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- 'Sometimes you have to learn how to lose' - Gonzalez hits back at Neymar's racism claim -
- 坂口健太郎・西島秀俊ら、清原果耶ヒロイン朝ドラ「おかえりモネ」新たな出演者発表 - モデルプレス
- 太陽系に存在する神秘的な「海」ツアー(ギズモード・ジャパン) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 約814gのビジネス向け超軽量13.3型ノート「NEC VersaPro UltraLite タイプVG」 - PC Watch
- 'We lost our minds' - PSG chief Leonardo criticises players for Marseille brawl and questions referee choice - Sporting News
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- Neymar accuses Marseille defender Gonzalez of racism after being sent off for slap during brawl - Yahoo! Voices
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- Neymar back in PSG squad for Marseille game after recovering from COVID-19 - Gulf Today
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- Jose Mourinho lays into his Tottenham players after lethargic display in Everton defeat - Daily Mail
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- 「プレイステーション 5」新情報を映像配信、17日午前5時から - AV Watch
- Nuggets come back to beat Clippers, force Game 7 - USA TODAY
'Sometimes you have to learn how to lose' - Gonzalez hits back at Neymar's racism claim - Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:42 PM PDT The Spaniard was quick to stress there is no place for racism as he contradicted allegations against him Marseille defender Alvaro Gonzalez has taken to social media to defend himself after Paris Saint-Germain star Neymar accused him of making racist remarks. The Brazilian was one of five players sent off on Sunday as Marseille claimed a dramatic 1-0 win to hand PSG consecutive Ligue 1 defeats. Neymar was sent off for slapping Gonzalez in injury-time, who he accused of racism as he left the field and also on social media following the match . Gonzalez was quick to also use the platform as he looked to defend himself against Neymar's comments. "There is no place for racism. A clean career and with many team-mates and friends on a day to day basis. Sometimes you have to learn how to lose and accept it on the field. Incredible three points today, Allez l'OM thank you family," Gonzalez tweeted after the match alongside a picture of him with his Marseille team-mates. — Álvaro González (@AlvaroGonzalez_) September 13, 2020 Marseille coach Andres Villas-Boas also leaped to Gonzalez's defence after the match , as he looked to turn attention to the behaviour of PSG attacker Angel Di Maria. "I don't know. I hope not, there is no place for racism in football," Villas-Boas said in an interview with Telefoot . "It's a serious fault if it happened but I don't think so. Before that, we had a situation with a spit from Di Maria. These are things to avoid in the world of football. I hope it won't be a black spot in this historic performance. "It's a great victory. We improved little by little with a little more control. We were disciplined defensively. It should finish 2-0, but I don't know why the referee didn't give the second goal. "Di Maria and Neymar were incredible. I congratulate them because it's hard after Covid-19 to present yourself like this. They did well and fought for 90 minutes. It was the moment for us. We were confident." It was a night to forget for PSG, who have now lost their first two matches of a Ligue 1 season for the first time since 1984-85. Thomas Tuchel's side were still without Kylian Mbappe and Mauro Icardi but the manager is adamant his squad needs to be strengthened before the transfer window shuts next month. "Goal" - Google News September 13, 2020 at 05:58PM 'Sometimes you have to learn how to lose' - Gonzalez hits back at Neymar's racism claim - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
坂口健太郎・西島秀俊ら、清原果耶ヒロイン朝ドラ「おかえりモネ」新たな出演者発表 - モデルプレス Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:31 PM PDT 坂口健太郎・西島秀俊ら、清原果耶ヒロイン朝ドラ「おかえりモネ」新たな出演者発表 - モデルプレス 女優の清原果耶がヒロインを務める2021年度前期NHK連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」に坂口健太郎、西島秀俊らが出演することが発表された。 清原果耶ヒロイン「おかえりモネ」2021年度前期放送の連続テレビ小説第104作「おかえりモネ」は、「海の町」宮城県・気仙沼に生まれ育ち、「森の町」同・登米(とめ)で青春を送るヒロインが、"気象予報"という「天気」にとことん向き合う仕事を通じて、人々に幸せな「未来」を届けていく、希望の物語。安達奈緒子氏の脚本による、オリジナル作品となる。清原演じるヒロイン・永浦百音(ながうらももね)は1995年生まれ。気仙沼湾沖の自然豊かな島で育った。明るく伸びやかな性格で、中学時代はアルトサックスに打ち込んでいた。思うところあって、高校卒業と同時に故郷と家族から離れ、登米市の森林組合で働き始める。そこで天気予報の可能性と魅力を知り、やがて気象予報士を目指していく。タイトルにある「モネ」は、百音(ももね)の愛称。 夏木マリ・坂口健太郎・西島秀俊らが出演今回、百音が登米で出会う人々を演じる出演者が発表された。豪快な登米の"姫"・新田サヤカ役に夏木マリ、百音とともに成長してゆく若手医師・菅波光太朗役に坂口、森林組合のユニーク課長・佐々木翔洋役に浜野謙太、森林組合のご意見番・川久保博史役にでんでん、百音を気象予報の世界に導く・朝岡覚役に西島。 ヒロインを演じる清原は「脚本を読む度に、安達さんの愛の詰まった物語に心を弾ませていましたが出演される皆様のお名前を耳にし出してから、より『おかえりモネ』の世界が鮮やかに色付きはじめました。百音としても、私自身としても感じ得るものがきっと有る出逢いと歩みになるのではないかと思っております」と明かし、「キャストの皆様と『おかえりモネ』の時間を共に過ごすことが出来る日々が待ち遠しいです」と期待を寄せた。(modelpress編集部)清原果耶コメント錚々たるキャストの皆様とご一緒させて頂けることをとても光栄に思います。脚本を読む度に、安達さんの愛の詰まった物語に心を弾ませていましたが出演される皆様のお名前を耳にし出してから、より「おかえりモネ」の世界が鮮やかに色付きはじめました。 百音としても、私自身としても感じ得るものがきっと有る出逢いと歩みになるのではないかと思っております。 キャストの皆様と「おかえりモネ」の時間を共に過ごすことが出来る日々が待ち遠しいです。 撮影はまだ少し先ですが、現場に染み渡る空気感をドラマを観て下さる皆様にお届け出来ますよう楽しく、健やかに、誠心誠意努めて参ります。 夏木マリ/新田サヤカ役登米の資産家。伊達家家老の子孫と噂され、あだ名は"姫"。所有する山林を森林組合に託し、カフェや診療所も経営している。百音の祖父・龍己とは旧知の仲で、登米にやってきた百音を下宿させている。豪快かつ懐の深い人物で、百音に森の豊かさと厳しさを叩き込んでゆく。【コメント】 坂口健太郎/菅波光太朗役サヤカが開設した診療所の医師。東京の大学病院に籍を置き、1週おきに診療所へやってくる。さほど地域医療に興味がないのか、常にドライで不愛想。百音ともソリが合わなかったが、やがてその明晰な頭脳を活かして百音に気象予報の勉強を教え始め、距離が縮まってゆく。【コメント】 浜野謙太/佐々木翔洋役百音が働く森林組合の課長。組合長でもあるサヤカの急な発案などに振り回されつつ、日夜現場のために汗をかき、働いている。百音に林業のイロハはもちろん、森林セラピーなどユニークな事業も教える。伊達藩時代から続き、市民が守っている地元の「能」の伝承者でもある。【コメント】 でんでん/川久保博史役森林組合の古参職員。木に関する豊富な知識と経験を買われ、定年後も嘱託として勤めている。一見のほほんとしているが、誰よりも森の未来を考え、新事業開拓にも積極的に取り組む。登米出身である石ノ森章太郎の大ファンで、語り始めると止まらない。【コメント】 西島秀俊/朝岡覚役テレビで有名な気象キャスター。物腰柔らかな人物で、登米を訪れた際には百音に「気象予報は未来を予測できる世界なのだ」ということを教える。東京の民間気象予報会社で働き、各分野の「気象ビジネス」にも精力的に取り組んでいる。やがて上京した百音の上司となる。【コメント】 【Not Sponsored 記事】 モデルプレスアプリならもっとたくさんの写真を見ることができます2020-09-14 02:36:24Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
太陽系に存在する神秘的な「海」ツアー(ギズモード・ジャパン) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:13 PM PDT 宇宙に水を求めて…。 液体の水があると言えば地球を思い浮かべがちですが、太陽系には大量の水が存在する惑星が意外とあります。画像とともに巡っていきましょう。 【全画像をみる】太陽系に存在する神秘的な「海」ツアー 地球は太陽系のハビタブルゾーン(惑星の表面に液体の水が存在できる領域)内に位置します。惑星、準惑星、衛星だろうとこのゾーン以外の領域であれば、灼熱あるいは極寒の地となりますが、液体の水がないわけではありません。液体の水は明らかに目につく形で表面に存在しているとは限らないので、科学者らは見つけるためにあらゆる手法を用いる必要がありました。 木星の衛星エウロパ木星の衛星エウロパの地下には温かな海が存在すると言われています。この水が液体の状態に保たれているのは、太陽からの熱ではなく、木星からの潮汐力を受けてのこと。 2011年にハッブル宇宙望遠鏡が衛星の表面から間欠泉が噴出しているのを観測し、地下に海があるという証拠が現れました。200kmに達するほど高く噴出した間欠泉もあったとか。NASAのガリレオ探査機が1997年にこういった間欠泉をすり抜けたそうですが、その事実が明らかになったのは最近のことでした。 エウロパの特徴に、低緯度近くの地下の水域によって引き起こされるカオス地形と呼ばれる傷痕だらけの地表があります。また地殻の変動が活発なため、地下の内部海に塩分や鉱物などが届いている可能性もあります。当然ながらエウロパは、太陽系の中でも原始的な生命が宿るには最適な候補の1つだと考えられています。 木星の衛星ガニメデ兄弟の星には引けを取るまいと、木星の衛星の中で一番大きいガニメデにも内部海は存在します。2015年、NASAの科学者らはこの衛星での奇妙な揺れ動きを観測して、地下に大規模な海がある証拠だと考えました。計算によると、海の深さは100kmでこの巨大な衛星には膨大な量の液体の水があると示しています。ちなみに地球の海は深くて10kmほど。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
約814gのビジネス向け超軽量13.3型ノート「NEC VersaPro UltraLite タイプVG」 - PC Watch Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:13 PM PDT NECは8月18日、約814gの超軽量13.3型ノートパソコン「VersaPro UltraLite タイプVG」を発表した。編集部より実機が送られて来たので試用レポートをお届けしたい。 13.3型第10世代Core i7を搭載しバッテリ(L)だと約814g!同社のUltraLite タイプVGシリーズは、以前から薄型軽量ノートパソコンとして展開されており、たとえば第5世代Core i5を搭載する2015年モデルは、2,560×1,440ドットの13.3型IGZO液晶を搭載して重量がたったの約779gだった。ここで紹介するのは同シリーズの2020年版だ。 今回は、第10世代Comet LakeのCore i5/i7、メモリ16GB、SSD 256GB(オプションで128GBと512GBも用意)と、世代に合わせて性能が向上。ただし解像度はフルHD(1,920×1,080ドット)になっている。また、重量は約15時間駆動のLサイズバッテリ搭載だと814g、約24時間駆動のLLバッテリでは約868gとなる。700g台ではなくなったが長時間利用でき、それでも十分に軽いことは間違いない。 さらに最近急激に需要が高まったビデオ会議用に、部屋内の音の反射を軽減して聞きやすくする「ルームエコー抑制」、雑音を排除して声のみを拾う「ノイズサプレッサー」を、ヤマハ製オーディオ機能「AudioEngine」が提供。よりビジネス用として磨きをかけている。 UltraLite タイプVGのおもな仕様は以下のとおり。
