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- 'You need to be 100 per cent' - Modric's Real Madrid warning to Hazard - Goal
- ユーミンへの不適切発言、白井氏が謝罪「深く反省」 - ニッカンスポーツ
- 洋食の「キッチンジロー」、2店舗残し9月末で13店舗閉店へ - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞
- Hapsatou Sy : la chroniqueuse gagne les Reines du shopping spécial célébrités avec une tenue incroyable ! -
- Thailand's King officially reinstates his mistress as royal consort - Daily Mail
- Major League Soccer nominates Raúl Ruidíaz for Week 7 and 8 Goal of the Week -
- バンダイナムコエンターテインメント、I-ne、menuが登壇!コロナ禍で高まるダイレクトマーケの価値 - MarkeZine
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- Does Lili Reinhart have a new beau? Actress says she's dating 'right now' - &
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'You need to be 100 per cent' - Modric's Real Madrid warning to Hazard - Goal Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:42 PM PDT ![]() The Belgian endured a tough first season at the Santiago Bernabeu and has been told he must show why the club bought him soon Luka Modric has told Eden Hazard he has to be 100 per cent next season after an injury-riddled debut campaign with Real Madrid. After joining Zinedine Zidane's side from Chelsea in 2019, the Belgium international struggled to make his mark at the Santiago Bernabeu with injuries and fitness issues restricting him to just 22 appearances in all competitions with a single goal to his name. Hazard's last season at Stamford Bridge meanwhile saw the attacker score 21 goals across 52 games as he earned his dream move to Real Madrid. Modric knows what Hazard is capable of and encouraged the Belgian to fully recover last season to ensure he could live up to his full potential in the 2020-21 campaign - warning things could get difficult if injuries continue to hold him back. "Eden is a great guy and a special player, but he was playing with pain and when you're on the pitch, people always expect the best. They don't care if you have little problems," Modric told AFP. "I spoke to him and said, 'Eden maybe you need not to play now and recover because next season we need you at your best. This is a season where you're getting to know everything but next season you need to be 100 per cent because if not, it's going to be difficult'. "Hopefully he comes back without any problems and then I'm sure he'll show his potential and why the club bought him because we will need him a lot." Another player that struggled last season in Madrid is Gareth Bale with Modric sympathising with the Wales star's situation. "Gareth is a great, great player but his situation is not easy. He always has my support but he needs to decide what is best for him and what he wants to do now with his career," Modric said. "It was not an easy season for him but it is what it is. Maybe now he needs to get back to his best...We'll see what happens with him." Currently on duty with Wales, Bale recently addressed his future and suggested Real have made it difficult for him to secure a move away. "Goal" - Google News September 02, 2020 at 10:36PM 'You need to be 100 per cent' - Modric's Real Madrid warning to Hazard - Goal "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
ユーミンへの不適切発言、白井氏が謝罪「深く反省」 - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:20 PM PDT ユーミンへの不適切発言、白井氏が謝罪「深く反省」 - ニッカンスポーツ シンガー・ソングライター松任谷由実(66)に対するSNS上での発言で炎上した京都精華大学講師の白井聡氏(42)が「心からお詫びを申し上げます」と謝罪した。 白井氏は3日、ツイッターを更新。「先日の私のフェイスブック上での発言につきまして、多くのご批判をいただきました。人の生命を軽んじる発言、暴力的な発言であるとのご指摘を受け、自身の発言の不適切さに思い至りました。深く反省をしております」とし、「松任谷由実氏に、心からお詫びを申し上げます。また、不快な思いをされた多くの皆さまにもお詫びいたします」と謝罪した。 問題となったのは先月28日の投稿(すでに削除)。辞任した安倍晋三首相に対する松任谷のラジオ番組での発言を非難し、物議をかもした。ネット上では白井氏に対する批判の声が多数あがり、京都精華大学は1日、公式ホームページで「このたび、本学教員によるフェイスブック上での不適切な発言がありました。『人間尊重』『自由自治』を理念に掲げ、ダイバーシティの推進により多様性を大切にする本学では、個人の主義主張、思想、信条の表現や発言に寛容でありますが、今回の発言は、人間の命を軽んじた内容であり、人間尊重の立場をとるべき本学教職員として不適切な行為であったため、厳重な注意を行いました。本件におきまして、不快な思いをされた方々、ご心配をおかけした方々に、深くお詫び申し上げます」と謝罪していた。 2020-09-03 02:22:56Z | ||||
洋食の「キッチンジロー」、2店舗残し9月末で13店舗閉店へ - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞 Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:20 PM PDT 洋食の「キッチンジロー」、2店舗残し9月末で13店舗閉店へ - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞 東京の都心部や大阪で洋食店を展開しているキッチンジローは3日、「九段下店」(東京都千代田区)と「中之島フェスティバルプラザ店」(大阪市北区)以外の13店舗を9月末で閉店することを発表した。 閉店する店舗は、南神保町店(東京都千代田区)▽錦町店(同)▽神田鍛冶町店(同)▽外神田店(同)▽ニュー新橋店(東京都港区)▽新虎ノ門店(同)▽シーバンス浜松町店(同)▽芝大門店(同)▽ペディ汐留店(同)▽アトレヴィ巣鴨店(東京都豊島区)▽渋谷店(東京都渋谷区)▽深川ギャザリア店(東京都江東区)▽OBPツイン21店(大阪市中央区)。 2020-09-03 04:33:28Z | ||||
Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:13 PM PDT ![]() C'est l'occasion pour les téléspectateurs de mieux connaitre les stars du petit écran français. Cette semaine du 28 aout, l'émission culte de Cristina Cordula fait de la place pour accueillir des animatrices françaises. Les Reines du shopping fait place à des animatrices françaisesPendant toute la semaine, Julie Vignali, Hapsatou Sy, Roselyne Bachelot, Emmanuelle Rivassoux et aussi Julie Zenatti se sont affrontées pour relever le défi lancé par Cristina.
Ce fut une semaine pleine d'émotions où les participantes se battent chacune pour une association. Certaines se sont même trop prêtées aux jeux, comme Emmanuelle Rivassoux. La camarade de Stéphane Plaza a pris trop au sérieux un débat qui concernait la robe de Julie Vignali, l'animatrice du « Meilleur Pâtissier ». La plupart des autres candidates ont trouvé la robe en question très jolie. Emmanuelle Rivassoux quant à elle s'est un peu moquée de la vendeuse.
