々と…"大麻逮捕"伊勢谷友介は20年前からマークされていた - 文春オンライン 大麻取締法違反の疑いで、警視庁に逮捕された伊勢谷友介容疑者(44)。実力派俳優として数々の作品に出演する傍ら、社会貢献活動にも積極的に取り組んでいた伊勢谷容疑者の"薬物逮捕"に、驚きの声が広がっている。 しかし、「週刊文春」の記者時代にASKAの薬物疑惑をスクープするなど、「芸能界と薬物」の裏事情に詳しいジャーナリストの中村竜太郎氏は、「伊勢谷の薬物疑惑は、実は20年前から浮上していた」という。中村氏が当時の取材現場を振り返る。 (構成:文春オンライン編集部) ◆◆◆ 20年前の"薬物疑惑"取材今回、伊勢谷友介が大麻所持で逮捕されたと聞き、私も正直驚きました。ただ、それは「まさか、あの人が!」という驚きではなく、「えっ、まだやめてなかったの!」という驚きです。というのも、今から20年前、私はすでに伊勢谷の"薬物疑惑"についてかなり確度の高い情報を得て、彼の周辺を取材した経験があったからです。 私が伊勢谷の名前を初めて知ったのは、当時、圧倒的なスターとして人気を博していた広末涼子の交際相手としてでした。 2人の交際が報じられたのは、1999年のこと。その頃の伊勢谷は東京藝術大学の大学院に通いながら、一方でファッションモデルとしても活動しているという、言ってみれば"半分素人"の段階。それでもあのイケメンぶりで、すでに芸能界の女性が何人も群がってきていて、記者として「これは注目だ」と感じたのを覚えています。 当時の伊勢谷はゴツいピアッシングをするような、今よりもかなりとんがった印象でした。そして私生活では、西麻布や六本木のダンスクラブに頻繁に出入りしていたんです。 西麻布の"薬の巣窟"に出入りしていたなかでも、伊勢谷がよく通っていた西麻布のX(仮名)は、関東連合や芸能人、モデルなどが入り乱れる店として知られていました。そこは、後に薬物で逮捕された有名芸能人も目撃されるなど、"薬の巣窟"という一面もあったんです。伊勢谷はそこで、広末と交際している最中でも次から次へと女性を引っ掛けては、"ポイ捨て"にしていると言われていました。 そうした話を聞きつけて、私も西麻布界隈を取材したんです。 2020-09-09 21:00:00Z |
Armin Martens lays out case for Artis Retail REIT spin-off | RENX - Real Estate News EXchange Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:46 PM PDT Armin Martens lays out case for Artis Retail REIT spin-off | RENX - Real Estate News EXchange ![]() Artis REIT president and CEO Armin Martens. (Courtesy Artis) Investors seem to covet pure-play REITS these days, so that is what Artis REIT (AX.UN-T) president and CEO Armin Martens intends to offer. Speaking about Artis' plans to spin off $779 million in retail assets into a new Artis Retail REIT, Martens told analysts during a Tuesday afternoon conference call the move reflects a new reality in investing, should unlock additional value, and offers more alternatives for growth or M&A activity. "We're performing well in terms of numbers but we are caught in this chronic and structural vortex of diversified REITs," he said. "We are not trading at one of the price multiples of the three asset classes we own. You see this time and time again and after a while it gets old. "You realize after a while, well, it's actually structural. Investors everywhere from Toronto to Red Deer, New York to London and Singapore, institutional investors in particular, wealth managers have made a decision to strongly prefer pure-play REITs. "We're taking a big step in that direction." Artis trades at significant discount to NAVFigures provided by Artis show REIT units trading at a 27 per cent discount to NAV based on "consensus analysts estimates." (The REIT was trading at $9.25 on the TSX as of mid-morning on Wednesday.) Through 2019 the REIT had engaged in a strategic review which led to about $800 million in asset sales, but no significant merger or acquisition activity. "There is an old saying, 'The customer is always right', and if investors want pure-play REITs then that's the direction we have to go," Martens said. The retail component of its portfolio hindered any talks the REIT did have on that front, despite being only about 17 per cent of the total holdings: "It was definitely a stumbling block that we had retail as part of the package," he added. Looking ahead, Martens said Artis is still open to considering M&A options — as a buyer or seller. "There could be other REITs and other portfolios out there that institutions own, that they'll want to merge with Artis REIT," he said. "Or there could be other REITs or institutions that will say 'Artis Retail REIT is a great REIT, great portfolio, and we are interested in buying the REIT'. "It's all about getting the value we should be getting for our unitholders and we are not shy about being on either side of the M&A ledger." The new Artis Retail REITThe plan to spin off the retail assets, announced Tuesday morning, is still conditional on shareholder and regulatory approvals. If it goes through as planned, Martens said he hopes to close the transaction early in 2021. It will create a new retail REIT with up to 40 assets in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. NOI is derived from 92 per cent open-air shopping centres, the other eight per cent from one enclosed mall. Sixty per cent of the portfolio is anchored or shadow-anchored by grocery and/or drug stores. Artis REIT currently contains 42 retail assets, but a property in Delta, B.C. is being held for sale, and the new 330 Main mixed-used tower in Winnipeg will remain with Artis REIT. Martens said the retail assets continue to perform well financially. By carving them out as a distinct portfolio, he believes this will become more apparent to investors. "We're in good markets, good