プロセッサは第10世代Comet LakeのCore i7-10510U。4コア8スレッド、クロックは1.6GHzから最大4.9GHz。キャッシュは8MB、TDPは15W。メモリはオンボード固定でLPDDR3 16GB(8GB×2)。ストレージは暗号化機能付SSD 256GB。OSは64bit版Windows 10 Proとなる。この手のビジネス向けではじめから16GBなのはポイントが高い。 グラフィックス機能はプロセッサ内蔵Intel UHD Graphics。外部出力用にHDMIとDisplayPort Alt Mode対応のUSB Type-Cを備えている。ディスプレイは非光沢の13.3型フルHD。タッチ操作には非対応だ。 ネットワーク機能は、Wi-Fi 6とBluetooth 5.0。オプションでLTEにも対応する。SIMロックフリーでNano SIM。なお、有線LANはない。 インターフェイスは、USB 3.1×2(うち1基はType-C)、USB 3.0 Type-C(USB PD、DisplayPort対応)、microSDカードリーダ、指紋センサー、音声入出力、オプションでWebカメラ。先に挙げたようにヤマハ製AudioEngineを搭載している。 サイズは307.2×216×16.7mm(幅×奥行き×高さ)、重量はバッテリLだと約814g、バッテリLLだと約868g。いずれにしても1kgを軽く切る軽量級だ。 BTOにも対応しており、価格は今回の構成(Webカメラあり、SSD 256GB、LTE、バッテリLL)で税別454,000円。内容を考えると高いが、法人向けということで、この値段設定になるのだろう。一般向けのVersaPro Jだと同じ構成で税別252,800円となる。薄く軽くするにもコストがかかり、大手メーカー製としては妥当なところだと思われる。 なおオプションでType-C Dock(税別45,000円)も用意され、専用ACアダプタから電源を供給し、HDMI×1、DisplayPort×2、Gigabit Ethernet×1、USB 3.0×3、USB 3.0 Type-Cポート(データのみ)×1、USB 2.0×2、ヘッドフォン/ヘッドフォンマイクジャック×1を装備。本体とは電源も含めType-Cケーブル1本で接続できる。 筐体は基本ライトなマットブラック。天板と裏はカーボン素材、パームレストはマグネシウムアルミ合金で構成され、地味だが堅実で飽きの来ないデザインだ。厚み16.7mmと写真からわかるようにかなり薄い。「耐150kgクラス」の頑強設計で見た目より頑丈。そしてなりより軽く、片手でフワッと持ち上がる。1kgどころか900gを切っているので、一般的なノートパソコンと比較して異次元となる。 前面は左右が狭額縁。パネル中央上にWebカメラ。左側面はロックポート、Type-C、Type-C、microSDカードスロット。右側面はHDMI、Type-A、音声入出力、ステータスLEDを配置。Nano SIMスロットは右側のヒンジの横にある。裏は手前左右のスリットにスピーカー。4隅にゴム足。 付属のACアダプタはUSB PDを利用するので、ほかの同種のACアダプタも使用可能だ。サイズは約92×39×30mm(幅×奥行き×高さ)で重量188g。出力は20V/2.25A、15V/3A、9V/2A、5V/2Aとなる。 13.3型のディスプレイは環境光センサーを内蔵しており、明るさの自動調整が可能。明るさ、コントラスト、発色、視野角すべて良好。非光沢なので眼にも優しい。パネルは180度傾けることができる。 i1 Display Proを使い特性を測定したところ最大輝度は283cd/平方m。標準は120cd/平方m。黒色輝度は0.000cd/平方mで、つまり真っ黒。リニアリティは、輝度が上がるほど各色差が広がる。G/Bは似ているものの、Rが少し高めに外れる感じだ。 キーボードは新設計となり、従来モデルの幅273.65mmから291.86mmへ。その分キーピッチは19mmを確保。手前一部だけ狭いものの、ほぼ均一でいびつな並びなどもない。 写真からもわかるように少し手前に傾き、入力しやすくなっている。キートップはフラットではなく若干のへこみあり。刻印も少し大きくなっている。打鍵感は、仕様上ストローク1.5mmと少し深めだが、クリック感もあり、またパタパタ(カチャカチャ)音もせず静音だ。タッチパッドはパームレストも含め十分な面積が確保されている。 キーボードバックライトもついていればと思うが、一般的なオフィスは明るく不要との判断なのだろう。 振動やノイズは試用した範囲ではまったく気にならなかった。発熱は負荷をかけるとおもにキーボード左上のスペースが熱を持つものの、下まで降りて来ないため問題ない。 サウンドは手前斜め下にスピーカーがついているため、間接音と直接音のミックスで耳に届く。ステレオ感は十分あり、この手のビジネス向けとしてはハイパワーだが、カマボコレンジで音楽鑑賞用には不向き。ただし、ヤマハ製AudioEngineを使い、声だけ強調するなど、ブレゼンやビデオ会議用としては使い勝手が良いよう工夫している。 欠点らしい欠点もなく、非常にバランス良く仕上がっている。これで重量900gを切るのだから完成度は高い。ビジネス向けなら文句なしと言ったところか。 ビジネス向けとしては十分な性能と12時間超えのバッテリ!初回起動時、スタート画面(タブレットモード)は1画面。NECグループがプリインストールのアプリとなる。デスクトップは標準のまま。このあたりはビジネス向けモデルならでは。Core i7、メモリ16GB、SSDということもあり、ブートもアプリの起動などもキビキビ動く。 ストレージはM.2 SSD 256GBのSamsung「MZVLB256HBHQ」。仕様によると、シーケンシャルリード3,500MB/s、シーケンシャルライト2,200MB/s。CrystalDiskMarkの値もほぼそのまま出ている。Cドライブのみの1パーティションで、約237.23GBが割り当てられ空き領域は188GB。 Wi-FiとBluetoothはIntel製。LTEに関してはQualcomm製が使われている。なお、Type-C Dock側のGigabit Ethernetは「USB-C Dock Gen2 Ethernet」となっており、どこのメーカー製かは不明だった。 おもなプリインストールアプリは、「PC設定ツール」、「ウイルスバスタークラウド」、「型番・製造番号表示ユーティリティ」、「働き方改善ソリューション」など。PC設定ツールは、画面キャプチャからもわかるように、バッテリ、ECOモード、ピークシフト、YAMAHAサウンドなどの設定に対応している。 なかでもYAMAHAサウンドにはMeetingというタブがあり、オンにすると「パーソナル」と「マルチユーザー」の選択ができる。前者は1人で会議に参加するモード、後者は複数で会議に参加するモード。それぞれ相手の声が明瞭に聞こえるようになる。ビデオ会議の重要性が高まっている現在、あればうれしい機能と言えよう。 ベンチマークテストは、PCMark 10、PCMark 8、3DMark、CINEBENCH R20、CrystalDiskMark、PCMark 10/BATTERY/Modern Officeを実行。結果は以下のとおり。
Core i7-10510Uを搭載するノートパソコンとしては標準的なスコアだろう。 バッテリテストのPCMark 10/BATTERY/Modern Officeでは、12時間31分(明るさ、バッテリモードなどはシステム標準)だった。これだけ長持ちだと、ピークシフトも十分実用レベルだ。 以上のようにNEC「VersaPro UltraLite タイプVG」は、第10世代Comet LakeのCore i7、メモリ16GB、SSD 256GBを搭載。13.3型の液晶ディスプレイは見やすく、バッテリ駆動12時間超える。さらにオプションだがLTEにも対応。そして重量は800g台と、文句なしの内容に仕上がっている。AudioEngineをビジネス向けにチューンしているのも興味深い。 個人的な好みとなるが、唯一残念な部分があるとすればキーボードバックライト非搭載なこと程度。コンシューマ向けのように派手な部分はまったくなく、ある意味地味の極致ではあるものの、仕事用として堅実な1台を求めているユーザーにおすすめしたい。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:08 PM PDT PSG sporting director Leonardo has said his team "lost our minds" during an incredible brawl that saw five players sent off in their 1-0 loss to Marseille on Sunday. Neymar was among the players shown red in injury time during the Ligue 1 clash, with the Brazilian star accusing Marseille's Alvaro Gonzalez of racism as he exited the Parc des Princes pitch following his dismissal. In a social media post after the match, Neymar claimed his only regret was not "hitting that asshole in the face." Leonardo chose not to comment on the allegations by the Brazilian star, but instead criticised the Parisians for their actions in the game-ending fight. "The fight is very serious, we will manage internally, we will talk to our players," Leonardo said to Telefoot post-match. "We lost our minds." Florian Thauvin's 31st-minute winner earned Marseille the victory in an ill-tempered match that saw 36 fouls committed and 12 yellow cards awarded, before the five reds were produced in injury time. Along with Neymar, PSG saw Layvin Kurzawa and Leandro Parades sent off, while Marseille had Jordan Amavi and Dario Benedetto given their marching orders by referee Jerome Brisard. While Leonardo didn't make direct excuses for the behaviour of the players from both teams, he suggested Brisard was too inexperienced to handle a match between two of France's biggest rivals and said it was too early in the season for a game of this magnitude. "Fourteen yellows and five reds means the game was out of control, I'm not going to defend indefensible behavior," Leonardo said. "I don't understand. Do a Clasico on the third matchday? Nobody is 100 percent [match fit] in the conditions." The PSG chief then suggested two Ligue 1 referees he would have preferred to see officiate the match instead of Brisard. "I don't understand why you do not have [Clement] Turpin or [Ruddy] Buquet. We choose a 34-year-old referee who does not have the experience for a match like this. "We've had Turpin previously — we need referees like that for matches of this level. "On what happened [in the brawl], the TVs have the pictures, it will be judged. "There are five reds, which is serious too. You have to know what happened and judge everything." PSG's defeat was their second consecutively to start their Ligue 1 title defence after losing 1-0 to newly-promoted Lens last matchday. Top stories - Google News September 13, 2020 at 05:01PM 'We lost our minds' - PSG chief Leonardo criticises players for Marseille brawl and questions referee choice - Sporting News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mourinho on Tottenham loss to Everton: “I didn’t like my team” - Cartilage Free Captain Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:08 PM PDT It was a day to forget for Tottenham Hotspur, who dropped not only the opening match of the season, but their first home match as well, losing 1-0 to Everton on Sunday. Spurs looked listless and exhausted by the end of the match, and lacked any sort of spark that could've seen them complete the comeback to at least earn a draw. Afterwards, Spurs manager Jose Mourinho did not mince words in his post-match press conference, saying he wasn't happy with the squad that took the pitch today in North London
That sounds pretty bad! It is pretty bad. Tottenham looked not only toothless, but exhausted by the end. It wasn't by any means a good performance by Spurs against Everton, and Mourinho certainly wasn't trying to prove anyone otherwise. Mourinho however did try and take the pressure off his players by blaming a lack of training time, especially with the international break, and also confirmed the rumors that Spurs had some players (besides Harry Kane) who were out of training because of quarantine for exposure to COVID-19. But he didn't let his players off the hook entirely.
However, Mourinho's explanation kind of glosses over his own decisions in this match, the biggest being the choice to take off Dele at halftime and replace him with Moussa Sissoko. Mourinho said the decision to take off Dele was a tactical decision.
