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- 藤井二冠「王将」挑戦者決定リーグ 羽生九段と対局(2020年9月22日) - ANNnewsCH
- デヴィ夫人『遊戯王』デビューで初勝利 デュエリストの本質突き話題「カードはそれぞれ役目がある」 -
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- “억울해도 감내해야”…'마이웨이' 편승엽, 3번 이혼 속사정 눈물고백 - 조선일보
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藤井二冠「王将」挑戦者決定リーグ 羽生九段と対局(2020年9月22日) - ANNnewsCH Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:12 PM PDT 藤井二冠「王将」挑戦者決定リーグ 羽生九段と対局(2020年9月22日) - ANNnewsCH [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-09-22 02:36:42Z | |||
デヴィ夫人『遊戯王』デビューで初勝利 デュエリストの本質突き話題「カードはそれぞれ役目がある」 - Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:58 PM PDT デヴィ夫人『遊戯王』デビューで初勝利 デュエリストの本質突き話題「カードはそれぞれ役目がある」 - タレントのデヴィ夫人が、人気カードゲーム「遊☆戯☆王オフィシャルカードゲーム デュエルモンスターズ」(以下、遊戯王)をプレイする動画を、自身のYouTubeチャンネルに投稿し、デュエリストデビューを果たした。パック開封ではレアカード「ブラック・マジシャン」を引き当てたり、バトルでは次々と強力なカードを場に繰り出し相手を圧勝し初勝利。その姿にネット上では「夫人強い!」「ブルーアイズ持ってそうw海馬以上に似合いそうだわ」「(発言が)遊戯王の本質をついている」などと話題になっている。 動画では、デヴィ夫人の動画でおなじみの「マリナさん」と、ゲストにゲーム『遊戯王』の伝道師・ラッシュマスターのダイスケさんも登場。ダイスケさんから『遊戯王』の簡単な説明(ラッシュデュエル)を受けると、デヴィ夫人は「ラッシュデュエルの意味知ってる? RUSH=突撃、DUEL=決闘よ。(マリナさんと)二人で決闘するの? ほほほ」と苦笑い。 対戦を始める前にデッキ改造パック「驚愕のライトニングアタック!!」を開封することになり、デヴィ夫人は「猛吹雪」「獣機界バギー・ドッグ」「ワンレン・ラムーン」「ブルー・ポーション」「死霊の束縛…薄気味悪いね」と楽しみながら、出たカードに一言コメント。その中で一番のレアカード「ブラック・マジシャン」を引き当てると、「ATK(攻撃力)2500!? これ持ったら大変な感じがします」と満面の笑みで喜んだ。 続いて、すでにデッキが構築されているスターターデッキをベースに、オリジナルのデッキを作ることになると、早速ブラック・マジシャンを入れて「すごい強力な感じしない?」とニヤニヤ。ルールが理解できていないためカードに書かれた「点数と破壊するを選びましたけど」と説明し、10分間アドバイスを受けながら「夫人の点数と破壊デッキ」を完成。そして、ダイスケさんとデュエル(対戦)することになった。 マリナさんのフォローを受けながら対戦がスタートすると、「本気になってきたわよ~!」とメガネを取りに席を立ち真剣な顔に。後攻でスタートすると、レベル1~4のモンスターをリリースして初手でいきなり強力なモンスター「フルメテオ・インパクト」(攻撃力2500)を召喚。これにはダイスケさんも「おぉ…強いのが出てきちゃった…」と焦ると、「じゃアタック!」とすかさず相手のモンスターに攻撃し見事倒した。 次のターンでダイスケさんは魔法カード「ドラゴニック・プレッシャー」を使い、デヴィ夫人のモンスターを全滅。自分が召喚したカードがあっけなく消えたことでデヴィ夫人は「そうなの…? 面白くない ふふふ」とばっさり。それでも次々の強力なモンスターを召喚して「アタック!」「これを出して、で捨てて、これも出して…」とゲームに慣れ始め、ダイスケさんのライフポイントを削り切り大差で初勝利し「オホホホホホホホ」と喜んだ。 初デュエルをした感想を聞かれると「すごい高度な技術が必要っていうんじゃなくて、カードの選び方、強い(カード)ばっかり選んじゃいけないというのがわかった。カードはそれぞれ役目がある。それもちゃんと知っておかないとね」とゲームの醍醐味を理解したそうで「すごい楽しかった。最後の方は少し(ルールが)わかりかけてたので」と満足げ。さらに、自分が作ったデッキがプレゼントされると「本当? うれしい、うれしい!」とはしゃいでいた。 この姿にファンからは「夫人のことだから、もしハマったら、カードショップごと買い取りそうw」「ブラック・マジシャン当てるとか真の決闘者」「ハマったら直ぐ強くなりそう」「夫人が遊戯王するとは…シリーズ化おねがいします!」「『アタック』とか専門用語使って高感度あがったわw」「夫人が言っていた『カードはそれぞれ役目がある』は、まじで主人公が言ってそうw」などと歓喜の声があがっている。 2020-09-22 02:17:00Z | |||
박휘순 11월 결혼…예비신부 "내가 데려가니 걱정 놓으시라" - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:22 PM PDT 개그맨 박휘순(43)이 11월 결혼 소식을 알렸다. 22일 박휘순은 인스타그램 계정에 예비 신부의 글을 공개했다. 자신을 "휘순 오빠 여자친구"라 소개한 예비신부는 "겉보기와 달리 따뜻하고 배려 깊고 나를 생각해주는 모습에 (박휘순과의) 결혼을 결심하게 됐다"고 결혼 뒷이야기를 밝혔다. 또 "그동안 개그맨 박휘순은 결혼은 언제쯤 할까, 어떤 여자가 데려갈까 궁금하기도 하고 걱정도 되셨을 것"이라며 "내가 데려가니 걱정은 덜어놓으셔도 된다"며 농담을 하기도 했다. 2005년 KBS 20기 공채 개그맨으로 데뷔해 개그콘서트에서 '육봉달' 캐릭터로 인기를 얻었다. '미녀는 괴로워' 등 영화에 단역이나 조연으로 출연했다. 박휘순은 지난 13일 방송된 JTBC '1호가 될 순 없어'에서 연애 중이라는 사실을 밝힌 바 있다. 신혜연 기자 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 박휘순 11월 결혼…예비신부 "내가 데려가니 걱정 놓으시라" - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 | |||
“억울해도 감내해야”…'마이웨이' 편승엽, 3번 이혼 속사정 눈물고백 - 조선일보 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:22 PM PDT 가수 편승엽이 힘들었던 과거사를 고백했다. 21일 방송된 TV조선 '스타다큐 마이웨이'는 편승엽 편으로 꾸며졌다. 편승엽의 절친 장미화는 "승엽이가 세번째 마지막 무너질 때는 많이 속상했다. 가슴이 너무 아팠다. 지금은 잘하고 있지만 누구한테 얘기할 수 없었다. 가슴이 미어지게 아팠다"고 운을 뗐다. 편승엽은 "정말 자신있게 살았다고 생각하는데 남들과 내 생각이 다를 수 있다. 결혼을 여러차례 하다 보니 평범한 가정의 아들 아빠 남편이고 싶었고 그런 삶을 추구했다. 그런데 한번 깨졌고 또 새로운 인생을 시작하면서 기대했는데 또 깨졌다. 내 의지는 아니었다. 내 인생의 오점이다. 오점이 여러번이었기 때문에 자랑할 수 없는 인생이다. 창피하다. 하지만 열심히는 살았다"고 말했다. 이어 "첫 번째 결혼생활은 아이들이 초등학교 가기 전 헤어졌다. 아이 셋을 키웠는데 가요를 시작하는 단계에서 아내가 싫어했다. 이혼하자고 강하게 얘기해서 그 뜻을 받아들였다. 두 번째 결혼은 참 좋았다. 우연히 행사장에서 만났다. 2개월 정도 교제할 때 아파서 수술했는데 그때부터 같이 생활하기 시작했다. 회복하고 결혼식을 하고 짧은 만남이었다. 함께 생활한 건 4개월 정도 된다"고 전했다. 두 번째 이혼 과정에서 편승엽은 전처와 법적 공방을 벌였다. 그는 "'아직 젊은데 해줄 수 있는 것도 없고 이혼하자'고 하더라. 4개월 동안 만나자마자 아파서 뒷바라지 좀 한 게 다인데 이해가 되지 않는다고 했다. 많은 분들이 내가 고소당한 줄 아는데 내가 전처를 고소했다. 2년 2개월 만에 재판이 끝났는데 내가 실형을 받은 줄 알고 펑펑 울더라. 어이가 없었다"고 말했다. 이어 "그때부터 인기도 멀어지고 무대도 줄어들고 경제도 나빠지고 가장 큰 난관에 부딪혔다. 그렇게 20년 넘는 세월을 보냈다. 좋은 모습 보이며 살다보면 언제든 표현할 길이 주어질 거라 생각했다. 두번째 처가 세상을 떠나버리니까 나 혼자만의 얘기인 것 같아 묻어야 한다고 생각한다. 아무리 할 얘기가 많고 억울해도 내가 다 감내해야 한다고 생각한다"고 털어놨다. 세 번째 결혼에 대해서는 "하지 말았어야 한다. 그랬으면 그 사람한테 상처도 안되고 애들 엄마도 평범하게 살 수 있었을 텐데 미안하다"고 고백했다. 셋째 딸은 "재판 결과가 나오면 고통받은 시간을 보상받을 줄 알았다. 그런데 아빠한테 어떤 일이 있었는지 모르고 나쁜 사람이라는 이미지만 박혔다. 해명할 기회가 지나니까 못했다. 그게 너무 길어지고 힘드니까 그 원망을 아빠한테 쏟아냈다"고 미안해했다. 편승엽은 세 번의 결혼생활에서 얻은 다섯 아이들에 대한 미안함을 드러냈다. 그는 "어느 순간부터 애들한테 많이 한 소리가 '미안하다'였다. 아빠를 바꿔줄 수도 없고 정상적인 가정에서 살게 해주지 못했다. 어릴 때는 아이들이 밝게 산 줄 알았는데 커서 대화해보니 많이 힘들어했더라. 아이들이 어려서 얘를 못했다. 이해해주려니 생각했다"며 눈물을 흘렸다. 편승엽은 아픔을 딛고 새 출발을 준비하고 있다. 신곡 '기분좋은 사람아'로 재도약에 나선다. 노래를 들은 남진은 "누구나 아픔은 있다. 시간도 지날만큼 지났다. 모두 때가 있는데 지금 딱 좋은 노래"라고 응원했다. 백지은 기자 엔터테인먼트 | |||
'김대헌 호반건설 대표 ' 김민형 아나운서, SBS 퇴사…결혼 준비 임박 - 세계일보 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:22 PM PDT 김민형 아나운서(사진∙28)가 SBS를 퇴사하면서 김대헌 호반건설 대표와의 결혼이 임박했음을 알렸다. 22일 스포티비뉴스는 김민형 SBS 아나운서의 퇴사를 알리며 SBS 관계자의 말을 빌려 "김 아나운서와 김 대표가 결혼을 전제로 진지하게 만나다 최근 결혼을 결정한 것으로 알고 있다"고 밝혔다. 5살 차이인 김 아나운서와 김 대표는 지난 달 27일 교제 사실을 인정했다. SBS 관계자도 "좋은 감정으로 신중히 만나고 있다"며 이를 알린 바 있다. 1993년생인 김민형 아나운서는 서울여자대학교에서 시각디자인을 전공하고 2016년 MBC 계약직 아나운서로 입사해 방송 활동을 시작했다. 계약 기간 종료 후 2018년 SBS 공채 23기 아나운서로 입사, 현재 주말 'SBS 8뉴스'와 '궁금한 이야기 Y', '스포츠 투나잇' 진행을 맡고 있다. 1988년생인 김대헌 대표는 호반그룹 총수인 김상열 회장의 장남이자 호반건설 최대 주주다. 호반건설 기획 부문 대표가 된 후 임대주택 사업 위주 경영전략에서 탈피해 스타트업 육성, 수주 다변화, 인수·합병 등에 주력하고 있다는 평가를 받는다. 강소영 온라인 뉴스 기자 [ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] 엔터테인먼트 | |||
マイクロソフト、ゲーム会社を7800億円で買収 ソフト充実、ソニーに対抗 - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT 米マイクロソフトは21日、米ゲーム開発会社を傘下に持つゼニマックス・メディアを75億ドル(約7800億円)で買収すると発表した。MSが展開する定額ゲームサービスで遊べるソフトを充実させ、ソニーに対抗する。 規制当局の審査を経て、来年前半に買収を完了させる予定。 ゼニマックス傘下のベセスダ・ソフトワークスは「エルダー・スクロールズ」や「フォールアウト」といった人気ゲームの開発で知られる。 MSの定額ゲームサービスの契約者は1500万人。(共同) からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | |||
ぽっちゃり隠し?本田翼の衣装に騒然!「妊娠の憶測」まで飛び出す異常事態 - アサ芸プラス Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:58 PM PDT ぽっちゃり隠し?本田翼の衣装に騒然!「妊娠の憶測」まで飛び出す異常事態 - アサ芸プラス ふっくらしたことを隠そうというのか。女優の本田翼が9月9日、インスタグラムでゆったりした服装の写真を公開し、さまざまな憶測が持ち上がっている。 問題となったのは本田がショップを訪れた際に撮影したショット。身につけているのは青と白のストライプのシャツにデニムのズボン。どちらもかなりゆったりしたデザインだ。 「特にズボンはかなり大きめのサイズ。股上が深くてウエストが絞られていないので、ダボッとした印象です。ヤンキー全盛期にツッパリがはいていた改造制服の"ドカン"にそっくり。体のラインがまったくわかりません。そのため、ぽっちゃり隠しではないかとささやかれています」(週刊誌記者) 本田は新型コロナウイルスで自粛生活が始まったあたりからふっくら化が指摘されるようになった。9月3日にはおしゃれな衣装を見に着けた写真を公開しているが、こちらもゆったりとしたデザインだ。ワンピースはウエストを紐で結んでいるが、ゆったり目に縛っているため体のラインはわからない。 8月20日公開の写真には「ウエストのくびれがない」「タルみたいな体」という指摘が上がった。 「一連の写真を見ていると体のライン、特にウエストの線を隠そうとしているように感じられます。一時はぽっちゃり化も指摘された顔ですが、今はそれほどふっくらして見えません。体だけなんですよ。そのためファンの間では、『妊娠しているのでは?』などという勝手すぎる憶測の声まで出ています」(前出・週刊誌記者) ゆったり衣装はただの流行と信じたい。 2020-09-22 00:59:00Z | |||
