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お化け好きに贈るエンターテインメント・マガジン「怪と幽」とハードコアチョコレートがまさかのコラボレーション!諸星大二郎先生のイラストで独特な世界観を表現! - 朝日新聞社

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:34 PM PDT

有限会社ハードコアチョコレート(本社:東京都中野区、代表取締役:宗方 雅也、以下 ハードコアチョコレート)は、株式会社KADOKAWA発行「怪と幽」とコラボレーションしたアパレル商品を2020年9月19日(土)に発売いたします。




定価 :4,400円(税込)
S :着丈65cm×身幅49cm
M :着丈69cm×身幅52cm
L :着丈73cm×身幅55cm
XL :着丈77cm×身幅58cm

○東中野 ハードコアチョコレートヘッドショップ

○ハードコアチョコレート大阪 (Google Map)

○ハードコアチョコレート オンラインストア



【怪と幽Presents ひどい民話を語る会】

「怪と幽Presents ひどい民話を語る会」


2020年9月19日(土) 15:00~16:30
※アーカイブは配信後72時間(9月22日(火) 16:30まで)視聴可能。

(1)視聴のみ 2,000円
(2)オリジナルエコバッグ&3名のサイン入り団扇付きチケット 5,000円(限定50)
(3)「怪と幽」定期購読者 1,500円



商号 : 有限会社ハードコアチョコレート
所在地 : 〒164-0003 東京都中野区東中野4丁目10-16 クレールOSY 1F
設立 : 2002年2月
代表者 : 代表取締役 宗方 雅也
事業内容: Tシャツほか衣類のデザイン、製造、販売



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"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
September 18, 2020 at 09:11PM

お化け好きに贈るエンターテインメント・マガジン「怪と幽」とハードコアチョコレートがまさかのコラボレーション!諸星大二郎先生のイラストで独特な世界観を表現! - 朝日新聞社
"エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース
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래퍼 딘딘 “조현영과 사귀었다…후배 만나려고 거짓말하고 이별” - 동아일보

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:22 PM PDT
조현영이 운영하는 유튜브 채널 '조현영티비' 방송화면 갈무리
래퍼 딘딘이 걸그룹 레인보우 출신 가수 조현영과 교제한 적 있다고 고백했다.

딘딘은 지난 18일 조현영이 운영하는 유튜브 채널 '딘딘 이 사랑스런 친구야 우리가 사귀었다고??' 편에 출연했다. 딘딘 출연하기 앞서 조현영은 그와 초등학생때부터 고등학생때까지 같은 동네에 쭉 살며 알고 지낸 친구사이라고 소개했다.

딘딘은 친구인 조현영에 대해 "이런 거까지 말해도 되나" 라고 머뭇거리더니 "중3 때 조현영과 사귀었다"고 고백했다.

하지만 이를 들은 조현영은 "무슨 소리하는 거야. 아니야. 너랑 사귄 적 없어. 내가 너랑 언제 사귀었냐"라고 부인하며 펄쩍 뛰었다.
또다시 딘딘은 "맞다. 중2때 2주간 사귀었고, 그후 헤어지고 싶어서 친구가 너를 좋아한다고 거짓말을 했다"라고 말했다.이어 "그 친구와 조현영이 나중에 진짜로 사귀게 됐다"라고 학청시절 일화를 털어놨다.

끝까지 "그런 적 없다. 딘딘과는 사귄 적 없다"라고 조현영을 향해 딘딘은 "맞다. 사귀었다 "라고 주장하며 "그럼 그 친구에게 전화해서 물어보자"라고 말하며 전화기를 들었다.

딘딘은 전화를 받은 친구를 향해 "너 중3 때 내가 조현영이랑 헤어지고 싶어서 너한테 사귀라 그런 거 기억나지?"라고 물었고, 친구는 "어" 라며 맞다고 짧게 대답했다.

이에 조현영은 다시한번 기억을 전혀 못한다는 표정을 지으며 깜짝 놀랐다.

딘딘은 다시한번 통화 중인 친구에게 "조현영이 나랑 본인이 사귄 적이 없다는데?"라고 말하자 친구는 "아니야 있어" 라며 둘의 교제가 사실이었음을 인정했다.

딘딘은 "2주 정도 만나다가 헤어지고 싶어서 내가 거짓말 했고, 결국 너희 둘이 사귀었잖아"라고 다시 물었고, 친구는 이번에도 "그런 것 같다"라고 딘딘의 손을 들어줬다.

기억을 전혀 못하는 조현영을 향해 딘딘은 "얘랑 짝꿍이 됐는데, 어쩌다 사귀게 됐는데 성격이 개차반이었다. 그래서 '얘랑은 못사귀겠다'는 생각이 들었다"라고 말했다.

이어 "그러던 중 어떤 후배가 고백을 해왔는데, 그 후배가 마음에 들었고 (겸사겸사) 당시 사용하던 메신저를 통해 '내 친구가 널 좋아해서 앞으로 너를 만날 수 없다'라는 쪽지를 보냈다"며 '계획 환승'한 배경을 털어놨다.

그러면서 딘딘은 "(메시지를 보낸 뒤) 친구한테 거짓말(조현영을 좋아한다고)을 해달라고 했고, 그 친구는 떠 알았다고 했다"며 "이후 조현영이 보란 듯이 (친구를) 만나더라. 그런뒤 우리는 실제로 아주 친한 친구가 됐다"고 학창시절 조현과 있었던 에피소드를 공개했다.


기사를 추천 하셨습니다래퍼 딘딘 "조현영과 사귀었다…후배 만나려고 거짓말하고 이별"베스트 추천 뉴스

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 래퍼 딘딘 "조현영과 사귀었다…후배 만나려고 거짓말하고 이별" - 동아일보 )

이혜성, 연인 전현무와 한솥밥 …SM C&C와 전속계약 - 조선일보

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:22 PM PDT

KBS 아나운서 출신 이혜성이 연인인 전현무의 소속사 SM C&C와 전속계약을 맺었다.

SM C&C는 18일 "무궁무진한 가능성과 재능을 가진 이혜성이 SM C&C와 함께하게 됐다"고 밝혔다.

아울러 "특유의 밝고 건강한 에너지와 다재다능함이 적재적소에서 발휘될 수 있도록 아낌없이 지원할 계획"이라며 "앞으로 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드린다"고 덧붙였다.

이혜성은 지난 2016년 KBS 43기 공채 아나운서로 입사해 '연예가중계', '설레는 밤, 이혜성입니다' 등을 진행했다. 입사 4년만인 지난 5월31일 KBS를 퇴사하고 프리랜서 방송인으로 나섰다.

앞서 이혜성은 지난해 11월 전현무와 열애 중인 사실이 공개돼 화제가 됐다. 두 사람의 나이 차는 15살이다.

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 이혜성, 연인 전현무와 한솥밥 …SM C&C와 전속계약 - 조선일보 )

安倍前総理が靖国神社参拝(2020年9月19日) - テレ東NEWS

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:18 PM PDT

安倍前総理が靖国神社参拝(2020年9月19日) - テレ東NEWS

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  1. 安倍前総理が靖国神社参拝(2020年9月19日)  テレ東NEWS
  2. 安倍晋三前首相が靖国神社を参拝  産経ニュース
  3. 安倍前総理が靖国神社を参拝 2013年12月以来(2020年9月19日)  ANNnewsCH
  4. 安倍晋三氏がきょう靖国神社を参拝 2013年12月以来7年ぶり  livedoor
  5. 安倍前首相が靖国神社参拝  日本経済新聞
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を見る

2020-09-19 02:28:28Z

ヨドバシカメラ、PS5の予約抽選申し込みを開始 - GAME Watch

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT

 ヨドバシカメラは、プレイステーション 5の予約抽選の申し込みを、オンラインサイトヨドバシ・ドット・コムにて9月19日10時より開始した。受付期間は9月23日9時59分まで。なお、アクセスが集中しているためか、10時前からサイトに繋がりにくい状態になっている。



 Nintendo Switchやリングフィットアドベンチャーの抽選販売では当選倍率を表示するなど、ユニークな予約スタイルで知られるヨドバシカメラ。過去にはアクセスが集中して、サーバーが混雑したこともあることから、今回のPS5の予約抽選では、あえて実施を1日遅らせ混雑を回避する策に出たが、やはり混雑は避けられなかったようだ。