It didn't work — Spurs looked limp in the second half and conceded the match's only goal in the 50th minute, and Mourinho seemed to acknowledge the tactical error by bringing in Steven Bergwijn for Harry Winks after the goal. There's nothing to be done about the lack of a preseason, but Mourinho said that there are enough competitive fixtures — the next one being Thursday night in Bulgaria against Lokomotiv Plovdiv in a Europa League qualifier — that he will use those opportunities to give "preseason minutes" to the out of form players.
Tottenham's next match is the Europa League qualifier at Lokomotiv Plovdiv this coming Thursday, followed by a trip to Southampton in the Premier League on Sunday. Top stories - Google News September 13, 2020 at 01:06PM Mourinho on Tottenham loss to Everton: "I didn't like my team" - Cartilage Free Captain Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:31 PM PDT 西島 お天気キャスター役に - NHKで来年春から放送予定の連続テレビ小説第104作『おかえりモネ』の出演者が新たに発表された。今回は、清原果耶が演じるヒロイン・永浦百音(ながうら・ももね)が、宮城・登米(とめ)で出会う人々。百音に気象予報の勉強を教え始め、距離を縮めてゆく若手医師・菅波光太朗役で坂口健太郎、百音を気象予報の世界に導く、テレビで有名な気象キャスター・朝岡覚役で西島秀俊が『とと姉ちゃん』以来となる朝ドラに帰ってくる。 ほかに、登米の資産家で、伊達家家老の子孫と噂され、"姫"と呼ばれる新田サヤカ役で夏木マリ、百音が働く森林組合のユニーク課長・佐々木翔洋役で浜野謙太、森林組合のご意見番・川久保博史役ででんでんが出演する。 『おかえりモネ』は、1995年に宮城県・気仙沼で生まれ、2014年春、高校卒業後に同・登米(とめ)へ移り住み、林業や山林ガイドの見習いの仕事をはじめたヒロインが、"気象予報"という仕事に出合い、"天気"にとことん向き合って、人々に幸せな"未来"を届けてゆく、希望の物語。『リッチマン、プアウーマン』(フジ)、『きのう何食べた?』(テレビ東京)、『サギデカ』(NHK)などの安達奈緒子氏の脚本による、オリジナル作品。 『きのう何食べた?』にも出演する西島。本作で演じる朝岡は、ヒロイン・百音に「気象予報は未来を予測できる世界なのだ」ということを教え、やがて上京した百音の上司となる。 西島は「脚本の安達奈緒子さんとまたご一緒できること、そして『とと姉ちゃん』以来の"朝ドラ"の現場に参加できること、大変うれしく思います。『気象予報士』は、現代を生きる私たちのくらしと密接に結びつき、ときには人の命にも関わる責任ある職業です。百音が目指す気象予報士・朝岡覚という人物をどんな風に演じられるか、作品に真摯に向き合い、そして楽しみながら挑んでいきたいと思います」と、コメントを寄せている。 2020-09-14 02:29:00Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
「REC-ON」などの録画番組を、Android TVやFire TVに“とばす”「REC-ON Cast」 - AV Watch Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT アイ・オー・データ機器は14日、同社の録画テレビチューナー「REC-ON」や「テレキング」のユーザーに向けて、Android TV OS専用アプリ「REC-ON Cast」を提供開始する。Android TVにREC-ON Castをインストールすると、スマホアプリ「REC-ON App」から録画番組を"とばす"ことができ、テレビの大画面で楽しめるようになる。Fire TVにもインストール可能。 例えば、寝室の「REC-ON」とHDMI接続したテレビや、「REC-ON App」を使ってスマホで見ていた録画番組を、リビングの大画面テレビ(Android TV)でも視聴できるようになる。 なお、録画リストの表示や「REC-ON Cast」アプリへのキャスト再生指示、早送り・早戻しなどの操作は、スマホ用テレビ視聴アプリ「REC-ON App」で行なう。 "とばせる"対応チューナーは、REC-ONの「HVTR-BCTX3」、「EX-BCTX2」、HDDレコーダー「HVTR-T3HDTシリーズ」、「HVTR-T3HD4/E」、テレキング「GV-NTX1A」。 表示できるAndroid TV対応のテレビやプロジェクターは、アイ・オー・データ機器のページでアナウンスされている。Fire TVにもインストールできる。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ヨドバシ、Nintendo Switch の抽選受付を開始 期間は9月15日まで - Engadget日本版 Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT ヨドバシカメラのネット通販サイト「ヨドバシ・ドット・コム」は、任天堂の家庭用ゲーム機「Nintendo Switch」の抽選受付を開始しました。 抽選販売の対象商品は、バッテリー持続時間が長くなった「Nintendo Switch Joy-Con (L) ネオンブルー/ (R) ネオンレッド」のみ。これまで実施した抽選販売では「Nintendo Switch あつまれ どうぶつの森セット」「Nintendo Switch Lite(イエロー/グレー/ターコイズ/コーラル)」「リングフィットアドベンチャー」が含まれていましたが、今回の抽選販売には含まれません。 抽選申込の受付期間は9月14日午前11時00分~9月15日午前10時59分まで。申込受付はヨドバシ・ドット・コムにて行うため、iPhoneショッピングアプリ「ヨドバシ」や、フィーチャーフォンサイト「モバイルヨドバシ」からは申し込めません。 注意すべきポイントは、前回の抽選販売と同様に、今回もヨドバシ・ドット・コム会員のみを対象にした抽選販売であること。非会員で抽選販売の応募を希望する場合、事前に会員登録(無料)を行う必要があります。 抽選の対象は下記のいずれかに該当している人です。
抽選結果は、9月16日午前9時よりヨドバシ・ドット・コム(抽選販売ページ)にて順次発表し、当選した人にはメールの配信を行います。 当選した場合は9月16日午前9時から9月18日午後11時59分までに注文する必要があります。支払い期限を過ぎると自動的にキャンセル扱いとなりますので注意が必要です。 支払い方法はクレジットカード・コンビニ払い・ポイント充当のみ。商品の発送は9月17日以降、順次開始するとのこと。配達日時の指定はできません。 source:ヨドバシ・ドット・コム からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
名門音楽学校やソフトバンクアカデミア--異色のキャリアをもつ虎岩正樹氏が説く「伝える力」の大切さ - CNET Japan Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT 米国のヘビメタルバンド「メタリカ」が、著作権侵害で音楽ファイル共有サイト「Napster」を訴えるなど、インターネットを介した音楽のシェアが大きな社会問題になった2000年代初頭、米国のハリウッドにある世界最大級の音楽学校「Musicians Institute(MI:ミュージシャンズ・インスティテュート)」で、いち早くITを活用した新学科を創設し、初代学科長を務めた日本人ギタリストがいる。 虎岩正樹氏 帰国後に、ソフトバンクアカデミア社外1期生、シルクドソレイユキャスティングパートナー、MI Japan校長などを経て、現在はコーチングやイベントオーガナイザー、テイラー・ギターズのプロダクトスペシャリストなど、マルチに活躍する虎岩正樹氏(53歳)だ。「ただ流れに身を任せて生きてきた」と語る同氏のユニークな半生を紹介するとともに、キャリアやビジネスに生かせるエッセンスを抽出してお伝えする。 英国での路上ライブで日銭を稼いだ学生時代話は虎岩氏の学生時代まで遡る。バンドにのめり込みながらも高校をかろうじて卒業し、アルバイトで生計を立てながら4年間バンド活動を続けたのちに、「音楽を勉強してみたい」と英国へ渡ったのは、同氏が22歳の時だ。英国最大のリーズ音楽大学に留学した。 「英国では、大学に通いながら、路上で音楽を演奏するというスタイルで生きていた。週末2日間のストリートミュージシャンのチップだけで、1週間分の食費くらいは稼げると分かったことは、約20年間の海外生活でもトップ3に入る財産になっている」(虎岩氏) 留学ビザでは、働けない。路上で演奏するくらいならできるだろう、と軽いノリで始めた。路上では、自分がよいと思う演奏がダメだったり、逆に意図せずイケるという発見の連続だった。アジア人にギターなんか弾けるわけがないと差別的な扱いを受け、会話をすることで理解してもらえた場面もあった。「聞き手とのリアルなやり取りの積み重ね」が、虎岩氏のファーストキャリアとなった。 留学を終える頃には、英国のいわゆる大都市すべてで路上ライブをしていた。時には「お前、先週はあそこにいただろう」と声をかけられることも。そこから現地のテレビの仕事や、バンド加入の誘いに発展したという。 虎岩氏は、あくまでも後付けと念を押しながら、「好きなことを、食えなくてもいいから、じわじわ続けてやっていると、何かにつながると当時の経験から確信的に信じられるようになった」(虎岩氏)と振り返る。 米国の世界的な音楽学校の講師に英国留学を終えた後は、26歳で米国に渡った。日本ではフリーター(という言葉も当時はなかったが)、英国では路上ミュージシャン。今から一般社会に受け入れてもらうのは難しいと思った。しかしそれ以上に、憧れのギターの先輩たちがいるロサンゼルスに、どうしても行ってみたかった。 音楽の世界的な名門MI(ミュージシャンズ・インスティテュート)への留学は、1年限定のつもりだった。が、最終的に13年もの間ロサンゼルスで過ごすことになる。在米中には、ギタリストとして数多くのライブやレコーディングに参加する傍ら、MIで講師、学校運営、新学科「インディペンデント・アーティストプログラム」創設にも携わり学科長も務めた。 虎岩氏は「いま思うと、僕はただ流れに身を任せていただけ」と笑う。好きなことをひたすら追求した日本・英国時代とは、また違った面を覗かせる。 その流れをつくる、最初のきっかけとなったのは、虎岩氏が自主的に始めたという日本人留学生向けの補講だ。MI留学中の多くの日本人は、英語が不得意だった。演奏はできても、理論の授業についていけない。講師陣も頭を抱えていたという。 「仲のいい先生たちが困っているのを聞いて、僕は英国に4年いて英語の授業にもついていけていたので、日本人向けに補習の授業を始めた。その子たちが理論のテストを合格するようになって、僕も教えるのが楽しいなと思うようになった」(虎岩氏)。ここでも「教える道に入ったのは本当に偶然だった」と話すが、周囲の状況を見渡して、自分にもできる役割を見出し行動に移したのは虎岩氏自身だ。 卒業と同時に、講師のアシスタントをやらないかと声がかかった。ギタリストとして活動しながら講師にも昇格した。MIの経営体制変更で、また声がかかり学校運営にも携わるようになった。「断る理由もないし、訪れた波に乗ってみることにした。周りで起こっている状況に身をまかせる勇気があると、思ってもみなかったところにたどり着くということは、米国時代にすごく感じた」(虎岩氏) 虎岩氏は、「日常の中にも、自分という殻の外には、いろいろな波がある」と、いま改めて思うという。乗るべき波が来た時に、逃さずにしっかりと乗る勇気を持てば、運は味方につけられるという考え方だ。 テクノロジーを脅威から「チャンス」に変える新学科を創設そうした流れの中、虎岩氏は自ら提案した新学科のインディペンデント・アーティストプログラムを創設し、学科長を務めることになる。 「自分の憧れのアーティストたちは、音楽学校には行っていない。むしろ、自由に独学でいろいろやっていることが、オリジナリティの象徴だと思っていた」ーー。学校運営に携わりながら、虎岩氏はずっとそんな違和感を抱えていたという。 そのような中、2000年頃に台頭してきたのが「Napster」。音楽ファイル共有サービスだ。誰でもそこから音楽をダウンロードして聴けるようになった。自分で音楽を買ったことがないという学生も少しずつ現れるようになっていたが、音楽業界も音楽学校も、テクノロジーを自分たちの存在を脅かす"脅威"と捉えて批判していた。一方で、虎岩氏はそれを「チャンス」と見た。 「テクノロジーがどんどん進化していく中で、ITはアーティストにとって圧倒的に有利なツールになると思った。これまでアーティストが作品を売るには、レコード会社などに流通をお願いして任せるしか道がなかったのに、これからは人を介さず自分で直接届けられるようになるのだから」(虎岩氏) テクノロジーによって既存の枠組みが破壊される恐怖より、ITの進歩に遅れを取ることへの危機感が募った。時代の変化に適応する術を、ミュージシャンの卵たちに、何も教えなくてよいのか。 そこで、音楽の理論や技術を学ぶことに加えて、自分の作品や演奏をどうやって世の中に伝えていくか、ビジネスやマーケティングまで学べる、1つのパッケージを考えた。「学校なんか行かないよっていうロックな人たちが、『そこだったら行きたい』っていうような学校を作りたいね、と何人かの先生と話し合った」(虎岩氏) そして、学校中が大反対の中「インディペンデント・アーティストプログラム」が誕生した。アーティスト自身が音楽制作やビジネスをする時代が来るという時代背景に合わせて構築した新学科で、作曲/楽器演奏(音楽)×DTM(レコーディング)×音楽ビジネスという3つのエリアを、自分のアルバム製作というプロジェクトを通して学ぶというコンセプトだ。学生が自分でプロデュースしたアルバムをリリースすることを卒論の代わりにした。 言い出しっぺなんだからお前がやれと言われ、ここでも流れに身を任せて学科長に就いた。少数派の仲間とともに形にした企画を、無に帰すのも嫌だったからだ。 なお、虎岩氏は日本に帰国してMI Japan校長を務めた2年間で、このプログラムを日本向けにアレンジ。まだ楽曲を販売する人が少ない中、学生全員の作品をiTunesで世界市場に売り出す取り組みを企画して実行した。 40歳で初めてのサラリーマンを経験虎岩氏が突然MIを辞めて、日本に帰国したのは2006年のこと。仕事も家や財産も人脈も、全部ひっくり返す、40歳の"大掃除"だった。 「キャリアとしてはうまくいっている感じがするし、辞める必要もなかったけれど、そもそも米国という国に肌感覚が合っていなかったことに対して、ツケが回ってきたというか……。13年経って、僕がそこにいることへの違和感が大きくなってしまった。どこかで自分で転換しないと、このままズルズルいくなと思った」(虎岩氏) 帰国して2年間は、ギターを売る営業職に就いた。担当エリアは縁もゆかりもない東北。40歳にして日本で初めてのサラリーマンだ。客先での共通の話題はゼロに等しかった。けれど、無料のギターセミナーや、英語で困っている人の手伝いを、ギター販売の傍らボランティアで続けていると、売上がどんどん伸びていった。 「僕がインディペンデント・アーティストプログラムでやっていたことが、その時ものすごく生きた。