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グランドシネマサンシャインの「TENET テネット」IMAX上映成績が世界第1位に - AV Watch

Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:05 AM PDT

グランドシネマサンシャインの「TENET テネット」IMAX上映成績が世界第1位に - AV Watch

「TENET テネット」
(C)2020 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. IMAX(R) is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation. IMAX 3D and IMAX DMR are trademarks of IMAX Corporation.

佐々木興業は、池袋のシネマコンプレックス「グランドシネマサンシャイン」において、18日公開映画「TENET テネット」のIMAXオープニング成績(18日~21日の興行収入)が、 全世界のIMAXシアターにおいて第1位の売上を達成したと発表した。

18日より公開したクリストファー・ノーラン監督最新作「TENET テネット」は、日本でもオープニング興収No.1を獲得し、公開5日間の累計興行収入が7億5,000万円を超え、ノーラン監督の過去作「ダンケルク」や「インターステラー」のオープニング成績を上回るヒットスタートとなっている。


IMAXコーポレーションによると、グランドシネマサンシャインの「TENET テネット」IMAX版のオープニング興行収入(公開後4日間の興行収入)が、全世界のIMAXシアターにおいて世界第1位となる成績を収めたという。


「TENET テネット」公開記念として、先駆けて上映していた「ダークナイト」や「インターステラー」等の上映時においても、フルサイズ版を鑑賞しようと遠方からも多くのファンが詰めかけたという。

最新作「TENET テネット」においても、クリストファー・ノーラン監督は数多くのシーンにおいてIMAXフィルムカメラを使用して撮影。国内最大スクリーン(高さ18.9m×幅25.8m)のグランドシネマサンシャインのIMAXレーザー/GTテクノロジーシアターのスクリーンいっぱいに映し出される映像は、オーディエンスに真の没入体験を提供するとしている。

(C)2020 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. IMAX(R) is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation. IMAX 3D and IMAX DMR are trademarks of IMAX Corporation.

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2020-09-24 05:00:00Z

Trump refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power after Election Day - CNN

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

"Well, we're going to have to see what happens," Trump said when asked whether he'd commit to a peaceful transition, one of the cornerstones of American democracy.
Trump has previously refused to say whether he would accept the election results, echoing his sentiments from 2016. And he has joked -- he says -- about staying in office well past the constitutionally bound two terms.
But his refusal to guarantee a violence-free transition went further and is likely to alarm his opponents, already on edge given his deployment of federal law enforcement to quell protests in American cities.
His reluctance to commit to a peaceful transition was rooted in what he said were concerns about ballots, extending his false assertion that widespread mail-in voting is rife with fraud.
"You know that I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster," Trump said at a press briefing at the White House, presumably referring to mail-in ballots, which he has baselessly claimed will lead to voter fraud.
"(G)et rid of the ballots and you'll have a very ... there won't be a transfer, frankly. There'll be a continuation," he added, saying "the ballots are out of control."
Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican who has stood at odds with the President in the past, slammed Trump's comments later Wednesday.
"Fundamental to democracy is the peaceful transition of power; without that, there is Belarus," Romney tweeted. "Any suggestion that a president might not respect this Constitutional guarantee is both unthinkable and unacceptable."
Trump has previously said his rival Joe Biden would only prevail in November if the election is "rigged," and suggested earlier in the day it was likely the results of the election would be contested all the way to the Supreme Court.
National polls currently show Trump trailing Biden, though surveys of electoral battleground states are tighter.
Democrats have long fretted that Trump may attempt to cling to power using the authorities of the president. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested over the summer that Trump may have to be "fumigated out" of office if he refuses to accept the election results.
Trump has not sought to tamp down on speculation he won't leave office. Asked in a Fox News interview whether he could accept the election results, he demurred.
"No. I have to see," Trump said. "Look you -- I have to see. No, I'm not going to just say 'yes.' I'm not going to say 'no.' And I didn't last time, either."
During his 16-minute briefing, which he ended claiming he had to take an "emergency phone call," Trump also said he felt the US Food and Drug Administration might be politically motivated to delay the approval of a coronavirus vaccine. The FDA is considering new rules for authorization of a Covid-19 vaccine that could push approval until after Election Day.
"It sounded to me to be extremely political," Trump said of the proposed rules. "We're going to look at it. When we come back with these great results and I think you will have those. Why would we? Why would we be delaying it? But we're going to look at it, we're gonna take a look at it and ultimately you're the one who has to approve it."
This story has been updated with additional comments from Trump's news briefing.

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September 23, 2020 at 07:05PM

Trump refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power after Election Day - CNN
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Malaysian opposition leader Anwar plans new government - Fort Wayne's NBC

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim says he has secured a majority in Parliament to form a new government, but parties in the ruling coalition called it a cheap publicity stunt. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin says Anwar must provide evidence, and "until proven otherwise, my National Alliance government still stands firm and I am still prime minister." He urged Malaysians to stay calm. Anwar says he was granted an audience with the king Tuesday but it was postponed because the king was in a hospital. He says he won't reveal details until after he has met the king. No new date for the meeting has been set. Parties in the ruling coalition issued a statement supporting Muhyiddin's leadership. 

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September 22, 2020 at 09:44PM

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar plans new government - Fort Wayne's NBC
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Rancho Cordova Officer Seen Punching Teenager On Viral Video Has Been Fired - CBS Sacramento

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:47 PM PDT

RANCHO CORDOVA (CBS13) — The Rancho Cordova officer involved in a violent incident with a 14-year-old earlier this year has been fired.

As first reported by the Sacramento Bee, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office confirmed that the officer was terminated this week. Officials said the eight-year veteran of the department was on paid administrative leave during the internal investigation.

In April, a video of the officer attacking a child on the ground went viral. The scuffle happened on April 27, after authorities say the officer witnessed the 14-year-old take a tobacco product from an adult. When questioned, the sheriff's office claims the boy refused to cooperate, lied about his age, and resisted physically.

That's apparently when the physical altercation happened.

After video of the incident went viral, Senator Kamala Harris called it a "horrific abuse of power."

The Rancho Cordova officer involved in a violent incident with a 14-year-old earlier this year has been fired.

At the time, the new police chief, Kate Adams, said the boy has expressed remorse and wanted to meet with the officer. It's unclear if that meeting ever happened.

"It is heartening to me that on both sides, with the young man and the officer, there is a desire to listen to each other and understand how the situation could have been different," Adams said in a video posted to YouTube in April.

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department said the officer did not return to work after the incident.