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Supreme Court Justice and pop culture icon known as notorious RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died - Daily Mail

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

Incredible life of the woman who became the Notorious RBG: How Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Brooklyn-born daughter of Russian Jewish migrants became a trailblazer, the second woman to serve as Supreme Court Justice and a feminist pop culture icon

  • Joan Ruth Bader was born in Brooklyn on March 15, 1933 to Russian Jewish immigrants, and her mother, a garment worker, encouraged her education
  • She passed away Friday from complications of pancreatic cancer at 87 
  • She graduated top of her class at Cornell and met her husband Martin Ginsburg
  • They had two children together and a unique partnership for the 1950s where Martin supported her law career and rise to the Supreme Court 
  • Despite her academic achievements, after graduation she was unable to land a Supreme Court clerkship because she was a woman
  • Ginsburg argued landmark cases before the Supreme Court and became a judge for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in 1980
  • President Bill Clinton tapped her to become a Supreme Court Justice in 1993 to fill a seat left vacant for Justice Byron White
  • In her 80s, Ginsburg became a pop culture icon, known as the 'Notorious RBG,' and had two films, one documentary and one biopic, centered on her life
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pictured above in 2009, served for 27 years on the highest court of the land and was the second woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pictured above in 2009, served for 27 years on the highest court of the land and was the second woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to serve as a Supreme Court Justice, a legal pioneer who broke barriers for women in law, a feminist icon to many, and the recent pop culture phenomenon known as the 'Notorious RBG' has died. 

She passed away from complications of pancreatic cancer at the age of 87.

She served for 27 years on the highest court of the land and was the second woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

The collar-wearing octogenarian captured the public's imagination – especially for those on the left who offered everything from kale to protective bubbles to later on wearing masks on social media to safeguard her continued tenure on the highest court in the land. The list of things that Ginsburg inspired is long: two films, memes that range from the ribald to inspirational, mountains of memorabilia from t-shirts to totes, cocktails, a book on her workout, and even tattoos.

But beyond the persona of the 'Notorious RBG' and her groundbreaking law career, Ginsburg was a mother of two, had two grandchildren, and was married to her husband Martin D. Ginsburg for 56 years until his death in 2010. She blazed a path for women in the legal profession, and at five-foot-one had become a towering figure in Washington, D.C. 

Ginsburg battled several bouts of cancer after being first diagnosed in 2009. 

Above, Martin D. Ginsburg (left) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (right) at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1954. They were married for 56 years and met while they both attended Cornell University. After graduating, the couple moved to Fort Sill so Martin could do his military service

Above, Martin D. Ginsburg (left) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (right) at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1954. They were married for 56 years and met while they both attended Cornell University. After graduating, the couple moved to Fort Sill so Martin could do his military service

It was love at first Charles Dickens. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, (left), pictured here with her husband of 56 years, Martin D. Ginsburg (right). They met while college students at Cornell University during the 1950s. Ruth was impressed by Martin's answer to a quiz question during a literature class taught by famous novelist Vladimir Nabokov, according to the biography called 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life' by Jane Sherron De Hart

It was love at first Charles Dickens. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, (left), pictured here with her husband of 56 years, Martin D. Ginsburg (right). They met while college students at Cornell University during the 1950s. Ruth was impressed by Martin's answer to a quiz question during a literature class taught by famous novelist Vladimir Nabokov, according to the biography called 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life' by Jane Sherron De Hart

The Ginsburg family, above, in a photo taken in 1958. Martin D. Ginsburg (left) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (right) with their daughter Jane C. Ginsburg (center). Jane C. Ginsburg followed in her mother's steps and became a lawyer after graduating from Harvard Law School, and currently teaches at Columbia Law School

The Ginsburg family, above, in a photo taken in 1958. Martin D. Ginsburg (left) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (right) with their daughter Jane C. Ginsburg (center). Jane C. Ginsburg followed in her mother's steps and became a lawyer after graduating from Harvard Law School, and currently teaches at Columbia Law School

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (center) and Martin D. Ginsburg (standing behind her) married in 1954 after she graduated at the top of her class at Cornell. Their first child, Jane C. Ginsburg, was born in  1955, and their second child, James S. Ginsburg, in 1965. Shown here on Oct. 21, 1993 at the Supreme Court, are from left, son-in-law George T. Spera Jr and her daughter Jane C. Ginsburg, her husband Martin, and her son James S. Ginsburg. The judge's grandchildren Clara Spera (left) and Paul Spera (right) are in front

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (center) and Martin D. Ginsburg (standing behind her) married in 1954 after she graduated at the top of her class at Cornell. Their first child, Jane C. Ginsburg, was born in  1955, and their second child, James S. Ginsburg, in 1965. Shown here on Oct. 21, 1993 at the Supreme Court, are from left, son-in-law George T. Spera Jr and her daughter Jane C. Ginsburg, her husband Martin, and her son James S. Ginsburg. The judge's grandchildren Clara Spera (left) and Paul Spera (right) are in front

A 2018 biography emphasized Marty's 'proto-feminism' in the 1950s during a time where some women went to college to get their 'MRS degree,' meaning that it was a means to an end to find a spouse. Ginsburg said Martin was the 'the only young man I dated who cared that I had a brain,' and they had a long-lasting marriage until Martin died in 2010 from cancer at the age of 78. They are pictured here at a gala opening night dinner after a Washington Opera performance on October 21, 2000

A 2018 biography emphasized Marty's 'proto-feminism' in the 1950s during a time where some women went to college to get their 'MRS degree,' meaning that it was a means to an end to find a spouse. Ginsburg said Martin was the 'the only young man I dated who cared that I had a brain,' and they had a long-lasting marriage until Martin died in 2010 from cancer at the age of 78. They are pictured here at a gala opening night dinner after a Washington Opera performance on October 21, 2000

Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her engagement photo taken in December 1953 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her engagement photo taken in December 1953 

Born on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, Joan Ruth Bader was the second daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, Celia and Nathan Bader. Her older sister, who would later die at aged six from meningitis, nicknamed her 'Kiki' for apparently being 'a kicky baby.' Her mother, Celia, a garment factory worker, would encourage Ruth – she went by her middle name to distinguish herself from the other Joans in her Brooklyn class – to attain a higher level of education than she did. 

'My mother told me two things constantly. One was to be a lady, and the other was to be independent. The study of law was unusual for women of my generation. For most girls growing up in the '40s, the most important degree was not your BA, but your MRS,' she recalled to the ACLU, referring to the idea that women went to college to land a man, get married and become a missus - not to get a bachelor's degree. 

Her mother died from cancer right before Ginsburg graduated from high school.

In 1950, Ginsburg started attending Cornell University where she would meet her husband, Martin D. Ginsburg, during a literature class taught by famous novelist Vladimir Nabokov, according to the biography called 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life' by Jane Sherron De Hart.

Martin was able to answer Nabokov's quiz question about Charles Dickens, and Ginsburg was smitten, later saying that Martin was the 'the only young man I dated who cared that I had a brain.'

'Meeting Marty was by far the most fortunate thing that ever happened to me,' Ginsburg said in one of the films about her, the documentary 'RBG.' 'Marty was a man blessed with a wonderful sense of humor. I tend to be rather sober.'

At aged 21, Ginsburg, who majored in government, graduated at the top of her class in 1954 at Cornell and married Martin soon after. Their first child, Jane C. Ginsburg, was born on July 21, 1955. Due to Martin's military service, they moved to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

'After dinner, the newlyweds often spent their evenings reading aloud to each other from Pepys, Tolstoy, Dickens and even Spinoza, although the philosopher was tougher fare,' De Hart wrote, according to a Washington Post article about the biography.

De Hart emphasized Marty's 'proto-feminism' in the 1950s, and the couple decided they both would pursue careers. After two years in Oklahoma, Ginsburg and Martin went to Harvard Law School in 1956. Women had only started being admitted to the law school six years earlier, and Ginsburg was one of nine women in a class of about 500.

Martin graduated from Harvard in 1958 and practiced tax law in New York. Ginsburg switched schools, attending Columbia Law School to be close to her husband. In 1959, she graduated with her law degree, a Juris Doctor, from Columbia, and was tied for first in her class.

