De Blog Have Fun |
- “動き”にこだわったアニメがトレンドに? 『鬼滅の刃』『呪術廻戦』『ヒロアカ』などから探る(リアルサウンド) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 明日のエール:11月11日 第108回 藤堂先生の墓参りから戻ってきた鉄男 典男を見て… - MANTANWEB
- 逆境をバネにエンターテインメントは進化する ”お祭り都市”福岡市の「特異な」支援策とは(加茂川雅仁) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース
- 発売迫る! SIE、「徹底解説! PlayStation 5」を公開 - GAME Watch
- お父さん手作りの「禰豆子箱」が見事すぎると話題 単行本もぴったり収納できて…鬼滅ファンびっくり|まいどなニュース - 神戸新聞社
- 明日のエール:11月11日 第108回 藤堂先生の墓参りから戻ってきた鉄男 典男を見て… - MANTANWEB
- Dogwoof Boards YouTuber Project ‘Viral: My 2020’ – AFM - Deadline
- Real Madrid midfielder Valverde suffers broken leg -
- 【美股焦點】美國麥當勞新產品策略賣「脆辣雞腿包」竟然是市場焦點? - 香港經濟日報- 即時新聞頻道- 即市財經- 股市 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞
- バルコ、メディアとエンターテインメントの展覧会「Inter BEE 2020 ONLINE」に出展 - PR TIMES
- [공식입장] 지효·강다니엘 양측 "최근 헤어져"…15개월만에 공개열애 끝(종합) - 뉴스1
- 블랙스완 혜미, 5000만원 먹튀?…男팬 "육체적 관계 NO" - 스마트경제
- Trump Supporters, Like Their Leader, Refuse to Face Reality - Rolling Stone
- Russia looks for actress to steal Tom Cruise space movie thunder - The Space Review
- Mobile Saenger Theatre announces Christmas film series -
- 지효·강다니엘, 공개열애 1년3개월 만에 결별 - 조선일보
- 조선대 ``홍진영 논문 표절 논란, 면밀히 조사할 것`` - 브릿지경제
- '임미숙 ' 김학래 "각서만 199장… 100억 빚 모두 갚아" - 이데일리
- As proxy battle continues, Artis delays retail REIT vote | RENX - Real Estate News EXchange
- 『デビル メイ クライ 5 スペシャルエディション』本日発売! 発売を記念した最新トレーラー公開! - PR TIMES
- Understanding The Leadership Implications Of The Post Election Landscape - Forbes
- Amazon Studios to Campaign Olivia Cooke for Supporting Actress in ‘Sound of Metal’ (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety
- 블랙스완 혜미, 5000만원 사기 혐의 피소…소속사 이틀째 입장無 - 세계일보
- 半額、半額! オーキーの65W大出力モバイルバッテリーが半額ゥ! - ギズモード・ジャパン
- Xbox Series X/Xbox One/PC用「テトリス エフェクト・コネクテッド」本日発売! - GAME Watch
"Actress" - Google News
November 09, 2020 at 05:10PM
Russia looks for actress to steal Tom Cruise space movie thunder - The Space Review
"Actress" - Google News
Shoes Man Tutorial
Pos News Update
Meme Update
Korean Entertainment News
Japan News Update
“動き”にこだわったアニメがトレンドに? 『鬼滅の刃』『呪術廻戦』『ヒロアカ』などから探る(リアルサウンド) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 10 Nov 2020 12:11 AM PST "動き"にこだわったアニメがトレンドに? 『鬼滅の刃』『呪術廻戦』『ヒロアカ』などから探る(リアルサウンド) - Yahoo!ニュース [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-11-10 07:24:42Z | ||||||
明日のエール:11月11日 第108回 藤堂先生の墓参りから戻ってきた鉄男 典男を見て… - MANTANWEB Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:40 PM PST 明日のエール:11月11日 第108回 藤堂先生の墓参りから戻ってきた鉄男 典男を見て… - MANTANWEB [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-11-09 23:21:16Z | ||||||
逆境をバネにエンターテインメントは進化する ”お祭り都市”福岡市の「特異な」支援策とは(加茂川雅仁) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST コロナ禍で苦境に立つ音楽や演劇などのエンターテインメントを支えようと、福岡市が支援に力を入れている。インターネット配信機材の整備に始まり、動画制作、ストリートライブ、そして配信とライブの融合へと、段階を踏んだ独自の支援策を打ち出してきた。総予算はこの半年で約2億円。逆境をバネにウィズコロナ時代の興行への進化を後押しするのが狙いだ。 初動は早かった。国の緊急事態宣言が出されて1カ月もたたない5月1日、支援策の第一弾として、無観客での配信を行う事業者にカメラやパソコンなどを整備する経費(上限50万円)を支給。応募したライブハウスや劇場、貸しスタジオなど151件が導入した。 ![]() 6月になると、アーティストが出演し、配信する動画作品への支援(上限50万円)をスタートさせた。音楽、パフォーマンス、ダンス、演劇、伝統芸能など231件の申請があり、176件を承認。担当する市経済観光文化局コンテンツ振興課が目標にしていた100件の倍以上となり、中村大志課長は「エンターテインメントの土壌の豊かさを思い知らされた」という。 市は、配信設備を導入した施設のマップや、制作された動画を視聴できるサイト「FUKUOKA STAGE」も制作。経済的な支援だけでなく、成果物を拡散するプロモーションまで実行するところに、行政の本気度がうかがえる。 支援を受けた側も前向きだ。劇団ショーマンシップの仲谷一志座長は「演劇は劇場で見てこそのものだと思っていたが、配信してみると新しいお客さんも見てくれるようになった。スタッフも技術を取得でき、新たな一歩が踏み出せた」と評価している。
ストリートライブも実現へ全国的な感染状況が落ち着き、プロ野球など大規模イベントの開催条件が緩和されたことを受け、市は次の手を打った。それが「まちなかパフォーマンス応援事業FUKUOKA STREET LIVE」。活動の場を失ったプロのアーティストを登録制にして、決められた場所でのストリートライブができるようにする制度だ。 ![]() 担当する市経済観光文化局文化振興課の中牟田はと子課長は「アーティストの皆さんから、活動の基本であるライブの場が欲しいという話を多く聞いて、何とか実現したいと考えた」と話す。 活動場所は今のところ市役所西側ふれあい広場、市美術館アプローチ広場、市動植物園のほか天神エルガーラ・パサージュ広場とキャナルシティ博多サンプラザステージ。商業施設などと折衝して今後も増やしていく方針だ。こうした仕組みは東京、名古屋などにあるが、コロナ対策として始めた都市は全国にもないという。 ただ、ライブでの投げ銭は受け取れるが、CDやグッズの販売は商業行為と受け取られるため、どの都市でもやっていない。中牟田課長は「今年度やってみて課題を洗い出し、次年度につなげたい」と先を見据えている。 もうひとつは、観客を入れ、配信もする「ハイブリッド型」公演への支援。消毒液やサーモグラフィーの導入費、配信オペレーターの経費などに上限20万円を支給する。「ウィズコロナの時代に主流になるかもしれない」(中牟田課長)手法を後押ししたい考えだ。こうした支援は全国にも例がないという。 ![]() 大舞台「マリンメッセ」を無料開放さらに、アーティストの夢の大舞台となっている「マリンメッセ福岡」を無料で開放するイベントを企画し、出演者を募集。12月19、20両日に、それぞれ10組程度が舞台に立つ。感染対策をした上で、観客も定員(1万席)の半数程度を無料で入場させる予定だ。 一連の施策は、市の担当者たちが「手探り」で練り上げてきた。中村課長は「山ほどアイデアを出し、タイミングを計りながらやってきた」と苦労を明かす。しかし、その過程でアーティストや事業者の実情を知ったことが、今後の「一番の財産になる」と言う。 小売、宿泊、飲食業などが第3次産業が9割を占める商業都市・福岡は、博多どんたく、博多祇園山笠に象徴される"お祭り都市"。週末ごとに五つのミュージックフェスが開かれるミュージックマンス(9月)は35億円の経済効果(福岡市試算)を生み、エンターテインメントは文化だけでなく集客の面でも欠かせない要素となっている。冬に向かい、感染の広がりが見通せない今、厳しい状況は続くが、耐え忍んで努力した成果が花咲く日が来ると信じたい。 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース November 09, 2020 at 06:30PM 逆境をバネにエンターテインメントは進化する "お祭り都市"福岡市の「特異な」支援策とは(加茂川雅仁) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
