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- Transfer news and rumours LIVE: -
- エンターテインメントマーケティングレーベル「Modern Age/モダンエイジ」、ユーザーに“刺さる”Podcastを実現する「Podcastスタータープラン」提供開始 - PR TIMES
- 吉本興業の5劇場、アクリル板撤廃へ!センターマイク使用が基本、芸風によって対応 - ナタリー
- 木下優樹菜 所属事務所を通じて芸能活動を再開することを発表 - livedoor
- Man in viral video swims through Bass Pro Shop fish tank - FOX 5 NY
- Man Utd's Greenwood pays tribute to Gomes with goal celebration -
- 女神×アイドルがテーマの新感覚エンターテインメント施設が7月1日(水)池袋にプレオープン! - PR TIMES
- China tells foreign critics 'none of your business' on Hong Kong law - TRT World
- Man Utd's Greenwood pays tribute to Gomes with goal celebration -
- James Spann: Sun, heat, storms for Alabama through the weekend - Alabama NewsCenter
- Mobile protester accused of writing on monument base speaks out after city drops charges - NBC 15 WPMI
- 超十代オーディション準グランプリ「水瀬紗彩耶」がホリプロデジタルエンターテインメント所属、芸能活動開始! - PR TIMES
- SnowMan・岩本照、芸能活動を再開 ジャニーズ事務所「信頼の回復に努めてまいります」 - ORICON NEWS
- SnowMan岩本照活動再開「二度と同じ過ちを」 - ニッカンスポーツ
- First goal by by NWSL rookie saves Royals - The Boston Globe
- More showers and storms move in Tuesday night - Minnesota Public Radio News
- US lawmakers condemn Beijing’s move against Hong Kong freedoms - South China Morning Post
- 「NAVERまとめ」がサービス終了 「今後の成長性」など検討の結果 - ねとらぼ
- 【株式会社茨城ロボッツ・スポーツエンターテインメント】株主変更並びに増減資による資本増強並びに役員体制変更に関するご報告 - PR TIMES
- 声優・池澤春菜、一般男性との結婚発表 - ORICON NEWS
- Why A Retired Cincinnati Teacher Started The Book Bus, A Mobile “Bookstore On Wheels” - Forbes
- Forecast: Expect inland storms this evening with temps in the 80s - FOX 4 Now
- 平手友梨奈が突然現れる? 岡田将生×志尊淳Wに主演映画でプレミア企画<さんかく窓の外側は夜> - モデルプレス
- Angela Merkel’s Viral Moment - The Wall Street Journal
- OnePlus 8 improves mobile Fortnite with support for 90fps - VentureBeat
Transfer news and rumours LIVE: - Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:42 AM PDT Rennes' technical director said they are prepared to reject bids of up to €80 million Rennes sporting director Florian Maurice says they will look to reject any bids that come in for in-demand wonderkid Eduardo Camavinga. The 17-year-old is a reported target for Real Madrid, but Maurice told RMC Sport: "For me it is clear, this player must be part of the project for the coming season. We want to continue with this player. "It is important for him that he continues with Stade Rennais. He's a very good boy, a great player. These are discussions we will have together. For our part, we have no intention of letting him go." Maurice warned that even if Real offered €80 million (£72.5m/$90m), "there is no discussion for Camavinga". Depophotos "Goal" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 11:59PM Transfer news and rumours LIVE: - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
エンターテインメントマーケティングレーベル「Modern Age/モダンエイジ」、ユーザーに“刺さる”Podcastを実現する「Podcastスタータープラン」提供開始 - PR TIMES Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:34 AM PDT
海外と同様に日本でも多様なプレイヤーが音声コンテンツの開発や制作、配信に進出することが予想されている一方で、国内で豊富な配信ノウハウを持つ制作会社や支援会社はまだ少なく、企業が「Podcastで番組を配信したい」と考えても魅力的なコンテンツの制作や戦略的配信が難しい状況となっています。 そこでModern Age/モダンエイジでは、これまで培ってきたエンターテインメントマーケティングの知見をベースに、企業のPodcast配信をサポートするサービス「Podcastスタータープラン」の提供を開始しました。 ※1:デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング合同会社「最新動向/市場予測 音声コンテンツ TMT Predictions 2020」
マーケティング視点で魅力的なコンテンツの制作をすることで、ユーザーに"刺さる"Podcastの配信を実現します。 Podcastの番組立ち上げ時は①②、毎月の運用には②が必要になります。 ========== ①Podcast番組立ち上げ費用 60万円(1番組あたり) ーPodcast番組の企画 ーPodcastのエピソードキーヴィジュアルの制作 ー番組アカウントの開設・配信ツールの設定 ーオリジナルジングル(タイトルコール)・フリーBGMセレクト ②Podcastエピソード制作・運用支援 80万円/月~ 【オプション】
---------------------------------------------- 音楽を中心としたエンターテインメント業界のマーケティング支援と、ブランドとエンターテインメントを掛け合わせたコミュニケーションデザインを専門とするマーケティングレーベル。テレビ局や音楽配信会社、音楽レーベル/メーカー、アミューズメント施設といったエンターテインメント業界を支援しながら、ブランド側としても教育機関、観光、食品、スポーツ団体、ホテル、音響機器メーカーなど多くのナショナルクライアントのマーケティングをプロデュースしている。エンターテインメントの融合イベントや音楽系商品のデジタルプロモーションの企画・運用、またメディア開発やアプリプロデュース、CDやイベントブース、商品のクリエイティブディレクション・コピー開発まで幅広く手掛ける。 【Webサイト】 【Twitter】 【note】 【オフィシャルブログメディア BAKERY/ベーカリー】 ---------------------------------------------- "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース June 30, 2020 at 11:55PM エンターテインメントマーケティングレーベル「Modern Age/モダンエイジ」、ユーザーに"刺さる"Podcastを実現する「Podcastスタータープラン」提供開始 - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