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"viral" - Google News
September 23, 2020 at 06:54PM

Rancho Cordova Officer Seen Punching Teenager On Viral Video Has Been Fired - CBS Sacramento
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完全に恋してる目だ! 芦田愛菜、「星の子」で“イケメン先生”に一目ぼれした瞬間の表情公開 - ねとらぼ

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:34 PM PDT

完全に恋してる目だ! 芦田愛菜、「星の子」で"イケメン先生"に一目ぼれした瞬間の表情公開 - ねとらぼ


芦田愛菜 星の子 一目ぼれ 岡田将生イケメン先生を見つめるちひろ(芦田さん)



芦田愛菜 星の子 一目ぼれ 岡田将生イケメン先生



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2020-09-24 01:00:00Z

대법원, 정준영 징역 5년·최종훈 징역 2년 6개월 확정 / YTN - YTN news

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT

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  1. 대법원, 정준영 징역 5년·최종훈 징역 2년 6개월 확정 / YTN  YTN news
  2. '집단 성폭행' 가수 정준영·최종훈 오늘 대법원 선고  연합뉴스
  3. '집단 성폭행' 정준영·최종훈 오늘 최종 선고 / 연합뉴스TV (YonhapnewsTV)  연합뉴스TV
  4. 정준영·최종훈, '운명의 날'…성폭행 혐의 등 대법 선고  뉴시스
  5. '집단 성폭행' 정준영·최종훈 오늘 최종 선고  연합뉴스TV
  6. Google 뉴스에서 전체 콘텐츠 보기
기사 및 더 읽기 ( 대법원, 정준영 징역 5년·최종훈 징역 2년 6개월 확정 / YTN - YTN news )

주병진, 결혼 못한 이유 "수백억 벌었지만…욕심 때문에 때 놓쳤다" - 한국경제

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT
'같이 삽시다' 주병진
"열등의식이 사업 성공의 밑천"
"결국 결혼도 못하고 혼자 남았다" 씁쓸
주병진 /사진=KBS 2TV '박원숙의 같이 삽시다'

주병진 /사진=KBS 2TV '박원숙의 같이 삽시다'

주병진이 사업 성공에도 허탈한 속내를 드러냈다.

지난 23일 방송된 KBS 2TV '박원숙의 같이 삽시다'에 출연한 주병진은 레전드 MC에서 성공한 사업가로 성장하게 된 과정을 밝혔다.

주병진은 "직원들이 잘 해줬고, 열등의식이 밑천이 됐다. 어린시절 가정 형편이 안좋았다. 방송국 갈 차비도 없었는데 사장 덕에 합격했다고 했다"고 소회했다.

박원숙은 "전성기때만 봐서 그런지 당당하고 자신만만해 보였다. 불우한 어린시절은 없어보였다"고 했다.

주병진은 "초등학교 3학년 때 아버지가 돌아가셨다. 워낙 가난하게 보내서 부유한 삶을 살아보자, 성공한 사람이 되자는 목표가 있었다. 설움을 많이 당했기에 간절했다. 초등학생 때부터 가장이었기 때문"이라고 털어놨다.

박원숙은 "똑같은 상황에서도 왜 나는 불우할까라고 생각하는 사람들이 있는 반면 이런 사람들도 있다"고 거들었다.

주병진은 "첫 사업은 카페다. 보자마자 대박 느낌이라 돈도 없어서 빌려서 차려서 6개월 만에 다 갚았다"고 했다.

혜은이는 "쟤 얼마 못가. 주변에서 그랬다. 저렇게 잘 할 줄 몰랐다"고 말했다.

주병진은 "대부분 카페를 시작하면 주병진이 한다고 찾아온다. 그것보다 음악도 좋고 맛도 좋고, 그런데 주병진이 한다고 뒤에 알아야 터진다. 목표는 방문한 사람들이 고맙게 생각할 정도로 퍼주고, 돈 벌 생각 하면 안된다. 그러다 뒤 돌아보면 돈이 이렇게 쌓여있다"고 귀띔했다.

이어 "코스닥 상장하고 주식을 팔면서 수백억을 벌었다. 돈이 들어오는 순간 허탈하고 허무했다. 앞으로 무얼 위해 살아야 하지?라는 생각을 했다. 돈이 있다고 행복한 것은 아니었다"고 속내를 드러냈다.

주병진은 "결국 이렇게 결혼도 못하고 혼자 남았다. 욕심이 끝이 없어서 때를 놓쳤다. 내 인생도 관리 못하는 사람이 누군가를 행복하게 할 수 있을까라는 불안감이 생기고 자신이 없어졌다"고 고백했다.

김예랑 한경닷컴 기자
기사제보 및 보도자료

ⓒ 한경닷컴, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 주병진, 결혼 못한 이유 "수백억 벌었지만…욕심 때문에 때 놓쳤다" - 한국경제 )

‘안정환 사촌누나’ 안희정 “해외서 전치 30주 교통사고, 여자로 끝났구나 싶더라” - 조선일보

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT

[스포츠조선닷컴 박아람 기자] 재즈 가수 안희정이 과거 교통사고 당시를 떠올리며 눈물을 흘렸다.

지난 23일 방송된 종합편성채널 채널A '아이콘택트'에는 안희정이 출연했다.

이날 안희정은 "요즘은 재즈 가수 보다는 재트리나(재즈+트로트) 안희정으로 더 유명해졌다. 여자 나훈아가 나타났다고 하더라"고 말하며 웃었다. 안희정은 최근 트로트 오디션 프로그램에 출연해 화제를 모았다.

재트리나로 제 2의 인생을 사고 있는 그는 "예전엔 재즈 공연을 다니던 제가 이제는 트로트를 부르러 행사를 한다. 안정환을 떠나서 안희정으로 유명해진 게 처음이었다. 저는 안희정이고 싶은데 안정환의 사촌 누나인거다. 계속. 저한테도 부담이었지만 안정환한테도 부담이었을 거다. (트로트 방송 출연 후)저만의 존재감이 생겨서 너무 좋다"고 말했다.

안희정은 해외에서 전치 30주의 큰 교통사고를 당한 사연을 털어놨다.

그는 "한창 예쁜 나이에 교통사고가 나서 전치 30주 진단을 받았다. 여자로서, 가수로서 끝났다고 생각했다. 심지어 한국도 아닌 해외였다. 응급 이송 비용도 많이 들었다. 5일 안에 수술을 받지 못하면 장애인이 되는 상황이었다. 진통제를 맞고 수혈을 하며 한국에 왔다. 죽을까봐도 무서웠지만 아픈 몸으로 3년 간 수술과 재활을 반복했다. 이 과정이 정말 힘들었다"고 말했다.