A young Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pictured here in 1977, who broke barriers in the legal profession to become the second woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice

A young Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pictured here in 1977, who broke barriers in the legal profession to become the second woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice

Despite the credentials, Ginsburg, now 26, was still a woman and she had a hard time finding a place at a law firm after graduation.

'You think about what would have happened... Suppose I had gotten a job as a permanent associate. Probably I would have climbed up the ladder and today I would be a retired partner. So often in life, things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great good fortune,' Ginsburg said during the documentary series, 'Makers: Women Who Make America.'

Ginsburg was also rejected for a Supreme Court clerkship due to being a woman. But there were successes as well: she was the first female member of the Harvard Law Review and was elected to the Columbia Law Review as well. Eventually, Ginsburg landed a clerkship for a judge of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

After two years with the Southern District, Ginsburg was a research associate and associate director for the Project of International Procedure at Columbia Law School. She also learned Swedish, and conducted research in Sweden for a book that she co-authored on civil procedure in the country. 

After serving as a judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for 13 years, Ginsburg was nominated by President Bill Clinton to Supreme Court after Justice Byron White announced he was retiring. Clinton (left) is shaking Ginsburg's hand during the announcement in the Rose Garden at the White House on June 14, 1993

After serving as a judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for 13 years, Ginsburg was nominated by President Bill Clinton to Supreme Court after Justice Byron White announced he was retiring. Clinton (left) is shaking Ginsburg's hand during the announcement in the Rose Garden at the White House on June 14, 1993

'The announcement of this vacancy,' Clinton said on June 14, 1993, 'brought forth a unique outpouring of support for distinguished Americans on Judge Ginsburg's behalf. What caused that outpouring is the essential quality of the judge herself: her deep respect for others and her willingness to subvert self-interest to the interest of our people and their institutions.' Ginsburg (pictured) at the announcement ceremony at the White House's Rose Garden

'The announcement of this vacancy,' Clinton said on June 14, 1993, 'brought forth a unique outpouring of support for distinguished Americans on Judge Ginsburg's behalf. What caused that outpouring is the essential quality of the judge herself: her deep respect for others and her willingness to subvert self-interest to the interest of our people and their institutions.' Ginsburg (pictured) at the announcement ceremony at the White House's Rose Garden

In 1963, she started teaching at Rutgers University School of Law when there were few female law professors. Also during this time, she and Martin had their second child, James S. Ginsburg, on September 8, 1965. She taught at Rutgers until 1972 and then moved to Columbia Law School, where, at aged 39, she was the first woman put on a tenure track.

She taught at Columbia for eight years, co-authored a law school book, and also worked as general counsel for the ACLU, where she argued several hundred gender discrimination cases, six of which were before the Supreme Court. 

By 1980, Ginsburg, then 47, was selected to be a judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which is often a springboard to the Supreme Court. After thirteen years as a judge on that court, President Bill Clinton nominated the 60-year-old Ginsburg for the Supreme Court after Justice Byron White said he was retiring. 

'The announcement of this vacancy,' Clinton said on June 14, 1993, according to a YouTube video courtesy of the William J. Clinton Presidential Library, 'brought forth a unique outpouring of support for distinguished Americans on Judge Ginsburg's behalf. What caused that outpouring is the essential quality of the judge herself: her deep respect for others and her willingness to subvert self-interest to the interest of our people and their institutions.'

At the announcement, Ginsburg said: 'Most closely, I have been aided by my life's partner, Martin D. Ginsburg, who has been, since our teenage years, my best friend and biggest booster.'

On August 4, 1993, the US Senate confirmed her by a vote of 96 to 3, the New York Times reported. She was sworn in as a justice on August 10, 1993.

Later in October 1993, a photo shows Ginsburg and her family at the court. Her daughter, Jane C. Ginsburg, followed in her footsteps, graduating from Harvard Law School, and currently teaches at Columbia Law School. She married George T. Spera Jr and they have two children together: Paul Spera, who is an actor, and Clara Spera, who is also a lawyer and clerked for the US District of the Southern District of New York. 

With a vote of 96 to 3, the US Senate approved Ginsburg's nomination to the Supreme Court. She was confirmed, on August 3, 1993, to the position vacated by retiring Associate Justice Byron White. President Bill Clinton (left), who nominated Ginsburg (right), is seen here walking with her on the White House colonnade

With a vote of 96 to 3, the US Senate approved Ginsburg's nomination to the Supreme Court. She was confirmed, on August 3, 1993, to the position vacated by retiring Associate Justice Byron White. President Bill Clinton (left), who nominated Ginsburg (right), is seen here walking with her on the White House colonnade

On August 10, 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice - the second woman appointed to the court. Pictured above is Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist (right) swearing Ginsburg (with arm raised) in while her husband Martin D. Ginsburg (second from right) and President Bill Clinton (left) look on

On August 10, 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice - the second woman appointed to the court. Pictured above is Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist (right) swearing Ginsburg (with arm raised) in while her husband Martin D. Ginsburg (second from right) and President Bill Clinton (left) look on

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (left) with her husband Martin D. Ginsburg (right). At the announcement for her nomination to the Supreme Court on on June 14, 1993, Ginsburg said: 'Most closely, I have been aided by my life's partner, Martin D. Ginsburg, who has been, since our teenage years, my best friend and biggest booster'

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (left) with her husband Martin D. Ginsburg (right). At the announcement for her nomination to the Supreme Court on on June 14, 1993, Ginsburg said: 'Most closely, I have been aided by my life's partner, Martin D. Ginsburg, who has been, since our teenage years, my best friend and biggest booster'

In her biography, 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life,' Jane Sherron De emphasized Marty's 'proto-feminism' in the 1950s, and the couple decided they both would pursue careers. After two years in Oklahoma, Ginsburg and Martin went to Harvard Law School in 1956. Women had only started being admitted to the law school six years earlier, and Ginsburg was one of nine women in a class of about 500.

Jane Sherron De Hart, in her book, 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life,' emphasized the 'proto-feminism' of Martin D. Ginsburg (left) in the 1950s, and the couple decided they both would pursue careers. Both Ruth Bader Ginsburg (right) and Martin went to Harvard Law School in 1956. Women had only started being admitted to the law school six years earlier, and Ginsburg was one of nine women in a class of about 500

Ginsburg told the New Republic that her grandchildren loved the fact that she had become an Internet sensation. 

'At my advanced age - I'm now an octogenarian - I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who want to take my picture,' she said in 2014.

Not only did people want their photo taken, an interest in her workout also took hold. In her eighties, Ginsburg would do exercises such as a wall squat with a yoga ball. So much so that her trainer of many years, Bryant Johnson, wrote the book 'The RBG Workout.'

When Ginsburg joined the court in 1993, Sandra Day O'Connor had already been on it since 1981. Sandra Day O'Connor became the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, nominated by President Ronald Reagan. Ginsburg called O'Connor a mentor, and Ginsburg told The Washington Post that they 'thought it would be appropriate if we included as part of our robe something typical of a woman.

'So I have many, many collars.'

Fans of Ginsburg have parsed her collars, which were sometimes lace, gold embellished and beaded. One was dubbed 'the dissenter.'

A feminist icon to many, Ginsburg told 'Makers,' the documentary series, that feminism is 'that notion that we should each be free to develop our own talents, whatever they may be, and not be held back by artificial barriers - manmade barriers, certainly not heaven sent.'  

After O'Connor retired in early 2006, Ginsburg was the only woman on the court until Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed on August 8, 2009. Ginsburg was also close to conservative justice Antonin Scalia until his death in February 2016.

'We care about this institution more than our individual egos and we are all devoted to keeping the Supreme Court in the place that it is, as a co-equal third branch of government and I think a model for the world in the collegiality and independence of judges,' Ginsburg said on C-SPAN.

In 2015, Ginsburg told MSNBC how she would liked to be remembered.  

'Someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability. And to help repair tears in her society, to make things a little better through the use of whatever ability she has. To do something, as my colleague David Souter would say, outside myself. 'Cause I've gotten much more satisfaction for the things that I've done for which I was not paid.' 