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:48 PM PDT Anurag Kashyap, the successful Indian filmmaker whose credits include Gangs of Wasseypur and Udaan, has denied allegations of sexual misconduct from actress Payal Ghosh. Ghosh sent a tweet on Saturday saying that Kashyap had "forced himself" on her:
She also detailed the incident in a video and called him a "hypocrite" for "bearing the flag of women's liberation." Ghosh has received support online for speaking out, including from other members of the Indian film industry such as actress Kangana Ranaut. In response, Kashyap's lawyer called the allegations "completely false, malicious and dishonest" and has promised legal action. Here's the statement:
Kashyap has received support from several women in the Indian film industry who have come out publicly to back the filmmaker. They include Saiyami Kher, who starred in Kashyap's recent Netflix original movie Choked. She said that when she first met the Kashyap, he had a reputation of being the "Bad Boy of Hollywood," but she had found him to be the opposite and praised his character. "Actress" - Google News September 21, 2020 at 09:05AM 'Gangs Of Wasseypur' Director Anurag Kashyap Denies Sexual Misconduct Allegations From Actress Payal Ghosh - Deadline "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |||
11월 결혼 개그맨 박휘순 "로또 맞은 것처럼 사랑 시작돼"(종합) - 연합뉴스 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT (서울=연합뉴스) 김정진 기자 = 개그맨 박휘순(43)이 오는 11월 결혼한다. 박휘순은 22일 "힘든 시기에 제 옆을 묵묵히 지키며 함께 해 준 그녀를 이제 내가 평생 지키고 싶다"며 "모든 것이 조심스러운 때에 알린 결혼 소식임에도 많은 분들이 축하해 주셔서 감사할 따름"이라고 결혼 소감을 밝혔다. 그는 이어 "작년 여름, 마치 로또를 맞은 것처럼 갑자기 사랑이 시작됐다"며 "떨리고 조심스러운 마음이 컸지만 예비 신부로 인해 내 삶과 생활이 많이 바뀌었다"고 덧붙였다. 이날 박휘순의 인스타그램 계정에는 예비 신부가 올린 글이 공개되면서 결혼 소식이 알려졌다. 자신을 "휘순 오빠 여자친구"라고 소개한 그는 "겉보기와 달리 따뜻하고 배려 깊고 나를 생각해주는 모습에 (박휘순과의) 결혼을 결심하게 됐다"고 밝혔다. 또 "그동안 개그맨 박휘순은 결혼은 언제쯤 할까, 어떤 여자가 데려갈까 궁금하기도 하고 걱정도 되셨을 것"이라며 "내가 데려가니 걱정은 덜어놓으셔도 된다"고 말했다. 박휘순은 2005년 KBS 20기 공채 개그맨으로 데뷔했으며 이후 여러 예능 프로그램에서 활동했다. '미녀는 괴로워' 등 영화에서 단역이나 조연으로 출연하기도 했다. 그는 지난 13일 방송된 JTBC '1호가 될 순 없어'에서 연인의 존재를 밝힌 바 있다. <저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>2020/09/22 10:50 송고 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 11월 결혼 개그맨 박휘순 "로또 맞은 것처럼 사랑 시작돼"(종합) - 연합뉴스 ) 엔터테인먼트 | |||
SBS 측 "김민형 아나운서, 10월 말 퇴사…사유는 개인적 사정" [공식] - 스포츠투데이 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT
SBS 관계자는 22일 스포츠투데이에 "김민형 아나운서가 10월 말 퇴사 예정"이라며 "퇴사 사유는 개인사정"이라고 밝혔다. 김민형 아나운서는 최근 김대헌 호반건설 대표와 열애 중이라고 밝혔다. 지난 7월 한 차례 두 사람의 결혼설이 불거지기도 했으나, 당시 SBS 측은 "확인 결과 두 사람이 좋은 감정으로 만나고 있는 것은 맞다. 다만 결혼과 관련해서는 아직 결정된 것이 없다"라고 입장을 밝힌 바 있다. 서울여자대학교 시각디자인학과 학사 출신인 김민형 아나운서는 지난 2016년 MBC 계약직 아나운서로 입사한 후, 2018년부터 SBS 아나운서로 활약하고 있다. 현재 주말 'SBS 8 뉴스' 앵커를 맡고 있다. [스포츠투데이 백지연 기자] 엔터테인먼트 | |||
最新リモコンで自宅をスマートホームに--「Nature Remo3」と「LS Mini Next」を試す(後編) - CNET Japan Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT 最新のスマートリモコン「Nature Remo3」と「LS Mini Next」を実際に使って試すこの企画。 前編に続いて後編ではセンサー周りを中心にチェックをしてみよう。 比較しているスマートリモコンの最新モデル2製品。(左)「Nature Remo3」(右)「LS Mini Next」 センサーをトリガーにした自動操作が便利もともとスマートリモコンはスマートフォンから、Wi-Fi機能を搭載しない家電を操作するために誕生した製品だ。さまざまな家電の赤外線リモコンをスマートフォンのアプリにひとつにまとめて、アプリから操作できるようになった。さらにその後スピーカーが登場したことにより音声操作にも対応。そして最新のスマートリモコンでは内蔵のセンサーを利用して自動的に家電を操作することが可能だ。 「Nature Remo3」は、温度、湿度、照度、人感センサーと非常に多くのセンサーを搭載しており、これらをトリガーにした「オートメーション」の設定ができる。 実際に気温が28℃を超えるとエアコンがオンになる設定をしてみた。この状態で就寝したところ、部屋の気温が上がってきた朝7時頃に自動的にエアコンがつき、部屋の温度を下げてくれた。このおかげで暑くて目が覚めるといったことがなくなったのだ。 さらに「Nature Remo3」はGPSとの連携も可能。例えば自宅から500mの最寄り駅に到着したらエアコンが付く設定などもできる。 (左)センサーを利用した自動操作はオートメーションから登録する(中央)「Nature Remo3」で利用できるトリガーの一覧。GPSや温度、湿度、人感センサーをトリガーにできる(右)室温が28℃を超えたらエアコンが冷房24℃でオンになる設定ができた 「LS Mini Next」は温度センサーと照度センサーを搭載。湿度、人感センサーはなく、また、現在のアプリでは従来モデルでは利用できた、GPS連動によるトリガー設定「ロケーション」機能もなくなっていた。このあたりが「Nature Remo3」との機能差と言える。しかし、「LS Mini Next」には独自の機能を搭載している。それがAI機能だ。 (左)アプリ下の「+」を押し、メニューを表示。ここで「トリガーを追加」を選ぶ(中央)トリガーとして選べるのが温度と照度の2つ(右)設定した温度に対して、上回った場合や下回った場合が選べる アプリのAI設定画面で年齢や性別、体型、暑がり、寒がりなどの好みを登録。エアコンと連携することにより、室温や外気温、日の出、日の入りなど、さまざまな情報を参考に快適な空間を作ってくれる。 夜になって外気温が下がったとき、昼間の温度設定のままだと、部屋の温度が下がりすぎることがあるが、そういうときにAIが自動調節してくれるというわけだ。 (左)AI設定では好みの温度などを設定して、それに応じてエアコンを自動制御できる。プロフィールは大人、子供に加えてペットも登録できる(右)現段階ではエアコンのAI制御画面。着衣や部屋での活動状態も登録できる 両モデルともに複数の家電をまとめて操作する「シーン」機能を搭載している。例えば「就寝」というシーンを作れば、シーリングライトやエアコンなどをまとめて消すことができる。ただしこの機能はスマートスピーカーでも設定が可能。スマートスピーカーのほうが、より多くの家電と連携できるため、使い分けたり、組み合わせたりするのが良さそうだ。 「Nature Remo3」のシーン登録画面。複数の機器をまとめてコントロールできる 価格は高いが機能面と簡単さで「Nature Remo3」に軍配今回使った2つのスマートリモコン。価格はNature Remo3が9980円なのに対して、LS Mini Nextは6600円と、3000円以上安く購入できる。LS Mini Nextには独自のAI機能やLINEから操作ができる先進機能も搭載。また、今回のテストでは、リモコンが登録されていない家電が多かったが、スマート家電を数多くラインアップしている+Styleの製品がコントロールできる点も評価できる。 LINEから「LS Mini Next」に登録したデバイスやシーンを呼び出せる しかし、現段階でおすすめできるのは割高ではあるがNature Remo3だ。評価のポイントとしては、筆者の環境において、最も手間がかかる家電の登録が非常にスムーズにいったことだけでなく、各種センサーをトリガーとしたオートメーション設定により、自動コントロールができる、スマートホームを簡単に作り出せる。 ただし、家電の登録はクラウド側のリストが強化されれば差はなくなる。ここが同レベルで設定できるようになれば、より低価格で購入できるLS Mini Nextも十分に候補になるだろう。また、GPSによる位置情報トリガーは、今後アプリのバージョンアップにより、追加される可能性もある。 今回紹介した2モデルの最も大きな違いは搭載するセンサーの数と、価格差、ということになる。具体的には「湿度センサー」と「人感センサー」の有無だ。「Nature Remo3」なら、部屋に入ると照明をつける(一定期間動きがないと消す)といったオートメーションが利用できる。 最新のスマートリモコンは、設定の簡単さと機能面でNature Remo3が一歩リードしているようだ。 からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | |||
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:48 PM PDT 'He stole my youth': Actress, 29, who had an affair with photographer Jonathan Leder accuses him of abusing her when she was just 17, days after Emily Ratajkowski's claim that he sexually assaulted her on a shoot