En fin de compte, c'est Hapsatou Sy qui gagne les Reines du shopping de cette semaine. Elle avait opté pour une longue robe métallisée, dans des accents argentés. Elle a donné un air plus streetwear à cette robe très classe en y ajoutant un sweat rouge. Cristina Cordula a tout de suite approuvé son choix. Hapsatou Sy a donc remporté les 10 000 euros. La compagne de Vincent Serutti a quand même décidé de partager son prix avec les autres candidates qui elles aussi représentaient chacune une association. Qui est donc cette animatrice au grand cœur ?Hapsatou Sy est née le 10 avril 1980 à Sèvres. C'est une entrepreneuse, animatrice, chroniqueuse française. Elle passe son enfance dans les Hauts-de-Seine à Chaville. Elle est issue d'une famille de sept frères et sœurs. Ses parents sont des peuls. Son père est d'Orkadiere au Sénégal et sa mère est de Wali en Mauritanie. Après avoir obtenu un BTS en commerce international, elle part à New York pour un stage de fin d'études. Elle commence à s'intéresser à l'entreprenariat. Pour la citer, elle a toujours rêvé de devenir une « business woman ». C'est à l'âge de 24 ans qu'elle crée un concept « Ethnicia », une idée d'espace de beauté. Elle ouvre en 2005 son premier salon. Elle remporte en 2007 le deuxième prix pour le concours Grand prix des jeunes créateurs. Elle rencontre le président Nicolas Sarkozy en 2011. Ils échangent sur l'entreprenariat féminin. Pendant le Women's Forum organisé à Deauville en 2010, elle est nommée Rising Talent. En septembre 2013, elle annonce la liquidation judicaire de sa société à cause de quelques difficultés financières. Elle se consacre ensuite au développement de sa ligne de cosmétique au national et à l'international. Hapsatou lance sa première marque de prêt à porter « antiKOD » qu'elle cosigne avec quelques stylistes en 2014. Le 21 Avril 2016, elle devient la première marraine de la première édition d'un concours « Graines de projet » qui a été organisé par The Empowerment House. Coté privé, le magazine « Voici » révèle au grand jour sa relation avec le présentateur français Vincent Cerutti en 2015. Un an après, elle annonce sa première grossesse. Le 20 septembre 2016, elle donne naissance à sa fille Abbie. En juin 2019, elle annonce une deuxième grossesse. Le 15 novembre de cette même année, elle accouche d'un petit garçon qu'elle va nommer Isaac Haroun Giovanni. Depuis octobre 2018, elle participe fréquemment au jeu télévisé « Tout le monde a son mot à dire » sur France 2. En novembre de cette année 2018, elle intervient sur le talk-show « Balance ton post ». La semaine du 28 août 2020, elle gagne 10.000 euro pendant l'émission les Reines du shopping. September 02, 2020 at 10:30PM Hapsatou Sy : la chroniqueuse gagne les Reines du shopping spécial célébrités avec une tenue incroyable ! - longue robe | ||||
Thailand's King officially reinstates his mistress as royal consort - Daily Mail Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:08 PM PDT Thailand's King officially reinstates his mistress as royal consort after releasing her from jail to rejoin his harem
Thailand's king has officially reinstated his mistress as his royal consort after releasing her from jail to rejoin his harem. The restoration of Sineenatra Wongvajirabhakdi to the good graces of King Maha Vajiralongkorn was confirmed by an official announcement published today in the Royal Gazette. The announcement, dated August 29, said she was being given back her royal and military titles after she was previously accused of seeking to undermine the monarch's official wife, the country's queen. It said Sineenatra was not tainted by any wrongdoing, and the record should not show that she ever lost her privileges. ![]() Thai monarch Maha Vajiralongkorn has resinstated former royal bodyguard Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi as his consort Bloggers who follow royal news had reported last week that Sineenatra had been rehabilitated. She had not been seen publicly after her fall from grace last year and her whereabouts were never made clear. In July last year, Vajiralongkorn gave Sineenatra the royal consort title of chao khun phra sineenatra bilasakalayani, reviving an old palace tradition of taking a junior wife that had not been practiced for almost a century. In May last year, Vajiralongkorn named longtime companion Suthida Vajiralongkorn Na Ayudhya his queen when they were married a few days before his formal coronation. Vajiralongkorn assumed the throne after the 2016 death of his father, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who reigned for 70 years. Then last October, less than three months after making Sineenatra his royal consort, the king issued a command rescinding the appointment. In a statement, he accused her of misbehaving by actively seeking to block Suthida's appointment as queen in order to take the position herself, and saying that when she failed to block Suthida, her 'ambitions and aspirations' led her to continue to seek ways to promote herself. That statement said the king tried to alleviate the problem by appointing Sineenatra his official royal consort but that she remained unsatisfied and continued to compete with Queen Suthida. Both Queen Suthida, 42, and Sineenatra, 35, have served as senior officers in palace security units. Suthida was previously a flight attendant with Thai Airways, while Sineenatra was an army nurse. The 68-year-old king has seven children by three previous marriages, all of which ended in divorce. Sineenatra's fall had been particularly stunning because only two months earlier, a palace website released scores of photos of her and the king, some in formal settings and others in markedly casual poses, such as taking part in flying, shooting and skydiving. Others showed her and the king holding hands, unusually intimate photos for members of the royal family. It emerged earlier this week that the king, who has spent much of the pandemic in Germany with a reputed entourage of 'sex soldiers' assembled as a military unit at a four-star hotel, had pardoned Sineenat and went to Munich Airport himself to pick her up. ![]() Experience: Sineenat had trained as a pilot in Thailand and abroad, served in the King's royal bodyguard unit, and in 2019 was awarded the rank of a major-general The consort, also known as Koi Wongvajirapakdi, was gifted the title of royal consort to mark the king's 67th birthday last July. It was the first time in nearly a century that a Thai monarch had taken a consort, after the king married his fourth wife Queen Suthida earlier in 2019. Sineenat had trained as a pilot in Thailand and abroad, served in the king's royal bodyguard unit, and in 2019 was awarded the rank of a major-general. During the king's elaborate three-day coronation ceremony, Sineenat was seen marching in full military uniform in a procession that travelled from the palace to several Buddhist temples. However, Sineenat was out within three months and stripped of all her titles for 'disloyalty' and alleged 'ambition' to match the Queen's position. Her actions showed 'she does not give any honour to the king and does not understand royal tradition... her actions are to benefit herself', a statement claimed. Koi has apparently been in prison since then, although her exact whereabouts were unclear. According to Bild, she was in the Bang Kwang maximum-security prison where inmates including drug dealers are constantly monitored with webcams. The prison is said to include around 1,000 people on death row, and was the venue where Thailand carried out its first execution for nearly a decade in 2018. Thailand expert Andrew MacGregor Marshall said she had been in a women's prison at a different compound in Bangkok. However, he cited palace sources on Friday saying that Sineenat had been released and was due to fly to Germany imminently. The report by Bild said she was taken straight to the airport and flown to Munich on a private plane, with a refuelling stop in Dubai. ![]() The Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in southern Germany where the King of Thailand has reputedly been staying with a harem of women during the pandemic ![]() Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn and Queen Suthida during their wedding ceremony in Bangkok in May last year. According to tradition, the King has a semi-divine status and must be seated higher than those around him On Saturday morning, the king himself is said to have picked her up wearing his customary tank top at Munich Airport. The king and his entourage then drove straight to the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in the German resort town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, it is claimed. Reports earlier this year said the king had booked out the whole fourth floor which includes a 'pleasure room' and is