Before becoming the second woman to serve on the highest court in the land, Ginsburg argued several hundred cases - six of which were before the Supreme Court - of gender discrimination while working as the general counsel for the ACLU. She is pictured here at her chambers at the Supreme Court on August 7, 2002

Before becoming the second woman to serve on the highest court in the land, Ginsburg argued several hundred cases - six of which were before the Supreme Court - of gender discrimination while working as the general counsel for the ACLU. She is pictured here at her chambers at the Supreme Court on August 7, 2002

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pictured at the gym during the 2018 documentary, 'RBG.' Ginsburg had become a pop culture sensation in her 80s, and an interest in her workout took hold. So much so that her trainer of many years, Bryant Johnson, wrote the book 'The RBG Workout.' Above, The octogenarian would do exercises such as a wall squat with a yoga ball

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pictured at the gym during the 2018 documentary, 'RBG.' Ginsburg had become a pop culture sensation in her 80s, and an interest in her workout took hold. So much so that her trainer of many years, Bryant Johnson, wrote the book 'The RBG Workout.' Above, The octogenarian would do exercises such as a wall squat with a yoga ball

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (right) and Stephen Colbert, (left) work out on his show. Ginsburg became known as the 'Notorious RBG' during her 80s and captured the public's imagination

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (right) and Stephen Colbert, (left) work out on his show. Ginsburg became known as the 'Notorious RBG' during her 80s and captured the public's imagination

One of the many many 'Notorious RBG' memes that were created in honor of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The list of things that Ginsburg inspired is long: two films, mountains of memorabilia from t-shirts to totes, cocktails, a book on her workout, and even tattoos

One of the many many 'Notorious RBG' memes that were created in honor of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The list of things that Ginsburg inspired is long: two films, mountains of memorabilia from t-shirts to totes, cocktails, a book on her workout, and even tattoos

Above, Kate McKinnon (left) portrays Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during Weekend Update on a November 12, 2016 episode of 'Saturday Night Live' with fellow castmates Colin Jost (center) and Michael Che (right)

Above, Kate McKinnon (left) portrays Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during Weekend Update on a November 12, 2016 episode of 'Saturday Night Live' with fellow castmates Colin Jost (center) and Michael Che (right)

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September 18, 2020 at 04:37PM

Supreme Court Justice and pop culture icon known as notorious RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died - Daily Mail
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T-Mobile offers first responders up to 25% off Samsung 5G phones - CNET

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:44 PM PDT


First responder agencies can get discounts on Samsung phones through T-Mobile.

Angela Lang/CNET

State and local agencies that offer first responders free unlimited talk, text and data through T-Mobile's Connecting Heroes program can get up to 25% off Samsung 5G phones for a limited time, the carrier said Friday. That includes phones like the recently released Galaxy Note 20 5G, as well as the Galaxy S20 5G, Galaxy A71 5G and Galaxy A51 5G. The $250 Galaxy A21 with 4G LTE is also an option. 

"While pushing the bounds of 5G mobile technology, Samsung and T-Mobile both recognize the importance of first responders staying connected at the most critical times," Taher Behbehani, head of Samsung Electronics America's mobile B2B division, said in a statement.

State and local fire, police and emergency medical service agencies get free unlimited smartphone service through T-Mobile's Connecting Heroes program, which kicked off earlier this year.

Companies are launching more 5G phones as the next-generation wireless network continues to roll out. Apple is expected to unveil a 5G phone later this year, which could be a big win for helping bring the new cellular tech to the mainstream. In addition to higher speeds, 5G is hyped to revolutionize niches such as self-driving carsvirtual and augmented reality and telemedicine services such as remote surgery.

T-Mobile's new offer, an update to its Connecting Heroes program that was rolled out in May, is the latest perk in a year that has seen all three major US wireless carriers offer discounts to those who help their communities. In April, during the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, Verizon expanded its first responder discounts on Fios and wireless service to include nurses and teachers. AT&T launched its first responder discount in March and later expanded it to include nurses, teachers, and physicians.

T-Mobile didn't specify how long the Samsung phone offer will last and declined to comment on an end date.

CNET's Eli Blumenthal contributed to this report. 

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September 18, 2020 at 08:13AM

T-Mobile offers first responders up to 25% off Samsung 5G phones - CNET
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"치료효과 없어" 개그맨 김철민, 개 구충제 복용 중단 - 스포츠서울

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT
[스포츠서울 김선우기자]폐암 말기 투병 중인 개그맨 김철민이 개 구충제 복용을 중단했다.

18일 SBS '8뉴스'에서는 김철민의 인터뷰를 전했다.

앞서 지난해 8월 김철밍는 동물용 구충제인 펜벤다졸을 복용하며 경과를 공유해 왔다. 하지만 복용 효과가 없어 중단했다는 것.

그러나 김철민은 "간 수치가 점점 높아져서 100 정도가 좀 넘었다. 이 구충제가 암을 죽이지는 못했다"며 "통증이나 그런건 어느 정도 도움을 줬지만 그때 뿐이었다"고 말했다.

사진 | SBS

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( "치료효과 없어" 개그맨 김철민, 개 구충제 복용 중단 - 스포츠서울 )

[사진] [그래픽] 코로나19 확진자 지역별 현황(19일) - 머니투데이

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT (서울=뉴스1) 이지원 디자이너
[사진] [그래픽] 코로나19 확진자 지역별 현황(19일)
(서울=뉴스1) 이지원 디자이너 = 19일 질병관리본부 중앙방역대책본부에 따르면 이날 0시 기준 코로나19 확진자는 110명 증가한 2만2893명을 기록했다. 신규 확진자 중 국내 지역발생 106명, 해외유입 4명이다. 신규 확진자 110명의 신고 지역은 서울 38명(해외 2명), 부산 2명, 대구 2명, 인천 11명, 대전 2명, 경기 41명, 충북1명, 충남 4명, 전북 1명, 경북 4명, 경남(해외 1명), 검역과정(해외 1명) 등이다.

저작권자 © 뉴스1코리아, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( [사진] [그래픽] 코로나19 확진자 지역별 현황(19일) - 머니투데이 )

占いで“アンジャッシュの今後”を鑑定!「児嶋だよ!」ギャグの寿命も明らかに<突然占い> (1/3) - ザテレビジョン

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:18 PM PDT

占いで"アンジャッシュの今後"を鑑定!「児嶋だよ!」ギャグの寿命も明らかに<突然占い> (1/3) - ザテレビジョン









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2020-09-18 20:00:00Z

劇場版「鬼滅の刃」入場者に“煉獄零巻”配布、煉獄の初任務描く新作マンガ収録 - ナタリー

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:18 PM PDT

劇場版「鬼滅の刃」入場者に"煉獄零巻"配布、煉獄の初任務描く新作マンガ収録 - ナタリー

「アニメ『鬼滅の刃』スペシャルイベント ~鬼滅の宴~」レポート




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2020-09-19 01:17:00Z

今こそ買いたいApple Watch Series 6 & SEの魅力を弓月ひろみが徹底解説 - Engadget日本版

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT

本日9月18日、Apple Watch Series 6が発売になりました。ガジェット好きな読者の皆さんのお手元には、すでに届き始めているのではないかと思います。

今日は「そろそろApple Watchデビューしようかな?」「買ってもいいかな?」と思っているアナタのために、Apple Watchの基本的な魅力と、今回の注目ポイントをお伝えします。

そもそもApple Watchって何ができるの?