An actress who had an affair with photographer Jonathan Leder has alleged that he had also abused her — just days after Emily Ratajkowski published an essay accusing him of sexually assaulting her during a nude shoot at his home in 2012. Nola Palmer, 29, revealed in a candid Instagram post on Monday that she was the 'crazy' actress who was featured in the naked Polaroid pictures that Leder had allegedly shown Ratajkowski that night. The model claimed that after the shoot, Leder suddenly put his fingers inside her, and she had to remove them 'with force.' Palmer praised Ratajkowski, 29, for her 'bravery,' saying it had given her the strength to finally come forward with her own story about the photographer after he 'stole [her] youth' when she was just 17 years old. Going public: Actress Nola Palmer has accused photographer Jonathan Leder of abusing her following Emily Ratajkowski's sexually assault allegations against him Claims: In her candid Instagram post, she said the Leder (pictured) 'broke [her] down and built [her] back up into his own image' when she was 17 'Since Emily's article has dropped I have been a wreck,' Palmer wrote. 'Reading her words and the ways in which she described Jonathan instantly brought me to tears. I was in a state of panic before I could even finish the article. 'I have written and rewritten a statement over and over again these past five days. Then slept for 24 hours due to the fear of crossing someone who basically stole my youth. 'I have been carrying around the pain and trauma of Jonathan and his abuse for a decade now. I have gone so far as changing my name because in my mind he owned it and I could not look at that name without seeing him.' Palmer said what Ratajkowski had written about Leder in her essay was eerily similar to her own experience with the photographer. 'Everything in Emily's article felt so familiar, it felt as if he was there standing behind me as I read it with his body pressing into my back, daring me to challenge him,' she explained. 'I have spent ten plus years emotionally tied to my abuser, unable to let him fully go because at seventeen he broke me down and built me back up into his own image, an image I have been at war with ever since. 'But for the first time I am able to publicly say, Jonathan Leder was my abuser and that is thanks to Emily Ratajkowski and her bravery,' she continued. 'Emily, I am so sorry that this man hurt you. I wish I had the strength then to warn you. But you speaking out has already helped me in my own healing and for that I will be forever grateful.' 'I am so unbelievably struck by your courage and your incredible ability to recount a truly harrowing moment in your life in such a thoughtful and insightful way. It is your strength that has inspired me to share with everyone that I am the "Crazy Actress" Jonathan Leder spoke about that night.' Palmer went on to say that even though she and Ratajkowski are friends, they had never shared their alleged experiences with Leder with each other. Bomb: In an essay for The Cut, Ratajkowski (pictured) accused Leder of digitally penetrating her during a nude shoot at his home in 2012, saying she had to remove his fingers 'with force' Grateful: Palmer praised Ratajkowski, 29, for her 'bravery,' saying it had given her the strength to finally come forward with her own story about the photographer Ringing true: Palmer said what Ratajkowski had written about Leder in her essay was eerily similar to her own experience with the photographer 'I am sad that during my friendship with Emily we were too afraid to share our abuse and it is just another demonstration of the long-lasting hold someone can have on you when they're in a position of power,' she wrote. 'However, I am so grateful that we are moving into a space where men are being held accountable for their predatory and damaging behavior,' she added. 'It's women like you Em that give us all strength to tell our own stories. 'The last five days have brought up old wounds and a lot of pain which will hopefully lead to an enormous amount of healing. Thank you Emily.' Ratajkowski was one of the hundreds of people who liked Palmer's post on Monday. has reached out to Leder for comment. Palmer's accusations against Leder come less than a week after The Cut published Ratajkowski's powerful essay about what it means to own her image as a model. In the piece, she recalled traveling to Leder's home to pose for an unpaid editorial shoot that was arranged by her agent when she was just 20 years old. Ratajkowski detailed how she sat at Leder's kitchen table before the shoot, saying he showed her naked Polaroids he had taken of his former paramour, but she never named Palmer. Trauma: 'I have been carrying around the pain and trauma of Jonathan and his abuse for a decade now,' Palmer wrote, saying she changed her name because in her mind 'he owned it' Looking to the future: Palmer said she hopes sharing her story will help her heal after 'ten plus years emotionally tied to [her] abuser' 'He talked about his "crazy" ex-wife and his affair with a "crazy" actress, now 21 (a year older than me, I noted). He told me about his marriage's undoing; that the actress, whom Jonathan had cast for a short film he'd been making at the time, came to live with them,' she wrote. 'He showed me naked pictures, Polaroids, he'd taken during their affair. She seemed so vulnerable in Jonathan's photos, even though I could tell she was trying to look strong and grown up from the way she held her face square to the camera, chin up, her hair falling perfectly over one eye. '"No one has shot her better," he said over his shoulder, as I continued to riffle through the Polaroids.' Ratajkowski admitted that looking at the images made her feel competitive. She wanted to prove to Leder that she was 'the sexiest and smartest of them all.' She said she drank copious amounts of red wine during the shoot, and she noted that she was 'very, very drunk' by the end of the night, despite only being 20 at the time. 'I was cold, shivering, and huddled under a blanket,' she wrote. 'Jonathan and I were on his couch, and the rough texture of his jeans rubbed against my bare legs.' Ratajkowski described how Leder began asking her about her 'boyfriends,' and she said she 'remembers talking a lot' about her dating history and the men she loved, while 'absentmindedly rubbing [her] feet against one another and against his for warmth.' Regrets: Palmer apologized to Ratajkowski for not having the strength back then to warn her about Leder Scared: Palmer went on to say that even though she and Ratajkowski are friends, they had never shared their alleged experiences with Leder with each other 'He told me he liked "that foot thing you're doing," and I remember this moment more clearly than anything else,' she said. 'I hate that Jonathan commented on something I've done throughout my life to comfort myself. I hate that sometimes, even now, when I rub my feet together because I'm cold or afraid or exhausted, I think of Jonathan. 'Most of what came next was a blur except for the feeling,' Ratajkowski continued. 