decked out with 'treasures and antiques' from Thailand. His 'sex soldiers' are said to be assembled as a military unit called the SAS like Britain's special forces - with the same motto, 'who dares wins'. One hotel worker said staff are forbidden from the fourth floor where the king and his entourage have set up camp. However, the king's diplomatic immunity means that there is little German authorities can do about it. Queen Suthida reportedly spends most of her time at Hotel Waldegg in Engelberg, Switzerland, without her husband. The king is protected from criticism in Thailand by one of the world's toughest defamation laws, with prison sentences up to 15 years. However, some protesters have made veiled criticisms by asking what the weather was like in Germany. A hashtag that translates to 'why do we need a king?' became popular in Thailand after an overseas activist posted about Vajiralongkorn's activities in Germany. Others have dressed as Harry Potter characters and held up pictures of the series' villain Lord Voldemort, also known as He Who Must Not Be Named. ![]() A room inside the Alpine hotel where the king's harem is reportedly about to be joined by his former consort ![]() An outdoor area at the Bavarian hotel, where the Thai monarch has been spending much of the pandemic except for occasional visits to his home country ![]() A view over Alpine scenery from a window of the hotel - which was closed to the public during the lockdown ![]() One of the suites available in the hotel where the king is said to be staying Critics' demands have included the reversal of a 2019 order that transferred two army units to the King's personal command, and a 2017 law that gave him full control of the crown's extensive property holdings. Estimates of Vajiralongkorn's personal wealth start at $30billion and he has spent much of his time in Europe. However, the monarchy is backed by the arch-royalist military, which has staged more than a dozen coups since the end of absolutism in 1932. While the country has been roiled by decades of political turmoil, the constitution says the monarchy must be held 'in a position of revered worship.' Vajiralongkorn succeeded to the throne in 2016 after the death of his father, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who had reigned since 1946. The new king was not formally crowned until May 2019 when carried on a golden platform in a six-and-a-half-hour procession through Bangkok. During the ceremony he was carried on a golden platform in a spectacular six-and-a-half-hour procession through Bangkok's historic quarter. Just days before the coronation, the King married his long-term consort and gave her the title Queen Suthida, in a surprise move. Suthida Vajiralongkorn na Ayudhya, a former Thai Airways flight attendant, had to lie on the floor as she was given a gift by the king during the marriage ceremony. Read more: Top stories - Google News September 02, 2020 at 04:04AM Thailand's King officially reinstates his mistress as royal consort - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
Major League Soccer nominates Raúl Ruidíaz for Week 7 and 8 Goal of the Week - Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:42 PM PDT ![]() Raúl Ruidíaz is on fire. For the second consecutive week, Ruidíaz has been nominated for Major League Soccer Goal of the Week, earning the nod for Week 7 and 8 with his ridiculous, one-time effort from distance against LAFC at CenturyLink Field on Sunday. VOTE FOR RUIDÍAZ FOR GOAL OF THE WEEK After weathering a bit of pressure from the visitors, Ruidíaz opened the scoring in the 11th minute with an audacious, left-footed curler from way downtown, shaping his shot around goalkeeper Kenneth Vermeer and handing Seattle a 1-0 lead. The Sounders went on to defeat LAFC 3-1, claiming three points to secure second place in the Western Conference standings. Now just one two points back from top spot in the Western Conference -- Seattle is even with Sporting Kansas City on points per game, but has played one fewer match -- the Rave Green return to action on Wednesday night as they head to Utah for a road fixture against Real Salt Lake. "Goal" - Google News August 31, 2020 at 11:52AM Major League Soccer nominates Raúl Ruidíaz for Week 7 and 8 Goal of the Week - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
バンダイナムコエンターテインメント、I-ne、menuが登壇!コロナ禍で高まるダイレクトマーケの価値 - MarkeZine Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:34 PM PDT コロナ禍で注目される「顧客維持」の重要性「リーチ・獲得、その先へ~LINEで実現するダイレクトマーケティング~」をテーマに開催された「LINE Direct Day」。はじめにLINE 執行役員 広告ビジネス事業担当の池端氏が登壇し、新型コロナウイルスによって変化が起こっている現在のマーケット状況を概説した。 池端氏が取り上げた変化は「ECへの購買シフト」と「アプリの利用増」の2つ。App Annieが実施した調査によると、リアル店舗に足を運べない状況になったことで、オンラインでの購買が必然的に増加し、各業界のEC比率が上がった。それにともない、横ばいが続いていた国内アプリダウンロード数が飛躍的に伸張。2020年1月と3月を比較すると、ダウンロード数は31%増加していたそうだ。 ![]() 「このことから、これまで以上にさまざまな事業者が、オンラインのマーケットに積極的に投資をしていくことが予想されます」と、池端氏。競争が激化する中で選ばれるブランドになるための方策の一つが、ダイレクトマーケティングだ。池端氏はその第一人者であるレスター・ワンダーマン氏の言葉を借りて、「ダイレクトマーケティングとは、価値ある顧客を獲得し、維持しようとするコミットメントである」と説明し、市場に大きな変化が起ころうとしている現在、向き合っている顧客一人ひとりと関係を継続していくことの重要性を主張した。 ![]() LINEはダイレクトマーケティングでは、認知からファン化にいたるまですべての過程が重要と認識し、各フェーズにおいて活用できるサービスを展開している。 「それぞれのフェーズにおいて有効なサービスをリリースし、アップデートを続けてきました。今回のイベントのテーマに『リーチ獲得とその先へ』を掲げましたが、その先とは、ユーザーとのつながりを維持し続けること、つまりコミュニケーションです。LINEはそれを実現できると確信しています」(池端氏) 8,400万人にリーチできるLINE広告。最新動向を紹介次にディスプレイ広告と、LINE公式アカウントの事業企画を担当している菅野氏が、月間8,400万人(2020年6月時点)のユーザーにリーチできる運用型広告プラットフォーム「LINE広告」の詳細を語った。LINE広告は、LINEアプリやファミリーサービスのほか、「LINE広告ネットワーク」で外部のアプリへの広告配信も可能。2016年のサービスローンチから出稿アカウントは増え続け、現在では1万以上のアカウントが存在する。 ![]() 元々、LINE広告はダイレクトレスポンス領域の企業出稿が多かったが、ここ数年で機能のアップデートが進んでいる。直近では、ターゲティング機能が拡充され、これまでの都道府県・市区町村単位から、半径指定(3㎞~)とより精度の高いターゲティング、収入や利用・行動状況といったステータス情報を通じたターゲティングも可能になった。今年は「類似オーディエンスの自動入札」機能の追加も予定されており、拡張・類似度に応じて自動で最適金額での入札が行われるようになるという。 ![]() カンパニーエグゼクティブ Product Planning担当 菅野圭介氏 加えて、動画フォーマットの拡充も進めている。今年1月にローンチした新サービス「Talk Head View」は、LINEアプリのトークリスト最上部への広告配信により、国内最大級のリーチを可能にする動画広告で、リーチ数は1日で約2,500~4,000万UU(2020年6月時点)。すでに70案件以上の実績がある。LINE広告とあわせて実施することで、認知効果のみならずダイレクトレスポンスの効果も高まり、とある事例ではTHV実施中は実施前と比べてCPAが40%減少したという。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース September 02, 2020 at 06:00PM バンダイナムコエンターテインメント、I-ne、menuが登壇!コロナ禍で高まるダイレクトマーケの価値 - MarkeZine "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
【行蹤曝光】確診者曾訪愉景灣元朗兩校兩快餐店現「毒蹤」 - 頭條日報 Headline Daily Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT ![]() 新冠肺炎疫情稍為緩和,本港昨新增八宗確診個案。有確診者曾到訪愉景灣智新書院,以及元朗中華基督教會基元中學;另外有兩間快餐店曾有確診者到訪。
September 02, 2020 at 05:23PM 【行蹤曝光】確診者曾訪愉景灣元朗兩校兩快餐店現「毒蹤」 - 頭條日報 Headline Daily | ||||
Does Lili Reinhart have a new beau? Actress says she's dating 'right now' - Tulsa World Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:48 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] Does Lili Reinhart have a new beau? Actress says she's dating 'right now' Tulsa World"Actress" - Google News September 02, 2020 at 05:00PM Does Lili Reinhart have a new beau? Actress says she's dating 'right now' - Tulsa World "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
Ajax post emotional video after selling £40m Donny van de Beek to Manchester United - Daily Mail Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT 'Now it's time... time for the next step': Ajax post emotional video after selling £40m Donny van de Beek to Manchester United with departing hero delivering heartfelt monologue thanking his dad for support during 12 years at the Dutch giantsAjax posted an emotional farewell to Donny van de Beek after the midfielder completed a £40million transfer to Manchester United on Wednesday evening. The Holland international, 23, came through the youth system at the Amsterdam giants and played a major role in the club's run to the semi-finals of the Champions League in 2019. And the Dutch club posted a video marking Van de Beek's time at the club, with the midfielder speaking to his Dad on the phone in the voiceover. ![]() Ajax posted an emotional farewell to midfielder Donny van de Beek on Wednesday 'You were there for my debut. My first goal. You were there for me when they sang my name,' Van de Beek says. 'I am so thankful for all your support from trainers, team-mates, fans and from you guys. Thank you, Dad. Thank you for everything. 'Now it's time. Time for the next step. Time for a new dream.' A product of Ajax's famous academy, the midfielder has made 175 appearances for the Dutch club, scoring 41 goals. ![]() The Holland international, 23, came through the famous academy of the Dutch club ![]() He played a major role in the club's run to the semi-finals of the Champions League in 2019 ![]() Van de Beek left the club on Wednesday and joined Manchester United on a five-year contract He won the Eredivisie and the Dutch Cup in the 2018-19 campaign, and was part of the Ajax side that was beaten by United in the 2017 Europa League final. Van de Beek left the club on Wednesday and joined United on a five-year contract, with an option to extend for a further year, believed to be worth around £107,000-a-week before bonuses. He becomes Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's first signing of the summer and could now form part of an exciting midfield trio alongside Paul Pogba and Bruno Fernandes. ![]() Van de Beek has joined the Red Devils in a £40m transfer and has signed a five-year contract After completing his move, Van de Beek said: 'I cannot begin to explain how incredible an opportunity it is to join a club with such an amazing history. 