自分がやってきたことを一度引き出しにしまって、再び開けた時に違ったコンテキストで使えるアレンジ力を持つ大切さを、この時期に気づかせてもらった」(虎岩氏) からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT Neymar was one of three Paris Saint-Germain players to see a red card as their Ligue 1 return against Marseille descended into chaos on Sunday. The Brazilian star accused Marseille's Alvaro Gonzalez of racism as he exited the pitch after his red card, which was earned when he slapped the defender on the back of the head in a game-ending brawl. Pitchside microphones caught Neymar making the accusation to the fourth official, and the PSG forward then repeated his assertion to a nearby camera after VAR confirmed his red card. Having been excused from duty for the first two rounds of 2020-21 due to their exertions in the delayed Champions League knockout stages, Thomas Tuchel's men were back in action this weekend as they welcomed l'OM to Parc des Princes. There is little love lost between the capital side and Marseille, but a bad-tempered game that saw 36 fouls committed and 12 yellow cards handed out inside the 90 minutes eventually spiralled out of control deep into injury time. A tussle between Argentine pair Dario Benedetto and Leandro Paredes quickly escalated into an all-out brawl between PSG and Marseille players, with Neymar in the thick of things. The Brazilian slapped Gonzalez on the back of the head, while Layvin Kurzawa and Jordan Amavi also traded blows. Once order was restored referee Jerome Brisard showed a straight red to Neymar, Kurzawa and Amavi for their part in the fracas, the former going following a consultation with VAR, with Paredes and Benedetto also ordered from the field after picking up second bookings. As a result PSG played out the final minutes with eight men and Marseille nine, the latter holding on to take a 1-0 victory having gone ahead in the first half thanks to Florian Thauvin's goal. It was their first win in 20 matches against the dominant side in French football over the last decade. The rivalry between the two French giants is one of the biggest in Ligue 1, and has only grown more tense thanks to PSG's recent Champions League exploits. Police in Marseille even went as far as to ban the use of PSG shirts around the city on the night of their final defeat to Bayern Munich, after reports of incidents between fans of the two sides following their semi-final win over RB Leipzig. Top stories - Google News September 13, 2020 at 02:13PM Neymar accuses Marseille defender Gonzalez of racism after being sent off for slap during brawl - Yahoo! Voices Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACKING SALLY: Closings and changes for local schools and other organizations - WKRG News 5 Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:44 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
"Mobile" - Google News September 13, 2020 at 01:39PM TRACKING SALLY: Closings and changes for local schools and other organizations - WKRG News 5 "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Goal setting not meant for you? Here's how you can still be successful - Economic Times Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:42 PM PDT By Devashish Chakravarty Maybe your five-year goal went down the drain during Covid when your industry collapsed and you lost your job. Maybe you know that your New Year's goal of going to the gym doesn't work for you. Maybe goal setting is not meant for you. How will you then be successful? The good news is that the most astoundingly successful people rarely followed the goal-setting approach. One such person, Steve Jobs, famously said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward." Let's see how you can follow a better path.
Secondly, a rigid linear plan fails fast when hit by an unforeseen challenge like an accident, illness, death or change in market. Thirdly, it is boring and demotivates you over time. Finally, goal setting works in well-defined rule-based activities like a sport or getting an educational degree and fails miserably in business or creative arts where success depends on multiple moving pieces.
The alternative they propose is simple— a stepping stone system . Jump one single stepping stone at a time. Thus you focus only on the next step that you can control and decide whether it is good or not. A majority of super successful Noble Prize winners pursued multiple interests. They succeeded because of a combination of factors and not from a linear goal based path. Similarly, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk zig zagged over mutliple stepping stones in their journey to huge outcomes. Interestingly, in this system, goal setting also works as long as the goal is a single step away and thus under your control.
PERSONALITIES AND CHOICES 2. Doomsday worrier 3. Big picture person 4. Free-spirited 5. Over analyzer (The writer is career coach, mentor and author of Your Sorting Hat.) "Goal" - Google News September 13, 2020 at 06:00PM Goal setting not meant for you? Here's how you can still be successful - Economic Times "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2週間ぶり「半沢直樹」第8話25・6% 番組最高を更新 8話連続大台超え!関西28・5% 30%視野 - Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:31 PM PDT 2週間ぶり「半沢直樹」第8話25・6% 番組最高を更新 8話連続大台超え!関西28・5% 30%視野 - 俳優の堺雅人(46)が主演を務めるTBS日曜劇場「半沢直樹」(日曜後9・00)の第8話が13日に放送され、平均世帯視聴率は25・6%(ビデオリサーチ調べ、関東地区)だったことが14日、分かった。初回から8話連続の大台超えで、第5話の25・5%を0・1ポイント上回り、番組最高を更新。同時に「今年ドラマ1位」「令和ドラマ1位」の記録も塗り替えた。関西地区(世帯)も番組最高を更新し、28・5%。30%の大台が視野に入った。第8話は新型コロナウイルスの影響により撮影に遅れが生じ、当初予定の先週6日から急きょ延期。待ちに待った2週間ぶりの放送をファンも堪能した。 関東地区は初回22・0%、第2話22・1%、第3話23・2%、第4話22・9%、第5話25・5%、第6話24・3%、第7話24・7%、第8話25・6%と推移。6日の代替生放送特番は22・2%。 個人視聴率は第1話13・4%、第2話13・6%、第3話14・1%、第4話14・8%、第5話15・2%、第6話15・0%、第7話15・4%、第8話15・8%と推移。番組最高を更新した。 関西地区は初回23・3%、第2話26・4%、第3話26・9%、第4話26・3%、第5話27・3%、第6話27・4%、第7話27・6%、第8話28・5%と推移。4話連続の番組最高更新となった。 当初は4月19日スタート予定だったが、新型コロナウイルスの影響による撮影中断を挟み、3カ月遅れで待望の幕開けとなった。 第8話は、半沢(堺)は開発投資銀行の"鉄の女"谷川(西田尚美)と共闘し、債権放棄を断固拒否。政府に一矢報いる。しかし、これが箕部幹事長(柄本明)の怒りを買い、中野渡頭取(北大路欣也)が参考人招致されるという危機に立たされる。その折、「タスクフォースの再建草案」の中身を知った半沢は、赤字路線の羽田・伊勢志摩路線が撤退リストから外されていることに気づく。伊勢志摩は、他ならぬ箕部の選挙地盤。建設に尽力した彼の功績を讃え、地元からは「箕部空港」とも呼ばれている。すべてのカギを握るのは箕部だと確信し、その不正を探る半沢は"ある衝撃の過去"に行き着く。同じ頃、金融庁の検査官・黒崎(片岡愛之助)もまた、箕部を追っていて…という展開だった。 2020-09-14 00:05:00Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
新型iPhone、指紋センサー復活はある? カメラはどうなる? - ITmedia Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT 例年なら9月に発表と発売を迎える新型iPhone。2020年も発売時期こそ不明なものの、新モデルに関するウワサは、SNSやニュースサイトを賑わせている。今回はカメラと生体認証に関するウワサや予想をまとめてみた。 カメラは4眼と2眼の2種類か?2019年に発売されたiPhoneの背面カメラは、iPhone 11 Proシリーズの2機種が広角+望遠+超広角のトリプルカメラを備え、iPhone 11が広角+望遠のデュアルカメラを備えている。2020年に展開するiPhone 12(仮)シリーズでは、上位のProシリーズにiPad Proでも採用したLiDARスキャナーが追加されるのではないかとのウワサが出ている。 例えば、Bloombergは、2020年4月の段階で、今後のiPhone Proシリーズが背面に3台のカメラとLiDARスキャナーを搭載し、iPhone 11の後継機となるモデルはデュアルカメラのままになるだろう、という予測を報じている。 LiDARスキャナーとは、ToF方式、つまり光が物体に反射して戻ってくるまでの時間を測定して距離を測る仕組みにより、周辺環境の詳細な3Dマップを得られるセンサーのようなもの。これを搭載することで、ARアプリの体験が向上するといった変化がある。 上位モデルの価値を維持するために、LiDARスキャナーの追加は理にかなっており、可能性としては十分にあり得る。ただし、決定的な情報が少ないこともあり、うのみにはできない。 超音波指紋センサーの搭載はどうなる?新型iPhoneが超音波式のディスプレイ内蔵型指紋センサーを搭載するかもしれないというウワサも出ている。Bloombergは2019年9月の時点で、今後のiPhoneにはFace IDと連携して機能するディスプレイ内蔵型の指紋センサーが搭載されると報じた。 アニ文字などのメッセージ関連機能を強化している傾向をみるに、Face IDが廃止される可能性はまずないだろう。もしディスプレイ内蔵型のTouch IDが追加されるとしても、Face IDと共存は前提になるという予想は順当だ。 ディスプレイ内蔵型の指紋センサーは、既にAndroidスマホでは一般的に実装されているだけに、iPhoneが搭載することもあり得る。ただし、ブルームバーグの記事では、同技術のiPhoneへの実装は2021年と示唆していることもあり、2020年に発表される見込みのiPhone 12シリーズではまだ搭載されない可能性が高そうだ。 関連記事関連リンクからの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Neymar back in PSG squad for Marseille game after recovering from COVID-19 - Gulf Today Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT PSG's Neymar, who tested positive for coronavirus on Sept.2, return to the training on Friday. File / Agence France-Presse Neymar tested positive for coronavirus on Sept.2, having contracted the virus holidaying in Ibiza following the 1-0 loss to Bayern Munich in the Champions League final in Lisbon last month. The Brazilian, along with the likes of Kylian Mbappe, Angel Di Maria and Leandro Paredes, were all quarantined, with Neymar making his return to training on Friday. PSG confirmed three more cases with L'Equipe identifying them as Argentine striker Mauro Icardi, Brazilian defender Marquinhos and goalkeeper Keylor Navas. Apart from Mbappe all of them contracted the virus after jetting off to Ibiza following the Champions League defeat. "Who's back? It's Keylor, Angel di Maria, 'Ney' and 'Leo' (Paredes), as well as (new signing Alessandro) Florenzi," PSG coach Tuchel said. "If I ask them if they want to play, their response will be yes. We'll decide tomorrow. "It's a question of knowing whether they'll start or finish the match for us. "You don't have to wait