'I don't remember kissing, but I do remember his fingers suddenly being inside of me. Harder and harder and pushing and pushing like no one had touched me before or has touched me since. 'I could feel the shape of myself and my ridges, and it really, really hurt. I brought my hand instinctively to his wrist and pulled his fingers out of me with force. I didn't say a word. He stood up abruptly and scurried silently into the darkness up the stairs.' When contacted by The Cut, Leder denied Ratajkowski's allegations, telling the publication that they were 'too tawdry and childish to respond to.' Referring to nude and topless shoots that Ratajkowski has done in the years since he worked with her, Leder continued: 'You do know who we are talking about right? This is the girl that was naked in Treats! magazine, and bounced around naked in the Robin Thicke video at that time. 'You really want someone to believe she was a victim?' In a statement made to, Leder also denied Ratajkowski's claims about the shoot, saying: 'Ms. Ratajkowski's allegations are totally false. I feel bad for her that she is at the point in her career where she has to resort to tactics like this to gain press and publicity. It is shameful. 'I think it is also shameful for [New York Magazine] to publish such sordid and tawdry and unsubstantiated allegations against anyone.' Coming clean: Palmer shared a photo of Ratajkowski's essay for The Cut, revealing she was the 'crazy actress' referenced in the piece Looking back: Ratajkowski wrote that Leder spoke about a 'crazy' actress he had an affair with while showing her naked Polaroids of his former paramour, but she never named Palmer After the incident on the couch, Ratajkowski said she went to bed in the room where they had started the shoot, recalling that she was 'confused as to why Jonathan had left without a word and terrified that he would come back.' 'Later in the morning, I woke with a vicious hangover,' she said. 'I dressed quickly in the clothes I'd been wearing the day before and noticed that my hands were shaking.' Upon checking her Instagram, she noticed that Jonathan had already put up one of her Polaroids from the previous night. Ratajkowski also detailed several instances during the shoot that Leder allegedly made comments about her body. She said he branded her first set of Polaroids 'boring and stiff,' and then asked the makeup artist to 'f**k up her hair' before she posed nude. Despite the fact that she had only been working professionally for a few years, she said she had no fears about posing nude, noting that she had been 'told by plenty of photographers and agents that her body was one of the things that made her stand out.' 'My body felt like a superpower,' she wrote. 'I was confident naked — unafraid and proud.' However, she admitted that 'a part of her disassociated' when she undressed, and she said that she'd 'had so much wine that giant black spots were expanding and floating in front of her eyes' when she began to pose for Leder on the bed. When the pair reviewed that second batch of Polaroids together, Ratajkowski said the photographer told her he thought she would be 'a big girl... big-boned, fat,' based on images of her that he had found on Google, in which she appeared curvier. As they continued shooting, he picked out a particular image that he said he liked 'because of her nipples.' 'This one is so good because of your nipples,' Ratajkowski said he told her. 'Your nipples change so much from hard to soft. But I like them when they're gigantic. I love when they're giant. Giant and exaggerated.' She recalled being 'confused' by his comments, adding that she 'somehow felt that he meant to insult [her].' After the images from the shoot were published in a magazine a few months later, Ratajkowski said she pushed the experience out of her mind, and 'never told anyone about what happened.' Although the essay is the first time that Ratajkowski has made the assault allegations against Leder, she has previously spoken out about the shoot back in 2016, when the photographer revealed that he was publishing a book of the nude images he took of her. At the time, Ratajkowski insisted that she had not given her consent for the images to be published anywhere other than the magazine they were originally taken for, and she slammed Leder's book as a 'violation' in a series of tweets. In his statement to about Ratajkowski's article in The Cut, Leder hit back at the model's criticism of his books, writing that he 'was totally within his legal rights' to publish them. The photographer shared details from his shoot with Ratajkowski during an interview with Highsnobiety in February 2017. He described her as being 'one of the most comfortable models he had ever worked with in terms of her body.' Speaking out: Ratajkowski was just 20 years old when she was allegedly assaulted by Leder Rebuttal: Leder denied the allegations to The Cut, saying, '...She bounced around naked in the Robin Thicke video (pictured)... You really want someone to believe she was a victim?' 'She was neither shy nor self-conscious in any way,' he told the online publication. 'To say she enjoyed being naked is an understatement. I don't know if it empowered her, or she enjoyed the attention, but I can say, out of the 100 or so Polaroids we shot those two nights, only in a handful does she have clothes on.' Leder recalled the experience as being a 'great shoot,' adding that they 'had a great time, good conversation, and worked late into the night.' Highsnobiety released an apology to Ratajkowski last week for giving Leder an outlet to defend his work. 'As a staff, we are deeply saddened and disgusted that Highsnobiety played a role in that situation with our interview, one in which Leder defends his work and gaslights Ratajkowski, invalidating her real, lived experience of trauma,' the statement reads. 'First and foremost, we would like this statement to serve as an apology to Ratajkowski, and also as a thank you for holding us accountable by mentioning our article specifically. 'While our team discussed retracting the interview altogether, we believe it is important to keep it published as a measure of transparency, as a record of how women's voices are so often silenced, and how common it is for publications to be complicit on these issues.' Since Ratajkowski's essay was published, Leder had all but disappeared from social media, but Heather Tynan, the editorial director of his company, Imperial Publishing, released a statement last week attacking the model and accusing her of trying to drum up press for herself with the story. 