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( '안정환 사촌누나' 안희정 "해외서 전치 30주 교통사고, 여자로 끝났구나 싶더라" - 조선일보 )

「月へ着陸、探査」に800億円 文科省が予算要求へ - 朝日新聞デジタル

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT






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Ryzen+RTX 2060+144Hz液晶搭載で12万円台! 高コスパゲーミングノート「G-Tune E5-D」 - PC Watch

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT


G-Tune E5-D

 マウスコンピューターのゲーミングパソコンブランド「G-Tune」より、ゲーミングノート「G-Tune E5-D」が発売された。

 本機の特徴は、高いコストパフォーマンスに尽きる。ノートパソコンながらデスクトップ用のRyzen 5 3500を搭載し、GPUもGeForce RTX 2060を搭載しながら、価格は税別129,800円と格安だ。



 「G-Tune E5-D」のスペックは下記のとおり。

【表1】G-Tune E5-Dのスペック
CPURyzen 5 3500(6コア/6スレッド、3.6~4.1GHz)
チップセットAMD B450
GPUGeForce RTX 2060(6GB)
メモリ16GB DDR4-2666(8GB×2)
SSD512GB(M.2 NVMe)
OSWindows 10 Home
汎用ポートUSB 3.1×3(Type-C・映像出力対応×1、Type-A×2)、USB 2.0
映像出力HDMI、Mini DisplayPort
無線機能Killer Wi-Fi 6 AX1650(最大2.4Gbps)、Blunetooth 5
有線LANGigabit Ethernet

 先述のとおり、CPUはデスクトップ向けのRyzen 5 3500を搭載。チップセットもデスクトップ向けのAMD B450となっている。GPUはGeForce RTX 2060、ストレージは512GBのM.2 NVMe SSDと、ゲーミングデスクトップパソコンとしてもミドルクラス程度のスペックはある。

 さらに液晶は144Hzの高リフレッシュレートに対応。ネットワーク周りも最大2.4GbpsのWi-Fi 6と有線LANも備え、USB Type-Cも完備。これだけそろって税別12万円台に収まっている。

 カスタマイズメニューを確認すると、CPUは1ランク上のRyzen 5 3600も選択可能。メインメモリは最大64GB、SSDは1TBにそれぞれ増量できる。さらに最大2TBのSATA接続のSSDやHDDも追加可能となっており、2基のSSDを搭載した構成にもできる。



 次は実機の検証に移る。まずはベンチマークテストを試してみた。利用したのは、「PCMark 10 v2.1.2506」、「3DMark v2.12.6964」、「VRMark v1.3.2020」、「FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION ベンチマーク」、「ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 漆黒のヴィランズ ベンチマーク」、「ファンタシースターオンライン2 キャラクタークリエイト体験版 EPISODE4」、「CINEBENCH R20」、「CrystalDiskMark 7.0.0」。

 本機にはカスタマイズツール「Control Center 3.0」がプリインストールされており、そのなかにある「Power Modes」で4種類のパフォーマンス設定ができる。標準は「エンターテイメント」で、ほかに「パフォーマンス」、「省電力」、「静音」がある。ベンチマークテストは、「エンターテイメント」と「パフォーマンス」の2つで行なった。

カスタマイズツール「Control Center 3.0」
「Power Modes」でパフォーマンス設定を切り替え可能

 気になるデスクトップ向けCPUのパワーはと言うと、それほど秀でた値ではない。そもそもRyzen 5 3500は16,000円台で購入できる安価なCPUであり、SMT(Simultaneous Multithreading)非対応なので、ノートパソコン向けのCPUと比較して特別優秀なわけではない。とは言えノートパソコンの筐体に組み込んで性能が下がっているということもなく、本機の高いコストパフォーマンスにおおいに貢献しているのは確かだ。

 グラフィックスも含めたベンチマークでは、GeForce RTX 2060の力をしっかりと発揮している。本機のディスプレイはフルHDだが、144Hz対応なので、ベンチマークテストのスコアはフルHDでもかなり高い評価であってほしいところ。

 「ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 漆黒のヴィランズ ベンチマーク」では最高の「非常に快適」の評価。「FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION ベンチマーク」では、フルHDだと「快適」。フレームレートはゲームや設定画質によって大きく変わるが、今時のゲーミングノートパソコンとしてはまず文句の出ないレベルだ。


 バッテリ持続時間の計測は、画面の明るさ50%、NVIDIA Battery Boostはオフで計測。公称値よりは長く持ったものの、アイドル状態でも2時間弱となり、昨今のノートパソコンとしては短い。ちょっとした移動用か、UPS代わりになるくらいの気持ちでいるほうがいい。

「PCMark 10 v2.1.2506」
PCMark 105,4735,451
Apps Start-up score10,1118,856
Video Conferencing Score6,5986,344
Web Browsing Score8,6568,494
Spreadsheets Score8,7059,970
Writing Score6,3396,407
Digital Content Creation7,1947,038
Photo Editing Score9,6058,856
Rendering and Visualization Score8,3068,653
Video Editing Score4,6674,551
Idle Battery Life1時間45分-
Modern Office Battery Life1時間41分-
Gaming Battery Life1時間4分-
「3DMark v2.12.6964 - Time Spy」
Graphics score6,3076,699
CPU score4,7614,743
「3DMark v2.12.6964 - Port Royal」
「3DMark v2.12.6964 - Fire Strike」
Graphics score14,93617,634
Physics score11,68011,952
Combined score7,1998,266
「3DMark v2.12.6964 - Night Raid」
Graphics score73,27376,788
CPU score9,1798,527
「3DMark v2.12.6964 - Sky Diver」
Graphics score53,23058,332
Physics score11,70411,945
Combined score22,95623,173
「VRMark v1.3.2020 - Orange Room」
「VRMark v1.3.2020 - Cyan Room」
「VRMark v1.3.2020 - Blue Room」
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「ファンタシースターオンライン2 キャラクタークリエイト体験版 EPISODE4」(簡易設定6)
CPU(Single Core)452pts455pts

 ストレージはADATA製「XPG SX6000 Pro(SX6000PNP)」が使われていた。リードで2GB/sを超えるなど十分に高速で、使用感も良好だ。









 タッチパッドは標準的なもので、2つのボタンも独立している。注目はタッチパッドの左上部分に内蔵された指紋センサー。Windows Helloに対応し、指紋認証でWindowsにログインできる。指紋の読み取り感度もほぼミスなく良好だ。


 キーボードはバックライト搭載。専用ツール「LED Keyboard」でカスタマイズもできる。キーボード全体のライティングを一括変更するかたちで、色は数色から選択でき、明るさも4段階に調整可能。しばらく操作がなければ消灯する機能もあり、消灯までの時間も自由に設定できる。