too long. If there is no risk, we'll try." PSG's season opener was pushed back because of their European exploits. But missing some of their most prized players, the capital club fell to a defeat by newly-promoted Lens in their rescheduled game on Thursday. After hosting Marseille at the Parc des Princes on Sunday, PSG play Metz on Wednesday before travelling to pacesetters Nice the following Sunday.PSG began their title defense with a 1-0 loss at Lens on Thursday. Meanwhile, Neymar has signed an endorsement contract with Puma to become the German sportswear giant's new global poster boy on Saturday two weeks after the Brazilian superstar parted company with longtime sponsor Nike. "Welcome to the fam @Neymarjr #KingIsBack" Puma tweeted alongside a photo of the Paris Saint-Germain striker, kitted out in his new marketing 'club's' clothes. The world's most expensive player confirmed the sponsorship transfer in an open letter posted on social media. "I grew up watching videos of great football legends such as Pele, Cruyff, Eusebio and Maradona...who each played in Puma. "For these reasons, from today onward, I have the honour to unite with the brand that helped the biggest legends of football become what they are," he wrote. Neither Neymar nor Puma gave details of the length of the contract or how much it was worth. "Neymar an ambassador of the brand on and off the pitch," the company told AFP, emphasising the confidentiality around the contract. The move represents a significant change for the 28-year-old after leaving Nike, his sponsors since he was a 13-year-old prodigy. News that a deal had been struck was first published by Brazilian sports site Esporte Interativo, which is known for breaking the story of Neymar's transfer from Barcelona to PSG in 2017. Citing "exclusive information," it said details on the agreement and Neymar's first promotional appearances for Puma were expected "in the coming days". Neymar had appeared to drop hints that a deal was close, said Esporte Interativo. He recently followed Puma, PumaFootball and eight other accounts associated with the brand on Instagram, and posted a picture of himself Thursday with what appeared to be a statue of a puma in the background. Agencies Top stories - Google News September 12, 2020 at 11:44AM Neymar back in PSG squad for Marseille game after recovering from COVID-19 - Gulf Today Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chinese military calls US biggest threat to world peace - Military Times Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT BEIJING — China's Defense Ministry on Sunday blasted a critical U.S. report on the country's military ambitions, saying it is the U.S. instead that poses the biggest threat to the international order and world peace. The statement follows the Sept. 2 release of the annual Defense Department report to Congress on Chinese military developments and goals that it said would have "serious implications for U.S. national interests and the security of the international rules-based order." Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Wu Qian called the report a "wanton distortion" of China's aims and the relationship between the People's Liberation Army and China's 1.4 billion people. "Many years of evidence shows that it is the U.S. that is the fomenter of regional unrest, the violator of the international order and the destroyer of world peace," he said. U.S. actions in Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries over the past two decades have resulted in the deaths of more than 800,000 people and displacement of millions, Qian said. "Rather than reflecting on itself, the U.S. issued a so-called report that made false comments about China's normal defense and military construction," he said in the statement. "We call on the U.S. to view China's national defense and military construction objectively and rationally, cease making false statements and related reports, and take concrete actions to safeguard the healthy development of bilateral military relations." Running to more than 150 pages, the Defense Department report examined the PLA's technical capabilities, doctrines and the ultimate aims of China's military buildup. It said it includes becoming a "practical instrument" of China's statecraft with an active role in advancing Beijing's foreign policy and "aims to revise aspects of the international order." "Certainly, many factors will determine how this course unfolds," the report said. "What is certain is that (the ruling Communist Party) has a strategic end state that it is working towards, which, if achieved and its accompanying military modernization left unaddressed, will have serious implications for U.S. national interests and the security of the international rules-based order." Much of the report was devoted to analyzing China's strategy toward Taiwan, a U.S. ally which China considers a part of its territory to be annexed by force if necessary. China's military capabilities dwarf those of the island of 23 million in numerical terms, although any invasion of Taiwan would be complex and would carry major political risks, the report said. It also looked at areas where the 2 million-member PLA, the world's largest standing military, has overtaken the U.S., including in the size of its navy, now the world's largest with approximately 350 ships and submarines compared to around 293 for the U.S. China has also built a considerable arsenal of land-based ballistic and cruise missiles and has one of the world's largest forces of advanced long-range surface-to-air systems, the report said. This year's report comes as relations between Beijing and Washington have hit their lowest ebb in decades amid simmering disputes over trade, technology, Taiwan, human rights and the South China Sea. This story corrects figure for China's population. Top stories - Google News September 13, 2020 at 09:25AM Chinese military calls US biggest threat to world peace - Military Times Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jose Mourinho lays into his Tottenham players after lethargic display in Everton defeat - Daily Mail Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT 'I did not like my team today': Jose Mourinho slams his 'lazy' Tottenham flops as they start Premier League season with a home defeat by EvertonJose Mourinho branded his players 'lazy' and blamed their abject opening weekend defeat to Everton on a lack of intensity. Dominic Calvert-Lewin's soaring 55th minute header was enough to give Carlo Ancelotti's side their first win away to a top six club since December 2013, ending a run of 40 matches. Everton, for whom new signing James Rodriguez excelled, dominated throughout but Mourinho claimed Tottenham's disjointed preparations attributed to a wretched performance. Jose Mourinho was disappointed with Tottenham's uninspiring opening day performance Dominic Calvert-Lewin scored the winner as Everton beat Spurs 1-0 in their first league game Mourinho said: 'That is a consequence of bad fitness, bad pre-season. 'Some players didn't even have a pre-season. Some players had a wrong state of mind. I did not like my team today. 'We did not have the physical condition, we had no intensity. Harry Kane has trained with us once. Moussa Sissoko just twice. For different reasons, players have not been able to train. The Portuguese manager said his side's 'lazy press' allowed the Toffees to be comfortable 'We had cases of positive coronavirus tests, we had other players who had to quarantine, other players away with the national team.' He added: 'I would say it was lazy pressure and when you have lazy pressure you don't press, you let opponents build from the back.' Ancelotti, by contrast, was thrilled saying: 'Our target is to fight to reach the European positions and we have started well. 