吉本興業の5劇場、アクリル板撤廃へ!センターマイク使用が基本、芸風によって対応 - ナタリー Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:34 AM PDT 吉本興業の5劇場、アクリル板撤廃へ!センターマイク使用が基本、芸風によって対応 - ナタリー 2020年7月1日 14:48 996 吉本興業が7月3日(金)以降の劇場公演に関する新たな方針を発表。大阪・なんばグランド花月、よしもと漫才劇場、東京・ルミネtheよしもと、ヨシモト∞ホール、千葉・よしもと幕張イオンモール劇場では漫才上演中、舞台上のアクリル板を撤廃し、センターマイクの使用を基本とする。 ただし大声を出すなど飛沫の恐れがある芸風については、フェイスガードの着用やアクリル板の使用といった対応も。また、今回の方針ではなんばグランド花月、よしもと漫才劇場、よしもと幕張イオンモール劇場の3劇場において、9~13%程度から最大50%以下に客席使用制限を緩和する。東京の2劇場については現在の状況を考慮してこれまで通り。 このほか、換気や消毒、検温といった感染拡大防止対策は継続する。詳しい劇場再開ガイドラインは吉本興業のオフィシャルサイトに掲載されている。 7月3日(金)以降の各劇場客席使用数なんばグランド花月(全858席):404席 この記事の画像(全3件) 2020-07-01 05:59:20Z |
木下優樹菜 所属事務所を通じて芸能活動を再開することを発表 - livedoor Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:34 AM PDT 木下優樹菜 所属事務所を通じて芸能活動を再開することを発表 - livedoor ![]() 所属事務所は書面を通じて「木下優樹菜は、昨年11月18日付けで一切の芸能活動を自粛しておりましたが、本日7月1日をもって、芸能活動を再開させていただくこととなりました」と報告。「改めまして、多大なるご迷惑をおかけしたお相手の方、全ての関係者の皆様、そしてファンの皆様に対し、所属事務所として深くお詫び申し上げます」と、改めて謝罪。 木下については「一般の方に対し極めて不適切かつ失礼な言動をしてしまったことを心より反省しております」と伝え「弊社も、木下優樹菜と協議を重ね、同人に対し、社会人として、そしてタレントとして常に自覚をもった行動を行い、絶対に周囲の方にご迷惑をおかけすることのないよう、再三にわたり厳しく指導して参りました」と、再開に至るまでの経緯をつづった。 続けて「木下優樹菜とも、復帰について厳しいご意見があることは真摯に受け止めており、一度失った信頼を回復することが容易ではないことも重々承知しておりますが、今後二度とこのような事態を起こさないことはもちろんのこと、失われた信頼の回復のため、全力で努力して参りますので、どうかご理解をいただけますと幸甚です」とした。 また、木下もコメントを発表。「この度は社会人として芸能人として私自身の自覚や配慮が足りず、関係者の方々、ファンの皆様にご迷惑をお掛けしてしまい大変申し訳ございませんでした」と改めて謝罪。 「不快な気持ちにさせてしまった皆様、本当にすみませんでした。芸能活動自粛中、沢山のご意見をいただき色んな事を考え、自分自身を見つめ直し反省する日々を過ごしてきました」と記し「今はただ目の前の出来る事をコツコツと私らしく頑張っていきたいと思っています」と決意を新たにしている。 木下においては、昨年、実姉が勤務していたタピオカ店の経営者に対し、脅しまがいのダイレクトメッセージを送っていたことが判明し、ネットを中心に炎上。同年10月9日にはインスタグラムを通じて謝罪していたが、11月18日に事務所を通じて「自らの言動を深く反省し、当面の間、芸能活動を自粛させていただくことといたしました」と発表した。 ■木下優樹菜コメント全文 この度は社会人として芸能人として私自身の自覚や配慮が足りず、関係者の方々、ファンの皆様にご迷惑をお掛けしてしまい大変申し訳ございませんでした。 今まで励ましの想いを伝え続けてくれたファンの皆様には感謝してもしきれません。支えてくれて、本当にありがとうございます。 また本日からよろしくお願い致します。 2020-07-01 07:00:00Z |
Man in viral video swims through Bass Pro Shop fish tank - FOX 5 NY Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:47 PM PDT ![]() FILE- Live fish pond at Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World store in Toronto. (Photo by Tannis Toohey/Toronto Star via Getty Images) NEW YORK - Police in Louisiana were able to reel in a man captured on video swimming through a fish tank at a sporting goods store. Kevin Wise, 26, told KSLA-TV that he plunged into the indoor aquarium at a Bass Pro Shop in Bossier City last week to follow through on a promise he made to followers on the social media platform TikTok. "I said that if I got 2,000 likes I would jump in the tank," Wise said. "I got way more than that and didn't want to be a liar." A video captured by shopper Treasure McGraw showed Wise swimming through the tank before climbing out and running from the store with wet clothes. "We heard a big splash and I thought it was one of the fish," McGraw told the news outlet. "My fiancé was like 'somebody is in the tank' and we saw the guy swimming." Advertisement Bass Pro Shops filed a complaint with the Bossier City Police Department Friday, saying it cost them money to empty out the 13,000 gallon aquarium and clean it after Wise's swim, KTAL-TV reported. Wise was charged with simple criminal damage to property and released with a citation to appear in court, police said. He told KSLA-TV he planned on continuing to make videos for his followers, but cautioned others against doing similar "spur of the moment" pranks. --------- Get breaking news alerts in the FOX5NY News app. It is FREE! --------- "viral" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 03:26AM Man in viral video swims through Bass Pro Shop fish tank - FOX 5 NY "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Man Utd's Greenwood pays tribute to Gomes with goal celebration - Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:42 PM PDT ![]() Manchester United's Mason Greenwood paid tribute to his now-former team-mate Angel Gomes during his celebration against Brighton on Tuesday. The 18-year-old opened the scoring for the Red Devils' in the first half of his side's 3-0 victory in the Premier League clash. Greenwood celebrated his sixth Premier League goal of the season by making an A with his hands in a nod to the 19-year-old, whose contract with the club expired on the same day. Greenwood posted a picture of his celebration on Twitter confirming it was for Gomes, captioning it: "A promise is a promise." Gomes expressed his gratitude towards the forward as he posted a picture of Greenwood celebrating in an Instagram Story, writing: "No words. I love you bro. Special, special player, thanks for the dedicated goal."