'We are all deeply disturbed to read Ms. Ratajkowski's latest (false) statements to NY mag in her never-ending search for press and publicity,' she said in the statement released on Imperial Publishing's website. Controversy: In 2016, Leder published a book of nude photos of Ratajkowski that were taken during the shoot, which the model and actress slammed as a 'violation' Follow up: Leder has since published multiple versions of the book, including a special linen-bound edition (left) that was released in 2019 and a copy of first editions (right) Publication: The photographer continued to share images from the shoot on his Instagram account (pictured), with the most recent photo (top left) shared in December 2019 Upset: Ratajkowski recalls her desperate attempts to stop Leder from publishing his book, revealing she was told by her lawyer that 'pursuing [a] lawsuit... would be fruitless' 'Of course Mr. Leder totally denies her outrageous allegations of being "assaulted." It is grotesque and sad that she is so vindictive to lie in such a way to the press routinely.' Tynan claimed Ratajkowski's sexual assault accusation against Leder was revenge for him publishing an $80 book of nude photos of her, titled 'Emily Ratajkowski,' years after their shoot in the Catskills. In her essay for The Cut, Ratajkowski said that some of the images in the photography book were posted on Leder's Instagram and 'among the most revealing and vulgar Polaroids' he had taken of her. The model recalled being 'livid and frantic' after learning of the book's publication, saying she was afraid of what it could do to her reputation as an actress. She explained that she had been warned to 'shy away from being "sexy" in order to be taken seriously.' Ratajkowski contacted her lawyer, who sent a cease-and-desist letter to Leder and the gallery that was planning to exhibit his images of her to coincide with the release of the book. 'My lawyer argued that Jonathan had no right to use the images beyond their agreed-upon usage,' she said. 'When I agreed to shoot with Jonathan, I had consented only for the photos to be printed in the magazine they were intended for.' However, the gallery went to the New York Times with a signed release that gave Leder the rights to publish the images in whatever capacity he saw fit. Ratajkowski maintains that she never signed a release, and her agent who arranged the shoot — who no longer works in the industry — also insists she didn't sign anything on her behalf. Fear: When the book was released, Ratajkowski (pictured in Gone Girl) was forging a career as an actress, and says she was afraid of what the book might do to her reputation in the industry Hitting back: Heather Tynan, the editorial director of Leder's company, Imperial Publishing, released a statement attacking the model, calling her 'vindictive' and 'sad' Opinion: Tynan said the cease-and-desist letter Ratajkowski's lawyer sent to the company over Leder's book of photos from the 2012 shoot was a 'bullying scare tactic' Allegation: Tynan suggested that the model had accused Leder of sexual assault as revenge because the company had 'had every legal right' to publish the books of photos The model was among a number of female stars who had their nude photos published on controversial site 4chan after an iCloud hack in 2014, and she said the idea of Leder having free reign over the shoot images 'terrified' her, particularly because of what that meant for all of the 'other thousands, maybe millions' of photos that she had posed for during her career. But despite her lawyer's insistence that the signed model release 'must have been forged,' Ratajkowski was advised that pursuing a lawsuit against Leder and the gallery that eventually exhibited his work, would be 'fruitless,' and incredibly costly — which, she said, she couldn't afford. 'The problem with justice, or even the pursuit of justice, in the U.S. is that it costs. A lot,' she explained. 'For the four days of letters and calls for which I had enlisted my lawyer's services, I'd racked up a bill of nearly $8,000. And while I did have fame, I didn't have the kind of money I'd told Jonathan I hoped to have one day. 'I'd heard from friends that Jonathan was a rich kid who had never needed a paycheck in his life. My dad was a high-school teacher; my mom was an English teacher. I had no one in my life to swoop in and help cover the costs.' She was also informed that a successful lawsuit would not necessarily prevent the publication of the books, but only give her the opportunity to try and claim some of the profits from their sale. Leder has since published multiple editions of the book through his company, Imperial Publishing, while also sharing several 'unseen' Polaroids of Ratajkowski on his Instagram account, which has since been deleted following the publication of the model's essay. Tynan later edited her statement about Ratajkowski's account, but she still called her 'vindictive' and 'sad' while discrediting her accusations. 'We were all deeply disturbed to read Ms. Ratajkowski's latest false statements to NY Magazine,' the new statement reads. Claim: The company shared a copy of its lawyer's letter saying they 'had every legal right' to publish a book of images of Ratajkowski. The model maintains that she never signed a release 'While we understand that Ms. Ratajkowski no longer feels that the images represent her in the way she would like, and are probably detrimental to her career as an actress and celebrity, nonetheless, her recent accusations are based in fiction and not in fact, and the facts should matter. 'Mr. Leder completely denies her outrageous libelous allegations of being "assaulted." It is grotesque and sad that she is so vindictive about the publication of the photos. 'It is also not our first encounter with her wrath.' Imperial Publishing has continued to sell books featuring images of Ratajkowski from the 2012 shoot, including first edition copies that were just 'found in storage' that cost $250 apiece. Tynan called the cease-and-desist letter the company had received from Ratajkowski's lawyer a 'bullying scare tactic.' Along with the statement, the company shared a copy of its lawyer's response that proves they 'had every legal right' to publish the images of her. 