'The problem we had last season was that we were up and down.' Mourinho suggested some of his players were not fully fit following a shorter pre-season Mourinho will have been concerned by the players' seeming lack of fitness as they get set to play three more games in the next nine days, starting with a Europa League qualifier against Lokomotiv Plovdiv on Thursday. When asked how Mourinho can help his players bounce back from the defeat, the 57-year-old replied: 'Being honest with them, telling them things I cannot say to you but I can say to them. On Thursday we have a knockout game so there is not much time to cry or to complain.' After an uninspiring first half, Mourinho substituted Dele Alli for Sissoko in a bid to combat the Toffees' new-look midfield of Allan, Abdoulaye Doucoure and James Rodriguez, a change Mourinho confirmed was tactical. Top stories - Google News September 13, 2020 at 11:40AM Jose Mourinho lays into his Tottenham players after lethargic display in Everton defeat - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lightning’s Jon Cooper: Give up a goal, go get a goal - Tampa Bay Times Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT After the Islanders scored the first goal of Sunday's Game 4, Lightning coach Jon Cooper didn't bench the players who gave it up. He threw them back out on the ice for the faceoff and told them to get a goal. "I'm not a big believer in just because you got scored on, you sit on the bench and think about it," Cooper said after the 4-1 win over the Islanders in the Eastern Conference final at Rogers Place in Edmonton. "Go out there and get it back. Now, I can't say I thought they'd get it back in 15 seconds." But that's what they did, part of a stretch of three combined goals in 27 seconds, tying the third-quickest in Stanley Cup playoff history. New York center Brock Nelson started it all. He stuck with the puck, even as center Yanni Gourde tried to bat it away, then sniped a shot top shelf past goalie Andrei Vasilevskiy. "As a player that prides myself, and our line, on being two-way guys and reliable guys, obviously getting scored on doesn't sit real well," winger Blake Coleman said. "Credit to Coop for keeping us out there, giving us a shot to go get it back." Gourde said he wasn't "really happy" after that goal. He just wanted a chance to get the momentum back. Vasilevskiy played the puck to Gourde from behind the net, while Coleman slipped behind the Islanders. Gourde threw a long, one-hop outlet pass to Coleman. The winger switched the puck from forehand to backhand as he slid the puck past goalie Semyon Varlamov's pads. Earlier in the series, Coleman, who hasn't scored at the same clip with the Lightning as his 21 goals in 66 regular-season games with New Jersey, quipped that the Lightning had three-and-a-half lines that can score. "It's big," Coleman said. "Anytime you can respond quickly in a game, it's going to swing the momentum right back." Ondrej Palat added another goal 12 seconds after that, finishing on a nice play from both Kucherov and Point. The Lightning notched two more goals — one from Point and an empty-netter by Pat Maroon — but that 27 seconds was the swing that determined the game. They now have a chance to finish out the series on Tuesday. Contact Diana C. Nearhos at Follow @dianacnearhos on Twitter. "Goal" - Google News September 13, 2020 at 05:56PM Lightning's Jon Cooper: Give up a goal, go get a goal - Tampa Bay Times "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hamilton wins knife-edge Mugello pole over Bottas - Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:44 PM PDT "Miracle on 34th Street" wowed movie audiences 73 years ago with its portrayal of Kris Kringle inside an elaborate and bustling Macy's department store in New York City. But to Leslie Anne Tarabella and hundreds of her blog followers, Hollywood simply could not top their experience at Gayfers. Decorative Christmas displays, clean and well-designed stores, and a personalized shopping experience made this Mobile-born business a fan favorite. Tarabella, in a blog post from five years ago during the holiday season wrote, "I Wish for Gayfers," and the comments came pouring in. "People go crazy every time I mention Gayfers in a story, so I mention it a lot," said Tarabella, a Fairhope resident who writes for and is author of the book, "The Majorettes are back in Town – and other things to love about the South." She might have to add another chapter to the Gayfers story that began more than a century ago in downtown Mobile. The last vestige to the department store's name in Mobile is faded on the top of a long abandoned, four-story building in downtown Mobile that is poised to get a much-needed renovation. A plan is in the works to combine historic tax credits, low-income housing credits and investments from the city of Mobile and the Mobile Housing Authority to revitalize the original and T-shaped downtown Gayfers department store building that fronts three city streets – Dauphin, St. Emanuel and Conti. Redevelopment project The first phase of the project was addressed last week, when the Housing Authority endorsed a $1 million loan to the project's developers, the New Orleans-based non-profit Gulf Coast Housing Partnership. The loan will enable the addition of 19 units for low-income residents who are eligible for federal housing vouchers. The entire redevelopment of the structure calls for the addition of 94 "affordable housing" units in the heart of downtown Mobile across from historic Bienville Square. Generally, the Mobile Housing Board serves families that fall at or below the income limits for a family that has an income which is at 80% or less than the Area Median Income – or $60,600 -- for all households in Mobile County. According to the Housing Board, a family of four earning $48,500 a year may be eligible for the Housing Board's services. "It will be very sought after," said Michael Pierce, the executive director with the Mobile Housing Authority. "When do you have public housing in the center of the central business district? Hardly ever. If ever. This will provide individuals with opportunities to become a part of the broader community when you look at what is happening around there. It will be a refreshing view for those individuals fortunate to get one of those units. You will be living in a mixed-income development." Details, however, remain sketchy on an overall plan that is being pitched by Gulf Coast Housing Partnership. The group declined comment about the project. Gulf Coast Housing Partnership has been listed as the owners of the old department store since 2015, after purchasing it for $1.46 million, according to Mobile County tax records. The partnership has been paying the building's taxes each year since then, including last year's tax bill that amounted to around $7,000. Since the Mercantile Stores Co. Inc. chain vacated the building in 1985, it has struggled to find another purpose even during an era when some of Mobile's oldest and architecturally-ornate downtown structures – seemingly left for dead – were revitalized. The eight-story Battle House Hotel, for instance, was closed for 30 years until the Retirement Systems of Alabama restored and reopened it into a high-end hotel in 2007. Past proposals for the Gayfers building have gone nowhere. It was owned by the Mobile County Public School System from 2003 to 2007, and the hopes were that it could be redeveloped into a performing arts high school. It was sold for around $1.2 million. Next up was a proposal to turn the building into condos and retail and office space through a plan led by Shaul Zislin – co-owner of the popular Hangout entertainment venue