neighbourhoods, there are good fundamentals to support these properties," Martens said. "The cash flow is positive and it is designed to be successful, the balance sheet will be just fine and improving, the payout ratio will be low and it will be a cash-flow positive REIT. "It will not be a REIT that is under stress looking for capital." Artis continues to divest "non-core" assetsAs part of its ongoing program to divest non-core assets, the retail portfolio is likely to be pared further prior to the spinoff. Asset sales could cut up to a half dozen properties and $100 million in value, depending on what gets sold. Martens said including both office and retail properties, Artis has about $200 million under contract to be sold, with those deals expected to close by the end of 2020. The REIT would like to divest an additional $350 million in property, and hopes to complete that by mid 2021. "We're getting good traction already. We thought this might be a lost year, but it's not a lost year at all in terms of seeing property and paying down debt, and at prices that correspond to our value," Martens observed. He tied these asset sales to the REIT's decision to spin off its retail assets at this point, rather than one of its other asset classes. "If we wanted to spin off all three we'd have to sell more properties and improve our balance sheet even more," he explained, noting leverage to GBV remains at 52.1 per cent, well above Artis' goal of 46 per cent. "So we're not quite there yet, but we didn't want to wait another year until all the stars line up perfectly, we wanted to do this now." Several other factors also came into play in the decision, including its overall balance sheet. "A year ago at this time we probably would've spun off industrial first, along with an IPO, and raised money because of the strong demand. But this is not IPO season. "Industrial is a bigger portfolio and dealing with industrial and office means selling more properties to pay down debt, or raising equity. We don't want to raise equity in this market and we don't want to wait a year to sell the rest of our properties. Retail just works for us." Looking to the futureHe did not rule out a possible future move to separate the office and industrial assets. Artis REIT will comprise 176 properties, with about 21.0 million square feet, when the spin-off occurs. On an NOI basis, that breaks down to 58 per cent office, 42 per cent industrial, with 63 per cent of the property in the U.S. and the rest in Canada. "Looking forward if our price multiple for Artis REIT, which will own only industrial and office, if it doesn't improve, bring us to NAV, then as we sell properties and bring down that balance sheet we'll look at splitting that REIT into two more REITs," he said. 2020-09-09 16:35:59Z |
Winnipeg's Artis Sells Stake in Minneapolis Office Building - CoStar Group Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:46 PM PDT Winnipeg's Artis Sells Stake in Minneapolis Office Building - CoStar Group [unable to retrieve full-text content]Winnipeg's Artis Sells Stake in Minneapolis Office Building CoStar Group 2020-09-09 14:05:12Z's-artis-sells-stake-in-minneapolis-office-building |
伊勢谷友介容疑者 認める供述 「大麻は自分が吸うために」 - FNNプライムオンライン Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:14 AM PDT 伊勢谷友介容疑者 認める供述 「大麻は自分が吸うために」 - FNNプライムオンライン [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-09-09 08:30:09Z |
【速報】伊勢谷容疑者 供述「日本では・・・」、大麻所持で逮捕 - TBS NEWS Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:13 AM PDT 【速報】伊勢谷容疑者 供述「日本では・・・」、大麻所持で逮捕 - TBS NEWS ![]() 【速報】伊勢谷容疑者 供述「日本では・・・」、大麻所持で逮捕 俳優の伊勢谷友介容疑者が大麻を所持していたとして逮捕された事件で、伊勢谷容疑者が容疑を認めた上で、「日本では法に触れることは理解しています」と供述していることがわかりました。 俳優の伊勢谷友介容疑者(44)は8日午後、東京・目黒区の自宅で乾燥大麻7.8グラムを所持していたとして大麻取締法違反の疑いで現行犯逮捕されました。伊勢谷容疑者は8日は認否を留保していましたが、9日になって「この大麻は自分で吸うために持っていたものです」「大麻についての認識は日本では法に触れることは理解しています」と容疑を認める供述をしているということです。 また、伊勢谷容疑者の部屋からは乾燥大麻4袋、20.3グラムのほか、吸引に使うとみられるおよそ500枚の巻紙と厚紙で作った吸い口3つが押収されていたことも分かりました。巻紙は3つの箱に入っていましたが、いずれの箱も巻紙の数が減っていて、使用した形跡のある紙が数枚、箱の外にあったということです。 警視庁は、伊勢谷容疑者が大麻を常習的に使用していた疑いがあるとみて、入手ルートなどを調べています。 2020-09-09 07:05:55Z |