「LED Keyboard」でキーボードバックライトを調整

 スピーカーは筐体底面の前方左右に内蔵されている。小型のスピーカーだけに低音はほとんど出ていないものの、中高音は落ち着いた音質で、人の声はしっかりと聞こえる。また音の出所がうまくぼかされており、ほどよいステレオ感も出ている。全体として聞き疲れしないようなチューニングで、ゆったり動画鑑賞したり、軽めのゲームを遊ぶのに向いている。なお音質はプリインストールソフト「Sound Blaster Cinema 6」で調整も可能だ。




 さらにこだわりたい人には、専用ツール「Fan Speed Control」で、CPUとGPUのファンの回転数を個別にチューニングもできる。

「Sound Blaster Cinema 6」で音質調整
「Fan Speed Control」。最大にすればファンが全力で回る






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Bayern Munich defender Martinez's dream return to Athletic Club on the brink of collapse - Goal

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT

The Spaniard is looking to play for the Basque side once again, having spent six seasons with the team between 2006 and 2012.

Bayern Munich defender Javi Martinez's proposed return to Athletic Club is on the verge of collapsing. 

Martinez joined Bayern from Athletic in 2012 and after eight trophy-filled years in Bavaria, the 32-year-old is hoping for a return to the Basque club - but Goal and SPOX understand that the move is in serious jeopardy over the proposed termination of Martinez's Bayern contract, which has entered its final season

Athletic are counting on Bayern and Martinez reaching an agreement over the cancellation of his contract, which would allow the Spaniard to then join them on a free transfer. 

Bayern, though, are holding out for a fee of around €10 million (£9m/$12) and appear unwilling to negotiate a termination of Martinez's deal. 

Should Martinez not require a transfer fee, Athletic believe they have the required funds to invest in a salary that would successfully lure their former player back.

However, the Liga club won't be able to put together a competitive contract offer for Martinez should they also be required to invest in a transfer fee. 

Martinez also has interest from Real Sociedad, as well as clubs in Saudi Arabia and China that could offer him a much more lucrative deal than either Liga side. 

He missed Bayern's traditional Oktoberfest photo shoot on Tuesday, prompting speculation that he had secured a transfer away from the German champions. On Wednesday, however, Martinez was named in the squad for Bayern's UEFA Super Cup match against Sevilla on Thursday.

Bayern head coach Hansi Flick said on Wednesday that he wasn't completely certain of Martinez's situation, but was happy to have him as an option for the match in Budapest.

"I can't always quite understand things," Flick said. "I was also a bit surprised that Javi Martínez was already gone, even though he is still in our squad. I'm glad Javi is here."

Martinez has been a valuable option for Bayern since his arrival in 2012, filling in at centre-back and in central midfield, but the veteran has seen his role reduced lately and made just 10 starts in all competitions in 2019-20.

Last month, Bayern chief executive Karl-Heinz Rummenigge confirmed that Martinez was looking to leave the club. 

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September 23, 2020 at 12:07PM

Bayern Munich defender Martinez's dream return to Athletic Club on the brink of collapse - Goal
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주병진 “사업으로 수백억 벌었지만 허탈… 그럼 뭐하나. 결혼도 못했는데”(같이 삽시다) - 세계일보

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

방송인 주병진이 사업에 성공하면서 오히려 결혼하지 못했다고 털어놨다.

주병진은 지난23일 방송된 KBS2 '박원숙의 같이 삽시다'에 출연, 남해 하우스를 방문했다.

주병진은 "멋진 남자 손님은 처음"이라는 박원숙의 너스레에 "박원숙 선배님은 배려심도 있고 보스 기질도 있어서 너무 보기 좋았다"고 칭찬했다.

이에 박원숙은 "이런 칭찬 처음 들어봐서 신난다"며 "열 살 나이 차이만 안 났어도. 안타깝다"고 덧붙여 멤버들을 폭소케 했다.

한편 방송에서 주병진은 "사업 성공으로 상장까지 시켜 주식으로 수백억을 벌었다"고 밝혀 놀라움을 자아냈다.

그러나 주병진은 "수백억을 벌어도 허탈하더라. 그걸로 행복한 건 한두 달 뿐이었다"며 "인생의 목표가 사라진 느낌이 들었다"고 고백했다.

특히 주병진은 "수백억을 벌면 뭐하냐. 결혼도 못했는데"라며 자조하며 "사업 욕심 때문에 결혼을 못했다. 욕심이 많아서 때를 놓친 셈"이라고 밝혔다.

최승우 온라인 뉴스 기자

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`아침마당` 김정연 30년 전, 강남 아파트 안 산 것 후회 - 스타투데이 - 매일경제

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

'아침마당' 가수 김정연이 과거 강남 아파트를 사지 않은 걸 후회한다고 밝혔다.

24일 방송된 KBS1 '아침마당'에서는 돈 정리의 기술에 대한 강연이 공개됐다.

이날 게스트로 출연한 김정연은 "이제서야 돈이 중요한지 알게 됐다.

살면서 후회된 건 30년 전에 친언니가 강남에 아파트 하나 사라고, 5천만 원이라고 했다"고 말했다.

김정연은 "그때는 언니에게 곧 결혼할 건데 전세로 살다가 시집갈 거라고 했다. 그때 가면 생각해보겠다고 했는데, 그게 노른자 아파트가 됐다. 왜 돈을 놓쳤을까 싶다"고 이야기했다.

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( `아침마당` 김정연 30년 전, 강남 아파트 안 산 것 후회 - 스타투데이 - 매일경제 )

‘임영웅의 선택’...'뽕숭아학당' 남녀공학편 12.7% 최고의 1분 - 조선일보

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

23일 방송된 TV조선 '뽕숭아학당'ㅡ '남녀공학 가을 소풍 클래스' 최고1분 시청률은 임영웅이 차지했다.

소유가 임영웅을 선택한 상황에서 유아가 또 짝꿍으로 임영웅을 선택했을 때, 그리고 소유와 유아 아 사이에서 결국 임영웅이 소유를 짝궁으로 선택할 때 시청률이 12.7% (TNMS, 유료가구)까지 상승했다.

이날 영탁은 짝꿍으로 유빈, 이찬원은 유아, 장민호는 홍현희를 짝궁으로 하여 도시락 먹방과 짝꿍 풀피리 음악 퀴즈를 하면서 흥겨운 시간을 보냈다. 또 폐건물 콘서트로 이색적인 가을 소풍을 선보였다.