発売迫る! SIE、「徹底解説! PlayStation 5」を公開 - GAME Watch Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:13 PM PST ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント(SIE)は、11月12日に発売を予定している新型ゲームコンソール「プレイステーション 5」の本体、「DualSense ワイヤレスコントローラー」、システムの機能やゲームの詳細などを明らかにする「徹底解説! PlayStation 5」を、PlayStation Blogにて公開した。 今回の発表は、同社の公式ブログ「PlayStation Blog」において、気になる製品情報をQ&A形式で明らかにしたもの。全6部構成の大ボリュームとなっており、想定されうるPS5のあらゆる疑問が解説されている。なお、記載事項以外にも気になる点があれば、ブログ内のコメント欄にて質問も受け付けている。以下、いくつかピックアップして紹介する。 ・USBストレージにPS5タイトルを保存し、プレイすることはできますか?いいえ。PS5のタイトルはUSBストレージに保存することはできず、ゲームをプレイするためには、本体内蔵の超高速SSDに保存していただく必要があります。将来的にPS5のタイトルをUSBストレージに保存(プレイはできません)できるよう、検討を進めています。ただし、PS4のタイトルは対応のUSBストレージを接続して保存・プレイしていただくことが可能です。 ・PS5の超高速SSDを拡張することはできますか?今後の対応にはなりますが、PS5には、PS5タイトルをインストールしプレイすることができるM.2 SSDを挿入するための拡張スロットを用意しています。 M.2 SSDによる拡張機能は、PS5の発売後にシステムソフトウェアアップデートによる対応を予定しており、対応するストレージの種類などの情報とあわせて後日ご案内予定です。 PS5の発売日時点では、互換性のあるUSBストレージを接続し、PS4タイトルを保存・プレイしていただくことが可能です。PS4タイトルは外付けストレージから直接起動することができます。 ・ゲーム中のPS5の稼働音はどれくらいですか?PS5はPS4よりも静かなコンソールにすることを目指しました。電源供給や冷却の機構において、ヒートシンクのカスタマイズや、熱伝導剤への液体金属の採用をはじめとするさまざまな工夫を施しています。 ・PS5を使用するときは4Kテレビが必要ですか? 発売日時点で対応している解像度を教えてください。PS5の動作に4Kテレビは必須ではありません。720p、1080i、1080p、2160pの解像度に対応しており、4Kディスプレイ接続時は最大2160p(4K UHD)の解像度で描画が可能です。 ・ゲームにリージョンロックはかかっていますか?いいえ。 ・PS4版のタイトルから、同じタイトルのPS5版にセーブデータを引き継ぐことはできますか?同じタイトルのPS4版からPS5版へセーブデータを引き継ぐことができるかどうかは、そのタイトルの発売元の判断によるため、移行の可否はタイトルによって異なります。 【プレイステーション 5 分解映像】 ©2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. からの記事と詳細 ビジネス | ||||||
お父さん手作りの「禰豆子箱」が見事すぎると話題 単行本もぴったり収納できて…鬼滅ファンびっくり|まいどなニュース - 神戸新聞社 Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST お父さん手作りの「禰豆子箱」が見事すぎると話題 単行本もぴったり収納できて…鬼滅ファンびっくり|まいどなニュース - 神戸新聞社 自作された「禰豆子箱」がSNS上で大きな注目を集めている。 「禰豆子箱」と言えば漫画「鬼滅の刃」(集英社)で主人公・炭治郎が妹の禰豆子を持ち運ぶ際に用いる木製の箱で、作品のストーリーにも大きく関わる重要アイテムだ。 この自作の禰豆子箱を紹介したのは一家で「鬼滅の刃」にハマっているという枝野さん。先日、お父上が「作るか…禰豆子箱…!!」と言い出し、冗談だと思っていたのだが1週間ほどたって本当にでき上がってきたということだ。 木の材質、金具とも見るからに本格的な仕上がりで、しかも単行本が収納できるように中は2段に! そのあまりの見事さに、SNSユーザー達から「今にもチビ禰豆子がのっそり出てきそうな程リアル!!!」、「そのうち公式が、この感じで単行本のボックス売りしそうですね」、「鬼滅だいすきな友達に見せたら"お父様職人!?鱗滝って名前じゃないよね?"との事です」など絶賛の声が多数上がっているこの禰豆子箱。 その製作の背景について枝野さんにお話をうかがってみた。 中将タカノリ(以下「中将」):本当に見事な仕上がりですよね!禰豆子箱が出来上がってきた時はどう思われましたか? 枝野:父は以前から木工を趣味にしていて、たまに何かしら作っていたので、作り始めた時は「また何か作っているなぁ」という目で見ていたのですが、思ったよりも鬼滅の刃にハマっていたらしく、扉の金具部分は漫画を見ながら形を切り出して作ったりと、凝ったものが出来上がっていったのでびっくりしました。 中将:ご家族で鬼滅の刃にハマったきっかけをお聞かせください。 枝野:私の家族は両親と兄と私の4人家族なのですが、元々私と兄がアニメが放送され始めた去年から鬼滅の刃にハマり単行本を揃えていました。そしてその後に今ブームの「鬼滅の刃 無限列車編」に合わせて再放送されていたアニメを両親がたまたま見てハマり、一気に単行本まで読んでしまった形です。 私の部屋の本棚にあった単行本をリビングに持ってきて読んでいたのですが、リビングには本棚が無く置き場所に困り、父はリビングに散乱する単行本を見兼ねて今回の箱を作ってくれたのだと思います。 中将:そんな背景もあったんですね(笑)。今回の大反響について感想をお聞かせください。 枝野:父は「自分の作品がここまで評価されるとは思っていませんでした」とただただびっくりしています。私は「せっかく出来たのにひっそり家に置いているだけでは勿体無い!」と思いツイートしてみたところ、思ったよりも遥かに大きな反響があったので、驚きつつもとても嬉しく思っています。 ◇ ◇ 枝野さんのお父上は平日夜や土日のお休みにコツコツとこの禰豆子箱を作っておられたそうだ。とても素人とは思えないその技術とセンスには脱帽! これからも枝野さんご一家が仲良く「鬼滅の刃」を楽しんでゆかれることを願いたい。 2020-11-09 22:35:00Z | ||||||
明日のエール:11月11日 第108回 藤堂先生の墓参りから戻ってきた鉄男 典男を見て… - MANTANWEB Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST 明日のエール:11月11日 第108回 藤堂先生の墓参りから戻ってきた鉄男 典男を見て… - MANTANWEB [unable to retrieve full-text content]
2020-11-09 23:18:10Z | ||||||
Dogwoof Boards YouTuber Project ‘Viral: My 2020’ – AFM - Deadline Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:47 PM PST ![]() London-based factual specialist Dogwoof has taken North American sales on Viral: My 2020 a feature/series project that tells the story of eight YouTubers from across the world as they face the most defining year of their lives. Now in production, it follows YouTubers including U.S.-based Nathaniel Drew (1.2 million subscribers) throughout 2020, beginning on New Year's Day. Like the rest of the world, they find their plans for the year heavily disrupted by the pandemic, rising unrest around the world and a spiky U.S. election, with the film chronicling their resilience and creativity in the face of such unprecedented times. Israeli director duo Sagi Bornstein and Udi Nir are helming. Their last film Golda Meir – Prime Minister is nominated at Israel's Ophir Awards this year and they previously made #uploading_holocaust which was comprised of 100% user-generated material. This is their third cooperation with Christian Beetz at production house Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion, which