Bollywood actress arrested after ex-boyfriend's suicide - Yahoo News Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:48 AM PDT Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty has been arrested for allegedly buying drugs for her former boyfriend, the actor Sushant Singh Rajput, whose suicide sparked a media storm Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty has been arrested for allegedly buying drugs for her former boyfriend, the actor Sushant Singh Rajput, whose suicide sparked a media storm in India. Rajput, 34, was found dead in June in his Mumbai apartment -- with police saying he took his own life. A star with many hit movies to his name, his suicide initially triggered a debate over mental health in the multi-billion-dollar industry. But Rajput's family disputed reports that he suffered from depression and accused Chakraborty, 28, of stealing his money and harassing him. She has strongly denied the allegations. Chakraborty was arrested on Tuesday. The police have also detained others in connection with the case including her brother and a member of Rajput's house staff. India's top anti-crime agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation, has been probing his death since last month. The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) was looking into the star's consumption of cannabis. "We will be opposing bail petitions" for all suspects, NCB Director Mutha Ashok Jain told reporters. The actress has been remanded to judicial custody until September 22. The investigation has grabbed headlines for months, with the media closely following the back-and-forth allegations between Rajput's family and Chakraborty. Some celebrities including actress Sonam Kapoor and director Anurag Kashyap accused TV channels of carrying out a "witch hunt" against Chakraborty. Born in the eastern state of Bihar, Rajput quit engineering studies to pursue a career in acting and dance. He got his big break in 2013 with "Kai Po Che", a film about cricket, love, and politics that won acclaim at the Berlin film festival. He was also lauded for his portrayal of Indian cricket hero Mahendra Singh Dhoni in a hit 2016 biopic. In an interview with AFP that year, Rajput spoke of the emotional rollercoaster he experienced while filming the movie, which portrayed the heartbreak suffered by Dhoni when the cricketer's girlfriend died. "After we did the preparation, in my head I was him and everything that was happening was actually affecting me," he said. Rajput's last film was a Hindi remake of the Hollywood romance "The Fault in Our Stars", titled "Dil Bechara" ("Poor Heart"), which was released in July. amu/grk/qan "Actress" - Google News September 09, 2020 at 12:11AM Bollywood actress arrested after ex-boyfriend's suicide - Yahoo News "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:48 AM PDT The actress who voiced Mulan in Disney's original 1998 animated film has jokingly called out the live-action remake for not including the iconic hair-cutting scene. Ming-Na Wen made the playful comment during a recent interview with the New York Times, in which she discusses the cameo she made in the new movie, which stars Yifei Liu as Mulan. Wen said: "I'm sure Yifei is going to get incredible accolades as the live-action Mulan, but I hope everyone will still have a little place in their hearts for the animated Mulan. I mean, at least she cut her hair!" The hair-cutting scene is a powerful fan-favourite moment that sees Mulan deciding to take her father's place in the imperial army by pretending to be a man in order to save his life. Mulan cuts her hair, which many fans see as her shedding her feminimity and taking on a more masculine look. She also steals her father's sword and armour while a terrific synthesizer score plays. Some fans lamented the omission of this moment from the new movie as a pivotal one in Mulan's journey, while the equivalent remake scene feels oddly underwhelming compared to the impactful hair-cutting scene. —Jennifer McDonnell (@JennMcDonnell_) September 4, 2020 —G-Race the Great (@AccidentalNat20) September 7, 2020 —🖤DÄNNY✖️DECÄY♠️ (@DannyPlaysGamez) September 4, 2020 However, others have argued that the hair-cutting scene in the original is actually just a "Eurocentric" idea that serves Western audiences, as Chinese men of that era never actually cut their hair. This means that in the new movie, when Yifei Liu's Mulan lets her hair down and reveals herself as a woman, her locks wouldn't have actually looked all that different to the other Chinese soldiers, as they would have had hair of a similar length. —jay 📖 tgcf 3 (@chwehanyus) September 6, 2020 Producer of the live-action remake, Jason Reed, told Slash Film in February: "In the Disney film, the scene where she's cutting her hair off, it's actually an anachronism. So Chinese warriors, male warriors wore their hair long. Chinese men wore their hair long... Since we're doing the live action version, because we're looking at the world wide