Apple Watchは、iPhoneと連動させることで、様々なことができるスマートウォッチです。初代から使用しているユーザーとしての主観ですが、主な用途は大きく分けて3つです。

  • 感触での通知 → 手首をトントン、と叩くような形で様々なことをお知らせしてくれる。LINEの受信時、乗り換えの駅に着いた際、アラームなどで通知してくれます。

  • 体のデータを収集し分析する → 装着している間の消費カロリー、どのぐらい歩いたか、水泳などの運動のアクティビティを測定、心拍数の変化、睡眠トラッキングのデータを自動的に集めてくれます。データは後から分析可能です。

  • 電車に乗ったり買い物できたりする → NFC対応で、Suica、ID、QUICPayなどが使えます。コンビニの決済時にいちいちマスクを外さなくても、手首のApple Watchで買い物OK。

iPhoneに来た通知は逃すことなく受けられますし、通知しないという設定も可能です。もちろん電話もできます。(iPhoneを持ち歩かず、Apple Watch単体で通話するためには、セルラー版かつ別途携帯キャリアとの契約が必要です)簡単なメッセージを送ったり、ユーザー同士でトランシーバー会話をしたりとApple Watchができることは様々です。

Apple Watchの魅力については、こちらの記事も合わせてご覧ください。


Apple Watchと相性が良い人は誰か?それは頑張り屋さんな、あなたかもしれない

睡眠、手洗い、ダンス? Apple Watchが自分の体ともっと向き合える仕様に。watchOS 7パブリックベータレビュー

そんなApple Watchはできることが増えました

Apple Watch Series 6は、現時点での最新&最上位モデルです。新しくできるようになったことの中で最も大きいのは、血中酸素濃度が測れるようになったこと。呼吸と心臓が正しく動いているかを可視化してくれる"血中酸素ウェルネスセンサー"で計測します。

この測定で得られたデータは、睡眠時無呼吸症候群に役立つと言われています。Apple Watch Series 6に限った機能ではありませんが、その他、アメリカ・ヨーロッパでは先行して利用できていたECG(心電図)機能が9月4日に日本でも承認され、順当に行けば利用できるようになると考えられます。

私は、Apple Watchのことを「自分が気づかない自分の健康状態を把握し、データとして記録してくれるデバイス」だと思っているのですが、血中酸素ウェルネスセンサーとECGセンサーにより、さらにその機能が高まっていくのではないでしょうか。


今回、Apple Watch Series 6のほかに「SE」という機種も発表になりました。Apple Watch SEは、ざっくり言うと、"お求めやすい価格で機能をしぼったApple Watch"です。

もともとApple Watchは、手首をあげた時のみディスプレイが表示される仕様になっていたのですが、Apple Watch Series 5からは常時点灯という機能が追加されました。その言葉の通り"常にディスプレイが点灯している"状態になっている機能です。Apple Watch SEには、その"常時表示ディスプレイ"がなく、"ECG(心電図モニター)"が省かれてはいます。でも、価格は税抜き2万9800円〜と、低価格で購入することができます。

Apple Watch Series 6が税抜き4万2800円スタートなことを考えると、かなり低コストで利用できるApple Watchと言えるでしょう。

Apple Watch SEは、家族みんなでApple Watchを使いたい、という人におすすめです。SEの発表と同時に、Apple Watchには「ファミリー共有」というサービスが登場しました。この機能は、親が家族全員のApple Watchを管理できるというもの。(日本では、親機にauとの契約+これ専用にプラン契約が必要です)

これまでAppel Watchは、iPhoneとのペアリングが必須でした。それだと「子どもにApple Watchを持たせたい」場合、それぞれにiPhoneを用意せねばならず、現実的ではありませんでした。

それを解決してくれるのが「ファミリー共有設定」というわけです。お子さんにApple Watch SEを装着してもらえば、今いる位置の確認、簡単なメッセージの送受信が可能になります。つまり、見守りデバイスとしても利用できるようになったのです。現代の忙しいお子さんには持ってこいの機能かもしれません。

Apple Watchのファッション性はどんどんグレードアップしている

Apple Watch Series 6で今回、今までとは違うカラーバリエーションがリリースされました。例えば、真っ赤な本体の(PRODUCT)REDアルミニウムケースや、ブルーアルミニウムケースです。

他にもレザーのバックルや、ゴールドのスチールなど、洋服にも合わせやすく、肌なじみの良いデザインが揃っています。アップルの直営店に行けば実際に試すことができますが、オンラインでも自分のスタイルを実際に組み合わせてみることができます。バリエーションが多いので、仕事で、プライベートで、パーティでと、色々バンドを交換できて楽しめる。ここまで、交換を楽しめるスマートウォッチはApple Watchだけといっても過言ではないでしょう。


新Apple Watchの発売と共に登場した注目のバンドが「ソロループ」と「ブレイテッド」という2種類です。これらのバンドには金具やパーツがなく、ゴムの腕輪のように装着することができます。


このバンドは単品でも購入できて、過去にリリースされている40mm、44mmのApple Watchにも対応しているので、すでに持っている方の「買い足し」もオススメです。

今では毎日Apple Watchを装着し、ナシで出かけるなんて考えられない私ですが、Apple Watchが発売されるまではずっと「時計はつけない派」でした。もしかすると「時計はつけないから」と、Apple Watchの購入をためらっている人もいるかもしれませんが、これは時計でありつつ、あなたの健康を見守るセンサーで、記録するデバイスなのです。あなたも、Apple Watchとの生活を始めてみませんか?


5分でわかる「Apple Event」まとめ。第4世代iPad Air & Apple Watch Series 6発表、サブスクまとめ割Apple Oneも

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セラミックコーティングで味を邪魔しない。サーモタンブラー「STTOKE」のキャンペーンが終了間近 - GIZMODO JAPAN

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT









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Image: funprojects



Image: funprojects



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Image: funprojects





>> 美しいデザインと機能性が両立したサーモタンブラーカップ「STTOKE」

Source: machi-ya, YouTube

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Mariah Carey and Katy Perry lead stars paying tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her death at 87 - Daily Mail

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

'The right kind of notorious': Mariah Carey, Katy Perry and Kelly Ripa lead stars paying tribute to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her death at 87 of pancreatic cancer

Celebrity tributes poured in this Friday for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died at the age of 87. 

The liberal lion of the nation's highest court succumbed to pancreatic cancer at home, surrounded by her family.

'Thank you for a lifetime of service. Thank you for changing history. We will never let it be undone. RIP RBG,' wrote Mariah Carey on Twitter.

Dearly departed: Celebrity tributes poured in this Friday for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died at the age of 87

Dearly departed: Celebrity tributes poured in this Friday for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died at the age of 87

'Thank you for a lifetime of service': The liberal lion of the nation's highest court received a flood of tributes from such names as Mariah Carey and Katy Perry

'Thank you for a lifetime of service': The liberal lion of the nation's highest court received a flood of tributes from such names as Mariah Carey and Katy Perry

Her fellow pop star Katy Perry also expressed her condolences via Twitter, writing: '#RIPRBG' with a broken heart emoji. 

Morning talk show host Kelly Ripa posted a picture of Ginsburg and wrote: '#rip RBG. The right kind of notorious. What a loss,' with a heart emoji.

She was referring to Ginsburg's affectionate nickname 'Notorious RBG,' which was a play on the late rapper, the Notorious BIG. 

Avengers star Chris Evans posted a picture of Ginsburg to his Insta Stories and called her: 'ONE OF ONE,' also adding a heart.

'What a loss': Morning talk show host Kelly Ripa posted a picture of Ginsburg and wrote that she was 'The right kind of notorious,' a reference to her affectionate nickname Notorious RBG

'What a loss': Morning talk show host Kelly Ripa posted a picture of Ginsburg and wrote that she was 'The right kind of notorious,' a reference to her affectionate nickname Notorious RBG

In memoriam: Meanwhile his fellow Marvel Cinematic Universe stalwart Zoe Saldana wrote: 'R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg' on her Insta Stories

In memoriam: Meanwhile his fellow Marvel Cinematic Universe stalwart Zoe Saldana wrote: 'R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg' on her Insta Stories

Meanwhile his fellow Marvel Cinematic Universe stalwart Zoe Saldana wrote: 'R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg' on her Insta Stories.

'I know we can't live forever, I only wish she could have,' wrote Goldie Hawn while Kerry Washington tweeted: 'Her rest is earned. It is our turn to fight.'

Martha Stewart uploaded a picture taken this Valentine's Day of her own meeting with Ginsburg at the Library Of Congress.

They were gathered at a ceremony where the Supreme Court Justice gave a Woman Of Leadership Award to philanthropist Agnes Gund.

'Please vote': Sharing Ginsburg's high school yearbook photo, January Jones wrote: 'Rest in sweet peace to this beautiful champion of the people'

'Please vote': Sharing Ginsburg's high school yearbook photo, January Jones wrote: 'Rest in sweet peace to this beautiful champion of the people'

Recent throwback: Martha Stewart uploaded a picture taken this Valentine's Day of her own meeting with Ginsburg at the Library Of Congress

Recent throwback: Martha Stewart uploaded a picture taken this Valentine's Day of her own meeting with Ginsburg at the Library Of Congress

'Her rest is earned': 'I know we can't live forever, I only wish she could have,' wrote Goldie Hawn while Kerry Washington tweeted that 'It is our turn to fight'

'Her rest is earned': 'I know we can't live forever, I only wish she could have,' wrote Goldie Hawn while Kerry Washington tweeted that 'It is our turn to fight'

'February 14, 2020. I was with Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg honoring her great work What an accomplished and very great lady!!!!!! May she Rest In Peace amidst this utter chaos!!!!!!!!!,' wrote Martha. 