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기사 및 더 읽기 ( '임영웅의 선택'...'뽕숭아학당' 남녀공학편 12.7% 최고의 1분 - 조선일보 )

無償ながらAI対応で写真管理を容易にするNero「AI Photo Tagger」 - PC Watch

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:13 PM PDT
Nero AI Photo Taggerを利用すると、写真を自動で解析してAIが最適と判断するタグをExifに書き込むことができる

 Intelから第11世代Coreプロセッサが発表された。搭載ノートパソコンは、今後年末商戦に向けてOEMメーカーから順次市場投入される。その第11世代および第10世代Coreでは、AVX512の拡張としてIntel Deep Learning Boost(以下DL Boost)と呼ばれる命令セットが追加された。

 そうしたDL Boostに対応しているのが、今回取り上げるNeroの「AI Photo Tagger」だ。AI Photo TaggerはAIが自動で解析し、タグづけを自動で行なってくれるため、写真の検索性が大きく向上する。Neroはこのツールを無償で提供しており、同社のWebサイトからダウンロードして利用可能だ。

以前はCD/DVD書き込みソフトで知られたNeroの最新ツール「AI Photo Tagger」


 Neroは1995年に「Ahead Software」という社名でドイツにおいて創業したソフトウェアベンダーで、2005年1月1日に社名を現在のNero AGへと変更して現在に至っている。NeroはCD-RやDVD-Rなどの記録メディアへの書き込みソフトウェア(そのソフトウェアの名前がNeroで、後にこれが社名になった)で知られていたが、ご存じのとおり近年では、Windows OSやmacOS自体に光学メディアへの書き込み機能が標準で実装されたことなどもあり、現在では動画編集、写真編集、バックアップなど7つのソフトウェアを1つのパッケージにした「Nero Platinum」などの統合ソフトウェアを販売している。

 そのNeroが無償ソフトウェアとして提供しているのが「AI Photo Tagger」だ。NeroのWebサイトから無償でダウンロード可能で、ダウンロード時とアプリケーションの初回起動時にメールアドレスを登録する必要がある。


 AI Photo Taggerの特徴は、ディープラーニングの推論機能を利用して、写真の画像認識を行ない、その認識された画像の種類で画像にタグをつけていくということにある。


タグにより写真を分類できる。「Save Tags」のボタンを押すとタグをExifに書き込むことができる

 実際にAI Photo Taggerを使うには、まずターゲットとなる写真が保存されているフォルダを指定して「分析」というボタンを押す。これだけ自動で分析が開始される。

 解析したタグは、Exifに書き込んだりもできるし、Neroが提供しているNero Platinumに含まれる「Nero MediaHome」に引き継いで写真の管理に利用することも可能だ。

OpenVINOツールキットでDL Boostに対応。第10/11世代Coreで高速処理が可能に


 Neroによれば、こうしたAI Photo Taggerの解析はCPU、GPUなど使えるハードウェアリソースをすべて使って行なっているので高速だという。とくにIntel CPUへの最適化は、Intelが提供するOpenVINOツールキットを利用して行なわれているとする。


 高速化には、とくにDL Boostによる恩恵が大きい。DL Boostは、IntelがSkylake以降で対応している拡張命令セット「AVX512」の追加命令として用意されているVNNI(Vector Neural Network Instructions)という命令セットのブランド名で、大まかに言うと、FP32(32bitの浮動小数点演算)で演算するところを、INT8(8bitの整数演算)に置き換えて、推論処理を行なう。ディープラーニングの推論では、データをFP32からINT8に置き換えても、精度にはほとんど影響がないことがわかっており、その置き換えによりCPUでより多くのデータを並列に処理することが可能になるので、性能が向上するのだ。

 今回はSurface Pro 7(Core i7-1065G7、16GBメモリ、512GB SSD)で、331ファイル/1.71GBの写真データを解析してみたところ、解析には全部で12秒、1枚当たり0.04秒と高速に分析を行なうことができた。DL Boostに対応していない第8世代Core i7-8665Uを搭載したノートパソコンで同じテストをしたところ29秒、1枚当たり0.09秒、AMD Ryzen 7-4700U(Zen2、8コア)を搭載したノートパソコンで同じテストをしたところ22秒、1枚あたり0.07秒だったので、確かにDL Boostには大きな効果があることがわかる。

 前述のとおり、AI Photo Taggerはメールアドレスを登録するだけで、無償で利用可能だ。第10世代Coreや第11世代Coreを搭載したノートパソコンを持っているユーザーはもとより、それ以外のCPUでも利用可能なので、試してみてはいかがだろうか。


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Barcelona reach €25m agreement to sign USMNT defender Dest from Ajax -

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT

Having sold Nelson Semedo to Wolves, the Blaugrana can now finance a move for the Dutch-born United States international

Barcelona have reached an agreement with Ajax to sign Sergino Dest, with the Catalan side hopeful of swiftly wrapping up a deal for the United States international as Luis Suarez bids farewell to the club where he has spent the last six years.

Uruguayan striker Suarez left Barca's training ground in tears on Wednesday, with sources close to the club revealing to Goal that a farewell event is being planned for Thursday ahead of the 33-year-old's impending move to Atletico Madrid.

The Blaugrana have been working hard during the transfer window to offload as many players that are not part of Ronald Koeman's plans as possible, with the club in desperate need of fast cash to finance the Dutchman's rebuild.

The Catalan club have thus far raised €34 million (£31m/$40m) through sales, with Nelson Semedo having been moved on to Wolves, Jorge Cuenca to Villarreal, Ivan Rakitic to Sevilla and Arturo Vidal to Inter. That number could rise by an additional €24m (£22m/$28m) through add-ons.

With the money they have, Barca can now afford to move for 19-year-old right-back Dest, who will cost the club €20m (£18m/$23m) up front plus an additional €5m (£4.5m/$6m) in bonuses.

In addition to the players already offloaded, the club are also hopeful of selling Martin Braithwaite, Samuel Umtiti, Jean-Clair Todibo, Rafinha and Junior Firpo, and are understood to have all but given up on signing Inter's Lautaro Martinez – at least for now – due to a lack of liquidity.

Barca have also reached an agreement with Suarez to pay only half of his €14m (£13m/$16m) annual salary that had been left to run, as the striker did not want to cause further issues for a club that has given him so much throughout his six-year stay at Camp Nou.

Following the imminent acquisition of Dest, the board are keen to bring in an out-and-out striker to replace Suarez, with Lyon's Memphis Depay seemingly the top option. And while more sales will have to be made to finance a bid, a transfer should not yet be ruled out.