The tribute comes as Gomes' departs Man Utd on a free transfer after his contract with the club expired. The player and United had been trying to resolve their dispute over a new deal for several months and coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said last week that he hoped they would be able to convince the attacking midfielder to stay. However, Gomes failed to reach an agreement with the Old Trafford outfit and is now a free agent. The 19-year-old has already been linked with a move to Chelsea, though Blues boss Frank Lampard says they have not discussed making an offer . Gomes joined Man Utd at the age of six and progressed through the club's academy to make his first-team debut under Jose Mourinho in 2017, when he replaced Wayne Rooney in the late stages of a 2-0 win at home against Crystal Palace. But the England Under-20 international managed just 10 appearances overall for the senior side, as he failed to make more than three in all competitions in a single campaign. Gomes says he has modelled his playing style on former Barcelona and Spain great Andres Iniesta , adding that his childhood heroes were Juventus and Portugal star Cristiano Ronaldo and former Brazil duo Ronaldinho and Robinho. "Goal" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 04:20PM Man Utd's Greenwood pays tribute to Gomes with goal celebration - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
女神×アイドルがテーマの新感覚エンターテインメント施設が7月1日(水)池袋にプレオープン! - PR TIMES Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:34 PM PDT
それに先立ちサービスの向上などを目的に7月1日(水)~7月31日(金)期間にプレオープンを行います。 期間中は特別価格として、正式オープン同様のサービスを通常価格3500円(税込)のところ、特別価格2500円(税込)で提供します。お得なこの機会にぜひご来店ください。
3Dホログラムアイドルは、女神でありながらアイドルの女性3人組ユニット「Prhythm☆StellA」。彼女たちのライブを楽しんだ後、個室へ移動してメンバーの1人と話すことができます。 彼女たちはお客さまとの会話を記憶し、来店するほどより親しみのある会話を楽しめる仕様となっています。
1.開演前 2.ライブ ステージの収容人数は最大21名。高音質のスピーカー×大型スクリーンで本格的なライブをお楽しみいただけます。キャラクターは、ほぼ等身大サイズでステージに現れ、パフォーマンスを披露しました。 ※新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため、当面の間、収容人数を最小限にし、お客さま同士の距離を十分に確保して運営しています。また、当施設は大型換気システムにより、換気を徹底しています。 「ダンスが可愛い」「MCでのキャラクター同士の会話がユニーク!」などの声もいただいています。 3. 個室編 後ほど実施したアンケートでは「キャラクターの性格が推せる」「ミニゲームがなかなか楽しい」「キャラクターの音声がかわいらしい」などの感想をいただきます。 ※写真左からミヅハ、クナト、でんこ ※当施設ではVRやARとは異なり、3Dホログラムのためゴーグルを装着したり、端末をかざしたりする必要がありません。また、音声認識機能により、コントローラーやリモコンなどを介さずに会話が可能です。 4.体験後にはお土産を用意! 惜しくも先行体験会に参加できなかった方や、新感覚体験をしてみたい方はお得なプレオープン期間にぜひ『Prhythm☆StellA』へご来店ください。 ■『Prhythm☆StellA』施設概要 【プレオープン情報】 ▼チケット購入は公式HPの「予約」をクリック ▼店長のツイートで最新情報をチェック "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース June 30, 2020 at 10:30PM 女神×アイドルがテーマの新感覚エンターテインメント施設が7月1日(水)池袋にプレオープン! - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
China tells foreign critics 'none of your business' on Hong Kong law - TRT World Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:08 PM PDT Western governments and critics have warned the new law will curb the city's freedoms and undermine its "One Country, Two Systems" governance scheme, which technically allows freedoms unseen on the mainland.China on Wednesday slammed international criticism over a controversial new national security law for Hong Kong, saying other countries should keep their noses out. Western governments and critics have warned the new law will curb the city's freedoms and undermine its "one country, two systems" governance scheme, which technically allows freedoms unseen on the mainland. But Beijing officials rebuffed the criticism of the law at a press conference. "What's this got to do with you?" said Zhang Xiaoming of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs office of the State Council. "It's none of your business." Officials insisted there had been wide consultation with members of Hong Kong society and hit back at criticism it was undermining Hong Kong's autonomy. "If what we want is one country one system, it would have been simple," Zhang said. "We are completely able to impose the criminal law, the criminal procedure and the national security law and other national laws on Hong Kong. "Why would we need to put so much effort into formulating a national security law tailor-made for Hong Kong? And he lashed out at suggestions of punishment from other nations. "As for ... some countries now saying that they will impose severe sanctions on some Chinese officials, I think this is the logic of bandits." Reactions China's enactment of the national security law drew statements of deep concern and regret from abroad and a firm defence at home. The law has fuelled a widening divide between China and the United States and some other countries over the future of Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous Chinese territory that Britain handed over to Beijing in 1997 under a "one country, two systems" framework specified in a joint declaration between the two nations. A look at some reactions and statements from around the world to the law that takes direct aim at some of the actions of anti-government protesters last year: European Union "This law risks seriously undermining the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong and having a detrimental effect on the independence of the judiciary and rule of law, and we deplore this decision," said European Council President Charles Michel. "We have indeed consistently said that China would risk very negative consequences if it went ahead with this law, including for business confidence, China's reputation, public perception in Hong Kong and internationally," said Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Union's executive Commission. "We remain in touch with our international partners on this matter and will pay careful attention to how to respond." United States "The Chinese Communist Party's decision to impose draconian national security legislation on Hong Kong destroys the territory's autonomy and one of China's greatest achievements," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said. "Hong Kong demonstrated to the world what a free Chinese people could achieve – one of the most successful economies and vibrant societies in the world. But Beijing's paranoia and fear of its own people's aspirations have led it to eviscerate the very foundation of the territory's success, turning 'one country, two systems' into 'one country, one system.'" "The purpose of this brutal, sweeping law is to frighten, intimidate and suppress Hong Kongers who are peacefully demanding the freedoms that were promised," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. "We continue to urge President Trump to hold Chinese officials accountable for their abuses including in Hong Kong by deploying sanctions under the 2016 Magnitsky Act and by taking steps under the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act ... we must consider all tools available, including visa limitations and economic penalties." United Kingdom "We will be looking at the law very carefully and we will want to scrutinise it properly to understand whether it is in conflict with the Joint Declaration between the UK and China. We will be setting out our response in due course," Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. "China has chosen to break their promises to the people of Hong Kong and go against their obligations to the international community. The UK will not turn our backs on the commitments we have made to the people of Hong Kong," Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab wrote on Twitter. He added that Britain is raising the issue at the UN Human Rights Council.