'I would like to thank everyone at Ajax. I grew up there and I will always have a special bond with the club. 'I am now ready to take the next step in my career and perform at the highest level and there is no higher standard than Manchester United. 'Everyone has told me how amazing the Old Trafford atmosphere is and I am looking forward to experiencing that, once it is safe for the fans to return. 'This team has some of the best midfielders in the world and I know that I can learn from them and also bring my own strengths to the group. ![]() The Dutchman becomes Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's (left) first signing of the summer window 'Having spoken to the manager about his vision for this team, the direction that the club is going in is hugely exciting and I cannot wait to be a part of that.' Solskjaer added: 'Donny has all of the technical attributes needed to perform in this team and has the personality required to succeed at Manchester United. 'His ability to see space, time his movements and read the game will really complement the qualities that we have in midfield and his arrival really strengthens the depth of talent we have in that position. 'Donny's performances in the Eredivisie and in Europe have been excellent over the last few years and we are all looking forward to working with him.' ![]() Van de Beek scored 41 goals in 175 appearances for Ajax after coming through their academy Read more: ![]() Top stories - Google News September 02, 2020 at 11:13AM Ajax post emotional video after selling £40m Donny van de Beek to Manchester United - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT ![]() Lili Reinhart has hinted she is in a relationship with a girl "right now". The 'Riverdale' actress publicly came out as bisexual earlier this year, and has now said that whilst she always knew she liked both men and women, she "didn't date girls" until "right now", sparking speculation she has found love. Lili - who previously dated her co-star Cole Sprouse - told Nylon magazine: "I didn't date girls until I was ... right now. I'd been with a girl when I was 18. This part of my life was never intentionally hidden. My friends and family knew. My cast members knew. "I didn't want to come out and talk about it because I felt that bisexuality was becoming a trend [among celebrities], but I've supported the LGBTQ community since I was a little tween, and it just felt organic. I was like, 'F*** it. Now's the time. It's not something I'm ashamed of. Hey, you. I'm going to be at this protest for LGBTQs for BLM. Come join me.' " The news comes after the 23-year-old actress recently said she's more comfortable with her sexuality now, as she knows she's "clearly" attracted to women. She said: "I thought: 'Do I like girls? I don't know.' As I've gotten older, the answer has become 'Yes. Clearly, I do.' ... I think I just felt at this point in time: Why not? If suddenly I started dating a girl publicly, I didn't want people to be, like, what the ...? Not that I would even owe anyone an explanation. Because I don't." Lili came out in a post on her Instagram Story, in which she showed her support for a protest taking place in West Hollywood for members of the LGBTQ community who are in support of Black Lives Matter. Promoting the event, she wrote: "Although I've never announced it publicly before, I am a proud bisexual woman. And I will be joining this protest today." "Actress" - Google News September 02, 2020 at 05:00PM Does Lili Reinhart have a new beau? Actress says she's dating 'right now' - & "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
T-Mobile CEO privately argues against Trump’s reelection — and warns Democrats - POLITICO Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:44 PM PDT ![]() T-Mobile's chief executive has privately advocated against reelecting President Donald Trump and other Republicans — just a year and a half after Democrats accused the CEO and his predecessor of cozying up to the administration to win approval of its merger with Sprint. But Mike Sievert also has a warning for Trump's critics, cautioning Democrats in a Facebook post last week against extreme-sounding rhetoric that could help the president in November. "Democrats/Liberals, if we want to LOSE THIS ELECTION, we should keep saying and repeating the phrase 'Defund the Police' and associate the phrase with our candidates," Sievert, who heads the country's second largest wireless carrier, wrote following the unrest in Kenosha, Wis. "This phrase is a sure fire way to hand Donald Trump and many R's in Congress another term." Sievert's post, on the locked personal account he shares among friends, was unusually partisan by the standards of corporate leaders who need to maintain relationships with both Republicans and Democrats. An image of the Facebook remarks taken shortly after Sievert posted them was shared with POLITICO. The CEO, who also maintains public social media profiles with thousands of followers, declined to comment. T-Mobile did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday. The company, based in Washington state and serving close to 100 million customers, is partly owned by Germany's Deutsche Telekom and Japan's SoftBank. How we got here: Sievert, a longtime T-Mobile executive, succeeded John Legere as CEO on April 1, the same day the carrier completed its merger with Sprint. The pair had helped usher through the deal, originally valued at $26 billion, after announcing it in 2018. Legere faced Democratic criticism during the merger approval process after T-Mobile spent $195,000 in stays for himself and fellow executives at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., sometimes shelling out more than $2,000 a room per night. (The executives included Sievert, then the company's chief operating officer and president.) The hotel is near the headquarters of the Justice Department, which was reviewing the merger proposal. Democrats including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state accused T-Mobile of trying to curry favor with the administration, while Republicans shrugged off the attacks and Legere insisted he was a longtime patron of Trump properties. CEOs and politics: While many business leaders try to avoid alienating either political party, some executives make exceptions. Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison held a fundraiser for Trump in February, while Comcast executive David Cohen, who has been dialing back his corporate responsibilities this year, has emerged as a notable ally to Biden's campaign. Trump has obsessed over securing loyalty from American companies. He has called on customers to boycott corporations such as Goodyear, because of a ban on employees wearing "MAGA Attire," and AT&T, because of the way its network CNN covers him. Sievert, meanwhile, has mainly kept quiet about his politics, although records tallied by the Center for Responsive Politics show 2016 and 2018 donations to Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.). Sievert speaks up: His first five months as CEO have already included a spat with one of Trump's favorite cable news hosts, Fox's Tucker Carlson, who warned viewers during a June segment about Black Lives Matter that the movement's supporters will "come for you." "Bye-bye Tucker Carlson!" Sievert tweeted, adding the hashtag Black Lives Matter and swearing off any T-Mobile advertising on the Fox program. (T-Mobile appears on a liberal watchdog group's list of companies that have stopped running ads on Carlson's show.) His advice for Democrats: In the Facebook post, Sievert expressed sympathy with the goals of the Defund the Police movement, including a demand for more accountability for law enforcement officers and "better non-policing solutions" to social problems. He called himself "aghast" at the Aug. 23 shooting of Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man, by Kenosha police. However, the wrong message or tactics will only drive away moderate voters, Sievert wrote, drawing on his experience as a marketing expert. "[I]f the mantra becomes 'Defund the Police' or worse, if we start to riot and tear down buildings or incite violence in response, the other guy wins. THE OTHER GUY WINS," Sievert cautioned. "And the changes we want, and demand, don't come about anytime soon." "Mobile" - Google News September 02, 2020 at 02:40PM T-Mobile CEO privately argues against Trump's reelection — and warns Democrats - POLITICO "Mobile" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