is co-repping international sales with Dogwoof. Georg Tschurtschenthaler is executive producing the project. Anna Godas, CEO of Dogwoof, negotiated the deal with Christian Beetz. "This is the story of how young people experienced 2020, told their own way. It is intimate, dynamic, and so engaging I knew we had to come on board the second I came across it. 2020 will be a year to re-member and who best to tell it than our younger generation," said Godas. Using unfiltered and authentic user-generated content, we join our protagonists on a rollercoaster ride through one of the most defining years in our lifetime – the year 2020. Without losing hope, the film holds up a mirror to society, to a generation, and to everyone of us so we might make sense of this un-folding global story," added Beetz. The project is supported by the German Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and the New Fund for Cine-ma and Television in Israel (NFCT). "viral" - Google News November 09, 2020 at 05:40AM Dogwoof Boards YouTuber Project 'Viral: My 2020' – AFM - Deadline "viral" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Real Madrid midfielder Valverde suffers broken leg - Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:42 PM PST ![]() The Blancos could be without a key performer for a lengthy period after seeing him pick up a serious injury during a clash with Valencia Real Madrid have confirmed that Uruguayan midfielder Federico Valverde has suffered a broken leg. Valverde played 76 minutes of a La Liga clash against Valencia at Mestalla on Sunday before being replaced by Toni Kroos. The Blancos ended up losing the match 4-1, with Carlos Soler scoring a hat-trick of penalties for the hosts, slipping to fourth in the Spanish top flight in the process. Karim Benzema opened the scoring in the 23rd minute but the visitors fell apart thereafter, with a Raphael Varane own goal compounding a miserable evening for Zinedine Zidane's men. Madrid have now revealed that Valverde sustained a serious injury during the weekend fixture which could see him sidelined for a significant period, but did not offer a specific timeframe for his recovery. A statement on their official website reads: "Following tests carried out on our player, Federico Valverde, by Real Madrid Medical Services, he has been diagnosed with a fracture in the posterior tibial bone in his right leg. "His recovery will continue to be assessed."
The Blancos midfielder will almost certainly sit out his country's next round of World Cup qualifiers, with Uruguay scheduled to face Colombia on Friday before coming up against Brazil four days later. Valverde has played a key role in Zidane's set-up at the start of the season, scoring three goals in 11 matches across all competitions, and has now firmly established himself as one of the most reliable members of the squad. The 22-year-old has impressed in a holding role alongside Luka Modric, but Madrid may have to make do without a key performer when they return to action after the international break. Benzema's fitness could also be a cause for concern after he limped off late on against Valencia with an apparent hamstring strain, while Eden Hazard and Casemiro missed the trip completely after testing positive for Covid-19. Zidane will hope his players can recover quickly over the next fortnight before Madrid take in a tricky away fixture at Villarreal on November 21, with a crucial Champions League clash against Inter at San Siro set to follow that encounter. "Goal" - Google News November 09, 2020 at 05:44AM Real Madrid midfielder Valverde suffers broken leg - "Goal" - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
【美股焦點】美國麥當勞新產品策略賣「脆辣雞腿包」竟然是市場焦點? - 香港經濟日報- 即時新聞頻道- 即市財經- 股市 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞 Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:38 PM PST ![]() 麥當勞(美︰MCD)公布截至9月底止季度業績,期內收入按年跌2%,至54.2億美元;淨利潤按年升10%,至17.6億美元,好過市場預期。外媒將焦點放在麥當勞的最新產品策略,包括在美國「創新」推出類似「麥香雞包、脆辣雞腿包」的雞肉三文治;並擬推出由自家生產的人造肉McPlant漢堡。 麥當勞國際總裁Ian Borden表示︰「McPlant專門為麥當勞設計、由麥當勞生產的。」McPlant未來可以擴展為一系列以植物肉基礎的產品,包括漢堡、雞肉替代品及三文治。 美國麥當勞擬推「脆辣雞腿包」 對於香港人而言,麥當勞出售「麥香雞包、脆辣雞腿包」絕對不是新聞,但對於美國人而言卻全然不同。 事實上,在美國「麵包夾炸雞」一般被稱視為「雞肉三文治(Chicken sandwich)」的一種,而美國麥當勞作為以漢堡起家的連鎖快餐店,過去一直只專注漢堡,忽視了雞肉三文治的市場,甚至因而被同業搶走不少市場份額。 在美國將「雞肉三文治」(炸雞麵包,類似香港麥當勞的脆辣雞腿包),為一家名為Chick-fil-A的快餐店,該店成功以雞肉三文治作為招牌,成功在競爭激烈的美國快餐業打出一片天,更引發了一眾同業彷效。 美國快餐店Popeyes自推出雞肉三文治以來,同店銷售每個季度都實現了兩位數的增長。因此市場相當重視麥當勞開始售賣「美版脆辣雞腿包」的舉動。 麥當勞股價曾升5.2%,高見227.85美元;收市轉跌1.6%,收報213.18美元。 相關文章︰【素食新餐肉】麥當勞與Green Monday合推厚切新餐肉早晨套餐 10月13日起發售 【美股焦點】麥當勞第三季美國同店銷售升逾4% 增加派息至1.29美元 免費下載使用《香港經濟日報》App及成為會員,即時接收最精準的財經及時事新聞,多款迎新禮物任你選! 短炒推介視頻,逢交易日下午開市前《香港經濟日報》App播出,立即收看! 編輯︰侯景成 November 09, 2020 at 03:10PM 【美股焦點】美國麥當勞新產品策略賣「脆辣雞腿包」竟然是市場焦點? - 香港經濟日報- 即時新聞頻道- 即市財經- 股市 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞 | ||||||
バルコ、メディアとエンターテインメントの展覧会「Inter BEE 2020 ONLINE」に出展 - PR TIMES Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST 可視化ソリューションを開発、提供するバルコは、以下の5種類の製品を出展予定です。 「Inter BEE 2020 ONLINE」にご参加の際は、ぜひバルコブースをご覧ください。 【Inter BEE 2020 ONLINE 開催概要】 【出展製品情報】 XTシリーズはアスペクト比16:9の1枚27インチのLEDタイルで、0.9~2.5mmの5種類のピクセルピッチから選択できる。特徴は、27インチのLEDタイルを任意に組み合わせて小規模から大規模まで自在に構成可能な点にある。シームコンペンセーション機能と呼ぶ、カメラを用いて継ぎ目のずれを検出して電気的に補正する機能により、複数のLEDタイルがシームレスな1枚のパネルのように表現できる。 スタンダードモデルであるXTシリーズ(輝度:800nit)と、エントリーモデルのXT-Eシリーズ(輝度:600nit)と、ロビーやショールームなど広くて明るいスペースでも極めて鮮明な映像を実現する高輝度ハイエンドモデルのXT-HBシリーズ(輝度:1,500nit)がある。 XTシリーズに実装されている映像表示専用「Infinipix LEDプロセッサー」でビデオ信号を処理することによって、複数のLEDタイル上でもカラー精度、グレースケールレベルなどを同一に表示するように制御し、すべての輝度領域で色とコントラストを良好に再現する。さらに、モーションブラーを光学的に削減するブラックフレームの挿入などの機能を持ったプレミアムアンチエイリアシングフィルターを装備しており、これによって、 動きの速い映像においてもレイテンシが低くスムーズな映像表示を実現している。 【出展製品情報】 精度を保証する自動アライメントを装備した「UniSeeマウント」と呼ぶマウント構造により、LCDの重さで自然に位置合わせしてパネルの位置を保つ。また、接続したLCDパネルの連続性を自動的に校正するためのシステム「Sense X」は、個々のパネルだけでなく、接続したLCDパネル全体が1枚のビデオウォールとして完璧な画像を表示するための調整をする。屋内の照明条件や、人間工学に合うように調整するといったことも、通常は外部装置で手動で実施するが、Sense Xは、ボタンを数回押すだけで再校正できる。 セットアップ、設定、保守作業を簡単に実施できるソフトウェアプラットフォーム「UniSee Connect」では、最新の UIにより、トレーニングを受けてなくてもビデオウォールの設定・保守ができ、これによりビデオウォール全体を管理する。 【出展製品情報】 劇場映画用から、大小会議室・宴会場、ホール・イベント用、高度なシミュレーション用、VR用、プロジェクションマッピング用、ホームシネマ用と、対応する市場が幅広く、製品ラインも、超静音型 DLPビジネス用プロジェクター、大会場用プロジェクター、デジタル・シネマ産業向けシネマ・プロジェクター、ポストプロダクション・プロジェクターと用途に応じて最適なシステムを構成している。 バルコは、プロジェクターに加え、LED、LCD(UniSee)とリアプロジェクションタイプのディスプレイの3種類のディスプレイソリューションを持っているという、世界でも数少ないメーカーであり、他社が真似をできない強みとなっている。 <画像処理イメージプロセッサー「Event Masterシリーズ」「ImageProシリーズ」「PDS-4K」> ■Event Masterシリーズ 「Event Master Series」の最上位機種「E2シリーズ」は、16の4K入力と8の4K出力を備えたマルチパーパスイメージプロセッサーで、一部では「No Barco, No Event(バルコのプロセッサーなしではイベントはできない)」と言われるほど市場から好評を博した製品。わかりやすいクロスプラットフォームユーザーインターフェースを搭載し、人間工学に基づくタッチスクリーンを提供する。 【出展製品情報】 ■PDS-4K ■オンライン、オフラインの会議を安全かつ効率的にする「ClickShare コンファレンス CXシリーズ」 ■ClickShare CXシリーズ 専用ボタンをPCに挿すことで、ClickShare CXシリーズ本体に接続されたUSB機器をワイヤレスで操作できるようになり、ワンクリックでリモート会議を開始できる。 映像や音声をClickShareに接続されたPC間で共有することができるため、全員がWeb会議ツールを起動させなくても会議に参加できる。 ClickShareボタン&アプリに追加された新たな機能では、ディスプレイに共有された画面を自分のデバイス画面に表示させたり、共有している画面を一時停止してローカルでの作業を隠す機能、表示させるウィンドウを選択する機能などが実装されている。 ClickShareコンファレンス(for remote meeting)の通信環境はデフォルトで暗号化されており、企業で求められるレベルのセキュリティを備えている。ISO 27001認証も取得済みで、社内ネットワークへも統合できるように設計されている。 【会社概要】 "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース November 09, 2020 at 06:00PM バルコ、メディアとエンターテインメントの展覧会「Inter BEE 2020 ONLINE」に出展 - PR TIMES "エンターテインメント" - Google ニュース Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
[공식입장] 지효·강다니엘 양측 "최근 헤어져"…15개월만에 공개열애 끝(종합) - 뉴스1 Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:22 PM PST
지효 측 관계자는 10일 뉴스1에 "본인 확인 결과 최근 헤어졌다"며 강다니엘과 결별을 알렸다. 강다니엘 측 관계자도 이날 뉴스1에 "본인 확인 결과, 최근 결별했다"고 전하며 결별을 인정했다. 두 사람은 지난해 8월부터 공개 열애를 시작했다. 그간 방송 등 대중매체를 통해서는 서로에 대한 언급을 하지 않는 등 조심스럽게 관계를 이어오던 지효와 강다니엘은 각자 바쁜 스케줄 때문에 자연스럽게 연인 사이를 정리하게 된 것으로 알려졌다. 한편 지효가 속한 트와이스는 지난달 26일 새 앨범 '아이즈 와이드 오픈'을 발표하고 타이틀곡 '아이 캔트 스톱 미'로 활발히 활동 중이다. 강다니엘은 현재 새 앨범 작업 중이다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( [공식입장] 지효·강다니엘 양측 "최근 헤어져"…15개월만에 공개열애 끝(종합) - 뉴스1 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
블랙스완 혜미, 5000만원 먹튀?…男팬 "육체적 관계 NO" - 스마트경제 Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:22 PM PST [스마트경제] 그룹 블랙스완 혜미가 팬에게 5000만 원 상당의 돈을 편취한 혐의로 피소당했다. 9일 한 매체는 블랙스완 혜미가 사기죄로 고소당했다고 밝혔다. 보도에 따르면 혜미는 SNS를 통해 만난 30대 남성 A씨로부터 급전, 오피스텔 보증금, 술값 등 생활비 명목으로 약 5000만 원의 돈을 빌렸으나 갚지 않고 잠적했다. A씨는 해당 매체를 통해 혜미의 성공을 위해 돈을 빌려줬다며 "연인 사이는 절대 아니다. 육체적 관계도 없었다"고 강조했다. A씨는 혜미에게 빌려준 급전 500만 원을 갚으라 통보했지만, 5개월 후 혜미는 연락처를 바꾸고 방을 비운 후 잠적했다. A씨는 직장을 휴직하며 생활이 힘든 상태라고 호소했다. 이와 관련 DR뮤직 측 관계자는 9일 엑스포츠뉴스에 "현재 사실 관계 등을 확인 중이며 입장 정리 중에 있다"고 밝힌 후 별도의 공식입장을 내놓지 않고 있다. 혜미는 지난 2015년 그룹 라니아로 데뷔했으며, 지난달 16일 그룹 블랙스완으로 그룹명을 변경해 정규 1집 '굿바이 라니아'로 활동했다. 또 지난해 TV조선 경연 프로그램 '내일은 미스트롯'에 출연해 "라니아 혜미"라고 자신을 소개하기도 했다. 블랙스완으로 재데뷔한지 한 달 만에 논란이 불거지면서 블랙스완의 활동에는 빨간불이 켜지게 됐다. 저작권자 © 스마트경제 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 블랙스완 혜미, 5000만원 먹튀?…男팬 "육체적 관계 NO" - 스마트경제 ) 엔터테인먼트 | ||||||