market we thought we had to bring that level of cultural accuracy to it." Wen voiced Mulan in the original animation, but only for her speaking parts, which Lea Salonga provided Mulan's singing voice. This split also happened for Li Shang, Mulan's love interest in the animated original: BD Wong voiced Shang while Donny Osmond provided the singing voice. In the new movie, Ming-Na Wen has a cameo as an "esteemed guest." At the end, after Mulan has saved the Emperor (Jet Li), Ming-Na Wen plays a woman who introduces Mulan to him so he can reward her for her bravery and valor. Jason Reed told Insider: "This has been a very important part of her life and has been ever since the movie came out. "She's been the face of the movie for a long time and she was super excited to be involved and to come to the set." Read more: 20 details you might have missed in Disney's original 'Mulan' 'Mulan' cinematographer breaks down key moments from the live-action movie "Actress" - Google News September 08, 2020 at 12:00AM The original 'Mulan' voice actress called out the new movie for skipping the hair-cutting scene - Insider - INSIDER "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Viral article puts the brakes on China’s food delivery frenzy - TechCrunch Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:47 AM PDT ![]() For China's food delivery workers, life can feel like a constant battle with algorithms, traffic police, and disgruntled customers. An essay detailing the hazardous work conditions of China's food delivery drivers went viral on the internet on Tuesday, causing a moment of national reckonings on algorithmic harms to people. In China's populated urban hubs, one won't miss the army of express couriers speeding and honking on their scooters. Their reckless driving, according to the investigative report from China's People magazine, is largely a result of stringent algorithms that penalize late delivery; what's more, the machines fail to fully factor in real-life variables like weather and traffic and often put drivers' lives at risk. Within hours, the story had gained over 100,000 views and was shared widely and discussed on the WeChat messenger. While food delivery platforms boast increasingly fast delivery thanks to state-of-the-art machine learning, the lofty goals the algorithms set for drivers are often attainable only by breaking traffic rules and working extended hours. Sitting indoors, customers tap on streamlined apps, detached from the dangerous delivery journey. To avoid bad reviews and wage cuts, drivers dash and honk pedestrians out of their way to be on time. Within the first six months of 2019, Shanghai recorded 325 injuries and deaths involving food and parcel delivery drivers alone, with Alibaba's and Tencent-backed Meituan, the food delivery leaders, accounting for nearly 70% of the accidents. "Most people won't care if their order arrives two minutes sooner or 10 minutes late. Platforms can actually be more forgiving of delivery drivers. We are more patient than expected," said a reader comment with 33,000 likes. On the flip side is an enormous market opportunity. The food ordering industry in China is estimated to reach 665 billion yuan ($97 billion) by 2020. A total of 398 million or nearly 45% of China's internet users ordered food online as of March. In contrast, online delivery penetration in the U.S. will reach about 9% by 2020. Millions of drivers are powering China's food delivery economy, with nearly 4 million on Meituan by 2019 and 3 million on at last count. This isn't the first time that China has come to grips with safety for food delivery drivers. Following a series of road accidents in 2017, Chinese police ordered on-demand platforms to improve safety standards for drivers. A commentary from China's state newspaper at the time called for "more humane" management for take-out couriers. Alibaba has taken notice of the latest critique. About 12 hours after the article published, announced it will add a feature that allows customers to voluntarily extend wait time by five or 10 minutes. It also promised that the platform won't penalize couriers with good credit and service history even when they are occasionally late. Meituan,'s main rival, has yet to respond to the issues brought up by the widely circulated article. "viral" - Google News September 08, 2020 at 11:36PM Viral article puts the brakes on China's food delivery frenzy - TechCrunch "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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