元モー娘。鞘師里保、新事務所への所属を発表 篠原涼子、ユースケ所属「ジャパン・ミュージックエンターテインメント」(クランクイン!) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:34 PM PDT [unable to retrieve full-text content] 元モー娘。鞘師里保、新事務所への所属を発表 篠原涼子、ユースケ所属「ジャパン・ミュージックエンターテインメント」(クランクイン!) Yahoo!ニュース"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース September 02, 2020 at 03:06PM 元モー娘。鞘師里保、新事務所への所属を発表 篠原涼子、ユースケ所属「ジャパン・ミュージックエンターテインメント」(クランクイン!) - Yahoo!ニュース "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
"Buffy"-Star Sarah Michelle Gellar zeigt Braut-Outfit - Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT ![]() In Hollywood halten viele Beziehungen nicht lang, ihre aber schon: Sarah Michelle Gellar feiert 18 Jahre Eheglück mit ihrem berühmten Mann Freddie Prinze Jr. und zeigt in welchem Kleid sie damals Ja gesagt hat. Seit 2002 sind Sarah Michelle Gellar und Freddie Prinze Jr. mittlerweile verheiratet. Zur Feier des Tages veröffentlichte die Schauspielerin, die vielen aus ihrer Rolle als Buffy in der Serie "Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen" bekannt ist, zwei Fotos von der Hochzeit. Ein Blick in die VergangenheitDie 43-Jährige und ihr 44-jähriger Mann halten auf den beiden Schwarzweißfotos, die Gellar mit ihren rund 3,3 Millionen Fans teilt, liebevoll Händchen. Sie trägt ein weißes langes Kleid in A-Line und einen langen Schleier. Die Haare der Amerikanerin sind zu einem schlichten Dutt gebunden. Prinze Jr. entschied sich für einen weißen Anzug, eine Brille sitzt auf seiner Nase und beide sehen glücklich aus. Prinze Jr. ist auf den Bildern verlinkt, er selbst veröffentlichte allerdings keine privaten Eindrücke zum Hochzeitstag. Der Schauspieler zeigt auf der Sozial-Media-Plattform lieber sein Essen in unterschiedlichsten Formen. Bei gemeinsamen Dreharbeiten kennengelerntKennengelernt hat sich das Paar im Jahr 1997 bei gemeinsamen Dreharbeiten zum Horrorfilm "Ich weiß, was du letzten Sommer getan hast". Gellar ist im Film mit Bryan zusammen, der von Ryan Phillippe gespielt wird. Prinze ist mit Julie in einer Beziehung, die von Jennifer Love Hewitt verkörpert wurde. Die zwei Paare fahren im Film betrunken einen Mann an, glauben, dass er tot ist und schmeißen ihn ins Meer. Danach werden sie von einem Unbekannten verfolgt und bedroht. Gellar und Prinze Jr. wurden drei Jahre nach den Dreharbeiten ein Liebespaar und verlobten sich bereits kurze Zeit später, im April 2001. Gut ein Jahr danach feierten sie 2002 ihre Hochzeit in Mexiko. Die beiden haben zwei Kinder: die zehnjährige Tochter Charlotte Grace und den achtjährigen Sohn Rocky James. September 02, 2020 at 10:10AM "Buffy"-Star Sarah Michelle Gellar zeigt Braut-Outfit - langes Kleid | ||||
Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT ![]() New Manchester United signing Donny Van de Been has revealed he is excited by the direction the club is going under manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, after sealing his £40m move on Wednesday evening. The 23-year-old attacking midfielder has enjoyed an impressive few seasons at Ajax, his performances in the Champions League in particular catching the eye of a number of Europe's biggest names – including Real Madrid. Despite having been heavily linked with a move to the Spanish capital prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dutch international sealed a swift move to Old Trafford which will see him link up with the likes of Paul Pogba and Bruno Fernandes in central midfield. That mouthwatering crop of midfield talent is a further indication of the gradual improvement that Solskjaer has made to his playing squad since his arrival at the club in December 2018. With the Red Devils securing third place and a much coveted Champions League spot last term, Van de Beek certainly believes there are exciting times ahead at United, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer having outlined his 'vision' for the club. "I cannot begin to explain how incredible an opportunity it is to join a club with such an amazing history," he told
"I would like to thank everyone at Ajax. I grew up there and I will always have a special bond with the club. "I am now ready to take the next step in my career and perform at the highest level and there is no higher standard than Manchester United. "Everyone has told me how amazing the Old Trafford atmosphere is and I am looking forward to experiencing that, once it is safe for the fans to return. "This team has some of the best midfielders in the world and I know that I can learn from them and also bring my own strengths to the group. "Having spoken to the manager about his vision for this team, the direction that the club is going in is hugely exciting and I cannot wait to be a part of that." United's European exploits mean that they will miss the opening weekend of the season, Solskjaer's side having to wait until September 19 when they face Crystal Palace at Old Trafford. Read – Rating the 10 players Man United have signed from the Eredivise See also – Six of the most in-demand midfielders in European Football this summer Top stories - Google News September 02, 2020 at 10:26AM Van de Beek excited by Man Utd direction under Solskjaer after completing £40m switch - The Football Faithful Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
David Blaine's death-defying balloon stunt was surprisingly fun to watch - Polygon Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT With all due respect to David Blaine, his latest stunt sounded boring on paper. He would fly into the air while holding onto a few balloons, then safely parachute back to Earth ... and that's exactly what happened. But after watching the entire affair streamed live on YouTube, I have to admit: David Blaine made "real-life Up" into a thrill ride. The stunt itself is called "Ascension," and it really is as simple as it sounds. Using a bunch of specially designed helium-filled balloons attached to a harness, Blaine would float high into the sky — before he took off, estimates were putting his flight's apex at about 18,000 feet. Once he got high enough, he'd cut himself loose and parachute to safety. To his immense credit, Blaine — who is as good at marketing as he is at death-defying feats — knows that there's no point in doing an unbelievable stunt if no one sees it. So he's been promoting "Ascension" on YouTube since early August, when he released the first teaser. Next, Blaine went on what amounts to a press tour of YouTubers and influencers including Charli and Dixie D'Amelio and Casey Neistat. At each stop, he explained a little more about the stunt and all the preparation and training that would go into pulling it off. All this promotion eventually led up to Wednesday, the day he would actually ascend live on a special YouTube Originals stream. Even while watching the final moments of preparation, nothing about the prospect of the stunt felt particularly interesting. While he was standing on the ground, surrounded by a camera and his safety crew, it seemed fairly obvious that the chances of success were high. David Blaine may do some dangerous things, but the whole point of a death-defying stunt is to defy death. Plus, there was video proof of all the prep work he had been doing — both successful and unsuccessful. In other words, the stakes felt low while all the balloons were being attached to Blaine's custom harness. Then he left the ground. Once Blaine was in the air, suspended exclusively by a few comically large balloons, "Ascension" turned into the spectacle the illusionist had been promising. After just a few hundred feet, the ground started to change from the distinct airstrip he took off from to the vague terrain features most of us are used to seeing only from airplanes (or, I guess, Microsoft Flight Simulator). Once he reached an altitude of 4,500 feet, the feed switched over to a helicopter shot, and the pure ridiculousness of it all became glaringly, terrifyingly obvious. ![]() But while the helicopter shots of him against the landscape were impressive, they couldn't hold a candle to the shots we got from Blaine's own point of view. His balloon rig came equipped with several cameras designed to give us an inside look at all the intricacies of his flight. At one point, somewhere around 7,000 feet, Blaine began putting on his parachute. It started out smoothly: He put both straps over his shoulders and fastened them across his chest. Then he got to the leg straps, and missed his first attempt. For a few seconds, Blaine looked up and just sort of stared out across the landscape, nearly 8,000 feet in