'It is disheartening to us that NY Magazine would publish such a tawdry and baseless article, yet sadly not surprising,' the current statement reads. 'We believe in the work and know that it very popular amongst Emily's fans. It is unfortunate that Ms. Ratajkowski has been at odds with it ever since her career as an actress took off. 'We do not feel that we should be bullied by a celebrity though, and cease publication because she has decided that the photographs are no longer in her best interest,' the statement continues. 'We have every legal right to publish our books of Ms. Ratajkowski — despite what she has tried to maintain to the press. 'Ms. Ratajkowski knows that, and her lawyers know that. She knows she has no legal recourse to stop publication, so bad mouthing the photographer (again) with false and salacious, baseless accusations seems to be her newfound answer. 'We understand that she would like to 'control her image,' but this is not the way to go about it.' Read more: "Actress" - Google News September 21, 2020 at 03:25PM Actress accuses Jonathan Leder of abuse, days after Emily Ratajkowski's sexual assault claim - Daily Mail "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |||
MANSCAPED™ Named Brand Partner Of Viral Music App, Triller - Business Wire Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:47 PM PDT SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MANSCAPED™, the global leader in below-the-waist grooming and hygiene, announced today its new strategic partnership with Triller, the viral music platform and one of the world's top apps. Together, the brands will work together to elevate Triller in the social media space, diversify and augment MANSCAPED's reach, and offer something special to the app's rapidly growing user base. MANSCAPED's social media has been touted by fans and industry experts alike for its highly engaging content and management. In just the past year, the brand grew its presence by 275%, with 775,000 total followers across channels today. The team is eager to bring the same strategies and results to Triller, while navigating the platform's newest trends and unique capabilities. "Our social team continually leans in to rising platforms where we feel like we can create a strong community and share content that makes people smile, which is how we've seen so much success on other apps," said Tyler Wentworth, Director of Social Media at MANSCAPED, and the star of the brand's TikTok account. "We're just starting to unpack all that comes with Triller, and we couldn't be more excited. We look forward to growing a similar cult following on this platform." "Triller is thrilled to welcome MANSCAPED onboard as a brand partner on the platform. Their unique, edgy, humorous approach to social content aligns perfectly with the Triller community, and we can't wait to create cultural moments together with the MANSCAPED team on Triller," said Bonin Bough, Chief Growth Officer at Triller. The partnership kicked off yesterday and will offer scrollers fresh and funny original content from MANSCAPED's verified account. To get a glimpse of some of the genius posts and viral videos coming out of MANSCAPED, follow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. About Triller: Triller is an AI-powered music video app that allows users to create professional-looking videos in a matter of seconds. Pick a song, select the portion of the song you want to use, snap a few takes and with the tap of a button you have a celebrity-quality music video starring you and your friends. Triller relies solely on organic growth and has more than 140 million downloads, with celebrities like Alicia Keys, Cardi B, Marshmello, Roddy Ricch and Eminem regularly using the app to create their own music videos. Triller recently was acquired by Proxima Media. For more information, visit and follow @trillervids on Instagram. About MANSCAPED™: Founded in 2016, San Diego, California-based MANSCAPED is the first and leading brand dedicated to men's grooming and hygiene below-the-waist. The product range includes only the best tools, formulations, and accessories for a simple and effective male grooming routine. With direct-to-consumer shipping in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, as well as placement in Target and Best Buy retail locations across the U.S., MANSCAPED is a one-stop shopping destination for men looking for a brand that is focused on the needs of what has, for too long, been a sensitive and often taboo subject. For more information, visit or follow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, and Triller. "viral" - Google News September 21, 2020 at 06:00AM MANSCAPED™ Named Brand Partner Of Viral Music App, Triller - Business Wire "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |||
PHOTOS: This woman’s viral prank on her husband is the joy we need right now - KPRC Click2Houston Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:47 PM PDT An Indiana woman is going viral for a prank she pulled on her husband while on a road trip with her three kids, CNN reported. Sharea Overman snapped a photo of her husband, Nate, who seemed to be taking a relaxed snooze while driving on the road, and shared the picture on a Facebook group in which she was a part. "We (were) on the road and my husband fell asleep," she wrote on her original Facebook post, "Can y'all Photoshop things in the window so I can show him what he missed while he was asleep?" The submissions started pouring in, and so did the laughs. Photoshopped images of her husband came through with characters in "The Walking Dead" to UFOs invading Earth and "Tiger King." Overman told CNN that she could not contain her laughter after reviewing the submissions she received, especially from different countries. She eventually showed her husband the album of hilarious photos. She also told CNN that many people who messaged her have told her that they needed a good laugh amid the events the year 2020 brought. "It's been so humbling because what started out as something so silly, has turned into all of this," Overman told CNN. "We are putting smiles on faces we don't even know." "viral" - Google News September 21, 2020 at 09:48AM PHOTOS: This woman's viral prank on her husband is the joy we need right now - KPRC Click2Houston "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |||