Hong Kong "It will only target an extremely small minority of people who have breached the law, while the life and property, basic rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong residents will be protected," Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said. "The legislation will not undermine 'one country, two systems' and Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy." The last British colonial governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, said, "This decision, which rides roughshod over Hong Kong's elected legislature, marks the end of 'one-country, two-systems.' ... It will throttle the city's rule of law, presenting a major confrontation between what passes for law in China and the common law system in Hong Kong, which has allowed the city to function as one of the most important financial hubs in Asia." New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters said the government was deeply disappointed at the law passing. "New Zealand has consistently emphasised its serious concern about the imposition of this legislation on Hong Kong without inclusive consultation or the proper involvement of all of Hong Kong's institutions," Peters said. Japan "It is regrettable that the national security law was enacted despite strong concerns shared among the international society and the people of Hong Kong," Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said. "It will undermine trust for the principle of 'one country, two systems.'" Taiwan "China promised that Hong Kong would remain unchanged for 50 years. The adoption of the National Security Law makes people feel that this commitment is indeed a blow to public confidence," Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said. "We are disappointed that China cannot fulfil its commitments, which also proves that the 'one country, two systems' is not feasible." READ MORE: Protesters gather to defy Hong Kong security law Source: AFP Top stories - Google News June 30, 2020 at 10:57PM China tells foreign critics 'none of your business' on Hong Kong law - TRT World Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Man Utd's Greenwood pays tribute to Gomes with goal celebration - Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:42 PM PDT ![]() Manchester United's Mason Greenwood paid tribute to his now-former team-mate Angel Gomes during his celebration against Brighton on Tuesday. The 18-year-old opened the scoring for the Red Devils' in the first half of his side's 3-0 victory in the Premier League clash. Greenwood celebrated his sixth Premier League goal of the season by making an A with his hands in a nod to the 19-year-old, whose contract with the club expired on the same day. Greenwood posted a picture of his celebration on Twitter confirming it was for Gomes, captioning it: "A promise is a promise." Gomes expressed his gratitude towards the forward as he posted a picture of Greenwood celebrating in an Instagram Story, writing: "No words. I love you bro. Special, special player, thanks for the dedicated goal."
The tribute comes as Gomes' departs Man Utd on a free transfer after his contract with the club expired. The player and United had been trying to resolve their dispute over a new deal for several months and coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said last week that he hoped they would be able to convince the attacking midfielder to stay. However, Gomes failed to reach an agreement with the Old Trafford outfit and is now a free agent. The 19-year-old has already been linked with a move to Chelsea, though Blues boss Frank Lampard says they have not discussed making an offer . Gomes joined Man Utd at the age of six and progressed through the club's academy to make his first-team debut under Jose Mourinho in 2017, when he replaced Wayne Rooney in the late stages of a 2-0 win at home against Crystal Palace. But the England Under-20 international managed just 10 appearances overall for the senior side, as he failed to make more than three in all competitions in a single campaign. Gomes says he has modelled his playing style on former Barcelona and Spain great Andres Iniesta , adding that his childhood heroes were Juventus and Portugal star Cristiano Ronaldo and former Brazil duo Ronaldinho and Robinho. "Goal" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 04:19PM Man Utd's Greenwood pays tribute to Gomes with goal celebration - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
James Spann: Sun, heat, storms for Alabama through the weekend - Alabama NewsCenter Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:08 PM PDT RADAR CHECK: Most of the thunderstorms over Alabama at mid-afternoon are over the eastern half of the state, and some of those are very strong, with gusty winds and small hail. They are moving along at a pretty good clip, so no flooding has been reported so far. Away from those storms, the sky is partly sunny with temperatures in the 87- to 90-degree range. We are also watching thunderstorms over Tennessee; some of those could dip down into the Tennessee Valley of north Alabama this evening. Showers and storms will fade away later tonight as the air cools and becomes more stable. REST OF THE WEEK: We will deal with the usual dose of sun, heat and scattered storms daily through Friday. The Storm Prediction Center has much of the state in a marginal risk (level 1 out of 5) of severe thunderstorms Wednesday. Heavier storms Wednesday afternoon could produce strong winds and hail. Odds of any one spot getting wet each day through Friday will be in the 40% to 50% range, and highs will be mostly between 87 and 90 degrees. HOLIDAY WEEKEND: Look for a mix of sun and clouds Saturday and Sunday, and again we will deal with random, scattered, mostly afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms. Most of them (but not necessarily all) will come from about 1 until 9 p.m., and afternoon highs will be around 90 degrees. As is the case just about every Fourth of July around here, pay attention to the afternoon storms that form, and when thunder roars, get indoors. NEXT WEEK: We will keep the persistence forecast going. Look for classic July weather — hot, humid days, a partly sunny sky and scattered, mostly afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms with highs around 90. TROPICS: The Atlantic basin is quiet and tropical storm formation is not expected through the weekend. ON THIS DATE IN 1912: An estimated F4 tornado ripped through Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The storm became the deadliest tornado in Canada's history as it killed 28 people along a rare 18.5-mile track from south to north. BEACH FORECAST: Click here to see the AlabamaWx Beach Forecast Center page. WEATHER BRAINS: You can listen to our weekly 90-minute show any time on your favorite podcast app. This is the show all about weather featuring many familiar voices, including the meteorologists at ABC 33/40. CONNECT: You can find me on the major social networks: Facebook For more weather news and information from James Spann and his team, visit AlabamaWx. Top stories - Google News June 30, 2020 at 01:56PM James Spann: Sun, heat, storms for Alabama through the weekend - Alabama NewsCenter Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:44 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] Mobile protester accused of writing on monument base speaks out after city drops charges NBC 15 WPMI"Mobile" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 08:53PM Mobile protester accused of writing on monument base speaks out after city drops charges - NBC 15 WPMI "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