Trump Supporters, Like Their Leader, Refuse to Face Reality - Rolling Stone Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:08 PM PST While street parties sprung up across the nation in celebration of the presidential election being called in favor of Joe Biden on Saturday, Trump supporters are mostly hanging on to the president's false claims that he was robbed. Using similar false arguments as Trump and his surrogates, the president's distraught die-hard supporters expressed their displeasure with news organizations' decision to use math and report the reality that Joe Biden did indeed win the 2020 presidential election. "It's all fixed. There's so much corruption going on in the vote count," Wisconsin Trump supporter Randy Tovichi, told CNN. Another Trump supporter, Dennis Tippie from Pennsylvania, told the New York Times that watching the president's early lead dissipate points towards fraud. "If [Biden] does end up with that number of electoral votes he would have gained them through fraud, deception and simple criminality," Tippie said. There has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Another Trump supporter from Pennsylvania, Jessica Bell, told the Times that she's glued to the news day and night and is ready for civil unrest. "I have my TV on the news 24/7,'' Bell said. "I have my phone in my hand keeping up with social media. I've gotten about six hours of sleep since Monday. I've been watching very, very closely… We are locked and loaded." Bell falsely claimed that "Americans are being silenced" and referred to Trump's loss as a "coup." Trump supporters are being encouraged to protest at state capitals by a group called "Stop the Steal." According to USA Today, the group that has been banned from Facebook for "spreading misinformation and inciting violence." The AP is reporting much of the same. Crowds at capitols across the country on Saturday are in denial about Trump's defeat. "This isn't over! This isn't over!" and "Fake news!" chants could be heard from an estimated 1,000 Trump supporters in Atlanta, Georgia. One demonstrator, Jordan Kelley, who drove over three hours from Tennessee to Georgia for the event, also echoed the president's false claims that the election was rigged. "There's election fraud going on here," Kelley said, adding, "Even though I live in Tennessee, I'm an American, and I want to make sure Americans have a voice in the election." The AP also reported on clashes between Trump supporters and Black Lives Matters demonstrators in some spots and said that two dozen Trump supporters attended a rally in Pennsylvania while heavily armed and wearing camouflage. Trump and his minions are sowing the seeds of violence on an unprecedented level. As USA Today pointed out, the think tank International Crisis Group, whose mission is to "sound the alarm to prevent deadly conflict" around the world, has for the first time put its focus on the US. "The 2020 U.S. presidential election presents risks not seen in recent history. It is conceivable that violence could erupt during voting or protracted ballot counts. Officials should take extra precautions," the organization warned. Top stories - Google News November 08, 2020 at 02:48PM Trump Supporters, Like Their Leader, Refuse to Face Reality - Rolling Stone Top stories - Google News Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update | ||||||
Russia looks for actress to steal Tom Cruise space movie thunder - The Space Review Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:48 PM PST |
by Tony Quine |
The film project has the tag line, "Become a star, by flying to the stars!" |
Konstantin Ernst, director general of Channel One, commented, "One day Dmitry Rogozin, director general of Roscosmos called, and this interesting project was in the launch position. Roscosmos, in fulfilling its professional duties and implementing new space programs, believed it could train two actresses as cosmonauts-researchers, one of whom would then be sent into space to shoot a feature film. Initially, we will look for professional actresses, but also women whose acting skills can allow them to compete with professional actresses."
Details about the plot are sketchy and it is unclear how much film content will be actually be filmed in space. Russian cosmonauts will be trained to act as camera and sound recordists on board the ISS. Rogozin is himself designated executive producer, whilst the producer will be Klim Shipenko, whose previous work includes the 2017 blockbuster Salyut 7.