in Gulf Shores. That plan was supposed to include a lap pool, fitness center and 24-hour valet service. That also fizzled. City officials hope they have found the winning financial formula to redevelop the building. Absent from those previous project plans was the availability of Alabama state historic tax credits. The state's program started providing funds for the redevelopment of historic properties statewide in 2016 and has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into renovation projects statewide. Birmingham has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the program – the Lyric Theater, Thomas Jefferson Building, Redmont Hotel, and the Pizitz Building have all been redeveloped with support through the state program. According to Alabama Historical Commission records, the Gayfers building's tax credit request is $3.5 million, which is the largest request among the 21 project projects that have yet to received state funding. Approximately $12 million is set aside each year for urban projects through the state historic tax credit program. The Gayfers project's evolution comes at a time when Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson is planning a greater emphasis on adding more affordable housing within older neighborhoods east of Interstate 65, which includes the downtown area. During his "State of the City" address earlier this month, Stimpson vowed to add 1,000 new affordable homes by 2026. Jamey Roberts, the city's senior director of Neighborhood Development, said the Gayfers project has been under development for the past five years. He said a proposal could be coming in the next few weeks that details the financial request for the project including the use of tax-increment financing money approved by the city. Roberts said that the Housing Board's involvement into the project occurred about one year ago, and Pierce said improvements in the Housing Authority's overall structure and performance has allowed the group to move forward with the loan. The loaned money will be bankrolled through capital funds the Housing Authority receives through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Housing Board's overall capital fund program is at $7.1 million in 2020, up from $6.6 million in 2019. "We need to be a part of this type of development to show HUD we've turned the corner and we no longer resist this shift of providing public housing and being part of the broader community," said Pierce, to members of the Housing Board during a meeting on Tuesday. "This is a way of buying our way into a deal that will help our residents." The Housing Authority and the housing board has been plagued with leadership turnover and other setbacks. The former executive director was fired after less than a year on the job and the Authority – until recent years, when a several deteriorating properties were demolished – was plagued with an inability to reduce the number of vacant units on its books. The authority was also placed on the federal civil rights threshold list because it failed to convert several of its units for wheelchair accessibility, or for those with "sight and hearing challenges," Pierce said. He said he anticipates the authority being removed from the list soon, which would allow them accessibility to federal programs that allow public housing authorities the ability to reinvest in its public housing stock. "This is a small step in the right direction," he said, about the authority's involvement in the Gayfers project. "There are no silver bullets to erase decades of challenges. We can turn a corner and start to see a progress taking place and this is one of those instances." Nostalgia appeal The Gayfers project is sparking memories for those involved, and its redevelopment is likely to stoke a wave of nostalgia. Roberts, who would have been a toddler when the downtown Gayfers closed, said the employees within his department "who are in their 50s" have shared memories of shopping with their families inside the building. Pierce said he remembers his mother taking him to the store as a young boy. "I know the building very well," he said. Stephen McNair, who is assisting Gulf Coast Housing Partnership on the historic tax credit applications, said the building contains generations of memories for coastal Alabama shoppers. "The building has a nostalgic draw for multiple generations of Mobilians," said McNair. Gayfers drew them in to downtown Mobile. In Birmingham, it was stores like Loveman's of Alabama and Pizitz. In Huntsville, it was Dunnavant's. Montgomery Fair in downtown Montgomery is, perhaps, the most historically significant of all the bygone department stores. Rosa Parks worked at the store in 1955, the same year she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat inside a segregated bus in Montgomery. Much of the modern-day nostalgia for the downtown department stores surfaces during the holiday season, when recollections of well-lit window displays bring back memories of family trips into the city. "It became a ritual for families across the country to go into their downtown and look into the Christmas windows," said Jan Whitaker, a retail and restaurant historian and author based in Northampton, Massachusetts. "The stores would have Christmas villages and were set up near the toy department and visits with Santa Claus. There were characters and some f them were live people in costumes. A lot of that was a very big deal to children." Historian Wayne Dean, who portrays the fictional Indian chief Slacabamarinico during the city's Mardi Gras festivities every year, said the memories of Mobilians revolved around whether their family was fond of shopping at Gayfers or Hammels department store. Dean said his family favored Hammel, which had a location on Royal Street. "They were both locally owned, and both started in Mobile, pretty much," said Dean. "There were people who had their preference – they were a Gayfers person and wouldn't shop at Hammels and vice versa." Tarabella's memories are of Gayfers, founded in the 1879 by C.J. Gayfer. The store evolved over the next century into a chain of department stores throughout the South before the brand was purchased by Dillard's in 1998. "I think the reason we all loved Gayfers was because ladies all over the world want to feel pretty and stylish and since we didn't have the big-city Bloomingdales or Macy's, Gayfers filled the need," said Tarabella. "They treated each customer like royalty and the store was always clean and neatly arranged. You could tell the employees loved working there." The downtown store was the first and most recognizable of the Gayfers stores, which expanded throughout Alabama into cities like Tuscaloosa, Montgomery, and Dothan. The original Gayfers stores were twice destroyed by separate fires that occurred over a century ago. Gayfer's son, Hammond and a business partner relocated the business into the Peerless Laundry and Dyeing Company building on St. Emanuel Street in 1920. The original building that house Gayfers was constructed in in 1905 as a commercial laundry facility. It was designed with fire resistance in mind, and it still stands. Referred to as "Mobile's Finest Department Store," Gayfers continued to expand upon the St. Emanuel Street building: In 1930, it converted a grocery store just south of the building into the store's appliance department; and in 1950, the store underwent its biggest expansion by repurposing a Woolworths facing Dauphin street, adding additional floors. Once the expansion was completed in 1952, Gayfers went from a 25,000-square-foot shop to close to 100,000 square feet with entrances on three city blocks at St. Emanuel, Conti, and Dauphin streets. The Dauphin Street entrance faces historic Bienville