超十代オーディション準グランプリ「水瀬紗彩耶」がホリプロデジタルエンターテインメント所属、芸能活動開始! - PR TIMES Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:34 PM PDT 今年3月に行われた次世代スター発掘オーディションプロジェクト『Mr.超十代&Ms.超十代オーディション2020』にて、その抜群の容姿が審査員からも実行委員からも高い評価を受け、堂々とした立ち居振る舞いや、SNS審査での努力家な一面も好印象となり、総合的な評価が高かったという理由で準グランプリに選ばれました。また、アパレル店員やジャイアンのモノマネを披露するなど、ユーモアな一面も兼ね備え、そのタレント性にも期待が寄せられています。 【プロフィール】 韓国とベトナムのハーフ。類稀なる容姿を武器に、ユーモア満載なtiktok動画を日々更新する女子高校生アーティスト。2020年3月に行われた、超十代オーディションにて準グランプリを受賞し、芸能界デビュー。 【水瀬紗彩耶コメント】 【ホリプロデジタルエンターテインメントについて】 【本件に関するお問い合わせ先】 ホリプロデジタルエンターテインメント ブランドサイト
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース June 30, 2020 at 07:09PM 超十代オーディション準グランプリ「水瀬紗彩耶」がホリプロデジタルエンターテインメント所属、芸能活動開始! - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
SnowMan・岩本照、芸能活動を再開 ジャニーズ事務所「信頼の回復に努めてまいります」 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:33 PM PDT SnowMan・岩本照、芸能活動を再開 ジャニーズ事務所「信頼の回復に努めてまいります」 - ORICON NEWS ![]() 人気グループ・Snow Manの岩本照(27)が、1日より芸能活動を再開することがジャニーズ事務所の公式サイトで発表された。岩本は今年3月、写真誌『FRIDAY』で、ジャニーズJr.時代の2017年11月に未成年女性と飲酒していたことなどが報じられ、同月30日より芸能活動を自粛していた。 約3ヶ月間、活動自粛していた岩本。公式サイトでは「この期間は、新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大していた状況にあり、所属タレント達が様々な形でSmile Up!Projectによる支援活動に取り組んでいた時期でもございます。岩本は、その姿を目にするたびに、一層深く反省しておりましたが、次第にその反省に加えて今後に対する決意を示すことができるようになりました」と説明。 タレント活動をするにあたって「自身の立場や環境に対する理解を深めている様子が伺われました」と説明した上で「これらの状況を踏まえて、弊社としましては、2020年7月1日より、岩本の芸能活動を再開させていただくことといたしました」と発表した。 続けて「弊社は、所属事務所といたしまして岩本と共に、ファンの皆様並びに関係者の皆様より頂載しました厳しいご意見やご指摘を真摯に受け止め、この度の出来事により失うこととなりました信頼の回復に努めてまいります」と呼びかけている。 2020-07-01 03:05:37Z |
SnowMan岩本照活動再開「二度と同じ過ちを」 - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:03 PM PDT SnowMan岩本照活動再開「二度と同じ過ちを」 - ニッカンスポーツ 今年3月30日から活動自粛していたSnow Manの岩本照(27)が1日、ファンクラブサイトで、この日から活動再開することを発表した。 サイト内で「この度は、私の自覚が足りない行動によりファンの皆様や関係者の皆様、沢山の方にご心配とご迷惑をおかけしてしまった事、深くお詫び申し上げます。本当に申し訳ありませんでした」(原文まま)と謝罪。ファンに向けて、「沢山心配させて、待たせてしまって、皆様の笑顔を減らしてしまって申し訳ありませんでした。再び活動させていただける事に感謝し、これからは沢山の笑顔を皆様に届けられるよう精一杯励んでいきます」と伝えた。 この日から、Snow Manが映画単独初主演を飾る「滝沢歌舞伎 ZERO 2020 The Movie」(滝沢秀明監督、年内公開予定)の稽古に参加するという。「自分自身にとって新たなスタートとなる機会をいただけた事。本当に有り難く思っております」と感謝した上で、「今後、二度と同じ過ちを犯さないよう精進致します」と誓った。 岩本は3月27日発売の写真誌「FRIDAY」で、17年に未成年の女性とホテルで飲酒したことなどが報じられた。同29日深夜、ジャニーズ事務所は公式サイトで「社会人としての自覚と責任が欠如していることの表れであり、ジャニーズ事務所所属タレントとしてふさわしくない行動」として、活動自粛を発表していた。 2020-07-01 02:55:00Z |
First goal by by NWSL rookie saves Royals - The Boston Globe Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:42 PM PDT ![]() Rookie Tziarra King came off the bench and scored her first National Women's Soccer League goal Tuesday to pull the Utah Royals into a 3-3 draw with the Houston Dash in the Challenge Cup tournament in Herriman, Utah. Rachel Daly scored a pair of goals as the Dash built a 3-1 lead but the Royals came back with late goals from Vero Boquete and King in the match played without fans at Zions Bank Stadium. The NWSL is the first US professional team sports league to play amid the pandemic. The league was shut down on March 12 before the regular season had started. Diana Matheson took a feed from Amy Rodriguez and slotted it for a goal in the 35th minute to give the Royals the early lead. Matheson missed last season with a foot injury that also kept her off Canada's squad for the World Cup. Daly tied it at 1-all in first-half stoppage time. Her second goal was a header off a corner kick in the 47th minute. She appeared to get the hat trick in the 61st minute but the official said it was not a goal. As in Saturday's Challenge Cup openers, the players wore "Black Lives Matter" T-shirts during warm-ups. Nearly every player knelt when the national anthem was played. But unlike Saturday, players were given the option of remaining in the locker room for the anthem. The rule was changed following criticism of some players who stood during the anthem before the opening games Joseph to lead Revolution's U-15 programShalrie Joseph, a former Revolution midfielder and seven-time MLS all-star, was named head coach of the New England Revolution Academy, the organization's U-15 development program. Joseph, 42, is a native of Grenada who played for New England from 2003-2012 and again in 2014. He notched 40 goals and 35 assists in 283 MLS games and played on three Eastern Conference championship teams with the Revolution (2005-07). He was also an MLS MVP finalist in 2009. After retiring, Joseph coached the Grenadian national team from 2018-19 and helped it qualify for the 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup. He has been an assistant with the Revolution in an unofficial capacity since leaving the Grenadian national team . . . Lionel Messi scored his 700th career goal for club and country before Atletico Madrid came back to draw 2-2 in the Spanish league and deal Barcelona's title hopes a major blow. Barcelona's third draw in four rounds left it in second place, 1 point behind leader Real Madrid. Messi, 33, gave the hosts a 2-1 lead in the 56th minute by coolly scoring a penalty in the "Panenka" style, chipping it softly past goalie Jan Oblak. The goal was Messi's 630th club goal to go with 70 for his Argentina. It was also his league-leading 22nd goal of the season . . . Bruno Fernandes scored twice to lead Manchester United to a 3-0 victory over Brighton to maintain its push for Champions League qualification. Fernandes has scored in two of the three Premier League games since the season resumed after the three-month pandemic-enforced suspension . . . Manchester City has agreed to sell winger Leroy Sane to Bayern Munich in a deal worth up to $67 million, a person familiar with the deal said. The 24-year-old Germany international, who joined City from Schalke in 2016, only had one year remaining on his contract in Manchester . . . Veteran Brazilian midfielder Juninho has retired with the LA Galaxy. The 31-year-old Juninho spent the most memorable days of his professional career with the Galaxy, making 189 appearances and scoring 18 goals. The Galaxy won the Supporters' Shield in 2010 and 2011 and the MLS Cup title in 2011, 2012 and 2014 with Juninho playing a midfield role . . . FIFA banned its former finance director Markus Kattner for 10 years for helping former president Sepp Blatter and other top managers award themselves salary raises and bonuses totaling tens of millions of dollars. Kattner, 49, spent 13 years overseeing