Although it has not been explicitly stated, the woman selected will need to fly on the Soyuz MS-19 mission, replacing one of the three professional cosmonauts currently pencilled in to fly that mission. This in turn, will mean that one of the crew on the preceding mission Soyuz MS-18 will need to remain on the ISS until the spring of 2022. This is because Russia has only six seats to the ISS available in 2021 (Soyuz MS-18 and MS-19) and needs to find a way to accommodate this previously unplanned "project" within those available resources.
The only other crewed Russian flight planned for 2021 is the first wholly commercial Soyuz mission, arranged in conjunction with experienced spaceflight provider Space Adventures. This will be Soyuz MS-20 and will fly in December 2021. Space Adventures have confirmed that they are not involved in this movie project, and the actress will not occupy one of their seats. Latest unofficial information emanating from Roscosmos and Space Adventures indicates that Soyuz MS-20 will be flown by veteran cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin, and two female spaceflight participants: Austrian aviator Johanna Maislinger and a Japanese showbiz celebrity whose name has yet to be revealed (see "Orbital space tourism set for rebirth in 2021", The Space Review, August 10, 2020).
However, the Russian movie proposal has not met with universal approval, with some Russian spaceflight commentators taking to social media to suggest that utilizing ISS resources for a purpose not obviously connected to scientific research, or Russian national interests, may actually be illegal, and have called for transparency with regard to the underlying financial arrangements.
"So, this is a kind of space experiment. The actress we select will perform the functions of a cosmonaut-researcher and become a full-fledged member of the Soyuz crew," said Rogozin. |
Returning to the question of how Roscosmos and Channel One will find their actress, an open competition was launched on the Channel One website on November 3, inviting both actresses and other women with a passion for space to apply. Candidates are required to be between the ages of 25 and 45, and must meet specific anthropological requirements to ensure they can fit comfortably in a Soyuz. In addition, there are the health, fitness, and psychological requirements typically required for any potential cosmonaut candidates. These characteristics will be tested during the selection process, which will unfold during early 2021. Finally, they have to record a screen test, reciting a specific monologue written by Alexander Pushkin.
According to Channel One, 30 candidates will participate in a reality TV show between January and March 2021, which will show them going through the cosmonaut selection tests at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, with the number of contenders being progressively reduced, in line with the usual reality TV model. It's not clear if this will involve any audience voting. Logically, passing the required health, fitness, and psychological tests, should outweigh broader popularity.
When the leading candidate and an understudy (backup) are chosen, by April 2021, they will undergo three months of general spaceflight training before completing three months of flight specific training, presumably with cosmonauts Shkaplerov and Babkin, with launch currently planned for October 5, 2021. She will be only the fifth Russian woman to go into space.
Speaking about the project and the selection process, Rogozin said, "In this project, it is important for us not only to demonstrate the heroism and high professionalism of cosmonauts and industry specialists, who ensure the safety of manned flights. We will also be able to develop the methodology of accelerated preparation for spaceflight and to perform a mission on the ISS. So, this is a kind of space experiment. The actress we select will perform the functions of a cosmonaut-researcher and become a full-fledged member of the Soyuz crew."
Although official news of Tom Cruise's flight to the ISS, arranged through Axiom Space and SpaceX, is still awaited, the currently projected timeline would put Cruise, producer Doug Liman, and an unnamed actress on ISS a few weeks after the Russian actress has departed.
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Mobile Saenger Theatre announces Christmas film series -
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:44 PM PST

Hot on the heels of an October-November classic movie series, the Mobile Saenger has announced a 2020 Christmas Movie Series.
The schedule:
"It's a Wonderful Life," 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4.
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" (1964), 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6.
"Elf," 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18.
"White Christmas," 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 20.
COVID-19 safety protocols will be in force including a limit of 600 seats (about one-third capacity) and a mask requirement for all patrons and staff while inside the venue.
According to information provided by the Saenger, tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under and seniors (60+). All movies will be general admission and seating will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Tickets will go on sale at 10 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 13. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Mobile Civic Center Box Office (open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday). Tickets can also be purchased on movie days at the Saenger Theatre. The Box Office will open at 10 a.m. for Friday movies and 12:30 p.m. for Sunday movies. Movie tickets are not available online or by phone.
Limited concessions, as well as beer and wine, will be available.
At each show, donations of items will be collected for the Ronald McDonald House in Mobile. Needed items are paper towels, disposable plastic cups, paper plates, tall kitchen trash bags, gallon and snack-size storage bags, laundry detergent pods, bottled water, canisters of powdered coffee creamer and sugar and granola or breakfast bars.
The Saenger's 2020 classic movie series continues Thursday, Nov. 12, with "Jailhouse Rock." "Footloose" follows on Nov. 19 and "The Bridge on the River Kwai" on Nov. 22.
Other upcoming activities include Mobile Symphony Orchestra "Beethoven and Blue Jeans" concerts Nov. 14 and 15. "The Prophecy Show," a Trans-Siberian Orchestra tribute show scheduled for Dec. 3, has been canceled.
For more information visit
"Mobile" - Google News
November 09, 2020 at 11:26AM
Mobile Saenger Theatre announces Christmas film series -
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지효·강다니엘, 공개열애 1년3개월 만에 결별 - 조선일보
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST
[unable to retrieve full-text content]
지효·강다니엘, 공개열애 1년3개월 만에 결별 조선일보Google 뉴스에서 전체 콘텐츠 보기 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 지효·강다니엘, 공개열애 1년3개월 만에 결별 - 조선일보 )
조선대 ``홍진영 논문 표절 논란, 면밀히 조사할 것`` - 브릿지경제
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST
사진=MBC |
지난 9일 조선대는 "조선대에는 '학위반납' 제도가 없지만, 오는 13일 홍진영 논문 표절 보도와 학위 반납 표명 등과 관련 대학원이 학사 규정과 절차를 검토해 적절하게 학위가 수여되었는지 면밀히 조사할 계획"이라고 밝혔다.
홍진영은 2009년 '한류를 통한 문화 콘텐츠 산업 동향에 관한 연구'라는 제목의 논문으로 조선대 무역학과에서 석사 학위를 받았다. 2012년에는 박사학위까지 받았다. 이에 대해 최근 한 매체는 석사 논문이 표절 심의 사이트 '카피킬러'에서 표절률 74%가 나왔다면서 의혹을 제기했다.
해당 논란이 지속되자 홍진영은 "시간을 쪼개 지도 교수님과 상의하며 최선을 다해 논문을 만들었다"면서 "하지만 당시 관례로 여겨졌던 것들이 지금에 와서 단지 몇 %라는 수치로 판가름되니 제가 어떤 말을 해도 변명으로 보일 수 밖에 없어 답답하고 속상할 뿐"이라고 말했다.