松本穂香、白ワンピ姿は「レアな一枚になるかもしれません(笑)」グラビアで夏休み満喫 - Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:28 PM PDT 松本穂香、白ワンピ姿は「レアな一枚になるかもしれません(笑)」グラビアで夏休み満喫 - 女優の松本穂香(23)が、23日発売の『ヤングチャンピオン』No.20(秋田書店)の表紙&巻頭グラビアに初登場。「今年の夏」「郷愁の夏」にはせる想いを撮り下ろした。 松本は「夏休みのような気分で、とてもリラックスしながら撮影させてもらいました。白ワンピで海ではしゃぐことはもう二度とないかもしれないので、レアな一枚になるかもしれません(笑)。飛び跳ねたりちょこちょこ走ったり、ただただ楽しんでる姿を撮って頂きました」と撮影を振り返った。 今回は松本が主演を務める映画『みをつくし料理帖』(10月16日公開)とのタイアップも実現。付録は松本が演じる主人公・澪のクリアファイル、応募者全員サービス企画として澪のQUOカード、抽選で直筆サイン入り生チェキ&ムビチケのプレゼント企画も実施する。 さらに、吉田莉桜や火将ロシエルなどが収録された豪華アイドルDVD付録も付いてくる。 2020-09-21 23:00:00Z | |||
편승엽 “세 번의 이혼, 내 인생의 오점… 자식들이나 부모님께 창피해” - 세계일보 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT 가수 편승엽(55·사진)이 세 번의 이혼 경험에 대해 솔직하게 털어놨다. 편승엽은 지난 21일 오후 방송된 TV조선 시사교양 프로그램 '인생다큐 마이웨이'(이하 마이웨이)에 출연했다. 이날 방송에서 편승엽은 세 번의 결혼과 이혼에 대해 돌아봤다. 그는 "첫 번째 결혼 생활은 아이들이 초등학교 입학 전에 헤어졌다"며 입을 열었다. 이어 "가요계를 시작하는 단계에서 첫 번째 아내가 반대를 많이 했다"며 아이 셋을 두고 첫 번째 결혼 생활을 마쳤다고 설명했다. 두 번째 결혼에 대해서는 "두 번째 아내와는 연예인 행사장에서 만났다"며 "2개월 정도 교제하는데 아내가 아파서 결혼식을 하기 전에 4개월 정도 같이 살았다"고 말했다. 아울러 "만나자마자 뒷바라지를 조금 했는데, 그 잠깐의 시간으로 인생 중 큰 난관에 부딪혔다"고 토로했다. 그는 "세 번째 결혼을 안 했어야 했다"며 "그랬다면 예쁜 두 딸을 만나지 못했겠지만 지금 아내가 평범하게 살 수 있었을 텐데"라며 아내에게 미안한 마음을 내비쳤다. 마지막으로 "(이혼은) 내 인생의 오점이고, 절대 자랑할 수 없는 인생"이라며 "자식들이나 부모님께 창피하다"고 고백했다. 한편 편승엽은 지난 1991년 '서울 민들레'라는 곡으로 데뷔, 이후 1992년 '찬찬찬'으로 대중의 큰 사랑을 받았다. 신정인 온라인 뉴스 기자 사진=TV조선 '인생다큐 마이웨이' 방송화면 캡처 [ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] 엔터테인먼트 | |||
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT 개그맨 박휘순, 비연예인과 11월 결혼입력 2020.09.22 (09:47) 수정 2020.09.22 (09:57) 연합뉴스개그맨 박휘순(43)이 오는 11월 결혼한다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( KBS NEWS - KBS뉴스 )박휘순의 인스타그램 계정에는 22일 예비 신부가 올린 글이 공개됐다. 자신을 "휘순 오빠 여자친구"라고 소개한 그는 "겉보기와 달리 따뜻하고 배려 깊고 나를 생각해주는 모습에 (박휘순과의) 결혼을 결심하게 됐다"고 밝혔다. 또 "그동안 개그맨 박휘순은 결혼은 언제쯤 할까, 어떤 여자가 데려갈까 궁금하기도 하고 걱정도 되셨을 것"이라며 "내가 데려가니 걱정은 덜어놓으셔도 된다"고 말했다. 박휘순은 2005년 KBS 20기 공채 개그맨으로 데뷔했으며 이후 여러 예능 프로그램에서 활동했다. '미녀는 괴로워' 등 영화에서 단역이나 조연으로 출연하기도 했다. 그는 지난 13일 방송된 JTBC '1호가 될 순 없어'에서 연인의 존재를 밝힌 바 있다. [사진 출처 : 연합뉴스] 엔터테인먼트 | |||
[공식] 한소희X박희순X안보현→이학주, 넷플릭스 '언더커버' 캐스팅 확정 - 스포츠조선 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT | |||
Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT 'I thought City would lose tonight... but it was a real statement': Jamie Carragher heaps praise on Pep Guardiola's men as they begin their bid to reclaim the Premier League with a commanding win away to WolvesJamie Carragher admitted he was surprised by the standard of Manchester City's performance after their win against Wolves on Monday night. Goals from Kevin De Bruyne, Phil Foden and Gabriel Jesus secured a 3-1 victory against a side who beat them twice last season. It means Pep Guardiola's side, who started the Premier League season late due to their European exploits in the last campaign, are off and running with three points and ex-Liverpool defender Carragher was suitably impressed. Jamie Carragher was impressed with Manchester CIty's level of performance against Wolves Gabriel Jesus celebrates his late strike which sealed all three points on Monday evening 'I thought City would lose tonight just for the fact it was the first game,' Carragher told Sky Sports. 'United were sluggish first game, Liverpool and Spurs as well. But the way they came out with the energy in the first half it was a real sort of statement really but I thought City were outstanding in the first half. 'How they dealt with the game at 2-1 - 78 minutes gone you'd have thought there'd be a couple of chances for Wolves, but they only had one shot really.' Carragher also said he would only put Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in a clear bracket ahead of De Bruyne, who once again shone at Molineux. 'I would put him [De Bruyne] top of that second band of players behind Messi and Ronaldo,' Carragher added. Kevin De Bruyne won and then scored the first-half penalty which sent City on their way It was an excellent start for Pep Guardiola's side as they look to reclaim the league title 'He's a manger's dream. He can play in the No 10 position, he can play right of a three and even speaking to Roberto Martinez he plays him central midfield for Belgium. 'He will have great longevity in his career because I still think he'd have that ability to play that deep role maybe when his legs go a little bit because he's got a great engine. 'His passing ability is possibly as good as anything we've ever seen in the Premier League and he could play that role when he's in his mid-thirties no problem.' Top stories - Google News September 21, 2020 at 03:41PM 'I thought Man City would lose tonight!': Jamie Carragher heaps praise on Pep Guardiola's side - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |||
World Earthquake Report for September 2020 - VolcanoDiscovery Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT World Earthquake Report for September 2020Monday Sep 21, 2020 18:00 PM | BY: EARTHQUAKEMONITOR Worldwide earthquakes above magnitude 5 during September 2020 This report is being updated every day. Magnitude 9+: none Magnitude 8+: none Magnitude 7+: 1 earthquake Magnitude 6+: 14 earthquakes Magnitude 5+: 100 earthquakes Magnitude 4+: 695 earthquakes Magnitude 3+: 2157 earthquakes Magnitude 2+: 4111 earthquakes No quakes of magnitude 8 or higher Total seismic energy estimate: 6.5 x 1015 joules (1813 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 1.6 x 106 tons of TNT or 97.5 atomic bombs!) [learn more] List of 10 largest earthquakes in the world during September 2020:#1: 7.0 quake: 55 km al N de Huasco (Chile), 1 Sep 2020 04h09 #2: 6.9 quake: Central Mid Atlantic Ridge, 18 Sep 2020 21h43 #3: 6.6 quake: Central Mid Atlantic Ridge, 6 Sep 2020 06h51 #4: 6.4 quake: 86 km S of Davao, Philippines, 6 Sep 2020 15h23 #5: 6.4 quake: Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, 15 Sep 2020 03h41 #6: 6.3 quake: 67 Km Al NO De Huasco (Chile), 1 Sep 2020 21h09 #7: 6.3 quake: 12 Km Al SE De Tongoy (Chile), 6 Sep 2020 01h16 #8: 6.3 quake: 51 Km Al NO De Quillagua (Chile), 11 Sep 2020 07h35 #9: 6.2 quake: 97 km NW of Port-Vila, Vanuatu, 6 Sep 2020 02h59 #10: 6.1 quake: 44 km al N de Huasco (Chile), 1 Sep 2020 04h30 Earthquake stats:Number of quakes and energy released vs time Number of quakes and energy released vs magnitude Magnitude of quakes and energy released vs time Largest 20 quakes past 24 hoursLargest 20 quakes during September 