'May you Rest In Peace RBG. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!' wrote Real Housewife Of Beverly Hills Lisa Rinna.

Star Wars icon Mark Hamill wrote: 'Gut wrenching loss...Could 2020 be any more brutal and cruel? #RIPRuthBaderGinsburg.'

Orange Is The New Black star Uzo Aduba toasted: 'To Ruth,' and Shameless lead Emmy Rossum tweeted that the news was 'f***ing heart breaking.' 

Icons: Real Housewife Of Beverly Hills Lisa Rinna, Star Wars legend Mark Hamill, Orange Is The New Black star Uzo Aduba and Shameless' Emmy Rossum all paid tribute to the late judge

Icons: Real Housewife Of Beverly Hills Lisa Rinna, Star Wars legend Mark Hamill, Orange Is The New Black star Uzo Aduba and Shameless' Emmy Rossum all paid tribute to the late judge

'Ahhhhhhh mannnnnnnnn,' wrote Glee actor Darren Criss, as Rosie O'Donnell lamented: 'nooooooooooooo #rbg.'

Rosie's former The View co-host Joy Behar wrote: 'This is terrible news. They must not be allowed to put another conservative on the court. They must not!!!' 

'No one fought harder. We must continue in her footsteps,' wrote Billy Eichner on his Twitter page in response to the news. 'She refused to rest up until the bitter end. Neither should we. RIP the great, great, GREAT RBG.'

Sophia Bush declared she was 'Truly and utterly gutted. And grateful. And in awe. And just so devastated. An icon and a hero. #RBG.' 

Stars of the small screen: Darren Criss, Rosie O'Donnell, Billy Eichner and Sophia Bush were among the long list of famous names showing their respect

Stars of the small screen: Darren Criss, Rosie O'Donnell, Billy Eichner and Sophia Bush were among the long list of famous names showing their respect

Alyssa MIlano wrote: 'She was my hero. I never got to meet her. But I loved her and the way she moved through this world with such strength and grace and conviction. Rest In Peace, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. #RIPRBG.'

'If there is a God, may She bless and keep RBG,' wrote Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who recently won a string of Emmys on the political sitcom Veep.

Jennifer Lopez shared an Instagram album showing the meeting she and her fiance Alex Rodriguez got to have with Ginsburg.

'I am heartbroken to hear of the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a true champion of gender equality and was a strong woman for me and all the little girls of the world to look up to,' wrote Lopez.

Making their voices heard: Actresses and activists Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Alyssa Milano shared their feelings about the death

Making their voices heard: Actresses and activists Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Alyssa Milano shared their feelings about the death

Throwback: Jennifer Lopez shared an Instagram album showing the meeting she and her fiance Alex Rodriguez got to have with Ginsburg

Throwback: Jennifer Lopez shared an Instagram album showing the meeting she and her fiance Alex Rodriguez got to have with Ginsburg

'Heartbroken': She was a true champion of gender equality and was a strong woman for me and all the little girls of the world to look up to,' wrote Lopez

'Heartbroken': She was a true champion of gender equality and was a strong woman for me and all the little girls of the world to look up to,' wrote Lopez

'Simple yet profound': The pop star remembered: 'I will always remember what she said to us the day we met her: "Be the best you"'

'Simple yet profound': The pop star remembered: 'I will always remember what she said to us the day we met her: "Be the best you"'

Her promise: Lopez vowed: 'We will honor you by continuing to fight for equality, empathy and justice for all. #RIPRBG'

Her promise: Lopez vowed: 'We will honor you by continuing to fight for equality, empathy and justice for all. #RIPRBG'

'Throughout my life, I've been fortunate to meet so many amazing people … but there's those select few where there's an instinct inside you that tells you to pay close attention. And I did. When I met her I was hanging on to her every word…'

The pop star remembered: 'I will always remember what she said to us the day we met her: "Be the best you." It was simple yet profound. Thank you RBG for fighting all these years. We will honor you by continuing to fight for equality, empathy and justice for all. #RIPRBG.'

Kevin McHale tweeted: 'What an actual legend. Thank you RBG for a life of fighting for what's right against all odds and for her family for sharing her with us. We are better off for having had her and I fear her absence.' 

'Ruth Bader Ginsburg. A model for fairness, rational thought, and progress. She will be missed more than we can yet imagine,' wrote Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane. 

Shortly before her death Ginsburg said: 'My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.' 

The election in November pits Republican incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump  against the Democrat former vice president Joe Biden.

Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President Of The United States and then confirmed by the Senate.

Early this month Trump unveiled a short-list of potential Supreme Court nominees including Republican Senators Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley.

If Trump picks Ginsburg's replacement the balance of the court will be six Republican appointees to three Democrat ones, whereas if Biden chooses there will be four Democrat appointees to five Republican ones, as when Ginsburg was alive.

January Jones of Mad Men fame acknowledged the impact of Ginsburg's death on the election when she posted a tribute to the late judge this Friday.

Sharing Ginsburg's high school yearbook photo, Jones wrote: 'Rest in sweet peace to this beautiful champion of the people. Please vote. #RBG.'

Andy Cohen posted the hashtag: '#MerrickGarland,' the name of the judge President Obama nominated to the Supreme Court in March 2016.

Obama submitted Garland as a nominee after the death of the court's conservative firebrand Antonin Scalia precipitating a huge row.

The Republican Senate refused to hold confirmation hearings for him, saying the next president should get to pick Scalia's as it was Obama's last year.

When Obama was replaced by Donald Trump the new Republican president nominated Neil Gorsuch whom the Senate confirmed. 

Sarah Silverman also had an eye on the prospect of a conservative Ginsburg replacement as she paid her respects.

'RIP RBG. Gutted Sad. Grateful for all she did. And very very scared,' wrote the acclaimed comedian and actress.

Demi Moore quote-tweeted journalist Jamil Smith who wrote: 'She carried too much weight, and for too long. We should live in an America where we only need to send condolences to everyone who knew and loved Justice Ginsburg, and not to the nation and democracy as a whole. I wish that we could simply mourn her. Alas.'

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September 18, 2020 at 05:49PM

Mariah Carey and Katy Perry lead stars paying tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her death at 87 - Daily Mail
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Solskjaer explains why Man Utd have struggled in transfer window -

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT

The club has managed to add Donny van de Beek but also failed to secure any of their other targets so far

Manchester United are struggling to add more players to their squad because they have a smaller pool of footballers to pick from, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said. 

United have signed Donny van de Beek from Ajax to add depth to their midfield options but efforts to sign Jadon Sancho have failed so far and with less than three weeks to go until the window closes Solskjaer only has one of the players he was after.

Executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward warned it would not be 'business as usual' in the current window due to the financial impact of the pandemic and, while Solskjaer admitted it has had a bearing on negotiations, he believes there are other limitations which are making it difficult for the club to get more deals done.

"It's not as big a pool as for other clubs, because part of Man United and being good enough is one thing. Then you've got another club that probably want to keep that type of player of that quality. My focus is us, of course," Solskjaer said.

The United manager, who outlined his transfer needs at the beginning of the year before the pandemic hit, pointed out that while he is happy with his squad he has made it clear to the board what he believes he needs for the team to push on.

"We sit down and we discuss and we have plans, sometimes it doesn't happen as planned. Life isn't a straight line here. Sometimes things happen," Solskjaer explained

. "I've always said, these players, I'm very happy to work with them. Of course, I'm not going to take anything away from them either, because we have to go into this season confident with how we did towards the end of the season. We need that consistency, of course, to start with. That's key.

"And transfers, there's still a few weeks left on the transfer window. It might happen that we get someone in. I work with a club and they know what I feel this team and the squad needs.

"Let's see if we can add to what we have, but the ones who are here. They've really taken a step forward and done themselves good favours to be in the squad moving forward."

But how will United compare against their rivals? Chelsea have spent the most this summer bringing in a number of high-profile signings while Manchester City and Liverpool have both bolstered their squads. Arsenal, too, are looking strong.

"You see other clubs and what they do, they put a challenge up for us. Our response has to be results. That's the response," Solskjaer said.