Barca had also been hopeful of strengthening their backline by bringing centre-half Eric Garcia back from Manchester City, a player that the Premier League side value at around €25m (£23m/$29m) and who has only one year left to run on his current contract.

It is understood that the 19-year-old will not renew with City, however, and the Catalans are happy to wait until his deal runs out before signing him on a free transfer ahead of next season.

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September 23, 2020 at 06:06AM

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仏の大物歌手 グレコさん死去 - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:34 PM PDT

仏の大物歌手 グレコさん死去 - Yahoo!ニュース

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. 仏の大物歌手 グレコさん死去  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. ジュリエット・グレコさん死去 仏シャンソンの大御所  朝日新聞デジタル
  3. シャンソン歌手のジュリエット・グレコさん死去…93歳  読売新聞
  4. 仏シャンソン歌手グレコさん死去 名曲「枯葉」など、女優でも活躍  MSN エンターテイメント
  5. 仏大物歌手ジュリエット・グレコさん死去 93歳  AFPBB News
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-09-23 23:37:31Z

마이데일리 - 마이데일리

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

[마이데일리 = 김미리 기자] 조영구가 빌려준 돈을 받지 못해 힘든 시간을 보냈다고 털어놨다.

24일 오전 방송된 KBS 1TV '아침마당' 코너 '슬기로운 목요일'에서는 '돈 정리의 비법'에 대해 이야기를 나눴다.

이날 조영구는 "지금까지 돈을 많이 빌려주고 못 받아 마음고생을 너무 많이 했다. 그런데 '아침마당'이 이 주제로 절 불러줘서 너무 기쁜 마음에 달려왔다"고 밝혔다.

이어 "많은 분들이

'조영구 씨는 왜 이렇게 돈을 많이 빌려줬냐' 이렇게 물어보는데 거절을 못 한다. 얼마나 오죽하면 저한테 부탁을 할까 해서 그동안 많은 돈을 빌려줬다. 돈 빌려준 사람 하면 상위 1%에 들 정도인데, '아침마당'에서 돈을 왜 빌려줬고 왜 못 받았는지를 1시간 특집으로 하라고 하면 모자란 시간"이라고 덧붙였다.

또 "돈을 빌려주지 말아야겠다고 생각하는데 돈을 안 빌려주면 그 사람과 관계가 너무 나빠진다. 이 사람과 좋은 관계를 유지하려고 돈을 빌려달라고 하면 10% 정도만 빌려준다. 1000만원이면 100만원만 주면서 '나 이것밖에 없다. 정말 미안해' 그러면 돈을 빌려 간 사람도 '영구는 정말 의리가 있다'며 나한테 고마워한다. 그러다 보니까 이게 소문이 나서 너도나도 10% 준다는 얘기에 '영구야 나 500만원만', '300만원만' 그런다. 너무 힘든 시간을 보내고 있다"고 말했다.

[사진 = KBS 1TV 방송 캡처] 김미리 기자
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'뽕숭아학당', 제1회 트로트 육상선수권 대회 '임영웅 팀' 최종 승리..11.4% - 조선일보

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

[OSEN=최나영 기자] "하늘은 높고, 말은 살찌고, '뽕'은 깊어진다!"

'뽕숭아학당' 임영웅-영탁-이찬원-장민호가 유빈-소유-유아-홍현희와 함께 '남녀공학 가을 소풍 클래스'로 흥삘을 안방극장에 고스란히 전달했다.

지난 23일 방송된 TV CHOSUN '뽕숭아학당' 20회는 닐슨코리아 기준 전국 시청률 11.4%로 지상파-종편 종합 동시간대 1위를 수성하며 적수 없는 왕좌 독주를 이어갔다. 이날 방송에서 트롯맨 F4는 '가을 운동회' 최종 우승팀을 결정한 데 이어, 예능고수 여자 아이돌 선배들과 '가을 소풍'을 떠나 무더웠던 여름을 날려 보내고 예능감 충만한 가을맞이에 나섰다.

'제1회 트롯 육상선수권 대회' 승부를 가르는 마지막 경기인 '씨름'에서 이찬원-김희재, 영탁-류지광, 나태주-신인선이 준준결승에 올랐던 상태. 예상외의 접전이 펼쳐지면서 김희재-신인선이 준결승에서 만났고, 이 경기를 통해 이긴 김희재가 부전승으로 올라온 류지광과 결승전을 치른 끝에 류지광이 '씨름' 경기 우승자를 차지했다. 이에 금메달 2개가 임영웅-류지광-신인선의 '톨게이트 팀'에 수여되면서 '톨게이트 팀'이 '제1회 트롯 육상선수권 대회' 금빛 월계관을 쟁취했다.

다음으로 가을 소풍을 떠난 트롯맨 F4는 장민호가 빌었던 남녀공학 소원이 이루어진다는 소식에 기쁨을 감추지 못했다. 이때 레드카펫이 깔리면서 성공한 여자 선배들인 유빈-소유-유아와 홍현희가 등장, 소풍지를 화사하게 물들였다. 이어 선배들이 제안한 '림보 게임', '손바닥 밀치기' 등 미니게임을 통해 임영웅-소유, 영탁-유빈, 이찬원-유아, 장민호-홍현희가 짝꿍으로 맺어졌고, 이 순간을 영원히 간직하자는 의미로 임영웅이 이문세의 '그대와 영원히'를 부르며 남녀공학 가을 소풍이 본격적으로 시작됐다.

트롯맨 F4와 여자 선배들은 짝꿍들끼리 뜻깊은 이야기를 나누며 도시락 먹방을 마친 후 '뽕숭아학당'만이 할 수 있는 '짝꿍 풀피리 음악 퀴즈'에 돌입했다. 10점이 걸린 첫 번째 문제는 영탁-유빈이 윤수일의 '아파트'를 맞혀 흥겨움을 돋웠고, 두 번째는 임영웅-소유가 홍현희의 힌트를 받아 쿨의 '애상'을 적중시키며 가창력을 뽐냈다. 다음으로 이찬원-유아가 박주희 '자기야'를 한 방에 성공하면서 승부욕을 불지폈고, 임영웅-소유가 15점을 내건 지코의 '아무노래'로 1등에 올랐다.

특히 이찬원-유아가 60점이 걸린 채연 '둘이서'를 맞히면서 판도가 뒤집히는 듯 했지만 마지막 퀴즈에서 어느 팀이든 1등을 차지할 수 있는 1500점 문제가 출제됐던 터. 노래 제목의 정확한 발음이 승부의 관건으로 떠올라 혼란이 가중됐지만, '찬또위키' 이찬원이 명료하게 '사랑의 배터리'를 외치면서 이찬원-유아가 '짝꿍 풀피리 음악 퀴즈' 우승을 차지하게 됐다.