the world soccer body's finances during Blatter's presidency. When he was fired by FIFA's new management in 2016, it was revealed that Blatter, former secretary general Jerome Valcke, and Kattner himself were contracted to get World Cup bonuses, loyalty bonuses, and future golden handshakes totaling tens of millions of dollars Campbell withdraws after positive testChad Campbell, who hasn't played the last two weeks, became the sixth player to test positive for the coronavirus as the PGA Tour enters its fourth week of the restart. Campbell played the first event back at Colonial near his home in Texas. He tested positive as part of the tour's pre-tournament screening process at the Rocket Mortgage Classic in Detroit. Campbell said he is asymptomatic and will quarantine until he feels it's safe to return. The tour policy requires self-isolation for at least 10 days. Earlier this week, Harris English tested positive and withdrew from the Rocket Mortgage Classic. Meanwhile, three players on the Korn Ferry Tour in Colorado have tested positive: Brandon Wu, Taylor Montgomery, and Jonathan Hodge. They are the first Korn Ferry Tour players to test positive at a tournament site . . . The LPGA Tour lost another tournament when the Canadian Women's Open was canceled because of travel restrictions and quarantine requirements from the COVID-19 pandemic. The CP Women's Open was scheduled for Sept. 3-6 at Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club in Vancouver. The LPGA Tour and Golf Canada say it will return to Shaughnessy the last week in August next year. Advertisement Bills warn fans about possibilitiesThe Buffalo Bills have advised season ticket holders there is a chance games may be played without fans this season because of the coronavirus pandemic. With that in mind, the team began e-mailing season ticket holders Tuesday to give them the chance to opt out of their commitment for this season, with an option to return for the 2021 season. They would maintain their account seniority and seat location. The team said there also is a chance that seating capacity might be altered this season. The team will not be charging season tickets-holders or taking any additional payments until plans are set. Advertisement Berlin tourney to have fans in standsUp to 800 spectators per day will be allowed at a tennis exhibition in Berlin in mid-July, even after four players tested positive for the coronavirus after playing in a similar event fronted by Novak Djokovic. Organizers of two tournaments in Berlin said the city health authorities have approved a limited number of spectators. It will be the first sporting event in Germany to have spectators amid the coronavirus pandemic. The maximum is set at 800 per day for a July 13-15 outdoor event on grass, and 200 per day for a hardcourt event in a hangar at the disused Tempelhof airport from July 17-19. The Berlin organizers promise strict hygiene and social distancing measures. Spectators will have to arrive wearing masks, which they can remove in the stands. Many seats will be left empty. Players and staff will be tested for the coronavirus, must abide by social distancing rules off-court and will have their temperatures measured. Advertisement MISCELLANYCollege football museum to reopenThe College Football Hall of Fame will reopen Wednesday, seeking to start its comeback from a 3½-month shutdown because of the pandemic. A new exhibit on Historically Black Colleges and Universities will debut when the Hall reopens, featuring the history, traditions, and legends of HBCU football programs. All of the building's interactive features will be in operation, including a quarterback simulation experience that was introduced early this year. The Hall of Fame furloughed 48 of its 57 full- and part-time employees during the closure, Hall of Fame CEO Kimberly Beaudin said. All but three furloughed staffers have been brought back for the reopening, she said. The glass windows across the front of the Hall were broken and the gift shop damaged when looters broke into the building May 29, but none of the museum's exhibits and artifacts were touched. The glass has been replaced and the retail store repaired. Beaudin said the cost of the damage exceeded $250,000 . . . Morehouse College, a Historically Black College in Atlanta that competes in the Division 2 Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, canceled its football and cross country seasons because of the coronavirus pandemic . . . Grinnell College in Iowa says it will cancel football and other fall sports because of concerns about the coronavirus. The Division 3 school announced it would cancel sports including football, soccer, golf, cross-country, and volleyball. The college, located in the small city of Grinnell about 45 miles east of Des Moines, competes in the Midwest Conference. The decision comes less than a year after the college canceled much of its football season because its roster had dwindled to 28 players due to injuries. Grinnell had planned to resume football this year . . . Bill Lawrence, a former Middleboro High School baseball coach who won two state championships, died Monday after a year-long battle with cancer, Middleboro athletic director Ryan Sylvia said. He was 53. Lawrence, a 1984 graduate of Middleboro and former baseball player for the Sachems, coached his alma mater for 21 years, from 1998-2018, and won state titles in 2013 (Division 3) and 2015 (Division 2). He was also taught physical education. Advertisement "Goal" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 06:52PM First goal by by NWSL rookie saves Royals - The Boston Globe "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
More showers and storms move in Tuesday night - Minnesota Public Radio News Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT Another round of showers and storms is poised to move across Minnesota, but with less extreme rainfall totals than recent storms. Hot and humid weather carries us well into the start of July. Both of our past two overnights brought lingering storms which produced areas of record rainfalls and flooding. That excessive rainfall threat has ended, but all the moisture led to dew points in the 70s Tuesday and uncomfortably high humidity. ![]() Dew point readings 12 p.m. Tuesday National Weather Service More storms move inNow, more storms are moving into western Minnesota by late Tuesday night, then spreading across the state Wednesday. The storms will be more widespread Tuesday night, then become spottier during Wednesday as they head east. The storm system may also bring some severe weather to the western edge of the state late Tuesday and isolated strong storms through central Minnesota Wednesday. ![]() Severe weather risk Tuesday night National Weather Service Unlike the extreme rainfall Minnesota saw the past two days, these storms are associated with a cold front sweeping across the state which will keep storms moving and