"We can be best at the things that don't cost anything. The culture here the training the coaching, getting fitter.

"But yeah, we're looking at a small pool of players that can add to the quality of our team, and let's see what we can do. They are working hard and I understand that they are working hard."

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September 18, 2020 at 02:30PM

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희망 봤다던 '폐암 말기' 김철민 “개구충제 항암효과 없어 8개월 만에 중단” - 인사이트

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

인사이트SBS '8 뉴스'

[인사이트] 디지털뉴스팀 = '개구충제'를 꾸준히 먹어 폐암 증세가 상당히 호전됐다고 증언하며 화제를 모은 개그맨 김철민이 안타까운 근황을 전했다.

그는 개구충제 복용 이후 최근까지만 해도 통증이 줄고 있다며 희망적인 태도를 보여왔지만 최근 개구충제에 항암효과가 없는 것을 깨닫고 복용을 중단했다고 밝혔다.

18일 SBS '8 뉴스'는 개그맨 김철민이 개구충제 복용을 최근 중단했다고 보도했다.

보도에 따르면 폐암말기 환자인 김철민은 얼마 전 폐암이 목까지 전이돼 큰 수술을 받았다.


인사이트SBS '8 뉴스'

김철민은 "간 수치가 점점 높아져서 100을 넘었다"며 간 기능도 악화됐음을 밝혔다.

안색도 눈에 띄게 안 좋아진 듯한 모습을 보였다.

앞서 그는 동물용 구충제인 '펜벤다졸'에 항암 효과가 있다는 이야기를 듣고 이 약을 먹기 시작했다. 

그는 당시 "뇌 MRI 검사 결과가 정상으로 나왔다, 암도 4곳 중 3곳이 사라졌다" 등의 증언을 하며 희망을 불러온 바 있다.


인사이트SBS '8 뉴스'

이날 김철민은 "통증이 완화되자 복용량을 늘렸다"며 "사람용과 동물용을 번갈아 가며 일주일에 다섯 번씩 먹었다"고 말했다. 과한 복용이 오히려 화근이 된 것으로 분석됐다.

그는 "구충제가 결국 암을 죽이지는 못했다. 통증을 줄여줬을 뿐이다"라며 새로운 신약에 기대를 걸고 있다고 말했다.

한편 지난해 식품의약품안전처와 대한암학회는 "동물용 구충제 펜벤다졸을 암 환자에게 사용하는 것은 적절하지 않다"며 복용을 자제해 달라고 다시 한번 당부한 바 있다.

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 희망 봤다던 '폐암 말기' 김철민 "개구충제 항암효과 없어 8개월 만에 중단" - 인사이트 )


Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT
[ 이혜성 아나운서 / 사진 = 뉴시스 ]
[ 이혜성 아나운서 / 사진 = 뉴시스 ]

KBS 아나운서 출신 이혜성이 연인인 전현무의 소속사 SM C&C와 전속계약을 맺었다.

SM C&C는 18일 "무궁무진한 가능성과 재능을 가진 이혜성이 SM C&C와 함께하게 됐다"고 밝혔다.

아울러 "특유의 밝고 건강한 에너지와 다재다능함이 적재적소에서 발휘될 수 있도록 아낌없이 지원할 계획"이라며 "앞으로 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드린다"고 덧붙였다.

이혜성은 지난 2016년 KBS 43기 공채 아나운서로 입사해 '연예가중계', '설레는 밤, 이혜성입니다' 등을 진행했다. 입사 4년만인 지난 5월31일 KBS를 퇴사하고 프리랜서 방송인으로 나섰다.

앞서 이혜성은 지난해 11월 전현무와 열애 중인 사실이 공개돼 화제가 됐다. 두 사람의 나이 차는 15살이다.

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경남 김해·양산서 코로나 확진자 2명 추가 발생 - 머니투데이

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT
김해 드라이브 스루 선별 진료소. © 뉴스1
김해 드라이브 스루 선별 진료소. © 뉴스1
(경남=뉴스1) 한송학 기자 = 경남에서 지난 18일 오후 김해와 양산에서 코로나19 확진자가 각 1명씩 발생했다.

경남 283번 김해 50대 남성 확진자는 해외 출장을 다녀온 뒤 18일 확진 판정을 받았다. 284번 양산 50대 남성 학진자는 부산 북구 확진자 접촉자이다.

이들은 마산의료원에 입원해 치료를 받고 있다.

경남도는 19일 오전 이들 확진자에 대한 추가 상황을 종합해 브리핑할 예정이다.

저작권자 © 뉴스1코리아, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 경남 김해·양산서 코로나 확진자 2명 추가 발생 - 머니투데이 )

リモワやゲームにどう? Acerの巨大なウルトラワイドモニターがタイムセール中です - ギズモード・ジャパン

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:13 PM PDT


昨今のリモートワークな流れで、相変わらずPC周辺機器は注目度高め。自宅での仕事はたいへんな一面もありますが、自分の好きな環境を構築できて楽しい! ってのもあるんじゃないかな。

たとえば、会社だと明らかにデスクに起けない周辺機器も問題なく導入できて効率化を図れます。おそらくこの「Acer ウルトラワイド湾曲ディスプレイ EI431CRPbmiiipx」もそういった類のアイテム。

画面サイズ43.3型の横になが〜〜〜〜いウルトラワイドモニターで、解像度3840×1200(32:10)。パネルタイプはVA(非光沢)、輝度:400cd(HDR 400モード、ピーク時)、応答速度が4ms (GTG) 。入力端子はHDMI 2.0×2、HDMI 1.4×2、DisplayPort v1.2×1 となっています。

これ1台あれば作業領域がグンと広がって、作業効率アップが期待できますね。また、AMD FreeSyncに加えて、DP接続時はリフレッシュレート120Hzにも対応しているので、FPSゲームに勤しんでもいいでしょう。


Acer ウルトラワイド湾曲ディスプレイ EI431CRPbmiiipx 43.4型ワイド VA 非光沢 DWFHD(3840×1200) 4ms (GTG) 48~120Hz(DisplayPort) DisplayPort AMD FreeSync DisplayHDR 400c Super Sharpness


Source: Amazon

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Drama Actress: Analyzing Emmy pros and cons for all 6 nominees - Gold Derby

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

Three Emmy winners, two past nominees, and one first time nominee face off in the race for Drama Lead Actress. We have watched each submission from these talented women and considered the pros and cons of their episodes. Who has a knockout tape that could lead to a surprise Emmy victory on Sunday, September 20? Follow the links to each episode analysis below and update your final Emmy predictions!

SEE 2020 Emmy nominations complete list: All the nominees for the 72nd Emmy Awards

Jennifer Aniston, "The Morning Show"

This is Jennifer Aniston's seventh Emmy nomination. She accumulated five nominations for "Friends," winning once for Comedy Lead Actress in 2002. The performer also earned a Comedy Guest Actress nomination for "30 Rock." Aniston has submitted the episode "In the Dark Night of the Soul It's Always 3:30 in the Morning" for consideration: America's favorite morning news show is thrown into crisis when it becomes the news.

Olivia Colman, "The Crown"

This is Olivia Colman's third Emmy nomination. She was previously nominated in Limited/Movie Supporting Actress for "The Night Manager" and in Comedy Supporting Actress for "Fleabag." Colman has submitted the episode "Cri de Coeur" for consideration: Queen Elizabeth II prepares to celebrate her Silver Jubilee. She feels the country is falling apart and accepts the blame internally. Elizabeth agrees to the divorce between Margaret and Tony, setting a royal precedent. She gives support to her sister after a potential overdose on anxiety pills.

Jodie Comer, "Killing Eve"

This is Jodie Comer's second Emmy nomination. She won this category last year for playing Villanelle in "Killing Eve." The actress has submitted the episode "Are You From Pinner?" for consideration: Villanelle returns home to Russia amid suspicion from her own extended family. She confronts her mother about abandoning her to an orphanage as a child. The heartbroken daughter kills her mother and blows up the family house.

Laura Linney, "Ozark"

This is Laura Linney's seventh Emmy nomination. She has won four times, for "Wild Iris," "Frasier," "John Adams," and "The Big C." Linney also has an additional nomination for 'The Big C" and was nominated for "Ozark" last year. She has submitted the episode "Fire Pink" for consideration: Wendy and Marty try to convince Navarro they are more valuable to him than Helen is. Ben attempts to flee with his sister Wendy and then she talks the officers out of arresting him. He calls Helen to apologize, but Wendy hangs up before someone can identify his location. She makes a fatal decision about her brother.