이후 트롯맨 F4와 여자 선배들은 폐건물에 숨겨진 '뽕숭아학당'의 보물, 마이크를 찾아나서는 '뽕물찾기 담력훈련'을 맞이했다. 꼴등을 한 팀에게는 무시무시한 벌칙이 기다리는 가운데 첫 번째 주자로 출발한 이찬원-유아는 마이크와 넋을 뒤바꾸며 8분 50초를 기록했고, 임영웅-소유는 목청껏 소리를 내지르며 7분 43초 만에 도착지에 다다랐다. 장민호-홍현희는 귀신에게 길을 묻는 센스를 발휘한 데 이어 겁에 질린 홍현희를 엎고 뛴 장민호의 대활약으로 6분 18초에 도달했고, 해맑은 인사성으로 귀신도 민망하게 만든 영탁-유빈은 6분 14초로 1위를 거머쥐었다.

마지막으로 벌칙을 수행할 '뽕물찾기 담력훈련' 꼴등 팀 발표를 앞두고 반전이 일어났다. 시간 기록으로 따지면 이찬원-유아가 벌칙을 받아야 하지만, 임영웅-소유가 마이크를 찾아오는 미션을 수행하지 않아 꼴찌팀으로 선정됐던 것. 결국 임영웅과 소유는 귀신들에게 둘러싸인 채 '그 남자 그 여자'를 열창하는, '폐건물 콘서트'로 이색적인 가을 소풍의 끝을 맺었다.

매주 수요일 오후 10시 방송.


[사진] '뽕숭아학당' 방송 캡처

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( '뽕숭아학당', 제1회 트로트 육상선수권 대회 '임영웅 팀' 최종 승리..11.4% - 조선일보 )

나훈아, KBS2 언텍트 공연 무보수 출연…"코로나에 희망 전달" - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT


가수 나훈아가 신종 코로나바이러스감염증 (코로나19)으로 어려움을 겪는 사람들을 위로하기 위해 KBS와 함께 마련한 '2020 한가위 대기획 대한민국 어게인 나훈아'에서 출연료를 받지 않고 공연한다고 KBS 2TV가 23일 밝혔다.  
나훈아 측은 "단순 방송 출연이 아닌 온 국민과 함께 힘을 내고 희망을 전달하는 취지에서 기획된 공연인 만큼 그 어느 때보다 진심을 다하고 싶다는 마음"이라고 말했다. 나훈아는 지난달 새 앨범 '나훈아 아홉이야기'를 발매했다.
이번 콘서트는 나훈아 인생 최초의 '언택트' 공연이자 15년만의 방송 무대 출연이다. 이날 오후 7시 30분에는 사전에 선정된 1000명을 대상으로 온라인 콘서트가 열린다. 오는 30일 오후 8시 30분 KBS 2TV를 통해 방송하고 이후 온라인 다시보기 서비스나 TV를 통한 재방송은 없다.  
김경희 기자


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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 나훈아, KBS2 언텍트 공연 무보수 출연…"코로나에 희망 전달" - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 )

Apple Watchのベルトがスマート生地になる? 特許から - ギズモード・ジャパン

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT


先日の発表会でApple Watch Series 6が発表され、本体だけでなくバンド部分も一新。着脱がスムーズになった留め金のないソロループがベルトに加わりました。あれ、なんか高いなーと思いましたけど、近い未来、バンド自体の値段がもっとあがる可能性も。だって、Appleにはバンドをスマート化する構想があるようですから。


Image: United States Patent Application via Patently Apple

特許を追うネタ元のPatently Appleが、布に電極を埋め込んだ電子ファブリックを使った未来のApple Watchに関するドキュメントを発見。電子パーツを編み込む、縫い込むことで、布地をスマート化するというアイディア。しかし、布の柔軟に曲がるという最大の特徴は電子パーツにとっては難点。チャレンジングなプロジェクトになるのは必至ですね。また、お洋服だとお洗濯問題があるので、まずはバッグや家具の布地部分からスタートするのが理想かと。てことで、Apple Watchのバンドは電子ファブリックを使ってみるのに最高の場所になりそう。アシスタント的役割だけでなく、ヘルストラッキング面での期待がますます高まるスマートウォッチなので、いっそバンドだけのプロダクトがあっても悪くないですし。


Source: Patently Apple, Ubergizmo

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急変した電子チケットを取り巻く環境とエンタメビジネス--playground伊藤代表に聞く - CNET Japan

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT



 ここでは、電子チケットサービス「MOALA Ticket」を展開するplayground代表取締役の伊藤圭史氏に、新型コロナによって変化したイベント興行や電子チケットを取り巻く状況、そして今後のエンタメビジネスについて聞いた。


 playgroundは2017年6月に創業し、ライブ体験に関わるあらゆるサービスをデジタル化するエンタメのデジタル化支援プラットフォーム「MOALA」を提供。電子チケットの発券システムのMOALA Ticketは、埼玉西武ライオンズや吉本興業などで導入されている。そのほかエンターテック(スポーツ・エンタメ×デジタル)に特化したコンサルティング・システムインテグレーション事業なども展開。2019年6月には、本田圭佑氏が手がける個人ファンド「KSK Angel Fund LLC」を引受先とした第三者割当増資による資金調達を実施したことでも知られている。









 弊社でも独自開発の顔認識技術とQRコードを融合した非接触型の入場認証機能「MOALA QR」と検温機能(発熱者スクリーニング機能)を組み合わせたwithコロナ時代に対応した入場認証機能を開発しました。非接触や検温といった新型コロナ対策はもちろん、不正転売や、これを機に来場者全員を顧客名簿化しようといった派生したニーズにも対応しています。まもなく実際のイベントに使われる予定で、興行の復活と共に活用いただける場も増えていくものと期待しています。

QRコードと顔をかざして入場管理を行う「MOALA QR」
QRコードと顔をかざして入場管理を行う「MOALA QR」

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Chelsea 6-0 Barnsley: Kai Havertz shows his class with brilliant hat-trick in emphatic victory - Daily Mail

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT

Chelsea 6-0 Barnsley: £89m summer signing Kai Havertz shows his class with brilliant hat-trick to lead Frank Lampard's men to an emphatic victory

  • Kai Havertz produced a brilliant display to lead Chelsea to a comfortable victory
  • The £89m summer signing netted three times as Frank Lampard's men ran riot 
  • Tammy Abraham, Ross Barkley and Olivier Giroud completed the scoring

A low key League cup tie against struggling Championship opposition was unlikely to be the sort of occasion Kai Havertz had down to be a memorable one when he signed up to be part of Frank Lampard's revolution.