Square. The Gayfers expansion occurred right before the major exodus of department stores from downtown cities. For Gayfers, that included opening a new department store in 1960 at Springdale Plaza near Interstate 65. The downtown Gayfers was the last major retailer in downtown Mobile at the time it closed. "There was a slow a slow erosion," said Whitaker, speaking in general about the erosion of downtown retail. She said the rise of the early discount stores and the extended evening hours that allowed families for more flexible shopping, led to the surge of suburban shopping and the deterioration of the major urban retail activity. But the buildings that were left behind were "were built very well" and have "tended not to be worn down like so many buildings that get torn down," said Whitaker. "They really do have a lot of potential," she said. "I think a lot of colleges and universities have used them for downtown campuses. They have been turned into office suites, and apartments and condos. They are good buildings." Roberts, with the city of Mobile, hopes the redevelopment project can occur and provide a boost to the heart of the city's downtown core. He likened the project to renovation of the Pizitz building in Birmingham, which received $5 million in state historic tax credits for a project that led to construction of 143 apartment units and a bustling food hall. "It will have an impact definitely," Roberts said. "I won't be as big as (Pizitz) but the (Gayfers building) has been empty a long time. The removal of the blighted building, itself, will impact the buildings around it." "Mobile" - Google News September 13, 2020 at 06:01AM 'I Wish for Gayfers': Memories of beloved Mobile department store surface as redevelopment evolves - "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Juventus put Douglas Costa up for sale following injury woes - Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT Manchester United are one of the clubs linked with the Brazil international, whose physical problems are set to see him forced out of Turin Juventus have elected to put attacker Douglas Costa up for sale due to the Brazilian's persistent problems with injury, Goal can confirm. Manchester United are set to have their ears pricked by this news, as they have been closely linked with the 29-year-old wideman in the past, but the more persistent interest has come from clubs in the UAE. The player, however, is not keen on departing Juve as he wishes to prove himself at a club he joined in 2017, initially on loan, following a two-year stint in the Bundesliga with Bayern Munich. This is in part driven by a lack of interest from elsewhere. Although his agents have tried to stir up interest from Premier League clubs, there is too much doubt over his physical capacity to play on a regular basis. During the 2019-20 campaign, he managed 29 outings for Juve and impressed when he was available, scoring three goals in all competitions while laying on a further seven assists. However, his season was blighted with injury issues, missing 21 fixtures in total, and it was only after the suspension of play because of the coronavirus pandemic that he was able to put together a lengthy series of appearances, and even then these typically came from the bench. His season ended prematurely as he suffered a tear in an abductor muscle, and that same issue is set to prevent him featuring at the beginning of the 2020-21 campaign for the Turin giants, who are aiming for their 10th Serie A crown in succession having appointed Andrea Pirlo to head coach over the summer. Similarly, he spent a good deal of time during the previous term out. He featured 18 times in Serie A during the 2018-19 term but missed four matches due to a suspension and another 16 because of injuries. These were overwhelmingly muscular, with a hamstring problem keeping him out for two months only to be struck by a calf injury sustained after only 30 competitive minutes. During his time in Turin, he has won three Scudetti, while he is also a two-time Bundesliga champion. "Goal" - Google News September 13, 2020 at 02:24AM Juventus put Douglas Costa up for sale following injury woes - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:30 PM PDT 嵐 企業13社と夢応援する企画 - Yahoo!ニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-09-13 23:19:37Z | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
「プレイステーション 5」新情報を映像配信、17日午前5時から - AV Watch Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメントは、年末商戦期の発売を予告しているPlayStation 5について、ローンチ期やその先に発売されるゲームをご紹介する映像イベントを9月17日午前5時から、YouTubeやTwitchで配信すると発表した。「PS5の未来をお見逃しなく」としている。 映像は約40分程度を予定。SIEワールドワイド・スタジオや、世界トップクラスのソフトウェアメーカー各社の最新タイトルに関する新情報が楽しめるという。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nuggets come back to beat Clippers, force Game 7 - USA TODAY Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — Every time it looked like the Los Angeles Clippers would put the Denver Nuggets away in Game 6, the Nuggets snuck back into the game. "One thing I do like about Denver is they never change the way they play," Clippers coach Doc Rivers said they day before the game. "They keep playing the same way, they keep moving and cutting and you have to have great discipline to beat them. You have to stay with it. You can't take your eye off of it. ... Of all the teams left in the bubble, this is the team that will hurt you the most when you do that." The Clippers feel that hurt right now. Denver's relentless offensive attack cut into a 12-point Clippers lead in the second quarter and wiped out a 19-point third-quarter deficit, with the Nuggets jumping ahead in the fourth. ROCKETS: D'Antoni informs Houston he won't return as head coach DOC RIVERS: Clippers coach condemns shootings of Black people and cops Denver cranked up the defensive pressure, relied on All-Star center Nikola Jokic – and his soft, rainbow jumpers – and defeated the Clippers 111-98 in Game 6 on Sunday. Jokic's 3-pointer with 2:26 left in the fourth quarter put the Nuggets ahead 106-93 and Gary Harris' triple at 2:00 made it 109-93, finishing off the Clippers. Trailing 63-47 at halftime, the Nuggets outscored the Clippers 64-35 and held them to 10-for-38 shooting (26%) in the second half. Nikola scored 19 of his 34 points in the second half, and he added 14 rebounds and seven assists. Jamal Murray scored 21 points, and Harris, a defensive ace, scored 12 of his 16 points in the second half. Michael Porter Jr. had 13 points and seven rebounds. Paul George led the Clippers with 33 points, and Kawhi Leonard had 25 points. The Nuggets have a way with avoiding elimination in these playoffs. They are 5-0 in elimination games in the bubble. Down 3-1 against Utah in the first round, Denver won Game 7, and then down again 3-1 to the Clippers, it forced Game 7. "Our players are comfortable being uncomfortable," Denver coach Michael Malone said. Against the Jazz, Denver became the 12th team to come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a series. It is now trying to become the 13th team to do it and the first to do it twice in the same postseason. The Nuggets trailed by 16 in Game 5 and won, and when it looked like the Clippers were on their way to the conference finals with a 68-49 lead in the third quarter of Game 6, the Nuggets rallied again. "We find ways, we find solutions and we don't make excuses," Malone said about 90 minutes before Game 6. "That's something we've done since the day I got here. Players understand that, and they bought into it and that's why we're such a tough and resilient group." Top stories - Google News September 13, 2020 at 01:01PM Nuggets come back to beat Clippers, force Game 7 - USA TODAY Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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