minimize any chances for excessive rainfall. Most rain totals through Wednesday will be under a half inch and even less in most of eastern Minnesota. ![]() Precipitation forecast through Thursday National Weather Service After the system moves out late Wednesday, the weather pattern turns quieter, with only spotty chances for showers and storms through Saturday. An extended period of heatThe cold front and clouds Wednesday only cool temperatures slightly, with highs mostly in the 80s. By Thursday, under mostly sunny skies, most of the state makes it back into the 90s, then the entire next week remains in the 80s and 90s across most of Minnesota. ![]() Thursday high temperatures National Weather Service Humidity levels also remain high, so the heat index will reach near and possibly surpass 100 degrees at times. Even the overnights remain very mild, with lows in the 60s and 70s. Programming noteYou can hear my live weather updates on Minnesota Public Radio at 7:48 a.m. Monday through Friday morning. Top stories - Google News June 30, 2020 at 03:31PM More showers and storms move in Tuesday night - Minnesota Public Radio News Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
US lawmakers condemn Beijing’s move against Hong Kong freedoms - South China Morning Post Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News June 30, 2020 at 12:12PM US lawmakers condemn Beijing's move against Hong Kong freedoms - South China Morning Post Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「NAVERまとめ」がサービス終了 「今後の成長性」など検討の結果 - ねとらぼ Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:03 PM PDT 「NAVERまとめ」がサービス終了 「今後の成長性」など検討の結果 - ねとらぼ LINEは「NAVERまとめ」を2020年9月30日で終了すると発表しました。 終了の理由については、「サービス環境・市場環境の変化による単独サービスとしての今後の成長性や、LINEグループ全体での選択と集中の観点などをふまえて検討した結果」と説明。 同サービスは2009年にスタート。テーマに合わせてWeb上のさまざまな情報を集めたまとめページを作れるものですが、画像の無断転載問題も指摘されていました。 LINEは、NAVERまとめは終了するものの、簡潔に情報を集約して伝える「まとめ」そのものの価値は重要になってくるとの考えを示し、NAVERまとめが培ってきたノウハウを新しい検索事業の発展に活用すると述べています。 関連記事Copyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2020-07-01 02:20:00Z |
【株式会社茨城ロボッツ・スポーツエンターテインメント】株主変更並びに増減資による資本増強並びに役員体制変更に関するご報告 - PR TIMES Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:34 PM PDT 1.株式譲渡による株主構成の変更 山谷拓志保有の全株式を株式会社グロービスへ譲渡する。 ※株式譲渡後の株主構成 株式会社グロービス100% ※6月16日に実施されました公益社団法人ジャパン・プロフェッショナル・バスケットボールリーグ理事会での承認を受け、2020年6月24日に実施されました臨時株主総会にて決議。 2.株式化する債務の内容 3.資本金および資本準備金の減少額 4.株式総数及び資本金等の推移 5.役員体制の変更 2020年6月24日に実施されました臨時株主総会にて良田智雄が取締役に就任し、上原和人が取締役を退任いたしました。引き続き上原和人は執行役員に就任いたします。また2020年7月より6名の執行役員を選任し、事業の拡大に向けて迅速に業務執行を進めて参ります。 2020年7月以降の取締役・執行役員体制 《代表取締役社長 山谷拓志 コメント》
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース June 30, 2020 at 06:30PM 【株式会社茨城ロボッツ・スポーツエンターテインメント】株主変更並びに増減資による資本増強並びに役員体制変更に関するご報告 - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
声優・池澤春菜、一般男性との結婚発表 - ORICON NEWS Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:03 PM PDT 声優・池澤春菜、一般男性との結婚発表 - ORICON NEWS ![]() 『とっとこハム太郎』春名ヒロ子/ロコちゃん役などで知られる声優の池澤春菜(44)が1日、自身のツイッターを更新。一般男性と結婚したことを発表した。 「結婚しました!! 大切なご報告、とか、いつも応援してくださる皆さまへ、とか、定番のやつをやってみようかと思ったのですが、なんともこそばゆいので、直球を投げ込みました。びっくりしました、主にわたしが」と報告した池澤。 続けて「お相手は日本人です。でも幼少期を海外で過ごし、長く海外に住んでいたので、中身は大変グローバル。いわゆる"一般人の方"です。とても不思議なご縁で出会いました」と告白。「本当はもっと前にお伝えしようと思っていたのですが、コロナのせいでタイミングがずれてしまいました。夫氏も予定していた帰国ができなくなり、先の見えない不安な超超超遠距離生活でした。ようやくひと段落しそうなので、これを機にお知らせさせていただきます」と思わぬ形で結婚生活がスタートしたことを明かしている。 今後については「あんまりわたし自身は変わりません。今までよりもう少し自由で、気楽で、こころやすくなったかもしれない。本も食も旅も芝居も書き物も、変わらずたくさんインプットして、たくさんアウトプットする日々を送りたいです。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします」と展望した。 池澤は『とっとこハム太郎』春名ヒロ子/ロコちゃん役のほか、『爆走兄弟レッツ&ゴー!!』の星馬豪役、『ケロロ軍曹』西澤桃華役、『マリア様がみてる』島津由乃役などで知られる。 2020-07-01 01:41:24Z |
Why A Retired Cincinnati Teacher Started The Book Bus, A Mobile “Bookstore On Wheels” - Forbes Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:44 PM PDT |
Forecast: Expect inland storms this evening with temps in the 80s - FOX 4 Now Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:08 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content]
Top stories - Google News June 30, 2020 at 02:28PM Forecast: Expect inland storms this evening with temps in the 80s - FOX 4 Now Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
平手友梨奈が突然現れる? 岡田将生×志尊淳Wに主演映画でプレミア企画<さんかく窓の外側は夜> - モデルプレス Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:03 PM PDT 平手友梨奈が突然現れる? 岡田将生×志尊淳Wに主演映画でプレミア企画<さんかく窓の外側は夜> - モデルプレス 俳優の岡田将生と志尊淳がW主演を務める映画『さんかく窓の外側は夜』(10月30日公開)の"超プレミア チェンジングポスター"が解禁された。見る角度を変えると、平手友梨奈が演じるエリカが現れる仕掛けが施されている。 岡田将生×志尊淳W主演「さんかく窓の外側は夜」同作は、霊が"祓える男"冷川(岡田)と"視える男"三角(志尊)のふたりが、"除霊"を使って怪奇事件に挑んでいく、新感覚の除霊ミステリー。冷川・三角のふたりが事件を追う中で出会ったのは"呪いを操る謎の女子高生"ヒウラエリカ(平手)。ヒウラエリカとは何者なのか、その目的とは。ふたりは、連続殺人事件と呪いの謎に隠された、驚きの真実に迫る。"平手友梨奈が現れる"プレミアチェンジングポスター公開同ポスターは、同作の世界観を表す仕掛けのあるチェンジングポスターとなっており、正面から見ると心霊探偵バディの冷川と三角が、事件に挑むような姿と眼差しでこちらを見る青色背景のビジュアル。そして角度を変えると冷川と三角の表情が変わり、"謎の女子高生"エリカが出現する仕掛けとなっている。また、同ポスターは 世界に80枚しかないプレミアポスターで、7月10日より全国28館の映画館や書店などで順次見られる予定となっている。(modelpress編集部) 【Not Sponsored 記事】 2020-07-01 00:06:56Z |
Angela Merkel’s Viral Moment - The Wall Street Journal Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:47 PM PDT German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks to the press in Berlin, March 11.Photo: tobias schwarz/Agence France-Presse/Getty ImagesContrary to just-so stories in the press, the German government was behind the German public in reacting to the coronavirus. Masks and hand sanitizer disappeared from store shelves even as Berlin was still downplaying the threat and warning about anti-foreigner bigotry. Then, under pressure to break her silence, Chancellor Angela Merkel on March 10 announced that 60% to 70% of Germans should expect to be infected. Her comments traveled around the world and were a one-day story in most places, but the idea seems to have permeated her own people's consciousness that the virus was a fact that must be accepted. This was undoubtedly helpful. U.S. press accounts noted that Ms. Merkel was trained as a scientist; she had consulted "experts." This misses the point. Ms. Merkel was an elected official taking responsibility for what her people should believe about the virus. It probably helped that she had already announced plans to retire from politics. New Jersey's state health commissioner, Judith Persichilli, was frank enough to say that she expected to be infected and so should everyone else. But when Vice President Mike Pence was directly asked the same thing on national TV, he changed the subject. When it's over, a question will be what advice our leaders received as the virus was approaching. I suspect all heard what Ms. Merkel heard. An easily communicated upper respiratory infection was unstoppable. The job would be to manage public psychology in a media environment so unlike 1957's or 1968's when the world last faced similarly destructive pandemics. A Swedish official let drop the provocative term "herd immunity," but the Swedish and German approaches were different only in the amount of initial social-distancing they enforced. Now both are on the same page in terms of balancing economic