the air. (At that point, he was climbing at around 500 feet a minute.) There's no real way to know what he was thinking in that moment. He could have been calming himself down, or just drinking it in. Perhaps he wasn't anxious at all about missing the strap, but I definitely was. Maybe it was all just Blaine's great performer's instincts, because when you see a hitch in a stunt, all the horrible possibilities start to slip into your head. After all, we knew he practiced for this moment, but he'd never done this part before. He'd never floated 9,000 feet above the Earth and fumbled his first attempt at putting on the one thing that could get him back to the ground safely. ![]() Whatever happened in that moment, it didn't seem to matter much to Blaine. After his brief pause, he looked back down at the leg strap and fastened it on his next try. From then on, the flight progressed smoothly. Just one man, strapped to more than a dozen comically large balloons floating thousands of feet above the ground. He even had a few short and very sweet phone calls with his young daughter, who was there to watch. As he continued to climb, Blaine pulled out an oxygen tank to help compensate for the thinner air. There was only one scary step left looming: the jump. Many thousands of feet after he attached his parachute, somewhere just below 25,000 feet, with over 700,000 people watching live on YouTube, David Blaine detached from his balloons and began plummeting toward the ground. Technically, this was the most normal part of the whole stunt: It's just a slightly-higher-than-normal skydive. But when he cut himself loose from the balloons, I still held my breath all the way down until his parachute finally opened. Once it did, Blaine slowly drifted back to the ground, negotiating with his crew to find the safest spot to land in the Arizona desert before finally touching down safely. ![]() In the end, the stunt was both exactly what I thought it would be and a whole lot more. It was, in fact, just a dude floating above the Earth using huge balloons, but it was also weirdly thrilling, and an excellent way to spend a few hours of my morning. The YouTube stream's description says that Blaine's intention was to bring everyone a positive distraction. He did that. A few minutes after his safe touchdown, the stream ended with an abrupt cut to a black screen letting me know that the whole thrilling thing was filmed while following the strictest CDC and OSHA recommendations on safety, testing, and social distancing. And suddenly, I really missed the view of David Blaine, 25,000 feet in the air, attached to a bunch of big-ass balloons. Top stories - Google News September 02, 2020 at 02:32PM David Blaine's death-defying balloon stunt was surprisingly fun to watch - Polygon Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
紗栄子 生活の基盤を栃木県大田原市に…殺処分になる馬のセカンドライフ築きたい - デイリースポーツ Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:49 PM PDT 紗栄子 生活の基盤を栃木県大田原市に…殺処分になる馬のセカンドライフ築きたい - デイリースポーツ ![]() モデルでタレントの紗栄子が2日、インスタグラム更新。「このたびアイランドホースリゾート那須という牧場をNASU FARM VILLAGEと新たに名称を変更し、私が代表を務めるThink FUTURE社で運営に携わらせて頂くことになりました」と報告した。自身の生活の基盤も栃木県大田原市に移したとしている。 紗栄子は「私がここで目指すのは、殺処分になる馬たちのセカンドライフを築くこと」と趣旨を説明。「殺処分となる競争馬たちをこの牧場で引き取り、穏やかな環境でもう一度人と触れ合い、自信を取り戻すことのできるように、"馬を守るための事業"を通して保護馬が新たに輝ける場所を提供したい」としている。 また、「牧場があるのは、栃木県の北東部に位置する大田原市で、私の生活の基盤もこちらへ移し、今この文章も大好きな牧場を見ながら書いています」と投稿した。 紗栄子は「牧場運営をしていく中で、たくさんの大きな問題があることがわかってきました。例えば、避雷針がないこと。馬たちは蹄鉄という靴のようなものを履いているため地面に落ちた雷を通じて体に電流が流れた場合、大きな命の危険があります」と説明。「避雷針以外にも厩舎の老朽化、牧草の手入れなど課題が山積みなのが現状です」とし、「本来ならば自己資金で安全対策のための設備投資や環境整備をするべきなのでしょうが、あまりにもその費用が大きく、賛同者のご支援なしでは馬を守る事業を進められないとクラウドファンディングを本日から開始させて頂くことになりました」と資金を募った。 2020-09-02 13:13:08Z | ||||
Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT 'A shelter in the time of storm': When on campus is safer than online - The Christian Science Monitor ![]() College often provides more than just a place to study and socialize. For students of color living with the twin threats of racism and a pandemic, it plays an additional role: a safe space. As college leaders continue to debate whether it's safe to reopen campuses, the presidents of many of the nation's minority-serving institutions are arguing that it would be dangerous not to – with risk of exposure to the coronavirus at home, for example. Two-thirds of the private historically Black colleges and universities that are members of the United Negro College Fund have settled on a hybrid approach for the fall, offering both in-person and remote options. "They know they provide a refuge for students," says Brian Bridges, vice president of research and member engagement for UNCF. Benedict College, a small private HBCU in Columbia, South Carolina, is among those schools that has invited students back. "I don't criticize anyone for being closed," says Roslyn Artis, the school's president. "These are decisions unique to campuses and the demographics they serve." When the coronavirus pandemic shut down colleges nationwide in the spring, Fabeina Riggins returned home to her three younger siblings, three dogs and a cat – and lots of distractions. The walls of her California home were thin, and the house would echo with the sound of multiple Zoom calls. So when her institution, Benedict College, offered students the option of returning to campus this fall, Ms. Riggins jumped at it. "I knew I needed to come to campus," she says. "I just needed to separate myself." Ms. Riggins, a sophomore, is one 678 students now living on the Columbia, South Carolina, campus – a third of the usual number. Roslyn Artis, president of Benedict, a historically Black college, is acutely aware of the health challenges of reopening during a pandemic. She has implemented precautions to protect staff and students in recent weeks, spending tens of thousands of dollars to do so. But as Ms. Artis sees it, there would be risks in remaining fully remote, too. Many of her students come from multi-generational homes, where they have to compete for access to computers and broadband. Twelve percent live in rural areas with no internet at all. Home isn't always the safest place, either. Some students come from dangerous neighborhoods; others live in cramped apartments with family members who work in high-risk jobs. As college leaders continue to debate whether it's safe to reopen campuses, the presidents of many of the nation's minority-serving institutions are arguing that it would be dangerous not to. Two-thirds of the private historically Black colleges and universities, or HBCUs, that are members of the United Negro College Fund – including Benedict – have settled on a hybrid approach for the fall, offering both in-person and remote options. "They know they provide a refuge for students," says Brian Bridges, vice president of research and member engagement for UNCF. "Where would I go?"In a survey conducted by UNCF in June, more than 80% of students at member colleges said they preferred either in-person classes or a mix of in-person and online. Nearly a quarter said they were unlikely to return if courses were entirely online. Mikal Conner, a senior at Benedict College, says he returned to campus because he doesn't learn as well online. As the first in his family to attend college, he wants to finish his final year strong. "My grandma is very spiritual, and she's praying to God that I graduate," he says. Mr. Conner worried that if he had remained at home, learning online and interacting in the community, his mother and grandmother might have been at risk because they have underlying health conditions. "If I were to catch it, where would I go?" he wonders. Communities of color have been hit disproportionately hard by the pandemic, with Black, Hispanic, and Native Americans becoming infected at a rate more than twice that of white Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They're also more likely to have lost jobs during the pandemic, in part because they are less likely to have a college degree, research by Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce shows. In April, when unemployment rates peaked, close to 20 percent of Americans with a high school diploma or less were out of work, compared to 9 percent with a bachelor's degree or higher. These statistics underscore how critical it will be to keep students enrolled through the pandemic, Mr. Bridges says. "Students need these degrees to break the cycle of poverty that exists in so many of their families," he says. "We don't want to lose a generation of Black college students." A safe space – with rulesFor low-income students of all races, college is often more than a place to study and socialize. As Cynthia Warrick, president of Stillman College, a small Tuscaloosa, Alabama, HBCU puts it, "This is where they get their internet. This is where they get their food. This is where they get their