그러면서 "이 또한 제가 책임져야 할 부분이라고 생각한다. 지금 생각하니 제게 어울리지 않는 옷이었으며 과한 욕심을 부린 것 같아 반성한다"면서 학위를 반납하겠다고 덧붙였다.
한편 시민단체 '사법시험 준비생 모임'은 이날 교육부에 홍진영 논문 등에 대한 조사를 요청하는 감사 청구서를 제출했다.
이종윤 기자
기사 및 더 읽기 ( 조선대 ``홍진영 논문 표절 논란, 면밀히 조사할 것`` - 브릿지경제 )
'임미숙 ' 김학래 "각서만 199장… 100억 빚 모두 갚아" - 이데일리
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST
김학래, 임미숙 부부가 개업한 중식당은 소위 말해 대박을 쳤다. 김학래는 "100억 매출을 이뤄냈다"며 "약 80억원 정도 되는 돈을 갚았다. 소소하게 다 하면 100억 정도 되는 것 같다"고 했다. 그러자 김미숙은 "나는 결혼이 환상이고 행복인 줄 알았는데, 살아보니 결혼은 '사랑의 수고'"라고 말해 주위를 웃음바다로 만들었다.
기사 및 더 읽기 ( '임미숙 ' 김학래 "각서만 199장… 100억 빚 모두 갚아" - 이데일리 )
As proxy battle continues, Artis delays retail REIT vote | RENX - Real Estate News EXchange
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:18 PM PST

Artis REIT president and CEO Armin Martens. (Courtesy Artis)
Artis REIT has indefinitely postponed a plan to spin off its retail assets into a separate REIT in the wake of an increasingly testy dispute with dissident unitholders led by Sandpiper Group.
Artis (AX-UN-T) revealed the postponement in its Q3 2020 financial report, and president and CEO Armin Martens confirmed it during the REIT's quarterly conference call with analysts and investors on Friday.
"We firmly believe in it and we'll deal with it another day," Martens said of its intention to create Artis Retail REIT. He said for now, however, management is focused on the proxy fight.
"We're not jamming this down anybody's throat and we won't."
Artis also announced it is increasing distributions to shareholders by three per cent as of December. A 50 per cent reduction in those dispositions two years ago is one of the key complaints of the dissident group, which also includes the REIT's largest shareholder Jetport Inc., and Firm Capital Private Equity Management Corp.
Sandpiper has been attempting to oust five members of the Artis board, including chair Edward Warkenton and Martens, in favour of a slate of its own nominees. That action will be voted on during a special meeting on Feb. 23, 2021.
It also opposes the plan to create a spin-off retail REIT.
Dispute over Artis REIT retail spin-off
Both Jetport and Firm have made public announcements they support Sandpiper in the proxy fight. Sandpiper CEO Samir Manji claims in a Monday morning "letter to Artis unitholders" to have the support of 35 per cent of Artis unitholders thus far.
Artis would require a two-thirds majority vote of unitholders in order to get approval for the retail spinoff.
"The indefinite postponement of the vote for the retail REIT spin-off is clearly a result of the lack of unitholder support," Manji states in the letter. "It is disappointing that the board and management are more focused on preserving their jobs than accepting reality."
During Friday's conference call, Artis management did not accept questions related to the dispute, though Martens did allude to the battle on several occasions.
In maintaining support for the retail spin-off, Martens said tax implications could come into play for some investors if the properties are not spun off from Artis REIT and are sold on a piecemeal basis.
"The empirical data speaks for it. A very good idea," he said. "One thing I am disappointed in is an activist coming up and not having a better idea. Just saying, 'No, status quo, sell down' . . . To whom, and to what price?"
"We think it's a very good idea, a retail spin-off. It's tax-efficient and you get something."
Sandpiper sees conflict of interest
Sandpiper also noted the resignation two weeks ago of Artis trustee Victor Thielmann, one of the board members it had been trying to oust.
Thielmann had been sitting as an independent. However, Artis said due to "new information" he was determined to not actually be independent.
Thielmann was a board member for 16 years.
"While Artis disingenuously attempted to spin Mr. Thielmann's resignation as an act of board refreshment, the REIT provided no explanation as to why it suddenly determined Mr. Thielmann was not an independent trustee," the letter from Manji states.
It contends Nova 3 Engineering Ltd., a firm founded by Thielmann, provided consulting services to Artis.
Sandpiper also responded to claims by Artis that it has "avoided engagement" with the REIT. In a previous release, Artis management contended it has met only once with Sandpiper representatives, in 2018.
"This is false. We have actively engaged with Mr. Martens and others at Artis over the past three years including meeting in-person over ten times, engaging in numerous phone conversations and emails, and touring every market the REIT operates in and in some instances with members of Artis' team, including Mr. Martens himself," the letter states.
In a response issued Monday morning, Martens focused on the REIT's financial performance as reflected in its Q3 numbers.
"Unitholders have told us they are focused on what matters: Artis' consistent track record of strong performance and management and the board's uninterrupted concentration on creating value as demonstrated in another stellar set of quarterly results," Martens said in the response, which was emailed to RENX.
"Artis has increased AFFO per unit by eight per cent – making it one of the few REITs to actually increase its AFFO per unit this year; announced a three per cent increase to common unit distributions; and is on track to continue to deliver a solid 2020 and even better results in 2021."
2020-11-09 17:28:11Z
『デビル メイ クライ 5 スペシャルエディション』本日発売! 発売を記念した最新トレーラー公開! - PR TIMES
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:13 PM PST
いよいよ本日11月10日にXbox Series X版が発売を迎え、明後日11月12日にはPlayStation 5版も発売となる。
2019年、数々のゲームアワードを受賞した『デビル メイ クライ 5』をパワーアップさせた本作。最高のスタイリッシュアクションで次世代機の"力"を存分に試してほしい。
『デビル メイ クライ 5 スペシャルエディション ローンチトレーラー』
■商品名:デビル メイ クライ 5 スペシャルエディション
デジタル版 4,536円+税
パッケージ版 4,990円+税
■商品名:デビル メイ クライ 5 スペシャルエディション
■対応ハード: Xbox Series X
デジタル版 4,536円+税
■コピーライト:©CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2019, 2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
※本タイトルは、PS5及びXbox Series X専用タイトルです。
※Xbox Series X版のレイトレーシング機能はアップデートで追加されます。なお、Xbox Series Sでは本作のレイトレーシング機能はお楽しみいただけません。
※PS4版、Xbox One版『デビル メイ クライ 5』は、PS5またはXbox Series X で後方互換機能によりプレイ可能ですが、本タイトルで追加された機能・コンテンツのアップグレード、スマートデリバリーには対応しておりません。
Understanding The Leadership Implications Of The Post Election Landscape - Forbes
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:09 PM PST
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:48 PM PST

Going through the festival circuit has been part of the awards strategy for Amazon Studios' "Sound of Metal," which began its journey at Sundance back in January. As its awards prospects continue to grow for star Riz Ahmed in best actor, Variety has learned exclusively his co-star, Olivia Cooke, has been confirmed to campaign for best supporting actress for the upcoming Academy Awards.