2020Complete earthquake list September 2020Previous newsSunday, Sep 20, 2020 Summary: 1 quake 7.0+, 14 quakes 6.0+, 94 quakes 5.0+, 665 quakes 4.0+, 2058 quakes 3.0+, 3917 quakes 2.0+ (6749 total) ... read all Saturday, Sep 19, 2020 Summary: 1 quake 7.0+, 14 quakes 6.0+, 90 quakes 5.0+, 630 quakes 4.0+, 1957 quakes 3.0+, 3725 quakes 2.0+ (6417 total) ... read all Friday, Sep 18, 2020 Summary: 1 quake 7.0+, 13 quakes 6.0+, 86 quakes 5.0+, 609 quakes 4.0+, 1870 quakes 3.0+, 3534 quakes 2.0+ (6113 total) ... read all Thursday, Sep 17, 2020 Summary: 1 quake 7.0+, 13 quakes 6.0+, 84 quakes 5.0+, 581 quakes 4.0+, 1777 quakes 3.0+, 3310 quakes 2.0+ (5766 total) ... read all Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020 Summary: 1 quake 7.0+, 13 quakes 6.0+, 76 quakes 5.0+, 551 quakes 4.0+, 1686 quakes 3.0+, 3138 quakes 2.0+ (5465 total) ... read all More on VolcanoDiscovery:Kelut volcano's lava dome in 2007: One of the most impressive lava dome eruptions in recent years. A new dome formed in the crater lake of Kelut volcano (East Java) in late 2007. Enjoy some unique pictures. Top stories - Google News September 21, 2020 at 11:00AM World Earthquake Report for September 2020 - VolcanoDiscovery Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | |||
편승엽, 미모의 셋째 딸 편수지 공개 "걸그룹 활동했었다" - 뉴스1 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT
편승엽은 21일 오후 방송된 TV CHOSUN(TV조선) '인생다큐 마이웨이'(이하 '마이웨이')에 출연했다. 이날 방송에서 편승엽은 자신의 집에 놀러온 가족들을 소개했다. 이날 편승엽은 셋째 딸 편수지를 소개하며 "딸이 걸그룹 비피팝으로 활동했었다"라고 말했다. 편수지는 아이돌 출신다운 미모로 눈길을 끌었다. 한편 '마이웨이'는 대한민국을 대표하는 사람들의 인생을 진솔하고도 담백하게 전달하는 신개념 인물 다큐 프로그램으로 매주 월요일 오후 10시에 방송된다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 편승엽, 미모의 셋째 딸 편수지 공개 "걸그룹 활동했었다" - 뉴스1 ) 엔터테인먼트 | |||
[단독] "오빠 제가 데려가요. 계정 도용 아님"...박휘순 예비신부, 직접 결혼 발표 - YTN Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT 개그맨 박휘순이 결혼을 발표했다. 예비신부가 그의 SNS 계정을 통해 직접 결혼 소식을 알렸다. 22일 오전 박휘순의 SNS에는 결혼 소식을 전하는 글과 그림이 올라왔다. 박휘순이 아닌, 그의 예비신부가 쓴 글이어서 더욱 눈길을 끈다. 여자친구는 "안녕하세요! 휘순오빠 여자친구입니다"라고 인사를 올리며 "(박휘순) 제가 데려갑니다!!"라고 결혼을 알렸다. 이어 "겉보기와 달리 굉장히 따뜻하고, 배려깊고, 저를 생각해주는 모습에 결혼을 결심하게 됐다"라고 애정을 드러냈다. 그러면서 "전국의 모든 신랑신부님들 저희와 같이 힘냈으면 좋겠다"며 "힘든 시기인 만큼 지금 옆에 있는 사람과 더욱 단단한 사이가 되고, 행복은 배가 되길 바란다"라고 긍정 메시지를 전했다. 특히 그는 "혹시 계정 도용 당한 건 아닌가(?) 싶으실 수도 있지만, 절대 아님"이라고 덧붙여 웃음을 자아냈다. 함께 공개한 그림에는 '개그맨 박휘순 장가갑니다'라는 글귀와 함께 두 사람의 모습이 담겼다. 두 사람은 멋진 턱시도와 웨딩드레스를 입은 신랑신부의 모습은 예비신부가 직접 그린 것으로 전해졌다. 박휘순은 예비신부와 오는 11월 백년가약을 맺는다. 두 사람은 일로 처음 만나 1년 여간 열애 끝에 결실을 맺게 됐다. 앞서 박휘순은 JTBC 예능프로그램 '1호가 될 순 없어'에 공개 연애 중임을 밝힌 바 있다. ▲ 다음은 박휘순 예비 신부 SNS 글 전문. 안녕하세요! 휘순오빠 여자친구입니다~ 그동안 개그맨 박휘순은 "연애는 할 수 있을까?", "결혼은 언제쯤 할까?" "어떤 여자가 데려갈까?" 궁금하기도하고 걱정도 되셨죠? 이제 그 걱정은 좀 덜어내셔도 될 것 같아요!! 겉보기와 달리 굉장히 따뜻하고, 배려깊고, 저를 생각해주는 모습에 결혼을 결심하게 되었습니다. 코로나로 힘든 시기에 이런 소식을 알리는 것이 너무나도 조심스럽지만, 기쁜 마음으로 축하해주시면 감사하겠습니다. *혹시 계정 도용 당한 건 아닌가(?) 싶으실 수도 있지만, 절대 아님 YTN star 지승훈 기자 ( 기사 및 더 읽기 ( [단독] "오빠 제가 데려가요. 계정 도용 아님"...박휘순 예비신부, 직접 결혼 발표 - YTN ) 엔터테인먼트 | |||
장재인 “17살 때 첫 발작, 호흡곤란 등 병과 함께 성장…많이 호전” - 조선일보 Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT 가수 장재인이 어려웠던 시간에 대해 솔직하게 털어놨다. 장재인은 22일 자신의 인스타그램에 "오늘 참 오래된 앨범의 녹음을 끝낸 기념. 밤잠처럼 꾸준히 다닌 심리치료의 호전 기념 글을 남긴다. 이 이야기를 꺼내기까지 11년이 걸렸따"고 말했다. 장재인은 "첫 발작은 17살 때였고, 18살에 입에 담고 싶지 않은 사건을 계기로 극심한 불안증, 발작, 호흡곤란, 불면증, 거식폭식 등이 따라붙기 시작했다. 치료를 한다고는 했지만 쉬운 일이 아니었고, 당시에는 병원 가는 걸 큰 흠으로 여길 때라 더 치료를 하지 못했다"고 말했다. 이어 "그렇게 20대가 된 나는 24~29살까지 소원이 '제발 진짜 조금만 행복해지고 싶다'였는데 그게 마음 먹고 행동한다고 해서 되는 건 아니었다. 좋은 생각만 하고 싶어도, 열심히 살고 싶어도 마음 자체가 병이 들면 자꾸만 무너졌다"고 털어놨다. 장재인은 "긴 시간 나는병과 함께 성장했고, 이제는 그것이 내 일부가 되어버린 요즘 우선 행복이란 단어 자체를 내려놨다. 낮은 자존감에 묶일 수밖에 없는 삶을 지나온 걸 인정하고 무엇보다 1년간 약을 꾸준히 복용했더니 많은 증상들이 호전됐다"고 밝혔다. 장재인은 "18살에 앨범 계획하며 내 이야기들을 솔직하게 하기로 다짐했었는데, 그 이유는 내가 그렇게 행한 이들을 보고 힘을 얻어서다. 어릴 적, 나랑 똑같은 일 겪고도, 다른 아픈 일 겪고도 딛고 일어나 멋지게 노래하는 가수들 보면서 버텼다"며 "그런 생각이 최악의 상황에도 나를 붙잡았던 것 같다"고 덧붙였다. 이하 장재인 전문 오늘 참 오래된 앨범의 녹음을 끝낸 기념, 밤잠처럼 꾸준히 다닌 심리치료의 호전 기념! 글을 남겨요. 이 이야기를 꺼내기까지 11년이 걸렸네요. 저의 첫 발작은 17살 때였고, 18살에 입에 담고 싶지 않은 사건을 계기로 극심한 불안증, 발작, 호흡곤란, 불면증, 거식폭식 등이 따라붙기 시작했어요. (아마 이거만으로 같은 일을 겪은 사람들은, 무슨 일인줄 알죠, 고생 많았어요 정말.) 치료를 한다고는 했지만 맞는 의사 선생님 찾는 것도 쉬운 일이 아니었고 그 때 당시엔 병원 가는 걸 큰 흠으로 여길 때라 더 치료가 못되었네. 거기에 내가 살아왔던 환경도 증상에 크게 한 몫 했을 거고. (엄마 미안! 하지만 노래하기로 맘 먹은 이상, 알죠.?) 그렇게 이십대가 된 나는 24살~29살까지 소원이 제발 제발 진짜 조금만 행복해지고싶다. 였는데, 그게 맘 먹고 행동한다고 해서 되는 건 아니더라구요. 좋은 생각만 하고 싶어도, 열심히 살고 싶어도 마음 자체가 병이 들면 자꾸만 무너지는 거라. 그렇게 긴 시간 나는 병과 함께 성장했고 이제는 그것이 나의 일부가 되어버린 요즘. 1.우선 행복이란 단어 자체를 내려놓았고 2.나는 낮은 자존감에 묶일 수 밖에 없는 삶을 지나온 걸 인정했고 3.무엇보다 일년간 약을 꾸준히 복용했더니 많은 증상들이 호전됨. (그 전엔 약에 대한 반감에 길게는 삼개월 복용이 다였음!) 18살에 앨범을 계획하며 내 이야기들을 솔직하게 하기로 다짐했었는데, 그 이유는 내가 그렇게 행한 이들을 보고 힘을 얻어서에요. 어릴 적에, 나랑 똑같은 일 겪고도 아님 다른 아픈 일 겪고도 딛고 일어나 멋지게 노래하는 가수들 보면서 버텼거든요. 내가 그랬던 거 처럼, 내가 받은 그 용기를 내가 조금만이라도 전할 수 있다면 그럼 내가 겪었던 사건들도 의미가 생기지 않을까? 하고. 그런 생각이 최악의 상황에도 저를 붙잡았던 것 같고 지금도, 그럴 수 있다면 참 맘이 좋겠다 싶어요. 첫 타래가 생각보다 길어져서 읽기에 괜찮을까 염려되고 미안해요 긴 글 여기까지 왔다면 또 고맙구. 잘하는 게 이야기 뿐이라 조금씩 앨범과 함께 이 이야기 보따리들을 풀어보려해요. 아주 사적인 이야기지만, 사람들의 아픔과 불안은 생각보다 많이 닮은 것 같더라. / 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 장재인 "17살 때 첫 발작, 호흡곤란 등 병과 함께 성장…많이 호전" - 조선일보 ) 엔터테인먼트 | |||
「叡王戦」異例の第9局で豊島竜王勝利「二冠」に返り咲き - NHK NEWS WEB Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:27 PM PDT 「叡王戦」異例の第9局で豊島竜王勝利「二冠」に返り咲き - NHK NEWS WEB 将棋の八大タイトルの1つ「叡王戦」の七番勝負は、2回の引き分けがあったことから「第9局」までもつれ込む異例の展開となった結果、挑戦者の豊島将之竜王(30)がタイトルを奪って「二冠」に返り咲きました。 永瀬拓矢二冠(28)に豊島将之竜王(30)が挑む将棋の第5期「叡王戦」の七番勝負は、互いの王が詰む見込みがなくなる「持将棋」による引き分けが第2局と第3局で連続する異例の展開となり、ともに3勝3敗2持将棋として21日、東京の将棋会館で第9局が行われました。 将棋のタイトル戦が「第9局」まで行われたのは初めてで、対局は先手の豊島竜王が次第に優勢となって、午後11時すぎ、111手までで永瀬二冠を投了に追い込んで4勝目をあげ、「叡王」のタイトルを初めて獲得しました。 豊島さんは先月、名人のタイトルを奪われて保持するタイトルが竜王のみとなっていましたが、1か月で「二冠」に返り咲きました。 対局のあと豊島さんは「名人戦は内容がよくなかったですし、失冠してしまい、今年度はあまりいい結果が出ていなかったですが、一ついい結果が出せてよかったです」と話していました。 2020-09-21 22:29:00Z | |||
フジ新人徳田アナと渡辺アナ「めざまし」レギュラー - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:27 PM PDT フジ新人徳田アナと渡辺アナ「めざまし」レギュラー - ニッカンスポーツ フジテレビの新人の徳田聡一朗アナウンサー(23)と渡辺渚アナウンサー(23)が、28日から同局の情報番組「めざましテレビ」(月~金曜午前5時25分)のレギュラーになる。 フィールドキャスターとして、現場に出て取材し、生の声でリポートする。渡辺アナは月曜日の企画コーナー「スゴ撮」のリポーターも担当する。 徳田アナは「まさか自分にこの話が来るとは思わなかったので、すごく驚きました。通勤前、通学前の大事な朝の時間に『めざましテレビ』でニュースをお伝えできるのは本当に光栄なことだと思います。これから責任を持ってしっかりと情報をお伝えしていきたいと思います」。 渡辺アナは「フジテレビに入社したからには『めざましテレビ』を担当できたらと憧れていたので、この話を聞いたときはすごくうれしく思いました。新人らしくフレッシュに、かつエネルギッシュに取り組みます。現場の情報を分かりやすくお伝えできるように頑張ります」と話している。 高橋龍平チーフプロデューサーは「牛が好きすぎてスマホケースまで牛柄の天然系・徳田アナと、『めざましテレビ』のOG加藤綾子キャスターに憧れるあんみつ好きの渡辺アナ、2人の新人が仲間に加わりました。2人には、ニュースの最前線や話題の新スポットへ取材に出て、現地からリポート、中継で情報を伝えてもらいます。どうぞご期待ください」と話している。 2020-09-21 22:00:00Z |
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