safe housing." After campuses closed last spring, rates of hunger and homelessness among college students spiked, a survey by the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice showed. Benedict gave food subsidies to 250 students, and housing subsidies to 90. But for students of color living with the twin threats of racism and a pandemic, minority-serving institutions like Benedict play an additional role: They are a safe space, "a shelter in the time of storm," to quote Mr. Bridges and the biblical hymn. "It's an affirmative place to be, a safe place to be, a place that wants you to be there – so long as you're following the rules," says Cynthia Teniente-Matson, president of Texas A&M-San Antonio, a Hispanic-Serving Institution. At Benedict, the list of rules this year is long – and strictly enforced. Curfew is midnight, and students must pass through a security gate when returning to campus. Masks and social distancing are mandatory. Students have been put on notice that they will be "excised from the community" if they break the rules, Ms. Artis says. She's already dismissed a couple who "thought their relationship absolved them of the community standard." She has also capitalized on the sense of shared responsibility that small colleges cultivate. She's asked students to hold each other accountable, and to protect one another and their professors. So far, four students have tested positive in the first four weeks of the semester. Benedict, like many small, private colleges – and HBCUs in particular – was struggling financially even before the pandemic hit. This semester, its enrollment fell 12 percent, costing the college $2.4 million in tuition revenue. Combined with $1.8 million in lost housing revenue from the dropouts and the students studying online, the college faced a $4-million budget hole heading into the school year. Ms. Artis is worried that she'll lose even more students this spring if her campus doesn't reopen fully. But she bristles at the suggestion that colleges like hers "are only open because they're concerned about the money." With most overhead costs fixed, "I'm losing money every day," she says. "I don't criticize anyone for being closed," she adds, acknowledging that her approach to containment might not work at a large college with a porous perimeter. "These are decisions unique to campuses and the demographics they serve." A month into its reopening, Benedict looks and feels different than it did last fall, Ms. Artis says. Pathways are unidirectional, and purple and gold dots – the school's colors – are on the ground marking off six-foot increments. The food court is grab-and-go, and the cafeterias are monitored by repurposed coaches. In the classroom, students sit six feet apart, separated from their professors by plexiglass barriers. To Ms. Riggins, who came to campus to escape her noisy, chaotic home, it's almost too quiet. "I miss how it was, everybody being on campus," she says. Still, with so many of her friends stuck studying at home, she adds, "I'm grateful to be back." 2020-09-02 19:42:00Z | ||||
『フォートナイト』にブラックパンサーのモニュメントが出現。チャドウィック・ボーズマン追悼の場になる - AUTOMATON Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:47 AM PDT 『フォートナイト』にブラックパンサーのモニュメントが出現。チャドウィック・ボーズマン追悼の場になる - AUTOMATON ![]() 『フォートナイト』にて9月1日、ブラックパンサーの像が出現した。『フォートナイト』チャプター2シーズン4ではMARVELとの大規模なクロスオーバーが実現され、マーベルヒーローに関連したロケーションが続々登場している。とくにブラックパンサーの像は注目を集めているようだ。 ![]()
ブラックパンサーは、マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース版「ブラックパンサー」と、同名のコミックの主人公だ。本名はティ・チャラ。世界でもっとも発達した技術を持ちながら、隔絶されたアフリカの架空の国家ワカンダの王である。この国でのみ産出される特殊な金属ヴィヴラニウムのスーツをまとい、天才的な知性と鍛え抜かれた格闘術で戦うスーパーヒーローだ。 2018年に公開された映画「ブラックパンサー」は、世界中で大ヒットし全世界で130億ドルの興行収入と、アメコミヒーロー映画では初のアカデミー賞作品賞候補という快挙を達成した作品。そして主役であるブラックパンサーを演じたのが、俳優チャドウィック・ボーズマン氏だ。残念ながらチャドウィック・ボーズマン氏は8月28日、大腸がんにより43歳の若さで死去した。黒いヒョウの像が現れたのは、同氏が亡くなってからわずか4日後のことである。 ただしEpic Gamesはボーズマン氏の訃報をうけて、突然ブラックパンサーの像を設置したわけではない。この像の追加は、シーズン4が始まるずっと前から決定していたようだ。Epic Gamesは海外メディアKotakuに対しコメントを出している。「世界中の人々と同様、チャドウィック・ボーズマン氏の死去を知って悲しみにつつまれています。ブラックパンサーのモニュメントは、チャプター2シーズン4のナラティブの一環として追加されました」。 偶然にもEpic Gamesによるブラックパンサーのモニュメント追加と、ボーズマン氏の訃報が時期的に重なってしまったのだ。それでもブラックパンサーの像をマップで見かければ、同氏を思い出さずにはいられない。人格者でもあったボーズマン氏とブラックパンサーを重ねて見る人は多いのだろう。TwitterとReddit上ではブラックパンサー像の画像を添えて彼に哀悼の意を示す投稿がされている。ボーズマン氏への追悼は沢山の人がSNS上で行っていたが、それの『フォートナイト』版といったところだろう。こちらについてはEurogamerなどが報じている。 『フォートナイト』ではシーズン4の開始からブラックパンサーの像を筆頭に、毎日のようにマップが変化している。たとえばアントマンをテーマにした「アントマナー」が、ウィーピングウッズの北に登場中だ。巨大な犬小屋が設置され、自分がアリのように小さく感じられるロケーションとなっている。ほかにもアイアンマンの設置した装置が、島の各地で確認されていたりと、次々と新要素が追加されている。『フォートナイト』チャプター2シーズン4の今後の展開からも目が離せない。 2020-09-02 07:10:33Z | ||||
『私の家政夫ナギサさん』特別編、新婚早々夫婦喧嘩が勃発!? - ドワンゴジェイピーnews Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:47 AM PDT 『私の家政夫ナギサさん』特別編、新婚早々夫婦喧嘩が勃発!? - ドワンゴジェイピーnews 昨日、9月1日(火)に最終回を迎えた火曜ドラマ『私の家政夫ナギサさん』。その放送終了後に『私の家政夫ナギサさん 新婚おじキュン!特別編』の放送をサプライズで発表! 来週9月8日(火)よる8時57分から2時間スペシャルでお届けする。 特別編では本編のスペシャルダイジェストに加え、メイ(多部未華子)とナギサさん(大森南朋)の新婚生活や、田所(瀬戸康史)ら登場人物のその後が描かれる。ぜひご覧いただきたい。 ■ 特別編(9月8日放送)あらすじ メイ(多部未華子)とナギサさん(大森南朋)が結婚して1カ月が経ったある日。慣れない新婚生活の中で、お互いに少しずつ溜まってきたうっぷんが、ついに爆発!! 2人ははじめての夫婦喧嘩をしてしまう・・・。メイは薫(高橋メアリージュン)ら天保山製薬の面々に、ナギサさんはお隣さんである田所(瀬戸康史) に話を聞いてもらうことに。一方、相談を受けた田所や薫たちにも、様々な変化があって・・・? <岩崎愛奈プロデューサーコメント> 最終話の台本が完成したと同時に、「メイとナギサさんはその後もちゃんと仲良く暮らせているの!? 田所さんや、天保山製薬の面々も元気にしているの!?」と、まるでお母さんのようなことを思ってしまいました。そのくらい、私たちにとって思い入れのある愛すべき登場人物たちです。そんなわけで、どうしても<その後>を描かずにはいられなかったのです。夫婦になったメイとナギサさんの結婚生活には、一体どんなことが起きるのでしょうか。1話から最終話までの名場面を振り返りながら、新婚のふたりの日常を覗き見してみてください! きっと思わずにやけてしまうはず。お楽しみに! (C)TBS 2020-09-02 08:30:00Z | ||||
飲食影響智商|偷懶唔煮常食快餐速食小朋友智力或低於同齡兒童 - 香港01 Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:38 AM PDT ![]() 在新冠肺炎疫情持續的情況下,為了家人健康着想,當然還是少外出為妙!因此,不少家庭食外賣、快餐甚至零食的頻率亦相對增加。而這些「垃圾食物」對身體有不良影響是眾所周知,但有很多壞處卻是超乎你想像! 家人如有時間 即煮即食最好 英國倫敦大學曾對4千位3至5歲的蘇格蘭地區兒童進行一項有關速食習慣的調查,結果發現,常吃現煮新鮮食物的小朋友,智力高於速食為主的小朋友。不過該項研究亦帶出殘酷的一面,常吃速食的小朋友多數是父母忙於工作的基層貧窮家庭,大部份有餘力為小朋友準備三餐的家庭,多擁有較高社經地位,因此,小朋友愈吃速食學習表現、成績自然受影響,不排除將來成就亦會下降一截。 另一方面,專家亦強調食物對智力的影響恐怕是不可逆的,若大腦發育已受阻,恢復正常飲食也補救不回來,因此希望家長們一定要特別注意小朋友的飲食。 多大程度影響智商? 上文提及的研究指速食會影響智商的結果相信大家也不意外,但具體到底有多嚴重,相信大家未必有概念,因此以下有一些數字家長可以參考。 2012年澳洲阿德萊德大學的研究指出,常吃速食的小朋友平均智力低於正常飲食孩童2%;2010年,美國研究指出,3歲就開始常吃餅乾、薯條等食物的小朋友,5年後即8歲,智力會低於同齡學童5%;直接看最傳統的IQ測示分數,滿8歲半的小朋友平均智商為106,根據英國布里斯托爾大學的一項研究,三歲時每次進食垃圾食品,智商或可落後1.67點。 參考:3 damage before the age of children eat junk food IQ 相關文章:【兒童智商】3歲前飲食關鍵期 食太多加工食品IQ會下降 September 02, 2020 at 02:30AM 飲食影響智商|偷懶唔煮常食快餐速食小朋友智力或低於同齡兒童 - 香港01 | ||||
加山雄三、現在の容態を報告「がぶ飲みしちゃったんだよな」(コメントあり) - ナタリー Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:17 AM PDT 加山雄三、現在の容態を報告「がぶ飲みしちゃったんだよな」(コメントあり) - ナタリー [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-09-02 05:53:00Z | ||||
Selena Gomez shows off her incredible weight loss in bodysuit - Daily Mail Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:08 AM PDT Selena Gomez looks slimmer than ever in a bodysuit after being body shamed last year: 'I have Lupus so I fluctuate in my weight a lot'Selena Gomez showed off her slender figure for her new Ice Cream music video that debuted last week. And on Tuesday more images from the shoot where the 28-year-old was in a black Puma bodysuit were posted on Tik Tok, revealing the former Disney star is slimmer than ever. That same day the siren talked to Cosmopolitan magazine about her changing weight and how she feels 'insecure' these days. ![]() Haute stuff: Selena Gomez showed off her slender figure for her new Ice Cream music video that debuted last week ![]() Slim: And on Tuesday more images from the shoot where the 28-year-old was in a black Puma bodysuit were posted on Tik Tok, revealing the former Disney star is slimmer than ever A year ago the Rare songbird said that she was body shamed online for putting on a few pounds. The cause of the weight gain was medications she took to help her combat Lupus. The former child star was diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune condition causing inflammation to the joints, skin and other organs, according to the National Health Society (NHS). Her condition got so dire, Selena had to have kidney transplant surgery after facing kidney failure. The star talked about her body as she plugged her new beauty brand Rare to Cosmo. ![]() Shamed for this: This comes a year after the Rare songbird, seen on the far right with her friends, said that she was body shamed online for putting on a few pounds. The cause of the weight gain was medications she took to help her combat Lupus ![]() ![]() New shape: The former child star was diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune condition causing inflammation to the joints, skin and other organs, according to the National Health Society (NHS). Her condition got so dire, Selena had to have kidney transplant surgery after facing kidney failure ![]() Style it sporty like Selena in PumaSelena Gomez knocked our socks off in her latest TikTok post! The superstar looks nothing short of sensational in a Puma unitard. Hailing from the brand's Classics line, this one-piece features a flattering fitted design, with a scoop neckline and spaghetti straps, completed with side stripes and logo detailing. The great news? It's available to buy at Footasylum, so go ahead and click (right) to buy it now. Or take your pick from our edit below. Team your chosen unitard with a denim jacket and trainers for instant style. ...NOW GET ONE LIKE IT ![]() ![]() ![]() New words: This week the star was plugging her new beauty brand Rare to Cosmopolitan magazine. She said she worked on the line after feeling 'insecure' with her looks ![]() Any woman can relate: 'I've gotten insecure. I also have lupus so I fluctuate in my weight a lot, so I've had to learn pretty early to have thick skin when it comes to this stuff and to understand that it doesn't matter at all. It's just hateful. It's all it is,' she admitted She said she worked on the line after feeling 'insecure' with her looks. 