Sandra Oh, "Killing Eve"

Sandra Oh is a twelve-time Emmy nominee. She earned five consecutive nominations for "Grey's Anatomy" from 2005-2009. She was also nominated in Variety Special for "2019 Golden Globe Awards" and Comedy Guest Actress for "Saturday Night Live." "Killing Eve" brought the actress two Drama Series nominations for her work as a producer, and three Drama Lead Actress nominations. Oh has submitted the episode "Are You Leading or Am I?" for consideration: Villanelle wants Eve to pick up a package Konstantin has hidden. After he escapes from the hospital, he contacts Eve before Villanelle can. They go to Paul's house and find Carolyn holding him at gunpoint. She spares Kenny's life but kills Paul. When Eve and Villanelle leave together, they admit that they continue to bring out each other's worst traits.

Zendaya, "Euphoria"

This is Zendaya's first Emmy nomination! The actress has submitted the episode "Made You Look" for consideration: Rue claims to be 60 days sober at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, but another person knows it is a lie. Rue helps Jules take nude photos and steals pills. After an argument, the two of them kiss. Rue blames Fezco for the addiction.

Make your predictions at Gold Derby now. Download our free and easy app for Apple/iPhone devices or Android (Google Play) to compete against legions of other fans plus our experts and editors for best prediction accuracy scores. See our latest prediction champs. Can you top our esteemed leaderboards next? Always remember to keep your predictions updated because they impact our latest racetrack odds, which terrify Hollywood chiefs and stars. Don't miss the fun. Speak up and share your huffy opinions in our famous forums where 5,000 showbiz leaders lurk every day to track latest awards buzz. Everybody wants to know: What do you think? Who do you predict and why?

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Seniors with health issues trapped in Mobile cul-de-sac after Hurricane Sally - NBC 15 WPMI

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:44 PM PDT

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Seniors with health issues trapped in Mobile cul-de-sac after Hurricane Sally  NBC 15 WPMI

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'Best front three in the world?' - Sane impresses as Bayern destroy Schalke in eight-goal mauling -

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT

The eight-time defending Bundesliga champions underlined their title credentials once again as they hammered the visitors

Bayern Munich ended last season by winning a treble, while Schalke ended on a run of 16 straight Bundesliga games without a win. Both teams picked up where they left off in Friday's league opener, which finished in a resounding 8-0 win for Bayern.

The goals flew in early and often at the Allianz Arena, as Serge Gnabry opened the scoring in the fourth minute on his way to a hat-trick. 

Five other Bayern players chipped in with goals in the 2020-21 season opener: Leon Goretzka, Robert Lewandowski, Thomas Muller, Leroy Sane and Jamal Musiala.

Sane and Musiala both scored their first Bayern goals, with the former having joined in the off-season on an initial €49m (£44.7m/$55m) move from Manchester City.

Musiala, meanwhile, showed his potential as the 17-year-old scored a late goal on only his second senior appearance for Bayern.

On a day in which Thiago Alcantara officially left Bayern to join Liverpool, there was little evidence that the eight-time defending Bundesliga champions missed the Spanish star.

There was plenty of reaction to the opening-day mauling, as Sane made an impressive start to life at Bayern.

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September 18, 2020 at 01:56PM

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Solskjaer explains why Man Utd have struggled in transfer window - Goal

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT

The club has managed to add Donny van de Beek but also failed to secure any of their other targets so far

Manchester United are struggling to add more players to their squad because they have a smaller pool of footballers to pick from, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said. 

United have signed Donny van de Beek from Ajax to add depth to their midfield options but efforts to sign Jadon Sancho have failed so far and with less than three weeks to go until the window closes Solskjaer only has one of the players he was after.

Executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward warned it would not be 'business as usual' in the current window due to the financial impact of the pandemic and, while Solskjaer admitted it has had a bearing on negotiations, he believes there are other limitations which are making it difficult for the club to get more deals done.

"It's not as big a pool as for other clubs, because part of Man United and being good enough is one thing. Then you've got another club that probably want to keep that type of player of that quality. My focus is us, of course," Solskjaer said.

The United manager, who outlined his transfer needs at the beginning of the year before the pandemic hit, pointed out that while he is happy with his squad he has made it clear to the board what he believes he needs for the team to push on.

"We sit down and we discuss and we have plans, sometimes it doesn't happen as planned. Life isn't a straight line here. Sometimes things happen," Solskjaer explained

. "I've always said, these players, I'm very happy to work with them. Of course, I'm not going to take anything away from them either, because we have to go into this season confident with how we did towards the end of the season. We need that consistency, of course, to start with. That's key.

"And transfers, there's still a few weeks left on the transfer window. It might happen that we get someone in. I work with a club and they know what I feel this team and the squad needs.

"Let's see if we can add to what we have, but the ones who are here. They've really taken a step forward and done themselves good favours to be in the squad moving forward."

But how will United compare against their rivals? Chelsea have spent the most this summer bringing in a number of high-profile signings while Manchester City and Liverpool have both bolstered their squads. Arsenal, too, are looking strong.

"You see other clubs and what they do, they put a challenge up for us. Our response has to be results. That's the response," Solskjaer said.

"We can be best at the things that don't cost anything. The culture here the training the coaching, getting fitter.

"But yeah, we're looking at a small pool of players that can add to the quality of our team, and let's see what we can do. They are working hard and I understand that they are working hard."

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이혜성 전속계약, 전현무 한솥밥 - 천지일보

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT
전현무, 이혜성 (출처: KBS)
전현무, 이혜성 (출처: KBS)

이혜성 전속계약, ♥전현무 한솥밥

[천지일보=박혜민 기자] 아나운서 이혜성이 SM C&C와 전속계약을 체결했다. 이로써 연인 전현무와 한 식구가 됐다.

SM C&C는 18일 공식입장을 통해 "무궁무진한 가능성과 재능을 가진 이혜성이 SM C&C와 함께하게 됐다"고 밝혔다.

이어 "특유의 밝고 건강한 에너지와 다재다능함이 적재적소에서 발휘될 수 있도록 아낌없이 지원할 계획이다. 앞으로 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드린다"고 전했다.

이혜성은 2016년 KBS 43기 공채 아나운서로 입사해 '연예가중계'부터 '뉴스9', KBS 쿨FM '설레는 밤, 이혜성입니다' 등에서 활약했다.

이혜성은 지난 5월 개인사정으로 라디오에서 하차했다.

한편 이혜성은 1992년생으로 올해 나이 29세다. 그는 15살 나이 차이를 극복하고 전현무와 지난해 11월부터 공개 열애 중이다.

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 이혜성 전속계약, 전현무 한솥밥 - 천지일보 )

김호중, 세월 잊은 '역대급 동안 비주얼'..얼굴천재의 셀카 근황 [★SHOT!] - 조선일보

Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

[OSEN=이승훈 기자] 트로트 가수 김호중이 사회복무요원으로 군 복무를 이행하고 있는 가운데, 여전히 훈훈한 비주얼을 자랑했다.

19일 오전 김호중은 개인 SNS에 ":) #인생공부"라며 셀카 한 장을 게재했다.

사진 속 김호중은 올블랙 착장으로 부드러우면서도 강렬한 카리스마를 내뿜고 있는 모습. 김호중은 안경과 모자를 매치하면서 특유의 '멍뭉美'까지 과시했다.

특히 김호중은 입술을 깨무는 듯한 표정과 사슴 같은 눈망울로 카메라를 그윽하게 쳐다보면서 보는 이들의 심장을 뒤흔들었다. 떡 벌어진 어깨와 완벽한 브이라인, 또렷한 이목구비로 여심을 저격하기도.

한편, 김호중은 지난 10일 서울 서초구청의 한 복지기관에서 사회복무요원으로 근무를 시작했으며 같은날 오후 첫 번째 정규앨범 '우리家'에 포함되지 않은 스페셜 트랙 '살았소'를 발매했다.


[사진] 김호중 SNS

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 김호중, 세월 잊은 '역대급 동안 비주얼'..얼굴천재의 셀카 근황 [★SHOT!] - 조선일보 )

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