He will not forget Barnsley's visit to Stamford Bridge, however, the night he announced himself as a Chelsea player following his £62m arrival from Bayer Leverkusen by opening his account with a first ever senior hat-trick.

The headline capture in Lampard's summer spree – £200m plus and counting with with goalkeeper Edouard Mendy still to come - might have instead thought nights like these might be ones when he would have his feet up. 

Tammy Abraham opened the scoring for Chelsea and celebrated with Kai Havertz

Tammy Abraham opened the scoring for Chelsea and celebrated with Kai Havertz

Havertz produced a clinical finish just minutes later to put Chelsea firmly in the ascendancy

Havertz produced a clinical finish just minutes later to put Chelsea firmly in the ascendancy 

Havertz wasn't finished there though and scored two more times as Chelsea ran riot

Havertz wasn't finished there though and scored two more times as Chelsea ran riot

But his Blues career had begun slowly and giving the German more game time to continue his adaptation was not the worst idea, especially as Andreas Christensen's red card meant Havertz was the unlucky one sacrificed at half-time against Liverpool.

There was much to please Lampard following a selection decision that paid off handsomely.

Not just the three goals from Havertz but the desire to win the ball back to set up Ross Barkley's goal too.

There were also signs of an encouraging link-up with Tammy Abraham who was involved in all three of Havertz's goals while the England striker and Olivier Giroud also found the net for the first time this season.

Ahead of kick-off, who was missing for Chelsea was just as noteworthy as who was included.

For the second game running Antonio Rudiger, as well as Ruben Loftus-Cheek, were absent from the Blues squad further fuelling doubts about their futures. 

Chelsea scored their fourth of the night through Ross Barkley's powerful effort

Chelsea scored their fourth of the night through Ross Barkley's powerful effort

The German scored with a clever finish to net his third goal of the evening

The German scored with a clever finish to net his third goal of the evening

Rudiger's situation is looking especially bleak following the arrival of Thiago Silva, Lampard insisting that with five centre-backs he cannot have the other three on the bench.

Rudiger could now end up replacing Silva with PSG, the Brazilian's former club eyeing him.

Barnsley's visit also represented a big opportunity for Callum Hudson-Odoi to kickstart his season amid the swirling doubts about his future, a late window loan move not out of the question due to his lack of action.

Ben Chilwell was fit enough for a place on the bench for the first time following his £50m arrival from Leicester while the confidence-hit Kepa Arrizabalaga was put out of his misery, with Willy Caballero starting.

Barnsley manager Gerhard Struber made five changes with one seeing former Chelsea youngster Brad Collins return in goal and he began well, smothering at the feet of Hudson-Odoi inside the first minute. Barnsley, though, emerged as the better side.

They knocked the ball around with a confidence that belied their pointless start to their league campaign, committed men forward and created a flurry of chances.

Frank Lampard would have been pleased with his side's ruthless display on Wednesday night

Frank Lampard would have been pleased with his side's ruthless display on Wednesday night

Olivier Giroud completed the rout with a last-minute header to send Chelsea through

Olivier Giroud completed the rout with a last-minute header to send Chelsea through

In one three-minute spell, which included an a sloppy miskick from Silva that gifted Barnsley an opportunity, the Yorkshire side had three openings in three minutes.

Chances were not coming quite as regularly for Chelsea but when they did, they took them.

Abraham pounced on a poor back pass and shrugged off Aapo Halme to score. Then came Havertz's moment.

Still, Barnsley refused to lie down and at least deserved to be on the scoresheet at the break, though would have been frustrated by their repeated wastefulness.

Chelsea punished their sloppiness at both ends after the break.

Havertz dispossessed Alex Mowatt to tee up Barkley before scoring twice more himself, his second goal his final contribution before making way for fellow summer signing Chilwell for his Chelsea debut.

And Chilwell made his mark before the night was out, crossing for Olivier Giroud to score his first of the season.

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September 23, 2020 at 01:38PM

Chelsea 6-0 Barnsley: Kai Havertz shows his class with brilliant hat-trick in emphatic victory - Daily Mail
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Artis Safety Council Family and Caregiver Town Hall -

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

Artis Safety Council Family and Caregiver Town Hall -

Hudson | Event

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2020-09-23 21:05:19Z

Wisconsin Badgers football recruiting: 2022 DL receives an offer from UW - Bucky's 5th Quarter

Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

Wisconsin Badgers football recruiting: 2022 DL receives an offer from UW - Bucky's 5th Quarter

Recruiting is the lifeblood of any major college athletics team, but following it closely as a fan can sometimes be difficult and can often be time consuming. We'll try and condense all the recruiting news you can use into this bi-weekly (or more often since we are in Uncertain Times and there aren't actual sports going on) post. It'll include updates on current commits, including stats from their high school games, as well as news on players the Badgers are still pursuing. Let's get down to business!

New offer

  • 2022 3-star DT/DE Kaleb Artis (Fresh Meadows, N.Y.) out of St. Francis Prep announced, via his Twitter account on Tuesday, that he received an offer from the Wisconsin Badgers. Artis already has over a dozen offers including ones from Boston College, Indiana, Nebraska, Notre Dame, Pitt, Rutgers, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and others.

Entering his junior year, Artis stands 6-foot-5 and weighs right around 270 pounds and with his frame he could add another 25-30 pounds and still be an effective player. He is listed as a DT on both recruiting sites but on his Hudl tape he plays mostly DE. We have reached out to Artis to see where the Badgers are recruiting him.

Currently rated as a 3-star prospect by the 247 Composite, but a 4-star by Rivals, Artis is the No. 386 player overall and No. 33 DT in the nation while also being the No. 2 player in the state of New York.

I really like Artis' ability to chase plays down and make tackles on the opposite side of the field. He shows no quit in that regard and on his Hudl tape he makes a number of tackles by following the play down the line of scrimmage. He is athletic for a big man too and makes his way into the backfield regularly. I am not a #tapegrinder so I may be a bit off in this observation (and I'd love to hear peoples' thoughts in the comments), but it seems like his technique could use some work, both with his hands and with how upright he plays.

His offer list is tough, but not unbeatable, and the Badgers have had some recent success in the northeast recently with TE Cam Large (Connecticut), WR Skyler Bell (New York) and RB Jalen Berger (New Jersey) all joining the team in the 2020 and 2021 recruiting classes so I would expect them to hang around in the recruitment of Artis.

2020-09-23 15:30:00Z

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