The 26-year English actress has been building her acting resume for the last few years with standout performances in 2015's "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" and A&E's "Bates Motel." As distributor, Amazon Studios continues to mount a campaign for the film.
Following strong receptions out of Toronto, Middleburg and AFI Film festivals, Cooke could find some room to break through a seemingly thinner best supporting actress race, which has yet to reveal a traditional "frontrunner." Although her performance is beautifully orchestrated, Cooke will have steep competition including Olivia Colman ("The Father"), Amanda Seyfried ("Mank"), Glenn Close ("Hillbilly Elegy") and Maria Bakalova ("Borat Subsequent Moviefilm").
Aside from Ahmed and Cooke's emotional and powerful turns, the film looks to be competitive for a nomination in categories such as best original screenplay (Darius Marder, Abraham Marder, Derek Cianfrance), sound (Nicolas Becker), editing (Mikkel E.G. Nielsen) and original score (Abraham Marder).
"Sound of Metal" tells the story of a heavy-metal drummer named Ruben (played by Riz Ahmed), who's life is thrown into freefall when he begins to lose his hearing. Cooke plays Lou, Ruben's girlfriend.
The film is directed by Darius Marder, in his feature debut. Other stars include Paul Raci, Mathieu Amalric, Shaheem Sanchez and Chelsea Lee.
"Sound of Metal" will be released in select theaters on Nov. 20 and will be available on Amazon Prime Video Dec. 4.
Visit THE AWARDS HUB to see the full list of contenders by category.
Academy Awards Predictions (All Categories)
"Actress" - Google News
November 09, 2020 at 02:39PM
Amazon Studios to Campaign Olivia Cooke for Supporting Actress in 'Sound of Metal' (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety
"Actress" - Google News
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블랙스완 혜미, 5000만원 사기 혐의 피소…소속사 이틀째 입장無 - 세계일보
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST
그룹 블랙스완의 혜미(24)가 사기 혐의로 피소된 가운데 현재까지 아무런 입장을 밝히지 않고 있다.
혜미의 SNS 계정은 10일 현재 비공개 상태다. 혜미의 소속사 DR뮤직 측은 의혹이 불거졌을 당시 "진상을 파악 중"이라고만 밝힌 뒤 묵묵부답으로 일관하고 있다.
9일 한 매체는 블랙스완 혜미가 SNS를 통해 알게 돼 인연을 맺은 A씨에게 약 5000만원을 빌린 뒤 이를 상환하지 않아 지난달 26일 사기 혐의로 피소됐다고 보도했다.
A씨 주장에 따르면 혜미가 가정사는 물론 숙소에서 살기 힘들다는 이유로 오피스텔 보증금, 월세, 생활비 등을 부탁해 1년간 총 4900만원 정도를 빌려줬다.
혜미는 빌려준 돈 대부분은 유흥비로 사용했고, A씨가 마련해준 오피스텔 역시 다른 남자와의 데이트 장소로 사용되고 있었다. 분노한 A씨는 혜미에게 "돈을 갚으라"고 요구했으나 혜미는 채무를 해결하지 않은 채 연락을 끊었다.
혜미는 2015년 그룹 라니아 멤버로 가요계에 데뷔했다. 지난달 5인조 다국적 그룹 블랙스완 멤버로 재데뷔했다.
한편 혜미의 인스타그램은 현재 비공개로 전환된 상태다. 소속사 DR엔터테인먼트 측은 "관련 내용을 확인한 뒤 공식입장을 밝힐 것"이라고 말했지만, 현재까지 아무런 입장이 나오지 않은 상태다.
한윤종 기자
[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
半額、半額! オーキーの65W大出力モバイルバッテリーが半額ゥ! - ギズモード・ジャパン
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

容量は26,800mAhで、PD対応Type-C端子を2つ、QC3.0対応Type-A端子を1つ搭載。機内持ち込みギリギリの容量で、かつラップトップやNintendo Switchへのチャージも可能なモバイルバッテリーとしては、このレベルがほぼ最大値でしょう。低消費電力デバイスモードも搭載。
Source : Amazon
Xbox Series X/Xbox One/PC用「テトリス エフェクト・コネクテッド」本日発売! - GAME Watch
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST
エンハンスは、Xbox Series X/Xbox One/Windows 10 PC用パズル「Tetris Effect Connected(テトリス エフェクト・コネクテッド)」を11月10日に発売する。価格は4,500円(税込)。サブスクリプションサービス「Xbox Game Pass」に加入していれば、本作を発売日から無料でダウンロードできる。
本作は、オリジナルの「テトリス エフェクト」に新要素を追加した、美しい映像と心地よい音楽を融合させた新感覚パズルゲーム。Smart Deliveryに対応しており、ゲームを1度購入すれば、どのXboxでプレイしていても、プレイする機種に最適なバージョンでプレイすることができる。
「テトリス エフェクト」で支持された多彩で革新的なシングルプレイモードに加え、新たに協力プレイやオンライン対戦、そしてローカルのマルチプレイモードなどが追加されている。音楽、背景、サウンド、特殊効果からテトリスブロックの落下まで、すべてがプレーヤーの操作に完璧にシンクロし、脈打ち、踊り、光り輝き、炸裂する30以上のステージ、10以上のモードを楽しめる。
【Tetris Effect: Connected Announce Trailer | Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Windows 10 PC】
「Zone Battle」など新しく加わったマルチプレイモードでは、「テトリス エフェクト」にもあった時間停止「Zone」の機能を使うことで、従来の1対1のテトリスとはまた違った体験ができる。新しく追加された協力プレイ「Connected」モードでは、最大3名のプレーヤーがテトリスのプレイフィールドを1つに連結し、協力してプレイする。
・Xboxプラットフォーム(Xbox One、Xbox Series XとWindows 10 PC)間のクロスプレイ
・Xbox One版のユーザーはスマートデリバリーでXbox Series X版にいつでも無料でアップグレード可能
・発売と同時にXbox Game Passでダウンロード可能(または単体で購入)
Tetris (R) & © 1985~2020 Tetris Holding. Tetris Effect produced and published by Enhance Experience, Inc. Developed by Resonair, Monstars Inc. and Stage Games. All Rights Reserved.
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