'I've gotten insecure. I also have lupus so I fluctuate in my weight a lot, so I've had to learn pretty early to have thick skin when it comes to this stuff and to understand that it doesn't matter at all. It's just hateful. It's all it is,' she admitted to the publication this week. 'So I wanted to find a way to make this brand into a community - into a lifestyle that's beyond make-up and showing you how to apply it.' The Texas native added: 'It's about talking about makeup and the relationship you have [with it]. 'I don't want this to be about me. I know obviously it's created by me, but I would be more proud to see the mission we have behind it as well as enjoy it.' ![]() ![]() A new body for 2020: The star was also seen in her Ice Cream video wearing a yellow suit. It was yellow and white and off the shoulder as she added gold jewelry ![]() Related: 'So I wanted to find a way to make this brand into a community - into a lifestyle that's beyond make-up and showing you how to apply it. 'It's about talking about makeup and the relationship you have [with it],' she told Cosmo In November 2019 the star told vodcast Giving Back Generation she had to go on medication to treat her Lupus. That made her add some weight. 'I have lupus and deal with kidney issues and high blood pressure, so I deal with a lot of health issues, and for me, that's when I really started noticing more of the body image stuff,' she stated. The cover girl felt attacked on social media for her new shape. No one knew at the time she was treating her Lupus. 'It's the medication I have to take for the rest of my life—it depends on even the month, to be honest,' she said. ![]() Another Ice Cream look: She added, 'I don't want this to be about me. I know obviously it's created by me, but I would be more proud to see the mission we have behind it as well as enjoy it' 'So for me, I really noticed when people started attacking me for that. And in reality, that's just my truth. I fluctuate. It depends on what's happening in my life.' The cruel comments caused her to hide. 'That got me big time,' she said. 'That really messed me up for a bit.' In 2019 she found a way to deal with the pressure. 'I'm very happy with living my life and being present,' she said. ![]() Up close: The singer also told Cosmo that after growing up in the spotlight, she soon became aware of her looks by comparing herself to others in the industry ![]() Makeup is a part of her life: 'This area has always been a part of my life. I've been working since I was seven. And as I got older and started working on my show [Wizards of Waverly Place], it was such an important part of my character,' she noted 'Because that's it. Similar to me posting a photo and walking away; for me that's it. I will do a red carpet, I will do whatever; I don't need to see it; I participated; I felt wonderful and that's where the extent of it is. 'I don't care to expose myself to everyone and hear what they have to say.' The singer also told Cosmo that she has been wearing makeup since age seven. 'This area has always been a part of my life. I've been working since I was seven. And as I got older and started working on my show [Wizards of Waverly Place], it was such an important part of my character,' she said. 'And then music became a part of my life, and I realized [make-up] was crucial to the entire story of a music video.' But then feels of insecurity came up. 'I started noticing when I would get to the place where I'd compare myself to other people or when I'd look in the mirror and think, "Okay, what can I do to look this way?"' she admitted. ![]() Makeup life: 'And then music became a part of my life, and I realized [make-up] was crucial to the entire story of a music video. But I started noticing when I would get to the place where I'd compare myself to other people or when I'd look in the mirror and think, "Okay, what can I do to look this way?"' she also said Read more: Top stories - Google News September 01, 2020 at 09:06AM Selena Gomez shows off her incredible weight loss in bodysuit - Daily Mail Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
BTS Makes History With ‘Dynamite’ Debuting At No.1 - uDiscover Music Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:08 AM PDT ![]() K-pop superstars BTS have shattered another world record with their hit track "Dynamite" debuting at the No.1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100, making them the first Korean band to achieve this feat. The previous highest record for a Korean artist had been set by PSY's "Gangnam Style," which hit No.2 for seven weeks. Before that, Far East Movement topped the charts for three non-consecutive weeks in 2010, with two of the three members being of Korean descent. "Dynamite" edged out the No.2 competitor "WAP" by Cardi B feat. Megan Thee Stallion and No. 3, "Laugh Now Cry Later" by Drake feat. Lil Durk. BTS' previous highest charting in the U.S. was their No. 4 song "ON," back in February. According to Forbes, with 265,000 copies of the single sold, BTS outsold every other song on the Top 50 chart combined. The sum of the remaining 49 tracks comes out to just under 250,000 copies, giving a wide margin between BTS and every other artist. "'Dynamite' is made of positive vibes, energy, hope, love, the purity, everything,' BTS group-member RM recently told Apple Music's Zane Lowe. "We made this song in hopes of giving energy to the listeners. We hope our fans can listen to it to receive the positive energy we tried to incorporate in the song." Contributing to the success of the single – besides the devoted fanbase the group has amassed – may have been the four different versions of "Dynamite" that were released. Along with the original, the group also dropped an instrumental B-side, an acoustic version, and an EDM mix. Those four tracks occupied the No.1 position through 4 spots on iTunes following their release. To finish their victory lap, BTS performed "Dynamite" last night at MTV's VMAs in front of a green-screen projection of iconic New York locations, which ended with a fireworks display over the NYC skyline. The group also cleaned up the show, picking up awards for "Best Pop," "Best K-Pop," "Best Group," and "Best Choreography." Following the success of their chart success and MTV performance, BTS also shared a new single, "Ioniq: I'm On It," that coincides with the launch of Hyundai's line of Ioniq electric and hybrid cars. The official music video for "Ioniq: I'm On It" is also set to drop this Wednesday (Sept. 2). Listen to the best of BTS on Apple Music and Spotify. Top stories - Google News August 31, 2020 at 02:22PM BTS Makes History With 'Dynamite' Debuting At No.1 - uDiscover Music Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||
Actress and Sampha Team Up on New Song 'Walking Flames' - Our Culture - Our Culture Mag Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:48 AM PDT ![]() Actress, the moniker of electronic producer Darren Cunningham, has shared a new song featuring Sampha called 'Walking Flames'. It's the lead single from Actress' upcoming album, Karma & Desire, set for release on October 23 via Ninja Tune. Check it out below, and scroll down for the album's tracklist. According Cunningham, the album is "a romantic tragedy set between the heavens and the underworld" that tackles "the same sort of things that I like to talk about — love, death, technology, the questioning of one's being." Also featuring appearances from Zsela, Aura T-09, and more, Karma & Desire marks the producer's second LP this year after releasing 88 for free on Bandcamp in July. Karma & Desire Tracklist: "Actress" - Google News September 02, 2020 at 12:50AM Actress and Sampha Team Up on New Song 'Walking Flames' - Our Culture - Our Culture Mag "Actress" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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