openness with the virus. The 70% number is back-of-the-envelope—some epidemiologists say 40% may be the pivot when the epidemic peters out naturally in the absence of a vaccine. But here's the point: Though official case counts in every country are probably way off, however you slice it Germany, Sweden and the U.S. likely all have less than 10% of their publics infected. The U.S. media has become especially discordant. It tells us the virus is permanent and simultaneously waxes hysterical because a disease that is relatively harmless to the young, and that can't be avoided without giving up much of what makes life meaningful, is spreading among the young. Of course it is. Our horse-race focus on case counts will become absurd as the case numbers grow. Ditto the U.S. war deaths comparison that the media now invokes as if it were meaningful. C'mon: The average age of Americans who fought and died in World War II was 26; in Vietnam it was 19. Every year America faces a Korean War in the flu. The Nez Perce War of 1877 killed fewer Americans than the flu killed children last year. Heart disease is the equivalent of two World War IIs every year. That the war-dead analogy has become universally cited shows why journalism is unique among the arts—we plagiarize the bad rather than the good. All this will seem especially loopy as the virus takes its place in the menagerie of micro-organisms and sub-organisms that human bodies routinely are host to. Which brings us to Donald Trump. His joke about stopping testing (which he has made before) is best understood as a sideways and not very presidential comment on the futility of treating the virus as a war to be won. When he says it will one day "magically disappear," he's giving the Elmer Gantry version of Ms. Merkel's high-church invocation of herd immunity. Germany has its own vociferous anti-lockdown lobby, but tempered by a realistic understanding that the virus is a problem that must be managed. And Germans have been managing well: Their mask-wearing and other daily precautions have kept cases substantially below what their well-equipped hospital system can handle. In the U.S., some bellow for a 9/11-style commission into our virus response, as if such an inquiry might somehow be avoided. But one thing investigators shouldn't overlook: In retrospect, Ms. Merkel's 60%-to-70% statement was an implicit rebuttal (from a highly competent state) to the propaganda then coming out of China, abetted by the World Health Organization, suggesting that sufficiently heroic leadership could reduce transmission to zero. Any postmortem is likely to find that Beijing's premature "mission accomplished" moment made it harder for politicians everywhere to act and speak rationally about the challenge facing their countries. Mr. Trump's apparent re-election strategy is to see the virus as a problem for God and the governors while the recovery is his achievement. This will be an up-river paddle given a public that still believes it should have been spared both the virus and lockdowns. But it will be interesting to watch him try. Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 "viral" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 04:22PM Angela Merkel's Viral Moment - The Wall Street Journal "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
OnePlus 8 improves mobile Fortnite with support for 90fps - VentureBeat Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:44 PM PDT ![]() Faster displays have started to find their way into mobile devices, and this is starting to have ramifications for gaming as well. The new OnePlus 8 smartphone, for example, has a 90Hz screen. This makes browsing the internet and scrolling through content look extremely smooth. I like it so much that I would prioritize a high refresh-rate screen when looking for a new device. That's especially true when I consider the effect it has on gaming. OnePlus sent one of its latest handsets to GamesBeat for testing. It did so because it's proud that the OnePlus 8 is the first smartphone that can run Fortnite at a consistent 90 frames per second. And after testing that, I can confirm that the experience lives up to the expectations. The OnePlus 8 is available now starting at $700 on its website. You can get it for closer to $600 through online retailers like Newegg, though. I'm focusing on Fortnite because it is still one of the biggest games in the world, and this is the first time it is running at a high framerate on mobile. Games like Vainglory, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, and more also support high-refreshrate screens, but they are known quantities. VB Transform 2020 Online - July 15-17. Join leading AI executives: Register for the free livestream. To experience Epic's battle royale shooter at 90fps on OnePlus 8, you have to select that in the options. While the smartphone has a powerful Snapdragon 865 with the Adreno 650, you can only get 90fps while on the "low" graphics setting. But this tradeoff ensures the game can hit and maintain the 90fps threshold. The final effect is quite stunning. And it's one that anyone accustomed to high-framerate gaming on PC will immediately recognize. Fortnite on the OnePlus 8 is smooth with very few significant drops below 90fps. This makes aiming easier, but it's also just more pleasant to play and look at overall. You do lose some of the fidelity with the reduced graphics, but it's nothing I missed on the OnePlus 8's 6.5-inch screen. Is Fortnite at 90fps on the OnePlus 8 a reason to buy the phone? Not for me. Not on its own. But it's definitely part of a compelling set of pros versus cons. Beyond Fortnite, 90fps gaming is excellent on OnePlus 8High-framerate gaming is not a feature that is exclusive to Fortnite. It's something that is also an option when streaming games from a local PC. I used the Moonlight app to beam games from my rig to the OnePlus 8. This works with the in-home streaming capabilities of Nvidia GPUs. Moonlight has the option to support higher framerates. I selected 90fps, which worked well over my fast home network. And this is another great use of the OnePlus 8 and its display. If you're playing a game that your PC can handle at 90 frames per second, then that's going to come through on the screen. Pair that with a controller like the Razer Kishi, and you have something that ends up feeling like a Switch Pro. The gaming experience paired with the smooth scrolling of the 90Hz screen is what sells me on the phone. The obvious downside is that a higher refreshrate uses more battery. But you are also not forced onto 90Hz. You can hop into the Android display settings and move that to 60 whenever you want. It's also nice that it starts with 128GB of storage. "Mobile" - Google News June 30, 2020 at 04:13PM OnePlus 8 improves mobile Fortnite with support for 90fps - VentureBeat "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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